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warping-realities · 1 year ago
Keeping Up With Old Friends (by the best of all @dumb-and-jocked & @callmecallmecrazy
It's a great pleasure to make images for this collaboration between two of my favorite authors. I had permission from both of them to do this and I spent a considerable amount of time trying to be up to par with their work, I don't know if I managed it but I still hope it's to your liking.
“Phil? Is that you?” Geoff could’ve sworn the man in front of him was an old classmate of his, having been lab partners their freshman year. The two had connected fairly well, with Geoff having hung out with the free-thinking, pot-smoking, curly-haired flower child a lot more than he thought he would. Except, scruffy and shaggy Phil was replaced with tailored-beard and straightened-locks Phil. Not only that, but his usual oversized hoodie and sweats had been replaced with a properly fit tee and jeans.
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“Geoff! Hey man, how’s it going.” His voice was still the same lively and flamboyant pitch that it had always been. Phil met his friend in a hug over the cash register, squeezing Geoff a little harder than he had been prepared for.
“Surprised to see you here,” Geoff half-joked, knowing that the old Phil would never come close to a shopping mall, let alone a department store. If the job wasn’t so easy and the pay wasn’t so good, Geoff wouldn’t have ever entered either. Too bad college was so expensive.
“Ha! Yeah man, turns out they have some good stuff! Plus, it’s close to where I live.”
“Oh, did you finally move out of the dorms?”
“Yeah, I moved into the Kappa Sigma Alpha house.” The big smile he offered was met by a wide-eyed stare from Geoff. Phil was a free spirit, one who practically came out of the ‘60s. Last they’d talked, he’d been planning on living at an eco-friendly miniature house, certainly not at “prespter-prick incorporated”.
“What happened to living green?”
“Ya know, I wanted a change.” Phil shoved his hands into his pockets. “Plus, college loans are really bringing me down. I needed to save some money and fast. My uncle got me an in with the fraternity; he’s an alum.”
“Aren’t they, like, totally pretentious?” Geoff countered. “We used to joke about those preppy freaks and their smug arrogance.” 
Phil frowned, his expression made it seem as if he’d taken personal offense.
“Hey man, they’re cool. After my uncle had pointed out that I was a legacy, I got headhunted by the rush chair.  I’m not one of those over-confident princes having yacht parties and spending time at the country club.” Geoff’s tense muscles eased a little, causing Phil to smile. “I don’t think they do that kinda stuff anymore anyway.”  
He glanced at his phone, and then back at Geoff. Getting the message, Geoff quickly processed his items and had Phil pay. He was surprised to see Phil was buying more normal clothes. Cheap, standard tops and bottoms that were neither flamboyant or tame: just generic.
“Hey man, great seeing you,” Phil concluded the conversation politely. “Maybe we’ll hang out sometime? I gotta get back to the house!”
Geoff watched Phil walk out, noticing how well he filled out his jeans. The Phil he knew had been a short, skinny beanpole, similar to Geoff’s height but with less pudge. However, the new Phil’s buttocks had developed a sort of plumpness, just barely curving the pants out awkwardly as he walked away. 
“That was so strange,” Geoff said aloud, but he assumed that people changed. Phil seemed happy and healthy, and as long as he was saving money Geoff was happy for him. Maybe he always wanted to join a frat?
For the rest of his shift, Geoff continued thinking about the peculiar interaction, but by the end of the day he was too exhausted to think about anything. Once he had gotten back to his dorm, he lethargically changed and jumped into his bed, falling asleep almost instantly.
— —
“Phil? Is that you?” The big man standing in front of the counter didn’t exactly physically resemble Phil. He was fairly big at about 5 ‘10 (a few inches taller than Phil) and the Henley shirt he wore couldn’t hide the beginnings of bulging pecs. And his hair, last time uncoiled but still at shoulder-length, was sheared down, pushed up, and shiny from cheap gel. The face was still the same, even though the hair made his face look a little square.
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The young man looked back at Geoff confused for a moment before a tinge of understanding glittered in his eyes.
“Geoff Elliot,” his voice was noticeably slower and deeper than last time. While Geoff went in for a hug, Phil replied with a one-armed embrace and pat on the back. He practically grimaced when Geoff attempted for more affection.
“Phil! Man, it’s been awhile. I haven’t seen you since your last time here.”
“Yes, Geoff, I’ve been very busy with school. And please, call me Phillip, it’s more traditional.”
“Wow, still living with the Kappa Sigmas?”
“Yes, I’ve been acquainting very well. What about you, Geoff?”
“Oh ya know, I’m still in old Walker. It isn’t great, but it’s definitely got a sweet spot in the middle of campus.”
“Living comfortably?”
“Ha, you know I’m not.”
“I can tell,” Phillip noted Geoff’s pale skin and tired eyes. Geoff was taken aback by the outright disdain.
“Well, I’ve got to work if I want to get a degree.” Phillip just nodded, causing Geoff to carry the conversation. “You’re looking good. Do the Kappa Sigmas expect gym time?”
“Yes,” Phillip’s stern demeanor dropped a touch, allowing a bit more levity in his voice. “There’s an expansive gym at the country club. It’s free and they even give you a few hours a day to use it!” 
He was practically giddy as he talked, allowing Geoff to relax a bit. This was the Phil he knew, chirpy and friendly though now not as exceptionally outgoing. And if Geoff was being honest, Phil seemed extremely content with his new situation. 
“Have you picked up any sports? It seems like you’ve got the bod now,” Geoff joked, knowing that Phil hated physical activity. He playfully slapped one of Phil’s broad shoulders and was shocked at how firm the muscle was.
“I’ve been doing a lot of golf! I play with several of the other guys and even some of my uncle’s coworkers. I’m getting my handicap down too.”
“Oh, you’re playing golf?” Geoff hadn’t expected an answer, but if one came he would’ve guessed football or baseball–not golf.
“Yes, it’s very enjoyable. And great for business bonding. Chance for us men to talk about the frat, women, sports and the like. Say, you watch the game last weekend?”
That was wholly unlike Phil, but Geoff guessed he was probably throwing himself into the fraternity world.
“Nah, man, I’m not into basketball.”
“It’s football season.” His reply was so direct and unvarnished that Geoff had to grip the counter for support. “I know not everyone is into the NFL, but I assumed you would at least watch like any other man. And our team is having an exceptionally great season. 4-0 in conference play.”
Phillip kept talking about football as Geoff stared deep into his eyes. Was this really Phil? The guy used to pretend like he didn’t know what sports were. What was happening to him?
“Anyway, Geoff, it’s been great catching up,” Phillip said, dumping his items onto the register. Geoff was surprised to notice that Phil was purchasing only name brand items. Not expensive, but not generic either. “Maybe we can grab some beers and watch a game sometime.” 
Phillip hastily paid for all of his items and walked out. Geoff couldn’t help but notice the increasingly larger derriùre. His buttocks had developed a shelf-like quality, curving the cheap khakis out as he walked away. Its slight jiggling motion was a stunning contrast to the hard muscle covering the rest of his body.
“Yeah, great to see you Phil-lip,” Geoff forced out the last syllable. This was not the Phil he knew, but instead some dude named Phillip. Geoff continued on with the rest of his shift, the interaction slipping from his mind at the end of the day when he collapsed into bed.
— —
“Phil? Is that you? I mean, Phillip?” Geoff had hoped he wouldn’t see him again after their last encounter, but when he saw this barely-familiar-looking man his curiosity got the best of him. He told himself it was all in his head, but everything about these encounters were disturbing. Geoff wasn’t sure if it was steroids as his former buddy’s growth seemed extremely quick, but it could’ve just been the sudden makeover too. What was even crazier was the man next to him was somehow larger.
This Phillip was 6’4 and wore a baby blue oxford button-up with a yellow and blue striped repp tie. The shirt looked ready to burst as it was tight against the two firm mounds sticking out of the young man’s chest. On top of the set was a two-button navy blazer with the letters KE on the left side, which Geoff assumed stood for Kappa Sigma. His hair was much different, for the overgrown shag was now neatly cut, with short sides and tapered across the crown. The ivy league was sharply parted on the left side and held sturdily in place by an expensive looking pomade. Not only had his hair transformed, but his face had undergone a dramatic change too. His jaw, formerly a little pointed and sharp, spread wide and hung low, giving his face a distinguished lantern shape to match his newly-cleft chin. 
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This Phillip stood ramrod straight while searching through a rack of new suits from Brooks Brothers. The man next to Phillip was older but otherwise nearly identical. He was thicker around the middle, but any gut he might have was hidden by the extremely high rise of his pants, sitting above his belly button just under the rib cage. His tie was black and grey with a subtle windowpane pattern, and his suit shared a similar palette.
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The other man stared at Geoff for a moment before tapping Phillip on the shoulder.
“Pierson,” his voice was slow and deep. “I believe this boy is trying to get your attention.” 
The younger man turned towards the counter to see Geoff. A faint bit of recognition crossed his face momentarily.
“Geoff Elliot.” The voice was practically monotone, low and deep. He took a few powerful steps forward and offered a large, coarse handshake.
“Uncle,” Phillip turned to face the older man. “This is a friend from college, Geoff Elliot. Geoff, this is my uncle.” He gestured robotically between the two. The uncle offered his hand and it was the same rough shake.
“Nice to meet you
” Geoff sort of trailed off, hoping to get a first name.
“John Howard Johnson.” The reply was colorless. “Mr. Johnson will do.”
“Alright,” Geoff simply replied. “So, Phillip-”
“Please call me Pierson,” Phillip said curtly. “My uncle thinks I would be better suited professionally as Pierson.” The way he spoke, extremely even in both rhythm and pitch, was unnerving.
Geoff could make out some of Phil’s features in the hulking face before him. An upturned nose and naturally thin eyebrows over wide eyes resembled the Phil he knew. But the rest of the face clearly belonged to this cocky fratboy named Pierson.
“Okay, Pierson. So, any news about Greek Life?”
“I am very happy with the Kappa Sigmas. Life there is perfectly preppy.”
“That’s great. Glad to hear you’re doing good!”
“Yes, my uncle believes after college I will be an ideal candidate for his company, Hemplebaum Inc..”
“That place downtown with office drones filling foreclosures and manipulating bank accounts?”
“Correct,” Pierson stated blatantly.
“Huh, okay.” Geoff was getting sick of this conversation, and of this act. There was obviously something going on here, so he decided to just ask about it flat out.
“How long are you going to keep this up, Phil?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Geoff retorted. He knew it probably wasn’t best to argue with customers during his shift, but this was more important than a job. “How are you willing to sell your soul to some frat? We used to joke about these guys! Can’t you see something is wrong?”
“I’m offended by your tone, Geoff. And honestly,” he adjusted the cuffs of his sleeves while disgustingly eyeing Geoff’s uniform. “I grew up. You could do with some growing.”
“You’ve grown into a mindless fratboy.”
“And you, Geoff, are still a child. We ‘mindless fratboys’ are very well groomed and dressed. We speak with clarity and courtesy, and are diligent and helpful. We truly represent the apex of manhood.”
“Pierson,” Mr. Johnson suddenly interrupted the argument. Pierson stiffened up and faced his uncle. “I’m glad you had this chance to catch up with your acquaintance, but we have wasted time.”
“Of course, Uncle.” 
They turned to leave, but Pierson swiftly reached into a blazer pocket and pulled out a thick black card. 
“If you ever decide to grow up.” Pierson placed it on the register before he and his uncle left, giving Geoff a good look at their backsides. Despite the broad shoulders and bulging pectorals, both had a distinctly pear shaped body, with wide hips and massive butts that shook just a touch as they walked. Pierson’s rump was especially luscious, bouncing around inside those tight, pastel madras shorts. It gave Geoff a boner as he watched it wiggle. Sure, the man was the monster that replaced his old friend, but he had to admit the new douchebag look was kind of hot.
Geoff grabbed the card from the counter and examined it. It was a thick card stock and slightly textured with the Greek letters obnoxiously large in one corner. Right in the middle read “Pierson Buckley Folsom VI,” infuriating Geoff. That was absolutely not his last name, in fact none of those were his names! Had he changed his entire personality to fit in with these people?  Had Phil been putting on a fake persona the entire time he was in college? Was this who he truly was? Geoff calmed himself down before reasoning that the name changing was a deeper sign. This whole thing had become so ridiculous he couldn’t just ignore it. He’d have to do some investigating.
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— —
“This is Pierson Buckley Folsom VI.” 
Geoff didn’t actually want to go through with his plan, but he had to make an attempt. If he could insert himself safely into this Pierson’s friend group, he might just be able to figure out what happened to Phil. Sure, Geoff wasn’t really built for the whole undercover thing, but he owed it to his old friend. Plus, Geoff knew if he let the matter sit, it would just continue to haunt him.
“Hey, Pierson. This is Geoff.” 
“Hello Geoff, how may I assist you?” He was already straight to the point.
“Well, you know I was thinking about what you said back in the mall. Growing up and all that stuff.”
“Ah,” Pierson’s stale voice came from the other end. “I assume you are interested in becoming a Kappa Sigma then?”
“Yes.” Geoff swallowed before continuing, “I would like to become a Kappa Sigma.”
“If that is so,” Pierson began monotonously. “We have a rush event this weekend at the Rolling Acres Country Club. Come golfing this weekend, I know you will enjoy it.”
“That sounds exciting!” It totally did not. He did not want to go to a rush event in the most posh, expensive neighborhood in the city. “What do I need to wear? I’m sure they have a dress code.”
“Meet me at the Kappa Sigma house before. I will have appropriate clothing.”
“Sounds good, thank you for your help, Pierson.”
“You are welcome, Geoff.” 
And just like that, the plan was in motion. This weekend, Geoff would be infiltrating enemy territory, so it was now time to do some research. He didn’t want to be suspicious, but as far as he could tell, the only person who thought something was amiss was him.
— —
The Kappa Sigma Alpha house was a well-built, classic home that looked like it belonged in Connecticut or somewhere else classy. The elegant mansion was extremely large, just like all of its brothers. It was so huge in fact that it had a room strictly dedicated for watching football, and that wasn’t even the media room! According to Pierson, there was a room with a movie projector on another floor. The football room was just a man cave according to him, except it was a sunlit, high-ceilinged game room. It was about five times bigger than the dorm Geoff was currently living in, which was only half the size of Pierson’s room.  
When Pierson had answered the door, he was dressed in a full monochromatic suit.
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Geoff had expected something more casual, so he was wearing a faded pair of khakis and a plaid button-up. Geoff’s bulkier counterpart was intensely embarrassed by his attire and insisted he put on one of his old suits. Geoff thought about protesting, but instead allowed it. He fit quite well in it, as Pierson’s old suit was from Phil’s era. Geoff hated the whole dress-up ordeal, but he needed to fit in as much as possible, and to do that he would have to do everything Pierson said. 
“Are we going golfing in suits?” Geoff asked innocently, unsure if they’d actually be participating in the sport.
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“That’s absurd!” Pierson remarked, his tone just barely leaving its usual flat level as he dodged the question. “We will be changing at the club.”
Geoff couldn’t imagine how most people showed up dressed like this, but he would do whatever made Pierson comfortable. And apparently, the change had been necessary. After they got past the gate and into the main clubhouse, every man he passed had a tie on. Some of the brothers were already dressed in polos and khaki shorts, with the color of their outfits being the only way Geoff could figure out who was who. After Pierson had checked them in for the rush event, they headed to the lockers to change. Once the two had stripped, Pierson handed Geoff a small white piece of fabric. Geoff was horrified to find it was a pair of whitey-tighties, completely generic besides a tiny logo and a thin, blue line running through the band.
“What,” Geoff asked. “Dude, seriously?”
“All of us wear them,” Pierson blatantly stated, showing how he had stripped down to his own. Geoff had only noticed Pierson’s behind before, but now he took his chance to examine the whole body. Pierson was thick from below his pecs down to his butt, no real waistline. The holes for the legs in Pierson’s briefs clung tightly to his thighs, making the curve of his extremely wide buttocks stand out. His bulge was extremely pronounced too, pushing the briefs to their limit. Everything about Pierson was just so big nowadays, his proportions practically comic level. He looked good.
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Knowing he had to do it, Geoff quickly stepped into the briefs. The briefs made their way up both of his legs and finally began to engulf his private regions. He pulled the waistband up and let them sink into place. The bright, white fabric comfortably held his body from the tip-top of thighs to just above his pubic bush.
“Let me help you with those.” 
Pierson glided over to Geoff and dutifully pulled the briefs higher, a lot higher. Geoff’s belly button was now completely hidden, giving him a slight wedgie and his small package an even smaller moose knuckle. His flat bottom seemed more vertical than ever, and his 3-inch soft dick was nowhere near whatever Pierson was packing. Geoff should have been in pain, he should have been protesting, but something had subtly changed inside of him. The moment was deceptively erotic, something overly-personal but seemingly inconsequential that he was giving up to fit in. The look of disgust he originally had on his face had faded away, replaced with a simple, charming smile.
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With that done, Pierson handed Geoff some pink Bermuda shorts and a blue polo, each made of a stretchy and breathable material.
“You sure these are mine?” Geoff asked, noticing that the sizes were much too large. “I’m not sure I’ll fit.”
“I’m certain we’re the same size, Geoff.” Pierson replied, putting on his own set. The striped Hampton Lime polo he wore beautifully accentuated his pectoral shelf and–after being tucked into some tight cobalt Bermuda shorts–his blooming muscle gut. Geoff didn’t actually know the names of the hues, Pierson had strictly informed him beforehand. Pulled up to rest just below Pierson’s brief’s waistband, the shorts were held up by a fashionable belt that Geoff knew had a price tag with at least 3 digits. The shorts not only continued to advertise Pierson’s laughably large bottom, but also displayed powerful calves that looked as if they were stolen from a marble statue.
Although Pierson was certain they were the same size, they most certainly were not. Geoff was not surprised when his outfit failed to fit. The belt he had barely kept the shorts from falling, and even though the shirt was tucked in, it still draped over him more like a curtain. Unlike the briefs that had fit perfectly, the clothes were meant for a man much larger than him. A fraternity brother.
The final pieces were short, plain white socks and a pair of large golf shoes. Once again, Pierson had insisted the two were the same size, but Geoff knew his feet would never fit in the Size 14 giants. Even after tying the tightest knot he could, the shoes were still fairly roomy and loose, causing Geoff to focus intensely on every step in hopes of not tumbling over. Sighing in defeat, he noticed a small emblem on one of his socks, the same he had seen before on the briefs. He checked the other sock, and then also found it on his polo over the left breast. Deciding it couldn’t hurt, Geoff inquired about it.
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“I don’t think I recognize this brand,” he started. “Are we wearing Ralph Lauren?”
“Not exactly,” Pierson replied, who had also finished getting dressed. “It’s a partner brand of Polo Ralph Lauren that made an exchange with the Carmichael Corporation. Apparently some financial deal.”
“What is the Carmichael Corporation?”
“They are an investing partner with Hemplebaum. The two often work together on acquisition projects. The event today is co-hosted by both companies. A lot of Kappa Sigma Alpha’s alum actually work at the companies, as the pair and the fraternity are continually functioning together. Almost like a cycle, I assume.” Pierson chuckled at that.
“I see.” Geoff smiled at the new piece of evidence. Not only did he just find that a company was in on the ordeal, but three. There was definitely something peculiar about this “financial deal,” and whatever these Hemplebaum and Carmichael organizations were, they had to be behind the disappearance of Phil.
The two then made their way out to the course. A plethora of young, muscular men and older counterparts were already golfing away, chatting merrily about subjects Geoff knew he had no interest in. Stocks and economical talk were topics that were unsurprisingly extremely boring. Pierson made sure to introduce as many people as he could as they walked along, and Geoff made sure to mentally write down each suspect in his head. 
There was Yale Stockton Rockefeller IV from Carmichael, a man slightly older than the pair but identical in size and manner to Pierson. He was wearing a violet polo, docksiders, and light gray madras shorts. Then there was Henderson Harold Hearst from Hemplebaum; he shared the same age and exaggerated proportions with Pierson’s uncle, Mr. Johnson, who was also there. He was wearing a white sports polo, black golf cap, and a pair of golf trousers that somehow expanded over his massive thighs, showing off Mr. Hearst’s thick trunks and amble, jiggly buttocks that pressed generously backwards. 
There were a plethora of other businessmen that were also introduced to Geoff along the way. Keating Eckley Whitlyn, Jr. from Carmichael; Emerson Foley Gillingham-Smyth from Carmichael; Rotterham Casper Cornelius Southard from Hemplebaum; John Millard Koehler III from Carmichael. All the titles and accentuated names made Geoff’s head want to explode, but he hadn’t even met a quarter of the populus yet. There were still all the Kappa Sigma boys with names like Thurston F. Walbridge IV, Wyndham Judge Kilbourn V, and Hunt Johnstonbough. Geoff couldn’t understand how people remembered all of these obsessive, extensive, and money-grubbing men and their names. All of the businessmen and fraternity brothers were just a bunch of wealthy blockheads.
A sharp, static shock zipped inside of Geoff’s high-waisted briefs, causing him to pause momentarily. The shock sent a signal up his anus and tickled his prostate ever so slightly. In his head, Geoff immediately reevaluated his previous thoughts. These men weren’t obsessive, they were just clean-cut and well-maintained. And their names weren’t extensive and money-grubbing, they were traditional, conservative, and sumptuous. These corrections brought a cordial smile to Geoff’s face. Only now noticing he had stopped walking, Geoff jogged to catch back up to Pierson, causing his slightly-larger buttocks to gingerly bob.
As they walked out onto the course, golf bags strapped across their backs, Geoff could see a tall figure in the distance seeming to greet them with a small wave. Pierson returned the gesture amiably.
“Who’s that?”
“Prescott Neilson Powers IV. I invited him to play with us. Prescott is the Kappa Sigma rush chair. ”
“You invited the rush chair?”
“Prescott, yes. He’s been a close friend since I attended preparatory school, you should know that, Geoff.”
Geoff did not know this, as Pierson hadn’t existed less than a semester ago.
“I thought you would get on quite well. Besides, he’s on good terms with many important people. If you want to join the fraternity brotherhood, no one is a better connection.”
Prescott was in stretchy plum-colored golf trousers, a ballcap with the KE logo sitting proudly on the front, and a smoky-gray polo exactly like the ones they were wearing. Geoff had a bit of a shock realizing how much Prescott looked like Pierson. His body filled out the polo tremendously with broad shoulders, baseball-like biceps, and a thick but strong core. He also had that overly-wide posterior that led into legs and calves formed by deadlifts and deep squats. His hair–which was sheared down into a practically flat bit of black hair, shiny and parted–was the only noticeable difference between the two, but otherwise Geoff might have mistaken the two for brothers or cousins.
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“Greetings!” Prescott shook Pierson’s hand and pulled him in for a pat on the back. For his part, Pierson tensed up a bit but did not resist.
“Prescott Neilson Powers IV, this is Geoffrey Elliot. We had few classes together last year, and now he is interested in rushing.” Before Geoff could correct the error of his name, Prescott grabbed him into a similar handshake-to-hug.
“Pleasure to meet you, Geoffrey,” Prescott said calmly. “Well, let’s play.”
“Are we taking the cart?” Geoff asked, pointing to a line of white, polished golf carts. He really didn’t want to walk around the entire course. He hadn’t exerted that amount of physical energy since high school gym.
“Of course not!” Prescott and Pierson chortled before Prescott continued. “I’d figure us three needed to work less on our glutes and more cardio!” Prescott then reached out and gave both Pierson and Geoff hard butt slaps. Geoff wanted to object, but a momentarily jarring jolt from his briefs once again silenced him.
“We all know this will not be enough to alleviate that problem,” Pierson quipped as they made their way to the first hole. Geoffrey completely forgot what he was thinking about and followed with a polite smile, his shorts now tighter against his inflated rump.
Prescott was extremely friendly and a little physical. Upon learning that Geoffrey had never golfed, Prescott took it upon himself to teach him everything he could, resulting in him saddling up behind him to correct stance and form, but also jokingly pressing his crotch into Geoffrey’s butt and thrusting. The boys all laughed at the horseplay, with Geoffrey nervously trying to hide his boner. If he wanted to fit in around these traditional, conservative men, he’d have to be a lot more careful. Luckily, his member had softened before anyone noticed, returning to its previous 4-inches soft.
Geoffrey had a hard time hating Prescott and the Kappa Sigma brothers. Taking away all the pomp of politics and social structure, Prescott seemed to be an incredibly friendly alpha; the kind of guy who would be quarterback, homecoming king, and class president (all things Geoffrey learned Prescott was). Geoffrey began to recognize that all the Kappa Sigma, Carmichael, and Hemplebaum men had so many things in common. There were so many things about them that Geoffrey really liked. They were gorgeously male and embodied masculine sophistication. They were groomed and cleaned, polite and cheerful. They were such ideal men, what Pierson had called “perfectly preppy”.
“My girlfriend will literally do anything I ask, that’s how dedicated she is to me!” Prescott bragged in a slow but still gloating voice.
“She was always into you,” Pierson added.
“Yes, sir. Her dad’s super rich, one of the department managers at the Carmichael Corporation. He’s inundated with old money. But what about you?” Prescott got a mischievous glint as his eyes located Pierson’s crotch. “Are you getting those fellows ready? It is almost breeding season.”
“What does that mean?” Geoffrey inquired.
“Pierson Buckley Folsom VI here is getting married.”
“Congratulations!” Geoffrey replied enthusiastically, forgetting that Pierson hadn’t had a partner less than a month ago.
“Thank you. We’re finishing some final details; her mother is very specific. Sometimes, she acts as though I’m unworthy.”
“She cannot do better,” Prescott assured.
“She is a perfectly suitable spouse. I am very pleased with the situation,” Pierson affirmed before setting up his shot and launching the ball.  He let out a whistle of appreciation as it landed in the green just a few feet away from the hole.
“Good shot,” Prescott and Geoffrey said simultaneously. Geoffrey hadn’t noticed his voice was beginning to imitate the other two’s, as it was now a little deeper and even-handed.
“Geoffrey, I know it’s late notice, but I hope you can at least attend the wedding. The club has strict guest limits and I’m running out of passes for nonmembers for the bachelor party.”
“Thank you, Pierson. I’m sure I can make it.”
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Geoffrey didn’t want to attend for investigative purposes however, he just wanted to support his close friend Pierson.
“And if you join the fraternity and get your membership before, you can enjoy all the heterosexual fun.” Prescott winked at Geoffrey and snagged a nipple that was now stiffly pressed out from the polo. Geoffrey had somehow not felt the weight of his upper body before as he walked, as his chest now stuck out and increased his height by a few inches. Geoffrey should’ve cared more about his enlarged torso, but for some reason walking around with pecs straining a polo felt incredible, like a huge dose of testosterone had been injected into him.
After a few more rounds, the trio decided to take an intermission and head back to the club. The main ballroom at the Rolling Acres was a lively place stocked with booze and many other pompous and colossal-sized men. Before Geoffrey could figure out what was going on, Pierson and Prescott were already removing the caps from a collection of glass bottles and pouring multiple glasses full of amber liquid.
“Come on, sit,” Prescott instructed, slapping Geoffrey’s bottom before taking a seat. Originally, Geoffrey had intended on asking some analytical questions and refusing the drinks, but after a quick agonizing wince he discovered he didn’t want to upset his new friends, or the financial connections they represented. Taking a big swig of the liquid, he sat down in the chair, his increasingly wide and plump behind consuming nearly Ÿths of the extra wide seat.
“You’re getting pretty good at the trap shot, Pierson Buckley Folsom VI, ” Prescott toasted Pierson.
“You’re still better, Prescott Neilson Powers IV,” Pierson was already refilling his drink happily. The trio continued chatting until Pierson eventually excused himself to the toilet, leaving Geoffrey alone with a man he thought would have been detestable. But this afternoon was fun. He got a small knot in his stomach as Prescott turned to him with a viperous grin.
“Geoff? Geoff Elliot?” Prescott suddenly said, dropping his voice low. Geoffrey was confused for a moment, as he hadn’t thought of himself as Geoff in a while. It was almost shocking, but then he cautiously nodded yes.
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“Please, call me Geoffrey, Prescott.”
“Oh, I will, Geoffrey,” he emphasized the name. “You look good, and I have to admit I was wrong about you, Geoffrey. When Pierson had said he had invited you, I did not think you would make it. But here you are: willing and able, and looking much better with the muscles might I add. These clothes have done wonders for you.”
“Thank you, Prescott. I am very happy spending time with the Kappa Sigma men and the alumni.” Prescott nodded and smiled as the robotic words left Geoffrey’s mouth. Geoffrey had been content with his answer, but he hadn’t processed the real meaning behind Prescott’s comment. Absentmindedly scratching his calf, he should’ve been surprised by the amount of fur that caught in his grip. It also should have shocked him how firm his muscles felt; the thick, robust quads and strong, sculpted forelegs now filled his salmon shorts appropriately. They were also helped by his waist, which had expanded out both in the pelvic and gluteal regions.
“I like having my fellow fraternity brothers around. It is truly a real lifetime bond, care to agree?” Geoffrey nodded as Prescott took another deep swig. “Something that really defines a man: who he is and who he’s going to be.” 
Prescott then seemed to stare at Geoffrey curiously. For his part, Geoffrey had no idea what to say, and so stayed silent. “If I’d known this is who you were going to be, I’d have made sure you were my brother a long time ago. Of course, I knew Geoff, but not Geoffrey. Not big, strapping Geoffrey.”
“Yes,” Geoffrey stirred his glass and sat there.
“And I still have yet to meet whom you will become. You still have a ways to go until you have finished.”
“The rush event, of course. You did not think it was over, did you? It is only a quarter past one you jester!” Prescott then grabbed Geoffrey’s head and gave him a playful noogie. The respectable man’s knuckles drove apart Geoffrey’s hair, causing the slightly-greasy afro to spill out a little more.
“Your hair has been a little off today,” Prescott noted. “Did you use enough pomade this morning?”
“Yes,” Geoffrey confirmed. “I believe I did.” He fixed his hair precariously, making sure all the edges were still held together like a helmet. Geoffrey liked his textured ivy league cut chipper yet sharp, just like the fine fellows of Kappa Sigma Alpha.
“Now, Geoffrey, what do you think Geoffrey is like in college?”
“I’m Geoffrey.”
“Correct, but these past few semesters you have not been. I just wonder what you wish you had done?”
“I wish I’d attended more sports games. I love football, and enjoy playing tennis and golf.” The answers had been installed in his head without him knowing.
“I’d want to have a group of men to watch sports with,” Geoffrey added.
“Indeed, every game we have an event at the house.” 
Geoffrey stared at him with glassy eyes. He was confused. It seemed like Prescott wanted him to say something, but he could only shrug.
“Would have been nice.”
“I do hope you apply for the fraternity. The brotherhood would be a good fit for you.”
“I’ve really enjoyed myself so far,” Geoffrey admitted. “And the prospect of living in the manor is tantalizing.”
“Where are you living nowadays?”
“I have a dorm in Walker. It’s a heap, but I live alone.”
“Have you thought about living with other men? Such ideal, perfectly preppy men?”
“What?! No, I haven’t, I mean..” Geoffrey sputtered a little, not considering that factor in his infiltration plan. It seemed like a dream, to be surrounded by so many gaudy, haughty, and sexy men. After a momentary painful shudder, Geoffrey realized he would love to be surrounded by so many prosperous, presumptuous, and handsome brothers. Of course, his definition of handsome was a man who was traditional, well-heeled, and physically attractive to women. Geoffrey believed that men ought to align themselves to the only orientation, one where his 5-inch soft dick didn’t get aroused to the thought of other gentlemen.
“I’m not sure it’s right for me,” Geoffrey announced truthfully, authorizing a smirk from Prescott.
“It’s right for Geoffrey. For football-playing, fraternity brother, corporate shark Geoffrey.” Prescott smiled and got up from the table, ushering Geoffrey to follow him.
“If you become a brother, either the Carmichael Corporation or Hemplebaum will pay off your student debt as long as you work a year-long internship with them after you graduate. I can set you up.”
“I always support my Kappa Sigma Alpha brothers.” His impish grin was the only signal Geoffrey had before another blow to his bottom. After a little excruciating twitch, Geoffrey returned to reality, his voluminous buttocks still vibrating as they had now accumulated a soft layer of fat that made him even wider.
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“Kappa Sigma Alpha, brothers strong, brothers long. Four years forged the lifetime bond!”  Prescott chanted and stared at Geoffrey. Geoffrey hesitated, but his mind wanted it so bad. He wanted Prescott to like him, to be his brother. Geoffrey wanted to be one of the classy, dashing brothers.
“Kappa Sigma Alpha, brothers strong, brothers long. Four years forged the lifetime bond.”  Prescott smiled as Geoffrey repeated the stanza back to him.
Pierson then showed up a moment later from behind them.
“What did I miss?”
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“Just the rushing of our newest member here!”
“Newest member?” Pierson replied excitedly. “You are going to become a brother, Geoffrey?”
“I must!” Geoffrey replied eagerly. He wanted to become one of these perfectly preppy brothers, which kind of went against his reason for coming here in the first place. But, why was he here again? Was it not to be rushed? For some reason, Geoffrey felt like he was forgetting something, but it didn’t bother him enough to dwell on it. Any inappropriate memory of infiltration or distaste had been sapped from his increasingly cordial mind.
“That makes me so elated!” Pierson exclaimed. “Let us go find my uncle then, that way we can have him officiate the necessary forms.”
“If I can have a moment,” Geoffrey paused the celebration. “I would like to use the restroom.”
” Pierson hesitated.
“Of course!” Prescott gave a reassuring glance to Pierson, although Geoffrey didn’t know why. “Around the corner over yonder and then westbound. We will go retrieve Mr. Johnson while you alleviate.”
“My gratitude.” Not only had Geoffrey’s tone adopted the same deep, flat, and robotic tone, but his vocabulary slowly became much more sophisticated. As he strolled over to the restroom, Geoffrey now felt the weight of his body as he walked. He hadn’t noticed before, but he had settled out around 6’3 thanks to his extended limbs. His newly broadened shoulders filled out his dark periwinkle polo nicely. They made him feel like he took up the entire doorway as he entered the lavatory, and his big, wide stride made his butt and crotch kind of wiggle as he walked. He could feel the fabric of his salmon shorts tighten around his balls and release, then tighten on the other side. It was mildly arousing.
After taking a hearty leak, Geoffrey pulled his briefs back up above his belly button. It was deceptively erotic, something overly-personal but seemingly inconsequential that he was giving up to fit in. And that’s what he wanted after all, to fit in. Why be unique and different when one could be conventional, classical, and consistent? That’s why he had come here in the first place, because he wanted to be like these men. Geoffrey wanted to be a Kappa Sigma, and after that work at either the Carmichael Corporation or Hemplebaum.
Washing his hands in the sink, Geoffrey looked up and was very pleased to see the extremely handsome young man in front of him. He filled out his clothes almost to the point of bursting, from the Size 14 golf shoes to the Philadelphia blue polo. As he admired his form in the mirror, Geoffrey couldn’t help but brush the smooth-shaved line of his prominent jaw. He really could swear that his face had been almost heart-shaped, but now there was a distinctly hexagonal shape to the thing. Geoffrey was practically a hypermasculine parody: low brow, big nose, and wide jaw with a gigantic cleft chin: just like all the other men here.
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Once he had finished appreciating his form, he exited the restroom and found Pierson, Prescott, and Mr. Johnson all chatting merrily. When they noticed his entrance, they immediately turned to allow him into the conversation.
“What can I do for you, Geoffrey?” Mr. Johnson asked. Geoffrey tried to find a concise answer for that question, but found that impossible.
“I want to become a Kappa Sigma and work with business and finance after graduation. I want every piece of advice you can give me.”
“Why is that?” Mr. Johnson was suppressing a smug smile though Geoffrey didn’t notice.
“I want to be just like you. And Pierson Buckley Folsom VI. And Prescott Neilson Powers IV. And all the men here at Rolling Acres.”
“Enjoy the event?”
“Immensely. I belong here with these kinds of men. I want to move into the Kappa Sigma Alpha house, not live in some pathetic university building.” He cast a disgusted look before continuing.  “I want to become an alumni and work under the Carmichael Corporation or Hemplebaum.”
Mr. Johnson smiled. “So, Geoffrey, are you willing to fully commit yourself to the Kappa Sigmas?”
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“I am, sir,” he replied in a soldier-like manner.
“Excellent. Well, I can proudly say you are approaching the physical standards. Let me address one concern.” Mr. Johnson carefully moved his massive arm behind Geoffrey and patted his buttocks gently. Geoffrey didn’t react as a gentle sting pulsated his prostate and a charming smile adorned his face. Mr. Johnson’s hand moved away to reveal an enormous rump identical to the others’, one thick with muscles underneath but concealed underneath a spongy layer of fat. With the salmon Bermuda shorts now tight against his behind, the crotch of his shorts were pulled tight into a prominent moose knuckle, also showcasing his 7-inch soft dick.
“Yes, that is more appropriate.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Now, there is a rather large change that I believe is a necessity for your progression into the Kappa Sigmas as well as your new social circle.”
“What is that sir?”
“Your name, it is just too common and destitute. You agree?” Geoffrey snapped back confirmation even though it made his head spin. “Personally, I have always been very fond of names associated with old money.”
“You want me to change my last name?” Geoffrey asked, slightly confused.
“Not exactly. Your entire name will have to be reformed.”
“My entire name?”
“Well, I thought you wanted to succeed.”
“Yes sir.”
“So you want to change your name. What do you think would work?”
“I don’t know, sir.”
“So you want my help, is that what you are saying?” The words were coming so fast and Mr. Johnson’s eyes were so enticing that Geoffrey nodded.
“Yes sir, please tell me what my name should be.”
Mr. Johnson crossed his arms over his shelf of pecs, clearly relishing in the moment even though Geoffrey had no idea why.
“This is my favorite part.” Geoffrey didn’t say anything, as his superior clearly didn’t want him to.  And he’d just asked for help so there was no need to say anything. “It’s a great moment, when you realize you want to be whatever I want you to be.” 
Mr. Johnson ceremoniously pulled a form out of his suit pocket and presented it to Geoffrey. “This is your fraternity contract. You don’t need to bother with the details. Just sign your name.“
In very literal terms, Geoffrey would be singing away his life. The fraternity, the proud men of Kappa Sigma, and all of the alumni who worked at the Carmichael Corporation and Hemplebaum were now permanently immune from any legal repercussions. Of course, there never would be, as they had plenty of experience in this sort of thing.
Geoffrey was about to sign, but he noticed a different name was listed on the contract.
“It is supposed to be made out by Godfrey Larimer Elverton Jr.?”
“A name I believe will fit you suitably.” Mr. Johnson offered a pen to Geoffrey and gave a conceited smirk. “Just sign.”
The order immediately processed through Geoffrey’s brain, bringing a clubby smile to his face as he wrote out his new signature. Once he had finished, Mr. Johnson took the contract back and made his way to the ballroom stage. He signaled for Geoffrey to follow him.
“Hello?” Mr. Johnson tested a mic, his lifeless bass resonant across the room. “I would like to request every man’s attention please.”
Geoffrey watched on as all the men in the room turned to look their way. So many masculine men dressed to the tens in lavish suits and colorful polos. They were all so refined, so perfectly preppy.
“I would like to announce our first success of the annual Kappa Sigma Alpha rush event: the newest man of Kappa Sigma, Godfrey Larimer Elverton Jr.!”
The crowded room burst into a controlled round of applause. Godfrey felt giddy, proud to become a part of this fine organization. After the room had calmed down, Mr. Johnson and Godfrey rejoined Pierson and Prescott. They continued a fascinating discussion about budgetary and monetary issues, as a recent Hemplebaum acquisition of an old theatre downtown had created quite a profit. Godfrey felt right as home, as if he had always meant to be a Kappa Sigma. He instantly embraced his new role in life and quickly was accepted as a full brother by the other men.
The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. After Godfrey, there were eight other boys who were rushed into the Kappa Sigmas. Godfrey didn’t realize that at the beginning of the day, these boys had all been exactly like him: crude, coarse, and shoddy. In fact, Godfrey didn’t realize that he had been like that at all. His memories had slowly shifted, causing him to remember a wealthier upbringing, one where he had pampered and shaped to become a Kappa Sigma man over the last 21 years.
“To be frank,” Pierson started as they made their way back out to the first hole. “I did not foresee you transitioning so fast, let alone becoming the first pledge of the day.”
“You should recognize that I have been training for this my entire life,” Godfrey replied sternly.
“Oh, I do,” Pierson conceded. “But I will need some testament to that claim. Four strokes is par.”
Godfrey turned to Pierson and gave a broad, bland smile.
“Pierson Buckley Folsom VI,” he declared with a club in his hand. “I’ll only need one.”
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callmecallmecrazy · 1 year ago
Not a story; just a thanks
I chose the name callmecrazy because when I first wrote The Jocking I had never read anything like it and I wasn't sure if anyone else had the same fantasies or if they'd just think I was nuts. Given how I've developed a wealth of mental health problems in adulthood, the name has stayed delightfully accurate.
I am so grateful to everyone who follows, likes, shares or even silently enjoys my stories. I write them because I want to, it's what goes on in my head. And I share them so people with similar interests can have something they relate to. And if that's inspired others along the way, even better! I've never wanted to make a career of this, and so I've never really been sure what kind of self promotion I should do, if any.
But some days when I feel really bad, I remind myself that I'm very lucky to be able to share something I enjoy so much with others who like the same things. It's not that long ago that I wouldn't have been able to have that kind of connection.
So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being a fan.
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raque-m · 1 year ago
Libertad de un loco
Todo en esta vida parece estar limitado y condicionado, por los familiares, amigos, el gobierno y de ahĂ­ toda la jerarquĂ­a que le sigue y sus normas.
Pero, Âżalcanzaremos algĂșn dĂ­a eso tan ilusorio y utĂłpico llamado libertad?
Lo que sigue después de la vida no lo puedo ni imaginar, pero anhelo poder experimentar la verdadera libertad, sin restricciones impuestas por el hombre, especie complicada y llena de ideales, pero, ¿dónde se originan esos ideales?
El humano, con tantas capacidades y potencial, pero tan corto en compasión y paciencia, a veces podando las alas de otros para conseguir sus propios sueños.
A veces callando a los mĂĄs “dĂ©biles” para escuchar su propia voz egoĂ­sta y asĂ­ satisfacer esa sed de poder y reconocimiento encubierta por una sonrisa dulce y amorosa, justificando la inmoralidad con un signo zodiacal o un patrĂłn de ideas predeterminadas, engañosas y disfrazadas de una verdad absoluta.
Si esos silenciados pudieran abrir sus bocas, si esos hombres que suspiran por desafiar a los que han destruido al mundo con su visión egocéntrica tuvieran una sola oportunidad, si los que fueron llamados locos pudieran quitarle la venda de los ojos a esos ciegos que creen tener la razón, si tan solo se le diera oportunidad a aquellos que buscan la justicia y liberar a quienes han vivido reprimidos.
Pero si fueran liberados de su condena, ÂżreprimirĂ­an a quienes alguna vez los menospreciaron? Âżo voltearĂ­an la pĂĄgina aprovechando esa oportunidad para tornar el odio en paz, y el sufrimiento en gozo?
Pero eso serĂĄ en otra vida, si ella existiera.
De niño despreciaron mis gestos peculiares, de grande me los hicieron recordar con desdén.
De niño golpearon mi boca con puñetazos invisibles, con palabras de odio y de grande me exigen hablar, dicen que no puedo defenderme.
Pero, ÂżserĂĄ el silencio mi mejor arma?
ÂżSerĂĄ el olvido mi escape a toda esa tormenta de apatĂ­a?
Y si decido “hacerme el loco” y hacerles creer que tienen la razón, ¿me dará eso un bocado de libertad?
El mal sabor de la realidad es inevitable, pero prefiero eso a hacerme falsas ilusiones como aquellos que buscan la validación escondiéndose tras una måscara de mentiras.
Prefiero ir soñando mientras camino a fingir ser un adulto perfecto que encaja con el resto del rompecabezas.
Prefiero que me llamen loco a ser un lobo disfrazado de oveja, con intenciones ocultas e intereses ambiciosos.
Prefiero seguir idealizando la libertad, esperando algĂșn dĂ­a poder vivirla.
Mientras tanto, que me sigan llamando loco todas las veces que quieran, como un disco roto que repite lo mismo una y otra vez
#journal #callmecrazy
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teamcolorsbycarrie · 2 years ago
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You might call it crazy, but I call it fun 
 going around and around this one mile track for 48 hours over July 4th weekend! I love challenging my body to see how far I can go, despite the Georgia heat and humidity, and the occasional thunderstorms we always experience during this race! What can I say 
 I do it to spend time with my running family, and it’s actually quite therapeutic for me. What’s something fun you do that other people call crazy?! #callmecrazy #ultrarunnerlife #runningfamily #merrillsmile #july4thweekend — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/CfP01QF
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gautam-dev · 2 years ago
(Gautam Dev)
#devsays - #FeelTheBeat, love life’s flow, In unity we dance, hearts aglow. #NoCompetition, just happiness we find, ’#CallMeCrazy,’ for joy we bind. #OneWorld #Dance #EDM #Trance #House #MusicByDev #GautamDev #LifeHacks @ #130BPM :)
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shopdevsters · 2 years ago
(Gautam Dev)
#devsays - #FeelTheBeat, love life’s flow, In unity we dance, hearts aglow. #NoCompetition, just happiness we find, ’#CallMeCrazy,’ for joy we bind. #OneWorld #Dance #EDM #Trance #House #MusicByDev #GautamDev #LifeHacks @ #130BPM :)
0 notes
devsters · 2 years ago
(via Call Me Crazy)
#devsays - #FeelTheBeat, love life's flow, In unity we dance, hearts aglow. #NoCompetition, just happiness we find, '#CallMeCrazy,' for joy we bind. #OneWorld #Dance #EDM #Trance #House #MusicByDev #GautamDev #LifeHacks @ #130BPM :)
0 notes
lilacskies--lachrymoseeyes · 5 years ago
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That look though...DED. What gives him the right?!?đŸ˜ˆđŸ–€đŸ€Ș💀
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curlyinks · 6 years ago
From discussions with friends I know that I’m not the only creative night owl. It seems to be a very common trait among us. I stayed up late last night—well, uh, this morning, until around 5 am—and then slept for a couple of hours. But, sometimes you just need to go where the creative energy takes you. Big deadline today required lots of uninterrupted work. I think I’ll be paying for it—maybe not today, but certainly this week. I’m hoping some big mugs of coffee, a little vitamin C, and a pop of pink on my desk will help ease the pain. Are you a night owl? ‱ Made with a sumi brush and carbon black #hydruswatercolor on #canson #watercolor paper. ‱ #nightowl #allnighter #allnightlong #creativeenergy #watercolorlettering #brushlettering #illpayforitlater #deadlineday #callmecrazy #showyourwork #designerlife #doitfortheprocess https://www.instagram.com/p/B1osWzMjegx/?igshid=1e3xr7whqia6t
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warping-realities · 1 month ago
2k Special - Coach Knows Best
So, guys, like I mentioned early this month, this year’s been way more complicated than I thought it would be. So much so I didn’t even realize I hit the 2000 follower mark! I had nothing planned for the occasion, but since I can’t let it slide, I whipped up this little story. It’s nothing groundbreaking or revolutionary, to be honest. It’s more of a throwback to my roots—the first stories that pulled me into this world, first as a reader and then as a writer.
My inspirations here are the amazing work of CallMecrazy and Aardvark. 'The Jocking' got me started in this game, and right after that, I dove into 'High School Development.' Also to this day, my all-time favorite story is 'Clifton Jocks: Nick' (though I gotta say, 'An Old Fashioned' is the best thing ever written in our niche).
Anyway, this is my little gift to celebrate with you all. Hope you dig it!"
Coach Knows Best: Finding Brotherhood
Brock woke up kinda groggy after a weird dream where he was on the school debate team. Like that would ever happen. After letting out a half-yawn, half-laugh at the ridiculousness of it, the football jock let out a groan as he rolled out of bed, his massive frame stretching and creaking. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and checked the clock – 5:30 AM. Time to get his butt in gear for another day of practice. After a cold shower, he admired himself, flexing his boulder-sized biceps and tree trunk thighs.
“Damn, Beef, you’re one fine piece of work,” he muttered to himself, before realizing that if he kept daydreaming, he’d end up running late, and the last thing he wanted was to piss off the coach. He lumbered down the stairs, still half-asleep, trying unsuccessfully not to make noise so he wouldn’t wake his mom. Not an easy feat with his massive size. As he stepped into the small but cozy kitchen, he popped open the fridge, chugging a gallon of whole milk and scarfing down a couple of protein bars and lasagna leftovers, shoveling it all in like a cow chewing its cud. Gotta keep those gains coming, bro, he thought as he let out a loud belch.
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After put a sleveeles shirt and a pair of compression shorts he hopped into his late dad's beat-up pickup truck and cranked up the radio, bobbing his head to the rap music as he headed to the local high school, where he played offensive guard for the Oakwood Titans. He couldn't wait to hit the field and ball out with his teammates. Oakwood, was the best, the coaches actually cared about their players and the athletes were treated with respect.
Pulling into the crowded high school parking lot, Brock spotted his bro Trey, another offensive lineman, and they fist-bumped as Brock approached.
"Yo, Beef, you ready to crush some skulls today, bro?" Trey said, his deep voice rumbling.
"You know it, man. Gonna put fear in those punks," Brock replied with a grin, pounding his chest.
The two hulking teens lumbered into the locker room, the floor shaking with each step. Brock yanked open his locker, the cheap metal creaking, and started suiting up. He pulled on his compression tights, the fabric straining to contain his muscular legs. Next came the padded girdle, the protective cups cradling his package just right. He smirked, knowing he was packing some serious heat down there. He put on his shoulder pads, the familiar weight settling on him, and finally, his jersey – number 72, offensive guard.
Brock and Trey headed out to the practice field, joining the rest of the team for warm-up drills. Coach Steele, a former NFL player with a jaw like granite, barked out commands, and the players moved in sync, grunting and clapping in rhythm. Brock loved this part, the camaraderie and teamwork. It felt like a well-oiled machine, everyone doing their part.
Soon, they split into position groups for more intense drills. Brock lined up against the defensive tackles, his eyes narrowing as he focused. The whistle blew, and he exploded off the line, driving his feet and using his massive frame to shove the defender back. Again and again, Brock dominated the one-on-one battles, his competitive nature fueling him.
"Atta boy, Beef! That's how we do it!" Coach Steele yelled, slapping Brock on the back, making the young man puff out his chest, soaking in the praise. This was his element, where he thrived.
After a grueling practice, the team gathered for Coach's speech. Brock listened intently, absorbing every word.
"Men, you're showing real promise out there. But I know we can be even better. This season, we're going all the way to state. But it's gonna take sacrifice, dedication, and leaving it all on the field. No half-assing it, you hear me? You're dismissed, boys, and behave yourselves. I don't want to hear any complaints about you from the other teachers. And woe to anyone caught messing with the other kids, no matter how weak they are!" Coach Steele's eyes scanned the players, landing on Brock. "Brock, stay here. I need a favor.” Said the older man. And Brock waited curiously while his teammates went to the locker room and the muscular giant moved towards him.
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“ Brock, You’re one of our leaders; I expect big things from you, and now's your chance to prove it." Said the coach.
"Yes, sir!" Brock responded, his voice booming. He was ready to do whatever it took to please Coach Steele, he was his inspiration, and football was his life.
"Kid, there's a boy in your class, a new transfer, who's been asking questions he shouldn't. I need you to reach out to him. Gain his trust."
"Yes, coach, who are you talking about?"
"Aidan Trent. I understand he's your partner in science class."
"Aw, coach, that guy's lame, a total nerd."
"Beef, are you gonna go against my request?"
"No, sir, I'll do as you say!"
"Great, who knows, you might find you have something in common?" the coach replied with a mysterious smile.
Brock doubted that, but this was his chance to prove himself, to show the coach what he was made of.
Alone in the locker room, Brock stripped off his sweat-soaked gear, relishing the burn in his muscles. He grabbed a towel and headed to the showers, the hot water pounding on his aching body. He couldn't help but admire himself – bulging biceps, chiseled abs, thick tree trunk legs. This was the body of a champion, a warrior. He flexed, grinning at the way his muscles rippled.
After cleaning up, he pulled on a fresh pair of tight boxer briefs, the fabric clinging to his package, and slid into a pair of faded Levi's. He topped it off with an Oakwood Titans blue t-shirt, the school colors bringing out the intensity in his eyes.
After strutting in front of the cheerleaders, Brock headed to his biology class, where he was paired up with his target: the scrawny kid named Aidan. Even though he had a mission, he couldn't help but feel annoyed, wanting to be around his fellow jocks instead of some scrawny nerd. But the coach's words were law, and he would follow them to the end.
"Dude, you got a problem or something?" Aidan asked, sensing Brock's irritation.
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"Nah, man. Just ready to get this over with so I can get back to football," Brock grumbled.
"Football, huh? You must be one of those meathead jocks I keep hearing about," Aidan said, rolling his eyes.
Brock felt his blood boil. "You got a problem with football, shrimp?"
"Relax, dude. I'm just saying, there's more to life than throwing a ball around," Aidan replied, backing down.
Brock clenched his fists, wanting nothing more than to pound this scrawny little twerp into the ground. But he knew that would only get him in trouble, and he couldn't afford to miss any games. So, he took a deep breath and tried to focus on the project. He didn't know how to deal with a weakling like that, but if this was Steele's will, Brock would make an effort.
"Man, what do you know about football?"
"That it's a bunch of guys smashing each other over a ball, just to get concussions and die young." Hearing that sent another wave of irritation through the young giant. But he kept his cool.
"Football is way more than that. It's discipline, teamwork, trust, it's brotherhood. Things I bet you don't have with your buddies in the chess club."
"I'm not in the chess club!"
"I bet you're in the choir or some other girly thing..."
"I'm part of the school newspaper!"
"Oh, right, something way more masculine, living off gossip."
"I bet anything with words escapes your ogre brain," the skinny kid shot back just as the bell rang.
At lunchtime, Brock made his way to the cafeteria, his tray piled high with enough food to feed a whole family. He plopped down at a table, right in the middle of the room, greeted by his fellow linemen.
"Yo, Brock, heard you pancaked Tanner in practice. Dude's still picking his teeth up off the field," one of the guys said, laughing.
"Yeah, man. Gotta let these boys know who's boss," Brock replied, shoving a handful of fries into his mouth.
The conversation turned to the upcoming game against their rivals, the Westside Warriors. Brock listened intently, already visualizing himself blowing open massive holes for the running backs. Just then, a scrawny figure approached with a tray in hand: Aidan. This was his time to shine.
Brock spotted Aidan sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria and decided to join him.
"Sup, Aidan, you mind if I park my big ol' butt right here? I think things got a bit rough between us, and I wanted to make it right."
"Uh, yeah, sure, go for it."
"So, newspaper? What's the deal, man? What've you been up to?"
"Not much, just... some stuff..."
Making a huge effort to seem interested, Brock continued. "What stuff? What you write for that rag?"
"Since you insist, I'm working on a story about the funding differences between the sports teams."
"Funding differences? What are you talking about?"
"Well, it seems like the football team gets way more money than all the other teams combined. I'm trying to figure out why that is."
"Hold up, you saying we get more cash? So what? We need that to be the best."
"I'm not saying you don't deserve it; I just think it's unfair that the other teams don't get the same level of support."
"Unfair? You don't know jack about football, man. This team brings in way more cash and fame for this school than any other sport."
"Look, I just want to understand how the funding distribution works. I'm not trying to attack anyone."
"You're trying to expose us, aren't you? Thinkin' we're doing something shady!"
At that moment, Coach Steele approached, noticing the heated discussion.
"Hey, hey, what's going on here?"
"This guy's trying to write a story saying we get more money than we should!"
"Is that so? And why do you think that, son?"
"I just... want to understand better how the funding gets divvied up. I'm not trying to accuse anyone."
"Well, I know things may seem unfair from the outside, but the football team brings in a whole lot more for this school than any other sport. That means more cash, more exposure, more opportunities. But it's not like we're stealing it from anyone. It's all within the rules."
"See? I told you we need that to be the best."
"Easy there, Brock. I get your frustration, but let's keep things civil here. Aidan, if you really want to understand how this works, why don't you come to one of our practices with Brock here to see how it all works, and I can explain it all to you calmly."
"Uh, well... okay, I guess."
"Great. Now, let's all go back to eating in peace, alright?"
Brock and Aidan nodded, still a bit tense, under the watchful eye of Coach Steele.
"Beef with me," the coach said with a stern face, and Brock followed him. "A little more subtlety would have been better, kid, but now I know what the kid was after. And to think I thought he might suspect something..."
"Anyway, kid, good job, but it's not over yet. You heard what I said; tomorrow morning before practice, I want you to go to Trent's house and bring the kid with you. It's our duty to guide him to a proper understanding of the importance of football, right?"
After school, Brock headed home. Entering the simple house, he exchanged a few words with his mom before flopping down on the couch, flipping through channels until he found a replay of a college football game. Engrossed, he barely noticed the time pass until his mom, a night shift nurse at the town hospital, kissed him on the head and told him that she had left his dinner ready. He scarfed down the massive meal, grateful that his mom knew he needed to keep fueling his body to get bigger and stronger. It was tough for a single mom like her to manage the house and a son with his appetite and needs. But one day, he would repay that. He was going to college for football and become a pro, giving her and the coach all the pride in the world. He was going to be a star, a hero to his team and his community. Brock was going to make a name for himself, and no one was going to stand in his way. And if that meant putting up with the nerd Aidan Trent, so be it.
The next morning, Brock woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. He had a mission, and he was determined to make the most of it. After finishing his breakfast, he grabbed his gear and hopped into his truck, mentally preparing for the day ahead. As he drove towards Aidan’s house, he felt a mix of excitement and apprehension.
Pulling up to Aidan’s home, Brock took a deep breath. The house looked small and unassuming, a stark contrast to the towering figure of the young man standing outside. He knocked on the door, and moments later, Aidan's father, an older version of the kid, appeared, surprise etched on his face.
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"Huh... what brings you here?" asked the lanky man, adjusting his glasses nervously.
"Hello, sir, nice to meet you. I'm Brock Bennett, Aidan's classmate. I came to pick him up so we can go to school together."
"You're a friend of my son's?" the man asked, both astonished and pleased at the prospect. As if the idea of a friendship between the behemoth in front of him and his son was impossible. Something Brock would agree with without hesitation if it weren't for the need to follow the coach's orders.
"Yeah, sure!" he replied with his best boy next door smile. "Could you call him? We're running late for football practice."
"Football practice?"
"Yeah, I said I'd take Aidan with me to help him with a report for the school newspaper, to help him understand the need for the funding we receive and all that..."
"Ahhh... now it makes sense! Aidan, come here, your friend is waiting!" the lanky man shouted for his son.
Aidan appeared at the door, a bit hesitant, but upon seeing Brock, forced a smile in front of his dad, who seemed confused at the prospect of his son making friends with one of the jocks. "Hey, Brock. What are you doing here?"
"Coach Steele sent me to pick you up, man. You were supposed to tag along to practice, remember? And we're already late. If it weren't for having to grab you, I'd already be crushing in the field by now. So, let's go!" Brock replied, gesturing for Aidan to hop into the truck. Once Aidan settled into the passenger seat, they started driving toward school. The initial silence in the car was palpable, with Aidan staring out the window and Brock focused on the road.
"So, Aidan, what do you have in mind for this article? Got any bright ideas?" Brock asked, trying not to sound annoyed like the day before.
"I'm thinking about something on the importance of funding for sports, you know? How it can impact team performance and player morale," Aidan replied, nervously.
"Cool, but don't you think we've already proven we deserve what we got? Football’s a big deal, and we bring fame to the school; we've been state champs more times than any other team," Brock said, trying to make the other guy understand.
"Yeah, but it's also important that other teams get the same support. It's not fair that just one sport gets all the attention and resources," Aidan argued, the fiery passion in his words.
Brock shook his head, a bit frustrated. "Look, I get your point, but you know how things roll. Football is what puts the school on the map. And who doesn't wanna be a star?"
Aidan sighed, looking at his own reflection in the window. "Not everyone has that dream, Brock. Some people just wanna feel part of something..."
Brock glanced at Aidan, surprised. "And what do you think the team is all about, man? What’s it really about?"
"Not everyone has a team to lean on, Brock!"
"Don't you have friends in your newspaper club?"
"I... I've just never been good at making friends... My mom passed away when I was little, and my dad's an accountant who works a lot. He's cool, but he doesn't have much time for me. So, I end up being alone most of the time," Aidan explained, the sadness in his words almost palpable.
Brock felt something unexpected: a pang of empathy. "Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. I had no idea."
"Yeah, it's not easy, but life goes on, I guess. I just focus on school and the stuff I like to do. But you and your friends seem to have it all, you know? Always hanging out and having a blast," Aidan replied, and Brock couldn't help but notice the envy in the other kid's eyes. He was used to that, with others wishing to be in his shoes but not willing to make the sacrifices needed. But this time was different; Aidan wanted things that Brock himself valued the most.
"Yeah, we've got a solid team," Brock said, trying to find the right words. "But it also has its challenges. My dad's not around. He passed away last year. And my mom... well, she works hard to support me. I guess deep down, we all have our battles."
Aidan turned his head, surprised. "You don't have a parent either? I... I didn't know."
"Yeah, it's part of life, right? We gotta deal with it and move on," Brock replied, his voice a bit softer now. "But it's not like I'm alone. I got my friends, and the team is like family."
"That's cool," Aidan said, a shy smile creeping onto his face. "I've always wanted to be part of something like that." Not knowing how to respond, Brock fell silent as he maneuvered the truck into the school parking lot.
Brock and Aidan got out of the truck and headed for the locker room, where the smell of sweat was mixed with the sound of laughter and shouts from the players. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by the sight of a messy place, with uniforms strewn across the floor and equipment scattered everywhere. The atmosphere was lively, full of energy and camaraderie.
“Hey, Beef! Finally decided to show up, were you giving that kid a blast?” Trey shouted, laughing and making obscene gestures, causing the others to burst into laughter and Aidan to shrink back.
Brock smiled but quickly turned his attention to the approaching coach, his presence demanding respect. Coach Steele had a serious look, but there was a spark of understanding in his eyes.
"Brock!" the coach said in a firm voice. "I'm gonna let this tardiness slide, but only because you brought Aidan. Now, go get changed and put on your uniform, we've got a lot of work to do!"
"Yes, sir!" Brock responded, feeling a surge of motivation at Steele's words. He quickly headed to his locker, grabbing his uniform and starting to get ready for practice. Meanwhile, the coach turned to Aidan.
"Aidan, come with me to my office. I want to talk to you a bit before we start," Coach Steele said, gesturing for the young man to follow him.
Aidan hesitated for a moment, glancing at Brock, who nodded encouragingly. It was strange how just a few words had made the other boy look at him with a completely different attitude. Neither of them noticed it, but Steele, an old fox, knew at that moment that things were heading in the desired direction. He then led the smaller boy along while Brock quickly changed.
Brock felt adrenaline coursing through his veins. This was his moment, the time to show all his potential, any thoughts about Aidan completely forgotten.
As he joined his fellow offensive linemen, Brock exchanged a few back slaps and jokes with his teammates. But he knew that as soon as the whistle blew, the fun would be over. It was time to work.
The warm-up began with the classic push-ups and squats, led by assistant coach Morrison. Brock followed the commands with precision and determination, feeling his muscles warm up and get ready for the challenge.
Next came the line drills. Brock positioned himself at his station, facing the training equipment that represented the defender he would have to face. At the whistle's signal, Brock exploded forward, using his immense strength to push the obstacle back. He maintained the correct position, with squared shoulders, feet firmly planted on the ground, and legs bent. He repeated the movement several times, feeling his body heat up and his determination grow with each thrust.
Then, with Coach Steele returning, the team was divided into smaller groups to practice different game schemes. Brock watched the instructions closely, memorizing the positions and movements he was supposed to execute. They rehearsed some passing and running plays, with Brock blocking defenders with precision and aggression.
During the breaks, Brock drank water and chatted with his teammates. They exchanged tips, encouraged each other, and reminded themselves of the importance of the season. The Titans had a tradition of winning, and in Brock senior year, they would not disappoint.
When practice ended, Brock felt his body tired, but his mind was more focused than ever. He knew that every drop of sweat, every push, every effort was worth it. Brock was part of a team of champions, and he wouldn't let anything or anyone stand in his way. As he laughed and exchanged bravado with Trey and the others, he let all his arrogance and ferocity show.
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And then he came face to face with a mesmerized Aidan.
“Hey man, did you watch the whole practice?”
“Yeah! You guys
 you are
 awesome!” Aidan replied, surprising Brock, but not as much as his next sentence. “I
 I want to be just like you
 bro!” Said the smaller boy with unfocused eyes and drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.
What the hell was that? Something wasn't right.
“Coach! Coach Steele, sir!” Brock called out in alarm. “Something's not right with Aidan. He's
” the gigantic young man began to say as the coach approached.
"He's exactly as he should be, my boy!"
"But coach
“No arguments, Beef. You’re going to have to trust me.”
“Yes, coach.” Brock replied as he made his way to the locker room accompanied by the stupefied Aidan.
Brock watched Aidan with a mix of confusion and concern as the young man walked beside him, with a glazed expression and a silly smile on his face. Something was definitely not right, and Coach Steele's request seemed increasingly strange.
Upon reaching the locker room, the characteristic noise and smell filled Brock's senses. He greeted his teammates with back slaps and a few jokes, but his attention was focused on his new "friend."
Aidan seemed completely oblivious to the chaos around him, his eyes fixed on Brock with an expression of admiration and devotion. Brock couldn't understand what was happening, but he knew he had to keep an eye on him.
Brock began to undress, taking off his sweaty uniform and heading for the showers. Aidan followed him like a puppy until Brock made him sit on one of the benches where he remained still, but without taking his eyes off the big guy. Brock felt uncomfortable with that gaze but tried to ignore it, focusing on washing the sweat and dirt from practice.
After the shower, Brock returned to his locker, putting on a pair of jeans and a school t-shirt that outlined every detail of his powerful muscles.
"Hey, Brock, who's your little buddy?" Trey asked, nudging Brock.
"Oh, it's Aidan. Coach asked me to keep an eye on him," Brock replied, trying to sound casual.
"Seriously? That's weird. Well, if the old man told you to, you better take good care of your pet, huh?" Trey laughed and walked away, leaving a confused Brock behind. He approached Aidan, who continued to watch him with that disturbing look.
"Hey, Aidan, you okay, man?" Brock asked, trying to understand what was going on.
"Yeah, Brock, I'm great! You're so strong and amazing," Aidan replied, his voice full of admiration.
Brock felt uncomfortable with that reaction, but before he could respond, Coach Steele approached.
"Brock, Aidan, come with me. I have some things to discuss with you," the coach said with a serious look.
Brock and Aidan followed him to the coach's office, where Steele made them sit.
"So, Aidan, what did you think of the practice?" Steele asked, with an enigmatic smile.
"It was amazing, coach! The guys are so strong and skilled, football is awesome, and Brock too! I want to be just like him!" Aidan replied, his eyes shining.
Steele nodded, satisfied with the answer.
"Great, great. I see you've understood the importance of football for this school. And that's exactly why I want you to join us."
Brock widened his eyes, surprised by the proposal.
"But, coach, he doesn't play football. He's a nerd from the school newspaper," Brock protested.
"Exactly, Brock. And that's why I want him to join us. He needs to understand the true value of football, and there's no better way than being on the field, side by side with the players. Don’t take your eyes off Trent. Understood?”
Brock still wasn't convinced, but he knew better than to question the coach's orders.
"Alright, coach. I'll take care of him," Brock said, reluctantly.
"Great. Now, go get ready and enjoy the rest of the day. Don't take your eyes off Aidan, Brock. I want him at your table at lunchtime and tomorrow morning at the usual time, I want you two here, ready to train, understood?" Steele said, dismissing them.
Brock and Aidan left the office, and Brock couldn't stop thinking about what was happening. He couldn't understand why the coach wanted Aidan to join the team, but he knew he had to follow the orders. After all, football was his life, and he wasn't going to risk it all for a nerd, he justified to himself.
The morning went relatively normal if it weren't for the new adoring shadow Brock had over him in the form of Aidan. Although as the hours passed, the other boy seemed more normal. If Brock had paid more attention, he would have realized that the behavior he was taking as normal was expected for jocks like him and not nerds like Aidan. He only noticed the extent of that change when it came time for lunch when he found himself forced to share the table with Aidan and the football team boys.
During lunch, Brock found Aidan eagerly waiting for him at the football players' table. The skinny and awkward boy looked out of place among the muscular giants, but his posture and facial expression had changed drastically.
"Hey, Brock! Saved me a seat, bro?" Aidan said, in a deeper, more confident voice than Brock was used to hearing.
"Uh, yeah, sure..." Brock replied, still a little confused by the sudden change in behavior.
Aidan sat next to Brock, his tray overflowing with food, just like the other players. He began devouring the food with the same voracity as his teammates.
"Wow, Aidan, you're eating like a horse!" Trey commented, laughing.
"Yeah, man, gotta keep these muscles fed, right?" Aidan replied, patting his abdomen.
Brock widened his eyes, realizing that the boy was not only imitating the players' manner of speaking but was also bragging about his "muscles," something that definitely did not match his physical appearance. Or was it? Looking closely at the boy, he no longer seemed so skinny. He hadn't obviously reached the muscle mass of the team boys. But compared to most of the nerds at school, he was light years ahead.
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"Seriously, Aidan, are you okay?" Brock asked quietly, so only the other boy could hear.
"Of course I'm okay, Brock! Never felt better. This football thing is awesome, man. I don't know how I lived without it until now," Aidan replied, laughing deeply.
Brock remained silent, watching Aidan interact with the other players. He joined in, made jokes about flatulence, and even started telling stories about his conquests with girls, which left Brock speechless.
"Hey, Aidan, I heard you're hitting on Brittany. Didn't know you had game, dude!" Connor the quarterback said, giving him a friendly nudge. Since when did those two know each other?
"Oh, you know, I've got my mojo. That blonde can't resist my charms," Aidan replied, winking.
Brock couldn't believe what he was seeing. That wasn't the same Aidan he knew. The skinny and shy boy had been replaced by a caricature version of a football player, complete with bravado, arrogance, and even romantic interests—everything Brock himself was. So why did it seem to bother him so much?
While the other guys laughed and continued the conversation, Brock remained silent, analyzing the situation. Something was very wrong, and he had a feeling Coach Steele was behind it all.
When the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, Brock turned to Aidan.
"Hey, Aidan, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked, in a serious tone.
"Sure, Brock, what's up?" Aidan replied, with a confident smile.
Brock pulled him aside, away from the other players.
"Man, what's happening to you? You're not like this, what did the coach do to you?"
Aidan looked confused for a moment, but then his face lit up with a smile.
"Happening to me? Nothing, Brock! I finally realized how amazing football is. And all thanks to you and Coach Steele. Now I want to be part of it, be one of you, brothers!"
Brock frowned, unconvinced by the explanation.
"Aidan, I know you're not like this. You're a nerd from the school newspaper, remember?”
“Nah, man, just because I write for the paper doesn't make me a nerd. If things don't work out with football, I'm gonna be the next Adam Schefter, we even share the same name! Me, a nerd? You're a jokester, bro! I gotta go, see you tomorrow morning. Get ready 'cause tomorrow I'm gonna show you my skills.” Said the not-so-small boy as he walked down the hall while a stunned Brock stayed behind.
Still dazed, Brock headed to his next class, but his mind was far from there. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at lunch and Aidan's strange words. That sudden transformation left him uneasy.
During class, Brock tried discreetly to contact Coach Steele, but his messages went unanswered. He needed to understand what was going on, but the man who should have the answers seemed to be avoiding him.
At the end of the day, Brock ran to his car, determined to find out what was behind that bizarre situation. As soon as he got home, he threw himself on the living room couch, opening his laptop and starting to research.
His searches led him to stories about the "Stepford Wives," a fiction novel that talked about a community where women were replaced by perfect, obedient, and submissive replicas. Brock couldn't believe the similarity between that plot and what was happening with Aidan.
Could Coach Steele be involved in something similar? Was he turning the boys at school into idealized versions of football players? The mere thought made Brock feel sick. He didn't want to believe that his mentor, the one who inspired him so much, could be involved in something so dark.
Confused and worried, Brock eventually fell asleep on the couch, his mind restless with theories and speculations. He knew he needed to act, but he wasn't sure how to proceed. After all, Steele was his idol, and he didn't want to believe that the man who helped him become the player he was today could be involved in something so disturbing.
The next day, after a restless night's sleep, Brock felt like a wreck. However, he still decided to train. Upon arriving at the locker room, he was approached by Trey and the other players.
"Hey, Brock, what's up, man? Where's Adam? Coach Steele is gonna be super pissed when he finds out you didn’t bring him.”
Brock felt a knot form in his stomach. What if Steele finds out Brock suspected something was wrong?
"I... I don't know, Trey. Something very strange is happening with Aidan, and the coach seems to be involved," Brock replied, hesitantly.
"Man, are you serious? The coach? No way, he's the man, our mentor. You're tripping, Brock, and it's Adam, man! I thought you were the guy's best friend!” Trey said, laughing.
Brock wanted to insist, he wanted to convince his friend to believe him, but before he could say anything, Steele himself entered the locker room, his demeanor serious.
"Brock, my boy, where's Adam?” the coach asked, his voice firm.
"I... I don't know, coach. He hasn't shown up yet," Brock replied, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in the presence of the man who until a day ago had been his idol.
“If I recall correctly, you were supposed to have picked him up at home and brought him to practice? You disappointed me!” Responded the coach, making a feeling of shame arise in Brock's chest, after all, despite his suspicions, Steele was still the great example for Brock.
"Relax, coach. I took the opportunity run a little to warm up,” said a deep voice. Turning towards it, Brock was taken by a huge shock. It was Aidan, but it wasn't. Before him stood a man who had familiar features in a gigantic muscular body. As if someone had fused Aidan with a muscular man.
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"Brock, my boy, you should have picked up Adam as I asked," Steele said, with a serious tone. "Apologize to your teammate."
Brock swallowed hard, feeling ashamed. "Sorry, Aid
 Adam. I... I forget you were coming."
"It's all good, Brock. I get it," Adam replied, with a confident smile. "The important thing is that I'm here now, ready to show what I can do."
Steele nodded, satisfied. "Great, great. Now go get changed, we have important practice ahead."
Brock and Adam headed to their lockers, starting to gear up with their game uniforms. Brock grabbed his number 72 jersey, the padded pants, and the protectors. Putting on that uniform always made him feel part of something bigger, a team of brothers.
While changing, Brock watched Adam out of the corner of his eye. The boy seemed so comfortable, as if that environment was his natural habitat. He put on the uniform with ease, adjusting the protectors precisely.
"Hey, Brock, you ready?" Adam called, already fully equipped.
"Ah, yeah, I'm coming," Brock replied, finishing getting dressed.
Together, they left the locker room towards the field, where the rest of the team was already warming up. Brock could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, the desire to show all his potential returning with full force.
As soon as they arrived, Trey and the other players greeted Adam enthusiastically.
"Hey, Adam, ready to show your worth?" Trey said, giving him a friendly pat on the back.
"You know it, Trey. I was born ready," Adam replied, with a confident smile.
Brock watched the interaction, still a bit confused. How had Adam integrated so quickly into the team? Could Steele really have something to do with that transformation?
Before he could think more about it, the coach's whistle blew, signaling the start of the warm-up. Brock positioned himself, ready to give it his all. He couldn't let his concerns distract him. After all, the football field was his domain, and he wasn't going to disappoint his team brothers.
Throughout the practice, Brock watched Adam's performance closely. The boy seemed to have become a completely different person, with agile movement, strength, and determination. He stood out among the others, and Brock couldn't understand how that was possible.
During the first break, Brock tried to talk to Adam, trying to understand better what had happened. But the boy seemed absorbed in his own world, focused only on improving his performance.
And truth is Brock was impressed with Adam's performance on the field. The two seemed to communicate without words, anticipating each other's moves with impressive synchronicity.
When the coach yelled a play, Brock and Adam positioned themselves instantly, knowing exactly what to do. They blocked the defenders with precision, opening holes for the runners to advance. The offensive line worked like a well-oiled machine, with each piece fitting perfectly.
Adam's confidence was contagious. He moved with agility and strength, overcoming his opponents with ease. Brock felt motivated to give his best, wanting to be on par with him.
In one of the breaks, Brock couldn't contain his excitement:
"Damn, Adam, you're flying out there, man! Never seen anyone integrate into the team so fast."
Adam smiled, giving Brock a friendly pat on the shoulder.
"Oh, you know, I've always be a good player. Just needed a chance. And Coach Steele gave me that opportunity."
Brock nodded, impressed. He couldn't understand how it was possible, but he couldn't deny that Adam's performance was exceptional.
"Hey, you and I are a scary duo, huh?" Brock said, with a smile.
"You bet, bro!" Adam replied, excited. "Together, no one can stand against us."
Brock felt more confident than ever. Having Adam by his side made him feel invincible. They were a force to be reckoned with, an unstoppable duo.
As practice went on, Brock found himself focusing more and more on the game, setting aside his worries. The synergy with Adam helped him forget the doubts about Coach Steele and the strange transformation of the kid.
When the final whistle blew, marking the end of practice, Brock felt exhausted but extremely satisfied. They had given it their all, and the result was evident.
As they headed to the locker room, Adam looked at Brock with a confident smile.
"Hey, man, you really are an amazing guy. I'm glad to be on the same team as you."
"Thanks, Adam. I'm happy to be part of this too," Brock replied, with the same smile, momentarily forgetting who he was talking to. However, those concerns came rushing back as soon as they entered the locker room. Seeing Adam strip down made Brock question his sanity for the thousandth time that day. It was impossible—Adam, Aidan! His name was Aidan! And It was impossible for him to have that body. Before him was a man with broad shoulders, a defined chest, and arms full of muscles. The tanned skin only enhanced the imposing nature of his physique.
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"Holy crap, Adam! You're a beast, man!" exclaimed Trey, giving the new player a pat on the abs.
"I know, I know," Adam replied, laughing heartily. "No wonder the girls drool over me."
"I only see Brock drooling over there, huh?" Connor nudged Brock with his elbow, making the others laugh.
"Ah, shut up, man!" Brock tried to hide his embarrassment, averting his gaze.
"Ah, leave Brock alone, he's just jealous of my bod," Adam said, doing a flex, making his muscles pop.
The other players applauded and whistled, impressed with the display.
"Damn, Adam, you think you're CBUM!" Trey commented, laughing.
"It's not that, it's you guys looking like a bunch of nobodies next to me," Adam retorted with a confident smile, while hugging Brock completely naked.
"Hey, knock it off, man!" Brock replied, lightly pushing his teammate.
"Chill, Beef, don't get jealous, bro. You're a prime specimen too," Adam said, giving a friendly elbow to Brock.
The other players laughed at the joke, and soon the conversation turned into a typical teenage banter, with jokes and bravado about who was the strongest, fastest, or most attractive.
After showering, Brock and the others got dressed, donning their school uniforms. Adam flaunted his new body with pride, intentionally wearing tight shirts and pants to highlight his muscles.
"Hey, Adam, you're more stuffed than a Thanksgiving turkey," Trey commented, laughing.
"Hey, man, gotta keep this bod on display. After all, the chicks love a hot athlete," Adam replied, winking.
Brock watched the scene, still unable to believe what he was seeing. That wasn't the Aidan he knew. That was a football player in every essence, with the same arrogance and confidence that Brock and the others displayed.
While the other boys bragged and joked, Brock remained silent, his mind racing. As they left the locker room, Brock noticed that Adam seemed to have won the admiration of all his new teammates. They laughed and joked with him, treating him as one of their own. Brock, on the other hand, felt increasingly distant, his doubts and worries isolating him from the rest of the group.
As they walked, Brock couldn't help but watch Adam closely. The man seemed so confident and popular, greeting all the classmates they passed by. It was almost as if he had been part of that group his whole life.
When they reached the classroom, Brock noticed Adam's behavior. He sat next to Brock, but instead of grabbing his class materials, he started taking selfies, showing off his muscles in different poses.
"Man, have you seen how many likes I got on this pic?" Adam said, showing his phone to Brock.
"Uh... no, I haven't," Brock replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"Oh, you gotta see! It's blowing up, everyone's commenting on how ripped I am," Adam continued, not taking his eyes off the phone screen.
Brock watched the scene, unsure of what to say. The skinny, studious boy had been replaced by someone who seemed to care only about his appearance and popularity.
When the teacher finally entered the room, Brock tried to focus on the lesson, but his attention kept straying to Adam. The kid wouldn't stop fiddling with his phone, taking more and more photos and updating his social media.
"Hey, Brock, you think this pose looks better?" Adam whispered, leaning closer to Brock.
"Uh... I guess so," Brock replied, unable to hide his discomfort.
"Cool! I'll post this one later," Adam said, smiling with satisfaction.
Brock shook his head, still unable to believe what was happening. He glanced sideways at the teacher, who seemed to completely ignore Adam's behavior.
Did nobody else notice the drastic change in the kid? Or was everyone simply accepting that transformation as something normal?
During lunch, the table was full of laughter and lively conversations. The Oakwood Titans football players gathered around a table, with trays full of food, ready to discuss strategies and share dreams.
"So, what's your favorite NFL team, Adam?" Connor asked, while biting into a burger.
"The Chiefs, no doubt! Mahomes is a beast! I'd love to be part of his offensive line," Adam replied, his face lighting up as he talked about the quarterback he admired so much.
"Oh, you and Brock with that obsession over the guy. But he'll never be a Brady. There's only one GOAT. And I'm gonna be the one to take that spot from him! I want to be the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys and take them back to the top! Imagine me playing for the packed crowd at AT&T Stadium! Connor Walsh making The America’s Team Great Again!” Connor exclaimed, gesturing enthusiastically while the others booed and threw food at him.
Adam, who had cheerfully thrown an apple core at Connor, nodded, laughing before continuing. "It'd be awesome to play alongside Brock on the Chiefs' offensive line, man! We could dominate any defense!"
"For sure, Adam! And you could protect Mahomes while I make the plays! It'd be a perfect combo," Brock said, feeling increasingly comfortable with the new Aidan/Adam.
"By the way, wouldn't it be great if we could all be in the NFL someday?" Trey commented, a hopefull smile on his face. "Imagine us four, playing together on a real team!"
Brock started laughing, imagining the scene. "That'd be epic! What could go wrong? A team of linemen ready to crush anyone who crosses our path!"
"Yeah, and we'd still have to fight for that chance, right? It's not easy getting there," Adam added, his eyes shining with determination.
"But who says we can't do it? We have the skill and the strength!" Connor said, pounding the table to emphasize his point.
As the conversation flowed, Brock let himself be carried away by the excitement and camaraderie. He was genuinely having fun, laughing and sharing stories with Adam and the others. For a moment, the doubts he had about Aidan's change disappeared, overshadowed by the energy around him.
"I remember the last time we played against the Warriors," Brock began, laughing. "We crushed them! It was a real show of strength."
"Yeah! And that touchdown you made? It was insane! I almost fell off the bleachers with excitement!" Adam exclaimed, laughing along with the others.
"That's right! And I still have a video of it! Brittany sent it to me. Too bad you weren't playing with us yet. But now I'm gonna post it in our group for everyone to see!" Trey said, grabbing his phone.
“Hey man, not cool!”
As the group continued to chat, Brock realized he was genuinely enjoying himself. He liked the new Aidan—Adam—and the way he fit in with the team. It was a relief to see that even with the strange transformation, the boy seemed happy and confident. But deep down, Brock knew something wasn't right. Aidan's change wasn’t natural, but at that moment, surrounded by his friends and immersed in conversations about football, he decided to set aside his worries.
"So, who's ready for the next game? Let's show them who's boss!" Brock shouted, raising his diet soda cup in a toast.
"I'm in! Let's crush them!" Adam replied, raising his cup as well.
The table filled with cheers and laughter, and Brock felt that, for a brief moment, everything was as it should be.
Brock and Adam left the cafeteria table, laughing and chatting animatedly about the upcoming practices. As they walked down the hallway, Adam suddenly stopped in front of a large mirror, adjusting his hair with his hand and admiring his reflection.
"Hey, man, could you cut it out with the vanity? You're not a runway model," Brock joked, giving Adam a pat on the back.
"Ah, shut up, Beef! I just want to look presentable. A football player has to take care of himself, right?" Adam replied, winking at the mirror while running his hand through his hair again.
"Take care of yourself? You seem more worried about that than the next game!" Brock laughed, amused by the scene.
"Relax, I just want to make sure I'm ready to shine on the field. And you should worry more about your image too!" Adam retorted, pulling Brock in front of the mirror.
Brock hesitated, but Adam had already grabbed his phone and positioned himself for a selfie. "Come on, smile! One, two, three!"
Brock made an exaggerated face, and Adam enjoyed the image. "Perfect! Now I'm gonna post this!" He quickly added a filter and before Brock realized, he was typing the caption.
"Rivals to brothers!" Adam said, with a satisfied smile as he pressed the button to post.
Brock was confused. "Rivals to brothers? Why'd you put that?"
Adam looked at Brock, surprised. "You're kidding, right? We’ve been playing as rivals our whole lives! And now we're on the same team! That's a big deal, man!"
Those words hit Brock like an arrow. He had forgotten for a moment that this bro wasn't real. Now, that post, the idea of being "brothers" on the team made his concern return.
"Wait a minute, Adam. You really don't remember anything, don't find anything... strange?” Brock said, trying to find the right words.
Adam frowned. "Strange? No, man! This is just what happens when you finally find your place. Football is my passion! And you should feel that way too, right? Don't tell me you're having an identity crisis!"
Brock didn't know what to say. Adam's transformation was so drastic that he couldn't ignore it. "No, it's not that... I just... just
” Brock mumbled. He knew something was wrong and couldn't let it pass. "I need to talk to Coach Steele," he decided, determination growing within him.
"Talk to the coach? About what?" Adam asked, his eyebrows raising.
"About you. About this strange transformation. It doesn't seem right, Adam," Brock responded, feeling more firm in his decision.
"Transformation? What the hell is that? You're out of your mind, Beef! The coach is amazing! He only wants the best for the team. Don't get carried away by silly thoughts!" Adam exclaimed, a tone of concern beginning to emerge in his voice.
Brock looked at Adam, and for a moment, he saw the boy he knew before—the nerd who cared about school and writing. But now, the image he saw was of a vain football player, completely different from the Aidan he knew.
"I need to go," Brock said, determined.
"Go where? Brock? Brock???" Adam asked worriedly, but Brock was already walking away, ignoring his friend.
As he walked towards the coach's office, Brock felt adrenaline rushing through his veins. He was about to uncover a mystery that could be affecting not just Adam, but the entire team. He needed to know the truth. No matter what happened.
Brock knocked on the coach's office door. "Coach Steele, I need to talk to you!" He announced, his voice firm.
"Come in, Brock," replied the coach, his expression serious but welcoming.
As soon as Brock entered, he closed the door behind him, determined to find out what was going on. He faced Steele, who looked at him with a mix of expectation and curiosity.
"Coach, I... I don't understand what's happening with Adam. He's not the same, and you seem to be behind it!" Brock said, frustration evident in his voice.
"Oh, Brock... you really got worried about that?" Steele responded, his voice calm and controlled. "Don't you see that this is for his good? For the good of all of us?"
"For his good? He's becoming a version of himself that I don't recognize! This isn't right!" Brock exclaimed, feeling anger growing within him.
“This isn't right, coach. He's not being himself!"
"You don't understand, Brock. Football is a game that requires strength, courage, and confidence. And sometimes, that means leaving behind who we were before. Adam was a threat and now is an essential part of our team," Steele replied, his voice firm.
"But at what cost? What are you doing with him? This isn't natural!" Brock insisted, feeling the conversation was intensifying. “And why me? Why use me to do this to him?”
"Because I needed a catalyst and you were perfect for that, boy. Understand, you're dealing with a new world, Brock. A world where the weak have no place. And I'm doing nothing but what's necessary to ensure our success. You should focus on what matters: winning," Steele replied, his expression unwavering.
Brock fell silent, the coach's words echoing in his mind. He was about to lose everything he had fought for—his friendship, his identity. And now, what was more important? Victory or the truth?
“Let me help you understand better, son. Changes are necessary for us to be the best version of ourselves, Brock. You've been through it yourself," Steele said, his gaze penetrating.
“I... what? No, that's not true, I would know
“Just like Adam knows? You want to take the risk? I can reverse what happened to him, but by doing so, I'll do the same to you. So, boy, what's your choice? I leave it in your hands. What do you say?”
 I prefer to stay as I am.” the boy replied.
"I thought so. Now, so they don't say I'm a monster, relax, boy, I assure you everything will be fine."

Brock woke up the next morning, the sun's rays peeking through his bedroom curtains. He stretched his muscular arms and legs, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. As he got out of bed, he couldn't help but admire his physique in the mirror - the chiseled abs, the bulging biceps, the powerful thighs.
"Alright, time to get this day started," Brock said to himself, heading to the bathroom to start his morning routine. He brushed his teeth, splashed some water on his face, and then made his way downstairs, the smell of breakfast wafting through the air.
In the kitchen, Brock's mom was busy cooking up a hearty meal - scrambled eggs, bacon, and fluffy pancakes.
"Morning, sweetie," she greeted him with a warm smile. "I made your favorite. Gotta keep those muscles fueled, right?"
"Thanks, Mom," Brock replied, sitting down at the kitchen table and digging in. He savored every bite, knowing he needed the calories and nutrients to power him through another intense football practice.
After breakfast, Brock headed outside to his truck, ready to make the drive to school. As he pulled out of the driveway, he felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. Football was his passion, his purpose. He couldn't wait to get on the field and prove himself once again.
Brock pulled up to Adam's house, ready to give him a ride to school. As he approached the front door, it swung open, and a tall, muscular man stepped out. Brock immediately recognized him as Adam's father, although he looked vastly different from the lanky, bespectacled man he had met just a few days earlier. not that he had any memory of that encounter.
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"Brock! There's my boy!" the man exclaimed, his deep voice booming. He strode over to Brock and enveloped him in a bear hug, slapping him firmly on the back.
"Mr. Trent, good to see you," Brock replied, a bit taken aback by the man's enthusiastic greeting.
"Please, call me Hank. We're practically family now, with you and Adam being such good friends and all," Hank said, flashing a wide grin.
"Uh, yeah, sure, Hank. Is Adam ready to go?" Brock asked, glancing past the muscular man.
"Adam! Your ride's here!" Hank called out, and moments later, Adam emerged from the house, a confident grin on his face.
"Brock, my man!" Adam exclaimed, jogging over and exchanging a fist bump with Brock. "Ready to crush it at practice?"
"You know it, bro," Brock replied, still a bit bewildered by Adam’s father.
Hank chuckled and placed a heavy hand on Brock's shoulder. "I've been hearing all about your football exploits, Brock. Sounds like you boys are gonna have one heck of a season, eh?"
"Yeah, we're really looking forward to it," Brock said, nodding.
"That's what I like to hear!" Hank boomed. "You know, I used to play a little ball back in the day. Maybe I can give you boys some pointers, huh?"
Brock's eyes widened slightly. "You played football, Hank?"
"Sure did, son. Defensive end, back in my glory days. Though these days, I'm more focused on keeping the town safe as a firefighter," Hank said, puffing out his chest proudly.
"Wow, that's really cool," Brock replied, genuinely impressed.
"Yeah, Dad's a total badass," Adam chimed in, grinning.
" I'll remind you that you said that the next time you call me out and call me cringe, dude! Yeah, I miss my glory days, but one upside of quitting gaming was I could dive into amateur bodybuilding and finally focus in becoming shredded as hell. Now you and Adam don’t have to stress about that just yet, you need to be the biggest and badest player on the field or my fellow defensive line brothers will eat you alive. But from what I see around the house, and looking to you son looks like you guys are totally in the loop about it. Anyway, you should probably get going, Boys. Don't want to be late for practice."
"Right, of course. It was great seeing you, Hank," Brock said, shaking the man's hand.
"Likewise, Brock. Take care of my boy, you hear?" Hank said, winking.
Brock nodded and headed towards his truck, Adam falling into step beside him. As they climbed in, Brock couldn't help but feel a bit more at ease. Hank's warm, fatherly presence remember him of something he hadn't received since his father's death, and he hadn't realized how much he missed it.
"So, your dad's a firefighter, huh?" Brock asked, glancing at Adam.
"Yeah, man, he's the best. Always been my hero, I want to be exactly like him." Adam replied, his eyes shining with admiration.
"That's cool. I almost can see the resemblance if we take off some grease from you."Brock said, chuckling.
Adam laughed heartily. "Hey, Aren't you listening to him? We gotta keep up our physique, you know? Gotta be ready to tackle anything, on and off the field."
Brock nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. As they drove towards the school, the two chatted about the upcoming game and their plans for the season. Brock couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Adam, a feeling he hadn't expected to have for a former rival.
As they pulled into the school parking lot, he could already feel the energy and excitement in the air. The sounds of laughter and the sight of his teammates gearing up for practice filled him with a renewed sense of purpose.
"Alright, Beef, let's do this!" Adam exclaimed, jumping out of the truck and heading towards the locker room, Brock following close behind.
In the locker room, they joined the other players, all pumped and ready for another day of intense training.
"Yo, Beef, did you see that pic I posted yesterday? It's blowing up on Insta!" Adam said, giving Brock a friendly nudge.
"Yeah, man, it's blowing up for real! You're looking like a pro athlete already," Brock replied, laughing.
The other players gathered around, all with big smiles on their faces.
"Hey, Brock, Adam, ready to smash the Westside guys on Friday?" Trey said, high-fiving both of them.
"You know it, Trey, we're gonna make them beg to leave the field!" Adam replied confidently.
"Damn right, bro! Let's show them who's boss!" Connor chimed in, pumped up.
Brock watched the interaction, feeling like part of something bigger. These guys weren't just his teammates; they were his brothers. He belonged to this group, this family.
"You guys ready to kick those punks' asses?" Brock said, joining in the excitement with his friends.
"Of course, Beef! Let's crush them!" Adam responded, pounding his chest.
The players continued to get ready, cracking jokes and hyping each other up. Brock felt more confident than ever. This team was his second family, and he would do anything to protect it and lead it to the top.
When Coach Steele entered the locker room, everyone fell silent, knowing it was time to get down to business.
"Great work this week, boys. You're showing you've got what it takes to go far this season," Steele said, his gaze sweeping over the players. "I want to see that same effort out on the field today. I expect nothing less than your best. Now, go warm up!"
The players charged onto the field, adrenaline pumping through their veins. Brock and Adam lined up side by side, ready to give it their all.
The practice began with the usual warm-up drills, and Brock lost himself in the rhythm, focused solely on executing each movement to perfection. Nothing else mattered but becoming the best player he could be.
When it came time for the line drills, Brock and Adam took charge of opening gaps for the runners. They worked in sync, predicting each other's movements and crushing any defender who dared to get in their way.
Brock felt the sweat pouring down his body, but he ignored the fatigue. All that mattered was victory. He needed to prove to himself and the team that he was worthy of being part of this champion squad.
During breaks, Brock and Adam chatted animatedly about the plays, exchanging ideas, complimenting each other, and joking around.
When practice ended, Brock felt exhausted but satisfied. They had given it their all, and he knew they were more prepared than ever to face their rivals.
As they headed back to the locker room, Brock looked at Adam, who seemed radiant.
"Man, you're flying today! We're getting more and more in sync," Brock said, giving Adam a friendly nudge.
"That's right, Beef! Together, no one can stop us," Adam replied, with a confident smile.
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When they reached the locker room, the other players were already hurrying to shed their sweaty uniforms. Brock and Adam joined them, laughing and sharing stories about practice.
"Did you guys see that play Beef made? That was awesome!" Trey exclaimed, giving Brock a slap on the back.
"Ah, man, it was nothing. You guys were killing it out there too," Brock replied, feeling proud.
"No way, Beef! You're the man, dude!" Connor joined in, giving Brock a friendly punch on the arm.
At that moment, Coach Steele gathered the players in the locker room.
"Boys, you did great out there today. I'm proud of you," Steele said, his penetrating gaze sweeping over the athletes. "But we can't stop there. This season is gonna be the toughest you've faced yet."
The players listened in silence, knowing the coach was about to deliver one of his motivational speeches.
"You need to be willing to sacrifice everything—your comforts, your personal interests, even your social lives—for this team to reach the top. There's no room for ego, no room for laziness. You're a family now, and family comes first."
The players nodded, their faces filled with fierce determination.
"So, I want to see you give your blood on that field. I want to see you surpass yourselves every day, every game. I want to see you become champions!"
"Yes, sir!" the athletes responded in unison, their shouts echoing through the locker room.
After the coach's inspiring speech, the players began to strip down and head to the showers. Brock and Adam walked side by side, chatting animatedly, completely naked, without the slightest bit of shame. They were brothers.
As they approached the showers, the sounds of banter and laughter filled the air. The players, now naked, examined one another, comparing muscles and sizes.
"Hey, Trey, your leg looks like it's getting thicker. You been doing extra squats, huh?" Connor said, giving his friend a friendly elbow.
"Oh, yeah? Well, check this out!" Trey replied, flexing his bicep.
Soon, all the players were laughing and teasing each other, showing off their muscular bodies.
Brock watched the scene, feeling increasingly integrated into that group. He knew these were not just his teammates but his brothers. They would fight together, sweat together, and, if necessary, die together in pursuit of victory.
While showering, Brock felt the tension in his muscles dissipate. He knew that with this team by his side, nothing could stop them. They were invincible.
After the shower, the players left the locker room in a group, chatting and laughing animatedly. They walked through the hallways, drawing the attention of other students with their imposing presence.
As they walked, other players joined the group, high-fiving and greeting each other enthusiastically.
"Hey, QB's getting stronger, huh?" Lance a running back said, admiring the quarterback's muscles.
"You got it, man! I need to show these guys who's boss around here," Connor replied, smiling.
The group grew as they moved through the hallways, attracting curious and admiring glances from other students.
"Hey, did you see those cheerleaders over there?" Connor said, pointing to a group of girls.
"Of course I did, man! Brittany's dying for me to ask her to the homecoming dance," Adam replied, with a mischievous smile.
"And I'm tagging along with her friend, Brie," Brock added, laughing and being joined by his friends, their deep and powerful voices echoing through the hallway. The cheerleaders watched them with longing looks, some waving and smiling at the athletes.
"Hey, Beef, you're on fire, huh?" Trey said, giving Brock a nudge.
"You know it, man. We're the best," Brock replied, laughing and heading to class.
At the end of the day, Brock and Adam were surprised by a request to meet with Coach Steele and made their way to his office, curious about what he wanted to discuss.
Upon entering, Steele greeted them with a serious demeanor, but his face soon softened into a smile.
"Brock, Adam, I'm glad you came. Please, have a seat."
The two athletes obeyed, settling into the chairs in front of the coach's desk.
"Well, boys, I called you here because I want to know how you're feeling about all this. I know things have changed a lot since Adam joined the team, and I want to make sure you're comfortable with the situation."
Brock exchanged a look with Adam before responding.
"Look, Coach, I trust you and your decisions. I know you always do what's best for the team. And Adam's arrival has only made our squad stronger."
"Great, so nothing's bothering you, kid?"
"Other than the fact that we haven't crushed the Warriors yet, there's nothing wrong, Coach!"
Adam nodded, laughing and adding:
"That's right, Coach. I know my coming here was unexpected, and Beef and I had a rivalry, but that's in the past. I feel completely integrated into the team now. All the guys welcomed me with open arms, especially Beef, and I couldn't be happier to be part of this family."
Steele observed the two athletes attentively, satisfied with their responses.
"I'm glad to hear that, boys. You're key pieces of this team, and I want to make sure you're fully engaged and committed to our goal. Now, Adam, about your article. I understand it comes from a good place, but perhaps it's best not to stir up controversy."
"Article? What article?" Brock asked, confused.
"Mr. Trent here is also a member of the school newspaper, Beef. And he wrote an extensive piece explaining why the football team needs more funding. Which is admirable, Adam, but raises questions that are best left alone. Which I trust you will do."
"Yes, Coach, your word is law," Adam replied, while his friend looked at him with a mocking gaze.
"Hmm, newspaper? Didn't know you were such a nerd, Trent."
"I'll show you who's a fucking nerd, Beef!"
"Boys, enough. Now I suggest you go home and rest because tomorrow is the big day."
After the conversation with Coach Steele, Brock and Adam left the school and headed to Brock's house in the old pickup truck.
During the drive, the two guys sang rap songs loudly, each defending their favorite artist.
"Man, there's no way around it, Eminem is the greatest of all time!" Brock exclaimed, pounding the steering wheel to the beat of the music.
"Ah, come on, Beef! Kendrick Lamar is way cooler than Eminem!" Adam retorted, giving his friend a friendly punch on the arm.
"Are you crazy, man? Eminem is a legend, the guy's a lyrical genius!" Brock countered, turning up the radio volume.
The debate over who was the better rapper continued throughout the drive until it eventually shifted to their favorite topic.
"So, Beef, who do you think is the GOAT of football? Tom Brady or Mahomes?" Adam asked, curious.
Brock thought for a moment before answering.
"Ah, man, that's easy. Tom Brady, no doubt. The guy's a legend, got an insane resume. That dude is the standard of excellence in football."
"Seriously? I think Mahomes is getting close to surpassing him. The guy's a phenomenon, plays like a beast!" Adam said, excited.
"No way, man. Brady's unbeatable. How many Super Bowls has Mahomes won? Three? Brady's got like, seven!" Brock retorted, laughing.
"Yeah, but Mahomes is younger, he'll get there. And the way he plays is way more exciting than Brady's!" Adam insisted.
"Excitement is good, but titles are what matter, brother. And Brady's got more than double Mahomes'. He's the GOAT, no question!" Brock concluded, giving Adam a slap on the shoulder.
The two continued debating the merits of the two quarterbacks until they arrived at Brock's house. Even with different opinions, it was clear that their friendship had grown stronger.
As soon as they entered, Brock tossed his backpack into a corner and went straight to the fridge, grabbing some drinks and snacks for them to share.
"Alright, Beef, now that we're here, tell me, are you really cool with me joining the team?" Adam asked, looking at his friend seriously.
Brock thought for a moment before answering.
"Man, I'll be honest. At first, I was a bit skeptical, after all, we were rivals and all. But now, after all the dedication you've shown, I can't imagine the team without you. You've proven to be a brother to us, and I know that together, no one will be able to stop us."
Adam smiled, giving Brock a friendly punch on the shoulder.
"Thanks, man. I don't see myself outside this family either. Let's show those Westside guys who's boss!"
The two guys clinked their zero-sugar soda cans, toasting to their brotherhood and the victory that awaited them.
While Brock and Adam chatted in the living room, Brock's mom walked out of her room, all dressed up and elegant. She was carrying a bracelet and struggling to fasten it around her wrist.
"Sweetie, can you help me with this?" she asked, approaching Brock.
Brock looked at his mom, surprised by her appearance.
"Sure, Mom. You're all dressed up today. Something special going on?" he asked, fastening the bracelet on her delicate wrist.
"Well, actually, I swapped my shift at work tonight. I have an appointment," she replied, with a slight smile on her lips.
Brock raised an eyebrow, skeptical.
"An appointment? What kind of appointment?"
Brock's mom let out a soft laugh.
"Oh, sweetie, I'm an adult woman and single. I'm allowed to have my own appointments, don't you think?" she said, giving Brock a kiss on the cheek.
At that moment, the doorbell rang, interrupting their conversation.
"That must be my date," Brock's mom said, quickly fixing her hair before going to answer the door.
Brock stood there, watching his mom walk away, with an expression of surprise and confusion on his face. So, she had a date? His mom, the woman who always seemed dedicated only to him and her work, had a personal life?
He exchanged a quick glance with Adam, who also seemed intrigued by the situation.
"Hey, Beef, is your mom going on a date?" Adam whispered, with a mischievous smile on his face.
Brock shrugged, still trying to process everything.
"Looks like it, man. I didn't even know she was seeing someone."
The two guys stayed silent, listening to Brock's mom's footsteps and the voice of a man in the house's entrance. Brock felt a twinge of curiosity, but also some concern. After all, his mom was everything to him. He let out a long sigh.
"Man, this was unexpected," he commented, still processing it all.
Adam chuckled, giving his friend a pat on the back.
"I can't even imagine my dad going on a date with someone, dude."
The two guys exchanged nervous smiles as they listened to the conversation at the entrance of the house. Brock couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension upon hearing the man's voice accompanying his mom.
When Carol returned to the living room, she was accompanied by a tall, muscular man, whom Brock immediately recognized as Hank, Adam's dad. The shock was evident on Brock and Adam's faces, and an awkward silence fell over the room.
"Dad?" Adam exclaimed, with a look of surprise.
 Brock?" Hank responded, equally surprised. "I had no idea you were Carol's son!"
"Wait, Mom, you're going out with Adam's dad?" Brock asked, trying to process the situation.
Carol and Hank exchanged glances before starting to laugh, breaking the tension in the air.
"Well, it seems we have a little coincidence here," Carol said, smiling. "Hank and I met when he brought a patient to the hospital. We talked a bit about our kids, but we never imagined
"This is kinda... strange, but funny too," Adam commented, scratching his neck.
"Yeah, I guess life has those surprises," Hank added, still laughing. "But don't worry, guys. It's just a casual date."
Carol nodded, looking at the two young men. "We're just getting to know each other better. Who knows what could happen, right?"
Brock and Adam exchanged glances again, still trying to get used to the idea.
"Well, be good boys and don't make a mess while we're out," Carol said, giving Brock a kiss on the cheek before leaving with Hank.
As soon as the door closed, Brock and Adam exchanged nervous laughs.
"That was totally unexpected," Brock commented, still laughing.
"Totally! But, hey, if things work out, we could end up being real brothers," Adam said, winking at Brock.
"Yeah, that would be pretty crazy, but also pretty cool," Brock agreed, feeling a strange sense of happiness at the thought. Having a badass stepdad like Hank and a brother like Adam would make his life even more perfect than it already was, eliminating one of the few worries he had, which was his mom's loneliness. And if there was one thing Beef hated, it was worrying and overthinking. That's what he had Coach for, and things were better that way.
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kindafitcass · 6 years ago
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Tonight I ran 5 miles straight! 3.5 outside then it started getting dark so did the last 1.5 on the treadmill at home! I kept under a 10:40 pace the whole time which is the best I've done all around! . Most people would say I should have done a longer run by now.. More than one probably.. Maybe I should have a faster pace.. Since my half is, y'know, 18 days away. 🙈 And they're not wrong! . Life has thrown some curve balls at me through this training.. But even though I'm running short on time and my running isn't great.. I'm not nervous about doing this race! I'm excited to fight through it and push my body to its limit. 😊 . #callmecrazy #halftraining #halfmarathontraining #MDI #newrunner #5miles #doingwhatican #keeppushing #pushyourbodytothelimit https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNV-CsH9R-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xeprm9abok23
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miartsblog · 6 years ago
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Hello and Hi my art friends!! âœŒđŸ»âœŒđŸ» Today I tought, I colorize a picture which i drew in ny sketchbook last week. You probably know that too, when you meet people in public transport or in a shoo that stares at you as if you had stuck the broccoli đŸ„Š from last night in the incisors. In such situations, I wish I was a kid again and could just stick my tongue out to these people and nobody would call you crazy. An idea came to me. How about the mask worn on a daily basis so people leave me alone? How about you just let it get torn away from your Medusa mini-hands? I think the picture shows it. I wish you a nice day. Bye. Call me crazy - i don‘t mind đŸ€Ł #storyteller #sketchbook #watercolor #medusa #winsornewton #winsorandnewton #winsorandnewtonwatercolors #hahnemĂŒhle #hahnemĂŒhlesketchbook #notmadeforwatercolor #dontjudgeme #callmecrazy #idontmind #leavemealone #art #artwork #artist #arte #loveit #colors #whyareyounotdifferent #hahahaha https://www.instagram.com/p/BuEvZDMFlbF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dapsoonacb7q
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judyip · 6 years ago
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We stopped by Bangkok because of these 😋😍 #truffletoast #miloholickkakigori #callmecrazy #foodie #travelholic #workhardeathardertravelhardest#judyipstylelife (at After You Dessert Cafe Thonglor 13) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrZIMIZhST1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gx6n7k4vni4s
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francescainhell · 3 years ago
Who cares!
#loveislove... even if its infidelity 
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lenorble · 4 years ago
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đŸŠ©REVIEWđŸŠ© Call Me Crazy (Bellamy Creek, #3) by Melanie Harlow Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5+ stars đŸŠ©â€œThe only thing I want back from you is something you don’t even know you took.â€đŸŠ© This book is a must!!! If you’re familiar with Melanie Harlow’s writing let me tell you that this is one of my favorites from her; if you’re not familiar with her work, this is a great start for small town romances with strong heroine and j/p hero, hot scenes and one of the best plots out there. Enemies to lovers, who manage to create a pact and a marriage of convenience. A 5 plus stars for me! They both knew what they were getting into from the start, the rules were clear the lines were drawn. They thought they were so sure about the lack of feelings, and nothing could change that; they been hating each other for years so what could make things change? The author manages to introduce one of the most heartbreaking situations a woman can endure into one beautiful story, I can’t even tell you how my heart broke while reading this story, but Enzo and Bianca are one couple I’d love to see more of; they are perfection, they are completely opposites and so, they make perfect sense, the chemistry, the bickering, the steam
OHHH LORD give me strength because I really need more of them!! 📚QOTD: What was your last 5 star read?? #CallMeCrazy #BellamyCreek #MelanieHarlow #books #bookstagrammer #booklover #bookishlovegroup #romancebooks #socialbutterflypr https://www.instagram.com/p/CLmlUh3gMk0/?igshid=1os79awpop9k7
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bestbeforebycl · 4 years ago
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My coffee has never tasted so good or been so fashionable. I’m also taking the pin set off the lapel! Did you hear me? #drawbertson#themetstore#metstore#fashion#mugs#pins#anewapproach#earrings#coffeecups#callmecrazy https://www.instagram.com/p/CHricdiAHaM/?igshid=1g2qz4781g93r
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