#caffiene pokemon
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corruptedcaffeine · 9 months ago
pokemons ur favs
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ok so ninetales volo and zorua kieran & carmine isn’t that awesome. the sylveon is my oc caffiene!!! made kieran the hisuian variant since the sad eyes fit him more
these are pretty old but hey i’ll put them here
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tokyoteddywolf · 1 year ago
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"Not my clowns, not my circus."
So.... that upsurge of Shadow Mewtwo art, huh lads?
Listen her job is to purify corrupted Gaia energy, aka the Shadow Stones, but they're not her problem if they're a different world than hers. Obsidian has enough on her plate XD
She's the equivalent of a very overworked secretary keeping everything running smoothly. The little old lady who has all the codes and passwords and if she's fired, the company goes down with her :) In this case, her entire planet.
So yeah, she's not touching that hot mess with a dimension long pole, lmao XD
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peachy-doodles · 2 years ago
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new yorker voice: da gendas
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tandoriantrainer · 9 months ago
It’s not my fault, It’s not my fault, I had no other choice, I had to, I had to-
He’s coming back for us, He won’t leave me here, He’ll be back soon, I just have to wait
And wait
and wait and wait and wait and wa
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starblessed-blasterz · 1 year ago
I had too many specialty Rotom-Razz Electric Special Coffee now I have to go out and battle someething suggestions are welcome!!!! :> I am vibrating like the mechanical creature I am :>
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lunerians · 11 months ago
would YOU like to hear some fun kieran and florian facts from my apple of my eye series? here you go.
regarding sweet foods and sweets, kieran has a preference for fruit-flavored stuff, but not the artificial ones! I feel like he'd also like tanghulu as well as other candied fruits.
kieran used to drink energy drinks almost daily pre-indigo disk, but he doesn't drink them as much anymore.
florian's choice of caffiene is tea! mainly because it's a common staple from galar. they like to put sugar and creamer in their teas, and have a preference for black teas. early grey is probably his favorite tea, though he loves trying out all sorts of teas.
since moving to paldea, though, florian's more open to drinking coffee; kieran, on the other hand, despises coffee because it tastes bitter.
florian also usually carries a big thermos of hot tea since it can get really cold in the early mornings and at night.
even though they both run a little hot, they actually love wearing each other's outerwear (jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, etc.) are they both dying in the heat? yes. are they going to take off their jacket? no. after all, it's their favorite person's clothes :)
florian probably smells really clean, like laundry detergent or the outdoors, whereas kieran always smells like candied apples. his hydrapple loves getting pets and playing around with him, so its supersweet syrup ability kinda just. rubbed off on him. permanently.
so florian's obviously from galar, right? but did you know that he's actually cousins with elio (protag from pkmn sun in alola)? both of his alolan regional forms (ninetails and raichu) were caught there when their family went to visit a few years back
also their raichu is shiny. because I have a shiny raichu named hersey.
florian is also very well known as like. That Guy that shows up whenever and usually in the weirdest places. they spend most of their time in the wild shiny hunting for pokemon (and he has a tendency to just. not check his phone at all for hours) so ppl just cannot get a hold of him unless he’s like. in the same physical space as them.
kieran's the sole exception (plus his mother) of ppl florian actually responds to on time. they’re also probably the only ppl in his favorite contacts, just so that he still gets their notifs when he’s on dnd (which is. all the time. shiny hunting requires a lot of focus!!)
on the topic of phones. kieran gets one. its a plot reason but he gets one eventually. he really wanted to wait until he saw florian again so he could have them as the first person in his contacts but carmine wouldnt let him (he has to contact his family somehow! kieran was kinda miffed about it)
kieran’s sooo a default texter. like normal caps and autocorrect. he still spells a few things wrong but he fixed it in another msg if he can. he also doesn't msg as often since he’s not used to having a phone and generally uses it to keep in touch with his friends and family.
if kieran has any social media its def to just research the trends in the competitive scene (and most of his posts are reddit style where he does intense theorycrafting with other competitve nerds)
florian's also like. ghost level texter. they will leave you on read (not actually, they turned that off so penny would stop getting mad at him for not replying for days.) he’s definitely very casual regarding tone and doesn’t talk much via text. he is, however, a big fan of calls! especially calling kieran (to no one’s surprise)
kieran's also the only one that florian actually texts to in a somewhat expressive manner. when kieran shows his texts with florian to the others theyre all like. are we talking about the same person. are you sure that’s florian and not an imposter.
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cosmicmote · 1 year ago
commercialization of life
I roll out of bed
and head to the kitchen
heat water for Lipton
black tea and caffienated
mmm mmm good
later what's for breakfast
Cheerios, or Quaker oatmeal
since I can no longer pancake with Aunt Jemima
and snap crackle pop is a 3 piece meal for dinner now
at least water isn't Nestle, yet
there's Elkay and China Lux for in-between times
with Frigidaire and
I saw someone yesterday on another somewhat life platform
she had changed her last name to match the brand name of her head
and if one looks just right, it's too easy to do,
the brand names all line right up there too, in her head and everywhere else
much like this platform we refer to as life, it's real
a whole Trompe community full of Pokemons in the streets
while I Kindle at home for my collections, it makes for more fruitful loops
and a silent Ring for my door
all of which is delivered by Casper and Amazon
and there are Candles and Cauldrons for protestations too
and we can recall that there used to Burning Life
and from My Space to Tik Tok now you yourself can easily be a brand
or even logo too, call it Fame
while my cat impatiently waits for Fancy Feast
everyone can learn how to fly or be a shero
maybe live forever like Kiss
but oh please not like Nickelodeon
they've been in the news and are still going strong
(unlike Boeing)
brought to you by
words ©spacetree 2024
we'll be back in 2 minutes
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boyswillbedogz · 11 months ago
kintypez werewolf (physically am one though so??)
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african wild dog
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brown hyena
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coastal wolf
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cryptid crow thing
<no reference art available>
<no reference art available>
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border collie
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belgian malinois
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sal fisher
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sour candy & caffiene object/concept
sylveon (pokemon)
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coeuranxieux · 1 year ago
self care saturday! the day where i drink lots of caffiene and listen to my 20 hour playlist while i blaze through the pokemon shield story and then play splatoon
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dormats-town · 1 year ago
last night i drank a cup of coffee and then took 5 mgs of melatonin. i then had a dream where i tried to find a tin of 50 dollar pokemon cards for brother which later ended in someone (that i didnt know) from a past life trying to kill me and calling me the Creole
i am not making caffiene and melatonin fight inside my body ever again
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corruptedcaffeine · 2 months ago
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some volffiene mii stuff!!! LOOOK AT THEM! just IGNORE his urine soaked pants
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peachy-doodles · 3 years ago
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“You’re A Black Room Boy.”
I had a whole big set of comic pannels in my head about this one song and how each verse relates to events that happened and then never finished it lol so enjoy the 3 finished pannels I did end up making (in the end) on their own </3
Also heres the songs lyrics (in case youre curious as to what I might have ended up with). The song is ‘Black Room Boy’ by Above & Beyond:
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namelessbaron · 4 years ago
A Dash of inspiration!
You know I’m here researching the Prohibition era of both alcohol in both Canada and America during the 1920s and I was wondering if changing alcohol to caffeine would work?
Basically coffee and soda were made illegal in the Pokémon world.
What are your thoughts?
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eldritch-queern-magicat · 5 years ago
Wow, I'm tired. I'm also quite sore. Apparently our body is in terrible shape. It's less about being large, and more about not being very active. I'm not the only one who thinks this, either. Most of us are painfully aware of it. Yes, pun intended.
But we had a good day, and I had fun. I also found out that I'm susceptible to sugar rushes. Really good thing I won't add sugar to our coffee. I will put creamer in as a compromise, since most of the others can't drink it plain black.
I'm afraid to try the Monster energy drink we now have. Those are packed with sugar. And what got me was the lemon sugar wafers. Good, but very sugary.
We got to see a friend who hasn't been around in a while today. It made us and Dad very happy. So we hung out in his Jeep that was nice and cool while we played Pokemon Go. We caught a lot of Magikarp today. I can see why it's a game the others enjoy a lot.
On the downside, the most annoying person in the Go community was with us. But at least he had a puppy with him. Chihuahuas are really cute.
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boyswillbedogz · 7 months ago
HAD TO GO TO BED THEN SCHOOL BUT WE'RE FREE NOW SO. for reference! lukotomy answered the above question. currently autopsy/orion (hi) is fronting with socks, i believe unname, & lennon in cofront! under cut again as this may be somewhat incoherent and VERY rambly since we're super caffienated and front is crowded /informing /neutral
also eyestrain warning
so we have varying skill levels & opinions on things!
muscle memory definitely comes into play but it covers significantly less than youd think.
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conveniently, since most of us are artists we actually have a visual representation of this. for a visual, each of these were drawn by a different headmate in a pretty tight chunk of time. we also have different preferences for brush sizes, brushes, coloring & shading choices, etc. you can see where the muscle memory kicks in where it absolutely does not.
we also have different handwriting, but you cant really tell unless you really look. more examples since we conveniently have several in the form of notes from school!
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all of which are from august!
so yeah we have different habits & go about stuff differenly, so its actually not that far of a stretch that we have heavily differing opinions.
sometimes we share fandoms (ie: when our human friend got THE ENTIRE COLLECTIVE into the magnus archives) but sometimes we dont.
Socks is really into video games (especially pokemon & legend of zelda) and drinks mountain dew like water. nobody else in our system can stand the taste of the original mountain dew flavor, and only about half can even tolerate bahaj blast. also h3 likes crunchy cheetos and nobody else does. h3 doesnt even draw as far as im aware. h3 probably has the most distinct tastes out of all of us to be honest.
i like true crime & will listen to it to go to bed, lennon cant stomach it. some of us have texture sensitivities the others dont (unname wont eat crunchy foods). martyr and i are the only ones who like spicy foods. some of us like to stew in isolation, others cant stand the silence. cypher & lokii are theatre kids & for some reason can sing while the others cant. some of us love swimming, others despise it. only like half of us even enjoy gaming, and in very different ways (ie; mori likes animal crossing, i like doom eternal)
dont get me started on styles of dress. what we wear is determined by whoevers fronting when we get dressed & what we buy in terms of clothes is determined by whoevers fronting when we go shopping because any attempt to satisfy everyone is pointless.
people are equally difficult. theres only one person we know irl that the entire collective likes or at least tolerates, and we havent seen him in 5 years :,). autopsy has forced a breakup before because he HATED the ex. irl friendships will often go neglected because we only talk to them if someone who likes them is fronting. its complicated.
btw we're all totally cool to answer questions about source & how our system works and i <3 talking about it bc nobody else knows shdjfjhrgh
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light679 · 4 years ago
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Leon reading:
-Leon is a secret bookworm. He keeps most of his books back at home in Postwick, but he keeps a few of his favorites with him. He mostly reads nonfiction, always trying to better himself, but he’s also a sucker for a good Pokemon adventure story. He’s constantly sending new books home to Postwick that he finds on his adventures.
-He likes to sit near the window as he reads, usually pulling up a chair or bench. He’ll sit with at least one leg bent to prop the book up on. He’ll put his purple hair up in a ponytail or bun to keep it out of his face so he can concentrate. Leon also has a pair of glasses just for reading. Only you and Hop have seen them.
-Leon prefers to have a hot beverage while he reads, usually tea, but hot chocolate or applin cider is a good runner up. Coffee has too much caffiene for the already hyper man, which would make it hard for him to focus on his reading if he drank it. Most of the time he gets too engrossed in the book and forgets to drink it, but he always makes it anyway.
-When he focuses on a tougher passage or something he doesn’t understand, he’ll get a little crease between his brows as he furrows them. He’ll sometimes ask you for help, having you read over the passage and giving your input.
-He absolutely loves it any time you kiss his head or play with his hair when he reads. Leon loves it even more when you read together, he’ll pull your legs over his lap, propping his book up on them and occasionally giving you footrubs as he does.
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