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Theory time
What if Alisa, Tammo and Nicu are cousins?
We know that Alisa's and Tammo's father was a human and later on a shadow vampire, who fathered Alisa when he hadn't been turned yet.
What if he had a brother perhaps, a brother that lost his own brother to vampires.
What if that brother started hating vampires so much for taking his beloved brother that he starts hunting them together with his wife, who later on, after his death that may be due to a vampire who knows, becomes the most feared vampire hunter in the world.
What if they had a son, that a few years later get's to know unknowingly the children of his uncle.
I know this is a bit disturbing that Alisa and Nicu have kissed sometime, but it's just a theory guys!
#heirs of the night#hotn#heirs of the night theory#hotn theory#alisa von vamalia#tammo von vamalia#nicu#calvina
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#i kinda hate everything about this merch logistics#ti merch#ti.usa#ti.tysons1#ti.new york#ti.tysons#also Calvina said they ran out of one of the hats in nyc
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@soldatrose about the family tree of Racine's Junia, or rather her prototype Junia Calvina!
Syme starts the annotation with the sentence "Abnormally prolific and prominent under the dynasty, this family carries many problems." - which I misread as "this family causes many problems" and cheered.
The tree be upon ye (relevant Junia highlighted):
[Syme, Augustan Aristocracy, XII JUNII SILANI.]
Junia's line of descent from Octavian is Julia the Elder -> Julia the Younger -> Aemilia Lepida -> Junia Calvina. Thus Junia's mother Aemilia Lepida was our Agrippina's cousin.
This Aemilia Lepida was not descended from the triumvir Lepidus but from his proscribed brother Lucius Aemilius Paullus [shown at Syme, Augustan Aristocracy, VIII THE AHENOBARBI].
It is odd that Racine's Junia, when addressing Octavian's statue, calls Britannicus his last descendant, when Britannicus was not descended from him at all (unlike Junia, Agrippina, and Nero) - something that Argent notes in his commentary.
Fun fact: Junia Calvina's sister Junia Lepida married a Gaius Cassius Longinus (suff. 30 ce). It just keeps happening.
#genealogy#junia calvina#britannicus#unrelated fun fact: nero (through his father's line) is a great-great-grandson of cato's sister.
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Iceland, March 2025
idk! you tell us babe!
#Calvina if you're reading this#iceland wedding exactly 2 years later#(this is officially the only theory apart from the dog i'm participating in)#(realistically idc)#(but iceland 2023 deserves a redemption arc!)#iceland
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🪻A new beginning🪻
Calvina is enjoying her time in Janthir, going from the high octane fights of her life, to the more smoother and calmer pace of the simple life is a nice change for her.
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cute things to call ur bf
josephine biden
donna trump
baraka obama
georgiana bush
wilhelmina clinton
georgina bush
rhonda reagan
jamie carter
geraldine ford
ricarda nixon
landon johnson
johanna kennedy
dionysia eisenhower
harriett truman
frankie roosevelt
Herberta Hoover
calvina coolidge
Wren Harding
thomasine wilson
wilhelmina taft
theodora roosevelt
willemina mckilney
G'Anna cleveland
chelsey arthur
jamesine garfield
ruth hayes
ulyssa grant
andrea johnson
abrianna lincoln
jamesianne buchanan
francine pierce
millardine fillmore
jozachar taylor
jamesine polk
jaqueline tyler
willa harrison
martina van buren
andrea jackson
jackie quincy adams
jamesine monroe
jamesine madison
tamsin jefferson
jeanne adams
georgina washington
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Boone (R15)
Rita zmieniła grupę wiekową. Wyszła z niej urocza mieszkanka niewiadomo jakich psów.
Edna wybrała się na studia ze stypendium o wartości 1750$. Na pewno pomoże jej to zapłacić za czesne, ponieważ jej rodzina nie jest w stanie pozwolić sobie na tak duży wydatek.
W międzyczasie braku Edny, do rodziny Boone dołączył Calvin, który już wkrótce zostanie oficjalnym członkiem rodziny.
Calvin dostał drugorzędną aspirację romansowania. Nie ma co się dziwić bo od zawszwe miał do tego drygi.
Alexndrowi jak typowy wiedzowy Sim pragnie niemożliwego. Takim oto sposobem udało mu się spełnić drugą życiową aspirację - osiągniecie maksymalnego poziomu we wszystkich umiejętnościach.
Tak wygląda pokój Calvina oraz Edny kiedy wróci ze studiów. Nie jest zbyt szykownie umeblowany ale parze to jak najbardziej odpowiada.
Edna i Calvin spotykali się ze sobą w każdej możliwej chwli. Jak się mówi odległość nie ma znaczenia w przypadku prawdziwej miłości.
Po spełnieniu kolejnej aspiracji, Alexander postanowił uczyć Ritę różnych sztuczek.
W końcu przyszedł też czas aby Edna wróciła do domu rodzinnego. Alexander przywiał swoją córkę ciepłym uściskiem.
Calvin i Edna dość szybko odnaleźli swoje wymarzone prace - Prawo i Wojsko. Umiejętności zdobyte na studiach pozwoliły im zacząć pracę już od 4 poziomu.
Calvin w końcu postanowił wykorzystać sytuację i poprosił Ednę o zostanie jego żoną. Simka oczywiście się zgodziła, a Calvin skacze z radości ponieważ będzie częścią ogromnego majątku rodziny.
Chyba widać, że Calvin nie jest moim ulubionym simem xD
Na sam koniec tury Alexander postanowił przejść na emeryturę. Po latach pracy chce już odpocząć i spędzić czas ze swoją rodziną.
#sims 2#ts2#miłowo#pleasantview#rodzina boone#boone#alexander goth#alexander boone#calvin wilson#edna bone#Tura15
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Koh Ruby, Belajar Life Skill Setiap Hari
"Paling tidak, luangkan waktu sebentar untuk selalu mendengar dan melihat ilmu dari orang lain. Gratis dan mudah."
Tema kali ini tentang rekomendasi channel yang menurut pribadi bermanfaat. Rasa-rasanya sangat banyak yang ingin ku rekomendasikan berdasarkan jenisnya. Tapi aku memutuskan untuk memfokuskan mereview channel ini. Sosok yang sudah 3 tahun ini menemani perjalanan perubahanku.
Sebelum ke sana, aku mau bilang kalau kita punya tontonannya sendiri, dan orang-orang yang kita tonton, sudah tentu baik menurut kita. Dan ini, aku mau cerita kenapa Koh Ruby yang jadi pilihan pada tema kali ini.
Bukan cuma dia sebenarnya konten motivasi yang selalu share banyak ilmu, tapi menurutku dia sudah sangat baik dalam berkata-kata.
Redaksi bahasa yang diucap juga selalu tertata dan rapi. Dari setiap omongannya, dia selalu menghargai proses orang, dan selalu percaya kalau orang punya cara dan prosesnya masing-masing.
Membahas financial, life skil, ya itu kemampuan dia, dan tentunya selalu memakai properti yang dijadikan perumpamaan dalam menjelaskan sesuatu. Ini makin memudahkan pendengarnya.
Paling kusuka, ada segmen Dibacain, yang isinya membahas dan mereview buku yang ia baca. Menariknya, dia gak menceritakan bagaimana buku itu, tapi apa insight yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan kita dan korelasinya dari buku itu. Jadi gak heran kalau dia ceritain buku, dia selalu punya contohnya sendiri.
Ngomong pakai data, aku suka nih yang gini-gini, ngomong gak asal ngomong. Dia nih ngomong pakai data, pakai grafik, bahkan kutipan kecil, dia juga buat tuh kutipan siapa.
Dan channel ini, gak membosankan sih kata ku. Sama kaya 1%, selalu ada yang menarik di kontennya. Beda, dan selalu punya isian yang daging + beda. Jadi bikin penontonnya gak muak. Sederhana, durasi gak kepanjangan, dan tentunya to the point. Gak banyak babibu.
Oh ya terakhir, siapapun yang kita lihat, semoga itu benar-benar bikin kita teredukasi. Paling enggak, buat kita punya waktu yang bermanfaat dengan melihat tontonan itu.
Jangan lupa sesuaikan tontonan dengan kebutuhan kita. Pakai porsinya. Berapa persen nontonin jenis religi, biar nambah ilmu agama. Berapa persen nontonin jenis scholarship, financial, life skil, hiburan, dsb.
Semoga kita tetap memanfaatkan waktu sebaik-baiknya❤ Dan jangan judge tontonan orang, loh! Ingat itu!!!!
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I don't really like Nicu but you know what?
I fucking love his mother!!
#calvina is amazing#I mean she's hot and a true badass#and her storyline is so good!!#she is the best character to only exist in the show in my opinion#heirs of the night#hotn#calvina
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~~~Moje nagrody za osiągnięte wagi~~~
50kg - książka horror
49kg - 2pc enhypen 😍
48kg - top z collabu bp x hm i moze jeszcze czapke
45kg - zakupyyy 🤩
40kg - Błyszczyk z diora i bielizna z Calvina Kleina
Chudego popoludnia! 🫶🏻
#motylki any#motylek any#blogi motylkowe#blog motylkowy#motylki blog#az do kosci#bede chudziutka#bede najchudsza#bede motylkiem#bede lekka#chce czuc swoje kosci#chce byc lekka jak motylek#chce widziec swoje kosci#chce miec chude nogi#chce miec plaski brzuch#chce byc chuda#chce byc szczupla#chce schudnac#musze czuc swoje kosci#musze widziec swoje kosci#musze byc szczupla#musze byc chuda#musze schudnac#musze miec chude nogi#musze miec plaski brzuch#chuda jak szkielet#byc szkieletem#niczym kosciotrup#chudzinka#nie jestem glodna
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Pátek, den zachodování.
Někdy se to tak semele, že v občerstvovně zbude jediný volný místečko jen u dveří chodbičky, vedoucí na wecka. No co, kolektivní veselí holt doprovází samovolné pozorování cvrkotu. Migrace všemožných pohlaví, mířících odlehčit vlastnímu tělu od kapaliny, kterou do sebe nejprve slastně nalili, pak přefiltrovali a posléze jí snad s ještě větší slastí vypustili zpět na světlo Boží, nemá konce.
Jojo, každej tam musí. Taková obyčejná věc, jako je odskočit si povětšinou jenom na malou a ono ejhle, kolik epizod a kolik příběhů. K zamyšlení, pousmání i zaplakání.
Ovarová tetka, tak padesát plus, co si ve společnosti záchodové mísy odložila škrtící podprdu, to je jen takový safari za polárním kruhem. Ovšem když se k tomu přidá zadní pohled s vykasanou blůzičkou a šňůrkou tangáčů, zírající z hlubiny odvrácených polokoulí, k pousmání. Ale jo, narozky.
Pravdivost prohlášení, že tentokrát tam byl opravdu nával, dozajista nepodtrhnou kalhotky, vláčené na jehlovém podpadku majitelky. Krajkové. Tak tady někde leží částečné řešení neznámé v rovnici, proč většinou holky chodí na onu místnost ve dvojici a některé raději sem tam samy.
On takový posilněný majitel trenýrkové nášivky od Calvina, kropící širé okolí pisoárového zátiší, dozajista kecama o ceně spoďárů nikoho neosloví. Jestli on se ten Klein neměl jmenovat spíš Lang. Klátící se mužské postavy, šumění mušlí, které nešumí, filosofování o životě a sem tam ještě nějaký ten vzkaz, zvěčněný na zdi, tak tohle všechno se může šustnout. V pátek, den zachodování.
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Things to Note About Katherine Calvina
The first thing you need to know about Katherine is that she’s chaos incarnate, she does what she wants, when she wants, and if you think you can stop her, honey you got a big storm coming. She’s swift and an expert at stealth, she leaves behind no evidence. And she does some really weird, out-there shit. Here are some of them.
• If you ask her to pass the salt, she will read out every single thing you complained about which she somehow managed to gather via unknown means.
• Her spider DNA makes her scary when she's brooding. Yes, it works. Katherine staring at you without blinking while sticking to the wrong side of the ceiling is creepy.
• Unless you explicitly ask her, she’d never tell you a thing about herself. It’s not that she is a secretive person per se, though she’d concede that he had a lot of secrets (like how she got her quirk, what she did to her uncle’s murderer, and the fact that she hacked Pentagon). It’s just Katherine doesn’t have the habit of sharing information about herself randomly. She talks a lot but says little, I’m afraid.
• She can deflect any conversation, changing topics like a pro. She is practically a master at it. Deflection particularly is her forte, one of the first things people find out about her, aside from her genius-level intellect, is that she’s a goddess at people relationships.
• Her secret is to find something else that is so obnoxiously absurd yet weirdly fitting.
• Another talent Katherine has is winning. Specifically, anything. Absolutely, anything. Something that enrages Bakugo beyond anything. Katherine Calvina, for all her soft looks, childlike demeanor, and her easygoing and charming personality, is cutthroat in competitions. Whether that be UNO, board games, academics, or sports festivals, she is always, always going in for the kill when fired up.
• One should know that when Katherine Calvina played board games, it is kill or be killed. She always takes the competition seriously, aiming for the gold the whole time.
• She was really ruthless that one time, she placed gown four +4 cards in on ego during UNO she and the rest of the 1-A girls were playing, utterly straight-faced and with no regrets whatsoever.
• Needless to say, everyone was a little, just a tiiiny bit wary of her after that. The whole class tried games that they felt Katherine wouldn’t excel in but after they watched her break the first rack and proceed to sink each and every ball into a pocket, for eight racks straight while making direct eye contact in a game of pool, they learned this important lesson.
• NEVER challenge Katherine Calvina to ANYTHING, because she is the most competitive piece of shit there is.
• At this point the only one stubborn enough to keep trying to unsuccessfully beat her is Bakugo.
• The funny thing about being Arachne is that Katherine is unbelievably good at physics. Before she got her quirk, she preferred engineering and chemistry, liking the different variables that are all so different and make so many different things. However, being Arachne meant that she’d had to know her angles by heart, one thing she had come to understand quite painfully.
• Not only that, Katherine, someone with superhuman strength that is on par with or maybe even surpasses the likes of Allmight, must be acutely aware of the amount of power and strength she uses. Grab onto the table too hard? Broken table. Hit a guy with a little too much force? Dead guy. Accidentally add too many chemicals she was experimenting with that are highly reactive? Explosions.
• It’s safe to say that Katherine has a pretty good handle on her strength. This, however, is a fact no one really notices. For some reason, people never really pay attention to the little details and logic that go into her being Arachne. As such, no one really knows that Katherine has perfect control over her body. Sometimes, it is even to the point that she can adjust the force she uses by percentage.
It never really occurred to her to tell anyone about this fact until Midoriya asked her about it one day.
• When Katherine says, 'she'll just El Chapo her way out of there,' she will, in fact, find a way to escape from the situation, escape artist style, by sheer force of will, faith and a spoon.
• One should not tell Katherine to avenge them when someone does something to them that is INCONSEQUENTIAL. She has a habit of collecting information and WILL cite facts about their person for intimidation purposes.
o Doing that to one’s childhood bully is fine. See that time she found out that Bakugo was Izuku’s childhood bully and recited every embarrassing fact about him to his face in front of the entire class. They had a very nasty fight that day that ended up with both of them getting detention but if you ask Katherine it was definitely worth it
• When she is tired enough of someones bullshit, she stops caring and proceeds to give them an existential crisis. In the end that person might question their life’s purpose and quit to go farm rice. (It happened before.)
• She must not go without sleep for at most, 5 days. It takes 5 days to turn his 'mildly excentric' self to a 'hyperactive squirrel on caffeine'.
• Katherine loathes decaf coffee with a passion. Sero once tried giving it to her and she stared at him ominously for the next few months.
• If she calls someone by their full name without any honorifics and a smile, that person should run without looking back. Not that it would prevent their fate but it might suspend it a little.
• Katherine can carry her classmates, princess style, anywhere. Yes, she would not refuse because she's kind like that. Once she carried Denki everywhere for a whole day.
• Sometimes she smiles while she's raging inside, if they catch her without her mask it is strangely effective against criminals, though this doesn’t change that she still looks like she'd eaten someone's child.
• Maybe it’s her spider DNA is to blame but Katherine loves to walk and sit on the ceiling upside down and perch on high places. She sometimes sticks to the ceiling while eating at 3 AM in the morning. She scared so many of her classmates this way.
• But for some reason, it is, in fact, scarier to find out that she is nowhere to be seen than anything else.
• Katherine is that type of shopper. She pays for groceries with coupons that she painstakingly collected over the past month. It's her pride. Don't comment on it.
• When Katherine says she's going out to shoot the shit, she means she's going out to shoot the shit. She's a regular at the gun range in Musutafu and has a loathing for pictures of politicians, some villains, and people who annoyed her that week. Yes, that also means that when she's staring at bakugo, she might be contemplating whether she should shoot him or not. Food for thought.
• Katherine has the habit of carefully flipping the cars of racist cops upside down. She does it so gently that it doesn't get damaged and charged for destruction of property.
• Another thing about Katherine, she holds grudges for a very long time.
• If someone wronged her she holds grudges and gets back at them with a vindictive glee in her smile. She doesn’t relish tormenting anyone but she bides her time and hit them when people least expect it.
• Karma is a bitch.
• And that bitch is named Katherine Calvina.
I got inspired from the works of Angeeelatin's works. check out her page guys they got me laughing so hard.
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When a book starts with a family tree which is so wrong, I simply cannot continue reading until I have figured out the correct version and also how they got it so wrong.
#the book is one of the french editions of racine's britannicus.#they made junia calvina a daughter of agrippina's brother drusus...#and also confused her with her sister but this is not grievous (unlike the first thing).#britannicus#i was going to bed two hours ago and then this happened.
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Struggling in Cantha, Calvina's been having a rough time for a long while.
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