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naileadevoras · 2 years ago
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tommyshriggly · 2 months ago
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fadedstarsfms · 2 years ago
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Luckily Maia was close enough to her beat up truck she got for a good price, read: practically free. So she was just throwing loose groceries in the back of her pick up truck to deal with later. It wasn't worth it for her to go back and get a new bag and frankly she just assumed this was going to be a regular occurrence if she was to just go back and get another bag.
Maia was still on the ground when the woman in front of her found the runaway soup can. "I mean I guess it is all about how hard you want to kick it. If the soup can survived the initial fall I'm sure a kick or two isn't going to break it open." She smirked and looked up at the other before standing up and taking the can from her. "Thank you though. I guess this just goes to show I was right to hate shopping and hold it off as long as possible."
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the thing that phoebe dreaded the most was grocery shopping. that’s why she always insisted someone else do it for her, but of course she was low on food and desperate. she only needed a few things, so in theory it should have been a quick trip in and out of the store. but of course, it seemed like there were a million people in the store and half of the registers weren’t operating properly. that would be her luck. phoebe didn’t know why she didn’t just get carry out, or even have food delivered to her house. that would have been much more preferable. but there was no turning back once she entered those automatic doors.
but after thirty minutes too long in the store, phoebe made it out with her two bags of groceries. in her own cloth bags because she’s not a monster, advantage law firm cares a lot about the environment. at least when it benefits them. she was almost in her car when a rogue soup can hit against the side of her foot and she grabbed it, extending her hand out for the other to take it. “i don’t think playing soccer with your dinner tonight is very wise.”
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soeurdelune · 2 months ago
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essais en rose, sur fernanda ly
des ptits avatars simples pour me focus sur la couleur ; le coloring que j'ai créé ici s'appelle Tennessee Rose, et est disponible ici pour celleux qui souhaitent le télécharger ♡
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zero-signal · 3 months ago
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years ago
Hi! I really like your HC AU. Could you do one of how Cevans characters would react to reader flinching during an argument?
Oooh I love this idea! 🥹💔 Let’s get to it!
POV: Y/N flinches in midst of an argument.
Warning - The following HC contains: angst/fluff, comfort, reader has hinted trauma.
Steve Rogers
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Steve would cut himself off and stare at you. “Doll, why did you wince like that?…did I raise my voice too loud? I didn’t mean to if I did but I….you know me…I have never and wouldn’t…” Steve begins to ramble a little with his words as he processes what just happened. “Who hurt you, my love? Please, tell me…I’m worried…this had to have come from somewhere, right?” Steve asks as he’s ready to receive an explanation while pulling you in to stroke your back gently. He listens, already plotting in his head to pay ‘someone’ a visit responsible for your trauma response.
Ransom Drysdale
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Ransom raises his eyebrows as he sees you flinch and he furrows, confused. “Kitten,…did you seriously think I was about to hit you just now?” Ransom would ask with his arms crossed. “…Do you think I would steep that low?” A part of him takes offense as he first assumes that’s the whole story, but the pieces pick up slowly that this could have come from a previous encounter. He sighs, realizing he’s handling this poorly. “Darling…I didn’t mean for you to react that way. I hope you’re not scared of me…are you?” He’s relieved when you shake your head, and he decides it’s best if you both take a break from arguing. He comforts you, reassuring there’s nothing to be worried about. He hopes you’ll eventually tell him and explain on your own why you flinched.
Andy Barber
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Andy would shut his mouth the moment he sees you flinch, and he would stay still as he processes the moment. When he receives your look of feeling guilty, his face softens, “Oh honey…it’s okay, let’s stop arguing about this and talk about what happened, okay? Did I scare you?” He asks first, not wanting to put much pressure on you. He wants to know right away if it was him who had caused you to flinch, and he wants you to feel safe so he speaks in his most soothing tone. When he sees you’re not reacting negatively to his closeness, he pulls you in to an embrace, making you feel safe.
Jake Jensen
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Jake would stiffen, wondering what just happened to make you flinch. “Are you okay? You just flinched as if I was going to…” his heart breaks in a million pieces as he puts two and two together. He carefully takes your hands to give you reassurance. “Baby, what happened? Was it me?…You know you can talk to me about anything…I’m all ears, always.” Jake would reassure as he makes you sit down on the couch with him encouraging a chat about it. This incident would bother Jake for a long time, and he would often catch himself in future mid-arguments asking if he’s not coming across as too aggressive to make sure you won’t react like that ever again.
Johnny Storm
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Johnny’s sentence would die out the moment he sees you wince and ask, “What was that?”, distraught and confused. “Did you just…” he doesn’t complete his sentence as he flattens his hands and raises them. “Babe,…I’m never putting my hand on you…my parents, while they died when I was very young raised me good enough to know that’s never okay…I wouldn’t do that even if you called me names or cursed at me like Ben always does!” He makes light out of the situation to distract you and pulls you in to caress you when he sees a small smile form on your lips, already leaving you two to forget about what you were even arguing about.
Ari Levinson
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Ari’s response to you flinching would be to take a step back and give space between the two of you. He’s encountered women with traumatic responses before and knows that to deescalate the trigger, he needs to show he isn’t going to do any harm, like raising his hand. He would then say to you in a soothing voice, “Sweetheart,…I apologize if I came off as heated just now…let’s put this aside and think of something else, alright?” He would then crouch down, look up at you and making himself small to further deescalate your trauma response. You would respond getting closer to him and come into his welcoming and warm embrace, as you know Ari’s safe. It’s all forgotten and Ari doesn’t see any point of bringing up the argument again. Your feeling of safety comes first.
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Thank you @imyourbratzdoll for helping me out a little on this one! ♥️🥰
Hearts & Reblogs are very appreciated! <3
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pansylair · 7 months ago
hiii your flowerbeasts are amazing!! i looove the way you use colours and shapes, and their designs are so special. are there any specific flowers you were inspired by? also i am in no way comparing you to other artists, your art style is unique, i just wanted to tell you in the best way possible that your flowerbeasts somehow reminded me of the animals in paintings by Maria Prymachenko. she was a ukrainian folk art painter, you should check out her works, i’m sure you’ll like it!
aww thank you!!!
i’d say there was light influence from pansies with their rounded edges and robust colour/pattern variations, i’ve always really loved them since childhood alongside their queer history.
my first flowerbeast art was a pansybeast as well so seemed the most logical step for these guys, you can find it under the flowerbeast tag! (my username is also pansybeast on twitter and would have been the same on here but it’s stuck to a dead account 😔)
i’ve seen prymachenko’s art before and really love it, i need to do a good deep dive sometimes.
i don’t mind you mentioning my work reminds you of hers at all, I’m happy to know as I’m quite influenced by eastern european folk art with my paternal side being hungarian! :)
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p40an4 · 3 months ago
Nienawidzę ludzi, nie lubię nawet siebie.
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grecoromanyaoi · 2 months ago
suzy izzard was right how did the romans conquer half the world w a language so silly
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prigorie · 4 months ago
rezultatele din turul 1 au fost validate. prima femeie preşedinte din istoria româniei let's gooooooo
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Ca doar ce vorbeam cu cineva drag mie si am simtit nevoia sa zic asta si aici.
Faptul ca iti plac copiii, lucrezi cu copiii, ai studiat o gramada de chestii despre copiii si (in general) le ai cu copiii, nu inseamna ca ca scrie pe fruntea ta fraier si acum vine orice duduie din neam sau apropiati cu plozii luati din cusca maimutelor de la zoo si gata. Tu esti prostul care trebuie sa ii tolereze pe ei si istericalele lor. Nope. Daca nu le dau lor un dos de palma pentru ca arunca cu ciorba prin casa, pot sa iti dau tie ca adult. Macar sa fim pe plan egal.
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minteacutie · 8 months ago
Spring Cleaning Re-write
Rewrite of a short little fic I wrote a while back where Apollo's allergies are giving him trouble and Nayuta offers his assistance.
Update: I’m so mad I didn’t even realize that the first part of this fic didn’t even make it on here!! 😭 Minors Don't interact
Apollo looked around the office his brow furrowed slightly, there was still so much he needed to do around his new office. It was obvious that Dhruke didn’t have an affinity for cleanliness so most surfaces were covered in a thick layer of dust. The sight of it made his nose itch and his chest feel tight. Still, it had to be done. He wished Datz didn’t always conveniently disappear when any real work had to be done. Donning a flimsy paper mask in a poor attempt to lessen his misery Apollo got to work. Taking a rag he started wiping down surfaces, the dust he kicked up making his eyes water. Still, he pushed on, working for a good solid hour, before he was satisfied he’d made some progress flopping back into his office chair. Despite his best efforts, he could still feel an itchy tingly feeling crawl through his sinuses, making his breath catch and snag slightly. That was as far as it got though the sensation seemed disinterested in forming an actual sneeze, lingering just at the edge. Apollo snorted irritably pulling down the mask knuckling at his flushed pink nostrils. He groaned miserably when someone cleared their throat, and he jumped slightly. “How long have you been there?” Apollo asked, shame bubbling up in his chest as a hot flush crept up his face. Nayuta didn’t give indication he’d seen Apollo's embarrassing display, but to be fair the other man’s feelings were a bit hard to read. “I see you’ve been busy.” He simply commented glancing around the room noting that it was cleaner than the previous times he’d come around. “Yeah, figures Dhruke wasn’t the greatest housekeeper.” Apollo shrugged sheepishly.
“That sounds like father…”Nayuta said, a soft fondness gracing his brother’s face that made Apollo's chest ache, “Sadly I’m not here to reminisce.” “Another time then.” Apollo shrugged, he gestured for Nayuta to take a seat at the desk, so they could go over the casefiles he’d brought. The comfortable silence was punctuated by the occasional sniffle from Apollo’s end, as he kept fussing with his nose now and again.
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manglechan1204 · 9 months ago
Avant d’avoir les résultats et qu’on ait tous envie de crever, j’ai voulu faire un tour des fanfics sur la politique française ( a des fins scientifiques bien entendu ) et oh boi y’a des trucs à dire
Sur Wattpad :
-Il y’a plus de 270 fanfics Bardella x Attal ( Les gars ?? Je comprends amour haine tout ça, mais wsh )
-J'en ai trouvé aucune sur le Front Populaire ou la gauche en général ( ce qui est une bonne chose ? je suppose ? )
-Par contre j’en ai lu une ( pour la science toujours ) où ils sont des persos secondaires 🤷‍♂️
-Antoine Daniel a fait des dégâts irréparables au milieu des fanfics shitpost /pos
AO3 :
-Y’a un tag populaire " RPF Political " ( Je dois vivre avec cette info maintenant )
-La tendance est beaucoup plus au ship Macron sur ce site bien que tjr pas mal de Bardellattal ? *Ugh*
-Toujours aucune du Front Populaire mais j’en ai trouvé avec Mélenchon qui datent toutes de 2017/2018
Si vous vous voulez plus de détail hésitez pas 👍
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zannerosso · 6 months ago
open starter.
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Com a reunião do Conselho misteriosamente cancelada de última hora, di Angelis passou a monitorar a cidade com os próprios olhos, assimilando cada acontecimento fora do comum que poderia estar relacionado à chegada da Estrela da Manhã em Arcanum. Não só estava curioso para saber o que acontecia nas ruas, mas era um tanto quanto estudioso nas horas vagas: aquele era um mistério de grande porte crescendo na cidadela, e odiaria ser pego desprevenido. Começou a, então, notar como alguns pássaros voavam e eram rebobinados em pleno ar, retomando seus caminhos ao contrário. Ouvia vozes incorpóreas ao vento apenas para ver seus donos chegando minutos depois, num delay esquisito que deixaria qualquer humano normal louco. E então, viu um pedaço de marquise se desgrudar de uma fachada e atingir ao chão, apenas para piscar e estar de volta em seu lugar de origem. Uma figura desavisada passava pelo local e, sem muitas cerimônias, Arturo puxou seu corpo um pouco para o lado; segundos depois, os detritos atingiram o chão de novo, e o vampiro fez uma anotação mental para pesquisar mais sobre isso. — Você se machucou? — Foi somente aí que virou para a pessoa, de cenho franzido. — São as anomalias temporais, passado e futuro colidindo. Estão piores desse lado da cidade. — E deu uma revirada de olhos, como se aquilo fosse uma mera inconveniência chata e não a realidade ruindo bem à sua frente. — Eu diria para ter cuidado onde anda, mas não quero soar óbvio. Você passou por mais alguma experiência assim aqui perto? — E olhou para a figura, tentando entender mais de sua expressão facial.
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calandrinon · 3 months ago
săracă inima mea 🎵
fost am la doctor cu ea
la doctor și la potică
și mi-or zîs "ai mai încercat să pierzi în greutate?"
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sunshyni · 6 months ago
Queria escrever com alguém do Seventeennn, mas n seiiii
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