#c0 meta
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orchidbreezefc · 1 year ago
blue lies: whomst the fuck is red
here's the Big theory: blue lies introduces a new, red-coded entity to the world of clock 0ut. this one owes a lot to @quotesandmiracles , @reflingthefox , and most of all to @featheredbirblet , whom i didn't speak to directly at all but whose insights pretty much form the backbone here.
this first observation is all i need to conclusively prove the existence of the red entity imo. like, putting aside all the rest, this here is enough. here's the camera when the narrator is monitoring stanley from the control room, displaying his signature yellow:
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and here it is in blue lies, when the narrator is decidedly not monitoring from the control room:
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like. when the narrator is monitoring things, the camera is lit up yellow. now he's not monitoring things and the camera is lit up red. and the camera is moving, so somebody's in control of it. somebody represented by red. QED.
i do have more though. the whole video is structured around film--which, of course, is the medium a camera uses. film is the force that attacks stanley in blue lies in the absence of the office, which doesn't take an active role like in yellow zone, only collapsing.
the film is what apparently captures(???) and attacks(?????) the narrator:
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but less obvious is the fact that just before this, the force that rushes to attack him is red:
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which tells me the red entity and the film are the same, or at least working together. the film is also what manifests stanley as he appears at the end of blank decay (note his clothes, his longer hair, and his wound)--but with red eyes.
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of course, this raises the question of who or what the red entity is. i like @featheredbirblet 's theory that their appearance as BD!stanley may indicate the narrator's unconventional reset at the end of BD, or perhaps the broken-game status of BD in and of itself, led to a corrupted save. film is, after all, just another way of saving and recording data. maybe this is an improper save of BD!stanley "haunting" the files.
my first instinct is that the red entity is the timekeeper, just because it's one of the other entities within the stanley parable and the only one we see use power independent of and equal to the narrator. it could also be the curator, who after all keeps records of the game, but she's more passive. i have no evidence for either, they just seem logical for a new entity coming into play in a story inspired by TSP.
P.S.: note how the title of each video refers to the color associated with the person in possession of the clock at the time. the narrator has it in yellow zone; it doesn't exist at all in blank decay; and stanley has it in blue lies. i very much anticipate a red video in the future.
i have one more post in me of bits and bobs, observations and details i have yet to fit into a coherent point. if you missed the previous one, you can find it [here]. EDIT: bits and bobs post is [here]!
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gold-rhine · 9 months ago
anyway, if you look at free to play guides and articles, recommending 4 stars only teams, and these team don't work for you, it's not just "skill issue". tho ofc average player will not have as much practice as ppl who play this game for a living. artifacts play a huge role, if you don't have good artifacts, even broken 5 stars won't help in the abyss, at least.
but also, these guides almost always use c6 r5 characters without mentioning, and for many 4 star constellations matter SO MUCH. some characters straight up unplayable without cons.
so i wanted to go thru the list of most popular meta 4 stars and list the importance of their cons and weapons just so you can have reference if it makes sense for you to use them:
Xiangling - literally unplayable in serious abyss teams before C4. C4 gives plus 40% burst duration, at which point she's broken. She wants r5 catch or basically any 5 star spear, as long as you have like 200% er. 4 piece emblem set, no options, crit hat, pyro cup, er\em\atk sands, should have at least 100 EM overall.
Bennet - his importance con is C1, bc otherwise he either heals or gives atk buff, but most teams that want him will be ok with C0 Benny. Unless it's a nche team that relies on Benny's pyro infusion, then only C6. wants a sword with highest base attack you have. skyward blade is probably his best option bc it has er and high base atk, aquila favonia has higher atk, but you'll need more er, for f2p options sumeru craftable sword is best option, but if your team REALLY struggles with energy, you can use favonius sword. benny's weapon needs to be max level.
Xingqiu - C0 feels so bad to play, bc it's so hard to get enough energy off-field. Teams that want him like pyro carries with vape or hyperbloom will still be playable, but just feel kinda bad. Starts feeling ok at C2, at C6 becomes comparable to C0 Yelan. Wants sacrificial sword R5 or at least R3, if your sac sword is lower than r3, it's better to use favonius sword. 4 piece emblem set or 4 piece noblesse set if used with hypercarries like arle who cares about atk. use ER sands if you can't get enough energy to burst off cool down.
Fischl - pretty good at C0, but truly broken at C6. Wants stringless bow or 5 star bows. 4 piece golden troupe best option, but can work with thundering fury or combos of 2 pieces
Yao Yao - actual free to play hero, already great at C0, her cons basically don't matter. Event hp healer staff or just fav lance is good. if used in a team with majority dendro damage like alhaitham or tighnari, etc, then use deepwood, if used to just proc aggravate with like clorinde\keqing\yae\raiden + fischl, then 4 piece instructor is her best option.
Sucrose - becomes playable at C1. When guides say she's as good as kazuha, they mean C6, and it's a lie anyway, bc what they mean is that on paper damage calculations are similar. But in actual play her grouping is nowhere near kazuha and her burst actually ungroups enemies when unlucky. Wants sacrificial fragments and 4 piece vv with EM stats, no options.
Kuki - another f2p hero and hyperbloom goddess, good at C0, great at C2, immortal at C6. get as much EM as you can on her, should be near 1000, weapon usually iron sting. doesnt care about ER or anything else, minmax EM
Chevreuse - already good at C0 if you have strong pyro or electro carries. at C6 pretty broken. ONLY good in teams with only pyro and electro, nothing else, both need to be there. wants HP stats.
Beidou - good against 2+ enemies, but CANNOT trigger hyperbloom. Can be okay at C0, good at C4, pretty good at C6.
Thoma - for burgeon can use C0.
Layla - decent shield only after C2.
Noelle - usually shown in Furina teams as a driver, becomes decent at C6.
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boatemlag · 8 months ago
Grian rerun — build guide/is she worth pulling?
This patch has the long awaited rerun of the pyro Archon 5* sword user Grian, but how do you build her? And is she still worth pulling? This guide will walk you through my opinion on her current worth in meta and how I would build her now that we have so many pyro applicator and sub-DPS options. Let's dive in! [GrianBOOM]
✦✦✦ Breakdown ✦✦✦
Grian is a pyro applicator that is unique to this day because she cannot be played to full effect with another pyro character in party, meaning that her kit is built primarily to facilitate reactions. Her skill works well for generating particles for her burst, but doesn't do major damage on its own without her signature weapon. Therefore, she requires a decent amount of ER, since her energy cost is higher than many other supports.
Grian is still considered to be one of the best options for reverse melt and vaporize teams in terms of supports, but because she is a version 1.1 character, her burst uptime is a bit hard to maintain without skillful rotations. I would say skip if you have a C6 Katherine, as she does a similar thing to Grian without the DoT. But if you're looking for a fun pyro support, Grian is fun to play even at C0, in my experience.
✦✦✦ Explaining the kit ✦✦✦
◇ Basic Attack: Awakening Blade
He's a sword user, nothing special. Does 5 consecutive strikes.
◇ (E) Skill: Ready, Aim, Fire
Hurls an Evil Eye at the nearest target, marking them, and dealing pyro DMG. Hold to enter aiming mode to control where the Evil Eye is placed. This skill has 3 charges. When 3 Evil Eyes have been placed, or the skill no longer has charges, press the skill again to detonate the eyes, dealing pyro DMG and generating particles. If the skill is not tapped again, they will detonate after a fixed amount of time.
◇ (Q) Burst: Slash and Burn
Creates an AoE referred to as an Annihilation Zone and dealing AoE pyro DMG. Depending on how many enemies are marked with Evil Eye, the area gains additional buffs, meaning it's tactical to use the E skill, then burst, then use the E skill again.
Allies within the zone receive an all DMG type boost of 5/10/15% for 1s when hit.
Allies within the zone receive an EM boost of 50/100/200 when receiving overflow healing.
Additionally, the zone continually applies pyro to enemies within the zone for the duration.
◇ Passives
To The Death: When Grian uses her burst, Ready, Aim, Fire CD is reduced by half.
Independent Streak: If Grian is the only Pyro character in the party, increases the ATK of all party members by 10% and the EM of all party members by 80.
To Infinity!: Gliding stamina reduction passive (stacks with other similar passives).
✦✦✦ Constellations ✦✦✦
C1: Let's Go Again!: Reduces Slash and Burn energy cost by 25% when in party and not on field.
C2: Foresight: Increases max number of Evil Eyes and charges from 3 to 4.
C4: Archon's Blessing: Imbues her basic attacks with pyro.
C6: She Who Writes Her Own History: Increases the bonuses from Slash and Burn to 10%/15%/20% DMG boost and 100/200/270 EM boost, and, additionally, applies Smoldering Flames to enemies within the Annihilation Zone.
Obviously C6 is insane. I'd say C6>C1>C4>C2, with C1 having insanely good value. I'd even say C1 > C0R1.
✦✦✦ Ascension & Talent Materials ✦✦✦
◇ Agnidus Agate
Duh. Luckily, her boss drops these. Thank god for early region boss consistency.
◇ Drops: Ghasts
These spawn all over the world, but can be found in large clusters in the northern parts of Ention, especially close to the Grumbot Containment Site. You will need:
Sad sliver x18
Smoldering droplets x30
Ghastly tears x36
◇ Unburning Branch
Unburning Branch can be claimed by defeating the Young Dragonspawn in Ention. You will need x46.
◇ Diligent Lily
Diligent Lily is Grian's local specialty, and you will need x168. They can be grown in the teapot and found in large clusters by God's Nursery in the east of Ention.
◇ Fun Talent Books
Can be gotten in the Ention talent domain on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays.
◇ Continuous Stationary of Wisdom from the Surveillance Prophet weekly boss.
Unlocked by finishing the Ention Archon quest. This boss cannot be done in Co-Op.
✦✦✦ Artifacts & Stats ✦✦✦
Grian's best and signature set is 4-piece Cat's Calling. The 2-pc bonus increases ER by 20%. 4-pc bonus increases Overloaded, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40% for the whole party, and increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15% for the whole party. This effect cannot stack. Using an Elemental Skill increases 2-Piece Set effects by 25% for 10s even when switched off-field. Max 3 stacks.
Sands: ER
Goblet: Pyro DMG
Circlet: CR=CDMG (ER only if you're really struggling with uptime)
Substat priority: ER > CR=CDMG > EM
ER goal: 160%+
You could alternatively run her on 2pc Cat, 2pc Fated Strings for the ER, but the 4pc bonus from Cat's Calling is suggested.
✦✦✦ Weapons ✦✦✦
Grian's signature weapon, Incidental Blazing Breath, increases her ER and elemental skill DMG. It is considered her best in slot (duh) because it is specifically built around maximizing the DMG from her skill, with 8 stacks of bonus available, matching the suggested rotation. I do not suggest pulling on weapon banner this patch because Martyn's signature weapon is VERY SPECIFIC, giving a DEF and swirl bonus, and Grian's constellations outweigh the value of her weapon. Though it does look dope as fuck.
For other options, the five star standard weapon Gross Misuse is great for its ER bonus as well as its energy particle production. If you're looking for a 4 star weapon, the event weapon Glory Glory is good, and the craftable weapon Scribe's Pen at R5 is her best 4 star option. If you absolutely must use a 3 star, Whispering Blade (gotten from speaking to an NPC in Ention City) is the best choice.
✦✦✦ Talent Priority ✦✦✦
Burst > Skill >>>>>>>>>>> Basic ATK
Recommended not to level Basic ATK. 9/7/1 is a good place for talents to be.
✦✦✦ Team Comps ✦✦✦
Basically the only teams you don't want with Grian is any team with additional pyro characters.
Do You Even Vape Bro - Lizzie as a reaction based DPS, BDubs for heals and hydro battery, and Zedaph for crowd control/swirl/DEF reduction
Sahara+ Melt Team - Stress as reverse melt DPS, Mumbo and Grian for support and application (Mumbo as a Cryo battery) and Iskall for more battery and sub-DPS
Grian Driver Burgeon Team - This requires you to build your Grian with EM instead of CR/CDMG, but is a good option for how versatile she is. Pearl (or Beef), Netty, Skizz, Grian. Pearl/Beef for dendro battery and off-field application, Netty for heals and dendro resonance/battery, Skizz for consistent hydro application and shield, with Grian as the main driver for reactions.
Grian works well with teams who do multiple reactions as well, so freeze/melt is also a good choice.
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That's all! Comment down below if you're pulling for Grian, pulling for the new 5 star Martyn, or skipping the patch. I personally want more Mumbo and Cleo cons, so I will be pulling on the banner anyway LOL. Good luck and happy building!
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dragon-ascent · 3 months ago
I need Zhongli (ATLEAST C0) but...sits down in broke....Arlecchino....but then Zhongli.....Im slowly going crazy (srry to rant this in ur asks I just saw ur post abt ur good wishes for ppl pulling for him<3) -🎀 anon
Get Zhongli if you can! Zhongli is still meta 4 years into the game so you won’t regret it :D There’s still time to save for arlecchino anyway, all you need is a single pull and you’ll have her, trust~
Arle is great and EXTREMELY fun to play (I have her C1R1) but I find that DPS units are generally cycled through faster. Ultimately up to you though, especially if she’s one of your faves and you don’t want to risk missing out on her! Good luck 🩷
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narwhalandchill · 5 months ago
So Heres A Thing That Happened (yes sorry ive been MIA)
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(been saving since clorinde btw 😌😌)
Yeaaaaah i was originally gonna be getting chiori to just c2 -> c4 and then get c0 xilonen but i honestly was like. thinking about her kit and teams and whether i actually had any imminent need for a flexible support as is since this account is overall so stacked and with so many options to choose from anyway (whereas xilonen absolutely shows her value in any less invested accounts much stronger) and then the way i was feeling kinda eh with the execution of her animations even if i liked her design and it just wasnt the vibe whereas. Chior. we all know. i love her sm i dont even have words for it shes just everything. and with how wacky and nonsensical the rerun situations been w genshin i didnt feel that confident on just assuming shed get another rerun within a reasonable timeframe without a risk of just going MIA shenhe or wrio style . and im really not that interested in most of the known natlan cast unfortunately so its not missing out on that being an issue rly. ill get mavuika for meta if shes an off fielder but im not that invested in the rest rip
....sooooooo i just full sent it 400+ pulls 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and oh my GODDDD im so happy i did like 😭😭😭 the way chioris cons are All so genuinely significant across the board and then c6 just cherry on top bc she Both becomes the carry AND an exploration legend (bc skill cooldown goes from 16s to 4s) so i can keep using her Everywhere is just. waow. its actually So wild experiencing ur first limited c6 😭😭 she is Everything
anyway side effect of this unfortunately includes that now im mad i wont have the pulls (bc this took EVERYTHING i had) to get xilonen because unironically c6 chiori is now the unit id most like to be playing WITH xilonen so i Actually wish i had her now 💀💀💀💀 for like furina yelan wet rock team . but oh well. im sure shell be able to carry absolutely all content imaginable even if i can only secure xilonen on a later rerun HSH86SIHTSIHUGI what an adventure
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celuere · 3 months ago
Hallo Al!
I've been a fan of your works for...a while and am down on my knees for Arlecchino
But I have a slight problem. I've also started falling for Mavuika and the fact that they both are in 5.3 banners is extremely frustrating. So now I have to choose between Arky or Mavuika. I was thinking about going with Arlecchino as Mavuika will probably have a rerun. What do you think I should do?-
Also just saying again I just absolutely love your works
ooooh idk if I‘m the right person for that question because I‘m a meta NERD. i also might be biased since I have Arle on C6 (NO I AM NOT A WHALE), but I‘ll try sharing my opinion on the current situation you are in.
starting with Arle, it is her second banner and I don‘t think she will have second rerun before 6.0. she’s even at low investment a very good damage dealer and by low investment i mean LOW investment. literally give her white tassel and 4p gladiator and throw her in a team with xingqiu, bennett and sucrose and that‘s it. but she also scores in high versatility and doesn’t have to rely on vaporize, melt etc at all. you can put her in hundreds of combinations and she‘d still deal massive damage event at c0. she is just that girl. i am just waiting for a bond of life support at this point.
now about mavuika, it is always a bit difficult for me to rate a characters gameplay without having actual in game comparisons, so I‘ll base matters off of her kit. mavuika is a damage dealer than can be used as either an off-field or on-field unit. her elemental skill manifests a ring that follows the active character around and deals nightsoul-aligned pyro damage at a set interval of two seconds. a fairly good pyro application if you are asking me, while xiangling does an equal good job but the focus of her kit is actually her ultimate so let us move over to that.
mavuika‘s burst is the first burst in the entire game that doesnt use energy like every other to charge up, it uses „fighting spirit“. fighting spirit has a limit of 200 and mavuika can trigger it once it reaches 100 fighting spirit. but to get out the highest damage from her, you want to use her burst with full fighting spirits (her damage seems to be diabolically high btw). now the main problem for me arises here: to gather fighting spirit faster, you will need natlan characters. you can also gather them via using normal attacks with party members but the gain is so LOW, without xilonen it‘s not a viable option imo. but again, there is still the option of using her as a sub dps in a large variety of teams and she will probably get more team options in the future so not all hope is lost.
Now this was just my meta view on the situation! mavuika will get a rerun on before august either way so if you skip her for arle and regret it later on- don‘t be sad! at the end of the day they are both wonderfully written characters and you should pull for whatever characters speaks to you more, maybe you are lucky and can manage to even pull them both! i hope i could help anon and tysm for enjoying my works❤️
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minnaci · 7 months ago
genshin impact is giving us a free 5* standard character and i don't know who to choose! please help
KEQING · c0 — keqing is the only standard 5* i don't have, and i'm a bit of a collector! however... i think it's so funny that i don't have keqing yet even though i have played since 1.1, so i'm considering not choosing her for the bit. miss keqing has evaded me at every turn and it might be impolite to drag her home lol (plus i would likely not build or use her on any teams)
DILUC · c2 — listen. i hate him (<- what i look like when i'm lying btw) but i bought his stupid silly outfit and i have spoiled him thoroughly. c2 would be good but he hasn't been meta since hutao came out and he's only been further powercrept since then
TIGHNARI · c1 — most importantly he's my boyfriend and i love him. however he's not as well-built as my other dps charas. his c1 would be nice to have as he's more aligned with current meta than diluc but again i don't really use him as a part of any of my abyss or library team comps
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genshinconfessions · 4 months ago
genshin can't update old characters kits.. that could literally get them a major lawsuit. they already tried to nerf neuvillette and hoyo employees were literally getting doxxed for it. spiral abyss is still easily clearable with well-invested 1.x units. yes, an arlechinno wont require the same amount of investment as a ganyu, keqing, etc for maximum damage output, but still. zy0x literally cleared the abyss with c0 keqing, c0 fischl, a level c0 40 nahida, and a level 70 c0 xilonen.. it doesn't take crazy investment.
the only real powercreep has been neuvi to every other hydro dps, and arle to hu tao. it could be argued of chiori and albedo, but they both aren't exactly "meta" units so it doesn't really matter.. they essentially do the same thing
hsr had Seele, who was immediately powercrept by Jing yuan, who was powercreept by Dan heng il, who was powercrept by blade, who was powercrept by jingliu, and so on. boothill was literally powercrept the banner directly after his by firefly. theres worse situations when it comes to gacha games and powercreep... Genshin is relatively tame Abt it.
+ adding on to my prev ask
hsr is constantly inflating HP to keep up with firefly's dmg in moc + keeping anything that has fire weakness in there for months at a time.. the endgame content constantly panders to her... sure Genshin will make the abyss/theatre to advertise characters with the buff of charged atks for chasca and lyney or def for xilonen and chiori, but its not like its unbeatable without those units, whereas hsr literally forces u into a position to pull for firefly.
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boycaca · 4 months ago
Its so funny seeing people genuinely upset that chasca powercreeps scara because personally meta is the last thing i care about in a character and if chasca has a hideous, racist and obnoxious design i do NOT wanna suffer through having to look at her while im one shotting a boss. I would rather deal damage that is shit from a butt with my beautiful c0 scara because at least my eyes dont hurt🩷
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eternal-moss · 1 year ago
Drawing a Liyue character every day until CNY day 3: Baizhu!
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OTP(s): None!
Relationships I like with him in:
-Gui, Qiqi, Changsheng and Baizhu
-Zhongli and Baizhu
-Hu Tao and Baizhu
-Xiao and Baizhu
Things I like about this character: Baizhu is such a lovely person, and reminds me a lot of my childhood doctor, especially with his tendency to prioritise others’ health to the detriment of himself. I really appreciate his character design (the amount of snake details is so cute, it shows how much he loves Changsheng) and his character OSTs which go so hard. His determination to become immortal is really interesting- to stay alive for the sake of Changsheng and to continue to be Qiqi’s caretaker is really heartwarming.
Meta stuff: C0, I have two R5 prototype ambers, one for Kokomi, and one for him. Baizhu is actually a really good meta character, and if I wasn’t a Kokomi main I’d use him all the time. He doesn’t need very good artefacts to perform really well. Also his team healing is better than Kokomi’s I’d say, and even provides interruption resistance. I use him in some dendro comps.
HCs: Most of the headcanons I had were proven when he was released (I’m so glad the dendro archon theory was wrong it was slightly dumb). I hc him as Chinese-Malay, why? Because he has pandan coloured hair- /j. In modern AUs, I hc him and Gui to be Qiqi’s coparents. I think before he met Zhongli, Baizhu was pretty wary of the adepti (because of what happened to Qiqi) and tended to avoid them. After meeting Zhongli & giving him medicine on Xiao’s behalf, he has a better relation with the adepti.
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immortals-delight · 9 months ago
First impression of Imaginarium Theater
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[This is just my personal opinion, you're allowed to disagree. Opinion will change as time goes on. This is only a first impression]
First of all, this is from the perspective of someone with a non meta focused, high investment but still relatively new player (3.0), I am ar 59, it is worth mentioning that this account can clear floor 12 but not full star, I didn't expect to full clear this mode this theatre rotation.
I was excited for this mode when it was announced, the element limits sounded interesting, the boons are neat, and one of the main selling point is the fact that you can borrow characters from friends.
When it came out, everyone is disappointed with the fact that we can only borrow 1 character, normally it should've been fine, disappointing? yes but ultimately fine, that was not the case when you get characters at random & can only use them twice. The energy system is too harsh, if they increase it from 2 to 3 it would be way better.
Team building really just consisted of throwing 4 non synergistic characters (if you get lucky maybe you get a support that synergize with your dps) onto the wall and hope it sticks. The premise of limiting you to 3 elements is good on paper but horrible when who is on your team is on the whim of rng. I understand that it's the gimmick of the game mode but it makes me wanna tear my hair out.
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This is going to come down to matter of personal opinion but I do not like overload reactions, I do not have pyro or electro carries, my only saving grace is my Xiao & Alhaitham, this element combo is horrible for me. At least the supports are good.
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Onto this rotation's roster, Clorinde, Arlecchino and Wanderer are nice dps. Thoma, Kuki & Faruzan (ripbozo if you don't have her c6) barely have synergy with the rest of the character. Sure, you can use Faruzan with Wanderer & Xiao if you brought him. Thoma is decent with Wriothesley & can somewhat work with Clorinde. You probably should hold off Kuki until you get Alhaitham. All of the supports (except for Kuki but her c2 is still too good) are constellation dependent, especially Faruzan, and I think they give you the c0 versions. While it looked decent, act 1 & 2 are extremely resource wasteful if you don't play your cards right. Baizhu can work for an aggravate team but that's just dendro being dendro. Sigewinne is there for emotional support (I'm sorry I gen couldn't think of a team where she is life changing)
The boons are kinda whatever, the buff is okay but insignificant, it doesn't change how you play the game the way hsr's simulated universe blessings do.
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I only managed to get to act 7 on the hardest difficulty, with around 25% hp left on coppelia in act 8. I got all the stars except for of course act 8. It is what it is, this rotation is not for me. I'm not particularly upset about not being able to clear.
Overall I am disappointed with the execution, the whole buff working even outside of the game mode feels like a scummy way to get you to pull more, this unfortunate lineup did not help at all.
Will I still do it every time it resets regardless of how bad the lineup is just for primo? definitely. Is that the only reason I will play the mode? yeah probably.
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rexonalapis · 8 months ago
i am guaranteed 5* in 17 pulls.
i don't have geo dps
i do have c0 furina and c6 xingqiu
hp drain doesn't bother me meta wise because i have reliable healers but not having 100% HP makes me neurotic
i will refrain from pulling on navia banner for the next 7 days to wait for the result of this poll.
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aloysarrow · 1 year ago
I don't think I'm gonna be able to help myself. I'm gonna pull once at the beginning of this banner for Navia and once more at the end to see if I can at least get a c0 Navia. I really like the 4*s on the banner and would like to improve their constellations if nothing else so I don't see the attempt as a loss in any way. Not totally anyway. I'm gonna pass on Ayaka tho. I'd love to level her but I'm really actually just happy to be doll collecting before I build my 5* dolls lol. I'm not a meta player 😅✌️
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year ago
Hey, nobu! So, l listen to this: I currently have three hsr limited banner 5star charas: blade, ratio, and Acheron. And I have Clara, gepard, and bailu from standard (every five star I have is e0 minus trailblazer) I've had an account since Kafka release, but haven't started playing religiously until Argenti.
And I have something similar in genshin: Jean, Mona, and diluc from the standard banner. That's it. As well as limited kazuha, neuvillette, ayaka, wanderer, and itto (once again, all 5 stars minus traveler are c0) HOWEVER, I've been playing for about one and a half years.
Is this normal, bc it feels like I have unholy luck 🤨 yes it makes sense to have more in genshin, but only two more? Idk something seems off? I'm currently trying to test my wishing addiction by saving all my stellar jades and primos until boothill and arlecchino, (aventurine is going to TEST MY STRENGTH I love him) but in the meantime I kinda wanted to ask another player
sorry for the long ask kisses kisses hugs sleep well drink water love your work!
oh trust me anon, it isnt weird AT ALL. i never realized it but i noticed recently that i never had much characters or even weapons/lightcones. i always have many copies of a three or a four star and mainly tend to switch between the very few characters that i built either they be 4* or 5* or the standard characters that are considered “bad” by the meta.
i used to go with kaeya in co-ops bc he was my only built cryo, no one complained. i used to go with lumine, no one complained. i used to go with even barbara as a healer or diluc because i was building bennett at the time — no one really complained. even now on hsr, i have welt, bronya (just got her recently), blade, jing yuan, lunae and argenti (+free ratio). i have few 5* too and it isnt weird at all, luv. dont worry
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daggryet · 2 years ago
what does being an f2p (if that's even correct I saw it mentioned on your blog once) player mean?
I'm like really new to genshin and everybody just flings acronyms around and I don't understand shit (/lh)
i remember just starting out, there's so much to figure out 😭 but i hope you enjoy! i found it very fun!
it means being free to play! since genshin's a gacha game you can also choose to be pay to win, ie. paying real money for extra pulls (wishes) at characters on banners, or paying for a battle pass membership (unlocks more prizes). as a free to play, i grind (do quests, do exploration, do the challenges in the adventure guide and battle pass) to get primos. harder work, but way easier for my wallet and bank account.
(other useful acronyms i spent way too long trying to figure out:
a character at c0-6 (constellation = when you get characters multiple times you unlock constellations that give your character different buffs)
a weapon at r1-5 (refinement rank =you can refine your weapon by 'adding' copies of the same type of weapon to your weapon)
being at x pity (mostly something you'll see the very into the gacha meta people talk about, but on the banners you're guaranteed a five star at 90 wishes - and the wishes up until then are the pity, so if you've pulled 70 times you're at 70 pity))
also five star characters are good, but they're not necessary. you can play the game without ever using a cent and still find it enjoyable and fun to play. anyone saying anything different are lying to you. also five stars don't need constellations to work efficiently, they're really just a benefit for the people that can spend hundreds of dollars on getting them
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stargazet · 1 month ago
saw a post talking about main gang + Craig & co maining video game characters and OF COURSE i have to chip in with the Genshin sillies. bear with me, thank you
Stan: Wriothesley. Dog/Wolf man who punches? Say less. Plays him with Shenhe as support and probably Yelan/Furina for freeze reactions. Ever since Ororon dropped he's got that hot topic emo loser for superconduct. I can see him enamoured with the likes of Freminet, tbh. I also think if he doesnt use this standart team he likes using Dehya, Yelan/Furina and Tighnari for burgeon. He probably collects Punchers like Infinity stones (Wrio, Dehya, Heizou, hes got them all)
I think he has a soft spot for Kaeya & Kinich. Broken Families, Alcoholic father, he loves projecting.
Kyle: there's only 2 options: he either HATES alhaitham or he fucking loves that guy. Based on that he either uses him OR kaveh (you're not subtle). Him and Stan are probably the most Team Comp/reaction focused, so he'd work with an aggravate team for sure. Probably a Raiden Main for that but I know he likes Kuki too. He probably also likes Hyperbloom/Burgeon so, in that order, he also plays: Haitham, Xingqiu, Raiden / Haitham, Xingqiu, Benny/Xiangling.
I think he very much considers his team comp carefully, what characters are best in what positions, rotations, it's all important for him, so I think he doesn't really care about Cool-looking/lore characters or their in-game status and more about Meta, therefore the heavy 4star usage
Cartman: A whale. doesn't care what is a good team comp, he can pick whoever and however, has most characters c6 and signature weapons r5, he's all about showing off that, much less the damage. He favors 5star characters, ESPECIALLY Archons. Definitely a heavy Raiden user, probably also Miko, he doesn't think Furina should be given the Archon title, so Neuvilette there, doesn't give a shit about Nahida and thinks Wanderer was nerfed the SECOND he was announced as Wanderer and not in his previous Scaramouche getup/behavior. Alhaitham in Nahida's stead, thus (Dont get it twisted though, he has her c6 simply because he can). No strong feelings about Venti, uses Zhongli a lot bc Shield. Absolutely has Mavuika and uses her. I'm not sure whether he likes any of the current playable Fatui. He might deem them too soft for their positions so far, so ik hes mad as shit about Signora and Capitano (fly high, king). He WILL be a Dottore main.
Kenny: Mavuika. Leather suit with zipper. Bike. He's sold. Definitely a Miko lover, her mischievous aura, the E skill, he loves that shit. which is also why I'd assume he'd love Yelan (Mommy + E skill). I think he'd adore Furina, Wanderer & Childe due to their lore (500 years of solitude and no one knew? Yeah he resonates. 3 Betrayals & Abandonment? Hell yeah. Being a good big brother but corrupted deep down? HES ALL ABOUT THAT).
He's definitely a Girls girl character wise, Hoyoverse's target audience atm, I can see him with Rosaria, Lisa, Candace. He ate Chasca and Citlali up, he just doesn't have enough primos Ever to get all the waifus he wants
Doesn't rlly care about team comp or reactions, nor supports/sub dps/healers. Everyone can be a DPS if Kenny has them on the rooster. Tries to go for huge DMG numbers despite the worst team comps, no reactions, everyone at C0. (Somehow he's doing pretty good)
Add on: An insanely good dodger, he doesnt need a shield nor a healer. he also likes the Orphanage Trio (Lyney, Lynette, Fremi) and would play the Fatui Fam team (the trio + Arlecchino) (I know he loves Arle, his dick was hard watching the cutscenes of her storyquest)
Butters: 1st of all, his damage sucks, he does NOT care abt rotations or reactions etc. That is a lore player and world explorer. Thus, a stupidly high exploration rate (half of it at 100% definitely) everywhere. Has practically all world quests done because he loves helping Anyone with Anything. Probably an insane amount of Primos that all the f2p players are jealous of because he rarely wishes and only for the characters he likes and cares about. Wanderer Enthusiast & Raiden hater, probably. Furina, Freminet, Bennet, he's got them. Uses Fischl a LOT (he loves her and ik he gets teased bc of that). He also has Shenhe & Ayaka, probably. So many Cryo characters, which makes sense for a child that probably feels unwanted/forgotten by everyone else :)
I think he likes supporting, healers more specifically, so he definitely has Furina or Kokomi always ready for co-op
Craig: Alhaitham is the realest and funniest guy he's ever seen, that's his ride or die main, followed closely by Wanderer because he's so hilariously mean and openly rude♡ He also has Kinich because hes the same type of blunt and ik every time he hears Ajaw talk he tells that pixel to shut the fuck up, except for when he's incredibly rude and mean to Others (Bungee jumping without a rope?? I know Craig laughed)
I think he cares about reactions etc again, and since he has 2 dendro & 1 anemo dps, he doesn't usually play them together and rather has 3 teams built around them (or two, switching out Haitham and Kinich at random) as follows:
- He's a Burgeon bitch rather than Aggravate, so: Haitham/Kinich, Xingqiu, Nahida, Benny/Xiangling (I think he doesnt like Mavuika and doesn't pull her therefore)
- brute force with a hypercarry team: Wanderer, Faruzan, Benny, Dehya/Furina
Ik he thinks using a shielder is like cheating, so he's not touching any shielders. Makes him, too, incredibly good at dodging, especially because Wanderer's Passive "Gales of Reverie" needs acceleration during his E skill, which is easiest done when dodging an attack before continuing your own attack.
Chasca hater, i can feel it in my bones.
Clyde: That is an Itto Main if i've ever seen one. He LOVES big buff men so Itto it is, Wriothesley and Cyno because he fucking loves him and his jokes. He loves a good shield, so he has Zhongli at the ready. I think he would play Xiao every once in a while, because the Pogostick-play amuses him. Absolutely only brute forces his way through anything (99% with Itto, ofc) Which is also why he's got Neuvilette, the Beyblade Spin is his favorite thing.
He definitely has Childe and uses him too, but ofc that bitch never crits and everyone clowns him.
Token: Another reaction/Meta player. Also close to Whale-Level, his favorite characters are c6 and r5 in their signature weapons. He definitely has Raiden and Arlecchino and probably Nahida for a hyperbloom/burgeon team. Since that also needs Hydro, i think he'd use good old Xingqiu or straight up Yelan. He probably doesn't use Furina despite her being (one of) the best Hydro units in supporting roles, because he doesn't like the constant decrease of HP that comes with her Skill.
He's also an Archon & Fatui collector, so he's got the available 6/7 (plus Neuvi), full Fatui Fam, Childe & Wanderer.
Jimmy: Cyno, though it's a love-hate relationship, I think. Lyney, because he likes the guy and how he executes his magic shows in-game, also really cool animations with both of these guys. Definitely an Arlecchino, Clorinde & Yae Miko haver, he loves powerful women. I think he'd also like the punchers, so Wriothesley, Heizou & Dehya. Since he's got a bunch of Pyro & Electro with that, he probably has Nahida or Tighnari for Aggravate or Burgeon reactions. Definitely waiting for Playable Columbina.
Tweek: he prefers characters that are silent idle, so definitely no Wanderer or Kinich. I can see him worried about HP all the time so he probably runs with a healer and a shield at all times, so Kokomi/Furina and Zhongli. I think he mains Kazuha, tbh, although his burst probably stresses him out 50% of the time because it blinds him lmao. I can see him relating and thus using Bennet, too. I think he'd also like bow users because, at least in co-op, that'd allow him to attack from a distance, so Tighnari, Lyney, Yoimiya are characters he'd have. He's definitely opting for supports, being a DPS is too much pressure.
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