#dracula (heirs of the night)
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cyberr-v0id · 3 months ago
In series two episode six of Heirs of the Night, The Last One, Alisa tying herself to the wheel during the storm is a reference to Dracula by Bram Stoker
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alisavonvamalia · 2 months ago
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niamhthefae · 2 months ago
just started rewatching heirs of the night LETS GOOOO
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pepopipu · 2 years ago
Heirs of the Night. The Power of Love
Hi, I'm writing a heirs of the night fanfic. I leave it here in case you want to take a look.
Summary: Alisa has a beating heart, a shining hand, a bond with an ancient vampire, and a destiny that will change the entire world…but none of it is more amazing than her power of love.
Chapter 1: VAMALIA
The beginning of the plague of demons
(Author: Abraham van Helsing, vampire hunter and founder of the Red Masks)
…and the tears of Count Dracula were mixed with the blood, and from the blood and the tears thirteen rubies were formed. The rubies glowed dark red and pulsed deep within. From each ruby was born one of the thirteen clans of vampires. And each clan received the gift of their birthstone, which also gave each clan its name. As long as the venerables of the clans carry the ruby, all vampires born into the clan will have the gift that the ruby bestows:
•The Dracas of Norway can read minds and communicate with each other mentally.
•Italy's Nospheres can overcome the deadly effects of holy items.
•The Vyrad of England can control the weather.
•The Pyras of France speak all animal languages.
•The Irish Lycana can change shape.
• The Romanian Upiry can make her shadow act independently of her body.
•The Belovs of Russia tolerate sunlight.
•The Arrufat of Spain can speak with the dead.
•The Tova de Holanda can overcome the paralyzing effects of water.
•The Swiss Walk can become invisible.
•The Vikla of Greece can move objects with the power of thought.
•The Turkey Grimur can catch sunlight.
•The Vamalia of Germany finally received the gift of love, and this clan is the keeper of the spark that can put out all vampire life in the world if...
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mysteryofvampires · 15 days ago
Guys!! I discovered a new parallel between the show and the books!!
In the show Ragnar betrays his family and Teams up with Dracula to gain power. He robs the leaders of their rubies and takes Lars with him. In the end he dies without gaining anything because Dracula pushes him into the sun.
In the books Baroness Antonia betrays both her brother, so Baron Maximilian the Dracas Clan leader, and the good side in general. She extradites Ivy to Dracula and hopes that he will marry her now that she can become one of the most powerful vampires and bear the New vampire generation. She also dies because Dracula pushes her into a bunch of metal bars..
That's a great detail!
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niamhthefae · 1 year ago
let's get on it boyz
if we all ask for at least 3 and a castle in the middle of nowhere we can all live out our wwdits,heirs of the night,young dracula and any other vampire media-dreams!
I'm sure that no one will kill you or anything...
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discardead · 18 days ago
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Disclaimer: Religious theme below + Long post ahead!
Vampire & Angel Prince themed NPT ···· Requested by @princefrail
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Bat. Bats. Batsy. Batty. Battie. Battimpire. Battympira. Battimpyra. Battypire. Battius. Batisse. Chiroptera. Chiero. Chiroptire. Chiropett. Chiropette. Chiropyre. Chyropire. Vambite. Vampier. Vampiresth. Vampierre. Vampeia. Vamprius. Vampior. Vamprina. Vampriess. Vampith. Vampriel. Vampred. Vamprise. Vampriest. Fang. Fangs. Fangyr. Fangsire. Fangire. Sanguine. Sanguneia. Sangiene. Sangius. Sangsel. Sangrione. Sangriel. Bloodyse. Bloodise. Bloodire. Bloodyre. Bloodesth. Bloodith. Bloodithe. Bloodesse. Bloodirse. Bloodius. Bloodime. Hemoin. Hemoine. Hemoisth. Hemoius. Hemoie. Hemolisth. Imortal. Imortell. Imorthel. Imortisse. Immortice. Imorthius. Imorthor. Imorthar. Sanquette. Sanquett. Sanquesth. Halo. Haelo. Haloisse. Halyre. Haloine. Haloina. Halious. Halomie. Halyure. Haloette. Haloetta. Haloesth. Haloisthe. Etheralo. Puryne. Purithy. Purityse. Saint. Serafine. Sainthly. Saintrel. Angelette. Angelisth. Angiesth. Angelie. Angelyn. Angelisse. Angeluett. Angeluise. Angelie. Angellise. Angeiré. Royalisth. Royalisse. Luxurine. Luxira. Vareign. Chivareign. Alistovar. Chivalryse. Honorie. Echo. Lucius. Lucian. Lucien. Victor. Viktor. Vincent. Vince. Thorn. Thorne. Damien. Damian. Mikael. Noir. Silas. Gabriel. Alucard. Dorian. Rook. Asher. Marcus. Augustus. Maximus. Remus. Cassius. Thorne. Raven. Vesper. Lestat. Andrei. Angela. Angelina. Angeline. Angie. Angelo. Angelou. Angelos. Angelus. Constantin. Michael. Evangeline. Engel. Sol. Lucifer. Aurelius. Caelum. Evander. Ethel. Zachary. Holden. Lionel. Alexander. Baxter. Charles. Julian. Rainer. Rainus. Reinier. Friedrich. Ludwig. Heinrich. Wilhelm. Leopold. Maximilian. Otto. Albrecht. Lorenz.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ roy/royal. royal/royalty. pri/pris. pri/prince. prin/prince. prin/prinz. hei/heir. hei/heim. shei/heir. theiy/theim. crow/crown. re/reign. ti/tiara. co/cor/coronet. high/highness. hon/honor. honor/honorable. cou/court. line/lineage. coron/coronation. coro/coron. coro/coronation. pal/palace. nob/noble. aristo/aristocratic. imper/imperial. cre/crest. lavi/lavish. la/lavish. lav/lavish. chiva/chivalrous. digni/dignified. comm/command. carri/carriage. reg/regal. rega/regal. maje/majesty. wea/wealth. sh👑/h👑r. h👑/h👑m. th👑y/th👑m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ va/vamp. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vamp/vampy. vampy/vampys. vamp/vampire. vamp/vampiric. pi/pire. pir/pirism. va/vam. vam/vamp. vamp/vamps. vae/vaer. vae/vaem. vei/veir. vei/veim. vie/vier. vie/viem. vey/vem. ve/ver. vi/vir. ve/vem. vi/vim. viy/vim. blo/blood. bloo/blood. blood/bloody. blood/bloodlust. he/hem. hem/hemo. red/reds. re/red. crim/crimson. crims/crimson. sang/sanguine. sa/sar. sae/saem. sae/saer. sey/sem. vei/vein. vein/veins. bi/bite. bite/mark. fan/fang. fang/fangs. fe/fer. fie/fier. his/hiss. hiss/hisses. dev/devour. devo/devour. devou/devour. consu/consume. pier/pierce. fea/feast. su/suck. suc/suck. thi/thirst. que/quench. drai/drain. drain/drains. quen/quench. si/sip. sip/sips. li/lick. lic/lick. dri/drip. drip/drips. ba/bat. bat/bats. chi/chiro. chiro/chiroptera. ec/echo. e/echo. ec/echo. ech/echo. echo/echoes. ni/night. ny/nyr. ny/nym. nie/niem. nei/neir. noc/nocturnal. noctu/nocturnal. mo/moon. moo/moon. moon/moons. cof/coffin. coff/coffin. coe/coffin. co/cofs. cof/coffs. drac/dracu. dracu/Dracula. gor/gore. go/gore. gore/gorey. ki/kill. kill/kills. kir/kirs. ki/kir. carn/carnage. carna/carnage. imm/immortal. imor/immortal. unde/undead. undea/undead. und/undead. h♰/h♰m. sh♰/h♰r. th♰y/th♰m.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ hy/hyr. hy/hym. hea/heaven. heav/heaven. hav/haven. haven/havens. holy/holys. hol/holy. sky/skys. abov/above. above/aboves. asce/ascend. ascen/ascend. desce/descend. descen/descend. eth/ether. ether/ethereal. eth/ethyr. wi/wing. win/wing. wing/wings. wie/wier. wie/wiem. halo/halos. hae/halo. ha/halo. ae/haer. hae/haem. aur/aura. go/gold. gol/gold, gold/golds. gold/golden. li/light. div/divine. divi/divine. divi/divinity. bless/blessing. bles/bless. bless/blesses. hop/hope. choi/choir. cho/choir. pu/pure. pure/purity. puri/purity. shi/shine. pray/prays. pray/prayer. ae/aer. ae/aem. ang/angel. ae/angel. doe/dove. dove/doves. sai/saint. sain/saint. saint/saints. che/cher. cher/cherub. cherub/cherubic. se/ser. sera/seraph. ser/seraph. seraph/seraphim. thro/throne. throe/throne. opha/ophanim. domi/dominion. domin/dominion. vir/virtue. virt/virtue. virtu/virtue. pow/power. power/powers. princi/principality. principal/principality. arch/archangel, archae/archangel. arch/archs. arch/archas. archa/archas. arch/arches. mess/messenger. messen/messenger. sae/sacred. sacre/sacred. fai/faith. chali/chalice. cha/chalice. h✦/h✦m. sh✦/h✦r. th✦y/th✦m. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/siem. sie/sier.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Angelic one / [noun]. Prn* angelism. The Revered Angel. Prn* who's revered (by the people / [noun]). Prn* who comes from Above. The Descension of this Angel. The Descension of [noun / name]. Prn* who hails from Heaven / Above. The God's Messenger. This Sacred being. Prn* who remains Sacred. Prn* who was Blessed. The [noun] of Blessing. Prn* holy message. The Angel in the Choir. The Greatest among the Angels. Prn* who's born blessed. Prn* by the Choir. Prn* who brings Blessing. The Light of your Days. Prn* purity. The Purified being / [noun]. The Chosen one by God. Prn* who answers Prayers. The Angel's Holy Light. Prn* holiness. Prn* who remains Untainted. Prn* Golden Halo. Prn* [color] Halo. Prn* who clears Worries. Prn* Wings (of Comfort). Prn* Vampirism. The [noun] at Night. This Nocturnal [noun] / being. The Fanged One. Prn* Fangs. Prn* bloodthirst. The Bloodthirsty [noun]. Prn* unquenchable Thirst. Prn* who seeks Blood. Prn* who yearns to Feast. Prn* Bitten marks. The Vampire on the Hunt. Prn* Bat form. The Vampire out for a Feast. Prn* who wants to Devour. Prn* who laps up Blood. The Vampire in need for Blood. Prn* who feeds on Blood. The Bloodsucking Angel. The Angel turned Vampire. The Angel of Vampirism. The Vampire as an Angel. The Angelic Vampirism. The Angel who feasts on Blood. The Blood-hungry Angel. The Angel's / Vampire's / Prince's Court. The Court of this Prince. The Court of [noun]. Prn* in the Palace. Prn* who's treated as Royalty. The [noun] hailed from the Palace. Prn* with Royal Blood. The Crowned [noun]. The Prince's Throne. Prn* who's next in Line. The Next Ruler. The Heir to the Throne. The Prince among the Angels / Vampires. The Prince who feeds on Blood. The Princely Vampire. The Prince at Night. The Prince who ascends from Heaven. Prn* who was born a Royal. The Blessed Prince. The Prince with vampirism.
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caffeinatedcatlover · 2 months ago
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Books read in 2024 📖
I read a total of 41 books, around 15,500 pages (average book length 376 pages).
⋆ Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
⋆ Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
⋆ Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas
⋆ Heir of Fire by Sarah J Maas
⋆ The Assassin’s Blade by Sarah J Maas
⋆ Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas
⋆ The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid
⋆ Empire of Storms by Sarah J Maas
⋆ A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid
⋆ Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine
⋆ Tower of Dawn by Sarah J Maas
⋆ Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas
⋆ House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas
⋆ House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J Maas
⋆ House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J Maas
⋆ Foreigners: Three English Lives by Caryl Philips
⋆ Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
⋆ Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
⋆ A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
⋆ The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary
⋆ Bride by Ali Hazelwood
⋆ My Roommate Is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
⋆ Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
⋆ Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett
⋆ You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry
⋆ Book Lovers by Emily Henry
⋆ Happy Place by Emily Henry
⋆ Daisy Miller by Henry James
⋆ Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands by Mary Seacole
⋆ The Pumpkin Spice Cafe by Laurie Gilmore
⋆ The September House by Carissa Orlando
⋆ The Dangers of Smoking in Bed by Mariana Enríquez
⋆ Song of Myself by Walt Whitman
⋆ The Waste Land and Other Poems by T.S. Eliot
⋆ A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
⋆ Dracula by Bram Stoker
⋆ Recitatif by Toni Morrison
⋆ Millennium Approaches by Tony Kushner
⋆ The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty
⋆ The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
⋆ The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
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rottiens · 10 months ago
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cw. vampire toji x afab reader, dracula au, noncon, experimentation, blood, mentions of pregnancy, breeding, predator/prey, size difference, yan toji, you are compelled by him. divider creds: cafekitsune.
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Okay, I just think that Count Toji must be tired of living in his castle, bored of having spent centuries in this land where he only goes out hunting at night to survive and watch others live their lives under the hot and threatening sun.
Curiosity would lead him to set his eyes on the girl who occasionally walks around his castle, Toji is not interested in her social class or status; all he wants from her is the taste and ecstasy that her young blood can give him. He often sees her stop in the distance and admire how majestic the building is, so tall and imposing.
Toji believes that she managed to notice his presence once. Standing in front of the second floor window, as the sun set and he turned his back to the shadows. When their gazes met, it was then that he realized that the pleasures and memories of his human life still lingered there hidden under the clothes of the elegant lord he pretends to be, he wanted her, he wanted her on his property, he wanted her holding his hand and carrying his seed inside her.
With this idea in mind, he waited and counted the days until she would pass by his castle again; he waited and waited until, during twilight, he saw her walking slowly up the clear, flower-filled hill.
The dense flakes of black clouds hid the sun that day as if someone was conspiring on his behalf, so he took the opportunity to approach her, cautiously, making sure his movements would not frighten her, though nothing could make his dead heart beat faster than the sight of her running down the hill as she flees from an inevitable outcome.
Toji blamed her smile. If she hadn't smiled at him in that open, friendly way, as if inviting him to take her right there and then, he might have let her slip away. After all, it was not yet dark and anyone could catch him in the act; however, the way her heart was beating, hidden under her corset-tight ribs, and her nervous, choppy breathing, with her chest rising and falling, had never made him feel so alive as he did at that moment.
She doesn't remember how long it's been or how she got there, sometimes she thinks all she knows is that castle and her master. There are gaps in her memory about the family she lost one day and who she was before; all she remembers are the Count's words: “This is your home now.”
She serves him. She dresses for him. And she allows him, for some reason, to take anything he wants from her including her blood. Whenever he asks she goes to the back room, perfectly decorated with a bed with red silk sheets and sheer curtains hanging from the ceiling. Toji strips her of her clothes and she offers him her previously injured and fang-marked left arm, he feeds sometimes until she faints and loses consciousness. Other times, he calls her to breed her.
Toji is obsessed with the idea of getting her pregnant. One night, he told her how he wants to have children, how he wants to procreate, and that is the only reason she is there, not to serve him dinner or clean his floors; she is there to accept his cum every night and every time he wants to give it to her.
Toji has tried it so many ways, with her on top, underneath, beside him. His fangs are in every inch of her skin, marking her as his, and he keeps trying, wishing that at some point she might give him an heir for eternity so he won't be alone.
So far, though, none of that has worked.
There are days when she wakes up lucid and fear creeps through her veins, making her get out of bed in the middle of the night and run downstairs, screaming in terror. She doesn't remember how many times it has happened, she only knows that he finds her opening the front door and pushes her from behind crushing her against the old wood.
"Where are you going?" he growls annoyed against her ear, his breath hitching.
"Please, my lord; let me go."
Toji is quiet for a moment, perhaps weighing the decision?
"Let's make a deal. I will open the door and you will run as fast as your little legs will allow. If you can catch a moonbeam, I'll let you go.”
The castle is gigantic, she thinks. It will be a moment before she can step out of the shadows of it and reach the light.
"What if I don't make it?" her tear-filled eyes close for a moment and the tears fall.
The Count laughs softly, grinding his hips against her lower back showing her how hard what is about to happen makes him.
"You don't want to find out and ruin the surprise, do you?"
Toji flings open the door and she almost falls to the floor. Her hands touch the ground and she gets up in a hurry to get away from the castle, running as far as she can. Grass brushes against her feet, pebbles cut into the soles of her feet and her dress gets tangled between her thighs, but she keeps going without stopping. She looks back and sees him in his sleeping clothes from the doorway mimicking being a man, wrapped in darkness from his home with jet hair covering his eyes. And with red eyes and sharp fangs, she finally sees him for what he is.
A monster.
She looks ahead, screaming from the depths of her lungs for help. She thinks of her family, of her mother, and picks up the hem of her dress with one hand to run faster. The moonlight seems so close that she thinks she can reach it, but it all becomes a distant dream again the moment a sharp sound tears the air; like the cry of a wounded animal, and her body falls to the ground. Her palms bleed and she screams in pain, in rage, in fear.
"I've got you. Let's go back home."
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notes. i believe faithfully that he does this kind of experiments with you. he spreads your pussy with his fingers, pushes his cum inside, maybe hm fucks you in the ass all this to see your reaction. he is addicted to the way you respond to pleasure, to pain, that he wants to know everything about you. how much would your body resist before breaking, how much he should do to make you pregnant.
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beevean · 1 month ago
Prompt: The scene of Dracula kidnapping Soleil 😈
His heart still thrummed for the excitement, but Soleil, with trembling hands, forced himself to place the Vampire Killer on his nightstand and crawl under the sheets.
The Vampire Killer. Father's whip. In his possession. He was a true Belmont, now!
Oh, this was the best day of Soleil's life. Even under the warmth of the bed, he could not stop smiling and replaying the events of the ceremony in his head. His own father, his very hero, he who slew the evil Count Dracula himself, passed onto him the ancestral whip that radiated holy power. He had become a man, a Belmont worth of his name, Father had said with shiny eyes.
(Soleil might have cried very much unlike a man, but he couldn't help it.)
Not even the cold drafts seeping through the window bothered him. He was on top of the world, and he could not wait to make Father proud with the skills he had learned from him!
The window blew open. The night air outside rushed in the room. And with it, an odd sensation Soleil could not place, but it churned in his gut, uneasy, smothering his happiness. He had locked the window, he was sure of it. What was going--
Dark smoke took form next to him.
The stench was undescribable, inhuman. Icy dread settled in Soleil's stomach, as the smoke twisted, flowed like water, then became solid... a dark, solid shape, tall like a column, until it took the resemblance of a human - no, a thing, with bone-white hair and hellish eyes.
Count Dracula stood by his bed.
Soleil had never seen the vampire Lord, yet he knew, deep in his being, who that monster was. No one else could freeze the blood in his veins, cause tremors in his petrified limbs. He looked like a crude caricature of a person, a sickly corpse wrapped in a shadowy cloak, and Soleil's heart leaped out of his chest and the Vampire Killer was right there and his hand would not move to grab it.
"I finally get to see you up close, young Belmont."
Dracula's voice lashed at him like the wind blowing from the window.
Soleil couldn't talk. His tongue would not move, frozen to the roof of his mouth. His throat clamped shut. It was a nightmare, yes, it had to be, a very deep nightmare, and at any point Father would come wake him up.
"F-father..." he wheezed, weak, helpless, unheard by him.
My father defeated you before I was born! You can't be real!
As if he could read his thoughts, Dracula smirked, with his long canines peeking from his lips. "Your father is a weak, unremarkable man who brought shame to his thrice-damned family name. I'm disappointed, I must say, I expected better from Trevor's heir. But no matter..."
The creature walked - no, floated, his body moved unnaturally, he did not belong in this world - towards him. Soleil couldn't breathe, his chest heaved, as he could only raise his eyes and meet those of the vampire, who bowed close, too close to him, his breath reeked of blood and Soleil could not turn away...
"I observed you for years, little Belmont. Unlike your father, you seem to have potential. Magic flows in your blood, I'd recognize that scent anywhere." Soleil had no idea what he was talking about, and he could not ask, not when he watched as Dracula's fangs grew, right before his eyes. "And I am always glad to hone potential..."
The vampire raked his claws, longer than Soleil's fingers, down his cheek, jaw, neck, a touch so delicate and so intimately familiar that he tasted bile in his mouth. Then, all gentleness faded, and Dracula tore the collar of his nightgown with the swipe of an animal; and he plunged his teeth in Soleil's neck, it hurt! It burned like nothing Soleil had ever felt, not even fire: his entire body convulsed, trapped in the vampire's grip, Soleil opened his mouth but only a whimper came out of him, no no no how could he have let this happen?! No Belmont should be tainted by Dracula!
His blood left him in gulps, until his fingers grew numb, until the world around him faded in a haze of pain. Before losing consciousness, Soleil could faintly hear the demon sneer: "It is high time a Belmont learns of the agony of having your flesh and blood turn against you..."
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 2 months ago
favorite reads from this year
tagged by the love of my life @spaceprincessem
i actually read a lot of exceptional books this year so picking was hard but these 12 are my absolute favorites (and are in no particular order)
salt kiss by sierra simone (the greatest start to a poly romance with fantastic smut)
beach read by emily henry (i was swept away and also cried an awful amount)
silver under nightfall by rin chupeco (a threesome between two vampires and a vampire hunter, need i say more)
dark heir by c.s. pacat (AWWOOOOUUUGGGHHHHH)
the serpent and the wings of night by carissa broadbent (one of the best vampire/fantasy enemies to lovers ive ever read)
margins by landry brennan aka @rewritetheending (such a beautiful wholesome romance, truly one of the most lovely stories ever)
a dowry of blood by s. t. gibson (it's about dracula's lovers. brutal and gory and messy and delicious)
happy place by emily henry (this made me feel so many things that i was sure i would explode)
in my dreams i hold a knife by ashley winstead (everyone on this was so fucked up and it was delightful. also VERY hot)
funny story by emily henry (this made my heart fucking glow)
we could be so good by cat sebastian (the fucking prose !!!!!!!!!!)
the pairing by casey mcquiston (i haven't finished this one yet but i already adore the shit out of it. it's made me so hungry and horny)
tagging @colonoscopys @shitouttabuck @bigfootsmom @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @rewritetheending @leothil @zahlibeth @midsummersmorn @lonelychicago @bekkachaos @bucklavaa @spotsandsocks @chronicowboy @lemonzestywrites @try-set-me-on-fire @shyaudacity @onward--upward and anyone else who wants to share! please tag me i wanna hear about all the books <3
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azulazenin · 1 year ago
Princess Mihaela of Styria
– Born May 29, 1453. The very same day of the fall of Constantinople
– Daugther of Count Moritz Karnstein, Queen Carmilla’s cousin, and Lady Catherine Arpad, the last descendant of a fallen Hungarian dynasty
– Her mother died at childbirth, and her father took his own life afterwards, so she was taken by Carmilla, who named her princess and heir of Styria
– Carmilla was far from a mother to Mihaela, the Queen took her in thinking of the advantages of having a dhampir in her court, since Dracula had his own, but Lenore loved the baby from day one
– When Mihaela was still a child, Dracula arranged so his son could meet her, the only other person of his species, so he would feel less lonely
– The children became friends really quickly and started to exchanged letters
– Years later, when Dracula defeated the Ottomans, a ball was hosted in his castle. That night, Mihaela and Adrian realized they have been in love for years
– An year after the ball, Mihaela and Adrian got married
You can ready the story on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49552465/chapters/125063038
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Princess Mihaela Karnstein-Tepes, art by Gibsugar on twitter
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ghostselkie · 11 months ago
White raven Dracula au
So that first post I made about a White raven Dracula au was partly a joke, but then I started thinking about it more, and well this is the result of that brain worm.
Warning: this is a bit ramble-y.
Lenore is in the role of dracula, and annabel, at first, is in the roal of jonothan harker.
Lenore being a vampire is a secret that has been kept by the Vandernacht family for generations. Also they live in the Netherlands in this au.
Like in cannon the Vandernacts are ludicrously wealthy, and they using that money to help keep Lenore's vamp-ness a secret. Also cause vampire immortality, and a lack of male heirs when she was a human, she still has the money that existed when she was alive. Now Dutch families can be big, so only the main line knows about her.
As for why they keep her a secret, and not kill her for being an unholy creature of the night is because she is useful. She is probably at least a hundred years old at this point and has accumulated a vast amount of knowledge over the years, she knows more about the families wealth and how to handle it than anyone else. Also her vamp powers make getting info on competitors easier. They have a deal, as long as she does stuff to help them they wont murder her in her sleep.
Now this relationship has kind of soured in reascent years. There is no longer any one who remembers Lenore when she was alive, and no one who remembers hearing stories from people who knew her when she was alive. To the current Vandernachts she is a mysterious and potentially dangerous entity. So Thaddeus comes up with a convoluted plan to get rid of her.
He can't just reveal the secret, cause that would cause Lenore to retaliate. So he comes up with an idea for some one to discover Lenore, and say if they die, there would be enough rage to get people to investigate. This results in Thaddeus getting in contact with Ira, and therefore Annabel getting to stay at castle Lenore.
Now the intended result was that Annabel would either discover that Lenore was a vampire, or she would become one of her victims, as Lenore kind of has a taste for the blood of young women (she doesn't kill them though). What ends up happening is gay as fuck.
Lenore is not nearly as evil as book Dracula. She's more of a nuisance than any thing else, sucking just enough blood to satisfy her, but not leave the human with any lasting damage. She is unholy though, and therefore people are still scared of her, they just can't really do anything cause of the Vandernachts.
Now, Lenore has been a vampire for a long time now. There is no way she is still acting or dressing like a normal victorian woman. Shortly after she became a vampire she realized "wait, I'm an unholy creature of the night. I don't have to be straight," and started cutting her hair short and wearing pants. Current Lenore often wears things akin to her dreamland outfit now, or just men's clothing. So yeah, Annabel will defiantly be gay panicking over Lenore in her dreamland outfit.
It's going to start similar to Dracula, sans the racism (old stories are like that unfortunately), and the fear Jonathan Harker had felt in the original story with Annabel's horny. So this, isn't going to be a horror story, at least not from Annabel's perspective.
Now, as for why they fall in love with each other. For Annabel, the reasons are similar as in cannon. For Lenore though, the reasons are also similar, but with the add on that, Annabel is the first person who is not immediately scared of her, and who doesn't become scared of her once she sees all the spooky vampire shit.
Gayness ensues. The social season happens in the Netherlands, but Annabel and Lenore do stay in touch cause Lenore kinda had to act as her translator, since Annabel didn't end up learning much Dutch. So they get to be together, but Lenore has to watch Annabel meet with other suitors, all while their inevitable separation is looming. Unlike in cannon, however, they both know of a way to be together, but neither of them want to talk about it cause it would involve Annabel being turned in to a vampire. Annabel does end up going back to London to be engaged to her child hood friend, and Lenore, in good old Dracula fashion, fallows her home. Now this is when Annabel transitions from the role of Jonathan to Lucy, except the whole being turned in to a vampire is a lot more consensual.
Vampire lore for this au
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artstar1997 · 4 months ago
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I finally finished the new troll characters from Trolls Band Together for my monster au but the first batch is mostly composed of werewolves and vampires because they’re related to the Alphas.
Linden, along with Aurora and Twilight are the younger siblings of Rose, so it makes sense that they’ll also be vampires. Linden is the second born child and the only boy in a family of vampire sisters. Being born one year after his older sister, Rose was left with Queen Celestia as a baby for her safety as the heir, made him protective of the twins, Aurora and Twilight. He has the same royal vampire abilities but his vampire gift is dark energy manipulation.
The platinum twins, Aurora and Twilight are a duo of royal vampires who love nothing more but to use their powers to toy around their prey until they can finally feed on them. Aurora is the older, calm and calculating twin and she has the power to cause pain on her targets with her mind, while Twilight is the younger, more vicious and headstrong among the two, with the sensory deprivation powers, which takes form of purple smoke. When they and their parents finally reunite with Celestia and Rose, who turned out to be the twins’ older sister, Twilight’s life changed for the better when she meets Eagle, an outcast member of the resistance called Mayday and he becomes her zing.
Viva is the younger twin of Poppy and the alpha of another pack, which is located near the cemetery. While Clay tends to the serious parts of the pack, she keeps up the fun, being more Poppy than Poppy with a hint of protectiveness for all the monsters when fending off the Gileadeans. Like her twin, Viva’s favorite food is the heart of her victims. She was finally reunited with Poppy and the pack when Rose decided to gather reinforcements to finish off the divine republic once and for all with a final night terror. She is also in a zing with Barb and is best friends with Twilight.
John Dory is the lone wolf of the Rivera pack. Unlike other werewolves, he hunts alone after leaving his pack and adopted an alebrije dog, whom he named Rhonda. He would hunt down stray loyal Gileadeans and devour them but he prefers to save the liver for last because it’s his favorite. He was the ringpup in Prince Bastion’s wedding to Princess Jasmine Dracula and he and his brothers used to babysit Rose when she was a toddler until they got in an argument with each other and they left the Rivera pack upon reaching adulthood. He later reunited with the rest of the brothers, Branch, and the Rivera pack and fell in love with another werewolf named Amalthea, from whom he learned that being in a pack is better when fighting off the enemies or hunting prey.
Formerly the most eligible werewolf in his pack, trans man Bruce a.k.a Spruce is now a father of thirteen rambunctious werewolf pups and the husband of Brandy, a black furred werewolf who is also trans like him. Although he is hardworking and dedicated as an alpha of his own pack, he has a laid back approach to life. He can sometimes lose his cool whenever he or those he cares about are being treated unfairly, as he would scold them for it, mainly John Dory. Although he can act like a jerk and has made many mistakes, Bruce's good qualities will always shine through, such as his bravery, care for others and friendliness. Also, he truly cares about his friends and loved ones, as he would do anything to help them, especially if they are in serious trouble. Sometimes, he would make the wrong assumption before getting the facts. He loves eating the body parts that I don’t wanna mention because it’s disturbing.
Clay is formerly the fun member of the Rivera pack and now, he ties the serious one when it comes to taking care of the werewolves and other monsters living in and near the cemetery. He still has a painful memory towards John Dory after the brothers left upon reaching adulthood because of an argument. He also reunited with Branch years later and helped fight the angry mob of Gileadeans under Rose’s banner with all of the monsters. He prefers eating the hands of his victims, which he saves up for last.
Floyd is the sensitive member of the Rivera pack before he left to hunt on his own. He felt like he wasn’t attracted to anyone but other males and ended up working for some humans from Mayday, which he became the secret weapon of the rebellion by preying on loyal Gileadeans, especially for the lungs, which is his favorite and harboring escapees and fugitives who are heading to Canada. He had many safe houses, but an abandoned mansion became his main home. After many years, he was driven out of the mansion by a pair of ghosts before Rose called him to Nevermore Castle for reinforcements. His zing is Boom, one of the members of Kismet.
The Kismet are also gonna come so stay tuned ghouls and mansters!
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vickyvicarious · 5 months ago
I find the detail that Jonathan was going to spend the night away from home but then sent a telegram that he'll take the 4hr commute back to be home with her tonight pretty interesting. Did he change his mind? We never see his telegram, but Mina seems to suggest he gave as reason that she'd not be alone at night?
I was thinking recently about what day it might be when considering the timeline for Arthur's note to Jack after the funeral for his WRWD. To sum up, it looks like the 25th is probably a Monday. The other option was that it's Sunday, which seems less likely but does make him wanting to get home sooner if he could more likely. I guess in a way that's not very relevant to the specifics of your question. I was just reminded...
Anyways. Your suggestion that Jonathan came home for the (stated) purpose of ensuring Mina didn't have to spend the night alone is interesting, and I see where it comes from:
And yet, if it be true, what terrible things there are in the world, and what an awful thing if that man, that monster, be really in London! I fear to think. I have this moment, whilst writing, had a wire from Jonathan, saying that he leaves by the 6:25 to-night from Launceston and will be here at 10:18, so that I shall have no fear to-night.
If that last phrase is continuing the description of what Jonathan's message said, then yes, that does seem to be his stated reasoning. However, I've always personally read that as a modifier/response to her own earlier line about "I fear to think" - basically, I've assumed Jonathan just said he would make it home, and it was Mina who added that now she won't have to worry about him tonight. Of course, some of that was based on my assumption that Launceston is in London and so she was worried about his proximity to Dracula. But Launceston, I've just learned, is actually in the opposite direction, further west than Exeter. So... perhaps that's not what's going on. Maybe I've been wrong and your interpretation is correct.
Regardless of whether Jonathan said it or Mina did, I think the fear referred to here is her worry about him. He did just have a total collapse a few short days ago (3, to be precise). And that happened while traveling. Not to mention, the last time he went on a business trip away from her for more than a day, he went missing for months and turned up horribly traumatized. So even if she 'knows' it's just an overnight trip and he will be fine, she could be feeling understandable anxiety about this. All the more so after losing Mr. Hawkins and Lucy.
However, equally relevant is Jonathan's own feelings on the matter. I think whatever worry Mina might be feeling about his business trip will be just as intense for him as well, if not even more so. He was obviously trying to dive into his work to both distract himself and live up to the responsibilities he now has as Mr. Hawkins' heir. He may well have agreed to or arranged this trip in an attempt to prove he's fine/make himself fine/fulfill others' expectations. And then perhaps in the train there, he began to regret his choices...
He didn't send Mina his message until around 6:30pm, just about the time he was catching the train home. That's after the close of business for most offices nowadays, at least. Probably back then as well. I think it's quite possible that Jonathan either worked as hard as he could to finish everything early (regretting his choice very soon after leaving) and only told her once he was sure it was all done so he could go home, or was already going to have finished things but originally didn't want the long trip back at night. But he changed his mind at the last minute and told Mina as soon as he did, so that he could get back to her side and not have to spend a night alone away from here.
I definitely think both he and she would hesitate to be apart at night, at least at first. All the more given his night terrors, and a 'business trip' would be worse than some other reason, given the history there. If the need arises I'm sure they could/would, but if Jonathan realized he didn't have to, he'd try not to.
I'd be remiss not to also mention another theory I saw a while ago. I don't have the specific post but I believe there was speculation that Jonathan realized Mina had opened his diary before she told him, and some of his throwing himself into work was him deliberately giving her space to read it. It also might have been him trying to avoid any reaction she might have, in case that dredged up things he didn't want to face. If so, him turning back around and heading home would indicate a willingness to face the truth, or at least see how she looks at him now. I don't tend to buy this one myself because she read the diary a couple days earlier, and so the timing doesn't quite match up for that to be related to his trip.
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runner-owen · 11 months ago
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WIP: Farewell Vesperos
One sentence synopsis: in a Victorian inspired world of eternal night, a pious transman is ordered by a vampire hunting prince to find a killer
Vibes: flickering candlelight, dusty furniture, mysterious noises in the dark, blood pooling on wooden floors, black feathers, wicked grins, leather gloves, old lockets, paintings hidden by shadows, disembodied footsteps, faded ballrooms, messages carved into walls
Comp Titles: Dracula meets Anastasia
Features: intelligent, compassionate, autistic protagonist - gay villainous love triangle - evil vampire hunters and vampires - lost heirs - class differences - goddess worship - diverse cast - queer accepting society -
Owen Rosedown
Prince Aurum Von Domini
The Scarred Man
Lawrence Rhyne
Caroline Asphodel
Locke Hepatica
Nora Brassman
Father Gideon Valentine
The Goddess
[eventually you'll be able to click names to see information on them!]
Phantasmagoria - Ashbury Heights
Flashback - The Birthday Massacre
Once Upon a December - Invadable Harmony
Nothing's Impossible - Depeche Mode
Undying Love - Nox Arcana
BONUS: Feral's Keep, a serialized dark erotica au of the main timeline
More to come
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