#cackle's prompt game
penguinofdeath · 6 months
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Okay but was it Matt or the cousins who introduced Neil to SpongeBob
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blot-squisher · 29 days
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Marcus applys to atleast half of these
LMAO yes
I'm not : the aftermath of sex with... most of them... *Looking at you Michael*
I have no idea! : His day to day life, really
I have to go to work today : Dying? In this economy?! I think not!
"I'm doing science and I'm still alive" : Every appointment with Wesker
Too Much Swag : *stares silently at the pile of assorted hoodies in the closet*
$7.52 : Ah, nice. He can buy just enough ramen to make it to next payday
yro'ue* : He really should stop drinking things Amanda hands him
SPITE : Fuck you, and you, and you, and you! I'm going to outlive all of you just to make you mad! *gets kidnapped and almost dies a few dozen more times*
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ngs991-2 · 11 months
My brain is so twisted.
It gave me a plot bunny I'll never get around to, so here you go.
The Hunger Games: Jurassic Park Edition
Yes, I am imagining Katniss and Peeta in this version.
If you use this plot bunny, please send me a link so I can read it.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
“just hold me.” for the prompts? 🥺🥺
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Prompt from this post.
John wiped away at the steam that had gathered over the bathroom mirror, taking a deep breath as he stared at his reflection. "So what if she out there. You have everything under control.", he mumbled quietly, hands gripping the edges of the sink. He was yet to pop out of the bathroom to grab a change of clothes, something that had escaped his mind in his rush to put distance between him and Sabrina. A very irrational worry, really, considering she was fast asleep. Reminding himself of that fact, he carefully cracked the door open, the light spilling out into the bedroom barely illuminating the bed and the outline of a body beneath the sheets. It took an embarrassing amoung of willpower to tear his gaze away from her, focusing on the task at hand as he rummaged through his drawers in the dark, one hand holding onto the towel wrapped around his waist. In his refusal to turn on any of the lights, he relied completely on touch, feeling each piece of clothing until he got to his favorite pair of sleep pants. With the garment clutched in his hand, he tip-toed back into the bathroom, dropping the towel on the floor as he put the bottoms on. John was well aware that he was simply buying time, avoiding the inevitable after he had acted brazenly and crossed a line, brought her to his bedroom, left her to sleep in his bed.
"She asked me to.", he whispered as he hung the wet towel on the drying rack, cursing the part of him that had suggested it in the first place. His fingers wrapped around the door handle while he imagined the alternative - stirring her awake so she can- Do what? Leave because you're afraid you won't handle her sleeping in your bed?
No. He was going to face the challenge head-on, prove to himself he was strong, stronger than temptation, stronger than the parts of him that wanted her more and more each day she spent at the ranch. Seconds later, he was on the other side of the door, no light to guide him over to the bed this time around aside from the moonlight and his memory. Whatever estimation he had of the distance between the bathroom doorway and his bed turned out to be a bit off, and he bit back a yelp when his toes met the wooden footboard, cringing at every little creak of the floorboards that sounded louder in the silence as he rounded it. Sabrina had shifted to the side of the matress that faced the balcony, the light coming through its windows teasing her form as she lay facing him, looking completely at home with her face nestled into his spare pillow. Any plans he entertained about kicking her out of his bed vanished at the sight, at how right it felt to have her there.
"I'm strong, Joseph.", he breathed out before lifting the sheets and crawling beneath them, the transfer of his weight doing nothing to wake her up. John settled onto his side, too, sticking one hand beneath his own pillow and putting as much space as he could between him and Sabrina without rolling off the matress and onto the floor. He could imagine her laughing at his hesitation, how she would tease him about the way he was acting had she been conscious. Minutes ticked away where he willed himself to sleep, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness and barely making out her features, the hand that wasn't trapped under his head itching to reach out and brush away the strands of hair that had fallen across her face. Then he heard it, amids his own quiet breathing and the rain pattering outside, a small whimper, followed by her shifting in bed, her fingers gripping the ends of her pillow. What alarmed him more was the indistinguishable low mumbling that he could only describe as panicked, more than he had ever seen her be, even when she was in his Reconciliation room.
"Don't.", it was the first thing he could make out as word, and before he could stop himself, he was shuffling across to Sabrina, arms reaching out and pulling her into his embrace, ignoring the idea he was yet again crossing a boundary. His hand stroked her back while her heart raced so fast he could physically feel it resonating through his own chest. "Deputy.", John called out quietly, pushing down a wave of dread. He had witnessed so many people in distress and pure agony in his chair, yet the alarmed feeling he was experiencing at that moment was something he had never dealt with before. "Deputy.", he tried again when she pushed at his chest, palm making contact with his bare skin, the same way she had touched him nights before in his kitchen, only this time it was like she was trying to get away from whatever she was seeing in her sleep and he was unintentionally embodying it. "Sabrina.", her name was a plea as he shook her shoulder gently, having absolutely no experience at dealing with other people's nightmares or any idea what he was supposed to do, why he even cared. A tiny gasp left her lips before her hand that had formed a fist over his peck unfolded and spread across it. "John?", her voice sounded small, confusion seeping into it and making him resume his reassuring stokes over her back. "I'm here.", he retorted queitly, "You had a bad dream." "You're in my space, again.", the words made his hand freeze as her breath ghosted over his neck, reminding him of how close they actually were. "I… I didn't know what to do." Despite her observation, Sabrina made no move to pull away, craning her head back so she could meet his eyes, her silence as she regarded him putting him on edge while he battled his own urges at the way their bodies touched. "I will go back to my side, Deputy." "Don't.", the word this time around had quite the opposite effect on him. "What?", he mumbled in disbelief, telling himself he was hearing things, that surely his mind was playing tricks on him to make him stumble. "Just hold me." Sabrina rested her cheek against his chest after uttering that out, her own hand straying until it stopped at his waist, the heat emitted from it traveling across his skin.
The man he was before she ever came to Hope County would have pushed her away, blamed her for attempting to tempt him, instead he ignored the quips about what Joseph would think of his actions as he settled into the pillow she had claimed as hers, breathing in her scent. All he could think about in that moment was the fact she needed him, that she wasn't reeling back at their nearness. "We're not crossing any lines.", John argued over and over the faint voices that spoke of sin and abandoning his path as he fell asleep with her in his arms.
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iobartach · 3 months
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"Like I said, dude. Getting your ass kicked by a Turtle ain't all that hard."
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never forget
Another one?! It was beginning to get somewhat concerning, how quickly the news of his standing in the Games was spreading. Whilst this hadn't been much of an issue up to this point, what set apart this particular parcel of criticism had been the mouth that said it-- another turtle with notions of pointing out his inability to compete with their kind.
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Rather than reach for a sour comeback, he turned to something a little more substantial. Glancing around for options, clawed digits would find an alternative, brushing along the edge of a lidded trashcan as, with a sudden jerk, he lifted it high into the air, shouting loudly as he hurled it at the anthropomorphic stranger;
"Shut up! It's not over yet!"
For there was still time to accumulate more points.
For there was still a chance, that he could emerge victoriously.
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plorpl · 1 year
More info (and insane screenshots) from the House MD DS game for those who want to know.
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Way, way too much info under the break!!
The game took me about 5 hours to play total, including pauses for screenshots and cackling laughter. There are 5 cases, and each one has: the main case, a clinic patient, and a small subplot about Cuddy that strings through all 5 cases and concludes at the end of the game. It's extremely linear. To solve the case, you do activities when you are prompted, each having its own types of mini games. Activities include: examining the patient, ddx-ing, running tests, running labs, questioning the patient/friends/family, and searching houses/other areas for clues. All of these mini games suck. The best one is when House has to have an epiphany so you play brick breaker with his brain:
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You'll notice here that the visuals are a little uncanny valley. The likenesses are... not good.
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The worst offender is 13, who always looks just a little bit off.
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One of my favorite parts of the game is that you get graded on your performance and if you do bad, Cuddy doms you.
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And when you do good, Wilson kind of negs you?? Feels like the people who made this game were obsessed with him (same). The contrast in these two screenshots really gets me.
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More insane top screen screenshots without context:
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Honestly, some of my favorites need both screens to really be appreciated:
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I do not recommend playing it, really. These are the best parts, and the game itself is slow and can be frustrating. There is also... a lot of problematic nonsense. Worse than the show. Not going to try to make excuses here.
That being said, it's surreal. House is like a bad stand up comic for most of the game, and so much is out of character - House visits the patient FIRST THING every case, the whole team misses very obvious deductive leaps, there's no gay sex, etc, etc, etc. But at the same time, the people who made the game clearly had a love for the show. It follows the typical structure of an episode faithfully and has some detailed, satisfying visuals in it. Everyone's clothes change each episode, even in their little bottom of the screen sprites. This Wilson makes me happy with his show-accurate mug and hand gesture:
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And there are some nice interiors/exteriors of the hospital and better rendered pictures that make me smile:
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It made me and my friends laugh a lot. And it also makes me a little sad. I spent a lot of my childhood playing shitty licensed games like this (remember the madagascar one???), but they are mostly a thing of the past. I know they were cash-grab trash, but it's odd that there's this genre of game that doesn't really get made any more. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm glad this game exists.
Anyway, here's an upsetting House and Wilson for the road:
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
Can I please get a Paige Bueckers blurb with the prompt "What are you doing here? I thought you had to study."
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courtside || paige bueckers x reader ||
the game against the lynx wasn't going remotely how you wanted it to. you were seemingly the prime target of every single one of your opponents. you wanted to prove that you could handle yourself as a rookie, and more importantly, diana's rookie. she had been hard on you, but at the end of your season, you had made the most improvement.
"damn she looks pissed," diana said with a small laugh. you furrowed your brows as you tried to figure out who she was talking about. diana seemed to take pity on you and pointed towards the stands where you finally saw paige. "play good for her, give her something to forget about all these hits you've been taking."
it was like seeing paige revitalized your playing skills. the lynx players were still trying to get you, but now, you put up more resistance. you stopped trying to make shots in the paint and pulled back for threes. they didn't try to crowd you as much making those shots because at first, they didn't believe that you could make them. you had always been seen as a more aggressive player, trucking up to get shots you couldn't miss.
"where did that come from?" most of the girls knew that you hated group hugs, but tonight, you were in good spirits. the distance with paige was definitely a big part in your grumpy persona, and now that you knew she was close by, you were absolutely elated.
"her girlfriend is here," diana teased. almost immediately, natasha and diana were leading the team in teasing you. you snuck away from them, mostly thanks to bg putting some distance in between you and the team.
"don't take this the wrong way, but what are you doing here? i thought you had to study," you told paige. she ducked her head down in shame, which was the perfect opportunity for you to kiss her. paige had always been a few inches taller than you, something that she lorded over you at every chance.
"my favorite study partner kind of moved to phoenix. it's awful, my grades tanked, and i couldn't even get courtside seats to surprise her," paige whined. you rolled your eyes as you hopped up into her arms. "oh and there's this sweaty little gremlin crawling all over me."
"paige!" you swatted at her shoulder as paige just cackled. "be nice or i'll find someone else to be nice to me."
"no, no, no, no!" paige stomped her foot down as she tightened her hold on you. she leaned down and gave you a real kiss, one that you had been waiting for since you had last seen her. "i love you."
"i love you too. now, let me go so that i can shower and change," you said. paige reluctantly let you go and followed you down to the court. she got along well with your teammates, and you hoped and prayed that she'd end up with you after the next draft.
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meanbossart · 11 days
LORE ASK COMPILATION: "Still not banging Halsin, Squid Games, Sun King, Failing at love quizzes, Bottoms, Tops, and Cats" Edition
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He didn't, Halsin wasnt around for act 3, too busy healing land and saving ghost children or something!
THANK YOU/I'M SORRY, I'm surprised there isn't more Bhaalist Dark Urge/Spawn Astarion stuff out there. Don't get me wrong, I love a good evil power couple, but who can resist the good ol'heartbreak of a vicious unending cycle brought on by your own senselessness!
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That wasn't something I was interested in previously just because acquiring the slayer form isn't part of his canon, but I've been looking at enough fromsoft games' monster designs that I might be a little inspired to try LOL
Also I am just a fan of the canon design and never before thought it needed altering. But I'll let it cook ;)
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God damn it.
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DU drow was VERY antagonizing towards the emperor since the moment he dropped the facade, which made the attempt ESPECIALLY hilarious - that poor guy is so, so lonely.
I don't recall the exact wording in-game, but once the emperor took his shiny squid pecs out and shot his shot, DU drow recoiled and called him disgusting. After having the visions of Stelmane forced upon him to make whatever baffling point the emperor was trying to make, DU drow smugly asserted that he had finally let the mask slip and their very terrible date ended with the Emperor enforcing their reluctant need for one another, for the time being.
In-prose, that would honestly be pretty much it. DU drow would have reacted with absolute revulsion at the prospect of being hit on by a mindflayer, and taken the Emperor's (miscalculated) moment of lashed-out vulnerability as a win - as proof that he was exactly as duplicitous as he always assumed the Emperor to be.
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I can assure everyone that I am as entertained by the thought as the rest of you and it is in the cards for future art, I just have... So many prompts... I have at least 5 different mini-comics I want to make, BESIDES singular pieces, BESIDES the fanfic... I wish I had more time and more hands.
But DU drow's unlikely semi-success as a parental figure is hilarious to me. I think about it constantly.
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I haven't entertained that thought much because its antithetical to DU drow's character. Whether "good" or evil, he wouldn't allow Astarion to ascend because of his fear of no longer being needed and his reluctance to watch his partner be consumed by out-sourced power and changed into something he despises. Realistically, in a world where Astarion is allowed to ascend they could only break up and inevitably kill each other soon after.
That said, I am fascinated by the Sun King and the implications that path has for his character. So far that is an arc that I can only really see Astarion taking on alone, though - that might change in the future, might not. We'll see!
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He got 2 out of 3 questions wrong - which is to say he was way too honest and Astarion didn't like that.
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Except for the "when is he the happiest" question, which he correctly answered with "when he's neck deep in gore".
This is not even a lore-embelishment, this is actually how that scene went for me and I cackled about it for ages.
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He would love to get tied up for old-times' sake. I doubt he knows much about fancy knots but Astarion might (though I might be in a minority that doubts his enforced "sex life" was actually that interesting at all.)
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Thank you so much!
You are mostly correct. Bhaalist drow, both pre and post tadpole would be much more keen on the idea of having people around who fulfill their every desire - EXCEPT for killing. That is a joy they take on for themselves.
"Canon" DU drow values his independence a lot, on the other hand. He's neutral on the idea of slavery (what a sentence) and wouldn't be opposed to temporary servicing, but the idea of having someone around waiting for orders doesn't attract him at all, or at least would get on his nerves quick. He much preffers to do things himself and makes sure that other people see how much he does not need assistance.
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The answer is yes, basically LOL.
DU drow both adores and despises Sceleritas presence and he doesn't know why. It very much reflects the type of relationship they used to have prior to DU drow's memory loss, and it's one of those things that he has conflicting feelings about but not any context for them.
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I sadly doubt that the boys would become parents during Shadowheart's lifetime (it's for the best, they have a lot of work to do before I would trust them not to drop a baby), but honestly she strikes me as really liking kids as long as she doesn't have to, well, have them LOL.
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And thank you so much for enjoying them and humoring me!
I think it is less about bottoming-topping and more about enjoying a more submissive role during sex, as well as in other scenarios. He believes that giving control away is, in a way, a show of devotion that goes both ways - his own for the willingness to do so, and his partner's for not taking advantage of it despite his wanting them to do so.
With one-night-stands (which he occasionally had pre-tadpole) he would still bottom without any of the submissiveness. This is because he didn't have the capacity to understand what it was about bottoming that attracted him, and led him to feeling constantly unfulfilled and frustrated (he just isn't build for no-strings-attatched type of arrangements, lol.)
This means that he really could operate either way depending on the partner as long as he got that fix of docility, whether it be from the bottom or top.
I think of Astarion as being similarly versatile but leaning more in the opposite direction when it comes to power-dynamics - though it being less about dominance itself and more about being pampered and catered to - and, of course, getting to do what he wants. Though he's willing to try most things a partner is particularly enthusiastic for just to see how he feels about it.
That said with DU drow he does prefer to top for a plethora of reasons.
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I didn't have this piece of lore thought-up at the time, but I should have made them look like the lady he lost his virginity to.
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Him and Astarion were gobbling those things up until the emperor reveal, then they both quit it cold-turkey after DU drow stomped the astral-tadpole dead (and back then you didn't have to roll any dice to do it, because otherwise we would have weird veiny DU drow to deal with for sure because he would NOT have suceeded that save.)
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DU drow's feelings towards animals is a constant in every iteration of his character. They are organic little pieces of art wandering about the world that act upon their own laws and regulations, ones which humanoids aren't privy to - except for when they intrude into that world through magic and try to understand it through their overly-complicated systems and concepts. If a cat made the temple it's home, it can stay.
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Could I please request Thranduil with a breeding kink with the lavender field prompt? 🔥🔥 thank you so much!! Your writings lift my spirits!
Here you go!
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"Lavender Haze"
Pairing:  Thranduil x Fem. Reader (elf/second person POV) | Location: Greenwood the great
Themes: Smut | Soft
Warnings:  Kissing | Explicit language | Mild dirty talk | Breeding kink | Sex in an open field | Penetrative sex | Rough sex | Cream pie
Word count: 1.6k words
Summary : A game of hide of seek take place in a lavender field. What price will the loser have to pay? 
Rating: 🔥🔥 | Minors DNI | 🔞  | You are responsible for the media you consume
Rules and tag form here | Prompts for requests here
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 A lavender haze. 
That was all you could see in the periphery of your vision—an endless haze of the richest lavender swaying with the wind. The blooms rustled, murmuring with a hushed voice of their own every time the wind rose. It was sheer happenstance when you came across this field of wild lavender. Thrilled with this new find, you made haste to ride back to Amon Lanc and tell its prince. Thranduil listened with rapt attention and insisted that you take him there. No one knew of such a field, and he wanted to see it with his own eyes. 
The prince came. And he saw. And believed. And a merry chase then ensued. No one besides the two of you knew of this little slice of paradise, and Thranduil wanted to make the most of it. Others would learn of the field's existence soon enough, and the opportunities to be alone within it would grow sparse. 
You ran and ducked behind tall bushes. Hid behind the thick trunks of gnarled trees with branches so low they kissed the soft grass that grew beneath them. And Thranduil chased you still, calling out for you and searching for you, the heady rush of the chase working its magic on him. 
"Where are you, meleth?"
You clapped your hands over your mouth and kept still. Thranduil was close to the oak tree you were hiding behind. You could not hear his footsteps; the prince moved like a wraith, not making a single sound. You press against the bark of the tree, wondering if he heard you or if he knew where you were hiding. 
It was as if he were further away now, but you keep yourself concealed anyway. When it sounded as if he had moved quite a distance, you peered around the tree, pleased to find him no longer there. You take off again, giggling and smug, confident you have thrown him off your trail. 
"There you are!" Thranduil ran in from behind and threw his arms around you. He cackled when you squealed and squirmed and tried to free yourself from his hold. His moving away from where you were had just been a sly trick. He was there the entire time, hidden, waiting for you to come out into the open. 
"Th-thranduil!" Giddy laughter ripped through you when you tried and tried, and he simply continued to carry you deeper into the field. "Let g-go!"
"No!" Thranduil's laughter mirrored yours. He listened to you grumble and plot your escape, and laughed again, louder this time. "Yield, meleth. Escape is futile. Surely you know this by now."
"Never!" That never lasted no more than a few moments, when you realized you would not be able to extricate yourself from his vise-like grip no matter how hard you tried. You give up and go limp against him. 
Thranduil sets you down amidst fragrant purple blooms. "Now, tell me. What was our wager again?"
"If I win, you are to be my slave for the turn of a moon," you answer quickly, more than a little disappointed that losing the wager meant not having Thranduil wait on you hand and foot. Literally. 
Thranduil smirked, clearly pleased with himself. "And if I win?"
"I am to let you have your way with me. In whatever way you desire."
"A prospect that does not disappoint you, yes?"
You huff and cross your arms. How easy it was for him to read you! "It does not."
Thranduil smiled wolfishly and sat down, extending his hand to you. "Come, meleth. It is time to pay the piper, so to speak."
You narrowed your eyes and made yourself comfortable next to him, lying down on the grass as you did so. The sky was beautiful, all puffy white clouds against a field of the palest, clearest blue. You rest your head over your folded arms and watch while they stay low and move slowly. Thranduil is content to watch you. He lays down beside you, an enchanting smile slowly working its way across his face when you turn to face him. His eyes light up when you smile in return. 
"I will pay," you reply with a grin. 
Thranduil beamed and leaned forward, the sweetness of his kiss pouring into your throat when his mouth opened over yours. Deft, experienced hands worked on the clasps and lacing on your robes. Your gown loosened beneath his touch. The prince helps you out of your clothes, barely taking a moment to marvel at the sight of you exposed. Thranduil then sat up, his clothes rustling while he rid himself of his tunic and undershirts, belt and sash and boots. They all joined the growing pile by the side. He slipped out of his breeches, sighing in relief when his throbbing cock sprang free. He did not give you time to even think or breathe. He simply captured your lips with his. 
Your nerves were aflame; every inch of you was heated and sensitive to his touch. And you were bold, reaching out to ghost a finger over the crown of his member. Thranduil moaned lustily and drew away, content again to watch, this time while you took him into your hands. He moved his hips, thrusting in time with your strokes. The warmth and frenzy of your pace were unceasing. It nearly undid him and almost made him cum all over your hand. 
"Not like this." Thranduil loosened your grip and pushed you onto your back. "I would much rather finish inside you."
He was so warm when he lowered himself onto you—slowly and carefully—and tried not to lose control of himself and hurt you. He did not enter you immediately. Thranduil kept still while you touched his face and his hair, and ran your hands over his arms and chest and back. The prince was perfect, like an exquisite marble sculpture come to life. 
"Mine," you declare without even hesitating. "All mine."
Joy welled within Thranduil's heart. "As you are mine," he exclaimed with pride before dipping his head. 
He kissed with tenderness, then hunger, then fury, when your mouth parted for the warmth of his sinful tongue. Thranduil knitted his tapered fingers around yours, moaning into your mouth when your free hand slid around his waist and nails dug into his flesh. 
"Naughty girl," he breathed wistfully. "Now open those beautiful legs for me."
He groaned under his breath when your legs slid open and hooked around his hips. Thranduil pushed in, inch by agonizing inch, sinking his shaft into your slit. The prince was built bigger than most, and you felt it in the pressure around your core. He kept still, his chest heaving and his heart racing wildly, while you adjusted to his size. Arousal pooled in your belly when even the slightest movement sent shock waves shooting up your spine like lightning. You no longer wanted him to stay still. You wanted him to move. 
"I am ready."
Thranduil's pace was merciless. He rutted into you like a wild beast, growing drunk on your transported moans.
"Look at how well you take me," he cries against your throat. "It is as if you have been made for me."
All you could do was hold onto him while he bucked his hips against the insides of your thighs. "Perhaps it is because we were made for each other."
"Yes," Thranduil agreed. "Meant for each other. You are mine, just as I am yours. We belong together."
His grip on your hand tightened. He plunged deeper and harder. It made you see stars. "More," you plead shamelessly. "More. Please."
Thranduil grunted softly. "Look at you. Listen to how desperate you sound. Should I deny you?"
"No!" you keen. "Please do not do that."
"Pathetic." Thranduil hissed hoarsely, his hips now undulating every time he thrust. "But I suppose I will concede to your plea. I am going to finish inside you, so you know who you belong to."
"Please." The knowledge of him filling you with his seed unraveled you. "Do it. Please."
He nearly fell apart when he heard. Thranduil let go of your hand and gripped your chin, forcing you to open your eyes and look at him. He wanted to see how your words could undo him. "Are you ready?"
You did see. You saw how his eyes had darkened and how raw, unbridled lust flashed in them. And you were so ready for him.
"Yes," you sob in relief. "So ready."
Thranduil ran his tongue along the curve of your throat. It made you tremble beneath him and whimper against his shoulder. His thrusts grew erratic and relentless. It sent you spiraling and made the world grow dark in your eyes. Thranduil gasped sharply while your walls contracted and milked his cock. It shattered him and made his orgasm rip through him. He glanced at your belly, his thoughts running riot with visions of his spend filling your cunt. It heightened the bliss he was already drowning in. With one last, satisfying grunt, he came to a stop, his arms and body trembling from the exertion. 
Nothing could be heard save for the wind rustling through flowers and leaves and the deeper sound of ragged breathing. Thranduil slowly moved onto his back, taking you with him. You sighed in contentment while he held you against his chest. When you moved, he stopped you. 
"Keep me inside you a little longer," Thranduil insists. "Just a little longer, then you and I can go for a swim in that pond nearby."
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nicolinocolino · 4 months
@wolfstarmicrofic | May prompt #22: locked in a room | word count: 806
“You look silly like that.”
Sirius, with James’s invisibility cloak pulled up to his neck, was just a floating head bobbing next to Remus, following him around like a puppy on his prefect rounds.
Sirius winked and pinched Remus’s cheek. “Well, I’m out past curfew. Wouldn’t want to be caught.”
Remus blushed. Potent satisfaction swelled in Sirius’s chest.
Yet with only a week left until the end of their sixth year, he was tired of playing this game. Remus was never going to make the first move, which left the life altering decision on whether their friendship could survive love — requited or not, forever or not — up to Sirius.
“Stupid,” Remus mumbled, smiling.
Sirius pulled the cloak over his head and completely disappeared.
“Sirius. Stop it.”
Sirius giggled.
Remus stretched his arms out, trying to snatch the cloak. “Sirius, c’mon, where are you? You know what, whatever.”
Still hidden and following several long paces behind, Sirius let Remus walk all the way up to the seventh floor. “Moooooony,” he’d call every few minutes in a hollow voice, like a ghost. “Oh Moooooony.”
“Fuck oooooffffff,” Remus would sing back.
He acted annoyed, but Sirius saw the smile on Remus’s face. It was starting to feel dangerous being alone with him. Many a daydream involved this very scenario, with Sirius pulling Remus under the cloak, unseen, kissing him hot and fast until they were out of breath.
Sirius contemplated. His own thoughts made his face warm and zipped an energy through him he didn’t know what to do with, so he took off running. He didn’t try to hide the sound his pounding footsteps made.
“Sirius? AAHHHHG!”
Sirius tackled Remus around the middle, cloak slipping off his shoulder, knocking the wind out of them both. “Gotcha, Moons!”
Remus grabbed his shoulder and tried to pry him off. To Sirius’s surprise, he also pulled out his wand.
Sirius cackled. “Gonna hex me, Moony?”
“Thinking about it,” Remus exhaled, but pocketed it quickly. “You drive me nuts.”
“Tell me about it.” No, really, please tell me about it.
Arms still wrapped around Remus’s middle, their faces a breath away, Sirius could feel his heart beat incessantly in his temples, his longing almost giving him a headache. It would be so easy to kiss him right now.
“That’s odd.” Remus pulled away and Sirius let him.
“The room of requirement just appeared.”
An intricately carved door, which was not there a moment ago, had nestled its way between two sleeping portraits.
Remus pulled the map from his pocket. Studying it, his eyebrows pinched together. “No one is around,” he said, looking up again and peeking down both ends of the hall. He turned back to Sirius. “Did you need something?”
“No,” Sirius lied. He was very certain he knew why the door had appeared.
“I wonder what’s inside…” Remus trailed.
Sirius very pointedly did not indulge him.
“Don’t you wonder?” Remus asked him, his annoyance turning playful. “Let’s go inside.” Remus held the door open for Sirius, and they both stepped across the threshold.
It was simply a broom closet. Cramped, dark, dusty.
“Well, this is stupid,” Remus mumbled. “Perhaps someone’s jinxed it?”
Sirius doubted it. “Maybe.”
“Let’s go then.” Remus reached for the door, but it was gone, as if it had never been there at all. He palmed the wall in a panic.
Sirius groaned and tipped his head back.
“It’s gone,” Remus breathed. “The door is gone.”
“It will come back,” Sirius calmed him.
“It’s jinxed,” Remus said to himself. “It’s a prank. Oh Merlin, is this what James was trying to tell us he was working on? I’m going to —“
“Moony. Moony.” Sirius grabbed Remus’s chin to turn his face towards him. They both stopped breathing. “It’s not jinxed.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I summoned the room,” Sirius grimaced. “On accident, but I think I did. And now it won’t let us out until I get what I asked it for.”
Remus’s eyes bounced across Sirius’s face. His stare lingered on his lips. “What did you ask it for?”
Sirius’s heart ambled up his throat until he was choking on its pulse. His grip, still on Remus’s chin, slid up to cradle his face. Sirius smoothed his thumb across Remus’s cheek, who leaned the weight of his head into Sirius’s hold. Fuck, why was this so easy and yet so hard?
“The courage to do this,” Sirius whispered, guiding Remus down to kiss him. Soft, slow, scared. When their lips met, his stomach flipped and his knees might’ve buckled.
Sirius felt Remus sigh in relief across his cheek. He threw his arms around his shoulders and felt himself be tugged in by the middle.
When they broke apart, amazed and grinning and on the verge of disbelieving laughter, the door was back.
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sidekick-hero · 4 months
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(steddie | teen | 1.2k | tags: first date, first kiss, very slight angst | written for the stwg daily prompt kiss in the rain)
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Today has to be perfect, Eddie vows as he parks his van in the Harrington's driveway.
Because today Eddie is taking Steve out on their first date.
Frankly, he has no idea how he managed to get a date with the Steve Harrington. Even more, he has no idea how someone as beautiful and kind and sweet and funny as Steve would want to go out with someone like him.
It certainly helps that they saved the world together and share many, many traumas, as well as some horrible scars that tell the story of everything they've been through.
Eddie wants to believe that's not all that binds them, that the months they've spent growing closer over shared custody of Steve's six nuggets, movie nights, and long hours spent smoking and talking on top of the Munsons' new trailer have a lot to do with it, too.
But Eddie also knows that the Eddie of a year ago would have scoffed at the idea of going out with King Steve. Just like that Steve wouldn't have gone out with the town freak.
Which is why Eddie needs today to be a success.
Today has to be perfect.
As he rings the bell, his heart beats wildly in his chest and sweat forms on his palms.
Steve answers the door with a smile that makes Eddie's knees weak. "Hey," he says, and Eddie's mind blanks for a moment. Steve's wearing those jeans, the ones that look like they're painted on, showing off his legs and...other parts. And he has them paired with a striped polo shirt that is not supposed to look as good as it does.
"Hey," Eddie replies, finally finding his voice. "You ready for a day full of adventure?"
Steve grins and nods, stepping out and closing the door behind him. "Lead the way. As long as there are no monsters to fight, I'm game."
Eddie's plan is simple: a picnic in an empty field he found a few weeks ago, but first some good old-fashioned ball throwing to indulge Steve's love of sports. It's no secret that Eddie hates sports, but he's willing to make an exception for Steve. He often feels that Steve is the one indulging the kids, Robin, or even himself, because except for Lucas, none of their friends enjoy sports, either playing or watching.
So Eddie wants to show Steve that his hobbies and interests are important too, and that Eddie can try to be as involved in them as Steve is in his.
They drive to the field with music blasting, a mix tape that Eddie has made especially for this occasion, a perfect blend of his and Steve's taste in music, and he feels a little more at ease as Steve sings along, off-key and carefree. When "Somebody To Love" comes on, Steve playfully nudges him with his elbow and Eddie joins him as they both sing along, grinning broadly.
"Did you bring me here to murder me and get rid of the body, Munson?" Steve jokes at the sight of the empty field and Eddie lets out a theatrical cackle.
"Afraid I'm going to have my way with you, Harrington?"
Heat pools in his stomach at the smile Steve gives him in response.
"Don't threaten me with a good time."
Deciding on a hasty retreat before he does something embarrassing like whimper, Eddie climbs out of the van and goes to the back, pulling out an old baseball and a pair of gloves.
"Thought we could start with this," Eddie says, holding up the ball to Steve, who has followed him to the back of the van.
Steve's eyes light up at the sight. "You remembered."
As if Eddie could ever forget all the secrets and stories Steve had shared with him, while the stars above them were the only witnesses to some of the best moments of Eddie's life.
Steve had told him how he had always loved baseball as a little boy, and how his father had sometimes taken him to games. Looking back, Steve said he probably loved his father's attention and time more than the sport itself, but for whatever reason, it had been his first great love. He collected all the cards and knew everything there was to know about stats and players and rules. All he wanted was to be a player.
When he tried out at school, he didn't make the team. It was only years later that Steve found out why he had trouble hitting the ball with his bat: he had impaired vision, something his parents never bothered with, so he was never examined. At the time, he believed it was because he wasn't good enough, a failure. His dad seemed to think the same thing, because after he didn't make the team, he never took Steve to games again.
Steve hadn't played since, so Eddie figured it was time to help Steve have some good memories of baseball again.
Eddie shrugs, trying to play it cool. "Yeah, figured you'd like it."
They toss the ball back and forth, Steve coaching Eddie on his form, laughing when Eddie fumbles a catch. They're both having fun, and Eddie starts to relax, thinking maybe this date won't be a disaster after all.
But then Eddie misjudges a throw, and the ball smacks him right on the forehead. He stumbles back, more surprised than hurt, but his confidence takes a hit.
"Shit, Eddie, you okay?" Steve rushes over, concern etched on his face.
Eddie laughs it off, though his heart sinks. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just my luck, huh?"
Steve looks relieved but still worried. "Maybe we should take a break."
Eddie nods, feeling like he's already ruined things. He wonders why he thought it was a good idea to throw a ball with an ex-jock when he failed gym class more than once. So much for giving Steve a good baseball memory.
Still, he trudges over to the van to get everything they need for the picnic he has planned. The delighted smile on Steve's face at the sight of the basket and the blanket under Eddie's arm makes him think that maybe all is not lost. But just as he spreads out the blanket and unloads the food he's prepared, he glances up at the sky and sees dark clouds gathering. Still, he clings to the hope that they can finish before the rain comes.
Eddie should have known better. Luck and he have only been acquaintances at the best of times.
Just as they're settling in, the first raindrop falls, then another, and within seconds, it's pouring.
Eddie's heart sinks. This day was supposed to be perfect, and now it's a mess. "I'm so sorry, Steve. This was supposed to be perfect and now —"
Steve cuts him off with a bright laugh, his hair plastered to his forehead, rain running down his face. "Eddie, it's fine. Really."
Eddie looks at him, confused. "But the rain, and the ball, and—"
Steve steps closer, cupping Eddie's face in his hands. "I don't care about any of that. I care about you. You did so much for me today, Eddie." And before Eddie can respond, Steve kisses him.
It's a soft, lingering kiss that makes Eddie forget about the rain, the ball, and everything else. When they pull apart, Steve's smiling. "This is perfect, Eddie."
Eddie laughs, feeling lighter than he has all day. "Yeah, it kinda is."
As they pack up the picnic in the pouring rain, Eddie realizes that maybe perfection isn't about everything going right. Maybe it's about finding the right moments, even in the midst of chaos, with the right person.
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fuzzybirdie · 1 month
Hero of Changing Faces
Warning, 'tis a bit sweary. Enjoy!
The GODDAMN Joker was attacking the GODDAMN ammusement park in the middle of the GODDAMN school holidays! So Duke was a teensy bit pissed.
Today was supposed to be fun! Everyone, including Tim and Alfred, had made sure to clean up their scheduals enough for a family outing, and they managed to pull steph along as well!
Everything was going well so far too! Sure, Damian couldn't stop scoffing at this couple yelling 'Ghost!' All the time, and Tim and Jason were trying to one-up eachother at all the carnival games, (before being absoloutley demolished by cass), but it was fun! They Were having fun.
And then the motherfucker of all time hijacked the roller coaster.
Alfred had managed to sneak everyone's costumes into their day packs, probably foreseeing something going wrong. Either way, this meant that everyone could sneak away and change to fight the Joker.
After getting changed, Signal charged towards the announcer's booth, running into Nightwing on the way. Nightwing who looked pale and terrified. "B went ahead to the roller coaster!" Nightwing called. Ah, Signal's question must've been obvious.
"Isn't that a good thing?" Signal called back,
"Not as a civillian! He went in before it got hijacked!"
"Red, Orphan, and I are en route to the rollercoaster" Red Hood interupted "Robin's on his way to the announcer booth, and Spoiler is on evac duty,"
"Roger," Nightwing grappeled past a group escaping one of the rides, "Signal and I will randevous with robin. B is among the civillians on the roller coaster."
"Understood. We'll be in touch once the civvies are safe. Over and Out."
The announcer booth was surrounded by goons, who were taken care of easily enough. (Thank you, pepper spray bottles of sleeping gas!) Leaving the door wide open. Nightwing and Signal crept in, the only hint of their (re: Signal's) presence was the lights dimming and the shadows growing.
The Joker had set himself in the middle of the moniter room. He'd somehow found the time to inflate an air matress and was now lying down, eating popcorn, and kicking his legs like a schoolchild.
"Oh boo!" The Joker cried as the rollercoaster judded to a stop "they didn't even get halfway up! This show sucks!"
Robin took this moment to reveal himself both to his brothers and the Joker by attempting to skewer the latter through the arm. "Oh hi, little Robin!" Joker cackled as Robin missed "Come to watch the show? Though," he looked at where Robin's sword had punctured his matress "That was really rude. Guess I can kill you now!"
As Joker pulled out a gun to shoot at Robin, Signal manipulated the light of the moniters to blind him. Nightwing's escrima crackled into his exposed back, and he was down.
Something clattered out of the Joker's hands along with the gun. Signal had a closer look at it while Nightwing cuffed Joker and Robin shut down all the rides.
"Joker had a deadman trigger!" He practically shrieked into the comms "Get everyone out of there now!" Looking closer at the moniters, it was easy to see the bombs at the bottom of every other support. Thankfully, with Robin having turned off the rides, the safety bar had let go, and the other bats had gotten all the civillians off the ride. Unfortunately, they were still in the blast zone.
Red Robin turned to say something to the civillians. Then this white haired kid practically threw Red Hood into Orphan, who was checking someone for injuries. With everyone behind him, the kid threw out his hands, as a sheet of ice grew from them. The ice seemed to thin to stop anything, but it covered everyone quickly. Once a dome had formed the ice began to thicken.
Then the bombs detonated.
first / prev / next
It was under the word limit!
So, how many of you got the cameo last chapter? :)
As always, this was inspired by @freedomanddisorder's art and the following prompt chain. Please check out both, they are So cool,
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
Please bestie do me a favour and write the fic where reader gets cucked by Steve please I’m on my knees begging I love your work
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smutty stocking stuffers day two - steddie x reader
Pairing | Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), protected anal sex, cuckholding, coming untouched, dacryphilia, dirty talk, mean reader, mean steve, fluff, banter.
Word Count | 2.1k
A/N | for anybody who’s confused, this prompt is based on this post by the ever wonderful @boldlyvoid 🤍
“At this point I honestly think you want to fuck Steve,” You say it to Eddie as a passing comment, really. It doesn’t come out snarky, just factual. You'd seen the way they were together, the lingering glances, how they always had to be touching each other, it was bordering on more-than-friends territory, and you'd be a fool to pretend you'd never noticed it.
Eddie had been non stop, talking about everything he and Steve got up to on their ‘boys trip’ to the city since he got back a few short hours earlier. Eddie’s voice dies in his throat at your words, brows furrowing and a pout overcoming him.
“You want to fuck Steve,” Its a weak response, but it’s all Eddie’s got, and it makes you cackle. He’s flustered, cheeks hot, twiddling his rings in his fingers the way he always does when he’s nervous.
“Maybe I wanna watch Steve fuck you,” You say it as a half joke, so if Eddie freaks out you can back up and say you were only kidding and he’ll somewhat believe you, but you’re looking at Eddie and he’s looking at you, and he’s not shooting you down or running away in disgust.
“You wanna get cucked by Steve Harrington?” Eddie bristles, and you laugh at how stupid it sounds, now that he’s saying it out loud. But a warmth pools in your belly at the thought, a flush takes over your face.
“I dunno, maybe I do.” You challenge, expecting Eddie to back down, but he looks at you all defiantly, crowding into your space, hands engulfing your hips. It’s a weird game of chicken, you think, and Steve is the unwilling pawn.
“Maybe you should call him then.” Eddie’s breath fans in your face and it makes you shiver, the faint smell of cigarettes and minty gum intoxicating. He leans in to kiss you, and you meet him halfway, getting wrapped up in the searing heat of it as he kicks your legs apart, slots one of his own in the space in between, and lets you grind against him until you're gasping and crying his name.
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“Look at her, she looks real pretty sat there watching us, huh?” Steve’s attention goes to you, where you’re sat in his chair at the side of the bed, watching them with hooded eyes.
The pretty lacy underwear you put on had been worn at Steve’s request — “It’s only fair I get to see you both looking sweet for me, right?” He’d cooly said it down the phone, and it had you twirling the cord in your fingers with a blush spread across your cheeks. Steve had a sharp tongue, he knew how to fluster you.
He’s talking nonchalantly as if he’s not two fingers deep in Eddie’s ass, spreading him open and getting your boyfriend ready to take his cock. Steve is big, but you knew that anyway, Hawkins was a small town and everybody talked, you’d heard your fair share about Steve Harrington’s penis.
Eddie’s losing composure pretty quickly, fringe matted to his forehead and small little whimpers escaping his lips, noises going right to your cunt. He was always submissive, even for you, but this was something entirely different — watching him being fucked open by Steve’s long fingers with his knees almost up at his chest.
“You think you can handle me nice now, hmm?” Steve grins down at Eddie, and you see him flex his wrist, crooking slightly until Eddie’s gasping for breath, fisting the sheets below him. His hard cock kicks up against his belly, slapping and leaving slick behind on his happy trail.
Eddie nods, throwing an arm over his eyes to shield them as Steve slips his wet fingers out, making hasty work of grabbing for the condom and lube next to him on the bed, tearing the foil with his teeth.
You watch through half lidded eyes in awe, Steve’s as hard as Eddie is and he’s not even been touched. He slides the condom down his length with ease, like he’d done it a hundred times before (and the rest, you bristle quietly). He pops the cap on the lube, slicking himself with it, exhaling a shuddery moan when he deftly wraps his own hand around his cock, the little bit of relief obviously feeling blissful.
“What do you say, babygirl? Think he’s ready for me?” Steve asks without even looking at you, shuffling forward between Eddie’s spread legs, catching the head of his cock on Eddie’s hole and eliciting a hiss in return.
You speak without even thinking, like your mouth can’t catch up with your brain, “I think so, Stevie. Give him what he’s been begging for, I know he can take it.”
Steve grabs at Eddie’s arm with his free hand, tearing it away from his eyes, forcing his head to the side, making Eddie look at you when you’re talking to him. There’s a glint in Eddie’s eyes as they lock with yours, he’s clearly enjoying this as much as both you and Steve are.
You watch with mouth agape as the head of Steve’s cock catches on Eddie’s hole, and he sinks into him with minimal effort. Eddie gasps and moans, his tummy muscles tensing up as Steve stretches him out, cock dragging along every little part of his walls.
“See why girls love it so much?” Steve grunts, just sitting there, bottomed out in Eddie’s ass and watching him curiously, “Feels good, right? The full feeling?”
“Yeah, shit, feels really good,” Eddie’s voice is choked, gravelly and it’s sending you reeling. They’re so much hotter together than you imagined, all tangled up together and panting like dogs in heat. Your tummy coils up with need, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene in front of you.
They both share a silent look between each other before Steve pulls out, shoving back in as quick as he left, testing the waters. Eddie’s back arches up off the bed, into Steve’s chest and the larger man uses it to his advantage, hooking an arm under Eddie’s back and setting a brutal pace.
It’s dirty, watching them fucking like animals. Steve’s fast, hard, the snap of his hips deafening in the otherwise silent room, just their moaning and heaving breaths breaking it up. Your pussy aches, your nipples are hard, unable to rip your eyes off of them.
Eddie’s face is screwed up in bliss, plump pink lips agape as he moans, his cock left untouched and desperate between them. Steve smiles down at him, and Eddie barks out a little chuckle in return, their demeanour losing credibility for just a moment. They’re probably thinking this is insane, they’d probably be right too.
The pool of precum in the dip of Eddie's belly makes your cunt clench, it's like nothing you'd ever seen before, watching him become a whimpering, messy, begging little thing like this. It does something to your insides that you never expected, clouds your brain, consumes you.
"You really gotta peg him some time, babygirl," Steve groans, unable to tear his eyes away from where his cock is sinking in and out of Eddie's needy, puffy hole, "He fucking loves it, don't you? Only time you've ever shut your mouth your whole damn life, honey."
Honey. Eddie whimpers, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes, and you can't believe Steve is doing this to him, making him cry and beg silently for his cock, and you love it.
"What's the matter, baby? Cat got your tongue?" You cock your head at Eddie and his eyes snap to meet yours, big brown orbs filled with wet tears, mouth open in a quiet moan, "You crying? Steve's cock's pretty big, huh?"
Your voice is sickly sweet, like saccharine, even though the condescending undertone is obvious. Eddie cries out, fingers digging into the meat of Steve's biceps and you let out a barking laugh, Steve joining in and you can tell Eddie's getting close with the way his cock leaks uncontrollably, the head turning purple, begging for release.
"Y'think we can make him come untouched, babygirl?" Steve asks, finally ripping his eyes away from Eddie to look at you. Your breath hitches in your throat, his composure is mind-blowing, the only sign that he's folding is the way his mouth hangs open with every harsh thrust into Eddie's ass.
"Hm, what do you think, baby?" Your eyes flit back to Eddie, and he's struggling, you can tell, the way his brows furrow together, nose scrunching up, "Think you can be a good boy and come for us? Come on Steve's thick cock?"
Eddie nods his head fervently, and Steve doubles down on his efforts, pinning Eddie by the throat with his large hand, squeezing down as he pounds into him, the slick, loud clapping echoing in the room and going right to your pussy. You know you're soaked through, probably leaving a damp patch on Steve's plush chair, but you can't find it in you to care.
“Kiss him, Stevie. He’s begging for it,” You can’t help the way the words keep tumbling out, your arousal getting the better of you as you watch them both. Steve throws a smirk in your direction, leaning forward and capturing Eddie’s lips in a searing kiss, forcing his tongue into the heat of his mouth until Eddie’s gripping at his hair.
It’s wild, watching them going at it like this. You take the bait, the noises and visuals getting the best of you and you pull your legs up, slipping a hand deftly into your underwear. The slickness from your folds soak your fingers quickly and you whine quietly, making sure you don’t distract them as you touch yourself, fingers sliding over your clit in slow circles.
"S-Steve, god, fuck," Eddie's voice is hoarse, the first he's spoken since Steve sunk into him in one swift motion, wet with choked off sobs as his cock kicks up one last time and he's coming, slicking his belly and chest with his load.
You sit there, mouth agape as you watch his cock twitch, blurting out the last little spurts as Steve's hips begin to stutter, in a telltale sign that he's close now, Eddie clamping down on him like a vice clearly enough to do it for him.
"Fuck, holy fuck," Steve's hand slides from Eddie's throat and instead meets Eddie's hip, grip so tight it's going to leave bruises. It's oddly endearing, the way Eddie is looking up at him with half lidded eyes, and Steve is looking back like they're the only people in the room, and you'd be lying if it didn't cause a pang in your chest, "You're so fucking tight, taking me so well, m'gonna -"
Steve doesn't even get the words out before he's coming, shoving into Eddie's ass to the hilt and moaning in his ear, filling the condom with his thick release. You shove any thoughts to the back of your head, ears ringing with Steve's noises, shooting straight to your core.
You might've known Steve wouldn't be chivalrous, with the way he throws himself down on top of Eddie like a fucking heathen, causing Eddie to grunt out a small 'oomf'.
It's like what just happened, never really happened at all, with the way they start play fighting like a pair of idiots as Steve's cock slips out of Eddie, shoving at each other and laughing.
"Get off me, you fucking brute of a man." Eddie huffs and puffs, until Steve is pulling himself back up onto his haunches, letting Eddie breathe. It should be weird, watching your boyfriend and his best friend like this, but it isn't - it's like this was how your dynamic was meant to be, in an odd way.
"I always knew you were a bottom," Steve chuckles, throwing a glance in your direction, and you meet his eyes with a wide smile, "Think it's time we gave your girl some attention, Munson. What do you think?"
You glance over at Eddie who's looking at you with worried eyes and a furrowed brow, almost like he forgot you were there and now he needs to make sure you're okay. You nod your head just once, barely a motion, but Eddie gets it, a smile curling at the corners of his mouth, "C'mere, sweetheart. Let us take care of you."
And who were you to refuse these two men the opportunity of pleasuring you?
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
For the arranged marriage au I thought it was so funny how readers mom was regretting setting her up with Sevika. Could we see more of that? Like it could be the morning after the last fic you wrote of them and they can barely get any of their responsibilities taken care of bc they’re all over each other and readers mother and sevs father has to keep reminding them 😭
That was just one thought I had so I hope that’s enough to help you out and get ideas flowing!
I LOVE THEM adl;fja;slkdj
men and minors dni
"you are in so much trouble, young lady."
you cringe in your mother's arms, her stern voice still the same after all this time.
sevika's taken you home for your third anniversary. as much as you love zaun, there's no place like home, and you've been dying to show sevika all over your kingdom since you moved to zaun.
you pull away from your hug with your mom to blink up at her. "hello to you too, mom. good to see you after all this time...?" you prompt. she rolls her eyes and pinches your cheek.
"yes, yes, you look amazing, i feel so old, i've missed you dearly. now tell me why the king of zaun has been writing me, begging me to get you under control?" she asks, her pinch on your cheek flying up to your ear.
you cringe and squirm. "mom!" you whine. "he pushes sev around too much, whaddya expect?" you manage to duck out of her pinch, and run into your dad's arms before she can grab you again.
he and sevika are laughing at the sight of the queen disciplining her daughter, and he kisses your throbbing earlobe when you hug him. "hello, dear." he greets. "it's so good to have you back. how long are you staying?"
"six months." sevika replies for you.
your mother groans at her answer.
you only end up staying for three.
about a month into your stay, you sneak sevika out of the palace walls to visit the hot springs you used to frequent as a rebellious teenager.
it takes a few nips of the liquor in the flask you'd brought along to convince her-- but you manage to get sevika to strip down naked with you and go for a swim.
it's magical, swimming and laughing and playing with your wife in the warm water, the moon your only witness.
"so this is what you did for fun growing up?" sevika asks when she's got you in her arms, your arms around her shoulders, your legs around her hips. she holds you easily in the water-- though she doesn't struggle out of the water with this either.
"this, and a whole lotta drinking games." you joke. sevika snorts.
"am i the first girl you ever brought here?" she asks.
you grin, and sevika ducks her head in embarrassment. "are you jealous baby?" you ask.
"'m a fucking princess. you're my wife. 'm not jealous." she mumbles.
you cackle, then swoop in to kiss the frown off her lips. "you're the first girl i ever brought here." you promise. her pout vanishes and she smiles.
"you're just saying that to make me feel better." she accuses. you laugh and nod along, and she groans.
"what the fuck! you brought other women here?!" she whines. your laughs are so loud, a few birds asleep in the trees overhead wake up and fly away. "who are they? i'll kill 'em." she demands.
you kiss your wife. "sev, darling, i was fifteen. we'd stick our feet in and pass a bottle-- i'd be lucky if i got a kiss." you say. she's still pouting, but it's lessening as you speak.
"so... they didn't see you naked?" she asks, her eyes ducking down to take a quick peek at your tits as she speaks. you burst into another round of laughter.
"no, they didn't. they didn't have their hands on my ass like this either." you say, gesturing to the way she's holding you. sevika's pout breaks into a cocky smile as she squeezes your asscheeks, and you giggle.
"fuckin' idiots. i'd've been all over you babe, i promise." she mumbles as she starts to press kisses down your throat. you snort.
"baby-- i've seen the royal portraits from when you were fifteen." you tease. she groans, biting your throat to keep you from speaking. you just tug her hair and continue. "i think you'd've been way too distracted by the stables and horses to give a fuck about skinny dipping."
sevika bites your shoulder and you yelp, and then she glares up at you. "you're never gonna let that go, are you?" she groans.
you giggle and shake your head no.
sevika was obsessed with horses in her adolescence, to the point where she demanded that she be painted alongside all her horses (both real and imaginary) for her fifteenth portrait. it's fucking adorable-- one of your favorite paintings of her in all of zaun. the childlike whimsy in her eyes, the excited grin on her lips, the ridiculous riding uniform that she was quickly outgrowing in the midst of puberty-- it's perfect. you've asked for a minature version to be painted so you can keep it in a locket.
sevika hates it. to distract you from your fond, adoring laughter, she pushes you against a stone, and shoves her tongue down your throat.
it's a pretty good distraction.
you moan, scratching sevika's shoulders in a weak attempt to pull her even closer to you.
just as her hand starts to trail up your thigh toward your cunt, a scandalized gasp rings out, followed by a clatter.
you and sevika jump apart, and then a moment later, sevika jumps in front of your naked body, protecting your naked body from view of your intruder.
only-- it's not an intruder.
it's holy elder reginald, and all his religious gear.
"oh my-- ladies!" he squeaks. you and sevika both cringe and quickly jump out of the water to begin dressing yourselves as reginald turns his back, but continues to shout. "it's the first full moon of spring! it's a holy day! these are holy waters! you are desecrating a landmark sacred to our peo--"
"sorry reggie!" you giggle, pulling your underwear back on and grabbing sevika's wrist. "i-i forgot about the moon magic stuff, zaun's all about the sun!"
this pisses the old man off even more, and you shrink in on yourself as he spins around to gawk at you. "the moon mag-- princess!" he scolds.
behind you, sevika tugs on your grasp. you giggle, then let her pull you back toward the dirt path you'd come in on, both of you sprinting away from the screaming old man, cackling as you run through the forest and back toward your palace.
when you get back to your room, both of you are delirious with laughter and embarrassment, laughing against one another hysterically as you try to kiss.
in the morning, your mother nearly rips your ear off your head with all the pinching she does as she scolds you. it's worth it for the way sevika blushes each time holy elder reginald attends a meeting with her, though.
two months into your visit, sevika almost causes an uprising a small fishing village when the two of you visit.
she doesn't mean to, it's just a cultural miscommunication, but you watched in horror as your wife is offered a precious, sacred scale from the great fish of your nation-- and she pops it in her mouth and starts chewing.
you gasp, choke, and then squeal. "sev, no!"
but, it's too late. she swallowed it. the ancient token of appreciation, acceptance, and leadership-- meant to be worn like a badge of honor-- right down the hatch.
"what, was there a sauce to dip it in or something?" she asks.
you had to put yourself between your wife and the mob of angry old fishermen, waving your hands and promising your people that your wife doesn't know the custom-- that most gifts in zaun are edible-- that, really, if you get to know her, she's very nice.
(then you have to rush her back home to the medic, because her stomach starts acting up and she starts shitting her pants. she spends the rest of the week in the royal infirmary.)
and then, the final straw-- three months into your visit back home, you and sevika attend a ball.
it's meant to be something lowkey and smiple-- there are a few foreign dignitaries visiting, and now that they have no children to raise, your parents are always looking for a reason to have a dance.
a casual affair-- just your family and the nobles, a few merchants, some townspeople who won tickets for a night at the palace in a lottery-- something easy and fun to take place in the courtyard on a lovely spring evening.
but then, he shows up.
sir trent. you grew up with the asshole-- his parents are invaluable consultants to your parents, but he's a worthless dickhead. constantly questioning your parents decisions, acting as if he could rule a country with ease despite the fact that he hasn't worked a day in his life, manipulating and demeaning everyone he meets in an attempt to boost his own ego.
you manage to avoid him most the night, you and sevika dancing and eating and drinking in your own little corner by the rose bushes, wrapped up in each other's eyes-- uncaring of the world around you.
but then he swaggers over, a smirk on his lips as he approaches you. "princess!" he greets.
you and sevika slow to a sway and you nod politely. "sir trent, good to see you."
"'s been a while, huh?" he asks. you nod, then turn back to sevika, assuming the conversation is over. "who's your lady friend?" he asks.
you stop in your tracks, then turn to face him fully, letting go of sevika's hips. "my wife?" you ask.
"oh, is that so?" he asks. you nod, not understanding his line of questioning. "so your parents finally relented to all your..." he waves his hand in your general direction. "stuff."
"my stuff?"
"your bullshit."
"excuse me--" sevika tries to cut in. you hold a hand up, and she stops, her chest just barely brushing your fingers.
"my bullshit?"
"how do the two of you expect to produce an heir?" he asks. "it's a disgrace to the entire royal bloodline."
"a bloodline you are not a part of." you remind him.
he scoffs, and takes a step back, his face turning red in anger. "fuck you."
"you fuckin' wish!" you laugh. trent shivers, and then his voice squeaks as he screams.
"i don't wish, princess, but if you ever need a sperm donor, i'd be willing to bend that wife of yours ov--"
you aren't sure what's happened until your knuckles start stinging.
trent's flat on his back, knocked out cold, his nose bloody. all the party guests have turned to face you, and the music's stopped.
you blink down at your hand, your knuckles bloody, and then you giggle.
oh. you think. i've always wanted to do that.
"...babe?" sevika asks.
you turn around, and sevika breaks into a grin the moment your eyes meet. "are you okay?" you ask, worried about the disgusting things he'd said to her. sevika cackles, and pulls you in for a sloppy kiss.
you vaguely register the conducter counting the band off, and the music starting again. a few hoots and cheers ring out around the courtyard, and you even hear your dad's loud, proud laugh.
when sevika's hand travels down to grab your ass, your mother's eerily loud throat-clear rings out. you both jump away guiltily, and turn to face the queen as she approaches you.
"i'm sorry mom, he w--"
"don't worry, dear, sir trent's always been my least favorite of the nobles." she whispers, kissing your cheek, and reaching out to hold sevika's hand. she sighs, then rolls her eyes. "that being said, i am kicking you two out of my kingdom."
you blink. "what?"
"i ask that you return to zaun before next week-- or i will have you forcibly deported." she says. you blink again.
"dear, if i let you stay any longer, the two of you will cause a fucking war." she says. "i love you. i've missed you. i am so happy you and sevika are happy and in love-- but i simply cannot deal with your mayhem anymore. your ban will be lifted next year, when you will be allowed to visit again for one month. that's it."
your mother turns on her heels and marches away, and you watch her go, shocked.
under your feet, trent starts to groan and blink awake.
beside you, your wife bursts into laughter.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
49. nightfall for sabrina x john and/ or 31. breeze for cal x mary may
Prompt: Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story (3-10 sentences) with the word corresponding to it.
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Calahan's eyes rose up from the fish he was cooking over the small campfire the second Zorro let out his usual chittering noise reserved for anytime he would sense a person approaching. Like clockwork, Mary May emerged from inbetween the trees, her blonde hair making her appear angelic in the setting sun, the light breeze caressing the golden strands like his hands yearned to. "Calahan?", his name snapped him out of his stupor as she came to a stop in front of him. "Yes?" "I knew it.", a triumphant expression swooped over her face, "You weren't responding because I called you Rookie." Sure, that was the reason, Angel. Hartley cleared his throat, saving the piece of fish just in time before it burned to a crisp, "Found your way quicker this time around." Mary May bumped his shoulder playfully as she sat down next to him on the log, "Says the man that left me with a map that looked drawn by a child, crayons included, you're lucky I somehow didn't end on the other side of the lake." "Blame the Peggie that carried a whole box of them, I simply make use of what I find, gorgeous."
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By the time nightfall came and bathed his bedroom in darkness, John had lost track of how long he had spend pacing around the space that felt somehow smaller than usual. Patience. It's what he kept telling himself while he waited, listening for any sound in the quiet, anticipation coursing through his system. Two quick raps was all it took and he was on the move again, rising from his bed to meet Sabrina halfway as she pushed her way into the room. "Why are you sitting in the dark like-", was all she could get out before his mouth captured hers for a kiss and her back met the now closed door. A low laugh escaped her when he moved onto her neck, tracing a path down to her shoulder, "Someone's in a rush." "I was so close to tracking you down, Deputy."
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creatuesfromthedeep · 2 months
Flight Rising Lore Ask Game!
🍓Show off your favorite wet cat (pathetic) dragon and share a fun fact about them!
🍌Show off your favorite couple/throuple/etc and share some information on how they first met, fell in love, etc!
🍊Do you have a specific artist, band, etc, that you listen to when you're working on lore? Share one of their songs!
🍇Share the "villain" or main antagonist of your clan and talk about them! (Note: Doesn't need to be a cackling supervillain, it can also be an annoying trickster, etc!)
🍑Share a tidbit of prose you've written, and give the author's commentary! (The writing can be from a bio, etc)
🍐If you had to narrow down your clan into 2 movie genres, which genres would you pick? (Ex: Action/Adventure, Romance/Comedy, Horror/Drama, etc)
🍎Write an elevator pitch for your clan's lore and share it! Try to keep it to 1-2 paragraphs
🍏Show off a dragon family and talk about them! Do you have siblings, parents & kids, etc? (If you don't have any families in your lore, choose one of the other prompts instead!)
🥭Show off a dragon who's doomed by the narrative and talk about them!
🍍Your clan is mysteriously transported to a deserted island where only one dragon can leave alive... Who's the last one standing, and who dies first?
🍋What's the most dramatic/emotional moment in your lore? Explain it, or write one short paragraph of prose set during that moment
🍉Share the dragon who would be most likely to get banned from a grocery store, and talk about why you picked them
🍈Share your favorite duo of dragons! They must be platonic or familial, no romantic couples!
🍒What's your best tip on making a lore clan?
🥕Share how much you've written for your lore! (This can be measured in bios, pages, wordcount, etc)
🥑Show off your most underrated lore dragon, and talk about them!
🍅Describe your clan's home/lair in two sentences.
🥝If you were to start over on your lore and remake it entirely, what would you change?
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