#kouei116 ikegen
kouei116 · 5 years
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IkeGen ~ Heart-throbbing on bare skin~ story event from 5-16/12/19. 
Below I summarized-ish Yoshitsune' route in this event. It's so long bc YS is too sweet I want to include as many lines he said as possible ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ”
The shortest I can summarize is: it is similar to Kenshin’s onsen story, they went to the onsen inn that is rumoured to have thieves, turned out it was just a monkey, YS told the monkey to return its loots, then they ichaicha happily ever after ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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YS (Yoshitsune) was always busy but he made time so both of us could travel on horseback towards the mountain. YS said monkeys frequently appear around this area. I was excited to see them. He wrapped his arm around me and said: just being by your side, I’m fulfilled, if you suddenly show me your face like that, I want to lock you up somewhere (yes please tyvm _(:3 」∠)_ ) but I want to show you the scenery.
We enjoyed the scenery. While YS was letting horse drink water, some monkeys on the tree mischievously threw mud at me (so much for wanting to see monkeys...) YS soaked a hand towel and came to me: Are you alright? It’s bc I took my eyes off you, sth regretful like this happened… Y: You don't need to apologize, it was me not careful enough. I was really looking forward to this date so I got a new kimono. Even if it’s trivial, I want you to think I’m cute, but now ...
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YS (smile and put his hand on my cheek): It’s cute you think so. When I was your enemy, you were determined and fought against any difficulties. A strong person like that can become sad due to such a cute reason for my sake, I’m very happy. But you are wrong, even if your kimono is dirty, it doesn’t decrease your beauty. However, I don’t want you to feel unpleasant. Let’s go clean off the mud. There is an onsen near here, the sun is setting, we will stay the night.
I was happy, this is our first overnight trip. A kid showed us the way but he warned us to be careful, this onsen was said to have a thief stealing important things. YS: I want to believe that is just a rumour but we must be careful (spontaneously hold my hand). Let’s go (holding hand) like this. You are more important to me than anything, no one can steal you away from me.
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At the inn, we were walking down the corridor, a male guest was loudly arguing with the innkeeper. He saw us and kept accusing YS to be the thief stealing his stuff while he was in the onsen!? YS replied coldly we didn’t know anything. I tried to hold back but was angry that man talked to YS like that and said no, YS is definitely not the thief. That male guest went crazy accusing me to be the accomplice and was abt to grab my kimono collar but: YS: Don’t touch her (grab the man’s hand). What were you abt to do to her?
The man was flustered by YS’s overwhelmingly freezing murderous air (aweee). I told YS I was alright, YS let the man go, he immediately ran away. I thanked YS for saving me and:
YS: Of course I will save you… If you didn’t stop me, I don’t know what I’d do to that man. I’m sorry for scaring you.
Y:  No, I know you are by my side protecting me, I’ll be fine no matter what. So please don’t worry too much abt me.
YS (pat my hair): There is another thing I must thank you. You protected me, didn't you? I don’t mind what people say about me, but when you said those words for my sake, it warmed my heart. Don't be shy, tonight i'll lend you my hand. With my hand, I will make your body and mind feel good :)
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YS: I only want to help wash your body :) It’s a rare occasion that we can soak in onsen together, I want to do what we don't normally do. If you feel anything uncomfortable, don’t hesitate, I want you to tell me. Is it too hot? (No, it’s just right) Really… Y, give me your hand. 
YS touched my hand holding against my chest, suddenly my body trembled. I asked him to wash me from behind. YS didn’t mind, he gladly moved to behind my back and slide the towel on my wet body. I said I was happy to have him all to myself like this, but I was a bit guilty for being selfish, bc he's everybody’s Yoshitsune-sama. His face was like [….. -,- ] but he suggested soaking in the spring. 
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Suddenly I noticed my kimono was gone (from where I left it, only mine though). I told YS to soak first while I went look for it. At that exact moment, the grass nearby shaked violently and sth was running towards us. I was so surprised I cowered down, YS put his haori over me and caught… a monkey that stole my kimono. YS told the monkey the kimono and obi sash belong to his important person, so mischief is not good. The monkey obediently returned them (aweee) There were more stolen items behind the bush. YS said it was regrettable we couldn’t soak together but we should tell the innkeeper first. Seeing him so disappointed, I told him we’d go soak later. He hugged me from behind and said: I want you to let me keep you all to myself. 
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The innkeeper was very happy and as apologies & thank, he’d prepare sth extravagant and bring to our room. The food was very delicious, I thanked YS that bc he was here, even if terrible things happen, they will turn over to happiness. He said it was bc I was here, also we should eat while the food is still hot. I sensed that he was gazing at me and looked up. He said it was nothing but I noticed his eyes were wavering.
YS: When I look at you, food is the last thing I think of (~no time for food). You said you are happy to be with me. I feel the same, but that isn’t all. When I’m with you, I become impatient, my heart hopelessly yearns for you. Unconsciously, I am captivated, my body is tinged with heat. In the end, you only look towards me and my heart is stolen. If this is called love, you are the one that taught me that. Actually, earlier I was having trouble holding myself back. I want to touch you more. You were beautiful below the star light, your being embarrassed reaction was cute too. 
I said let’s go to the onsen again like I promised, I might be embarrassed again though. He wrapped his arms around my back, pulled me towards his chest, gently kissed my hair and said: it’s fine being yourself, this time, show me all of you.
CHAPTER 3 (Premium end)
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We returned to the onsen. YS hugged me from behind asking if I was cold, nope I was actually too hot ha..ha...
YS had a favour to ask, he wanted to see my face. I turned back and faced him. He said I was beautiful; I said no, it was him; he said no only I didn’t know (alright, we are both beautiful okay). His fingers touched my cheek then traced along my collar bone. He apologized, just looking isn’t enough now, and buried his face into the nape of my neck. He said if you think this is unfair, then touch me :3 I put my hand on his chest. He asked can you hear? (his heart beating very fast) And this isn’t the first time, it has been beating fast like this for a long time. However, no matter how difficult it is, not touching you is unbearable. I said I feel the same.
He locked me in his arms and kissed from my ear, to nape of my neck, to my shoulder. I told him it was a bit painful but he said: if you really feel it’s painful, I’ll let go immediately … but it’s impossible when you show me that face like you are melting. I said I lied, please touch me more :3 We kissed deeply. 
YS: Thank you for thinking of me. Earlier when you asked me to let the horse drink water, it was bc you were worried I’d get tired right. Then you defended me at the inn and followed my selfish request. I love you even more now. Also, until now, onsen to me is simply a place to warm up bodies (with no particular emotional attachment), but my perception has changed. It’s good to warm up the body and heart of the person I love.
I said it’s a bit unfair how he knows more abt than me abt him. He said: it seems like I haven’t shown you enough how precious you are to me, let me show you again how much I love you. Yes, please do so. I asked to wash his body in return. I was thinking how beautiful he was then he said he wanted to touch me. No! This is my turn to pamper you YS! He kissed my forehead as if pouting: I can’t wait anymore, it's my request :’( I thought to myself It was more like an order already, not just a request and a feeling of love swell up inside me :P I told him to wait a bit more, it’d be bad if he catches cold. He said he also worried abt me, let’s go back to our room, he wants to warm me up. < More ~warm~up~ in the epilogue(*/∇\*)>
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kouei116 · 5 years
Ikemen Genjiden - Yoshitsune's Preview video
Yoshitsune's route will be released on 21/11/19.
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If you oppose me, I must kill you. 
I fell in love so I was afraid of hurting you. 
But … because I love you, I will fight against you. 
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I was killed by Yoritomo once, I will certainly defeat Yoritomo for the sake of everybody in Hiraizumi.
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Taking revenge against his older brother Yoritomo - the supreme commander of the rebel army.
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The fallen hero that was resurrected by acquiring ayakashi’s power.
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Fooled by the kitsune, you worked for the shogunate, but you became the rebel army’s hostage ...
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I have never been afraid to fight. Even if I lose my life, if it’s for the things I should do, it’s my ambition (goal/heart’s desire)
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"I can’t leave this person alone” - the impermissible love budded.
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Fighting is the only thing I can do… and yet, I want to protect you.  
However, the burning up war …. He is heading towards destruction/ruin, at the battlefield, we will hurt each other.
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I just want to stop him … responding to that wish, the light of love will shine at the battlefield.
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You smile and say you want me to stay by your side. You don’t know how happy that makes me.
In order to protect the woman he loves, the fallen hero will be born again as a true hero.
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kouei116 · 5 years
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I was ... sleeping? I didn't drink the sake but I fell asleep ... sorry.
It's too comfortable being by your side.
It seems that you're a bit tired, you should go to bed early.
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I want to go to the courtyard to play the flute before going to bed ... Will you come with me?
... Thank you, for smiling at the people who are important to me.
When I see you laugh with the people in town, you become more and more lovely.
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You should rest soon, I still have a bit more work ...Hmm? Even if you don't tell me, I won't work too hard. Now now, don't worry.
Kamakura is my origin, and also a place I should protect . In this scenery, keep smiling your carefree smile as much as possible.
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kouei116 · 5 years
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Happy birthday to Ikemen Genjiden's Yoshitsune (14/11/19)
Having someone celebrating the day I was born is a good thing. If I say I want you to celebrate next year too, will you listen to my request?
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Yoshitsune birthday story will be on sale from 7/11-2/12/19 ~ Reflecting in that eye.
Yoritomo: ... Come to think of it, today is his birthday.
Yuuki: His...?
Yoritomo: Yoshitsune's.
By chance, I knew about Yoshitsune-sama's birthday. While I was curious about Yoritomo-sama's real intention, I went out shopping and on the way back, I stopped by the beach and the fate encounter happened. 
Yoshitsune: You don't need to be so tense. I just want to look at the beach coming back from the inspection. 
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Yuuki: Yoshitsune-sama, today is your birthday right.
Yoshitsune: Who did you hear it from? 
Yuuki: ...Yoritomo-sama.
The two brothers' sad and heartbreaking fate that there was no space to step in. Nevertheless, the eyes that were shutting in the beautiful sea were somehow lonely ...
Yuuki: Happy... birthday
Yoshitsune: ....
The words that I unexpectedly said opened up Yoshitsune's firmly closed heart little by little.
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Yoshitsune: If it's possible to be with someone like you... I think it'd definitely be a happy life.
Yuuki: Yoshitsune-sama....?
If you buy the gorgeous set, you can read the story from his POV, his heart that nobody knows and distant memories will be revealed.
Yoritomo: It’s an imported item. I found it in town.
Yoshitsune: ...Older brother, I didn't know you like these kind of things. 
And then Yuuki's words filled his heart with a sweet impulse...
(I want to try touch her ... a bit more)
On a special day when it was like the sky and sea blended, the two people's hearts were brought closer together. 
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kouei116 · 5 years
Ikemen Genjiden - Yoritomo's Preview video
You attained special power after making a pledge/promise with the kitsune (fox spirit).
During the battle of Genji brothers, you will meet your destiny love.
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No matter how much he acts like a perfect shogun
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The shogun that everybody admire is a malicious man with heinous​ personality!?
You are forced to be Yoritomo’s personal attendant (~maid) because you have special power.
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I’m curious what voice a woman (who resists against me) will make when I pin her down?
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You vow you will absolutely not do what he wants, but …
When you know about his sad past and conviction, the distance between you two shortens …
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When I look at your face, the malice/ill-will is gone … you’re a truly strange girl.
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However, this love between different social status will be engulfed by the great battle of destiny.
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What is the ending of this love (that is burning/consuming you) awaiting you at the end of the battle …?
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I have stopped giving up on you, hence you should give up and … give everything to me.
(~ as in he has been giving up on MC, but he stopped doing that now, hence she should give up resisting him and give everything to him)
The weapon to fight against tragedy is love. And what I gained is overflowing happiness.
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