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cowplant-pizza · 5 months ago
Hi! I saw you’re semi wcif-friendly, so please ignore if you prefer, but I wanted to ask wcif Maeve’s tie dye sports bra, black drawstring shorts, and also possibly her denim skirt from the other day? Sorry to bother, I love her/your style! Thank you and hope you have a good day/night! /762627073563033600/active-formal-cold-weather
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hellooo, you aren't a bother at all! ♥ i think i just linked the denim skirt you're after here but let me know if it's a different one!
sports bra │ shorts
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nucrests · 6 months ago
Hi! Your sims are amazing and I wanted to ask wcif Pamela’s shorts from this post please? They look so familiar but I can’t remember where they’re from. Thank you!! /759833731713351680/thesmith-siblings
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True Blue (Shorts) by @softerhaze
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kamiiri · 7 months ago
Hey, I just wanted to share that I love your Strangetown story and can’t wait for future installments! I’ve seen a few posts here and there but I finally sat down and read everything start to finish and I was blown away. I wanted to send along some encouragement and say you’re an amazing storyteller and creator. Hope you have a good one!
wow thank you SO MUCH for sending this to me!! i'm so glad you are enjoying the story <3333 i really appreciate u 💘💘
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charsimsalot · 1 month ago
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I didn’t meet Grim at Club Eternity as I’d hoped, but I did meet someone else! Someones else actually; I shouldn’t let the excitement of meeting Esther Gomes induce me to forget the odd and very notable meeting I had with Kai Aether.
I met Kai while waiting for my Plasma Jane. I was very glad to find they serve them at Club Eternity — more on that later! Kai is a ghost who resides over in Whispering Glen with his husband and son. However, despite coming out to Club Eternity that evening with its mostly ghost clientele, despite being a ghost himself, he claimed not to believe in ghosts and not to “want them around even if they do exist.”
Oh dear. There are vampires who, after being non-consensually turned, take some time to accept the reality of their new occult identity. This can happen even if their new master or some other vampire informs them of the facts. Of course, there is only so long a vampire can go on like that. A fledgling needs plasma. Vlad has taken it upon himself to call new turns on the phone, welcome them to community, and send them plasma packs. Apparently, he senses new turns with his “ancient plasma senses.” Lilith says he only does it because knows how to make himself an appealing port in a storm.
Kai was none too happy when I said I was in Ravenwood on behalf of the Occult Historical Society and in Mourningvale on a quest to meet Grim. He said he knew none of that nonsense was real and reacted as though I was trying to trick him. No tricks, I told him, just the pursuit and sharing of knowledge! Then the bartender served up my Plasma Jane. He frowned at it and made his excuses to leave. I wished him a good night. He shook his head and wished me one too. I hope he has had a good night! I hope he can work through his supernatural scepticism soon. I can understand it, but it does no good. Best to make the best of one’s situation and make from this a new and better situation.
And oh, I did have a good night! Not long after Kai left, Esther came over and asked — rather meaningfully I hoped — if the seat beside me was taken. I looked back and saw xem, glowing at the edges, electric-green. I was already very glad the seat beside me wasn’t taken and I only got gladder as the night progressed.
Xie introduced xirself, and I realised who xie was, Zelmira’s mother’s sibling and the Ghost Host of the Order of Lenore. Xie hadn’t realised who I was before I introduced myself either. I told xem that xir nibling had mentioned xir, and xie said that Zelmira’s parents used to be dead too! Tziporah, Esther’s sister, resurrected herself with ambrosia, and her brother-in-law was reborn at somewhere called the Baleful Bog, in Mourningvale. Esther said xie will help me investigate the Baleful Bog further when I am not so busy with quests for Zelmira and Nyon! I’ve heard of ambrosia resurrection from Caleb, he’s on the Ambrosia Society mailing list and says he’d love to cook it himself and would love to know the taste of it, if only he were sure that it wouldn’t bring him back to life after all the work that he’s put into developing his vampire powers. He’s almost certain it wouldn’t but he says he can’t risk it — even though he’s really tempted. Lilith says she’s almost certain he’s not stupid enough to try.
Esther said Zelmira had mentioned that I had taken on some quests for them and Nyon, intending to put together a deck of Lady Ravendancer Goth’s cards. Esther thinks very highly of Lady Ravendancer, and said they go way, way, way back, and that even though the Order of Lenore has dwindled to four members these days, it’s something that there are people who still care. I told xem yes, that’s why I was in Mourningvale, in the hopes of happening upon Grim. It turns out Esther and xir best friend Zuleika work as Reapers! Still, Nyon entrusted the gnome to me. I need to be the one to pass it on.
I was a little hesitant after my conversation with Kai to explain my work with the Occult History Society, but this hesitance turned out to be entirely unwarranted. Esther did not accuse me of taking xem for a fool and in fact was very excited to hear more. I was a little worried too, what with how close xie is to Lady Ravendancer, what with how far back they go, that my being a vampire would not be well received. It’s not something I hide. It’s usually received just fine, by all except werewolves I mean, but well, Zelmira had had their concerns about my meeting Lady Ravendancer. I really needn’t have worried about Esther. Xie knew already from Zelmira that I am a vampire, and that I too go way, way, way back.
Xie doesn’t know that I was not a vampire the whole time. No-one here knows. I haven’t known anyone here very long at all. Still, we talked for hours. It sounds to me like Esther enjoys being a ghost, which doesn’t exactly match up with the Book of Life Zelmira said their mother wants to write for xem. I didn’t ask. It might have been too personal for now.
We talked about my research into the occult history of Ravenwood so far. Esther said xie really admires my efforts for the Occult Historical Society and said xie would be glad to teach me more about ghosts and Ravenwood. We talked about Esther’s long-time interest in ghosts, even back when xie was still living, and xir post-mortem interest in ghost history.
“Just because I lived through centuries of history — afterlived, for much of it — doesn’t mean I know it all,” xie said. “There was ghost history before I died, and of course I don’t know all the ghost history I was around at the same time as either. I want to know it all better, you know?”
Oh, I know! Of course, I know! Esther said xie wants to feel like “the most knowledgeable ghostie” xie can be. I can relate ever so much to that! Esther did say xie’s partially motivated by spite. Xie said xie doesn’t want Waylon to be able to lord knowing more about ghosts over xem. That’s… well, it isn’t my motivation, spite I mean, but I think I understand it. It works for Lilith; she’s always becoming a more and more formidable sparring opponent. I can well relate to having my frustrations with Waylon.
We both had to really focus to hear each other over the club’s music. We were trying to have the kind of conversations you have in an archive perhaps, not a nightclub. I had to watch Esther’s shimmering lips closely. We had to lean closer and closer. When we’d both finished our first drinks, xie offered to buy me my next, and it tasted all the better for it.
Esther said she was curious about the taste. I told xem that unfortunately only vampires could digest plasma fruit, I’d only ever known it to make everyone else sick. I told xem Morgyn insisted on trying it despite Caleb’s warnings because they just had to know what it tasted like and had ended the night throwing up in the bar’s toilets, with Caleb looking after them and being good enough to only tell them once that he told them this would happen. I told Esther that Wolfgang set his mind on trying “just a little” because “there are some things you cannot understand without experiencing them yourself” and he wanted to understand vampires better. I didn’t see the point in this because, with him being a werewolf, I had no idea if it would even taste the same, and certainly I doubted it would be as satisfying, but he tried “just a little” anyway and was more than “just a little” sick in a nearby bush. At least he didn’t throw the whole glass back like Morgyn had.
“You've got some gutsy friends,” Esther chuckled.
“Spilling-their-gutsy friends,” I said. Xir assessment was very correcct and I couldn’t help but laugh fondly.
Xie asked how I knew ghosts couldn’t drink it, after all, we’re both dead. I had to say I didn’t know. Well, xie said with twinkling eyes and a pink glow flushing quickly from xir heart through all that electric green, as ghost researchers, perhaps this is the sort of the thing we’d better find out — if I didn’t mind xem trying my drink, that is. So, I watched xem watch me as I took another sip, and pushed the glass that small distance between us, and xie lifted it aloft and met my eyes over the top of it.
“To knowing us better,” Esther said, not shouted over the music, but said with surety, leant in close enough for me to hear.
Then xie placed xir lips where mine had been and drank. Oh, my heart was beating so fast. It was a good thing xie had bought me that second Plasma Jane to make up for it! Xie licked xir lips and was clearly telling the truth when xie said xie liked the kick of it.
Still, Morgyn and Wolfgang liked the taste too. They just didn’t like how it tasted coming back up.
I told Esther xie would need my number to report back on xir findings, and xie told me, “Smart thinking!” and took it with a gleam in xir eyes. Soon afterwards, xie shook my hand, xirs magnolia pink and thrillingly cool in mine, and said xie looked forward to learning more with me. I watched xir float away through the rainbow of ghosts on the dance floor.
I await a response. For all that Esther was willing to risk the Plasma Jane disagreeing with xem, I hope xie will text me back tomorrow to say xie’s been none the worse for it. Xie’s right! Maybe it will work out better for xem as a ghost than it did for Morgyn or Wolfgang!
I think I will call Caleb with the good news of our encounter. If I were still living in Forgotten Hollow, we’d probably already be debriefing together over whatever baked goods he’d made in the last couple of days. Or maybe I’d be telling all to Elle. We have a long history of talking about romance with each other. Well, it was only her romance initially, with Dillin. I didn’t have any of my own and of course I don’t really remember those conversations, but after I was turned I continued to be the person she went to for this kind of talk, and I had romances of my own to speak of, and then Dillin became someone whose name she cursed, and ever since things soured between her and Dillin she has been very insistent that I know my worth in my relationships, and that just because a relationship has been long doesn’t mean I should settle in it if that means compromising on who I am and what I deserve.
I haven’t called Elle since I moved to Ravenwood. I don’t really want to call her tonight. I wonder what she thinks of me, leaving it so long without a word about what I’ve been doing? It’s just… she does not fully approve of what I’m doing here, researching for the Occult Historical Society, moving away to do it. I don’t want to listen to her tell me I shouldn’t. I even feel a little like I don’t want to listen to her in general, right now. Oh, what kind of thinking is this? What good is it? Soon. I’ll call her soon.
Oh! Just received a text from Esther: “Research findings are thus: ghosts cannot digest plasma fruit either. Sigh! It was so sweet. Well, the more we know the better, and either way I get to be in these detailed notes of yours.”
And xie signed the message with two kisses!
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I've been so excited for entry! I've had a great time playing Inna and Esther together. Maybe Inna's particular kind of cheerful and Esther's particular kind of macabre will go together well?
I may have credited this in an earlier post but I'll do it again! It's such a good idea! The specific idea that Elle DeVampiro and Dillin Derito are going through a messy divorce originated with @dead-lights and she goes into detail about it in this post.
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mappingthesky · 1 year ago
burning through you - part 4
hi bbs <3 here's part 4 of the werk room drabble, which I am now calling 'burning through you' as it is turning into a lengthy fic! i'm very proud of this chapter, i hope you love it as much as i do <3
Day Five
By the fourth smirk Morphine gave her that morning, Jane was about ready to smack it off her face. 
She’d been in a bad mood since the main stage the night before. Something about Morphine catching a glimpse of her in a moment of uncommon softness had Jane feeling like she’d been caught. Like an animal in a trap, she was about ready to gnaw her fucking leg off.
She had settled for gnawing at Amanda instead, which was all too easy. Jane was bothered and Amanda was there and looking like that. Could anyone really blame her? Besides, Jane needed to maintain her reputation, if only to Morphine.
Jane considered her bitchy remarks the balancing out of her brief stint in vulnerability. Amanda was merely the victim, looking busted at the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course, Amanda was oblivious to this, and made the rookie mistake of taking anything Jane said personally. Morphine’s jaw hitting the floor just barely made the argument worth it. Jane got bored of talking in circles very quickly, and fuck, Amanda could talk.
Jane knew it wasn’t fair coming for Amanda like that. Her real gripe was with Morphine, the only one here who knew Jane in the outside world. Whatever inexplicable emotional hold Nymphia was developing over Jane may not yet be noticeable to anyone else, but she worried her friend may be more sensitive to Jane’s subtleties than the rest. She’d be damned if she would be discovered as having a weakness. The thought terrified Jane. If anyone else was to catch a glimpse of her panic, a fragment of her discomfort, it could undo the illusion of herself she'd so carefully built up. Embroiling herself in a feud had seemed to Jane ample testament to her toughness, yet there was that same, knowing smile on Morphine’s face the next morning. Seeing it, Jane was suddenly all too aware of the girl in the yellow hoodie hovering somewhere over her right shoulder. She silently cursed whatever force kept bringing them together.
Morphine had suggested they work together in the challenge that day. Jane shut them down fast. That wiped the smile off Morphine’s face alright. Jane would feel bad later, for now she was keeping her friends far, far away.
Working with Megami was strategic, and not just because Jane was confident she could out-perform her. Megami had been sitting beside Jane when Nymphia had elicited Jane’s first defensive response towards her. She would consider crushing her in this challenge to be damage control.
Jane ended up having much more fun than she thought she would. She enjoyed losing herself in a character. It reminder her of why she was here in the first place. She emerged from line-reading feeling lighter. It occurred to her then that she hadn’t thought about Nymphia in a suspiciously long while. Weird. Glancing around the room, Jane spotted the girl reading lines with her group. She sat with her knees to her chest, tongue working the inside of her cheek. The expression on her face was hard to read- not quite panic, but certainly not the confidence she’d exuded the night before. Jane felt a pang in her chest.
They were two of the last girls in the room that night for different reasons. Jane was having fun embellishing her character, while Nymphia was rehearsing hers in twelve slightly different, increasingly frantic fonts. Jane found herself striding across the room for the thirteenth.
“How’re you doing sister?” she said, knees brushing against the couch, unsure if she was welcome to sit. Nymphia’s sigh was half a scream as she stretched her long arms.
“I don’t knowwww,” she whined, and let the script fall to the empty end of the couch. Jane accepted the invitation.
Jane scanned the room for Sapphira or Plasma. “Where’d the others go?” 
Nymphia shrugged and picked at her nails. “They said I’m fine. But. I’m not feeling it yet.” She sighed and started rubbing her eyes. “I think they think I’m being dramatic. Or something.”
Jane scooped up the script and flipped to the lines highlighted in yellow.
“Show me what you have so far.”
Nymphia whined again, hands over her face. Jane knew from experience what faking it looked like. She didn’t think it looked like this. Neither one said anything for a long moment.
“This isn’t my thing,” Nymphia finally mumbled from behind her hands.
Jane was glad she couldn’t see her smiling. “Yes it is. You’re acting a fool half the time you’re here. C’mon, read with me.”
Nymphia finally peered out from between her fingers, then dropped her hands. She groaned and sat forward, her knees brushing against Jane’s where they sat criss-cross applesauce on the couch.
“From the top,” Jane began.
Day Six
Morphine was still not talking to Jane, even though they were sitting side by side at the mirror. Jane knew how to apologize, a surprise to most, she just didn’t want to have to explain herself in this particular situation.
She didn’t have to. Nymphia skipped over to Jane’s station not long before they were set to film. She was humming when she hugged Jane from behind, long arms wrapping around her waist. Nymphia was a hugger, as Jane was begging to understand.
“Thank you Jane,” she sang, nestling into Jane’s neck all too comfortably. “For last night.”
“Feeling better?” Jane asked as nonchalantly as possible, pretending not to notice Morphine’s eyes burning a hole through the mirror. 
Nymphia nodded, unwrapping herself from Jane’s waist, “mhm. Thank you.”
Nymphia hovered for a moment, watching intently as Jane smoked out her black eyeshadow. Her hand reached out to ruffle through the hair of Jane’s platinum blonde wig, expertly disheveled for that just-fucked look. Nymphia, as Jane was not quite getting used to, was bad at keeping her hands to herself.
“You look good blonde,” Nymphia quipped, then turned on her heel and scampered away.
Morphine’s tongue popped. Jane pursed her lips and pretended she wasn’t blushing. 
“So is this why you’ve been a bitch to me this week, huh?” Morphine at least had the decency to wait until Nymphia was out of earshot. 
Jane scoffed, and smudged the corner of her red lip. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Morphine just shook their head.
“Can’t believe you let her call you Jane. Bitch.”
Jane hadn’t been able to watch Nymphia’s skit, but she wasn’t surprised when she was called safe. Nymphia hadn’t needed the help. The girl had more than enough silly to go around. All she had needed was a little push. Still, there was something about being there for her that made Jane feel good inside. Nymphia mouthed another completely unnecessary ‘thank you’ to Jane as she scurried from the runway, her face glowing with pride. 
Jane joined Nymphia at the back of the stage not too long after. She tried to stand as far away from the girl as possible, because oh my god Nymphia was practically naked on the runway and her body was ridiculous and suddenly she didn’t know how to act. Nymphia did not seem to have the same concern. 
Nymphia’s perfectly manicured press-ons were flitting through the white feathers dancing at Jane’s sleeves, her mouth in a perfect O as she ooooh’d. “Pretty,” she whispered. A pause. “You look sexy in dark hair, too.”
Nymphia’s commentary made it hard for Jane to keep a straight face at the back of the stage. She was funny, or maybe Jane was just incapable of keeping herself together around the girl. Either way,it made Jane want to launch herself down a flight of steps, and then they were dancing to ‘Dark Lady’ and Jane was having fun. And then suddenly it wasn’t so fun anymore, because Mirage was standing at the end of the stage and dissolving into tears.
Jane could physically feel the energy in the room change. It ripped the air from her chest. Mirage was openly sobbing, and Jane felt hot tears spilling down her own face. The world, which had felt so very bright mere minutes before, was suddenly tinged with cruelty. Mirage, naive and messy and spitfire-sweetheart Mirage, was practically crumbling to pieces before their very eyes, and Jane felt she was looking reality right in its ugly face. It could be her, she thought to herself, it could be anyone. She felt Nymphia shaking beside her.
The moment seemed to drag on unbearably, and then Mirage was waving goodbye and the girls were trudging back through a darkened hallway, the heavy silence punctuated by breathy sobs and shaky gasps for air. Jane wasn’t sure who had reached for the other first, just that she was holding Nymphia’s hand and it felt like the only right thing to be doing in that moment.
The pair paused just before the light that filtered through the doorway. Virtually everyone had to collect themselves before passing into the next room, wiping the mascara from their cheeks and taking deep breaths. Morphine passed by, briefly leaning in to offer Jane a half-hug and a whispered ‘I love you’. Their gaze flickered to Nymphia for a moment, a look of concern crossing Morphine’s face before they disappeared into the next room.
Nymphia’s breathing was hard and heavy. Jane didn’t know why she asked Nymphia if she was okay. She knew what the answer was. Nymphia looked like she was searching for the right words, but nothing came out. Jane squeezed her hand.
“I know,” Jane said, “it’s okay,” It wasn’t, but its all she had. Nymphia nodded through tears.
Jane lifted her free hand to press the wetness from Nymphia’s cheeks. “I’d say don’t cry, it makes you ugly. But.”
Nymphia sputtered a laughed through her tears. Jane didn’t have to finish the compliment. Nymphia knew.
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anybodys-flowers · 6 months ago
Hi, I love your builds, they look so warm and realistic! I wanted to ask wcif the tv in this post? Thank you in advance! 760904951092346880/if-only-there-was-a-cc-sadako-coming-out-of-the-tv
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@call-plasma-jane thank you! that's really kind <3 you can find the tv here.
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The Dynamite Punch Boys
Chapter 3: Flashback Memory-Leo Plasma.
This all took place many years ago, at least 14 years ago to be a bit more exact, the scene played out like so, James Plasma approached the door to his sister's home, he hesitated for a moment before ringing the doorbell, he hadn't seen his sister in a few months, she was working deeply in her lab, there was this one project she hyper fixated on, and barely came out, aside from getting food and water, and of course taking bathroom breaks.
James knew something was up when Jane had invited him over to chat, he seemed confused at first, but accepted the invitation, there was a pause, a moment of silence at the door before James could hear some shuffling, like someone had began to approach the door, there was another moment of silence, it lasted for about two seconds before finally the door burst open, and standing there in a lab coat was none other than Jane Plasma, Jane normally had her gorgeous red hair put neatly into a bun, but Jane had her hair done up in a messy bun full of pencils and pens, she would normally wear neat and tidy looking clothes, a nice turtleneck with black slacks with black flats, but instead she wore sweatpants with a white t-shirt, matched of course with gray slippers, the only thing not out of place were Jane's glasses, which were neatly on her face showing her sweet brown eyes.
Normally his sister would greet James accordingly, with a straight laced stance, and a formal greeting, but she looked like she rushed towards the door to greet him.
James himself was startled, she had called him after work demanding to see him immediately, so he was still in his work clothes, a button up shirt, tie, slacks, and his black hair being slicked back, he looked far more formal than his formal sister.
“James, you made it.” Jane said rather excitedly.
“Yes I did, is there something you needed?” James asked.
“Come with me.” Jane insisted as she pulled James into the house.
James followed Jane closely as they slowly descended the stairs into her basement, where her private laboratory is.
“There’s so much I’ve got to show you, so so so much.” Jane giggled.
“Really now, and would it happen to be in your lab?” James asked.
“I’ve finished her.” Jane said.
“Her?” James questioned.
Jane simply smiled as she led him into...
Her basement, which just looked like your average basement, all except for the elevator on the other side of the wall, quickly Jane led him to it and proceeded to punch in a code on the wall calling forth the elevator, both Jane and James climbed inside the elevator and waited patiently as it went down.
“I have so much to talk about, this will turn our problems around, I assure you.” Jane said.
“Turn our problems around? What are you talking about?” James questioned.
“You remember our... our brother? Albert?” Jane asked in a serious tone, her tone changed from excited to glum, James completely noticed, and took the attitude change into account as he responded to the question.
“Yes, I do remember him, he was the golden child of the family, I remember him well, why do you ask?” James responded.
“Well, I found out why he wants to take over the world so badly.” Jane said.
“You talked to that monster?” James questioned.
“More like confronted him, he was destroying the lab I worked for, he said that the world itself won’t give him the attention or recognition he so “deserved” before running away like a coward.” Jane explained.
“All this? Is for attention?” James questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“I know, I know, I called him out on it too, but he just ignored me, he left the lab in ruins after that, haven’t seen him since, unless it’s on the news.” Jane sighed.
“Why would he destroy the lab you worked for?” James asked.
“It’s probably because he heard about my project, I thought I kept it all hush hush, but apparently someone in my workplace blabbed.” Jane explained.
“Your project? What is your project?” James asked.
“You’ll see her in a moment.” Jane said as the elevator made it to the final floor.
Jane and James stepped off and headed into the laboratory, James kept in pace with Jane who began to explain as she talked a little more about this mysterious project of her’s
“Hopefully he hasn’t found out that she’s here, but so far he hasn’t.” Jane explained.
“Who exactly are you talking about, who’s she?” James asked.
Jane stopped dead in her tracks causing James to stop in his tracks as well, she turned and looked at James and waggled her finger at him.
“You ask too many questions, but I will answer all of them, with a brief explanation.” Jane responded.
James nodded.
“Good.” Jane said with a smile.
Jane turned back around and began to walk once more, it was then that James noted something strange, boxes, many boxes were littered all around the lab, some with lab equipment, very special lab equipment, and some were baby supplies, diapers, bottles, a crib, everything and anything a baby needs.
“You know, peeking into other people’s stuff is a bit rude, don’cha think?” Jane said.
“S-sorry... I’m just confused, what is baby stuff for?” James asked.
“Ah, now that you’ll find out in a bit.” Jane said as she approached a room, before she opened the door she paused, and looked towards James.
“So, all this, it leads up to this door?” James said.
“Yes, but before we enter, I need to answer a few of your questions.” Jane responded.
James immediately perked up and began to listen.
“Yes.” James said.
“Okay, so basically I tried my best to stop Albert, I created many weapons of mass destruction, trying to beat him, and it never worked, he even managed to turn those weapons against me.” Jane sighed.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed, a lot of townspeople blame you for it.” James said.
Jane looked down at her feet with a sad expression on her face.
“But it’s unfounded gibberish, nothing to be taken seriously, they’re all simply paranoid.” James continued.
“Yeah, I know, I just... the way they look at me, it’s like I crushed homes, and leveled cities.” Jane sighed.
“But that’s going to change, right? With this latest project?” James said.
“Yes, all of it is going to change, you see I got into touch with the Professor, at long last! I begged him for a solution, and well.... He gave me something, something to work with, I worked day and night on it, I’ve slept in my lab a few times.” Jane explained.
“And...?” James asked.
“Well. He gave me the DNA of three very powerful superheroines, he trusted me with it, all their powers, well I had to get to work! First I tried to make a serum to make anyone who injected it into a hero!” Jane explained.
“It didn’t work, did it.” James said.
“It needs a couple more years of development before it could actually work, in the meantime I simply made a clone from the DNA mixed with a little bit of D-17, and from there a super powered child was born.” Jane explained.
“A super powered child? Is that--” James began to question, but he was quickly pulled into the room without any warning.
Inside the room James saw a pod, it was rather small, small enough to hold a small human, and inside said pod was a small infant, the baby seemed content and quiet as she was in a deep sleep, she wore a diaper and a little pink onesie, James peered into the pod gently looking down at the peacefully sleeping baby.
“This... Is this a baby?” James asked quietly so as to not wake up the baby.
“Yeah, kind of? I honestly thought the clone would come out as a full on adult, but that didn’t happen.” Jane whispered back in response.
“I see... So what are you going to do?” James asked quietly.
“Well, I'm going to raise her of course, wouldn’t make sense for me to abandon her right now, I don’t want to risk restarting the experiment again in case I happen to create another baby, I’ll work on the formula, and keep this baby a secret from Albert for the time being until she grows up, I’ll train her too, I should be able to use this DNA to boost some robots in the meantime.” Jane whispered back in response.
James looked down at the baby as she rested, she looked so content and sound, a sweet baby from the looks of it, James smiled as he looked at the child.
“I'm an Uncle...” James whispered to himself in a content kind of way.
“Yeah.” Jane said.
“This baby, he has superpowers?” James asked.
Jane nodded.
“What’s her name?” James asked.
Chapter 2 Chapter 4
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copper-9spurgatory · 1 month ago
Null: oh! these? they're powerful weapons called Lantern rings! *Null said plainly!*
they run on a user's emotions! each color representing a different emotion! they USE ALLY seek out people who EMBODY that emotion in their personality!
Red is rage, Blue is hope, yellow is fear! violet's love! indigo's compassion! Green's will power! orange is greed! white is life! black is death! gold is joy! Ultraviolet's negativity/shame! and the light blue one's a prototype ring never meant to be used once its was realized it was flawed-!
they all have SHARED powers! due to all using the ring devices! flight! increased durability! increased healing! universal translation! increased speed! that sorta stuff!
creating constructs outta solid light'n emotional energy! based on whatever the user imagines! but EACH lantern corp has its own UNIQUE abilities!
for instance! right now! i'm using the RED lantern ring's abilities! which is rage! when someone FIRST puts on a red lantern ring! it BURNS away your blood'n your heart! replacing it with RAGE infused plasma! which! acts as basically the STRONGEST ACID! EVER! because it LITERALLY is raw anger, ripping WHATEVER its on apart ATOM BY ATOM!
HOWEVER! the gauntlet I wear! a device I named the ALL LANTERN! allows me to use EVERY ring hooked into it! WITHOUT experiencing ANY of the negativities! even allows rings that NORMALLY don't play nice with each other! to! tho! they're exceptionally weaker! if i'm ONLY using a Blue lantern's powers against someone wearing JUST a blue lantern ring! i'd lose! but since I can use ALL abilities? i'm the strongest! *he said a bit smuggly! *
Jane narrowed her eyes at Null’s slight cocky tone. She took a moment of silence, taking in the information, even if it sounded bizarre and confusing. She looked like a sleeping statue by how still and silent she was, until she spoke.
I guess I have the uh..rage infused plasma. I don’t experience rage at that extent but. . .you can’t really predict everything. Jane had a bit of a joking tone at the start but it fell short.
Jane pulled herself away, walking a few feet away before laying back down. Seemingly, she can’t bring herself to fully wake up, preferring to limit her movement. Resting her head low in the snow, as if she was camouflaging herself as a snow lump. Whatever she was doing, she at least wanted to accompany Null.
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cxtoonzzz · 2 months ago
My drag ART notices this yr😘 much more queens that noticed outside of my art lol
Bosco (x2)
Mirage Amuro (+multiple times and messages)
Nymphia Wind (x2)
Plane Jane (x2)
Xunami Muse (posted ab wanting my art on a shirt)
Kandy Muse
Shea Coulee
Jaida Essence Hall (+messaged, was so so sweet and said she loved me AAA)
La Grande Dame (multiple times)
Plasma (+multiple times and messages)
Sapphira Cristal (meet and greet, she was so happy I died)
Jimbo (meet and greet, she held it and complimented me)
Roxxxy Andrews (literally just stared at me and said “werkkk” @ the meet and greet)
Brooke Lynn Hytes (snatched my art from Sapphira at the meet, called me cute, and shared my art on insta)
Nina West (complimented at the meet, liked my post on ig)
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caffeineyum · 1 year ago
Muffins (Chapter 2)
Here we go!!! @biomecharnotaurus
It had been about two weeks since Jane and Alba had initially met. Since then Alba had shown up every night around 4am for muffins. On the nights that Jane didn’t work, she left Alba a muffin or two wrapped up. And when she did work, which was most nights. Jane had a couple muffins ready for Alba and she’d come sit with the Spartan. Alba liked the company, despite struggling with what made for good conversation. 
At one point Alba had asked Jane what her favorite weapon was only to get the response of “a whisk.” When Alba asked what that was Jane ran off laughing only to return with the whisk. Needless to say that took a bit to explain that it was only a melee weapon against eggs.
Tonight Alba was far from mentally stable. She was sweating and shaking as she half ran on her way to mess hall. Only seconds ago she had woken up with her heart beating out of her chest and heaving in oxygen. Sounds of plasma weapons echoed in her mind, crescendoed by screams. 
The Spartan rounded the finally corner into cafeteria. 
“Hey Alba!” Jane called from behind the counter, as the Spartan sat down at the table closest to the counter.  
“Hello Jane,” Alba responded, she willed her voice to sound calm but it shook slightly. She took a deep breathe and gripped the table to remind herself where she was. It helped a bit, the screaming in her head quieted as she focused on her surroundings and took another breath.
Jane’s footsteps sounded from around the corner. At the sound, Alba let go of the table and her head snapped the of the sound direction. 
Jane had not one, not two but three muffins for Alba today. Alba blinked to clear her vision, unsure if she was hallucinating from lack of sleep. There were definitely three muffins on the plate. 
“Three?” Alba blurted out in surprise. 
“Yep,” Jane confirmed, putting the plate down next to her and taking a seat next to her. “Thought you could use them today,” Jane added with a smile. 
“Thank you,” Alba replied and started taking off the wrapper on the first one. Jane took her normal seat atop the table with her legs crossed.
“Are you alright? You look worse… than usual.” Jane asked gently, tilting her head to the side. 
“I-I don’t sleep well,” Alba admitted, that was really all she could think to say. Nightmares were a constant, the shrinks had called it PTSD. It was one of the reasons Alba had been removed from the field. 
“Is that why you’re always here around the same time?” Jane asked. Alba simply nodded, silently munching on her muffins. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. That has to be really hard,” Jane said, Alba took another bite out of the muffin. The Spartan had never really thought about it as “hard” it was just something her body did. Sure it was awful but now it was normal to her. Alba half shrugged in response, finishing muffin number one.
“It got me here,” Alba finally said, breaking the silence. “I like it here,” Alba mumbled, “the muffins are good,” she added. Jane beamed at the muffin comment. 
“Your job seems like it would be pretty fun!” Jane smiled at Alba, propping her chin up on her hand. “And the ship is nice, plus the people here are as well,” She added.
“It’s calm, here,” Alba determined, she liked the atmosphere here. Because the ship was a hospital and training ship it was rare for them to see any real threats. As for the people, she wasn’t too sure what she thought. Most kept their distance. Although her trainees were different, she felt a bit of a soft spot for them. And Johnson wasn’t too bad either, while sometimes annoying he was a grounding presence for Alba. Now this muffin angel Alba had met, she was starting to really like. But she wondered, why… why was she being so nice? Alba looked at Jane and into her grey star like eyes. There had to be a reason. Everyone else treated her like an outsider and yet this woman treated her normally. 
“Alba,” Jane started gently. “You’re doing it again,” Alba blinked at her, then she realized what Jane was trying to tell her. Alba had been staring at her. Jane had noticed Alba’s tendency to stare within the first couple days of them chatting. “What are you thinking about?” Jane asked. 
“Um… why are you so nice to me?” Alba asked, looking away from Jane and back to the muffins.
“What are you talking about?” Jane questioned. Did Jane not realize how Spartans were treated normally?
“Most people… keep their distance,” Alba paused. “They’re afraid,” she finished. Jane blinked a couple times processing what was said to her. 
“Well you’re nothing but human to me,” Jane smiled. 
“Why-y?” Alba stammered, she was grateful for Jane but it still didn’t make any sense to her. 
“I try not to judge people by how they look because under all that we’re all still human,” Jane paused. “My mother taught me that,” 
Alba felt a rush of emotions and heat to her face as her eyes watered a bit. The Spartan wasn’t quite sure what was happening to her but she felt happy. This was a kindness she had never felt before. 
Before she knew it, Jane wrapped her arms around Alba in a hug. Alba froze at first unsure how to process it or what to do before gently hugging Jane back. Her vision blurred slightly as Alba rested her head on Jane’s shoulder. 
“Thank you,” Alba whispered to her. The Spartans much larger frame hunched over into Jane’s smaller one.
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aurorangen · 2 years ago
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15 OC Questions
I really wanted to do this so thank you for tagging me @natiesims ❤️ I've put it under the cut bc you know Bryce he would talk a lot!!
Are you named after anyone? I dunno but as you can tell my Dad wanted us all to have b names.
When was the last time you cried? Umm I don't wanna talk about it but yeah my break up...
Do you have kids? KIDS?!? Man I'm still young!!!
Do you use sarcasm? I'm the most sarcastic guy you'll ever meet.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes *wink*
What's your eye color? Green. We've all got our Dad's eyes.
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies heh. Me and my bro love to scare the shit out of Bailey when watching them.
Any special talents? Besides from looking this good *chuckles* so many, basically I'm good at everything there's-
Where were you born? Evergreen Harbour, I've got many bad memories from that place, I'm so glad to finally live the beach life.
What are your hobbies? Since coming to Sulani any water sports. You could say I'm your surfer guy.
Have you any pets? Our golden retriever Goldie. He's been with us for as long as I remember and I love him. Mum called saying he's not been well and had to visit the vets, so I hope it's not serious.
What sports do you play/have played? Y'know I'm quite an athletic guy and have done all sorts. Billy got me into football, but my favourite is definitely swimming.
How tall are you? 185 cm. I refuse to believe Billy is taller than me, apparently he's 186 cm. Must be the way he styles his hair.
Favorite subject in school? All the science subjects chemistry, biology and physics. Actually I aced everything...except maths. God I hated maths, just got a passing grade huh.
Dream job? I'm living the dream. A marine biologist right next to the water. Life is so sweet.
I loved doing this, to think and talk like Bryce!! I'll tag: @duusheen @minty-plumbob @plasma-janes @opheliasprings @d4isy-nukes but feel free to ignore, I don't know who's done it already!!
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kofencrew · 5 months ago
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casual occult simmer with a tendency to build with a 5% skill buff from plasma janes. You can call me Jae.
ISBI :- casual — occult
build-a-city(BACC) :- Redwood Shores — Newberry Hills — The Narrow Wilds
Apocalypse Challenge — chrono • recent
occult sim challenge — my own CAS challenge centered around premades.
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The Dynamite Punch Boys
Chapter 3: Flashback Memory-Leo Plasma.
This all took place many years ago, at least 14 years ago to be a bit more exact, the scene played out like so, James Plasma approached the door to his sister's home, he hesitated for a moment before ringing the doorbell, he hadn't seen his sister in a few months, she was working deeply in her lab, there was this one project she hyper fixated on, and barely came out, aside from getting food and water, and of course taking bathroom breaks.
James knew something was up when Jane had invited him over to chat, he seemed confused at first, but accepted the invitation, there was a pause, a moment of silence at the door before James could hear some shuffling, like someone had began to approach the door, there was another moment of silence, it lasted for about two seconds before finally the door burst open, and standing there in a lab coat was none other than Jane Plasma, Jane normally had her gorgeous red hair put neatly into a bun, but Jane had her hair done up in a messy bun full of pencils and pens, she would normally wear neat and tidy looking clothes, a nice turtleneck with black slacks with black flats, but instead she wore sweatpants with a white t-shirt, matched of course with gray slippers, the only thing not out of place were Jane's glasses, which were neatly on her face showing her sweet brown eyes.
Normally his sister would greet James accordingly, with a straight laced stance, and a formal greeting, but she looked like she rushed towards the door to greet him.
James himself was startled, she had called him after work demanding to see him immediately, so he was still in his work clothes, a button up shirt, tie, slacks, and his black hair being slicked back, he looked far more formal than his formal sister.
“James, you made it.” Jane said rather excitedly.
“Yes I did, is there something you needed?” James asked.
“Come with me.” Jane insisted as she pulled James into the house.
James followed Jane closely as they slowly descended the stairs into her basement, where her private laboratory is.
“There’s so much I’ve got to show you, so so so much.” Jane giggled.
“Really now, and would it happen to be in your lab?” James asked.
“I’ve finished her.” Jane said.
“Her?” James questioned.
Jane simply smiled as she led him into...
Her basement, which just looked like your average basement, all except for the elevator on the other side of the wall, quickly Jane led him to it and proceeded to punch in a code on the wall calling forth the elevator, both Jane and James climbed inside the elevator and waited patiently as it went down.
“I have so much to talk about, this will turn our problems around, I assure you.” Jane said.
“Turn our problems around? What are you talking about?” James questioned.
“You remember our... our brother? Albert?” Jane asked in a serious tone, her tone changed from excited to glum, James completely noticed, and took the attitude change into account as he responded to the question.
“Yes, I do remember him, he was the golden child of the family, I remember him well, why do you ask?” James responded.
“Well, I found out why he wants to take over the world so badly.” Jane said.
“You talked to that monster?” James questioned.
“More like confronted him, he was destroying the lab I worked for, he said that the world itself won’t give him the attention or recognition he so “deserved” before running away like a coward.” Jane explained.
“All this? Is for attention?” James questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“I know, I know, I called him out on it too, but he just ignored me, he left the lab in ruins after that, haven’t seen him since, unless it’s on the news.” Jane sighed.
“Why would he destroy the lab you worked for?” James asked.
“It’s probably because he heard about my project, I thought I kept it all hush hush, but apparently someone in my workplace blabbed.” Jane explained.
“Your project? What is your project?” James asked.
“You’ll see her in a moment.” Jane said as the elevator made it to the final floor.
Jane and James stepped off and headed into the laboratory, James kept in pace with Jane who began to explain as she talked a little more about this mysterious project of her’s
“Hopefully he hasn’t found out that she’s here, but so far he hasn’t.” Jane explained.
“Who exactly are you talking about, who’s she?” James asked.
Jane stopped dead in her tracks causing James to stop in his tracks as well, she turned and looked at James and waggled her finger at him.
“You ask too many questions, but I will answer all of them, with a brief explanation.” Jane responded.
James nodded.
“Good.” Jane said with a smile.
Jane turned back around and began to walk once more, it was then that James noted something strange, boxes, many boxes were littered all around the lab, some with lab equipment, very special lab equipment, and some were baby supplies, diapers, bottles, a crib, everything and anything a baby needs.
“You know, peeking into other people’s stuff is a bit rude, don’cha think?” Jane said.
“S-sorry... I’m just confused, what is baby stuff for?” James asked.
“Ah, now that you’ll find out in a bit.” Jane said as she approached a room, before she opened the door she paused, and looked towards James.
“So, all this, it leads up to this door?” James said.
“Yes, but before we enter, I need to answer a few of your questions.” Jane responded.
James immediately perked up and began to listen.
“Yes.” James said.
“Okay, so basically I tried my best to stop Albert, I created many weapons of mass destruction, trying to beat him, and it never worked, he even managed to turn those weapons against me.” Jane sighed.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed, a lot of townspeople blame you for it.” James said.
Jane looked down at her feet with a sad expression on her face.
“But it’s unfounded gibberish, nothing to be taken seriously, they’re all simply paranoid.” James continued.
“Yeah, I know, I just... the way they look at me, it’s like I crushed homes, and leveled cities.” Jane sighed.
“But that’s going to change, right? With this latest project?” James said.
“Yes, all of it is going to change, you see I got into touch with the Professor, at long last! I begged him for a solution, and well.... He gave me something, something to work with, I worked day and night on it, I’ve slept in my lab a few times.” Jane explained.
“And...?” James asked.
“Well. He gave me the DNA of three very powerful superheroines, he trusted me with it, all their powers, well I had to get to work! First I tried to make a serum to make anyone who injected it into a hero!” Jane explained.
“It didn’t work, did it.” James said.
“It needs a couple more years of development before it could actually work, in the meantime I simply made a clone from the DNA mixed with a little bit of D-17, and from there a super powered child was born.” Jane explained.
“A super powered child? Is that--” James began to question, but he was quickly pulled into the room without any warning.
Inside the room James saw a pod, it was rather small, small enough to hold a small human, and inside said pod was a small infant, the baby seemed content and quiet as she was in a deep sleep, she wore a diaper and a little pink onesie, James peered into the pod gently looking down at the peacefully sleeping baby.
“This... Is this a baby?” James asked quietly so as to not wake up the baby.
“Yeah, kind of? I honestly thought the clone would come out as a full on adult, but that didn’t happen.” Jane whispered back in response.
“I see... So what are you going to do?” James asked quietly.
“Well, I'm going to raise her of course, wouldn’t make sense for me to abandon her right now, I don’t want to risk restarting the experiment again in case I happen to create another baby, I’ll work on the formula, and keep this baby a secret from Albert for the time being until she grows up, I’ll train her too, I should be able to use this DNA to boost some robots in the meantime.” Jane whispered back in response.
James looked down at the baby as she rested, she looked so content and sound, a sweet baby from the looks of it, James smiled as he looked at the child.
“I'm an Uncle...” James whispered to himself in a content kind of way.
“Yeah.” Jane said.
“This baby, he has superpowers?” James asked.
Jane nodded.
“What’s her name?” James asked.
Previous - Beginning - Next
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romilly-jay · 8 months ago
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COSY CATASTROPHE: A glimpse at the WIP...
Finding ways to process this existential threat was central to my doctoral thesis, Working Through Climate Grief (2021), and floats in the background of my WIP, although it is never directly a plot point.
Nevertheless, the sense of unfolding crisis permeates; it is a hot core to my work, with no single story or simple resolution.
Jane Alison has a name for this kind of structure in her creative writing craft book, Meander, Spiral, Explode (2019). She calls it a radial or explosion structure; radial, in the sense of petals around the centre of a flower, and explosion like the flares of solar plasma being expelled from the burning heart of the sun.
Alison’s example text is Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold:
We know from the first paragraph that it will happen but then circle around and around it, near and far, until finally striking the bloody centre. This could have been a linear narrative. Why start at the central moment and circle around it for 100 pages? Because the killing isn’t the point, of course; what matters are the omissions and consequences (Alison, 2019, p. 169-70).
Underlying the rising and falling action of the mechanics of the plot, my WIP novel has a pervasive ambivalence, which is driven by awareness of lurking dangers on both small and large scale.
I believe and hope that I’ve created a satisfying, morally nuanced world that my readers* can enjoy discovering.
Part of writing this story against a backdrop of dramatic, turbulent events includes not making light of the background deaths (except in one instance where the reader is invited to find this unacceptable) and not allowing the main characters to behave as if the background disaster never happened – at least, not all the time.
The result is cosy-ish rather than cosy.
[*I'm choosing to believe they do and will exist...]
§Alison J. (2019) Meander, spiral, explode: design and pattern in narrative. New York: Catapult.
§Marquez , G. G. (2014) Chronicle of a death foretold. Translated from the Spanish by G. Rabassa. Reissue edn. London: Penguin. (First published in 1981.)
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handelplayssims · 2 years ago
It is 6AM! It is evidently the holiday of TV Season Premire, a holiday only teens care about! Anyway, I’m actually around to do some gardening around the house! The gardening of plasma fruit and the other strange plants that work for vampiric drinks. I tend to sell the wolfsbane and the mosqito trap though. Only the plasma fruit do I really need. Annnd we got work with Omar alongside the kids going to school. Been an age.
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Okay here’s a thing that’s been bugging me. Omar was going to work in his casual outfit. I tried to get him to modify his career outfit but he was still in his everyday one. I think it’s a vampire thing. So now we’re just going to switch one of his everyday outfits into a doctor one. ...our doctor thing wants us to run a treadmill test and we can’t do that on children. All of our patients are children! And I didn’t get the diagnosis right on the kid. It was a 50/50 shot since all I saw was the fever. House call popped up so at least I can do that to make the day better. And maybe get adults waiting in line when I come back.
...all of the house patients are not sims of this household. Ha. All three got examined and medicine and then it’s back to the hospital. Still nothing but kids back there. Alas. At least we got the kid treated for her illness. There we go! We got a lady with an illness. ...and she despises Omar. FUN. Since it’s near the end of his workday, we’ll just run some tests before heading off.
We return home and both Tamarra and Harrison are off at their other jobs. Fun! Oh and Roxana is thirsty. Let’s mix up a plasma jane for her then. Let’s see. Selena wants to become enemies with her father Omar. Glorious! Well, I was just going to have her shout forbidden words and then discipline her and then the Sims decided to be even more mean to each other. Great. Wonderful. And trying to teach manners didn’t work. Ah what fun. Welp, time to see if being mean does raise social and yep! It does. Anyway, now Selene is in time out and Omar is just going to do a punch downstairs. Boxing thing set up after all.
Ha! Roxana wants to have a child but alas, she is vampire. Which I mean, she could, there’s nothing to say vampires in the Sims 4 can’t have children, I just find it weird that she can in the first place. She did have Emile and Selena but at this point, I made her ‘infertile’ by making her not be able to have children in the sexuality settings. You gotta have some drawbacks to being creatures of the night!
...WOW. Roxana’s second whim is to be mean to a child, as apart of her childish trait. WELL NOW. I’m going to put her into a playful mood and then impishly pester Selena. That seems about right. She jokes but jokes in a way that actually hurts her kids feelings. Hmm. She got disciplined again for being mean...I could have her apologize but she likely thinks her parents are too weird with their strange hissing. So another insult! And we’re up to level 5 social! Now let’s let Roxana put her to bed. Oh and Omar and Emile also watched tv alongside them. Just weren’t apart of the conversation.
Let’s see. Oh geez. We’re having a lot of vampires pop on by our doorstep. THEY KNOW. But hey, it’s not as if Roxana and the rest of the family wouldn’t mind. Time to say hello and befriend these other vampires! Annnd Tamara is now a vampire. Fun! Once we’re done with this day, we’ll move her out elsewhere. Honestly, I would stick her in Del Sol Valley, if it weren’t for the fact that A) vampire, and B) it’s a rather extremely sunny area.
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Anyway, I did my usual thing of pulling up outfits from the main sim into the normal sim and turning them black! Very simple. I don’t really use dark mode much anyway. Now let’s see...I don’t much like getting abilities until we have a good selection of weaknesses to choose from but at least the first tier is free. Let’s pick up detect personality and occult disciple to start with. Her first whim is to...become enemies with Jeb. Could do but we have a vampire gathering going on! I’ll at least set up Roxana to try to teach Tamara the basics of vampirism.
Right. One of the things for Omar to do is to go into full parent mode. So I’m gonna cheat the system and have Harrison shout forbidden words and then discipline him and then cheat that until he gets to go into full parenting mode. There we go! And now his need decay will slow down a lot for 2 hours. And considering he’s on the cusp of thirsty, that’ll help. Let’s see. Last thing is to have a child with three positive character value traits. I hope Harrison will count for this. Anyway, he’s ageing up this time so normally, I would rotate off of that aspiration but I might as well keep it on. Besides which, he still needs that empathy up! Let’s see...you know, we can still volunteer, even at this time. Let’s get that empathy up!
And with Emille, the always sleeping, finally waking up, and Roxana training her new protege, we head towards-
Neighborhood Watch!
Forgotten Hollow: The Goode household moved out.
And let’s get Tamara into a new home! Until she can meet the money threshold for Del Sol Valley, she’s gonna stick in San Myshuno. In the last low-cost apartment available. Which is not a good apartment at all to linger in so GOOD LUCK!
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maccreadysbaby · 2 years ago
saw you have a voltron oc can you answer these
Affiliation (galra, blade of marmora, team voltron, etc)
family if any
role in voltron series
Heheheheheh okay!
Voltron Character Sheet!
Name; Cassiopeia Jane Piersen — goes by “Cassie,” “Cass,” and “Jane” (Jane is only used by her father)
Age; Eighteen
Species; Half-human, half-Adorian. Adoria is an earth-like planet in the Skalronic System, where three small planets orbit two stars, Skalron and Havarus, in a figure-eight pattern. Adoria is primarily blue when looked upon thanks to the five to six hundred foot tall blue trees that glow at night. The inhabitants live mostly in carefully built cities shielded from a bird’s eye-view by the trees.
Affiliation; The Trepidation Society (formerly), Team Voltron (Paladin of the Purple Lion)
Backstory; Cassie grew up on Adoria with her single human father, Dawson, and her half human, half Adorian brother, Atlas. Their solar system was more or less safe from the Galra due to its relatively small amount of beneficial resources — there wasn’t much to be desired from their planet. Or so they thought. When Cassie was just twelve, the Galra ransacked the planet to get their hands on the plasma that made up the planet’s core. It was frighteningly unstable and a source of sustainable energy that didn’t require Quintessence. Cassie watched most everyone she knew die at the hands of the Galra — including her father.
She and about a hundred others managed to escape the planet on a ship harbored by their local trader. The ship was called the Oddessey.
They wanted to fight back against the Galra. Their temporary leader, Vexen, had been in the Adorian military and decided they were going to train and fight back.
That’s how they formed The Trepidation Society. A small group of combat and stealth enhanced individuals that wanted nothing more than to destroy the Galra. They’d contacted the Blade of Marmora several times but never made a tangible alliance.
During her six years living in the Oddessey, Cassie met Alden, a boy only a year older than her that had fled Adoria as well. He didn’t look like them, though — Adorians had green skin and hair, built like a human with big black eyes. Cassie was half human, so she had human colored skin, gray human eyes, and green hair. But Alden — he had blue skin. Blue skin with highly distinguishing, lighter marks around his eyes and on his forehead. His hair was stark white. He was half-human, built like a human, colored like a species no one had ever seen before. He was truly a phenomenon.
They became close friends growing up in the Trepidation Society and tan several successful missions as partners.
Then the Galra found their ship. And they destroyed it. Cassie and Alden escaped in a pod.
Then, while Cassie was flying it, the back half was compromised, so the cockpit sealed itself off and separated Cassie and Alden in two halves of the ship. She was too focused on trying to get the door open that she didn’t dodge an incoming laser. It blew the back half of the ship off and took Alden with it.
Cassie, sealed in the cockpit and riddled with grief of losing everyone she knew, sent out a distress signal and fell unconscious due to the failing life support systems. That’s how she woke up in the Castle of Lions, in a healing pod.
Family; She grew up with her father and brother, but lost them when she was twelve. The closest thing she has to family after that is Alden, her best friend, and Vexen, their mentor.
Role in Voltron; Cassie pilots the purple lion, respectively named Violet, as a kind of backup for Voltron. No one, not even Allura knew the purple lion existed until they found it. It doesn’t connect to Voltron at all — rather serves as a kind of sidekick. She can’t fly it for a while at first, because she lost Alden while flying a ship and gets awful flashbacks. But when they really need her, she’ll get over it and be there.
Also wanted to include some extra cool lore I came up with for her Species and Lion!
Vintex; The Vintex is a traditional Adorian weapon that resembles a two sided light saber. It is a very complex nanotechnology that bonds to its owner and feeds off of their emotions and energy. It can do many different things, but it only unlocks when the owner needs it. Cassie doesn’t have her own Vintex — she has her brother, Atlas’s. It hardly works at first because it isn’t bonded to her but… she’ll get there.
Bayard; The suit and bayard for the purple lion were contained inside of it. Her bayard turns into a bow with almost a dozen different arrows that have different abilities. She uses it more than her Vintex because it actually works.
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