#camp foxfire
autistic-daydreamer · 7 months
I'm working on the character bios for the pjo au, which will be during the time of the "first book" so obviously some stuff won't be the same vs bios for when they are older (which I have not started making bc we don't need those rn)
So I will share them when I finish 👍🏼
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crippling-pages · 1 month
"Foxfire is the best school out there" THERE ARE OTHER SCHOOLS?????
Literally the only other 'school' thats talked about it is Exilium and thats more of a prison camp for kids than a school.
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tam-shade-song · 6 months
Platonic SoTam Band AU, anyone?
Tam laid on the bed with his finger intertwined on his stomach, the notebook beside him long since discarded. The top of his head was pressed against the outside of Sophi’s thigh as they sat upside down on the bed, their blond hair pooling on the floor below them like a river of gold.
He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. Sophi, oblivious to his anxiety, hummed the melody to the bridge of the new song they were working on. Or at least they were. The two had long since gotten distracted, and conversation had turned into peaceful silence.But the atmosphere had started to shift from serenity to nervousness, and even Sophi had become aware.
“Do you think we’ll make it?” Tam asked his voice low. He pictured the sold-out concerts, the tours, all of their friends together, just them.
“Make it to what?”Sophi asked. “Adulthood?Graduation?” Looking back, it was really horrible that someone like Sophi should even have been concerned, but all honors classes didn’t mean much when it comes to the crushing reality of their situation.
Tam had been expelled from middle school, and had come to Foxfire looking for a fresh start. Sophi was a foster kid who had just been separated from the family she had known all their life. No matter the amount of As on their report card, it didn’t lift the heaviness from their shoulders, and mental health problems wasn’t something just left at the door.
Tam supposed that was why they found so much comfort in each other. Two trans kids in public school, two kids who felt like they were losing their minds. Even Tam didn’t feel the same with his twin sister, who at the end of the day would never understand the way he avoided mirrors and tight fitting shirts.
“I mean as musicians,” Tam said. Sophi snorted the lifted their hand. Tam pulled them up until they were both sitting crossed-legged on the bed facing each other.
“Yeah, I think so, Tam,” Sophi said. “Once Forkle finishes the papers and I’m officially a Ruewen, what’s going to stop us? Once we get you the hell out of that house, we’re free.”
“That does mean people will like our stuff,” Tam said. He fidgeted with his shirt, and pulled it forward. “No one likes us,” he added.
“I like us,” Sophie said. They had a wrinkle in between their brows with proved to Tam that they had the same fears and was just trying to hide it. “Linh likes us, Fitz likes us, Dex, Biana, Keefe-“
“Keefe doesn’t like me,” Tam rolled his eyes. “And that’s what I mean. I don’t doubt our music or our lyrics or even getting our shit out there. What if people just don’t like us for who we are?”
“Tam,” Sophi scolded. “Keefe does not… dislike you, one, and two, who gives a damn. I’m here for the people who will like us. Didn’t we think there was something wrong with us? Don’t we owe it to the kids who are like us? And don’t we owe it to our families? Do you want a boring ass day job you’ll hate, Tam? Or do you want to just be a fucking camp counselor forever? This is what we can do, to make our existence on this fucked up hell hole worth it.”
Tam sighed. And nodded. Then he picked up the guitar he had set on the floor and strummed a chord to make sure it was still in tune.
“Alright, then,” he said. “Let’s get to work.” The skin on Tam’s fingers was threatening to split as the already tender blisters were pressed against the wires, but he ignored it.
He only focused on the dream, the one thing left in the world, with the exception of his sister and Sophi, that he could still believe in.
Tam pulled the bandaids off his sore fingers, and shook out his hands. Even after two years, he still got anxiety from concerts. Hell, even playing for anyone outside the band made him nervous.
“Tam, let me get a picture,” Biana said. Her glittery pink hijab reflected the light and made little sparkles on Tam’s shirt. “Get your bass.” The social medias manager made Tam take a few pictures before moving onto the other band members. “Good luck, Song.”
“You too,” Tam called over his shoulder. Biana had a way of putting everyone at ease, something Tam appreciated.
Tam took the roll of tape from his bag, and walked to the bathroom. Once the door was locked behind him, he started wrapping Rayni’s old lacrosse tape around his chest. At one concert, there would be dozens of photos, and Tam wouldn’t risk anyone noticing his chest or seeing the strap of his black binder.
There was a ding from his phone, and Tam went to check it. He inhaled as deeply as he could with the sticky tape would allow. It pulled at his skin, but he ignored it.
Don’t wear your binder, you’ll need to breathe. The message read, from Rayni. Tam sighed, and didn’t give a response.
Tam used to be afraid of his father, he used to be afraid of having to get an office job he would hate. Now he was afraid someone would find out he was trans. As soon as he turned eighteen he got his name changed, and before that he had done everything possible to stay out of the spotlight. It had been real shitty to watch everyone preform the song he wrote with Sophi, and to only exist behind a black medical mask or as a prerecorded bass riff. Now, he would everything in his power to make sure he never had to live in the shadows again.
Tam walked out of the bathroom, phone in hand. Outside Sophi tossed him a bottle of water.
“Here,” they said. They wore the same anxious expression Tam remembered from the day they first came into his homeroom. They still felt they owed the world everything, all the other kids with no homes.
“Let’s go,” Tam said. Fitz, the band manager, gave them the signal to go out.
Dex, Linh, Sophi, Tam and Keefe took their places on stage. Slowly, trying to hide his fear as much as possible, Tam started the song, ignoring the pain in his fingers and chest. Sophi took up the mic and began singing.
It was a song about acceptance, responsibility and faith. Wikipedia said the writer of the song was Tam Dai Tong, stage name Tam Song. But really, the song never would have existed if not for Sophi. Not just because the song was a narration of their life, but because without them Tam wouldn’t have been Tam Song in the first place. He never would have been able to live to be true to himself.
The tape around his chest made it hard to breathe, but he played on, growing increasingly light headed.
Nine months and two singles later, Tam stared at the roll of pink tape in front of him. It hurt to breathe sometimes now. After a performance or rehearsal Tam’s back ached when he breathed heavily. Rayni freaked when she found out, the band’s photographer tried to drag Tam to a doctor then and there.
“You need to take care of yourself,” she stressed. “I know you’re trying to be true to yourself but your body won’t last this way.”
Tam had tried not to roll his eyes. He really had. Maybe he would have tried harder had he known what kind of face Rayni would make. He expected anger, not sadness. Seeing it made his fury rise, and tears also.
He went to Sophi, like always. He didn’t want to burden Linh with his problems, and because he was pissed at Rayni, she was out of the question. That left Sophi.
Over a call, one that Tam was barely paying attention too, Sophi irritably snapped at him, “You bitch about being true to yourself but your body is a part of you too. You can talk all you want about honesty, but you’re just a liar.”
Tam had stared at the blank screen.
And now he was there. In the bathroom, staring at a roll of tape. He cast it away from himself.
The bassist waited for Biana to make her rounds, foot tapping anxiously. Keefe snapped at him when he stared pacing.
“What don’t we know, Bangs Boy?” Keefe asked, ever the detective. Tam scoffed.
“You don’t know a lot of things,” Tam said. Wylie, the technical worker who did the lights, laughed. Stina, the stylist was pinning Keefe’s shirt raised a brow.
“Is this about…” she didn’t finish her question when Tam silenced her with a look. Linh probably told her everything, but even if she hadn’t there was a possibility she had come to her own, incorrect, conclusion.
Biana and Rayni were talking about posting pictures, but Rayni looked up and smiled.
Sophi just raised a brow knowingly.
The players filed out onto stage.
When the same song from the last concert played, Tam’s heart sped up. He could back out, and no one would know, except Rayni, Linh, and Sophi. Maybe some people would notice how his chest wasn’t as flat and they’d come to their own conclusion.
The song was almost up.
Tam broke a nail playing a chord, and it only made his nerves worsen.
When the song ended, Sophi searched through the crowd. Openly nonbinary, they made it a tradition to find someone in the audience with their flag and hand them a little trans or nonbinary flag or pin. When they found who they jokingly refured to as their “victim” they beckoned them closer and took a pin off their own shirt to hand to the audience member.
The crowd cheered. When Tam stepped forward, all he could do was hope the anxiety didn’t show on his face as he took the flag he had asked Stina to stitch for him out of scrap fabric, and waved it over his head.
He was trembling and his palms were sweating, but the transmasc flag waved proudly above his head, and he actually smiled. With tears at the corners of his eyes he walked towards the edge of the stage and searched the crowd. With raised hands there was a young kid, around fourteen, with a make shift he/him pin mad with the trans flag on graph paper.
Reaching so far he had to strain, Tam got it into the boy’s hand.
Sophi tossed Tam a mic, that he fumbled and dropped with quickly picked up. Clearing his throat, Tam tried to keep his voice steady as he said, “We won’t live in the shadows anymore.”
Tam laughed, pretended not to notice how his voice cracked and handed the mic back to Sophi. A new song played, with heavy bass and drums.
When it came for his part, the others got quiet while the bass riff was played, before coming back in.
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alaydabug2 · 13 days
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @nowjumpinthewater @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Seventy-one
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
Soon enough, the end of the year came around. Sophie slid next to Biana at the graduation ceremony.
"What college is Fitz planning on going to?" Sophie asked her.
"Foxfire University," she replied. "I'm hoping to go there too when we graduate."
She grinned. "How cool would it be if all of us went to the same college?"
"Ooh! That would be awesome! What are the odds of us all being accepted?"
Sophie shrugged. "Not sure. But do you think we could get the others on board?"
"Shouldn’t be too hard, right? We can ask them on the camping trip at the beach. In a few weeks."
"Sounds like a plan," she turned back to the stage. "First, we have to sit in the hot sun for two hours."
Biana slumped. "Yeah."
What felt like several hours later, the ceremony came to an end. Sophie got into the car to meet everyone at the end of year party. It was taking place at the local pizza place that year.
Sophie pulled into the parking spot and went into the building. She wound her way through the tables to the back room that had been rented out for the party.
She sat at the end of the table where her friends had resided. Keefe greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. She giggled.
Everything had worked out perfectly since he was able to come back to school after the surgery. Ro had moved back home to make sure he was ok. Thankfully, no further complications rose up, other than low spirits. But that was officially past them, now that recovering was over.
After the rest of their group and joined, Biana asked, "Are you guys reading for the camping trip?"
"I'm so ready!" Linh exclaimed. "I'm so excited to sleep out on the beach."
"That makes one of us," Tam grumbled. "I already know I'm going to have sand in places that it shouldn't for weeks."
"You'll get over it," she told him.
Tam started to argue back, but the chaperone had clapped to get everyone's attention. The lights were lowered, and the slide show for the seniors was being projected on the wall.
Sophie scooted closer to Keefe so she could get comfortable. She rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her, securing her closer to his side.
Majority of the way through the presentation, it finally got the the V last names. When Fitz popped up on the screen, their entire group started hooting and hollering. Keefe and Dex were shouting and pointing at Fitz in his seat. Fitz slid down in his seat to hide.
"Shut up," he hissed.
They did not shut up.
When the presentation had ended, the pizza was brought into the room. As Fitz took the first bite of his slice, he informed the others, "I hope you guys are aware I'm going to be ten times obnoxious when you guys graduate."
Biana tossed her hair. "Looking forward to it."
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dufrau · 28 days
In no particular order, what are some of your fav wlw films? (cheesy ones allowed here) let’s have 6-8 movies here
I still remember how imagine me and you made my lady parts tingle 🤭
Sam 🌱
Okay so it's important to note that I am bad at watching movies so I have not seen most of the fan favorite queer movies of the past almost decade. Because I just havent gotten around to it. But anyway.
CAROL! - Perfect movie. The negative space! The quiet between words! The longing glances! How absolutely weird they both are in very different ways like neither of these people acts in remotely normal ways but it is so romantic and hot!
But I'm a Cheerleader - This one I went to see with my first gay friend in high school lol it has personal significance for that reason it was like the beginning of publicly exploring queerness for me. But it's also just a lot of fun. The soundtrack is great. It's silly but also smart, camp. I love it.
Gia - This movie is technically probably a bad movie? Even in high school when I was obsessively watching my taped-off-HBO copy of it every night I recognized how corny the editing was. But nobody has ever been more beautiful than Angelina Jolie in this movie and I love it and it still makes me cry. I think this movie was very much my gay sexual awakening. like i knew girls were pretty but I watched this and was like... "oh, yeah, no i definitely want to have sex with women".
Fried Green Tomatoes - They tried to make it not-gay but it's still so gay! Ruth Jamison my beloved! One time a girl called me a bee-charmer and that's what made me break the vow of celibacy I took during the 2004 red sox playoff run. We had already won the world series by then but I was still holding out superstitiously like "its worked so well so far!" but i am only human. Also I would eat that barbecue even if it was a human man it really did look good.
The Color Purple (1985) - Again they tried to make it not-gay but again it was still so gay. In a similar way as Fried Green Tomatoes this is like... I'm not sure it's a great adaptation of the source material but it is still a great movie? Everybody in this movie was perfect.
Bound - This was like a forbidden movie for me in my mind for so long because it was SO openly gay and everybody knew about it so it stressed me out? I don't think I let myself watch it until college and then I was mindblown. It's so good. It's good because it's gay and it's good in addition to being gay and the gayness is so wound up in the ways that it is good. Also it's so hot.
Foxfire - Was this gay? I think they kissed in it? But even if they didn't what they had going on was definitely gay. Plus Jenny Shimizu. This movie is quite terrible, like unapologetically pretty bad tbh. But the 90s aesthetic and vibes are charming and again Angelina Jolie was very pretty. I got really mad when I watched it the first time though because I was putting together an art school portfolio and her portfolio was just like scribbling on polaroids and it was so stupid i was like DO A LITTLE RESEARCH I BEG YOU. but hey it was memorable.
Do Revenge - This movie is just a lot of fun. It's gay but I wish it was gayer. Also I wish they got weirder with it earlier in the movie. But ultimately it's just such a good time and the maya hawke/camila mendes press tour was legendary so I can't complain.
but yeah i havent seen, like, almost any recent movies so dont interpret this as me not liking the new movies i just have attention span problems that stop me from watching new things very often.
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
The slightest break in our usual Eddie Munson programming for me to scream about Teen Wolf: The Movie.
Spoilers below the cut.
I'm an original Sterek shipper from back in the glory days. I watched the new episode each week. I was queerbaited to death. In the year 2023, why must I continue to suffer like this?
You chose the villain most associated with Stiles, but can't convince Dylan - the heart of the show - to come back? The reason Stiles is M.I.A. is that he has his 'own fires to put out' with the F.B.I. Lazy?! Lazy writing! He would have come A.S.A.P., but especially after Sheriff was taken by the Oni!
"Maybe you should call your son." What the fuck?
You give me this shitty Stiles-free movie, and then make Derek's son Eli a) obsessed with Stiles' Jeep and b) have the personality of Stiles? And have Derek and Sheriff Stilinski buddy up? And have Sheriff kind of go all dad on Eli too?
Don't get me started on Derek's death. I'm very pro-major characters dying but Derek has suffered unbelievable cruelty and yet, he triumphs. He builds a real life. Then you kill him. Not just kill him, but send him to, what, hell?
"Derek had complicated feelings about that Jeep." Give me Sterek or leave it alone.
Also, on the subject of Derek as a hero - @thisdiscontentedwinter made a succinct and absolutely correct post about it here.
AND, you chose a villain heavily reliant on Kira, her culture, and her family but won't pay Arden what she's worth? You use Japanese folklore and Japanese-American history (e.g. internment camps in the U.S.) but can't even begin to service the meaning or legacy of that? Kira isn't even mentioned?
You replace Kira with Hikari, a young Japanese-American woman, and a Kitsune. Don't worry - she's also Liam's love interest! That means she's got character! Right?! RIGHT?! She literally is just there to deliver Japanese lore, be another body in the fight, and make foxfire and ramen. "We're here for our pain," she says. Yeah, Hikari, you sure are. (Hikari is played by Amy Lin Workman, who is not Japanese.)
Nostalgia couldn't even save this. When you bring something so problematic into the current year, all it does is draw attention to how fucking problematic it was to begin with. Jeff Davis' ego is far too big for him to admit mistakes and rectify them here.
The only good things were Jackson being so Jackson, the introduction of more gore and swearing into the Teen Wolf universe (sorry but I love a "fuck" where there were previously no fucks allowed), Peter's entrance (he's even campier now), and Lydia and Allison's friendship being important.
There's already a huge catalogue of posts on Tumblr about why the movie was so fucking shit lmao. I'm going to enjoy reading them. And, oh my god, am I going to start reading Sterek fanfic again?!
Also, why is everyone wearing flannel?
I miss Isaac Lahey.
How'd everyone else feel about it? Are we all crying in Beacon Hills?
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
The 5 headcanon game for that AU where Izuku has the animal shapeshifting quirk and acts as a therapy dog for Bakugou to hide his identity please :3 I forgot the name of that AU XD It was puppy something?
Puppydog tails AU! (it comes from the rhyme 'slugs and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of')
I don't think I ever decided when I was going to give Izuku One for All in this au so I think just after I-Island, so just before the training camp. In this AU Aizawa knows a bit about One for All because All Might was impressed on the value of talking to people about things, so Izuku has a rough handle on it by the time the camp is attacked. Not a good handle on it, but he can use the same amount as in the stain arc safely.
All Might would have given it to him earlier, but Izuku was still getting used to being human and he didn't want to stress the poor boy out. I-Island made him realise he really wasn't getting any younger, and that if he wanted to give it to Izuku it would have to be soon, otherwise he'd have waited until second year.
After getting One for All Izuku can transform into mythical creatures (as long as they are mammal(ish)) and one of his favourites becomes a Kitsune. He's got five tails, a tenuous control of foxfire and some very stabby teeth.
He can use One for All better as an animal than as a human, the running theory is that hes more used to the animal bodies. Downside is its more difficult to fight non lethally as an animal because most of your options are teeth or claws and no one likes a body mess of a fight. Also there is a real danger of poor Izuku catching something nasty.
1A's favourite animal transformation is the bear. Fluffy unit Izuku is best Izuku.
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ga-yuu · 7 months
Yoshitsune Main Story Summary (Chapter 24 to 26 + Both endings)
Yasuchika looks at Yoshino, who was riding on Yoshitsune's horse. He understood that, the thread that ties both the Shogunate and the Rebels is Yoshino. So in order to break the alliance, Yoshino must die.
He then, with whatever power left, summoned a much bigger inugamis to attack one small girl. Yasuchika apologizes before he releases the inugami towards her. Seeing the large size of beasts, the soldiers started getting scared. Even Yoshino was shivering. But Yoshitsune was pissed. He was pissed because Yasuchika was trying to kill his one true love. But he knew that, to defeat the large inugamis he needed more power than usual.
Then suddenly, something inside him started to change. It felt like his body itself was changing and he started to feel more power. Then, a huge storm started coming from nowhere. The wind kept surrounding Yoshitsune and then suddenly, Yoshitsune hair turns completely black and both eyes turn red, like those of Kurama.
Seeing this transformation, everyone looking at him was mesmerized but at the same time scared. Yoshino then recalled Tamamo telling her something about using demon powers within limits. Apparently, each human has a vessel which should not be overflowing. When a human who made contract with a demon, uses demon powers beyond their limit, it can cost their life. That's why Yoshino cannot use foxfires unless she pushes herself to the limit.
Right now, Yoshitsune is using all of his powers, and this started to scare Yoshino because it might cost his life. She reached out to hold his hand, worriedly and Yoshitsune reassured her that he's okay. He then looks at Yasuchika and threatened him that he will not forgive him or anyone who tries to hurt Yoshino. Ofc, Yoshitsune kills all the Inugamis and was almost about to cut Yasuchika's head. But Yasuchika is a playable character so Yoritomo stops him. Instead Yoritomo takes him under the Shogunate's custody to find more info from him. Yoshitsune didn't care, as long as Yasuchika wasn't a pain in the ass.
Soon Yoshitsune goes back to normal and they all return. Also on the way, Yoshitsune and Yoshino kiss on a moving horse. Isn't that dangerous?
At the camp, Yoritomo and Yoshitsune have a final meeting to settle things down. Yoshino also joins them. Yoritomo asks Yoshitsune what he wants as a reward for killing the Inugami and capturing the main villain. Yoshitsune with a straight face said he only wants 2 things: 1. He wants Hiraizumi to be seen as a separate country and that he wants to be the leader of it or something (I don't remember) and 2. He wants Yoshino as his trophy.
Yoritomo smirked at him for being greedy. He was okay with the first one but for the second request, he tells Yoshitsune to ask Yoshino's opinion first. They both looked at Yoshino and Yoshino nods her head, saying that she wants to live in Hiraizumi with Yoshitsune.
After they go back to their tent, and have sex for the first time. Next morning, Yoshino asks if she could go and say her final goodbyes to Yoritomo and friends. Yoshitsune nods and Yoshino leaves. She meets up with the Shogunate gang and thanks them for everything they have done for her. She also bows to say sorry if she had caused any troubles to them. Everyone of them laughs at her for being so serious. They all told her that she was one of them and she is still one of them and if she ever gets bored of Yoshitsune, she can come bact to them. They all laugh together.
After that, we see Yoshino going on top of a cliff to pick up some herbs. Out of nowhere, Kurama drops down and glares at her. Frustrated, he confronts her and asks her why did she change Yoshitsune's heart? Yoshitsune was suppose to die and Kurama would have gotten his soul, then why did Yoshino change Yoshitsune's heart, that now Yoshitsune wants to live. Yoshino openly says that Yoshitsune now wants to live for his friends who care about him. She also knows that deep down Kurama also doesn't want Yoshitsune to die. Yoshino says that if Kurama is frustrated, just because he didn't get Yoshitsune's soul, then she is ready to give her soul instead. Since now, Yoshitsune and Yoshino are in love, their souls are connected. So it won't matter, right?
Kurama was silent. He didn't know what to say or how to process her words. After a minute, he just tells her that he doesn't need her soul and flies away quickly.
After that, few days later, everyone goes back to Hiraizumi and Yoshitsune officially welcomes Yoshino as a member of their family.
Romantic Ending
Few days have passed after Yoshino is welcomed into the Rebel family. Yoshino goes to meet Tamamo at a mountain top. She meets Tamamo regularly to fight demons so that Tamamo can restore his powers. Tamamo was happy to see her but...he wasn't happy to see the two puppies following her all the way from home.
Tamamo looks at both of them and asked why 'uninvited people' are here. The two puppies, Yoshitsune and Kurama looks at each other confused, because they didn't understand who was Tamamo referring to and Tamamo sighs. Yoshitsune said that he followed Yoshino because he wants to make sure that she's safe. He grabs her hand with both of his hands and smiles beautifully. Yoshino just couldn't no to Yoshitsune when he asked if he could follow her.
Tamamo asked why Kurama followed her and Kurama was like "No reason, I'm only here to fight Tamamo."
Tamamo sighs again and decided to simply let them be. All 4 of them, then started to walk towards the direction of the demon so that Yoshino can kill it. While walking, Yoshino looks at Kurama and thanks him for everything and Kurama looked dumbfounded as if he didn't understand what she's talking about. But soon he started smiling, calling her weird. Yoshino looked surprised seeing Kurama smiling beautifully.
Soon they see a demon and Yoshino steps forward to attack. Yoshino was doing good but then the demon charged an attack and when Yoshino tried to dodge it, her foot twists and she almost falls off the cliff. Luckily Yoshitsune came in clutch and caught her.
Seeing Yoshino almost die made both Yoshitsune and Kurama (for some reason) furious. They both at the same time, unleashed their powerful hurricanes killing the demon who tried to kill Yoshino. (It was literally an overkill)
They both happily turned towards Yoshino for validation but to their surprise they see a furious angry Tamamo. Tamamo started scolding both Kurama and Yoshitsune for killing the demon in place of Yoshino because if Yoshino doesn't kill the demon, Tamamo's powers are never gonna be restored. Both of these idiots forgot that they were not suppose to get in the way of Yoshino. Obediently, they both quietly accepted Tamamo's scolding.
After that, Yoshitsune holds Yoshino's feet and started rubbing it, asking if it hurts or not? He also offered to give Yoshino a piggyback ride back home if she can't walk. Kurama also offers Yoshino to carry her in his arms and fly back to home. Seeing Kurama so eagerly willing to help Yoshino, Tamamo understood that Kurama is in love with Yoshino but doesn't seem to realize it.
Tamamo held back Kurama saying that he is going to educate Kurama about something and they all go back to the mansion.
At night, both Yoshino and Yoshitsune were getting ready for bed. Then Yoshitsune curiously asks if Yoshino is happy staying in Hiraizumi or not? He asks her if she needs anything? and that he will buy her anything that she needs or wants. Yoshino was confused.
Yoshitsune looked guilty and with a sad face he said that this is the first time he has ever fallen in love and seeing Yoshino, his 'love' a.k.a 'obsession and possessiveness' keeps increasing. He wants her to be happy and not leave him. So that's why he asked if she wanted anything, so Yoshino wouldn't leave him. But he also doesn't want Yoshino to feel overburdened seeing him being possessive.
Yoshino was genuinely surprised but she smiled. She was so happy that Yoshitsune loves her so much. She moves closer to Yoshitsune and reassures him that all she wants is him and that she will never leave him. Ever. This makes Yoshitsune happy. He pushes her down to the futon and starts making love to her.
Dramatic Ending
Few days after Yoshino joined the Rebel family, both Yoshino and Yoshitsune were busy as hell. They weren't able to spend time together. Yoshino also got permission from Yoshitsune to work as a pharmacist in Hiraizumi and also at his mansion for the soldiers.
They got little time to be together so, they were walking hand in hand through the hallway. Yoshitsune apologizes for not being able to spend time with her and Yoshino shakes her head.
They both run into Benkei and Yoichi, who were coming from the other way. Yoichi smiles at both of them but Benkei looked at Yoshino with a straight face. He then pulls out a box of sweets and gives them to Yoshino. Yoshino was confused but she still took it. Benkei tells her that he made those sweets for her as an appreciation. He's thanking her for accepting Yoshitsune's heart and also being his friend.
Yoshino smiled and thanked him. She took a small sweet and ate it. Yoshino's face lit up due to how delicious the sweet was. Benkei looked relieved seeing her liking his cooking. Benkei was thinking too hard if Yoshino would like his cooking and also used Yoichi to taste his sweets before he gave them to Yoshino.
Yoshitsune also thanks both Benkei and Yoichi for their gratitude. Then Benkei's motherly instincts starts to kick in. He then holds Yoshino's shoulders with a serious face and tells her about Yoshitsune's bad habits since now Yoshino will also be taking care of Yoshitsune. He tells her that Yoshitsune doesn't like to eat vegetables and some times he even falls asleep while eating. He also goes on and on about his bad sleeping habits and Yoshitsune started to get embarrassed.
He quickly takes Yoshino's hand and both of them runs away from Benkei and Yoichi. They both then walk hand in hand in the forest and Yoshitsune apologizes for Benkei's behaviour. Yoshino just laughed and told him that she was happy that everyone is accepting her as a friend.
She was also happy that she is getting to know more about Yoshitsune. Then Yoshitsune curiously asks her if she wants anything? He promises that he will fulfill all her wishes and make her happy.
Yoshino thinks for a while and then says she only want Yoshitsune and just like him, she wants to stay by his side and make him happy.
Hearing her words made Yoshitsune incredibly happy and he kissed her forehead. The fact that she chose him more than anything else made him more happy than he could think. They kiss and promise to be with each other.
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rougedragoonreaper · 1 year
MistyNat Au Prompts
This is here for anyone that wants to USE these prompts. I won’t be using them myself. When I come up with any more, I’ll add them to one of the lists in a different color. or at least try to change the color. but sometimes it doesn’t work for me. 
You don’t have to ask or credit me. Enjoy. 
Teen MistyNat AU ideas
College au: Having to share a dorm room, your typical jock and nerd friendship or romantic trope. Misty always offers to help Nat with her classwork, but Nat wants to avoid Misty's help. Nat can handle her classwork and soccer stuff on her own.
Role reversal Au: Misty is the punk/Gothic girl on the soccer team, while Nat is the weird nerdy girl, the group's equipment manager. 
Theater/Play au: the football team pulls a prank on the theater kids. They end up distorting the play's set. The football team pins the stunt on the girls' soccer team, and the school forces them to help with the play, or they forfeit nationals. 
Robin Hood Au: Nat is robin hood, Misty is Little Jon, Lottie is Maid Marion, Laurel Lee is friar tuck, and the rest of the yellowjackets are merry men. Umm... the males can be the villains.
Animal Transformation AU: (NOT OMEGA-VERSE) It’s just kind of like Animorphs, but not really. They just have the ability to turn into an animal. Maybe they gain this ability when they are in the wilderness. It’s up to you what animals mistynat can turn into (and the rest of the yellowjackets).  
But I’m a Cheerleader AU: the yellowjeckts get sent to a rehab camp (cause all of them are gay as fuck) Mistynat are the main ship. and the rest are side ships that are either trying to get them together or stop them from dating.  
Are You Afraid of the Dark Au: The yellowjackets sit around a campfire telling scary stories. Misty is an outsider looking to join the group. Some yellowjackets are skeptical if she could even mean a frightening tale (cause she is a theater kid, likes to show tunes and dresses weirdly). Maybe Natalie and a few others (maybe Van, Jackie, Tai, and Laura Lee) give her a test to prove she can tell a scary story. And perhaps someone tries to sabotage her frightening tale.
10 things I hate about you AU: (Basically the movies plot) Misty is Kat, Nat is Patrick, Jackie or Laura Lee is Bianca, and Shauna or Lottie is Cameron. 
 FoxFire AU: Misty and four other girls want to make a teacher pay for making sexual advances at them. The principal isn’t on their side and punishes the girls. Misty and the other four girls now including Nat. They break into the school, to get their confiscated items back. This leads to them setting an accidental fire. The girls grow closer but some of their demons are ready to pull them apart.  
She’s All That au:  Misty is unpopular and bullied for her looks. Nat and the rest of the yellowjackets are pretty famous. Their team has gone undefeated in 3yrs. At one of their victory parties, some girls dare Natalie to turn Misty into the school's next prom queen. Natalie doesn’t like the idea initially, but when the girls say they will pay her (insert amount of money here) if Misty wins. Natalie agrees to do it. Misty doesn’t fully trust Natalie, yet she has been crushing on the star athlete for years. So, she lets Natalie help her with her looks while she helps Natalie with her school work. The two grow closer as they work together. Learning things about each other no one knows. When prom comes, everyone, even Natalie, is shocked by Misty’s new look (straighten hair Misty HC goes here). Misty overhears the other yellowjackets talking about the bet in the girl's bathroom. Sadly she knew Natalie was using her; she just hoped that Natalie would come clean and that they were becoming friends. Natalie (and maybe a few other yellowjackets) feels like shit for this stupid bet. Will Natalie be able to earn Misty’s trust again?   
D3: The Mighty Ducks AU: The Yellowjackets are awarded scholarships to a prep school. They must play on the school JV team in their new school colors. Not only that, but they need to learn how to get along with the Senior varsity team. How can they when the Senior Varsity team is always pranking them? Can the yellowjackets hold their team together and overcome the senior varsity team's pranks, or will the team split? As a few members want to prank the seniors back, others want to take advantage of this opportunity they have been given. Besides adjusting to a new school and how they are treated there, some yellowjackets need to learn how to deal with their growing feelings for their teammates (MistyNat, LottieLee, JackieShauna, TaiVan). Will they survive at this school and finally confess their feelings to their teammate, or will they crash and burn?
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Adult MistyNat AU ideas 
Medieval AU: Nat is a knight or rouge, and Misty tries to prove she can be Nat's apprentice. Caligula can be Misty's mini pet dragon. 
Parents AU: Nat and Misty adopted (young) Lisa after realizing that Lisa's home resembles how they grew up. Nat is a teacher at Lisa's school, while Misty is the school's nurse. Both women rent a house together. They are both in denial about how they act like a married couple. They are nothing more than housemates. But one thing they do agree on is they care about Lisa.
Pirate AU: Nat and her crew sail the seas striking fear into the hearts of those that challenge her ship, The Yellowjackets. She and her first mate (whoever you think it should be) realize they are the only ship with an all (mostly all) female crew. Sadly one day, they find a woman who claims to be a doctor has stolen away on their ship. Misty is a self-proclaimed doctor that constantly wants more to life, so she decides to sneak aboard The Yellowjackets. Nat realizes that Misty might be helpful even though she is a headache (Misty would be like Stede Bonnet from Our Flag Means Death or AC4: Black Flag, change my mind.)
Person of Interest AU: Nat is Shaw, and Misty is Root. Or Nat is Shaw’s intern/apprentice, and Misty is Root’s shadow/apprentice. 
Bodyguard AU: Misty is a particular person interested in a feral case. Tai hires Natalie to protect Misty at all costs. Though she does warn Natalie that Misty can be a handful. At first, Natalie doesn’t believe her old friend/teammate. Soon Natalie finds out how wrong she was to dismiss Tai’s warnings. Can Natalie handle this job, or will Misty be the end of her?
Never Been Kissed AU: Misty has to return to the hell hole that was once her high school. As a journalist, she must go undercover and discover what teens are into nowadays. Shauna, the school's English teacher, decides to help her. That is, if only Misty helps Shauna get closer to her daughter Callie, a popular girl. Misty agrees to help Shauna. Everything is going according to plan until Misty's old high school crush starts working at the school as a guidance counselor (or Radio teacher) Natalie Scatorccio. Will Misty be able to keep her promise while keeping her job, or will her past be too painful? 
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Either Adult or Teen Au ideas
Buffy Au (crossover): Nat is a slayer in training (probably under Faith or Buffy... maybe both), While Misty could be either a witch (training under Willow AND Tara cause Tara didn't die) or she could be a vengeance demon (like Anya)
Fake dating au: Misty asks Nat to pretend to date her, hoping Walter will lose interest in her. Nat only agrees to do so when they "break up" Misty promises to leave Nat alone. 
Arranged marriage au: Maybe Nat's parents and Misty's parents are business partners, and they want to keep the business in the family, so they decide that their kids should get married.
Xena Au: Nat is Xena, and Misty would be Gabrielle
Groundhog's Day au: Misty is sent back to either when she broke the black box or the night she killed Nat. If she doesn't stop herself from doing one of those things, that day will start over until she figures out what to do. (Like if she picks the day she distorted the black box and fails to not destroy it. That night she'll have dreams of future events. But they'll only not come true if she does destroy the black box. And if she picked the day she killed Nat, she'd have symbolic dreams about that day.)
 The Crow Au: You could make up your own Crow story or follow any of the movies/comic books. Cause honestly both Misty and Natalie would make for a great ‘immortal’ character that wants to get revenge on those that kill her lover.   
Wild Things AU: (Kind of similar to 98′ movie. but not really) Nat and Misty come up with a plan to get revenge on their guidance counselor (cause maybe he is a dick). Maybe they end up killing him (or whatever) and now they have to cover it up. Or they just expose him for the dick he is. (yes i know the girls are the villains in this movie. I don’t care cause I’m changing stuff, deal) Maybe the fall in love or in bed along the way. 
Viking AU: Idea coming soon?! I hope lol
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fox1656 · 4 months
Roar! 7
Jake and Alex had found the perfect camping spot and set up a small tent, just large enough for the two boys to sleep comfortably. Alex was out getting fire wood while Jake foraged edible herbs that wouldn't kill them.
As Jake got back to camp, he collapsed and said, "man, I'm so tired..."
"Well, we still need to eat before we go to bed," Alex said, piling the wood into the small hole they had dug. "Or you could just go to bed without dinner," he said with a slight grin.
"Suddenly I feel energized," Jake said, and both boys grinned.
Alex was searching in the pack they had brought and couldn't find the matches. "Hey Jake..." he said, already knowing the answer to the question he planned to ask. "Where are the matches?"
"Oops," Jake said, "I may or may not have forgotten them..."
Alex just stared at Jake, feeling exasperated. "So how are we supposed to start a fire now?"
"Well..." Jake said, "just watch this," he said, grinning. He snapped his finger and said, "foxfire!"
Fire sprang up in the pile of wood and crackled gently.
Alex looked at Jake, looking slightly disappointed in him, "you forgot them on purpose, didn't you?"
Jake laughed nervously and put his hands behind his head, elbows out. "I dunno what you're talking about," he said, trying not to make eye contact with Alex.
"Uh huh," Alex said, trying not to roll his eyes. "Well, at least we have fire now. So when did you learn that trick?"
"About a month ago," Jake said, feeling excited and looking proud of himself. "I was just looking for a chance to surprise you." At this, Jake grinned widely.
Alex just looked at Jake, disappointedly and then grinned. He knew his friend loves to show off occasionally. Especially when he has a new trick up his sleeve.
Jake suddenly looked pensive and Alex said, "What's on your mind?"
Jake grinned and said, "You remember when we first became our animal forms? We were so confused."
Alex smiled slightly and said, "Yeah, you could barely walk. That was pretty random."
Jake smiled again and said, "Yeah, you know me. Always trying to be unpredictable." Both boys chuckled and set about their tasks once more.
As Jake was preoccupied, Alex snuck up behind him, quiet as a mouse, and blew icy cold air across Jake's neck.
Jake yipped and sprang forward, patting the back of his neck. "Geez Alex, where did you learn that?" Jake said, still rubbing his neck.
Alex was sitting on the ground, laughing. "You're not the only one with tricks up his sleeve," he replied.
"Man," Jake said, "you nearly gave me frost bite."
"Ah, you'll live," Alex grinned as he said this, knowing his friend was actually okay.
Jake went back to his work, but held out a hand towards Alex, not even looking up. Alex looked at Jake's hand and arched his eyebrow.
"What?" Alex said.
Jake looked at Alex innocently and said, "give me a cookie for emotional damages."
Alex just rolled his eyes and said, "you can have a cookie when we're done."
"Ah come ooooooooooon..." Jake whined. "Just one. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"
"No," Alex said. "Now get back to work."
Jake set back to work, and then there was a rustling in the brush.
Jake quickly got behind Alex, peeking over his shoulder. "What is it...?"
"I don't know," Alex said, getting into a defensive stance.
Just then a stoat hopped out of the brush, blinked up at th two boys, and then said, "hello boys. I've been looking all over for you."
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Shigehira: Come!
Just as Shigehira clenched his molars--
A rain of arrows poured down on the pack of inugami.
Shigehira: This is--
Yoichi: Looks like you're having a hard time, young master of the Taira.
Shigehira: Nasu no Yoichi!
Shigehira was amazed to see Yoichi appear with his archers.
Shigehira: Your unit is supposed to be attacking from the northeast...
Yoichi: Thanks to you rampaging around, young master, their defenses were weakened.
Yoichi: That's how I was able to rush over here.
Shigehira: But why of all people did you come to my aid...?
Yoichi: I can't be throwing a tantrum when the general is suddenly acting like an adult, can I?
Shigehira: What's that supposed to mean?
Shigehira coughed in exasperation.
Shigehira: Well, I guess I'll have to fight alongside you.
Yoichi: Thanks.
Meanwhile, in another corner--...
Tamamo and Kurama were facing the foot soldiers without any other soldiers.
Tamamo: To think I'd be assigned to the same position as you.
Kurama: But thanks to that, we don't have to deal with any unnecessary humans.
Tamamo: I agree, in the sense that we don't have to worry about our surroundings.
The foot soldiers grimaced at the two of them, who seemed to be at ease.
Foot Soldier 1: Are these guys making fun of us?
Foot Soldier 1: What can you do with just the two of you!?
Foot Soldier 2: We have that onmyoji's unknown power on our side.
An inugami was waiting near the foot soldiers.
The inugami's eyes glowed as it faced its prey.
Foot Soldier 2: We'll kill them right away. Get them!
Foot Soldier 3: Yeah!
Kurama: The weaker they are, the more they bark.
Tamamo: Both dogs and humans.
Tamamo and Kurama's bodies wavered like a heat haze--
Foot Soldier 1: What are these guys!?
The foot soldiers were astonished to see the two of them suddenly sprout ears and wings.
Kurama: We don't have names to give you.
Kurama opened his fan and stirred up the wind.
Foot Soldiers: Uwaaah!?
The raging wind caused the foot soldiers to lose their balance.
However, the inugami instantly sensed the movement of the wind and dodged, then jumped at the two of them.
Tamamo: Oh dear.
Tamamo raised one hand, and several blue flames flickered in the darkness.
Tamamo: Let me discipline you. --"Sit."
The flames, which attacked with tremendous speed, knocked the inugami to the ground.
Kurama: It's been a while since I've seen your foxfire.
Tamamo: Thanks to Yoshino's hard work, my cursed power has returned to some extent.
Foot Soldier 4: What the hell are these guys...!
Foot Soldier 5: Eek!
The unrest of the foot soldiers spread like ripples.
Kurama: We won't let you escape.
Kurama, who controls the wind, and Tamamo, who fights back with foxfire--
The foot soldiers fell to the ground helplessly before the two supernatural powers,
and the inugami disappeared one after another.
Around the time the moon rose directly overhead--...
(The advance team should be attacking Yasuchika-san's camp by now.)
(And Yoritomo-sama and Tamamo and the others are also stationed elsewhere.)
I was riding in front of Yoshitsune-sama's horse, among the rebel soldiers.
If I strained my ears, I could hear the sounds of battle in the distance.
I clenched my lips in anticipation of the battle that was about to begin.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, are you nervous?
Yoshitsune-sama's breath grazed my ear, and he took my hand.
Yoshitsune: It's cold.
He peered at me from behind, and his face drew closer.
Yoshino: ...I'm sorry. I'm so tense thinking about the battle that's about to start.
Yoshitsune: I suppose you were always this nervous when you fought me.
He intertwined his fingers with mine as if to ease my tension.
My hardened heart gently softened.
We will definitely win!
It's okay now
Thank You
Yoshino: Thank you. I feel calmer now.
Yoshitsune: I'm honored if I could be of any help.
Yoshitsune-sama's hand left mine, and I looked forward.
(I'm not fighting alone.)
(Yoshitsune-sama and everyone else are here too.)
As I was trying to muster my courage, a soldier who had been scouting returned.
Scout: The advance team has succeeded in driving Yasuchika away!
Yoshitsune: I see.
(Shigehira-kun and the others did it!)
Benkei-san, who had received a message from another scout, came over to us.
Benkei: The others are also proceeding without any problems.
Benkei: All that's left is to face Yasuchika.
Yoshitsune: Yes.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, stay there.
Yoshitsune-sama lightly dismounted from his horse and stepped forward.
Then, the soldiers' faces tensed up.
(Oh, right. These people saw Yoshitsune-sama use his supernatural power...)
I could see that they were looking at Yoshitsune-sama with unconcealable fear.
(If I were looked at like that by my comrades, I would be sad...)
I looked at Yoshitsune-sama with concern, but his amethyst eyes were just staring straight at everyone.
Yoshitsune: Those of you here should have heard from Benkei and Yoichi.
Yoshitsune: That I have inhuman power.
Soldiers: ...
A low voice echoed, and the soldiers fell silent.
Yoshitsune: First, I apologize for keeping silent until now.
Yoshitsune: I didn't want those I care about to be afraid of me.
Yoshitsune: I've been hiding it because I knew how different I was.
Mixed in with his sincere voice was a hint of sadness and a strong will to move forward.
Yoshitsune: But I swear here and now,
Yoshitsune: that I will use my power only to protect you.
(...The air...changed.)
Everyone was listening intently, not wanting to miss a single word of Yoshitsune-sama's.
A premonition of a coming storm ran through my body, and I shivered involuntarily.
Yoshitsune: Your lives are my life.
Yoshitsune: Will you run with me to live?
The soldiers held their breath at Yoshitsune-sama's words, and the next moment...
Soldiers: Ooooooh!
The earth shook with the sound of their joyful voices.
Light shone in everyone's eyes, and their expressions were filled with strength.
(Something is about to change within Yoshitsune-sama.)
Benkei: You made Yoshitsune-sama say that. It would be a lie if we weren't inspired.
Benkei-san smiled happily and clenched his fists.
Benkei: ...I don't fully accept it, but maybe what Yoichi said wasn't entirely wrong.
Benkei: I have to thank you.
Yoshino: What are you talking about?
Benkei: It's nothing.
He slapped me hard on the back.
Benkei: Well, you do your best too.
(I don't really understand...but Benkei-san doesn't seem to be hostile towards me like before.)
Yoshino: Yes!
A warm fire lit up in my heart.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, I've kept you waiting.
Yoshitsune-sama, who had returned, got on his horse again.
He gently put the hood on my head and placed his large hand on it.
Yoshitsune: I need your cooperation to win this battle.
Yoshino: Leave it to me.
(If I'm fighting with Yoshitsune-sama, I'm not afraid of anything now.)
Yoshitsune: You're reliable.
Yoshitsune-sama smiled and took the reins.
(It's finally starting.)
Yoshitsune: Let's go.
Soldiers: Ooooooh!!
The resolute order echoed in the moonlight.
The horses all galloped towards the battlefield.
After riding for a while, we arrived in the depths of a deep forest--...
Soldier 1: Yoshitsune-sama! In front of us...
Yoshitsune: That's--
Yasuchika: Hello, Yoshitsune-sama. And...the fox spirit princess.
Yoshino: ...! Yasuchika-san!
Yasuchika was standing alone, as if cloaked in darkness.
Benkei: Abe no Yasuchika! Where are your soldiers?
Yasuchika: Half of them are entertaining Shigehira-kun and Yoichi-san.
Yasuchika: The other half went to hold back Yoritomo-sama and the others!
Yasuchika: I didn't expect the shogunate and the rebels to join forces, so I'm short on manpower.
Yoshitsune-sama stared at Yasuchika, who answered nonchalantly, and drew his sword.
Yoshitsune: Yasuchika, whatever you're planning, it ends here.
Yoshitsune: If you surrender peacefully, I won't take your life here. What will you do?
Yasuchika: Hmm. What should I do?
Yasuchika tilted his head as if he wasn't afraid of anything.
(What is this person...thinking?)
I was struck by a chill at his unknowable presence.
Yasuchika: Yoshitsune-sama,
Yasuchika: The reason I didn't bring my retainers or hired soldiers here is because I'm short on manpower, but also...
Yasuchika: --Because they might get caught in the crossfire.
As Yasuchika held out one hand,
The black shadows around him swayed eerily and took the shape of dogs.
(Those are...inugami!?)
Yoshino: How many of them are there...?
The writhing black shadows were clearly more numerous than our soldiers.
Yasuchika: If I bring out this many, even I...can't hold back.
Yoshino: Watch out!
The inugami bared their fangs and attacked all at once.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino. Let's go.
Yoshino: Y-yes!
The moment Yoshitsune-sama raised his sword, his body was already enveloped in wind.
Yoshitsune: There's no need for anyone to be afraid.
I held down my hood and lowered my body so as not to be blown away by the wind.
Yoshitsune: Follow me!
When Yoshitsune-sama swung his sword down, wind blades flew towards the inugami with a roar.
Benkei: Don't fall behind! Yoshitsune-sama will protect us!
Soldiers: Yes!
Soldier 1: Now is the time to respond to Yoshitsune-sama's feelings!
Soldier 2: For Yoshitsune-sama and Hiraizumi!
(I have to fight too...!)
I held out my hand to the inugami that was still trying to attack us despite Yoshitsune-sama's slashes.
(--Take away their cursed power!)
In the frenzy of the battlefield, the inugami's cursed power turned into golden mist and was sucked into my palm.
Soldier 3: The inugami...are disappearing?
Soldier 4: I'm surprised...Benkei-sama and Yoichi-sama explained it to us, but
Soldier 4: That's the fox spirit's--
Soldier 5: Yeah! With Yoshitsune-sama's power combined with hers, we have nothing to fear!
The emboldened soldiers confronted the inugami.
Yasuchika: Not yet.
Soldier 6: Gah!
Even if the inugami were weakened, no matter how many wounds they received,
they continued to attack relentlessly without flinching.
Soldier 4: Ugh...
Their sharp fangs and claws wreaked havoc.
The ground was stained red, and soldiers fell in heaps.
(No matter how much cursed power I absorb, I can't keep up...)
Benkei: Yoshitsune-sama! I'll take care of this side...
Yoshitsune: I leave it to you.
Benkei-san ran to the soldiers surrounded by inugami and swung his naginata.
Yoshitsune: Yasuchika--
Yoshitsune-sama and I rushed straight towards Yasuchika-san.
Yoshitsune-sama cut down the inugami that jumped at us without even looking at them, opening a path.
While being held in his arms, I frantically continued to take away the inugami's cursed power.
Yasuchika: Indeed, Yoshitsune-sama, you are strong.
Yasuchika: But you know,
Yasuchika: One hero alone can't save everyone, can they?
Soldier 5: What...!
Yasuchika-san aimed at the surrounding soldiers.
Yoshitsune-sama turned the wind he had summoned into blades and released them at the inugami.
Yoshitsune: I won't let you.
Soldier 6: Uwaaah!
This time, screams came from another direction.
Yoshino: I'll...
Seeing a soldier bitten by an inugami, I reached out my hand as far as I could.
(I'll save everyone too!)
Golden mist rose up and was sucked into me.
(...My body is heavy.)
(Maybe I took away too much cursed power.)
But before I could even catch my breath, another inugami jumped out from the shadows of the trees.
(I can't stop.)
(I have to take away as much cursed power as I can...!)
As I concentrated on my palm,
the sound of many horses neighing and hooves echoed in the midst of the frantic voices.
Yoshino: Huh...?
Yoritomo: --This is a mess.
Yoritomo: Fallen hero, Minamoto no Yoshitsune. You wouldn't say your blade is dull when you're fighting someone other than me, would you?
Yoshitsune: Yoritomo-sama!
Yoshino: Yoritomo-sama!
Yoritomo-sama rushed in between the pack of inugami and the rebel army, leading his soldiers.
Yoritomo: Go! Show those rebel soldiers how to fight!
Shogunate Soldiers: Yes!
At Yoritomo-sama's signal, the shogunate soldiers immediately charged at the inugami.
(He came to help us...!)
Yasuchika: ...Oh dear. You've already defeated that many soldiers?
Yoritomo: They're just foot soldiers. They're no match for my well-trained Kamakura samurai.
Yoshitsune: Don't let the latecomers take all the credit. Let's go too!
The rebel soldiers also rekindled their fighting spirit and responded with a roar.
Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama spurred their horses at the same time and swung their swords at the inugami.
Their eyes met, and sparks flew.
Yoritomo: --Yoshitsune, Yoshino.
Yoritomo-sama, who had cut a path and calmly reached us,
took off the perfect mask of the shogun and grinned.
Yoritomo: Have you been having fun?
Yoshitsune: So-so.
Yoritomo: Well, now that I'm here, you'll have more fun, right?
Yoshitsune: It's true that my bloodlust is sharpened and I want to rampage.
The inugami bared their sharp fangs and approached with a low growl.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, hold on tight.
Yoshino: Yes!
Two swords swung at the same time, cutting down the inugami one after another.
I desperately concentrated and absorbed their cursed power, and the black shadows gradually turned into mist and disappeared.
Yoritomo: Yoshitsune, draw them in before you use your supernatural power.
Yoshitsune: Yeah.
(Wow, their attacks are perfectly synchronized...)
While defeating the inugami, Yoshitsune-sama and Yoritomo-sama naturally ended up back to back.
Yoritomo-sama: To think the day would come when I would entrust my back to you.
Yoshitsune: This is also for the purpose we must achieve.
Yoritomo: Ha, is that so?
Every time their horses ran, the number of inugami decreased.
(I thought I knew how strong Yoshitsune-sama was.)
Yoshitsune-sama, fighting alongside Yoritomo-sama, was like a fish in water.
(Yoritomo-sama is matching Yoshitsune-sama's movements...)
Yoshitsune: --Brother.
Yoritomo: ...!
The wind blades of Yoshitsune-sama blocked the inugami that were about to attack Yoritomo-sama.
(He just called him 'Brother'...)
Yoshitsune: Have you gotten dull from focusing on politics?
Yoritomo: Idiot. I just let you have that one, you incompetent brother.
Yoritomo-sama swung his white blade and finished off the inugami.
Before we knew it, only a few inugami remained.
(If this keeps up, we can do it--)
Just as I was about to feel confident, an inugami lunged through the wind blades.
Yoshino: Kyaa!
Yoshitsune: Get down!
Yoshitsune-sama covered me protectively.
Yoshitsune: .....
The inugami's fangs sank into Yoshitsune-sama's arm.
Yoritomo: Yoshitsune!
Yoritomo-sama immediately struck down the inugami.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, are you hurt?
Yoshino: I'm fine! But Yoshitsune-sama...
Yoshitsune: It's just a scratch. I'm fine.
Yoshitsune: I'm glad you're safe.
My heart ached at his passionate eyes.
Yasuchika: I thought something was strange. The shogunate and the rebels joining forces.
Yasuchika: But I finally understand.
I noticed that Yasuchika-san's eyes were on me.
Yasuchika: I wonder what would happen to the fragile bond between the shogunate and the rebels if the fox spirit princess were to die.
Yoshino: Huh...?
Yoshitsune: --What are you planning to do?
Yasuchika: Well...that's for you to see and enjoy.
Yasuchika-san drew his silver-decorated sword and slid it across his palm without hesitation.
Yoshino: What are you doing...?
Yasuchika: ...I'm sorry, Yoshino-san.
The moment the blood splattered the earth,
(No way...!)
Purple light clung to the inugami,
and their bodies grew larger and larger.
Inugami: Gaaaaaaaaaah!
Yasuchika: ...P-please...I'm counting on you.
Wrapped in purple light, Yasuchika-san fell to his knees.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino!
Yoshino: Ah...!
All the inugami kicked off the ground at once, aiming for me.
Yoshitsune-sama's sword caught the claws that were approaching me in an instant.
He blocked the inugami that attacked immediately after with wind blades.
I tried to take away their cursed power right away, but--
Yoshino: They're too fast...
I was surrounded by the inugami again, and there was nowhere to escape.
(If this continues...!)
Yoshitsune: --Get back.
A deep, low, cold voice dominated the scene.
The inugami, who were about to pounce, withdrew slightly.
(It's cold...)
Yoshitsune: ...............
The freezing air made my skin crawl.
The next moment, a storm-like wind raged.
(Th-this is...!)
I felt a chill run down my spine and turned around--
Yoshitsune: I won't allow it.
Yoshitsune: Anyone who tries to hurt Yoshino, all of them...
(His eyes and hair color...)
My gaze was fixed as if time had stopped.
...Yoshitsune-sama's eyes were red like the color of blood, and his hair was dyed jet black.
Chapter 25
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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autistic-daydreamer · 7 months
Me: I'll work on character bios!
Me: *working on the first chapter before I finish the character bios*
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doodle-do-wop · 8 months
Thinking abt titling my pjo au as "Camp Foxfire" cause that's the name of the camp in the au (bc I REALLY don't like that it's called Camp Half-Blood), thoughts?
- your moot, a-d
OOOOh!! I like that and not gonna lie Camp Half-Blood's name is......well yikes. It's both a term that did not age well ever. Camp Foxfire sounds good since it is a KOTLC and PJO mash-up of things. You could even have a silly bit where some really old camp merch or things (ex. shirts for new comers) could still bare the old Camp name and when asked about it older campers go "Uh yeah, that's not what we call it anymore."
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the next part involves some of my world building so here this to make it easier
updates to Exilium by coach Rohana Arora
- after Foxfire stopped hosting Exilium we where given a plot of land in the neutral territories at my request
- there where two cabins built for the Waywards per hemisphere filled with bunks without much room for much else.
- there where showers/bathrooms built at each hemisphere as well.
- each coach got their own cabin in the front of their hemisphere cabins with its own private bathroom and shower
- there is a medical cabin that is next to the healers personal cabin
- a large mess hall is in the center of the camp for the Waywards
- there is a kitchen storage room connected to the mess hall that the Waywards are not allowed to enter (precautions where put in place to keep Fluctuators and Phasers out)
That makes a whole lot more sense than just literally leaving them to die, at least now ig Waywards are treated with basic decency and humanely as opposed to basically the Hunger Games but you train as the game goes on.
I feel like Waywards would figure out ways to enter anyways ngl, given how shit their lives are they probably have a lot of time to try and figure out routes to get past the defenses.
The bunks remind me of like a summer camp, I'm hoping that means more Waywards become friends at least bc god knows they all need them.
Either way I love these! *Adopts them*
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gnalat800west · 1 year
Greater Norristown Art League Celebrates 82nd Anniversary Art Show
A return to an in-person event at the beautiful Montgomery County Community College Art Gallery 
EAST NORRITON, PA, UNITED STATES, May 11, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -- The Greater Norristown Art League (GNAL) is excited to announce their 82nd Anniversary Art show this year held at Montgomery County Community College Art Gallery on the Blue Bell Campus. The art show opens on Monday, May 22, 2023, and will be juried by Adrienne Jenkins 
“It’s exciting to be collaborating with Montgomery Community College (MCCC),” says Ria Hyer, GNAL Board President. “During COVID they helped sponsor our artists online, and now we are ready for an in-person gathering in their bright and spacious gallery. This is a fitting tribute to 82 years of art shows and events and helping artists grow not only their talent but in their artistic journey.” 
A public reception will take place on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, from 5 - 7pm. Award winners will be announced, with cash prizes sponsored by local businesses. All are welcome. Catering by McCaffery’s will be provided. Live music by local musician Bob Tomlinson will accompany the evening. 
Artists are encouraged to submit up to four (4) pieces of their work (braided wire hangers only). Submissions are due Monday, May 15, 2023. The show runs through June 9, 2023. A prospectus is available online at art-shows 1 . For more information on sponsoring this event, please contact [email protected].
 About the Juror Adrienne Jenkins earned an MBA from Drexel University (2003) and a BS in Marketing from Penn State University (1985). In 2021 she completed five years of study and training in Jungian depth psychology and certification in archetypal pattern analysis, culminating in her thesis Painting a Fuller Picture: Archetypal Patterns of Creative Transformation in Ovid’s Echo and Narcissus presented at the 2021 Assisi Institute international conference. AB Arts Consulting was established in 2000 to provide consulting services in project planning, business strategy, financial analysis and grant-writing for arts organizations and artist projects. Today AB Arts Consulting | Studio also offers consulting and educational programs designed to bring Jungian philosophy into arts practice and education with a focus on the creative process and its transformative potential. Adrienne maintains a painting studio at Norristown Arts Building.
About the Musician Bob Tomlinson, guitarist and vocalist, has been plying his craft throughout the Tri-State area for more than three decades. From the Jersey Shore to the Pocono Mountains and points between, Bob plays a mix of musical genres including rock, pop, folk, and country. Bob’s enthusiasm is infectious, and audiences respond in kind. His earliest influences include The Beatles, The Platters, James Taylor, the Eagles, and Creedence Clearwater Revival. Previously he performed as a singer/guitarist for Destiny and Foxfire. His current repertoire includes hits from the 50s through today. Bob performs frequently as a soloist, but also in duos, trios, and as a full band under Bob T. and the T-Bones Band. He is a long-time frequent performer with local legends The Mighty Manatees, and on occasion performs with other great local acts including Mike Greer & Company and Stems and Seeds. 
About Greater Norristown Art League Greater Norristown Art League, Inc. is a non-profit organization with a 501 (c)(3) status engaged in the promotion and teaching of the Arts. Founded in 1941 and chartered in 1957, it is located in the Old Norriton Schoolhouse and is one of East Norriton Township’s historical resources. GNAL offers day, evening, and weekend classes for adults and children, in addition to one-day studios in all media, exhibition opportunities, and summer camp for children. Each September a public open house is held, as well as a variety of events open to the public. 
Media Contact: [email protected] 610.539.3393 https://www.gnal800west.org2 Kathy Bampfield Greater Norristown Art League [email protected] Visit us on social media: Facebook Instagram YouTube 1 http://www.gnal800west.org/art-shows 2 http://www.gnal800west.org © 1995-2023 Newsmatics Inc. All Right Reserve
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pineclans · 2 years
Tumblr media
Moon 2 : Newleaf : Year 7
Lavenderstar welcomes a litter of four kits with Frogslip; Vixenkit, Firkit, Mothkit, and Ridgekit.
Beetletail attempts to make amends with Lavenderstar. It's awkward.
Sunstrike, Archclaw, and Fringefur try to chase away the dog that killed Foxfire, but the plan goes wrong and Archclaw ends up dying during the process. Sunstrike is reprimanded by Lavenderstar and given apprentice's duties for not being reasonable.
Lavenderstar considers declaring Pineclan to be in a neutral state with Birchclan, as a long time has passed since the murder of Downpaw.
Oliviajay is attacked by a rogue while hunting, but manages to shake them off and retreat to camp for safety.
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