#caitlyn caughell
girlsies-week-2023 · 10 months
Information on some of my favorite Girlsies !!! For sillies !!!
(working title was me infodumping about girlsies under the excuse that it is relevent to the event)
I don't have the energy to go through & update this post at the moment, but @thegroundsofbrooklyn has a post here that has more info on the UK Brooklyn Girls !!!
Starting out with our number one, the original girlsie: Charlie (Hard Promises) !!!
Charlie was the original love interest for Jack in Hard Promises, and she was a newsie !! Her story was that she was living in a house of prostitution with her aunt (with her aunt trying to shield her from as much as possible to stop her from going into that life / being exposed to it) and she was planning to (and did!) go with Jack to Santa Fe at the end.
Next up: Smalls (Papermill - Broadway) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx) !!!:
I know that whether or not Smalls is a girl is up to interpretation but I am interpreting her as a girl & including her in this list (same with Sniper).
Smalls is a Bronx newsie (as implied by her yelling so's da Bronx during Brooklyn's Here), but she's still allowed in Manhattan (hence being there for KoNY in some versions), so she's probably allowed to wander around on her own.
According to Liana Hunt, she lives in a family with at least one parent and a ton of brothers who all work to support them, so she's sort've eager to be one of the boys in that sense — she's also super tough.
Talls !!! (Broadway) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
Talls was Caitlyn Caughell's newsie whenever she was on for that track. I have no information on her besides the fact that she was played by Caitlyn Caughell & is probably a play on her height of some kind — + also being a play on Smalls. Smalls & Talls <3
Sniper !!! (Tour) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
I'm going to be mixing in other backstories for this because as far as I'm aware Sniper's the only newsie on that list with a backstory that isn't from their actress ? + she has more involvement in the show when she isn't a girl so I'm going off that
But according to Alex Wong — Sniper's last name is Wah, and she's the daughter (son in this backstory but it's okay) of Sam Wah, who owns the laundromat above Jacobi's (the sign of which can be seen in the pre-uksies Jacobi scenes). She's named after her 'incredible aim' with a slingshot.
In certain versions, she's one of the scabs, the last one to throw down her papers, and the one to go 'Ah, what the hell? My father's gonna kill me anyway!' in the proshot. In the tour, she was also the one to yell so's da bronx.
Puddles !!! (Tour) (Manhattan / Possibly The Bronx):
Puddles is in the same group as Talls in the sense that there is like no canon lore about her & there isn't even any information besides her name and the fact that she was played by Melissa Steadman Hart during the tour. However she has the cutest nickname and deserved to be included in this list.
Marriott! Buttons !!! (Marriott) (Manhattan):
According to Adrienne Storrs, the actress for Buttons, she's been a newsie for three years. Her parents are poor Italian immigrants that don't speak English, so she works to support them. She was convinced to start selling Newspapers by JoJo after being caught pickpocketing on the street.
Buttons & JoJo are best gal pals, she sees Specs as a younger brother figure (she's always looking out for him), and Race and Albert are her favorite people to joke around with!
She has (had?) a rich boyfriend that went to jail for forgery a bit before the strike, so she's a little heartbroken during it, but she's 'continuing to live her life and she has the best newsie friends'.
She has a really positive mindset in general.
She also (along with JoJo) checked Katherine out when she walked into Jacobi's and later taught her how to Irish dance during KoNY with JoJo !!!
Marriott! JoJo !!! (Marriott) (Manhattan):
According, once again, to Adrienne Storrs, JoJo (who's real name is Josephine) is 'one tough cookie'. She was originally a pickpocket, but Jack found her and took her under her wing for ten percent of her earnings when she was almost twelve. She was one of the original newsies in the Manhattan group, and after three years she started seeking out other girl newsies (& that's when Buttons came along !!). She's been a newsie for about five years, 'not too far behind how long Jack had been selling'.
She has an Irish father and a Romanian mother and they were circus artists that came to America with P.T Barnum in the 1870s. She was born in 1882 (making her seventeen at the time of the strike) and she was raised around a circus.
Rafaela (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
Once again, according to Adrienne Storrs, Rafaela's parents moved from Spain to Puerto Rico in the 1880s and she was born there in 1885. They moved to New York City when she was five and she's very close with her brothers, who were six and eight at the time. All three children became newsies at the same time, being expected to work as much as their parents did.
She didn't go to school, she taught herself how to read and speak English, using her time as a newsie as a teaching device. She's super tough, and she had to grow up really fast. She 'has a strong sense of community with her family and fellow Brooklyn Newsies'.
Joey (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
You guessed it, information yet again from Adrienne Storrs!
Joey is Racetrack Higgins' cousin, and she's super positive. She's also secretly a really good fighter.
Hildy (Marriott) (Brooklyn):
You'll never guess where this info is from.
Hildy is German, and her parents own a sausage shop, and she likes to get into trouble.
Honorable mention to Nancy, Hazel, and Muriel from Newsies Jr.
I don't have the energy to read through all of newsies jr rn to find out which lines they have, however I can tell you off the top of my head that they are very supportive of Katherine and probably also on the younger side (because. Newsies Jr. Obviously).
If anyone who's played them would like to mention their backstory in the rbs or in this accs ask box, that would be lovely !!!
Spot Conlon (UK) (Brooklyn):
Using Lillie-Pearl's backstory for Spot here, because Clarice never got the opportunity to share hers if she had one :(
Lillie-Pearl's backstory for Spot is that her parents were Irish and African American immigrants living in Seneca Village.
Spot in Uksies is very close with Davey !!! According to Lillie-Pearl, she doesn't call him Davey, she calls him David, and in her cameo description she added 'making rhymes with Davey' into her list of things she enjoyed. She is also very close with her girls (obviously), specifically Lucky & Stray, who she did the handshake with depending on what point in the show it was. She also liked Race, depending on the day.
(She also probably isn't on awful terms with most of the Manhattan newsies, especially if they're girls.)
Lucky (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Lucky doesn't have a lot of canon lore too her HOWEVER I can tell you that she used to do the handshake with Spot back when she existed, was called Tops for some performances, AND her real name is Eliza !!! She also interacted with Scope a lot during The Rally.
Mack (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Mack's real name is Jeanie MacDonald, but she shortened it down to Mack because she didn't like her name.
She's a Scottish immigrant whose family moved to the U.S (just North of New York) to start a farm, but a plague of locusts destroyed the farm, so they had to move into the city for work.
She couldn't stand being stuck in their one bedroom cramped apartment, so her father suggested that she take up work as a Newsie.
Splint (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Splint's arm is in a Splint !!! For some mystery reason that definitely isn't because Bobbie's hand was injured at the time of the first preview. Definitely not.
She doesn't appear after The Rally, which is because — according to Bobbie — she falled down & died :( (Bobbie needed 2 be there as Hannah)
Also her real name is Splinty McSplint.
(Bobbie also said that if she were to have a love interest it would be Buttons.)
Scope (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
I have no canon info about Scope besides the fact that she has the world's cutest pigtails and hung around Lucky at The Rally a lot :(
Ritz (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Ritz' real name is Rita, and her nickname comes from ritz crackers and also Lucy's last characters name !! That's all the canon info we have on her as far as ik :(
Stray (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Stray's nickname comes from her feeding all of the stray animals of New York !!!
She is related to Specs in some way (probably siblings, considering the fact that Sam & Immie are).
She becomes a Bowery Beauty when she's older, and her real name is from a newsgirl turned dancer but Immie doesn't remember who that is — the closest I got in my research is Lillian Russell, who wasn't a newsgirl but yk close enough.
(Her love interest would've been Mike !!)
Pips (Newsies UK) (Brooklyn):
Again, no canon information on Pips as far as I'm aware, besides the fact that she is literally adorable
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spinningerster · 2 years
fellow fansies - I have complied a (hopefully) comprehensive list of cast members for anyone new to the fandom or for those who may like a refresher on the casts. I've not included every single character, just the main ones, so if you'd like a character adding just ask; also if you notice any cast members are missing or have been labelled incorrectly in any way, please let me know, I want this list to be as accurate as possible. characters with a dash (-) for any of the categories I wasn't sure if they were included in that production or not. if you're able to fill in any of the blanks that would be much appreciated. any questions, please let me know <3
1992; Christian Bale
Workshop; Jay Armstrong Johnson
Paper Mill; Jeremy Jordan
Broadway; Jeremy Jordan, Corey Cott, Mike Faist (u/s)
Tour; Dan DeLuca, Joey Barreiro
Proshot; Jeremy Jordan
UK; Michael Ahomka-Lindsay, George Crawford (u/s), Matt Trevorrow (u/s)
1992; Robert Duvall
Workshop; Shuler Hensley
Paper Mill; John Dossett
Broadway; John Dossett, Rob Raines, John E. Brady (u/s)
Tour; Steve Blanchard
Proshot; Steve Blanchard
UK; Cameron Blakely, Ross Dawes (u/s), George Crawford (u/s)
1992; N/A
Workshop; Meghann Fahy
Paper Mill; Kara Lindsay
Broadway; Kara Lindsay
Tour; Stephanie Styles, Morgan Keene
Proshot; Kara Lindsay
UK; Bronté Barbé, Bobbie Chambers (u/s)
1992; David Moscow
Workshop; Jason Michael Snow
Paper Mill; Ben Fankhauser
Broadway; Ben Fankhauser, Ryan Breslin (u/s), Garrett Hawe (u/s)
Tour; Jacob Kemp, Stephen Michael Langton
Proshot; Ben Fankhauser
UK; Ryan Kopel, Alex James-Hatton (u/s)
1992; Ann-Margret
Workshop; Liz Larsen
Paper Mill; Helen Anker
Broadway; Capathia Jenkins, Caitlyn Caughell (u/s), Julie Foldesi (u/s)
Tour; Angela Grovey
Proshot; Aisha de Haas
UK; Moya Angela, Kamilla Fernandes (u/s)
1992; Marty Belafsky
Workshop; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Paper Mill; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Broadway; Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Andy Richardson, Garrett Hawe (u/s)
Tour; Zachary Sayle
Proshot; Andrew Keenan-Bolger
UK; Matthew Duckett, Alex James-Hatton (u/s)
1992; Luke Edwards
Workshop; Matthew Gumley
Paper Mill; R.J Fattori, Vincent Agnello
Broadway; Lewis Grosso, Matthew Schechter
Tour; Vincent Crocilla, Anthony Rosenthal, Ethan Steiner (alternate), Jonathan Fenton (alternate)
Proshot; Ethan Steiner
UK; Nesim Annan, Haydn Court, Oliver Gordon, Ethan Sokontwe
1992; Max Casella
Workshop; Robert Hager
Paper Mill; Ryan Breslin
Broadway; Ryan Breslin
Tour; Ben Cook
Proshot; Ben Cook
UK; Josh Barnett
1992; N/A
Workshop; Jordan Nichols
Paper Mill; Garrett Hawe
Broadway; Garrett Hawe
Tour; Sky Flaherty
Proshot; Sky Flaherty
UK; Jacob Fisher
1992; Mark David
Workshop; Jordan Samuels
Paper Mill; Ryan Steele
Broadway; Ryan Steele
Tour; Jordan Samuels
Proshot; Jordan Samuels
UK; Samuel Bailey
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Kyle Coffman
Broadway; Kyle Coffman
Tour; DeMarius Copes
Proshot; Michael Rios
UK; Matt Trevorrow
1992; N/A
Workshop; Bobby List
Paper Mill; Aaron J. Albano
Broadway; Julian DeGuzman
Tour; Julian DeGuzman
Proshot; Iain Young
UK; Damon Gould, Zack Guest (swing)
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Andy Richardson
Broadway; Andy Richardson
Tour; Nico DeJesus
Proshot; Nico DeJesus
UK; George Michaelides, Jordan Isaac (swing)
1992; Gabriel Damon
Workshop; John Arthur Greene
Paper Mill; Tommy Bracco
Broadway; Tommy Bracco
Tour; Jeff Heimbrock, Anthony Zas
Proshot; Tommy Bracco
UK; Clarice Julianda
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Thayne Jasperson
Tour; Josh Burrage
Proshot; Josh Burrage
UK; Mukeni Nel
Tommy Boy
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; Michael Dameski
UK; Jack Bromage
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; Jacob Guzman
UK; Mark Samaras
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; -
Tour; -
Proshot; David Guzman
UK; Arcangelo Ciulla
1992; Aaron Lohr
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Ephraim Sykes
Tour; Jack Sippel
Proshot; Nick Masson
UK; Joshua Denyer
1992; N/A
Workshop; -
Paper Mill; -
Broadway; Evan Kazprak
Tour; Anthony Zas
Proshot; Anthony Zas
UK; Joshua Nkemdilim, Bradley Trevethan (swing), Rory Shafford (swing)
1992; Michael Lerner (Weisel)
Workshop; Robert Creighton (Weisel), Tom Alan Robbins (Jacobi)
Paper Mill; John E. Brady
Broadway; Michael Gorman
Tour; Michael Gorman
Proshot; John E. Brady (Wiesel & Jacobi), Michael Gorman (Mayor)
UK; Jamie Golding (Wiesel), Alex James-Hatton (Wiesel u/s)
1992; David Sheinkopf
Workshop; Corey March
Paper Mill; Mike Faist
Broadway; Mike Faist
Tour; Michael Ryan
Proshot; Devin Lewis
UK; George Crawford, Zack Guest (swing), Jordan Isaac (swing), Bradley Trevethan (swing)
1992; Shon Greenblatt
Workshop; Ben Thompson
Paper Mill; Brendon Stimson
Broadway; Brendon Stimson
Tour; Jon Hacker
Proshot; Anthony Norman
UK; Alex James-Hatton, Zack Guest (swing), Jordan Isaac (swing), Bradley Trevethan (swing)
1992; Charles Cioffi
Workshop; Bill Nolte
Paper Mill; Mark Aldrich
Broadway; Mark Aldrich
Tour; Mark Aldrich
Proshot; Mark Aldrich
1992; N/A
Workshop; Mark Price
Paper Mill; Nick Sullivan
Broadway; Nick Sullivan
Tour; Bill Bateman
Proshot; Bill Bateman
UK; Siõn Lloyd, George Crawford (u/s)
1992; N/A
Workshop; N/A
Paper Mill; Laurie Veldheer
Broadway; Laurie Veldheer
Tour; Meredith Inglesby
Proshot; Meredith Ingleby
UK; Bobbie Chambers, Lindsay Atherton (u/s)
1992; Kevin Tighe
Workshop; Marcus Neville
Paper Mill; Stuart Marland
Broadway; Stuart Marland
Tour; James Judy
Proshot; James Judy
UK; Ross Dawes, Alex James-Hatton (u/s), George Crawford (u/s)
Nunzio/Teddy Roosevelt
1992; N/A
Workshop; Tom Alan Robbins
Paper Mill; Kevin Carolan
Broadway; Kevin Carolan
Tour; Kevin Carolan
Proshot; Kevin Carolan
UK; Barry Keenan, George Crawford (u/s)
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daniellewade · 7 years
sharing this for those of you who weren't able to make it. 
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queerphil · 7 years
here’s the full newsies reunion show from aug 21
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stllimelight · 5 years
Performers Light Up Stages' Exuberant 'The Boy from Oz'
Performers Light Up Stages’ Exuberant ‘The Boy from Oz’
By Lynn Venhaus Managing Editor Although Peter Allen did not get a Hollywood ending, his remarkable true-life story of how he skyrocketed to fame through sheer talent, drive and his ebullient personality deserves a splashy musical as good as Stages St. Louis production.
“The Boy from Oz” is the kind of glitzy material that the company has excelled at for 33 seasons, their intimate stage a…
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butmostlyme97 · 6 years
New Waitress audio+WANTS
This is my new release
Waitress, January 12th 2019, San Antonio Majestic Theatre E (Tracked, Untracked)
Christine Dwyer (Jenna), Maiesha McQueen (Becky), Jessie Shelton (Dawn), Steven Good (Dr. Pomatter), Jeremy Morse (Oagie), Matt DeAngelis (Earl), Ryan G. Dunkin (Cal), Richard Kline (Old Joe), Rheaume Crenshaw (Nurse Norma), Grace Stockdale ( Mother), Adam J Levy (Father), Alex Tripp (Francine), Gerianne Perez ( Club Knocked up Solosit)
Ensemble: Kolby Kindle, Kevin Zak, Rheaume Crenshaw, Grace Stockdale, Alex Tripp, Gerianne Perez,
Nft till March 13 2019 unless done by me
Mean Girls | December 2, 2018 | Broadway | Matinee | mp3 untracked
​Cast Info: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Jonalyn Saxer (u/s Karen Smith), Tee Boyich (u/s Janis Sarkisian), Brendon Stimpson (u/s Damian Hubbard), Jennifer Simard (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Myles McHale (Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator), Stephanie Lynn Bissonnette (Dawn Schweitzer), Collins Conley (Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft), Ben Cook (Tyler Kimble), DeMarius R. Copes (Christian Wiggins), Kevin Csolak (Shane Oman), Riza Takahashi (Sophie Kawachi), Devon Hadsell (Caitlyn Caussin), Curtis Holland (Jason Weems), Nikhil Saboo (Marwan Jitla), Ixchel Cuellar (s/w Taylor Wedell), Britt Nicholas (s/w Rachel Hamilton), Bria Jene Williams (Grace Akinola), Gianna Yanelli (Sonja Acquino)
Notes: I'm fairly certain this is the first time Tee and Brendon were together. Starcuffedjean’s master
Newsies | August 4, 2013 | Broadway | MP3 tracked
Cast Info: Brendon Stimson (us Jack), Caitlyn Caughell (us Katherine), Stuart Marland (us Pulitzer), Ben Fankhauser, Andy Richardson, Joshua Colley, LaVon Fisher-Wilson, JP Ferreri (us Buttons/Scab), Stuart Zagnit (us Snyder), Julian DeGuzman (us Oscar Delancey)
Anastasia | November 25, 2018 | Broadway | m4a untracked (2)
Cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Zach Adkins (Dmitry), John Bolton (Vlad), Max Von Essen (Gleb), Lauren Blackman (u/s Countess Lily), Judy Kaye (Dowager Empress)
Notes: requiemtrading's master. Zach's last show
Mean Girls | November 15, 2018 | Broadway | Devon's debut as Adult Women (the first time the roles has been played by other than Kerry or Jennifer)
Waitress | November 25, 2018 | Manila | m4a untracked | Limited Trade
Cast Info: Jonna Ampil (Jenna), Maronne Cruz (Dawn), Bituin Escalante (Becky), Bibo Reyes (Dr. Pomatter), Nino Alejandro (Ogie), George Schulze (Earl), Dean Rosen (Cal), Steven Conde (Joe)
2018.07.21 M | Broadway | Untracked | Limited Trade |
Kennedy Caughell (u/s Carole King), Genie Klein (Liz Larsen), Sara Shepard (u/s Betty), Evan Todd (Gerry Goffin), Kara Lindsay (Cynthia Weil), Paul Anthony Stewart (Don Kirshner), Ben Jacoby (Barry Mann)
Notes: Kennedy's Carole King Debut
2017.08.07 | St. Louis MUNY |
Jay Armstrong Johnson (Jack Kelly), Davis Gaines (Joseph Pulitzer), Tessa Grady (Katherine Plumber), Ta’Rea Campbell (Medda Larkin), Daniel Quadrino (Crutchie), Spencer Davis Milford (Davey), Gabriel Cytron (Les)
Anastasia - Broadway - November 30, 2018 - M4a (Untracked) - GIFTED UPON REQUEST
cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Cody Simpson (Dmitry), John Bolton (Vlad), Max von Essen (Gleb Vaganov), Judy Kaye (Dowager Empress), Vicki Lewis (Lily)
notes: 2nd performance of Cody Simpson! The key for My Petersburg has been lowered to fit his voice. It's actually a nice change of pace to hear.
Cats with Jonalyn Saxer as Demeter
Mamma Mia at Sacramento music circus
Wicked with Allison bailey and Jackie burns
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so i have to write this thing called a college essay that essentially gets me into college and there is a high chance im writing it about newsies and the three times I’ve seen it (broadway, tour, live) but i really don’t remeber that much about the broadway and tour versions of the show that I’ve seen so if anyone has a bootleg from broadway with most of these people in it: (may 2014) •corey cott •andy richardson (as crutchie) •ryan breslin •caitlyn caughell •jeremy greenbaum •clay thompson •jess leprotto •iain young •luca padovan or a tour bootleg with most of these people in it: (October 2015) •joey barreiro •zach sayle •ben cook •sky flaherty •jordan samuels •demarius copes •jeff heimbrock •morgan keene •stephen langton •alisha de hass please please please send them to me and if you dont please reblog cause i really need this tysm work your magic tumblr !!!
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drinkwithhyde · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Jekyll and Hyde The Musical at Casa Mañana, Texas [2018]
Bradley Dean: Dr. Henry Jekyll & Edward Hyde Caitlyn Caughell: Lucy Harris Sarah Stevens: Emma Carew
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Finding Neverland
10/22/17 - National Tour in Indianapolis, IN (E)
Billy Harrigan Tighe (J.M. Barrie), Christine Dwyer (Sylvia Llewelyn Davies), Matt Wolpe (u/s Charles Froman/Captain James Hook), Karen Murphy (Mrs. Du Maurier), Caitlyn Caughell (u/s Mary Barrie), Turner Birthisel (Peter), Colin Wheeler (George), Wyatt Cirbus (Jack), Tyler Patrick Hennessy (Michael) Melissa Hunter McCann (Miss Jones), Matthew Quinn (Mr. Cromer), Dee Tomasetta (Peter Pan), Adrianne Chu (Wendy), Will Ray (Acting Troupe Hook), Noah Plomgren (Lord Cannan), Corey Rives (Albert), Thomas Miller (Elliot), Dwelvan David (Mr. Henshaw), Victoria Houston-Elem (Miss Bassett), Sammy (Porthos).Note: Christine Dwyer's final performance.
Email wickedlittletowntrade at gmail dot com for trades!
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fuckin-georg · 7 years
My Newsies of New York Reunite Adventure
So @wirtless and I went to see the Newsies reunion at 54 below and HOOOLY CRAP. It was SO. GOOD.
We had rail seats that were facing the stage and they were actually really good seats! The bar was behind us and our area was kind of roped off, so I thought they were going to be walking through there to get to the stage. Then directly behind us a door opens and I turn around and its ANDY RICHARDSON (OBC Romeo, Replacement Crutchie & On Tour, Kid Blink in the 2017 movie, personification of cuteness) and I freak out. Turns out, they roped our area off because that’s where the entire cast CONGREGATES as everyone else goes onstage. The newsies are just casually standing behind us. I’m pretty sure my right shoulder and bra strap made it onto Andy’s Insta story.
Onto the singing. I’m gonna skip over people because I either didn’t remember who was singing them or the song, so these are like…my highlights of the show.
So it starts and the first song is Luca Padovan (Broadway Les) singing a Newsies parody to the tune of “For Forever” from Dear Evan Hansen and it was so!!! Darn!!!! Cute!!!!!!!!
Then Tommy Bracco (Spot Fucking Conlon) comes onstage and introduces the whole show and we’re all really excited, and he brings up Andy Richardson and Tommy Martinez (Replacement Bway Romeo) and they sing “In These Shoes” in FRICKING STILETTOS and it was AWESOME!
Tommy Bracco comes back up and asks “Have any of you read fanfiction and I fucking LOST IT. They ended up REENACTING FANFICTION. It was only two and they were “Lifeguard” (which is Sprace) and “Carpet Diamond” which was a groupchat fic, but the excerpt they read from included RomeoSpecs and then Blush I think. (Also Adam Kaplan said “You guys right a lot of Jack and Davey” and I was like hfdshajfdhskjfhj)
Laurie Veldheer sang On the Steps of the Palace from Into the Woods and she was beautiful. Liana Hunt and Caitlyn Caughell sang the women’s duet from Jekyll & Hyde and they were phenomenal!!! I’m so gay.
They also got together a video of Newsies who couldn’t make it saying “Sorry we’re not there tonight! Have fun!” Jeremey Jordan was a *dork.* Ben Fankhauser was in full Barry Mann costume and you could see him videotaping himself in the mirror in the background and he was such a dad. Kara Lindsay was literally on a Disney cruise.
They was also Musical Theatre mad libs for Brooklyn’s Here. That was fantastic.
The biggest number was probably the early 2000s rock mashup they did (they called their band Pulitzer’s Poodles and I jdhfkajfakfh). We got to hear Andy sing Panic! At the Disco and they ended it with Stacy’s Mom. BUT! They replaced Stacy with PATRICK. So it was PATRICK’S MOM. AS IN 92SIES “PATRICK DARLING” AND I FUCKING LOST IT AGAIN.
It ended with all of them singing Carrying the Banner and it was so sweet!!! And all my boys were so good!!!!!
But the highlight for me was at the end. Because there was no stage door, there were all just kind of?? There???? So we could literally walk up to them and talk to them. So I walked up to Andy Richardson (who was sitting with people that he knew) and I said “Hi! I’m so sorry to bother you but I saw you on Broadway as Crutchie way back when and you were my favorite part of the show and you didn’t come out at the stage door that day, but I brought the playbill with me. Could you sign it?” And he said “Of course!!” And so he signed it and then he gave me a HUG which was so sweet!!! And THEN he said “By the way…we all saw you jamming out the whole time.” And I was SO EMBARRASSED. But then he said “No no no! It made the show that much better for us. You were awesome!” And I’m pretty sure I said something along the lines of “fjsdhkdsjfdskhf thank u I love u I have to go” but I can’t be sure because I’m pretty sure I had died and ascended into heaven at that point.
So that was pretty much the coolest night of my life. There was definitely more! Aaron J Albano sang, Adam Kaplan sang a cut song from Home On The Range, Feed the Birds was sung, Ed Sheeran was sung by Giuseppe Bausilio, David Guzman rapped, etc. (I’m sorry I can’t remember everything!!!)
In conclusion, I definitely did not impulsively buy tickets to the Newsies Tour reunion in October. (I did I definitely did help me)
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accordingtohope · 7 years
Finding Neverland
Some of my favorite things:
- Caitlyn Caughell as Sylvia Llewelyn Davies
- the boys greeting Mr. BARRIE!!!
- Sliding from under the table during “We Own the Night”
- Lord Cannan’s hair
- “He’s a boy acting like a grown up.” “That man is a grown up acting like a boy.”
- The carousel of doors during “Circus of your Mind”
- Captain Hook saying “find the courage to fight and write your own story.”
- The swings during “Hook”
- ”If you don’t kiss her, I will!”
- “Do you have experience being lost?” “We’re experiencing it now.”
- “Do you believe in fairies?” “My boy, I work in the theater.”
- “They have forgotten how to play”
- The ukulele in “We’re All Made of Stars”
- Peter’s angst during “When Your Feet Don’t Touch the Ground”
- “I’m so proud of what you’ve created.”
- “I won’t go to bed. I won’t! I won’t” “That’s what I say”
- “One girl is worth more than twenty boys.”
- “That’s the point, it’s clever.”
- The pixie dust taking Sylvia to Neverland
- “She’s on every page you write”
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years
An Interview with ‘Finding Neverland’ Star Lael Van Keuren
Broadway.com’s Audience Choice Award Winner for Best Musical, Finding Neverland (@FNLmusical) is coming to the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County (@ArshtCenter) for a limited time on December 26 – 31, with tickets are on sale now!
Families are encouraged to attend and enjoy fun free activities at Kid’s Night On Broadway on opening night, Tuesday, December 26 from 6 pm. to 7:30 p.m. in the Arsht Center’s Ziff Ballet Opera House lobby. The Finding Neverland “Imagination Station” will feature face painting, balloon artists, and interactive fun decorating fairy wings and pirate hats.
*** Special offer ***Buy One Adult Ticket, Bring One Child Free!* Use promo code KIDSNIGHT by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 22.
Based on the Academy Award-winning Miramax motion picture by David Magee, and the play The Man who was Peter Pan by Allan Knee, Finding Neverland follows the relationship between playwright J.M. Barrie and the family that inspired Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up – one of the most beloved stories of all time. Directed by Tony-winner Diane Paulus (Pippin, Hair) with book by Olivier Award-nominee James Graham, music and lyrics by Gary Barlow (Take That) and Grammy Award-winner Eliot Kennedy, and choreography by Emmy Award-winner Mia Michaels (“So You Think You Can Dance,” Cirque du Soleil’s Delirium), this new musical, packed with mesmerizing visuals, irresistible songs and plenty of laughs, is a timeless story about the power of imagination… and spectacular proof that you never really have to grow up.
Complete casting includes Billy Harrigan Tighe (Pippin, The Book of Mormon) and Lael Van Keuren (Finding Neverland, Sister Act), with John Davidson (Wicked, Oklahoma), Karen Murphy (A Little Night Music, My Vaudeville Man),Turner Birthisel, Connor Jameson Casey, Wyatt Cirbus, Bergman Freedman, Tyler Patrick Hennessy, Colin Wheeler, Caitlyn Caughell, Sarah Marie Charles, Calvin L. Cooper, Ixchel Cuellar, Dwelvan David, Matthew Davies, Nathan Duszny, Mary Kate Hartung, Victoria Huston-Elem, Thomas Miller, Noah Plomgren, Matthew Quinn, Will Ray, Kristine Reese, Dee Tomasetta, Karl Skyler Urban,  Jayme Wapple and Matt Wolpe.
We caught up with Lael Van Keuren, who plays Sylvia, to dish on Finding Neverland.
At what age did you begin singing/acting?
I come from a very musical family! My dad plays the piano and the drums, and both my mom and my sister used to dance, so music and the arts have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started dancing when I was about 3 years old, and I grew up singing in church and in various school plays. I started to seriously study acting upon moving to NYC when I was in the 8th grade.
What was your first professional/paid gig?
My first professional Equity job was a production of Carousel at the Reagle Music Theatre just outside of Boston. Shirley Jones (who plays Julie Jordan in the 1956 movie) was our Nettie, and listening to her sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” each night was a dream! I was 17, and I was deliriously happy to be dancing the original DeMille choreography, especially the dream ballet in Act 2.
Other than this show, what role has been your favorite to play and why?
I made my Broadway debut in Sister Act, and I went on to play the role of Sister Mary Robert in the 1st National Tour. That entire experience was wonderfully fulfilling. I loved playing Mary Robert because she goes on this incredible transformation throughout the course of the show. She starts out as a girl who is terrified to speak up (let alone sing out), and she ends up this brave, outspoken young woman who would willingly sacrifice her life for her friends and sisters. That kind of an arc was so satisfying artistically.
What’s your fantasy role?
This is always a tough question! I’d love to take a stab at Dot in Sunday In The Park With George, and Polly in Crazy For You would be super fun. In my wildest fantasy, I would love the opportunity to create a role – something with singing, dancing, and an incredible story. To be perfectly honest, having the chance to play Sylvia in Finding Neverland has been like a fantasy thus far! I love this character.
What should the South Florida audiences expect out of this touring company of Finding Neverland?
Audiences should expect some of the finest performances and most breathtaking visual effects I have ever seen. Our leading man Billy Harrigan Tighe is a force, and our entire company consists of the best singers and dancers in the field. Finding Neverland is such a magical show, because you are able to follow the real life journey of J.M. Barrie as he is inspired to write one of the most beloved stories of all time – Peter Pan. This is not a children’s show, but it is a musical that will engage audiences of all ages and will make you want to hold your loved ones a little tighter.
The production features scenic design by Tony Award-winner Scott Pask (Pippin, Book of Mormon), lighting design by Tony Award-winner Kenneth Posner (The Coast of Utopia, Pippin), costume design by Suttirat Larlarb (Of Mice and Men), sound design by Tony Award-nominee Jonathan Deans (Pippin, La Cage aux Folles), hair and make-up design by Richard Mawbey, projection design by Jon Driscoll, music supervision by Fred Lassen, musical direction by Ryan Cantwell and casting by Stewart/Whitley.
Tickets to Finding Neverland are available through the Arsht Center Box Office in person at 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132, by calling 305.949.6722, or online at Arshtcenter.org. Ticket prices start at $29*.
For more information: FindingNeverlandTheMusical.com.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/21/an-interview-with-finding-neverland-star-lael-van-keuren/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/12/an-interview-with-finding-neverland.html
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demitgibbs · 7 years
An Interview with ‘Finding Neverland’ Star Lael Van Keuren
Broadway.com’s Audience Choice Award Winner for Best Musical, Finding Neverland (@FNLmusical) is coming to the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County (@ArshtCenter) for a limited time on December 26 – 31, with tickets are on sale now!
Families are encouraged to attend and enjoy fun free activities at Kid’s Night On Broadway on opening night, Tuesday, December 26 from 6 pm. to 7:30 p.m. in the Arsht Center’s Ziff Ballet Opera House lobby. The Finding Neverland “Imagination Station” will feature face painting, balloon artists, and interactive fun decorating fairy wings and pirate hats.
*** Special offer ***Buy One Adult Ticket, Bring One Child Free!* Use promo code KIDSNIGHT by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 22.
Based on the Academy Award-winning Miramax motion picture by David Magee, and the play The Man who was Peter Pan by Allan Knee, Finding Neverland follows the relationship between playwright J.M. Barrie and the family that inspired Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up – one of the most beloved stories of all time. Directed by Tony-winner Diane Paulus (Pippin, Hair) with book by Olivier Award-nominee James Graham, music and lyrics by Gary Barlow (Take That) and Grammy Award-winner Eliot Kennedy, and choreography by Emmy Award-winner Mia Michaels (“So You Think You Can Dance,” Cirque du Soleil’s Delirium), this new musical, packed with mesmerizing visuals, irresistible songs and plenty of laughs, is a timeless story about the power of imagination… and spectacular proof that you never really have to grow up.
Complete casting includes Billy Harrigan Tighe (Pippin, The Book of Mormon) and Lael Van Keuren (Finding Neverland, Sister Act), with John Davidson (Wicked, Oklahoma), Karen Murphy (A Little Night Music, My Vaudeville Man),Turner Birthisel, Connor Jameson Casey, Wyatt Cirbus, Bergman Freedman, Tyler Patrick Hennessy, Colin Wheeler, Caitlyn Caughell, Sarah Marie Charles, Calvin L. Cooper, Ixchel Cuellar, Dwelvan David, Matthew Davies, Nathan Duszny, Mary Kate Hartung, Victoria Huston-Elem, Thomas Miller, Noah Plomgren, Matthew Quinn, Will Ray, Kristine Reese, Dee Tomasetta, Karl Skyler Urban,  Jayme Wapple and Matt Wolpe.
We caught up with Lael Van Keuren, who plays Sylvia, to dish on Finding Neverland.
At what age did you begin singing/acting?
I come from a very musical family! My dad plays the piano and the drums, and both my mom and my sister used to dance, so music and the arts have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started dancing when I was about 3 years old, and I grew up singing in church and in various school plays. I started to seriously study acting upon moving to NYC when I was in the 8th grade.
What was your first professional/paid gig?
My first professional Equity job was a production of Carousel at the Reagle Music Theatre just outside of Boston. Shirley Jones (who plays Julie Jordan in the 1956 movie) was our Nettie, and listening to her sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” each night was a dream! I was 17, and I was deliriously happy to be dancing the original DeMille choreography, especially the dream ballet in Act 2.
Other than this show, what role has been your favorite to play and why?
I made my Broadway debut in Sister Act, and I went on to play the role of Sister Mary Robert in the 1st National Tour. That entire experience was wonderfully fulfilling. I loved playing Mary Robert because she goes on this incredible transformation throughout the course of the show. She starts out as a girl who is terrified to speak up (let alone sing out), and she ends up this brave, outspoken young woman who would willingly sacrifice her life for her friends and sisters. That kind of an arc was so satisfying artistically.
What’s your fantasy role?
This is always a tough question! I’d love to take a stab at Dot in Sunday In The Park With George, and Polly in Crazy For You would be super fun. In my wildest fantasy, I would love the opportunity to create a role – something with singing, dancing, and an incredible story. To be perfectly honest, having the chance to play Sylvia in Finding Neverland has been like a fantasy thus far! I love this character.
What should the South Florida audiences expect out of this touring company of Finding Neverland?
Audiences should expect some of the finest performances and most breathtaking visual effects I have ever seen. Our leading man Billy Harrigan Tighe is a force, and our entire company consists of the best singers and dancers in the field. Finding Neverland is such a magical show, because you are able to follow the real life journey of J.M. Barrie as he is inspired to write one of the most beloved stories of all time – Peter Pan. This is not a children’s show, but it is a musical that will engage audiences of all ages and will make you want to hold your loved ones a little tighter.
The production features scenic design by Tony Award-winner Scott Pask (Pippin, Book of Mormon), lighting design by Tony Award-winner Kenneth Posner (The Coast of Utopia, Pippin), costume design by Suttirat Larlarb (Of Mice and Men), sound design by Tony Award-nominee Jonathan Deans (Pippin, La Cage aux Folles), hair and make-up design by Richard Mawbey, projection design by Jon Driscoll, music supervision by Fred Lassen, musical direction by Ryan Cantwell and casting by Stewart/Whitley.
Tickets to Finding Neverland are available through the Arsht Center Box Office in person at 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132, by calling 305.949.6722, or online at Arshtcenter.org. Ticket prices start at $29*.
For more information: FindingNeverlandTheMusical.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/21/an-interview-with-finding-neverland-star-lael-van-keuren/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/168787998115
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daniellewade · 7 years
do you know who is going to be at the variety show?¿
the August 21st one?-Aaron Albano -Giuseppe Bausilo-Tommy Bracco-Caitlyn Caughell-LaVone Fisher-Wilson-David Guzman -Garett Hawe-Liana Hunt-Adam Kaplan-Jess LeProtto-Tommy Martinez-Luca Padovan-Andy Richardson-Nick Sullivan -Madeline Trumble-Laurie Valdheer-Iain Young(don't quote me on this, bc there's always changes, additions and cancellations, but this is the current line up for August 21st)
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hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
An Interview with ‘Finding Neverland’ Star Lael Van Keuren
Broadway.com’s Audience Choice Award Winner for Best Musical, Finding Neverland (@FNLmusical) is coming to the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County (@ArshtCenter) for a limited time on December 26 – 31, with tickets are on sale now!
Families are encouraged to attend and enjoy fun free activities at Kid’s Night On Broadway on opening night, Tuesday, December 26 from 6 pm. to 7:30 p.m. in the Arsht Center’s Ziff Ballet Opera House lobby. The Finding Neverland “Imagination Station” will feature face painting, balloon artists, and interactive fun decorating fairy wings and pirate hats.
*** Special offer ***Buy One Adult Ticket, Bring One Child Free!* Use promo code KIDSNIGHT by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 22.
Based on the Academy Award-winning Miramax motion picture by David Magee, and the play The Man who was Peter Pan by Allan Knee, Finding Neverland follows the relationship between playwright J.M. Barrie and the family that inspired Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up – one of the most beloved stories of all time. Directed by Tony-winner Diane Paulus (Pippin, Hair) with book by Olivier Award-nominee James Graham, music and lyrics by Gary Barlow (Take That) and Grammy Award-winner Eliot Kennedy, and choreography by Emmy Award-winner Mia Michaels (“So You Think You Can Dance,” Cirque du Soleil’s Delirium), this new musical, packed with mesmerizing visuals, irresistible songs and plenty of laughs, is a timeless story about the power of imagination… and spectacular proof that you never really have to grow up.
Complete casting includes Billy Harrigan Tighe (Pippin, The Book of Mormon) and Lael Van Keuren (Finding Neverland, Sister Act), with John Davidson (Wicked, Oklahoma), Karen Murphy (A Little Night Music, My Vaudeville Man),Turner Birthisel, Connor Jameson Casey, Wyatt Cirbus, Bergman Freedman, Tyler Patrick Hennessy, Colin Wheeler, Caitlyn Caughell, Sarah Marie Charles, Calvin L. Cooper, Ixchel Cuellar, Dwelvan David, Matthew Davies, Nathan Duszny, Mary Kate Hartung, Victoria Huston-Elem, Thomas Miller, Noah Plomgren, Matthew Quinn, Will Ray, Kristine Reese, Dee Tomasetta, Karl Skyler Urban,  Jayme Wapple and Matt Wolpe.
We caught up with Lael Van Keuren, who plays Sylvia, to dish on Finding Neverland.
At what age did you begin singing/acting?
I come from a very musical family! My dad plays the piano and the drums, and both my mom and my sister used to dance, so music and the arts have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started dancing when I was about 3 years old, and I grew up singing in church and in various school plays. I started to seriously study acting upon moving to NYC when I was in the 8th grade.
What was your first professional/paid gig?
My first professional Equity job was a production of Carousel at the Reagle Music Theatre just outside of Boston. Shirley Jones (who plays Julie Jordan in the 1956 movie) was our Nettie, and listening to her sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” each night was a dream! I was 17, and I was deliriously happy to be dancing the original DeMille choreography, especially the dream ballet in Act 2.
Other than this show, what role has been your favorite to play and why?
I made my Broadway debut in Sister Act, and I went on to play the role of Sister Mary Robert in the 1st National Tour. That entire experience was wonderfully fulfilling. I loved playing Mary Robert because she goes on this incredible transformation throughout the course of the show. She starts out as a girl who is terrified to speak up (let alone sing out), and she ends up this brave, outspoken young woman who would willingly sacrifice her life for her friends and sisters. That kind of an arc was so satisfying artistically.
What’s your fantasy role?
This is always a tough question! I’d love to take a stab at Dot in Sunday In The Park With George, and Polly in Crazy For You would be super fun. In my wildest fantasy, I would love the opportunity to create a role – something with singing, dancing, and an incredible story. To be perfectly honest, having the chance to play Sylvia in Finding Neverland has been like a fantasy thus far! I love this character.
What should the South Florida audiences expect out of this touring company of Finding Neverland?
Audiences should expect some of the finest performances and most breathtaking visual effects I have ever seen. Our leading man Billy Harrigan Tighe is a force, and our entire company consists of the best singers and dancers in the field. Finding Neverland is such a magical show, because you are able to follow the real life journey of J.M. Barrie as he is inspired to write one of the most beloved stories of all time – Peter Pan. This is not a children’s show, but it is a musical that will engage audiences of all ages and will make you want to hold your loved ones a little tighter.
The production features scenic design by Tony Award-winner Scott Pask (Pippin, Book of Mormon), lighting design by Tony Award-winner Kenneth Posner (The Coast of Utopia, Pippin), costume design by Suttirat Larlarb (Of Mice and Men), sound design by Tony Award-nominee Jonathan Deans (Pippin, La Cage aux Folles), hair and make-up design by Richard Mawbey, projection design by Jon Driscoll, music supervision by Fred Lassen, musical direction by Ryan Cantwell and casting by Stewart/Whitley.
Tickets to Finding Neverland are available through the Arsht Center Box Office in person at 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132, by calling 305.949.6722, or online at Arshtcenter.org. Ticket prices start at $29*.
For more information: FindingNeverlandTheMusical.com.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/12/21/an-interview-with-finding-neverland-star-lael-van-keuren/
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heytigerr-blog · 8 years
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Favorite Musical Theatre Costumes:
Katherine’s purple ensemble
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