#call me the multitasker LOL
piercing-blood · 5 months
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im not even halfway through this show
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izacore · 2 years
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
anyways shoutout to my Rapid Spiral back into legends.. who knew that actually watching smth made u want to write fanfic for it again
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My professor really emailed me right after class to see why my camera wasn’t turned on during zoom 🙄
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coralsgrimes · 11 months
Sooo over the months I been typing these long ass coral life stories, very agitated may I add, but then the frustration wears off so I just been deleting the shite cuz why would anyone wanna read any of that.
Tho I have a fuck me story from today x.x
So imagine me just coral girlblogging making fun of Benny and then!!! A call! Sadly it was our lab technician and when he's calling it's gotta be real bad. But ye know there's this storm coming so maybe he just updating me about the department whatever they came up with??? Nooooo he did not xd
Lemme break it down for ye cuz like;
1. One of the cleaners walks by our cold room, feels that it's unusually warm around
2. No idea how long it took but the cleaner eventually tells the guard who comes by and is like oh it's fucking boiling
3. The guard calls our technician who comes by and decides the cold room is fucking broken
4. He calls me, while imma trying to girlblog, to come cuz it's a disaster
Sooo, I sent thousands of messages in our lab group chat asking who was the last one in the lab Saturday night and who's coming later today cuz I would appreciate the help. Still have no idea how long the cold room was boiling. Anyways it was me, the technician and later later later one other girl came by but she had her shite to do too so was not mucha help. We moved everything that was in there to freezers, cold rooms and fridges all over the building and in another fucking building cuz one thing about science - there's never enough space and so it happened that our cold room is the biggest in the building cuz we stock shit tons of media. And the problem is that the stuff there is big like bottles of reagents, media and I just made like a 200 fresh plates last week that might all be bin material at this point x.x so it was like impossible Tetris to put it all elsewhere lol and I had to make fucking lists of where each lil fucker went
Then I sent thousands of emails to PIs of the other lab groups in the building and everyone else in that circus to say yeee sorry to stuff yer fridge but our cold room is a sauna now soooo had no choice xd
And then, since cold room is a critical equipment, we called the service right, like to get to the shite and fix it they have to get on the roof cuz idk why but all the cold rooms in the building are like that apparently. So tonight/tomorrow it's stormy so no one is getting up that fucking roof, Tuesday maybe? Nope, they said MAYBE they can get someone to take a look on Friday....
Just so ye all know, the temperature in the cold room is supposed to be between 2 and 4 degrees. It was 26??? me think when I came, and then it was 39 when I was leaving xd it stinks and is so dirty I will probably have to deep clean it after it's fixed
And now, the storm is coming and I love rain on my roof windows but not the stormy about to kill me red weather alert rain and wind. Fun x.x
I do obviously blame Benny cuz the timing is absolutely not a coincidence lol I may make no sense but Imma so tired xd gotta come in late tomorrow as a treat and also after the worst alert is over xd if the power dies then I might even get tomorrow off cuz funny thing when there's no power they do have a generator back up, tho!! it can't power the whole building so if that happens they disconnect all equipment and all sockets and turn off the automatic lights and shite so that only freezers and fridges and incubators would take the power lol meaning no one on site. Let's pray actually 🙏 could use that lol
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dalamjisung · 27 days
A muted shade of green ✧ Chapter 3: X marks the spot
genre: finally some fluff! still some angst, but some fluff too!
word count: 5804
pairing: reader x spencer reid
description: you need spencer back home. so spencer comes back home. simple as that.
a muted shade of green masterlist
previous chapter // next chapter
author's note: you folks are amazing! thank you so much for the support and I know this chapter is a bit duller (aka famous filler chapter) but y/n needs a break from pain and suffering all the time lol <3 if you want to join the taglist for this series, please let me know in the comments!
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“She knows who I am.” 
That is the sentence that sets off Plan B. 
Spencer’s instructions are clear: call Penelope and go to the BAU. Office Kaper is to stay with you at all times until you enter the FBI and even then, he will personally deliver you to her caring hands, and for once, you don’t argue. In what has been a very dark past few days, you think that Penelope’s bright colours might do you well. “I have to close the shop,” You tell him on the phone, already changing from your sleeping shorts into some jeans, but keeping his hoodie. Right now, you’re not focused on appearances; you’re focused on getting the hell out of there. 
“That’s fine, but keep Officer Kaper with you. Was the envelope delivered to my place?”
“No,” You breathe out, backpack on and ready to go. Nodding to man that has become your loyal companion, the two of you walk out of the building like any civilian couple. It’s unsettling, watching a man that is not Spencer wear his clothes, but he had to blend in so you two didn’t stand out. 
“And he’s wearing my clothes?” 
You turn to look at Officer Kaper and you snort despite the situation. “As best as he can, though he is considerably shorter than you, Spence.”
“You’re calling me Spence,” He says, and even his voice sounds a bit more at ease. Somehow, in the midst of this craziness, you two find time to ease back into what once was and you manage a small smile despite the anxiety rushing through you. “I missed that.”
“I miss you,” Is what you say back, and you blame it on the adrenaline of being outside, so open and vulnerable to prying eyes. “I… I feel safer when you’re here.”
“I know,” You swear you hear something skin to a smile on his voice. “I’m on my way back.” 
“Yeah, in like three days,” Talking on the phone and closing your shop is no easy feat. You’re no genius and having to split your focus onto two different tasks is quite hard, but you manage. You don’t want to let him go yet, scared that one you can’t hear his voice, he’ll be as good as gone. 
“No, I’m on the jet right now, I should be landing in an hour.”
You shouldn’t feel this happy about having Spencer come back this soon and probably in the middle of an active case, but when a psychotic killer starts sending you handwritten letters, you feel entitled to being a little selfish, even if guilt and anxiety are mixed it like the perfect emotional cocktail. “You didn’t have to,” You say, biting your nails when you finally grab everything you need and lock the door behind you. “Spence, I– thank you.” 
“You need me home,” Is all he says before announcing he has to go.
The silence doesn’t make things easier. Now that you don’t have to split your mind in two to multitask, you can fixated on the fact that this is serious. This is quite serious– Cat Adams has just confirmed she knows you. She has also, however, confirmed she does not know where you are, and just like you told yourself before, you have to believe that there is something better than this out there. There is a moment in time, reserved and crafted by the sisters of fate, in which Cat Adams gets bored with you. You are no longer a struggling rat under the weight of her paws, and she is no longer entranced by how you try to wriggle out of maniacal grasp. In another moment, another sliver of an alternate reality, Cat never even finds out who you are. You like that reality a bit better, because then you also don’t know who she is, and the knowledge of her presence and her impact on Spencer’s life is as weightless as a feather. 
While the city passes by you, the taxi ride to the FBI not as quick as you’d like with the early morning traffic, you allow yourself one more scenario. One more reality. 
In this one, you live in an apartment with muted green walls. Your furniture is that fancy, dark shade of oak and you don’t have to keep your books on the store; instead, you have space to add them to your decoration. You have shelves and shelves of books lining your walls and you think you’ve never seen anything more beautiful than that place. The windows, large and usually covered by cream blinds, are open to allow some sunshine inside. In this reality, you’ve told Spencer all about the benefits of sunlight to your books– none of them true, of course, but he still pretends to believe you, and he still opens the windows before leaving for work. This time around, you dream big– in this alternate life, Spencer never even met Cat Adams. He never even applied to the FBI, in this odd, hallmark version of your story. It doesn’t really matter what he does, but all that matters is that you get to be with him. You get to wake up next to him, to talk to him, to call him… hell, you even get to kiss him! 
This reality, as utopian as it seems, it’s fragile, though. Unrealistic. Spencer loves his job, you know that now. A world where you keep him from it can’t truly be a perfect world, not when he’d be so, so unhappy without his team standing next to him. “Ma’am,” Officer Kaper calls. “We’re here.” 
“Oh!” Grabbing your backpack, you follow him inside, feeling a bit awkward at the way people started at your with puzzled looks on their faces. “Wait! Before you leave, this is for you! You mentioned your daughter likes stories and that she’s about five or so, so these should be fun!” Children’s book is one of your secret passions, and you’re happy to see him smiling as he looks through the titles. 
“You really didn’t have to, Miss Y/L/N.”
“I really wanted to, though,” You smile. You need some light in your life as you walk those beige hallways. “Let me know if she wants more– her dad is a hero, so we have a special deal at the store for you.” 
“I’ll tell little Jane that a very nice lady from work gave her new books then,” He says, nodding as Penelope rushes to your side. “Call me if you need anything else, Miss Y/L/N, I’m happy to help. If it makes you feel better, you’ve been dealing with this exceptionally well. It can’t be easy.”
The validation has you pursing your lips, trying to hold back the need to hug him. In no way, shape, or form are you two close– to be honest, this is the most you’ve spoken with Officer Kaper during the forty-eight hours you spent together; and yet, his opinion seems to mean something to you. Your hands hide behind your back and you exhale sharply, nodding at him, eyes glassing over with emotion. “Thank you,” You whisper, head whipping at the familiar sound of heels waddling down the hall. “I’ll uh, I’ll go… but thank you. For everything.” 
He just nods, leaving with a wave and a smile. 
“Either you joined the FBI since we last saw each other or this sweatshirt belongs to a certain genius man,” Penelope says, looking at you with the ghost of a smile. If you didn’t know any better, 
“What? Oh. Yeah, I borrowed it from Spence,” You mumble, hands nervously fidgeting with your backpack. There isn’t much of anything inside, and you think you got flustered when you had Spencer on the phone telling you to get ready to go. All you remember is packing your toothbrush, a couple of books, and some underwear. “Oh, sweet girl,” Penelope sighs, her arm light on your shoulders, guiding you through those horrid halls. You think you hate the FBI headquarters more than you hate Cat Adams, and that is saying something. “Everything will be okay. Boy genius is on it, and he’ll figure this out in no time.”
“Seven days is quite a lot of time,” It’s not fair, how your words make her frown, but you have no one else. The words tumble out of your mouth before you can control them because this is what you’ve been dying to do since you first left that goddamned office, seven fucking days ago. And that is your regret– not talking to Spencer when you had the chance, not letting him talk to you, not… not letting him be therefor you. “God, seven days is a lot– it’s a whole week! I don’t know what you believe in, but if you’re Catholic, God created the Earth in seven days and– well, six days and Sunday he rested, but honestly, semantics. And it’s a whole week, one-fourth of a month. Seven days, and– and–“
“I am not judging you, because I am the biggest yapper of this team,” Penelope cuts right in, hand up in the air between you two. “But you need to breathe. I know seven days is a lot. And I hate that you’re in a position that you feel like you need to count the days. But there are no better people to have on your corner than this team. I promise you, Y/N, and– look!” She shakes her phone in front of your face. “Lover boy just landed! He’ll be here soon, so for now, please sit down and drink some tea?”
The door in the end of many, many hallways later is her office. You don’t really understand the juxtaposition of Penelope Garcia, and that’s okay– you might not understand her, but at least, with her, it feels like what you see is what you get. She wears her authenticity on her sleeve and you actually feel at ease around her because of it. There is not an ounce of ambiguity, not a shred of secrecy coming from her. She looks at you– really looks at you– and in her eyes you know how she feels. Penelope, unlike the rest of the team, is not a trained profiler, and even though you are quite limited in your knowledge of what exactly a profiler like Morgan and JJ does, the internet provided you with enough general background that you know just how… proficient… they are in hiding their own selves from the world. Apparently it’s a part of the job, but at one point, you have to wonder just how intrinsic is the job and their overall selves, and if when Spencer comes back home, does he leaves the job behind or is he always on the clock?
“Here, it chamomile,” The mug is bright pink and purple, and despite the room being dark and cold, you see how she has made it her own. The figurines and stickers on the screens around you make you smile weakly, sipping on the tea while sitting down next to her. Her screens are locked, and you are thankful for that– it makes you feel like at least someone is trying to separate you and the world you never wanted to know existed. “How are you feeling?”
You shrug a little, finger running around the rim of the cup. “I… I’m scared. And this feels really stupid, you know? It’s not even about me, but I’m the one kicking a fuss about everything,” Shaking your head, you let out a big exhale, like you have been holding it in for the longest time. “All because of a silly crush, oh my god…” 
“Wait… Wha– What…?” 
“I know,” You laugh at yourself, that type of chuckle that is so dry and void that even you worry. Underneath it all, underneath all the anger and the confusion and the disbelief, you think you just feel… dumb. You feel stupid. Like you’ve played yourself, and poor Spencer doesn’t even know. “How stupid am I? Getting a serial killer on my back, all because I liked a boy? And it’s not even like he likes me back, so this is all just… so fucked up. I wish I could go visit her and tell her that I don’t have Spencer, not like how she thinks I do.” 
“You like Reid?” Her smile is so big that her voice comes out all weird and squeaky. “You actually have a crush on little boy genius?”
“I–“ The hesitation in your voice is obvious. “I did. Spence is just so kind. And gentle, and loving, and he has this huge heart, you know? He used to bring me coffee every day he visited, and he would tell me all these really cool facts about the most random things, and I swear, I loved listening to him talk.” Without even realising, you’re smiling, wide and true, for what it felt like the first time in forever. You bring your legs up on the chair, hugging your knees close just to feel that sense of security it brings you, grounding you in the moment. The memories of your time with him, your favourite customer, are precious to you; and much like old time treasure, you hide it in the depths of your mind, away and untouched by prying hands of people around you. 
Except, Cat Adams found your map. 
And X marks the spot. 
It’s just a matter of time until she finds the golden chest and picks at the lock. 
Slowly, your smile slips away. “But now… now things changed, you know?” You gulp, not having the capacity to face the pitiful look she gives you without crying. And you’re tired of crying. 
“You didn’t change. Reid didn’t change, he’s still the same kind and gentle and loving man…!” You’re almost swayed by the desperation behind her voice. Penelope is a great friend and you can’t believe you were once jealous of her, but even then, you grimace. It’s not like you don’t want to let yourself be guided by these feelings– you want to let the butterflies loose, you want to allow yourself the giddiness of being with him, you want to have this quintessential girlhood experience, but the threat looming over your head pushes you down and away. You’re scared and you have all the reason to be. 
“Haven’t I?” You ask, cocking your head to the side. “Anyways, at the risk of sounding like a middle schooler, it’s not like he likes me either.”
“Y/N, he– he’s different,” Penelope whispers, reaching for your hand. “He’s afraid of germs and rambles a lot and he’s been hurt before, but please, if you just give him a shot, I think you could be really good for him.” 
“How would you know?” You’re not trying to be rude, you even smile a little, but the question stood– how would she know? You two had very limited interactions. 
“Because he talks a lot about you, and… well,” She confesses, chuckling like she had just done something naughty. When she points at the screens though, you gasp. “I know more about you thank you think.”
That makes your blood run cold. “You– what– what did you find out?” 
“Not as much as I could’ve!” She quickly promises, turning to the screen and quickly pulling up a file. The first thing you see is your driver’s license, and you wince at the picture. “This is all I managed to get before Reid put a ban on me!”
“He put a ban on you looking me up?” 
“Yes, he said he didn’t want to cheat and that he wanted to wait for you to tell him whatever you wanted to tell him,” Her words come out so fast you barely understand them, but it still tugs at your heart. “He said you didn’t know who he was because you didn’t know he worked for the FBI, and I tried telling him that’s not all he is! I did, but Reid is a stubborn, stubborn genius and wouldn’t listen to me! But he is, Y/N, he is much more than this job and–“
“I know that,” You whisper, eyes running through the documents on the screen. Degrees, past addresses, old jobs, family… and past relationships. Your body tenses up at the small list of names, one in particular making you gulp, glancing quickly at Penelope. “This is all, right? You… you didn’t dig more, right?” 
“Yes, this is all! I promise! To be very honest, I could find anything I wanted, but as I mentioned, I’ve been banished and threatened with a long, long lecture on privacy laws.” 
Her words echo in your mind for a moment, eyes unmoving from the bright screens. “Anything?” 
Penelope looks at your with hesitation. “Anything that has been online, yeah. Why?”
Sitting back down, you take a deep breath and nod. “Show me Cat Adams.”
“Oh… Oh, Y/N, no, no no no, I can’t–“
“Yes, you can! You just said you can find anything and, honestly how hard would it be for me to pick up my phone and Google her? If the FBI made the arrest, I’m sure media has picked it up!” Before you can even reach for the device, Penelope is grabbing it, hiding it behind her. “Penelope, please! This woman wants to kill me, I deserve to know what she looks like!”
Your voice is hushed, the undertone of desperation seeping through every word. “What if she gets out?” 
“Y/N, she has a life sentence, she’ll never get out.”
“You don’t know that!” This is what scares Penelope, the way you screech in panic, hands flying to the neck of the hoodie and tugging it away from you like you need it to breathe. “You don’t know that and I need to know what she looks like! Please, Penelope, I’m begging you!”
The tension in the room is palpable, but you know you got through her when she sighed. “I’m doing this for your protection,” It’s more like she’s talking to herself, so all you do is nod quietly, getting up and walking to the back of her chair. “Are you ready?” 
“Yes,” You are holding your breath while you squeeze the back of her chair, trying to keep yourself upright for a moment that could easily throw off your balance. 
In all honesty, you are not sure what you’re expecting. The little you know about black widow killers comes from a fictional world of made up characters, a place where the fantastical magic of made up stories meets the trauma ridden lives of turbulent characters. In them, these killers are beautiful. In fact, their beauty is their weapon, right before their grace and intelligence. It’s almost sick, how you remember liking those stories so much you once called it ‘a form of female empowerment’, and just thinking about it has your stomach tied in a bunch of knots, each one pulling and tugging at you in a rhythm that is too chaotic to not have you hunched over, panting next to Penelope like the photo she pulls up on her computer has just punched you in the gut. 
Because despite all your silent prayers, Cat Adams, in her orange jumpsuit and messy prison hair, is gorgeous. It’s something about her eyes, so cold and distant, yet holding an invitation that even you might not be able to resist. Is this how she draws men in? Is this how she drew Spencer? “I–“
“Garcia, what are you doing?!” 
Both of your turn around at the same time, both of you shocked at the sight of Spencer, in all his sweater vest glory and red face anger, marching towards you both. “Take it down.” 
You have never heard him sound so cold. “Spence, I asked her to pull it up. I was curious.”
“She should’ve known better, she’s an FBI agent!” Now he is screaming, and you can’t help but feel overcome with a familiar type of shame. Part of you, a specific part you left back in New York, expects him to to keep screaming. It’s the part of you that unconsciously pushes the tea mug away. It’s the part of you that looks at the door and feels relieved to see it unlocked. It’s the part of you you’ve been hiding from him and everyone else you met since you’ve moved. 
It’s the part of you Spencer just noticed. 
“I’m sorry,” He says, squinting his eyes at your so quickly it’s almost imperceptible. Almost. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have screamed, I’m just–“
“On edge,” You whisper, nodding in agreement. “We all are, Spence. Don’t scream at her, please.”
“I know, I know, I’m really sorry,” This is more like him– shy eyes casted down between glances here and there. “I just don’t want you wasting your time on someone like her. She doesn’t deserve it.” 
No one says anything for a while. Until you notice it. 
“Spence,” You mumble, smiling a little in an attempt to ease the high emotions in the room. “You cut your hair.” It’s shorter now. His shaggy curls still peek out, but it looks more… grown, even if it enhances his boyish charm. 
“I did,” He mumbles, blushing a little. For a second, he looks at Penelope, like he’s asking her what to say and what to do. “It was getting too long.”
“It looks really good.” 
“Thank you, Y/N,” God, you love when his voice gets low and airy like that. Garcia is looking between you two with a certain kind of spark in her eyes and it makes you shift on your feet. “Uh, shall we go home?” 
“You’re going back to your apartment?”
“Yeah, Officer Kaper said that the letter came with the batch of mail they got from Y/N’s apartment, so it’s safe to assume she has no knowledge of her current whereabouts,” Spencer picks up your backpack without even asking, smiling at you innocently. “I reviewed the security footage you sent of my apartment entrance and there is no suspicious activity happening during the days I was gone. And, well, you know, I’m here now. She’s safe.” 
No one will ever understand the amount of relief you feel in that exact moment. “Thank you for coming back.”
“You need me home,” Is all he says before guiding you away. When you turn to say bye to Penelope, she is smirking, giving you two thumbs up and a giggle. In the midst of all this mess, you actually feel happy to have someone allowing you to enjoy a moment of silliness. “Are you okay? Do you feel a bit better?”
“Now that you’re back, yeah,” You sigh, sticking close to him as you pass by a group of agents. “Officer Kaper is really sweet, but he’s not you, he’s not–“
“Familiar,” Spencer says, but you shake your head. 
“He’s not my friend.” 
“And I am?” The hope in his eyes crushes your heart. You never meant to make him feel like you had left him behind, but you know you have pushed him away when he tried to stand by you. 
No more. 
“You are, Spence,” You breathe out, hand gently falling on his arm and squeezing it adoringly. “You’re my favourite customer and I guess now you’re my living room-mate. But you should really sleep in your bed tonight, okay?” The joke is just an attempt to make him smile, and you’re happy to see it works.
“Will you sleep next to me?” 
His question is not that unexpected, really, but it still makes you freeze in place. “Uh… What… What do you mean?” 
“Sleep next to me,” His bluntness doesn’t help with the way your cheeks fire up. “I know you’re scared, so if you’re next to me, I’ll be watching over you at all times. I’m a light sleeper, so even if something happens, I’ll wake up. We can put pillows between us, if the thought of me that close to you makes you uncomfortable and–“
“It doesn’t,” You say before you can give up on it. “I just… I know you’re a germaphobe and I don’t know how many germs can be shared when you sleep next to someone and I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Actually, when you sleep next to someone, there is an exchange of bacteria and skin microbes when we turn and move around, but your brain compensates by releasing the ‘happy’ hormones because you’re sleeping next to someone you care about, so I wouldn’t mind the former much considering we would wake up pretty content.” 
Someone you care about. You hold your tongue back from asking him if he cares about you– at this point, you should know he does. You shouldn’t need the reassurance, as nice as it would feel to have it, but you really, really want it. In a time where everything is uncertain, you pray so that Spencer can be your constant. “Okay,” You nod, hand slowly slipping down his arm, brushing yours fingers through his, before letting it go altogether. Looking down to the ground, embarrassed with your own courage, you follow him out of the building. “The subway is that way.”
“We’re getting a taxi,” He mumbles, signalling one down as he spoke. “I don’t think public spaces with that much visibility are a good idea for now. I don’t want you paranoid, Y/N, but I need you to be careful, okay? Subways, buses, all of these get crowded and they have a large amount of surveillance. We still can’t figure out how Cat found out where you live or who is her connection that got your name through the UPS delivery, but we’re not stopping until we do, I promise you that. For now, we just ask that you be careful around people.”
“I work with people. I have to talk to them to sell them stuff… I can’t lose my store, it’s all I have!” The two of you turn to face each other on the back of the car. He is shaking his head before you can even continue, and when you feel it, the warmth of his hands covering yours, so much bigger and steadier to the point that is like he’s holding your fists in his palms, you hold your breath. 
“You won’t,” He whispers, shaking his head so gently that wisps of hair fall over his forehead and you have to fight the urge to push it back. “Y/N, you won’t. We’ll figure something out, okay?”
“Okay,” The trust you have in Spencer is enough to have you nodding along. Until the car stops in front of his apartment, he doesn’t let go of your hand, and you make no effort in letting go of his. 
It’s only when it’s time to pay for the ride that you pull away, faster than him in getting the money to the driver. “Hey!” 
“Be faster next time, boy genius,” You say, smiling tiredly while walking next to him through the hallways of his building until you reach Apartment 23. Using your key in front of him, the one he gave you when he went away, feels weird and oddly intimate. “Do you want this back?”
“Keep it,” Spencer says, giving you his trademark tight-lipped smile. The way his shoulders sag a little as soon as he is inside the familiar apartment has you frowning. He is exhausted, tired from flying and rushing through the city, but he still made the effort to come get you at the BAU. “What do you want for dinner? We can get some pizza.” 
“I have leftovers in the fridge,” You mumble, suddenly too out of place in the apartment you know at the palm of your hand. Standing in the entrance, you just look at him, watching him walk around the apartment so carelessly and you wonder if Spencer knows just how meaningful it is for you to have him back home. “I bought groceries, don’t worry, I didn’t use any of your food or anything like that.”
“I wasn’t worried, but now I am. I told you to be comfortable Y/N.” 
“I am…” You mumble, moving to sit down on the armchair. 
Under his watchful gaze, you’re not sure how much Spencer can get out of your behaviour right now. It’s a bit sad that you’re even thinking about this so consciously, observing him as he observes you right back. You know you will never win a battle of wits against the genius across the room, but no ones knows you better than yourself and that is currently your only leverage in this entire situation. But… why do you even need leverage? What is this war you have started with yourself and pulled poor Spencer in without even letting him know? The blanket you adore so much is right by your feet and you pull it up to cover your whole body, all the way up to your face. At this point, you don’t want him reading you because you’re afraid of what he will find. Specially because you don’t know what he will find. 
“What are you doing, Y/N?” When he sits on the corner of the chair, your body dips to the side, rolling closer to him. “Are you hiding?” 
“And why are you hiding?” 
“Because you’re an avid reader,” Even you want to cringe at your own words. “And I’m not really sure what story I’m telling, right now.” 
His laughter takes you by surprise– this has to be the loudest you’ve heard Spencer be. “Y/N, what are you talking about? I’m not going to read you!”
“Spencer, you can’t help it! It’s what you do– I see the way you look at me, okay? I know what you’re doing, and I have to say I am not a fan!”
With one tug on the blanket, your face is exposed again with hair all over it. But then you see his smile, and it looks so honest and happy, like a version of him you thought you had left behind days ago. “You think I’m reading you?”
“Are you not?” You ask, sitting up to try and look at him with a serious expression. 
“No, Y/N, I’m not looking at you because I’m reading you.” 
There are moments in your life, unique and specific in their own credits, that you are sure you will never forget. The day you decided to leave New York is one of them– you bought tickets last minute and left with only a rucksack you found in the back of your closet. On the way to the airport, you called your parents, waking them up at three in the morning to tell them they were going to need to ship your stuff to a PO box address. Y/N, where are you going?, your mom cried out. What is going on? To which all you said was I’ll tell you when I can, before hanging up and throwing your SIM card out of the window. 
Opening your store was high in the list too. Not the day that you conceptualised it or rented the place– the day you truly opened it. The day your first customer, your favourite customer, walked in, that’s the day you truly opened the place. The day he bought a book and promised to come back again. 
Of course there are other dates, too; simpler dates. Birthdays, christmases, random family dinners. The small things that build-up to be big memories. But then there are the big things that are even bigger memories, and you’re intimidated, with the size of it all. It’s too big, too tall, and when you fall, it might just be high enough to break all your bones, but not kill you completely. No… that would be too merciful. 
This– Cat Adams, Spencer, the box– this is not just big. 
This is huge. 
In comparison, tonight is not all that big. In fact, his living room feels quite small now that both of you are back inside. The green walls descend and it’s just you and him, squeezed close in an arm chair you both love, surrounded by books you both love, and you still can’t help but feel afraid. This is as small as it gets, as monotonous as it gets, and yet, this is the most scared you’ve ever felt, because no matter what you do, it’s like you can’t stop climbing– you go higher, higher, higher. His words, replaying in your mind, keep pushing you up, without any regard of how you’ll ever come down. 
Truthfully, you don’t want to come down, even if he brings you down gently. 
“Then… why do you stare at me, Spence?”
He doesn’t answer you, shaking his head slightly before looking away and clearing his throat. Uncomfortableness doesn’t look good on him, and that is saying something, coming from the one person who thinks everything looks good on him. “I uh, I’ll heat up some of those leftovers. Shall I get you some, too?” 
Spencer might the profiler, but you are still able to read the blooming colour in his cheeks. “Yeah,” You say softly, I would love some, Spence.”
Dinner with him is peaceful. You’re learning how to live this new life with a plus one. You learn his habits and his quirks– you learn that he likes to put ketchup on his pizza and that he drowns his coffee in sugar. That despite his immense IQ, he still can’t quite cook for himself– or prefers not doing so. That he made sure his cleaning lady came during the times he was away to avoid small talk and human contact. You learn, through a lot of trials and a lot of success, that you are his one exception. 
For you, Spencer is malleable, and he has no qualms in moulding himself to your needs, except… except you don’t want him to do that. You don’t want him to be someone he’s not and you don’t want the Spencer you know and adore to be someone curated just for you. 
“I’ll go take a shower and change into some comfortable clothes,” He says after he finishes eating. “Thank you for the food.” 
“No problem.” 
“And Y/N?”
“You can keep that hoodie. You look good in it.” 
Just like that, you chuckle, shaking your head when he disappears behind the bedroom door. If Cat Adams has the map to your past memories, Spencer Reid has the map to your future ones. 
X marks the spot. 
And for him there is no lock to pick– the door is wide open. 
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The Devil Wears Armani 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you’re the CEO’s new PA and you find the work too much to handle. (short!reader)
Characters: Tony Stark, this reader is known as Georgie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
---posting to the correct blog lol---
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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After the week you’ve had, the need for a strong drink is irresistible. You’re almost there. Friday. You just need to make it through the day. There’s only one obstacle in your way. Mr. Stark. 
You bring him his ritualistic cafe au lait just after noon. He has an airpod in his ear, chattering on a call as he clicks around his floating computer screen. You keep your head down, making yourself invisible as you place the cup on a coaster. He leans back in his white leather chair as he speaks, reaching quickly for the coffee. 
“Yeah, Rogers, maybe, I don’t know about you but I’m not looking to invest right now. I got enough eggs to hatch...” Stark sips as he rests his other hand on his thigh.  
Before you can retreat, your eyes flick over and see the moving image on the monitor. You don’t react. You just backpedal and return to your desk, gently closing the door as to not disturb your call. You might commend him for multitasking if it wasn’t so inappropriate. 
You cup your chin and zero in on your screen, fighting the images seared into your eyes. The woman’s ass spread wide as the man... nope. Not today. 
Mr. Stark’s reputation is less than pristine. Everyone knows how he is but he’s the CEO. Who’s going to say anything? Or do anything? Coming into the role, you expected a demanding workload and a finicky boss, but not everything else. Not the blatant disregard for others and brazen lack of shame. 
You glance over at his door before you dare to take out your phone. You lay it next to your keyboard and keep your hand under your chin. You look down as you press to unlock and read the messages from the other girls. Izzie can’t make it, she’s out in the field, but the others are down. Awesome. 
You scroll through the gif catalogue and send a celebratory reaction. Mr. Stark’s door startles you and you slide your phone up under your monitor stand to try to hide it. You put your attention back to the calendar and swoop your mouse around the pad. 
Stark approaches as he slurps loudly over the brim of his cup. You feel the weight of his gaze and meet it shyly, pushing your glasses up your nose as you sit up. You can’t quite smile as your jaw locks up. 
“Sir?” You greet him in confusion. 
“So, Friday,” his brown eyes dip down to consider the depths of the mug, “got any exciting plans?” 
You look left then right and back at him. Your brow twitches in surprised confusion. Mr. Stark never asks about your personal life. He only ever talks about his private jet and high-life getaways to locations you could never dream of. Your cocktails are meagre compared to his elite lifestyle. 
“No, sir,” you say. “How about you?” 
He smirks and tilts his head. He slowly prowls around your desk and you swivel your chair to face him as he nears the corner to your right. You tilt to look up at him. 
“Ah, the usual, there’s this sweet little blonde thing down in Barbados waiting for me,” he chuckles as his eyes rove over your desk, “no dates? No... partying?” 
“Sir, I... just errands.” 
“Uh huh,” he clucks and reaches for your mouse. Nope. He swerves and swipes up your phone as it lights up beneath the stand. Shoot. “Social hour, huh?” 
“No, sir. I just shut off an alarm and forgot--” 
“You’re a bad liar, stop it,” he warns as he brings your phone up and reads the messages popping up, “girls’ night?” He looks at you over the cell, “that sounds like more than errands to me.” 
“Well, sir, I didn’t think... it was important.” 
“Must be if you’re texting at work,” he tosses the phone at you and you catch it as it lands in your lap. “You been to Barbados?” 
“Barbados? No?” You answer dumbly, no expecting the question. 
“Wanna go?” 
You hesitate. Is this some trick? It’s like when he was taunting Walker last week, baiting him into giving answers that made him look stupid.
“Sir, maybe one day, I guess, I never thought--” 
“No thinking. I know you’re not that fucking simple,” he reaches to poke your forehead and your recoil. “Don’t get too fucking crazy tonight, sweetheart, jet takes off at six. In the morning.” 
You frown and shake your head. He can’t mean what you think. 
“Should I have your luggage--” 
“Be there,” he demands and gulps back a mouthful. He slams down the empty mug on your desk and backs up, “if you’re still thirsty, they got cocktails on the plane.” 
He turns and strides away, whistling as he checks his watch. He sighs as he approaches the office door, pausing, “when Odinson gets here, make sure he has everything he needs.” He glances back with a smirk as you peer around your monitor, “and smile, sweetheart, you got nice lips.” 
You stare after him as he closes his office door and you sit back. You chew your thumb and look down at your phone. You sniff as you watch the others messages stream over the screen. Now you know better than to have your phone out at work. Now you get to do overtime. Fun. 
You rub your cheek and roll close to your desk. You’re not going to miss tonight, even if Mr. Stark wants to take away your weekend. You’ve been waiting for this and you need the boost before you face whatever he has planned.  
A message blips up in the corner and you click it, not daring to ignore Mr. Stark’s icon. The window spreads over the screen and the message floats over the reply bar. ‘Don’t forget a bikini’. 
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eelnoise · 9 months
insight theory
zoro x afab!reader smut. 18+, NSFW MDNI cw: possessive zoro a little, hair pulling, piv sex, creampie, biting an: drabble cuz im horny and NOT OKAY AND NEED DUBIOUS BACKSHOTS ASAP. also do i know what the fuck the title means? absolutely not i made it up lol
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zoro’s mastered the art of multitasking.
slamming his hips into yours and continuing his duty of keeping watch, keeping a near perfect balance between scanning the star-speckled sea and the ripple of your ass as he bounces you off his cock. 
he bends you in ways only he can, chasing any whim, any angle that he wants. you’re at his mercy, and he knows it. each muffled whine or choked cry from you working as initiative to go harder, faster. your sounds of wanton pleasure ring in his ears and it makes him feel as if he’s tipsy from the most potent of sake. 
zoro knows he’s hitting you in just the right spot, the one that makes your toes curl and tears leak from the corners of your eyes. your hands grip the open windowsill as tightly as your body will let you, though as well used and thoroughly filled as you are you fall face first into the bench below it.
fingers dig into your waist to hold you steady against him while the palm of his hand presses down on your back, warm and forceful - a wordless dare to keep your body in that pretty arch he loves to see you in.
he laughs, a dark chuckle that oozes of elated satisfaction. “too much for ya?” zoro teases, the rough edge of his voice cutting through you like a white hot flame and making you loudly moan out in ecstasy as you weakly shake your head. 
“that’s what i thought,” he adds with a smack to your ass before kneading and squeezing the reddened, tender skin beneath the pads of his fingertips. “i know ya can take it.” and it's true, zoro knows you can take what he’s giving you, well trained and shaped to fit his cock and his alone. 
the more possessive side of him rears its head at the thought, and the hand on the small of your back reaches up to grasp your hair. his hand tangles in your already messy strands, and the wail that passes through your long swollen and very much loved lips nearly makes him lose control.
zoro’s pace is ruthless, and in the throes of pleasure you see fireworks behind your eyes. you’re close, so, so close - and he knows. he always knows. with his fist still full of your hair, zoro leans forward, yanking your head back enough to growl into your ear. “gonna cum for me, pretty thing?” and no longer do the words fall from him do you cry out his name in a series of jumbled syllables, falling over the edge and plunging head first into your orgasm.
it hits you hard, hits you fast, and leaves you a heap of jellified flesh on the bench. zoro smirks into your hair and releases his hold on your tresses to wrap his arms around your middle, chasing his withheld high now that he’s deemed you fucked stupid enough. 
his breath begins to fall out of rhythm, soft grunts and groans that call out to that sweet finality within the confines of your tight, squelching pussy. his head rests in the crook of your neck, and in a shock to your senses, zoro bites down on your shoulder. between your cries of overstimulation from his assault on you and the sudden pain of teeth digging into your flesh, he cums - filling you and painting your inner walls with his spend.
zoro resists the urge to simply collapse atop you, instead quickly twisting your bodies over until you’re snug in his lap. the evidence of your rendezvous pools between you, some even trickling off of the bench and into the floor below, though cleanup is far from your mind as you’re pulled close to a broad, warm, sweat drenched chest. 
he shows his affection and gratefulness for you by pressing a long kiss to the top of your head and a nuzzle into your neck. the gestures work as a million-and-one silent words of praise, of admiration, of love. and never before have you felt it so raw and so real than with zoro.
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vitaminseetarot · 4 months
PAC: What Hobby Should You Begin Next? 🎨🛶📯
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Sup y'all, it's time for a new pick a card reading (this one's especially for you night owls out there as I'm posting this at midnight lol). Ideally, I'd like to post one PAC every week after this but eh, lettuce see about that. 🥬👀
This pick a card was inspired by the remaining energies of late Taurus season. The grass is bright, the air is warm, the flowers are blooming, and it's brought out the artist in me. While I've been finishing a leisure painting, I stopped to draw out some cards to help out anyone who's in the mood to do something fun in their spare time but could use some direction or guidance.
Pick any one of the four Prism Oracle cards below, or its corresponding crystal/emoji, to see what hobby you could explore next, or if there is a hobby you enjoy that is calling for your attention:
Pile 1 - Consciousness + Moonstone 🌙 Pile 2 - Happiness + Carnelian 😊 Pile 3 - Creativity + Amethyst 🎉 Pile 4 - Determination + Citrine 🧭
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Pile 1 - Consciousness + Moonstone 🌙
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77 Beginnings, Sound+Resonance+Frequency, The Musician, Capricorn Rising - Aspire; Page of Swords, Page of Wands, 9 of Cups, Knight of Swords, XI Justice
Wow, pile 1, I think you have the most obvious answer of all four piles. You're very drawn to pursuing something musical. It could be in a variety of ways. You might try singing, writing a song, playing an instrument, learning to dance, or perform in musical theater (the purple curtain in the Justice card definitely brings theater to mind). You could enjoy collecting vinyl records, or producing music through special programs and apps. You may desire to publish your music online, or dream of going big on stage and signing major contracts with labels. Two Pages tells me you're most likely into more than one thing, as plenty of musical artists can multitask.
Your pile was the only one to get two Prism cards at first as Anxiety initially wanted to pop out. It's also clear that with two Pages and the Beginnings card, you're very new at this hobby. There's an over awareness of this fact, that on some level you may not know where to even start. There's some doubt I sense that you feel you can't be at the level you wish to stand on. Capricorn energy wants to reach for the very top of the ladder in accomplishment; it is a steady energy although not intent on settling. I get that there are many people here who greatly look up to an artist and wish to have their same talents. Try to look past the smoke and mirrors of all the top 40's singers and know that music is way more accessible than it's made to look.
Try embracing the newness of this pursuit, pile 1. It's okay to be a little lost, or feel that there's a long way to go. The only way to go pro is to start small and grow. There are a lot of free resources online for learning music (try out musictheory.net for free lessons) and free vocal technique lessons on Youtube. Some people are very lucky to have the chance to start learning at a young age, but if we were to set a rule stating that only those who did so could play, that would leave a lot of creative geniuses and successful musicians out of the frame. If you're learning to play the keyboard, practice one song or even one note at a time (doesn't have to be Chopsticks, lol). Consistency is key.
When the inspiration and joy to explore music finally strikes you, take the time to really dive in and make something small. If you're trying to write a song, start with a jingle. If it's music theory you want to go over, start with just 1 lesson and see how it feels. If you're learning to dance, begin with warm ups and slow music before working on the more intense songs. Are you looking for writing inspiration? Keep plenty of notes on hand and learn how to identify music so you can easily write a melody down (there are empty music notebooks for this). If this is something you would like to do in the long term, then continue to practice with that perspective by not overdoing it to compensate for "lost time". You are exactly where you need to be on your creative journey.
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Pile 2 - Happiness + Carnelian 😊
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66 The Selves, You Belong Here, The Wise One, Cancer Moon - Intuit; X Wheel of Fortune, Sagittarius ♐, VI The Lovers, 9 of Pentacles, XVI The Tower
What's going on, pile 2? With the Selves card above Sagittarius, I'm getting that a lot of you may be interested in pursuing theater or comedy, whether that's stand up or it's simply channeled through the projects you create. Your next hobby may involve incorporating a lot of humor into what you do. This pile is the most multifaceted of the four, with many differing hobbies, so I'm going to list a variety of different talents, but what binds them all together is the need to express one's own (very) strong opinions for the world to see.
You may want to be a photographer who documents unusual things, or write something that makes a powerful statement. There's a need here to let go of any of the anxieties that come with expressing your authentic self, because while those feelings are natural, listening to them too much will dampen your creative drive. This is the group that wants to make very surreal graffiti art or provocative dance routines. With the Tower card, here, I feel there's a need for the shock and awe to get your inspiration buzzing. On the gentler side, I can see some of you getting into something nature based like flower printing and permaculture but the caveat is that it's a reflection of your genuine self and beliefs in some way. With Wheel of Fortune, some of you may feel an urge to learn about tarot or pendulum reading, as these things are typically categorized as "unusual".
You may also get into traveling to stay involved in your hobby, or it requires roving about in some way. To break down creative blocks, it might help to actually move yourself to a different location. It doesn't necessarily involve moving to a whole new place, it could just refer to another part of your home or you may benefit from walking or dancing to decompress. I feel that moving your body will stimulate your creative ideas to flow through. A small number of you may have considered trying out extreme sports like free climbing or parkour. I don't really need to mention that these can be incredibly dangerous, so some of you may like something similar like skateboarding or gymnastics as well. It doesn't have to be intense, just active.
With the Lovers, there also exists a social aspect to your hobby. You may be drawn to share you hobby with a friend or with partners. It will greatly help you to be in an environment that supports your avant-garde tastes and not settle for less. It's not always easy to put shocking art with profound messages out there for the world to make sense of it, though some make it seem that way. It's easy to pretend that negative feedback doesn't get to you, but only accept constructive criticism as that will feed you more than shocked reactions. You cannot afford to have others in your life discourage you, as your skill sets require a lot of space for growth. Nourish relationships that want to celebrate your talents with you. Find a community that loves what you love, and wants to see you happy with what you do. Embrace the wild side of your artistic abilities.
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Pile 3 - Creativity + Amethyst 🎉
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54 Security, the Messenger, The Aspirant, Aries Sun - Assert; 2 of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, 0 The Fool, Aquarius ♒, Virgo ♍
Hello, pile 3. With the 2 of Pentacles, many of you may want to explore a hobby that is both online and offline, or the internet and social media are major components. If you like making artwork, you could be into digital art or simply want to upload images of your offline work for others to see. With Virgo, some of you may have a lot to say, by starting a blog or online journal documenting your life or interests, or you could try out freelance editing. If you were a youtuber, you could be really good at creating epically long videos about niche topics, or short videos explaining how to do a certain task (like tiktoks that showcase a person's routines and what cleaning products they recommend).
I see that this is the pile of innovation, as the Creativity card shows a lightbulb. You could have various ideas pop up in your head, only to feel unsure of how to approach them. Your attention span could split into a variety of different mediums for getting the idea out. Aquarius wants to take its genius energy and spread it around the world. For a lot of you, social media will support your ideas by broadcasting them. Your hobby may directly involve interfacing with others; your creative spark is not for hiding away. Web design, for example, is a hobby but it involves creating something that others will directly interact with. Your work is meant for a wide audience, should you choose to put yourself out there.
This may not always be easy for you, since there could be a pull towards more stable and predictable activities. There's a nervousness here, kind of like imposter syndrome. You may get a really cool idea for a mobile game app before you or someone else goes "but that's an unrealistic goal to spend so much time and effort on", followed by, "how could I ever make something like that?" The thing is, you can be the most talented, skilled, and experienced person when it comes to a subject, yet still have these same worries. Imposter syndrome doesn't magically go away with a college degree, a new job, or 10,000 subscribers. It's completely normal, but make sure to not let your doubts tempt you into doing something more boring and unfulfilling. This is the pile most likely to try a totally new hobby that is unrelated to your other skills, it doesn't have to be realistic.
But also understand that it can take time for something to get really good. Your first fiction draft is gonna turn out clunky, or your app could be filled with bugs, but it's part of the process. There's no perfect time; when you get the urge to try, just try it! Reach out to a local community or chat group so you can get a realistic sense of how long it takes for projects and skills develop. Slam poetry may be a great outlet, so if you'd like to do that, attend an open mic and see how others do it. You are allowed to be imperfect with your hobby--if you wish to evolve your craft, remember the passion and curiosity that brought you to it.
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Pile 4 - Determination + Citrine 🧭
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57 Spiritual Guide, What Goes Around Comes Around, The Astronomer, Taurus Rising - Enjoy; 9 of Pentacles, Cancer ♋, Queen of Swords, Knight of Wands, Knight of Swords
How's it going, pile 4? So this is the most active and possibly athletic pile we have here. Staying in the house is not gonna work because something is itching you to get out underneath the stars. Could some of you be majoring or planning in major in STEM? I'm getting a lot of natural science here. With the Astronomer card, you could want to use your telescope to go stargazing or visit planetariums. Are you still feeling the buzz from all the aurora storm and eclipse hype? It would not surprise me if these events awoke an interest for you and now you're looking up when the next meteor shower will show up or when Saturn will be most visible in the sky.
Your next hobby needs or is the outdoors on some level. But Cancer energy is that of a homebody. The most laidback people in this group may enjoy relaxing hobbies like birdwatching or gardening. These hobbies could be spiritually fulfilling for you. I'm seeing someone wearing an apron outside, so could some of you be interested in grilling or being the host to a fun party in the backyard. Do people even have book club meetings in gardens? A lot of enjoying nature is simply finding a good spot and soaking in the scenery with no other goal in mind. Just being near trees and beach sides might be enough.
But I see a lot of you mainly wish to have an adventure and go far out in nature when the weather's just right. You could be thinking about hiking or backpacking out on trails. It all depends on your comfort level as we all have different tolerance levels. I don't know if geocaching and pokemon go are still popular, but they can be unique ways to engage with the outdoors. You could try guided nature tours presented by nature conservationists like the National Audubon, where you can identify and take photos of animals as you wander through the woods and plains. You may like a hobby that is seasonally specific, like swimming in warm waters or skiing down a snowy mountain.
Your hobby may have you think deeply about how humans connect with nature, exploring the ecosystem and how our actions influence our environment. Climate change can be a very serious and, for some, directly impactful topic to mull over. Remind yourself that as long as you're respectful (leave no trace), mother nature enjoys your company as much as you do for her. A small few of you may have the urge to travel to weird locations. Two knights in your reading suggest boldness. If you decide to visit an abandoned or haunted place, Queen of Swords says to please be careful and follow rules if it says no trespassing, and remember that abandoned places can be dangerous from faulty wiring and unstable flooring. Overall, I feel this pile just can't do with an indoor hobby. You have the motivation and courage to explore the vast beautiful world out there. It awaits you.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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fillinforlater · 8 months
Monday of Appreciation: Part 105
Hello everyone, Smite here!
Okay, it's been a while, I know. It genuinely feels like I'm extremely far behind because there are so, so many stories I want to (back)-read. This is a nice problem to have that I should not be getting stressed over but with my "to-read-list" passing 50 easily, I can't help but feel like I should do another MoA right now...
... so that's what I'm going to do. 10 stories, down below, have fun!
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@okaylikesmomo: Exchange Part 2: Flower ft. Blackpink
These two parts have been insane and never merely okay, so now we have to call you "insanelikesmomo" or something.
@ggidolsmuts: Shopping ft. Jinsoul
I'm a simple man: I see ddeun story, I save for later, I read one day, [CENSORED], I'm happy :)
@sinswithpleasure: Girls Love Girls [And Boys] ft. Kep1er Yujin, Mashiro, Xiaoting
Now this is something I wish I had written but also... thank you, Sins, for letting me enjoy this without putting thought (only horny) into it.
@praeluxius: folie a deux Part 1 ft. Yujin, Wonyoung
The first two parts each had a scene that each MELTED. MY. BRAIN. For Part 1, it was ofc the endless edge, tease and go read it for yourself.
I'm also not gonna spoil Part 2 because I...
@aliceiwk: Multitasking ft. futa!Karina (F.Reader)
Tell your boss that Karina is fucking ypi and that you are her cocksleeve slut and will rather get creamed by her everyday then work another second. Then hang up.
@tinyidle: For the Memories ft. Yuqi (F.Reader)
Friends to FWB very underappreciated, we usually start with FWB part lol
@smuttysabina: "I am" a Bitch ft. Rei
Bitchy Rei that uses you like a toy, when is this going to happen to me??? I love how this is so smuttysabina, lmao
@existslikepristin: B-Side: [title] ft. JiU, Gahyeon (TW)
A certain type of non-con, dub-con, cnc, however you like to interpret this. I was thrilled, a new ELP smut and I was even more thrilled when it turned out just as excellent as their earlier works!
@capslocked: Honne, Tatame and the other one ft. Yuna
A Caps fic with Yuna needs no explanation
@praeluxius: folie a deux Part 2 ft. Wonyoung
... can't wait for Part 3 ;)
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That's it for this week (and a couple more probably LOL), I hope y'all have a great time and make 2024 your year!
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suzukiblu · 1 year
👉👈 do you have any more of the dubcon ( ;3c dubKON lol) tim//kon thing with the pining kon?
. . . I actually am not even sure what fic you're referencing so maaaaaybe I have written too many fics, lol.
But like, here's an excerpt from something that at least fits that definition?
Superboy fucking hates Gotham.
Well, not necessarily Gotham, but definitely the Riddler and probably Poison Ivy and, like . . . whoever the fuck else decided to set up a goddamn murder-box puzzle room and lock him in it with a drugged-out-of-his-mind Robin and the worst set of instructions ever.
And especially he hates the fact that apparently the whole damn mess was fucking livestreamed.
"This sucks," he mutters under his breath. Robin stares at him from the other side of the briefing table in the middle of the Batcave, because of course Superboy's first time in the Batcave would only happen because he'd fucked up. Like–of course it would.
"I sexually assaulted you in a supervillain deathtrap in front of the entire internet," Robin says very, very carefully. "And we only survived the experience because said deathtrap had faulty wiring. And that . . . 'sucks'?"
"I mean, very much so, yes," Superboy says. Honestly he's more annoyed about the deathtrap than anything else. Like, he tried really hard to solve that stupid puzzle of Riddler's and it's really annoying that he apparently got it wrong. Which–okay, he was pretty distracted at the time because drugged-up Robin had refused to settle for a handy and had basically bullied him into going down on him, but still. That asshole Riddler and his lame-ass bowler hat had been very fucking clear about how said drugs weren't gonna wear off without Robin getting off and how they'd had very limited time to solve his stupid puzzle in, so Superboy had just kinda tried to . . . multitask it, basically. He'd let out-of-his-mind Robin shove him down and fuck his mouth and just kept his hands on the floor so he could use his TTK a little easier and tried to solve the stupid puzzle with it, just in case Robin wasn't gonna snap out of it fast enough.
It'd very literally been a puzzle, for whatever reason–like one of those weird abstract-looking 3D ones–and probably would've been a lot easier to figure out if he'd actually been able to see it as opposed to having to rely on his TTK feeling it out while the whole thing was all wired up to the table on the opposite side of the deathtrap room, but apparently it hadn't even fucking mattered anyway because of whatever that one fucked up bit in the wiring had been. So like . . . Superboy basically violated a guy he barely knows and already had weird feelings about for no fucking reason whatsoever.
So yeah. This definitely sucks.
"I called you a whore," Robin says, his face absolutely expressionless. Superboy makes a face at him more to be contrary than anything else. "Multiple times. You asked me to stop yanking your hair so hard and I called you a mouthy bitch. And then I yanked your hair harder."
"I mean, I know, I was there," Superboy says, raising an eyebrow at him. And also, like, those are accurate assessments of his character, so . . .
"I made you get down on your knees and shoved my dick in your mouth," Robin stresses, his jaw going tight. "Which was livestreamed and is now on the internet. Where it will never go away. Ever. And anyone who feels like it can just go and google it."
"They probably shouldn't, I'm assuming that'd count as underage porn," Superboy says with a shrug. "At least, I'm not eighteen yet, dunno about you. Actually I'm like . . . two, max. Probably not even that. Although I dunno, I was sixteen-ish when I got out of Cadmus, maybe I do count as eighteen by now? Technically?"
Robin gets up and goes over to the trash can by the computer and throws up in it. Superboy . . . blinks.
"Uh," he says. "You okay, man?"
"No," Robin says. Then he throws up in the trash can again.
Awkward, Superboy thinks, trying not to wince.
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garbinge · 1 year
You Suck
Carmy Berzatto x Platonic!F!Reader
Summary: Coming home to the surprise that Carmy is holding your stove hostage at the expense of your takeout lol.  Just two friends talking (fighting) about life.  A/N: I really have a special place in my heart for platonic fics and writing these two is one of my favorite things. Despite that, this took me a while to get the way I wanted, I went back and forth a lot but ultimately landed here. Hope you enjoy and more to come! 
Warnings: All my fics are 18+, despite content. Light angst, arguments, cursing, drinking, fighting. 
Words: 3k
The Bear Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​ @quixscentsposts @dadbodfanatic-x​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
Other fics from this universe
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As you opened the door to your apartment, it took you a minute to realize that you weren’t alone. The bag of takeout you had grabbed on your way home was placed on the entryway table and what would normally startle someone, made you chuckle. Carmy was standing at your kitchen stove, multiple pans on the burners, towel tucked in the back strap of the apron as he focused intently on the food cooking in front of him. 
“Honey, I’m home!” You teased him with sarcasm in your voice as you replaced the takeout bag with your wallet and keys and made your way to the kitchen island bar counter that separated your kitchen and living room. Carmy scoffed out a laugh and shook his head as he tossed the food in one of the pans with little effort. 
As you entered the kitchen, which despite it only being manned by one person was in chaos, you dared to journey over to the fridge. You knew how Carmy tended to ebb and flow in the kitchen so you tried your luck. You made your way unscathed, still needing to call out the kitchen terms Carmy begged you to use. Corner and Behind were all that were expected out of you and after that one time you almost ended up with grease burn on your dominant hand, you obliged. Now, the chilled bottle of wine you had adventured for was in your hand with a glass from the cabinet, before you retreated to the safe space that was the bar stools, you grabbed the water pitcher from the top shelf of the fridge and refilled Carmy’s plastic takeout container that he was using as a drinking glass. 
“Missed you at the restaurant today.” You spoke as you made your way to the stools and poured a good amount of wine into your glass.
“Didn’t know you were gonna be stopping by.” Carmy’s attention wasn’t on conversation or you right now, he was monotone in his reply which clued you in to his mind being elsewhere. 
“Apparently that’s a theme of ours.” You made sure the comment was mumbled, and with the exhaust fan going and the fact you made the comment into your wine glass, Carmy didn’t hear you. “Yea, just for a bit, a girl’s gotta eat.” 
“You do realize that the kitchen is closed since we’re under renovations.” Carmy spoke, still not even looking at you. 
You took the opportunity to grab a takeout container from the bag as well as chopsticks and start munching on something as you waited for whatever Carmy was cooking up to be ready. Restaurants serve appetizers for a reason right? 
“Yea but,” you paused as you took a bite from the food that always tasted better from the paperboard than served on a plate, “everyone at the restaurant loves me and wants me to be happy and fed.” 
Carmy shook his head, annoyance in his tone now. “You can’t get Syd to make you a sandwich every time you come in.”
“Actually it was the electrician. PB&J.” You corrected him, leaning your head back and dangling the chopsticks over your mouth to drop the piece of food into your mouth. 
Carmy didn’t say anything, so you spoke up again. 
“So, how was your day?” Your inflection rose to insinuate that you were getting tired of trying to pull words out of him as you replaced your chopsticks with your glass of wine. 
“Fine.” He said quickly. 
You knew Carmy could multitask in the kitchen. There had been multiple times you’ve seen him do it at The Beef since coming back but even more during all the times you were at his place while he cooked or scenarios like the one right now where he took over your kitchen. 
You never minded, you spent more of your time eating at The Beef or out than turning the burners on your own stove so Carmy coming over and dusting them off for you was always welcomed and appreciated. It’s why he had a key, amongst other reasons, the main one he was your best friend and emergency contact so it just seemed right. 
But all that is why you knew he was being avoidant right now.  
“What’d you do?” You inquired for more details, taking the time to pick through the paperboard container as you waited for an answer.
“Stuff.” Again, he replied hurriedly. 
“Syd gave me a paprika prawn to try today.” That sentence had more hope than the others, you thought you’d get something out of him with that one. 
“Nice.” He was now looking in the grocery bags he must have brought with him and pulling out something to add to his pan. 
You let him be for a few more seconds, thinking he deserved a few moments of peace before you shook him with your next statement, one you knew would get his attention. 
“I got arrested last night.” 
You thought you’d hear utensils drop, the stove click off, maybe even a pan hit the ground in an overdramatic display but the only thing you heard was the sound of Carmy’s towel slapping the back of his green pullover as he turned to look at you and rested the towel over his shoulder. 
“What?” The end of that word felt sharp, the emotion that filled his face at least left you with some type of a response rather than none. 
“Yup.” You met him with a one worded answer just to be petty. 
“What?” He spoke, now with more confusion in his voice as he stepped towards you. His brows meeting together, his face scrunching up as his brain searched for an answer. 
“Simple Assault.” Another short reply from you. 
“There’s nothing simple about assault.” Carmy’s anger started to show. “What the fuck, who the fuck are you assaulting.” 
“They call it that, not me. Although it was pretty simple, he harassed me so I pushed his head into a plate of french toast.” You finished talking but only let a second pass before speaking up again. “Actually it was a french toast waffle, strawberry rhubarb flavored too, but that kind of complicates the whole simple part of it.” 
You went straight from a petty short reply to petty over-explaining.
“So you assaulted some guy and then spent the night in the drunk tank?” He questioned. 
“Wasn’t drunk.” Back to the pettiness of a short reply, just for the thrill of it all. “Richie bailed me out.” 
“Um,” Carmy thought for a second, his eyes closed as his brain racked around that statement. “Richie bailed you out?” Carmy’s face fell into a frown as he brought his hand through his oily hair. “Richie bailed you out?” He was now looking at you as he repeated himself. “You–you called Richie?” 
“It’s not a big deal, Bear.” You shifted from pettiness to uneasiness as you saw his response, opting to use his nickname to try and ease into this conversation. 
“Why didn’t you call me?” He asked more sincerity in his voice now. 
You thought about how to answer this. Logically, Richie owed you one, you bailed him out once it was time he repaid the favor. You also knew, a part of you wanted to call Richie. 
Truthfully, you felt like Richie was the only person you could rely on lately, but you knew those words would have gutted Carmy. 
“Richie owed me one.” You said defaulting back to the logical response. 
Carmy was reminded back to the story that started this whole thing with Richie and you. “You slept with him again.” His tone immediately changed. What you thought would be pointed and another argument was interchanged with a smile and wait, was that a little humor? In his tone?
“And you weren’t drunk?” He turned around back to the stove as he finished up whatever he was cooking. 
You knew he was just being a jerk and teasing you, but if he was going to do this instead of getting mad you’d take it. 
“You know, I didn’t think it was going to be but ot’s been weird since. I don’t–” You started to talk to Carmy as you laid back in the stool. 
“No.” Carmy took a bite of what was in the pan. “No, we’re not doing this.” 
“Doing what?” You asked as your eyebrows moved in confusion. 
“Talking about Richie.” He was starting to plate the food. “And especially you and Richie.” 
“You sure you mean talking about Richie and not just talking?” You rolled your eyes. 
“To be sure I’m covered, let's just say talking as a whole.” He turned around and placed the plates on his side of the kitchen island. 
“All I’m saying is he’s been acting weird since it happened.” You said ignoring his request. 
“Alright, we’re doing this.” Carmy’s face was focused. “Look, he likes you, okay?” Carmy began garnishing the plates. 
“Likes me? Richie doesn’t like m–” 
Carmy cut you off. “Nope. Not doing this. I’m sticking to what I said no more talking.” 
You lifted your hands in surrender and leaned forward to look at the plates he was about to serve. 
“So, as much as I love when you come over and cook, I’d love to know what’s with the spontaneity. I wouldn’t have bought take-out if I knew you were gonna be here.” You changed the topic and grabbed a fork from Carmy’s hand. 
“Boneless Pork Ribs with a Cherry Pepper Glaze.” He said watching you grab the plate to eat them.
“It’s a play on the cherry pepper spare ribs from Elina’s, right?” You asked as you looked down at the plate.
Carmy nodded, if you blinked you would have missed it, but he was clearly just eager for you to try it. You took a bite, you let it linger in your mouth for a minute before chewing and letting the flavors melt and dance around your tongue. It was good, but in comparison to the dish you had just mentioned to Carmy, it was missing something. 
“Takeout’s better.” You were expecting him to say something back to you but when you looked up you were just met with his stare. 
“More detail please?” 
The smallest smile grew on your face. “You know, I just don’t think you put enough love into it.” 
“I’m being fuckin’ serious.” His face hardened.
“So am I.” You leaned back in the stool and kicked your feet up on the counter and shrugged. “It’s just missing something. Probably Sydney if I’m being honest.” 
“I have something to tell you.” Carmy quickly changed the topic.
“I thought you didn’t want to do any talking.” You mocked him, eyes closed as you relaxed.
“I saw Claire at the grocery store.” 
The speediness in your reaction was unmatched, your feet were off the table and your face got serious as you looked at your best friend. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“I was in the freezer section and she was just there.” He was starting to get worked up, the anxiety of it all catching up to him. 
“First of all, what the fuck were you doing in the freezer section?” You shook your head and squinted your eyes as Carmy turned to the freezer and grabbed a box to show you. 
“Strawberry eclairs and veal stock but mainly the strawberry eclairs.” His grip was tight on the box, a sign of the stress he was feeling.
“Strawberry eclairs.” Your bottom lip protruded as you felt the sweetness behind the gesture, a memory from your childhood.
“Also, just because I’m a chef doesn’t mean I don’t eat tv dinners.” Despite the anxiety, his attitude was back and in full swing. 
“I thought I told you to stick to the frozen pizzas over the tv dinners.” It was pointless to argue about but you were buying time before talking about the big elephant in the room. 
“You know, both of those require me to be in the frozen food aisle which was what your question was in the first place.” He said, raising his voice since you had just raised yours a bit. 
“When were you going to tell me you were seeing Claire?” You asked, meeting his attitude with your own. 
“I’m not seeing her, I saw her once. Today. For the first time in years.” He corrected you, clearly confused by the situation himself. 
“I don’t know what you want me to do with that.” You shook your head and stood up now, grabbing the bottle of wine and pouring the remaining of it into your glass before moving to your recycling bin to toss the bottle. 
“Talk to me about it, I don’t know!” He yelled following you around the kitchen. 
“What do you want, Carmy?” You turned around so you were face to face with him, your voice soft now. 
“I don’t know.” 
“I don’t like it.” You said staring at him now. 
“I don’t like you and Richie.” Carmy said back, not in a way that was condescending or trying to rebuttal you but just a simple statement and it offered you a different perspective. 
You both felt the same way. It made you try and think differently about it all, taking into perspective maybe how Carmy viewed you and Richie wasn’t how you did. There were things between you and Richie that no one but you two knew. Conversations, moments, big fucking moments. And you weren’t just talking about when he bailed you out. Mikey’s funeral, you spent every moment next to him practically. Coming home, the way he welcomed you back. Your ex walking into The Beef, he protected you and then respected that you didn’t want to talk about it. Then, there was the stuff in between. The comments, the support, feeding you, finding things that reminded him of you, and of course, bailing you out. All of that had to make you think maybe there was that type of thing happening with Carmy and Claire. 
Claire was a sweet girl, popular, but sweet. Maybe there was a morsel of jealousy there back in high school. Not because you liked Carmy in that way, but because she had been given the Berzatto nickname simply because it rhymed. Another part of that jealousy was, the Berzatto kids saved you. The chaotic, crazy, and extremely mentally unstable household saved your life and you held every one of the Bear’s close and responsible for that, even the ones who were mentally fucked themselves. But that was years ago. Your real issue wasn’t really with Claire at all, but more with Carmy and his ability to balance things. He never held any friendships, yours was intact because you got it, you understood him. Even when things were bad, you fucking understood. You let a lot of shit slide and maybe that was your fault but remembering back to your high school days, the panic attacks and stress Carmy went through over school, over home, over Claire. It made all your thoughts come to a halt as you spoke up.
“I don’t want you getting fucking hurt.” You said, shaking your head from your thoughts. There was way more to it, but part of that perspective you had, made you realize none of it mattered. You just had to say your piece and live with whatever was to come. You were going to continue whatever this was with Richie, despite what Carmy said, and you had to believe he was going to do the same. 
Carmy just shook his head at your reply as his eyebrows raised. He didn’t need to say anything, his face said it all. He was telling you that he didn’t want you getting hurt either. There was nothing more to say or do with that. I mean sure, argue about how you care about each other? But what good would that do if ultimately you were both going to do whatever you wanted. Since you were best friends, you’d both have to deal with the fallout of those consequences, despite knowing, and on top of living with it you’d both never hit the other with an ‘I told you so’, because that’s what best friends did. 
“You really fucking suck.” You rolled your eyes and brought the filled glass to your mouth, chugging about half of it down. 
Carmy grabbed two strawberry eclairs from the freezer, handing one to you before peeling back the wrapper on his own. The silence grew between you two as you stood in the kitchen leaning against the two cabinets on opposite sides of the stove. 
“Syd really gave you the prawn to try?” He asked, bringing the ice cream to his mouth after his last word. 
You scoffed at how Carmy changed the subject. You knew the prawn comment would stick in his head and eat him alive to ask you about. 
“Yea she did, after she asked for you a million times.” 
“How was it?” He asked, staring down at the ice cream that now had a bite out of it missing. 
“Needs work.”  You pulled your own ice cream away from your mouth, looking down at it before looking over at Carmy.  “It's your recipe she followed isn’t it?” 
You knew immediately, it’s why he was asking. Your concern was why he wasn’t at the restaurant with Sydney trying it himself but again, consequences of his own actions. “You know that cherry glaze would be really good on it.” You pointed to your plate of pork ribs, knowing the cherry glaze was her idea. 
Carmy pushed off the counter and grabbed one of the takeout containers and made his way to the couch, knowing you were right about the dish. A smile grew on your face as he yelled out to you. 
“You really fucking suck.”
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badbatch-badfics · 7 months
Padawan (TBB x Male Reader) Part 2
Part 1
Characters: The Bad Batch - Cross hair + Cid.
Relationship: All platonic
POV: Only 2nd (you/yours)
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Unspecified
Content: Smidge of angst and worry, but mainly found family growing into fluff
Warnings: General TBB stuff, a little bit about Order 66. Cringe lol.
Word Count: 2,796
Notes: If anyone has any requests/ideas for this 'series,' please let me know! I'd love to learn more about what ya'll like and incorporate it. (and i'll obviously credit you in the notes for whichever part it goes in)
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The Bad Batch was sound asleep, exempt from their designated pilot.  Tech was comfortably cruising through hyper-space, multitasking on a new upgrade for Echo’s arm-scomp and watching the scanners.  A light beep alerted him, signaling that they were approaching Ord Mantell.  He lightly pushed his goggles upwards, before pressing a series of buttons.  The Marauder shook as it dropped from hyperspace, the tremors waking Hunter up from his nap in the co-pilot's seat.  He would usually sleep in his bunk until Tech needed a break, but his bunk was… preoccupied, so to speak.
“We close to Ord Mantell, Tech?” Hunter asked groggily, cracking his neck.  “Approximately 11 minutes and 36 seconds until we enter the atmosphere, and then another 23 minutes until we reach the landing pad.  I would begin waking everyone else up.”  With a sign, Hunter stood up, arms reaching far above his head, ever-so-slightly leaning backwards.  He turned around and started heading towards the bunks, wondering how he should go about waking you up.  He didn’t know how much you would remember, and he certainly didn’t want to find out the hard way.
Of course, there was always the option of letting your body wake up on its own time, and just having someone stick with the ship until then, but there was the risk of general clatter and ruckus occurring and startling you awake anyway, which would be a harsh wake-up call, to say the least.  After a second more of contemplation, he finally settled on leaving you be, and simply shushing Wrecker the moment his eyes opened.  He walked up to his brother, shaking his arm.  Wrecker awoke with a large grunt, like an ancient monster waking from a coma in an echoing mountain, before Hunter aggressively shushed him.  He sharply pointed across the walking strip to your body, an absolute tangled mess of limbs and droll.
Wrecker got the hint, making an ‘oohhh’ sound before slowly sitting up, careful to minimize the amount of creaking.  Hunter walked on, heading towards Echo and Omega, shaking them both awake- Omega more gently.  She yawned and stretched, smiling and greeting Hunter, before quickly grabbing her day-clothes before heading off to the fresher to change.  Hunter went back to the cockpit, where his brothers were already making quiet discussions of what to do with you, the ‘teenager-that-had-essentially-magic-powers-and-was-being-hunted.’  Primarily how they would handle Cid.  She tolerated them because they did jobs for her, and they didn’t really matter to the Empire- except for Omega, it was appearing.  But a Padawan?  That would be a lot of credits, and it would put someone on the Empire’s good side- at least for a little bit.  Cid wasn’t above ratting them out for that kind of profit.  Or, at least, she wasn’t above ratting out the Padawan while keeping them away from the Empire’s eyes for the sake of missions.  “Perhaps we can convince Cid that his use in missions, among other things, would outweigh the reward from the Empire.  Even without using the Force in a physical push-and-pull manner, it can still be used for mind tricks, sensing danger, and much more, depending on his skill set.  We could increase our efficiency and time duration of missions greatly, which would hold a great profit for Cid,” Tech explained, preparing for the Marauder to enter Ord Mantell’s atmosphere.
“That's true, but there’s no way to know what Cid will say- if she agrees, great, but if she doesn’t…” Hunter responded, eyes glancing back at your sleeping form as he trailed off.  If they told her about you, and she decided to tell the Empire, then no one would be safe.
“There’s no way for Cid to be kept in the dark long enough to find a better solution, and we can’t exactly just hide a whole person in the Marauder,” Echo added on, waving his scomp-link around the cockpit for emphasis.
“Of course, this is all assuming that (Y/N) will want to remain with us.  He may know someone, or someplace, that is safe.  Additionally, he may even know Cid.  Echo said that she would occasionally report to the Jedi,” Tech countered, briefly glancing back towards his brothers, away from the planet and control panel.  Echo nodded in confirmation.  “Do we…” Hunter trailed off, sighing, and pinched the bridge of his nose, “do we have any place to go if Cid decides to tell the Empire?  Echo, do you know anyone else who would help?”
“Rex, obviously- but he’s more involved with defeating the Empire than we are, so it’d be an extra risk to the kid.  Maybe Cut and Suu, if we can get a hold of them.  But I don’t think either of us want to put that kind of risk on them- not with Jek and Shaeeah.”  Wrecker made a comment of agreement, briefly looking up from his game of Chopsticks with Omega.  A heavy silence fell over the group, uncertainty thick in the air.
“Entering the atmosphere,” Tech reported, breaking the awkward silence.  The Marauder shook as gravity’s presence took its toll.  It settled back down to a smooth ride within a minute, the greens and browns- mainly browns- of Ord Mantell’s natural landscape coming closer.  “I think Cid will understand, plus, like Tech said, (Y/N) can help us out!” Omega added, not looking up from her hands.
Hunter looked down, contemplating.  Would the reward of Cid accepting the kid outweigh the risk of her turning him in to the Empire?  Tech did have a point, your presence would make things go smoother- but if Cid didn’t care about that point?  What then?  Would they be able to escape the Empire, find a new place to settle down- there was bound to be some planet that was safe- but would they find it before the Empire found them?
They could keep you holed up in the ship for a while, but sooner or later, Cid would find out.  And once she found out, that could damage their… relationship, so to speak.  Assuming she wouldn’t tell the Empire immediately, anyway.  So that wouldn’t work either.  There was no good solution, and everyone knew it.  Finally, Hunter spoke up- “Wrecker, Omega, you two stay with (Y/N) and help him with anything- food, water, applying new bandages.  You get the idea.  Echo, you're with me- we’ll get anything we’d need for a long-term stay on the ship; med kits, food, supplies, whatever.  Tech, make sure the ship has enough fuel, and make any necessary fixes.  Don’t let anyone else know.  After you're done, I’ll tell Cid about… the kid.  We’ll see where it goes from there.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Marauder drifted down, landing neatly in the center of the dock.  Tech quickly pulled out his data-pad, scanning for any previously unnoticed internal damage.  Luckily, the report came back negative- as he had guessed, there was no new damage.  Satisfied, he checked the Marauder’s current fuel level, so he’d know when to stop filling.  Tech, Echo, and Hunter exited the Marauder, swiftly closing and securely locking the ramp behind them.
The innards of the Marauder were quiet, Omega and Wrecker not really knowing what to do.  They both sat on the bunk opposite you, staring, just in case you’d wake up and need something.  Wrecker had rations and a water canteen to his left, while Omega had fresh bandages and bacta-spray to her right.  “Uhhh…” Wrecker broke the silence, glancing down at Omega, “do we just… wait for him to wake up?  It feels weird, just staring.”
“I don’t know… on Kamino, we would usually wait, but this is nothing like injured clones on Kamino.”  She sighed, wringing her hands together.  “I just…feel so bad.  I mean, our home was destroyed, but at least we have each other.  (Y/N) doesn’t have anyone, and he’s been alone on that ship since the Empire took over.  I can’t imagine what it must have been like…” 
“Well, at least we found him before the Empire did, and any situation we’re in will probably be better than Bracca.  Plus, he’s probably dead to the Empire, so they won’t be after him!”  Wrecker responded, finding the silver lining.  He and Omega looked at eachother, smiling.  It felt good to help people.
On cue, the blankets opposite the pair began shuffling, a long groan sounding out through the metal walls of the Marauder.  You turned over, eyes droopy and your Padawan braid/beads hanging by the corner of your mouth, covered in drool.  Slowly, you put your weight onto a hand and pushed yourself up, leaning against the back wall of the bunk.  Your head lolled back, another sigh escaping.  Everything hurts.  “Good morning!  Er, afternoon!  You slept forever, little Jedi!” Wrecker enthusiastically shouted, causing you to immediately sit up straight, hand shooting down to your waist for the familiar feeling of your lightsaber, only to be met with nothing.  Kriff.
Wrecker immediately sensed your panic, and put his hands up in an attempt of looking unhostile.  “Don’t worry, you're safe!  We’ve had our heads cut into, so we won’t be doing any of that Order 66 stuff!”  All you could do was stare, a comically surprised expression etched across your face.  He had an interesting way of wording things.
Wrecker stood up and handed you the canteen and ration bad.  “Here, rations and water!  They’re not the best, and we can pick up some better food soon, but I bet you're starved!”  And you were.  True, the mantell mix Omega had gifted you was delicious, but after so long of never having a proper meal, you certainly wouldn’t refuse any more food or water.
“Thank you…”  You glanced down after taking the food, quietly chewing on the ration bar, occasionally taking sips from the canteen.  You were never good socially at the Temple, and you certainly weren't any better at the moment.  Omega asked you some more questions; if there was any pain, did you bleed through any bandages, and such.  You responded in short answers, so quiet she was struggling to pick up what was said.  Eventually, she deemed you healthy- or, at least, as healthy as you could be, given the circumstances.  She stayed with you, telling stories about Kamino and the few trips she’s had away from it.  Mainly, though, she talked about her brothers.
After Maker knows how long, the Marauder’s ramp opened, Tech, Echo, and Hunter coming in, one by one.  Tech was lugging fuel, and the other two held general equipment, food, med-kits, and more.  While Tech didn’t pay as much mind to your waking, Echo and Hunter sure did- Echo more so.
After setting down the cargo, he practically spritened to the bunk you were on, crouching down on one knee and using his scomp-link to lift up your jaw, and do other inspections.  “You need a shower- desperately.  And new clothes, these are completely ruined!  Our old room is nothing compared to this!  Even Fives smelled better!  And you need some proper nourishment- I know how I felt after being in that stasis chamber for so long.  And mantell mix is not nourishment, no matter what Wrecker and Omega tell you, got that?”  He finished his spiel, pointing his scomp-link at you.  “Iba’ oskik’la…”
* (“what a mess” in mando’a)
“Yeah, I think he’s got it, Echo,” Hunter chimed in, smiling.  “C’mon, kid.  I need you to meet someone.  She used to work with the Jedi, so I don’t think she’d do anything.  But, just in case, we have everything ready to go.  And if all goes well, ”  You swallowed, a large lump forming in your throat.  You really hoped she wouldn’t do anything bad- you were already enough of a burden.  You and Hunter walked down the ramp, Omega gleefully waving goodbye.
He could hear your heartbeat, your anxiety- but he didn’t know much on how to help, given the circumstances.  Kriff, you didn't know about the chips until they found you, and he couldn’t imagine what that must have felt like.  When Wrecker had been affected and tried to kill everyone, at least they all knew it wasn’t his fault, that he hadn’t betrayed them, and that he would never try to do that when he was in control.  But you had no clue about any of that.  You thought all the clones who were your friends, or even just ones you were polite with for the sake of being a good person, had all wanted to kill you, and all the other Jedi.  You had thought that for months.  Cursing yourself, wondering why, and if there was anything you could have done differently to prevent it.  And now, irony at its best, you had been rescued by clones, coming to remove their chips.
“We’re on Ord Mantell, by the way… don’t know if anyone told you.  Ever been?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.  You shook your head, eyes darting from sign to sign, stall to stall.  “Most planets I’ve been on, except for Coruscant, were just… military occupations, occasionally the natural landscape of Separatists planets.  Never got to travel outside of that,” you said, still taking in all the colorful decor and people of the city.  “I mean, you know what that’s like, obviously- being a clone and all, you went to the same type of planets I did.  I think, at least.”
Hunter nodded his head in confirmation, not really sure where to go from there.  What you said was pretty accurate, but he felt like he shouldn’t talk about the war much.  And in any case, they were approaching Cid’s.
You and Hunter trotted down the steps, the automatic door sliding open.  Cid’s bar was empty, spare for an Ithorian and Weequay who were bickering over who knows what, and obviously, Cid herself.  You placed yourself behind Hunter, something you would do with your Master during the war to avoid any interaction with… anyone.  Slicing droids was easy, making conversation with soldiers was not.
You slowly glanced around the parlor, taking in anything that could be a trap, or could help you escape if this ‘Cid’ decided she didn’t want a padawan on her doorstop.  Hunter called out for Cid, and the distant sound of claws tapping against the cold, hard floor echoed out.  Emerging from the back rooms was a rather short female trandoshan, a cane gripped in her three claws.
Her eyes went back and forth between your semi-hidden figure and Hunter.  “Where’s the rest of ya?  And who’s that kid in the terrible robes?  They stink.”  There was an obvious scowl on her face, her left brown rose in an annoyed and questioning manner.
Hunter took a deep breath, and then- “He’s… a Padawan.”  Cid’s brows rose, and then lowered into a vicious scowl.  “Before you say anything- hear me out.  He was trapped at Bracca, and the scavengers didn’t know- Tech checked the Empire’s wanted, and he’s dead to them.  The Empire won’t come here, and it’s not like anyone on the street will know- he’s just a padawan.  Not a full-on Jedi, not a general.  But, he can still help.  Even without using the Force to push and pull, he can still sense danger and… stuff.”  Hunter wasn’t really sure how the Force worked.  But he knew it was useful.  Before Cid could rebuttal, he continued.  “And imagine how helpful a padawan would be in making sure your deals go right!  Being able to sense a bad deal, or if someone unwelcome is coming.  And some of them can do mind tricks.  He’ll be very useful to you- just let him stay with us.”
Cid looking down, in thought, a scowl etched on her face.  Finally, she sighed.  “Fine!  But if the Empire comes knocking, I’m not keeping his hide a secret.  Too much heat.”  She walked away, already planning what to do with you.
Hunter looked back, smiling.  You tried your best to smile, but you knew full well it looked incredibly awkward and forced.  Not that you weren’t happy, by any means.  You just weren’t prepared, and he knew that.  Hunter placed a hand on your shoulder, attempting to provide comfort.  And it worked.  For the first time in months, despite the constant dread of what was to come, everything seemed to be going right.  You could stay with them, and they could stay with Cid.
“Let’s go get you some proper fitting, and smelling clothes, yeah?  Echo wasn’t wrong when he said it was worse than our old barracks.”  Your smile shifted to a natural one, not forced or awkward.  You certainly didn’t think you’d ever see a clone again; and it certainly wouldn’t be a happy experience, but it seemed like this batch was going to be the best thing to happen in a while.
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starstruckmoony · 2 years
call it what you want.
pairing - remus lupin x fem!reader
summary - pure social media chaos. the whole gang is here. proper romance/fluff starts in the next part!
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 610
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
maraudersofficial added to their story
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yourusername added to their story
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❤ liked by rjlupin, marymacdonald, bartyyy and 1,999,670 others
yourusername go buy yourself some roses.
rjlupin lol imagine being that lonely
yourusername says the one who goes on dates with himself
rjlupin it's called being independent
yourusername virgin moment
starmanblack feminism
yourusername exactly
lily_evans maybe i should start doing that
prongsyboy wow thanks a lot
user732188 girlboss 😩
user501170 single gang
user226695 if she's single how am i ever gonna find someone
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❤ liked by yourusername, xeno_lovegood, mmmckinnon and 1,998,662 others
rjlupin anyone wanna be my valentine? 🤪
yourusername i thought you said you were independent
rjlupin people change y/n
yourusername don't make me laugh
rjlupin i did though
starmanblack bf material 😜
marymacdonald meeee
rjlupin don't you have a girlfriend?
marymacdonald no, she went to get milk
vance_emm your mum went to get milk
user637722 ME ME ME ME ME
user388211 pick me choose me love me
user374737 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️
user111002 half of y'all are just forgetting you're famous HELPP
user277642 you and y/n commenting on each other's posts is the highlight of my day 😭😭
yourusername added to their story
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❤ liked by lily_evans, prongsyboy, pete__ and 2,000,772 others
yourusername a lil throwback to last year - my favourite people ever <3
tagged rjlupin, mmmckinnon
starmanblack personally i like marlene more
yourusername don't we all?
rjlupin good luck finding a new bassist sirius
marymacdonald you guys should collab
mmmckinnon possibilities
casmeadowes marlene is my favourite people too
mmmckinnon right back at you love <3
bartyyy what about me?
yourusername you're getting there
user966330 marlene is gorgeous fr
user153465 babies
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❤ liked by vance_emm, ev.rosier, pandorasbox and 1,966,007 others
rjlupin broke into y/n's house today
tagged yourusername
yourusername that was so naughty of you
rjlupin i learned from the best
yourusername are you calling me a criminal?
rjlupin look at you putting words into my mouth
yourusername not this again smh
maraudersofficial hurry up and write us a song
rjlupin that's your job sirius
maraudersofficial you gotta learn how to multitask
ev.rosier new music?
rjlupin hmmmmmm
mmmckinnon you should have invited me
rjlupin it didn't cross my mind oops
mmmckinnon i wonder why
lily_evans isn't that illegal?
prongsyboy to me, personally, it's cute
lily_evans i did not ask
user076646 that's my boyfriend everyone!
user463550 i can't tell if he's being sarcastic or not
user335545 ok now kiss
user101044 stop shipping them
user335545 no <3
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❤ liked by starmanblack, prongsyboy, rjlupin and 2,188,332 others
yourusername something is cooking...
rjlupin and i know what it is 😎
yourusername SHHHH
marymacdonald no one say sike
pete__ SIKE HAHA
casmeadowes no more waiting pls omg
yourusername added to their story
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Tumblr media
❤ liked by xeno_lovegood, mmmckinnon, casmeadowes and 2,108,001 others
yourusername my best friend is cooler (and drunker) than yours
tagged rjlupin
rjlupin cute but you're cooler anyway
yourusername are you flirting with me?
rjlupin depends how you define flirting
prongsyboy damn
starmanblack tell him to give me my jacket back
rjlupin you took my sweaters stfu
marymacdonald okay but lily is the coolest
yourusername lily.
rjlupin lily>
lily_evans i love you
bartyyy 🥵🥵
yourusername facts
maraudersofficial we have the funnest singer ever
rjlupin thanks pete
user675677 two pretty drunk best friends
user157463 is no one gonna talk about them lowkey flirting in the comments?
user224000 god really does have favourites
tagging some of my lovely mutuals <3
@sp1rit-realm @masivechaos @innerloverpainter @forourmoons @sw34terw34ther @withastrangerheart @nyxxxxxxxx @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @laluna0 @incorrectwolfstar
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pretty-blkgirl · 1 year
hi!! i read one of your fics and immediately came to do a request 🤣❤️. id love a angst to fluff with changbin! maybe he makes the wrong comment or forgets to pick up the reader or literally whatever lol. i just love angst and binnie
-🕷️anon (?)
Hi anon!!!! I was so excited when I seen this because it’s my first request 🥹. I LOVE angst too and while I was writing this, I realized 98% was angst and the fluff ain’t fluffing that much😂. Still, I hope you enjoy and don’t hesitate to request anything else ❤️🫶🏾
Thin Ice
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//gn!reader x idol!Changbin//
Synopsis: Changbin forgets about you….again
Genre: Angst/eventual fluff (kinda sorta)
Warnings: super angsty, sad…not enough fluff (lmao)
You walk into your dark apartment, rain dripping from your heavy clothes. It rained -hard- all day. Usually, you walk to and from work every day but this morning you asked your boyfriend to drive you.
He was ecstatic when you asked. He finally had a couple of days off and wanted to spend every waking moment with you. You and Changbin blasted his group’s music to your job, singing and laughing as rain pounded down on the car.
He swore he’d be outside your building 30 minutes before you even got off. The rain was starting to flood the streets a little, so he texted you every hour to check-in.
Two hours before you got off, he had stopped texting. You thought nothing of it, thinking he was probably napping. It wasn’t until 45 minutes before you were set to leave that you started to call him. He wasn’t answering, which worried you.
At the end of your shift, you left the building and were immediately met with the worsening weather.
The rain sounded like stomps when they met the ground. The bottom of your pants and your shoes would undoubtedly get immersed in water. Even with a jacket and umbrella, you knew you’d still be soaked.
After looking around for Changbin’s car, you conclude that he wasn’t there. No biggie, maybe traffic? Maybe he overslept a little- but was still on his way?
But what if something happened? He wasn’t answering you, and your stomach started to hurt while you thought of any and everything that could have happened.
You called Chan. You knew that if anyone knew where Changbin was, it was one of his members.
Chan’s phone rang for a while, making you even more anxious because he never took this long to answer.
Thankfully, he answered on the last ring.
“Hello?” He asked, voice laced with worry
“Hi Channie! I’m so sorry to call so randomly but I can’t get in touch with Bin. Please tell me you know where he is”
Chan says, “I talked to him a little while ago, he was at the studio last time I checked”
You were taken aback. The studio? Why was he there? He had time off, why was he working?
“You guys were at the studio?” You question
“No, he was at the studio. He said he needed to work on an idea before it escaped him.”
You sigh, knowing how Changbin gets when he’s at the studio. He can’t multitask, he probably couldn’t even hear his phone ringing while working.
You groan loudly, seeing the rain only get worse “Okay. Thanks anyways”
“No problem y/nnie. Are you okay though? Do you need me to do anything?”
You smile despite your current feelings. Chan always wanted to help out, and you would ask him to come get you if the weather wasn’t getting so bad.
“I’m fine, but could you call up to the company and get someone to check in on Bin?”
“Sure! Is that all you need though? Aren’t you off work now? Are you home? Are you safe?”
“I’m safe.” You say, not wanting to explain the situation. Chan seems satisfied with your answer and you two hang up just as a loud boom of thunder erupts in the darkening sky.
Your coworkers are all rushing to their cars to get home, You on the other hand go to your building’s lobby and sit down.
Hours go by and not a single call from Changbin. Chan did tell you a staff member looked in on him, and he was fine, just in his zone.
You didn’t want to be upset, but you were. When work was involved, nothing else around him mattered. You wanted to believe you didn’t take a backseat to his career, but this event had your mind racing.
This isn’t the first time he forgot about you when his job was involved. He had a habit of ignoring you during the little time you guys had together to work.
The studio was his place, and you knew that.
You loved how passionate he was about the things he liked- but you wanted him to be just as passionate about you and you guy’s relationship.
Changbin was far from being a bad boyfriend, he was an amazing partner, but things like this made you sick to your stomach.
Once the rain calmed down a little, you attempted to call a cab but the streets were a little too flooded. You had to walk home, getting completely drenched.
That brings you to the present, standing in your dark living room while listening to the sounds of the shower running.
He was home. He didn’t even call you to tell you he had gotten home safe.
You walk through the apartment until you reach your bedroom. There, you begin to strip out your wet clothes. You didn’t stop until you were down to your underwear. You took the clothes and placed them in your hamper while hearing the bathroom door open and footsteps near the bedroom.
Changbin entered the room and immediately froze. He looked over your body, still wet from your clothes. He looked at your face, and a scarily calm expression was staring back at him.
He immediately felt bad, rushing over and giving you the tightest hug. You couldn’t even hear the string of apologies leave his lips, it all sounded like a jumbled mess in your ears.
Fortunately, you didn’t want to hear it. You gently pushed him off you and walked out of the room, him following after you.
You walked into the still steamy bathroom and took your undergarments off, Changbin decided to sit on the sink and watch as you turned the water on and stepped into the shower.
Some more apologies, but you expertly ignored him. You spent 25 minutes in the shower, trying to calm your nerves. Changbin stayed the whole time, switching between begging for your forgiveness and going silent.
You could hear him sniffling, so you knew he was crying. You hated seeing him cry, but you were too upset to care at the moment.
Once out of the shower, he handed you a towel and you took it without any real acknowledgment.
He walked behind you into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, head down while you got dressed.
He was still sniffling, but you kept a poker face.
“Baby please talk to me” He begged for the nth time. No answer.
“I’m so sorry. I know I said I wouldn’t work during my break. Please forgive me, I swear this will never happen again”
You rolled your eyes at that one.
“Y/n PLEASE. I know I fucked up, but don’t ignore me, baby. I can’t stand it when you don’t talk to me. Yell or scream if you need to! Just don’t ignore me”
Again, no answer. You walked out of the room and to the kitchen, Changbin still hot on your tail.
He still had his robe on from when he got out of the shower, which made you chuckle a little. In the kitchen, you started to heat some leftovers as your boyfriend stares at you.
After a short while, you were ready to chew him out so you looked up, meeting his eyes.
“Go put some clothes on” You simply said, making him dash to the bedroom. It took him a couple of seconds to throw something on and rush back to the kitchen. By that time, the leftovers were ready and you were fixing two plates.
He watched quietly and muttered a “thank you” when you handed him a plate. You two walked wordlessly to the dining room. You took a seat and he sat across from you, still staring.
You began to eat, but he didn’t. He had lost his appetite. You met his gaze and mocked a confused look, “Not hungry? You must have eaten at the studio”
He sighed, ready to apologize again but you cut him off, “I’m hungry, that walk in the rain left me a little famished.”
“Baby please” He begs.
You giggle bitterly, still stabbing at the food on your plate, “You know, I love how hardworking you are. I love the way you love music. However, if your love for music overshadows your love for me- then this won’t work out”
You take a big bite from your food before setting your fork down. You take your time to chew, swallow, and wipe your mouth with a napkin.
“I’m sorry. You know how I get when I have an idea”
“That’s not a fucking excuse Changbin”
He jumps at your use of his name. You rarely call him by his name, always preferring a pet name.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone down there, I shouldn’t have forgotten about you”
“You always forget about me when music is involved. Which, I get that this is your career, but damn. I’m always taking a backseat to your career and I try to be understanding but THIS was my last fucking straw”
“Baby don’t say that, please. I swear I’ll do better”
“You said that when you forgot about my work dinner. You said that when you forgot about Valentine’s Day. You’ve said that after every single date night you forgot. I’m sick of this shit Changbin, seriously.”
You stand now, prompting him to do the same. Tears were once again running down his face and were threatening to start to roll down yours.
“I respect that this is your job. I knew what I was getting myself into when we got together. But I have given you a lot of grace, all I ask for is a little of your time. We finally have an extended amount of time together and you PROMISED you wouldn’t work. Not to mention, I didn’t even ask you to do that- YOU made that promise”
He sighs, head hanging in pure disappointment.
“Baby you’re right. I wronged you, and I keep wronging you. But I swear this will never happen again. Not ever. I will never hurt you like this again. I will never make you question our relationship again”
Your tears start to fall now, “I don’t know if I believe you Bin”
His heart sinks when he hears that, mentally kicking himself for making you feel this way.
“Y/N you’re the single best thing to ever happen to me. I love you so much that it’s not fathomable. You’re more important than anything and everything. I’ll give up this fucking career if it means I can spend the rest of my life with you.”
He gets down on his knees in front of you, grabbing your hands and holding them tightly. The look on his face made you want to instantly forgive him and forget everything, but you knew you needed to stand your ground.
This couldn’t happen again.
“One more chance baby. Let me show you how much you mean to me. Let me spend the rest of our lives making sure you know how much I love you.”
You look away, a quiet sob escaping before hesitantly nodding.
“I love you so much,” You say, “So I’ll give you one more chance. But this is your last chance. You’re on thin ice. Please don’t let anything like this happen again”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He says, standing and taking you into his arms.
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lol. why do people act like it takes up your whole day to make a post? tumblr is maybe like 2% of your daily life. that's not consuming.
plus multitasking exists. but these people seem to be unknown of the concept or not capable doing it.
Why indeed anon. Why, indeed.
I do put thought and effort into writing literary criticism of Taylor Swift's work- but it's not like I sit inside all day staring at tumblr. com.
Plus- as someone who was a fan for 15 years, I don't even have to try very hard to think about specific lyrics I want to mention. I, to my utter horror, have all her music memorized.
I've been very open about the fact that I was a huge fan- until literally a few months ago. People never called me pathetic for my interest in Swift until I started critiquing her- lol.
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