#caliban x witch!reader
fanfics4all · 10 months
The Spirit of Christmas
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Request: Yes / No List made by @alpaca-clouds
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Caliban x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1159
Warnings: Nothing!
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Caliban was literally made from the clay of Hell, so Christmas was not something he celebrated. No one in Hell celebrated the Holiday, but I wasn’t from Hell. Ever since Sabrina took over as the Queen of hell and Caliban was exiled, he’s found his way to me. I lived just outside of Greendale and was on my own, besides my familiar. Caliban just stumbled his way near my cabin and I took him in. I wasn’t like the witches he’s delt with, I wasn’t one that worshiped satan. Which is why I celibrated Christmas like the mortals. Caliban didn’t understand, but if he wanted to stay then he’d have to deal with it. 
I walked inside my home and Noctus flew to greet me. Noctus is a great horned owl and was the greatest familiar a witch could have. I smiled as he perched on my shoulder. I gave him a little scratch under his chin. 
“Where’s Caliban?” I asked as I looked around and didn’t see him. Noctus chirped at me and flew over to his perch. 
“Oh, he went to get wood? Perfect, I need some more if I want to get this potion going.” I said as I placed the ingredients I collected on my table near my cauldron. Noctus chirped and tilted his head in confusion. 
“You know what time of year it is.” I smirked and my familiar perked up a bit. He loved Christmas just as much as I did. I got to work preparing the ingredients as I waited for Caliban to return home. 
The door opened and Caliban walked in with a large pile of wood logs. I smiled at him as he placed them near the door. He looked at my ingredients and his brows furrowed. 
“Did one of the townspeople come for another potion?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“This is a special one, although I suppose it does effect the town as well.” I answered with a shrug. 
“What kind of potion is it? I’ve never seen some of these ingredients.” He asked as he picked up one of my vials. I quickly snatched it back and placed it down. 
“It’s for the spirit of Christmas, it’s time everything gets in order.” I said and Caliban groaned. 
“This is all for that stupid mortal Holiday?” He asked and I sent him a glare. 
“Making this potion makes all of the townspeople happy and makes my powers stronger for the coming year.” I answered and he held his hands up in defence. 
“I meant no harm by it, love.” He said and I rolled my eyes. He took a seat as I motioned for the logs to float under my cauldron. The flames ignited underneath and the liquid I put inside began to heat up. 
“So is this like a sacrifice type thing?” Caliban asked as he watched me intently. 
“No, I don’t do any dark magic.” I said and he shrugged. 
“Nothing wrong with dark magic, love. I could always show you.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes. 
“Keep your dark magic to yourself, I’d rather not get a visit from the Queen of Hell.” I said. Caliban rolled his eyes and rested his feet on the coffee table. 
Once the liquid started to boil I started putting the ingredients in. Caliban watched me the whole time and looked confused. I glanced at him and paused what I was doing. 
“Would you like to learn?” I asked and he shrugged. I chuckled and shook my head slightly. 
“First you make sure the Holy Water and Glacior Ice is boiling before you put in the chopped Peppermint and Gold Dust. Then you stir it together clockwise six times and it’ll look like liquid gold. Next you add Holly, Silver Dust, Pine Needles, and the very kindly donated Angel Flesh and it sure turn silver with some gold flecks streaked about. You’ll stir that clockwise twice and that’s when you get this pine smell coming through. Now we add Ginger, Cinnamon, and Clove and stir that in. The smell should mix with the pine and smell like a Christmas tree mixed with freshly baked cookies.” I smiled as I inhaled the heavenly smell. Caliban also sniffed the air and gave me a small smile. 
“Now we put in the mistletoe and blow a kiss.” I said and he chuckled. He came over and blew his own into the cauldron and I smiled at him. 
“Pass me that glass bottle, please.” I asked and he handed me the curvy, slightly dark blue tinted bottle. He examined it and his brows furrowed. 
“What is it?” He asked as he handed it to me. 
“The hardest ingredient to acquire for this potion.” I answered with a smile. I plucked the top off and spilt some of the contents into the cauldron. The simery blue, silver, white, black, and purple spilled out and changed the potion’s color to red with silver streaks. 
“I-Is that Stardust?” He asked in complet shock. 
“It is, takes me months to get it every year.” I said as I stirred. 
“And there you have it! The spirit of Christmas! Now we just say the chant and everything will be finished. 
“What’s the chant?” He asked. I smiled and motioned so my book would float over to us. I turned to the page and pointed at the spell. 
“It’ll be more powerful if you read it with me.” I said and held out my hand for him. He sighed, but took my hand anyway. 
“I hear the bells on Christmas Day, Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet, The words repeat, Of peace on Earth, good- will to all!” We said together and the liquid quickly turned to smoke and blew through the house. It flew through the door and out into the world. The smoke would go through the town and give the spirit of Christmas to all. I turned to face Caliban and he was already smiling at me. 
“I feel… different.” He said and I giggled. 
“You feel happy?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Then it’s working already.” I winked. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. 
“I’ve never properly thanked you for allowing me to stay with you.” He said and I smiled up at him. 
“You’ve been very helpful, there’s no need to thank me.” I said. He wrapped his hand in my hair and lifted my head a bit more. He moved in and his lips placed on mine. I closed my eyes and fell into the confort of his presents. We pulled apart and he rested his forehead on mine. 
“Thank you, love.” He whispered. I pecked his lips and smiled. 
“Well, if that’s how you say thank you, then maybe I will let you say it a lot more.” I said and he chuckled. His lips found mine again and I smiled into the kiss.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @lover2448
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People I Will Take Requests For!!
Requests are open!! :)
IMPORTANT NOTE: I do x readers mainly but am happy to do ships, all readers will be female unless specified otherwise as that is how I am most comfortable writing but feel free to let me know if you want a gender neutral or male reader because I am more than happy to do that :)
also, I will write anything but I am uncomfortable writing incest and I reserve the right to decline any requests that make me uncomfortable, thank youuu :))))
Harry Potter:
Neville Longbottom
Cedric Diggory
Fred or George Weasley
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Regulus Black
Bellatrix Lestrange
Narcissa Malfoy
Draco Malfoy
Fantastic Beasts:
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Eulalie Hicks
Tina Goldstein
Newt Scamander
Gellert Grindelwald
Albus Dumbledore
Stereotypical Barbie
Weird Barbie
Larissa Weems
Morticia Addams
Marilyn Thornhill
School For Good And Evil:
Lady Lesso (my girlll)
Clarissa Dovey
Emma Anemone
Sophie Of Gavaldon
Agatha Of Gavaldon
Death note:
L Lawliet
Miss honey (old and new, please specify)
Mrs Wormwood (new only)
Estella/Cruella (again, specify)
The Baroness
Stranger things:
Steve Harrington
Max Mayfield
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Musical Theatre:
Erik Destler {POTO}
Sweeney Todd
Mrs Lovett
Doctor Who:
10th Doctor
11th doctor
13th doctor
Amy Pond
River Song
Clara Oswald
A Series Of Unfortunate Events:
Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor
Olivia Caliban
Kit Snicket
Violet Baudelaire (aged up)
Klaus Baudelaire (aged up)
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Romanoff
Loki Laufeyson
Slyvie Loki
Worst Witch:
Hecate Hardbroom
Pippa Pentangle
Esmerelda Hallow (aged up)
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the-neverletmegoxo · 3 years
The Fae and the Prince
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Authors Note: I'M BACK!! SO so so so terribly sorry to make you all wait... had a bit of a meltdown #mentalhealth.... not because of this.. just life in general.. Anyway this one is a bit long, but I had to get it out and include a bit of Caliban at the end.. Give me your thoughts, questions, concerns! I'm ready! thank you to all the readers it really means a lot for anyone to be reading this.. <3 xoxoxo
Summary: Just read lolol lots of new characters.. a plot is a brewin’!
You felt a scratching feeling on your back. Your eyes slowly opened, afraid to look at your surroundings. Squinting, you scanned the area. It was still dark out, so you knew you hadn’t been unconscious for long. Your head prickled with a sharp pain, realizing that you had been hit on the back of the head. ‘But from what?’ you asked yourself. You pushed yourself up on your forearms, blinking to readjust your eyes to the darkness. You felt twigs and leaves underneath you. You were in the forest. ‘How the hell did I get here?’
Out of the corner of your eye you saw a shadow pass by to your right. Quickly, you pulled yourself together and pushed yourself off the ground. A gust of wind knocked you right back down. Coughing, due to the air being knocked out of you, you tried to sit up. A foot pressed down on your chest forcing you back to the forest’s floor.
You glanced up and you couldn’t believe it. An angel stood over you. Growing up hearing about the stories your mother told you about angels, this is not how you thought you’d meet one. They were supposed to appear in times of need. They were supposed to guide you, not shove you down, trapping you.
“Well boys, look what we have here.” You saw two other angels swiftly fly down to your left. “Get off of me!” you rasped, barely any air in your chest, with the foot still pressing down on your chest. “Oo! She’s a feisty one boys!”
“That’s enough Aza, let her go.” a voice from behind you echoed.
Just as quickly as the boot landed on your chest, it was gone. You gasped for air, rolling over the pile of leaves and twigs, coughing until you could breathe normally again. Slowly you stood up, your eyes now used to the darkness, you saw three angels to your left and one circled from the right, so that it was standing a few feet in front of you.
Two of the three angels on the left had stoic expressions on their faces, like they did not want to be here. They looked like twins. They were broad-chested men, both with dark brown hair that came down to their shoulders. Their eyes were deep-set and almost onyx colored. The other angel, assuming it was the one they called ‘Aza’, had a devilish grin, not like Caliban’s, this one had an ulterior motive. One you sensed would cause you harm. His air was as wild as his eyes. Black with a streak of white hair that framed the left side of his face. His left eye was also white, the right black. He wasn’t as muscular as the twins, but his shoulders were still broad. All of their features were striking, and ominous, but they perfect in a way.
All of them had large stark white wings protruding from their backs. So large, that they dusted the ground beneath them.
The angel that told Aza to get off of you was taller than the other three. He towered over them. His wavy hair came just below his ears. It was a dusty brown color, almost grey. His eyes were a piercing blue. Like sapphires. His cheeks were curved in, in a harsh way, but it fit his stature. He looked older than the others. His skin had a grey hue to it and his long fingers looked gargoyle-like. His wings were a darker shade of grey. They were shiny, as if oil covered them.
“Y/N, please accept my deepest apologizes for my brother’s manners. He hasn’t been to Earth in over a thousand years and he took capturing you a bit out of hand.”
You kept your mouth shut, unsure of what to say first.
“Allow me to introduce myself and my brothers.” Gesturing his hand to the angel to your right, “This is Azazel, Aza for short. Next to him are Rameel and Sariel. I am Arakiel, your father.”
Your eyes went wide, and it felt like the air had been knocked out of you once again. You took a few steps back unsure of how to escape this situation.
This man, or angel, you should say, is your father. The father who your mother said was dead since you were a child. The father who visited you on your birthday eve, only you were unaware. The father who wanted you to join him to take down Pandemonium, Sabrina... Caliban. Caliban. Your mind went to him, was he ok? Was he safe? Had they captured him?
“You’re not my father, you may be my biological one, but a father is there for their children.”
“You sound just like your mother. So strong-minded.” Arakiel retorted.
A chill went down your spine, something about the way he mentioned your mother wasn’t right.
“I assume you’ve spoken to her in the last day. She mentioned how much you’ve grown since I last saw you.”
“Why are you here? What do you want? Why now?”
The three other angels slowly started to encircle you. The hairs on the back of your neck perked up.
“You see, Y/N, your 18th birthday is coming up, as well as the Spring Equinox. The equinox is of the utmost importance for different sects of beliefs: your birthday just happens to fall near that.” You could feel your face drain of its color and warmth. “I need you. Our kind needs you. We need to make certain that Lucifer, your witch friend, and Caliban do not ascend to the throne of Pandemonium.”
You could feel a cold breath on the back of your neck. You knew Aza was right behind you. “Why me? What does either of their ascensions have to do with you?” you questioned.
“Their growing power has caused a rift in Pandemonium as well as Heaven. Creatures are seeping out of hell and disrupting humanity. Creatures like the Green Man pagans, Gallus, and Hellhounds.”
Your gaze shot to the man who claimed to be your father. “Why?” you countered.
“Because they have sensed a shift in power. When Lilith claimed the throne, while my brother was—incapacitated,” Arakiel let out a dry laugh, “she disrupted everything that was set in stone. Lucifer was meant to fall. Though he betrayed God, he was God’s favorite. God granted him Pandemonium as a parting gift.”
“This is definitely not something I learned in Sunday school” you whispered to yourself.
Arakiel cocked his head, never breaking eye contact with you. He continued on, “Lilith’s overthrowing of the throne, like I said before, caused a disrupt in everything that was meant to happen. A mere woman has caused everything to fall apart” he said with a grimace. “But a woman can be of use to me.” Arakiel stalked toward you.
You went to back up, only to bump into one of the angels. Aza grabbed your right arm, squeezing his marble-like hand into your forearm. The third angel did the same on your left. Arakiel was only inches away from you.
“I need you to do a task for me Y/N. I need you to get Sabrina to fall in love with Caliban.”
Your heart dropped. Why would he ask you to something like that? Why does that have anything to do with Pandemonium? Even though you had only known Caliban for a short period of time—well a day... damn. It did not feel like a day. You felt like you had met him before, like you were meant to be with him. Your chest felt empty when you were away from him. You didn’t want to admit this to yourself because of everything that had happened with Sabrina and the contest, and the fact that he is the prince of hell. But you knew you could never be with him, prophecy or not, it wasn’t right to be with him.
“Caliban.” You repeated to yourself quietly. You didn’t think the hands around your arms could get any tighter, but they did when they heard that name.
Arakiel dropped his head, so that he was level with yours, “I know how you feel about the prince of hell, daughter. I need you to do this or else the world as we know it will cease to exist… that includes your mother.”
Your gaze shot to him. “What have you done with my mother?” you yelled.
“She’s safe. For now, but I need you to do this, or she won’t be. As a matter of fact, she’s with us now.” His head turned toward the oak tree behind him.
Your eyes narrowed on the tree. The closer you looked at it, the more it looked like the shape of a woman. Your knees gave out. You would have dropped to the ground if your arms hadn’t been held by the angels next to you. Tears welled in your eyes as you held in a sob.
Arakiel came towards you and placed two of his skeleton-like fingers under your chin, lifting your head up. “She’s alive, but for how long … well that’s up to you. She will never be able to morph back into human form again”
You shook your head. “Why are you doing this to us? To her? I thought you loved her.”
“At one in point I did, I still do, but time moves differently for us. Angels, demons, nymphs, gods. We get bored” he replied.
Your heart ached for your mother. She didn’t seem to have fallen out of love with your father. You shook your head, that wasn’t important at the moment, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t bear the thought of Caliban being with Sabrina, or anyone for that matter. But you couldn’t let your mother stay this way. “How do I get them to fall for one another?” you asked defeatedly.
“That’s my girl!” he exclaimed, clasping your chin. You shook your head out of his grasp.
“Unfortunately, magic will be of no use to us. Witches can sense it and demons… well demons can find a loophole. That’s what happened when we tried to do the opposite for Lilith and Lucifer. Lilith is smart for a female.”
You scoffed at his remark towards Lilith. There were moments when she acted a bit out of hand, but she had her reasons.
“We must do it the old fashioned way.” Your brows furrowed together, confused by his comment. “You must do everything in your power to make Caliban hate you. Despise you. You see daughter, Caliban feels the same for you as you do for him. You two complete one another. You felt that haven’t you?” his eyes peering into your soul. You grunted while trying to shake the angels off you, but it was no use. He smiled confirming his suspicions.
“But he also completes Sabrina. But we can’t let the two of you happen, Lucifer will have the upper hand if we do. If Caliban and Sabrina come together, taking them down will be—straightforward.”
“That doesn’t make sense. Why would Lucifer have an advantage if Caliban and I were together? Why me? How will this fix the rift?”
“That answer will come in good time. As for your first question, let’s just say I’m killing two birds with one stone. I can’t let Caliban and you get together, for Lucifer will have control over both kingdoms. I can’t let that happen. It was the sole reason he was cast down in the first place.” Arakiel gave a wave of his hand and the two angels dropped your arms, causing you to fall to the ground.
You looked up as the angel hovered over you. “Do we have a deal daughter?” you looked down at the ground, not wanting to agree to this twisted plan. But Arakiel had control over your mother and that was the only family left in your life. But what about Sabrina, Roz, Theo, Harvey… Caliban? You glanced back up at the angel. A determined look on your face, caused his features to crinkle. With one swift raise of his hands, you were eye level with the angel, barely able to breathe.
“Y/N. don’t try to be the hero in this story. It will end poorly for both you, your mother, and the rest of civilization.” He dropped you back on the ground. Gasping for air, you nodded your head. “Fine. Fine. Just please let my mother go.”
“Oh no, it doesn’t work like that, I need leverage. You go through with our deal and your mother will return to you safely. You have 6 months. I will see you on the 31st of March.”
With that, a gust of wind crashed into you. They vanished.
You collapsed to your knees, your hand clasping your chest, as tears streamed down your face.
How is this happening? Why hadn’t Caliban been here? He seemed to show up every other time you were in trouble.
At that moment, you heard footsteps crunching quickly through the leaves.
“Y/N? Y/N!” you heard someone call out your name.
You turned around to find Caliban running towards you. in less than a moment he had his hands on your shoulders, examining you for any injuries. “Are you alright? Why the hell are you in the woods? Were you sleepwalking?” he questioned you.
Your brows scrunched together confused by his sleepwalking comment. Only your mother knew about that. And why hadn’t he noticed me sooner. It wasn’t like he was actually asleep.
“I’m fine.” You muttered as you shrugged his hands off your shoulders.
Caliban gave you a quizzical look. “What happened to you? I noticed you go to the bathroom five minutes ago and when you didn’t come out I went to check… you weren’t there. Then I heard you calling for me…” he stated.
You shot him a sharp look. Calling for him? What was he talking about? Five minutes? You’d been gone for at least an hour… You didn’t know how you long you were unconscious for, but it was longer than five minutes. And your conversation with Arakiel was definitely more than five minutes.
“Caliban what are you talking about? I’ve been gone for longer than five minutes.”
“No, no you weren’t. I saw you get up to go get a glass of water and after a few minutes when I didn’t hear the faucet turn on I went in to check on you and then I heard you screaming my name, and I ran out here.”
Why is his time frame so off? You chewed the inside of your lip thinking how this could have happened. Unless… oh god. Aza… That’s why that name sounded familiar… He was a Time Watcher. Your mother told you stories about him, ‘Beware of the Time Watcher’, she used to say. He could freeze, disrupt and completely erase time, but it came at a price. Aza would start to age if he did it too many times. That explained the white streak, and the fact that he couldn’t see out of his left eye. Could you explain that to Caliban? Would he believe you? Would Arakiel know you told him? He seemed to know everything else. You thought it best to keep it to yourself for now.
“Yeah, I was sleepwalking. Had a nightmare, must of ended up walking out the door” you replied.
He looked at you like he didn’t truly believe what you were saying, like he could read your mind. He pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear and stared into your eyes. Your heart felt heavy, realizing how hard it would be to deceive him. But you had to do it for your mother.
You broke away from his gaze and pushed yourself off the ground. “I need to get back to the Spellman’s. I’ll see you later?”
“I can walk you back. I mean lucifer, Y/N, you ended up in the middle of the forest by yourself in the middle of the night. From sleepwalking?”
“Yeah, my mom said I would do it sometimes during the fall.” He gave you another quizzical look. “I’ve got it from here, I’ve been through this before. I’ll talk to you later.”
You turned away from him and headed back towards the Spellman’s home. Your chest started to ache again. This time for yourself.
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frost-queen · 3 years
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• Wicked to the bone (Fem!Reader)
• Feast of feasts (Fem!Reader)
• Wicked betrayel (Fem!Reader)
Sabrina Spellman
• Sleep over ( Sabrina x Harvey)
• Take me back (Fem!Reader)
•  Honesty (Fem!Reader)
• She’s mine (Fem!Reader)
Nick Scratch
• Typical dad ( Morningstar!Reader)
• Earned it 
• What a man gotta do 
The Weird sisters
• How could you! 
• Shared deal 
• To have and keep 
Susie/ Theo Putnam
• Allow me ( Non/Binary!Reader x Susie)
• One-year anniversary ( Fem!Reader x Susie) 
• Wolves // au ( Fem!Reader x Susie)
•  Queen Bee ( Reader x Susie)
• Who is in control? ( Reader x Susie)
• Who is in control? // Part 2 ( Reader x Susie)
• Heartburn (Nymph!Reader x Theo Putnam)
• 9 crimes (Fem!reader x Theo) - Warnings! Abuse!!
• Feeling sick (Reader x Theo Putnam)
• First Christmas (Reader x Theo Putnam)
•  Goodbye’s (Fem!Reader x Theo)
Ambrose Spellman
• Spark at first sight 
• Witches hour
• Where angels fall
• Welcome to hell
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scorlettimagines · 4 years
Nothing More, Nothing Less: A Caliban Imagine
Request from @screechingexpertpruneneck​: Can you write something where reader and caliban break up and Sabrina is doing everything she can to get them back together because they are both at their lowest point without each other
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x
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Sabrina Spellman wasn’t one to condone a relationship between her friend and the guy who had tried to overthrow her reign in Hell. And so, when Y/N told her that she and Caliban had broken up, she would have been lying if she said she wasn’t happy about it. Of course, she didn’t tell Y/N that, but it was something that she was relieved about.
That was until she saw the state Y/N was in a week later. She wasn’t her usual bubbly self, instead bursting into tears at random moments. When Sabrina asked her if she was okay, she apologised profusely, telling her that it was just still a bit raw and that she would get over it eventually.
Sabrina believed her, knowing Y/N to be a strong woman, knowing her to have gone through worse. She would get over Caliban, realising that he wasn’t the one for her, that he wasn’t perfect like she thought.
And then another two weeks passed. Y/N had stopped crying at this point, instead, she looked tired, bags under her eyes and her throat hoarse like she was on the way to losing her voice. When she did speak, it was one word sentences and it worried Sabrina immensely.
Y/N wouldn’t admit it, but Sabrina knew that this was Caliban’s doing. The Spellman witch didn’t know the full story, didn’t know why the relationship had ended, but she figured that it wouldn’t hurt to find out what had going wrong. If she knew that, then maybe she could help fix it.
She never thought she’d say it, but Sabrina Spellman was going to help Y/N and Caliban get back together.
Caliban was surprised when Sabrina Spellman asked him for his help. Apparently she needed his experience in Hellish dealings. Normally, he would have said no, but this curse that she said was headed their way would affect him too, and he really didn’t fancy death. So, he agreed, telling himself not to ask after Y/N.
Memories of her would hurt too much, and hearing that she was over him (because she probably was) would be worse.
Caliban hadn’t been in love before, under the impression that he never would be, but then he met Y/N and everything changed. He’d always known that she was too good to be true. Only a few weeks ago, he’d discovered that he was right.
He regretted what he did, but he knew it was the right thing in the long run.
“So what are we looking for?” He watched as Sabrina sifted through the books in the Academy’s Library.
“Some book on breaking curses. Ambrose said it was around here somewhere. Just keep looking.”
“Whatever you want, my lady.”
A few moments passed, the two looking through the shelves. It didn’t help that Sabrina didn’t actually know what this particular book was called. She said she’d know it when she found it, but so far, there had been no success.
Caliban was growing tired, half from this ridiculous charade and half from trying not to think about Y/N. It was working so far, at least, that was until-
“So, I heard about you and Y/N.”
Caliban turned towards Sabrina, straightening up as he braced both his arms on the shelves either side of him. Just the mention of her name, and he had to hold himself up. If he didn’t, he’d fall to the floor and wouldn’t stop crying.
From the moment she had asked Caliban to help her in this faux-mission, Sabrina could tell that he was in the same state as Y/N, if not worse. His usual swagger was gone and even when he threw sarcastic remarks her way, she could tell that he didn’t really care; he wasn’t really trying to irritate her like he usually did.
“Yes. We broke up. It happens.”
“But why?”
“None of your business.”
That annoyed her.
“It is actually. Because right now, because of you, my friend is at the lowest point I’ve ever seen her. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I wish you hadn’t broken up because then maybe she wouldn’t be so miserable.”
Caliban’s arms slumped back down to his sides.
“She’s miserable?”
“Of course she is. She loves you.”
“There’s no curse coming for us, is there?”
“Nope. Now are you going to tell me what happened or not?”
Sabrina listened intently as Caliban relayed the details of his break up with Y/N to her. The two had fought after he had caught Y/N practicing some particularly dangerous spells. She had said that it was to defend him should anything bad come his way, and he had told her all the dangers of using dark magic like that. She had said she didn’t care, and that’s when he had decided that it was better if they broke up. The relationship was clearly unhealthy if she was willing to take on the cost of dark magic for him, and so it was better for her if she didn’t see him anymore.
“I don’t want her turning into something she would hate. And if that means she’s not with me anymore, then so be it.”
“I think that’s my decision to make, isn’t it?”
Sabrina and Caliban turned at the sound of Y/N’s voice.
“What are you doing here?” Caliban looked at Y/N, conscious of the ache in his heart as he took her in. She looked exhausted, and he wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and kiss it all better.
“I heard there was a curse that needed fixing, but obviously that’s not true.”
“So you heard that then? All of it?”
“Afraid so.”
There was silence as neither knew what to say. It was the first time Caliban had seen Y/N since the break up, the first time he had seen her and hadn’t complimented her, kissed her, held her hand. It was agonising.
More silence. And then-
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” Both Caliban and Y/N turned to look at Sabrina. “Look, you’re both obviously lost without each other and yes, I’m not particularly fond of this relationship, but come on. Y/N, what you were going to do was insane; you and I both know there are other ways of protecting people, but Caliban, it wasn’t up to you to decide who Y/N wants to be. You love each other, right? Then just kiss and get it over with. I’ll even turn away if you want me to.”
Caliban looked at Y/N, who was looking back at him with the same bewildered expression. And then she shrugged, hope in her eyes.
“Maybe not a kiss, but maybe we could start again?”
Caliban considered for a moment. Here was the girl he loved, the girl he was trying to protect, standing before him with the request to start again, to try and make their relationship work. He would have been stupid not to accept. In fact, he wanted nothing more, nothing less, than her.
“I’d like that.”
What neither of them saw was Sabrina Spellman smile.
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rax-writes · 4 years
Enchanted - Part II
Fandom:  The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Pairing:  Caliban x Reader Warnings:  Violence, death + resurrection Notes:  Part I ♥ Here’s part two! Hope you all like it!
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Your relationship with Caliban did not remain a secret for long. Your sister was the first to know.
As you jogged over to her at the carnival the following weekend, you said, “Sister, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I know how the Plague Kings’ plan to overthrow you. They’ll be keeping an eye on you for any missteps, and once given probable cause, they will force you and Caliban to embark on a quest to retrieve the Unholy Regalia.”
She was visibly stunned, and understandably so. “That’s great! But how did you find all that out?”
“That would be the bad news.”
As if on cue, Caliban then materialized, and wrapped an arm around your waist – which was immediately noticed by Sabrina.
“What did you rope my sister into?” she snarled at Caliban, but you held up a hand to silence them both before the bickering began.
“Caliban came to me and stated that he wished to court me. I first tried to convince him to end the coup in exchange for courtship, but he explained that even if he wanted to, he is unable to stop the Kings. So, instead, the exchange became useful information for courtship.”
“Mhmm,” Sabrina mused disbelievingly, glaring at the man at your side. “And for how long does she have to date you?”
“The only requirement to fulfill our agreement is a single date, hence our presence at this mortal affair,” Caliban answered, then smiled warmly at you. “After that, the status of our courtship is up to my lady.”
“Oh. Well, that’s not so bad,” Sabrina muttered, then shrugged as she turned to you. “At least you can get this night over with and never have to see him again.”
“In all honesty… I am not entirely opposed to seeing him again,” you admitted hesitantly, and Sabrina’s jaw dropped slightly as her brows furrowed in agitation. “Oh, don’t look at me like that, Sister. For Satan’s sake, have you seen him? He’s more than a little easy on the eyes.”
Caliban chuckled, both at your compliment and your sister’s obvious annoyance. “Come, little dove. Let us explore this fanciful event.”
Though the evening had been a delight, and you enjoyed your time with your date, you couldn’t help but notice that Caliban seemed slightly on edge all night. After the sun had gone down, and you’d surveyed the majority of the carnival, Caliban requested to take you to dinner in a nice restaurant. You agreed, and he thoroughly surprised you by taking you to a quiet, romantic rooftop restaurant in Italy, having remembered you stating that Italian was your favorite food. It was the following morning before you realized that he’d been sensing the impending danger of Herod’s attack. Coincidentally, he had disappeared for a short while during dinner, and although he’d claimed to have gone to the restroom, you learned from Sabrina the following morning that he’d actually returned to Greendale to collect King Herod's crown.
Naturally, the two of you had bickered about him cheating your sister the next time you were together, but his soft lips and skilled hands had done wonders to dissipate your anger. Although you refused to admit it, you were positively hooked from thereon out.
You told yourself that you continued the dates and the trysts simply because it was merely an enjoyable pastime. But in truth, it was because you were slowly falling for the prince. Knowing it was a mistake due to his allegiance to Hell, and his position as the enemy of your sister, created a forbidden nature to the romance, and it only made you crave him more.
Little did you know, Caliban felt the same for you. Your smile set his soul aflame, and your laughter made his chest tighten with affection. The sight of your hair fanned across your pillow, mouth slightly agape in pleasure, was not one he would ever grow tired of. He had fallen well and truly in love with you.
This information was kept secret from one another, because both of you were scared to admit such a thing and risk scaring the other away.
It wasn’t long after your mutual realizations that he met your aunts and Ambrose. Although they were all pleased to have met the object of your affection, and they remained civil with him, it was evident that each member of your family distrusted him, and questioned his intentions with you.
Their distrust turned out to be short-lived.
Immediately following your coven’s Hare Moon celebration, one of the Pagans had developed a very intense dislike for you. All it took was for her to sense that you were a very powerful member of your kind – that is, until your powers faded – and she, being a harpy, notorious for their insatiable hunger and lust for torture, had decided that she would feast upon your witch flesh as her next meal.
It was that evening when she appeared. You had been relaxing on the front porch of the Spellman Mortuary, and at first, you thought she was merely a mortal woman – then her wings spread out from behind her as her glamour faded, bird-like legs sprouted from her torso, and her face became hideous, decayed and rotting. You had instinctively tried to run, but it was futile. After all, harpies were originally thought to be the personification of wind, so it was unsurprising that you were in her clutches before you even made it to the door.
The harpy’s sharp talons dug into your shoulders, and you screamed for help as she launched you into the yard. You fell flat on your back, which knocked the wind out of you, and she was on you again in the blink of an eye. As you felt the most impossibly intense, agonizing pain across your abdomen, you screamed again as you glanced down and realized she had torn you open. She began feasting on your flesh and organs, blood dripping from her claws as she ravaged you.
You were vaguely aware of a horrified scream from Sabrina somewhere behind you. She had just swung open the front door of the Spellman household to see the ghastly scene before her, Aunt Zelda, Aunt Hilda, and Ambrose right behind her. With a roar of pure rage, Ambrose charged at the harpy with his blade drawn, which drew her away from you. Sabrina and Hilda then kneeled beside you, the former with tears in her eyes and a terrified look on her face as she held your hand, and the latter clearly trying to hide her panic as she unsuccessfully attempted to heal you. But your injuries were far too extensive, and your loved ones’ magick was far too weak.
The unmistakable sound of a gunshot pierced through the night air, and you weakly turned your head to see Aunt Zelda holding a shotgun, Ambrose a few feet from your attacker, and the harpy lying dead on the ground. The two then ran over to you, both dropping to their knees at your side, their faces just as solemn and fearful as Sabrina and Aunt Hilda.
It was then, looking upon the panic-stricken faces of your family, that you knew you were going to die.
Darkness began to cloud your vision, and you vaguely heard your sister sobbing, and aunts and cousin begging you to stay conscious, giving you empty promises that they would find a way to fix this, and that everything would be alright. In the midst of all their hysterics, it seemed an idea donned on Sabrina.
“Caliban!” she screamed desperately into the night, her voice breaking from the force as she put behind it.
He appeared instantly, the usual vortex of flames escorting him onto the scene. He opened his mouth, no doubt to make a smug retort to Sabrina’s unceremonious summoning, before his eyes fell on you.
“No,” Caliban whispered in disbelief, still frozen on the spot. Blood poured from your abdomen, and the sight of you torn open and half-dead filled him with a sense of gripping terror and worry he had never before experienced. He ran over to you, skidding to a stop on his knees and gently cradling your head in his hands.
“Do something!” Sabrina begged, a sob raking her body. Caliban panicked for a split second, then a solution came to him. It was a last ditch effort kind of plan, but seeing as your eyes had already drifted shut, and your body was growing colder by the second, he knew that he must do something that would absolutely ensure your survival.
“With a desperate heart and no time to waste, I call upon all three Fates!”
In a cloud of smoke, three hooded figures appeared. Each had clouded eyes, long white hair, and greenish-gray, wrinkled skin.
“Fates, I beseech you to save this woman’s life,” Caliban pleaded.
“In exchange for our aid, you must give up the fate you have been pursuing so fiercely.” The Fates spoke in unison, their voices raspy and eerie. “You must cease your pursuit of the throne of Hell, and no longer seek to make Earth the tenth circle.”
“I shall. Here and now, I end my quest to become King of Hell, and remake the Earth as the tenth circle,” Caliban vowed. The lack of hesitation and conviction in his voice astounded each of the Spellman’s, although that was but a minor thought in the back of their minds at the moment. “Just save the woman I love, please.”
The Fates disappeared without another word in another cloud of smoke, at the same moment that a ragged, desperate gasp tore from your lips. The Spellman’s and Caliban all snapped their eyes back down to you. The fatal wound had been healed, and even your clothing was fixed. You sat bolt upright, as if you’d just been necromanced back to life – and, technically, you had. As you looked around at your loved ones, the realization that you were alive and safe sunk in, and you immediately began to cry.
“I saw Dad. I saw him,” you sobbed pitifully, and your family took you into their arms. You despised how weak you sounded, but seeing your father was something you were entirely unprepared for. Caliban rubbed his palm up and down your back, not wanting to interfere with your familial embrace. Still crying into Auntie Zee’s chest, you explained, “I died. I died and Dad was there waiting for me. He hugged me and told me that he was happy to see me, but it wasn’t my time yet.”
It was several minutes before you were able to compose yourself, although you supposed that was somewhat to be expected for someone who had just died then came back to life. After your aunts wiped your tears, you turned around to look at Caliban.
“I know you had something to do with this. We’re all powerless right now, so that is the only explanation,” you whispered. “What did you do?”
Caliban hesitated a moment, so Ambrose answered for him.
“He called upon the Fates. They demanded that he give up the fate he has been pursuing, in order to save you. So, he vowed to give up the throne of Hell, and said it was to save the woman he loves.”
You looked slowly from Ambrose back to Caliban. He appeared slightly perturbed that Ambrose revealed what he’d said in that moment of fear-fueled vulnerability, but didn’t bother to deny it.
“Caliban… is that true?”
“As I’ve told you before: anything for you,” Caliban answered, giving you a soft smile. You threw your arms around his neck, and he immediately wrapped his around your waist.
“I love you,” you murmured, your face buried in his neck. Caliban held you tightly and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“And I love you, little dove.”
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imaginefan · 4 years
Offer Still Stands
Caliban X Reader
Word Count: 1171
Requested: Anon
Request: Being confident and sarcastic all the time but when Caliban comes around your mood changes a little you tend to be rude to him to hide that you like him. One shot.
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You were probably the most witch-like human friend that Sabrina had, you were sarcastic and very strong-willed, you weren't easily scared so when Sabrina found out about her witch heritage you were the one that she was least scared to tell and you didn't really say too much about it, it was a shock to you but that was all finding out that all of that existed didn't make you change the way that you lived or the people that you talked to. Now most of Sabrina's problems didn't directly affect you and to be fair her latest fight to be Queen Of Hell didn't affect you either but when she came to you with her problem you were there to listen and to provide what seemed to you obvious advice.
"So what you're telling me is that there's a guy who claims that he should be King Of Hell?" You asked. "Yeah, he proposed a competition." She answered. "And?" You asked. "Well that's it" She answered. "Whoever wins rules." "Well then win." You shrugged. "Caliban was born in Hell how can I hope to beat him?" Sabrina asked. "By bringing a new kind of you to the table, I know you can do it, I've seen you do it. Remember that you have magic to use it." You said, she looked at you and you smiled "I know that you can win but I think that's what scares you."
You didn't hear anything more from Sabrina after that, you hoped that she had taken your advice on board but you weren't one to sit around worrying you asked Harvey and the rest when you saw them but it was becoming harder and harder to find them as well. One night you were sitting on your bed when Sabrina and another boy appeared in your room "Sabrina." You greeted her and then you looked at the other boy that had appeared with her, she watched you quietly. "He's the guy isn't he?" You asked. "How do you know that?" He asked as he looked you up and down. "You have the confidence of someone who wants to be king." You answered crossing your arms over your chest. "Caliban." He introduced himself and you looked at him and raised an eyebrow as he put his hand out, you didn't take it, you looked at Sabrina (mostly because you feared that if you looked at him any longer you were going to cave). "What are you doing here 'Brina, you usually stop by when you need something." You said as you leant up against your bedpost, by now Caliban had started to look around your room, you assumed this was the first time that he'd seen a human room and the wonder that took over his face almost made you smile. "Well actually it's Harvey and Theo, they need our help, they asked me to get you." She answered. "So why have you brought the prince of hell then?" You asked. "He might be able to help." She answered. "Yeah for something in exchange, this could be how he gets you to forfeit." You informed her and she sighed. "Let's just see what happened." Sabrina said and you sighed before nodding and told her that you'll meet her outside when you were ready.
When you got to Harvey's you realised that the situation was more dire then you though, Ros had been turned to stone and Sabrina had no idea how to fix it "I might be able to help your friend." You looked over at Caliban. "In exchange for?" You asked. "I have a proposal that I wish to make away from the courts of Hell, if my Queen were to entertain it then I would help your friend." He explained. "What do you know about turning stone to flesh?" Sabrina asked. "I'm made of clay" He reminded her. "I'm sorry made of clay?" You asked. "Mmm." He hummed as he looked at you again with a smirk on his face. "If he can save Ros." Harvey jumped in. "I'll do it." Sabrina agreed. "We'll need a mutual party." He looked at you and you rolled your eyes before standing up. "Let's go." You ordered.
You had taken a seat at the farthest end of the room from the two bickering royals but the moment that they started talking about the proposal you listened, you listened to them argue about marriage until he proposed something else "What about marrying someone that you can trust." He suggested. "Who do you know that I trust?" She asked and then you felt them looking at you. "No" You answered and they both raised an eyebrow. "I'm not marrying anyone."  They had assumed that you weren't listening considering you were looking at your phone. "Well then maybe we should just save your friend, your hearts may soften to me after." He said as he handed Sabrina the book. "Mm yeah sure." You muttered. A trip to the highschool and one failed offering later you were jumping in the middle of Caliban and Harvey to stop a fight "Okay I don't think this is helping anyone!" You pushed Harvey while using your body to stop Caliban from moving forward. "I should kick your ass." Harvey threatened. "Harvey I swear to god if you don't calm down, I'll kick your ass." You warned him as Sabrina walked towards Theo and Robin who you were vaguely aware of having a conversation. Robin explained that there was another way that you could try and get Ros back but there was no guarantee that he was going to work out in your favour. Sabrina decided that she was going to ask for some help from someone at the school before telling all of you to go home. "Be careful Sabrina."
You'd just walked into your bedroom when you realised that Caliban was sitting on your bed "what the hell are you doing here?" You asked. "Don't worry, I'm just here to thank you." He answered. "Thank me?" You asked. "For protecting me from your mortal friend... Not that I needed it." He shrugged and you rolled your eyes. "You started off strong there, you really did." You sighed as you dropped your bag on the floor and walked over to your desk chair. "Is there something else?" "Why?" He asked. "You hadn't shown much care for my safety before that." "Maybe it wasn't your safety I was worried about." You shrugged. "Then why threaten him and not me?" He asked. "I can threaten you if that's what you want." You informed him and he smirked. "I like you." He said. "That's nice, now if you don't mind I have things that I need to be getting on with." You informed him as you turned away from him, you heard him get up and you held your breath as he got closer. "The offer still stands." He said softly his lips next to your ear and when you turned he was gone.
Requests and general question!
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Caliban x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1603 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Sabrina putting you in charge of babysitting Caliban and keeping him out of trouble. Instead, he just ends up giving you a tour of hell
You understood why Sabrina needed someone to keep track of Caliban, but you just weren’t sure why it had to be you. In some ways, you were able to connect the dots, realizing that you were the only one of your friends not currently facing your own demons.
In that way specifically, you were the perfect candidate for watching the man of clay.
...Lucky you.
You didn’t know Caliban all that well, but it wasn’t difficult to see that even if he wasn’t truly a man, he had more personality than any other you’d ever met.
There was nothing you could change about what he was or how he was acting. All you could do was plug your ears and ignore him at best. After all, this favor wasn’t about Caliban at all...This was all for Sabrina.
You owed her your life and if this was what she wanted your help with, you were just going to suck it up and watch him.
Not that it was going to be easy.
You were quickly learning that bossing around the self-proclaimed prince of hell wasn’t as much of a cakewalk as you thought it was.
“Don’t touch that” you repeated, for what seemed like the hundredth time, slapping his hand away from one of the many books in the library. You were trying to keep him somewhere that he couldn’t destroy anything.
Unfortunately,that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t find a way to be ridiculously annoying anyhow.
“How do you expect me to entertain myself if I cannot read anything? You certainly aren’t amusing me” he huffed in return, finding this whole thing terribly dull.
Not only was he being held here, but you wouldn’t even try to have a good time with him...not that there was much of a good time to be had at all.
You and Caliban had nothing in common, but the more the man of clay fiddled with the books on the shelves, the more his mind began to wander. He had an idea, but he wasn’t sure how you would react.
After all, what he was about to propose would likely make a mortal like you recoil in fear.
Though, he had to know for sure what you would think, it was out of his hands at this point. “Have you ever thought about hell?” he asked, keeping his head forward on the books.
He had to be careful about how he did this, it had to be handled the right way. You had been suspicious of him all day, and this would only make it worse if you rejected his suggestion.
You were shocked, at first.
Of course you had thought about hell. You had been worshipping the dark lord since you were old enough to speak, but that wasn’t what he was asking...and you both knew it.
It was clear that there was a different weight to his question, so you nodded.
“Of course I have, but only in the way that everyone else has” you shrugged, glancing over at him quickly before dropping your eyes again. Caliban was sort of intimidating for a man made of clay, but you couldn’t have cared all that much.
All you had to do was keep him out of trouble, and as long as you two were talking, he wasn’t doing anything too bad.
“Well, you know I come from there. Do you have any questions you want to ask me?” he tried, this time a bit more brazen. As soon as he spoke, Caliban turned to face you, a wicked grin on his face. “-Or, I could always take you there to see for yourself”
It was nothing more than a mutter, which you likely would have missed if you hadn’t been looking at his lips. However, you could hardly control the tiny skip in your heart at his offer.
For a girl who’d been praying to hell all her life, the idea of actually getting to see it in life was too good to pass up. Though, you didn’t really have much of a choice. You were pretty sure that when Sabrina asked you to watch him, letting Caliban take you to hell wasn’t part of the plan.
Not that you didn’t want to take him up on it.
Every cell in your body was urging you to take his hand and go with him. It wouldn't have been that bad, right? You were a witch for hell’s sake, hell was just a part of that. Besides, you weren’t sure when you’d get a chance to see it again.
In fact, the more you thought about it, the more you were finding it difficult to pass it up and who was going to stop you? What Sabrina didn’t know wouldn’t kill her, after all.
If no one told her that you went, then she wouldn’t have a problem anyway. Not to mention the fact that you would still be keeping an eye on Caliban, just not where she thought you were.
It wouldn’t hurt her.
So, without giving it much more of a thought, you nodded. “Okay Caliban, take me there” you allowed, taking the hand he offered. The man looked shocked at your order, but he only smiled, giving you a curt nod.
This was what he wanted all along. He had been craving some sort of excitement since he stepped foot on earth, and this was just the ticket…
Even if it was going to take him back to hell.
Hell wasn’t what you thought it would be, at least not at first.
After your ascension to hell, that came in the form of swirling flames from the ground up, to the sands of the shore of sorrow, it was all unlike anything you had ever experienced.
The very air seemed to elicit feelings of unease, but that wasn’t the strangest part. The strangest part of the entire experience was that Caliban didn’t care, at all. He didn’t seem at all amused by the absoluteness of this.
Hell was it, it was all there was, for a lot of people.
You could hardly believe that you were standing here with air still in your lungs, and blood pumping through your veins but Caliban didn’t even bat an eye.
It was almost as if this didn’t matter to him, at least not in the way that it clearly mattered to you. Though maybe you shouldn’t have been surprised, considering the fact that he had literally been crafted from the soil here.
Hell had given him life, and he thought of it as what it was. He didn’t even spare it any more than that, because that was all it was. It was the place he had begun life in, and it was the place he would continue to rule for all eternity if all went well.
It wasn’t the marvel that you thought it was in this moment.
“This place is astounding” you gushed, glancing around the beach with wide eyes. You had no idea what he was going to do now that the two of you were here but it didn’t matter.
All that mattered was that you were standing in hell with Caliban, and this was going to be one hell of a tour.
Hell had been awesome, if that term was appropriate.
You thought that what you and Caliban had done by going there was amazing, but after Sabrina found out about it, you weren’t sure if you felt the same way.
She wasn’t thrilled and all things considered, you couldn’t blame her for being upset.
However, before she could really get upset with you for what you had done, Caliban moved in to defend you. “Don’t berate her, Spellman...The trip was my idea” he started, shocking both of you.
You hadn’t been expecting that.
In all the time that you’d known each other, you had never known Caliban to take the blame for anything. It surprised you and with one look, you could tell just how much it surprised Sabrina as well. 
After looking between you, and the man at your side, she sighed. “Fine, but no more trips to hell for you” she decided, knowing what could happen if anyone happened to notice you there. 
You didn’t like it, of course, but you understood. 
“No problem, princess” Caliban grinned, using that nickname to further spite her. If he had it his way, he would take you to hell every chance that he got, but if she wouldn’t have it, he wasn’t going to push the issue. 
Instead, he turned back to face you. 
“But perhaps you would join me for another activity, a safer one of course” he suggested, winking at Sabrina as he added that, knowing it would get her goat. 
He wouldn’t have said it if it didn’t. Though, you could hardly focus on that. 
Instead, you chose to remain on the sentence before. Had Caliban just asked you out? It seemed as if he had but it didn’t make any sense. 
As far as you knew, Caliban hated you but you had never known a man like him to spend more time with anyone more than necessary. He had spent all day by your side, and that wasn’t even the half of it. 
...Now he was coming back for more. 
Perhaps though, it couldn’t hurt to take the clay man up on his offer. After all, everything that he suggested before now told you that he cared for you and that may be worth exploring. 
Even if it wasn’t ideal for anyone involved. 
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
Figure It Out
Summary: The Fright Club stumbles across an injured werewolf chased out of town by hunters.
Word-count: 2.8k+
A/N: this caliban x fem!reader was requested by the lovely and ever-so-patient @none-of-this-makes-any-sense​ 💕 hope you guys enjoy!!
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When you’re running from something, your body reaches a point where it wants to give up. Your muscles ache, your lungs burn, and all your joints cry out. Every step becomes its own misery when you reach that point - and that was without poison eating away at your insides - but your choices were to either keep running or be killed. 
The hunters had fallen away sometime during the night, and it was only after you’d made it out of the woods and spotted the broken and graffitied Welcome to Greendale sign that you realized they'd stopped following you because you crossed town lines. Their treaties prevented them from hunting on land that was already claimed. 
Greendale was claimed by the witches. No hunter, regardless of what their prey was, was allowed in Greendale, but that didn’t exactly make Greendale an accepting place. The last werewolf you’d heard of Greendale had been kept as a familiar and killed by one of the witches. The Greendale witches were why you would have kept running if you could. 
But you couldn’t. The second your mind realized you were safe from the hunters, it stopped giving your muscles the adrenaline they needed to keep going. Without pure survival to focus on, you were acutely aware of how much pain you were in. 
A trail of black blood followed you all the way from the Welcome to Greendale sign to the garage you’d broken into and curled up in. The pain had left you too exhausted to deal with the fear of being found, so you told yourself that you could deal with staying hidden if you survived the night. 
It was light out when you woke up, annoying rays of sunlight streaming through the glass on the garage, and now you had to deal with getting out of Greendale and finding your pack before the hunters found you. The problem was that, between you and the door, stood a horde of teenagers. 
They stood in a huddle and whispered furiously at each other. Not to each other; they were arguing too much and not listening to each other to qualify as whispering to each other. The sight of them would have been funny - with two being much taller than the rest and having to stoop, while one was annoyed at the close proximity, and the leader being the tiniest blonde girl you’d ever seen - if they weren’t standing between you and your escape. 
One of the shorter ones - a guy with a mess of brown curls on his head - spotted that you were awake while you were sizing them up. He patted the arm of the guy next to him - tall, blonde hair, heartstoppingly attractive - and nodded over at you when he got his attention. 
“Apologies, my lady,” the taller one said as he straightened up, interrupting the tiny blonde as he did. He looked at you curiously, not malevolently, but not exactly kindly either, “but it appears our friend has woken up.”
The tiny blonde was only momentarily irritated at the interruption, but she looked more carefully suspicious than bothered when she turned to you. She hadn’t managed to do anything to you in the second after saying ‘oh’ and turning to look at you, but your brain screamed that she was a witch anyway. 
“Uh, hi,” she said with a second-too-late smile. She took a step closer. “My name is Sabrina and these are my friends.” 
You didn’t say anything, but you didn’t like lying on the floor with them standing over you. Trying to look tougher than you felt, you pulled yourself into a sitting position. 
“Okay, well, we’re here to help you,” Sabrina said. She did her best to push past the awkwardness and connect with you. “So if there’s anything that you could tell us, maybe about how you got that stomach wound … no? Okay, uh-”
You watched Sabrina wring out her hands awkwardly as she cast a look at her group. There was only one other witch, something you couldn’t place, and then three humans. 
At least, you thought to yourself, you passed for human.
Sabrina’s friends each mumbled some awkward sentences, except for the tall blonde. He was the one you couldn’t place, but he didn’t make you nervous because of the uncertainty. He made you nervous because he kept staring at you without saying anything. 
“-Well, we can’t really help you if you don’t talk to us,” Sabrina continued, her patience wearing thin. She looked like she was going to keep going when the blonde took his eyes off you and straightened up. 
“She’s not going to tell you anything,” he said. His voice was more sure of itself than the others, clearly used to being the voice that commands a room “-because she’s afraid. Aren’t you, little wolf?” 
“Little wolf?” the shorter one with curly brown hair and the other girl asked at the same time. They were an odd mixture of offense at the pet name and confusion at the origin of the name itself. If you weren’t so horrified by the revelation, their expressions would have made you smile. 
But survival came before smiling. You set your jaw as you tried to move again, but you winced at the tugging of your injured muscles. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said through gritted teeth in an attempt to recover. 
“Don’t I?” the blonde asked. He smiled as he walked closer to you, each step was as careful as the smile on his face. He crouched in front of you. “I was created in the pits of Hell; I learned to sniff out a werewolf before I learned how to talk.” 
“I don’t think a demon has the right to judge,” you said in a strained voice. 
He seemed amused by your defiance and used the moment of amusement to launch your attack. You struck out and kicked his leg out from under him. As he fell, you scrambled to your feet and bolted towards the door. 
Unfortunately, Sabrina and her horde of friends had other plans. The other tall brunette raced behind you to grab you, and it took all of your limited energy to push him away. The witches were arguing about spelling you, and the humans were worried about their friend. 
The tall blonde recovered quicker than you expected. He grabbed you from behind and restrained you fairly easily, despite your weak attempts to fight him off. Eventually, you realized that struggling was useless and decided to save your energy. 
“So that was fun,” the other witch said. He pushed some black hair out of his face and sighed, but he shot you a smile anyway. 
“Maybe because she didn’t punch you,” the brunette grumbled as his friends picked him up off the floor. 
“Maybe because I didn’t attack her,” the witch said with a superior tilt of his head. He looked away from the human and to Sabrina. “Who cares if she’s a werewolf? Let’s just heal her wounds and let her go.” 
“Let her go?” Sabrina asked. Again, she looked like she was going to argue when the tall blonde spoke. 
His voice rumbled when he spoke because he was so close to you. “While I hate to agree with Nicholas, she’s not a threat, my lady. There is no reason for us to keep her here.” 
There was still something about him that you didn’t trust, despite his advocating for your release, but you didn’t say anything. If he was going to be the one that got you out of the witches’ den, then you’d let him and deal with your distrust later on. 
“I, uh-” the short curly-haired one started uncertainly. “I agree. I mean, she’s not a threat to anyone other than Harvey, no offense. Are you?” 
It took you a second to realize that he was talking to you. He was kinder than his friends. 
“No.” Your voice was quiet but it sounded deafening while everyone waited for you to answer. Trying to sound less unsure, you added, “I just want to go home.” 
“If that’s the case, why did you come here?” Sabrina asked. 
“Trust me, it wasn’t by choice,” you said. You tried to move and the blonde tightened his arms around you. You turned to glare at him. “Do you mind?” 
“Are you going to kick me again if I say yes?” he asked. He was smiling again, not necessarily malevolently but mischievously. You realized it was because he was flirting with you. 
“Let her go, Caliban,” the witch said. His protectiveness was unusual. 
Caliban said something about how dear Nicholas was always looking out for the underdog. Whatever he was implying was clearly pointed at Nick and not you, but it didn’t sit well with you. 
Still, he let you go, and you started walking over to the spot where you’d slept when your muscles had enough of your abuse and wobbled underneath you. One of the humans caught you, the girl. 
She gave you an uncertain smile as she helped you stand. “I’m Roz,” she said. She nodded to each of her friends as she introduced them. “That’s Harvey and Theo. You already kinda met Brina, Nick, and Caliban.”
There was something about her that made you feel safe enough to tell her your name, even though you regretted it the second you were done. Then she asked where you were from and, again, you felt yourself giving out more information than you would have otherwise. 
“Why did you come all this way?” Roz asked. She seemed genuinely concerned about you. 
“My pack was attacked by hunters,” you said. “They didn’t follow me once I crossed into Greendale.” 
“Are you sure about that?” Sabrina asked. “We’ve had some run-ins with witch hunters.” 
You shook your head. “Different kind of hunters,” you said. 
You pulled your hand away from your stomach and looked at the black blood. It should have healed by now, but the blood was still thick and dark. At least it wasn’t smoking anymore, but you would still die if it wasn’t treated. 
“That doesn’t look good,” Roz said, sounding uncertain. 
“Doesn’t feel good either,” you said. You pulled your lips into a tight smile and shrugged off everything else. “I’ll be fine once I get home.” 
“Let me take you to my aunt,” Sabrina said. “She specializes in herbal medicines.” 
“Thanks, but I can take it from here,” you said. 
“Nicholas was the one that killed the wolf,” Caliban said. The casualness in his voice made you stop walking. “No one else has blood on their hands. You’re safe.” 
“I think that’s a relative term,” you said. 
“Please,” Nick said, as gently as he could, given the annoyance at his friend. Maybe 'friend' was a relative term as well. “Let us help you.” 
One of Sabrina’s aunts was all too pleased to treat you, but the other was less happy to have you in their home. She didn’t like dogs. You reminded her, as politely as you could with wolfsbane blackening your veins, that you weren’t a dog. 
Despite the emotional control you were capable of, if Hilda had waited for a half-hour more to treat you then you wouldn’t have been able to control the shift. The humans were handling your wolfish tendencies better than you expected them to, but your presence seemed to remind Nick and Sabrina of a memory that made him sad and her uncomfortable. 
And then there was Caliban. You couldn’t quite figure out how you made him feel. He watched you more carefully than the others, not because he was afraid of you, but because he was trying to figure you out. You liked that you weren’t easy for him to figure out, but you hated that you didn’t know what he was thinking. 
Did he think you were impressive for making it this far on your own? Was he wondering if you were a bitten wolf or if you were born this way? What had he meant when he made that comment about sniffing out werewolves - did those memories have anything to do with why he stared at you the way he did? 
The hunters attacked before you had the chance to bring the answers to those questions to light. They appeared out of nowhere, just as Hilda took out a pie (‘because she can’t send you home on an empty stomach!’), with their guns blazing. 
Unfortunately for you, the witches were on unsteady terms with their higher power. Their powers were fickle and fleeting, which meant they couldn’t be counted on for reliability in the fight. 
There were other ways to fight, of course, because the humans were still around and they were determined not to lose, but any supernatural intervention had to be left to you and Caliban. 
Somewhere in the middle of the fight, you took shelter behind a family-sized headstone. You were about to get back into the fight when Caliban appeared next to you, out of breath and with blood on his cheek.
His cheeks were flushed, his eyes wide, and his smile crooked. He looked so completely and utterly alive that he made your heart beat quicker just by standing next to him. His smile curled deeper when he noticed your staring. 
“See something you like, little wolf?” he asked. 
Deciding that if you were going to die or get out and never see him again anyway, you smiled and leaned in to touch his face. You cupped his cheek and ran your thumb underneath his eye. 
Pulling your hand away, you showed him the red stain on your thumb. “You have blood on your cheek.” 
You and Caliban made a good team, all things considered, and managed to get rid of the hunters relatively quickly after the headstone moment with the help of a few spells and a scary-looking baseball bat. Your success was not without injury, on both sides, but nothing had been laced with wolfsbane or any other lethal plants. 
You sipped on Hilda’s healing tea and watched her treat the others. The humans were her first concern, but their wounds were superficial, and they went home soon after the fighting stopped. It was strange to see how close they all were with each other and then see how easily the witches adapted to their night without the humans. 
They settled easily, as if they hadn’t just been attacked by hunters. They’d been kind enough to invite you to spend the night, but you were still deciding if you could survive spending another night in Greendale. 
As you excused yourself to nurse your healing tea on the patio and look out at the night sky, you had to admit the view was nice. You were trying to trace how far you’d have to run on your way home when Caliban sat next to you on the porch swing. 
The swing rocked back and forth as you glanced at him. He’d showered and changed since the fight, as all the other witches had, and washed away all the blood from his face. Caliban stared straight ahead at the night sky, but you knew he could tell whenever you looked at him. 
Yes, you thought to yourself as you took a sip of tea, the view here was very nice.
“Are you staying?” 
You hummed and turned to look at Caliban, pretending not to be paying as much attention to him as you were. “Hmm?” 
Caliban smiled as he stared at the sky. It was very clear that he knew what game you were playing when he turned to look at you. “You’re a long way from home. Are you going to travel all that distance in the dark?”
You shrugged. “What does it matter to you?” 
“Never said it did, little wolf,” Caliban said easily. 
You rolled your eyes and looked back at the night sky. All you knew was that you had to be back before the next full moon … but one more night couldn’t hurt. 
“Truth be told, there’s something about you that I can’t explain,” Caliban confessed. He reached his hand out and touched your cheek. His fingers were warm. He wiped something off your cheek and pulled his hand away to show some of Hilda’s healing whatever-it-was. Even pulled back, Caliban's hand was still close to your face. “I’d like it if you stayed until I figured that out.” 
“Kiss me,” you said without thinking about it. 
You thought he’d argue but all he said before he leaned in was “okay,” and then he kissed you. It made your heart race so quickly that for a second you worried about shifting in front of him. He pulled away as soon as your anxiety set it. 
When you caught your breath, you asked, “Figured it out yet?” 
“Not even close,” Caliban said with a devilish smile. 
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calibancangetit · 5 years
The Final Witch’s Quarry (Part 1)
Chapter: Her Quarry
Pairings: Prince Caliban x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) finally finds a key to her revenge as well as finally meeting the one person she is destined to stop.
Notes: I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU ALL HOW THANKFUL I AM FOR THE SUPPORT YOU HAVE SHOWN ME FOR THIS FIC! I really didn’t think it would do so well, but you all are really giving me so much love! Thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged as well as commented. It made me so happy. I’m going to start focusing on some imagines for you all as a gift. I got some ideas that I think you all will like. If you have any requests please feel free to ask. I haven’t decided if I’ll be doing any smut however, so please refrain from asking for that as of now. Thank you again! 
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Hilda has had plenty of awkward experiences. She couldn’t count how many times she created tension so thick she wanted to just sink into the Earth and never come out. However, today was the first time she got to see that tension from an onlookers perspective.
You sat perfectly still in your seat at the Spellman’s dining room table. You were seated exactly centered at the table, where you had careful view of the entire kitchen as well as it’s occupants. Ambrose and Sabrina shifted in their seats uncomfortably as they both tried to make out the best thing to say. You let out a deep sigh as you crossed your arms; your annoyance raidiated off of you in waves.
A quick cough caught your attention as Hilda walked up to you with a tray of homemade cookies and tea.
“U-uh, it’s quite excellent to see Sabrina bring home some new friends-” your sharp glare made Hilda stumble on her words as she placed the tray in front of you-“or not. Um, where did you say you were from again, love?”
You eyed the woman beside you. She had a terrible habit of wringing her hands and patting her clothes down frequently; she also had this obsessive need to release uncomfortable chuckles to ease situations like the one you found yourself in now. It was amusing as well as agitating.
“Brooklyn.” you muttered as you lifted a cookie to your lips.
You sniffed it before taking the sweet between your teeth and savoring the oatmeal flavor. Your eyes met Hilda’s again as she watched you eat. You gulped down the cookie and let out a short awkward cough as you gave her a forced smile in order to aknowledge that you enjoyed it. She took your hint with a smile and ran off to the other side of the table to sit in and listen.
“So, um, (Y/N)?” Sabrina started as you crossed your arms again and gave her a harsh glare. “What I mainly need you to help me with is stopping Caliban.”
“What’s a Caliban?” You questioned with obvious boredom laced in your voice.
You could see Sabrina become more exasperated by your attitude as she tried to explain her plan. You listened on and off through her little presentation. You paid attention to certain key words within it like Prince of Hell, Tenth circle, etc., etc, yet your mind came to an abrupt stop when a certain competition was brought up.
“You are trying to obtain the Unholy Regalia?” You almost choked at the thought of her collecting every piece.
Sabrina and Ambrose gave each other nervous looks before nodding sadly. At this, you couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter.
“You realize this was made for you to fail! How could they expect you-“ you paused.
Suddenly, inspiration struck. You mind flew to the Regalia and it’s power. You smirked at the Spellmans as you drummed your fingers against the table. Things are going perfectly-at least for you.
“This Regalia is going to determine who is the ruler of hell?” You asked, twirling another cookie between your fingers.
“Yes, and Caliban is the only competitor. This man of clay seems to be hell bent, if you’ll excuse the pun, on defeating Sabrina, ruling Hell, and conquering Earth.” Ambrose bit his lip, and you couldn’t help but notice the frantic bouncing of his knee.
“And Caliban? What are his powers?”
“We aren’t sure. As far as we know he has the powers of any warlock, but he hasn’t shown us much.”
You gave a brief smile as you stood up from the table abruptly, knocking some cookies off your plate. That, of course, made Hilda wince.
“Do you know what’s funny about clay?” You asked with a face full of amusement.
The family shrugged to your little question with a series of confused whispers.
“No matter how good the sculptor, clay will always break.”
It had been a while since you have seen Hell. The stench of blood and death engulfed you, and torment was plastered on every suffering souls face. The walls of pandemonium were no better. Sinners were strapped against the wall and with every ten seconds of peace another 60 were spent with their bodies set on fire. You kept a straight face despite the cookies from earlier running up your throat. You were disgusted.
You felt Sage’s feathers brush against your cheek as she situated herself on your shoulder. You could feel her anxiety from being here and it was a valid feeling. She knew how you were feeling.
“So what am I suppose to do?” You asked as you flattened some of Sage’s feathers on her head.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the sight of your alli. Sabrina was an absolute wreck. She was chewing her bottom lip and wringing her hands every five seconds; you couldn’t tell if you were dealing with her or Hilda.
“Right now, you are going to be a scare tactic. Ambrose didn’t go into detail since he isn’t quite sure either, but he said Hell feared you. I’m going to need that fear.” You tried to ignore the way her face dropped.
After all, whatever was bothering her was none of your business. You were here for one reason and one reason only-
“Do you really speak to the false God?”
You blinked at the question and were about to brush her off, but you saw the way she pleaded with you for an answer.
“Didn’t you speak with yours?”
She gulped quietly before nodding more to herself than you. Guilt crept up your spine. She didn’t deserve your kindness, but you supposed she also didn’t deserve your spite. That was for her father. You could spare some advice.
“How long have you known you were Lucifer’s daughter?”
Sabrina was surprised by your sudden question but still answered, “Not long?”
“I can tell.” Sabrina stopped in her tracks at the confession. She could sense the trace of an insult and was greatly offended.
“What the hell is that suppose to mean?”
You gave her an amused look before continuing on,“I’ve known you for three days and even I can tell you are ill suited to be queen of hell just as everyone else can.”
She was at a loss of words as she tried to regain what was left of her pride.
You rolled your eyes and chuckled,“ You gotta stand up straight and quit being so nervous is what I am trying to say.”
Realization dawned on her face as she finally understood what you were trying to say. You shook your head in fake disappointment before pushing open too large blood coated doors.
You walked into the throne room where Lilith was expecting you and Sabrina. She was awfully disguised in the form of a human. It didn’t take you long to notice though. You could see through any poorly casted spell. You came to halt in front of the woman and quirked an eyebrow.
“Madame Satan,”
“Ah, the final witch. I thought you’d be-” she narrowed her eyes-“bigger.”
You gave a sweet smile and responded, "Yes, just like I thought you’d be queen. Guess life is full of disappointments. Isn’t it?
Her glare could slice you in half, and you wouldn’t be surprised if it did. Lilith made a move towards you but Sabrina quickly pushed her away.
“ Anyways,” she chuckled nervously as Lilith patted down her dress, “The court will be in soon to discuss more about the competition as well as upcoming changes I have been planning.”
Lilith hummed in agreement as she turned to face you once more to add on.
“You will be introduced as the Final Witch, who has sided with Sabrina in the competition. It should gain us some leverage. You must remain calm and seem regal despite whatever they may say. They need to know you are untouchable.”
You could clearly see the confusion laced on Sabrina’s face. She clearly had no clue who she allied with.
The sounds of heavy footsteps and high pitched cackles caught Lilith’s attention, “Here they come,”
You let out a breath as demons filed into the room. The last to enter were the three plague kings with a man following close behind them.
Sabrina seemed to take your advice since she stood before them with the aura of the greatest queen of all time. You stood tall yourself to match Sabrina as you waited for her to begin.
“Before we discuss the new regulations I plan on using during my reign, I would like to announce a very important alli of mine, who believes I am more certified to rule Hell than your prince.”
Your eyes wandered across the room as you assessed everyone’s reactions. You didn’t expect a certain pair to be staring right back at you. He was dressed in a leather vest with claws poking out of it. He was leaning against a pillar towards the back with his arms crossed. You could tell he was either very bored with the meeting or he was trying really hard to pretend to be.
“I present the Final Witch!” Sabrina shouted with a prideful smile.
The eyes of everyone in the room became filled with absolute horror as they faced you. The man from earlier smiled as it dawned on him who exactly he was staring at.
You turned away from him and cleared your throat, “I do, in fact, put my support behind Sabrina Morningstar. I speak for Heaven and Hell when I say that balance must be restored. A Morningstar must remain on the throne. Clay can not compare to blood.”
Whispers filled the room as they pondered their next step. You didn’t need to give a big speech. They knew of your hatred for the Morningstars. It was prophesied to be legendary. If you could agree with a Morningstar, then it must be correct.
“And what does your word mean to us?” A deep voice shouted from the back.
Your eyes immediately locked with the man’s once again.
“What does your word-” he said, walking ever closer to you-“ mean to me?”
You scoffed, “Excuse me.”
“Who are you to say I cannot rule Hell?” He asked.
Your eyes shot open when you finally comprehended who was in front of you.
“I’m the one soul no one could take. The one soul no one can have. I have powers that I am sure exceed what your small mind is capable of imagining. They are powers that Lucifer Morningstar gave me but could not take back. Powers that Heaven and Hell allow me to keep. They were indebted to me!” You seethed as he got in your face.
It was an obvious tactic to intimidate you, but you had definitely seen worse. Caliban only laughed at your attempt to prove yourself valid.
“Lucifer? How powerful could he be. It would seem he was tricked twice by two mere witches? Why should we let that legacy live on through her? The same witch that took down that same man, may I add.” He challenged as he pointed to Sabrina seated on her throne.
A small gasp left your lips as you listened to what he said. She’s the reason this all happened? She brought you here because she screwed up? You sent a glare at Sabrina as she tried to look away from you.
You were quickly losing traction on your side of the argument, so you had to think fast. The angered voices of the demons before you signaled that your lifespan was shortening if you didn’t find something to say, and Sage was getting more nervous by the second on your shoulder.
“Think about what you are getting yourself into. Lucifer didn’t lose to Sabrina because he was weak. He could kill you all without lifting a finger. He lost because Sabrina was stronger. She was stronger than him, so she is certainly stronger than you. I may be his enemy, but I’m smart enough to recognize the Morningstar strength.”
His eyes narrowed at your own. He was a foot away from you, and you were tempted to start a fight right then and there. However, it seemed Caliban had other plans. He smiled at you. There wasn’t any emotion behind it. It was just an unsettling simple smile. He suddenly turned on his heel and backed up from you.
“I’ll test your theory of her strength through this competition as well as yours. However, when you realize that she has dealt you some bad cards, feel free to slide into my bed for some better ones, beautiful.” A series of deep laughs echoed throughout the room.
You glared at him as he gave you a lustful look before walking off with the plague kings. Everyone allowed the rest of the meeting to go by with less trouble since Sabrina decided against sharing her new rules today. As the last of the horrid creatures left you shot Sabrina with the most terrifying look you could muster.
“You are telling me everything NOW,”
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mariamermaid · 4 years
All the good girls go to hell
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Caliban x fem Reader
Summary: Going after a witch, that follows dark blood bathing rituals, you met a certain prince of hell…
Does not really follow the plot of season 3!
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: drinking, mentions of death and blood
The unannounced city of love was filled with void. There was a dangerous witch on the loose and you were right on her track. Unlike many of your friends, who enjoyed the casual safety of a coven, you were an eclectic witch. You had your very own, individual approach at magick and yet, you were widely known beyond the horizons of the gods. And sometimes, they would seek your help in cases that blurred the borders of heaven and hell. Bridged Bishop left you a legacy, she was the first witch from the Salem trials and she was hung at the Gallows Hill in Salem Town. And like so often in the curses of history, there was something seething.
Her name was Serena Westwood and she had begun to perform several blood-bathing rituals in order to become more powerful herself. It was going against many witch rules and humans were starting to become warry as well. For now, she had killed six witches and eight humans, all of them very specifically chosen. You recognized the pattern, which was why you found yourself at a lingering club within the dusty streets of Paris.
 My Lucifer is lonely
Standing there, killing time
Can´t commit to anything but a crime
Your friend, Ambrose, had helped you with the research and he warned you about the recent events of hell. However, you hadn´t expect hell to bring up their own player to the game. But when you caught eye of the tall blonde leaning against a wall in the club, you immediately knew something was up. Turning away, so he wouldn´t be able to see your face right through the crowd, you pulled out your compass. The dark compass was a present, Lilith had given it to you in her earlier days and it was still of good use. The needle spun around a few times, until it landed on the red “H”  at the bottom, where usually the south corner laid. H like in hell. The compass showed you the path the witch of warlock was following and the closer it got to the extremes of heaven or hell, the more alerted you were. You decided to put the compass away and searched the crowd again, but the attractive blonde was gone.
“Looking for me?” He was leaning against the bar top, a few golden locks falling over his eyes. He had an angular face with deep, glistening eyes and a devilish smirk. “Do I know you?” You asked interested and sat down at the stool. He continued to grin, but shook his head. “No, not yet.”
“What can I get you to drink?” He asked instead and gave the bartender a wink. “Gin Tonic.” He nodded. “And a whisky”, he added for himself. “What is your name?”
“Scott.” You leaned closer to him, quickly and fluent, you knew the game all too well. “You´re lying, Scott.” He let out a rough laugh, the drinks came and he took a large sip. “What is your name?” You leaned back again and watched his eyes waiting.
“You´re not stupid, Scott. You already know my name.” Loud screams interrupted your conversation and you let the drink wait, instead running through the crowd. In the middle laid a man´s body, eyes wide open, his heart not beating anymore. His shirt was ripped open and several symbols were craved into his skin. You leaned down and your fingers brushed against the still fresh blood. The crowd had begun to circle the corpse, you looked up to find a door in the very back closing. Serena.
Hurrying after her in the dark streets, you found yourself close to the La Seine. She struggled trying to pull her body up the railing, seeming weakened after her bloody voodoo ritual; your chance. You ran after her. “Serena!” Your voice echoed in the dark alley leading to the river. She lurked back and threw a spell into your direction. You jumped in order to avoid getting hit. Only a few feet were left between her and you and with a big leap, you felt your hands grabbing her. She didn´t expect you and lost balance, making you both fall into the freezing water of the Seine. Surprised by the sudden fall, you both wrestled under water until she fired a spell at you. It was dark as night underwater; you barely could see anything but the light glistening from above. The fire spell she used enlightened the water, then you felt a burning sting at your shoulder. The fire had burned you and threw you back against some kind of wall or metal pillar, you lost orientation. Blinking heavily, you eyed the water around you, but Serena was gone. She had used a fire spell to distract you. You let out a scream, last supplies of air left your lunges and gasping for more, you swam back to the surface. It wasn´t necessary to mention how frustrated you were. Your shoulder continued to burn, which made it hard to even move with your entire left side. Luckily, your right hand was able to hold onto some kind of lug. Then two other strong hands grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the water.
You found yourself on the ground. “Y/n are you okay?” You almost flinched when you heard his low voice murder your name. “Nice for you to show up, Scott”, you gave back and rolled your eyes. He was knelled next to you, eyeing the wound, but after your failed hunt down, you weren´t specifically in the mood. “Let me help you” He added and softly touched your right arm, but you jerked away. “Help me? You could´ve helped me five minute ago, before I almost drowned.” His piercing blue eyes blinked, but he waited until you stood in front of him again. He wasn´t used to being treated like a mortal. You huffed when looking down at him, he avoided your glance and starred at the ground, knowing it was your right to be pissed.
“Caliban.” You stopped in the middle of the streets and slowly turned back to him. He was still kneeling, where you had sat seconds ago. “What?” It felt like a cold wind howling down your spine. “My name is Caliban-“ 
“Prince of Hell.” He looked up to find you already starring at him.
 Peter´s on vacation, an open invitation
Animals, evidence
Pearly Gates look more like a picket fence
Once you get inside´em
Got friends but can´t invite them
 You decided to go back to the hotel room you had booked. Money was never a problem for you; you had come from a rich family and being a powerful witch also helped. The room was big, with high ceilings and a stunning view over the nightly city. Baroque details lingered at the edges of wall and ceiling and long curtains moved within the wind from an open window. The large bed had beige covers and golden side lamps. The couch was red satin.
Caliban had followed you, arguably like a lost puppy. First you had guessed that he didn´t trust you enough to leave you alone. But as he watched you, you came to the realization, that he didn´t have a clue either. He was young to rule and didn´t have your experience. He wouldn´t admit it, but he needed your help. Your shoulder continued to burn and you hurried to the cabinet with expensive liquor. You poured yourself a glass of whisky and eyed Caliban, your eyes asking him. He nodded and you took out a second glass. You poured down the glass in one go, Caliban only sipped. After you had poured down a second one, you hazily walked into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door behind you. You took off the arrangement of dress you were wearing and in underwear, you examined the wound.  Then you heard Caliban steps, until he entered the bathroom as well. He eyed you and drowned his glass as well, just to put it down on the edge of the tub. In the rather cold light of the bathroom, he looked more human. He had taken off his jacket and only wore a loose shirt. The tension not to mention here. 
“Let me help you”, he explained and watched as you hesitated. “I´m good around fire.” Caliban added and stepped closer. You couldn´t help but let out a chuckle. You observed in the mirror how Caliban carefully brushed back last strands of your hair and eyed the wound. “Stay still”, he advised and then laid his hand onto the wound. You hissed but then a hot feeling spread. The wound slowly vanished and when his hand left your skin, it was feeling cold again. But you missed the feeling of his soft touch. You breathed out and turned towards him. “How…”
“I´m the prince of hell.”
You felt him leaning closer, but he was unsure. However, the second whisky was beginning to hit in and you pulled his collar down until your lips crashed together. His hands quickly grazed your hips until he lifted you off the ground. Your kiss deepened in the meantime and none of you seemed to be bothered by the fact, that Serena had gotten away anymore. He sat you down on the counter top of the sink and your fingers started fidgeting around the bottoms of his shirt.  But then his hands stopped you. Abruptly, you pulled back and starred at him. 
“Cal? Is something wrong?” You asked whispering, but his eyes remained close until he completely left your bodies touch. You didn´t know how his heart stopped when you called his nickname.
“I need to go back to hell”, he explained groaning. “Oh, sure”, you couldn´t help but sound a little disappointed. Caliban finally looked at you, his stunning eyes gazing at you. “Don´t worry, we´ll meet again.” His hand softly grabbed your neck and pulled you closer, giving you a last peck on the lips. You grinned.
“Sure, all the good girls go to hell.”
 Hills burn in California
My turn to ignore ya
Don’t say I didn´t warn ya
 You did meet again, however the circumstances had drastically changed. Serena had taken an entire coven hostage, after two more successful murders. It was a full moon light, obviously. You had to take her down before she could sacrifice them. Serena was hidden in a cave close to mountain where Walpurgis bonfires where often hosted. It wouldn´t be easy, but you had prepared several weeks, it was now or never.
The sun had begun to sink and it was time to leave. However, when you examined yourself in the mirror a last time, a certain wave of warmth was felt from behind. You caught a glimpse of flames hollering, when Caliban was suddenly stood in front of you. You let out a chuckle.
“Look at you, needing me.” He rolled his eyes, not admitting how right you were. Against the anticipation of hells most famous demons, he still had problems adjusting to his title. The easiest way for Caliban to find Serena, was to follow you. “How can I help you, my prince?”
He overheard the mocking tone of your voice, in which you hid your disappointment. After your meeting in Paris, you had hoped he would visit earlier.
“Thought you might want backup”, he paused. “You´ll want the devil on your team.”
You turned to him, stepping closer. Then, after eyeing him, checking if he meant it, you nodded. “All hail the king.” You whispered.
“You´d make a good queen.”
You ignored that comment and hoped that Caliban didn´t see you blush.
 All the good girls go to hell
´cause even God herself has enemies
And once the water starts to rise
And heaven´s out of sight
She´ll want the devil on her team
 Serena had found herself a cozy spot on the top of the mountain, a bonfire burning in the middle. The members of the coven were tied up around, high trees offering somewhat of protection. A high cliff at the back, where you could watch the moon rise. With Caliban following you, you eyed the circle and established a spot, where she couldn´t see you.
Serena had changed due to the blood rituals; her once human form was almost completely gone. Instead of her brown hair, black dreads framed her face and dark red veins covered her skin. Her eyes had a poisonous green and parts of her skin were ripped open, beneath lied a dark seething blood substance.
“What is she planning?” Caliban asked whispering. “Burn the witch”, you explained.
“It is to be said, if you burn a witch on a blood moon, you´ll receive her powers.” You added and watched how his eyes flickered. “How do we stop her?”
“She doesn´t know that we´re here, or that we work together. We have the surprise.”
“I´ll distract her”, Caliban started but you immediately denied. “No, I´m going to distract her. You free the coven.”
“But-“ “You´re reigning hell, you´re plan B. If I can´t stop her, you´ll do it.”
You wanted to sneak away in order to go closer to Serena, but Caliban held you back by grabbing your arm. “If you can´t stop her, she´ll kill you.”
You grinned and Caliban saw certainty in your eyes. “I´ll see you in hell then.”
 You snuck up on her, trying to lure her away from the hostages.
“Serena!” Your screamed, while your voice echoed across the glade. Glancing at the rising moon, you knew that the time was running. “Missed me?”
She sighed and turned towards you, letting the hostages in her blind angle. “I thought I had gotten rid of you”, she explained with despite in her voice. “I´m not easy to get rid of.”
She nodded agreeing, in her fingers playing strings of dark magick. “Unlike this wannabe prince of hell.” “You met him?” She nodded half-heartily.
“I wanted to see who sat on my throne.”
“You´re not capable of ruling hell.”
“Watch me!” You knew that each of your statements provoked her and it was finally enough to get her to attack. The first spells she threw at you were nothing, you either dodged or blocked them. “With that you want to rule?” You yelled laughing.
She grew angry, you knew it. Getting closer to her, you noticed that with each spell, a small spark of silver ran under her skin. Her body couldn´t handle the amount of power. You threw her on her back with a powerful spell and she groaned in pain. But then she teleported and appeared behind you again, a dagger suddenly in her hands. You felt the sharp pain in your side, yet you were able to changed into fight mode. A series of knife attacks followed, until you were able to kick the dagger away with your foot. The dagger slid across the ground and ended up closely to the bonfire. Sadly, it made Serena aware of what was happening behind her back. She saw multiple witches and warlocks already freed and screamed in agony. “YOU!” Her long claws pointed towards Caliban, who wore his usual grin. It was your turn to attack again, with her back turned to you, Serena didn´t even see it coming. Her skin continued to break and she stumbled dangerously closely to the fire. It was the final throw, where she fell over a stone on the floor and her body landed in the fire. Infernal screams followed as she experienced the burning pain.
However, the final act wasn´t over yet. It was a millisecond, where your eyes traveled towards Caliban. A second of not paying attention was all it took. Serena gathered all the power she had left and mixed it with her pain. You didn´t feel pain, all you did was hear Caliban´s screaming. But it was too late. You were thrown back and before even realizing how your body had left the ground, you felt weightlessness. The cliff was high, and when Caliban stumbled to the edge, you were already gone…
 There´s nothing left to save now
My god is gonna owe me
There´s nothing left to save now
 He barely remembered coming back to hell, sitting on his throne and watching as the demons pulled Serena away. The eternal punishment was sentenced. But all Caliban wanted to do is rip her up with his own hands. He was making sure, that her time in hell would be the worst possible. Afterall she had killed you and he felt the numbness. And now you were gone.
The guilt didn´t help him and the crown on his head felt heavier than ever.
“My king, the newcomer has requested an alliance with the king”, the demon butler interrupted his thoughts. Caliban stood at the window in the study room in his palace, looking down on hell.
“Serena can rot in the darkest holes of hell.”
“I sure hope so.”
Caliban spun around to find you in his room. A dark red dress with golden details on your body.
“Why are you here? You don´t belong here!” He said, his voice first a whisper, then almost an angry exclaim. But you felt his voice shaking. You stepped even closer, until you could lay your hand on his cheek. He grabbed it, making sure you were actually real. And you were.
“All the good girls go to hell.”
Caliban couldn´t help but let a soft laughter as he leaned down and kissed. His hands cupped your face and you smiled.
“I also remember you saying something about me being a queen…”
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the-neverletmegoxo · 4 years
The Fae and the Prince
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Author: OK here we go! Part 4.. This took a little longer.. but i need to build up the upcoming carnival scene.. which in my opinion is going to be worth the wait! Enjoy! PS thank you for all the love i’ve been getting!! it really makes my heart warm! xoxo
Summary: Nightmares + Caliban + Tight Yellow Tees = TROUBLE.
Part 4:
You and Sabrina recited the opposite spell to get you back to her place. After you both grabbed something to eat from the kitchen, you went back up to her room. “Y/N, I told you to stay away from him.”
“Well, technically you told him to stay away from me.” She glared at you for your snide remark.
“I’m sorry. He came out of nowhere and then we were attacked by a Gallu—.”
“You were WHAT?!”
“Oh. Yeah.. I forgot to mention that.”
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. To be honest, I don’t know if I would be if Caliban wasn’t there. He performed some spell and the Gallu vanished. If it wasn’t for him, I’m not sure I would be here right now.”
“Shit. I’m sorry. I should have never left you alone. It’s just this whole ‘Hell’ is literally driving me crazy and now Lilith says that Earth is ‘out of its original order’ and I have no idea what that means, but she said that the angels are going to be arriving soon if we don’t figure it out.”
“I think they’re coming either way,” you said under your breath.
“Y/N what are you talking about? How would you know?”
“Sabrina… there’s something you should know. Before I got here, my mom sat me down and shared some news with me.”
“What kind of news?” she looked at you with a worried grimace.
You went on to tell her everything. Your mom. Your dad. You. Glowing eyes ‘n all.
“Holy shit…” she said. She sat down on the bed, eyebrows raised. “How could you just now be telling me this?”
“I just found out, Sabrina. It took me a little bit to digest it and I didn’t know how you’d react. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I mean I get it. I didn’t tell you guys about being a which until last year. Just wow. Have you told anyone else? Please tell me Caliban doesn’t know.”
You gave her a sheepish grin.
“Y/N! Oh forevermore. Why! Why would you do that?”
“He knew! He figured it out. I mean not the entire story, but he knew that I wasn’t mortal, because of my aura and eyes..”
“Y/N he’s going to use this against us! He’ll figure out a way to get to me through you. I’m not sure how, but I wouldn’t put it past that hellfire little shit.”
“I don’t know if he will. Sabrina, for some reason and I have no idea why, I trust him. I feel something. I feel like he won’t hurt us.” You sat down next to her on the plush bed. “Also, I warned him not to use this information against us and you and your quest.”
“Oh sure! You warned the guy. He wouldn’t dare mess with you.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just I don’t have a good feeling about that Caliban.”
“I know, but you can trust me.” She put her arm around you and you leaned in for the hug. “I know, I know. Ok, let’s get some rest, we’ve got a big day tomorrow with the carnival and all. And I’ve got to find that crown.”
The two of your got ready for the long awaited slumber and shortly after climbed into bed. Sabrina quickly dozed off, for she had a long day dealing with the hell kings and her reforms. You couldn’t help but picture those eyes of his. Those same eyes that stared at you in the forest. Those eyes that looked deeply into yours after the two of you nearly been killed. After some time of imagining you different scenarios, you finally fell asleep.
You were running. Running from what, you didn’t know. You looked up at the canopy of trees above you and realized you were in the Greendale forest. “How the hell did I get here?” you said breathlessly to yourself. Not seeing the large root in front of you, you lost your footing and landed on the forest’s floor.
The wind completely knocked out of you. Coughing and stumbling to get yourself back up, a force pushed you about twenty feet from where you fell. This time landing on your back, you saw what was hunting you. It was none other than a Hellhound, one of Satan’s minions chasing you. His bulging red eyes were staring right at you. The beast was huffing, from chasing after you. His four unnaturally, muscular legs outstretched ready to pounce on you. You lifted your upper body up, slowly, resting on your forearms. You turned your head to the right and then to left looking for something, anything that could kill this thing. You turned your head back again and saw Caliban standing right next to you about five feet away.
‘Caliban!’ you tried yelling. Nothing, nothing came out of you.
“Aww, love. You in a bit of mix-up?” Caliban said to you tauntingly.
Tears brimmed on the edge of your eyes. ‘Why isn’t he helping me?’ you thought.
“You see Y/N, I can’t help you. I am not permitted to. Even if I was, I do not know if I would because of how completely worthless you are. A fae and an angel. Two of the worst kinds of creatures. Your bloodline now is so utterly tainted I would never want to be with someone like you.”
You couldn’t believe it. The man you were falling in love with was literally leaving you to the dogs. How could he do that to you? The two of you shared something. The tears started rolling down your cheeks.
Caliban bent down and wiped away one of your tears with his thumb. “Love don’t cry. It’s just the beginning”, he said with an evil smile. “You may proceed dog.”
Just as the dog jumped on you, you jerked up from your pillow. Your chest was freckled with sweat.
You got up to go down to make a cup of chamomile tea to calm your nerves. “Just a dream. It wasn’t real”, you said as you sat down at the kitchen table. You took a few deep breaths, and went to take a sip of tea. You peered out the window. The sun was rising. ‘So much for a good night’s sleep’, you thought. You stood up to place the mug in the sink and make your way back up stairs to catch a few more hours of shuteye.
As you went to leave the kitchen, you felt a presence behind you. You didn’t dare look, for you were too shaken up by your dream. You ventured back upstairs without glancing through the window, where, without your knowledge, Caliban stood watching you.
The next morning, you and Sabrina got ready for the day. You threw on a plaid pinafore, a dark green turtleneck, some black tights, and a pair of boots that you had packed the night before. Sabrina wore a black turtleneck and a red plaid skirt. The two of you walked down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. Sabrina told you she was going to spend the day with Nick, since he was somewhat back to normal from spending what seemed like forever in Hell. You told her you were going to try to have a normal day. Enjoy a lunch at Cerberus Books and catch up on some school readings.
After breakfast, the two of you parted ways and you made your way toward the café. Mythological stories had always been one of your favorite pastimes. Today you were rereading the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. You didn’t give the part about being stuck in Hell for all of eternity, when you read this story before, but now you couldn’t help but let your mind wander. Learning of your lineage, going to Hell, meeting Caliban, and now that dream.
‘Maybe this story wasn’t the best one to get your mind off the subject.’ You closed the leather-bound book and stood up to go get a chocolate milkshake, your favorite. When you turned to go to the register, you face planted into someone’s rock solid chest. You looked up. Caliban.
“Caliban!” you yelled in a hushed tone. “What in heaven’s name are you doing here?! In Greendale?”
“I came to see you, fae”, he said in a husky tone. He was wearing a tight yellow ringer tee, that accented every part of his arms, with tight blue jeans which mirrored the compliment to his lower half.
“A new nickname? Really?”
“Well, you won’t let me call you ‘love’ and besides fae suits you.”
“Fine, but you didn’t need to come all this way to tell me that. You do realize you’re in the moral world, right?”
“I do. I wanted to see what the fuss was all about; Sabrina won’t shut up about Greendale and you mortals. Well, I guess that doesn’t pertain to you anymore, does it fae?”
“Caliban, I don’t have time for this. I’m… studying.”
“Sure seems like you were getting a snack and reading—what’s this?” he went to pick up your book. “Ahh, Eurydice and Orpheus. Such a fool that Orpheus. If he had just trusted Hades, Eurydice and he would be enjoying life together as we speak.”
“Well it’s hard to trust someone like that right off the bat. Trust takes time”, you said looking down at the ground.
“You trust me right, fae?”
You didn’t answer his question. You snatched the book out of his hands and trudged to the register to order your dessert.
He followed you closely behind. “Why are you being so distant all of the sudden, fae?”
“No reason, I just told myself that today I was going to stay away from all things supernatural.”
“That’s a bit hard to do, considering you are part of that order,” he grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. “Talk to me. Please.”
“Caliban, I can’t. It’s just too much is going on right now and with you added to the mix, it just makes things really difficult. Besides, I have a carnival to get ready for.”
With that, you ditch the milkshake and Caliban along with it.
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Fanfic rec - Week 2 (may 22)
Welcome to weekly fanfic recommendation #2!
if you want to check out last week’s click here
Try to be Normal [college AU] - Caliban x Reader by @scorlettimagines
Summary: (doesn’t have one, so here I go) The reader decides to give up the typical witch life to go to college and try to be as normal as witch in the human world can be. When looking for a new roomate, someone who she would never think she’d see after leaving her old life behind surprises her by appearing at her doorstep trying to find a place to live.
(side note: Alright, I might be a little biased by this last one since I was the one requesting it after having dreamt with Caliban, but I don’t care. Still think is pretty good and cute regardless of it being my idea)
Absolutely Smitten - Ethan Nestor (CrankGameplays) x Reader by @lcthebtswriter
Summary: (doesn’t really have one, so here’s my attempt) Ethan and Reader meet at the dog park and after some time, with both developing feelings for each other, the lingering kisses make both of them unsure of the what the other might feel, that is until one night they’re together and Ethan says three significant words.
That’s my Sister! - Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (Peter Parker x Sister!Reader, Dad!Tony x Daughter!Reader) by @bucky-made-me-do-it
Summary: (guess what? also doesn’t have one) Reader has been jealous since Tony “adopted” Peter. After being called out by her father that she never gave Peter a chance she starts spending more time with him and when someone tries to hurt him, big sister mode is activated.
Mischief in the Making - Loki x Stark!Reader (Brother!Tony x Sister!Reader) by @ijustwant2write
Summary:  Reader is Tony’s sister and best friends with Thor so when she develops feelings for Loki she’s freaked out at first so she doesn’t act. But then Loki does and so they’re in a secret relationship.
Sneaking Around - Sir Gwaine x Reader by @cupcake-loverxxx
Summary:  Uther was the Reader’s guardian and after he died, Arthur took responsibility for her. Now Gwaine is a knight and the Reader is sneaking around with him behind Arthur’s back.
Well, this is it for weekly fic recommendations 2!
Hope you enjoy them, and if you guys want, please, let me know tour thoughts on them! 
Don’t forget to give the writers some love as well, even if just by liking it or sharing wth others.
Sending lots of love to all of you ♥
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scorlettimagines · 4 years
A Night To Remember: A Caliban Imagine
Request from Anon: Caliban request: reader has liked caliban for a long time and it seems like he likes her too , so one day she mentions that Lupercalia is coming up and is thinking about participating (obviously trying to get caliban to say don't participate) but instead he says that she should (even tho internally he's cursing himself for being an idiot and letting her go) so she does but then night of Lupercalia caliban shows up and confesses? And then happy ending yay (ik this is super specific sorry lol)
So, this was requested before Part 4 aired (sorry it’s taken a while). Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x
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It was that time of year again. It had never been a time you had looked forward to, always expecting to spend it alone, but this year was surely going to be different. He had shown up this year, and yes, maybe he wasn’t exactly what you had expected, but he was better than anything you could have hoped for.
Caliban, Prince of Hell, wasn’t what you had imagined for a partner during Lupercalia, but then, you couldn’t help who you developed feelings for. So maybe, this year, if you could just get him to agree, you wouldn’t be alone. Maybe, this year, you could finally feel what is was to share a night with someone you loved.
Maybe, this year, you would want to remember it all.
Of course, Lupercalia itself wouldn’t be Caliban’s scene, and so if you could get him to tell you not to participate, to spend that night with him instead, it would be just as special. You had always seen him as the jealous type, as someone who wouldn’t let another man put his hands on the girl he had feelings for. That was if he had feelings for you at all, which you were pretty sure he did.
So naturally, it was a disappointing surprise when Caliban told you that you should go to the Academy and engage in the ceremony.
It was like he didn’t even care.
Caliban was kicking himself. He was tired and he was stressed and he had just told the only the girl he had ever loved to go and engage in some sort of witch sex-fest without him. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to run after Y/N, and tell her that she shouldn’t spend the night with a bunch of teenagers who only wanted to get her into bed, instead she should spend the night with him, a man who would treat her like amazing woman that she was.
Why was it that the universe had decided that he wasn’t allowed to show vulnerability? Why shouldn’t he be allowed to love, to want to care for someone so deeply that it hurt what passed for a heart inside his chest?
When Y/N had approached him and told him that she was thinking of actually participating in Lupercalia, he had felt physically sick. The idea of her kissing, touching, laying with someone other than him had almost killed him. It wasn’t as if they were together, and he had no right to tell her not to do so.
But that didn’t stop him from hating the words as they fell from his lips.
“You should go. You’ll have fun.”
He had missed his opportunity to tell her the truth, missed his chance to keep her for himself; he had let her go and unless he acted quickly, there would be no getting her back.
He rolled his eyes as he watched the three kings crouched over plans for the next task. No doubt, they would soon approach him with their strategy for claiming the throne. Not that he cared at this moment.
He had more important things to do.
“You look beautiful, Y/N. One of those warlocks out there is going to be lucky to have you.” Sabrina smoothed down your dress. She looked stunning, of course, and you were sure that she had already got something up her sleeve to ensure that she would end up with Nick. You were jealous of what they had, sometimes, clearly not going to have it with Caliban like you had hoped.
“Thanks, Brina. You do too.”
Of course, you weren’t entirely bothered about who you ended up with tonight. Whoever he was, he wouldn’t be who you wanted, wouldn’t be a green-eyed, blonde-haired Prince of Hell who you needed to start trying to get over.
He didn’t care about you, so why should you care about him? Why should you waste time hanging onto a dream that was just that?
A dream. Never to come true.
Lupercalia. A night to remember but for all the wrong reasons.
“Brina, can you give me a moment? I just need to gather my nerves.”
Sabrina smiled, knowing that you had never done anything even close to what Lupercalia entailed before. “Of course, Y/N. Just shout if you need me.”
“Thanks, Spellman.” Sabrina left, leaving you alone. At least, you thought you were alone.
You turned at the familiar voice, your heart lifting.
Caliban waited until Sabrina had left to show himself. The witch was right; Y/N did look beautiful and anyone of the boys waiting out there would have been lucky to have her. Unfortunately for them, that wasn’t going to be the case.
“Caliban. What are you doing here?”
He took a step towards her, taking her hands in his.
“Don’t do it. Don’t go out there. Don’t spend the night with any of them. Spend it with me instead.”
“Why should I?”
Caliban took a deep breath, never having said the words before, not knowing if this was how you were supposed to say them. But, the best he could do was try.
“Because, Y/N, I love you. You want your night to remember and I want to give it to you.”
For a moment, Caliban was sure that he had misread the whole situation, that Y/N would slap him round the face and stalk out of the room. And then she kissed him like he had never been kissed before.
It would certainly be a night to remember for both of them, and this time, it would be for all the right reasons.
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rax-writes · 4 years
Enchanted - Part I
Fandom:  The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Pairing:  Caliban x Reader
Warnings:  None
Notes:  I’ve been thirsty for this blond bastard since he popped up in the show, so it’s about time I write for him. // So this is slightly OC, because the reader is a Spellman and it gives some backstory on that, but I still tried to keep it predominantly a reader insert.
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As the only trueborn daughter of Edward Spellman, conceived during his very brief, loveless marriage to his late bride, you had grown accustomed to being treated differently. Your aunties fretted over you endlessly, despite being well aware of the fact that you were an extremely proficient witch. You were given unearned, unquestioned respect by each member of the Church of Night, as well as every witch and warlock you met. Typically, they asked you endless questions, being that your father had intended for you to be his successor, prior to his untimely death and Faustus Blackwood’s treachery-ridden rise to the position of High Priest. This meant that you had been a sponge for each and every one of Edward’s theories, teachings, and creeds, as well as his extensive knowledge of spells, conjuring, potions, and other witchcraft.
You prided yourself on being a witch of above-average skill and know-how, although that did not mean you were keen on being subjected to impromptu interviews about it all. Additionally, it seemed as though every single creature you encountered knew your father, which often meant they were twice as heaven-bent on killing you, as he had not been one to take mercy on monsters. All in all, it was rare that you were treated as you – not Edward Spellman’s daughter.
That is, until you encountered a certain self-proclaimed Prince of Hell.
Of course, you had been vehemently against Sabrina entering the Netherworld to save her boyfriend. However, you were aware that her determination knows no bounds, so she’d certainly be going with or without your approval, therefore you decided it’d be best to join her endeavor. Upon entering Hell, you, your sister, and her companions found yourselves on a somber, despondent beach, and a medley of wails filled your ears – which could only mean one thing.
“Wait, so… Hell is a beach?” Harvey inquired dubiously.
“Not quite. Hell is a vast realm, full of a myriad of abysmal regions, and this is merely one of them. In particular: the Shores of Sorrow,” you explained. This new information seemed to distress him further. Theo stood, fear in his eyes as he looked to the cages standing out on the water.
“Guys, look…. What are those?”
“They’re the souls of the damned,” you responded, in unison with another voice. At first, you thought it was some sort of echo, but quickly deduced that it was a separate voice entirely. You turned to see a man standing a short distance away on the beach, and your first thought was that he was so beautiful that he looked monumentally out of place in this dreary landscape. He was quite tall, with lovely green eyes, blonde ringlets cascading around his handsome face, and a body that looked to be hand-crafted by Aphrodite herself.
The visually pleasing stranger held searing eye contact with you as he took a few steps toward your group. He seemed intrigued by the fact that you – someone who was clearly not from Hell – was familiar with your locale.
“They drown as the tide rolls in, over and over… for all eternity,” he elaborated, as your party approached him. He surveyed your sister and her friends, then returned his eyes to you with a charming smirk. “Although, I’m certain you already knew that.”
“Hi, we’re looking for Lilith,” Sabrina stated. “Uh… Madam Satan, Queen of Hell. She’s in Pandemonium, if you happen to know the way.”
“I would be more than happy to assist anyone accompanying a woman of such intellect and ethereal beauty,” the man stated, charm dripping from his voice as his eyes remained set on you. You would not deny that he was easily the most attractive man you’d ever seen, but you were also conscious of the fact that you were in Hell, therefore he was almost certainly a demon – not exactly ideal dating material. So, you merely met his gaze, donning a smirk of your own, crossing your arms gracefully, and giving a slight tilt of the head to wordlessly meet the challenge posed by his advances.
“All blood flows to Pandemonium. Follow the blood-red road where it flows, and there you’ll find the throne of Hell,” he responded, after your silent exchange, as he gestured toward a small creek of blood nearby.
“Thanks,” Sabrina said, nodding. “And you are?”
“We greatly appreciate your kindness, sir, but I’m afraid we’ve no time for formalities,” you interjected. It was just as well, as the man seemed hesitant of answering her query.
“Understandable. Although, I do hope to cross paths with you again,” he admitted, then took a step forward to take your hand and bring your knuckles to his lips, maintaining eye contact with you as he did so. He then turned to your sister. “Never step off the road. It’s clever you’re wearing dead men’s shoes, though… any demon worth his salt can smell mortal flesh a mile away.”
The two of you shared one last, lingering look, then he slowly spun on his heel and returned his attention to the nearby elaborate sandcastle.
“Come on. Let’s go,” Sabrina said, and the five of you made your way to the flowing blood.
After a not-so-pleasant stroll through the Field of Witness, and the Forest of Torment, where you searched with Theo and Harvey as Sabrina and Roz located Dorian’s pestilential flower, as well as an excursion to a hellish version of Sabrina’s high school, you found yourselves in the throne room of Pandemonium. Lilith decided to allow Sabrina to leave with Nicholas, so long as she would crown Lilith in front of all of Hell. She agreed to do so, but as soon as the ceremony began, it was evident that the Kings were still displeased.
“And who do you propose would rule?” Lilith asked.
“Ahh,” Beelzebub responded, and it was clear that Lilith had stepped right into his trap. “All hail Caliban, Prince of Hell. Molded from the clay of the pit itself. Native son of the inferno, born to restore and rule our dark domain.”
To your surprise, the good-looking blond from the Shores of Sorrow stepped forward, clad in a different outfit, one more suitable for Hell, and smiled at your sister. “Hello again.”
“Uh… hi?”
This Caliban explained that he intended to restore stability to the Nine Realms, and ultimately, conquer the Earth to make it the tenth circle. Unsurprisingly, your sister was simply not having it. She claimed the throne as her own, shut down Caliban’s refutation, and decreed that the Infernal Court be dismissed.
As Caliban turned to go, he locked eyes with you. With a small smirk, he stated, “It appears our paths will cross again, enchantress.” He left through the colossal double-doors of the throne room, and silence befell the room, before you all left, Nicholas Scratch in tow.
Upon returning to your room for the evening, you laid in bed, unable to sleep and staring at the ceiling. Although you attempted to steer your train of thought to more important matters, such as how to help the coven and what it would mean for Sabrina to be the Queen of Hell, you found your mind veering back the dashing young “prince.” Aside from the fact that he’s a demon, and that he sought to descend Earth to chaos and enslavement, he had challenged your sister – and that simply wouldn’t do. So, you conceded that you must push your unwelcome thoughts to the side, such as how his eyes made you feel vulnerable and on fire all at once, or how pretty that alluring voice of his would sound in the bedroom…. Hell help you, you were going to need to try much harder than this.
A sudden whooshing sound and a bright light brought your attention to the corner of the room, and as the vortex of fire dissipated, you saw none other than the object of your desires standing before you.
“To what do I owe the pleasure? Here to berate my baby sister some more?”
“No. I am here for you.”
You sat up in the bed, then swung your legs off the side, staring at him quizzically. You noticed that Caliban eyed your attire hungrily, and you briefly thanked yourself for choosing a red silk nightie with black lace trim this evening. Opting to bask in the feeling of him undressing you with his eyes, you stood and crossed your arms over your chest – both to show resolution, and to accentuate your chest. His gaze grew ever more ravenous.
“Speak your piece, then.”
“I wish to court you,” Caliban stated coolly, that smirk of his gracing his lips.
“And why is that?”
“You have piqued my interest. Your beauty is beyond compare, and your intelligence and self-assuredness are both endearing and intriguing. I am quite taken with you,” Caliban admitted, now perusing your bedroom and investigating your elaborate bookshelves. He then turned to you, and in a few strides, he was standing in front of you, towering over you as those enthralling green eyes seemingly bore into your soul.
“Allow me to court you. I vow to do my utmost to make you happy, and keep you unquestionably…” he trailed off, bending down to hover his lips mere centimeters above yours as he finished his sentence, “... satisfied.”
You did not miss the way your breath caught in your throat as a result of his actions – nor did Caliban. It caused his smirk to widen further. Nevertheless, you squared your shoulders and looked up at him with all the confidence you could muster.
“Stand down from your attempted coup d'état of Sabrina’s place on the throne, and I will gladly court you, Caliban.”
“Although my name falling so sweetly from your lips is enough to persuade me of almost anything, I’m afraid that I cannot comply with your request, princess,” Caliban responded. “But, if bartering is the ticket to courting you, then so be it. Even if I wanted to, it is impossible for me to stop the Plague Kings’ quest to unseat Sabrina Morningstar and Lilith, but I can let you in on how they plan to do so, which will allow your sister time to prepare for it. And if the Kings or Lilith ask, you didn’t hear a word of that from me.”
You pretended to mull it over for a moment. If you were being honest, it wasn’t exactly twisting your arm to go out with someone as mind-bogglingly attractive as Caliban, so having the opportunity to do so and help Sabrina certainly seemed to be a win-win.
“I agree to your terms.”
“Excellent,” he said, his smirk changing to a toothy grin, flashing a set of perfect pearly whites. He seemed genuinely thrilled that you agreed to court him. “You may inform Sabrina that the Kings intend to evaluate her progress as Queen of Hell for a short time, and if she fails to meet their expectations, they shall send she and I on a quest to find the Unholy Regalia. Whoever is the victor shall earn a rightful place on the throne, by infernal law. So, I would advise that Sabrina watch her p’s and q’s for the next few weeks, but still prepare for the inevitable quest for the Regalia.”
“Thank you, Caliban.”
“Anything for you,” he responded, taking your hand and placing a kiss upon your knuckles, as he had earlier that day, before cradling it in both of his hands. “Now, where would you like to go for our first outing, little dove?”
“I have heard rumors of a carnival coming to town this weekend. Take me?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Caliban said earnestly, then sat down languidly on the ornate velvet couch immediately behind him, and gently pulled you down to sit with him. “In the meantime, I would very much like to get to know you better, if it would please the lady.”
The remainder of the evening was spent on that very same couch, with the self-proclaimed Prince of Hell. The longer you talked, the closer you grew in proximity, until you were nestled against his side with your legs tucked underneath you, his arm draped around your shoulders. Caliban listened intently as you told him about your life, and he readily told you tales of his own past and answered all your questions. A large percentage of the conversation entailed you explaining earthly matters to the Hell-born gentleman, and he was genuinely interested in all the information you had to offer. It was incredibly refreshing for someone to be interested solely in you – not your father’s legacy.
After a while, your eyelids began to feel unbearably heavy, and eventually, you succumbed to sleep, your head falling onto his shoulder. As Caliban looked down at your sleeping figure, after sharing an invigorating, intimate night of soul-sharing, he vaguely wondered of the possibility of love for a man made of clay.
The warm, fuzzy feeling now forming in his chest was all the answer he needed.
Part II
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imaginefan · 4 years
I Can’t Have You
Caliban X Reader
Word Count: 628
Requested: Anon
Request: Caliban taking an interest in you, wanting to get to know you. You find him attractive and interesting you know who he is but can’t deny that you find him cute. (Chilling adventures of sabrina). 1 shot.
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Sabrina had a lot of friends and you were pretty sure that there was no creature that she couldn't make friends with, so it was your job to be suspicious of everyone that appeared in her path. When she became Queen of Hell it became all the more important, you didn't trust anyone in hell even if Sabrina told you that there was nothing that you had to worry about. Your problems started when Caliban came onto the scene now everything that your body said trust him but you knew that you couldn't, he wanted everything that Sabrina had and you weren't going to let him get to her through you.
You hadn't expected him to come to find you either but here you were trying your best to keep to yourself and Caliban decided to destroy the piece that came with that "your friends with Sabrina." He said and you looked at him briefly before going back to the book that you were reading. "What does that matter to you?" You asked as you flipped the page of your book. "I need your help." He said as he sat in front of you. "I'm not helping you." You answered and he took the book from you and smirked. "You don't even know what I want your help with." He answered. "I don't care." You informed him. "What if it meant that Sabrina would be safe and she would still be queen." He answered, that caused you to look up, you couldn't tell if he was lying, you wanted to say that he was and you would treat him that way but you weren't sure that was right. "See we could rule together."
"I'm not convincing her to marry you, you know she has a boyfriend." You explained, you looked at him and smirked. "Mmm there are much better witches to marry, I don't want to marry her, I want an alliance." He answered. "Why should I trust anything that you say?" You asked. "Because I stand to lose everything if we continue this way." He answered. "Why admit that to me?" You asked and he looked at you. "Because of the way that you look at me." He answered as he leaned forward "you want so badly to hate me, to push me away but even as I stand here now you listened to me and even when you think it's best to turn me away you have to make sure that you are right not to trust me." "You do not like the other demons that come from Hell." You informed him "I'll talk to her." "Why?" He asked. "Because most would have taken what they wanted, you asked, I respect that." You answered before shooing him away with your hands "now leave I'm trying to relax."
"Sabrina, I have a proposition from the enemy!" You call as you walk into her room at her home. "What enemy?" She asked. "Do you have that many?" You asked and she raised her eyebrow. "Alright, it's Caliban." "He came to you?" She asked. "Well yeah, should I have told him to go away?" You asked and she smirked. "You do usually." She reminded you and you shrugged. "He seemed like it was important to listen to him." You answered. "You mean you wanted to listen to him." Sabrina smiled. "Look this is not the point of my visit. My point is you may want to talk to him about his alliance." You explained. "Why?" She asked. "I think he's telling the truth." You answered. "Do you really?" She asked. "Or do you want him to be telling the truth." "Maybe a bit of both." You shrugged. "Well then let's go talk to him," She suggested and you nodded.
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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