#it 1am time to sleep lol
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coralsgrimes · 1 year ago
Sooo over the months I been typing these long ass coral life stories, very agitated may I add, but then the frustration wears off so I just been deleting the shite cuz why would anyone wanna read any of that.
Tho I have a fuck me story from today x.x
So imagine me just coral girlblogging making fun of Benny and then!!! A call! Sadly it was our lab technician and when he's calling it's gotta be real bad. But ye know there's this storm coming so maybe he just updating me about the department whatever they came up with??? Nooooo he did not xd
Lemme break it down for ye cuz like;
1. One of the cleaners walks by our cold room, feels that it's unusually warm around
2. No idea how long it took but the cleaner eventually tells the guard who comes by and is like oh it's fucking boiling
3. The guard calls our technician who comes by and decides the cold room is fucking broken
4. He calls me, while imma trying to girlblog, to come cuz it's a disaster
Sooo, I sent thousands of messages in our lab group chat asking who was the last one in the lab Saturday night and who's coming later today cuz I would appreciate the help. Still have no idea how long the cold room was boiling. Anyways it was me, the technician and later later later one other girl came by but she had her shite to do too so was not mucha help. We moved everything that was in there to freezers, cold rooms and fridges all over the building and in another fucking building cuz one thing about science - there's never enough space and so it happened that our cold room is the biggest in the building cuz we stock shit tons of media. And the problem is that the stuff there is big like bottles of reagents, media and I just made like a 200 fresh plates last week that might all be bin material at this point x.x so it was like impossible Tetris to put it all elsewhere lol and I had to make fucking lists of where each lil fucker went
Then I sent thousands of emails to PIs of the other lab groups in the building and everyone else in that circus to say yeee sorry to stuff yer fridge but our cold room is a sauna now soooo had no choice xd
And then, since cold room is a critical equipment, we called the service right, like to get to the shite and fix it they have to get on the roof cuz idk why but all the cold rooms in the building are like that apparently. So tonight/tomorrow it's stormy so no one is getting up that fucking roof, Tuesday maybe? Nope, they said MAYBE they can get someone to take a look on Friday....
Just so ye all know, the temperature in the cold room is supposed to be between 2 and 4 degrees. It was 26??? me think when I came, and then it was 39 when I was leaving xd it stinks and is so dirty I will probably have to deep clean it after it's fixed
And now, the storm is coming and I love rain on my roof windows but not the stormy about to kill me red weather alert rain and wind. Fun x.x
I do obviously blame Benny cuz the timing is absolutely not a coincidence lol I may make no sense but Imma so tired xd gotta come in late tomorrow as a treat and also after the worst alert is over xd if the power dies then I might even get tomorrow off cuz funny thing when there's no power they do have a generator back up, tho!! it can't power the whole building so if that happens they disconnect all equipment and all sockets and turn off the automatic lights and shite so that only freezers and fridges and incubators would take the power lol meaning no one on site. Let's pray actually 🙏 could use that lol
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cchocolatekat · 2 months ago
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eternalstateofoctober · 7 months ago
— 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔦 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔟𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖈𝖊 | AMC’s IWTV
also known as ”local woman is roused to learn editing to deliver everyone this fandom classic” (the video's synced better on desktop)
transcription/video description under the cut:
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[video description: a fan video/edit of amc’s ”interview with the vampire” by tumblr user @eternalstateofoctober (me!!) set to a shortened version of lenka’s ”everything at once”. the video clips are cut to the rhythm of the song and its changing lyrics. the song is catchy and upbeat with a light, bouncy rhythm and a whimsical but also slightly melancholic vibe at times. it has a steady beat with repeating piano notes and some xylophone. the video clips are muted so only the song is playing, save for a few voiceover lines and sound effects.
(instrumental intro, repeating piano notes)
the théâtre des vampires orchestra starts playing and another member checks the projector. a watermark with the username @eternalstateofoctober flashes on screen and disappears at the same time as a projector light flickers.
🎵 as sly as a fox 🎵
two clips of daniel after the trial script reveal. first he tosses the script to louis, then he pushes his glasses up and casts a hard look at an off-screen armand.
🎵 as strong as an ox 🎵
armand uses the mind gift to make the coven fall asleep at the dinner table in 2x04, voiceover of him yelling ”enough!” angrily and banging the table. table settings clattering. then lestat using the mind gift at the trial to manipulate louis’ sentence. his left ear starts bleeding. VO lestat: ”banishment...”
🎵 as fast as a hare 🎵
louis sprints at daniel in ’73, making him stumble back.
🎵 as brave as a bear 🎵
clips of young daniel being tortured by armand. first he lifts his gaze, then there’s two clips of him being slammed down by armands powers. last clip is him closing his eyes while armand holds his face. VO of daniel’s grunts and whimpers.
🎵 as free as a bird 🎵
claudia on stage as baby lu mimes opening a window made of projections happily.
🎵 as neat as a word 🎵
claudia writes in her diary in season 1, the clip has a double exposure effect with her pen moving on the page.
🎵 as quiet as a mouse 🎵
a wide shot of the sewers the children of darkness inhabit.
🎵 as big as a house 🎵
establishing shot of the théâtre des vampires building. suddenly the screen flashes black and there’s a quick flickering shot of the talamasca logo on daniel’s laptop screen and a glitching sound effect.
🎵 as mean as a wolf 🎵
close-up of santiago on stage in 2x02, he looks right at the audience seductively.
🎵 as sharp as a tooth 🎵
shots of the vamps baring their fangs. lestat ripping the priests throat out in 1x01, claudia in madeleine’s shop, louis in ’73 showing off to daniel, armand hissing at lestat in 2x03.
🎵 as deep as a bite 🎵
extreme close-up of lestat biting louis at the altar.
🎵 as dark as the night 🎵
madeleine lights a candle that illuminates her face during a power outage. she’s watched from outside her shop window by a curious claudia.
🎵 as sweet as a song 🎵
young daniel embraces armand after armand has manipulated him to accept death. armand strokes his hair and there’s armand’s calm whisper as a voiceover: ”i’ll hold you…”
🎵 as right as a wrong 🎵
claudia’s real turning. lestat looks up from an off-screen louis who’s begging on his knees. in the second clip he’s kneeling next to claudia on the floor and lifting her upper body while louis’ back is still turned to them.
🎵 as long as a road 🎵
louis’ finger taps a spot on a map in the warzone.
🎵 as ugly as a toad 🎵
the vampire bruce cocking his head.
🎵 as pretty as a picture, hanging from a fixture 🎵
lestat’s portrait hangs on the wall in the théâtre’s green room in 2x02, jumpcut to it in flames in 2x08.
🎵 strong like a family 🎵
the de pointe du lac and frenière families pose for a portrait at grace’s wedding. the clip changes to the next with the camera’s flash going off.
🎵 strong as i wanna be 🎵
VO Madeleine: ”mais j'ai survécu.” (”but i survived” in french). shots of madeleine’s past, the trial by mob. extreme close-up of her crying face, the angry crowd surrounding her, her screaming while her hair is shorn. the segment ends with her throwing an iron through her shop window where a group of locals has just painted a swastika. sound effect of glass shattering.
🎵 bright as day, as light as play 🎵
madeleine’s vision of claudia as she’s turned. claudia in a yellow dress in madeleine’s shop, smiling to the camera—at madeleine—and turning to the mirror. the whole scene basks in warm, bright afternoon light.
🎵 as hard as nails 🎵
grace looks up at a slightly off-screen louis in 1x05, a hard, difficult look. they are at louis’ fake grave at night and grace is holding a funeral bouquet.
🎵 as grand as a whale 🎵
two clips after one another. first is louis being buried alive in 2x07, a silent scream as the rocks rush to cover his face. second one is his feet stepping onto the rocks in the penthouse’s sundial room. VO old daniel: ”where’s your coffin?”
(the music quiets and slows down slightly for the next line.)
🎵 as warm as the sun 🎵
close-up of claudia burning in the sun at the trial. she is turning into ash but still looks at an off-screen lestat.
🎵 as silly as fun 🎵
several clips in rapid succession. murder family laughing at a movie theatre, them dancing together—holding hands, claudia cheering riding the sidecar of a motorcycle in paris during the théâtre’s group hunting, armand smirking wearing malek’s glasses, vamp daniel’s tv interview, him laughing at the host.
🎵 as cool as a tree 🎵
real rashid steps slightly forward, hands clasped behind his back with a neutral expression.
🎵 as scary as the sea 🎵
two clips of armand in ’73. first his eyes shake as he slams daniel down with his powers in the background, then him turning slowly—eyes wide—to face daniel that’s sitting in front of him.
🎵 as hot as fire 🎵
three clips showing fire in the show. first: daciana throwing herself into the flames, second: armand’s fire gift, him looking at a flame in his hand, third: the théâtre’s fire starting behind louis as he looks into claudia’s mirror backstage. the mirror reads ”tweedily deedily dead”.
🎵 cold as ice 🎵
louis cuts off santiago’s head, louis smirking, looking down. VO: louis’ satisfied chuckle.
🎵 sweet as sugar and everything nice 🎵
VO louis and old daniel: ”would you like a sample?” ”i’m a savory man most days.” with first a clip of armand-as-rashid’s blissful expression as louis drinks from him at the dinner table in 1x05, then three clips of sweet treats: the strawberry dessert from 1x02 being set in front of daniel, daniel taking a bite of it, then young daniel sipping his grasshopper at mary’s. the clip ends with old daniel’s hand pushing his coffee cup forward, requesting a refill.
🎵 as old as time 🎵
armand stares at a painting depicting him in the louvre, eyes wide, brows slightly furrowed, head slightly turned.
🎵 as straight as a line 🎵
the recording on daniel’s laptop flatlining, him looking at armand, armand smiling warmly at him.
🎵 as royal as a queen 🎵
lestat basks in all his king raj mardi gras costume glory, he smiles widely up at the camera positioned above his head.
🎵 as buzzed as a bee 🎵
lestat on stage in 2x03, wiggling his shoulders, smiling playfully, flipping his coat tails up and bending over for the audience.
🎵 as stealth as a tiger 🎵
estelle and celeste spying on louis and claudia in paris.
🎵 smooth as a glider 🎵
armand floats up the louvre floors as louis and dreamstat take the stairs.
🎵 pure as a melody, pure as i wanna be 🎵
first, a shot of louis and paul dancing at grace’s wedding, smiling at each other. then, a close-up of paul sitting of the roof, turning to look at an off-screen louis as the screen slowly fades to black and another watermark appears. the voiceover is paul and louis’: ”i love you, louis.” ”i love you too, baby brother.”
/end video description]
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gomzdrawfr · 21 days ago
I want you to know I messed with my moots algorithm because of Ghonig.
A treat for causing this.
hell yeah, Imma look at yo blog to rb any ghonig stuff too after breakfast
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resident-rats · 26 days ago
Started my tablets again after months of not, hoping that writing would become easier and all they’ve done is make me sleep
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gobbluthbutagirl · 6 months ago
the thing about being a chronic insomniac and also the world’s lightest sleeper and staying in a thin-walled house with a bunch of other people. You don’t fall asleep until everybody stops making noise at night. And then you wake up the moment somebody makes a noise in the morning. and if this continues long enough something happens in your brain that the critics are saying is “not good”
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months ago
sigh okay. we got to a 5am wakeup instead of 4am (because of the nap capping? no idea). he was really having a hard time settling so I finally offered him an ounce of formula to see if he was hungry. he drank it happily (point in favor of being hungry?) but also didn’t protest when I took the rest of the bottle away (point in favor of not being that hungry, as he will SCREAM if you remove the bottle before he’s done). I am reasonably sure he is getting enough calories during the day to sleep through the night, as he used to do that just fine with the swaddle, so I wonder if food was just an effective soothing mechanism to help him get drowsy enough to sleep again. also when I go in there at 4-5am he is shrieking with his eyes totally closed lol you would think he was asleep if he wasn’t emitting ear-piercing howls. what does it all mean. babies are a mystery!!!!!
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judyalvqrez · 14 days ago
I’m still trying to recuperate from having to work until 8pm on Monday, so I took a quick nap when I came home from work today to recharge… LOL just kidding, I accidentally took a 4.5 hour nap and now I’m disoriented af, hungry since I missed dinner, and dreading how much I just fucked up my sleeping schedule 🥴
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umemiyan · 20 days ago
gonna try to go to sleep slightly earlier tonight and see if i can eventually shift my whole schedule back just a tiny bit. everyone start placing your bets now on whether or not i actually succeed 💵
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graveyard-tales · 2 years ago
Jason was drugged. So very drugged. Bruce could think of a handful of drugs but it was dangerous to speculate until he sees some blood work. Blood work that they’ll hopefully be able to get started as soon as they enter the cave. Until he found out Jason was in the clear, either the drug running out of his system of Bruce driving it out himself, Jason was completely out of it. 
Whatever Jason was dosed with hit him hard. Fast enough that he hadn’t made it home but just slow enough that he was able wedged himself between a wall and an air unit on the roof just blocks where his fight took place. How Jason was drugged was yet to be determined. His helmet was missing, lost in the fray or caught without it on, Bruce didn’t know. But he couldn’t rule out injections regardless, it just meant a gas was plausible. 
Jason hadn’t been much help in getting answers but he didn’t fight being pulled into the Batmobile. A slightly daunting process as Bruce had to practically carry Jason off the roof to do so. This quiet and malleable demeanor was so unlike the brash, sharp and frustratingly stubborn man that made up Bruce’s son. Jason didn’t like to be coddled, he acted like he was above the need for intimate gestures. Letting Bruce help take his weight to safely was a hard pass on a good day. So Bruce was reasonably caught off guard not only by the miniscule resistance but what happened before Bruce even had the chance to start the car. 
As soon as Bruce was settled in his seat, after buckling Jason in, Bruce froze. Jason had leaned over, resting his head onto Bruce’s shoulder. In a manner that almost seemed intentional. Jason sighed and relaxed his weight against Bruce. 
“I was a good robin.”
It was so soft and bordering incoherent but it shot through Bruce’s brain like Jason fired it from his gun. He swallowed and held a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel. A hundred thoughts and old pains ran through him. He let himself remain in the moment, to stew in the thoughts before he sighed deeply out his nose and relaxed his grip. Slowly, trying not to jostle Jason too much, Bruce brought his arm around him and ran his fingers through Jason’s sweaty hair. 
“Yes, you were.”
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goldensunset · 1 year ago
Saw a glimpse of your post and thought it said “lactose time! how nice”
i see you’re just as exhaustion-illiterate as i am
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year ago
i'm an evermore girly too hello<3 whats ur top 3 tracks from evermore:)
oh hello welcome! evermore, rwylm, and a tie between cowboy like me and ttds
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hopkei · 11 months ago
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Random Fanta photos (21/?)
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peapod20001 · 1 year ago
Bestie....... its 1am, you need to go to sleep.......
AH. Yea, perhaps...
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marblerose-rue · 2 years ago
hii does anyone have any tips on helping a kitten wind down for the night?
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kuiinncedes · 2 years ago
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