#calculator traders family
carabelajaronline · 1 year
Traders Family Komunitas Trading Terbaik di Jogja
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tamayula-hl · 9 months
Headcanon about Sebastian and my mc, Sakurako
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NOTE ・Sakurako is a Mary Sue-like character with an unrealistic personality. Reading is not recommended if you don't like Mary Sue-like OCs! ・It's very long. To be honest, all the descriptions of Sakurako are nothing more than a product of complacency for me. I am a little embarrassed to disclose my headcanon, which is filled with these particular settings and delusions...😳 ・Read from the top right in Japanese manga style. ・And again, please bear with my poor English🤣
Until admission to Hogwarts
In 1875, Sakurako was born into a former samurai family when the cherry trees (sakura) were in bloom. In Japan, the samurai society was abolished around 1868 and the samurai were forced to take the status of commoners. Sakurako's samurai-turned-commoner father became a successful trader and took young Sakurako and his family to Britain to get serious about the raw silk trade with Britain. (At the time, there was a thriving raw silk trade between the British and Japanese.)
Her father, who had a male-dominated mindset due to his birth in a samurai society, restricted her from academic opportunities that she did not need for a better marriage. Whenever she went out of the house, local children always made fun of her yellow skin. One day, after such a depressing life, with the sudden awakening of her magical powers, Sakurako received her Hogwarts acceptance letter and became a member of the Wizarding World, a place free of sexism and racism, where she had a fateful meeting with Sebastian and formed a warped love with him.
During the relationship quest with Sebastian
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In my personal opinion, I consider Sebastian to be a very calculating character. Sebastian initially comes into contact with Sakurako as a means of breaking Anne's curse. Sakurako takes an early liking to the boy, Sebastian, who is very kind and helpful to her in her first time in the wizarding world, but it is around the 'In the shadow of the study' quest that Sebastian begins to take a liking to Sakurako. Having grown up watching her parents become arrogant new rich through their success in the trades, Sakurako has a desire to be a good person who is not conceited by her talents and luck. Impressed by the fact that the wizarding world is free from sexism and racism and that everyone treats her with openness, Sakurako is so excited that she takes on any request from anyone without refusal. Sakurako feels threatened by Sebastian's obsession with the relics after "In the shadow of the study", but she can't refuse Sebastian's request and continues to cooperate with him. Then came the tragedy of 'Avada Kedavra'.
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After all is over, Sakurako realises how stupid she has been. She continued to help Sebastian (and the other students) out of kindness and goodwill, but as a result she realised that she was not a good person, but an arrogant monster with no sense of right and wrong. Sebastian's mistakes were all her fault, and she blamed herself from this moment until her death, and she would have lifelong thoughts of 'rewinding time and starting all over again'. Sakurako was deeply in love with Sebastian at this point, but out of remorse she tried to distance herself from him. However, Sebastian forcefully continued to contact Sakurako, confessed his fondness and they began dating.
About relationships
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Elsewhere, Sakurako had established a friendship with Anne over a number of correspondence until tragedy struck, which was disrupted by Anne's disappearance after Solomon's death. In my headcanon, Sebastian heard the news of Anne's death in the seventh year, and Sakurako was also deeply saddened and even more remorseful when she heard of her death. Sakurako kept Anne's letters and the last letter she was unable to send to Anne for the rest of her life.
Subsequent relationship with Sebastian Since she and Sebastian have been seeing each other, Sakurako has been constantly worried that the love Sebastian has for her is not genuine love, but an obsession caused by the confusion and trauma of losing Anne. She was aware that their relationship was codependent, not healthy love, yet she spent her days loving Sebastian so much that she could not reject him. She dreads every day that one day Sebastian's love will disappear and he will instead resent her and saying 'Solomon's death was your fault'. When she is in the seventh year and thinking seriously about her future life, she finally decides to break up with Sebastian.
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When Sebastian realised that Sakurako was acting strangely and that she wanted to break up with him, he asked her to marry him in The Great Hall at a crowded time, in front of many people watching, in a situation where she could not say 'no'. As per Sebastian's cunning intentions, Sakurako is unable to reject Sebastian and becomes engaged to him. However, even after her engagement, Sakurako's insecurities were not exhausted. Worried that she would never be happy even if she married him in an unhealthy codependent state, Sakurako finally came to her senses and, after secretly returning the engagement ring in Sebastian's bag after the graduation ceremony, disappeared without saying anything to him. Sakurako then went to Japan and spent her days learning about Japanese native magic, which she had long been interested in. However, after about a year, she is discovered by Sebastian. After Sebastian apologises for how selfish he had been, he asks Sakurako to marry him again. After a few days of deliberation and discussion with Sebastian, Sakurako accepts his engagement with a smile.
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(This is an Illustration I drew for a previous Twitter post introducing the MC's image song) Afterwards, Sakurako returned to Britain and officially married Sebastian, giving birth to their first daughter the following year, and then to male and female twins the year after that.
About the death of Sakurako Sakurako became Unspeakable of the Department of Mysteries shortly after returning to Britain. https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Department_of_Mysteries#Early_history It is official canon in the Wizarding World that the Department of Mysteries conducted time travel experiments in the 1890s and then had a serious time accident in 1899. I have built on this canon to create a head canon in which Sakurako dies in 1899.
Ever since the tragedy of 1890, Sakurako had been harbouring a wish to 'go back in time and do it all over again so that Sebastian would not make the same mistakes'. Then, she is asked by the other Unspeakables to help them with a time travel experiment using her ancient magical powers. She understands that it is a dangerous experiment, but with a strong desire to redo the past, she accepts the request and takes part in the experiment.
Then one day in 1899, Sakurako was involved in a time accident with Madam Mintumble and her existence was lost. The Department of Mysteries determined that she had died in the chasm of time.
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When Sebastian heard the news of his wife's death, he despaired violently, but had no time to grieve as he had the three young children Sakurako had left behind to look after. He vowed to raise them well on his own. After his wife's death, Sebastian, who had been active in the outside world as an Auror, moved inside work and, after the twins entered Hogwarts, became a Professor of Charm, watching over his precious children as they grew up.
The consequences for Sebastian and Sakurako I consider an even more specific headcanon for Sakurako: 'She survived only her soul by the power of an ancient magic, losing her memory and trapped in an endless loop of time'.
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She loses her memory but somehow survives with only her soul and travels back in time to 1890 with only her soul for her obsessive wish to 'start all over again for Sebastian'. But because she has lost her memory, she ends up repeating the same mistakes and is unable to save Sebastian, despairing and wishing to 'start all over' again. Trapped in the Ouroboros circle of time and tormented by eternal guilt… is the headcanon about her. (I love novels and movies about time leaps and infinite loops… 😳) But I also have two possible outcomes when she is able to escape the endless loop. The first is route A. If Sakurako is able to time leap without losing her memories.
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(I like Butterfly Effect soooooo much!!!!!!!!) During that fateful encounter with Sebastian at DADA on her first day of transfer, when he spoke to her after class, she rejected him and said terrible things to him. Sakurako thinks that that tragedy happens because she and Sebastian have become friends, so she tries to save him by making Sebastian hate her… and so the ending goes.
And Route B. If by the power of love she accidentally escapes from the infinite loop and travels back in time to a world 100 years later. (Never mind the details. The power of love is powerful in the Wizarding World, right?)
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She is miraculously reunited with Sebastian, who has been surviving and waiting for her return for all of a hundred years… and that is the ending. Having fulfilled his purpose in life, Sebastian soon dies, and Sakurako's soul, weakened by multiple time slips, also ascends.
In any case, Sebastian and Sakurako do not end up completely happy… which is my preference. I love tragic love stories 😂 But it's nice to see these tragic couples having fun in extra episodes and so on!
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(The drawing on the left is part of a cartoon I drew when the Sebastian T-shirt was decided to be launched. The drawing on the right is a parody/trace of a meme that used to be popular in Japan)
These are my headcanons on Sebastian and Sakurako! I'm honestly embarrassed to reveal my brain fantasies 😳. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this long post! 😭💓 The following are the Japanese versions!
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hastyprovocateur · 8 months
I have seen many calling Akemi an annoying brat for running away from her father's guardianship. And I laud their critical thinking abilities on this because really, why would a girl whose father is forcing her to marry a stranger openly known for being a sadist and killing his first wife over an unhappy marriage want to do anything but jump gleefully into the union, right? Especially when all Akemi's father has to say for her life-or-death situation is "Hey learn these sex positions and keep him happy like your dead mother kept me happy lol."
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Akemi loved Taigen for a set of reasons. First and foremost, he was the path she chose and finally got her father to agree with in part for his honorable stature, aware that Taigen, though imperfect, isn't as cruel or selfish as men in said period typically were. You have to understand that women were rarely afforded the choice to love without having underlying motivations. They have to choose the lesser of evils. Which in this case, is Taigen. Akemi has far greater chances of survival with him than any other man she knew. Marriage wasn't a tic-tac-toe game for her, she was ensuring her survival. To ensure she wouldn't get violated or killed or tortured or forcefully impregnated for not falling into the narrow set of rules aristocratic women especially had to follow.
Come to Taigen and Mizu's duel following which he loses his honour and possibly his engagement. Akemi stayed undeterred because regardless of what Taigen felt about his honour, Akemi didn't have a backup option that she knew would ensure her security as much as being with Taigen would. She tells him that his chonmage being cut is no obstacle as he can style it to suit other noble men, that she will convince her father to maintain their engagement and that his honour was intact as Mizu hadn't officially challenged him. Her sexual advances are a calculated move, she narrates to him a version of events where he defeats Mizu to massage his bruised ego. And while Taigen is her singular route out of her imminent marriage to a stranger, Taigen, ignorant of the same, claims he'd rather commit seppuku and sets out to trail Mizu.
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With Taigen gone, she is in deep water, and naturally, her father quickly sets her up with a fresh suitor from a family he chose for the sake of furtherance of his political expansion over any concern for his daughter's life. When she tries to escape, Seki sees it as another funny haha situation, making it a teachable moment where he profoundly tells Akemi, already fearful of her bodily autonomy and life: that a woman has 2 paths "to be an improper whore or a proper wife." To which Akemi very wisely responds that they are one and the same thing, only one is shrouded with aristocratic niceties and huge houses that women are an extension of. Regardless of her (father's) wealth, status, and relative comfort in life, no woman deserves to be put in a position of ownership under a man, vulnerable to assault, coercion, intimidation just because "at least she'll be assaulted on a nice bed."
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Akemi wasn't enjoying her round trip searching for Taigen, selling herself out to flesh traders and getting betrayed by Seki, her confidante, for funsies. Seki had seen her plight and only given her the singular choice to be a proper wife to a stranger after Taigen had already left her to her own fate. She was still determined to do right by him because she wanted to live. Her seeking out Mizu was key to saving her marriage. Thereby trying to drug and bring Mizu to Taigen so she could restore his honor and go back on their engagement and live somewhat peacefully. Which we now know wasn't going to ever be because Daichi Tokunobu had already schemed to compromise the Shogunate by wagering his daughter as an alliance.
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I am convinced that most people can't understand complex female characters outside of "ruthless. fighter" or "perfect victim." Akemi's fault, it seems, that through her process of running from a dangerous marriage, a callous father, getting brokered by Goro, joining Kaji's brothel, seducing her first client, trying to subdue Mizu is that she didn't get brutally violated in any of scenarios. Because I'm sure if she had, not half of y'all would be crying about her being annoying and bratty or "having it too easy." As for her trying to attack Mizu, what else was she supposed to do? Be told that this stranger robbed her fiance's honor, ruined their engagement, and killed him, and what? Pat him on the back? Or was she supposed to have a prophetic vision that Mizu is going to save them from Hamata's men?
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And no she did not resort to name calling, abusing, threatening after she was tied down, she was far more benign in assessing Mizu's disposition as opposed to Mikio or Taigen who straight up called Mizu monster, dog, beggar, scavenger and what not. Mikio sold Mizu's favourite horse to get back at her, abandoned her for the bounty hunters to get her, killed her mama. Taigen was a bully who accused her of digging through his trash and near damn killed her with a rock with his friends. Yeah, him being a kid makes no difference to the one who was traumatised because that'll last Mizu a lifetime. In both cases Mizu posed no threat to them as opposed to Akemi who truly believed that Mizu had killed her fiancé.
Taigen continued to be a bully in the present time (growth in latter eps aside), calling Mizu a dog, monster boy, whore mother, scavenger of Kohama's gutters, reminding her of her house burning down. He stalked her, threatened her to duel, gave her consistent trauma reminders. Oh btw- Akemi called Mizu "nothing special" and "angry" and yall decide she has mentally abused this woman after knowing her for a good 3 hours. Yall fr just hate women.
She didn't know about Kinuyo either, or anything about Mizu's past. Despite only knowing her in the worst way, she largely softens towards Mizu knowing she's helping save Kaji's workers. She could've easily stayed tight and comfy in the cellar. She doesn't know a thing about fighting yet stands by Ringo and later saves him. Not for her sake because she says "Now they have to get through the both of us." She didn't fear death either, only being helpless. "I'm not brave" she said "I've been a captive my whole life. If I die today, I die free."
She didn't stop there "Mizu can't possibly hold them all off" and then goes up to save Mizu when the assassins attested that "The samurai has been cornered." And yes Mizu was unconscious from being choked until Akemi intervened. She just had to stay low like the others and not give a FUCK, especially not Mizu, someone who shittalked her as far as she knew, but she did because she saw the honour in Mizu's actions.
Unfortunately, Akemi didn't magically mind read Mizu's ptsd and all the flashbacks she's been getting about her past betrayals, what happened with Kinuyo and made the mistake of trusting Mizu, WHO SHE THINKS IS A MAN, to fight for her when the guards come. All but 3 men. This isn't about numbers because Mizu totaled an army and has the plot armour of Jesus, it's not about being innocent, because Mizu killed that clawed dude she spared initially, not to mention Kinuyo who was just a means to get to Fowker. And some people talked about Mizu not wanting Daichi's men coming after her... um... are you sure you're watching the same show because as far as I know Mizu doesn't give a flying FUCK about being careful or who comes after her because she's recklessly creating collateral all down her path of revenge. That's the wholeass point.
Akemi wasn't ordering Mizu around, cuz she asked "I'm not going anywhere, right Mizu?" She wanted her approval, her support in that moment. To fight for her because she doesn't have the agency to fight for herself. What did Mizu do in this crucial moment? She doomed Akemi to an arranged marriage and made her choice FOR her. Especially being someone who's always been shown to do exactly what she wants and then fight whatever consequences come her way.
Mizu "thought" Akemi's better off with being married to a stranger because "atleast the abuser is rich, not everyone gets a rich abuser." And yes she assumed hella things because Akemi's reasons for chasing Taigen are literally so she can live by an iota of her choice and not because she's "begging to eat trash." And Mizu didn't consider the reputation of the Shogun's son, regardless of if he's a horrible person, how is being forced to marry a stranger justified?? Another day, another man Akemi trusted, dooming her to a path with no cognizance of how much apprehension of death or joyless life she actually faces in that position.
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Mizu was no different from Daichi, Seki, Taigen in that moment. Akemi had no one. Despite doing all in her power to turn her fate, she was unsuccessful because she wasn't able to physically fight for herself and no one chose to step up for her. She was about to solve her own problems by throwing herself off the balcony, evident in how much she didn't desire the marriage. Takayoshi not being an outright brute chauvinistic killer is no justification for "hey didn't turn out to be so bad, huh." Would you rather she have gotten brutalised? Been treated like absolute shit? Would you then believe how scary the marriage could have been for her? Kaji herself told Mizu that "if you killed every man I've seen who couldn't come till someone bled... you'd wear your blade to a stump."
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Ringo was justified in criticising Mizu. While Mizu doesn't care about anyone in her path of revenge, Eiji, her own father figure struggles to teach her that she NEEDS people to fight. To strengthen her blade and resolve. Mizu did return to save Akemi as her conscience would have it, Seki also came around and Taigen was finally ready to pursue a life with her over his honor and greatness but it was too late. I don't blame Akemi for asserting twice to Mizu that "We're not friends which Mizu showed too in her actions prior. I don't see it as Akemi being ungrateful but asserting the truth before Mizu slams it in her face. Mizu doesn't want friends so she doesn't get any.
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I also don't blame her for rejecting Taigen, I too wouldn't ever wish to be blindsided like that again. It's better to choose your own reality than rely on love or friendship only to get betrayed. As for Akemi's new venture, I laud her for taking Kaji's word and to fight with the agencies she has even though I feel that Kaji shared Mizu's tone deafness in terms of seeing Akemi's (father's and now husband's) wealth as a neutralizer to the abuse she could face which could've been much worse than it was shown to be.
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I do agree that having free choice, even after Seki tells her to pursue her own path, is a tad too idealistic for the place and time. She basically just complied to the choices Seki, Taigen, Mizu's made for her. So I loved seeing Akemi make the best of the cards she was dealt, choosing to use her body and mind to seduce, manipulate and progress. To make her choices whether she is loved in the process or not. . To exploit her meek husband's position, to subdue her scheming (now hopefully crispy) father and be great.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
From the horny discord chat today, someone posted a picture of Trader Joe's trail mix, branded the "Omega Trek" mix. It snowballed from there.
Scheduled subscription boxes for omegas in heat! All the most cutting edge nutritious and tasty snacks and over the counter remedies to make the process more bearable for unpartnered omegas. But what happens if your heat comes early and your goodies aren't there yet?
So. Dream is a loner alpha who runs a company that makes products for these boxes, and omega Hob has signed up to be one of his product testers, but his heat comes and the shipment has gotten lost (or whatever we like.) Fortunately Hob happens to be in the same city as Dream and he could just drop by with the items he really needs tested! It's just... there's a deadline, right? And he really needs this data. Very important data! He can't wait another 3 months or whatever or take the time to have new volunteers do the legal paperwork needed to be his product testers or he won't make the production deadline.
So he'll just drive the snacks over to this guy himself, no problem! What could possibly go wrong?
Actively yelling over the idea of Startup Company Guy Dream. His siblings laugh at him because what does he do for a living?! Put nuts and seaweed and chocolate into boxes?? Spend hours calculating the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy heat?? Even his kinder family members think it won't last a month.
But Hob saw the product advertised on tiktok or something and thought it was a great idea!! So he signs up to test it about 6 months before the product is launched, and agrees to fill out a bunch of questionnaires and do an interview.
...and the data really IS important, which is how Dream ends up standing on Hob’s porch, waiting for him to answer the door. He should probably just drop the box there and leave but... it seems polite to at least check in with this guy who has agreed to help him out!
Unfortunately when Hob cracks open the door, he gets a whiff of yummy snacks AND yummy alpha. His mouth starts watering, and he accidentally swings the door wide open. It all goes a bit downhill from there.
Well, not downhill. But Hob’s experience of taste testing the snacks mostly involves him sitting on Dream’s knot and being lovingly fed in the brief periods when they're not fucking hard. So Hob probably can't give an entirely objective review of Dream’s project, but he can say with absolute certainty that everything Dream has given him tastes absolutely divine. Not just the snacks 😉
The snacks give Dream and Hob a great opportunity to stay in touch, because Hob does genuinely want to help because the product was yummy and left him feeling much better than usual after his heat. Every time they meet up to discuss the product though, it inevitably turns into another excuse to fall into bed together!
When the snacks finally launch to be sold on the open market, they're obviously a total success! At the launch party Hob finally, timidly suggests that maybe he and Dream should start seeing each other like... normal people? Not just under the guise of business stuff?
And Dream shyly hands him a personally curated box of snacks with all his favourites, and asks if Hob would consider sharing his next heat with Dream? As boyfriends this time?
And then they fuck in the bathroom, and Dream is late to give his speech, but it's totally worth it <3
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Adventure: Hunting in the Ghostglade
Beyond the fortress city of Amaranth there is a wondrous and serene landscape where phantom animals wander among their flesh and blood counterparts, dissolving into light at the slightest touch. For generations hunters have ventured to these Ghostglades to sharpen their skills and engage in sport year round, all without fear of damaging the local game populations. Whether the after effect of some long forgotten conjuration or, as many locals believe, the concession of a wild god to protect their beloved beloved children... the sight truly must be seen to be believed.
-A wanderer’s guidebook to the cities of the basilisk coast, 6th edition
While conducting business in the city of Amaranth, the party gives offence to some minor noble who challenges them to a duel.. though local custom differs greatly from what the party might be expecting. The Amaranthine nobles consider themselves to be peerless hunters, and so settle matters of dispute by determining who’s bow arm and spear hand is truest: riding through the ghostglade and its surrounding forest at high speeds while trying to tag as many of the phantom animals as possible. Since their quarry dissolves into light and mist after being struck, these riders are also followed by a pair of neutral judges who keep tally of the competitors’ kills, deducting points for unsportsmanlike behaviour.
A foreign priestess of Corellon has journeyed to the edge of the Ghostglade seeking answers and would gladly pay the party in escorting her further. Many of her order have debated about whether this magical patch of nature might be a working of their god and thus a worthy site of pilgrimage, though they’ve had only the generations old accounts of dead sages to mull over. Seeking the presence of her god, this priestess will have the party follow her as she seeks to find the natural temples of these meadowlands, or atleast places where they might be built. Her divinations do not bode well: no specific god seems to hold claim over these wilds, and reaching out to touch the land’s magic seems to make the phantom animals glitch out and become erratic. 
Not long after their first trip out to the Ghostglades, the party are approached by a fur trader who claims his brother has gone missing. Their family came up as trappers specializing in the mundane beasts that made their home in the strange landscape, and though the two of them have moved on to bigger and better things, his brother still considers himself a prime outdoorsman. At the end of the trail, the party find a very badly wounded merchant’s brother who’s doing his best to not be spotted by an eerily silent pack of phantom humanoids, faceless, but armed with bows and spears and far more resilient than any of the other ghostly creatures they’ve seen.
There is an artifact in the dead centre of the Ghostglades, hidden in a rather out of the way cave, an alien cube of unplacable metal with a surface that shifts imperceptibly like a puzzlebox made of sand.  What this object’s origins are, none can say, but its purpose is to understand, to observe and replicate animal life in real time by projecting hard-light holograms throughout the region in an attempt to build a model of their behaviour. However long the mechanism has been operating, it’s only been a few hundred years since the city of Amaranth was founded and people worked up the courage to start poofing its holograms for fun, disrupting its careful calculations.   It’s taking the intervening years for the device’s un-mind to create a working model of what sort of animal a “hunter” is, having only recently concluded that they are entities that stalk, chase, ambush and kill anything that moves. Over the coming days, more and more of these projections will appear in the ghostglades, searching for interlopers, posing a definite threat to any who make their living off the surrounding meadowlands and forests.
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proffesionalalpaca · 4 months
Things I’d love to see in Avatar 3
1. Varang is a cleopatra like figure; I don’t mean a captivating beauty but a deadly strategist, intelligent negotiator, innovative thinker (cleopatra was a chemist among other many things) & formidable threat beyond the femme fatal archetype.
2. Quaritch & Lyle’s growing understanding of the Na’vi language shown with broken sentences in the subtitles, only showing what they can understand - enough but not quite.
3. Jake & Neytiri (plus the kids) still grieving for their eldest and adjusting to life with that missing piece
4. Lo’ak finding his stride as a Metkayina and making efforts to prove his worthiness of Tsireya to her parents
5. Spider carving out a place for himself among the Na’vi despite Neytiri’s hostility
6. Tuk beginning to grow from a child and into the warrior she’ll one day become - giving Jake 2 or 3 heart attacks daily
7. The Wind trader tribe being chill nomadic traders who just roll with the insane nonsense that happens around the main characters: Archenemy resurrected? - bummer, Teenage girl controls the environment like a Demi-god? - very cool, Sky person boy just walking around acting genuinely Na’vi? - I like your stripes brother!
8. The Ash people being more than just aggressive warriors but who are rather a calculating and intelligent culture - one that, compared to other Na’vi clans, is uniquely multi-cultured from the many generations of outcasts from other tribes who brought their own skills, knowledge and aspects of their culture into the collective. - complete with Na’vi subspecies we have yet to see (Tundra/snow Na’vi? Taiga?) , hybridised offspring and descendants of them just intergrated into the cultural identity of the ash people.
HC - Varang is like 1/4 wind-trader/dessert na’vi and has a tundra Na’vi somewhere in her ancestral family tree.
9. Showcasing that a good portion of new humans arriving to Pandora come as refugees who genuinely mean no harm to Pandora and RDA staff who are opposed to the measures being taken by the leadership against the natives.
10. Exploration of Na’vi history and why the ash people appear to be outcasts themselves among other Na’vi. -my theory is that they were once an advanced civilisation like the Aztecs but were destroyed like them by all the Na’vi they ticked off under the first Toruk Makto (who supposedly rallied the clans to defeat a volcano- oral history passed by hundreds of generations and metaphor diluting the real history - instead defeating the tribe of the volcano?)-
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unabashedly-so · 11 months
⚜️ SDV Elliott HC ⚜️
Elliott's family...
Content warning: One-off mentions of homophobic/biphobic microaggressions, alcohol, abusive parents, child favoritism.
I came up with a short story that keeps getting longer about Elliott bringing his partner back to meet his parents (not necessarily by his choice) and confronting a lot of what he'd left behind. The refrain is "To be loved is to be changed," and also part of the resolution is Elliott and his partner totally have nasty revenge sex in his parent's old money country club.
Y'know, therapeutically.
Laurel - 36yo (older sister) - currently a lawyer/attorney in a large city not far from home. She's a very serious person, but not to the point of sternness or coldness. In contrast, she's actually very warm, especially to her siblings, but she's kindly ruthless in her pursuit of what she feels she should pursue. She and Elliott grew up rather close and Elliott idolized her a lot of his childhood, preferring her company over the company of other boys/kids because he felt he could be unabashedly himself around her. She still calls Elliott "Ellie" "Lelly" "Lellit" (Elliott as a toddler would say his name like "Lellit" because all his siblings names started with L so he thought his did too.)
...So anyway here's Elliott's family made for a story that I'll probably never actually get around to writing. "Spoilers" for the story and character growth are in the parentheses at the end for his parents. Also, no they don't have last names because that feels weird.
Loren - 34yo (older brother) - currently a stocks trader or something, but it's not his passion. He mainly does it to make money so he can indulge in his hobbies--traveling, and collecting calculators and typewriters. He has taken Elliott on some of his travels but he's a bit distant emotionally, very much someone who gets lost in his own head, but unlike Elliott, he doesn't really care to share it with others. There are moments of good connection between him and Elliott, but it's a lot of work to get those moments, so Elliott stopped trying to force it. As a kid, Loren was a typically older brother to him and antagonized him appropriately. Elliott was appropriately a younger brother to him when he wasn't dangling off of Laurel. As older siblings, they did share some commonalities that they bonded on, like sharing books, and he was a good listener for Elliott's story ideas.
Elliott - 32yo - as the middle child with two very successful older siblings, Elliott is often overlooked by his parents. There's no incredible pressure for him to be wealthy or successful, but that doesn't mean they aren't disappointed nonetheless. As a child, he was imaginative, creative, and loved to be the center of attention when he had a good story to tell. Otherwise, he was rather quiet. His mother likes to joke that Elliott was the "baby" of the family for 8 years and he's never once forgotten it, saying that he needs more coddling than most, as he was always so attached to his older sister, Laurel.
Samuel - 24yo (younger brother) - very much The Accident. Susannah tells everyone he dropped out of medical school to go practice field medicine in war torn Gotoro. In actuality, he's currently living off the family's fortunes (and Loren's kindness) "finding himself". Elliott's relationship with Samuel is a bit distant, mainly due to the age gap. Elliott is fond of his youngest brother and has fond memories with him, but it was always tainted by a perceptible difference with how he was treated vs. Elliott and the rest of the kids.
Susannah - mother - Motherly but outsourced much of the emotional work to servants. She does care for her children and wants the best for them, but like her husband, very much thinks that they can only be happy in the ways that she comes up for them. Her main style of communication is through double-entendres and snide, passive aggressive remarks. ie, if Elliott brings home a wife, she'll remark, "Oh Elliott, I knew you'd find the right girl to fix you right up!" (talking about his bi/gayness) Laurel followed Susannah's hopes for her, so Laurel is the golden child in her mind. Loren does well for himself and doesn't cause any trouble so he's another good egg. Elliott... well, she doesn't quite understand the path he's chosen. She thinks he's too in-his-own-head for his own good. She tells him to be more like Loren all the time directly, and indirectly reveres Laurel to him. (It's revealed that Killian barely supported her in her raising the kids, which was why she outsourced so much of their raising, because she couldn't handle it on her own and knew it wouldn't be good enough. She also comes around to accepting she doesn't understand Elliott's path in life AND that that's okay as long as he's happy and taken care of. She also says that she and Sir Killian have been seeing a marriage counselor (their "advising consultant") for years and she's so sorry she didn't do it sooner.)
Sir Killian - father - very hands off with the kids. Led by stern example, but not cruel, just not accepting of deviation from his expectations. One-on-one and in private, he can be very warm and caring, even jovial and soft. But there's a military history, one that he's not escaped and comes through in much of his interactions and the persona he puts off. "Sir" comes from that experience. He appears quietly disappointed all the time that none of his children took up the mantle of military service. (It is later revealed that he did not partake in childrearing or supporting Susannah in it because he knew the father he would be was not the father his kids deserved--his father was militant, alcoholic, abusive, etc. He shares that he regrets not even trying, but at the same time, sees how it was a benefit. He shares that he is actually relieved that none of his children went into military service and that his experience made him very anti-war, but coming out with those views would have excommunicated him from his family, and he felt he had to uphold that connection for fear of not being able to provide for his family.)
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twistedmindtales · 1 year
The Penthouse
Justin was a wealthy stock trader known for his extravagant lifestyle, reveling in the opulence that money had bestowed upon him. Now in his mid-thirties, he hailed from a modest family in a small town, he grew up with dreams that seemed far out of reach. Yet, even from a young age, Justin possessed an unwavering determination and an insatiable hunger for success. His analytical mind and innate ability to predict market trends led him to pursue a career as a stock trader.
Leaving his hometown behind, he ventured to Wall Street, immersing himself in the fast-paced world of finance. With relentless dedication and a sharp intellect, he swiftly ascended the ranks, accumulating a significant fortune and earning a reputation as a shrewd trader.
Charismatic and confident, Justin exuded an air of self-assurance that commanded attention. His belief in his abilities drove him forward, propelling him through high-pressure situations with ease. Ambition coursed through his veins, and he refused to settle for anything less than extraordinary. Setting his sights on ambitious goals, he pursued them with relentless tenacity, using his sharp intellect and a keen eye for opportunities to make calculated decisions. Though his drive sometimes manifested as arrogance, it stemmed from his unmatched confidence in his capabilities.
Yet, beneath his ambitious exterior, Justin wrestled with an insatiable hunger for more. The pursuit of success often left him yearning for greater heights, preventing him from fully appreciating his accomplishments. There was a constant fear of complacency lurking within him, driving him to seek the next big challenge. With his thirst for material wealth and status, Justin struggled to find true contentment. Once he amassed his fortune trading on Wall Street, he now purchased the tallest and most luxurious penthouse condo in the heart of Los Angeles.
It was an architectural marvel that offered breathtaking views of the sprawling city below, with its shimmering lights and pulsating energy. Perched high above the bustling streets of L.A., Justin’s luxurious penthouse exuded an air of refined elegance. From the moment one stepped into the grand foyer, they were enveloped in an atmosphere of unparalleled luxury and sophistication.
The entrance hall, lined with gleaming marble floors, bathed in the soft glow of crystal chandeliers that cascaded from the lofty ceiling. Intricately designed wall sconces dotted the walls, casting gentle light upon the exquisite artwork. Moving deeper into the penthouse, an expansive living area awaited, showcasing a harmonious blend of contemporary timeless aesthetics.
Floor-to-ceiling windows framed the panoramic views of the City of Angels, where the shimmering lights of the sprawling metropolis stretched as far as the eye could see. A state-of-the-art home theater system seamlessly merged into the walls, providing a sanctuary for cinematic indulgence. Adjacent to the living area, a gourmet chef’s kitchen beckoned, replete with sleek granite countertops, top-of-the-line appliances, and custom-designed cabinetry that housed an impressive collection of culinary treasures. A sprawling center island, illuminated by delicate pendant lights, served as the heart of this culinary haven, inviting guests to gather and witness the masterful culinary creations that would emanate from its depths, although Justin dined alone most evenings.
The master suite, a sanctuary of tranquility and indulgence, awaited at the end of a private corridor. Upon entering, one was greeted by an expanse of space adorned with plush, handcrafted furnishings. A king-sized bed, adorned with sumptuous linens and an array of meticulously arranged accent pillows, stood as the centerpiece, commanding attention. A private parlor behind a small inconspicuous door off the bedroom, adorned with rich mahogany bookcases and a custom-designed desk, offered a retreat for Justin’s intellectual pursuits. The ensuite bathroom, a masterpiece in its own right, boasted floor-to-ceiling Italian marble, cascading rain showers, and a decadent soaking tub that overlooked the breathtaking Los Angeles skyline. Ornate gold fixtures sparkled under the gentle glow of intricately designed chandeliers, adding a touch of regality to the space. Throughout the penthouse, an intelligent home automation system seamlessly integrated technology with the utmost sophistication. From the touch of a button, the ambient lighting would adjust, music would softly waft through hidden speakers, and motorized curtains would glide open, revealing the majestic vista outside.
The piece de resistance of Justin’s castle, a sprawling outdoor terrace awaited, beckoning Justin and his guests to bask in the glory of the city night sky. A sparkling infinity pool stretched towards the horizon, seemingly merging with the sky, while plush loungers and sumptuous seating arrangements provided the perfect setting for sun-soaked relaxation or elegant soirées under the stars.
Amidst the resplendent backdrop of his penthouse, Justin decided to host an extravagant gathering to commemorate the closure of a momentous business deal. The space was transformed into a scene of revelry and excess, as the crème de la crème of the business world mingled with glasses of champagne in hand. Guests, adorned in designer attire, oozed an air of self-importance as they engaged in spirited conversations, their voices laced with arrogance and thinly veiled competition.
Alexander proclaimed, “Did you hear about my latest acquisition? It’s a game-changer, I tell you.”
Penelope scoffed in response, “Oh, that’s cute. But let me tell you about my recent expansion into international markets. It’s only a matter of time before I dominate them all.”
“Please, both of you, step aside. My latest venture capital investment is the talk of the town. The future of Los Angeles belongs to me!” Maxwell said while popping his collar.
Amidst the cacophony of boastful declarations and competitive chatter, Justin’s weariness from the festivities and celebratory libations began to take its toll. As the night wore on, he found himself growing increasingly aware of subtle, yet peculiar happenings within his opulent abode. Whispers seemed to linger in the air as if carried by unseen forces, and shadows danced with mischievous energy. Drunk and disoriented, Justin’s senses played tricks on him. He couldn’t shake the feeling that the elegant paintings lining the walls observed the soirée with a mischievous glint in their eyes. The flickering candlelight cast elongated shadows that seemed to move of their own accord, adding an eerie touch to the luxurious ambiance.
Justin was the only one who seemed to notice.
As he stumbled through the lavish space, his steps grew unsteady as he encountered his reflection in a grand mirror. For a fleeting moment, he swore that his own reflection had smirked back at him, the contours of his face twisted in a sinister grin before returning to its familiar visage. Echoing whispers again floated through the air, carrying snippets of conversations long past or that may have never existed at all. A soft touch of a breeze suddenly tickled the nape of his neck, though no windows were open to invite such a draft.
Disoriented and increasingly unnerved while struggling to maintain his composure, Justin decided to retreat to the solace of his private parlor. The sanctuary offered a much-needed reprieve from the overwhelming presence of his self-absorbed guests and increasingly strange occurrences.
The room, shrouded in shadows, seemed to pulsate with otherworldly energy. The elegant furniture that once exuded comfort now loomed with an unsettling presence. The once-vibrant colors appeared distorted as if painted with shades unseen by mortal eyes.
Justin quickly burst through the small door leading to his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed, the weight of the evening and the inexplicable events pressing upon his weary mind. As he drifted between sleep and consciousness, his thoughts swirled with questions and trepidation. Was it the alcohol playing tricks on his senses, or had his penthouse become a stage for something far beyond his comprehension?
As the night wore on, and the final echoes of the gathering faded into silence, Justin’s exhaustion consumed him. Eyes heavy with weariness, he succumbed to a weighted slumber.
As the morning light filtered through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Justin groaned and reluctantly stirred from his alcohol-induced slumber. His head throbbed mercilessly, and a parched tongue clung to the roof of his mouth. Disoriented, he initially believed that the previous night’s unsettling occurrences were merely the byproduct of an overindulgent celebration.
Shaking off the remnants of his hangover, Justin rose from his bed and began to wander aimlessly through the expansive penthouse. The space, adorned with its lavish decor, appeared as it always had. Yet, a nagging sense of unease tugged at the edges of his consciousness, his only relief was seeing that his guests had all left and seemingly cleaned up after themselves.
As he moved from room to room, Justin’s footsteps echoed through the expanse, seeming oddly hushed against the plush carpets beneath his feet. He cast his gaze upward, expecting to see familiar ceilings, but something caught his attention. The height of the penthouse seemed subtly different—almost imperceptibly taller than he remembered.
Puzzled, Justin’s eyes traced the walls, searching for clues. The crown molding that had once elegantly framed the rooms now stood slightly higher, accentuating the lofty ceilings. The custom-made furniture, which had once fit perfectly within the space, now appeared ever so slightly dwarfed against the expanded dimensions of the penthouse.
With a furrowed brow, Justin continued his exploration. The windows, once offering a mesmerizing view of the Los Angeles skyline, now seemed to be positioned higher, as if the penthouse itself had been lifted closer to the heavens. The breathtaking panorama appeared distorted, the familiar landmarks below appearing minuscule against the backdrop of the city.
Every corner he turned, every detail he observed, heightened Justin’s unease. The grand chandeliers that had once graced the ceilings now dangled at an uncomfortably greater distance from the floor. The art pieces that had once adorned the walls seemed to shrink in proportion, lost within the expanse of the newly elongated space.
His heart quickened, and a sense of apprehension settled within him. It was as if the penthouse itself had undergone an inexplicable transformation, stretching upward in defiance of the laws of physics. The very architecture of his sanctuary seemed to mock his attempts to find normalcy, whispering an unsettling truth—that the events of the previous night were not merely the delusions of an intoxicated mind. Justin reached for his phone only to find that he was not receiving any service at these new heights. He rushed towards the elevator, and it was as if the elevator car was thirty floors below and completely unreachable. The door that lead to the emergency stair exit was now covered and was like it never existed at all.
Bewildered, Justin couldn’t shake the lingering feeling that he had stumbled into an altered reality, where the dimensions of his penthouse exceeded the boundaries of normalcy and he had lost all contact with the outside world. The once-familiar dwelling now loomed with an eerie grandeur, leaving him to question if he had unwittingly stepped into a twisted realm where the laws of space and perception were forever changed. With each passing day, the frequency and intensity of these disturbances escalated, unsettling the very core of his being. Shadows danced on the periphery of his vision, objects shifted position when his back was turned, and eerie sounds reverberated through the halls, chilling his soul.
One fateful night, Justin awoke to a chilling realization that his once-familiar sanctuary had been irrevocably altered. His disheveled state of mind was met with a surreal scene, as his bedroom had undergone a profound transformation. The meticulously arranged furniture now adorned unfamiliar corners, and his bed had inexplicably migrated to the opposing wall. Paralyzed by fear, he grasped at straws, attributing this bizarre occurrence to the mischievous antics of his affluent companions—a high-stakes prank orchestrated by those who reveled in his fortune. But this was no prank, and his friends seemed light-years away.
Nevertheless, the passage of time shattered Justin’s fragile illusions. The ethereal metamorphosis within his home grew increasingly extreme, plunging him into a maelstrom of disorientation and despair. The very architecture of the walls seemed to shift and contort, defying the laws of physics and reaching unimaginable heights nearing the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere. Mysterious symbols and cryptic markings etched themselves onto surfaces, their enigmatic origins eluding comprehension. The once-secure walls now seemed to harbor an otherworldly force, tightening its grip on Justin’s sanity.
The anxiety and fear made him pass out on the floor and when he awoke, he was no longer confined to the familiarity of his fancy penthouse. Instead, he found himself confined within a sterile, antiseptic chamber devoid of windows or discernible exits. The stark white walls offered no solace, their pristine surfaces mocking his predicament. Trapped and alone, Justin’s heart pounded with trepidation, his breath hitching as he realized that he was now at the mercy of an otherworldly presence.
These extraterrestrial beings, tall and slender with elongated limbs and piercing black eyes, conducted their clandestine observations upon Justin. Their elongated fingers probed and prodded as if dissecting the secrets of his very existence. Terror coursed through his veins, pleading eyes beseeching for mercy, yet the enthralling gaze of the aliens remained impassive, oblivious to his desperate cries which seemed to have no actual sound.
Justin found himself subjected to a series of bewildering and unsettling experiments. Initially, the alien beings conducted physical examinations, meticulously analyzing his body from head to toe. Their touch was precise and clinical as if they were studying an intriguing specimen. They scanned him with advanced devices, emitting faint hums and glows as they delved into the intricacies of his physiology.
As the days turned into weeks, the experiments took on a more invasive nature. Justin was subjected to strange devices that emitted eerie lights and emitted low-frequency vibrations. The aliens seemed to be testing the limits of his endurance and resilience, pushing him to the edge of his physical and mental capabilities.
They probed his mind, delving deep into his memories and thoughts, seeking to unravel the intricacies of human consciousness. Justin’s thoughts and emotions were laid bare, his innermost secrets exposed to these otherworldly beings. It was an invasion of privacy that left him feeling vulnerable and violated.
The aliens, driven by an insatiable curiosity, continued their relentless exploration. They exposed Justin to bizarre environments, altering gravity and atmospheric conditions to observe his reactions. They manipulated time itself, subjecting him to accelerated or decelerated experiences that distorted his sense of reality.
Through it all, Justin’s pleas and protests fell on deaf ears. The aliens seemed incapable of understanding his distress, their motives and intentions were shrouded in enigmatic silence. He became a mere pawn in their pursuit of knowledge, a specimen trapped in their inscrutable experiment.
The sense of dread that had initially consumed Justin grew with each passing day. He realized that escape was futile, and a profound sense of hopelessness settled over him. Days turned into weeks, and any glimmer of hope flickered like a dying ember. The confines of the alien vessel became his prison, the relentless experimentation an inescapable torment. He witnessed the boundaries of his endurance crumble, consumed by the unshakable certainty that he would never again witness the embrace of the outside world. Dread constricted his every thought, the lingering fear of forever languishing within the clutches of these inscrutable beings—an existence devoid of all hope and devoid of the life he once knew.
TM & Copyright © 2023 Twisted Mind Tales. All Rights Reserved.
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sanijoys · 1 year
Between Fiction and Reality
This may not be too important since it's more focused on giving you the basics (again) but I promise the next chapter is where you will meet the characters ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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Chapter 4: Ready Set Work!
Hwang Mun-Yak, a shrewd and calculating man, is the president of the Eunha Trading Company. He had a reputation for making decisions based solely on the potential benefits he could gain. He didn't care about a person's background or origin; he cared about what they could bring to the table. So, when he purchased a child slave, it raised eyebrows and sparked curiosity.
Zhang Jun sat nervously in one of the opulent chambers of the Hwang family. As a slave trader, Zhang was accustomed to dealing in the business of buying and selling human lives, but this encounter was different.
As Zhang Jun faced Mun-Yak and his enigmatic gaze, he pondered a question that had been asked silently: What value did Mun-Yak see in the child he had bought? What value did he see in you for him to take notice of you?
Zhang Jun thought really deeply as he sat down with the Hwangs. All three of them sat around the circle table, discussing something regarding you.
"President Hwang, allow me to shed light on the child’s history," Zhang Jun began, choosing his words carefully.
"This child, despite her unfortunate circumstances, possesses a unique set of qualities that transcends her current situation. She is remarkably resilient, resourceful, and possesses an innate intelligence that is, dare I say, exceptional," Zhang Jun explained, hoping to emphasize the positive attributes that might have caught Hwang Mun-Yak's discerning eye. However, he remembered what happened a few moments before. He nervously sweats at that embarrassing memory.
“Though her resilience can be an issue from time to time, she is very capable.” Jun took a moment to compose himself, recalling the embarrassing incident from earlier, and hoped that Mun-Yak would appreciate the overall picture rather than fixate on a single awkward moment.
Zhang Jun awaited Mun-Yak's response, hoping that his explanation would assuage any concerns and convince the president of the profound value the child held.
Are there more? "Hwang Mun-Yak asked while he drank his tea.
Zhang Jun hesitated for a moment. “I was told that the child was an illegitimate child from a previous lord in a small village near the seas. The mother of the child was a woman who was said to be from an island far away. Her journey to our lands was not a choice but a result of being taken from her homeland by a merchant who sold her to the previous lord.”
Jun paused, carefully remembering the information he had. "From what little I could remember, the lord was captivated by her exotic beauty and took her as one of his concubines."
Zhang Jun continued, "The relationship, however, was short-lived. After the birth of the child, the lady fell gravely ill and, unfortunately, succumbed to her ailment. Right after the lady’s death, the previous lord died right after. The child’s half-older brother took the position as the new lord, and he tried selling the child as a slave.”
Hwang Mun-Yak continued to absorb the information about the child from Zhang Jun as his gaze at his teacup penetrated it with his thoughtful look. The story of the child's origins and her half-brother’s actions left a sour taste in the air. “A few moments ago, outside, I noticed that you and your caravan had been traveling for a very long time. May I ask where you were planning to sell her before I decided to buy her from you, Mr. Zhang? ”
Jun sweats from the question, "I will admit originally considering giving her to the Jang family as a gift for their child and as potential buyers. However, your timely offer to purchase her changed the course of events. It is only fitting that you are the one to decide her fate now, President Hwang."
The room fell into a momentary silence as Mun-Yak contemplated the narrative. "Thank you for the information, Mr. Zhang. Here, this is a reward for your assistance."
A bag of gold coins was put on top of the expensive table. Zhang Jun's eyes widened as he beheld the bag of gold coins on the table, the glint of the metal captivating him. He felt his hands trembling from the glittering money that was presented in front of him. Those glittering gold coins before him were a testament to the success of his latest transaction.
"Ah, President Hwang, your generosity knows no bounds," Zhang Jun said, his voice tinged with a hint of greed thinly veiled behind a facade of gratitude. "As a humble trader, I am honored to have played a part in bringing valuable information. I assure you that should you ever require my services in the future, I will be at your disposal."
Hwang Mun-Yak nodded, acknowledging Jun's thanks, though he couldn't help but notice the insatiable hunger in the trader's eyes. "That would be unnecessary; your cooperation and the information you provided about the child are enough," Mun-Yak replied, his tone holding a hint of caution.
But before Zhang Jun could attempt to further curry favor, Mun-Yak gestured toward the door, signaling the end of their discussion. Zhang Jun, clutching the bag of gold coins tightly in his hand, left the room with hesitation. It was a transaction, yes, but an opportunity to have a secure connection with the influential Eunha Trading Company. would greatly benefit him.
"Father, do you really think this is a good idea?" The man next to Mun-Yak finally voiced out his concern about the whole situation.
Mun-Yak responded without a hint of emotion. "What do you mean, Jongui?"
Jongui hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Father, I know you felt bad for the child, but to this extent? Do we really need to know about her background when she will only be a servant here?"
"I am not blind, Son."
Jongui felt a chill run down his spine at the firmness in his father's voice. Straightening his back, he braced himself for what would come next. Mun-Yak continued, "I planned to observe the child to see how capable she is. If my opinion about her turns out to be true, we will take responsibility for her."
Mun-Yak stands up from his seat and walks to the window, gazing at the scenery before him. Jongui gazes at him with utmost curiosity. Wondering what his father may be thinking. "But if she turns out to be useless, we will leave her as a maid in training."
As Jongui gazed at his father, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled within him. His father's decision to go to such lengths for a mere child troubled him deeply. He wondered what had compelled his father to take such a keen interest in the child.
Jongui knew his father well, and he understood that Mun-Yak was not a man to act impulsively. There had to be something about the child—something that Jongui himself had yet to see—that had motivated his father to make this unusual move.
Eventually, Jongui decided to trust his father's judgment. Mun-Yak had built the Eunha Trading Company into a formidable force through shrewd decision-making and an innate ability to recognize potential. If he believed that the child held value beyond that of a common slave, there had to be a compelling reason.
By the time you woke up from the void, you were greeted by a very extravagant room. The extravagant room you woke up in was impressive. “I feel very rich inside this room.”
You hummed as you were admiring the room design. Mr. Rich should have let one of his people put you here. You were thankful for the generosity.
A ping was heard. You look at where the sound came from, only for the colors of your face to drain.
[100 curl-ups| 100 right punches and left punches| 100 push 100 left kicks and right kicks]
“Maomao, what the fuck are these?! ”
A very scared and nervous Maomao appeared before you; they trembled from the glare you gave her. “Those are commissions! You have to do it or else you’ll be punished. Please don’t get angry at me! ”
Maomao cried as she moved far away from your heart.
“Commissions? "You look up at the blue screen with the ‘commissions’. “Ah, I get it, but it doesn’t explain why it has to be intense. ”
You gave Maomao a look and a gesture at your figure. “As you can see, Maomao, I have the body of a weak child. What do you think I could do? "You made an exaggerated gesture to the screen, “all of these without fainting every second!" ”
To Maomao’s credit, they answered your question. “Um, improvise? ”
You sighed. The sudden appearance of these demanding commissions was far from what you expected. Realizing that Maomao was probably not the best source for empathy in this unfortunate situation.
"Improvise, huh?" you muttered to yourself, eyeing the list of physical tasks. "Well, let's see what we can do here."
You decided to start with the curl-ups. Instead of the full 100, you opted for a more reasonable number, settling for 20. As you attempted the exercise, you couldn't help but feel the strain in muscles you didn't even know you had. Maomao watched with a mix of concern and curiosity.
"Okay, not bad," you said, panting slightly. "Now, the punches."
You adjusted your stance and threw a series of punches, alternating between left and right. You weren't sure if they were up to the standards of a martial artist, but at least you weren't embarrassing yourself completely.
"Push-ups next," you mumbled, lowering yourself to the ground. You were struggling so much but managed to complete 30 before your arms protested vehemently. This was definitely not your usual morning routine.
"Now, kicks," you said, eyeing the remaining tasks. Instead of high kicks, you settled for a more manageable level, kicking the air with moderate intensity. While also feeling the strain in your legs.
"Alright, Maomao, that should do it," you declared, your muscles tense and sore but feeling the accomplishment. "How was that for improvisation?"
Maomao, who had been cautiously observing your attempts, nodded with a hesitant smile. "Um, not bad, Y/n. But the commissions are still not complete. Maybe you can try to do a bit more?"
You groaned, "Alright, Maomao," you said with resignation, "I suppose I have no choice but to finish it. Though I'm warning you, this is going to be a disaster."
Your threat left Maomao shuddering in fear. You were not someone to mess with when you’re angry.
After what felt like an eternity, you finally completed the commissions, panting and sweating heavily. You felt your chest squeeze, wheezing a little. Your weak child's body was not built for such strenuous exercise. Maomao offered you a towel, which you gratefully accepted.
"Good job," she said tentatively, offering you a glass of water. You gulped it down, grateful for the refreshment.
You looked at the commission's screen again, feeling accomplished despite the physical strain. "Alright, Maomao, what happens after I finish the commissions?”
As if to answer your question, another ping was heard. You look at the blue screen, and your eyes widen from the words it displays.
[Congratulations!   You have finished your first commission! As a reward for your hard work, here are your prizes:  40 Exp.| 3 Free Energy drink<common> | Free QI Energy ]
Maomao grinned, her eyes gleaming with pride. "Congratulations! You did it! Finishing your first set of commissions is a big milestone."
You read the message on the blue screen, and a sense of accomplishment washed over you. The rewards for completing your first commission were better than you expected.
Maomao clapped her hands in delight. "Look at that! You've earned experience points, energy drinks, and even some QI energy. Those rewards will come in handy for your cultivation journey."
"Thanks," you said sincerely, while you stretched your body a little to release the tension in your muscles. "So, what's next after completing these commissions? Do I get more tasks or challenges?"
Maomao shakes her head. "Fortunately for you, no, you will only receive commissions daily, so that was your first commission on this day; tomorrow will be another one."
You grumble at the thought of more commissions, but at least it was only once a day, so maybe you’ll tolerate it for now. "Okay, then, so can you explain to me about the rewards I got? ”
“Sure! "Maomao excitedly responds, “The experience points (Exp) you've earned will be used to level up your character, and you can also sacrifice' Exp for Stats points. The free energy drinks will help replenish your character's stamina, and the free QI energy is a special resource you can use to help replenish your current QI; in fact, you can use it now if you want."
You thought about Maomao’s suggestion, “Hm, maybe let’s focus on replenishing my stamina first, then we can do QI after.” After all, you were so tired from the commission.
Maomao understandably nods and lets you summon one of the energy drinks. You gulp down the whole bottle like a wild animal (which is understandable), and as you finish drinking the whole bottle, you feel your body become light and energized. “Wow! I actually feel very energized; it feels like I didn’t even do an intense workout a few minutes ago.”
Maomao grinned, pleased to see your positive reaction to the energy drink. "They work wonders in replenishing stamina and revitalizing your character. It's a quick fix for when you need a boost during or after challenging tasks."
As you relished in the newfound energy coursing through your virtual veins, Maomao continued, "Now, let's talk about the free QI energy you received. Qi energy is crucial in this world; it's like your character's life force and power source. You can use free QI energy to restore your character's Qi, which is essential for your future abilities and skills."
She guided you through the process of using the free QI energy, explaining the intricacies of managing this vital resource. As you followed her instructions, you felt the replenishing surge of energy within the game, mirroring the real-world rejuvenation you experienced with the energy drink.
"Now that your stamina is replenished and your Qi energy is restored, let us discuss your current state." But before Maomao could finish, both of you heard footsteps coming to your (not really) room. This made both of you panic.
“Oh no, um, let’s continue this another time; for now, just talk via telepathy to communicate with me, okay? ”
As you were about to respond to Maomao, they disappeared from sight. The door also slides open. “I see you are finally awake, esteem guest.”
This is going to be a long day.
I have been writing this since morning. So many distractions but I was able to write chapter 4 •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
I may be edit it, too tired to bother today (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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reisimscorner · 11 months
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By morning, every detail was planned out for their ‘grand scheme’, so when Trader Jacques arrived to collect this week’s taxes, Alaric was already waiting for him by the door. They had to maintain a good relationship with him, even though not everyone liked him. It was understandable since it was not easy for every villager to gather the taxes week by week.
Alaric welcomed him with a wide smile which made cold running down Trader Jacques’ back for some reason. He felt like he just got tangled up in an issue he had no prior knowledge about. Nonetheless, he behaved like nothing was wrong. He couldn’t show anxiety towards a peasant.
“Good morning. Here are the taxes for this week,” Alaric said cheerfully while he handed over everything that was asked of them this time. Jacques thanked it, then without hesitation went to check if anything was missing. While he was busy with calculating and inspecting the goods, Alaric took a moment to think through everything he had to say. Then slowly, he opened his mouth.
“I was actually thinking if I could ask you to deliver message on my behalf to the Lord Marquis.” Alaric decided to took a cautious approach. He didn’t want to get declined straight away.
“Yeah? What kind of message do you have for the Lord?” Trader Jacques asked back in a lightheaded manner. Obviously, he wasn’t taking Alaric seriously, but decided to play along for now. His interest was piqued slightly, at least.  
“You’re familiar with Giselle? That Giselle.” He had to correct himself even though it hurt a lot to use this kind of tone and implication when it came to her. But at the moment it was important to make clear who he was talking about.
“Oh, that servant girl who lives in the castle? Yes, I’ve seen her a couple of times. Why?”
“I’d like to marry her,” Alaric declared. Trader Jacques couldn’t help but laugh hearing this. He wanted to do what now?
“This was a great joke, thank you, boy,” he said while finishing up the inspection of the goods that was handed in as tax this week. Alaric didn’t say anything, just looked solemnly at Trader Jacques. His mouth almost dropped open noticing this, realizing that Alaric wasn’t joking. In fact, he meant every word he said. “Why don’t you just look for some other farmer girl? It would do you no good to get mixed up in her affairs,” he offered, but Alaric just shook his head. Well, it was none of his business anyway, and he tried to change Alaric’s mind out of respect for his family. It was not his place to dissuade him more than this. “Fine, I can deliver your message to the Lord. What do you want me to tell him?”
Alaric then explained him what his plan was to get the Marquis’ permission for the marriage. Trader Jacques was rather surprised when he heard the well-laid out plan and had to agree it would be foolish of the Marquis to let such a great opportunity slip his fingers just for that girl. In fact, from the Marquis’ viewpoint, it was probably a win-loss situation to his advantage as he couldn’t care less about Giselle’s well-being or what she was doing.
In the end, Trader Jacques promised to deliver Alaric’s message as fast as possible and if they were lucky, they would have an answer by the end of the day.
Beginning // Previous // Next
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sayonaramidnight · 2 years
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The Sapphire Avenue was as bustling as ever, people of Ul'dah doing their morning shopping and traders trying to outshine each other while advertising their goods. And in a corner avoided carefully by everyone else, a self-proclaimed bard was lying on a bench, eyes closed, wearing only his small-clothes and an impressive shiner.
This sight filled Helvi's heart with concern; despite having her hands full holding the bags of recently purchased crafting materials, she rushed to a nearby flower stand and returned a few moments later with the loveliest posy she could get there.
"Twelve, guide this poor soul back from the depths of debauchery," she said in a solemn voice, picking out the flowers with the longest stems and putting them right into the lying man's nostrils, “and deliver us all from his antics”.
Thancred opened his non-blackened eye and looked at her reproachfully. "Really, fair lady, why torture a man meditating on his life choices?" he spoke through his nose.
"Because this does not seem to be the best meditating spot. Have you lost your clothes before or after you started?”
“Before. Come, sit with me and you’ll see for yourself it is a perfect place for meditations. And observations.” He removed the flowers and sat up with a sly grin; Helvi joined him hesitantly and began to make a crown from the remaining flowers, waiting for him to say anything else. He struck her as a man who enjoyed the sound of his own voice and knew how to make use of it.
And yet, he kept quiet for a while, until she realized she was the object of his observations.
“Been wonderin’ about ye,” he said in Lominsan accent, making her snort and chuckle; for a moment he sounded like a different person. “How come we’ve never run into each other before?” He continued in his usual voice.
“Is that supposed to be a pick-up line?”
“No, I’m aware all too well that I’m not your type,” he gave an exaggerated sigh, “but Y’shtola says you too grew up in Limsa. I suppose proper young ladies like you don’t play with thieving rascals like me, but still…”
“And who says I’m ‘proper’?” Helvi asked airily, thinking of how many times they might have passed each other by here in Ul’dah. And if they even had known each other, would she ever remember?
“All your connections through both the Yellowjackets and the Immortal Flames do.”
Her what now? He probably meant her family connections, but made it sound like she was not only proper, but also in power. That made her burst out laughter, but the thoughts in the back of her head were much less amusing. What else did he learn about her? What if he knew things she had forgotten? She could neither deny nor confirm them… Oh wait, that was quite amusing after all.
“I’m sure you’re not without connections either, otherwise they’d have taken good care of you for public indecency,” she eyed him mockingly. “Or is it an artistic performance? Because I think a ballad would make you more popular than this.”
“I beg your pardon, this was for the sake of intel gathering!” His poorly feigned indignation amused her even more and that must have been intentional, as everything else he did. “Although I probably could make a few droll stanzas out of it. They would include a round of Triple Triad, a frying pan and a charming yet somewhat foolish man in peril, how about that? Will it please the audience?”
“I sure want all the details,” she said with a wide grin, “but how was that supposed to help you in… whatever your mission was?”
“A lot, my pure, inexperienced friend,” Thancred grinned back, but his eyes turned serious and calculative. “Because that’s how I made sure the Syndicate would remember my foolishness rather than my enquiries.”
“Truly, your work is beyond my comprehension.” Examining her flower crown thoroughly, Helvi stood up. “Come, you can compose your stanzas on the way to the Quicksand. And help me with these bags.”
“So now you’re condemning me to walking the city in my– Seven hells, what have you put there?! Rocks?”
“My future masterpieces. And you did wish to be remembered by your foolishness, yes?”
Thanks to the aethernet shards their journey was short, but still quite a number of people looked at their direction, as Thancred was determined to talk about his misadventures to whoever was interested. Loudly. And intent on finding the worst rhymes ever. As they entered the Quicksand, Helvi did not know whether to laugh or cry. Or perhaps laugh to tears.
"Ah, ‘tis good to be here again. Momodi, will you be a dear and have your finest drinks brought into my esteemed colleague's room?" Thancred bowed before the tavern owner with his most dazzling smile. Without a word, Helvi joined him at the counter and put the finished flower crown on the Lalafellin woman's head.
"So there's two of you now. Lovely." Momodi looked between them, clearly unimpressed.
"Whatever is that supposed to mean? If you're trying to say Helvi is my competitor for your favours, I might as well back out this instant."
"You might wanna do that. After all, she can pay for her drinks in craftwork; what offer have  you  got?"
"A brand new serenade, as you may expect. Ah, but I guess women prefer jewellery in the long run and Helvi here surely has enough shinies to divide among half the female population of the city."
Helvi glanced at him in amusement; for some reason he seemed to think she was only interested in women and she found it too funny to correct him, for now at least. "A pair of trousers would be even more welcome than the drinks." She smiled at Momodi. "For an extra shiny."
“Interestin’ company you’ve found,” the Lalafell shook her head, not specifying which of them she referred to.
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carabelajaronline · 1 year
Traders Family Komunitas Trading Terbaik di Tangerang
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lily-ohfally · 2 years
About Lily Oh'fally
Hi and welcome! This blog is meant to be a self-indulgent brain rot blog so feel free to ask anything about my OC's ₍ᐢ⑅•ᴗ•⑅ᐢ₎♡
Warnings: 🔞 Not a safe space for minors as occasionally NSFW topics WILL be brought up!
Now, let me introduce you to my WoL:
Meet: Lily Oh'fally. Lily is a kind-hearted and gentle Viera at 25. He has 4 younger siblings who is his surrogate family, since he was the oldest he has been the one to provide for them since he was 15. His body is muscular and well build, yet his face is round cute. He has a fluffy tail and his ears tend to droop forwards rather than backwards. (reference updates "regularly")
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More information underneath.
Before Lily and the others came to Ul'dah, they lived in a small village at the outer layer of Golmore Jungle, and despite their best efforts, that part of the forest was eventually overrun by the Garlean Empire by them burning down their part of the forest, in favor of crop and farmland. Leaving only 11 unpresented Viera children behind. They ended up splitting into two groups, one of 5 and one of 6, when they left Lily's group headed towards the Ocean in search of a new life. There, they met a particularly kind set of traders who were willing to take them across the ocean and brought them to Thanalan. On their way, Lily presented at the late age of 15 and made it his goal to keep the younger ones safe from harm. 10 years has passed since then.
Within his family, he is known for being a little clumsy and scatterbrained, yet also reliable and dependable. His younger siblings knows that even though he is very good at what he does, he is still young and like them, needs proper support. Lily is uneducated and can barely read and write, only being taught by his younger sister Layla so he could continue to work alongside the Ul'dahn merchants. However he's very good at numbers and calculating when it comes to spending money.
His family is made up of Lily, Layla, Kanna, Rose and Violet. Lily: Male, 25, 186cm, Rava. Layla: Female, 20, 190cm, Rava. Kanna: Female, 17, 173cm, Rava. Rose: Female, 15, 169cm, Rava. Violet: Male, 14, 167cm, Rava.
Additional information:
I ship Lily with Haurchefant!! Tag is HaurcheLily and I am very delusional about them ♥️
Lily's forest name was Raeja. He changed it to Lily because of Lily of the Valley's and his fondness of them.
His hair style changes during StB patch quests. During the Shinryu fight his hair gets damaged and he cuts it. Before his hair reached to around his waist. Then sometime during Endwalker patch quests he cuts it again.
He prefers wearing light clothes that doesn't get in the way or get dirty when working. He used to work odd jobs for various Ul'dah merchants and then later performed at a stage with dance, totally not just because I like putting him in pretty whore outfits.
His main colors are Royal Purple and Metallic Red. Lily's favorite colors are purples with gold.
I draw him with much more muscle than his in-game model shows. He needs to have wide shoulders and a small waist!! Round butt and thicc thighs!!!!
I am still working on his "canon" outfits and has one so far. I will update with them when it's done!
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dream-dove · 2 months
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Name: Perdita Fortuna
Age: 23
Early Life:
• Family and Birth:
• Born to esteemed parents in a small village outside of Rome. Her father was a skilled blacksmith known for crafting the finest weapons, and her mother was a respected healer renowned for her knowledge and compassion.
• The Fortuna family was well-regarded in their village, known for their exceptional skills and kindness.
Tragedy Strikes:
• When Perdita was eight years old, a plague swept through their village, claiming the lives of her parents and leaving her an orphan.
• Alone and vulnerable, she was captured by slave traders who sold her into slavery, stripping her of her family’s legacy and status.
Years of Struggle:
• Life as a Slave:
• Perdita was sold to a brutal master who subjected her to harsh labor and cruelty. Despite the suffering, she maintained a fierce spirit and a will to survive.
• She spent her formative years in servitude, learning to endure pain and hardship. Her resilience and strength grew with each passing year.
Escape and Survival:
• At the age of fifteen, Perdita seized an opportunity to escape her captors. She fled into the wilderness, surviving on her wits and the skills she had learned.
• She made her way to the streets of Rome, where she lived as a street urchin, doing whatever it took to survive, from stealing to fighting.
Saving the King:
• One fateful day, Perdita witnessed an assassination attempt on the king while he was traveling incognito through the poorer districts of Rome.
• Using her agility and newfound skills, she intervened, saving the king’s life with a well-aimed arrow.
• Impressed by her bravery and skill, the king offered her a position in his palace as a servant.
Rise to Power:
• Joining the Army:
• Perdita requested to join the king’s army as her repayment, an unusual and controversial choice for a woman.
• The king, recognizing her potential and determination, granted her wish. She faced immense skepticism and prejudice from her male counterparts but never wavered.
Proving Herself:
• Through rigorous training and several battles, Perdita demonstrated her exceptional skills as an archer and a fierce warrior.
• Her strategic mind and combat prowess earned her the respect of her commanders and comrades, eventually leading to her rise through the ranks.
• Perdita is fiercely determined, ruthless, and strategic. Her early experiences have hardened her, making her a formidable and feared presence on the battlefield.
• Known for her cold and calculating demeanor, she shows little mercy to her enemies, earning the nickname “Jackal” for her ruthlessness.
• She takes delight in inflicting retribution on her enemies, seeing it as a means to reclaim the control she was denied in her youth.
• Despite her dark past, she retains a strong sense of loyalty to her comrades and the king, whom she respects deeply.
Skills and Achievements:
• Combat Skills:
• An exceptional archer, with a keen eye and steady hand, capable of hitting targets with pinpoint accuracy.
• A formidable hand-to-hand combatant, known for her quick reflexes, strength, and strategic thinking.
• Developed a reputation as a ruthless and unyielding warrior, earning her place among the ranks of the king’s elite soldiers.
• Driving Force:
• Perdita is driven by a desire to reclaim control over her life and to inflict retribution on those who wronged her.
• She seeks to protect the innocent and fight for justice, but also takes a grim satisfaction in defeating her enemies and asserting her power.
• Conflict:
• Faces ongoing prejudice and skepticism from those who believe a woman has no place on the battlefield.
• Must continually prove her worth and earn the trust of her comrades through her actions and achievements.
• Struggles with balancing her desire for control and retribution with her duties and loyalty to her comrades.
• The Jackal:
• On the battlefield and to her enemies, Perdita is known as “The Jackal” due to her ruthless tactics and merciless approach to combat.
• Her enemies fear her for her relentless pursuit and deadly precision, while her comrades respect her for her unwavering strength and strategic mind.
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mopsee4real · 2 months
Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS
1. You are a married man and you have dated somebody's wife for two years, busy spending on her like there is no tomorrow. Eventually she drops you and concentrates on her innocent husband. Calculate the percentage of time wasted. (20 marks)
2. You bought a phone for your friend's wife and she gave it to her husband. Using trigonometric identities, derive a general formula for this type of love. (20 marks)
3. For Men You're dating around 15 ladies and every lady is demanding for a Samsung Galaxy and an iPhone 6s
(a) Plot a graph of detoothers against prices of phones.
(15 marks)
(b) Use your graph to estimate your future poverty (5 marks)
(c) Plot the percentage shame against volume of apologies to your family members. (5 Marks)
4. You are whatsapping and facebooking other people's wives yet you don't want to see your wife on the social network. Calculate the Percentage Error in your thinking capacity. (20 marks)
5. You are a civil servant, your wife is a petty trader, your combined household income is less than k10, 000 Your daughter is using iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy worth k30, 000 each. Calculate the percentage of your Parental Negligence. (20 marks)
6. For ladies You're a married woman and you have dated 20 guys with hard labour, use the law of diminishing returns to calculate the substance that will be left for your husband to enjoy. (20 marks)
7. You can't give your wife k500 for a pot of soup, but you spend over k5000 in bars and restaurant.
Calculate the radius of your 'stupidity', take π=3.142 (20 marks)
8. You have been in the church and in your fellowship for years but your name is not in the book of LIFE because of the secret sin. Calculate the years you will spend in HELL? (30 marks)
Good Luck!
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nautamlalmehta · 2 months
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During the boycott of British goods in 1930, Nautamlal B Mehta and his family from Jetpur displayed true patriotism and sacrifice.
The British goods boycott was A Dedicated effort with the courage to lose everything for Nationalism and free India. By Nautamlal B Mehtana of Jetpur only through the “Gandhian way.” How did Nautamlal Mehtas stand out differently from other big Gandhian Supporting Businessmen? Those prominent businessmen helped With freedom, Supported their corporate system-based businesses, and used funding from pub stockholders or banks. ( Sure, their infrastructure depended on it.) Whereas Dr. P.J Mehta and Nautamlal Mehta, and many like them, use their own money and burn their own home to fuel their Nationalism and free India. By early 1940, both from a group of pioneers of Freedom in India almost became Compare the results of others who made calculated sacrifices for the freedom of India, while Nautamlal Mehta's sacrifice was motivated by Tan-Man-Dhan (body-mind-money). How did Nautamlal Bhagawanji Pedhi start losing business? He never compromised, yet he followed the Mahatma Gandhian way. All Maharajas and other traders were pro-British, so they stopped doing business with us. Please, British.
Visit: www.nautamlalmehta.com/british-goods-boycott-great-gandhian-non-violent-protest-and-resistance-from-nautamlal-b-mehta-of-jetpur-to-the-british-in-the-most-challenging-time-in-1930/
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