#california writers club
the-horizontal-poet · 5 months
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Come join members of California Writers Club - Berkeley on Saturday, June 15, 2-4 PM, for a group book launch at Books on B, 1014 B Street, Hayward, CA 94541. Authors will read Every Man, Woman and Child + Every Living Soul by Kristen Caven; Pirates of Sausalito by John Byrne Barry; The Cosmos is Alive by Keith Gaboury; The Bridge on Beer River by Terry Tierney; Diminished, Resolving to Major by Bob Haus; and Ghosts and Oceans by Jan Steckel.
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teambyler · 2 months
Churchgate update: the vines suggest the church is a sanctuary and the theme of forbidden gay love (aka Byler) is likelier than ever
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(This and other pics shared by will80sbyers)
For those who don't know, ChurchGate is a theory of how a hugely significant development in Mike and Will's romantic arc might happen in a CHURCH, that intersects with the show's theme of love vs. hate and religious fundamentalism. That hype has intensified recently as it appears Noah and Finn will film a scene alone in the church this month(!)
I'll just add to all this by pointing out how significant it is that the shots of the exterior of the church seem to show that the church is keeping out the vines and therefore is being used as a SANCTUARY from the Upside Down. (Either in the UD itself, or perhaps the UD has spilled into Hawkins.)
Historically, churches have been not only instruments of the status quo, but also refuges for people fleeing persecution. They once were places the government could not enter, and while that is no longer true they still have much of that significance. In the modern era, the Catholic Church worked to protect Jews fleeing the Nazis, and houses of worship of many faiths have served as sanctuaries for draft resisters and immigrants.
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The idea of seeking refuge in a church might drive Mike and Will to run to this church in the first place. The writers could have chosen so many other places, but they chose a CHURCH. The idea of MIKE AND WILL needing refuge in a church HUGELY suggests that their potential romantic pairing -- which Christian doctrine simultaneously says is immoral but churches have a history of sheltering the persecuted -- will be a focus of this scene.
Their taking refuge in a church takes on a note of irony, obviously for Will, who the show has established for the GA is in love with Mike. ST has established the themes of homophobia in this 80s small town, and fundamentalist hysteria against the Hellfire Club blaming them for the murders and the gates opening at the end of s4.
But Bylers know it is also significant for Mike. Plus, remember that s4 opened with the song California Dreamin' as Mike read El's letter. It has the following lyric:
Stopped into a church I passed along the way Well, I got down on my knees And I pretend to pray
Mike and El were both seeking refuge from the cold in a traditional church (their relationship), presenting false sunny "normal" versions of themselves to each other.
If s5 opens with Mike realizing the Painting Lie and staying in the closet, running into the church takes on significance with Mike. His church surroundings would dramatize that he has an internal conflict as well as dealing with the external threat of the Upside Down outside.
All this is to say: in a show where a theme has been that love can conquer hate, Mike and Will's scene of seeking refuge in a church strongly suggests that they (and their likely relationship) are central to defeating not only the UD, but also the forces of homophobia and fundamentalist hysteria in Hawkins. Mike and Will might actually transform the church (literally and thematically) in s5 -- which has both a tradition of oppressing LGBT+ people AND a tradition of promoting love and compassion and sheltering the downtrodden -- through their own actions. (Btw I have my own theory of how their love confession happens, possibly in the church, for those interested.)
This is just further confirmation that the final shot of s4 really DOES foreshadow the central role that Mike and Will will play in s5, where even the ONE FLASH of lightning (which resembles vines) is aimed at Mike and Will:
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
Pairing: Tyrone x Black!Shy!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, multiple uses of the n-word, pet names. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Smut, PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (fem receiving), cum play, possession kink, size kink, all consensual. Mentions of drug use and drinking.
Summary: You are so painfully shy, it hurts even you. But at a kickback at Tyrone's house, he sits next to you and promises you all kinds of dirty fun.
Word Count: 4,419k
A/N: This was my first ever request for a fic and I loved it! I had way too much fun writing this. I need to go hose off or something because WHEW! I am zooted and feral, so thank you @planetblaque for your support and this request! Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers!
Taglist: @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @wakandas-vibranium @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs
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It was a typical Friday night. Your friend had dragged you to hang with Tyrone and the crew per her usual. She was trying to get you to loosen up and hang out, but you didn’t know these people. You ran in the same circles and occasionally saw them at the club or around the corner. But you’d stand there awkwardly while your friend did all the talking. 
You’d probably trip over your words anyway. Tyrone was so fine. He moved like he owned the world. Even with a slow gait, he walked like you couldn’t tell him shit. He was low key, he didn’t talk much, but it was clear that he had an energy that drew people in. 
He was nice enough to say hi and try to include you in the main conversation, but you’d just smile and nod along. Every time he came near or passed by you, it robbed you of your senses. He smelled clean like soap and your mouth would go dry whenever he’d smile big and wide. Those times were rare, but when it happened, your heart would stop. 
This particular night, it seemed like everyone had paired up. There was a good mix of men and women chilling in Tyrone’s living room. The California sun cast rays of orange and pink through the blinds. Some movie you didn’t hear the name of played on the TV. Music flowed and there was heavy smoke in the air. 
“You smoke?” Tyrone had walked into the room and sat beside you. Your heart started thumping in your chest. You twisted your fingers and shook your head. You couldn’t look at him. He was like one of those statues that were so beautiful and lifelike, it hurt to look too long. 
“You don’t say much,” he said. He stared at you while he took a hit off of a joint. He turned his head the other way to blow it out, but the room was so permeated with it, it hit you anyway. You didn’t mind it much, it had a weird smell. But you were used to your friend smoking while ya’ll hung out. 
“I never know what to say,” you said. 
“How ‘bout why you don’t smoke?” He asked. He licked his lips and your eyes dropped to his lips. You wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Not that you’d ever really find out. He probably liked girls that were like your friend. Loud, confident, small. You had some meat on your bones. It wasn’t a bad thing, but guys like Tyrone went for the girls they could toss around the room. He’d probably hurt his back trying to lift you. 
You shrugged and studied your fingers. “Never seemed like something I’d be into,” you said. 
“No pressure, but you wanna play a game with me?” He asked. He hit the joint one more time and passed it on.
You blinked at him to see if he was playing some kind of joke on you. But he looked at you, dead serious, until you nodded. 
“Aight. For tonight, keep an open mind.”
You didn’t know what he was talking about, but you wanted to. Your heart was working overtime in your chest, making your hands shake and making you stutter. You didn’t trust your voice, but you wanted to stop being a coward. You nodded. He smiled slowly, letting you see all of his teeth. 
“Besides smoking, have you drank before?” 
“I’m not a prude,” you said. 
He laughed and held up his hands. “Aight, damn. My bad,” he said. “I get you a drink, will you talk to me some more?” 
“Yes,” you said and rolled your eyes. People always teased you about being quiet. But it always felt like you were one step behind everyone else. It was easier to sit back and just absorb the vibe than try to chime in with some useless comment. 
“Good girl,” Tyrone said and got up once more.
Your mouth dropped open. You gaped at him as he walked off to the kitchen. He didn’t look back at you. But that comment sent a shiver down your spine. He returned with two red cups in his hand and he handed one to you.
You shook the amber brown liquid and looked at him. “Henny?” You asked.
He nodded and watched you. You took a sip and then another one, letting the sweet burn coat your tongue. You swallowed it down and tried not to make a face.
“Not usually your thing?” 
“Not usually,” you said. 
Tyrone smiled and scooted closer to you until your thighs were pressed together. You wore shorts and a hoodie, so your bare thigh rubbed against his cargo shorts. He touched your knee and your leg jumped.
“You real tense for someone that’s supposed to be enjoying the party,” he said. He moved an index finger around your knee and you slowly relaxed. 
“I am enjoying the party.” You smiled at him and sipped some more Henny. Maybe the alcohol would make you cooler or sexier. You knew you were beautiful and any guy would be lucky and the blah blah blah. But there was a difference between being beautiful and being sexy. Wanted. Desired. 
Tyrone talked to you more, claiming he wanted to know more about you. You told him about your job, a little bit about your family. You learned that he only had a mom. His little brother was killed when he was younger and from the pain in his voice, you knew that that pain would never go away.
On to happier topics, you discussed your favorite movies, songs, and groups. He laughed when you said you preferred Tupac to NWA. He thought you were crazy. Adorable, but crazy. But he wanted to know more about you and wanted you to open up. He asked you why you were so stiff.
“I’on know, it’s just hard to relax. I got anxiety and shit,” you said. He laughed. His laugh was throaty and deep and he shook his head. 
“You too cute to have anxiety,” he said.
“One ain’t got nothin’ to do with the other!” 
“I can make you relax,” he said. Humor danced in his eyes, but there was nothing funny on his face. He stared at you and you saw his eyes wander all over you. 
“How?” Your voice was small in the din of the room. Music still thumped and the room had thinned out as people started to pair off and find a flat surface somewhere. You had lost track of your friend and her boyfriend, one of Tyrone’s friends. 
Moaning to your left caught your attention. A couple was standing near the kitchen making out but they may as well have been the only people in the room. The girl was small, high ponytail, and glossy lips and she was climbing all over her much taller date/boyfriend. Your cheeks burned as you looked away.
“You got a nigga I need to worry about?” He asked.
“No. You got a girl I need to worry about?” You asked. 
He smirked but he didn’t answer you. He leaned down and kissed your cheek. “You still down to play our game?”
You nodded. He raised his hand and stroked your chin before making you meet his eyes. “Let’s go to my room then. I can help you relax,” he said.
You smiled and wanted to look away but he held your chin and made you look at him. “Um, I don’t know about that,” you said. 
“Why not?” 
“We don’t really know each other like that,” you said. 
He kissed you. His lips were warm and you tasted Hennessy and weed on his tongue as it stroked yours. He suckled your lips with his and you moaned softly in the back of your throat. Fuck, he kissed really well. The type of kiss where you couldn’t sit still. The kind that made you want to crawl under his skin and live there. The kind that made your toes curl and your pussy get damp.
He pulled back and licked your lips one last time. “We can get to know each other,” he said.
“By getting in between my thighs?” You weren’t stupid. You knew what he was asking for. 
“Shit, if you let me,” he said and grinned. 
“Why me?” You asked. He was so fine that he could have any girl he wanted. He could crook his finger at anyone in the room and they would come crawling over to him, ready to please him. 
“‘Cause you fine as hell. And you got me hurtin’ over here,” he said. He grabbed your hand and placed it over his dick. It hardened as he rubbed your hand over him. He was big, huge, gigantic. You’d seen and touched dicks before, but this was like the Sistine Chapel or some shit. The Mona Lisa. This was the end all and be all of dicks.
Panic must’ve shone on your face because Tyrone chuckled and kissed you again, rendering you stupid. “We’ll go slow. Just the tip,” he said. 
You laughed. “You don’t believe that shit,” you said.
He grinned. “For you? I’d take my time,” he said. 
You looked at him as he continued to rub his dick with your hand. Everything in you was screaming to run away and go home. What if you were bad in bed? What if you did something wrong? What if you couldn’t get him off? 
The questions tumbled inside of your head, taking you out of the moment. You looked down at your hand and stopped moving it. 
“Don’t give me no bullshit. I see you want this dick,” he said.
You sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes. “I wasn’t gonna give you bullshit,” you told him. You a damn lie, but he didn’t have to know that. 
“Just say yes. Let me help you unwind,” he said. 
You didn’t say anything as he stood up and pulled you to your feet. You didn’t say anything as he led you down the dark, quiet hallway towards his room. He opened the door for you and you walked in and sat on his bed.
His room was clean for a boy. He still had stuff thrown around but at least it smelled good in here and there were no empty dishes or wrappers. You hated dealing with messy people like that.
Tyrone closed the door and your heart was back to thumping. Tyrone sat next to you but didn’t do anything. You looked at him, wondering if he was waiting for you to make the next move. This was why you didn’t do shit like this. You didn’t know the rules or how everything was supposed to go down.
“You a virgin?” He asked.
You laughed, not expecting that question. “No!” 
“What you actin’ shy for then? Give me a kiss,” he said. 
You scooted closer and pecked him on the lips. He sucked his teeth and smirked. 
“Don’t give me that weak shit,” he said.
You sighed but leaned in again to kiss him. You weren’t always good with words. But this you could do. You had been crushing on him for a while anyway. And by some miracle, he at least wanted to fuck you too. 
When you pulled back, you blinked up at him and he grinned. “Good to keep going?” 
You nodded. Tyrone went back to kissing you and for a while, he was content to do just that. There was nothing hurried about it. He kissed like he did everything else. In his own time. The more you kissed, the more that you were scooting closer and rocking back and forth trying to get some relief. 
Tyrone huffed a laugh against your lips and pulled back to start kissing your cheek and jaw. “You ever let a nigga eat you out?” He asked. 
“No.” Your voice was breathy as he found a ticklish spot on your neck. You curled against him and he laughed. He pulled your hoodie off and laughed at your fandom t-shirt.
“You like that goofy shit?” He asked.
“The fandom sucks, but yeah. It’s good,” you said. 
He shook his head. “I ain’t never seen it. Maybe we can watch it together,” he said. He went back to kissing your neck as you thought over what he said. He wanted to watch the movie with you. As in…he wanted to see you again after this? 
Well…wait till your friend heard about this shit. She thought your crush on Tyrone was adorable. You didn’t want to be adorable.
You broke the kiss and took off your shirt, leaving you in your bra and shorts. Tyrone raised his eyebrows and took in the burnished orange of your bra. It was a little risqué, with lace for the cups and it barely covered your nipple. 
“Not such a good girl. What you doin’ wearing this?” He asked. He kissed a hot trail down your jaw and to the top of your breasts. He nibbled on one and you squirmed underneath him. 
“I like it,” you told him. 
“Mhm, I like that shit too,” he said. He pushed you onto your back and then stood up. You watched as he got rid of his own black t-shirt and kicked off his shoes and socks. He was a big boy, stocky, solid. You took in his chest and body and nearly salivated. 
He moved closer, forcing your legs apart and you gasped. He chuckled darkly and started to remove your shorts. “I like this color on you,” he said. 
Your panties matched your bra and he stood for a moment taking in your body. You crossed your arms, feeling self conscious. You were about to ask that you do this with the lights off. But Tyrone kneeled down and kissed your forearms, your hands, and your fingers.
“Don’t hide from me. I wanna see everything,” he said. He peeled your arms from over your chest and placed them on the sides of your body. You forced yourself to keep them there as he kissed along your tummy, your sides, your breasts. 
He was slow and methodical with it. He never kissed the same area twice. He was showering your body with kisses and it only made you tingle. It made your hunger for him grow like a living thing inside of you. You shook even though the room was stuffy. 
“How long has it been?” He asked against your skin. Wherever he kissed, he brought his hands up to massage you. He started with your thighs, kneading through the fleshy bits and his thumbs inched higher to where you wanted him. But he stopped just short of reaching your pussy and he worked his way down, towards your knees.
“A long while. Guys don’t really check for the big nerds,” you said. You weren’t bitter about it. It was a sad fact of life. And you didn’t want no ashy nerd anyway. 
“That’s not true. We think ya’ll too good for us,” he said. You laughed and shook your head. You brought your hands up to your face. 
Why was this shit so embarrassing? You were grown. You knew your worth. But in the back of your mind, you kept thinking that this was a set up. Any minute now, he was gonna take a picture or video and share it to social media and you were going to be laughed at forever. But that was irrational. You knew it was irrational. 
“Move yo fuckin’ hands,” he said. 
You lowered them and stared at him and his little tone. “Stop all that hiding shit.” 
You blew out a breath. “It’s a habit,” you said.
“Yeah, well the shit stops tonight. Feel me?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, damn.” 
Tyrone stood up and leaned over you. His fists were on either side of your head and you suddenly felt small compared to the size of him. “I’ma break you of that shit.” This close, his deep voice was amplified in the small room. 
You were breathing too rapidly to ask more questions or what he was talking about. You had an idea but you couldn’t think past the look in his eyes. His eyes were narrow and though his lights were on, his eyes were two dark pools. You were drowning in them and you didn’t want to be saved.
He kissed you, chasing away any more thoughts. Then he kissed down your chest and belly again before planting his big nose against your sex and inhaling. “Fuck, you smell good,” he said. “Bet you taste good too.” 
He stripped you of your panties and then blew a breath across your wet pussy. You jerked, back to being nervous. He didn’t say anything. He just ran his big tongue from your pussy to your clit. You gasped and ended on a moan as he did it a few more times. 
“Fuhh,” you moaned. Had you known that getting eaten out felt this good, you would have done it a long time ago. 
Tyrone gripped your thighs and hooked his arms around them. Then he latched onto your clit and started to devour you. He licked, sucked, and swirled his tongue around your clit. You jerked and tried to scoot away, but he held onto your thighs and wouldn’t let you get away. 
You were soaking wet and his tongue only added to it. Your wetness and his spit dribbled down your ass cheeks and onto the bed. You were mildly embarrassed by that but he continued to eat you out and your embarrassment had its limits. Your concerns melted away as he licked and sucked away. 
“Goddamn, you taste so fuckin’ good,” he said. He dived back into eating you out. He licked around your pussy and you started to stutter. “Oh, shit, wait,” you managed to squeak out. There was a pressure building low inside of you. 
You had an orgasm before but it had been so long. Your breaths were little bursts of air in the room. You gripped onto his forearms and held on. 
“I can’t…” you said. You wanted to move away and then orgasm. This seemed too intense, too big to do with his face in between your thighs. As if you were going to climax and burst into stardust.
“Mhm, let me taste it while you cum,” he said. His warm breath fanned over your pussy, drawing out another moan. 
“Ty–” His lips descended on your pussy and started to flick your clit with his tongue. You cursed as the orgasm finally, blessedly tore through you. Your thighs twitched and you moved to close them, but Tyrone still held them rigid. He kept eating you out as your arousal pooled out of you. 
When you were done with it, Tyrone kissed your thighs leaving wet spots behind. The bed under you was damp and starting to cool already. The bed dipped as Tyrone stood up and looked down at you with a satisfied grin.
“Felt good huh?” 
You nodded and caught your breath. “Don’t get a big head,” you warned him. He waved you off as he undid his shorts and slipped it and his underwear off. His thick cock bobbed as it was set free and it was already leaking precum. A drop fell from the tip and disappeared. 
You licked your lips as you watched. You wanted to taste him too. You wanted to suck him off and have him screaming your name. Have him moaning and throwing his head back. Your pussy contracted just thinking of making him feel just as good. 
Tyrone stroked himself and chuckled. “As much as I want that sexy ass mouth on me, I wanna feel you cum on this dick,” he said. 
He helped you sit up in bed and out of the giant wet spot you left behind. You stared at the dark spot against his blue sheets. You couldn't believe that all of that came from you. He pried your legs open and settled in between them. He positioned you how he wanted but also so that you were comfortable.
You had a big ass and that meant that you couldn’t lay down in the bed like others could. Your back was always lifted off of the mattress in some kind of way. He pushed a pillow under your back without you even having to say something. 
He slapped his dick against your pussy. The wet slap was lewd and obscene. You brought your hands up to hide your face, but Tyrone grabbed your wrists and planted them against the bed. He kissed you until you melted under him once more. 
When he was sure that you weren’t going to try and hide again, he moved his hand from your wrist. He lifted one of your legs and pushed it back until it was only slightly uncomfortable. 
He poked you with his dick and you moved your hips, trying to line him up to enter you. He watched you struggle and grinned when you grew frustrated. He licked his thumb and started to play with your clit. 
You stopped trying to get him inside you and relaxed into the pillows. “Oh, shit,” you said. He lined up his dick with your entrance and pushed in. Your hand flew to his stomach to stop him. 
“Slow, remember? Slow,” you said. He was huge and it’d been a while for you, so as he pushed in, the slight burn only made you nervous. 
“You gotta let me work it in, baby,” he said. 
You nodded. He was right. You had to let him in but fuck. He was so big and you weren’t sure he was gonna fit. That had to be a thing right? Not being able to fit. 
He only drew big circles around your clit and waited for you to stop tensing. He worked his hips back and forth trying to get inside of you. He pushed in a little more every time. He slipped on your wetness and went further, faster, and you bucked off of the bed with a silent scream. Your mouth had dropped open.
Tyrone moaned and rolled his head back towards the ceiling. “Goddamn. You so fuckin’ tight,” he whispered. 
“Slow, slow!” Your brain was a real one, because it forced you to breathe when all you wanted to do was die. Tyrone stretched you out, further than you thought possible. You slapped at his stomach, arms, hands, as air returned to your lungs.
Tyrone only smirked down at your weak hits. “I gotta move, baby.” He slid out and back inside and you shrieked with pleasure. Your little squeals and moans were making Tyrone go faster. As if he had something to prove. 
“Squeezin’ the shit outta my dick. Fuck. This my fuckin’ pussy.” His words were low and skipped over your nerve endings like a live wire. “This my fuckin’ pussy. It belong to me.”
You convulsed and contracted on his dick at his words. He felt it and groaned. “Yeah, that’s right. My fuckin’ pussy.” 
Sweat dripped down from the crown of his head down his face. It slid down his neck and you licked your lips. You wanted to taste him. You sighed and tried to swallow your moans. You didn’t want to be too loud. 
Tyrone switched up his angle, pushing your leg a little further back and a shrill moan escaped you. You bit your lip and Tyrone leaned down to kiss you. “Let me hear you, baby. Be good for me,” he said.
You nodded and let your moans fly. Fuck it. He felt so damn good inside of you. Like he was made to be there. Your wetness made him slip in and out easily now. He moved his hand from your leg and pulled down the cups of your bra so that you were exposed to him.
He sucked on your titties and continued to pound inside of you. “Fuck, Tyrone. Fuck. Wait,” you said. The duel sensations were too much for you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and held on. Your hands played with his neck. You kissed his cheek and got sweat all over you. You licked your lips and licked the saltiness of him. 
“Fuck, Tyrone.” 
“I can’t fuckin’ wait. You feel too fuckin’ good. Where the fuck you been hiding this shit?” He asked. 
He licked your neck, probably tasting your salty sweat as well. He bit down on your neck and you jerked. Your orgasm was swift and without mercy. You clamped down on his dick and he growled in your ear. 
“Muthafucka,” he said. His voice was muffled in your neck. He stroked two more times before climaxing and releasing a fat load into you. You felt it fill you up. You should have been nervous about having sex without a condom. But you just wanted more. You hugged him to you as if you could mold yourself to him.
You moaned loudly, filling up the space with the sound of your voice. You didn’t worry for once. You didn’t worry about how you sounded or if you were doing it right. You didn’t worry about what he must be thinking. It was just your combined pleasure and the feeling of him buried deep inside of you. 
His skin was on your skin. His hands were wrapped under you, squeezing your ass. Your nipples rubbed against his chest. Your nails dug into his back. It smelled like sex and his unique manliness. 
He leaned up on one elbow so he wasn’t crushing you. He kissed you, slow and methodical like before. Like you were precious. Like he wanted to savor every once of your kisses like a chef at a new restaurant. 
“Whose fuckin’ pussy is this?” He asked.
“Mine,” you said, feeling wicked and naughty. 
He pushed into you, still rock hard and you gasped. “Fuck,” you moaned.
“I’m still fuckin’ full. I’ma keep going until you know whose pussy this is,” 
You grinned evilly and kissed him. “I said it’s mine,” you said. 
He chuckled and ran his tongue over your nipple. He started to move inside of you. His cum squelched as he started to fuck you again. He slid in and out even more easily and you took deep breaths. 
“Naw. This shit belong to me.”
The Secret Tyrone Files (if you want to check out more!
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buckbuckbarnesstuff · 2 months
Completed Series - part ll
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Get yourself a snack, enjoy the second part of these wonderful series and leave some love for the creative writers :)
♤ - includes sexual themes
Summer Plans @notimetoblog
Modern!Bucky x reader
Summary: Planning a trip with Bucky takes a turn when someone new comes into his life. Will it all change or can you still manage to have the perfect summer you planned? 
{personal comment: Such a wholesome series, Bucky is an oblivious idiot at times but I love him}
Not happening @notimetoblog
Modern!Bucky x reader
Summary: An online dating site clearly makes a mistake when it matches you with the one person you cannot stand. 
{personal comment: I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers and this was endearing. I love how they started building a connection}
Mess is mine @scrumptious-delusion ♤
Boxer!Bucky x reader
Summary: As a date night surprise, your boyfriend takes you to a boxing match. Little does he know, one of the competitors is responsible for breaking your heart five years ago and an accidental encounter is about to send your whole world spinning.
{personal comment: This is a rollercoster of emotions and I loved every second of it. I felt so nostalgic throughout and everything hit me so deeply, it’s beautifully written}
Call me Baby @cherryrogers ♤
Biker!Bucky x reader
Summary: Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
{personal comment: I love every singe character and how they are portrayed. Bucky is such a shameless flirt and it has me running up a wall}
Follow My Lead @ciarawritesmarvel
Avenger!Bucky x Café owner!Reader
Summary: You and your new friend Wanda are enjoying a day together at the Avengers Tower, her giving you a tour around the place when you both run into the infamous Bucky Barnes. Moments later, he’s introducing you to Sam as his girlfriend and placing a kiss on your temple and you’re not sure you’ve ever been so confused in your life.
{personal comment: This started out so funny and endearing and turned out so sweet}
Bad Reputation @likeahorribledream ♤
Biker!Bucky x reader
Summary: A bad break-up pushes you to move to a small town in California where you meet Natasha who offers you a job. You work alongside the men from the 107th motorcycle clubs who all welcome you with open arms. Amongst them there's a certain brunette who everyone warns you to stay away from, but as you’ll soon find out; it’s a lot harder to do than it seems.
{personal comment: Took me a while to read it all but I'm amazed at this whole thing and the effort that surely went in it. I love the relatable ups and downs of their relationship and the way they handled things}
Right Under My Nose @bucky-at-bedtime
Best friend!Bucky x Reader
Summary: When you lie to your mum about having a date to your brother’s wedding, things spiral swiftly and ridiculously. Suddenly, your thrust into fake-dating your best friend, and everything begins to change.
{personal comment: I'm so into fake dating and this really satisfied me. Lovely concept and I enjoyed the writing style}
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munson-mjstan · 1 year
Here's a request for you, my dear! Reader writes for the school paper and is assigned an article highlighting different school clubs. She tries to interview Eddie about Hellfire, but he just assumes she's going to mock/tease him about being a "freak who likes to play fantasy games" and is really short with her. It hurts her feelings, and when someone (Dustin? Lucas? Mike?) points out what an asshole he was, he tries to make it right.
I can't wait to read it!
xoxoxo @munson-blurbs 💚
Thank you bug! @munson-blurbs
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, language, and fluff by the end
Minors D.N.I 18+
Wc: 2.9k
"Gotta go, I'm hungry, see you later!" Dustin departs but not before hugging you which you returned.
Trekking in the bustling hallway of your school, your peers making their way to their next classes. Upon entering the paper editing room you're met with Nancy, who had just turned to face whomever walked in, "Good morning!" she greeted you sporting a familiar grin.
"Another article set up for me? Geez, have you ever taken a break?" you joked with her, you had worked with Nancy for some time, and known her even longer, you used to help babysit her brother and his friends when they were younger. Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will who had moved to California liked you and thought you were kind and warm.
Walking toward Nancy she answers, "A writer's job is never done, and yes, I have one in mind."
"What club is this? Between you and I, we've already interviewed all of them," you were confused, was there a new club you weren't familiar with?
"Hellfire," she shrugs, "I know I haven't interviewed the head honcho, Eddie Munson. Have you?"
"No, I haven't.." you shook your head and your voice got quiet, you'd forgotten about Hellfire. You don't know how you did, Eddie is infamous in Hawkins High. His wild antics in class, the cafeteria, and even the library were well known. You weren't going to lie to yourself, his personality had intimidated you.
He wasn't unkind to you, you both had exchanged polite smiles several times passing each other in the hallway on another monotonous day of school, "W-what time do I head over?" you ask Nancy, your voice apprehensive.
Giving you a sympathetic smile she responds, "Relax, it'll be fine, you got this!" Nancy encourages you, the energy radiating off her physique, "Find Mike, Dustin, or Lucas, and they'll tell you. According to rumors, take this with a grain of salt, they're a Satanic Cult." she rolled her eyes, "The shit people come up with is ridiculous, Mike is in Hellfire, it's just a Dungeons and Dragons club."
You agreed wholeheartedly, "Leave it to a bored small town to come up with something like that when it's just a game," familiar with D&D during your time babysitting Mike the game fascinated you, "so do you have some sort of plan? What do you want me to ask?" Attempting to divert your rising anxiety you focus your brain on the task at hand.
"Ask how he formed Hellfire, what gave him the idea, what makes it different from the other clubs. Come on, you've done this before, what's got you so anxious?"
Sighing in defeat, your gaze falls to the floor beneath your feet, "That obvious, huh?"
"It's not like you hide it well," she remarks with a smirk, your shoulders slump.
"I'm hopeless," you lament with a hint of playfulness.
"You're fine the way you are," she reassures you kindly.
Gathering your notebook and pencil you give Nancy a reluctant grin, "I got this,"
Nancy lights up at your words, "Great!" she pats your forearm, "Everyone's headed to lunch, you might catch Mike or someone from Hellfire on the way. Good luck!"
"Thanks, Nance," just like that she takes off, Fred Benson following suit.
Soon after you're out the door. Scanning carefully among the crowds of students you spot a familiar figure wearing a "Thinking cap" ball cap on his head. Zig-zagging your way through the crowd, your hand makes contact with the figure's shoulder, "Dustin!" you beam.
"Hey!" he turns to face you and gives you a big hug, "How have you been?"
"Oh, you know, getting through school," you shrug, "writing for the Hawkins paper," both of you move out of the way of the other students.
"How's that going?" Dustin asks, his grin not leaving his face.
"I need to interview Eddie for Hellfire, frankly I'm a little nervous,"
"That's great! We're gonna be famous!" he exclaims joyfully.
"I wouldn't go that far." you can't help but laugh at his vitality, scratching the back of your neck sheepishly, "What time do you start Hellfire?"
"After school. We usually try to wrap things up by 8:30 depending on what we're doing,"
"I-is Eddie nice?" your insecurities are rising and it's evident in your voice.
"Eddie is the best!" Dustin's grin gets wider, "He took Mike and me in when we were trying to find our place in Hawkins High! He's a great storyteller and world-builder! He even creates voices for the characters!" Dustin's admiration for Eddie seems to increase with every word that leaves his mouth, his eyes shining with respect, "The interview will go great!" Dustin's voice is the epitome of confidence.
Leaning against the wall a breath you didn't know you were holding in deflates out of your lungs like a balloon, taking your anxiety and insecurities out with it, "Thanks, Dusty, I needed that," you say with a smile, gratitude sparkling in your eyes.
"Anything for my favorite babysitter!" he playfully boops your nose.
You giggle, "You think it would be best if I wait until after Hellfire is over before I talk to him?"
"He'll be in a good mood. Post-campaign euphoria, y'know?"
Thinking back to the times the boys had finished a campaign, the victorious cries were heard from Nancys' basement, their energy infectious and journeying throughout the home, "I remember," you grin.
The drama class door swung open, and congratulatory cheers can be heard from the confines. Mike is the first to emerge, sporting a grin that seemed to split his countenance. His dark eyes meet yours, "We won!" he addresses you with exuberance walking over to you.
"Congratulations!" The post-campaign euphoria affects you similarly; goosebumps erupt up your arms.
"I heard from Dustin, you gonna interview Eddie? Also how long were you waiting out here?" he asks, concern etched in his voice.
"Yes, and about ten minutes, not long at all, gave me time to calm my nerves,"
Mike seemed to relax slightly at your admission, "You're nervous?"
"Just a little, I'll deal," you shrug.
Dustin, Jeff, Gareth, Erica, and Gary exit the drama room. Dustin strolls over to Mike and you, "Did Mike tell you we gained a victory?"
"Eddies ready for you, head on in,"
"He informed me of your success, congratulations!" both of you high-fived, and you gave Mike one as well, not wanting to leave him out.
Dustin said.
Inhaling and exhaling a breath you say, "I'm ready,"
"We'll wait for you out here, right Mike?" Dustin faces his friend.
"Thanks, kids, you're awesome!" giving them a wink you head inside the drama classroom where the leader of Hellfire awaited you.
"Huh? Oh! Right, sure," Mike agrees.
Peering inside you see the infamous Eddie Munson, seated on his throne with an intense glare set on you.
Clearing your throat and wiping your hands on your high-waisted pencil skirt, "H-hello, how do you do," you introduce yourself in a voice that resembles a mouse.
"Eddie Munson." he snaps, his voice low and guarded.
"I'm here to interview you for the Hawkins High paper," informing him of your intentions you try your best to make your voice even and professional. Sitting down in the chair closest to him, you open your notepad and remove your pencil from your ear. Getting right down to business you ask him your first question, "What made you start Hellfire?"
"Wanted more people to play D&D with. Next question."
His short and malicious tone hit you right in the heart, the pain feeling like ice. Your breathing becomes unsteady as you write down Eddie's answer, "I-I see."
Feeling a lump form in your throat, you ask your next question, "How has," swallowing the lump in your throat, "Forming this club improved your academic performance?"
He let out a laugh that resembled a feral beast, "School sucks, it always has. Next question." More icy pain shoots up your body, stabbing your heart, and now your voice trembles writing down his answer once again,
"R-right?" letting out a weak chuckle, you agree with him.
You have one question left! You can do this!
Mentally cheering yourself on, you press forward.
"Cut the bullshit already." Once more he interrupts you, he seems to be in a rush to get to the bottom of the matter, the only issue is you have no idea what his problem is.
"W-what?" you stutter, blinking back tears forming, his harsh tone is like a viper biting into your flesh; the sting unrelenting.
"You're only here to make fun of the 'freak' the 'satan worshiper' AND the 'cult leader'!" he stood abruptly slamming his hand on the table, you flinch.
"I would never–"
You could only stand there frozen, stunned as his verbal assault resumed, "Well it's not going to work this time!
"I don't believe you! You're just like everyone else; judging without bothering to get to know them!" The snake's venom is seeping into your bloodstream along with the icy chill of his words. Frankly, you were taken aback, you'd no idea he thought this way about you, and you had no idea why this was hurting you so vastly.
His next words were the nail in the proverbial coffin, "You're nothing." he seethed, speaking through clenched teeth.
The venom swallowed you whole as the ice caught in your throat. Tears cascade down past your waterline like a faucet. Dropping your notepad and pencil absentmindedly you cast one last gaze into his face. His eyes were cold with malice and contempt. Making a quick turn you sprint toward the door, each step on the linoleum floor causes more ice to stab your heart.
He had called you "nothing", and you felt like it. Bringing your knees to your chest in an attempt to comfort yourself you bury your head in between your knees but it brings no solace to the void that was starting to consume you.
The door opened with a bang startling Dustin and Mike, "That was fa– Hey what happened?" Dustin noticed your tear-stained face but couldn't say anything further, you were already running down the hall with sobs escaping unbidden from your lips. With your vision fuzzy from the tears you can barely make out the sign for the girl's bathroom. Bursting inside you lean against the door sinking to the floor you weep.
Eddie remained in the drama room, cleaning up the rest of the D&D pieces, a proud grin formed on his face, "Showed her," he murmurs.
"Eddie, what the hell happened?" Dustin makes an appearance, followed closely by Mike.
Eddie scoffs, facing the boys, "I protected us is what I did."
"How?" Mike asks, incredulously, not being able to comprehend what their Dungeon Master was saying.
"She is going to use that article to spread the rumors that Hellfire is a Satan-worshiping cult!" he asserts, picking up your notepad from the floor and tossing it onto the table, "Henderson, dispose of that."
Dustin picks up your notepad and peers at your notes or lack thereof he sees your teardrops on the paper, "No," he says firmly.
Eddie looks at Dustin, surprised that he refused his request, "And why not?"
"Because she's NOT like that!" Mike pipes up, the first to defend your honor.
Dustin nods at his best friend, "Mike's right, she'd never do something like that."
"What are you two, her knights in shining armor?" Eddie spat, he couldn't believe both of his friends weren't backing him up on this. He was one hundred percent certain you'd come to bully him, he wasn't going to take any chances, it was his job to protect his flock.
"Eddie," Dustin pinched the bridge of his nose, "what did you say to her?"
Eddie shrugged, "I told her she was nothing,"
"You mother–"
"Mike!" Dustin stopped Mike from saying something he'll most likely regret, "Eddie," he let out an exasperated sigh "She's one of the kindest people we've ever met. She babysat us when we were younger," Dustin explains, his tone serious. He's determined to let Eddie know he screwed up, "She genuinely cares about us and Dungeons and Dragons,"
Eddie slumped down on his throne, "So what you're saying is," he paused, there had to have been some merit to what they were saying if both Mike and Dustin were coming to your aid, "I screwed up?" he finishes, the realization sinking into him like a large stone into a lake.
"YES!" Dustin and Mike say in unison, the former slamming your notepad in front of Eddie's side of the table.
Your tearful expression flashed unbidden in Eddie's mind's eye; the sinking realization had finally hit him in full force. Placing his face in his hands he says, "Dammit!" his voice muffled, how could he have gotten something so wrong? Guilty bubbled in his gut, along with the fear that you won't forgive him, "I have to apologize! Right now!" he stands up in a panic grabbing your notepad, and frantically paces the room, "Where is she?" he demands the boys.
Eddie sprinted out the door in a desperate search for you.
"We don't know!" Will speaks up, "I can only guess she ran to the girl's bathroom."
Sitting on the cold, semi-dirty floor your wailing had subsided to short sobs and hiccups. How could he think so lowly of someone he had barely spoken to? You'd never imagined he'd be so cruel, callous, and so certain that you'd have malicious intent with your interview. You had a genuine interest in Dungeons & Dragons, and while you most likely wouldn't be good at it the game itself fascinated you.
Standing up on wobbly feet you stroll to one of the sinks and peer at your face. Your eyes are puffy and swollen with tear tracks down your cheeks, "Dammit," muttering to yourself, you half-heartedly wash your face the best you can. Sighing as droplets of water fall from your complexion, "What am I going to tell Nancy?"
Drying your face on the sandpaper-like paper towels you're startled by the bathroom door opening, instinctually your eyes fly to the door, surprised by the mop of frenzied curls that enter your field of vision. His remorseful, ashamed, and guilt-ridden face froze you on the spot.
"What are you–?"
"I'm so sorry!" he says between pants, as though he ran a marathon to find you, "I was wrong!"
Your face morphed into one of confusion, "Wrong about what?"
"I was wrong for assuming you'd bully me. I was wrong for not giving you a fair chance. I was wrong for being so cold to you. I was wrong about everything," he took several steps toward you until he was in front of you, "I'm sorry for making you cry…that is what I'm most ashamed of," his voice breaks, that's how you know his apology is sincere.
His words are like a panacea on your body; the frozen venom disperses. Peering into his eyes you say words he hoped to hear, "I accept your apology, Eddie Munson."
"Thank. You. Christ!" his shoulders slump in relaxation, "Oh!" he hands you your notepad, "Here, I'm sorry again,"
Gazing at the item in Eddie's hands you smile, "Thank you! And I'll accept that second apology on one condition."
"Name it and it's done."
"Can we leave? This is the girl's bathroom."
"Oh, shit!" he'd forgotten where he was, peering around he comments, "So much cleaner than the boys,"
"Okay, out!" you laugh, pushing him gently toward the door. Once you both were outside you say playfully, "You're forgiven, again,"
Eddie chuckles, "Thanks,"
"So," you hesitate, "are we friends now?" unsure of where you stand, you ask for clarification.
"Hell yeah, we're friends!" he says with conviction and no uncertainty.
"Good! That's good!" you grin.
"I want you to interview me properly this time. But before that, what was your last question?"
"My last question?"
"The one you were going to ask me before I blew up at you."
Your eyes widened in realization, "Oh that one!"
You clear your throat, "Among the people in Hellfire, who do you admire and why?"
Eddie looked taken aback; his mind drew a blank. Did he admire someone in Hellfire? He was admired, yes but did he ever feel that way for someone else? "Uh," he pauses, not knowing what to say.
"It's okay, we can answer the previous questions. The next paper doesn't come out until next week, I just like getting my work done early," Sensing his difficulty answering your question, you decide to ease his mind and give him time to think it over.
"Thank you, I'll answer your other questions at Benny's, I owe you a milkshake, my treat. I hope you don't mind a small detour I need to drive Henderson and Wheeler home," he starts to head back in the direction of the drama club, a spring in his step and humming a tune you didn't recognize.
"They are pretty cool." he agrees.
"Of course, I don't mind. Those kiddos are the best!" walking next to him, you praise the boys.
Once again you stroll the busy school hallways the next day, and you hear your name called.
"Hey!" Eddie approached with his hands behind his back.
"Hi, morning!" you greet him with a grin.
"I have the answer to your question."
"Oh? That's great! Do I need my notepad for this?" you ask, slinging your backpack off your shoulder.
"No, no this will be quick. It's you," he declares with a smile, his eyes shining with sincerity.
Your jaw drops, and your mind reels. You hadn't expected this, "What? Me?" you point to yourself.
"Yes, you, my new friend," he gazes at you fondly.
"I'm not a part of Hellfire,"
"Welcome to Hellfire."
"Not yet you're not," his arms move from behind his back, and he unveils the infamous shirt he and the rest of the club sport.
Reblogs and comments are appreciated! 💗
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sparklepool101 · 4 months
I'm participating in @ficsforgaza!
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For information on how to participate as either a writer or reader please go here! The TL;DR, for every dollar you donate to a vetted fundraiser or charity, I will write 100 words for a request of your choosing! Here are their FAQs as well.
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How it works: Send me an ask either off anon or a dm here or on my twitter with proof (screenshot) of your donation along with your request. You can ask that you be kept anonymous, but I need to know who you are for verification purposes. Don't reuse screenshots. That's scummy and there is a system set up to check for this sort of thing, so make sure to remove sensitive information!
As stated above, I'm using the standard $1/100 words. I'll be capping my fics off at 2,000 words/$20 per donation, but remember, even the smallest donation helps <3
I also reserve the right to go over the word count per donated amount because sometimes the creative juices just start flowing.
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sponsor a wip: OPEN
Donate however much you want towards me finishing one of these fics! I'll even give you a shout out in the notes of the final product if you'd like.
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Untitled - OMORI Post-canon, Hero character study
After the confession, Hero has to take an afternoon to process what it all means. Luckily he has his brother at his side.
Estimated wc: 2,000
Donated wc: 0
Written wc 0/0
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Kissed on a Dare* - The Owl House Post-canon, Gustholomule centric
Gus and Mattholomule both attend a "house party" at Luz's invite along with some other friends. Things are going well until someone brings up a game of spin the bottle.
Estimated wc: 5,000
Donated wc: 0
Written wc 0/0
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Untitled - Gravity Falls Post-canon, Dipper Pines centric
Adjusting to California after Gravitys Falls isn't easy, especially not in middle school. Follows Dipper on his first day back at school and the trouble that it brings.
Estimated wc: 5,500
Donated wc: 0
Written wc 0/0
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Untitled - Demon Slayer Modern AU, Muichiro Tokito centric.
Muichiro awakens in the hospital with no memory besides his name. There, a kind women explains that he will be under the care of her family until he recovers. Follows Muichiro meeting the cast in a school environment, struggling to regain his memories, and the final revelation as to what happened (as well as a few plot twists along the way!)
Estimated wc: 15,000*
Donated wc: 0/15,000
Written wc 0/0
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Donations for Requests: OPEN
FicsforGaza is focusing on video game and animanga fandoms so those will be the ones listed here. However, anything on my carrd or any fandoms already written for on my Ao3 are fair game for requests.
Fandoms: Alien Stage, The Promised Neverland, Word's Bubble Up Like Soda Pop, Zombieland Saga, Demon Slayer, ERASED, Project Sekai, OMORI, Imaginary Friend Asylum, Doki Doki Literature Club, Danganronpa.
DNI/What I will not write: Anything NSFW, incest, pedophilia, noncon/rape, anything hateful, eating disorders, and self-harm.
I reserve the right to update this list at anytime.
I will write heavy angst, but anything above crosses a line for me personally.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
All the places the batfam was banned from
Damian's parent-teacher conferences
The HBO writer's room
An almond farm in Manteca, California
Victoria's Secret
32 U.S. states + Puerto Rico
6 countries
Downtown Tokyo
Comm. Gordon's office
Ra's Al Ghul's hot tub
The Phantom Zone
Other-dimension Jason's safehouse
Every Pizza Hut in Ontario
15 feet of any Confederate statue in South Carolina
The Ford dealership in Tallahassee
Riker's Island
Club Penguin
The original Starbucks
Wayne Enterprises boiler room
Brentwood Academy biology department
Outback Steakhouse
West-Reeve school debate team
Steph's apartment bathroom
USDA regional inspection office
Every BP gas station on the Atlantic seaboard
Gotham High model rocket club
Gotham High acapella choir
Gotham High ventilation system
Harper's work table
A meme subreddit
A furry Discord
A Minecraft battle royale
His part-time job after ghosting instead of formally resigning
Every Gotham restaurant requiring a dress code
50 feet of the Mona Lisa
The Manor's wine cellar
Planet Fitness
A Harry Styles concert
A falafel cart
Justice League snack storage
The local tarot reader
A bus stop in Hong Kong
The Vienna Philharmonic
The Apple Store
The Microsoft Store
Amazon HQ
The backend of all Google sites
Best Buy
The Pentagon
A Home Depot in Wisconsin
Yellowstone National Park
A free pottery class
Gotham City Hall
The Tootsie Roll factory
Boy Scouts (not because of gender)
The duck pond at the park
A Barnes & Noble in Boston
A soccer stadium
A Dairy Queen in Houston
A rest stop near Reno
Death Valley
The Kremlin
The British Museum
The Vatican
Most museums in Gotham
Times Square
Buckingham Palace
A mini golf course
Netflix studios
The kitchen
Kate's garage without her present
Batburger without someone else accompanying
A Justice League conference room
The Batcave when injured
Best Western
Jason's safehouse
Facebook Marketplace
Diana's invisible jet
Stark Industries break room mini-fridge
Near any animals on Kent Farm without Clark's supervision
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely love your work. You’re a fantastic writer. Is it possible for you to do something based a bit off of the song London Boy by Taylor Swift? If not I understand. I just feel there’s some cool way to tie it with Jamie Tartt. Sorry if it’s a bit of a generic request
ALRIGHTY gotta preface this, I actually hate this song 😂 Lyrics aren’t bad, but the like accent thing she does makes me die a little bit. BUT. I saw what you were going for (I think)! So here it is, I suffered through listening to this song bc you asked for a fic and I am nothing if not eager to please.
This is also a response to two other requests. So if that was you, ✌️😗 y’all were on the same page, congratulations. This is also my first song-based fic, although all of my works are (very, very loosely) based on songs. That’s why they have such insane titles😅 ANYWAY that’s enough talking from me. Enjoy!
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i fancy you
i love my hometown as much as Motown, i love So-Cal
Richmond in London is very different from your hometown in Southern California. It’s colder, for one. And older. Things in California don’t have the same extended history as they do in England. You’re here visiting family for a couple months, although your cousins are trying to convince you to stay longer. 
“What do you really have waiting for you in California?” Holland asks.
“Uh, the beach. Sun. Great Mexican food.” you respond.
Holland isn’t buying it. “When else are you going to be able to live here? We can help you get a job and all that, not a huge problem.”
Holland is very convincing. You decide to stay for a year, single year, and see what happens.
Holland is four years older than you, and has always been the cousin you’re closest to. You’ve had a long-standing bond since being the two eldest sisters in your family. Holland takes you to clubs and introduces you to her friends, including a Miss Keeley Jones who thinks you are “abso-fuckin-lutely adorable.” 
“You have to bring her to a Richmond match, babes,” Keeley says. “Lots of fit footballers.” She winks.
You ask Keeley of she’s dating a footballer.
“Oh god no,” she shudders. “A coach.”
You don’t really see the difference.
saw the dimples first and then i heard the accent
It was a good match, even you can tell. The Richmond team played seamlessly, passing the ball back and forth without letting the other team even touch it. Their conductor of sorts, the one mediating the passes, was crazy. He never seemed to get tired, anticipating his teammates’ moves and those of the opposing team. It seemed like he was always five steps ahead of everyone. Holland notices you watching him and pokes Keeley.
“You like Jamie?” Keeley laughs. “Makes sense. Anyone with eyes likes him. He’s right fit, too. Good in bed, shit with feelings. Well, used to be. Still fucking cocky.”
That’s interesting. “You’ve been with him?” you ask.
Keeley gives you a 50/50 hand motion. “Sort of. Don’t really count it, do I? Was with him at his fucking worst. That’s why Roy fucking hates him.”
“He’s much better now,” Holland chimes in. “Something happened last season and he stopped being such a dick.”
“Holland!” you reproach, laughing. “That’s not nice!”
She and Keeley shrug. “It’s true though, innit?”
You don’t know if it is, because when you first see Jamie up close in the club later that night, he seems perfectly fine. You see a flash of a smile, a dimple, then he says something (you don’t know what) but his accent is… something else. It’s not like Holland’s, or any of your family, but you know enough to pinpoint it to Manchester. 
“The accent got you, didn’t it?” says a voice near your ear and you yelp as Holland slides her arm around your shoulder.
“Gets the best of us,” says Keeley, grabbing your hand. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you.”
She drags you over despite your protests.
he likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet, ‘darling i fancy you’
Regular dinner dates are scary, but dinner dates with a Premier League footballer are downright terrifying. 
You made Holland help you figure out what to wear, and when she showed up at your aunt’s house she had Keeley in tow.
“Heard you’re in need of a bit of a makeover,” she grins. “Lucky for you, that’s my specialty.”
Keeley and Holland have brought some of Holland’s dresses and you’re in a dark green one that “does fucking wonders for your hair, babe.”
Keeley did your makeup while Holland curled your hair and just like that, you’re ready to go.
You groan, “God, I fucking hate first dates,” while shaking out your arms. 
“It’ll be fine,” Holland promises, and she’s right.
It’s more than fine. It’s fucking fantastic.
“I like your smile,” Jamie says. “Fuckin’ American, it is.”
You laugh. “What does that even mean?”
Jamie shrugs. “It’s bigger. Brits are more reserved. Like Roy. You met Roy yet? Biggest fucking twat I ever saw,” but he says it with such affection that you’re sure he means something else.
His eyes are electric, blue and dazzling. They betray his every thought and feeling and right now you feel like if you hold his gaze any longer you’re going to say something completely stupid. 
Turns out your not the one to say something stupid; he is.
You’re walking back to his car, holding hands and swinging them in between you when he stops and says, “Darling, I fancy you.”
You grin and he returns it. He asks, “Was that British enough for you? Feel like you got the whole experience?”
“Definitely,” you say. “Was I American enough for you?”
“Dunno,” he replies, “Got to test one more thing.”
His lips are very soft on yours.
met all of his best mates, so i guess all the rumors are true
“This is Isaac, Colin, Dani, and Sam.”
Jamie is introducing you to some of his team. You’ve been dating for a month now, and your first picture together just popped up in the papers the night before.
The boys of AFC Richmond were pretty sure Jamie was seeing someone, but they didn’t know who it was. Jamie had set up this dinner thing a while ago, it just so happened that the tabloids got to you first. 
It’s not even that great a picture honestly, but you’d been around Nelson Road enough that the boys were able to recognize you. 
It’s a little unnerving to meet them, what with Isaac’s intense stare and Dani’s wide, wide smile. You’re grateful Colin and Sam are acting normal.
“We have an American coach,” Colin says in an attempt to break the ice. It does, because you’re all laughing at the absurdity of his attempt. 
“We have heard very much about you,” Dani says and you wonder if he ever stops smiling. It feels so weird and so normal to be at Jamie’s house with a pile of food and FIFA queued up on the TV, ready to go. You figure that if you’re meeting his friends, Jamie must be at least a little serious. He finds your hand and squeezes it under the table as Isaac cracks his first smile of the night. It’s weird dating a footballer, but you think you can get used to it.
babes, don’t threaten me with a good time
Jamie’s house is the largest you’ve ever been in, and it used to be strange that it was only just the two of you, clattering around that big home. 
It’s a cool night after a warm day so you both decided to lay in his backyard under the stars. 
It feels so much like something you’d do as a teenager, and you tell Jamie as much.
“Used to sneak on me mum’s roof,” he tells you. “Didn’t even do dumb shit, I’d just go to look.”
You lay there in silence for a few moments until you feel something tickle your side.
“Jamie!” you shriek.
“I didn’t do nothing!” he protests. “Must’ve been a bug.”
You don’t believe him, but you don’t push it until you feel another tickle.
“Babe, it weren’t me, I swear,” he says and you really don’t believe him, especially when he tickles you again less than a minute later.
You laugh. “Fuck you, Jamie Tartt.”
He smirks. “Babe, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Hm, maybe I want a good time.”
Jamie’s grin widens and he sits up. “You know where the bedroom is, love.”
you know i love a London boy
“I don’t fucking get it,” Jamie says. You shrug. 
“I literally don’t either,” you say. Your dad leans over to Jamie. “So basically…” he begins.
He’s halfway through his explanation when Jamie pokes you. “Babe,” he says, “can we switch seats so I can hear your dad better?” You chuckle then wiggle your way into Jamie’s seat while he gets into yours.
“Why the fuck is it called ‘football’ if it’s with their hands?” Jamie asks.
Your dad shrugs. “Not a clue, son, not a clue.”
The game progresses and one of the teams scores a touchdown.
“Hold the fuck up,” Jamie says. “Why did their score change that much?”
“I know this one!” you exclaim. “Different types of goals get different points. And there’s something called a lateral which has to do with moving backward I think?”
You dad just shakes his head with a grin and doesn’t attempt to clarify. 
Your dad spends the second half explaining everything to a very focused Jamie, and he asks questions the entire car ride home. It’s funny have Jamie here in America, staying at your parents house and seeing where you grew up. 
When you’re finally back home and in bed, you pull him as close as you can and whisper, “I love you very, very much. You know that, right?”
You can feel Jamie smile against your hair. “I love you too, very fucking much.”
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Any advice for those of us looking for supportive friends who also share our love for words and passion for writing? Perhaps online avenues/ (active) writing groups or ways to go about searching for local events or workshops in our communities? ♥️
(First off, love your writing!)
I did a bit of digging on this, and for the most part, it's online writing communities that seem to be frequently suggested. Other than going the university/local community route, which would vary depending on where we live.
Since I can't give you any good advice on this, here are a few tips I found online for finding a writing group:
Find a local writing group near you. Visit a nearby community center. They offer different types of gatherings and courses and might have a writing workshop or group that’s taking new members. Also, check the listings at your local library where people often gather for literary talks or groups. In general, writing groups have a set time and day that they meet. For example, some clubs might meet every second Tuesday of the month. Find a writers workshop that fits your schedule.
Go on a writing retreat. Unlike most other writing groups, going on a writer’s retreat will cost money and is usually a destination event. It’s a writing-intensive place where people go to dedicate all of their time to writing and to connect with other writers. If you have some time to get away, find a writing retreat where you can dedicate a week or more to just writing.
Join different writers’ associations. There are a variety of writer’s associations with local chapters. Connect with an association like National Novel Writing Month—NaNoWriMo—which has group meetups at local libraries. You can also find a writing group by genre, like Romance Writers of America or Mystery Writers of America. Whether you’re in New York City or Milwaukee, you can also find indie writing groups by location. For example, in Los Angeles, there is the Independent Writers of Southern California, which offers workshops, classes, lectures, and writing groups.
Look online. In this day and age, finding a writing group is as easy as searching online. Search for a meetup group near you with other area writers. Narrow your search by genre if you want to commune with writers who have a similar passion. There are groups for authors of every genre.
Find online writing groups. If you’d rather find a virtual group of writers to work with, look online. Here's a list of writing community websites recommended by Writer's Digest.
Start your own writer’s group. If you’re having a hard time finding a community, start your own creative writing group. Recruit other local writers by posting a note at a coffee shop or library, asking members of your book club to join, or posting on social media. One advantage of starting your own group is you can make it what you want. For example, you can start a general writing group that welcomes all writers, like screenwriters, sci-fi writers, fiction writers, and nonfiction writers, or you can keep it to a specific genre. Build your own community, pick a day, find a location, and start realizing the benefits of being a part of a writing group.
Sources: 1 2 3
Hope this helps. But I feel I'm the wrong person for this question. So if anyone has better suggestions, please let us know!
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tawus · 5 months
Do The Right Thing (1989) On the hottest day of the year on a street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, everyone's hate and bigotry smolders and builds until it explodes into violence.
Goodbye Solo (2008) This film is touching and humorous. It is the story of an unlikely friendship between a struggling but happy cab driver from Senegal, and a tormented southern man with secrets.
Lincoln (2012) As the Civil War continues to rage, President struggles with continued fighting on the battlefield during the civil war but he also fights with many inside his own cabinet with his decision to emancipate the slaves.
Malcom X (1992) Biographical epic of the controversial and influential Black Nationalist leader, from his early life and career as a small-time gangster to his ministry as a member of the Nation of Islam.
Straight Outta Compton (2015) The group NWA emerges from the mean streets of Compton in Los Angeles, California, in the mid-1980s and revolutionizes Hip Hop culture with their music and tales about life in the hood.
The Color of Friendship (2000) Mahree Bok is a white South African teenager and a product of the Apartheid system raised to view dark-skinned people as second-class citizens. Piper Dellums is the daughter of an African-American U.S. Congressman living in Washington D.C. When Mahree is chosen to spend her time as an exchange student at the Dellums's house, she is shocked on her arrival to discover that the Dellums are black, and the Dellums are just as surprised when they realize that Mahree is a white South African.
The Color Purple (1985) Based on Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Color Purple is a richly-textured, powerful film set in America's rural south. It is a brilliant drama about a black woman's struggles to take control of her life in a small Southern town in the early 20th century.
The Help (2011) This academy award winning movie takes place during the civil rights movements of the 1960’s, when an aspiring writer decides to write a book about the African-American maids' point of view on the white families they work for and the hardships they experience on a daily basis.
Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) A senior chef lives with his three grown daughters; the middle one finds her future plans affected by unexpected events and the life changes of the other household members.
Holly (2006) In Cambodia, Holly, a 12-year-old Vietnamese girl, encounters Patrick, an American stolen artifacts dealer. The story follows their strong connection and her unrelenting efforts to escape her fate.
Last Train Home (2009) A couple embarks on a journey home for Chinese new year along with 130 million other migrant workers, to reunite with their children and struggle for a future. Their unseen story plays out as China soars towards being a world superpower.
Lost in Paradise (2011) Khoi, naive twenty-year-old travels to Ho Chi Minh City from the countryside to begin a new life. It's his first time in the big city and he's looking for a place to live.
Raise the Red Lantern (1991) A young woman becomes the fourth wife of a wealthy lord and must learn to live with the strict rules and tensions within the household.
Sentenced Home (2007) This documentary follows three Cambodian-American men, brought to the U.S. as children by their refugee families. They were raised in the grim public housing of Seattle, among gangs and other realities of that life. Bad choices as teens altered their lives forever, when immigration laws after 9/11 provided no second changes for such children. Though they were raised in the U.S., speak to one another in English, even think in English, each is sentenced to return to Cambodia - separated from family here, possibly forever.
The Joy Luck Club (1993) The story of four Chinese women who immigrated to the U.S. and their first-generation daughters. When one of the women dies, her daughter plays Mahjong with the older women and begins to really learn what her mother endured in China and of her sisters who were left behind. Daughter from Danang (2002) Separated at the end of the Vietnam war, an "Americanized" woman and her Vietnamese mother are reunited after 22 years.
The Last Emperor (1987) The story of the final Emperor of China.
The Quiet American (2002) An older British reporter vies with a young U.S. doctor for the affections of a beautiful Vietnamese woman.
The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) The plot centres around three sisters, two of whom are happily married (or so it appears).
Three Seasons (1999) An American in Ho Chi Minh City looks for a daughter he fathered during the war. He meets Woody, a child who's a street vendor, and when Woody's case of wares disappears, he thinks the soldier took it. Woody hunts for him.
South Asian/Indian
Bhaji on the Beach (1998) Hashida, an 18-year old Asian woman, lives with her family in Birmingham. Her father wants her to become a doctor and next month her medical school is going to start. Secretly, she has a black boyfriend – which is an absolute faux pas in some Asian cultures – and has now discovered that she is pregnant. She joins a small South Asian women's group on a trip to Blackpool, a trip that holds life-changing experiences for all.
Bend It Like Beckham (2002) Teen-aged Londoner Jesminder Bhamra chases her dream of being a professional soccer player while dealing with the objections of her traditional Sikh family.
Gandhi (1982) A biography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of non-violent protest.
Slum Dog Millionaire (2008) A teen in Mumbai, India who grew up in the slums, becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" When he is suspected of cheating, he is arrested. During his police interrogation, events from his life history are shown which explain why he knows the answers.
The Namesake (2006) A tale of a first-generation son of traditional, Indian immigrant parents. As he tries to make a place for himself, not always able to straddle two worlds gracefully, he is surprised by what he learns about his family and himself.
Disease/Mental Illness/Disability
My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (1989) Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy, learns to paint and write with his only controllable limb - his left foot.
The Theory of Everything (2014) A look at the relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife.
Ray (2004) The story of the life and career of the legendary rhythm and blues musician Ray Charles, from his humble beginnings in the South, where he went blind at age seven, to his meteoric rise to stardom during the 1950s and 1960s.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012) After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own.
Still Alice (2014) A linguistics professor and her family find their bonds tested when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.
A Single Man (2009) The story of an English professor, who one year after the sudden death of his boyfriend, is unable to cope with his typical days in 1960s Los Angeles. It is a powerful story of his grief and pain for the loss of someone he truly deeply loved.
Boys Don’t Cry(1999) This film is about the true life story of Brandon Teena, a young woman who is going through a sexual identity crisis. She cuts her hair and dresses like a man to see if she can pass as one. She lived life in a male identity until it was discovered he was born biologically female.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) This film tells the story of a forbidden and secretive relationship between two same-sex cowboys and their lives over the years.
Milk (2008) This film tells the story of American gay activist, Harvey Milk, and his struggles as he fights for gay rights and becomes California's first openly gay elected official.
Philadelphia (1993) In this movie, a lawyer, working for a conservative law firm, is diagnosed with AIDS. His employer fires him because of his condition. He tries to find someone to take his case but all refuse except one willing small time lawyer who advocates for a wrongful dismissal suit in spite of his own fears and homophobia.
The Danish Girl (2015) A fictitious love story loosely inspired by the lives of Danish artists Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. Lili and Gerda's marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili's groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.
Transamerica (2005) A pre-operative male-to-female transgender takes an unexpected journey when she learns that she fathered a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York.
A Day Without a Mexican (2004) One-third of the population of California is Latinos, Hispanics, Mexicans. How would it change life for the state's other residents if this portion of the populous suddenly vanished? The film is a "mockumentary" designed to show the valuable contributions made every day by Latinos.
Babel (2006) Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families.
El Norte (1983) The Guatemalan army discovers Mayan Indian peasants who have begun to organize, hoping to rise above their label of "brazos fuertes" or "strong arms" (manual laborers). The army massacres their families and destroys their village to give the new recruits no choice but to follow and obey. However, two teenage siblings survive and are determined to escape to the U.S. or El Norte. They make their way to L.A. - uneducated, illegal immigrants, alone.
Mi Familia (My Family) (1995) This epic film traces over three generations an immigrant family's trials, tribulations, tragedies, and triumphs. Jose and Maria, the first generation, come to Los Angeles, meet, marry, face deportation all in the 1930s. They establish their family in East L.A., and their children Chucho, Paco, Memo, Irene, Toni, and Jimmy deal with youth culture and the L.A. police in the 1950s. As the second generation become adults in the 1960s, the focus shifts to Jimmy, his marriage to Isabel (a Salvadorian refugee), their son, and Jimmy's journey to becoming a responsible parent.
Sin Nombre (2009) A Honduran young girl and a Mexican gangster are united in a journey across the American border.
Under the Same Moon (2007) Heartwarming story about a mother who leaves Mexico to make a home for herself and her son (Adrian Alonso). When the boy's grandmother dies, leaving him alone, he sets off on his own to find his mother.
Crossing Arizona (2006) With Americans on all sides of the issue up in arms and Congress in a policy battle over how to move forward, Crossing Arizona tells the story of how we got to where we are today. Heightened security in California and Texas has pushed illegal border-crossers into the Arizona desert in unprecedented numbers (estimated 4,500 a day). Most are Mexican men in search of work, but increasingly the border-crossers are women and children wanting to join their husbands and fathers. This influx of migrants crossing through Arizona and the attendant rising death toll has elicited complicated feelings about human rights, culture, class, labor, and national security.
Dancer in the Dark (2000) An east European girl goes to America with her young son, expecting it to be like a Hollywood film.
El Norte (1983) The Guatemalan army discovers Mayan Indian peasants who have begun to organize, hoping to rise above their label of "brazos fuertes" or "strong arms" (manual laborers). The army massacres their families and destroys their village to give the new recruits no choice but to follow and obey. However, two teenage siblings survive and are determined to escape to the U.S. or El Norte. They make their way to L.A. - uneducated, illegal immigrants, alone.
In America (2002) A family of Irish immigrants adjusts to life on the mean streets of Hell's Kitchen while also grieving the death of a child.
The Terminal (2004) When an Eastern European immigrant comes to American to fulfill a promise to his father he finds himself stranded inside JFK airport, making it his temporary residence when he cannot enter the USA nor return home.
The Visitor (2007) A lonely economics professor in Connecticut life is changed forever - and for the better - when he finds a couple of illegals, who happen to be living in his New York apartment.
Green Card (1990) A French man wanting to stay in the US enters into a “short-term” marriage to an American woman so he can get his green card. Complications result when he gets caught lying.
Avatar (2009) A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) A chronicle of how American Indians were displaced as the U.S. expanded west. Based on the book by Dee Brown.
Once Were Warriors (1994) A family descended from Maori warriors is bedeviled by a violent father and the societal problems of being treated as outcasts.
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) In 1931 Australia, government policy includes taking half-caste children from their Aboriginal mothers and sending them a thousand miles away "to save them from themselves." Molly, Daisy, and Grace (two sisters and a cousin who are 14, 10, and 8) arrive at their “school” and promptly escape, under Molly's lead. For days they walk north, following a fence that keeps rabbits from settlements, eluding a native tracker and the regional constabulary. Their pursuers take orders from the government's "chief protector of Aborigines," A.O. Neville, blinded by Anglo-Christian certainty, evolutionary worldview and conventional wisdom.
Smoke Signals (1998) Young Indian man Thomas is a nerd in his reservation, wearing oversize glasses and telling everyone stories no-one wants to hear. His parents died in a fire in 1976, and Thomas was saved by Arnold. Arnold soon left his family (and his tough son Victor), and Victor hasn't seen his father for 10 years. When Victor hears Arnold has died, Thomas offers him funding for the trip to get Arnold's remains, but only if Thomas will also go with him. Thomas and Victor hit the road.
The Spirit of Crazy Horse (1990) One hundred years after the massacre at Wounded Knee, Milo Yellow Hair recounts the story of his people-from the lost battles for their land against the invading whites-to the bitter internal divisions and radicalization of the 1970's-to the present-day revival of Sioux cultural pride, which has become a unifying force as the Sioux try to define themselves and their future.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Middle Eastern
Baran (2001) In a building site in present-day Tehran, Lateef, a 17-year-old Turkish worker is irresistibly drawn to Rahmat, a young Afghan worker. The revelation of Rahmat's secret changes both their lives.
Incendies (2010) Twins journey to the Middle East to discover their family history, and fulfill their mother's last wishes.
Schindler's List (1993) In German-occupied Poland during World War II, Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazi Germans.
The Band’s Visit (2007) A band comprised of members of the Egyptian police force head to Israel to play at the inaugural ceremony of an Arab arts center, only to find themselves lost in the wrong town.
Turtles Can Fly (2004) Near the Iraqi-Turkish border on the eve of an American invasion, refugee children like 13-year-old Kak (Ebrahim), gauge and await their fate.
Wadjda (2012) An enterprising Saudi girl signs on for her school's Koran recitation competition as a way to raise the remaining funds she needs in order to buy the green bicycle that has captured her interest.
Pacific Islander/Polynesian
Balangiga: The Howling Wilderness (2017) 1901, Balangiga. Eight-year-old Kulas flees town with his grandfather and their carabao to escape General Smith's Kill and Burn order. He finds a toddler amid a sea of corpses and together, the two boys struggle to survive the American occupation.
Moana (2016) In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by the Demigod Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the Demigod to set things right.
Once Were Warriors (1994) A family descended from Maori warriors is bedeviled by a violent father and the societal problems of being treated as outcasts.
Princess Kaiulani (2009) The story of a Hawaiian princess' attempts to maintain the independence of the island against the threat of American colonization.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Āfsāīd = Offside (2006) Struggle of Women in a country that excludes them from entering the stadiums.
The Help (2011) This academy award winning movie takes place during the civil rights movements of the 1960’s when an aspiring writer decides to write a book about the African-American maids' point of view on the white families they work for and the hardships they experience on a daily basis.
Suffragette (2015) The foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State.
Water (2005) The film examines the plight of a group of widows forced into poverty at a temple in the holy city of Varanasi. It focuses on a relationship between one of the widows, who wants to escape the social restrictions imposed on widows, and a man who is from the highest caste and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Ooh amazing, thank you for this! ❤️
I've watched Slumdog Millionaire, Brokeback Mountain, and Schindler's List. And read a Penguin Classics abridged version of Rabbit-Proof Fence as part of my English learning back in my teenage years. Some of the others I'm familiar with tho have yet to watch; and others are completely new to me
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the-horizontal-poet · 5 months
Can't wait to read at the Hayward Lit Hop on Saturday, April 22, from 5 pm to 5:45 pm:
"Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow: Tales & Poems About the Passing of Time. " Kin Cafe - 1019 B Street (Main & Foothill)/ Hayward, CA, USA
CA Writers Club-Berkeley returns with a reading from our members that focuses on the elastic concept of time.
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ronnieratsdoodles · 4 months
also credit to some sources!
byler proof:
1. Will’s sexuality has been an aspect since episode 1
if it wasn’t a major point, the duffer’s wouldn’t have any reason to subtly and continuously remind the GA throughout the entire show. they never were bold about it until season 4, because of foreshadowing, which they do a lot throughout the show; with many relationships.
season 5 is when build up finally reaches its peak.
2. “i’m not gonna fall in love scene.” coming from Will Byers, breakfast scene, joyce and Will Byers conversation. season: three. episode: chapter 1: susie, do you copy?
one tiny thing they added into the scene was Will pouring syrup on his eggs, which Mike also done, meaning they likely introduced each other to it. just tiny fact.
ultimately, this scene had to have significance, it couldn’t have been written without a point, why else would they make a traumatized boy have built up longing for his best friend? to end in heartbreak? that would just be a waste of writing, planning, foreshadowing, and most importantly their frequency of slow burning. they knew what they were doing.
3.smalltown boy being the first song on Mike’s official playlist:
spotify used to have a official character playlist up for each character, before being took down (if i’m right) either that they liked or that represented their character! (what creators felt was correlated)
(taken down 2023)
small town boy is by a artist named bronski beat, that is about a young gay man bullied, deciding to run away from home. we don’t even know exactly the reason why Mike is bullied, other than his supposed ‘frog face’
5. couples being paired up on the last episode of season four, while El stood alone. many reasons why this could have happened, but it was no mistake, lay outs always have a reason film wise. 
6. multiple parallels to stancy:
again, not much to say about it, BUT stancy was a unsuccessful relationship, and Nancy ended up going with a byers, wheeler + byers. the hospital scene with the two second shoulder lean. (stancy parallel!)
7.byler funko, not mileven funko. hmm super suspicious 🤨
8.”i need you mike, and i always will” - Will Byers, van scene, stranger things four. Will is not going to fall for anyone else. he always needed Mike. while El was shown more to needing Mike, she never did as much as Will. there’s nothing satisfying about Will being with another boy, not to the audience or Will. 
9.stranger things writer quote from twitter “let’s start a new party, you and me.”
10.mikes encounters with Will being focused/zoomed in on is for a REASON.
11. at the season four reunion, why did Mike not kiss El? their foreheads touched, they were inches apart, yet he looked back at Will. that would have been a perfect scene for a kiss, so why would the creators not include it?
12. Mike and Will had the first meaningful one-on-one conversation in stranger things.
13.in both arguments, the rink-o-mania they were wearing blue and yellow. their colors. when blue meets yellow in the west. they met in california. the west. 
14. “Karen, where’s our son?!” Ted yells, in season 2. 
“Will’s!” karen yelled back, holding a blue and yellow pen. totally on accident.
15. Crazy together being one of the most romantic scenes in the entire show.
16. the multiple scenes of Mike saying “boys only” and getting kicked out by girls. and his grossed out expression in season four, episode 1, the hellfire club, by a sign in the background saying women. 
17. i love you is either platonic or lies in strangers things so far, we haven’t gotten a single i love you that wasn’t either. Will’s i am not gonna fall in love implying an actual process, it’s happening in season 5.
18.when mileven tag duffers to complain about byler, they never respond, only to byler shippers, even if it’s just a small wave emoji.
19. lighting, the creators confirmed that the lighting in each scene has a meaning. the lighting either means that it could be a way of symbolizing mikes deep care and empathy for Will in the next season, (them being on a upside down couch also empathizes/foreshadows something)
20. the creators once again were planning since the first season. season four was written in a way to begin the root Will and for byler. so, when their endgame, we will know why.
21.mileven is star crossed, (not endgame)in march, millie talked about being unhappy with El’s ending, it doesn’t show that byler is endgame, but it does show mike and El are not. in one of the season 3 scripts they referred to mileven as ‘star crossed’ in the field scene. 
if any of this doesn’t make sense i apologize, it was written for my best friend<3333
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aemiron-main · 2 years
im gonna do a whole post about this and include it in the gay mike analysis, but: what if i told you that “60 minutes,” the show that’s mentioned in that science lab scene with mike in s4 ep1, was a show that aired weekly, every sunday, and that THAT WEEK’S EPISODE IN 1986 (the week of march 16th, which would have been the sunday before the show takes place, which is on friday march 21st) IN THE USA IRL was all about aids and is actually a fairly famous segment so its very likely that the duffers/writers knew about it? so that’s the exact episode that the science lab kid likely would have watched that week? and even though he’s talking about dnd/has therefore likely seen other episodes about the satanic panic too, the point of this is to reinforce the fact that a.) the hellfire club works as an allegory for queerness and b.) the satanic panic works as an allegory for the aids crisis + the panic surrounding it?  the queercoding in this show goes so deep its insane
and the segment was about aids in CALIFORNIA, no less. yknow. the place where mike’s visiting. they KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WITH THIS. 
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scotianostra · 6 months
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On April 21st 1838, the naturalist John Muir was born.
Born in Dunbar, East Lothian, his parents were Daniel Muir and Ann Gilrye. He was the third of eight children: Margaret, Sarah, David, Daniel, Ann and Mary (twins), and the American-born Joanna. His earliest recollections were of taking short walks with his grandfather when he was three.
In his autobiography, he described his boyhood pursuits, which included fighting, either by re-enacting romantic battles from the Wars of Scottish Independence or just scrapping on the playground, and hunting for birds' nests As a child, he was raised under a strictly religious upbringing.
John Muir was a naturalist, conservationist, explorer, and writer. At age 11, his family immigrated to the United States from Scotland and settled in Wisconsin. Muir learned to love the wilderness at an early age and even carved working locks out of wood. At age 21, he entered the University of Wisconsin, but left after three years. After suffering an eye injury while working in Indiana, Muir resolved to work in the wilderness.
In 1868, after roaming the North American continent, he landed in San Francisco. Muir explored California and was awestruck by its natural beauty. He soon became a successful writer, describing the landscapes and detailing the devastation of alpine meadows and forests by grazing sheep and cattle.
As a result of his efforts, Congress established Yosemite National Park in 1890. Muir was also involved in the creations of Sequoia, Mount Rainier and Petrified Forest National Parks. To protect the parks from poachers and land prospectors, Muir, and his supporters, formed the Sierra Club in 1892. He served as its president until his death in 1914.
Find out more about John Muir on a web site dedicated to hime, including a 20 minute documentary. https://johnmuir.org/
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kwebtv · 11 months
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TV Guide  -  November 9 - 15, 1963
Carol Creighton Burnett (born April 26, 1933) Stage, film and television actress, comedian, singer, and writer, whose career spans seven decades of television. She is best known for her groundbreaking comedy variety show, The Carol Burnett Show, originally aired on CBS. It was one of the first of its kind to be hosted by a woman. She has achieved success on stage, television and film in varying genres including dramatic and comedic roles. She has also appeared on various talk shows and as a panelist on game shows. She would later have several daughters joining her in variety of American television series and films.
She was cast in a minor role on The Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney Show in 1955. She played the girlfriend of a ventriloquist’s dummy on the popular children’s program. This role led to her starring role opposite Buddy Hackett in the short-lived sitcom Stanley from 1956–57.
She worked as a regular on one of television’s earliest game shows, Pantomime Quiz, during this time. In 1957, just as she was achieving her first small successes, her mother died. In October 1960, Burnett debuted at New York’s Blue Angel Supper Club, where she was discovered by scouts for The Jack Paar Show and The Ed Sullivan Show.
In 1959 she became a regular player on The Garry Moore Show for the next three years, and won her first Emmy Award in 1962. Burnett had her television special debut in 1963 when she starred as Calamity Jane in the Dallas State Fair Musicals production of Calamity Jane on CBS. Burnett moved to Los Angeles, California, and began an 11-year run as star of The Carol Burnett Show on CBS television from 1967 to 1978. With its vaudeville roots, The Carol Burnett Show was a variety show that combined comedy sketches with song and dance. The comedy sketches included film parodies and character pieces. Burnett created many memorable characters during the show’s run, and both she and the show won numerous Emmy and Golden Globe Awards.
With her success on the Moore Show, Burnett finally rose to headliner status and appeared in the special Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall (1962), co-starring with her friend Julie Andrews. She also guest-starred on a number of shows during this time, including The Twilight Zone episode “Cavender Is Coming”.
She became good friends with Jim Nabors, who was enjoying great success with his series Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. As a result of their close friendship, she played a recurring role on Nabors’ show as a tough corporal, later gunnery sergeant (starting with the episode “Corporal Carol”). Later, Nabors was her first guest on her variety show each season, as she considered him to be her good-luck charm.    (Wikipedia)
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tommyshelby87 · 2 months
I'm obsessed with them as husbands after some cute answers of yours, dear writer, and I created a husband!Robert bot, I would like to share because he is my best until now haha
Also could I ask the guys where/how they would like to spend their honeymoon?
Aw thats so awesome to hear, anon! Oh nice, I will check that out!
Lets see...
Thomas: Birmingham, he doesnt want to leave, is afraid it will all go to hell without him and he's probably right about that. But he will take you to all the good clubs restaurants.
Jackson: Las Vegas
Jonathan: Paris. Loves the culture and the food.
Robert: Belize or Hawaii in the most luxurious resort there is.
Neil: Los Angeles, California, wants to see Hollywood.
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