#calum hood blub
emotional-blender · 5 years
sharing a bed.
warning: idk last half has some (what i think is) vaguely described sex. 
i was thinking earlier about what sharing a bed with calum would be like, and about how your sleep would be affected by the amount of traveling he does. the first couple of days when he leaves for tour are rough. the bed is too big and the smell of him slowly fades away as weeks and weeks drag on. but duke always snuggles into the back of your knees as you curl up on your side for the night. at least you're not the only warm body in the bed you share. after the first couple nights you get used to it. it's easier to fall asleep, sleepily texting goodnights and fighting your sleep because timezones are bitches and sometimes he's three hours ahead of you. sometimes six. sometimes he's a couple behind. and for as long as it takes to get used to him being away from you, when he gets back? it takes nothing. when his body slips into bed next to you, exhausted from travel and shows and being social for weeks, it's like no time has passed. and on that first night after some much needed time refamiliarizing yourselves with each others bodies, you fall asleep naked under blankets. you stay curled up on his chest, an arm securely wrapped around you until he's just about to drift off for food. he iterrupts his own soft snores to turn over, facing you.  but he keeps his arm around you, and you shift in it, snuggling in closer with your back against flush against his chest so he's spooning you. instead of the pillow you normally sleep on, your head rests on the firm muscle of his bicep and his other arm comes to wrap around your middle, hot skin against yours comforting you as you drift off to sleep. you never realize until he comes home how badly you sleep without him, because the first night is always like getting a full night's sleep you've been craving for months. you don't wake up until you hear the distinct sounds of duke's whining sometime early in the morning. you shift as calum shifts, burrowing deeper under the blankets as he sleepily wipes at his eyes and slips out of bed. you can hear his scratchy morning voice as he talks to the dog, so excited his human his home. "you gotta go, buddy?" he asks and duke responds by whining louder. you don't have to look to know that his whole body is wiggling, feet tap tap tapping on the floor as he does his morning pee dance. you know they won't be long. you can hear the familiar sounds of calum pulling on a paid of sweats and off they go, disappearing from the room only to return a few moments later. when he slides back into bed with you, his skin is cold and you whine a little at the temperature difference. "baby," the word leaves your mouth and even though you want to pull away from him  because he's cold, you can't bring yourself to do it. instead you burrow close to him. the sweats are gone again and you let your legs tangle wit his as you press your forehead to the concave of his chest, staying there and not even caring that breathing against his skin this close leaves your face feeling a little moist from the enclosed space. his lips press one kiss against your lips and you feel duke's weight climb back up onto the bed, nestling himself into a little ball amongst the mess of feet inder the blankets. duke is snoring before either of you fall back to sleep, but even then, it doesn't take long.
that's how most nights go. sometimes you lay with your side flush against his as opposed to your back, one of your hands idly resting at the inside of his thigh as you drift away to sleep. sometimes, you just fall asleep cupping his dick, familiar with exactly how it feels both when it's soft and sleepy and when it's hard and ready for you. sometimes you sleep facing his beck instead of his chest, the same moist feeling hitting your face as you breathe into his skin, an arm wrapped around his middle and a leg slung over his. you press a few small kisses to his back and it's so easy to fall asleep that way too. you tend to move in sync with one another, turning from side to side so you're not breathing in each others faces. he pokes you awake in the middle of the night sometimes, mumbling about things that happened during the day and those are, honest to god, your favorite times of the day. because somehow at 4am, sandwiched between four hours of sleep on either side of whatever's happening, time stands still. the tv plays some netflix show on the background and you whisper bad hokes to each other until you're both laughing so hard your sides ache. they're not even funny jokes. you just love each other and the moment so much, and you're so close that the weird shared inside language you have that only either of you could understand, is so funny when neither of you has had enough sleep. sometimes instead of jokes it's things that are even dumber. sometimes it's shadow puppets on the wall behind you, and you argue about how to make a wolf because one of you is definitely doing it wrong.
sometimes your middle of the night break isn't full of laughter at all.  sometimes you wake up to his hand rubbing softly at your back, his hips rolling into yours from behind. there's no words and you wonder, for a fleeting second, whether or not he's awake or dreaming. you sigh sleepily and nestle back into him, pretending to still be asleep while his hand moves to your bare stomach, softly rubbing the skin there instead. and this time when you press back against his hips  it's with a purpose and he knows just as well as you do that neither of you are asleep. when his hand travels down between your legs there's nothing you can do to stop yourself from spreading your legs for him. his fingers find what he's looking for easily and there's no teasing here. a soft moan leaves you and you push back against him again. he let's out a groan of his own against your ear and you sigh contently. you're content for a few moments longer, til you're wet and slick for him, and then you can't help it, you have to move against him, turning onto your back and spreading your legs even more for him. he's quick to move his own leg, his heavy thigh pinning one of yours down so you can't close your legs again even if you wanted to. his fingers are moving faster now, dipping lower to the source of your wetness to aid him in making you feel good. you're already so sensitive from the day you've had that cumming doesn't take long. your back arches for him, trembling as he trails open mouthed kisses onto your neck and chest.
"good girl," his voice is raspy with lack of use, coated in sleep as he lets you ride out your orgasm, coaxes you down til you're almost ready to drift off again. but then he's hovering over you, lips pressing kisses to your collar bone and shoulders and you can't help  but reach out for him. it's instinctive, the way you lift your kees for him. your arms wrap around his shoulders as he lines himself up and pushes into you. you gasp, head pressing back into the pillow as you let yourself get used to the stretch. it's uncomfortable but only for a moment before the discomfort gives way to pleasure as he starts moving inside of you, slow at first. you know this won't last long. it never does in the middle of the night, but you're going to enjoy every single moment of it. shifting a little under him, you lift your knees higher and whimper a little at the new angle. he nods against you, pressing his forehead to the crook of your neck as you bring hands up to his buzzed head, letting your nails scritch at his scalp as he fucks you. he picks up the pace a moment later, lifting his head and covering your lips with his and your mouth accepts his moans readily. he lets out a little grunt with every thrust into you and his hands are moving to your thighs. you've had yours; this is his  but it doesn't mean you don't completely enjoy it. he lifts his body up as he moves quicker, and before you know it your knees are up by his shoulders and while he doesn't specifically put your ankles up there, the angle and the way he's burying himself deep inside of you over and over has you crying out over and over. there's still no words.  both your moands and cries are inaudible and as calum lets out one distinctive whine, you  know he's close. it's his tell. the whine and the way his hips jerk and he stops moving, trying to hold on just a little longer.
swallowing thickly you catch his eyes with yours, nodding your head at him and while he's still inside you you clench your muscles around him and whether her likes it or not, he can't hold on anymore. with one cry he starts moving again, quick shallow thrusts as he finishes, cumming inside of you with a series of moans and cries as his hands grasp at your thighs, squeezing tight and holding on. you  know he's strong. there'll be the faintest finger tip shaped bruises there tomorrow and you might not be able to see them, but you'll be able to feel them as you walk. and you wouldn't have it any other way. he collapses on top of you and you hold him close, his head pressed to your chest as he weakly pulls out and lays on top of you. you'd let him stay there but your hips ache a little at the angle your legs are laying at, still spread as he lays between them. you push at his shoulders a little and he gets the idea, shifting and flopping onto  his back. neither of you bother to clean up. instead you just curl up on his chest, and he reaches a hand up to your hair, smoothing it down on top and moving your messy bun so that it's not in his face. he doesn't hold you nearly as tight, spent from cumming,  but his hand lays on your shoulder for a few moments before sleep takes him and it falls back to the mattress. you're out a moment later, muscles relaxed and pliant, like an overly mushy noodle. the sheets will have to be changed in the morning.
when you wake up, you're burrowed into the blankets and somehow you've ended up curled up on your side, calum pressed into your back the way he had been in the middle of the night. this time he's still snoring soundly and you groan a little, shifting under his arm. duke is whining and since you know you're the one who can hear him, and calum is still out, you know it's your turn. you slide out of bed and grab a pair of calum's sweats and a tshirt, calling it good enough as you and duke make your way out to the backyard. you impatiently stand with your arms crossed over his chest as he does his thing, ushering him back in and making sure his bowls are  full before you go to the bathroom yourself. when you get back to the bed, calum's got his eyes close but you know he's awake because as you kick off the sweats and his shirt, he lifts the blankets for you to crawl back under.
"mornin's too cold," you whine but he doesn't say anything. he just pulls you close and presses a kiss to where ever his lips land on your shoulder. like always, a hand comes up to smooth your hair down and to move your bun from being in his way too  much. both an arm and leg are slung over you as he holds you close, trying to cover as much of your body with his as he can. his warm skin against your cool skin is comforting and you nestle back against him easily, eyes closing, letting yourself drift off again because the only member of your small family who wants to be awake right now is duke, throwing his own toy around in the living room.
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vipclifford · 5 years
I Missed You
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Calum had missed you. So much.
The countless of nights longing to feel your body between his arms were finally over. All of the facetime calls, the static audio and fuzzy cameras were to be long forgotten. His leg bounced anxiously in anticipation during the entire drive home from the airport, despite it being 3am. It had been too long, far too many months overseas, and Calum was desperate to see his girl face to face.
Cold hands slowly twisted the key, unlocking his front door. The widest of grins stretched his chapped lips upon hearing fast-paced taps on the floor. Duke was lifted into Calum’s arms with ease, who was barking excitedly at his owner’s return. Calum attempted to shush Duke as he cradled the dog, holding his baby close to his chest. He had missed him too.
“Welcome home, stranger.”
Calum looked up to see you, leaning against the doorframe at the end of the hall, by the stairs. Your hair was messy from sleeping, eyes squinted from having just woken up. Calum felt the same butterflies that fluttered in his stomach the first time he saw you. A shy, yet joyous smile pulled at his lips as he slowly placed Duke down on the floor before walking over to you.
“Hi,” Calum murmured, pausing for a few seconds to take you in. He had been so excited to see you again he didn’t really know what to do with himself. He pulled you into his embrace, arms wrapping tightly around you. You hugged Calum back using the same amount of force, smile mirroring his. Calum’s neck craned down to press a chaste, loving kiss to your lips. “I didn’t wake you, did I?” he questioned with a worried edge to his tone.
You shook your head, hair bouncing from the movement.
“Duke’s barking did, don’t worry about it,” you told your boyfriend, hands moving down from his shoulders to press against his chest. He nodded, relief peaking through his acknowledging smile. “So? Tell me about Norway and Florence and France,” you grinned.
“You can barely keep your eyes open,” Calum chuckled, head shaking softly. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear and more when you wake up in the morning, okay?” he offered quietly, head leaning down to kiss your pout away.
“I just missed you,” you murmured, arms wrapping around your boyfriend’s neck.
Calum smiled at the warmth of your skin against his own; at the feeling of your body pressed against his; at your tired smile; at the raw honesty of your words. He grinned lazily, dropping a kiss to your forehead.
“Me too, baby. So much.”
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angelbabylu · 6 years
Valentine’s Day // CH
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pairing: reader x calum
warnings: fluff, smut 
word count: 2.8k 
prompt: don’t worry about focusing on public or large gestures cal seems private and a man of few words, so maybe something that’s reminiscent of him 
for: @cal-pal-cuddles happy valentines day from your valentine ❤️❤️❤️ 
notes: this is for @killerlukesqueen ‘s valentine’s swaps (tysm for organizing this!!) as for the fic itself, its centered around how busy the boys have been in the days leading up to valentines day - basically calum has been missing his girl so when the band decides to take valentines day off he’s more than happy to go home and spend sometime worshiping her. I was going for very soft & smutty - Hales i hope this is the kind of soft & giggly content you were looking for. Love u 
songs that inspired this fic: faithfully - journey // movement - hozier // i’ll make love to you - boyz II men 
Calum let out a sigh in frustration as he fumbled with the keys to his front door. It was late, that much he knew. The last he checked, it had been some time after 2 A.M., and that was before saying goodbye to everyone at the studio. Calum wished that he could say he felt nothing but gratefulness at the opportunities life had presented him, but on nights like this, he couldn’t contain the slight twinges of discontent. He was only human, and sometimes when he spent upwards of 20-hour days in the studio or in back to back interviews, he couldn’t help but feel exhausted and empty. There were times where, if he was honest with himself,  he dreamed about being normal-life-Calum. Some alternate universe Calum with a 9-to-5 job, a dog, and a girl he loved so much he was thinking of proposing to her a couple months down the line.
A smile played on his face at the thought – 9-to-5 Calum and Rockstar Calum had a few things in common. For Rockstar Calum, as frustrating as these long working days could get, coming home to the love of his life made everything abundantly easier. On the days that he got like this, Ashton frequently told him that it wasn’t the events of the 20-hour day that had him feeling the way he did, it was the fact that it was 20 hours away from (Y/N).
“Go home to (Y/N), man,” Ashton had all but ordered earlier that night. Calum had tried to protest – Michael was still recording his harmonies for the track and Calum didn’t like the idea of leaving all three of them in the studio just because he missed his girlfriend.  
“No,” Ashton cut him off before he could even speak. “I’m sure you haven’t seen her for more than half an hour in the past week – you’ve been working nonstop. Go home to your girl, spend some time with her, enjoy Valentine’s Day.”
Before he could even blink, Ashton and Luke were pushing him through the studio door.
He sighed at the memory, emptying his pockets on the table next to his front door – Valentine’s Day. With everyone save Ash in relationships, they had decided to clear the band's schedule for that day, making time for their significant others. It was more of a decision on Michael’s part, he wanted to do something special for his and Crystal’s first Valentine’s Day as fiancés. Calum and (Y/N) weren’t really that fussy. They were probably going to spend all day in bed watching television and honestly, just the thought of that made Calum giddy with anticipation. Both of them were always crazy busy – (Y/N) with work and school, Calum with the band – so a day off to nap and watch TV was heaven to them.
He moved further into the dark house towards the room where he knew his love slept. Before he could ascend the stairs to her, a small beam of light caught his eye. It beckoned to him from the barely opened door of their home office. He switched course, shaking his head fondly at the assumption that his girlfriend must have fallen asleep at his desk – again.
When he walked into the room, he was surprised to find that while his girlfriend was in his office, she was not asleep. His desk was empty of all its usual items; instead, strewn across it were stacks of papers for whatever project she was working on. She was so hyper-focused on reorganizing her files, she didn’t notice as Calum pushed open the door and stood, watching her fondly from the doorway. She was wearing one of his favorite shirts. With her back turned to him as she stood hunched over the front of the desk, he could clearly read DID YOU GET THE SENSATION TODAY? The shirt drooped from her large frame, moving with her as she muttered to the papers on her desk.
Calum knew his presence would be unexpected. For one, when he had called to say goodnight to her a couple hours earlier, he hinted that he wouldn’t be home before the sun rose. Also, she was notorious for getting so caught up in her thoughts that her surroundings were completely lost to her. As softly as he could, so as to not startle her, he cleared his throat.
She was startled anyway. She gasped in surprise, turning to face him, right hand coming to rest gently over her heart.
“Don’t do that,” she chided instantly. But when the moment had passed, and her heart had taken the hint that there was nothing to fear, she dropped her hand and smiled.
One look at that smile had Calum crossing the room to capture her lips with his.
Her sound of surprise was muffled by his lips, then later his tongue, as he gave himself a minute to get reacquainted with her. Ashton had been right - missing her had been throwing him off balance. Now that he was able to hold her in his arms, his world was righted again.
“Not that I’m complaining,” She began at the kiss’ end, “But what was that for?”
He placed a small chaste kiss at the tip of her nose, grinning at the way she wiggled it response. “I missed you so damn much.”
He ducked his head again and placed three quick pecks against her lips, pausing on the third to take his time tasting and licking into her. He moved both his hands from where they had been previously cupping her face down, to rest one on her waist, the other on her ass, gripping her meat there. She moaned and slid her arms up around his neck, one hand burying itself in short blonde hair.
Calum was overtaken by the need to worship her that very minute. He couldn’t believe it had been more than a week since he held her like this, more than a week that he showed her just how much he loved her. He pulled away from her, moaning as she immediately attached her lips to his neck.
“Were you working on something important?” he asked. The question took him several seconds to get through as her ministrations on his neck became increasingly more distracting.
“Nothing more important than this,” she quipped, running her hands up and down the expanse of his chest. The thin material of his t-shirt did nothing to mask the heat of her fingers. Before he knew it, she was reaching underneath his shirt and raking her fingers lightly over his stomach, knowing how the feeling of her nails against his skin turned him on.
“You should take me upstairs,” she suggested, leaning her face upwards, bringing their lips inches apart, letting her hot breath wash over his lips. “Show me just how much you missed me. Start our Valentine’s Day off right.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He reached down to get an arm around both her legs, hiking her up and gently tossing her over his shoulder. When she cried out in surprise, he just laughed, lightly smacking her ass as he carried her off to the stairs.
“This is very caveman of you, Hood.” she teased, prodding lightly at his side. He squirmed but kept a firm hold of her.
“You cavewoman. Me horny,” Calum mocked in the best caveman voice he could muster. The voice had her shaking hard on his shoulder; he could barely keep a hold of her. Luckily, they had made it up the stairs and to his bedroom door.
He gently set her on the ground then reached around her, opening the door and ushering them both in. Once she was inside the room, she pivoted right, flickering the switch next to the doorframe. She left the dimmer on so that the light flooding the room was only a soft glow. He was taken aback by how something as simple as her in his room, in his t-shirt, still smiling about a dumb joke he had made, could fill his heart with so much love.
He reached out and pulled her towards him, capturing her face between both his hands again, this time peppering it with kisses all over. She giggled and squirmed as he showered her face with love.  
“I love you so much,” he announced each word punctuated with a kiss somewhere on her face.
“I love you too,” she was saying, but she grabbed his hands and pulled them away from her face, guiding them down and around her waist. “I want kisses on my lips now please.”
He was happy to oblige. He pulled her bottom lip into his mouth, sucking and nipping gently before releasing it to continue his earlier exploration of her mouth. She moaned as their tongues moved together, her hands tugging gently at his hair, her body pushing against him as if trying to move impossibly closer.
He turned her, pushing her up against the bedroom door, knowing she would like that position more. He smiled in satisfaction as she let out a small soft gasp at the feeling of his thighs pressing gently in between her open legs.  
Immediately, she began to rut up against him, and he encouraged it, the hand on her waist helping her to create a rhythm.
He pulled away from her lips, only a fraction of an inch, but he missed them the second they were gone, so he reached down and captured them in one more soft kiss.
“Love kissing you,” He admitted against her, their lips still touching. “Addicted to the way you taste.”
He was able to pull away from her lips then, moving instead to kiss that spot behind her ear that he knew she loved so much. The rhythm of her hips became more erratic, and her whines got louder with every lick, nip, and suck.  
“Cal,” she whined, pulling against his hair. “Don’t want to come on your thigh.”
He allowed his head to follow the tug of her fingers, so he could look up and make eye contact with her. “Wanna come from my mouth baby? Or my fingers? Tonight’s all about you. Wanna worship you tonight.”
“Fuck,” she breathed out, “Fingers and mouth?”
Grinning, he brought his head down for another quick kiss. “You’re Greedy, babe,” Calum teased, reaching a hand down under the sensations t-shirt to play with the hem of her soft cotton panties. “But I like a woman who knows what he wants.”
As he moved his thigh from between her, she whimpered at the lost, her body unconsciously following his, trying to keep them connected as he walked towards the bed. She hopped on the bed immediately but stopped him from following her with a palm to his chest.
“Uh Uh,” she asserted with a smile. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”
Looking down he realized she was right. He had gotten so caught up in her, he had yet to remove his jacket or his shoes. “Looking for a strip show, baby?” he quipped, exaggerating the way he removed his jacket, moving in a comically slow and sensual manner.
He knew he probably looked dumb, but it had (Y/N) laughing and the sound of her enjoying herself in his presence - that was his favorite sound in the world.
“Stop,” (Y/N) commanded through her giggles. “You know I’m too impatient for a strip show. If you don’t get over here, I might try and take care of myself.” And if that wasn’t enough, she opened her legs to him, showing off the darkened wet spot that covered the front of her pink panties, her fingers moving down to rub her clit through the fabric.
That was all it took to remind him that it had been almost a week since he had her in front of him like this, pliant and ready. With a quickness, he shrugged off his jacket, jeans, and shoes, and scrambled on the bed in front of her.  
“Now we’re even,” He commented, both of them now only in their underwear and a t-shirt. He crawled over her, pointedly moving her hand from where it had been rubbing at the front of her panties.
He kissed her once on the lips before commanding, “Stop being so impatient. I’m trying to take my time with you.”
He paused at the skeptical look on her face, knowing exactly what she was thinking. “Okay not too much time – it’s almost three A.M., and we’re both tired as fuck.”
She responded with a look that said so get on with it, and he rolled his eyes at her impatience but obliged.
After another quick peck on the lips, he moved down to her neck. His hands slipped all the way under her shirt for the first time that night, happy but unsurprised to find that she was not wearing a bra. As he continued to kiss up and down her neck, he took a nipple in each hand, pinching and rolling and pulling lightly, addicted to the soft gasps she breathed out as he did so.
He moved downward, pushing the shirt up to her armpits so he could kiss his way down her stomach.
“I can remove the shirt,” she suggested lightly, breath already coming out in soft pants.
“Nah,” he responded between feather-light kisses and nips to her stomach. “Love doing this while you’re wearing my shirt.”
He nodded. “Next time I wear it, all I’m going to think about is how I ate you out tonight.”
Reaching the top hem of her panties, he waited for her to lift her hips so he could slip it off. “Think about how much you squirm, the noises you make.” His mouth watered in anticipation.
Usually, he would tease her a bit before diving in. Usually, he would nip and suck bruises all the way down the inside of her thighs, so that she would be able to feel him whenever her thighs brushed together the next day. But that night they were both feeling a little greedy, because as soon as he finished talking, he was bowing his head to lick a broad wet stripe over her pussy, coming to a stop at her clit, giving it three small licks before bringing it in his lips and sucking.
She gasped and cried out, one hand flying to the sheet above her head, the other curling in his hair. The more he sucked, the more responsive she got. She twisted and bucked up against his mouth, hand on his head, holding his face firmly against her pussy as if there was anywhere else his face would rather be at that moment.
“Rings on or off?” He asked, words muffled from the way his lips were still pressed against her, but they had done this enough times now that she knew exactly what he was asking.
“On,” she commanded, and immediately, two fingers were joining his mouth, rubbing up and down, teasing her hole.
He slipped one finger into her like it was nothing; she was already so wet and plaint from their earlier ministrations and his tongue. He leaned back to watch as she took the finger all the way down to the cool of his mental ring. She released a low hiss as he twisted the finger inside of her. Then, he pulled it out and supplemented it with another.
As his fingers worked inside her, his mouth rotated between licking in between her folds and sucking on her clit. It did not take long for her to start whining even louder, writhing and squirming against him. When she began to buck harder, he had to reach the hand that wasn’t in her up to her waist to hold her down.
“Fuck Cal, I’m close.”
He knew. He knew her body well enough to recognize the way that she shook and squirm and panted as signs that she was about to come.
“Good.” He said smiling when, seconds later, she clenched around his fingers, pulled his hair, and gasped. He worked her through the pulsing of her orgasm, fingers still buried in her, mouth still on her clit, until the stimulation became too much and she had to push him away.
He crawled up her body, coming to rest over her once more, lips going immediately to his favorite spot - the small junction between her throat and her neck.
She pushed gently against his shoulders trying to flip them. “Lie back,” she commanded. “Let me take care of you.”
“Nah,” was his response. “Tonight was about you.”
He came up on one of his elbows then used his other hand to guide her face over so her eyes could meet his. “I want you to know how much I love you. You are my everything. It’s crazy how much I missed you, even after just a week apart.”
She smiled sweetly up at him, her eyes twinkling. “I love you too,” she said, leaning up to connect his lips with hers. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”
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5sos-16 · 5 years
Everytime I see a picture of Calum I start smiling and can’t stop, and if that doesn’t describe how whipped I am for this boy man then idk what will
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tigrrr · 2 years
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Could you combo the blurb with 17, 31, and 5 pleaseeee? With Calum of course 💕
A combo of three it shall be!
#5: “You’re jealous, aren’t you?” #17: “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” #31: “Why are you crying?” 
     “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” Calum ssaid. You could hear the sound of his shoes against the tile floor and soon he stopped right in front of you. You were quick to wipe away you tears, and turned away from him. 
“Go away,” you muttered, feeling even more tears well-up in your eyes. Calum’s eyebrows furrowed at your words and he tried to catch your gaze. 
“Why are you crying?” he questioned, bending down so he was at level with you. His hand came out to rest on your knee and you pushed it away. You were upset with Calum. All night he had been ignoring you. All night he had been talking with some girl that was, in your opinion way prettier than you. What made it worse was that Calum was rumored to be dating this girl and here he was at a public even fueling the rumors. 
“Calum, just go! Please!” you said in annoyance. You stood up and kicked off your heels, replacing the shoes with the rolled up flats you had in your bag. All you wanted to do was go home, but the last thing you wanted was to go home with Calum. 
“What did I do?” Calum sighed, carefully watching your movements. You were never upset with him unless it was something really serious. In fact if felt like you were giving him the cold shoulder all night. When you had disappeared, Calum asked everyone he came across if they had seen you. “Y/N,” Calum said this time, voice a bit firm as he tried to make sense of what was going on. 
“Just go back to your supposed girlfriend out there,” you spat, pulling out your phone to request an Uber pickup. His eyebrows furrowed at your words and soon it dawned on Calum what had gotten you upset. 
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” Calum said, taking a seat on the bench now. Your back was towards him and his head cocked to the side as he waited on an answer. He chewed on his bottom lip and then stood up to come to your side. Your arms were crossed over your chest and you shot him a glare. “You don’t have to be jealous of her,” he reassured. Still nothing from you in return. “Y/N,” he said, grabbing your elbow and turning you around so that he could face you. Calum’s heart broke when he saw your tears and he let out a softer sigh. “Baby, please don’t be jealous,” he said.
“I felt invisible tonight, Calum,” you finally said. “The whole night you ignored me and just talked with her. I left for the bathroom and I come back to see the two of you dancing and just. . .your fans already ship the two of you together, the paparazzi claim the two of you are dating, and hearing all of these rumors and just seeing you play into them.” your voice trailed off and you shook your head at Calum. “If you don’t want to be with me then I’ll make it easy for you and just end this now,” you said. Calum’s eyes widened at your words and he shook his head rapidly. 
“What? No. No that’s the last thing I want. I’m sorry I ignored you tonight, it wasn’t my intention to do that at all.” Calum’s hand snaked up your neck and his thumb brushed over your cheek as he wiped away a tear. “Trust me when I say you’re the only person I want to be with. I was only talking with her because she was so interested in the music we were currently recording and was wondering if she could feature in one of the songs,” he told you. You had finally made eye contact with Calum and he gave you a smile. 
“Seeing the two of you together jus-”
“Ssh. It’s okay. Just know that I love you, and I have no intentions of ever breaking up with you,” he said. His forehead rested on yours and the two of you sucked in a deep breath. “Let’s go home, yeah?” he asked, earning a nod from you in return. All you wanted was to go home and cuddle with Calum. Waning desperately to forget the upsetting night you were having.
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flannelpunkcalum · 6 years
48 and 81 with cal please xx
 48. Fake dating
81. The Missus and the Ex
You were having way too much fun with this. 
Calum had a work party to attend, and his ex was gonna be there and he knew she had a new man (”i told you to stop looking at her instagram” “shut up”) and he... didn’t.
So he offered you free booze in exchange for coming along and - “yes.” 
“...you don’t even know what i was gonna say”
“you had me at free booze. i’m yours, Cal”
He smiled and shook his head a little, but he was excited you’d be coming. as far as he knew, you’d never been to any of the big fancy LA parties his work had him frequent, and he was excited to have you there. He wanted to see you gawk at the level of effort everyone put into being relaxed and cool. 
it was all a big joke, at first. Calum helped you find a dress that was “tastefully slutty”, you made rules for PDA (”can i grab your junk?” “...i think so, but only once or it’s too much” “got it. use with caution”) and you’d both laughed at each other as you scribbled down ‘no falling in love’ and underlined it. 
but that night you’d turned up with big lashes around your smiling eyes and he was wearing a blazer that made him look like such a man you had to remind yourself of the time he’d called an uber for you guys and then left without you - this was Calum, he wasn’t hot, he was your friend. he’d settled his arm around your waist going in. it was kind of fun being his arm candy - no one really talked to you, which would have driven you nuts if he was really your man, but like this it was fun to fake laughter at other people’s jokes and sip champagne and try to look loving. 
at one point you’d pressed calum up against a wall when his ex had been looking, pressing your chest tight against his, leaning up towards his lips. “baby,” you’d mumbled, “does my breath smell like garlic?” 
he’d had to work really hard not to laugh, cupping your face with one warm hand. “so much.” he’d mumbled, and then he didn’t stop and you didn’t stop and he kissed you quickly, and you had kissed back, you thought? suddenly you wonder if he can feel your heart pounding through your chest and you pull away with your best “this is normal” smile. “Don’t kiss me too much,” you’d managed, “this lipstick is expensive, i can’t afford to reapply.”
But you found yourself hoping as you pulled away that maybe once you’d changed back into yourself he’d kiss you again and he wouldn’t stop.
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breathinginthevapor · 6 years
Goddes of love
Summary: You are the goddess of love, and Ashton is a human. 
A/N: I’ve been working on this for a reaaallyyy long time because I never finish anything rip and even though the 5sos fandom seems pretty dead right now, I’m gonna post it anyway. feedback will be very much appreciated! x
TW: Mentions of death
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You are the goddess of love. Just like your fellow gods, you have been gifted many names; Aphrodite, Hathor, Rati, Venus, Oshun, Radha and Freya, to name a few. You answer to all of them, just like you help and love every human no matter which shape of you they believe in. And you play all the roles they give you because that is what you have to do. You are put in this world to be at service to all mankind, and it does not matter what you believe in yourself. You know that. And you are grateful that you are able to do something for the humans; that you are able to grant them some love in their everyday-lives that are otherwise challenging and hard. But some nights, when you are all alone, lying on a blanket of grass or on the gentle waves of the ocean, you find yourself wishing you were free to do whatever you want. Free to be whoever you want to be. Free to do something for yourself, for a change. But then you put yourself and your own feelings and dreams aside. The humans need you. And the last thing you want to do is letting them down.
But then one day when you are walking barefoot, a long white dress flowing around your body on a beach in Sydney, you hear a cry for help. The sound is more disturbing than any sound you have ever heard before and your eyes, which are better than human’s eyes, search the otherwise idyllic turquoise ocean. Right there, just a small spot in the horizon, you see him. Quickly, without thinking, you start running, not even noticing the sea foam that explodes under your feet. In some religions, you are not only the goddess of love but also goddess of the sea which have granted you the ability to walk on water.
“Help me, please help me!” he screams and the panic in his eyes bring psychical pain to your heart. Perhaps it is because of the man’s beauty but it is not until you have already broken the surface and begun to get him out of the water, you notice the reason why he was stuck in the water in the first place. A big white shark has its teeth wrapped around his leg and his blood paints the water around you red. “Help me,” he begs, but this time his voice is low and you can see the life slowly leaving his body. And you do not know why, because throughout your immortal life you have seen death in all its forms but this time, for the first time, you fear it. You fear the death of this mortal man with hazel eyes that seem so pure and drags you in like no god, goddess or any other creature has ever done before.
You only have to shoot the shark one glance before it drops its grip on the tanned man and swims away. You drag him out of the water and holds him in your arms while running faster than you’ve ever ran before to the shore. Your hair drips saltwater down your back and your dress clings tightly to you but you do not notice as you sit down in the hot sand and lay the human’s head in your lap.
His hair is a dirty blonde, on the verge of brown and his face with sharp features but the gentle curve of his lips and the long, dark eyelashes leaves a calmer impression. He is more than beautiful, even with the paleness on his face as the blood leaves his body. Red. The colour of love, your colour. And the colour of death as well, you realize.
He opens his eyes, and you are once again struck by the beautiful hazel colour. But it’s the way they look so incredible kind and good that takes you most by surprise, although the small pecks of pain and fear destroys the otherwise perfect picture. Humans have a tendency to let greed and selfishness poison their minds but this man seems to own a pure soul and good heart. And how do you know, some may ask. Well, let’s just say that you’ve after living an eternity watching the humans doing both good but mostly bad things towards each other can see people’s mind and intentions through their eyes.
“Who are you?” he whispers, growing weaker and weaker by every passing second. You can see how hard he’s fighting to keep his eyes open, but you know it is vital that he does.
“My name is Y/N,” you say, referring to the name above all the others, the one that isn’t defined by any religion or human. You have never told your name to any non-god, but telling this man makes you feel free in some way, like some great weight has been lifted off your chest.
He shoots you a small smile while the colour slowly disappears from his face.
“At least I’m going to die surrounded by beauty.” His voice is so low only your improved hearing makes it understandable, but his words makes your whole body grow cold. He uses his last powers to grab a lock of your hair and looks at you with both admiration and fear, clearly afraid of his life soon coming to an end.
“Please don’t let him die, save him, he does not deserve this,” you silently beg one of your fellow gods. “I will do anything, please save him.” Your prayer is not answered.
“I will not let you die, stay with me, please.” You are desperate now, the look on his face tells you that he has not going to stay among the living numbers much longer.
“My name is Ashton,” he says. “Please stay with me until it is over, I do not want to be alone.”
“Of course,” you promise, voice almost breaking. And then he takes his last breath, and the life leaves his body. You have never cried before but without your notice, the tears start streaming down your cheeks. It is so unfair that this young man had to die and the sadness is all you can feel. Why was your prayer not answered? You are a goddess, after all. But not even you had the power to save him.
You cannot bear to look at the dead man in your arms so you look up at the sky instead and shout at your fellow immortals for not interfering, for not helping you. And while you shout like never heard before, your tears fall down on the man with the golden locks. As the tears land on his closed eyelids, a beautiful red light appears around his body and he opens his eyes and breathes in.
“Hello again.” His voice, this time deep and gentle, startles you. You look down at the now living and breathing man.
“Ho- how? You were dead five seconds ago.” He smiles, the golden colour of his skin perfectly complimenting his pearly white teeth.
“You saved me, Y/N. That is all I know.” The way he says your name makes a fire spread in your body, and looking into his hazel orbs, you feel calmer than ever before. “I do not know how it was possible, but you did.”
You touch his cheek delicately, fearing that your godly power will somehow break him but instead you feel the strength within his body. “I have a feeling you will save me too,” you whisper, heart swelling with the feeling you have granted other for millenniums but never experienced yourself.
Now, as you have saved the man your heart has been longing for since the beginning of time, you realize that the power of love really is the greatest power of all time. And while you possess that enormous power, Ashton Fletcher Irwin, the man whom you saved, possesses the heart of the goddess of love. And that, he will soon learn. But for now, you are just Y/N and Ashton: two people falling in love and belonging to each other for the rest of your immortal lives.
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fricklefries · 6 years
hi hello send me some blurb, fanfiction, oneshot, imagine, preference requests about the boys! or come and tell me your favorite song bc im obsessed. I’ll be working on them all today
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emotional-blender · 4 years
Ohmygod! So since were at it and you've mentioned lil brother hood:( how did big sis react?:(
i let this idea marinate all day yesterday while I went about my things, to the point where i was naming big sister hood (amaia mali-koa) and little bother (kai, middle name as yet undecided) and their last, still unborn littlest sister (hana joy). so thank you for these asks, i'm invested now.
when you and cal sit down to tell amaia that your stomach, rounder and much more obvious much sooner than it had been last time, she's confused.
"that's tour little brother, princess," cal explains softly, with his arms around her, crouched to her height, one of his hands reaching for hers so he can guide it to your stomach. they're on the floor in front of you and you're perched on the sofa, nodding your head in agreement.
calum is behind amaia so you're the first to see her big pouty lip jut out, watching it tremble and knowing that in 3... 2... 1. there it is, the familiar way she bursts into tears, looking terrified and pulling her little hand out of calums grasp. you bite down on your lip and without thinking you're reaching out for her little one and a half year old self, lifting her up onto your lap and wiping at her tears.
"what's wrong, baby girl?" you ask her, brushing her curls back from her face. "it's okay, Mai-baby. he's not coming yet,"
you can't figure out why she looks so scared, why she's shaking her head and kicking her legs and throwing her arms as if she can't wait to get away from you.
"amaia," calums voice shifts into stern mode as he reaches up and pulls her off of you. "we don't kick and hit," he reminds her, but as soon as she's off your lap she stops, letting her upset, wailing body fall against his chest as she hiccups a couple of times.
"mommy eat," he can barely make out her words between her cries and his brow furrows as he holds her to his chest, standing with her and rocking her for a moment. his brow is furrowed in clear confusion as she says it again.
"mommy eat," she repeats herself before letting out another loud wail. and three seconds later it clicks in calum's mind and it takes everything in him not to burst out laughing because his little girl is a crying scared mess.
"mai," he starts after a moment, rubbing her back soothingly. "mommy's not gonna eat you! I promise." he assures her, whispering in her ear while you sit there still looking confused.
"i... think she thinks you ate her brother and that you're gonna eat her too," calum explains to you, biting back a laugh at how ridiculous it sounds coming out of his mouth. he's still comforting her, rubbing circles on her back as he goes back to whispering quiet in his ear.
"once a long time ago you were in mums belly, too, mai. then when you were ready you came out to see us and say hi, and we took care of you just like we're gonna take care of your little brother when he's ready to come say hi to you,"
"mommy eat baby?" she asks but this time it's a question and she's not entirely convinced that's what happened here.
it's then that you stand with a groan, hand rubbing circles on your belly as you come to stand close to them. you're cautious as you let your hand cover cals on her back. he slips his own out after a moment so you can keep rubbing circle on her back.
"mommy would never eat you, bub," you assure her gently. "mommy didn't eat your baby brother,"
she looks at you, deciding if you're trustworthy before, of course you are, and a moment later she let's you take her from calum, balancing her on your hip, put of the way of your stomach the way you always do.
calum disappears while you keep talking to your daughter, telling her about how her little brother can't wait to come and meet her, using simple language she can understand. when cal comes back it's with a framed photo from his office.
"see this amaia?" he comes up to your side, tucking himself in beside the pair of you and holding up the photo so she can see it. "this is mummy and you see her belly? that's you waiting until you were ready to come see us,"
you smile at the picture, standing against the living room wall, body sideways so calum could capture the full swell of your stomach. it'd been two weeks before a amaia had been born. you're looking at him with a tired but genuine smile, pyjama pants tucked under your belly, shirt pulled up over it. you remember how he'd taken too long to snap it, ending up with twenty or so photos with your face morphing from okah take the picture, to being in the midst of awkward laughter, to exasperation as you'd urged him to hurry up and take the damn picture so you can put your belly back and sit back down. it'd been a good day.
amaia's little hand reaches for the photo pointing at your belly.
"maia," she states and calum nods his head, giving her a wide exaggerated grin. his cheeks lift up and his eyes disappear, something that already happens to amaia when she's giggling really hard.
"yeah baby, that's amaia right there, in mummy," he confirms her words and a second later she's pointing to the belly you're sporting at present.
"maia?" she asks, and this time it's hopeless. neither of you can hold in your laughter at how the concept seems to be stretching her brain capacity.
"no," you lay a hand on her chest. "amaia is right here," then you move your hand to your belly. "baby brother,"
it takes her a moment before she motions to your belly again. "baby?" she questions and then motions to herself. "maia?"
"yeah, that's right princess. the baby is waiting in mummy, and you're right here." calum nods, and maybe the photo might have confused her for a second, she seems to get it now, or as much as she's going to until he gets here.
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hoodwinmalum-blog · 9 years
blurb idea: y/n is dating one of the boys and are having a hard time..you miss him like crazy when he's away, and you're getting some abuse on twitter/instagram from some fans. he's away for a bit of promo, but you facetime him because you miss him and while you're talking he senses something is wrong so you explain it and he comforts you and everything is all better:) it kind of sucks i know but it was the first thing i thought of lmao.
This is really my first blurb I’ve written. Let me know what you think? Or if you have writing tips.
You hold your breath as you open up twitter, like you almost everydaythe past 5 months. You met Calum when he was in town for his promotour and you hit it off instantly. At first everyone was supportive,but as time went on the fans started sending you hate on your socialmedia sites. They claimed you were using Calum. You weren’t used tohaving so much attention thrown on you all the time. To make it worseyou haven’t actually seen your boyfriend in almost 5 months. He left2 weeks after you started dating. As much as it hurts you to readwhat people are saying about you, you can’t stop scrolling throughthe endless hate messages you’re getting.
You close your eyes and send Calum a messages asking if he canfacetime with you. You just needed to see him and talk to him. Youmiss him more than you care to admit. You force a smile when you seeCalum’s face appear on the screen. “What’s wrong?” he knewinstantly something was going on. “I just miss you, Cal.” yousigh. There was no use in lying to him. “This is hard. Really hard.I miss you actually being here and these comments from the fans…”your voice breaks and you feel your eyes fill with tears. You turnyour head trying to hide the tears from Calum.
“Y/N..” his voice is full of concern as he says your name. Youlook back at the screen slowly and can see the worry in his eyes. “Imiss you too. I wish I could be there with you. I know you weretossed into all of this suddenly and I hate that I can’t be there tohelp you get through this. Ignore what those people are saying. Theydon’t know you. They just see what they want. You make me so fuckinghappy and they need to realize that. They need to realize that byhurting you, they’re hurting me too. I love you, Y/N.” You smilesoftly and whisper. “I love you too, Cal.”
“I’ll see you soon. We’re almost done with this promo tour andbefore I go anywhere else, I’m coming to you.” Nodding a little youlook back up at Calum, “I can’t wait. Go have fun babe.”  Calumsmiles and nods, “don’t worry about them baby. You’re my favoritegirl.”
You end your facetime call and lay back on your bed, your mindrelaxing. No matter what’s being said you know your boyfriend canalways make you feel better.
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emotional-blender · 4 years
should I join the masses and write a smutty quarantine piece? also should it be for cal or luke? I'm torn
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