#c.c theories
crisiscutie · 7 months
Sephiroth's mental breakdown was nailed perfectly. The raw emotions and him realizing Gast was no better than Hojo... Oh man... Rebirth is gonna be amazing
Game isn't even out and it's already one of my favorite scenes. The music. The buildup to it. THE JENOVA CLOSEUPS. The superb voice acting. (yes, I think Tyler Hoechlin does a fine job)
The only thing that seemed iffy was cutting out some of Sephiroth's monologue about the Cetra and traitor thing.
And you know what, I like Rebirth's slight retcon. In this version, it's much more about Sephiroth, providing a clearer understanding of why he succumbed to darkness. This man and boy (since young Sephiroth is his inner child that's always with him) finally discovered the ugly "truth" about the twisted experiments that made him and the other monsters. He always wondered about his purpose, and this was it. All those years of abuse and exploitation... were done at his expense because he's a monster. The few people that did love and support him? No, no such thing. They're no different from his tormentors. He felt so alone and lost.
The Nibelheim Incident is pretty much his trauma reaching a breaking point. I can see how difficult it was for some to discern for some this nuance in the OG (and even in CC) because they focused more on Sephiroth developing an ego complex from more obviously, outdated information. This retcon is more closer to the truth, the only erroneous thing being that Jenova was an ancient. It's an amazing fix and does a great job in humanizing Sephiroth. I absolutely loved how they used the Jung Shadow. I'm a psychology nerd. You basically watched the death scene of Sephiroth's old identity, especially notice how prominent his shadow is. It's meant to show his inner conflict and then his transformation.
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He became exactly what he never wanted to be.
Anyways, another thing to note: what was a bit weird in the original game and the compilation is the strange shift in Sephiroth's beliefs and motivations. At first, he believed himself to be a Cetra and had a divine right to rule over the planet. Then, he transitions to wanting to destroy the planet at the beginning of FF7, seemingly abandoning any claims to Cetra heritage. We know why his motivations changed, but it feels odd not getting more expansion on it after they just suddenly threw that bit of information at us. I believe this retcon should help smooth out that awkward transition. It's a great feeling that one item from my wish/check list might be addressed.
And you know another thing I fucking loved Rebirth's portrayal of the Nibelheim Incident? They didn't back off from Sephiroth's villainy and sadism. I already made a post about it here, but holy fuck. He is out for blood. Everyone and everything in his path had to suffer, just like he did. They don't deserve to continue to live life so happy and normal.
Sephiroth really did not deserve any of the shit he was put through, but that will never not excuse the atrocities he committed in Nibelheim. I was honestly scared to see how the writers would humanize Sephiroth, but so far, they seem to do a great job of it. Hopefully, the full game can keep it up.
The demo still has some issues with Sephiroth and how the gameplay works, though.
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r7inyz · 1 month
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when that duo is um. golden. yk kinda like a golden duo
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matrix-pawz · 4 months
Fnaf headcanon of mine: why do so many people think the crying child just lost his frontal lobe? Phone guy said that was the bite of 87 and that the victim survived. The crying child's bite though was in 1983 and he didn't survive, and just- LOOK AT THE MINIGAME
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Ain't no way that was only a frontal lobe, bros whole head got smushed like a pancake 😭
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pey-up · 8 months
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Remember this meme template. Yeah. I cried btw
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sparklerzii · 2 months
the cassidyvictim backlash is crazy...
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rabidrabbit10 · 9 days
Just a theory!
So basically, I think Vanessa fills the roles of C.C. Elizabeth and Michael Afton. I think she was defintiely more like C.C. as a child. Probably cried a lot after seeing what she saw. We know C.C. definitely saw something. "Remember what you saw." Maybe she had nightmares about it all. She behaves like Elizabeth in the first FNAF Movie. Basically just trying to keep William happy by fawning over him and doing everything he asks, even if she doesn't want to. In the novel, she straight up apologizes to him after he stabs her. I think this is supposed to be her last ditch effort at stopping him from hurting her more. Sometimes, you're so afraid of a person you'll apologize to them for no reason just so they'll leave you alone. I think we'll see her become more similar to Michael in the upcoming movie(s). From what we know, there's also a point in time where Michael just does what his father asks him to, likely to prevent him from getting angry with him and potentially harming him as a result. Then Sister Location happens and he's decided there's "only one thing lift for him to do now." I think he when he said was going to find his father, he meant he was going to get rid of him, so to speak. I think that will become Vanessa's goal and I think Mike has a similar one, although I think he, despite being named Mike, is more similar to Charlie bot in The Silver Eyes Trilogy. Basically what I'm trying to say is the first FNAF Movie is Vanessa's Sister Location and Mike's Silver Eyes.
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obsidian-art04 · 3 months
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Realized i never shared my fnaf missing kids incident kids (+ Elizabeth and Charlie) designs!
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wonderfull-star · 11 months
Ok guys, I realized something now. In fnaf 1 Michael was known as Mike Schmidt, right? What if that was originally his last name? I mean, what if Michael's mom, who is theoretically named "Clara Afton" (formerly Clara Schmidt), had another husband before William Afton whose last name was Schmidt but a tragedy occurred and then later she married William?? What if William isn't actually Michael's father? And C.C. and Elizabeth are his step-brother and sister?? (or I think only C.C.)That would partly explain why Michael treated C.C. the way he did, constantly scaring him. He was probably jealous that William paid more attention to C.C. and Elizabeth than to him.
I came to this theory after watching the film. After all, there he was precisely known as Mike Schmidt, where he had a different father. If his mother had not died, then perhaps no parallel universe (the one in the film) would have existed at all...
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the-little-iral · 10 months
"The diligent octarians recognize as friends those who look and act like them [...] Incidentelly, in the previous game, Cap'n Cuttlefish was able to investigate the Octarian Army for many years because the octarians thought he was an ally" (source)
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radiance1 · 11 months
Just a random thought I had, won't even be canon, probably could be picked apart extremely easily and has probably been thought of before, but I have this kinda small theory.
What if William's hell isn't actually Hell?
Now, I'm no major nerd about the Lore, I only really know the surface level, but here me out at least.
It'll probably get pretty wishy washy with the details, but when have this not in this fandom tbh?
Okay so, what if UCN isn't an actual physical place, but just a dream?
Taking something from The Man in Room 1280, where The Man is being kept alive by Andrew, dead spirit kid wearing an alligator mask.
This min-theory will also have to involve the Golden Duo, which it obviously has to include Cassidy, C.C's involvement will be both a minor yet key role I believe in this.
So, we know Cassidy.
Vengeful kid with a MASSIVE (which is still an understatement) bone to pick with one William Afton for murdering her. In a case, we can believe she died in a particularly gruesome way, far more than the other kids, which is why she's so angry.
Either that, or she's just an extremely petty little ankle biter who can hold a massive grudge for a long time.
Carrying on.
So, we know she has already killed him once, via the springlock suit, and then every other kid done went and passed on. But Cassidy, probably, wasn't satisfied with William's punishment being just death by her, Charlie, and the missing children's hands.
So she stays around, probably assuming that William Afton is still alive, and that's enough to deny her rest.
So, cut forward a while later, and we have another brat that was killed by William Afton, cause we know he killed a lotta brats. This one, is Andrew, who hasn't been able to rest because he doesn't have the knowledge that his killer isn't, well, you know, fucking dead.
Probably also was unable to get his revenge because he was never able to find the fucker.
So, Cassidy tells Andrew that William Afton is still alive and Andrew? Well, how would he be able to tell if she's lying or not? Hell, Cassidy doesn't know for sure if William is alive, but if she acts like she does, shares that she too, was murdered by William and seeking her revenge, and has a noticeable amount of anger behind it.
Who can say what she says isn't true?
So, they strike a deal. Find William Afton, make him suffer for all he's done to them and the other children he's murdered.
I would believe that they would further convince themselves that they aren't doing this just for themselves, but for the other children who was unable to seek their own justice for being murdered.
So, let us assume that Cassidy and Andrew both arrive at the location in FNAF 3, finding the burnt corpse of one William Afton. They then do some fuckery with Agony and the place burning down to create some kind of body that they place him into or whatever.
Said body, made mostly of Agony, is highly unstable and could be easily taken out.
Which is where Andrew would come in.
He keeps William Afton perfectly fine and dandy in the physical world while Cassidy crafts the perfect hell for William Afton. It takes some trial and error, which she gets better and better at crafting it which would cause it to get harder and harder as time goes on.
But, alas, she hit a wall.
She doesn't have enough power to do what she wants, and her ideas are running out.
So she goes to the afterlife.
Not to rest, no, to ponder on how the hell she can make William Afton's dream hell even worse. Leaving Andrew to take control of William's torment, which he gladly takes too.
There, she meets Old Man Consequences, who obviously tells her that she needs to rest and to let go of her hatred because she's dragging this out for longer than it should've been and he already had his punishment yada yada.
Cassidy then laves to wander and ponder.
There, she meets a familiar face.
There it was, the perfect piece of the puzzle!
C.C's agony was, and she means it, stronger than her own. His sadness, fear, and well, despair proved to make a far more potent source of Agony than her own fueled by anger and vengeance.
So, she manages to convince him to come back to the living world with her, she needs him, needs his power and she would like to have one of her few friends back and standing at her side.
How could C.C say no, after just a little more convincing?
However, C.C's own recognition of his power and how to use it is, well, certainly far lacking than Cassidy's own. But C.C didn't need to do anything, she just needed permission to tap into his power, and she'll take care off the rest.
When they returned to the living world, Afton's purgatory got worse and worse, changed a bit by Andrew's design, more difficulty, then molded even further by Cassidy's newfound power and C.C's own experiences with the nightmares he's had throughout his life.
Cassidy was the main architect of William Afton's personal hell, Andrew was the one who guarded it's gates and C.C was the source of power making this entire thing possible.
Of course, that doesn't mean that Andrew or C.C couldn't pitch in with new ideas here and there.
Okay! That's it!
Basically a mini-theory but honestly? I don't even know if this counts as a theory since I have like, not much understanding of FNAF lore as a whole lmao.
Just a brainfart I wanted to expand a little more about I guess!
Honestly? Seems more like an au not gonna lie.
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crisiscutie · 7 months
It's almost twistedly heartwarming that Sephiroth is using a puppet version of his brother/father figure to spark conflict between Shinra and Wutai. I can't help but wonder if he is pulling the strings for Matt and Lucia too. They were confirmed alive and working with AVALANCHE. They seemed to have some influence within it, at least, leading their own teams.
It would definitely make sense. One puppet on Wutai's side, two on AVALANCHE? Is Sephiroth taking inspiration from Xehanort, I wonder? Though, it's entirely possible he's simply only using Glenn, and that Matt and Lucia turned against him or went on their own ways at some point.
I'm curious to see how First SOLDIER ties all of this in. I'm not expecting the game to last more than a year after Rebirth's release through. So surely, we will get more story updates soon after the quietness from last year.
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glitched-unknown · 1 year
C.C has brown eyes
In FNaF 4 the mini games follow a mystery child often called the Crying Child or C.C. I have seen a lot of fanart and Gacha with C.C having green, blue, or both 1 green a blue eye. Here is why I don't think that is accurate.
Green eyes aren't very common and we already have 2 (3 counting Ms. Afton) characters with green eyes to having another wouldn't be likely
We see 3 different eye colors in the FNaF 4 mini games,
Black, blue, and green.
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The closest equivalent to black eyes would be brown. C.C has black eyes so that would make his eyes brown. You could argue that my black-eyed example has his eyes closed so C.C eyes are still up for debate but is C.C did have blue or green eyes we would see that in the game.
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misterrobobote · 2 years
My UA, is different from Mobox87's:
As you read in the title, there are some key elements of the time line or characters that are mine (I'm not the one to steal the characters from mobox. My AU, is in a way an alternative universe to Mob's). Here are two three elements that have been in my head for months (or weeks):
The first is that Evan Afton (aka, C.C or Kenin for mobox), survived the bite of 83. So his soul is not in Golden Freddy. But, he has lost his memory and motor skills. It will take years of rehabilitation for him to return to normal (2-3 years). Michael, who is responsible for his problems, will accompany him in the process (given that he felt guilty for almost killing his little brother). Evan is Jack's father (yes, the Jack who haunts the Stitchwraith. Except, he doesn't haunt the Stitchwraith but R.Fredbear with Andrew).
Here is a principle that I address in my AU. It is the fusion of souls. At some point in the novel, Jack will use his powers to merge his consciousness and that of Andrew with R. Fredbear (so that R. Fredbear has a persona that is a mixture of the consciousness of Andrew, Jack and himself (but are passed on)). R.Fredbear, however, refuses to live his human past (given, that Jack's and Andrew's soul are part of his) and wants to start, a new life as Rockstar with Bon-Bon.
William, had used the ability of some souls to be able to keep the same memory. However, he discovers that if the soul in question has a too chaotic past, this last one will tend to have that of the animatronic which lodges it.
That's all for today, I wish you a good evening/day. See you soon.
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sparklerzii · 2 months
i feel like some people are being too rude about the cassidyvictim/mikeTOYSNHK theory (dir at the dual process video)
but that's the fnaf fandom ig
i mean, yeah im a mikevictimer believer but i really like the video!!! and it made me like the theory even more!!!!!
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tawneybee · 11 months
Okay so I had an intense fnaf movie theory
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So starting off, one of the major plot points of the film is that Vanessa is William's Afton's daughter, and that Mike and Abby don't seem to be related to them at all, right?
And there's a theory about the Golden Freddy Spirit BEING an Afton kid. Not just the blonde hair (the actor isn't a natural blonde, it was dyed for his role) but the way the kid seems to react to everything.
He remembers his death. That's a plot point for the other kids, that they don't remember their deaths and the drawings make them believe the Yellow Rabbit is a friend. But he does seem to remember, since he told Mike through a drawing that the Yellow Rabbit killed his brother.
It's uncertain why he doesn't tell the other kids, or why his main goal is getting Abby rather than getting revenge, but it seems he's playing William like a pawn rather than vice versa. It's only when William stabbed his sister Vanessa that he stepped in. And the way William reached out for him in the safe room like he was asking for help almost solidifies it.
Now back to my theory, I'm sure plenty of you have heard the theory that the Schmidts are actually Henry's children, not William's. It would explain why William drove 9 whole hours to kidnap some random kid in Nebraska if the kid wasn't actually random. Maybe a revenge scheme over some company fault.
So my thought is, the family dynamics with the Aftons and Emily's are switched in the games vs the movie.
Micheal Afton (eldest brother)
C.C Afton (supposedly middle brother)
Elizabeth Afton (supposedly youngest sister)
Charlie Emily (murdered twin)
Sammy Emily (supposedly survived twin)
Mike Schmidt (eldest brother)
Garrett Schmidt (middle brother)
Abby Schmidt (youngest sister)
Golden Freddy Spirit (murdered twin)
Vanessa Shelly-Afton (survived twin)
I say twins because young Vanessa looks about the same age as GFS (although we don't know what year the photo was taken).
It feels like swapped dynamics to me. Garrett is a Charlie Emily parallel in their identical deaths, which could make both Mike and Abby Sammy Emily parallels as the surviving siblings. And the way Vanessa parallels Micheal A. (especially in her guilt and need to make up the kid's childhoods), would make GFS both C.C and Elizabeth. Honestly if GFS did have some sort of loyalty/passiveness to William murdering him like I mentioned, it definitely confirms an Elizabeth parallel.
I don't even need to mention how William makes Vanessa help him with his crimes (just like Micheal in the games) or how he plays with her guilt by blaming the mess on her (which suggests he would've blamed her brother's death on her, just like how Micheal feels guilty for C.C's death).
Sammy would probably also feel guilty for Charlie's murder, as that's how Charlie felt in the books when she thought it was Sammy who got taken. That was a situation that wasn't in the surviving sibling's control, just like how Mike couldn't stop Garrett's kidnapping. But GFS's murder could've been a preventable accident that Vanessa felt at blame for, just like Micheal for C.C (and probably Elizabeth).
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heartfullofleeches · 27 days
Which of your yans would have their darling in their Sims with wicked whims installed? I honestly wouldn't judge, I make myself in the Sims to just to feel some love
It was brought up for Miller [Streamer Yan] in one older post of theirs. Unlike a certain bastard I'll mention next, Miller feels like a kid when their parents walk in on something they know they're probably shouldn't be doing and either covers their monitors with their hands when their darling walks in, closes the game, or simply unplugs their computer.
V's [Loser Yan] greasy rat ass will maintain eye contact with his darling while they're looking over his shoulder at their sims going at it. This fucker has never felt shame a day in their life and happily go back to playing with their sims as they please with darling standing in the background.
Brie [🌽star Yan] would have it before he got together with his darling - especially if they were long distance. It helps gives him food for thought when he's alone in his bed and wants to feel their touch. It sits in limbo when he finally has them with him, but always drags him back when they're away.
Devlin [Immortal Yan] - this old man (further context - Dev is physically in his twenties has been that age since the late 1800s bc he's immortal) thinks relaxing games like the Sims is for nerds, but tell him about that mod and it's suddenly one of his favorite games.
"You mean I can make these little characters who look like us fuck?! Move over, babes- I need to check this shit out!"
Calliope [Creep Yan] would download it one day out of pure curiosity- She's the kinda gal who'd play Sims religiously with her Sim and darling's happily living together as a couple. She enjoys mods that give things a somewhat more realistic feel and she would like to bed her darling someday so it feels justified. If darling finds out - she'll smash burn her computer in her backyard. She isn't a pervert! Just a lonely girl in love.
C.C [Incubus Yan] would claim it's below him and that someone else downloaded it on his computer, but catch him drunk, alone and missing his boo guess where his ass will be?
"Your sim can stay home from work and fuck mine, but you can't call off work for one damn day and spend time with me? I want cuddles and sex, damnnit!"
In theory, Amyas [Yan Cupid] little pervy self would love to play, but he probably couldn't figure out how to get it working without your help even with instructions and he'd be too shy/embarrassed to ask you.
Mono [Alien Yan] would look into it for "research purposes". They originally makes themselves for another angle on what their human form may look like, but their curiosity gets the better of them when they discover mods
Alien [Another Alien Yan A normal human guy] Would have it, but it gets lost amongst the sea of objectively funnier mods to mess around with like ones that'll give him/darling wings and other stuff like that.
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