#cal just kinda holds him above the floor
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all-for-geek · 4 months
The Cal Who Kinda Liked Musicals - Chapter 2: Just a Typical Day...
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Fandom: The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals/Starkid/Hatchetfield
Summary: What starts as a fun musical adventure slowly turns into a theatrical nightmare. Maybe someone should've thought about the implications.
Word Count: 1,798
@micropeter I hope you enjoy :)
Saying Cal woke up the next morning would imply that they went to sleep. They got a couple hours at least. It was enough to remain functional but not enough to trigger any nightmares. They grabbed a Monster out of the fridge that would be their lifeline for the day before heading off to work. 
A funky bass line was the music for today’s walk. Cal tapped their fingers along to it, the drum beat mimicking their rhythm. It wasn’t until they looked around and noticed people along the street dancing that they realized the music wasn’t just in their head. Cal continued drumming, bouncing in and out of people’s way to not disrupt the flash mob.
Their beat faltered when Pete popped up in front of them. They shuffled back, leaning on the back of the person behind them as their knees bent on beat. He smiled at Cal widely, holding out his hand. They chuckled, but it didn’t take any convincing for them to take it. The music around them swelled as Pete led Cal in a series of complicated lifts and twirls and steps, Cal following close behind as the music hummed around them.
On the final beat, Pete spun Cal into his arms, dipping them. Cal blushed, smiling up at him a little out of breath. He smiled at them almost curiously, pulling them back onto their feet and dangerously close to him in one fluid motion. Cal’s blush only deepened.
“I-I didn’t know you could dance like that,” they stammered out.
“You’ll find that I’m just full of surprises, Cal,” he says, his voice modulating in perfect pitch, “I think you are too.”
Before they had the chance to ask him what he meant, Cal remembered why they were out here in the first place.
“Shit I gotta get to work!”
Pete’s hold on them loosened enough for them to slip away, the blue-haired teen racing down the street.
“I’ll see you around, Cal!” he called out, a sense of finality in his tone that Cal didn’t pick up on.
“Yeah! See ya later!”
Cal wasn’t the only one who got caught up in the flash mob. As they walked into the work, they could hear incoherent mumbling coming from near the break room. Curious, they poked their head inside. Paul was pacing the floor, knocking his fists together while Bill, Charlotte, and Ted looked at him concerned. Well, Bill and Charlotte looked concerned at least.
“What’s going on with him?” they asked as they entered the room.
Bill opened his mouth to answer, but Paul started rambling. “They were singing…and dancing…like it was some kind of…musical.”
“Oooooooooh. You got caught in the flash mob too, huh?”
Paul turned to Cal, nodding slowly with a deranged smile on his face. “Yes, of course, it was a flash mob. Right.”
“Cal please tell me you took a video of it,” Ted interrupted.
They shook their head.
“Oh god damnit, Cal you’re fucking useless!”
The teen rolled their eyes. “Just ask Pete about it. I’m sure someone there took a video.”
Ted eyed them, confused. “What?”
“He was part of the flash mob. Did pretty good too.”
“...that little nerd joined a flash mob and he didn’t tell me?!” Ted scoffed.
The two are interrupted by the clattering of the coffee pot. Charlotte stood above it, chuckling awkwardly. “Sorry, everyone.”
Ted hummed, half-heartedly scooping the coffee pot up while Bill went to find a janitor. Cal eyed the visibly frazzled woman.
“You alright, Charlotte?” 
Charlotte smiled at them. “I’m fine it’s just…oh it’s nothing. I’m just being silly.”
“Doesn’t sound like nothing, doll,” Ted muttered nonchalantly, a thick layer of apathy masking his concern.
Charlotte tapped the mug in her hand nervously. “Well, Sam, my husband, he got home real late last night…”
Ted scoffed. “He didn’t come home at all.”
The other three in the room paused, staring at Ted. Paul seemed more concerned with what Charlotte was going to say, Charlotte herself looked mortified, but the face that made Ted pause the most was Cal’s. Their mouth hung open, the corners beginning to twitch upward.
“...I heard I wasn’t there.” He tacked on the sentence at the end, but the damage had already been done.
Charlotte continued on to say something about Sam singing in the shower which seemed to upset Paul even more, but neither Cal nor Ted were paying much attention. Both kept glancing at the other in devious excitement and justified fear respectively. Thankfully for Ted, Melissa walked in. It caused enough of a distraction that he slipped out before Cal could follow. Still, it was only a matter of time before… 
“FUCKING CHARLOTTE?!” Cal bursted through Ted’s office door.
The man practically jumped out of his seat, slamming his laptop shut. “KNOCK YOU LITTLE SHIT! And keep your voice fucking down.”
Cal flinched at the sudden noise, but quickly recovered. “Oh, I’m sorry, let me try again.” They cleared their throat before whisper shouting, “Fucking Charlotte?!”
Ted rolled his eyes, leaning back in the chair. “What can I say? She fell for the old Spankoffski charm.”
Cal shivered. “Ew. Gross. Stop. Also, isn't she married?”
“Like that’s ever stopped me-”
“To a cop that looks like he wouldn’t think twice about killing a grandma?”
Ted paused, his cocky swagger faltering slightly. “Sam’s a scumbag. No doubt about it. But I’ve been a sleazeball for longer. I know what I’m doing.”
“Oh? Is that what that little comment in the break room was? Knowing what you were doing?”
“You know, would it kill you to shut your mouth? Just once. Ever.”
Ted rolled his eyes. “Last I checked, Char and I are two consenting adults allowed to make our own poor life choices. Not that it’s any of your business.”
“Oh if you’re gonna give me a hard time for what’s not going on between me and Pete you sure as shit know that I’m gonna give you a hard time about what is going on with you two.”
Ted blinked. “I hate you. So, so much.”
Cal gave him a shit-eating grin. “Thank you.”
“Not a compliment.”
“From you? Yes it is.”
“No it’s not!”
“Yes it is.”
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it-”
Before they could continue like that for hours…again, their witty banter was interrupted by some music blasting in the hall. It sounded oddly similar to the music from the flash mob.
“The hell…” Cal walked over to the door, peeking outside. “Uh…hey, Ted?”
“If you want that video of the flash mob, now might be the time.”
Ted popped up from his chair, looking out at the musical extravaganza going on in the hallway. Most of the office was humming and bustling around in perfect time. The clicks of the computers and beeps of the printers kept the beat as they bounced around the hallways. A few people were eyeing the commotion, slightly concerned. Bill kept a polite smile on his face while his co-workers danced around. Charlotte was visibly shaking.
As Ted walked over to Charlotte, Cal’s eyes traveled to Melissa. Her cheery smile was wider than normal as she approached one of the confused co-workers, ushering them into Davidson’s office. Her smile seemed to widen as she closed the door on a downbeat. A few minutes later, the employee exited, humming along with everyone else. Cal rushed over to Charlotte’s desk, sidestepping the dancing co-workers as they kept dancing in front of them. Almost like they were trying to block them in.
“Look, we gotta get outta here. There is some fuck shit going on, and it’s giving me every bad feeling known to man and-”
Cal’s ramble was interrupted as Ted placed a hand on their shoulder. “Kid, chill. It’s probably just some weird prank or something.”
Cal shook their head. Something was wrong. They couldn’t put their finger on what, but something was. Their face paled as Melissa approached them.
“Cal, there you are. We’ve been looking all over for you!” Her voice resonated, speaking in a melodic pattern. “Mr. Davidson wanted to speak to you in his office.”
“Nope!” Ted muttered. Even if this was a dumb prank, it was going too far. Neither Cal nor Charlotte needed much more convincing as the three made a beeline for the door with Bill not far behind them, much to Ted’s chagrin.
People were singing everywhere they went. The butcher, the baker, the post office. There was a song around every corner. It unsettled something deep within Cal. This was more than a flash mob or some elaborate prank. Something was wrong.
The four dodged past the elaborate musical numbers, racing out of downtown. Luckily, no one seemed that interested in them, too engrossed in their choreography to pay much mind to a few stragglers. It wasn’t that big of a deal anyway. They would be joining them soon enough.
They ran until they reached a residential area just out of downtown. One clear of any people. They all stumbled to a stop, panting heavily. Bill gasps for air, bent down over his knees.
“What…the hell…is going on?” he forced out.
Cal shook their head, still pacing slightly. Despite their legs burning from exhaustion, they couldn’t seem to stand still.
“Why would everyone be singing? Why now shit like this doesn’t happen overnight what the fuck happened what was going on in his office…” As Cal continued to mutter, the streetlight above them started flickering. A firm hand squeezed their shoulders. They’re turned around, Ted looking them dead in the eyes.
“Calm your ass, kid.”
Cal paused, nodding. The light stopped flickering.
“What do we do?” Charlotte asked, “We can’t keep running forever.”
“Get the hell out of town?” Cal suggested.
“And go where? Fuckin’ Clivesdale?” Ted cringed.
“Besides, the bridge is back through downtown,” Bill adds.
“Well is there anywhere else we could go?” Charlotte asked desperately.
“We could hide out in the Witchwood!”
Ted groans at Cal. “Kid, what is with you and the fucking Witchwood?!”
“Don’t see you coming up with any ideas, asshole!”
Ted grumbled, looking around before his eyes lit up. “The trash cans.”
The other three looked at him. “...the what?!”
“Hide in the trash cans. No one will expect it. The singing fucks won’t even look in their if we’re quiet.” Ted nodded, confirming his totally foolproof plan.
Ted rushed over to the trash cans, Charlotte following close behind him. Bill watched for a moment before shrugging and making his way over, leaving Cal staring at Ted bewildered.
“That’s your master plan?! Hide in a trash can for who knows how long?!”
“It’s better than the creepy fucking haunted forest!”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Cal mumbled, walking over and climbing into a trash can.
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
In the Name of Love' Pt.2
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For anybody who likes this new series...if you want me to continue writing for them...I beg you...interact with them beyond likes. Comment, Reblog, whatever you do...seeing only voice-less likes doesn't tell me about what you liked about the chapter!
Also, I will try to reply to all future comments, but it will be with my main account, since this is a secondary one. The main one will be obvious in its name, so don't worry about seeing it.
Word Count: 3.048
If you could, you would hold your ears shut. But then you would have to drop the noise nuisance source-
The slightly high pitched screaming of Cal in your arms made you cringe, grumbling against him, "Maker, shut up Cal! I won't drop you!" "How can I be sure?!?"
Instantly, you dug your claws deeper into his bigger body, clarifying you're not dropping him without many words as he lets out a whimper instead of more screaming and flailing.
In the distance, you see a Stinger Yacht…that desperately needed a new color coat. "That is yours? A luxury yacht?" He grunts a quiet 'yes', your claws not loosening up any bit after his kinda hurtful comment. What kinda Rebel Crew owns a yacht of all Ships possible? It can't be exactly on high defense, let alone offense.
"Careful, coming in hot! Tell them we're coming, I don't need another blaster pointed at me today!" With his free arms, he fished for his comm, pushing the right button to open the frequency channel. "Cere!? Is the Mantis ready to fly as soon as we are there?!" Was the first thing he practically shouts into the device, the wind from the current speed mostly likely getting picked up as well. "Cal? What do you mean we?!"
But you were already descending fast.
"Just don't shoot at us!"
You see the ship's door slide open, the thing peeking out, ironically, was of course a blaster, then the head of an older woman. "I repeat, coming in hot!!!" You shout, which the woman now picked up as well, clearly not expecting Cal to come back from above as a look of shock jumped to her face. Feet first, you skid onto the floor, running the last distance to slow to an eventual halt, Cal stumbling from your arms like a drunk pirate. But you had no time to twaddle around, that's why you didn't take your time for a proper landing like usual.
"Who is she, Cal?!" "We do not have time for this, Cere, the Empire is here and definitely has followed us from the ground!"
Or in short:
"Just get us out of here!" You would have time to explain yourself later once you're not being actively hunted down.
For a moment she looks at Cal's face, distress clear on it before she looks back at you, no distress but annoyance at her over cautiousness. You would tell her that, if you had in mind to take them out, you could've done that a minute ago, but you doubted that would help your situation a lot.
Then Cal spoke up again, "Listen, if she had planned to kill us, she probably would've done so already…she…she's something else."
Or he says it...
"Fine, hurry then. Greez, start the Mantis right away!" She ushers you two into the ship, turning around to shout an order to 'Greez' at the front. You took it that Greez is the Captain of this literal yacht.
The door shut just at the right moment as a blaster bolt was shot at it, the right height to be a headshot for your height. Your green eyes widen at that slight tingle of fear in the back of your head, seeing the heat imprint it left slowly fading. Thank goodness even Yachts have better hulls by now…
"Karking hell…" you curse, slumping down against the door, one hand on your knees as Cal exhaled exhausted, leaning down onto his knees. Flying for the first time was a lot to take in at first, so you weren't saying anything about it.
For a minute, as the ship left the inner atmosphere and entered space once more, it was all silent except your shared labored breaths. Then Cere cleared her throat, most certainly expecting an explanation.
"I am certain I once heard that Dragon People have gone extinct years before Order 66…" Was that her biggest concern? What are you to her, an animal that could magically talk or a person that shared some animalistic traits?
"Is that your biggest problem with me being here? Because if yes, count me as relieved and concerned at once."
What kind of team leader asked first what the new one was instead of who she was??
"The last I saw of your kind was a dying elder. That was 15 years ago." Oh and now she pours salt in your wounds. Thanks.
Cal pulls a grimace at your sour expression, "Cere, I highly doubt she wanted to know that…" "No. It's fine Cal. I know they are all dead. Either Killed or enslaved and their brains fried to obedience, nothing of their former warrior-selves. I know all of that."
But what you didn't need was some outsider telling you about it like it was fresh gossip. Like it was an excuse to stare at you like a rare treasure. Like the rare creature you are.
There had been so many things and thoughts that preoccupied your mind at night about this exact thing. While the Jedi were losing just themselves, you had two roots to lose forever.
"I think we should start from the beginning, don't you think so aswell?" The ginger asked, trying to defuse the glare you subconsciously started to throw at Cere, who tried to dodge it in her best attempt. "Would be better." Your words were cold but neutral in the end, knowing most people aren't all bad from the start, most weren't ever fully evil (or good) either.
You taught yourself to stay calmer at other people's fuck ups a while ago. But your past, your…whatever is even left of it, it would always stay a sore spot that rendered your common sense close to null.
"Her name is Kyra…" He goes quiet again, you still hadn't told him your last name. You throw him a half grin as you shake your head with fake disappointment, it's not like he asked. He had asked for your name, not your last Name.
"Yarmot. Kyra Yarmot." You help him out, meeting his gaze, to your surprise again on your tail. "And why did he bring you with him?"
Well except helping him on his mission, drawing the Empire to yourselves and then helping him escape mostly unscathed because of you fucking up?
You didn't really- oh yeahhhh…
"Because I am a Jedi as well."
"WHAT!?" Her whole former defensive stance changed as she first looked at Cal, trying to look for anything in his eyes that called you out as a liar before she walked closer to you, hope in her eyes. Her hands on your shoulders a moment later surprised you so much you froze in your spot.
How was she able to change her attitude towards you so quickly?!
"Does that mean…were you part of the spike in the Force Energy the Radar picked up?! How many of you are there stillon the planet?!"
How many?
"Well…there is me." She expected you to actually go on, "well and me." Her smile falters, mouth hanging open, "But this amount-" "Was her, Cere." Cal interrupts, seeming to notice your slowly more defensive stance, you thought she didn't believe you two.
Just then an older Latero came from the front of the ship, cursing under his breath. "Cal, why do you always pull danger with you on the most simple mission? Now even a girl that could kill us all, look at those claws! …This keeps getting better and better, this is how i die!" He continued mumbling, walking past you three without batting more of an eye, apparently accepting his potential death at your hands.
Cal smiles comfortingly, brushing Cere's hands off your shoulders for now, "You'll get used to him, he's a great friend once you get to know him…actually, talking about friends, there is someone else you need to meet!" More people…ughhh...
Cere was about to stop you two from walking away, still baffled and stuck at Cal's words that confirmed yours. In some way, you understand her, it would surprise you as well. After all, alone Cal's existence took a good ten minutes to properly get shoved into your head.
"You can talk more about her force sensitivity tomorrow. She's probably tired…but she needs to meet Merrin beforehand, she probably hasn't even realized i'm back already since she wanted to work on one of her rituals today..."
It looks like Cal doesn't speak up or against Cere all too often, the pulled up Eyebrows as she slowly nodded telling more than any words.
He introduced you to this Merrin right after, knocking on her door, almost too gentle for anybody to hear it. But magically, she did.
"Cal, you're back al- who are you?" She asks obviously surprised and that's when you realized what Merrin was. A Nightsister.
Also basically a dead race.
"Kyra Yarmot! She's…she's also a Jedi, Merrin, can you believe it?!" Where did he still take all that enthusiasm from?
While he was excited, she glared at something behind you. Your wings?
"Didn't you go extinct?" How often did you have to hear this karking question today?!
"If I had a Credit for the amount of time I get asked that exact question, I wouldn't have had to hitchhike across the Galaxy all the time. Yes, my species is extinct, if you're so curious. Just like yours."
Her glare became a caught off guard, bitter frown as she looked at anything but your wings and Cal was just about to step in, noticing that maybe your attitude came from you being way too tired. Which to be honest, it did. You're very nice and easy to talk to usually, but you hadn't slept in two days. Before he ran into you, you had been in a 48 hours long training period.
"Don't worry about it Cal. I don't care if people actually ask that. But what actually bothers me is when they ask something hurtful they wouldn't wanna be asked back themselves." Merrin lifts her head at that, eyebrows knitted together with a guilty look on her face, "I'm seriously sorry…" With a sigh, you place one of your hands on her shoulder reassuringly and shake your head, "Really it's fine. I absolutely don't want to start out on the wrong foot, now that Cal probably doesn't wanna let me run off again-" "Oh you're right about that, Kyra. Now. If you don't mind Merrin." He pulls you two apart again, holding back a laugh as Merrin quietly complains at the separation.
"But I wanted to talk to her more…", Cal motions for you to continue down the hallway, probably to wait for him as he turns back to the Nightsister, "We can all talk to her more tomorrow, alright?" A disappointed hum was all you had been able to hear before the door of her room slid back shut. "She's gonna hold that against me all night, would you believe it…maybe she will try to hex me again..." He chuckles as he joins you in the back of the ship.
A messy workbench was at the end of the platform, next to the open door was enough space that made it seem like that's where Cal did his meditations, glowing Jedi scribbles - that you didn't bother to read right now - on the ground making it more certain.
"As long as she doesn't hold it against you for longer…I don't want to cause any more drama and trouble than needed. Which, from experience, is none." You return a bit worried, inspecting the Workbench a bit closer. Cal was directly behind you, watching you fumble with the tools. Too tired to actually imprint any of their uses for now, so it was more playing around than anything else.
"She won't, trust me. Also, once you get your lightsaber back, we can share the tools by the way." He adds the last part, snorting at your grunt of annoyance when a bolt falls from your fingers, tumbling to the ground.
If you did manage to get your lightsaber back...
That noise must've alarmed something down below you, on the wider platform connected by the ladder to the side. A beep. Multiple excited beeps.
'You're back Cal! You're back! You're back'
Leaning over the railing, you blinked twice, a puzzled 'huh' slipping from your lips at what you saw. A tiny Droid, the paintjob was a bit used and coming off but the Droid itself looked lively. And to be honest, very cute.
"BD! I'm sorry that I had to leave you behind for this one, but it wasn't me who forgot to go on charging mode, was it?" Cal teased, also looking downstairs now, a bright smile etching onto his face when he saw the BD Unit hop up and down. It was the first time today you saw him so happy, he must really like his little buddy.
And you could see why, such a little charmer.
Little charmer because when BD saw you next to its Owner, you assumed at least that Cal owned BD, it beeped excessively, twirling a bit.
'Cal, you have a new pretty friend! So pretty!'
This was a first for you, getting a compliment from a Droid-
"He said he likes y-" "I think I heard that he said I was pretty." Cal stops as you interrupt his little white lie, a blush now also creeping on his cheeks, something incredibly obvious with his pale skin. "You speak Binary?" You nod, waving down at the still excited BD, now even more when he knew you understood what he said. 'Finally someone else to talk to!'
"Hey!" Cal playfully calls out, faking the insulted tone, "Well, good to know that he likes you…?" He mumbles awkwardly, trying to find something interesting on the metal trash on the workbench. A bent and rusty six-corner screw apparently caught his attention impressively quick.
Now, with all of today's trouble finally over, for now, you had actually some time to look at Cal the same way he seemed to study your appearance ever since you two met. Was easy for him, since the whole time it was you kicking Trooper bucket-ass…
The most obvious aspect of his was the fiery red hair, something you must confess…you haven't seen quite often in your years of hitchhiking and running across the Galaxy and all the Rims and Regions. It seemed nicely kept for someone that did missions like this basically every second day from what he told you while you were looking for the Rogue informant.
Then there were his scars. From the amount he had on his face, thrown into the masses of his bountiful freckles, you doubted that those were the only ones he had.
His eyes were a weird thing, sometimes, in just the right light, they looked brown, then green again. You remember your old Master calling it 'Hazel', that type of eye color, but you weren't sure.
"You got really nice eyes…"
Well shit, you just said that out loud-
"And I have never seen a more beautiful green-"
You both stopped yourself in your tracks, stuck looking at each other for a split second, studying said eyes of each other before he coughs, laughing awkwardly at you two's comments.
You two are Jedi. This was against the code.
But what code was there still left to follow anyways? A code your master secretly taught you to look at more critical instead of blindly following it like the rest did.
"A-anyways…let me show you your bed. Unfortunately we…we don't have many rooms on the Mantis." He climbs down the ladder, waiting for you to follow as he now properly greeted the Droid that waited for you two. But he was quite quickly set aside, BD jumping over his shoulder and at you. BD can thank your quick reflexes that you caught him in time, feeling the small metal feet trying to keep their balance on the uneven surface that was your hands.
"Really? You're ditching me for her?" Cal scoffs and whines, tilting his head to the side, looking almost like a kicked puppy as he squints his eyes at the Droid and you, "Not even an answer, how rude-"
'I met one of you once' he suddenly beeps, catching both of you off guard.
'Long long ago. With my old master.'
Of course it was once again long ago. Now even long long ago…
"Come on BD, let Kyra rest for now. You have enough time to spend with her from now on." He assured BD, taking him from your hands with obvious protest from BD's side. Which was in the form of fruitless struggle but it did look hilarious. 'I want to talk nowwww' he drew his beeps of annoyance out but gave up in the end. The way he now "sat" on the floor reminded you of a pouting child.
"You have a talent for pulling everyone's attention, don't you?" He jokes as he leads you to the furthest corner of the ship. There were two single beds, one kept very neat and it definitely hasn't seen use in a while.
The other was a tangled mess of a blanket, the pillow somehow halfway stuck in the drawer under the bed, maps and books all over the mattress. "Oops, forgot to clean that up I guess. But don't worry, that isn't yours. The clean one is!" He laughs at your slightly shook gaze. "Cleaning up is not your strong suit, is it?" You ask baffled, eyeing him for an answer.
In the background, you heard the amazingly quiet ship engine, even during hyperspace. For the engine room, which this definitely was, just refitted, this was very surprising.
"We can sort your few things out tomorrow…but we really should get some shut eye now…"
He changed the subject very quickly at your question regarding his bed, you noted with a chuckle you hid behind a hand but agreed with his decision of going to bed. With awe, you noticed that both beds had a small window at the sides, leaving a perfect view of the hyperspace you currently zipped through to get away from the Empire's radar for now.
"Wait, I forgot to show you…I didn't need it till now but…" mid sentence, he pulled at a small rod stuck in the middle of the hallway the beds had been in, pulling out a whole fabric partition, not much but enough to give both of you enough privacy if you stayed near the beds.
But probably no soundproofing.
"Oh. That's pretty neat! I did worry about not being able to change out of my clothes right now. But that's dealt with now, I guess!"
He hums in agreement, the tiredness now taking over you both, the moment you couldn't see each other anymore, the motivation to communicate with words mostly gone. But that didn't mean he kept quiet for long.
As you slipped out of your ripped and dirty pants, the last piece next to your old underwear, the black partition wall shook for a moment along with a thud on the ground as he grunted, caught off guard. "You good, Cal?" "Yeah. Yeah…just tripped on my own feet." Cal whispered back in the same volume, a tired chuckle mixed into it.
Settled under the sheets, having to find a good position for your tail and wings on the small bed, you let out a body-trembling yawn, a growl from your throat mixed in.
"Goodnight, Kyra. Sleep…well…" He also yawns back, hearing his sheets ruffle and the mattress squeak under his body mass turning various ways on it. "Yeah, Goodnight to you too, Cal…"
For another few minutes, it was a tumble and ruffling of blankets, the old mattress screaming for mercy under the added weight of your appendages and a collective of yawns…beeping yawns(?)…but eventually it finally becomes quiet and you two were goners to dreamless sleep…
Your first bed in three months.
I highly doubt I will manage to keep this a long slow burner 😳
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caramelcal · 3 years
His Favorite Girl
a/n: HELLO. (sounding like the guy in the cinema cba lol) anyways I have returned for a brief period of time to share this update with you guys. It’s based off of this request here: “ Do you think you could write a Luke x gang again where maybe he has to leave for work during sex and the reader touches herself out of frustration and he comes back and finds her ?” 
STOP BECAUSE THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT WHAT THE REQUESTER WANTED BUT ILL WRITE SOMETHING AGAIN BUT LIKE JUST TH REQUEST IF THATS WHAT YOU GUYS WANT SDGHGDFGBH but this is kinda a part 2 to the Bambi/His Favorite Secret series thingy cause a few people wanted that! thank you guys so much for all the love mwah
i should literally be studying rn but im not so <3 im very sorry for this abomination lol
sorry for the long a/n guys! :( enjoy x 
word count: 3.4k
warnings: smutty stuff (fucking, fingering, anal and all that...ive never written this before so PLS PLS PLS give me feedback omg) uh choking, doesn’t have a daddy kink in this but sir is mentioned. talks of being tied up and being tied up? talks about overstim... he calls her little girl at one point...
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“Luke! Stop moving!” She lightly slapped her boyfriend’s hand, to which he groaned in return. Her tongue stuck out slightly from between her lips in concentration, eyebrows furrowing as she returned to the task she had firmly put her mind to. That was, until the blond giant moved again, “Luke!”
“Bambi,” Luke echoed lightly, using his nickname for the smaller girl in front of him who looked up at him with an unimpressed facial expression.
“You’re gonna ruin it,” She mumbled lightly, pointing back down at her artwork which Luke only then first looked at. It was safe to say, although he shouldn’t have been, he was thoroughly shocked.
His nails, which his girl had somehow managed to convince him into painting weren’t black, or blue. No, they were bright, blasting, hot pink. He groaned lightly, wondering just how exactly she had managed to rope him into this and just how he was going to hide his nails from the rest of the gang later on tonight when he -they- met up with them tonight.
She was a bundle of both nerves and excitement, finally getting to meet Luke’s closest friends. It had been about a week since their argument, and now she was meeting his friends. It seemed like everything was moving in the right direction, thankfully. She couldn’t wait to be honest, very much looking forward to being able to hear more about Luke from his friends, and just meeting them in general.
They seemed fun.
Well, as fun as gang members could be. She probably should have been more cautious surrounding them, but Luke got her guard down so quickly and she was yet to regret that. How scary could they possibly be considering the man in front of her, soft blond curls held back by her bunny bath headband, nails painted hot pink, was supposed to be the scariest man in the whole city.
“Cal’s gonna rip the piss outta me for this, Bambi,” He complained softly, with no plans to take the polish off of his nails as he looked at his girlfriend, between his legs, small hand wrapped around the bottle of nail polish with her other hand laying against his knee.
She couldn’t help the small upturn of her lips as she blew softly against the nail polish on his fingernails, not patient enough to let it airdry despite it being a fast-drying polish. She shrugged lightly, head flopping to the side adorably as Luke stared down at her, resisting the urge to run his hands through her hair; another issue he had with the wet paint on his fingernails.
“I think it looks great, we’re matching,” She then flaunted the bright pink color that coated her own nails, and Luke’s lips twitched into a grin, careful not to ‘aww’ at the cute words that came out of the smaller girl’s mouth.
He hummed lightly, leaning back against the couch but his baby blues never leaving her face, “They look a lot better on you than they do me, Bambi.”
“I think they’re cute,” The girl climbed onto his lap, making Luke take a deep intake of breath as she sits barely an inch away from a rather sensitive area of his. She, however, seemed to pay no attention to the risen area of his jeans as she leaned against his chest, face hidden in the crook of his neck, soft breaths from her mouth fanning against his neck.
He twisted to give her a small kiss on the forehead, to which she responds by kissing his neck softly, lips staying against his neck as her hand traveled up his stomach up to his neck, holding him close as she began to kiss the base of his neck more.
“Lu,” She whispered softly, “How much time have we got?”
“Like an hour, baby. Why?”
However, the girl never replied verbally, and instead repositioned herself carefully, Luke’s neck void from her warmth before her hand started to travel down, painfully slow, until it landed right above the tent in his jeans. His eyes traveled up to meet hers, eyebrow raised as she dropped her hand down barely, lips struggling to pull the smirk away.
He lifted his hands to her back, going to reposition her before she shook her head, “Your nail polish, Lu. Hands down.”
His hands didn’t move, frozen in place around her clothed waist. His nails were long since dried, she knew that, but she liked this. She liked the intake of breath he took when her hand ghosted over the hardened cock in his jeans, the way he couldn’t lift his hands; scared to smudge the pink on his nails.
He was restricted. Oh, how the tables had turned.
Her hand gently palmed against his hardened, clothed cock, causing a grumble to emit from his throat. It was a deep rumbling sound, -something that the girl had heard numerous times but would never get used to.
To her, everything about Luke was perfect, even his moans.
“Bambi, you know the rules about teasing-”
Her lips attached to his, cutting him off rather efficiently, pressing softly as she continued to palm him through his jeans, gently rocking on his thigh. He moaned into their kiss, her tongue, as a reflex, finding its way into his mouth. Their tongues pressed against one another, lips still pressed together as her spare hand crawled up to the back of his neck, playing with his soft curls.
Her palm pressed into his fully hardened cock now, his tongue swiping over her lips before tugging on it, pulling apart, breathless. His hands found a place on her waist, guiding her softly but firmly, taking back the control he craved.
Looking her straight in the eyes, one of Luke’s hands went around her neck, thumb pulling her lower lip down as he unbuckled his belt with one hand, taking his cock out of its confined clothing and bringing her hand down to hold onto it. It wasn’t the first time that she had given him a handjob, and it wouldn’t be the last, but she still couldn’t help but be nervous.
Despite not being a virgin when she met Luke, she still lacked a lot of experience that Luke definitely had. She knew that he would never judge her, but that never stopped the nerves that festered.
“All shy all of a sudden, Bambi?” He mocked, hand around her neck tightening as he bit down on her ear lobe, gently tugging at it before letting out a breath, “All big and brave, teasing Sir, aren’t you? If you’re going to start it, then you’re going to finish it. On your knees. Now.”
Releasing a shaky breath, the girl clambered out of Luke’s lap dropping to the floor, in a similar position to the one she had been in minutes before, only in a more sexual manner. Her lips met the tip of his cock, tongue lightly swiping across the base.
His hand grabbed firmly onto the hair on the back of her head, holding her steady as she got used to the feeling of his cock in her mouth before thrusting against her. She gagged as it hit the back of her throat, sending vibrations up him, releasing a deep moan from his throat.
“Suck, little girl,” Luke commanded deeply, leaving no room for argument as the smaller girl abided to his command, tongue swiping over him as she reached up to cover the last part of his cock with her hand.
Yet, she didn’t get much further when a ringing sounded through the room, Luke groaning but ultimately pulling away from the girl who stayed on the floor, watching Luke as he grabbed his phone.
“What?” He gritted his teeth lightly, trying to keep his frustration at bay after being interrupted.
He sighed softly, not looking at the small girl with furrowed eyebrows still on the floor as he pulled his jeans back up, clambering to get shoes on and getting ready to leave, hanging the phone up.
“Luke what’s going on?”
“Gang shit, Bambi. I gotta get going, be ready for six, we’re meeting Cal, Ash, and Mike later, remember?” He offered her no more words, but she can tell he isn’t angry at her, just due to their interruption.
However, she can’t help but be frustrated at the interruption, waiting until after Luke leaves to huff and puff about it before starting to get ready.
. . .
“Luke has this old penguin fan account on Instagram from like seven years ago. There’s this one picture on there with him with a penguin hat-”
“Cal, stop,” Luke interrupted Cal swiftly, an arm going around his smaller girlfriend’s waist who looked far too amused by the embarrassing things about Luke that Cal was telling.
“No, no, Calum please keep going. Please,” The girl begged, feeling very comfortable around the Maori boy. They were pleasant, to her at least, and so far they had made her feel very comfortable and very much at home. It was hard to believe that the people joking with her where infamous mobsters, ones that were feared all across the city, and state. 
They had met in Ashton’s house, who she had already met before, at six o’clock. It turns out gang members like to be punctual, or maybe it was only these ones.
Luke was in a bit of a hurry once he arrived back home, with no time to finish what he and his girl had started before he had to leave in a hurry, leaving her oh so frustrated. This was only magnified when she saw him afterward, ready to head to Ash’s in that pale pink silk button-up that only seemed like it would suit him; like it was made specifically for him.
Maybe it was.
Luke was never shy of customized clothing, cars, or anything he wanted honestly. If you have the money, why not? Was always his answer when she asked why he seemed to wear all of these expensive items. If it wasn’t custom-made, it was a high-quality designer that he wore, she rarely ever found him in anything that didn’t smell of cash and high-class, -far too expensive but albeit intoxicating- cologne.
This money of Luke’s also happened to extend to her also. He was never shy of picking her up a few things, letting her have his card for shopping and now, he started going out shopping with her too. He didn’t look like the type that would go out with his ‘girlfriend’ or anyone, but in the case of her, he followed her around like a lost puppy; willing to hold her bags, let her drain his bank account. Not that she did, anyway. She was still mindful, even if Luke had more money than he knew what to do with.
“Nah, can’t. Don’t want Luke to kill me for embarrassing me in front of his precious little girlfriend,” Calum teased lightly, shaking his head as his eyes darted to meet Luke’s baby blues. Truthfully, Luke could pretend to be annoyed at Cal and the rest for exposing his old penguin Instagram account but he was just glad to see them getting along with the girl that owned his heart.
She was the first girlfriend that his best friends seemed to approve of. He didn’t normally bring his girlfriends to meet them, but the ones he did, the boys he called his best friends didn’t usually like them. For the first time, Luke could actually see a future with the girl in front of him, beamingly smiling as Cal and Michael joke about with her and laughing at their attempts of humor.
God, he loved her.
“So, do you think they like me?” She asked the moment they got home, the door shut behind them. Luke turned around, staring at the wide-eyed girl with a small smile on his lips.
Did she seriously not realize how much they liked her? Especially with how much joking that they had done with her, he was certain that she would have realized but then again, she wasn’t the most self-assured person when it comes to new people. He nodded his head, “Yeah, Bambi. They really liked you.”
Luke would never get over the way her eyes sparkled, his smile only growing. She looked amazing in that red silky dress that he had bought her, and he looked just as good in the coral colored button-up he was wearing.
Their lips met softly, Luke bending down slightly to meet her lips as the girl went up on her tiptoes, bare feet on the top of Luke’s shoes. He didn’t mind, in fact, he barely even realized as he swiped his tongue across her bottom lip for access which she quickly gave him. Her hands wrapped around his neck, one entangling in his blond curls, while his went around her waist and one under her ass, lifting her up.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, lips never breaking away from his as she moaned into the kiss. She pushed herself closer to him as the kiss heated up, eyes closed as Luke tried his best to navigate the way to their bedroom. Thankfully, even with his eyes partially closed and completely distracted by the soft lips on his, he managed to get there, fumbling with the doorknob before kicking the door open.
Luke pulled away quickly to get a breath, now at the edge of the bed as his mouth went to the side of her face, pressing kisses along her neck before whispering in a sinfully sultry voice, “Let’s finish what we started earlier, huh?”
With that, she was placed down on the bed, staring at Luke with a glaze in her eyes, lust, lips slightly swollen as he pushed her dress up, nudging her underwear to the side. His fingers ghosted over her pussy, making her take a ragged intake of breath. He was on top of her, watching her as she awaited every movement of his fingers, completely helpless under his touch.
“So wet for me, baby,” He murmured, pressing a few chaste kisses against the base of her neck as he rubbed her slit. She didn’t reply just yet, whining lightly when he slowed down his movements, coming to a stop, “Tell me what you want baby.”
“You, Lu. I want you, sir,” Her words flooded out of her mouth quickly, the aching between her legs becoming too much. If Luke didn’t do something about it soon then she would have to. She stared up at his smirking face above her. His fingers pulled away from her, making her whine as he reached for his belt, skillfully unbuckling it and letting his cock spring free from its confines.
He looked up at her as he repositioned himself, her squirming with need beneath him before he lined his tip at her entrance, baby blues meeting her eyes, “You sure?”
She nodded vigorously in return, but Luke didn’t move, commanding lightly, “Words, baby.”
“Please Luke, I’m sure. Please fuck me.” He swatted her thigh at the sound of the swear falling from her lips but obliged nonetheless, plunging deep into her letting out a moan, her strangled moan following behind.
He plunged in once again, hitting a spot that made her whimper and moan at the same time, hands reaching around to his back, clawing on the now exposed skin. Luke’s hips are flushed against hers as he goes deep inside of her once again, both moaning.
“Fuck, Bambi,”
Luke’s pace quickened, thrusts becoming sloppier as he continued to thrust into her, hitting her sweet spot over and over, moans filling the room with small pleads from her and soft curses from him.
Then a phone went off. Luke froze inside of her, and she groaned, sweaty, a mess, and incredibly sexually frustrated. She could feel Luke sitting inside of her; how big he was. She thought that he was going to ignore the phone call, to continue something that they were robbed of earlier. He wasn’t really going to let them be interrupted twice today, was he?
He reached over to the bedside table, picking his phone up and looking at the caller ID before sighing. He pulled out of her, baby blues looking at her with a frown, “I need to take this.”
“Luke,” It was a plead. For him to stay with her, to let them finish what they started. She shuffled lightly until she was sitting in front of him, on her knees. Her hand went to the side of his face, caressing it gently as she put her face at his neck, “Stay with me, Sir. I need you.”
He knew exactly what she was trying to do, but he wasn’t going to fall for it. He pulled away from her, gripping onto her side as a warning with his free hand, “No, Bambi.”
His voice was low, a warning for her to stop what she was doing as he sent her a pointed look. He didn’t even let her make another move or get another word in before he was back in his jeans and walking out of the room, leaving her alone.
The seconds that she was alone turned into minutes, and those minutes turned into ten, then fifteen. She shifted uncomfortably, still on edge and incredibly frustrated. It didn’t seem like Luke was coming back as he had left without saying goodbye or telling her where he was going to be or how long. Was this all because she had tried to get him to stay?
Well, if he wasn’t going to get back, she would have to take stuff into her own hands. Leaning back, her hand reached her own clit, rubbing desperately, basking in the feeling once again. This time, she would get the job done.
Her fingers slipped inside of her, curling into her, moans softly filtering out of her lips. She was close, her fingers covered in her own slick as she continued to curl her hands into herself, soft pants falling from her lips as she spread her legs more to get a better angle, trying to go deeper.
Her hands would never be as good as Luke’s though, her small fingers not holding a torch to his digits. He knew everything that made her squirm, even better than she did, he had her all decoded, knew how to navigate her better than anyone else ever could.
“Baby I need to get-” Luke opened the door, stopping when his eyes met her figure on the middle of the bed, fingers inside of her as soft breaths fell from her lips. Her head titled back, eyes lidded as he froze on the spot before a smirk made its way onto his face.
“Really?” He asked incredulously, sauntering up to the bed before grabbing onto her wrist, pulling her fingers out of her desperate cunt making her whine. Her eyes met his, which never strayed, even after he brought her hand up to his mouth and swirling his tongue around her slick-covered digits.
“Quiet,” He shut her up quickly, voice hard and commanding, something that made nerves bundle in her stomach and turned her on even more. He stood up again, sauntering over to the dresser before pulling a belt from the top of it, grabbing her hands and confining them with the thick leather, “Since you can’t keep your hands off of that pretty little pussy of mine, I guess we’re going to have to do something about that.”
Luke pulled her up to the headboard, hooping the leather around there and tightening it. When he let go, she pulled against the leather restraints, only to find her hands unable to move from their position at the headboard.
“So desperate to cum, baby? Well, you’ll be desperate to stop after I make you come over and over until there’s no more cum left in your body and you're writhing beneath me. Do you understand me, baby?”
“Yes Sir,” She whimpered out in return, nodding her head as she breathed heavily, watching Luke’s hand as it trailed teasingly down her side until it reached her pussy, a finger flicking up and down it, making her hips jerk up.
“But first of all, I need to go deal with the drug run. See you later, Bambi.”
And with a smirk on his face, Luke left his girlfriend there, tied up to the bed, whining for him to come back. And he would, and when he did, she wouldn’t be walking for days afterward.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Nancy slammed her backpack down onto the floor, moving to slide her way onto the counter.
“I’m, sorry?” Jonathan just shook his head at Steve.
They both had been coming to hang out with him and Robin at Family Video most days after school, shooting the shit until Keith showed up and found something to ell at Steve about.
“I got class salutatorian.”
“Is that like, Spanish for something?” She rolled her eyes at Steve.
“It means, that I’m not the valedictorian. Somebody else has a higher academic ranking than I do.”
“Oh.” Steve had barely graduated, just about scraped by. “So, the saluda-the one you are, that’s like, the second smartest person in the school?”
“I just want to know who it is,” she kept plowing on, ignoring Steve.
Robin pushed her way out of the back, holding a box of tapes for shelving. Nancy’s eyes lit up.
“Is it you?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Are you valedictorian?”
“Oh, I got myself into the top 10% and stayed put.” Steve took the box from her arms.
He didn’t really wanna talk about this.
Everyone in his life is way smarter than he is.
It’s not like, hard to see, Billy makes the same clever references as the little genius kids do, Jonathan gets high and goes off for hours about philosophy and ethics of anarchy, but Nancy coming in here, all mad about only being ranked number 2 in their class, well, Steve’s class rank still haunts him.
He whacked the tapes back into their spots, trying to tune out all the noise around him.
So he didn’t hear when the bell above the door jingled the sound of a new customer.
There were just thick arms around him, and a nose buried in his neck.
“You smell good.” He relaxed into Billy’s arms, turning his head to awkwardly press a kiss to his temple.
“Thanks, I took a shower today.”
“Yeah? Tell me about it.” Steve rolled his eyes as Billy pulled back, leaning against the shelf. “What’s got Little Miss Perfect all riled up? Usually she just kinda ignores me, but she like, actually glared at me when I came in.”
Nancy was not Billy’s biggest fan.
He thought it was hilarious and would flirt with her mom right in front of her.
“She’s pissed ‘cause she’s only the second smartest person in the whole world. She was informed today that she’s the salutationarian. Or whatever the fuck it is.”
A sharp grin spread slowly over Billy’s face.
“She’s salutatorian?”
“Yeah, and apparently she’s been banking on being, the other one. She’s trying to figure out who beat her to it.” Billy followed Steve back to the counter when he had finished restocking the tapes.
“You got any plans tonight, Stever?” Steve just looked blankly at Billy where he was leaning over the counter, his elbows propped up and his fingers laced together, his chin resting on top. Friday night was their night, they always did something. “I’m thinkin’ you and me go to the city. Celebrate a little.”
“Oh, yeah? What are we celebrating?”
“Well, I had a nice chat with the principle today.” He spread his arms, pushing out his chest. “You’re looking at the Hawkins Highs class of ‘86 valedictorian.”
Nancy looked like she’d swallowed a lemon.
“You’re valedictorian?” He winked at her. “No way. There’s no way.”
“Yeah? Why not?”
“You can’t have better grades than I do.”
“Six out of eight of my classes are advanced placement. And I’m a straight-A student. Have been since the sixth grade.” Nancy’s face was steadily going red. “Plus, they take into account extracurriculars and shit. I’m on two teams and the poli-sci club.”
The “political science club” was started by a few theater kids Steve’s sophomore year. Robin and Billy were both in it, and apparently it was a thinly veiled queer club.
“We have a political science club?”
“It’s not what you think it is,” Robin added quickly. Nancy wasn’t paying attention, just looked like she was gonna explode.
“I can’t believe this. I work my whole life for this, and you-”
“You think I didn’t work hard? You think this was a fluke?”
“Frankly, yes, I do.”
“Say that to my near-perfect S.A.T. scores, then. The ones I got without a tutor or a fucking class.” Nancy slid off the counter, grabbing her backpack from the floor.
“Well, I got into Yale.”
“And I got into Harvard.”
She snarled. Billy had only applied on a whim, told Steve I wanted to see if I could get in. And then he did. It made Steve equal parts proud of Billy and ashamed of himself.
But Billy had always had his heart set on Cal Poly, and had gotten a full-ride.
He had asked Steve to come with him.
They were leaving in August.
Steve still hadn’t figured out how to tell everyone.
“You’re a douchebag,” Nancy said through gritted teeth.
“Doesn’t make me any less smarter than you.”
Steve opened his mouth, ready to de-escalate whatever was about to happen next. He wouldn’t put it past Nancy to throw a punch or two.
But it didn’t matter, because Nancy was grumbling under her breath, muttering the words meathead asshole and piece of shit jock and valedictorian? More like valeDICK under her breath. 
She slammed open the door on her way out, Jonathan trailing after her.
Billy smiled brightly at Steve.
“You know, I was planning on not accepting. They’ll make me speak at graduation and I wasn’t even gonna go to that. But now, I gotta.”
“Honestly, it’d make her more mad if you refused it, because then she would probably be given the role, but she’d hate it because she’d know she only got it because you refused.”
“Harrington, you devious little fucker.” Billy smiled at him for a moment, his face slipping a bit. “Just, you know, fuck her for thinking I don’t work hard. You know how difficult it is to study while you’re trying to distract me?”
Whenever Billy was studying at his house, Steve usually got bored real quick of not having Billy’s attention.
So typically, he would get naked and wait until Billy did something about it.
“You get to look at me naked almost daily. People would kill for that privilege.”
“Don’t tempt me, Harrington. I’d absolutely slaughter for that ass a’ yours.” Billy grinned deviously at Steve. Steve winked back.
Robin had her lips pursed as Billy leaned back over the counter, getting as close as he could to Steve without just climbing right on it.
“Whadaya say, Harrington? We celebratin’?”
Steve leaned in as well, nearly pressing nose to nose with Billy.
“Oh, I’ve got some ideas. After all, gotta really treat my super smart boyfriend.” He pecked Billy once on the cheek, swooping back up to standing. “Be back at eight?”
“That when you get off?”
“You too, if you’re lucky.”
Robin wretched while Billy’s eyes went bright. He knocked once on the counter, beginning to walk backwards out the door.
“See you then, Sugar.”
“See you then, Valedictorian.”
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makeupbychio · 4 years
ily // C.H
Tumblr media
pairing: Calum x Reader.
words: 2,3k.
warnings: fluff, a little bit of smut, swearing, spoilers about tv shows (Brooklyn 99 and Glee). English is not my first language. 
a/n: I tried to do this genderless so I would love some feedback. Hope you like it, love y'all.
inspired by: a couple of shows that I watched during this quarantine.
It's a lovely and cozy night with Calum, whom cooked your favorite food and watching him during the process so dedicated to make it perfect like five stars restaurants made you looking at him with heart eyes the whole night. The tomato sauce was perfect and the pasta even more. You saw how he followed every single step of the recipe and refused you to help him. 
After finishing dinner, you were enjoying red wine -the bottle is almost empty- and talking to him about everything and anything. He set the dining room with vanilla candles to make it more romantic. The warm lights lightly illuminating your faces was so charming. 
Deeply inside you know that today it's been 4 months since you started dating, but Calum never brings topics like that or buys something every month and that's totally fine because you neither talk about it. He just surprises you with lovely details like this one in random days, not just when you have to celebrate something. 
When he feels like it he does it. Sometimes he caught you off guard like that time he poured like two hundred sunflowers in your house just because, or when he bought you the coolest denim jacket when he was on tour and he said extra things like the jacket was made just for you. Or when he printed the pictures Andy took in a party you threw because he wanted to have them as memories not just in his phone. Also, you find cute when he is so excited to send you his playlists he does every month with his favorite songs -he also made a private playlist for you know, when you need privacy-.
Once finished dinner, you moved to the couch to start your nerd marathon of the shows you watch. He went to find a big blanket since it's cool outside due to the rain that's been going on for two days. He settled next to you and kissed your temple when you put your head on his chest and your hands on his ribcage. 
"Come here, baby" Calum said wanting you closer.
"What's our mood today? Glee or Brooklyn 99?" you asked while you were concentrated on the TV screen searching for said shows.
“Both" you said at the same time. You explained how you can't wait to know what happens in the show. You agreed to watch Brooklyn 99 first and then Glee when you were cuddle in bed. 
After finishing the Halloween heist chapter you were still laughing at Gina's funny surprises.
"Babe you would be the perfect Gina Linetti" Calum said when he stopped laughing. 
"I'm going to take that as a really good compliment, what about you?" you asked him looking up to find his eyes. 
"Hmm I don't know" Calum said confused. "We should take an online test to find out" he broke the cuddle position you both had in the couch to go find his computer. 
"That's so Amy Santiago" you teased him while he was in another room. Then he came back showing you the electronic device.
He sat straight next to you again and searching for Buzzfeed quizzes related to the show. 
"This one sounds pretty cool" he said focused on the screen and pointing the one he chose. While the link load slowly due to his weak WiFi signal you decided you will take the quiz first. 
"K'" you said with the computer in your lap reading the questions and choosing the answers fast. "So this says I'm Gina Linetti externally and Amy Santiago internally". You read the caption under the results and it makes sense to you. 
"I was right babe, now my turn" he said taking from you the computer. It was funny how he took this so seriously to the point he had his tongue out, a thing he does when he is working. Both of you kinda expected and not his results. "I'm Rosa Diaz externally and Jake Peralta internally". 
"That's kinda sexy tho" you said biting your lip to refuse a giggle till you couldn't resist and start making fun of how bad ass but a puddle he is.
He stood up from the couch to lay against the wall with crossed arms looking at you how cute you looked all teasing him and also surprised with the results. "I can be the Jake Peralta to your Amy Santiago" he was now teasing you.
"Challenge accepted" you said before a moment of silence and Calum broke the ice.
"Oh gosh I love you so much" he said with all the emotion and then froze when he realized he said that out loud and not just inside his head. He waited for you to say something and as your surprised wide open eyes, he knew you weren't going to answer what he wanted. 
"What?" you asked surprised, not to make him repeated the words but to confirm if it was reality.
"Don't worry, I'm going to take a shower before bed" he said quickly disappearing into the bathroom and took his shirt off. He felt so stupid, he tortured himself for a couple of minutes with thoughts like you don't feel the same way about him and how maybe that scared you and now you were going to run away. 'Stupid Cal' he said to himself before he decided to leave that for later. 
In that short amount of minutes, in the other side of the room you were thinking about how he just threw the bomb at you with no warning. You felt bad that you didn't answer immediately, because you love him too but it was confusing how hours ago you were thinking about how he is not like that type of person to celebrate another month of your relationship or cheesy things but clearly he does. You thought how to fix this and your next move. 
When you were about to knock the bathroom's door Calum surprised you opening it before your action. He was surprised too to find you inches apart from him. 
"Jesus, y/n. Sorry, I thought you were still in the couch" he said when he stopped his rushing thoughts. "Are you okay?" asking if something happened or if you need something.
Calum was already with his shirt off and just with his jeans. You laid your fingers on his beautiful jaw to get him closer and kiss him. 
"I love you too, Cal" you said looking up directly to his eyes, fingers still on his jaw and your lips barely touching his. You moved forward a little bit to get you both inside the bathroom so you can close the door. Your moves were slow and that made the intensity filled the room. You know, sexual tension. 
You saw his sculpted tan back when he turned around to start the water. You bite your lip at the view. "Is Roy at home already?" you asked innocently him to be sure of something. 
He laughed at you being cautious when multiple times before Roy definitely heard you both having sex. "I don't know, but that's cute from you to worry about my roommate's nightmares because of us" he was teasing you. 
"Fuck you" you said realizing that the house is huge and that Roy's room is way far from where you were. So you can have an idea about how loud you have to be so he can hears you. Right now you don't care and at the same time hoping that Cal's roommate could be asleep. 
You stepped closer to him and he couldn't resist it. It's not like he can't kiss you, he knows that he is allowed to that but he would kill for your kisses. He moved his head to reach your tinted cherry lips and started heating up rapidly the situation. He just cut the makeout session when you took off your shirt, then he removed the rest of his clothes to jump in into the shower. You bit your lip at the view and decided to join him so you took off your jeans too and stepped inside in underwear. 
"Baby no! That combo is my fave" Calum said when your clothes got wet immediately because of the hot water. You laughed at his words like if he doesn't has a washing machine or a dryer. You laced your arms around his neck and kissed him under the water. "I've been holding this for a while and a lot of emotions and actions to show you how I feel but not anymore" he said and started to feel like he finally poured out what was stuck on his mind. "I wanted to tell you in a more romantic way than how I did it minutes ago watching Brooklyn 99, just pretend that we are outside under the rain so it could be more romantic like a Hollywood movie from the 50s" Calum said. 
He rapidly interlaced both arms in the end of your back to keep your body close to his. You rested your arms around his neck and he went up a little bit with his hands to fight with your soaked bra and then took it off and throw it to the floor crossing the glass door. A cloud of steam was already formed because of the heat in the room.
Now just your panties were left but you were so focused tracing Calum's tattoos with your fingers while he admired you doing it. It gave him chills when you found his chest tattoo.
"I love your tattoo too, honey" he said with his hand moving down to the side of your left thigh where your tattoo is. Perfect time to lift you up and take off the last piece of clothes. Your legs around his waist and he got you holding you with his strong hands placed above your butt.
Calum laughed when you tried to hide your body. It was the first time you took a shower with him. But the only way to hide your body was pressing it harder against his.
From outside the shower your bodies seemed blurry because of the big amount of steam. That marks were erased when Calum lifted you up to hold your body against the wall, your legs were around his waist to give him better access. 
Lust immediately filled your mind with the passionate kisses and how good felt when Cal pressed your body against the wall, still lifting you with his strong hands. God that hands and arms drive you crazy with his tattoos and notorious veins. Next he asked you for permission to fill your entrance, always making sure you were alright. You just nodded at him and he did it, your right arm so tight around the back of his neck and left hand holding against the glass leaving your handprint freshly. 
You both failed at being quiet but the sound of water and the soundproofing walls gave you advantage. Words couldn't be found, just moans and kisses wherever you had access. Calum still holding you changed to another wall, now one hand holding you and the other pressed against the wall that gave him the balance and to keep pushing inside you.
"Calum, I'm close" you said whispering on his ear. He wanted to make you feel even better so he speed up his pace. The water was hitting Cal's back and was burning him with the marks you were leaving with your nails. 
You tilted your head back when you reached your orgasm wanting to have your feet back on the floor and seconds later of friction he reached his edge too. 
He pulled off and helped you to for real take a shower and clean the sweaty mess. Now the calm and tiredness hit you both once you left the bathroom ready to -do quite opposite like minutes ago- put comfy clothes and cuddle. 
Calum dried your hair and you his. Once you put his baggy hoodie you jumped into the bed. You waited for him who was setting the heat for the house during the night.
While you watched Glee, with his head resting on your chest and stroking his curls, you thought about what he said earlier. Calum always sings the songs that he knows from the show and taps your skin gently at the beat of the music, and it's more than lovely to hear his beautiful voice. 
“Babe, what did you mean when you said that you had been holding that for a while?” you asked him when the cast of the show ended the song they were performing. He looked up at you.
“Like a month ago we were watching Brooklyn 99 that chapter when Jake was in danger and Amy felt guilty because she never told him how she felt and that hit me” he spoke with all the honesty. You found that so cute and cheesy from him and it made sense to you because for a while he seemed that he wanted to say something important to you but you never asked or pushed him to do it.
You kissed his forehead and smiled at him. Before you both returned your attention to the show you said, “I love you”.
"I love you too" he said. "I think you would be a perfect Mercedes" he started again teasing you about the characters of the shows you watch together, you are going to get used to this. 
You tried to break the closeness of his head in your chest because he knows that you don't have a beautiful talent and voice like Mercedes. "Ha ha very funny. So in that case you would be Sam?" you raised your brows at him because even when you love Sam, he's a player. 
"I think we can only resolve this with a quizz" he said smirking at you.
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starryseung · 4 years
han jisung + smut
request: for @beepbeepitsmeyall: size kink with jisung (reader being smaller than jisung like 4'11) thank u !! ❤️ word count: 1.1k words warnings; short!reader, dom!han, cunnilingus, kitchen sex
Baking Gone Wrong 
You sigh as you dry your hands against the soft woolen towel, rubbing off the flour from your fingers. You never realized how hard baking a cake was— because you never did. You wanted to bake a cake for your boyfriend, Jisung, who might come from the studio anytime now.
He had been working a bit too hard on this comeback, and now that promotions were over today, you couldn't be more ecstatic for you to finally be able to see him. You wanted to surprise the boy with his favorite cheesecake, but realizing now how much of a hassle it was, you were almost giving up. 
The front door clicks open, and you turn on your heels to look at Jisung, his hair pushed back with the black hairband he was wearing. He drops his bag near his shoes, placing his phone and keys on the counter nearby. You turn around to face him, smiling at the tired man as he sends a tired grin your way.
"What are you doing?"
“Just baking? I don’t really know what to cal— baby, are you okay?”
You look at him, concerned as he sits down on the counter next to you, sighing deeply while running his hands through his hair. He would come home regularly, tired out of his brains— but still kept the mood light and playful. This behavior of his was unusual and… well, uncalled for.
“Chan got mad at me, because I couldn’t figure out the melody for one song. Even our dance teacher was upset at us and...” he releases another exhausted sigh, and your eyes soften with pity. You didn’t see him this tired, ever, and you wanted to help him out and be there for him.
“Come on babe, get up.”
 He groans as you softly tug at his arms with your dusty flour-covered ones. He pulls you back towards him in one go, and you stumble softly before landing between his legs. You chuckle lightly as he pouts at you. You tip-toe and peck his soft lips, smiling as a small smirk dances on his lips. He pulls you closer again, diving in for a deeper kiss. His hand remains at your waist, gripping it tightly.
He hops off the counter, lips still connected with yours. Breaking the kiss, he picks you up and places you with a soft thud in his previous position. He latches his lips onto your jaw, grazing his teeth down to your neck and shoulders, peppering the skin with bites and kisses. You feel heat pool between your legs as his fingers run up and down your thighs, and your fingers automatically rush to his hair to tug at the strands. He grunts and grinds his crotch into yours, feeling the warmth and wetness of your covered core.
Tugging at the only material covering your body, his thin shirt that you were drowning in, he pulls it above your head, revealing your naked form underneath. He groans louder, sucking a spot right above your left breast. A whine leaves your lips as he sucks harder at the vulnerable spot. Even though you sat atop the counter, he somehow seemed to still tower upon you, making you feel like a small mouse in front of a lion.
He pushes your shoulders slowly so you’re lying on the cold marble on your back. He pulls your lace panties down, smirking at how your cunt was dripping, thirsty for his thick cock to fill you up. Jisung runs a digit up your folds, still smirking as he points it at you.
“Is your tight pussy so hungry for me? Is it dripping wet just to take me in?”
You moan at him, a growing pit in your stomach forming rapidly. He brought his fingers down to your thighs, dangerously close to your core. Pushing the irritating fabric aside, he licks a long stripe across your folds, circling your entrance with his muscle. 
Teasing was an understatement— he was torturing you, at this point of time.
He rises from his current position, lips glistening with your arousal. The mere sight of his tousled hair, dim eyes, tongue fucking itself inside your hole could make you cum. He groans at your small frame writhing under his touch. 
“Fuck baby, look at you. ”
You whine at his words, as he unbuckles his jeans, letting the metal material clatter onto the wooden floor of the kitchen. He pumps his rock hard length, coating his pre-cum all over. He presses the tip at your folds, moaning at how— even though you were so much smaller than him, you would never fail to take him whole.
He pushes himself into you slowly. No matter the number of times you and Jisung have had sex, his length, girth, all of it— was unbelievably huge for you. The stretch burns your core, moans erupting you uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Jisung could only look at you, drinking in how fucking hot you looked, how small you looked under him. He loved the way your small, tight cunt would convulse around his huge girth, how small moans and whines would leave your sexy lips, your eyebrows would furrow when his length would hit that special spot in you, or when your face would contort when he would thrust harder and harder into you.
The strong hand holding your hips is sure to leave bruises for the coming days. Your boyfriend latches his lips into your nape, thrusting deeper and harder with each move.
“Shit. You’re so small baby— are you sure you aren’t breaking under me already? Fuck.”
He cursed under his breath as you bit your lips at the words leaving his mouth. Your pussy clenched around him, making it harder for him to move inside you without causing excessive friction with your walls.
“Baby, don’t make it hard for me. I won’t be able to hold back anymore.”
He doesn’t wait for a response from your end, propping you up as he flipped you over on the kitchen counter. He held a light grip on your shoulders to set you on the marble, your legs barely touching the ground as he continued his assault on your cunt.
He admires you yet again, tugging his bottom lip between his teeth as he looked at you getting fucked senseless. You both knew you two were close to your orgasms, and Jisung bring his fingers down to your clit, rubbing rapid patterns on the bundle of nerves.
Jisung is the first to finish, pulling out and painting your back with his orgasm. You follow suite, trembling as your orgasm hits you like a truck. He cleans you up with some tissue nearby, wiping off some of your sweat as well. You smile at him as he holds your hands,
“Do I go run a shower?”
“Sure, babe.”
Round two it is, then.
a/n; i had the hugestestest writer’s block writing this one wtf lmao. also, i’m sorry if it’s kinda quirky, i don’t have any experience writing size kink hehe😅
taglist; @ffelixxie @cherryeol04 @yooniversalstudios​ (message me i you want to be added!)
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nostalgiabones · 4 years
Eyes On Me // Piercer!Calum
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After Ashton decided to feed us with a new tattoo, my dash was full of discussion about piercer!sos and this is what came from it! Basically, 2k words of soft boyfriend piercer!Calum doing a nose piercing. As always, thank you to @calumrose for brainstorming this with me (and for the title!)😌 feedback is always appreciated so please let me know what you think here!
Warnings: needles!
The ringing of the little bell above the shop door was enough to alert Calum that his next client was here — one he had been anticipating all day, that kept him going through the slow afternoon. He loves his job, but there’s only so many helix piercings he can do in one day.
“Cal? I’m here,” You call out, hands shaking slightly as the door closes behind you. You notice the shop is already pretty much empty — the desk closed down, ready for the next morning. Your boyfriend was the only person remaining in the building, cleaning up for the next appointment.
He appears from behind the door of one of the rooms, a warm smile on his face at the sight of you. His hair is a little more fluffy from what it was when he left that morning, caused by running his hands through it during the day — a habit he couldn’t seem to break. The simple white t-shirt tucked into his black jeans seemed to compliment his tattoos beautifully, the dark ink a contrast to the lightness of the material. As well as the finishing touch — his black platform docs.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Calum greets you, his boots squeaking on the wooden floor as he heads in your direction. He kisses you in another hello — his lips a warm pressure against yours, cold from the chill of the late evening. His hand lifts to gently hold your cheek, tilting your chin upwards so you were looking right at him. “You look just as nervous as I thought you would.”
Your eyes leave his for a second, distracted by the cabinets filled with jewellery for all sorts of piercings — belly bars, nipple rings, simple bars to pierce ears with. Along with the walls full of artwork, tattoo designs that Calum’s coworkers proudly display for anyone who enters. It‘s a place that your piercer boyfriend is very proud of — adorning several body parts with different jewellery was something he took great pride in doing. He loves seeing the reactions of his clients as they look at their new piercing for the first time, knowing that he did it.
“Stop it,” You whine, pouting at him as he chuckles, not being able to resist another kiss. His hands move to around your waist, his warm palms sliding beneath the material of your jacket to pull you closer. “You’ll make it worse.”
“I promise it’s not that bad, baby. You know I keep my promises.” He reassures you, holding you close for a moment longer before pulling away and leading you into the room he had just finished cleaning. “Come with me, we’ll get you fixed up.”
His slim fingers slip between yours as you enter the small room, Calum closing the door behind you despite there being no-one else in the building. Although he had laughed at you moments before, his heart aches slightly as the nervous expression on your face. It was a familiar one — your lip tucked between your teeth, fingers tapping a quick rhythm against your thigh, trying to create a distraction.
“Hop on, baby.”
His docs press against the foot pedal connected to the bed, lowering it so you could jump on, face to face with him. He takes your jacket from you, hanging it on the hooks next to the door. Although this was something you had wanted for a long while — being in the studio, knowing it was about to happen, made it feel much more scary and real.
Your desire for a nose piercing was one you had brought up to Calum several months into your relationship — knowing there was no-one you would trust more to do it. It was more of a throwaway comment, telling him that you’d been thinking about it for a while, and since then, he hasn’t let you forget it. Getting to pierce his favourite person was nothing less than an honour for him, especially since you had wanted it doing for so long. It had taken him a while to persuade you to actually do it. As soon as he saw in his appointment book that he had a free evening slot, he convinced you to come in after work, knowing it would be quieter and just the two of you in the studio then.
And here you were.
Calum hums under his breath as he sets out the tray of instruments — the small sterile wipe to clean your skin, the simple titanium screw stud that he’d be piercing it with, along with the worst part — the needle.
“Don’t look at it.” Calum instructs you, trying not to let you get inside your head before he gets the chance to do it. He knows how badly you want the nose piercing doing, and knows you’ll be disappointed if your nervousness gets in the way. “Eyes on me, baby. How was work? Did you have a good day?”
“Yeah, busy though. I had to work through lunch since my manager told me I just had to get these papers done, so that wasn’t fun.” You explain, recounting the day that had led you to here. Calum nods as you speak, occasionally replying as he gets ready. Calum had strictly told you not to get a piercing done on an empty stomach, meaning you’d snuck a small snack in before leaving the office.
“Guess that means I’m going to have to make you something extra special for dinner, huh?”
You know he’s using the work related questions as a distraction technique, but you can’t deny the fact that it’s working. That’s until he pulls on his gloves and stands right in front of you, preparing to actually do the piercing. He feels you tense up as you realise what’s about to happen, and he wants to calm you down before he goes any further.
“Look at me, babe.” He tilts your chin once more, brown eyes meeting yours as you take a deep breath. His warm palms rub up and down your thighs as you speak. “It’s just me, okay? I know you’re nervous, but I know exactly what I’m doing. Just a few seconds of pain, then you’ll have a new shiny stud in your nose. Yeah?”
You nod, gratefully accepting a soft kiss to your lips before he continues to work. He grabs the sterile wipe, gently cleansing the outside and inside of your nose, making sure the area was completely clean before continuing. With the pen in his right hand, the left holds your face, placing a small dot on the place he’d be piercing. His eyebrows are furrowed in concentration, looking at the placement and making sure it was where it needed to be. He couldn’t help but kiss your forehead when he was done, before handing you a small mirror so you could see it for yourself.
“How does that look, love? Is that where you were thinking?” He asks, placing the lid of the pen back on the top and allowing you to look for a moment. He wants everything to be perfect — to make sure the piercing is exactly what you want it to be. His free hand is back on your thigh as you observe it — trying to ground you.
“Yeah, looks all good to me.” You reply, handing him the mirror — your hands trembling a little when you realise it was actually about to happen. Calum steps away for a moment, reaching into another drawer in the small cabinet at the other side of the room. He pulls out a small stress ball, bright yellow with a smiley face emoji on the front.
“As much as I want to, I can’t hold your hand, ‘cause I kinda need to use both of mine.” He informs you, dropping the stress ball into your hands. “So I thought this could work instead, in case you need to squeeze anything.”
You smile at the sweet gesture, knowing Calum was doing everything he could think of to make you comfortable.
“Thanks Cal.” You squeeze the ball in your hand, knowing it would be a needed distraction from what he was about to do.
“Okay, I’ll talk you through everything I’m doing so there’s no surprises. You’ll be alright, baby. Are you ready?” He asks, met with a quick nod — you just want to get it over with. He picks up the needle, one hand holding your face still whilst the other lines the sharp instrument up with the dot he had placed just moment earlier. He feels you tense up once more, the closer he got to piercing you. “Take a deep breath for me, babe.”
You do as he says, taking a deep breath and waiting for his next instruction.
“And breathe out for me.” You do and he pushes the needle through your nose. He moves quickly but cautiously to pick up the small jewellery, getting ready to insert it.
You love seeing his professional side, even though he was still just your Calum — his touch so gentle as he handles the equipment.
“Sorry, babe.” He whines sympathetically, after you let out a small cry at the sensation, your face scrunching up with the pain. “There we go, nearly done. You’re doing great so far.”
Your eyes begin to water as your body reacts to the intrusion. Calum instructs you to take a deep breath again, and let it go when he pushes the screw through the new hole. It takes a moment of fiddling and discomfort, but a few seconds later, he’s letting go of your face with a smile to admire his handiwork.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I’m so proud of you. It looks amazing, baby.” His warm fingertips softly brush away the tears on your cheeks, leaning in to kiss your forehead as you calm down for a moment. “I knew you’d sit through it perfectly when you got out of your head. Do you feel okay?”
You wipe the remaining tears from your cheeks, relaxing your face and whole body from the tense position you had been in, before standing up from the bench.
“Yeah, I feel fine. I’m so excited to see it! Thank you, babe.” The pain hadn’t been as bad as you thought, just the sharp scratch that Calum had promised and the slight uncomfort of putting the jewellery in.
Calum pulls off his gloves and throws them into the bin, before wrapping his arms around your waist and leading you over to the full size mirror hanging on the wall. He can’t hide the smile on his face as you catch a glimpse of the new jewellery for the first time, your smile matching his as you admire it.
“I love it so much!” You exclaim, gasping as you looked at it. It was exactly what you had always wanted. “It looks amazing. Thank you Cal.”
“No worries, gorgeous. I’m glad you love it.” The grin doesn’t leave his face as he kisses you once more, so careful not to let your nose bump his. “I would go through aftercare with you but you’re coming home with me, so I’ll make sure you’re all set. I’ll just clean up, and then we’ll head out.”
As you watch him clean up and continue to gaze at the new jewellery sitting in your nose, you think about how lucky you are to have a boyfriend so attentive and sweet — not just as home, but wherever you are. As important as his profession was to him, it wouldn’t change his soft interior — even if he did spend his days pushing needles through people’s skin.
“Get thinking about what you want for dinner, okay? My treat.”
Definitely lucky.
Let me know what you think here! Feedback is always appreciated 🥺 also if you’d like me to write more piercer!sos!
Taglist: @irwinkitten @ukulelecal @wildflowergrae @luckyduckydoo @letstaketheups-and-downs @jazzyangel242 @cashworthy @babylon-corgis @norawashere @monsteramongmikey @late-nightdevil @maluminspace @fluffsshawn @xhaileyreneex @goth5sos @flowerthug @calpops @youngblood199456 @aliencal @wokeupinjapanisabop @banditocth @cashtonasfuck @5-secondsofcolor @g-l-pierce @monsteramongmgc @calmlftv @mantlereid @treatallwithkindness @another-lonely-heart @calumrose @inlovehoodx @mermaidcashton @everydayimfangirling @sexgodashton @b-easybreezy @ilumxna @malumsmermaid @koalacal @opheliaaurora23 @talkfastromance4 @zhangyixingxing1 @everyscarisahealingplace @mateisit-balsamic @saphseoul @suchalonelysunflower​ @findingliam-o​ @castaway-cashton​ @megz1985​ @notinthesameguey​ @calumscalm​ (please fill out this form to be added!)
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notanacousticsetcal · 4 years
the way i loved you - calum hood
summary - based off of the song “the way I loved you” by taylor swift. 
warnings - none
word count - 2.6k (oops)
a/n - I have some of these planned for luke too tehe. go check out my other two in the song series “begin again” and “broken pieces” also, this is not in chronological order. there are 2 calum flashbacks during the first two choruses looking back at 2 moments in their relationship.
He is sensible and so incredible and all my single friends are jealous. He says everything I need to hear and it's like I couldn't ask for anything better.
“Damn.” You shook your head in disappointment at the marked percentage atop the crumpled white paper. He glanced up at you with a look of concern.
“What’s up?”
“I got an 82 on this math test and I thought I aced it.” Grabbing a nearby pillow and shoving it in your face, you fell back against your bed as he laughed at your dramatic gesture from his seat on the floor. 
He sighed softly. “An 82 is still a great score. I’m sorry. I know you worked hard studying for that test. How can I make you feel better?” He asked sweetly.
“Hmm,” you ran your pointer finger and thumb along your chin like you were pondering a big decision. “You could... grab me a chocolate bar from the kitchen?” You smiled innocently up at him and he returned it.
“It would be my honor.” As he left to grab your candy, you opened your phone to a new message from your friend, Katie.
She had just received the picture you sent her a few hours ago of the beautiful, expensive, bracelet James had just bought for you. 
Katie: holy SHIT! that must’ve cost an arm and a leg. what I would give to have a boyfriend who cares enough to get me gifts. hold onto that one, he’s a keeper.
Katie was right. He was a keeper. A total gentlemen -- smart, kind and gentle. He always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. But when you looked at him, directly into his sparkling blue eyes… you felt absolutely nothing. And it killed you. Because you really, really wanted to feel something.
He opens up my door and I get into his car and he says “you look beautiful tonight.” And I feel perfectly fine.
“Hey! How are you?” You said, approaching the brunette leaning against the white SUV. 
“I’m great now.” He smiled. He reached over and popped the passenger door open, gesturing for you to step inside and you quickly thanked him, sliding into your seat.
He sat down next to you, starting up the car. 
“You look beautiful tonight.” 
You wished you could even conjure up a small blush but you just looked down and let out a meek “thank you.” Where were the damn butterflies? Weren't you supposed to be feeling those right about now?
All you wanted was to feel something -- anything -- when you looked at him. You wanted to dream about him, miss him when he was gone, long for him to hold you.
But you think all that is still reserved for one person.
The one you haven’t quite gotten over. 
But I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain and it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. You're so in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
“Cal, pull over.” You sat up from your seat in the car, tugging off your seat belt and laying a hand on the door handle. 
���What? Why, are you alright?” Calum grabbed your thigh and gave it a squeeze. His brown eyes looked clouded with concern.
“I’m fine, Cal, just pull over. Please?” You gave him your best puppy dog face and watched him give in like he does every time and you smiled, laying a kiss on his cheek. 
As soon as the car was securely in park on the side of the road, you started to get out. 
Calum wasn’t sure what he expected you to do, but it wasn’t that. 
“(Y/n)? What the hell are you doing, baby, it's pouring outside!” He called after you but you shut the door before he could protest further and ran out into the street. It was a warm summer night around 1:00am and you wanted nothing more than to run around in the rain with your favorite person in the world.
Calum got out of the car and chased after you, wrapping his hands around your waist and spinning you when you tried to run away. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Shivers traveled up your spine at the sound of his voice in your ear. You could barely hear him above the sheets of rain bucketing down onto the street. 
The street light above you illuminated him slightly and you shifted in his arms to look at him.
Your hand reached up to move his damp hair off his forehead.
“Dance with me?” The question leaves your mouth before you can stop it. 
“I’d jump off a cliff as long as it was with you.” His eyes never left your lips.
Before you knew what you were doing, you were leaning into him and catching his lips over your own. It's like you were built for each other. Crafted to fit together perfectly. Like he was your missing puzzle piece. You pulled away feeling tingly and filled with butterflies like it was the very first time.
His smile said it all. 
He pulled you into his chest and you swayed together, feeling the cool water on every inch of your skin. You were appreciative of the rain in that moment because without it, you were sure you would’ve burst up in flames. 
He respects my space and never makes me wait and he calls exactly when he says he will. He's close to my mother, talks business with my father. He's charming and endearing, and I'm comfortable.
You sat in your parents’ living room next to James, awkwardly silent and letting him do the talking. Your parents gave you questioning looks but honestly, you were just sitting there trying not to scream at him for always being so goddamn perfect. 
Calum always pushed you past your breaking point. He constantly poked the bear and didn’t give two shits about how much he annoyed you. He would slip up on dates and cancel plans and forget to call. He wasn’t perfect. Far from it.
James, he backed off when you were tense and never forgot a single date. He always asked about your day. He made an effort to be there whenever he felt like you needed him. He was sitting here with your parents carrying a pleasant conversation. 
You should be in love with him right?
“I’m working under my father right now, actually. It's fantastic experience and he has a lot of great connections already which is super, super helpful,” James said. But you didn’t really hear it at all. Your hand was in his but there weren’t those tingles. It didn’t make you giddy.
You felt bored.
“That’s wonderful. Being in a sturdy, reliable position that young is rare in the industry,” Your father responded, looking extremely impressed.
“Thank you, sir. And Mrs. (y/l/n), how’s that garden you started been going?” He turned to your mother as an appreciative smile bloomed on her face. It made you happy to see them happy.
You should be in love with him.
But you weren’t.
Your heart still belonged to that stupid boy with the big brown eyes and the even bigger heart. 
But I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain and it's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. You're so in love that you act insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
“Don’t walk away from me, (y/n), goddamnit!” Calum shouted as you stormed out into torrential downpour, outside of Calum’s apartment building. The street lamps were the only source of light this late in the evening. 
“Don’t tell me what to do, Calum!” You tugged harshly on your hair, groaning in anger and frustration. “Leave me the fuck alone, I’m walking home.” You continued to walk down the sidewalk but Calum was persistent. 
“(Y/n) stop! Why the hell are you so fucking stubborn all the time?” Calum called after you. His shirt was clinging to him tightly and his hair was stuck to his forehead. How did he always look good?
You whip around at his insult, wagging your finger at him in fiery disapproval. “Oh I’m the stubborn one? Don’t act like you care about me, Calum. If you did, you would actually spend time with me. You wouldn’t forget the little things. You would be there.” You admit you were being harsh, but he always found a way to push you. Every. Single. Button. You had. 
He made you want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. He made your stomach heat up and your heart rate quicken and your mouth dry. 
He made your head spin and your heart hurt and your knees weak. He made you a mess and you didn’t know if you loved it or hated it. 
“Do you actually think I don’t care about you?” Calum asked. You noticed his bottom lip quiver slightly and wondered if the dampness on his face was tears or the rain. 
“Sometimes it feels that way, yeah.” You cross your arms over your chest, feeling soaked to the bone and so cold you couldn’t feel your toes anymore. You looked down at your feet, trying to hide the fact that you were really hurting. You hoped the hot tears streaming down your face could be concealed by the cool rain. 
Calum noticed and stepped closer to you, pulling you into him. You attempted to resist but he started moving the hair out of your face and you were putty in his hands, like always. It felt like that first time on that summer night, dancing in the street. That felt like a lifetime away. 
“You know I care about you. More than anything.” He looks broken.
“I know, Cal. But I don’t know if that's enough anymore.”
He can't see the smile I'm fakin' and my heart's not breakin' 'cause I'm not feelin' anything at all.
You welcomed James inside and he went in for a quick hello peck on the lips but you felt yourself awkwardly turning your head so he only caught your cheek. He pulled away, clear confusion written across his face but you just gave him a small apologetic smile and tugged him towards the couch. “I think we should talk.”
James was perfect in every way. He was perfect when he bought you flowers. He was perfect when he remembered your coffee order. He was perfect when he remembered your sister's birthday.
But he wasn’t perfect for you.
You wanted him to be. 
Fuck, did you want him to be.
But you couldn’t do anything to change the fact that when he kissed you, you felt nothing.
When he hugged you, you felt nothing.
When he called you baby, you felt absolutely nothing.
You wanted it to hurt when you broke things off with him. Truth be told, neither of you took it very hard. He wasn’t the one for you and you both knew it.
And you had a feeling you knew who was. 
And you were wild and crazy just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated, got away by some mistake and now I miss screamin' and fightin' and kissin' in the rain. It's two a.m. and I'm cursin' your name. I'm so in love that I acted insane and that's the way I loved you. Breakin' down and comin' undone, It's a roller-coaster kinda rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you
“Ash, what if he doesn’t want to try again?” You bit at your nails anxiously while you talked to the drummer. Your phone was tucked securely between your cheek and your shoulder. 
“(Y/n), I’ve seen him every day since you two ended things and I can say with utmost certainty, he’s a mess. He finds a way to bring you up in every conversation and he regrets how much he let you down. He tells me literally every single day. It's getting really annoying, actually. My point is, if you gave him another chance, he would absolutely take it.” Ash finished his point with a sigh. “I have to go, (y/n). I’ll talk to you later, alright? Hang in there, kid.”
You smiled. “Alright, Ash. See you later.” You hung up the phone and laid on the plushy couch for a few moments longer, contemplating as you stared at the ceiling. 
“Fuck it.” You sat up and pulled on your shoes, tugging a jacket over your pajamas, bolting out the door before you had a chance to change your mind.
Hands fumbling in nerves and eyes darting all around, you found yourself standing outside Calum’s apartment. You reached up hesitantly and made two, crisp knocks on the door. You stepped back in anticipation, concerned you might vomit any second.
You heard some commotion from the other side of the door. “Coming!” Calum called. You hadn’t heard his voice in so long. 
The door swung open revealing Calum, shirtless and in a pair of sweats. His hair was longer and shaggier, like he hadn’t cared much to maintain it. 
You could see the moment of realization in Cal’s face. His eyebrows scrunched in surprise and confusion. “(Y/n)?”
You cleared your throat. “Um. Hi Cal.” You gave him a small apologetic smile.
“Are you alright? What’s going on?” Calum’s face became concerned as the reasons why you might be here circled his brain. He wondered if you might be in trouble. 
“I.. I um. I don’t really know why I’m here.” You shook your head in frustration as all your thoughts jumbled together and you found it hard to explain what you were doing at his front door. “Alright. I’m just going to say what’s on my mind and I want you to listen, alright?”
Calum opened his mouth to protest but you continued on rambling before he got the chance. “I’ve been with James these past few months, as you probably know.” Calum’s expression turned sour but you kept going. “I broke things off between him. Like 2 days ago.” You almost wanted to laugh at how quickly Calum’s face lit up. “He was perfect in every way for me. Like, perfect. And you and I are so not perfect…” There's that sour expression again. “But when I was with him… When I was with him… I wished I was with you. I missed the way I got butterflies when you held my hand and the adventures we had together and I missed your stupid dumb brown eyes and your lips and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t stop missing you. I wanted to love James. I really, really did. But loving someone is not the same as wanting to love someone. I couldn’t love him… I couldn’t because I-- well, I… I’m still in love with you.” You huffed and began fumbling with your fingers again. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.
“Are you saying you want to try again?” Calum asked, stepping past the threshold and closer to you.
You bit your lip as you pondered the thought. You didn’t really think about much past telling him how you felt. “I… I think I do, yeah.” 
You felt Calum’s hand tuck itself under your chin and pull your face up to look at him. He ran his thumb softly over your cheek and you found yourself leaning into his touch. 
“I love you, too. I never stopped.”
I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you.
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cal-puddies · 4 years
3rd times a charm // calum hood
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another from the prompt list that @kindahoping4forever​ and I have been working through!
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prompt: just let me finish this level and I swear i’ll go down on you until you cum at least 3 times.
warnings: boyfriend cal, slight angst, suggestion of masturbation and anal, oral on a female.
word count: 1330
Cass & Crystal’s Collab Masterlist
Let  us  know  what  you  think!
Social distancing with boyfriend Calum had been weird thus far. You hadn’t been together long, well just long enough to know you enjoyed the sex. But after the album release and all the long hours of promo, he kinda started in on playing his video games with Michael and you saw even less of each other. 
After a brief blow up about it the night before, Cal slept in the guest room, it was his choice, and you slept alone in his bed, which might have been worse.
“Think I’m gonna go home.” You mention early, over coffee.
“It was a fight babe. I heard you. Don’t leave… you can’t come back.” He sighs. “I should be paying more attention to you, you’re not wrong. Just a lot going on and things are different. I should cherish this time because I’ll leave and we won’t see each other for months, and we’ll only talk every few days. And I don’t know, we might not even make it through the first tour.” 
“Wow I definitely want to stay now that you feel so strongly about us making it through the first tour.” 
“You didn’t let me finish.” He points out. “I was gonna go on to say that I should be putting more time into this, I asked you to be here because I wanted you here. Meaning I wanna give this the best chance. So, yes. I should be paying more attention to you.” He agrees. 
It lasts all of 2 weeks. And then you have to beg him to get his attention. And you’ve had enough. 
So you pull out all the stops, the lingerie and just his t-shirt over it. You collapse next to him, gently touching him, running your fingertips up and down his forearm. 
He finally glances over at you, and does the double take you’d wanted him to do. He quickly brushes his fingers against your thigh. “Five more minutes babe.” 
“Cal you promised we’d spend more time together.” You remind him. “You asked me to be here, to give us a better chance in the long run.” 
“Yes, I know and I swear I meant it babe, just let me finish this level and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum at least 3 times!” He starts, “and then I’m yours the rest of the night.” 
“Calum… I will start without you.” You warn, spreading your thighs. 
“I hear you baby, please. I’m almost done, don’t do this.” He chuckles, glancing at you again, making sure you aren’t starting without him. 
You run your fingers up your own thigh and let out a little sigh. 
“Ok… I’m fuckin done.” He laughs, chucking the controller to the floor and pulling you beneath him for a kiss. He very briefly pecks your lips and is instantly pushing the t shirt up. “Wow, you didn’t have to go all out baby.” He smirks, kissing your bare stomach. 
“Wanted your attention.” You murmur. 
Cal continues to place open mouth kisses down your stomach, pressing his thumb against your clothed core. “Well, you’ve got it. All of it.” He moves his mouth down to your thighs, leaving open mouth kisses, sucking and nibbling marks into your skin. “So… 3 orgasms? Should they all be from oral? Or should I be ready to get my cock out?” 
“You said you’d go down on me until I came three times.” You murmur, and he hears the neediness in your voice. “And I didn’t assume it’d be done then.” You shrug. 
“A whole night of pleasing my very pretty, very patient girlfriend? Sounds good to me.” He smirks. 
“That mouth will get you anywhere but flattery is not the way.” You smirk. 
“Someone needs to get their sassy ass to my bed.” He laughs. Cal tosses you over his shoulder and takes you to his bed, setting you down, he quickly pulls your panties off and then he’s kissing back up your legs. Paying extra attention to your thighs, rubbing his scruff against your skin, because he knows you like it. He likes the way your body shudders, and you giggle. 
His tongue is flat as he takes the first lick, the tip of his tongue flicks over your clit a couple times and then he traces it around your opening a few times before attaching his lips to your clit. He wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you closer, and then works his tongue softly over your clit, because he knows it makes you crazy. “Taste so good baby.” He murmurs, flattening his tongue against your pussy, “I could eat you all night.” 
“I wouldn’t complain.” You grin down at him, meeting his eyes. 
“I know you wouldn’t.” He chuckles, unwrapping one arm from around your thigh, he pulls his face back, rubbing his hand over your clit before pushing two fingers in, you gasp, “neither would I, just so I could hear your noises forever.” He wraps his lips back around your clit and it isn’t long until he’s having to hold your hips down. You’re whining above him, pulling his hair, which he loves. “C’mon pretty girl.” He coaxes, until you’re writhing and moaning, chanting his name, and ultimately coming on his tongue. 
He lets you go, but barely gives you a second to relax before coaxing you up on your knees. He licks one long stripe from your pussy to up over your asshole, “this ok baby?” He murmurs, “remember how much you liked it last time.” 
“Yeah… yeah… it’s ok.” You nod, gripping into the blanket. 
Cal sets to work, slowly rolling his tongue over your tight hole, the more he does, the more relaxed you get, and he starts to rub circles against your clit. You completely lose it when he starts to press his tongue inside. 
“Cal.” You whine, pushing your hips back against his tongue. He pushes his tongue in a bit further, letting your relax around it, rubs tight circles on your clit. Your whimpers give you away before your body does, and he feels you cum for him. 
He wastes exactly no time, moving his tongue back to your pussy, but slowly slips his finger into your ass. “Still ok baby?” He checks. 
You nod frantically, “so good baby, please.” 
“You want another? He checks. Pulling the one out and gently rubbing two around your hole. He watches you nod for him. “You know, at this rate baby, you’re gonna end up with my cock in this tight little hole.” He groans. You inhale sharply as he pushes the second finger in with the first and he goes back to sucking on your clit, “but it seems to me, you might want that.” 
And honestly you did, you actually liked anal with Cal because he would be so attentive. “Yeah.” You whimper. 
“Good god baby, I want that too. Cum for me.” He murmurs. He sucks your clit between his plump lips, carefully moving his head back and forth to increase the sensation for you and then he grins as you cum on his tongue, again. He listens to your little whines, and the way you're murmuring to no one in particular as he slowly slides his fingers in and out of you again. His tongue slowly circles your clit, enjoying all your little shudders. He gently bites your ass cheek as he pulls his fingers out, he grips your shoulder and pulls you up on your knees for a kiss. “Am I forgiven?” He checks. 
You nod, clearly spent from all the orgasms so close together. “Yeah.” You nod, looking at him, “still want your cock.” You admit. 
“I’m so hard baby, you can definitely have my cock. So so good for me.” He praises, kissing you again.
Tag list: @cocktail-calum @1dthewantedlove @youngblood199456 @lustingforwunder @calumsphile @neso-k @rosecoloredash @radmcqueen @justayoungandwisefangirl @itsnotmyblood  @lietoash @pushthetide21 @5sosfanficrec @therealmrshale @fallfrxmgrace @lukashemmos @justarandomgirlthatyoudontknow @5sos-microwave @madbomb @sweetheartmendes1000 @literally-anythin @lfwallscouldtalk @clemmingstylins0n @ccnicole02 @lustingfor5sos @buteverythingiscopacetic @rosesfromcth @bodaciousbonzi1996 @ashtontotheirwin @captainam-erika-trash @xxgendurvikixx @jazzyangel242 @bluebabycal @rhiannonmichellee @iovehemmings @glitterycalum1205 @katcontreras @cashtonasfuck @ificanthaveu @kindahoping4forever @here-for-the-uproars @canterburyfiction @opheliaaurora​  @queer-5sos​ @banditocth @gigglyirwin  @glitterycalum1205 @rebelwith0utacause​ @thesubtweeter​
** if you have not interacted with at least 1 of my last two posts, going forward, you will be removed from the tag list. **
gc tags: @sublimehood​ @sugarcoated-pain​ @5sosnsfw​ @angelbabylu​ @aspiringwildfire​ @irwinkitten​ @lashtoncurls​ @myloverboyash​ @singt0mecalum
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Hiya! Still taking any requests? If so, can you write something about Cal and JediReader finally settle down and have a kid or something. I literally binged your materialist in one night until I realized the sun was coming out. I love your writing so much btw! It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!! 💕 (I’m saving your inquisitorCal fic until I finish my classes for this semester. I can’t wait for the pure heartbreak😖)
Hi Anon! Sorry you’ve waited so long ;;A;; I had to finish the prompts that came before yours. Anyway, your prompt has helped me fix up the fic idea I had in the middle of writing another fic so thank you for that! And also thanks for liking what I post! ^w^ Hope you enjoy this fic! 💕
“A Legacy Begun” | Chapter 1: What Comes Next | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: After a long time of running and fighting, you and Cal decided to finally settle down to raise a family. However, it was never a life of peace whilst the shadow of the Empire looms over your heads.
Additional prompt: My fic idea
Tags: Scruffy! Cal Kestis, Daddy! Cal Kestis, Adult! Cal Kestis, Jedi Family, Jedi Offspring, Settling Down, Rebel Alliance
Also posted in AO3
Next: Part 2 | Masterlist
1 of ?
“Where to now?” the young man asked to everyone.
The crew exchanged glances. Cere stepped in.
“It’s up to you to decide, Cal,”
“I think we should just take a breather,”
Cal charted a course back to Bogano. All this action has taken a great toll on everyone. During the jump to hyperspace, the crew dispersed—back to their own activities—while you plopped down on the couch, Cal sat next to you, barely allowing an inch of space between you, and your little adopted Bogling peeks under the lounge’s center table. It chittered but you quickly put a finger against your lips, hoping that the animal would understand your gesture. You and Cal shared a secretive chuckle, glancing at the cockpit to see if Greez had heard.
“I don’t think he heard,” Cal whispered.
You link arms with Cal and rested your head against his shoulder, he planted a kiss on your forehead as he nestled himself by your side. Your free hand extended to the Holocron—now reduced to shards—and a single crystalline nugget gravitated to your fingers; raising it up so it aligns with the overhead light, the prism glowed yellow as you turned it in different angles, the specks of impurity within the crystal appeared like glitters.
While you gaze at the remains of the relic, mesmerized, Cal started to shift in his seat. He rested his head on your lap and buried his face against your abdomen. You chuckle at his gesture, but you were totally endeared, your eyes wandered to the cauterized part of his jumpsuit’s armor while running his fingers through his hair.
“How’s your rib?” you purred.
“The sting’s still there, but bearable,”
“I think I have something for that back in the abode,”
“I leave it to you, doc,” he cooed.
His hand reached for your cheek, ever so lovingly he caressed the curve of your skin while his eyes trace every inch of your face; you spot the involuntary upward curls of his lips as you nuzzled your nose against his palm, your tired Jedi drifted off to sleep in the middle of the journey.
An hour later, Cal awakes by the rumble of the Mantis landing on Bogano’s soil.
“We’re here,” you announce softly.
“Five more minutes,” he groaned, tossing to his right so he can wrap his arms around you and buried his face into your abdomen again.
“Honey, we’re home,” you tussled his hair, trying to get him up. “You can take a nap when we get to the abode.”
Cal was childishly uncooperative, continuously coaxing him to get up because your legs are starting to go numb from his weight.
“Alright, alright, I’m up!” he exerted, sitting up from his comfortable headrest that is your lap and finding the strength to plant the balls of his feet back on the floor.
It was midday when you arrived in Bogano, the shorter way back to the abode was hopping from one mesa to the other where the roofs of the huts dotted the land. Upon entering, you’ve already reached the second floor of the abode and turned to the archway tunnel that connects the abode itself to the second level of the bedroom.
The living quarters was dim but BD-1 scampered off of Cal’s shoulder to switch on the power. White lights glowed to life and illuminated the entire bedroom, the redhead staggered to the bed, plopped himself and proceeded to lie flat on his back against the mattress. His hands lazily searched for the straps of his armor, unfastening the buckles, undoing the buttons of the shirt underneath the leather chestplate, and finally unzipping the top of his jacket.
When all of his upper clothing was shed, Cal felt liberated. A sight of relief escaped his lungs while you gathered a Bacta gauze and tape. You brushed aside the left flap of his jacket, revealing the stab wound—blood had dried and curdled into a maroon crust around the flesh and the body water had pooled on top of the damaged skin.
“Just a few more inches up and he’d pierced your heart,”
He takes your hand and places it above his heart.
“Still here, but I could’ve sworn you’ve taken it already,”
You rolled your eyes, scoffed laughingly, “Smooth.”
A crisp, pastel green square covered the circular wound, secured with medical tape. You briskly caressed Cal’s jaw and kissed his forehead.
“Go get some rest,” you cooed. “You’ve earned it, my love.”
He nodded obediently, continuing his nap from the Mantis as his eyelids drooped and his features softened. You watched him drift off again.
Evening fell upon Bogano. Cal had the longest yet nicest slumber he’s ever had in years. He wakes up and finds you absent in the bedchamber, he stepped out of the abode, climbing back up to the mesa’s surface. He spotted you lying down on the grass, wobbling your leg leisurely as you stared at the deep blue blanket of sky.
Cal joined you on the cool bed of grass, putting a flower he had plucked before lying flat on his back next to you.
“Something on your mind?” Cal began.
“Not really. I just missed the night sky here, it’s all so peaceful,” you sighed. “Just a few weeks ago, we were hopping between planets—so much has happened in every one we’ve been to—and all of that to save the next generation of Jedi. It’s kinda poetic.”
Cal had no response to that, although he almost had the exact same thing in mind. Another thing entered his head, though he wasn’t ready to say it yet. He decided it was a talk for another time, allowing himself to enjoy the present with you.
“What do you think happens now, Cal?” you curiously inquired.
“I don’t know, honestly,”
The pair of young Jedi exchanged glances, trading short, awkward smiles, both speaking an expression that painted an uncertainty of what the future holds for them. Fingers interlocked with one another as their eyes glanced at the sky, as if hoping the stars had the answer for them.
A year and a half has passed since Cal Kestis destroyed Eno Cordova’s holocron.
The Mantis crew eventually found another refuge: the remote planet of Cerinda, located in the Mid Rim where the hand of the Empire almost stretches thin. The rich countryside of the planet attracted everyone—including Greez to some extent, given that he was after the seeds and sources of food that can help step up his culinary game.
You and Cal have made a hobby of strolling across the spaciousness of the land every now and then to get some fresh air. Like today, the two of you sat in the sea of grass—the meadows filled your eyes with the brightest green, sweet and cool water sourced from the waterfalls and rivers irrigated the soil, and the weather was simply divine.
“Your stubble’s growing out” you pointed.
Cal massaged his jaw, the hairs pricked his fingertips as he ran them across his face.
“Should I get rid of it?”
You shake your head, you couldn’t repress the grin forming in your lips, “No, I’d rather you keep it.”
In the corner of your eye, the waterfall’s mist became a prism against the sunlight, spreading the rays of light to where you and Cal sat. The two of you approached the basin, your fingers glided across the water, forming ripples that expanded and then panned towards the waterfall itself. You and Cal waded on its shore, stepping closer until the water has reached the middle of your boots.
You started a water war when you playfully splashed Cal, nearly wetting his hair, he retaliated when he used both hands to scoop water and throw it to you.
“You’ll never get me!” you laughed, running away from the pond before Cal could have a chance to pour a handful of water on your head.
“Not if I can help it!” he cheered back, chasing you with the water running out drop by drop.
When he got close enough, water rained over you—wetting your clothes especially on your back and shoulders—and he gleefully snatched you up; wrapping his arms around your waist, lifting you inches above the ground, and you spinning you around as both of you filled the air with laughter.
He lost balance when he has spun enough times to stumble back on the ground. You’re still laughing out whatever’s left of you as the grass tickled your skin. Cal crawled and stood on fours over you, he cupped your jaw and closed in to kiss you—it was tender and luscious, when he pulled away, you found his sweet smile greeting you back.
The fresh breeze has picked up, the two of you continued to lounge in the fragrant grass whose length reached your breasts when sitting up; every once in a while, Cal would find himself staring at you and thinking about the question that popped into his mind a year ago in Bogano. Back then, he didn’t think that that exact moment was the best time to say it; now at the present, he still wasn’t so sure, but he figured that it’d be best to test the waters—now that things seemed to have toned down.
You turned to see Cal looking at you, but his eyes appeared to be in deep thought.
“What is it, Cal?”
Your soft-toned question somehow jolted him back into reality, realizing too late that he has zoned out too much just thinking about the entire topic. He began stammering, trying to string together the right words that he has been mentally practicing a few times now.
“Listen, I’ve meaning to ask you something—ever since Bogano, actually, but I just didn’t think it was the right time for it, and I really didn’t think that I would find myself asking it,”
The tinge of seriousness in his tone suddenly made your stomach sink, but you waited for him to finish. He knelt on one knee, level to your sitting height, and you could’ve sworn you felt your heart skip a beat and a shiver run down your spine under a sunny afternoon.
“[y/n] [l/n], will you give me the biggest honor to marry me?”
At the very moment, your heart gave out what ought to be the biggest beat in your entire lifetime. Little did you know that at the top of the hill, Cere was standing there, surveying the land in search of the pair of you—she had secretly witnessed Cal proposing to you and you giving him the best answer you could have ever given him. The woman smiled to herself, somewhat getting secondhand joy from what she had witnessed.
“Yes,” you gasped. Overjoyed, you repeated your answer in a medley of crying and laughing. “YES, CAL KESTIS, YES!!”
Cal huffed out the tension that he has been choking himself with, he was unable to control the upward curls that were growing along his lips. He threw himself towards you, pulling you in abruptly, thanking you in the form of kisses and bursting in laughter.
“Yes, to the ends of the galaxy, yes!”
The joy in his heart was so great that he’s simply acting out of impulse. He snatched you up once more, his hold tighter than the last, and buried his face on the crook of your neck as he slightly spun you again. You latched onto him so tight that for a moment, time seemed to have stopped ticking, and the next moment felt like cloud nine.
The two of you returned to the ship, hand in hand, the first one to greet you was Cere. A smirk on her face suggested that she may or may not know what had just transpired.
“Well, you two seem awfully happy,”
“Come inside with us, we want everyone to know,” Cal beckoned.
Cere chuckled but only within her earshot, she followed the two of you into the ship.
Out of excitement, BD-1 scampered off of Cal’s shoulder to the center of the table in the lounge and started chirping a string of notes at everyone.
“Don’t spoil the surprise, BD!” Cal cooed.
“What did BD say?” Merrin asked, on behalf of everybody in the ship.
There was brief pause, Cal turned to you, wordlessly giving you the honors to bear the news. You took a deep breath.
“I’m engaged!” you declared.
The ship was filled with gasps and hushed exclamations. Merrin’s jaw dropped, she put away the extra plants that she had harvested from the terrarium, rushing to both of you in a hug. Cere laughed in a celebratory joy and Greez swooned, witnessing him being genuinely affectionate and supportive—which he rarely does.
“So, when’s the wedding?” Greez beamed.
“In three days, we’d like to keep it simple,” Cal replied.
The Nightsister braced you on the shoulders, “We definitely have to find you a dress!”
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bxcketbarnes · 5 years
Something More
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Pairing: Michael Clifford x Reader
Words: 3000+
Author's Note: I love this! It's real angsty at first but it turns out fluffy. I promise! Let me know what you thought. 🤗
Ashton and I were roaming around Target, the plastic cart I was pushing filled with Christmas decorations. I was a bit lost in my thoughts as we were looking at the fake trees, trying to decide which kind I wanted. It's my first Christmas not living with my parents as Michael, one of my best friends, and I got a place together in LA.
"Y/N?" Ash asks and I snap out of my thoughts, looking over at the black-haired man.
"What?" I mumble immediately, looking around as I heard Ashton chuckle. I furrow my eyebrows at him, his laughter died down almost immediately.
"Are you okay?" He mumbled and I swallow the lump in my throat before nodding my head. "Is this about Mike?"
A sigh leaves my lips as I pick with my fingers, leaning against the cart. "That obvious?" I question and Ash shrugs his shoulders in response.
"I happened to notice you mope around ever since he left with… what's her name again?"
I roll my eyes as I think about the girl Michael's been "seeing." She was a huge bitch to me and his friends, yet he chooses to have her stick around. I didn't get it.
"He's known her for two months. Two fucking months and he thinks she's the best person to take to Bali? Fucking bull," I spat while huffing dramatically.
Ashton leans a hand on the cart, looking into it before his hazel eyes danced back to mine. "Is this why you've bought all black decorations? Are you feeling angsty?" He asks and I glare at him for a few seconds before shaking my head.
"No, you idiot," I laugh and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I read an article that black trees and decorations were in and it's my first Christmas where I officially live on my own so I wanted to try it. Plus, Mike's not gonna be here for Christmas so why not, right?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right. Do you want help setting things up? The boys and I can come over. So you're not alone," he mentions and a smile comes to my lips.
"That'd be great, Ash. If y'all want to by all means," I tell him and he nods, draping his arm over my shoulders before pulling me into his chest. A sigh leaves my lips as I wrap my arms around his waist.
"Alright! Let's find a tree and get out of here!"
I sit on my knees on the floor, cutting open the box for the Christmas tree as the music was playing through the speakers. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I place the right limbs with their colored group.
The music from my phone is cut off as the ringtone I had for Michael begins to play through the speaker. My eyebrows furrowed together, wondering why he's calling me when he should be having a grand time in Bali.
I push myself up from the floor, huffing gently as I walk towards my phone which sits on the kitchen table. I turn off the Bluetooth before answering the phone, pressing the device against my ear.
"Hey, Mike," I mumble into the phone while heading back into the living room.
"Hey, Y/N/N," he sighs and the glare my eyes were sporting softened.
"What's going on?" I ask, hearing the disappointment in his voice. I sit on the floor, crossing my legs before leaning my hand against my chin.
Michael sighs and I can see him running his hands through his hair. "I just… I'm sorry. I made a mistake coming here with her. I-I should've brought you," he confesses and I frown.
"I mean, I could've told you that but you wouldn't exactly listen to me," I tell him and I can hear him sigh.
"I know. I'm sorry. I was a huge dick to you," Michael mumbles and a chuckle leaves my lips. "I still have a place to live, right? You're not gonna kick me out, are you?"
More of a laugh escapes my lips as I shake my head, knowing he can't see it. "Of course you still have a place to live. Michael, you're my best friend. I'm always gonna be here whether you make right or wrong choices. You're my rock, bub. Kinda stuck with me now," I explain to him as a smile graces my lips.
"You're amazing and I'm glad I'm stuck with you. I couldn't ask for someone better," he mentions and a knock on my door snaps me from my daze. I get up from the floor, strolling towards the front door before opening it. Cal, Ash, and Luke stand on the other side with bags of food in their hands and smiles on their lips.
"Hey, guys, come on in," I tell them quickly and Michael speaks up.
"Guys? Are the guys there?" He asks and I mumble a quick yeah as I shut the front door.
"Is that Mike?" Ashton asks and I nod my head, holding up a finger as I head down the hallway.
"Why are the guys there?" Michael asks me and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Is there a problem with them being here?" I question him and I tilt my head a bit, waiting for his answer.
"N-No, I'm just surprised is all…"
I glance to the floor, crossing one of my arms over my chest. "They're here to help me set up the Christmas decorations. Something I could be doing with you, but you decided to go to Bali instead," the anger comes back and Michael sighs into the phone.
"I'm sorry, Y/N/N. I just… I really liked her. Or at least I thought I did. I thought she did too," Mikey mumbles and I chew on my bottom lip.
"It's fine. Look, I gotta go, but text me alright?" I ask him in a soft voice, staring at the floor.
"Of cour- Mike! Baby! Come on!" I heard Lillian yell at him and I resist to roll my eyes, my heart clenched in pain a bit. "I miss you."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodding my head as I squeezed my eyes shut. "Miss you too."
I slide my phone into my back pocket before leaning my forehead against the wall, taking deep breaths. I can feel the tears building behind my closed eyes as I run a hand through my hair.
"You really love him, don't you?" Ashton's voice hits my ears and I jump slightly. I open my eyes, looking to my left to see Ash standing a foot away from me, a frown on his face.
"That obvious, huh?" I mumble to him and he chuckles a bit before stepping closer to me.
"Not that obvious, but I've seen it for a while. The other boys don't know a thing, including Michael," he tells me and I snort.
"Michael's known to be oblivious," I say before wrapping my arms around his waist. "What does she have that I don't?" I ask quietly as I rest my cheek against his chest.
Ashton wraps his arms around my shoulders, rubbing my back. "She's nothing compared to you. Michael will come around. I know it," he reassures me as I grip his shirt.
"Where are you guys?!" Cal's voice cuts our little moment short as Ash pulls away from me.
I look over his shoulder, seeing both him and Luke standing a couple feet from us. "Everything okay?" The curly blonde asks and I nod my head, putting on a smile.
The two glance at each other for a brief second before they rush over to me, pulling me into their bodies. A giggle comes from my lips as I wrap an arm around each of them.
"We should probably get decorating," I tell them and they pull away from me. The four of us walk back into the living room and I see the boys had started setting up the tree, half of it being done already. "You started without me?!" I ask, my lips parting open as I look over at the three boys.
"You were taking forever!" Luke exclaims with a laugh and I tilt my head back.
"It's fine, it's fine! Let's just finish it. I'm so excited to see how it looks," I tell them with a smile on my lips.
Calum and Luke were arguing with each other on how to hang some of the ornaments on the tree. I chuckle as I glance towards the two, seeing the blue-haired man slap Luke's hand. I hang the five stockings onto the mantle of the fireplace, smiling at the names of the boys that are written across the top.
"Cal- that looks like shit!" Luke says and Calum scoffs, playfully glaring at the blonde.
"Good thing it's not your tree," Cal sasses the younger man and I watch as Luke opens his mouth, then closes it, not responding to his friend.
"You guys are ridiculous," I laugh while walking over towards the couch, grabbing the black garland that's intertwined with white lights.
Ashton helps me pin the garland to the mantle, my eyes lighting up at how cute it looks. "Do you want to put it on the molding as well?" He asks while pointing towards the ceiling above the fireplace.
I glance up at it, humming a bit before nodding my head. "Yeah. That would look cute. Should we just do it there? Like an accent or around the entire living room?" I ask him while looking towards him.
His hazel eyes look around the room before he shrugs his shoulders. "Do we have enough garland for that?" He mumbles and glances back towards the couch.
I do the same, furrowing my eyebrows together. "I think so. It's not like our living room is that big," I mention and he snaps his fingers and looks at me.
"You're not wrong, sweetness," Ash grins and I chuckle, shaking my head.
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I take it out, glancing down at it to see Michael had texted me. It was a picture of him on a plane and my heart skips a beat.
I'm coming home. I'm really sorry. I understand if you're upset with me. I would be too. :(
My heart clenches as I frown, feeling Ashton's eyes on me. "He's coming home," I mumble out loud, gaining the attention of the others.
"That's good, right?" Luke asks and I look towards him before nodding my head.
"Yeah, yeah, of course," I tell him with a small smile. Ashton lays a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "He'll be home with us for Christmas instead of with her."
Michael's POV
I've been sitting on this plane for ten hours, only eight more hours remaining until I'm back in LA. I run a hand through my hair, sighing loudly as I can still hear Lillian yell at me for leaving her in Bali.
My phone vibrates and I look down at it, seeing Y/N had posted on Instagram. I licked my lips, tapping the notification and a picture of her and Ashton pop up. Their arms were wrapped around each other, large smiles on their faces as I feel my heart drop into my stomach.
wondefulhooman finished setting up the Christmas decorations. This guy demanded we take a picture in front of my new tree. He's a dork, but I love him. @ashtonirwin
I frown, liking the picture anyway but can't help but feel a tiny bit jealous. She loves him? Like… loves him, loves him? Or just like a friend? Wait why do I care? I look over her features in the picture, a smile coming to my lips at how her smile radiates such happiness. I haven't seen her smile that like in a while…
I exit out of the app, going to my text messages to see Y/N had sent me a couple pictures. She sent me pictures of our house decorated with black Christmas decorations. I type on the keyboard, smiling softly.
Look great, cutie. I kinda like the black look. It's chic.
I lock my phone, glancing out the window as my leg begins to bounce. I'm itching for this plane to move faster, for time to move faster.
Thanks! Our house looks cute. I'm proud. How far away are you?? And I'm not mad at you, jsyk. I love you too much.
My heart flutters in my chest at her words, feeling my mouth go dry as I reach for my water and takes a large gulp. I wipe my hand onto my pants before picking my phone back up, typing my reply.
I love you.
I scoff, shaking my head before deleting the message and starts over.
The plane lands in seven and a half hours. Not fast enough if you ask me, lmao.
I press send and lean my head against the seat, a huff leaving my lips.
I'll probably be asleep by the time you get home :(
A chuckle leaves my lips and I push my glasses up a bit before taking a quick picture of myself pouting. 
You can't stay up? For me?
I watch the screen as she reads it immediately, the bubbles coming up on the bottom of the screen.
I can try but no promises!
It was around one-thirty in the morning by the time the Uber dropped me off at my place. I haul my bag out of the trunk, thanking the driver before walking up to the front door.
I unlock the door, quietly heading inside and closes the door behind me. I slip my shoes off, walking into the living room and my green eyes widen, seeing the Christmas tree, the decorations that wrap around the ceiling, and on the mantle all lit up.
"Fuck, Y/N, way to make the house look fantastic," I whispered to myself before taking out my phone, taking a quick picture of it. I take a step towards the fireplace and see all five of our stockings hanging. "Cute."
After taking the room in, I begin to make my way towards my room. I toss my bag onto the bed and sheds my coat off. Footsteps were heard behind me and I glance over my shoulder, seeing Y/N standing in my doorway, wearing nothing but one of my baggy shirts.
"Welcome home," she smiles faintly and I give her a smile in return.
I step towards her, wrapping my arms around her before bringing her into my chest. "Fuck, I'm glad to be home," I whisper and she giggles.
Y/N's arms wrap around my waist, gripping my shirt in her hands. "Realized that we’re better than her?" She jokes and I chuckle softly, pulling away from her.
"Yeah, I definitely did. She was quite pissed that I left her behind in Bali," I mention and Y/N snorts, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Good. It's what happens when she tries to take you away from me," she casually states as her hands move under my shirt, her fingernails grazing my skin.
My heart beats faster in my chest as I look down at her, her eyes looking into mine. She wears a smug smirk on her pink lips… her kissable lips… I hook a finger under her chin, lifting it higher before leaning down to press my lips to hers.
Her nails dig into my skin as my hand moves up to her cheek, my thumb stroking her cheekbone. I tilt my head, deepening the kiss as she breathes out through her nose. The cool air hits my face as her lips move against mine.
I pulled away after a few moments, hearing her heavy breathing as I rest my forehead against hers. "M-Mikey…" she trails off and I hum, my hand gently moving down her arm. "I-I'm not dreaming am I?"
A chuckle leaves my lips as I press a gentle kiss to the tip of her nose, shaking my head. "No, you're not. It's funny. All it took was that picture you posted with Ash to realize how I felt," I confess and she looks up at me, her eyes wide.
"Really? You were jealous of Ash?" She asks and I blush a bit before nodding my head. Y/N giggles and bites her lip. "You've got nothing to worry about. I'm all yours."
A small moan comes from my lips, my hands gripping her hips as the words left her lips. Her arms wrap around my neck, her fingers toying with the tiny hairs. "Stay with me tonight?"
Y/N smiles and nods her head, pressing a short kiss to my lips. "I wanna do something first," she mentions before grabbing my hand and leads me into the living room.
She sets her phone up on the shelf that's embedded into the wall behind the couch, angling her camera just right before she quickly comes back to me. I stand sideways, my hands on her hips as hers grab a hold of my shirt. Y/N leans up to connect her lips with mine just as the flash goes off, her phone taking the picture.
A giggle leaves my lips as I bite her lip before she pulls away from me. My hand drags across her waist as she goes to grab her phone, a smile on my lips. I watch her look at the picture on her phone, a silly grin on her face before she shows me the photo.
The picture was really cute. Y/N stood in front of me, her foot lifted into the air as you see girls do in romantic movies, the hem of my shirt resting against the middle of her thighs, our lips pressed together, hands on each other, and the Christmas lights shining behind us.
"This is so cute," I mumble and look over at her. She nods her head, agreeing with me as she takes the phone back into her hands. "Now, c'mon."
I take her hand in mine, leading her back into my room. I shrug my shirt and pants off before Y/N and I climb into my queen-sized bed. She shuffles closer to me, our legs tangling with one another as my arm drapes over her waist.
"I'm sorry I didn't see this before," I whisper and move my hand between the two of us. She shakes her head, mumbling that it was alright before nuzzling her face into my neck.
"At least you're here now," she mumbled and I close my eyes, pressing a kiss to her forehead before pulling her closer to my body, a satisfied sigh exhaling through my nose.
New post from wonderfulhooman
wonderfulhooman finally got my Christmas wish 😍🖤
Taglist: @myloverboyash @h0tsos @ashtonsunshine @bumblebet-20 @thebookamongmen @asht0ns-world @maddz-world @gotta-try-something-new @twilightparker @ashs-cheergirl @dashlilymark @shower-me-with-roses @therainydays4 @thatcheekychic @lukeskisses @latemikedevil @fayesfairylights @marshmallowtraver @trashbin2 @whatmakesmehappyy @itjustkindahappenedreally @morningfears @sexgodashton @cashtonasfuck @easierforcalum @ghost0fy0u @calumamongmen @bloodmoonashton @talksopretty @irwinkitten @kindahoping4forever @pxrxmoore
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whump-it · 4 years
Congrats on the follower milestone, you deserve every single one and more!! I don't have a specific question to ask, but would you mind just talking about some cute Callum and Rory recovery things? You can ramble or do whatever, I don't mind, was just wondering if you had any fluffy thoughts you could share :D thanks, hope you have a really nice day
Thank you so much for this lovely ask! I hope you had a good day too?
Soooooo... kinda turned into an essay!
Callum and Rory recovery cuteness
Callum's a quiet survivor. Quiet recovery. He doesn't rage and scream, and he very rarely wakes in a panic. It happens. But it's rare.
When he felt brave enough to let Rory take him out of the apartment, when he understood that Rory was his home and that Master Hayden wasn't coming for him and wasn't keeping tabs on him, they went for a walk and looked in some shop windows. It was a quiet street with local businesses and boutiques. And in the window of one was a blue velvet trunk with leather studded ages and a lock on the clasp. Callum had stopped and stared at it. Rory, deep in his now usual sense of panic and desperation to make things better, went straight in and bought it for Callum. Callum, upon being handed the huge bag containing his trunk, had burst into tears, slid down to the floor and thanked Rory over and over and over. What he wanted at that moment was for Rory to shut his fingers in the hinges of the trunk. Maybe slam it shut on his hands. Anything to take away the feeling that he was being given something but he hadn't felt ashamed and now he did feel ashamed and he was so so so confused that he felt sorry for himself which is definitely not allowed.
They had to go straight home.
That trunk is where Callum keeps everything that's special to him. As official BP, and with the system relating to him in a bit of a mess owing to his Selector being dead, he can't have a bank account or a passport or anything like that. So he keeps his money in his trunk. He knows exactly what's in there and he's given Rory a spare key to it. Rory gives him money every month and Alyaa pays him to clean her apartment because he hates taking money without earning it. What he doesn't know is that Rory puts the same amount of money aside in a little cash box every time he gives some to Callum. He also tries to match Alyaas contributions. Callum has no idea, but he's actually got double what he thinks he's got.
Rory uses what he likes to call "smoke and mirrors Cal, smoke and mirrors" to get Callum to do things that ordinarily would terrify him. He'll talk incessantly at him while holding his hands and walking slowly to the couch then sitting down and pulling Callum with him. He keeps talking, keeps talking keeps talking. Until before Callum knows it, he's been sitting on an actual piece of furniture without having to exchange pain for comfort.
Rory loves to kiss Callum. It makes him feel calm and relaxed and close to him. He'll often press his face against Callum's shoulder blade then turn it until he can press a kiss there. He'll kiss his temple right above where Hayden hurt him so many times. He'll kiss his forehead when Callum's sad or unsure or lost in a tangle of shame and imperfection. He'll kiss the corner of his mouth or the turn of his cupid's bow lip to tell him loud and clear and without words that he's there and Callum's there and comfort is something to be given freely and not earned. To start with, he'll only do this once he's done his "smoke and mirrors" trick, but as Callum heals and they grow together like the soulmates that they are, he's able to do it just whenever he feels like it. And Callum can too.
Rory adores his parents and with Callum's permission, he tells them what happened. He carries an immense load of guilt that he followed the rules and let Callum be taken away when his heart was telling him to keep him with him always. He wants so much for someone, anyone, to blame him. To place that burden upon him but no one will. But in a conversation with his dad Tony, he's the only one to tell Rory that yes, he messed up. But also that his determination to follow the rules set out for him and the love that brought him to Callum and got them back home is more than enough. That it's ok to make mistakes.
After The Bad Thing, they both need to heal in different ways. Rory comes out the other side of a trauma in a completely different way to Callum. Callum is calm. He finds strength. Rory breaks. And so they, and Alyaa, take Rory to be with his parents. He fights the entire healing process. He has never had to deal with anything like this before and her can't ride it out so he flails. His head is metaphorically under water more than its above. But when he finds moments of peace, it's in ways that neither he nor Callum thought would happen. Thanks to Rory's mum Brenda, the tree in the back garden is wrapped in crochet and Callum isn't terrified of being near it. He loves it. It's a calming place for him and so he draws Rory into it too, taking him there and pulling his head on to his lap, smoothing his hair until they both fall asleep.
And Haz... cleaned up and looking good. Haz is there with them.
@haro-whumps @grizzlie70 @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @iaminamoodymoodtoday @kawaiiloverofanimu @burtlederp @untilthepainstarts @my-whumpy-little-heart @moose-teeth @pepperonyscience @faewhump @saphemme @slaintetowhump @whump-tr0pes @spookyboywhump @finder-of-rings
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rosegoldquintis · 5 years
because who would really choose a daisy, in a field of roses?
Paring: Cake x OC!Daisy 
Word count: +1.4k Warnings: uhh, smut, a threesome to be precise.,, unprotected sex, handcuffs, choking?? name calling, but I think that’s it?
Summary: Calum and Daisy are friends with benefits and this time Luke’s intrigued.
A/N; Kinda want to make a series with Calum and Daisy, what do you think?
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“Cal” She whined desperately, back arching up as he rubbed at her clit, much too harshly. She was used to this, her arms tied above her head as Calum used her to expel all pent up aggression.
She heard the key in the door first, and the way Calum glanced towards the closed bedroom door, towards the living room, meant he did to. Not that it stopped him. Whether it was Luke coming in or one of his other friends didn't really matter. His friends knew of Daisy’s existence.
By the sounds of it, it seemed like it was Luke coming home, if the heavy thunds against hardwood flooring was anything to go off. He didn’t go further than the living room though, not with her desperate moans filling the apartment.
Calum continued to pound deep into her pussy, fingers working at her clit with the clear intent of making her cum again. Even if she already had four times since he started his rough use of her body for his own escape. Daisy hit her fifth climax, walls clenching around his cock before he was finally cumming inside of her. He pulled out of her, standing up and pulling on his clothes again.
“Going to get coffee” he mumbled, his bad mood clearly not cleared up yet.
“Wait Cal-” She called out, pulling at the handcuffs but it was too late, the bedroom door banging shut as he walked out. She let out a groan, her body temperature slowly returning back to normal, leaving her cold and exposed, pulling on the handcuffs desperately. Daisy had never spoken to Luke, not directly but she found herself calling out for him.
it didn’t take long before the sounds of his heavy footsteps got closer and soon the man pulled the bedroom door open and soon he was standing in the doorframe, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Can I help you?” He questioned dryly, looking over her exposed body. Daisy’s cheeks flushed red, she crossed her legs in a hope to hide away her dripping wet pussy, still leaking his roommate’s cum.
“He left me tied up?” She tried pathetically, feeling vulnerable as his blue eyes raked over her body.
“Not my issue, I don’t know where he put the key” He responded, his focus drawing down to his phone, seemingly uninterested in her.  
“Just do something!” She huffed at him, and even with his gaze cast down she could see the smirk forming. It was one Daisy recognised, one Calum wore far too often.
“Oh you want me to do something?” He cooed lightly, as he approached the bed, an evil smirk on his lips as he did. “I can think of a few things.”
Daisy gulped, teeth sinking into her bottom lip. She had only been with one person in her life and that was Calum but she could tell by the glint in Luke’s eye that she was about to experience another mans touch. He kneeled on the bed, placing a hand on her smooth legs, sliding it up slowly before forcing her to part her legs. He continued his gaze up her legs, looking over her cunt.
“Did he fuck you good?” Luke questioned, looking up at the girl. “Look at that stretched cunt, and that swollen clit, he used you good, didn’t he?” His words had her ready for more, ready for him to touch her even though she still was sensitive from the rough fucking Caum had given her not even 10 minutes ago.
He leaned down, licking up a trail of Calum’s cum that had dripped from her abused hole. She let out a soft whimper at the action, looking down at him pleadingly.
“Please don’t, it’ll hurt to go again.”
He rolled his eyes, spreading her legs more as he continued to eagerly lick up all the cum. Daisy let out a needy whine, hips bucking up, trying to get more friction.
“Luke..” She said with a warning tone. His hands holding her thighs tightly to stop her from closing her legs as he began lapping at her over sensitive clit.
He continued, smirking as she writhed beneath him, drinking in every little moan and gasp she let out only pausing when the door opened.
“Cal, I have a present for you” He called out, punctuating the statement by harshly sucking her clit, making her let out a high pitched moan.
Calum walked in, three cups of coffee in a cup holder and a bag of Mcdonalds breakfast clutched in his hands  
He placed down the food, eyes sparkling as he watched over his roommate.
“Luke, what on earth are you doing?”
“Eating pussy, come join?” He whispered sweetly, holding eye contact with Calum for a few tense moments, giving her pussy a short break. It didn’t take long before Calum was kicking his shoes off and joining his roommate on the bottom of the bed.
“I can see why she’s your favourite slut” Luke said with a smirk, looking at the girl in front of them. Luke lifted his hand a bit before bringing it down hard, giving her clit a hard slap.
“Luke..” She moaned again, her body almost shaking form the stimulation.
She watched Calum’s callous hands slowly move up her inner thigh again, making her whimper, rough fingers began rubbing her clit, her back arched quickly, his touch much rougher than Luke’s had been.
“Fuck, you got her so wet man” He whispered to his friend, Daisy couldn’t help but love the chuckle Luke let out at the comment,
Calum grabbed the small key from the bedside table, handing it to Luke who scrambled up to unlock the handcuffs.
“Hands and knees, now” Luke demanded. Daisy’s legs were like jelly as she raised herself up, following the command.
Luke rested himself against the headboard of the bed, spreading his legs and sliding his pants and boxers down his long legs.
Daisy didn’t need a command for that, eagerly leaning down to start running her tongue from the base of his cock up to the tip, smirking at her opportunity to make him moan now. The soft breathless moans and gasps he let out were so sexy that she found herself much more turned on at the idea of getting to suck him off then she imagined.
She heard Calum’s belt undoing, a shiver rippling through her as she knew her aching pussy wasn’t getting a break just yet. She let out a gasp as he rubbed the head of his cock down her slit teasingly, she glanced back at him, his signature smirk gracing his lips as always.
She didn’t get to admire for long, before she knew it Luke had a hand in her hair, forcing her head back down his cock, almost hitting the back of her throat.
“Be a good little slut, yeah?” He smirked patronizingly, and Daisy eagerly obliged, her mouth working its way up and down his cock right as Calum pushed his large cock into her cunt, making her moan around Luke.
She pulled away from Luke and let out a loud gasp, pausing in her own movements momentarily before he started to pound into her roughly. After a few seconds to adjust, she paid attention to the man cock, one of her hands working the part of his cock which couldn’t fit in her mouth. The air of the room was filled with sounds, the slapping of skin against skin, the faint wet noise of Daisy’s mouth working Luke’s cock, her desperate moans muffled against Luke’s cock, Calum’s soft groans as well as Lukes moans.
Daisy glanced up at him, giggling at the sight of him looking so desperate. After a while she could tell that he was close to cumming, soon Daisy’s mouth was filled up with his cum. Luke grabbed her hair and pulled her off his cock, his hand switching position to her throat.
“You better swallow all of it.” He said through his teeth, the girl gave a small nod and did as she was told. She opened her mouth to show him that she had swallowed all of it.
“What a good little slut you are.” He said before pressing a small kiss to her lips.
Calum continued fucking into her, over and over again with nothing but his groans filling the air.
“Cal, Calum, fuck please I c-can’t take anymore! Fuck!” She whimpered out, Luke pulling her into a sloppy kiss as he noticed Calum getting closer and closer to his release.
“He’s almost there pretty girl, he’s so close. You can last just a little longer, right?” Daisy nodded obediently, moving forward to kiss Luke again, moaning into his mouth until her sixth orgasm washed over her, the whimpering increasing as Calum finally spilled his hot cum into her.
Tagging some babes; 
@calsophat @lukeinblue @calsangel @heavenlyhemminqs @cal-pal-cuddles @singt0mecalum @cakestan @blahehblah @rosesfromcth
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softforcal · 6 years
Ok but like Gryffindor Luke so is so brave and confident with a super sweet and shy Hufflepuff reader. I don’t know I think it would be super cute. Love you
-Gryffindor Luke is a brave, charismatic genius
-when he sets his eyes on something he does it
-like in first year he decided he wanted to get onto the Quidditch team so he did
-and when the Captain graduated and the spot opened up, Luke fucking grabbed it and didn’t let go until it was official
-he notices you in class one day because something your friend has said makes you laugh and he just blinks at you
-he is shook he hasn’t noticed you before
-”hey, Cal, who’s that Hufflepuff?” he asks, nudging the Gryffindor next to him
-”uh… i think that’s Y/N.” Cal answers, “why?”
-”she’s cute.” Luke states
-Calum laughs, “i’d stay away from that one if i were you. she’s the type of girl you settle down with. you ready for that?”
-yeah, you might be a puff but you have a reputation for making guys fall head over heals in love with you because you are an absolute Sweetheart
-and if there’s anything Luke likes, its a challenge
-and he’s a bit of a playboy so he’s like “nah, i’m sure i’ll be fine.”
-”your funeral.” Calum laughs.
-Luke watches you for a whole week, trying to figure out the best way to approach you
-Gryffindor has a game against Ravenclaw and at breakfast that morning he and Calum come over to the Hufflepuff table
-”we’re having a party after the game, you guys should come.” Luke states
-this fuck. like. what a cocky Gryffindor. because he already knows his team is going to win and has a party planned
-your friends all agree and as Calum and Luke walk away, your friends all start whispering about the fact that Luke Hemmings and Calum Hood just personally invited your group to come to their afterparty
-but you’re all humble Hufflepuffs so you’re all just like “he’s for sure inviting us because of you.” “no, i think he was looking at you.”
-they all agree that Luke has a thing for you because Hufflepuffs have been noticing him looking at you but you’re just like “no, i’m sure that’s not true.”
-so Gryffindor wins against Ravenclaw
-and the entire team walks into the Gryffindor common room to cheers
-Luke looks stunning, as always
-he just looks amazing in R.E.D
-you’re with your group of friends and Luke just straight up comes over, “do any of you need a drink?” he asks
-a few of your friends say yes and Luke turns to go get drinks and you realize he won’t be able to carry everything and since you’re THE Hufflepuff, you run after Luke to help carry stuff
-the two of you pour drinks and you’re just like “you were amazing today.”
-he grins, always loving an ego booster, “thanks, so, you’re Y/N right?”
-”yeah, gosh, sorry, i should have introduced myself.” you get kinda flustered and Luke puts down the cups and turns to look at you being adorable and you’re super flustered
-he puts his fingers under your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “hey, it’s all good. calm down.”
-you want to calm down but his fingers are still under your chin and those blue eyes are gorgeous
-Calum at this point has gone over to your friends and is just like, “i suppose i should become friends with you guys.” as they all watch you and Luke just staring at each other by the drink table
-Luke notices his fingers are still under your chin and pulls away, snapping you both into reality as you grab the drinks and scurry away towards your friends
-meanwhile Luke is just like ‘fuck’ to himself because you’re so cute and even just getting flustered, you were adorable and he can’t just casually sleep with someone as cute as you, i mean, come on. he’s fucked. he knows it. Calum was right. and that was just a two second interaction. yup. he’s so screwed.
-Luke literally has to take a shot then and there
-he brings the drinks over and Calum’s just like “bro are you okay?” but Luke brushes it off
-talking with your friends for a bit but then a few Ravenclaws show up (they lost but they’re still invited cuz bros for life) and Ravenclaw Michael and Ravenclaw Ashton get a hold of the music and suddenly it’s blasting EDM and people are dancing and someone has fixed the lighting so it’s practically a club
-the Ravenclaws come over and grab Cal and Luke to dance and as they’re getting pulled away Luke grabs you and drags you with him
-it’s impulsive and in that moment Luke doesn’t even realize his hand is reaching out until its wrapped around yours
-once the Ravenclaws are satisfied that the five of you are in the middle of the dance floor and surrounded they stop dragging you guys and turn to realize Luke has dragged you too
-Michael laughs and breaks off, finding a Gryffindor he likes
-Cal snickers and grabs Ash, pulling him away to explain
-so you turn to Luke and he’s just like ‘fuck it, i’m a fucking Gryffindor.’
-he can’t dance for shit but that’s okay
-he’s actually so adorable and you find yourself laughing and also moving side to side
-you’re just so cute and he has to resist the urge to just pull you against his chest
-someone bumps against your back because it’s kinda crowded and then you are against Luke’s chest and his hands go to steady you, landing on your waist
-you look up at him and immediately try to hide because you’re flustered, so you hide your face against his chest which just makes it worse but before you can pull away his arms wrap around you
-he is #so soft already
-you wrap your arms around his waist and just accept the hug but at the same time you’re both just like holy fuck what are we even doing we’re not even friends
-you pull away and Luke is about to say something but you look up at him and you’re just like “i should go.” and then you go and Luke’s left looking after you
-Cal and Ashton show up right away and are just like “what the fuck was that?!”
-and Luke doesn’t even know because you have him already and it hasn’t even been a day
-meanwhile your Hufflepuff friends are just like “and look! she’s caught another one!”
-you all leave in a hurry and they’re freaking out and you’re freaking out and they’re like holy shit
-because you’re known for collecting hearts
-and Luke’s known for breaking them
-but above all, you’re both known for no one having ever been good enough for either of you
-”its a match made in heaven! we should have thought about this before!” one of your friends exclaims
-”i just met the guy.” you roll your eyes but your heart is soaring
-Luke can’t focus for shit the rest of the night and it’s obvious
-he can barely sleep
-and he’s a fucking Gryffindor so the next morning when he’s walking to breakfast he sees you and races to catch up to you, “hey.” he grins
-”hi.” you smile, continuing to walk, “how was your sleep?”
-”uh not great, hey, so i was thinking, we should go out sometime.”
-(yeah Gryffindor Luke doesn’t ask. he states)
-”okay.” you say, not wanting to meet his eyes because you’re getting flustered
-he notices because he’s staring at you while you walk. he even almost walks into a pillar which makes you giggle and he grins because you’re adorable
-”so… Butterbeer?” he suggests
-”after dinner?”
-you kinda like having a strong, powerful Gryffindor making all the plans
-when you get to the Great Hall you’re about to go to your table when he’s like, “where do you think you’re going?” grabbing your hand, “thought you’d come sit with me.”
-tall boi don’t have to ask you twice
-when you get to the Gryffindor table, Cal, Michael and Ashton are there already and they’re all just laughing because Luke is whipped as fuck
-so the two of you sit down and Ashton and Michael introduce themselves
-”so you’re the Hufflepuff everyone calls ‘the heart collector.’” Ashton grins
-”please tell me thats not true.” you laugh because what the fuck it sounds so ominous
-”you have quite the reputation, just like this asshole.” Michael grins at Luke
-so basically everyone knows about you and Luke having reputations and everyone agrees that you two would be super fucking cute
-”so when’s the wedding.” Cal teases and Luke shoves him
-Your Gryffindor babe walks you to class and everything but like… you only met the day before so does he hug you? like… what do you even do?
-he says to himself while he’s walking you to class that he’s just going to go for it and hug you
-as soon as you get there you turn and hug him and he’s just like oh my god, because you’re such a soft cuddly Puff and he adores it already
-”see you after dinner.” you smile, pulling away and practically skipping into class and Luke just watches you go with a smile.
-you’re both jittery the whole day
-he stares at you at lunch and dinner but he respects you staying at the Hufflepuff table after all, you haven’t even had a date yet
-he keeps reminding himself to calm the fuck down
-but he’s never liked someone so immediately before
-so dinner ends and both your tables watch you and Luke go meet at the front of the great hall, as soon as you two are gone your tables all begin gossiping together
-Luke just grabs your hand
-and you do the most Hufflepuff thing ever: you immediately lean against him and use your other hand to grab his arm so you’re practically on his arm
-you start talking about stuff
-like why neither of you have dated even though you’ve had a lot of options
-like, let’s be real here, you’re checking to see what the fuck because Luke is a known playboy
-”just waiting for the right girl.” he shrugs, “how about you? little miss ‘everyone is in love with me’?”
-”they’re not!” “are too.” he laughs. you sigh, “waiting for the right guy.” “ouch, well, let me know when you find him.”
-you both laugh and you hold onto him tighter
-he adores having you holding onto him
-you just talk and get to know each other, its actually a super cute date. he’s a bit of a cocky fuck but its actually really hot fam
-you both really like each other and its obvious
-he decides he’s going to kiss you when he takes you back to your common room
-and the entire time he’s walking you back through the castle, you hold onto his arm and people in the halls are all like oh my god they’re so fucking cute
-when you get to your common room you immediately hug him and he thinks about how much he adores having you in his arms, like you’re so soft and such a fucking Hufflepuff and he adores it
-you pull away but his hands go to your waist as he pulls you back
-boy is tall so he has to bend down to kiss you, and you go on your tip toes to make it easier, arms wrapping around those broad shoulders
-and Luke is #that boy, he’s an impatient Gryffindor and he’s so fucking tall he can’t take it, he bends down and just lifts you up which makes you scream and wrap your legs around his waist because wtf and he just laughs because he’s an asshole
-and you’re giggling and all cute and he kisses you again
-a bunch of students come around the corner and they all whistle
-”Luke put me down!” you scream, pushing at his chest because boy don’t care, he just wanna kiss you
-he groans but sets you down
-his fingers go under your chin again and make you look up at him as he gives you one last cute kiss, “see you tomorrow puff.”
-you scurry into your common room and your entire house is practically there waiting to hear about the date
-everyone is so excited because you look so happy and your happiness is contagious
-the next day you try to be chill but as soon as he sees you smiling at him from Hufflepuff table he just comes over because “god, you’re cute in the morning.”
-”i’m always cute.” you smile
-he can’t help but cup your cheek and kiss you
-everyone is so shook
-like actually, every table (but Slytherin) bursts out in cheers
-and you get all blushy so he wraps his arms around you and cradles you against his chest
-after that you two begin spending a lot of time together
-the first game you go to after you start dating, he of course gives you his scarf and everyone is like “oof, it’s official.”
-but you’re still like… he hasn’t asked or talked about it…
-but when Gryffindor wins and Luke kisses you on the field it feel like you’re his girlfriend
-”i’ve got to go change, but you’re coming to the party.” “uh…” “come on, you’re my girlfriend, you have to be there.” he insists
-you immediately get all flustered and he laughs, pulling you in for another kiss, “girlfriend. that’s you.” he grins against your lips
-yeah, he’s so confident, it’s not even a question
-Gryffindor Luke don’t ask questions
-he gives you one last kiss then runs off with his team to the change room while your friends all come and are like “yup, he made it official.”
-and everyone knows this is legit and you’re the real deal because you two haven’t even fucked yet and he’s making it official
-you get to the party and Ravenclaw Ash and Mike are there already and they amuse you while you all wait for the team to show up
-as soon as the team shows up Luke’s arm goes around your shoulders and you tuck into his side, wrapping your arms around his body
-you chill with his friends for a bit but then Ashton is just like, “time to bop.” and he goes and fixes the music so it’s more of a party
-you turn to say something to Luke but it’s so loud so he grabs your hand and pulls you, soon your up in his room and it’s quieter there, the music just a muffle
-you look around his room and as soon as your eyes land on the bed you get flustered and Luke grins, he sits on his bed and grabs your hands so you’re standing in between his legs, looking down at him
-”you good babe?” he asks
-”this is your room.”
-you look down and he does the thing where he makes you look at him by having his fingers under your chin, “no pressure.”
-you smile and are just like “maybe a little pressure?”
-don’t gotta tell him twice
-he immediately wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you down on top of him, his back hitting the bed while you land on his chest
-he grins at you and you grab his face, kissing him while you reposition so you’re straddling him
-he is touch starved because as soon as he met you he stopped dicking around, so it’s been a few weeks since he’s fucked and this Gryffindor has a HIGH sex drive
-his hands on your hips make you grind down against him and you both groan
-”look at you Puff, all on top and in charge.” he grins
-you immediately get a little flustered and he laughs, rolling you over so now he’s on top
-lots of kissing and foreplay even though he’s practically popping out of his pants
-clothes start to come off and he is a moaning mess
-for the first time ever, he asks a question: “you okay with this?”
-oof. big mood
-you nod, “yeah. are you?”
-he laughs
-he pushes into you and you both just groan, your fingers tangling in his hair
-lots of moans
-its slow at first but he is riled up so as soon as you’re like “you can go faster” home boi does
-lots of gripping each other, passionate kisses, looking at each other in the eyes, praise
-ugh. this is so soft
-cuddling afterwards and he’s just like “you know, people warned me i’d fall for you.” and you just laugh, “you think that’s funny?!” he asks as he begins to tickle you
-so wholesome
-”wanna go again?”
-”you know, you’re not as innocent as people say. up here, getting dicked down while there’s a party in the common room.”
-yeah he would for sure rub that in your face
-and you’re so adorable
-he finds himself calling you cute all the time
-after that the two of you are inseparable
-you two are everyone’s OTP
-one day he makes you giggle, which isnt unusual, but he he just melts as he looks at you, “fuck, i love you so much.”
-yeah. this boy isnt scared of anything
-and you just melt because holy shit
-”i love you too.”
-making out i the middle of class
-people cheering
-such a soft relationship
-you have your protective lion
-and he has his little puff
-so much smiling
-he loves staring into your eyes
-wearing his scarf all the time
-interlocked fingers under tables
-its his mission to make you laugh as much as he can
-and making you blush it a favourite passtime too
-hugs all the time
-you both usually only sleep together in his room or yours
-so the day you say you should have a quickie in a closet or something he is shook
-any dirty little kinky things you suggest shake him to the core and have you’re usually confident lion tripping over his feet and stuttering
-he only does what you’re comfortable with
-he loves kissing your neck
-and any scruff he lets happen immediately gets rubbed against you
-i love him
-just very soft. a very soft baby.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Okay, I knew Alistair the Dream-Keeper wasn’t the first time I’d written the idea of magically weaponized dreams, so I went hunting through old email accounts and found a whole fucking manuscript I wrote like, twelve years ago and totally forgot about. WHOOPS. (This happens with me more often than you’d think actually possible). I’m only a third of the way through my re-read of it, but it holds up surprisingly well IMO, I’m pretty pleased. I can actually do something with this, I think. 
Course, it was apparently written back during my whole “every thing must be hetero otherwise there will be no publishing” period, before the beginning of my personal Age of LOL Nah, Fuck That, Everything Must Be Gay. So, first things first, Jez definitely needs a girlfriend, and also a different name. I can’t believe I named her Jez, like, wow, I was really trying to get YA Bingo, wasn’t I? In my defense, this was when I was twenty-three. Also, this first chapter here has a character named Scott and this was before Teen Wolf even premiered, so apparently I just like the name Scott? Huh. Did not know.
Jez O’Neill knows she has three years, two months, and sixteen days to live.
She’s had visions for as long as she can remember. She knows they’re never wrong. And when the boy her visions say will someday kill her comes into her life, she knows to stay far away.
But somehow he gets close anyways. Because Nathan is perfect. He’s handsome, he’s charming, he’s utterly, unbearably sweet. And when he learns of Jez’s visions, he promises to cheat Death for her. An interest in New Age turns into an obsession with the occult, and that leads to tiny cracks in the walls of the world, where strange and untrustworthy spirits wait to barter with anyone desperate enough to try.
Magic, however, always comes with a price. The higher the reward you seek, the more you can expect to pay, and the spell Nathan thinks will change their destiny instead puts them on a collision course with Fate. It changes him, twists him in mind and soul, transforming the boy Jez loves into the madman who will someday take her life.
With only three years left until the day she now knows she can’t avoid, Jez discovers she and Nathan share the same zipcode again as he sows death and destruction in the streets of LA. But rather than flee for another city, Jez pits herself against the monster she once loved, the monster she helped create, determined to make sure no one else gets caught in the crossfire of their attempt to cheat their fates.
Call it redemption if you want. Jez calls it Tuesday.
Chapter 1
Dreams are doorways if you have the right key.
That’s why I’ve wasted a perfectly good Sunday night perched on the edge of Scott Kinley’s desk. It’s awkward, uncomfortable, and I’m sure I look like a gargoyle in the pitch dark of the two o’clock hour, but every chair in his bedroom is covered in dirty teenage boy laundry. I’ll stick with my perch, thanks.
I kick my legs out and arch my spine, stretching my arms over my head with fingers laced together. Cramped and aching muscles voice their protest. Something cracks in my neck when I roll my head back. Meanwhile, Scott Kinley snores contentedly in his sleep in the bed across the room. I shoot him a glare that’s best described as withering.
Spears of pale moonlight slip through the slatted blinds covering the window above his bed. They stab the length of his body, highlighting a strong jawline and tousled blond hair, not to mention a chest and set of abs that frankly, I just find obnoxious on a fellow teenager. It’s L.A. in early September – code for unbearably hot – and he’s sleeping with the bare minimum of sheets, a loose span of cotton that’s only covering him up to his waist. I’d enjoy the cheap thrill more if it didn’t make me feel like such a perv.
After all, I’m a total stranger who broke into his house and has spent the last four hours going through his things and watching him sleep. It’s kinda hard to feel good about that. In my defense, I’m only here to save his life from a creepy magical serial killer. Course, I have strong doubts that would hold up in a court of law should he wake up and have me arrested for breaking and entering. But I still feel it’s worth mentioning.
A yawn and a glance at his alarm clock confirm that it’s 2:07 am and I have no life. I lean back on the desk and rifle through his homework some more as I go back to invading his privacy. My only defense here is I’m really bored.
His handwriting’s slightly more legible than your average garden-variety chicken scratch, but I’m still not one hundred percent his name’s Scott Kinley. The Scott part is clear, but the ‘I’ in what I think is Kinley could be a really jacked up ‘o’ I guess. Whatever. It’s a pre-calculus assignment, and the last yearbook on his bookshelf is from his sophomore year, so I’m guessing he’s a junior like me. Or like I would be, if I still bothered going to school. Hmm. Eleventh grade and already in precalc? Someone’s a smarty-pants. Interesting.
A row of trophies and a couple of team photos declare him a water polo jock, and not too shabby of one according to this MVP title. Explains the abs. I roll my eyes around the rest of the room. Small TV so old it has a VCR player built into it. An even older Sega Genesis console is hooked up to it, so either Scott’s big on nostalgia or his family’s not big on luxuries. There’s a couple of movie posters tacked to the wall, but the puddle of light leaking across the floor doesn’t reach far enough for me to make out any details. Then a freestanding bookcase, a good five shelves high, filled with actual books. Above it is a college pennant with a bear on it – I think that’s Cal Berkeley, right? Possible destination, I’m guessing….
God. And he was in bed by ten. Smart, good-looking, athletic and ambitious. Did his parents just win the baby lottery, or if I go down the hall will I find the altar they used to bargain with the Devil?
Not that it matters. I stretch my legs out again and dip my toes into the pool of moonbeams, watching them spill across my feet when I wiggle. It’s only been six months since my last boyfriend went all dark side on me and turned into a spell-wielding slaughterhouse. I’m kind of not dating right now.
So it’s only natural my visions would lead me to the most eligible teen bachelor in Los Angeles – I cast another quick look around the desk for the requisite ‘me and my girlfriend’ photo – nope, most eligible teen bachelor in Los Angeles. Ugh. It’s like announcing your diet and inheriting a pastry shop the next day. I feel a sudden urge to grab one of his dirty shirts off the floor just to make sure his one human flaw is real and not an illusion.
Wow. I can’t believe I just thought that. Apparently sleep deprivation makes me weird. Besides, there’s no way that smell could be imaginary.
I throw another withering glare in Scott’s direction. It’s his fault I’m a weird, sleep-deprived pervert in his stinky bedroom. My baleful stare bakes the air above his bed. It bends and twists like a summer heat wave on asphalt. Wait. That’s not right.
I shake my head, peering through the fog that shrouds my tired mind. Somewhere in my snooping I failed to notice Scott’s happy snores had turned into frantic whimpers. He’s writhing on his bed; sweat beads all over his restless body, glistening like fragile pearls in the faint light. The room is abruptly a sauna. Heat climbs the walls and steam mists the glass of the picture frames.
“Shit,” I whisper, and I’m in motion, leaping off the desk into a crouch. I dip my hand into my hoodie and whip out my knife, steel slicing moonbeams to ribbons as the blade springs free. A low keening shreds the silence, hoarse spectral shouts as faces flicker through the knife, reflected in the steel. I cross the room in three steps. Scott cries out. His fingers scratch at the air like crooked claws.
Somewhere a door opens, and something steps through. Between the space of one second and the next, a heavy silhouette takes shape on this side of the dream.
I slam into the figure with all my weight, blade aimed for the midsection where I’m hoping vital organs will be. The knife sinks in too easily. The sandman-born beastie is still in that transitive state where its dream wrought form has yet to shift all the way down the spectrum to vulnerable flesh. Then my knife catches and scrapes against bone. The nightmare screams as it sinks its roots into our reality and feels pain for the first time.
It’s tougher to pull the blade free, but I’m stronger than any normal seventeen year old girl has a right to be. More specifically, as long as I’m wielding that knife I’m as strong as all the monsters it’s killed combined. And I’ve racked up a decent body count. Blood and bile sprays in slow motion, a cresting wave of black tar. A few drops land on my arm. There’s a hissing sound and I feel like I’m on fire. I grit my teeth and swing again. It dodges and I miss. We both regroup, and I get my first good look at it.
Damn. Mr. Perfect Teen USA has one hell of a fucked up subconscious. I’m just saying.
The nightmare swallows what dim light comes near it, refusing to be illuminated. It’s thick, ridged with protrusions of bone and slick scales that shimmer with their own dark radiance. A trunk-like torso gives way to stocky legs. At certain angles they seem to merge into a single column similar to a snake. It has four arms, except for when it has six – and then two and then twelve and then they’re not arms at all, but tentacles. The head is a gaping chasm of teeth and forked tongue surrounded by a lion’s mane of mottled skin. It’s dizzying and hard to look at. Confusing and chaotic. The only constant is its ugliness.
I charge at it, because I’m just that dumb. Hey, only the good die young.
It dips to the side, cobra-quick, and its tail snaps out like the crack of a whip. I take the hit square in my ribs and I’m lifted off my feet, flying back across the room. My breath flees from my lungs, my head slams back into a wall. I bite my tongue and taste copper.
“Rude,” I gasp.
Scrambling up to snatch my knife from where I dropped it mid-flight, I steal strength from its macabre magic. Even still, regaining my feet takes effort and time I don’t have to spare. The nightmare’s turned its attention back to Scott. He’s finally awake and sitting up his bed. Pale, frightened, and totally out of his league. Considering we were dealing with his worst nightmare in every literal sense of the word, I cut him some slack. I’m a good person.
I roll forward and rake my cursed blade along the creature’s side on my way. It rears and screams again. Dimly I hear footsteps and distant shouting.
“What the hell is that thing?” Scott asks, eyes locked on the beastie like a man entranced. Oh good, he can talk. I was starting to wonder. I duck around the nightmare and stick myself in between it and him.
“Don’t ask me. It’s your childhood trauma,” I say, hefting my knife and gauging distance. “Now shut up, don’t die, and for god’s sake put on some pants.”
I lunge and bury my knife in the thing’s throat. I’m liking my odds less and less when it still finds the strength to knock my grip loose and drop me on my ass. More blood drips down on me, igniting nerve endings everywhere it touches my skin. Let’s recap. I have spunk, pizzazz, seven spells and a cursed knife on my side. It has burning blood, a build like a freight train, and claws and fangs that seem to multiply every time I look at it. It leans forward and roars its hostility right in my face.
Also, it has halitosis.
A swipe of its many tentacle-arms knocks me back and to the side again. I land on the floor, staring up at the bookshelf. It’s tricky reading the titles from my upside-down vantage point, but I hazily make out the collected works of one H.P. Lovecraft. That explains a lot.
“You know, there are worse things in the world than being a cliché,” I complain, glowering over my shoulder at Scott. He has the decency to look ashamed, over where he’s huddled on the other side of the desk. Course, I’m sure he has no idea what he’s ashamed of, but my tone conveys the point rather well, I think. “Seriously. The dumb jock thing. Just give it a try.”
Mano a mano isn’t working out too well for me so I switch tactics. I toss a quick ‘Hail Mary’ skyward, kick off my shoes and chant the most powerful – and dangerous – of my seven spells. It’s a nasty little sucker I bartered for in the second sphere, the Circle of Fire. I rattle off short, harsh syllables that climb reluctantly from the base of my throat, guttural utterances that were never meant to be made by a human voice. I dip my fingers in moonlight and etch glowing hieroglyphics in the air – they hang there for a moment, sharply luminescent in the seconds before they fade to black.
Staccato snaps and pops ring out. The alarm clock short circuits. Streetlights flicker and die. Every electronic in a fifty meter radius develops a sudden terminal illness and the air feels flooded. Thick and heavy with static as thousands of wayward electrical impulses conduct themselves through the atmosphere to me. I dig my toes into the heavy carpet and feel the hair on my head stand on end. Then I’m running, my nervous system supercharged with too much speed and power to contain long. I duck past the nightmare’s swinging arms – it might as well be lumbering at tortoise speed – and plant a single palm flat on its back.
My touch hits it like a thunderbolt, lightning barreling down the synapses in my arm and ripping into it with hurricane fury. It squeals and goes airborne, crashing into the desk and reducing it to kindling. Scott falls back, mouth open, and smoke wisps up from the creature’s motionless body.
For a second, I dare to hope it’s dead. It would be really awesome for me if it were. That was my most powerful offensive spell and using it comes with a one in ten chance of killing the spellcaster. So, you know. I’d really like to not have to use it again, please.
The nightmare heaves itself to its feet-tail, sending spears of desk turned firewood flying about the room. Some of the shrapnel heads my way and I cover my eyes. Splinters gouge at my palms. I peek past my fingers, and in a blur of motion the creature crosses the room and throws itself through the window. It rips through the blinds and shards of glass fountain into the hot summer night. The darkness outside swallows it whole.
“I hate you,” I casually inform the universe.
I pick past debris and make for the window. Or what’s left of it anyways. The house is on a hill, high enough elevation that glass from the window is still showering to the ground below. Chiming, delicate drops of crystal rain. City lights gleam from one horizon to the next. A pitch-black shadow makes its way across distant rooftops, dark even against the darkness, like a spreading oil stain spilling towards the downtown metropolis. Lovely.
“What the hell is going on?” Scott finally finds his voice again, but I have no time to soothe his shattered nerves or offer an introductory course on Things That Go Bump in the Night 101. I run my hands through my frizzy, static-damaged hair.
“That was disgusting, you need therapy, and the pants thing was not a suggestion,” I inform him, bending to retrieve my knife. Scott flushes and grabs the sheet off the bed. He doesn’t even try and peek at my ass. A piece of the Scott Kinley puzzle clicks into place, and I feel a tiny bit better.
“Hey, quick question. Are you gay?”
His jaw drops, but he recovers fairly quickly. “What – how did you – I mean, why?”
I shrug. “No reason. Just won a bet with myself is all.”
Hey, it’s the little things in life. I turn back to the window and track the nightmare’s course. Picking a rooftop a few buildings ahead of it, I prick my thumb and whisper a spell from the seventh sphere, the Celestial Circle. I sketch bloody sigils in the moonbeams cascading through the open window. They turn pale and faint and I grab their remnants like door handles. The silver light parts, a gauzy curtain opening on a window to a distant rooftop far below.
I cast a sigh at the bewildered boy behind me and step through. It’s probably for the best. Like I said, I’m kinda not dating right now anyways.
The curtain falls shut behind me and I resume my hunt.
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