#ikegen yoshitsune translations
aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama…?
???: …
When I called out to him hesitantly, the man turned around and removed his mask…
Yoshitsune: How did you know?
He tilted his head in wonder.
(It really was Yoshitsune-sama!)
Yoshino: Wh-Why are you... here of all places...?
(I thought the next time we'd meet would be on the battlefield...)
I called out to him on impulse, but my body stiffened at the realization that I was alone with an enemy commander, and I took a step back.
Yoshitsune: Don't be so wary. I have no intention of causing a commotion here.
Yoshino: Is that so...?
(But I can't imagine him coming to enemy territory alone. He must have someone with him...)
As I looked around, Yoshitsune-sama spoke as if he had read my mind.
Yoshitsune: I came to Kamakura alone.
Yoshitsune: I didn't even tell Benkei and the others. I infiltrated under the cover of the festival's commotion.
Yoshino: Infiltrated...?
To my question, Yoshitsune-sama kept his distance and threw out words.
Yoshitsune: Well, you've discovered my true identity, haven't you?
Yoshitsune: It was a waste, even though I tried to appear with a mask I luckily had with me.
(He went through the trouble of wearing a mask to hide his identity from me. But...)
Yoshino: Why did you even have a mask in the first place? Was it perhaps for a disguise or something...?
Yoshitsune: No.
He looked down at the fox mask, looking a little disappointed.
Yoshitsune: I don't dislike the festival atmosphere. I thought I could enjoy it a little.
(Wh-What an unexpected reason!)
(Is Yoshitsune-sama... a bit of an airhead?)
Yoshitsune: ––Anyway,
Yoshitsune: I promise I won't harm Yoshino tonight.
Yoshitsune: In exchange, you must not make a fuss until I leave.
(So it's not reconnaissance either?)
Yoshitsune-sama's straightforward words didn't seem to contain any lies.
(I know it's dangerous to trust an enemy commander, but...)
(Yoshitsune-sama kept his promise to 'spare me' before.)
(And most of all, he saved me when I was about to be assaulted by bandits.)
Encouraged by this fact, I lowered my guard.
Yoshino: Um, it's a bit late to ask, but why did you save me?
Yoshitsune: That's...
Yoshitsune-sama opened his mouth slowly, his expression unchanged.
Yoshitsune: I have no right to judge you either.
Yoshitsune: It leaves a bad taste to ignore someone when you have the means to help.
**cabin flashback**
Yoshitsune: Why did you help him, knowing he was your enemy?
Yoshino: What…?
Yoshitsune: Answer me.
Yoshino: Well…
Yoshino: …I’m a pharmacist.
Yoshino: Having the means to treat someone and yet ignoring an injured person right in front of you is akin to being a murderer.
**end of flashback**
Back then, Yoshitsune-sama dismissed me, but he also said... "Everyone has contradictions."
(If he hates Yoritomo-sama enough to borrow the power of ayakashi,)
(Then surely he should kill me, who cooperates with Yoritomo, by any means necessary.)
And yet, Yoshitsune-sama extended a helping hand to me in my time of need.
Yoshino: Th... thank you, Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: I did it of my own accord.
His nonchalant dismissal of his actions felt somewhat dazzling.
––At the same time, I recalled the day I saw Yoshitsune-sama in battle.
(I was chilled when I saw him charge towards the enemy without fear of injury.)
He skillfully maneuvered his horse, advancing towards the enemy.
Many soldiers were repelled by the overwhelming difference in strength.
(And yet...)
No matter how skilled he is in tactics, no matter how dangerous his fighting style, Yoshitsune-sama always sticks to his principles in the end.
(I don't think Yoritomo-sama would fight so recklessly. But...)
**imperial palace flashback**
Yoritomo: I intend to guarantee your personal safety, at the very least, since I’m bringing a mere woman onto the battlefield.
Yoritomo: However, there’s no such thing as absolute safety, as you experienced in the previous battle.
Yoritomo: Even so, it is the shogunate’s decision to continue involving you in this matter.
Yoritomo: Therefore, if you choose to cooperate with us of your own volition, it would be only fair to guarantee you better treatment than before.
**end of flashback**
(The more I get to know Yoritomo-sama, the more I feel that he is a fair person, even if it's hard to understand.)
(... There are some similarities between Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama after all.)
The fact that these two were enemies caused a sharp pain in my chest.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino? Is something wrong?
Yoshino: ...N-No, it's nothing.
I was startled to realize that I had unconsciously clenched my fingers.
Yoshitsune: I see. Then, I must be going.
As Yoshitsune-sama turned to leave, I called out to him on impulse.
Yoshino: Wait!
Yoshitsune: What is it?
(Oh no, I just...)
I was confused, not knowing why I had called out to him.
But for some reason, I felt like I shouldn't just let him go like this.
My eyes suddenly fell on the package I was holding.
Yoshino: ...Do you dislike dango?
Yoshitsune: ...Dango?
Yoshino: I just bought it at a stall. Would you like to eat it as a thank you for helping me?
Yoshitsune: There's no need for thanks. I did it of my own accord.
Yoshino: That's not how it works. I'd feel bad if I didn't do anything...
Yoshino: Ah, perhaps you don't eat dango? Should I have bought something else?
(Was it rude to offer food from a stall in the first place...?)
Yoshitsune-sama furrowed his brow slightly, as if a little perplexed by my anxious rambling.
Yoshitsune: That's not the case, but...
Yoshino: Th... then, please.
Yoshitsune: Very well.
(Thank goodness...)
We sat side by side on the stone steps, and I quickly took out the dango.
Yoshino: Here you go.
Yoshitsune: Ah. Thank you.
Yoshitsune-sama received the dango and casually popped it into his mouth.
Yoshino: Wow... It's so chewy and delicious.
Yoshitsune: ...Indeed.
(I should buy some for Tamamo as a souvenir.)
(Ah, but he's a gourmet, so he might say, "Dango from a stall?")
Yoshitsune: ............
(Huh? ...He seems to be frozen.)
Yoshino: ...Lord Yoshitsune? Did you not like it?
Yoshitsune: The taste is fine.
Yoshitsune: ...But this dango is quite chewy and a bit of a struggle.
Yoshitsune: It's difficult to time the chewing.
Yoshino: Does that mean you don't like chewy things?
Yoshitsune: It seems so. It makes me sleepy while eating.
(Yet another unexpected side of him...)
(The difference between his appearance and his demeanor on the battlefield is truly extreme!)
Yoshino: I'm sorry, I didn't know... I should have gotten something else.
Yoshitsune: It's alright.
Yoshitsune: Your gratitude has been conveyed sufficiently.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama...
(He really is... a sincere person through and through.)
You're so kind
Thank you
I'll choose something different next time
Yoshino: You're kind.
Yoshitsune: I merely stated the obvious.
Yoshitsune: But if that's how you see it, then so be it.
Having finished the dango, Yoshitsune-sama mutters to himself.
Yoshitsune: ...What a pleasant breeze.
The leaves rustle in the night wind, creating a soothing sound.
As I listen to the sound of the leaves and look up at the night sky, I see a pale moon floating.
Yoshitsune: The moon is beautiful tonight.
Yoshitsune: The moon seen in Hiraizumi is no different in beauty from the moon seen in Kamakura.
(Speaking of which...)
Yoshitsune-sama's words remind me of our first encounter.
Yoshino: You said you came to Kamakura alone, didn't you, Yoshitsune-sama?
Yoshitsune: If Benkei-san knew, he would nag me endlessly.
(Benkei-san... is that the scary-looking guy?)
(He's surprisingly overprotective...)
Yoshino: Why did you come all the way to Kamakura?
Yoshitsune: Well...
Yoshitsune-sama's eyes seemed to darken in the night.
A brief silence filled the air as I held my breath, and then a low voice echoed in the wind.
Yoshitsune: I wanted to see the town I would eventually destroy one last time before the battle.
(The last time...?)
Yoshino: Have you been to Kamakura before?
Yoshitsune: I stayed here when I was under Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshitsune: I was quite fond of Kamakura, but...
Yoshitsune: Shortly after the war with the Heike, I was exiled by Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshino: That's terrible...
(To think that it was his own brother who exiled him...)
Yoshitsune: That's why I came here to burn this last image into my memory.
Yoshitsune: ...The town and its people. They haven't changed from my memories.
Various emotions cast fleeting shadows on his sculpted, white profile.
Only he could know what those feelings were.
(But... I feel like I've touched Yoshitsune-sama's heart a little.)
We both fell silent, lost in our own thoughts, when––
???: Hey, hey...
(A child's voice...?)
A small boy emerged from the trees.
Boy: ...Oh man, he's not here either.
Yoshino: What's wrong? Are you looking for someone?
Boy: Ah, there are people here!
The boy notices us and approaches.
Boy: Have you seen my little brother? He's wearing a blue kimono...
Yoshino: No, I haven't seen him.
Boy: I see...
Yoshitsune-sama suddenly speaks to the dejected boy.
Yoshitsune: Did you get separated?
The boy flinches at the quiet question, then nods timidly.
Boy: Yeah... We had a fight, and he ran off.
Yoshino: Oh dear, that's worrying.
(With so many people in town, it must be hard to find someone once you're separated...)
Boy: It was his fault to begin with. But maybe I got too angry...
Boy: ...I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find him.
The boy clenches his small hands and tears well up in his eyes.
Boy: He must hate me now...
(Ah... It's easy to feel insecure after a fight.)
Yoshino: It's alright––
As I start to speak--
Yoshitsune: There's no brother who can easily hate his older brother.
Yoshitsune-sama's words made the boy blink.
Boy: Really...?
Yoshitsune: Yes.
Yoshitsune-sama gently placed his hand on the boy's head.
Yoshitsune: But it's better to get along from now on.
Yoshitsune: ––Because people can't always walk the same path forever.
Yoshitsune-sama's profile, illuminated by the moonlight, floated whitely in the darkness.
(I've never seen anyone with such a sad face.)
Even though his expression shouldn't have changed...
My heart tightened at the emotions quietly swirling in his eyes.
(Why does he look like that?)
I was incredibly curious, but...
(...I need to think about this child right now.)
I met the boy's eyes and spoke to him gently.
Yoshino: If you'd like, I can help you look for him.
Boy: Really?
Yoshino: Of course!
Yoshitsune: Then I shall join the search as well.
Yoshino: Really!?
Boy: Th-Thank you, big brother, big sister!
I whispered to Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: Is it alright? What if someone sees your face?
Yoshitsune: No one would think I'd be attending a festival with women and children.
Yoshino: Ah, that's true...
Yoshitsune: Besides, if need be, I can carve a path for myself even if I become a fugitive.
(He's that confident in his abilities.)
Yoshino: ...I understand. If you say so.
Yoshitsune-sama nodded once and looked around.
Yoshitsune: We haven't seen your brother since we've been here. Let's go out into the town.
Yoshino: Yes, he might be wandering around, drawn by the festival sounds.
I held out my hand to the boy.
Yoshino: Let's hold hands so we don't get separated, okay?
Boy: Okay!
The boy smiled brightly and took my hand.
Then, he boldly reached out his other hand to Yoshitsune-sama.
Boy: Here, big brother!
Yoshitsune: .....
Yoshino: Um, this person... well, he's not the type to do that sort of thing...
Yoshitsune: Is this alright?
Yoshitsune-sama, who had taken the boy's hand, asked flatly.
Boy: Yeah! Let's go, let's go!
Yoshino: W-Wait...!
I was pulled along by the boy, who started walking excitedly.
(...This feels strange. How do we look to others?)
(We certainly don't look like a family.)
Perhaps because the festival music was getting closer, I felt strangely restless.
(I wonder what Yoshitsune-sama is thinking?)
I glanced at his white profile, but as usual, I couldn't read his expression.
The town was even more crowded than before.
Yoshitsune: He doesn't seem to be here... Let's try looking over there.
Yoshino: Yes.
(I hope we find him soon...)
Boy: ...Ah!
Yoshitsune: What is it?
Chapter 5 Premium Story
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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archiveikemen · 2 months
“That Facial Expression Of Yours” Card Story
Minamoto no Yoshitsune — 4★
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings & FAQ
— One night, Yoshitsune-sama and I talked till late into the night.
Yoshitsune-sama was kind enough to escort me back to my room, and so we were walking down the corridor together.
Yoshitsune: I’d like to continue today’s conversation with you tomorrow. What do you think?
Yuno: Yes, certainly! I look forward to it.
Yoshitsune: … Thanks. I’m looking forward to it too.
(Ah… I love when he makes that face.)
Yoshitsune: …? What’s wrong?
Yuno: Yoshitsune-sama… your facial expression has become much softer recently.
Yoshitsune: … I-Is that so?
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Yoshitsune: If I've been smiling more often recently… it must be because of you.
Yoshitsune: Whenever I see your smile, I feel the muscles in my face relaxing too.
Yuno: Eh…
(Does that mean… did my facial expression influence Yoshitsune-sama’s?)
My cheeks heated up at that unexpected reason for his smile.
Yoshitsune: Yuno? Why are you silent?
Yuno: Oh… it’s nothing! I was just looking at the moon for a bit.
Yoshitsune: Yeah… the moon is indeed beautiful. I was focused on only you while we were talking, so I didn’t notice it.
(He’s doing that again…)
I secretly wished that Yoshitsune-sama would continue looking at the moon, until my cheeks stopped burning.
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sakura-samsara · 1 year
Yoichi Main Story: Chapter 5 Normal Story
← Chapter 5
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Yoichi: Aww, man. I really hate working off-schedule. 
Yoshino: Yoichi-san?!
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Yoichi: That’s me.
He hurled another knife at the ayakashi, the flash of its blade splitting the black of night. 
The ayakashi let out a roar, and its mistlike form dispersed until it seemed like it had dissolved into the darkness.
Yoichi: Get over here, Yoshino!
Yoshino: !!
My body moved faster than my mind at the very moment that I heard him call for me. 
I dashed to Yoichi’s side despite the limp in my gait—at the same time, the dark shadow began to coalesce again, writhing with new vitality.
Yoshino: No…!
Yoichi: Well, this isn’t good. If a knife isn't going to cut it, there’s nothing else I can do. 
(How can he say that so casually?!)
Yoichi: Now—oof!—up you go.
Yoshino: Yoichi-san?! What are you doing??
He’d hooked his arm under my knees and lifted me up against his chest with ease.
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Yoichi: Stay still, mmkay?
Yoichi spoke in a hushed voice, breaking into a sprint with me still held tight in his arms.
Yoshino: P-Put me down! You’re putting yourself in danger…
Yoichi: No way am I letting you do any running. Your leg’s injured, from the looks of it. Just keep quiet and hang on. 
(He noticed…)
Warmth bloomed in my chest as I entrusted my body to Yoichi despite my disorientation.
I cast an apprehensive look back towards the ayakashi—it hadn’t caught up to us just yet.
(It looks like the ayakashi needs to take a while to recover after it’s attacked.)
Yoshino: What are you even doing here in the first place?
Yoichi: Yashichi ran to my stand and begged me to come rescue you. Kid was just bawling his eyes out, so it wasn’t like I could say no. 
Yoshino: So Yashichi-kun called for help after all…
(Thank goodness that he returned safe and sound!)
(...But that makes this the second time that Yoichi-san’s saved me, now.)
Yoshino: …Thank you, Yoichi-san.
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Yoichi: Don’t thank me just yet. 
He jabbed a finger out at the darkness,
and I followed its line to see the ayakashi creeping towards us almost vengefully. 
We had hidden ourselves in a grove of trees, but the ayakashi was still roving through the thicket as though it was searching for us.
Yoichi: Sure, I could run around playing cops and robbers with that thing all night.
Yoichi: But if we don’t deal with it eventually, we’re gonna end up bringing it back to town with us when we go back.
(If that happens…!)
Yoshino: We can't let it attack the townspeople!
Yoichi: Ehh, speak for yourself. It’s not like I've got any reason to care about the people of Kamakura.
Yoshino: How could you—?!
I swallowed the rest of my words before they could spill out.
(Yoichi-san came all this way to rescue me.)
(Regardless of why he did it, it’s not right for me to complain about what he says when he’s helping me.)
Yoshino: I just wish I could use my powers to get rid of it…
Yoichi: What? You can’t even use them?
Yoshino: I tried, but… Yeah… I have no idea how I was able to use them without thinking earlier. 
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Yoichi: …
Yoichi: I heard Kurama tell Yoshitsune-sama something once.
Yoichi: Supernatural powers are transferred to and from the soul. Using them is less about thinking and more about feeling. So, the stronger your will to use them is, the stronger they’ll end up manifesting. Or something like that.
(That means…)
Yoshino: So you think I can’t use my powers well because I don’t believe enough in myself? 
Yoichi: That could be it, yeah.
(...Well, I was pretty doubtful about whether or not I’d be able to use my possession powers when I tried earlier.) 
Yoshino: So, if I try my hardest to will myself to use their power… will I finally be able to do it? 
Yoichi: Sure, yeah.
I looked intently at Yoichi in spite of his indifferent response. 
Yoshino: Yoichi-san, please put me down and stand back.
(Yoichi-san is right. There’s nothing we can do about the situation just by standing around.) 
(This time, I will stop the ayakashi before it attacks the town!)
Yoichi: ……
I held his gaze as he cast a long look at me, as though he was sizing me up. 
Yoichi: Nah, I don’t think I will.
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Yoichi: If you’re gonna use your powers, why don’t you use them with me by your side?
Yoichi: That way, I can have your back. 
He drew a knife from his pocket, so deftly that it seemed to appear out of thin air. Like a magic trick.
Yoshino: But…
Yoichi: Oh? You’re worried about me? You’re such a sweetheart.
(That wasn’t what I—)
The spark of mirth that always danced in Yoichi’s eyes suddenly disappeared, his face now cast in a serious light.
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Yoichi: You’re the kind of person who’d throw your life in danger just to protect a little fox you found on the side of the road. 
Yoichi: So if you’re gonna try using your powers again, I think it’s best if you’ve got someone to protect you while you’re at it.
(...So he’s saying he won’t leave? He’ll stay with me?)
Yoshino: I just don’t get why you would help me. What’s in this for you…?
(From what I’ve learned about Yoichi-san, he doesn’t seem like he does things purely out of the kindness of his heart.) 
That devil-may-care smile reappeared on his face, but I had a feeling that he was far more calculating than he let on. 
Yoichi: You’re lucky I’m such a nice guy. I’ll only ask you for a contingency fee.
Yoshino: What do you want…?
Yoichi: Your trust.
Yoshino: Huh…?
Yoichi: I’m not asking you to trust in me completely.
Yoichi: But if you can manage to get rid of that ayakashi, I want you to let me into your heart a little.
Yoichi: Well, that’ll be good enough for now, at least.
Yoichi’s eyes glinted provocatively. 
Yoichi: So, what do you say? You gonna take me up on this gamble?
(It’s a risky deal for me to cut.)
(But right now, the only thing that matters to me is defeating the ayakashi, no matter what it takes.)
Yoshino: …I will.
I answered Yoichi with a resolute nod of my head.
Yoshino: Thank you, Yoichi-san.
Yoichi: You’re my partner now. Don’t mention it.
Yoichi: Oh, and by the way—there’s this other thing that I’ve seen Kurama and Yoshitsune-sama do.
Yoichi: You’ve got to have a strong will to use your powers and all that… 
Yoichi: But apparently it’s easier to control them if you associate some kind of gesture with it. 
Yoshino: Some kind of gesture?
Yoichi: You know, like how Yoshitsune-sama swings his sword to help him cast his blades of wind.
Yoichi: And how Kurama uses his war fan to do the same thing. Your gesture can be whatever you want.
(“Whatever you want”? It sounds pretty simple when he puts it that way…)
Yoshino: I guess that makes sense. I’ll give it a shot!
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Yoichi: You can do it.
Yoichi stroked my hair with one of his hands.
Yoshino: …What was that for?
Yoichi: Hm? Oh, that? It’s a magic spell that’ll give you courage. 
(He’s as vexing as always… but I do feel a lot less nervous than I did before.)
Yoichi: You ready now, Yoshino?
Yoshino: I’m ready.
Yoichi: Marvelous.
With that, Yoichi picked me back up and dashed in front of the ayakashi.
He gently lowered me to the ground—and, a split second after, sent his knife hurtling towards the ayakashi with a practiced flick of his hand.
Yoichi: It’s no fun, hitting a target when it’s this hard to miss.
His knife struck the center of the black mass before us, and the ayakashi let out a groaning howl. 
Yoichi: Now, Yoshino!
Yoshino: …!
I raised my dominant hand high with its palm facing the ayakashi.
(I have to be strong.)
I focused my eyes forward, readying myself to use my power at its full strength.
(Let me take away its power!)
My hair whipped in a sudden gust of wind.
Yoshino: Ah…!
Silver light danced in the periphery of my vision, and I realized that the color of my hair—and my eyes—must have changed again.
(My hand… feels so hot…)
A thick golden haze rose in the air and illuminated the dark surroundings. 
It lingered for a moment before floating towards me, shimmering as it seemed to absorb into the center of my outstretched palm. 
The strange sensation of magic flowing into me shook me to my core, but…
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Yoichi: You’ll be alright. I’ve got faith in you, I really do.
Yoichi: So just relax and do your thing. 
One of his hands settled firmly on my lower back as I felt a powerful warmth envelop my whole body.
(Somehow… I’m not afraid anymore.) 
Yoichi drew yet another knife at the ayakashi, ready to protect me.
The ayakashi stretched out towards Yoichi, as if aiming through the mist hanging in between itself and us.
Yoshino: I won’t let you hurt anyone—so you won’t get any further than here.
Yoichi: …
And at last, the tendrils of darkness was dispersed into the golden mist that then flowed back into my body. 
(Even someone like me… is able to be a protector.)
Yoshino: It’s… over…
Yoichi: Mm.
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Yoichi: …Beautiful.
I only barely caught the sound of him murmuring to himself as he gazed at the dimming light that surrounded me.
Chapter 6 →
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Okay so.... I'm back from my hiatus. My exam finished today and I have time until the next class starts....so...i was thinking that would translate one route..
What do you guys think? Do you want me to translate---
1. Yori x Yoshi sequel?
2. Any of the already released main stories? (only 1)
3. Sueharu or Ibuki ?(assuming they'll announce one of them this month)
I'm sure an announcement would be made soon on the upcoming route because it's already over 4months since the last trailer...
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shatcey · 7 months
I've written about myself here (in case you wanna know).
The meaning of the link colors is here.
I'm not a native speaker of either English or Japanese. I don't know Japanese at all, but I have my own ideas about how this language works, because I started learning Korean, and these languages have some similarities. Based on that, there may most likely be errors in my translations/posts. I use autotranslation and rewrite the text to a readable state. Some phrases are not clear to begin with, and I use my gut feeling and some experience of reading such poorly translated texts that have taught me to see meaning in them. My summaries are always full of my comments and jokes. If you prefer a clean translation, then you definitely won't like it.
So… you have every right not to trust my translations. I do them so that others can familiarize themselves with the events and main routes. Not in detail, but in general. I don't have enough knowledge for more.
There are several people who do full translations, and I am very grateful to them for what they do. This is an incredibly difficult job that requires a lot of time and concentration.
@/judesmoonbeauty @/kurishiri @/archiveikemen @/dear-mrs-otome @/dark-frosted-heart @/aishangotome @/otomehoneyybearr @/caffedrine @/aquagirl1978
Most likely, there are even more of them, I just haven't found them yet.
Currently reading (update 16/09/24):
IkePri (En): Lion seq ; IkePri (JP): Keith (on skip) IkeVil (En): Harrison ; IkeVil (JP): Ellis IkeSen (En): Kennyo IkeGen (JP): Yoshitsune
Ikemen Prince
Ikemen Villains (EN)
Ikemen Villains (JP)
Ikemen Sengoku
Ikemen Genjiden JP
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Revolution (archive)
Other games
Love and DeepSpace (archive)
VA jp (Zayne) VA kr (Xavier) VA kr (Rafayel) VA kr (Caleb)
birthday Xavier (heart rate) Zayne loves me
Mystic Messenger and Ssum (archive)
Ray April Fool's DLC Seven Pencil
Voiced teasers Prostitutes?
Dead games (RIP)
Comparison games
Wolfs Pets My heart on 11/11/23 Aggressively defensive Faces of the games Birthday presents Familiar backgrounds Sirius and Ibuki My fav smiles The same VA (how could it be?) Purple eyes Villain's logic Drama Princess Height Voice Why I like them (part 1) Final credits Alfons and Sebastian
Lesson of Japanese
...and grumbling
bad written story (Faust) time zones No luck (cards) That's just not fair (Jude) I don't love you, Gilbert Weekend plans Forget-me-nots Double Forget-me-nots tea Overwhelming Gilbert's card Free diamonds Cleaning
...and my scribblings
Alternative prologue IkeVamp: Prologue Picture
IkeVil: Bread Drawing lesson Innocent smile Lazy morning Vow The call of the moon
IkePri: The brave one Innocent Rose
Mixed: Husbands
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kouei116 · 5 years
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IkeGen ~ Heart-throbbing on bare skin~ story event from 5-16/12/19. 
Below I summarized-ish Yoshitsune' route in this event. It's so long bc YS is too sweet I want to include as many lines he said as possible ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ”
The shortest I can summarize is: it is similar to Kenshin’s onsen story, they went to the onsen inn that is rumoured to have thieves, turned out it was just a monkey, YS told the monkey to return its loots, then they ichaicha happily ever after ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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YS (Yoshitsune) was always busy but he made time so both of us could travel on horseback towards the mountain. YS said monkeys frequently appear around this area. I was excited to see them. He wrapped his arm around me and said: just being by your side, I’m fulfilled, if you suddenly show me your face like that, I want to lock you up somewhere (yes please tyvm _(:3 」∠)_ ) but I want to show you the scenery.
We enjoyed the scenery. While YS was letting horse drink water, some monkeys on the tree mischievously threw mud at me (so much for wanting to see monkeys...) YS soaked a hand towel and came to me: Are you alright? It’s bc I took my eyes off you, sth regretful like this happened… Y: You don't need to apologize, it was me not careful enough. I was really looking forward to this date so I got a new kimono. Even if it’s trivial, I want you to think I’m cute, but now ...
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YS (smile and put his hand on my cheek): It’s cute you think so. When I was your enemy, you were determined and fought against any difficulties. A strong person like that can become sad due to such a cute reason for my sake, I’m very happy. But you are wrong, even if your kimono is dirty, it doesn’t decrease your beauty. However, I don’t want you to feel unpleasant. Let’s go clean off the mud. There is an onsen near here, the sun is setting, we will stay the night.
I was happy, this is our first overnight trip. A kid showed us the way but he warned us to be careful, this onsen was said to have a thief stealing important things. YS: I want to believe that is just a rumour but we must be careful (spontaneously hold my hand). Let’s go (holding hand) like this. You are more important to me than anything, no one can steal you away from me.
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At the inn, we were walking down the corridor, a male guest was loudly arguing with the innkeeper. He saw us and kept accusing YS to be the thief stealing his stuff while he was in the onsen!? YS replied coldly we didn’t know anything. I tried to hold back but was angry that man talked to YS like that and said no, YS is definitely not the thief. That male guest went crazy accusing me to be the accomplice and was abt to grab my kimono collar but: YS: Don’t touch her (grab the man’s hand). What were you abt to do to her?
The man was flustered by YS’s overwhelmingly freezing murderous air (aweee). I told YS I was alright, YS let the man go, he immediately ran away. I thanked YS for saving me and:
YS: Of course I will save you… If you didn’t stop me, I don’t know what I’d do to that man. I’m sorry for scaring you.
Y:  No, I know you are by my side protecting me, I’ll be fine no matter what. So please don’t worry too much abt me.
YS (pat my hair): There is another thing I must thank you. You protected me, didn't you? I don’t mind what people say about me, but when you said those words for my sake, it warmed my heart. Don't be shy, tonight i'll lend you my hand. With my hand, I will make your body and mind feel good :)
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YS: I only want to help wash your body :) It’s a rare occasion that we can soak in onsen together, I want to do what we don't normally do. If you feel anything uncomfortable, don’t hesitate, I want you to tell me. Is it too hot? (No, it’s just right) Really… Y, give me your hand. 
YS touched my hand holding against my chest, suddenly my body trembled. I asked him to wash me from behind. YS didn’t mind, he gladly moved to behind my back and slide the towel on my wet body. I said I was happy to have him all to myself like this, but I was a bit guilty for being selfish, bc he's everybody’s Yoshitsune-sama. His face was like [….. -,- ] but he suggested soaking in the spring. 
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Suddenly I noticed my kimono was gone (from where I left it, only mine though). I told YS to soak first while I went look for it. At that exact moment, the grass nearby shaked violently and sth was running towards us. I was so surprised I cowered down, YS put his haori over me and caught… a monkey that stole my kimono. YS told the monkey the kimono and obi sash belong to his important person, so mischief is not good. The monkey obediently returned them (aweee) There were more stolen items behind the bush. YS said it was regrettable we couldn’t soak together but we should tell the innkeeper first. Seeing him so disappointed, I told him we’d go soak later. He hugged me from behind and said: I want you to let me keep you all to myself. 
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The innkeeper was very happy and as apologies & thank, he’d prepare sth extravagant and bring to our room. The food was very delicious, I thanked YS that bc he was here, even if terrible things happen, they will turn over to happiness. He said it was bc I was here, also we should eat while the food is still hot. I sensed that he was gazing at me and looked up. He said it was nothing but I noticed his eyes were wavering.
YS: When I look at you, food is the last thing I think of (~no time for food). You said you are happy to be with me. I feel the same, but that isn’t all. When I’m with you, I become impatient, my heart hopelessly yearns for you. Unconsciously, I am captivated, my body is tinged with heat. In the end, you only look towards me and my heart is stolen. If this is called love, you are the one that taught me that. Actually, earlier I was having trouble holding myself back. I want to touch you more. You were beautiful below the star light, your being embarrassed reaction was cute too. 
I said let’s go to the onsen again like I promised, I might be embarrassed again though. He wrapped his arms around my back, pulled me towards his chest, gently kissed my hair and said: it’s fine being yourself, this time, show me all of you.
CHAPTER 3 (Premium end)
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We returned to the onsen. YS hugged me from behind asking if I was cold, nope I was actually too hot ha..ha...
YS had a favour to ask, he wanted to see my face. I turned back and faced him. He said I was beautiful; I said no, it was him; he said no only I didn’t know (alright, we are both beautiful okay). His fingers touched my cheek then traced along my collar bone. He apologized, just looking isn’t enough now, and buried his face into the nape of my neck. He said if you think this is unfair, then touch me :3 I put my hand on his chest. He asked can you hear? (his heart beating very fast) And this isn’t the first time, it has been beating fast like this for a long time. However, no matter how difficult it is, not touching you is unbearable. I said I feel the same.
He locked me in his arms and kissed from my ear, to nape of my neck, to my shoulder. I told him it was a bit painful but he said: if you really feel it’s painful, I’ll let go immediately … but it’s impossible when you show me that face like you are melting. I said I lied, please touch me more :3 We kissed deeply. 
YS: Thank you for thinking of me. Earlier when you asked me to let the horse drink water, it was bc you were worried I’d get tired right. Then you defended me at the inn and followed my selfish request. I love you even more now. Also, until now, onsen to me is simply a place to warm up bodies (with no particular emotional attachment), but my perception has changed. It’s good to warm up the body and heart of the person I love.
I said it’s a bit unfair how he knows more abt than me abt him. He said: it seems like I haven’t shown you enough how precious you are to me, let me show you again how much I love you. Yes, please do so. I asked to wash his body in return. I was thinking how beautiful he was then he said he wanted to touch me. No! This is my turn to pamper you YS! He kissed my forehead as if pouting: I can’t wait anymore, it's my request :’( I thought to myself It was more like an order already, not just a request and a feeling of love swell up inside me :P I told him to wait a bit more, it’d be bad if he catches cold. He said he also worried abt me, let’s go back to our room, he wants to warm me up. < More ~warm~up~ in the epilogue(*/∇\*)>
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dear-mrs-otome · 2 years
Back then, when there was only, ikevamp, ikesen and Ikerev, I was so curious about other ikegames that I search for some translations. Now, that ikepri has joined, some says' that chances of ikegen being translated is blurry because of how it came before ikepri. But I'm still hoping it does. But while it's still not, and given the miracle and big chance I found this blog, can you tell me about the ikegen character and their personalities. Both as lovers and before meeting MC.
Hey Nonny! I don't feel great about our chances with Ikegen, no, sadly...I was holding out hope for AX this year but it never came up and I suspect that might be the nail in the coffin for it coming to English. Which is a bummer, it would have been a great time to maybe capitalize on the Birushana game introducing more people to that era of Japanese history and the figures populating it.
Never say never though! The game is still going strong in JP so maybe if collectively we make enough noise they'll consider it. I'll keep doing my part to try and drum up interest in the game <3
As for character analysis, I started some last summer (ugh where did the time go?!?!) and I DO MEAN TO FINISH THEM - I have a terrible habit of trying to juggle too many things at once.
If you're curious to read them though, the ones I have done so far are:
Minamoto no Yoritomo
Kajiwara Kagetoki
Adachi Morinaga
Taira no Shigehira
Minamoto no Yoshitsune
Musashibou Benkei
Nasu no Yoichi
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arsnovacadenza · 3 years
It's also Yoshitsune's birthday now too (14th November) where I'm at so...
Yeah. My biases are having birthdays so close to each other and my debut at work so apparently the ikemen universe is telling me to go fight for tmorrow.
Also lemme do the YoshiBen prompt as a birthday present from the yet-existing Ikegen English fandom. There better be a translation or I'm gonna be disappointed. I'd save to get their merch because Japanese History
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 11
Chapter 10 Premium Story
One afternoon--...
Yoshino: A battle?
Yoshitsune: Yes.
Yoshitsune-sama, who had visited my room, informed me that he would be going to war.
Yoshitsune: A neighboring country has asked for our help. I will be away from the mansion for a few days.
(Not again...)
Lately, Yoshitsune-sama had been leaving domestic affairs to Yoichi-san and personally going to the battlefield to build up support from other countries in preparation for the war against Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshitsune: If anything happens while I'm away, tell Yoichi.
Yoshino: ...Yes.
Yoshino: Thank you for letting me know.
(Yoshitsune-sama always tells me personally whenever he decides to go to war.)
Yoshitsune: Don't worry about it. Since I'm holding you as a hostage, I can't treat you unfairly like last time.
I have mixed feelings about Yoshitsune-sama, who is always so conscientious.
(I want him to come back safely.)
(But wishing for that would be a betrayal to everyone in the shogunate.)
Yoshino: Going to war... It must be hard.
After much hesitation, I ended up asking a strange question.
But Yoshitsune-sama didn't seem to mind and replied flatly.
Yoshitsune: I've never thought it was hard.
Yoshino: Is that so...?
Yoshitsune: Just as fish live in water, the battlefield is the place where I belong.
Yoshitsune: I'm just going where I should be.
Yoshino: B-but why do you say it like that...?
(Please don't say such sad things like that cruel place is where you belong.)
Yoshitsune: It's a matter of suitability. My body and mind are naturally suited for battle.
Yoshitsune: If I go to the battlefield myself, the damage to our side will be minimal.
There was no hesitation in his words.
Yoshitsune: The lives of my vassals are irreplaceable to me.
Yoshitsune: It's only natural for me, as the commander-in-chief, to protect them.
(I understand the feeling of wanting to protect the people you care about.)
Just imagining losing them makes my chest ache as if it's being torn apart.
(I understand, but...)
I shook my head at Yoshitsune-sama, who spoke with clear eyes.
Yoshino: I don't think the battlefield is the right place for you.
Yoshino: You may be very strong, Yoshitsune-sama,
Yoshino: But there must be many other places besides the battlefield where you belong.
(...Because I think Yoshitsune-sama is a kind person.)
Yoshitsune: ....
I remembered the time when I was suspected by the vassals of attempting to poison Yoshitsune-sama.
(The intense hatred directed at me wasn't just because I was from the shogunate side.)
(It was because Yoshitsune-sama, whom they admired more than anyone, was in danger.)
Yoshino: Just as Yoshitsune-sama cares for your vassals, they care for you too...
Yoshino: It's the same for everyone, it's painful when someone you care about gets hurt.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino...
(So please don't say things that sound like you're abandoning yourself.)
I bit my lip to suppress the rising emotions.
Yoshitsune: You are kind.
Yoshitsune-sama said it clearly, though with some hesitation.
Yoshitsune: Your feelings make me happy.
Yoshitsune: But I am the one who seeks it. The blood and clamor of the battlefield.
Yoshino: Are you saying that seriously...?
Yoshitsune: It's not that I want to take someone's life or fight.
Yoshitsune: But... every time I grip my sword and smell the scent of iron rust, I feel undeniably alive.
The flickering flame in his eyes brought back the scene of the first time I saw Yoshitsune-sama on the battlefield.
Soldier 1: Damn, what strength...!
Soldier 2: Don't face him alone! Everyone, attack!
Yoshitsune: It's the same even if you overwhelm me with numbers.
Yoshitsune: Try it if you want.
Soldiers: Uooooh!
Yoshitsune: ––Too slow.
**End of flashback**
The image of Yoshitsune-sama skillfully maneuvering his horse and cutting down one enemy after another is burned into my memory.
(...It was overwhelming strength.)
There couldn't be anyone more deserving of the title "one-man army" than Yoshitsune-sama.
(He was like a demon of war...)
(He was fighting so fiercely that he could even lose his life.)
Just remembering it sends chills down my spine.
Yoshitsune: ––Am I frightening you?
I am frightened
I don't know
Yoshino: ...I don't know.
Yoshitsune: I see. That was a strange question.
(Right now, this is the only half-hearted answer I can give.)
The memories of the battlefield are stuck in my head...
I didn't know enough about Yoshitsune-sama to erase such vivid memories.
Yoshitsune: ...It seems I've overstayed my welcome.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama!
I instinctively called out to Yoshitsune-sama's back as he was about to leave the room.
Yoshitsune: What is it?
Yoshitsune-sama turned around, and our eyes met.
(I have to say something...)
––Please don't push yourself.
I swallowed the words that were about to come out of my throat.
Yoshino: Take care.
Yoshitsune: ...Yes.
Yoshitsune-sama quietly acknowledged and...
On a day with a clear blue sky, he set out for war, leading his troops.
––Several days later.
(Even though Yoichi-san was kind enough to lend me this book...)
No matter how much I read, the words wouldn't sink in.
(I can't seem to calm down.)
I closed the book I was reading and let out a soft sigh.
(He said this battle was to help a neighboring country, right?)
(It's not too far from Oshu, so he should be back soon...)
As I was vaguely thinking about such things...
Yoichi: Hey, Yoshino.
(Ah, it's Yoichi-san's voice.)
I heard a relaxed voice calling from the hallway.
Yoshino: Yes!
I stood up and opened the sliding door.
Yoichi: Yoshino, Yoshitsune-sama will be arriving soon.
Yoshino: Really!?
Yoichi: Really, really.
(Thank goodness...! He's safe.)
I was inwardly relieved that he had returned alive.
Yoichi: So, shall we go greet him together?
Yoshino: Huh?
Yoshino: But, wouldn't it be better if I stayed back...?
Yoichi: Why?
Yoichi-san tilted his head in puzzlement.
Yoshino: Well, I'm a hostage, and it feels strange in terms of my position.
(Yoshitsune-sama and I are enemies.)
In reality, it's a relationship where even worrying about him isn't allowed.
(The vassals wouldn't like it either...)
(At least, it's better to avoid seeing him in public as much as possible, right?)
As I was telling myself this, Yoichi-san stared at me intently.
Yoichi: I thought so when we first met, but you're really serious, aren't you?
Yoichi: ...Well, I guess that's what's good about you.
Yoshino: What's good about it?
Yoichi: Hmm, I wonder?
He answered my question with another question, and as I tilted my head...
Yoichi: An-y-way.
Yoshino: Wah!?
Yoichi-san grabbed my arm and forcibly pulled me up.
Yoichi: Let's go greet Yoshitsune-sama!
Yoshino: Hey, Yoichi-san!?
I was dragged out of the room by my arm.
(I ended up being dragged out forcefully, but is it really okay...?)
I walked next to Yoichi-san towards Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: Yoichi-san, you're surprisingly forceful.
Yoichi: I wouldn't have done it if you were seriously against it.
Yoichi: You were actually worried about Yoshitsune-sama, weren't you?
Yoshino: ...How did you know?
He hit the nail on the head, and I honestly answered.
Yoichi: Well, I guess it's the wisdom of age.
Yoshino: Wisdom of age...? Yoichi-san, you're not that old, are you?
Yoichi: Oh, but I am... Let me tell you, I'm older than both Yoshitsune-sama and Benkei.
Yoshino: No way!?
(I didn't think he was older than Benkei-san, let alone Yoshitsune-sama...)
(Yoichi-san looks quite young...)
Yoichi: Ah, you just thought something rude, didn't you?
Yoshino: N-no, I didn't!
Yoichi: It's okay, I'm used to it.
(I was surprised, but...)
(He seems easygoing, but maybe his occasional sharpness comes from the composure of being older.)
Yoichi: Anyway, you can rely on me a little more from now on, okay?
Yoichi: I don't usually say such troublesome things, but well, you're special... so.
Yoshino: Um... thank you.
(But come to think of it, he invited me to the banquet and even lent me a book...)
Yoshino: Yoichi-san, you've been kind to me for a while now, haven't you?
(I'm grateful, but I wonder why?)
Yoichi: Hmm, let's see.
After pretending to think for a moment, Yoichi-san grinned.
Yoichi: I have my own motives. Don't worry about it.
Yoshino: You say that, but it makes me worry...
Yoichi: Oh, there's Yoshitsune-sama!
Before I could get an answer to my question, Yoichi-san pushed me from behind...
We found Yoshitsune-sama just around the corner of the corridor.
Yoshitsune: ...! Yoichi. And Yoshino too.
Yoshitsune-sama blinked in surprise when he saw me next to Yoichi-san.
Yoshino: ...Welcome back, Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoichi: It's good to see you safe and sound.
Yoshitsune: Yes.
Yoshitsune: I didn't expect Yoshino to come greet me.
Yoshitsune: ...I'm home.
I breathed a sigh of relief at Yoshitsune-sama's gentle smile.
(I heard he was safe, but I'm really relieved to see it with my own eyes.)
Yoichi: I thought it would be better to have more people to welcome you home, so I invited her.
Yoshitsune: I see. I apologize for the trouble.
Yoshino: No... Not at all.
(I was relieved just now, but...)
Thinking about everyone in the shogunate, I didn't know what to say and felt awkward.
Yoshitsune: I'll go back to my room and change. We can talk about what happened while I was away later.
Yoichi: Understood.
I felt a sense of unease as Yoshitsune-sama was about to pass by.
(...Is he favoring his right arm?)
Yoshitsune-sama's movements, usually smooth and calm, were slightly off.
Yoshino: Wait, please!
Yoshitsune: ...What is it?
Seeing his movement as he turned around, my suspicion turned into certainty.
(I knew it!)
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama... your arm, you're injured, aren't you?
Yoshitsune and Yoichi: .....
When I looked straight at him and asked, Yoshitsune-sama quickly averted his gaze.
Seeing that, Yoichi-san immediately went to Yoshitsune-sama's side.
Yoshitsune: Yoichi, wait...
Yoichi: Excuse me.
As Yoichi-san said this firmly, he skillfully removed Yoshitsune-sama's armor and rolled up his sleeve--
(...! A terrible wound...)
Yoichi: This is...
Yoichi-san frowned at the deep cut.
Yoichi: Come to think of it, I heard about it in a report from the vassals.
Yoichi: They said Yoshitsune-sama jumped into the middle of the enemy alone to save an ally.
(He did that!?)
(It's fortunate that he only got this injury.)
(If the attack had been a little off...)
The thought of what could have happened sent shivers down my spine.
Yoichi: I heard you weren't injured.
Yoshitsune: It was to avoid causing a commotion. The wound won't heal even if I say anything.
Yoshino: You must be in pain with such a wound!
Yoshino: We need to call someone and treat it quickly.
Yoshitsune: I don't want to make a fuss.
Yoshitsune: The person I saved would worry if they knew about my injury.
Yoshino: That's not the issue...
(Doesn't Yoshitsune-sama care about his own body...?)
Yoshitsune: I'm used to injuries. So---
Yoichi: Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoichi-san interrupted Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoichi: Then, how about having Yoshino treat it?
Yoichi: That wouldn't be a problem, would it?
Yoshitsune: What?
Yoshino: Huh?
My voice and Yoshitsune-sama's overlapped perfectly at Yoichi-san's suggestion.
Chapter 12
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Yoshitsune: Farewell, Yoshino.
Yoshino: Farewell, Yoshitsune-sama.
(I love you, so I will fight you.)
(Even if it's a thorny path---)
Believing it's the only way to save Yoshitsune-sama's heart.
The words I exchanged with Yoshitsune-sama in Hiraizumi were the last that night.
And then––
I look up at the sky, and there is not a cloud in sight.
Today is the day I finally leave for Kamakura.
(Even though I know he's not supposed to see me off...)
I smile wryly at myself, naturally looking for Yoshitsune-sama.
Vassal 1: What are you doing? Get in the carriage quickly.
Yoshino: Alright.
Once I get in this carriage, I will never be able to return here.
(The next time I see Yoshitsune-sama will be on the battlefield.)
As I tried to suppress my sadness and get into the carriage––
Yoichi: Hey, Yoshino.
Kurama: ....
Yoichi-san and Kurama suddenly appeared.
(Huh? Yoichi-san and Kurama...?)
Unlike Yoichi-san, who casually raised his hand, Kurama had a sullen look on his face.
Yoshino: Why are you two here?
Yoichi: Well, just a little something.
As I blinked in surprise, Yoichi-san looked at the vassals.
Yoichi: Wait for me a little further away.
Vassal 2: Y-yes... if Yoichi-sama says so.
Yoichi: Sorry.
Yoshino: What's wrong? Both of you.
Yoichi: It's a farewell, a farewell.
Yoshino: Huh?
(I can still understand Yoichi-san, since he's a friendly person, but...)
(Kurama seeing me off is too unexpected!)
After confirming that the vassals had gone to a distant location, Yoichi-san grinned.
Yoichi: Until you get in the carriage, Yoshino is still a hostage here, right?
Yoichi: It wouldn't be a crime to talk a little, would it? Right, Kurama?
Kurama: I don't know what you're talking about.
Yoichi: Then why did you follow me when I invited you?
Kurama: Don't describe my actions with such frivolous words as "follow."
Kurama folded his arms and glared at me.
(If it had been a while ago, I might have been intimidated, but...)
After spending time in the rebel army's residence, I had become completely accustomed to his intimidating attitude.
Kurama: I just thought I'd take a look at the pathetic crying face of this woman who has been so rude to me.
Yoshino: Pathetic crying... why?
Kurama: You were abandoned by Yoshitsune-sama, weren't you?
Yoichi: ... Oh ho. So you were interested in that, and that's why you came along?
Yoichi: You're more interested than I thought.
Kurama: Don't say such incomprehensible things. There's no reason to be interested in a fragile being.
(Y-yeah, you're right.)
I've argued with Kurama many times,
and even if he finds me annoying, he shouldn't be interested in me.
Kurama: But...
Kurama: Little girl. Have you changed somehow?
Yoshino: Huh? I'm the same as always...
Kurama: You can't fool my eyes.
Yoshino: There's nothing to fool you about, I really don't remember anything...
Kurama: Well, whatever.
Kurama: Too bad. Yoshitsune-sama won't be coming.
Yoshino: I know.
(I was looking for him earlier, but... We parted ways the other night.)
Yoshino: There's no reason for Yoshitsune-sama to be here.
Kurama frowns at my smiling reply.
Yoichi: Hey, Yoshino. I heard you decided to continue siding with the shogunate.
Yoshino: ... Yes. Did you hear that from Yoshitsune-sama?
Yoichi: He didn't tell me the details, though.
Kurama: .....?
Kurama, unusually, looks puzzled at Yoichi-san, who shrugs his shoulders in exasperation.
Kurama: I thought Yoshitsune-sama had abandoned this woman, but did she abandon Yoshitsune-sama?
Yoshino: It's not a matter of abandoning or anything. We weren't in that kind of relationship.
Yoshino: He was kind to me as a hostage, but now we're just back to our original relationship.
Kurama: I don't understand... Well, whatever.
Kurama abruptly changed the subject.
Kurama: Why are you going to the battlefield when you're so weak?
Yoshino: That's...
I looked down at his words, which hit the nail on the head.
(The reason I fight is...)
I raise my face, remembering the feelings I had when I made my decision.
Yoshino: At first, I thought it couldn't be helped that I had to go to the battlefield to break my pact with Tamamo.
Yoshino: But now it's different.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, what have you done to me?
Yoshitsune: You're supposed to be my enemy... why do I not want to hurt you?
**flashback over**
Just remembering that time makes my chest tighten.
Yoshino: Just as Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama parted ways with their respective beliefs,
Yoshino: And just as Yoichi-san and Benkei-san are by Yoshitsune-sama's side with their respective feelings,
Yoshino: I chose to fight for my own purpose.
Yoichi and Kurama: ......
Yoichi: ... I see.
Yoichi-san smiled and gently narrowed his eyes.
Yoichi: It seems like there's been a change in your feelings.
Yoichi: Towards Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: ...
Yoichi-san's words startled me.
(Could it be that he noticed my feelings for Yoshitsune-sama...?)
Yoichi: I'm sorry for saying things that upset you, Yoshino.
Yoshino: No, Yoichi-san, you were kind to me... I'm very grateful.
Yoshino: Thank you very much.
I thanked Yoichi-san and turned to Kurama.
Yoshino: Kurama, thank you for everything, even though it was for a short time.
Kurama: I don't remember taking care of you. You're a strange woman until the very end.
Yoichi: Take care.
(The next time I see these two, we'll be in a life-or-death battle.)
(But still...)
Yoshino: You too, please stay well!
I said goodbye to them with a smile and got into the carriage.
Then, after several days of traveling––
Shortly after arriving in Kamakura, I was summoned by Yoritomo-sama.
When I went to the hall, not only Yoritomo-sama but everyone was gathered there.
(It hasn't been that long...)
Seeing everyone's unchanged faces, I felt a surge of emotion.
Yoritomo: You've done well, Yoshino.
Yoshino: Yes...
Shigehira: Hey, why are you making such a gloomy face?
Shigehira: You did your job properly, so you should be proud of yourself.
Morinaga: Hey, you have to be nicer to girls!
Morinaga: You did a good job, Yoshino.
Tamamo: I knew you'd come back safely.
Yoshino: Shigehira-kun, Morinaga-san, and Tamamo too...
A warm feeling spread through my chest.
Kagetoki: Thanks to your efforts, the damage was minimized.
Kagetoki: I think it's safe to say you did a good job.
(Huh? Did Kagetoki-san just praise me...?)
Tamamo laughed in his throat as I stared blankly.
Tamamo: Oh? The day Kagetoki praises someone has come.
Tamamo: Maybe it'll rain spears tomorrow?
Morinaga: Kagetoki praises people properly when he wants to, you know?
Morinaga: Though it's rare for him to praise someone so clearly.
Shigehira: ......
Tamamo: Shigehira is speechless.
Shigehira: I was just a little surprised.
Kagetoki: What do you people think I am?
Tamamo: A heartless man with glasses.
Morinaga: A sweet tooth with no taste.
Shigehira: Surprisingly bad at cleaning up.
Yoritomo: A man who is impudent enough to not fear God.
Kagetoki: Mostly just insults that have nothing to do with the current flow of conversation.
(This exchange is nostalgic too.)
I couldn't help but smile at Kagetoki-san, who was pushing up his glasses impassively.
Yoritomo: Anyway, enough about these guys.
Yoritomo: I'll give you a reward for serving as a hostage. What would you like?
Yoshino: A reward, sir?
Yoritomo: You're a forgetful woman.
Yoritomo: Before you left for Hiraizumi, I told you I would welcome you back as a hero, didn't I?
Yoritomo-sama said it as if it were a matter of course.
Yoritomo: I'll give you almost anything you want. Just name it.
Yoshino: Anything...?
(Then, there's only one thing I want.)
There was something I had been thinking about ever since I parted ways with Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: I have a request.
Yoshino: Even if the shogunate wins the war, please don't take Yoshitsune-sama's life.
Morinaga and Kagetoki: ......
Tamamo: Oh?
Shigehira: Are you serious?
Everyone raised their voices in surprise at my request.
Yoritomo: .....
Only Yoritomo-sama did not change his expression.
Yoritomo: Do you know what you're saying?
Yoshino: ... Yes.
(The only way to stop Yoshitsune-sama's destruction is to win the war.)
(But... even if we stop him, it's meaningless if his life is taken.)
Yoshino: I know I'm asking for the impossible, to spare the life of the rebel army's general.
Yoshino: But...
I put my hands on the floor and bowed deeply.
Yoshino: I have no other request.
Yoshino: I will do anything you ask... so please spare Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoritomo: ....
Yoritomo: Raise your head.
Yoshino: Yes...
Everyone was silent, watching us quietly.
Yoritomo: Have you been swayed by sentiment?
Yoshino: ... I'm sorry.
Yoshitsune-sama's ferocity...
I couldn't stand by and watch.
I want to stop it.
Yoshino: I just want to stop Yoshitsune-sama's suffering.
(... Even if Yoshitsune-sama doesn't want it.)
Yoritomo: Suffering, huh?
I briefly looked at Yoritomo-sama, who had paused for a moment.
Yoritomo: He hates me from the bottom of his heart.
Yoritomo: It's no exaggeration to say that he lives to kill me.
Yoritomo: What's the point of taking away Yoshitsune-sama's revenge?
Yoritomo: As long as he lives, he will continue to dream of killing me.
Yoshino: ...I understand.
(Even so, I want Yoshitsune-sama to live.)
Yoritomo stares at me intently, as if trying to gauge my true intentions.
Yoritomo: Suppose I were to grant your wish.
Yoritomo: There are ways to keep the captives quiet by taking hostages... There are some brutal methods, but they exist...
Yoritomo: Are you okay with that? It would be unnatural for me not to kill Yoshitsune.
Yoritomo: If it gets out that you're the one who suggested this, you'll be hated to the bone.
(Yoritomo-sama knows Yoshitsune-sama well, so he must be telling the truth.)
(But, if that's what it takes to stop Yoshitsune-sama...)
Yoshino: I will stay by your side, even if you hate me.
Shigehira: Why would you go that far?
Yoshino: That's because...
As a member of the shogunate, my feelings for Yoshitsune-sama are unforgivable.
That's why I've been carrying a subconscious sense of guilt.
(I might be able to keep fooling myself like this, but...)
Yoshino: I...
My voice trembles with nervousness.
Yoshino: I am in love with Yoshitsune-sama.
(Even if he doesn't accept me... I have to tell him.)
The room falls silent.
I hear someone swallow.
How long has it been like this?
Finally, Yoritomo-sama slowly opens his mouth.
Yoritomo: I see.
Yoritomo: You're prepared to see that man wounded and fall before your eyes.
Yoshino: ...!
(Yoshitsune-sama in front of my eyes...)
I purse my lips and take a deep breath.
(No matter how painful or difficult it may be, I've decided to move forward.)
Yoshino: I am.
Yoritomo: Very well.
Yoritomo: If I let him live, there's no avoiding the public outcry, but I'll take care of it.
Yoshino: Thank you!
(Thank goodness...)
The tension in the air eases a little.
Yoritomo: You're a strange woman. You're willing to go out of your way to take the difficult path.
Tamamo: Love with an enemy general. That's quite interesting, isn't it?
Tamamo: I'll cheer you on, Yoshino.
Yoshino: ...Thank you.
(It's a little embarrassing to be told I'm in love again...)
Yoritomo: Are you all okay with this?
Kagetoki: If that's what Yoritomo-sama has decided, I have no objection.
Kagetoki: Whether we let Yoshitsune-sama live or kill him, what we have to do remains the same.
Morinaga: I don't mind either.
Morinaga: Yoshino thought long and hard about it and came up with the answer.
Shigehira: ...It's pointless to try to stop it anyway. That's the look on your face.
Yoshino: Thank you all!
As I bow my head, Yoritomo-sama's voice echoes through the room.
Yoritomo: However.
Yoritomo: I can't guarantee that he'll be alive until the end of the battle.
Yoritomo: Yoshitsune isn't the kind of opponent you can win against by holding back.
Yoshino: ...Yes.
(I'm prepared to be hated and to suffer, of course, but...)
(I don't want to give up on saving Yoshitsune-sama's heart.)
Chapter 18
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 10 Premium Story
Chapter 10
While listening to Yoshitsune-sama's flute in the night garden, we encountered a low-level ayakashi...
Yoshitsune: ––Are you scared?
Yoshino: ...A little.
Yoshitsune-sama peered into my face, and I ended up spilling my true feelings.
Yoshitsune: I see. ...Then, come closer.
Yoshitsune-sama pulled me closer––and gently embraced my shoulders.
The space between us disappeared, and my heart pounded at the warmth of our touch.
Yoshitsune: I'll hold you like this until the ayakashi leaves.
Yoshino: Y-yes...
(If we're this close, he might hear my heartbeat.)
The fear was gradually melting away with the heat, though I didn't know if it was his or mine.
As we watched, the black shadow slowly crept closer...
Yoshitsune: See, it can't touch us.
Yoshino: ...It's true.
The ayakashi, having reached us, stopped moving as if blocked by an invisible wall.
(Go away quickly...)
I held my breath and prayed.
As if to encourage me, Yoshitsune-sama's hand pulled me closer.
Yoshitsune: ––Begone.
The hand that wasn't touching me reached for the hilt of his sword.
The moonlight glinted off the slightly drawn blade.
Yoshitsune: There's no prey for you here.
At this moment, I was strangely certain that Yoshitsune-sama would protect me no matter what.
(...Even though he's an enemy.)
The shadow wriggled reluctantly but eventually turned away as if giving up.
(It's gone...)
Yoshitsune: Good. You don't seem to be trembling anymore.
Yoshino: ...No. Thanks to you.
Yoshino: Thank you, Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: Yes.
The warmth slowly left me.
I opened my mouth to hide the slight loneliness I felt.
Yoshino: You're used to ayakashi, aren't you?
Yoshino: Is it because you're often with Kurama?
Yoshitsune: That's part of it, but...
Yoshitsune: I've been targeted by ayakashi since I was a child.
Yoshino: Since you were a child...
(You mean you've been seeing those things since you were little?)
Yoshino: Why is that...?
Yoshitsune-sama looked down as if remembering the past.
Yoshitsune: When I first met Kurama, he told me that my soul is on the border between humans and ayakashi.
Yoshitsune: It seems that kind of person attracts ayakashi.
Yoshitsune-sama looked towards where the black shadow had been.
Yoshitsune: I've never been afraid of ayakashi, but I've always felt they were different.
Yoshitsune: There were many suspicious accidents and incidents around me, and I myself was seriously injured once.
(That's terrible...)
Yoshino: So...what did you do when you encountered an ayakashi?
Yoshitsune: I would silently hide and wait for time to pass.
Yoshino: Did you talk to any adults around you...?
Yoshitsune: I was treated like a plague.
Yoshino: Like a plague?
Yoshitsune: Before I could even remember, I was left at Kurama Temple.
Yoshitsune: I don't even remember my parents' faces now.
Yoshitsune-sama spun his words as if tracing his memories.
Yoshitsune: I grew up not knowing my origins, but I could sense that I was shunned.
(It seems like you had a very lonely childhood. But...)
Yoshino: It's surprising. I never imagined Yoshitsune-sama had such a past...
Yoshitsune: Really?
Yoshino: ...Yes.
The eyes of the vassals who looked at Yoshitsune-sama were always filled with reverence.
(Even the people close to you... Benkei-san is almost overprotective,)
(And I can tell that both Yoichi-san and Kurama think of Yoshitsune-sama as special.)
(So it's hard to believe that Yoshitsune-sama was shunned.)
But Yoshitsune-sama didn't seem to be lying.
Yoshitsune: I learned later that there were various reasons for it.
(Reasons...? I wonder what they were.)
I was curious but waited for the rest of the story.
Yoshitsune: I would hear voices from my room when I was alone,
Yoshitsune: And misfortunes would happen one after another around me, which probably fueled the treatment of me like a plague.
Yoshino: But that was because of the ayakashi...
Yoshitsune-sama's eyes were slightly shadowed.
Yoshitsune: It couldn't be helped. No one but me could understand that.
Yoshitsune: Back then, I vaguely felt that I didn't belong there.
Yoshitsune: That's when I met Kurama, who lived on Mount Kurama.
Yoshino: You've known each other for that long...!
(You've known each other much longer than I thought.)
Yoshino: Ah... Come to think of it, Kurama said he had his eye on your soul since you were a child.
I remembered the night we first met.
Kurama: It's true that humans are nothing more than toys to pass the time, but Yoshitsune is different.
Kurama: I've had my eye on this man's soul since he was a child.
**End of flashback**
(Come to think of it, that's quite a story...)
Yoshitsune: According to Kurama, no one with a constitution that attracts ayakashi reaches adulthood.
Yoshino: So, Yoshitsune-sama...
Yoshitsune: It seems I'm only able to exist like this because Kurama cast some kind of spell on me.
(He cast it without permission? That sounds like Kurama...)
Yoshino: But Kurama approached you from the beginning to eat your soul, right?
Yoshitsune: Yes. He told me so when we met. He said, "Give me your grown-up soul."
(I knew it...)
Yoshitsune: I was surprised because I didn't expect him to say something like that to my face.
Yoshitsune-sama paused and looked up at the sky.
The moon, which had been hidden by clouds, peeked out and illuminated the darkness of the night.
Yoshitsune: ...At the same time, I was happy.
Yoshitsune: Even though his goal was to eventually devour my grown-up soul, Kurama was my first friend.
I could feel Yoshitsune-sama's feelings for Kurama through his gentle smile.
(In that lonely environment, Kurama was the first person he connected with.)
(So, regardless of whether they were ayakashi or human... Yoshitsune-sama became friends with Kurama.)
Yoshino: For Yoshitsune-sama, meeting Kurama was an irreplaceable event...
Yoshitsune: Yes, it was.
Yoshitsune: And now, Benkei and Yoichi are by my side.
Yoshitsune: ...My younger self would never have imagined it.
Yoshitsune: That the number of people I hold dear would increase beyond count.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama...
Under countless twinkling stars, Yoshitsune-sama slowly opened his mouth.
Yoshitsune: I made a pact with Kurama to defeat Yoritomo-sama and gained supernatural powers.
Yoshitsune: If, after I've used up my powers and achieved my goal, my oldest friend Kurama desires my soul...
Yoshitsune: I think that would be a joyful thing.
(Yoshitsune-sama's soul is different, so he could only walk a different path from others.)
(How painful it must have been to not be understood by anyone...)
My chest tightened with sadness, and I took a deep breath.
Yoshitsune: ...? Yoshino.
Yoshino: Huh?
Yoshitsune: Why do you have such a sad look on your face?
His hand touched my cheek, and warmth quietly spread from that spot.
Yoshino: ...I'm sorry. I was thinking about how you must have felt back then.
Yoshitsune: ....
After staring at my face for a moment, Yoshitsune-sama furrowed his brow.
Yoshitsune: ––It seems I've spoken too much. I didn't think it would trouble you so much.
Yoshino: N-no...
I gently shook my head.
Yoshino: I'm glad I heard Yoshitsune-sama's story.
Yoshino: Thank you for telling me.
Yoshitsune: ...It's strange to be thanked.
Yoshitsune: I'm the one who should be grateful that you empathized with me.
(He... He felt that way?)
I couldn't look away from his fleeting smile.
As if being sucked in, I gazed into Yoshitsune-sama's eyes.
Yoshitsune: It's getting late. Let's head back.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, I'll walk you to your room.
Yoshino: I can go alone...
Yoshitsune: I want to walk you back.
(That's unfair of you to say it like that...)
I was so happy that I couldn't refuse.
Yoshino: ...Thank you very much.
Yoshitsune: Then, let's go.
Yoshino: Yes...!
I placed my hand on his outstretched hand and stood up.
(...It's warm.)
––Our eyes met in that moment.
I felt like he could see through my thoughts just by looking at me, so I quickly averted my gaze.
(This is kind of embarrassing.)
As we walked side by side down the corridor, I remembered the night of the festival when I walked with Yoshitsune-sama.
(He walked me back that time too.)
(I still don't really understand Yoshitsune-sama, but...)
Maybe it's because he knows loneliness and pain that Yoshitsune-sama has such a kind heart.
It was so frustrating and even endearing.
Chapter 11
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 7
Chapter 6
(Even though I haven't spent much time in the shogunate...)
(I've come to trust these people so much before I knew it.)
(As long as everyone is waiting for me, I feel like I'll be fine.)
I straighten my posture and smile again from the bottom of my heart.
Yoshino: Yes, I'm off.
I took a step forward, turning the many words I received into strength.
And a few days later-
(I'm nervous...)
Immediately after arriving in Hiraizumi, I was taken to Yoshitsune-sama.
The moment I entered the hall, I felt the air tighten.
Yoshitsune: You've come.
The first thing I saw was Yoshitsune-sama sitting in the upper seat.
Yoichi and Kurama were beside Yoshitsune-sama, and dozens of other vassals were also present.
(This is the rebel base. Truly, there is not a single ally.)
(I told everyone in the shogunate that I would be fine...)
My body stiffens involuntarily.
Yoshitsune: Sit.
Yoshino: Y-yes.
I was taken to a seat by a vassal and sat down fearfully in front of Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoichi: Don't be so nervous. I'm not gonna try to eat you or anything.
(I think it's impossible not to be nervous in this situation...!)
Kurama: What is this time for?
Yoichi: Just a meet and greet, right? Stop glaring at her. Come on, smile, smile.
Kurama: Nonsense. I don't even want to remember the face of a mere woman.
In contrast to Yoichi's carefree attitude, Kurama furrowed his brow, looking bored.
(As usual, he has an intimidating attitude...! It seems he's very different from Tamamo, even though they're both ayakashi.)
Yoichi: Geez, you're so unfriendly. Sorry, Yoshino.
Yoshino: N-no.
(Only Yoichi has a strangely relaxed air. Come to think of it, it was the same when we first met.)
Yoshitsune: ......
The air tightens as Yoshitsune-sama glances around.
Yoshitsune: As I told everyone, this woman is a princess related to Yoritomo-sama.
(...I see. It would be strange to take an ordinary townswoman hostage, so that's the explanation.)
I cowered as the vassals gave me even colder stares.
Yoshitsune: Needless to say, you will treat her as befits a hostage.
Vassal: Yes.
Yoshitsune-sama's eyes, devoid of any warmth, captured me once again.
Yoshitsune: You will be monitored. You will behave as a hostage should.
Yoshino: Yes.
Yoshitsune: If you understand, that's all.
(...On the night of the festival, I thought I had touched Yoshitsune-sama's heart a little.)
But the Yoshitsune-sama in front of me has a stiff voice and acts coldly as an enemy general.
(Maybe I was being naïve somewhere in my heart.)
(Even in the enemy camp, I thought Yoshitsune-sama would...)
(I was supposed to have come here with determination...)
I was more shocked by Yoshitsune-sama's attitude than I thought I would be.
Yoshitsune: That's all. Take the woman to her room.
Vassal: Yes!! Come this way.
Urged by the vassal, I stood up.
Yoshitsune-sama's unfathomable eyes frightened me, and I quickly left the hall.
As soon as he showed me the way, the vassal left the room.
Being alone finally released me from the tension.
(...Pathetic. My hands are still shaking.)
As if to escape from my anxiety, I think back to when I decided to come here.
(Yoritomo-sama and Kagetoki-sama were worried about my mental state as well as my physical safety.)
(That's why they were trying to give me a refusal without telling me.)
(...Probably because they knew this would happen.)
(I don't know what's in Yoshitsune-sama's heart, but...)
But that doesn't mean the feelings I resolved at that time were lies.
Yoshino: ...I promised everyone I would return safely.
I looked up at the sky in the garden, and moonlight was shining through the clouds.
Before I knew it, my hands had stopped shaking.
A few hours after the meeting with Yoshino---
Shortly after Yoshitsune returned to his room, Yoichi, holding sake, came barging in.
Yoichi: Yoshitsune-sama, how about a drink?
Yoshitsune nodded in agreement to Yoichi, who held up the sake.
Yoshitsune: Just in time, I was in the mood for a drink too.
Yoichi: Well then, let's have more than just one drink.
Yoichi: Well, Yoshitsune-sama doesn't drink much, though.
Yoshitsune: I'll have enough so I don't get sleepy. As you know, I'm not good with alcohol.
They poured sake into their cups, and the drinking party between the two began.
Yoichi: Benkei should have arrived by now, right?
Yoichi: By the way, he was really hesitant when he was chosen as a hostage.
Yoichi: He said, "I absolutely refuse to be separated from Yoshitsune-sama."
Yoichi: He really loves you, Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: Because I trust Benkei, I was able to send him as a hostage with a peace of mind.
Yoichi: You said that and persuaded Benkei, didn't you?
Yoshitsune: It sounds bad to say I persuaded him. I just told him the truth.
Yoshitsune swirled his cup, thinking.
Yoshitsune: Hostage, huh...
Yoichi: Why the long face?
Yoshitsune: This is my natural face. I think it's the same as always.
Yoichi: You don't get it.
Yoichi: Yoshitsune-sama doesn't show much emotion, but someone like Yoichi can read you a little, you know?
Yoichi: Let me guess what you're thinking.
Yoichi stared straight at Yoshitsune and smiled.
Yoichi: To be precise, you're worried about Yoshino, aren't you?
Yoshitsune: Yes. She's a hostage from the shogunate and will eventually become an enemy on the battlefield. I'm keeping an eye on her.
Yoichi slumped his shoulders at Yoshitsune's extremely serious answer.
Yoichi: Ah... that's not what I meant. Well, whatever.
Yoichi: Anyway, if you're worried about her, why don't you try talking to her?
Yoichi: Aren't you interested in what kind of woman the fox princess is?
Yoshitsune shook his head at Yoichi's suggestion.
Yoshitsune: Even if I get to know her, it's a relationship that will be cut off before the battle. There's no need to get too involved.
Yoshitsune: Besides...
Yoichi: Besides?
Yoshitsune: I told Yoshino to be mindful of her position.
Yoshitsune: I don't want to do anything that would violate that.
Yoichi: Oh? Yoshitsune-sama, you're so serious. Why don't you relax a little?
Yoichi: Here, loosen up.
Yoshitsune: I'm already relaxed. Because you're someone I trust.
Yoichi: .....
Yoichi: Geez... Yoshitsune-sama, that's what I'm talking about.
Yoshitsune: What is?
Not understanding what he meant, Yoshitsune tilted his head in wonder.
Seeing this, Yoichi sighed.
Yoichi: ...You're not aware of it, are you? Well, that's why I'm following you.
Yoshitsune: I don't quite understand, but I understand you're complimenting me. Thank you.
Yoichi: You're welcome.
Yoichi: ...Oh, your cup is empty. How about another drink?
Yoshitsune: Then, just a little.
As Yoichi poured sake into Yoshitsune's cup, hurried footsteps approached from the hallway--
Vassal: Yoshitsune-sama!
Yoshitsune: What is it?
The sliding door opened, and a vassal with an unusual expression knelt before Yoshitsune.
Vassal: ...I have a report. The person who tasted Yoshitsune-sama's food has collapsed.
Yoichi's eyes narrowed at the vassal's words.
Yoichi: Is he alive?
Vassal: He survived, but his condition is critical.
Yoshitsune: I see...
In the heavy silence that followed, Yoichi was the first to speak.
Yoichi: It's certain that poison was administered, so we need to catch the culprit.
Yoshitsune: Yes.
Yoshitsune turned to the vassal and gave instructions.
Yoshitsune: Investigate everyone who has entered or left the mansion in the past two or three days.
Vassal: Yes! Immediately.
The vassal bowed deeply and left the room.
As soon as the vassal was gone, Yoichi took a deep breath.
Yoichi: With Yoshino here, we're keeping security pretty tight right now.
Yoichi: Even so, that means they infiltrated with a lot of careful preparation.
Yoshitsune: That's right. It will take some time to find them.
Yoshitsune: And...
Yoshitsune: Don't let Yoshino know about this.
Yoshitsune: There's no need to make her unnecessarily upset.
Yoichi: Well, I agree with that.
Yoichi: Being taken hostage and then having a poisoning incident would be too much for her.
Yoichi gulped down the rest of the sake in his cup.
Yoichi: Damn, this sake tastes bad now--
Yoshitsune: It can't be helped.
Yoshitsune: I'm the general of the rebel army against the shogunate. My head is worth a lot.
Yoichi: Don't say that again. If you don't have a little more sense of crisis, I'll tell Benkei.
Yoichi: If he knew about this, he'd probably fly here from Kamakura.
Yoshitsune: That's...
Yoshitsune: ...Keep it a secret even after he comes back.
Perhaps he had inadvertently imagined it, a faint wry smile appeared on his well-formed lips.
Unaware that such a thing was happening...
Yoshino: What should I do...?
Three days have passed since I came to Hiraizumi, and I'm in a crisis in a way.
(There's too little to do...!)
I've spent most of these three days in my room.
(I'm allowed to leave the room, but the area I can go to is limited...)
(Even if I go outside for a change of pace, there are always people watching me, so I can't rest at all.)
On the contrary, I end up being more careful and get tired.
Yoshino: ...Alright! I'll make some medicine and refresh myself.
Actually, I brought a few medicine tools and ingredients from Kamakura.
I take out the tools and ingredients and start making them right away.
(I think I'll make a medicinal bath. I just got some hot water, so I'll dissolve the medicine when it's ready...)
As I was working, I noticed that it was noisy outside.
(Did something happen?)
As I tilted my head, the sliding door was forcefully opened with a bang.
Vassal 1: We're coming in! Don't move.
Suddenly, several vassals rushed into the room and glared at me.
Yoshino: W-what is it...?
Vassal 2: Hey, look at what's in her hand!
One of the vassals looked at my hand and raised his voice.
Vassal 3: Oh, she's making poison as rumored!
Yoshino: N-no! This is a medicinal bath...
I tried to explain in a panic, but...
Vassal 1: Silence! You're the culprit behind the attempted poisoning of Yoshitsune-sama!
(What... attempted poisoning of Yoshitsune-sama!?)
(Did that happen...?)
Yoshino: Is Yoshitsune-sama alright!?
Vassal 2: Hmph, how innocent. Pretending to be worried.
Yoshino: That's not...
The vassals surrounded me with stern faces.
One of them roughly grabbed my arm.
Vassal 2: You poisoned Yoshitsune-sama's food, didn't you? Confess!
Yoshino: I'm telling you, I didn't!
Yoshino: I don't even know about such an incident, and I can't move freely.
Yoshino: When I go outside, I'm always accompanied by a guard. There's no way I could have poisoned it!
Vassal 3: All you do is make excuses. Why should we believe a hostage from the shogunate?
(...It's no use, they won't believe me no matter what I say.)
I felt a strong hatred towards the shogunate from the vassals' unwillingness to listen.
Vassal 4: Tell us the truth! Or else--
Yoshino: N-no...
One of the vassals with a stern face unsheathed his sword from his waist.
(No way...)
My spine froze, and my throat tightened as if I couldn't make a sound.
(What should I do...?)
At that moment---
???: What's all the commotion?
Someone grabbed the arm of the vassal who was about to point a sword at me from behind.
Yoshitsune: .....
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama!
Yoshitsune-sama looked around and slowly opened his mouth.
Yoshitsune: What are you doing to that woman?
His quiet voice echoed in the room, and the vassals, who had been shouting angrily, all fell silent at once.
Yoshitsune: Explain.
Chapter 8
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Ending 2 (Love)
Chapter 26
One month after arriving at the rebel army's residence...
I was walking down the hallway with Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: You seem happy.
Yoshitsune-sama questioned me as I walked lightly with a smile on my face.
Do you know why?
I've gotten a bit too excited
That's not true
Yoshino: Do you know why?
Yoshitsune: Because you are an honest person.
Yoshitsune: I find those aspects of you endearing as well.
(Being told that makes me a little embarrassed...)
Yoshino: It's because today is a rendezvous with Yoshitsune-sama.
(I've been looking forward to it.)
Ever since the great war ended and I started living in Hiraizumi,
This is actually the first time we've gone out together like this.
Yoshitsune: I must have made you feel lonely.
(I was lonely, but...)
Yoshino: Please don't apologize. Yoshitsune-sama is doing important work.
By gaining autonomy for Hiraizumi,
Yoshitsune-sama and the others have been working hard every day to rebuild relations with neighboring countries.
Yoshino: Thank you for your hard work in meetings with other countries every day.
Yoshino: Thanks to that, the foundation has finally settled down.
Yoshitsune: I'm not as good as Yoritomo-sama, but if it's for the country, I don't mind doing things I'm not used to.
(Yoshitsune-sama seems to have grown a bit.)
Yoshitsune-sama, who was a general who cut through the front lines with absolute power like a storm,
Is now trying to lead the people of Hiraizumi from a different perspective.
(I'm sure I'm the one who sees Yoshitsune-sama changing the most.)
And, in the midst of such busy days, Yoshitsune-sama made time for me like this.
I'm more than happy for that thought, and my heart is pounding.
Just then, I heard footsteps from the other side of the hallway...
Yoichi: Yoshitsune-sama and Yoshino, isn't it?
Yoichi-san and Benkei-san stopped in front of us.
Yoshino: Hello! Yoichi-san, Benkei-san.
Benkei: Ah.
Yoichi: I was just looking for Yoshino.
Yoichi: I'm running out of the medicine you gave me before. Can you prepare some more?
Yoshino: Okay, that medicine then.
Yoshino: If there's anything else you need, I'll prepare it together, so don't hesitate to ask.
Yoichi: That would be helpful.
Yoichi: Your medicine works so well that it's rumored in town.
(Eh, there's such a rumor?)
Yoshitsune: As expected of Yoshino.
Yoshitsune: I was surprised when you first said you wanted to work as a pharmacist in Hiraizumi.
Yoshino: It's thanks to Yoshitsune-sama's support.
I remember when I asked Yoshitsune-sama shortly after arriving in Hiraizumi.
Yoshitsune: You want to open your own shop?
Yoshino: Yes. Actually, I visited Kamakura for that purpose.
Yoshitsune: Ah. That night, you were caught up in the conflict between me and Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshitsune: But if you stay here, you won't have to live an uncomfortable life.
Yoshitsune: You don't need to work, do you?
Yoshino: I appreciate your concern, but...
Yoshino: I can't relax if I'm just being pampered, and it was my dream to become independent as a pharmacist.
Yoshitsune: I see.
Yoshitsune: Then, of course, I will support you. Your precious dream.
*back to present*
(Thanks to Yoshitsune-sama making various arrangements, I was able to continue running my shop smoothly even in an unfamiliar place.)
Benkei: .....
(...... Hmm?)
Feeling a strong gaze, I looked up and met Benkei-san's eyes.
(I feel like I'm being stared at a lot...)
(Lately, I often feel Benkei-san's gaze, but did I do something?)
Actually, unlike Yoichi-san and the others, I haven't talked to Benkei-san much.
(Benkei-san has also been busy since the war ended, so there was no opportunity to talk.)
Benkei: ––I heard you're giving medicine and treating the soldiers who were injured in the forge.
Yoshino: Y-yes.
I'm a little nervous being looked down at by the tall Benkei-san.
Benkei: Isn't it difficult, even though they were your opponents on the battlefield?
Yoshino: It was certainly awkward at first...
Yoshino: Rather, I feel like we've been getting closer little by little through work.
Now, even when I'm alone, I'm able to talk to the vassals.
Benkei: Is that so?
Benkei-san folds his arms as if thinking about something.
(Maybe he's still wary of me...)
Yoichi: Hey, why the scary face, Benkei? You're scaring Yoshino.
Yoichi-san slapped Benkei-san on the back.
Benkei: This is my normal face. Sorry.
Yoichi: No problem, but if you have something to say, say it properly.
Benkei-san frowns and turns to me.
Benkei: Hey.
Yoshino: Y-yes!
(I wonder what he's going to say...)
Benkei: Do you like sweets?
Yoshino: I do, but...
Benkei: Then, I'll give you this.
I receive the jubako box that was suddenly thrust at me.
When I opened it curiously....
(Wow, it's dango!)
I was captivated by the dango covered in plenty of honey.
Yoshino: It looks delicious! Can I really have it?
Benkei: Yeah.
Yoshino: Thank you very much!
(But why me?)
As I tilted my head, Yoichi-san and Yoshitsune-sama peered into the jubako box.
Yoichi: Oh, this is the one I was fed so many prototypes of.
Yoshitsune: I haven't eaten it.
Benkei: I can't use Yoshitsune-sama as a guinea pig.
Yoichi: So it's okay for me... Well, it was delicious, so it's fine.
(Prototypes and guinea pigs...)
Yoshino: Could it be that you made this, Benkei-san!?
Benkei: ...What? It's not that surprising.
(Come to think of it, Yoichi-san and the others said that the snacks Benkei-san makes are delicious.)
Yoshino: You're good at cooking.
Benkei: It's nothing special.
Benkei: If you want more, I'll feed you as much as you want, so don't hesitate to ask.
Yoichi: Glad to hear that, Benkei? You were jealous that Yoshino and I were close.
Yoshitsune: Is that so, Benkei?
Benkei: Well...
Benkei-san cleared his throat, looking a little awkward.
Yoichi: You were the only one he hadn't talked to at all.
Yoichi: Well, Yoichi-san is on good terms with Yoshino, you know?
Benkei: Shut up, Yoichi. Don't brag.
Benkei: Unlike you and Kurama, I was a hostage in Kamakura.
Benkei: There was no time to get close, was there?
(I didn't know Benkei-san felt that way...!)
Yoshino: I would be happy to get to know Benkei-san better.
(Because Benkei-san is also an important person to Yoshitsune-sama.)
Precisely because I know he is a person whose loyalty and way of life I can respect,
I'm touched to be accepted.
Benkei: I see. Thank you.
Yoshino: But why do you say that?
Benkei: I always thought of you as an enemy...
Benkei: It's not something that can be done easily, for a mere woman to go to the battlefield and confront the enemy head-on.
Benkei: Besides...
Benkei-san's eyes turned to Yoshitsune-sama.
Benkei: More than anything, you changed Yoshitsune-sama.
Benkei: I can't not acknowledge someone like that.
Yoshitsune: ....Benkei.
(... Benkei-san is the one who saw Yoshitsune-sama heading towards destruction up close.)
Before, Yoichi-san showed me Benkei-san's death poem.
Yoshino: Rokudou no, michi no chimata ni mate yo kimi… Okure sakidatsu, narai aritomo…
Yoichi: “Wait for me on the road to the other world… Even if we go in different order, it’s a custom…”
Yoichi: Damn it… It’s funny that a guy like him, with that kind of face, is such a lonely person.
**flashback over**
(Perhaps because he was the one who decided to accompany Yoshitsune-sama to the end,)
(He may have been happy to know the changed Yoshitsune-sama.)
Benkei: Besides, she's the woman Yoshitsune-sama has acknowledged as his partner. It would be a lie to say I'm not interested.
Yoshino: ...Thank you very much.
My chest tightened and warmth welled up.
Yoshino: I look forward to working with you! Benkei-san.
Benkei: Stop with the "Benkei-san," will you? It me uncomfortable.
Yoshino: Eh?
Benkei: You're a comrade now, so talk to me more casually.
(... Is that okay?)
Yoshino: Well then, um... Nice to meet you again, Benkei.
Benkei: Yeah. Same here.
Benkei nods in satisfaction.
Yoshitsune-sama, who was watching, also smiled beautifully.
Yoshitsune: I'm happy that you two are getting along.
Yoshitsune: You are all very special to me.
(So dazzling.)
Benkei and Yoichi: ...........
Yoshitsune-sama's smile, as if transparent in the sunlight.
Benkei and Yoichi-san seemed to be at a loss for words for a moment.
Yoichi: Lately, our general has been getting better and better at being a natural airhead, hasn't he?
Benkei: I agree.
(It's true that Yoshitsune-sama didn't make that kind of expression before.)
Yoshitsune: ...? What are you talking about?
Yoshitsune-sama tilts his head at the two whispering in low voices.
(Yoshitsune-sama is truly loved, isn't he?)
Benkei: It's nothing, Yoshitsune-sama.
Benkei replied, trying to cover up, and turned to me.
Benkei: Well then, Yoshino. Please take care of Yoshitsune-sama from now on.
Yoshino: Yes! I'll do my best in everything I can.
Benkei: Yeah. That's the spirit.
Yoshitsune: Wait, Benkei. I don't want to force her to do anything...
Benkei put both hands on my shoulders with such force that it almost shook off Yoshitsune-sama's restraint.
Benkei: Yoshitsune-sama is a heavy sleeper, and if left alone, he won't eat his vegetables.
Yoshino: Huh? Heavy sleeper? Vegetables?
Benkei: Yeah. His lifestyle is a bit precarious, so you, the closest person to him, need to be careful.
Yoichi: Hey, are you his mother!?
Benkei: Shut up, Yoichi. Yoshitsune-sama might listen to what the woman he loves says.
Benkei: After all, we need Yoshitsune-sama to be healthy from now on.
(He really is like a mother when it comes to worrying!)
His serious expression throughout conveys that Benkei-san is serious about this.
(But it's true that Yoshitsune-sama is a bit of a recluse, so I understand Benkei's concern.)
(I also want Yoshitsune-sama to stay healthy.)
Yoshino: I understand, Benkei. I'll try to be careful too.
Yoshino: Next time, please tell me more about Yoshitsune-sama.
Benkei: Leave it to me.
Yoichi: Oh, you're getting along unexpectedly well.
Yoshitsune: ...I did say I wanted you to get along, but this is a little unexpected.
Yoshitsune-sama separates me and Benkei.
Yoshitsune: Benkei. Don't put strange ideas into Yoshino's head.
Benkei: I'll do my best.
Benkei replied with a grin.
Yoshitsune-sama then took my hand.
Yoshitsune: Shall we go then?
Yoshino: Yes!
Yoichi: Ah, you were going out, weren't you? Sorry for holding you up.
Benkei: Take care.
Yoshitsune: Yeah. We'll be back.
Yoshino: See you later, you two.
We were seen off by the two and left the residence.
(The weather is nice, it feels good.)
We left the residence and were walking through the forest on the outskirts of town.
The cute chirping of the birds and the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind were pleasant, and I took a deep breath.
Yoshino: You took me out for a horseback ride once before, didn't you?
Yoshitsune: Yes. You were a hostage then.
Yoshitsune: It hasn't been that long, but our feelings and relationship have changed.
Yoshino: ...Yes.
(At that time, I wasn't aware that I was in love with Yoshitsune-sama yet.)
But somewhere in my heart, I was concerned about him.
Yoshino: I never thought the day would come when I could meet Yoshitsune-sama like this, alone, under the light.
Yoshitsune: Me neither.
Yoshitsune: I never dreamed that you would become a beloved existence...
Yoshitsune: I never dreamed that the day would come when I could be in love with you.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama...
There was an invisible wall between us.
It was so thick, I sometimes thought it couldn't be broken.
(But, now I can be here with you, Yoshitsune-sama)
I stop beside him, resting in the shade of a tree.
Yoshitsune: But, you are a strong person, aren't you?
Yoshino: Huh?
Yoshitsune: In Hiraizumi, which should have been enemy territory for you, you were quickly accepted by those around you.
Yoshitsune: I find Yoshino dazzling.
I widen my eyes and gaze at Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: Then, it's the same for me.
Yoshitsune: The same?
Yoshino: Because every day, I also find you dazzling, seeing you try to change for the people of Hiraizumi.
Yoshitsune: ...Yoshino.
Yoshitsune-sama says my name as if savoring it.
Yoshitsune: I am happy.
Yoshitsune: So happy that I sometimes wonder if it's a dream.
(We were enemies for so long...)
(I know that this moment is made possible by countless miracles.)
Noticing the sadness in Yoshitsune-sama's eyes, my heart aches sweetly.
I squeeze Yoshitsune-sama's hand tightly.
Yoshitsune: ...
Yoshino: How about this?
Yoshino: Every time you think it might be a dream, I will hold your hand again and again.
(Because I want to confirm with you that this warmth is not a lie.)
Yoshitsune: --That seems a little insufficient.
Yoshitsune: I've recently realized that I become terribly selfish when it comes to you.
Yoshitsune-sama smiles, lowers his eyelashes, and his face draws closer--
Our lips gently met.
We exchanged light kisses several times, and then he softly parted my lips.
Yoshino: Hm...nn...
His tongue tickles the inside of my mouth, as if searching for my weak spot.
My breath escapes between kisses, sounding fleeting.
Eventually, our lips part, as if reluctant to end.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune...sama...
I'm drawn into the depths of his amethyst eyes, and all I can see is Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: Holding Yoshino's hand, kissing her, touching her completely...
Yoshitsune: Yet my heart still yearns for you.
Yoshitsune-sama pulls me closer, his lips brushing against my hair.
He kisses my cheek... and we both instinctively press our bodies together.
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Yoshitsune: In return, what can I do for you?
Yoshitsune: I will grant any wish, so please tell me.
(Yoshitsune-sama's love is... endlessly deep.)
Smiling, I speak from my heart.
Yoshino: I only have one wish.
Yoshino: ...Please stay by my side forever.
Yoshino: With just that, I can do anything.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino.
Yoshitsune: ...I cannot compete with you.
Yoshitsune-sama takes a faint breath, a smile gracing his lips.
Yoshitsune: For example, if you wished it,
Yoshitsune: I wouldn't hesitate to throw myself into endless battles and be burned by hellfire.
Yoshitsune: But you smile and ask me to stay by your side.
Yoshitsune: Without even knowing how happy that makes me.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama...
Yoshitsune: I swear on my life,
Yoshitsune: I will never let go of this hand.
Strength is poured into our joined hands.
Yoshitsune: If hardships come during our long journey...
Yoshitsune: I will hold your hand with one hand and protect you with the other.
Yoshino: ...Thank you, Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: I want to protect you too.
Yoshitsune: Thank you, Yoshino.
(Loved by Yoshitsune-sama, I am the happiest person in the world.)
In the sunlight filtering through the trees, we exchange another kiss.
(I will walk hand in hand with you.)
So that even in the deepest darkness, we will not lose our way.
--To laugh together like this, in the light.
Ending 1 (Love) | Return to IkeGen Masterlist
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Ending 1 (Loved)
Chapter 26
Three months have passed since the Great War...
(I'm glad the place to exorcise the ayakashi this time wasn't too far from Hiraizumi.)
Yoshino: Thank you, Tamamo. You came all the way from Kamakura.
Tamamo: Don't worry about it. I'm going to stop by Hiraizumi on my way back anyway.
As promised to Yoritomo-sama, Tamamo and I regularly exorcise ayakashi.
(The doctor's work I started in Hiraizumi has become irregular because of that, but)
(I'm happy to be able to see Tamamo like this.)
Tamamo: I'm glad to be able to talk to Yoshino again after a long time, under the guise of exorcising ayakashi...
Tamamo: But why are there extra people here? Explain.
Yoshino: Um...
I turn around at Tamamo's words...
Kurama: Extra people? Yoshitsune, did you bring an attendant?
Yoshitsune: No.
Tamamo: I'm talking about you two. Face reality.
Yoshitsune-sama and Kurama look at each other, as if they don't understand.
(It's true that if it's just a simple ayakashi exorcism, Tamamo and I should be enough...)
Yoshino: You two always come with me, don't you?
Yoshino: I'm grateful, but I feel a little sorry...
Yoshitsune: I just want to make sure Yoshino isn't pushing herself too hard. Don't worry about me.
Yoshino: It's hard not to worry when you say that...!
Kurama: I have to keep an eye on Tamamo's curse power to make sure it returns quickly.
Kurama: If you understand, hurry up and get rid of the ayakashi, Yoshino.
(Kurama is the same as always.)
(After the war, I thought it would be a little awkward because of what happened...)
Kurama: I don't need your soul, nor do I need Yoshitsune-sama's soul, softened by trusting a woman like you.
Yoshino: But you made a pact to get Yoshitsune-sama's soul...
Kurama: You're a noisy little girl. I can get or throw away what's mine as I please.
Kurama: It makes me angry.
**flashback over**
(I still don't understand the meaning of those words, but Kurama's attitude is completely back to normal.)
I haven't heard what kind of discussion Yoshitsune-sama and Kurama had after that, but Kurama has decided to stay by Yoshitsune-sama's side without breaking the pact yet.
Yoshino: Wait a minute...
Yoshino: I've finished interviewing the neighboring villages, but I haven't been able to pinpoint the ayakashi's dwelling yet.
Kurama: I anticipated you would dawdle, so I searched from the sky earlier.
Kurama: Follow me.
Tamamo: Kurama, you've been awfully cooperative lately, haven't you?
Yoshitsune: I've been feeling the same way.
Tamamo's eyes, as if he sensed something, and Yoshitsune-sama's curious eyes are turned to Kurama.
Kurama: I don't know. There's no deep reason.
(I see... But it doesn't change the fact that I'm grateful.)
I tilt my head and thank him.
Yoshino: Thank you, Kurama!
Kurama: ....
Kurama: You should have just said so from the beginning, Yoshino.
(I can't help but feel like his attitude has changed a little...)
Yoshitsune: The ayakashi causing the commotion this time has been attacking travelers passing through the forest.
Tamamo: Yes. The witnesses all agree that they saw 'a black haze in the shape of a child'.
(A black haze in the shape of a child... If I saw that alone, I'd probably faint.)
Yoshitsune: Are you scared, Yoshino?
Yoshitsune-sama stares at me, having noticed me shudder.
I smile naturally, happy that he noticed.
Yoshino: Everyone is here, and I've gotten a little used to ayakashi.
Yoshitsune: I see. That's good.
Yoshitsune-sama also smiles faintly, and we start walking towards Kurama.
Yoshitsune: Oh, by the way, Tamamo.
Yoshitsune: Yoichi asked me to tell you that he has 'prepared that thing'.
Tamamo: Oh, I'm looking forward to it.
Yoshino: That thing?
Tamamo: I have a banquet planned with Yoichi and Benkei tonight.
Tamamo: I promised to prepare the finest sake at the last banquet.
(A banquet...)
(Tamamo has become good friends with Yoichi-san and Benkei-san before I knew it.)
Tamamo is a collaborator of the shogunate, but he freely travels back and forth between Kamakura and Hiraizumi.
Every time he comes to Hiraizumi, he enjoys drinking with everyone.
Yoshino: Tamamo is so free.
Tamamo: That's just how I am.
Tamamo: Oh, speaking of messages...
Tamamo opens his mouth as if he suddenly remembered something.
Tamamo: The shogunate has checked the Imperial Court, and domestic affairs have settled down.
Tamamo: Come to Kamakura when you have time. Everyone is eager to see you.
(Yoritomo-sama and the others...)
The time I spent with everyone in the shogunate may not have been long.
But they are all precious to me.
Yoshino: Yes, I will definitely...
Kurama: Don't chatter and focus, Yoshino.
Tamamo: Ah, I sense curse power. Yoshino, get ready.
Yoshino: ...! Yes.
Yoshitsune: .....
I strain my eyes at their words.
From the dark shadow by the cliff, something black rises up.
(It's in the shape of a child...!)
Yoshino: ...I'm going.
I step forward nervously and hold out my hand.
The moment the golden haze starts to rise with a glimmer,
The eerie shadow grows larger as if resisting--
(...! I need to step back just in case...)
Yoshino: Kyaa!
As I hurriedly step back, my foot slips.
Yoshitsune and Kurama: .....!
My feet get caught in the mud, and my body tilts--
(I'm going to fall!)
Yoshitsune: What are you doing to Yoshino?
Warm arms firmly support me.
(Huh? This wind--)
Yoshitsune-sama's purple hair flutters in the wind that suddenly starts to blow.
Tamamo: ...Hey, Yoshitsune.
Yoshitsune: You will be punished.
Kurama: Hmph. That ayakashi had some nerve, even though it didn't have much power.
Yoshitsune-sama drew his sword, and at the same time, Kurama flicked his fan.
The ayakashi, hit by countless wind blades, disappeared without a trace.
Yoshino: We... we defeated it.
Yoshitsune: Are you alright, Yoshino?
He holds me tightly in his arms, and my heart beats faster from the warmth.
Yoshino: Y-yes, I'm fine... Thank you very much.
Yoshino: Thank you for helping me, Kurama!
Kurama: Humans are fragile. They get hurt easily.
Tamamo: ...You two.
Tamamo stands with his arms crossed and glares at Yoshitsune and Kurama.
Tamamo: How many times has this been?
Tamamo: This is an ayakashi extermination for me to regain my curse power.
Tamamo: But if you two defeat them, it's pointless.
Yoshitsune: Now that you mention it, you're right.
Tamamo: Oh?
Yoshitsune: My body moved on its own.
Kurama: .........
Tamamo: Honestly, I understand you're worried about Yoshino, but there's a limit.
Tamamo: Okay? It's fine to support a woman who's about to fall.
Tamamo: But isn't it childish to then team up and smash the ayakashi to smithereens?
Yoshitsune and Kurama: ..........
Yoshitsune-sama and Kurama looked away, admonished by Tamamo.
(I've never seen them so awkward...!)
Yoshino: Tamamo, that's enough... It's my fault for almost falling.
Tamamo: No. You shouldn't spoil men.
I hurriedly say that to Tamamo, but he shakes his head.
(Well, aside from this time, I feel like Yoshitsune-sama has been a little overprotective of me lately.)
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, what's wrong? You didn't sprain your ankle or anything, did you--
Yoshitsune: Would you like to ride on my back?
Yoshino: N-no! That's not necessary.
Kurama: If you insist, I wouldn't mind carrying you by flying.
Tamamo: --That's enough.
Tamamo smiles and puts his hands on Yoshitsune-sama and Kurama's shoulders.
Tamamo: I'll give Kurama a good talking-to...
Tamamo: Yoshino, you're responsible for lecturing Yoshitsune, okay?
Thus, today's ayakashi extermination ended...
That night...
As usual, I prepare for bed in Yoshitsune-sama's room.
After blowing out the light, Yoshitsune-sama, sitting on the futon, beckons me.
Yoshitsune: Come here, Yoshino.
Yoshino: ...Yes.
(It's still a little embarrassing to get into the same futon...)
We sit side by side on the sheet, gently leaning against each other.
This time, feeling each other's warmth, is irreplaceable happiness.
Yoshino: Kurama said he would join the banquet, but are you okay with not going, Yoshitsune-sama?
Yoshitsune: I greeted Tamamo during the day.
Yoshitsune: Besides, he comes often, so the next time will be fine.
(I wonder if he's tired?)
I'm a little concerned about his expression, as if he's thinking about something.
Recently, Yoshitsune-sama has become even busier since Hiraizumi gained autonomy.
(He's also accompanying me on my ayakashi extermination in between...)
(I wish I could do more for Yoshitsune-sama.)
Yoshitsune: By the way...
Yoshino: Y-yes?
(What's wrong?)
I straighten my posture, staring at his serious expression.
Yoshitsune: Are you tired from the ayakashi extermination?
(He just said my line...!)
Yoshino: I'm alright.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama and the others helped me this time.
(I was surprised at that time, but you defeated it in no time, as expected.)
Yoshitsune: ...I'll be careful next time.
Yoshino: Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to be sarcastic or anything...
Yoshitsune: I know. It's because it's you, you must have said it from your heart.
Yoshitsune-sama reached out and gently stroked my hair.
Then, with a serious expression, he took my hand.
Yoshitsune: So, is life in Hiraizumi comfortable?
Yoshitsune: If there's anything you want, I'll improve it immediately.
Yoshino: Everyone is treating me well, and I don't feel any inconvenience.
Yoshino: My work as a pharmacist is going well, and I find it rewarding.
Yoshitsune: ...Is that so?
Yoshitsune-sama let out a small sigh and kissed the back of my hand.
Yoshitsune: Beautiful silk or extravagant food, if you wish, it's easy to give them to you, but
Yoshitsune: How can I satisfy you, who desires nothing?
A sensual aura rose from his expression with lowered eyelashes.
Yoshino: Hmm, Yoshitsune-sama...
His lips fell on my fingertips again, and my shoulders trembled.
Yoshino: Um, what's wrong?
Yoshino: Lately, you've been caring a lot about me, haven't you...?
Yoshino: And today you seem to be worried about something.
Yoshitsune: That's...
Yoshitsune-sama, unusually, hesitated to speak.
Yoshino: If there's something, I want you to tell me...
Yoshino: ...Because it's you're the person I love.
Yoshitsune: ...Yoshino.
Yoshitsune-sama's eyes widened slightly at the words I added with courage.
(I said something I'm not used to.)
Yoshitsune: It seems I caused you unnecessary worry.
He dropped his lips on my fingertips again, and our eyes met.
Yoshitsune-sama then muttered:
Yoshitsune: To tell you the truth, I'm wondering how to cherish you.
Yoshitsune: It's the first time I've had someone I love so dearly and care for from the bottom of my heart.
Yoshino: Could it be... that's why, even during the ayakashi extermination..?
Yoshitsune: Even though I understand it in my head, my body moves before I can think when it comes to you.
He gently cupped my cheek in his hand as if handling a fragile object and looked at me quietly.
Yoshitsune: I want to give you everything I have, but
Yoshitsune: When it comes down to it, I don't know what to give you.
Yoshitsune: I didn't know that love is such a difficult and frustrating thing.
(...What kind of pure love am I receiving?)
Yoshitsune-sama's feelings light up in my heart.
It quickly spread and filled me with warm emotions.
It could be simple...
It's because it's difficult that...
If it's difficult...
Yoshino: If it's difficult, you might never get tired of it.
I said jokingly.
Yoshitsune: What?
(I was thinking about what I could do for Yoshitsune-sama...)
(Yoshitsune-sama was thinking the same way.)
Yoshino: If I can always be a fresh presence for you, Yoshitsune-sama, I'll be happy.
Yoshitsune: There's no way I could get tired of you.
Yoshitsune: I'm selfish enough to want to take you away from your friends and keep you by my side,
Yoshitsune: And I'm still not satisfied even after monopolizing you.
Yoshino: Then, even more so...
I smiled at Yoshitsune-sama from the bottom of my heart.
Yoshino: You can do whatever you want, Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshino: Even if you don't cherish me more than necessary,
Yoshino: I'm finding countless happiness by your side, Yoshitsune-sama.
(I, too, don't know what to do with such a great gift.)
I squeezed Yoshitsune-sama's hand back.
Yoshino: I'm already so happy that I feel like I'm melting...
Yoshino: From now on, can I help you to be happy, Yoshitsune-sama?
Yoshitsune: ...Yoshino.
Yoshino: Wh-what... Hmm...
Before I could answer, Yoshitsune-sama brushed my lips.
Yoshitsune: ––You're a cruel person.
Yoshino: Huh?
His voice was lower than usual, and it contained an undeniable heat.
Yoshitsune: With just one word, one smile from you...
Yoshitsune: You don't know how much my heart is thrown into chaos.
Yoshino: That can't be...
The words of protest were gently sealed with a fingertip.
Yoshitsune: If you knew, you wouldn't act like that in front of me.
Yoshitsune: Precisely because you don't know...
Yoshitsune: You easily strip away my reason with the sweet violence of happiness.
Another hand was placed on my back, and the clasped hands were pushed.
I was pushed down, and before I knew it, Yoshitsune-sama's face was in front of me.
His breath grazed my lips, and my heart pounded.
Yoshitsune: Thinking back, I haven't been able to win against you since you challenged me on the battlefield.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune...sama?
Yoshitsune: I can do what I want, can't I?
Yoshino: N...ah...
Tumblr media
Yoshitsune-sama's tongue traced the nape of my neck.
A surprisingly sweet voice escaped my lips, and I bit them.
I involuntarily pushed back against Yoshitsune-sama's chest, but it didn't budge.
Yoshitsune: It's my small resistance, drowning in my feelings for you.
Yoshino: Resistance...?
Yoshitsune: Yes.
Yoshitsune: Even with the power that everyone fears, it's useless in front of you.
Yoshitsune: Because the only thing that can defeat love is love.
A voice so sweet it makes me melt, yet with a firm will, rained down on me.
Yoshitsune: With words, with fingertips, with all of me... I will convey my feelings.
Yoshitsune: Until you cling to me and ask for me.
A quiet flame flickered in Yoshitsune-sama's eyes.
I'm burning up with that heat and I can't help it.
Yoshitsune: It's okay, you just need to drown in me.
Yoshino: Ah...
(That's not fair...)
The core of my mind melts with the constant sweet stimulation.
Yoshitsune: Let me hear your voice more.
My breath was taken away as he wished, and I cried out again and again.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama, anymore... I can't take anymore...
When I looked up at Yoshitsune-sama with teary eyes, he smiled and touched my hair.
Yoshitsune: What's wrong, Yoshino?
Yoshino: ...I want you, Yoshitsune-sama.
I timidly put my arms around his back and whispered in his ear...
Yoshitsune: ...As much as you want, as much as you desire.
His lips fell on the nape of my neck, and our bodies overlapped.
(I want your love without end.)
(In return, please take all of me.)
In the happy darkness where I tightly closed my eyes, I clung to Yoshitsune-sama...
Ending 2 (Love) | Return to IkeGen Masterlist
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 26
Chapter 25 Premium Story
The soft morning light brushed against my face, and my consciousness slowly surfaced.
Yoshino: ... Mm...
(It's warm...)
As I kept my eyes closed, entrusting myself to the pleasant warmth,
???: Aren't you going to wake up?
I sensed someone laughing softly by my ear.
As if guided, I opened my eyes--
Yoshitsune: Good morning, Yoshino.
Yoshitsune-sama's face was so close, our noses almost touched.
Yoshino: Huh...? Yoshitsune-sama...
(Why is Yoshitsune-sama...?)
My head is hazy and not working properly.
Yoshitsune: You seem sleepy.
Yoshitsune-sama smiled at the corner of his lips and tucked my hair behind my ear.
Yoshitsune: You fell asleep at dawn, so it's no wonder.
Yoshino: Dawn...?
Yoshitsune: Yes. A lot happened yesterday, and I wanted you to rest early, but...
Yoshitsune: When I'm in front of you, I can't seem to control myself.
Yoshino: ...
Yoshitsune: It's not bad to save the fun for later.
Yoshitsune-sama gave me one last kiss and released me from his arms.
Yoshitsune: Get dressed.
Yoshino: ...Yes.
Seeing me still limp and weak, Yoshitsune-sama chuckled softly again.
Yoshitsune: If you wish, I'll help you get dressed.
Yoshino: ...! No, it's okay. I can get dressed myself.
Yoshitsune: That's too bad. It would be fun to serve you, even if I'm inexperienced.
Yoshino: If you do anything more new to me, my body won't be able to take it...
Yoshitsune: Then I'll save it for next time.
(His eyes are serious...!)
I start getting dressed before Yoshitsune-sama changes his mind.
After a while, when we're both ready...
Yoshitsune: We'll leave for Hiraizumi at noon. You should take care of any business you have.
Yoshino: In that case...
(There's something I've been thinking about ever since it was decided we're going to Hiraizumi.)
I straighten my posture and open my mouth.
Yoshino: Yoshitsune-sama, I have a request.
And, a moment later---...
Yoshino: Tamamo!
I came to the shogunate's camp.
Tamamo: Oh, if it isn't Yoshino.
Shigehira: Why are you here? I heard you went to the rebel army as a spoil of war.
As if hearing Tamamo and Shigehira's voices, Kagetoki and Morinaga came next.
Kagetoki: What's with all the commotion?
Morinaga: Hey, you're...
Yoritomo: Yoshino?
Yoritomo-sama, who walked up last, grinned when he saw me.
Yoritomo: What, you've already gotten tired of him and come back?
Yoshino: N-No, that's not it.
Yoshino: I wanted to say goodbye to everyone, so I asked Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoritomo: Oh really? He gave you permission?
(What's this?)
I tilt my head as Yoritomo-sama stares intently at me.
Yoritomo: This is enemy territory, even if it's a truce.
Yoritomo: I can't imagine Yoshitsune giving permission so easily.
Yoshino: Yes. As you said, Yoritomo-sama, he initially refused.
The exchange I had with Yoshitsune-sama flashes through my mind.
Yoshitsune: I don't think Yoritomo-sama will do anything to you now.
Yoshitsune: But to be honest, I don't want you to go.
Yoshitsune: However, now that the truce has been established, what I value most is your own free will.
Yoshitsune: Go and say goodbye to your friends, Yoshino.
Yoshino: Even so, Yoshitsune-sama listened to my feelings and gave me permission.
Yoshino: I'm so happy because I wanted to thank and say goodbye to everyone myself.
(Yoshitsune-sama truly understands my feelings...)
Yoritomo: Huh, so he accepted it, even though he never bends his own will.
Tamamo: He must be that smitten with Yoshino.
Tamamo: To capture the enemy's general, as expected of the woman I made a pact with.
Tamamo puffed up his chest proudly.
Yoshino: Come on... It's not like that.
I change the subject, a little embarrassed.
Yoshino: Oh, by the way, I heard from Yoritomo-sama...
Yoshino: Tamamo, you're staying with the shogunate, right?
Tamamo: Well, yeah. I've grown quite fond of life in Kamakura.
Tamamo: And the shogunate too. So I'll cooperate with them for a while.
(It seems like he has his favorite shops and many acquaintances here.)
(Tamamo cares about Kamakura in his own way.)
Tamamo: I'm saying I'll lend you my power. You should feel honored, you know?
Kagetoki: Considering your abilities are usually wasted on pointless pranks,
Kagetoki: We should be grateful that you're putting them to good use.
Tamamo: Good grief. Kagetoki, with your glasses, you're good at sophistry, it's troublesome.
Kagetoki: I fail to see the causal relationship with my glasses.
(These two are the same as always.)
Tamamo: We've gotten off topic...
Tamamo: As you've heard, I'll be working with you to take away the cursed power of ayakashi from now on.
Tamamo: Yoshino, we'll meet again soon.
Tamamo: I'm looking forward to it.
Yoshino: Yeah! I look forward to working with you too.
Following Tamamo, Kagetoki spoke up.
Kagetoki: No matter the reason, it's still the enemy's camp.
Kagetoki: A normal person would be intimidated...
Kagetoki: But you're thick-skinned enough to volunteer as a hostage, so I'm sure there won't be a problem.
(Was that... encouragement?)
Kagetoki is strict, but he's actually a kind person.
(Even when I worked with him, his words were harsh, but he never scolded me unfairly.)
Yoshino: Yes, thank you!
Shigehira: I thought this when you were helping Kagetoki too, but you always choose the path with more hardships.
Yoshino: Um... Is that so?
Shigehira: Well, in that case, you should be as happy as you can.
Yoshino: Shigehira...
Morinaga: Shigehira is being unusually honest. Good boy, good boy.
As if he was about to be patted on the head, Shigehira shook off Morinaga's hand.
Shigehira: Hey, don't tease me!
Tamamo: It's perfectly natural to want to tease someone who reacts so well.
I smile at their usual exchange.
(It's a little sad to think this will be the last time...)
I gently suppress the welling emotions in my heart.
Morinaga: Yoshino, when you asked us to save Yoshitsune-sama's life, I honestly didn't know what would happen.
Morinaga: Like Yoritomo-sama said, he's not someone you can beat without trying your best.
Morinaga: No matter what happened, it was obvious you'd get hurt.
Yoshino: Yes...
Morinaga: But I'm glad you were able to achieve your wish.
Yoritomo: Still, the path you're taking is a thorny one. You'll face hardships from now on.
Yoshino: ...Yes.
(But, I made a promise with Yoshitsune-sama.)
Yoshitsune: If I see you suffering, Yoshino, I won't be able to stay calm.
Yoshitsune: But I won't give up on our future.
Yoshino: Me neither.
Yoshino: Today's battle taught me that even the deepest hatred doesn't necessarily last forever...
Yoshitsune: ...Yoshino.
Yoshino: Just as you wish for the happiness of everyone in Hiraizumi...
Yoshino: I'll continue to wish for the day when the feud between the shogunate and the rebel army completely melts away.
**flashback over**
(As long as I have this promise, there's nothing to be afraid of.)
Yoshino: Thank you for your concern.
Yoshino: But I'll be fine.
I face forward and continue speaking.
Yoshino: No matter how difficult and painful things get, I'll keep searching for the path that leads to the future.
Yoshino: Together with Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoritomo: I see.
Despite his sarcastic tone, there was no usual venom in the smile that appeared at the corner of his lips.
I blink as the image of Yoshitsune-sama smiling faintly overlaps with Yoritomo-sama.
Yoritomo: As expected of the one who defied me.
Yoritomo: ---That's why you were able to keep him in this world.
Yoshino: Huh?
Yoritomo: It's nothing.
Yoritomo: Don't come back so soon just because you can't fit in.
Yoshino: I'll do my best!
(From now on, I'll take a new step forward with Yoshitsune-sama.)
Yoshino: Everyone...
I straighten my posture and bow deeply.
Yoshino: Thank you for everything!
Yoritomo: Yeah.
Tamamo: Take care, Yoshino.
When I looked up, everyone was smiling.
(...I'll smile until the end too....)
Holding back the tears that threatened to spill, I left the place with a big smile on my face.
After leaving the shogunate's camp, I--...
Since there was still time before departure, I came to the back of the rebel army's camp to gather herbs.
(We used up a lot of medicine in yesterday's battle, so I need to restock.)
As I was searching for herbs, a black feather gently fell in front of me.
Kurama: What, it's you.
Yoshino: Kurama!
Kurama, who had been flying in the sky, landed near me.
Yoshino: When I returned to camp earlier, Benkei was looking for you.
Kurama: If I go back, I'll be forced to help with the aftermath of the battle.
Kurama: There's no need for me to do something like that.
(So you ran away because you didn't want to do it? That's so like you, Kurama.)
(Speaking of which...)
(You said you were reluctant about this truce until the very end, right?)
I understand why, since you've wanted to fight Tamamo since we met.
Yoshino: Hey, Kurama.
Yoshino: You made a promise to receive Yoshitsune-sama's soul after he dies, right?
Kurama: That's right. This time it ended with a boring result.
Kurama: I thought I could finally fight Tamamo and maybe get Yoshitsune's soul...
Kurama: But after you came to Hiraizumi, everything went crazy.
I meet his sharp gaze head-on.
Yoshino: I'm... sorry about that.
(It's true that I interfered with your wish, your promise.)
Yoshino: But I'm truly glad I was able to stop Yoshitsune-sama's downfall.
Yoshino: I was able to do that thanks to everyone in the shogunate, Yoichi, Benkei, and you, Kurama.
(In the end, you cooperated with the shogunate until the very end.)
(You didn't have to do that if all you wanted was Yoshitsune-sama's soul.)
(I don't know how you felt about participating in the battle, but...)
Yoshino: Thank you, Kurama.
Yoshino: I'm glad you're Yoshitsune-sama's friend.
Kurama: ...
When I gave him a heartfelt smile, Kurama narrowed his eyes as if dazzled.
Yoshino: ...Hey, Kurama.
(After I fell in love with Yoshitsune-sama,)
(After I made a promise for the future with Yoshitsune-sama, there's something I've been keeping in my heart.)
Yoshino: When I die, would you take my soul too?
Kurama: What?
Yoshino: Because I want to be with Yoshitsune-sama until the very end.
Yoshino: My soul probably won't be enough for you, Kurama.
Kurama: ..........
Kurama closed his eyes as if pondering...
Kurama: I don't need it.
He said so.
Yoshino: Huh...?
Kurama: I don't need your soul, nor do I need Yoshitsune's soul, softened by trusting a woman like you.
Yoshino: But you made a pact to get Yoshitsune-sama's soul...
Kurama: You're a noisy little girl. I can get or throw away what's mine as I please.
As if to interrupt my words, Kurama's fingertips touched my cheek.
Kurama: It makes me angry.
My chest tightens as he looks at me with a somewhat pained expression.
(Why are you making that face?)
Kurama: .....
Yoshino: Kurama!
Kurama spread his black wings without a word and flew away.
(He's gone...)
The expression Kurama showed me last was burned into my eyes.
And before the sun rose completely, we departed--...
After several days, we returned to Hiraizumi.
(From today, I'll be staying in this mansion again.)
I was a hostage back then, but this time my position is different.
(Before, the vassals were hostile towards me until the end,)
(I hope we can become friends little by little.)
Yoichi: Haa, we finally made it.
Yoichi: I want to soak in the hidden hot spring and take a nap.
Benkei: What are you talking about? We have a mountain of things to do.
Yoichi: I know, I know. It was just a joke.
Yoshitsune: Knowing Yoichi, he might actually do it.
Yoichi: Whoa, Yoshitsune-sama, you're saying that too? Yoichi is sad.
Kurama: Nonsense.
Kurama walked briskly into the mansion.
Benkei: Hey, let's go too.
Yoichi: Well then, let's get this work done quickly.
Following them, the two also disappeared into the mansion.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino.
Yoshitsune-sama turned around and held out his hand to me.
I placed my hand on top of Yoshitsune-sama's.
Yoshitsune: I've always thought your hands are beautiful.
Yoshino: No way...
Due to tightly gripping the reins during the battle, I even have calluses on my palms.
(They can't be called beautiful, even as a compliment.)
Yoshitsune: Your hands are for protecting and saving people.
Yoshitsune: They're the beautiful hands that led me out of the darkness.
Yoshitsune-sama's lips fell on the back of my hand.
Yoshitsune: I'm happy that I can hold your hands and walk into the future together.
I smiled at Yoshitsune-sama's words.
Yoshino: Together, we can surely go anywhere.
Yoshitsune: Yes. Shall we go then?
As if to confirm our feelings, we held hands and crossed the bridge.
And with hope for the future in our hearts, the days beyond the gate we passed through--...
Ending 1 (Loved) | Ending 2 (Love)
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Chapter 25 Premium Story
Chapter 25
(Yoshitsune-sama said he would tell his vassals about the decision, but I wonder if it went well.)
After the meeting with Yoritomo-sama, I returned to the rebel camp with Yoshitsune-sama.
I went to the tent first and waited nervously for Yoshitsune-sama's return...
Yoshitsune: Sorry for the wait, Yoshino.
Yoshino: Welcome back!
Yoshitsune-sama, who entered by lifting the tent curtain, sat down facing me.
Yoshino: How did it go with your vassals?
Yoshitsune: They understood. Kurama had a stern look on his face until the end, though.
Yoshino: Kurama wanted to fight Tamamo.
Yoshino: But I'm glad they understood.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
(Of course, even though we've made progress, there's still a possibility that Yoshitsune-sama and Yoritomo-sama will fight again.)
(Even so...)
The ceasefire with the shogunate was established, and Hiraizumi gained peace through autonomy.
Yoshino: I never thought a day like this would come.
Yoshitsune: Me neither.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino.
Yoshitsune-sama's palm cupped both of my cheeks.
He peered into my face.
Yoshitsune: It was my selfish decision to make you a spoil of war.
Yoshitsune: If Yoritomo-sama and I become enemies again in the future, you will be caught in the middle and suffer.
(Yoshitsune-sama sees right through me.)
Yoshino: ...Yes.
Yoshino: I can't stop people who fight with conviction.
Yoshino: That's why I think I'll continue to worry.
(But, if it's not just my wishful thinking...)
Yoshino: It's the same for you, Yoshitsune-sama, isn't it?
Yoshitsune-sama quietly nodded at my question.
Yoshitsune: If I see you suffering, Yoshino, I won't be able to remain calm.
Yoshitsune: Even so, I won't give up on a future with you.
(...Ah, I'm so happy.)
Yoshino: Me too.
I looked up at Yoshitsune-sama and slowly expressed my true feelings.
Yoshino: I learned from today's battle that even deep-seated hatred doesn't necessarily last forever...
Yoshitsune: ...Yoshino.
(Both Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama chose to reach out and join hands.)
Yoshino: Just as Yoshitsune-sama wishes for the well-being of everyone in Hiraizumi...
Yoshino: I will continue to wish for the day whenthe feud between the shogunate and the rebels will completely melt away.
Yoshitsune: I wonder how many times I'll be saved by that side of you, Yoshino.
He embraced me, and our eyes locked.
Yoshitsune: Just being with you makes me feel like light has shone on my path.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, thank you for teaching me how to love someone.
His handsome face slowly approached...
Yoshino: Nn...
Yoshitsune-sama's lips, bearing a smile, stole my breath.
His tongue gently nudged, and my lips parted slightly.
A tongue smoothly slipped in, skillfully entwining with mine.
Yoshino: Nn, ah... ah...
Pleasurable spots inside my mouth are teased, sweet sensations given.
(Ah, my head is getting hazy...)
Thoughts melt away, and before I know it, I'm clutching Yoshitsune-sama's kimono tightly.
With a fleeting watery sound, our lips part.
Yoshino: ...Yoshitsune...sama...
The fading warmth leaves me feeling lonely, so I gaze back at Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: I thought you were a lovely person with a charming smile,
Yoshitsune: But you can make such a face too, huh?
Yoshino: What kind of face...?
Yoshitsune: Quite... seductive.
With the tip of his shapely finger, he traces my lips.
Yoshitsune: I want to see more of your melting face.
Yoshitsune: I want to expose everything about you with my hands.
Yoshino: Ah, but...
(Yoshitsune-sama, what kind of face are you making?)
As if consumed by an unbearable heat, Yoshitsune-sama's beautiful eyes shimmer quietly.
Yoshitsune: Just being with you, just touching you, makes my heart yearn uncontrollably.
Yoshitsune: I've never felt this kind of impulse before.
(But... I feel the same way...)
Yoshino: Ah, what should I…? I cough softly, and my hand is taken. Then, that hand is placed on Yoshitsune-sama's chest. Yoshitsune: You don't have to do anything. Just— Yoshitsune: My heart has been ravaged by you like this. Yoshitsune: So, let me take you too… please. (Ah…) Yoshitsune-sama's breath brushes against my ear.
Yoshino: !Nn...ah...
My earlobe is lightly bitten, sending a sweet shiver through me.
Yoshitsune: Are your ears sensitive?
A voice laden with sensuality pours into my ear.
I can't help but tremble, and I feel Yoshitsune-sama smile beside my ear.
Yoshitsune: You're so adorable.
A large hand slides in from the opening of my kimono, caressing my skin.
My body line is traced by his fingertips, and my back arches.
(No, my voice...)
A voice sweeter than I ever thought possible escapes me, and I feel my cheeks burn with shame...
My vision flips upside down.
With the feeling of my back sinking into the bedding, I finally realize I've been pushed down.
My sash is untied, my kimono removed, and the moonlight pouring in illuminates my body.
Yoshino: Ah... please don't look too much...
Yoshitsune: Why not?
Yoshitsune: When you're so beautiful.
(Nn... ah...)
The hand I reflexively reach out to Yoshitsune-sama is caught and kissed on the fingertips.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, don't move... Look at me.
He stares down at me, and when he says that in a lower voice than usual...
I'm so embarrassed, but for some reason, I can't move an inch.
Yoshitsune: I wonder why.
Yoshitsune: Even though I love you so much,
Yoshitsune: I also want to corner you more.
Yoshitsune-sama slightly furrows his brow.
I'm reminded that his expression, filled with an almost dizzying sensuality, is directed only at me.
(I don't care what happens, because I love Yoshitsune-sama so much...)
Yoshino: ...Even if I'm cornered, I don't mind. If it's you, Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: Ah...
My arms are pinned to the bedding, and his eyes, deepened in their violet hue, draw closer.
Yoshitsune: Forgive me, Yoshino.
Yoshitsune: It seems I'm not a patient enough man to hold back when you say that.
The fingertips that touch my skin spread heat.
In no time, the heat spreads throughout my body, and I let out a hot breath.
Yoshitsune: What a lovely reaction.
Yoshino: ... Yoshitsune....sama, more...
My breath becomes shallow, and I grab the sleeve of Yoshitsune-sama's kimono.
Yoshitsune-sama unties his own sash,
Revealing his well-proportioned body.
Yoshino: Ah... Yoshitsune...sama...
Slowly, our bodies are overlapped, our heat mingling, and eventually becoming one.
Yoshitsune: Yoshino, I'll continue to think of you with maddening passion.
Yoshitsune: For eternity, always.
Yoshino: I... love you too, Yoshitsune-sama.
(I can never let go of this heat, not for the rest of my life.)
(Surely, Yoshitsune-sama is my destiny.)
I reach out to Yoshitsune-sama's back and cling tightly.
Lost in time, consumed by the heat, I drown deeply in the one I love—...
Chapter 26
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