
just wanted to draw Kyo giving back Tohru her scarf :) gotta make sure she’s warm right?
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“Gaia, I thought you didn't want any coffee biscuits?"
but guess who got caught secretly pigging out on those biscuits while Ryne was getting more sweets? 🍪😂🍰 I really loved the interact these two lovely ladies had during Eden’s Promise and patch 5.4!
twitter link!
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I’m glad people still like my old “Top 10 Things I Learned from Artist Alley” posts I wrote years ago (back in April 2018). I mostly wrote it to help demonstrate to ppl the lessons I’ve learned in hopes that maybe other could learn from my early mistakes and not get discouraged. but geebus if I had known tons of ppl were gonna view it, I wish I had used a better picture for that artist alley set up LMAO that setup display picture is so old and bad, but so many people already reblogged/rebageled it... oh whale haha
there’s stuff I wish I could add onto it now but hopefully, maybe, the information might still be relevant in a post-COVID world once its safer for cons and bigger events to take place again.
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Summer Dorothea illustration I drew~! <3 My Black Eagles Queen
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My FFXIV WoL character ^^
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Having a sale on my Etsy shop! This was originally going to be a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale, but with the holidays coming up I decided to be generous and extend it :) so from now until 12/6 get FREE SHIPPING for ANY US/Domestic orders! After that period, from 12/7 until 12/31 ALL orders on my Etsy shop will be 15% off, no coupon code or minimum purchase necessary!
While the sale will be up all month long during December if ya wanna treat yo’self, if you’re looking to get you or something else a gift for Christmas, all US orders should place your purchase no later than 12/18 to ensure there is ample time for me to process your order and ship it to you in time.
This is my gift to you all for the holidays (and, well, because ya gurl also needs to reduce inventory for next year and to make room for new stuff for future conventions lol). Happy holidays and happy shopping!
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drew Claude von Riegan of the Golden Deer house~
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Marth and Caeda!
the OG Fire Emblem couple
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Anime Expo is just around the corner and I finally had time to create a quick merch catalog for AX! Vi (applekidart/ahppple) and I will be in the artist alley at table E45 in the back! Here’s most (not all) of what I’ll have available on display. I’ll also have limited availability of some plush pillows (show in the last image, priced at ~$30 and about 15 inches wide) . Please come and say hi~! I’ll have a bunch of Fire Emblem stuff (esp FE4 merch!), some Cells at Work, Yona, and BotW!
I’ll also have at-con commissions available for anyone interested, but come in person to inquire about availability and pricing. If you have any questions, contact me via Instagram (emmysees) or Twitter (emsysquared) instead as I will not be checking Tumblr at all until after the con.
(also plz don’t laugh at what I named our table.... we’re not listed with our artist names cuz I wanted to join in on the tradition of ppl naming their table something silly but now I’m embarrassed LOL)
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Lucina enjoying some waves!
drew her swimsuit outfit based on her FE Cipher card design :)
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Updates, AX and upcoming artist alleys
idk how many ppl still follow me actively on tumblr, but as a heads up next week I’ll be tabling at Anime Expo in the artist alley at table E45!! we’re like in the back of the room, but if you happen to be attending the con, you’re more than welcome to say hi and look at our merch! I’ll be splitting a table with Vi again ^^
also plz don’t laugh what I named our table LOL - I wanted to join in on the tradition of naming your AX table something stupid for funsies but I hope ppl don’t get confused when our AA table isn’t listed w/ our artist names.
My next two conventions I’m tabling at after AX this year will be San Japan, followed by Sabakon the weekend after. I'll see if I get into any conventions I’m aiming for in November, but if I don’t, that’s it for me for the rest of the year, artist alley-wise.
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I drew Louise and Pent from the FEH Bridal Banner!
what a cute couple <3
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Princess Zelda
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"Although her hair was a reddish-brown, the light from the night cherry blossoms made her appear a dazzling redhead and captivated him. He didn't realize how enamored he'd been until the sound of her voice broke his reverie.
'So... aren't you going to help me down?' she quipped"
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technically this IS art-related, but gonna put this under a cut as I just needed somewhere blog-like to write down some long personal thoughts I’ve had about my art journey recently
Over the years I had friends encourage me to draw more OC and original art as it was something I loved to self-indulge in when I was in school. but I hesitated for the longest time, and maybe this was due to me being embarassed about it and getting caught up trying to do art specifically catered to the artist alley convention crowd in recent years. I mean, I really do try to draw fanart for the things I enjoy, but during late last year and early this year, I struggled coping with a lot of toxic and negative feelings that started surfacing.... and I started to wonder why? Maybe was I comparing myself too intensely to the successes of others, and was too desperate to achieve their art-related success because I thought very little of myself? Was I pushing myself to accomplish too much in too little of time? I wanted to reach out talk to someone about it so badly, but it was hard because I didn’t want to admit to any friends how deep the feelings were actually affecting me. I got so depressed and miserable I had thought after a certain point.... why do I even bother continuing to be alive, why couldn’t I be happy..... why did I have to be born an artist? why could’t I have been born with aptitude to be an engineer or doctor? no matter how hard I worked I just was not lucky enough. But rationally when my head was clear of such thoughts, I thought... maybe I just needed to stop being so hard on myself, to let go of the things I cannot control, and concentrate on what I CAN control - and give myself the freedom to draw what my heart was yearning for for so long.
but when I did, I still struggled with feeling shame. it’s true that trying to get people to notice your originals, especially art of original characters, can be extremely tricky, at least at cons. I didn’t mind that tbh, I knew. but it was hard to pinpoint my exact feelings. well maybe I just needed to rebrand myself and do a better job at drawing what I like? so I tried drawing more artwork involving couples, because my OCs were a couple, and I noticed I started gravitating toward that kind of work. it hit me I wanted to be known as an artist who drew that kind of stuff - cute ships, wholesome couple energy, maybe even capturing such sensuality in intimate moments.... it gave me such happiness and life just wanting to see 2 people happy together...
but I think it hit me only recently why I felt so ashamed about it for the longest time was because a lot of my OC art is.... so personal, and when it hit me I was using it as a way to deal with some unconscious feelings I’ve had all these years, it shook up my world. there were so many people around me who were passionate about pursuing art for such noble and happy reasons...and here I was drawing because maybe I was just actually fucking lonely and needed an outlet for these stupid feelings of mine. And for me, being a somewhat reserved individual, this felt exposing to know.
But at the same time, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using art as a way of self expression, or a way to cope with things like trauma or your inner demons. because that’s what art is able to be. art.... has been a way to help me communicate things and ideas that I couldn’t when I tried being a musician at first. even though I’m not always passionate about art, I don’t think I could completely quit it as it’s become almost my identity, and how I want to storytell. and I came to the realization there’s nothing wrong wanting to abandon pursuing it as a full-time career if you would rather preserve that side of it. and that there’s also nothing wrong pursuing another career and doing art on the side if it means you have the freedom to draw whatever you want to draw. I can understand the pressure of needing to “make it” to pay the bills if one feels like art is the only thing they’re good at. but I guess I’m fortunate I’m in a situation where I don’t have to completely rely on doing so.
pushing myself to do AA more... did jade me a little on what it takes to “make it” as an artist. at first it /was/ rough, I stressed out for the longest time I was just some stupid artist with unappealing art. I worried a lot that pursuing my passion more seriously than just a hobby did end up making it feel like work. and that’s the tricky thing - all work IS work at the end of the day, and it’s not always going to be enjoyable, but at what point do you start constantly hating your work and getting burned out?
but I didn’t want to end up hating art...I saw so many friends who actually did quit art because they couldn’t deal with their negative feelings about drawing and I worried.... would I end up being like them too one day?.... I don’t want to be the person who learned to hate art because I was so discouraged with life and envious of others because I was “not lucky”. I was very close to that borderline earlier this year, and it was difficult trying to make changes within myself and always beating myself up when I regressed.
I’m not.... entirely sure what where I want to go from here on, or if things will get better. but maybe a few years from now, I would like future me to console the past me who cried every night and say “because you didn’t give up and found your way through those tears, look and what you were able to do. I’m so proud of you”
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Zelda and Link!
A cute Hylian princess, and that one guy who keeps going “hyah!” a lot
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EmsySquared @ other social medias
everyone’s been talking about the whole new Tumblr policy changes going on lately, so I thought I’d inform everyone where you can find me!
I’m actually the least active on Tumblr tbh and am usually way more active on Twitter, followed by Instagram!
Twitter >> emsysquared
Instagram >> emmysees
Email >> emsysquared (at) gmail (dot) com
Etsy shop >>
Portfolio Page >>
so in case anything happens, you know where to find me!
(rewriting this because I’m dumb and accidentally deleted the original post for this)
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