skylandart · 4 months
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His Magician ✨💙💛
I got a new pack of brushes!!! So uh. Yeah. Expect me to spend more time on backgrounds now :3
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augment-techs · 29 days
And and and a Greek!Calpresto AU???
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skyland2703 · 3 months
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-“I’m gonna do the stupid thing”
-“Please do not do the stupid thing”
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regaliasonata · 4 months
Ship asks: calpresto
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I see them having good potential, I still have to get back into my ninja steel phase before completely exploring them more…now that you mention it there aren’t much gay ships I have for Ninja Steel atm 🤔. This pairing has me a little interested probably because in the rewrite au I have for the season these two butt heads, you got Preston being a historical and mythology psycho and Calvin who’s just carefree and a little himbo stupid who gets on his nerves
I’ll say I ship it 👌🏾💙💛
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azurezfiction · 4 months
And CalPresto headcanons maybe ehehehehe
CalPresto Headcanons | @skyland2703
Calvin *definitely* has a crush on Presto but... didn't really get that was what it was? It was until sometime *after* Ninja Steel (+Super) that Calvin steadily started cluing in on the fact that he's gay and actually likes Presto.
Presto always had a bit of a crush on Calvin but kept it a distance given that Calvin was taken, but after Calvin became single once their time as Rangers ended. They two started growing closer together with Presto heading to University, and Calvin heading down the Trades route.
They don't *actually* start dating until a few years after (Super) Ninja steel. Like around 21-23 years of age when they officially start going out.
Presto and Calvin do end up moving out from where they live and head to Briarwood, with Calvin working at Nick's Flaming Phoenix Garage, and Presto working with newly established Magical Based Academies.
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estel-eruantien · 7 months
Welcome to the CalPresto brainrot 😭😭😭
Thank you, I’m drowning in it 😂
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skylandart · 2 months
Chibi Calvin and Presto?????
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@jenscotts :3
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skylandart · 9 months
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Well— we know we can blame this one on @regaliasonata
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Original post
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skylandart · 10 months
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“Rain’s my favorite weather, only when I’m with you”
I thought getting rid of the transparent umbrella would be fun for once ;)
Last rain art before we shift into Christmas season~
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skyland2703 · 11 months
Preston: As a straight man I can objectively say that Calvin is hot. Sarah: As a toaster I agree. Preston: But you're not a toaster?? Sarah: And you're not a straight man Preston.
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skylandart · 1 year
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Warmup CalPresto 💫
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skylandart · 9 months
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Preston really really liked Calvin’s grandma. She was warm, and sweet and fed him so, so many cookies, over the weekend, that Preston was sure he’d gained some weight.
Calvin hated the sweater, of course. His grandma knitted sweaters for all the kids of the family, every year. Lovely wool, that Preston cherished with all his heart, when he was given it, pausing for a second, wondering why it only had HALF of a reindeer on it— but then, to his joy, realised his boyfriend had received a matching one, in the complementary colors, WITH the butt of the reindeer. (Maybe THAT was why he didn’t like the sweater. He’d gotten the butt part of it)
{Read on Ao3}
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skyland2703 · 5 months
And let's do some CalPresto too because that snippet was really cute!
Teeheehee THANK YOU!! About the fic: it’s basically them bring lab partners (i think that eas self explanatory— but Calvin setting things on fire is FUN)
Finally, his eyes landed on the boy in the light blue lab coat— he always used an excess of liquied blue on his whites to give them a blueish tinge without people objecting to it, while Calvin himself refused to use any of that chemical on his clothes, so his own lab coat, in contrast to Preston’s, always looked a little yellowish.
Calvin loved every single little thing about Preston.
And all the little things the boy did in the lab only endeared him even more to him.
Because Calvin had no idea what even the C in chemistry stood for, and he was more or less hopeless.
Calvin sought Preston from amidst the mass of white lab coats floating about the brightly lit room, and plopped down next to where he was standing, on the floor, tired.
“Did you know the kid from across our station set the entire slab ablaze???” He mumbled like it was some pristine gossip, Preston laughed, “I thought that was you—“
Calvin flushed at being caught, in a way, “nOoO— I only burnt my wire gauze—“
Preston laughed, pouring liquid ammonium hydroxide into his apparatus to clean it while eyeing Calvin sliding further back against the wall, “Sure, buddy. Sure”
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skyland2703 · 5 months
CalPresto Chemistry for wip wednesday please!
Ahahhh!! Thank you for the ask!!!! These two lovely boyfriends are gonna cause chaos with chemicals :3
Sneak peek!!
“Take a seat?” Preston pointed to one of the stools stacked next to the window, “the floor’s probably lava, yknow?”
That smile. Ugh. Calvin could commit arson for that smile.
“Teleport us outta here Presto— do some magic or something??? I’m tired. This is the worst experiment EVER!”
Preston chuckled, not taking the seriousness of Calvin’s statement seriously, and continued doing what he was doing, but seconds later, he felt a tug at his lab coat and looked down to see Calvin making puppy dog eyes at him, “I’m tired” he mewled and that made Preston understand that Calvin was having yet another one of those “why did I take chemistry as my major” crisis, and he needed to help his boyfriend out of it, mostly because there was no way he could change it now, unless he took a drop year and waited it out until the admissions opened again— and knowing Calvin, he’d probably go insane in the waiting period.
“Alright, come on. We need a break.”
“But our Nickel—“
“Our nickel will be fine. Ask Natalie or Trevor or someone to watch over it. You need food and some chocolates”
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skyland2703 · 1 year
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Please look at the m
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skyland2703 · 7 months
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