#c;; ecthelion
doodle-pops · 6 months
Lords of Gondolin | With A Musician Reader
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Request: hi mina how have you been? i hope you’re doing ok c: i was wondering if you’d write a scenario about human!reader showing off her greatest musical creation to the elves? it’s a piano they’ve spent a decade workshopping & building to perfection. readers also made middle earth versions of the upright bass, acoustic guitar, & cello. they plan on making more instruments cause it’s their passion and how they want to be remembered by. for the lords of gondolin - @dicksoutformtl
A/N: I’m doing just fine! It was fun writing this request know that all of them would be impressed at reader’s craftsmanship. Enjoy!
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.𑁍༊˚ Galdor
Galdor is thoroughly impressed by your craftsmanship in creating new and improved versions of some of the instruments they already have while crafting newly discovered pieces as well.
He would have known you were into the musical arts, hence why you were always playing or composing a new piece every few weeks. However, what he had never suspected was a entire batch of new instruments being presented to him.
He is enthralled and eager. While some instruments may not be a favourite to his ear due to the sounds they emit, you can bet he’s informing you of some upcoming festival where you can show off your creative talents.
Galdor is a proud elf Lord who would happily talk about what you’ve created to the others and recommend you to the King to play your pieces at balls. He wants everyone to be aware that you’ve made inventions and they’re groundbreaking.
There are moments when he’d sit around and listen as you explain to him how you created each piece and the inspiration behind them or watch as you play songs on them.
It touches him when he becomes aware of the purpose of your collection of paper in the corner of your room. They were all songs written to be played on these instruments about how much you like or care about him. He’s touched and appreciative.
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.𑁍༊˚ Ecthelion
The musical master is too stunned to speak as he enters your humble abode and notices all the new “classical” instruments lying about. Ecthelion’s curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t help but strum the strings of the bass and cello, or press the keys on the piano and gasp at the new pitch echoing.
He becomes aware that these are not instruments that exist in Middle Earth and bombard you with a million questions. “How did you make this?” “Where did your idea come from?” “What inspired you?” “Who are you really?”
Ecthelion probably assumes that you’re not normal to come up with all these instruments since the Valar would have created their instruments for them…so are you a Maiar or Valar in disguise?
You will be followed around until you answer all of his questions with responses that tickle his brain the right way. And be prepared for him to request if you two can now play duets at festivals and balls. He wants you to be the musician couple.
Ecthelion will show you off, more than Galdor and some of the others because he’s proud and wants everyone to know how talented you are. He doesn’t care if the other Lords comments that you’re more talented than him, he would simply acknowledge and say, “Yes!”
And not to forget, he’s making sure that your name gets recorded in the history books as an important figure in music. He’s even more proud when he realises that you’ve outdone musical protégé like Maglor and Daeron.
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.𑁍༊˚ Glorfindel
There is not a person without a ten-mile radius who hasn’t been alerted by him of your musical genius abilities. Even Lord Elrond would be shaken aggressively as he is being told about your creation. “Y/N has reinvented the world of music! There is no one as great as them!”
Goodbye Lindir or Ecthelion, hello to Y/N, the new musical protégé of Gondolin or Imladris. Get used to being announced at dinners or balls to play your newest pieces and having Glorfindel looking like a proud dad (if he had a camera, his look would be completed).
Anytime you’re making a trip to your music room, don’t go without Glorfindel or else he’ll barge in all grumpy, complaining that you forgot him. He wants to be present at each new masterpiece you’re making, whether it be a new instrument or song. He likes watching the look of concentration as you play each piece to conclude which suits the song best.
Be noted that he’s curious, so he is bound to touch the piano or cello and gasp as the notes ring out. I can see him being drawn towards the guitar and requesting that you teach him. I don’t know, but Glorfindel playing the guitar suits him (idk if it’s just me).
Cue Glorfindel wanting to join you whenever you’re playing and the guitar can be included. He’ll happily sit beside you and strum away lightly while you play the piano or violin.
Like Ecthelion, be prepared to be announced/talked about by Glorfindel any chance he gets. He’s not rubbing it in anyone’s face, simply expressing how proud he is of his little human creating instruments that “change everything”.
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.𑁍༊˚ Egalmoth
Most proud of them all, however, he’s torn between wanting the world to learn about your skills and also keeping them hidden so he alone can know this secret and cherish it.
A bit stingy sharing your talents with the rest of the world because they should be for him to enjoy and praise. He does complain when people don’t praise you enough and encourages them to be louder.
I don’t see anyone surpassing him in terms of being the biggest cheerleader. This elf considers himself blessed to be around such a gifted person (you’re more gifted than his friends in his eyes). You’re a miracle worker creating new instruments unheard of or reinventing old ones.
He wants to learn about your pieces even though he doesn’t know about music deeply, he would to be told everything. Don’t worry if it sounds all foreign to him, he’s understanding.
Egalmoth would inquire if you would like more materials to make more instruments because he understands that it’s your passion. He would even ask if you would like to open up a school to teach others.
Like the others, he would request that you play at dinners when the Lords come over or if the King is hosting a dinner party. Might get annoyed if someone wants to collaborate with you because you sound great on your own.
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.𑁍༊˚ Rog
This craftsman is enthralled, amazed, excited, and proud of your creation. You made these instruments all on your own! Rog cannot cease talking about how you designed and crafted all the instruments by yourself. This is one of the rare moments when he's talkative nonstop.
You’ve got one of the great blacksmiths hooked on your inventions and wants to know the process you took to create each piece. He’ll be teary if you mention that you used some of his instructions during his days of teaching you basic material crafting.
Learning more and more that everything was done on your own and you spent years making each puts a type of ride in his heart that’s unshakable. If you show him how each piece is played, Rog finds himself whipped and ready to boast.
It’s strange seeing the quiet blacksmith boasting and talkative, and it’s for good reasons, you. All the Lords know, the citizens know and the King as well. Very soon, you’ll be having a hearing with the King who was intrigued by your new inventions courtesy of Rog cheerful chattering.
Rog doesn’t mind whether you choose to play privately or publicly, the choice is yours and he’s pleased with either decision. He wants you to be comfortable, but he would ask if you could play him a piece so he could experience the beauty of your creations.
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.𑁍༊˚ Maeglin
Curiosity caught his attention for a great purpose and it led him to discover new things worthwhile. Maeglin is enamoured and his curiosity is piqued tenfold. Questions rattle off the top of his head about all that he’s seeing and how did you manage to think about creating these pieces.
You’ll be seen as someone highly skilled and great in his eyes because you’re out here reinventing the world of music, something the elves are passionately known for.
“Can I come to watch?” “Can I sit and listen?” “Will you play for others to see what you’ve made?” He will stand in the doorway as you play your pieces and write songs suited best for each with a sense of pride in his chest. You’re a part of his House and creating all these great inventions to make a name for yourself. How could he not be pleased?
Definitely another one who would recommend you to the King to present your showstopping performances during balls. Whether you play with the orchestra or sole, Maeglin is supportive.
You’re Maeglin little songbird who he wakes up to playing your piano or guitar on the balcony or in the drawing room. You provide him with melodies that allow him to melt in and drive his tension away.
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @mcwentfandomtraveling @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @hermaeuswhora @lamemaster @zheiya @addaigio @involuntaryspasms
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sesamenom · 6 months
@general-illyrin @tar-thelien @who-needs-words I think you all mentioned being interested in the reverse gondolin au - is anyone interested in helping with wrangling the timelines, especially the second age stuff? Here's the current outline:
(Edit: anyone feel free to help out if you're interested!)
YT 14365 - Birth of Lomion
YT 14373/FA 1 - Death of Argon
2 - Aredhel adopts Lomion
300 - Birth of Idril
316 - Turgon & Idril kidnapped by Eol
400 - Turgon & Idril rescued. Death of Eol
465 - Finrod more-peacefully passes throne to orodreth while on Quest. Everyone except beren still dies
472 - Nirnaeth. Turgon named High King of the Noldor.
476 - Turgon abdicates official title. Aredhel named High King of the Noldor.
496 - Tuor comes to Gondolin
502 - Wedding of Idril and Tuor
503 - Births of Earendil and Elwing. Idril begins to have foresight dreams about the Fall.
506 - Second Kinslaying. C^3 dead, celebrimbor stays in gondolin. Aredhel denounces the oath/kinslaying and disowns C^3
Elwing survives & is found by Oropher & Thranduil // Galadriel & Celeborn. oropher, thranduil, oropher's wife, and thranduil's then-gf // galadriel & celeborn take Elwing to Gondolin as refugees. The Silmaril is left hidden in the woods of melian's domain.
507 - Elwing comes to Gondolin.
509 - Idril captured by Morgoth. Idril reveals the location of Gondolin in exchange for an Oath to not harm her family (Turgon, Tuor, and Earendil). Idril rescued.
510 - Gondolin prepares for war with Morgoth.
513-522 - Siege of Gondolin. Deaths of Duilin and Rog. Gothmog slain by Aredhel the Huntress. First use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor in defense of Gondolin. House of the Hammer of Wrath destroyed.
523 - Maedhros believes a Silmaril is with Elwing at Gondolin.
525 - Earendil weds Elwing. Lomion weds ???. Adoption of Gil-Galad
532 - Births of Elrond and Elros.
538 - Third Kinslaying at Gondolin. Death of Amras. Elrond and Elros kidnapped by Maglor. Deaths of Elwing and Turgon. Second use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Maedhros and Aredhel. Lomion named King of Gondolin and High King of the Noldor. Deaths of Salgant, Penlod, and Tuor. Earendil named Lord of the House of the Wing.
540-549 - War declared between Gondolin and the Feanorians of Himring over the Third Kinslaying and kidnapping of Princes Elrond and Elros.
549 - Elrond and Elros recovered. Feanorians and Gondolin severely weakened. Celebrimbor // Gil-Galad declared heir to the High Kingship.
552-554 - Second Siege & Fall of Gondolin. Third use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Ecthelion, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, and Turgon. Idril and Celebrimbor lead survivors through the Secret Way.
555 - Gondolithlim refugees arrive at Sirion.
556 - Idril departs for Valinor.
558 - Earendil searches for Valinor.
560 - Havens of Sirion destroyed by Morgoth. Gondolithlim/Doriathrim survivors scattered. Elrond and Elros rescued (as adults) by Maglor.
572 - Morgoth controls Beleriand. Earendil and reembodied Elwing come to Valinor and rally the Host.
575-617 - War of Wrath
618 - Maglor claims the Silmaril from Eonwe's camp and casts himself into the Sea. Death of Maglor.
620 - End of the First Age.
1 - Founding of the Grey Havens and Lindon under High King Lomion
2 - Elros becomes the first King of Numenor
c. 500 - Sauron returns to Middle-Earth in the East.
650 - Eregion is founded
1000 - Galadriel is given Vilya; Lomion wields Nenya
1170 - Annatar comes to Lindon and Lomion turns him away. Lomion warns Celebrimbor of Eregion of his suspicions.
1200 - Annatar comes to Eregion. Celebrimbor takes him in to monitor.
1250 - Celebrimbor creates the Seven; Lomion creates the Nine.
1410 - Annatar is kicked out of Eregion.
1600 - The One Ring is forged. Sauron remains in hiding.
1610 - Sauron begins to gather and prepare armies in the East.
1673 - War of the Elves and Sauron begins.
1675 - Sauron invades Eriador.
1677 - Fall of Ost-in-Edhil. Celebrimbor and Lomion remain at the House of the Mirdain. Death of Celebrimbor in battle // Fourth use of the Three in battle. Sauron does not learn of the Seven. Founding of Imladris.
1678 - Sauron defeated by the Numenoreans and the Elves of Lindon.
1679 - Sauron flees to Mordor. First White Council held.
3147 - Civil war in Numenor.
3225 - Ar-Pharazon seizes the Sceptre.
3228 - Elrond claims the Sceptre. Ar-Pharazon disowned. Tar-Miriel named Ruling Queen.
3232 - Sauron taken to Numenor as a prisoner.
3274 - Elrond kicks Sauron out of Numenor and outlaws the morgoth cult.
3310 - Morgoth cult publicly reappears.
3319 - Downfall of Numenor. Tar-Miriel leads a greater force of the Faithful away.
(green // blue means two main options, red means i need to think about it more)
The main details I'm figuring out right now are
does Celebrimbor still die at Eregion - I don't think he's getting captured/tortured, but he could still die in the battle. On the other hand, he could probably survive by using Narya & Lomion using Nenya, but that would definitely have repercussions further down the line
how does Idril's deal work - I'm currently thinking of Idril exchanging the location of Gondolin for her family's guaranteed safety, because it seems in character for Reverse Idril? But on the other hand, even if I limit it to immediate family at the time of the oath (tuor, turgon, earendil) then idk where turgon dies? Maybe Maglor can kill him but that seems kind of random
where and how does Turgon die
how does Prince Elrond's character even work
how does Numenor still fall when factoring in Prince Elrond - I'm thinking that the morgoth death cult gained enough traction during the time sauron was there that even after Elrond kicks him out, the cult still sticks around and reemerges later? The Fall still happens, but they never go to attack valinor and there's a good deal more Faithful (maybe 40-60%?)
#silm#silmarillion#not art#reverse gondolin au#basically elrond is giving me a Lot of trouble here#i tacked an extra 30 years onto the FA (so the SA dates are mostly shifted up by 30 years to balance it out; hence elros being king in SA 2#this means e&e were adults during the Fall of Gondolin and the war of wrath and all#so instead of 'kind as summer' elrond of the last homely house in rivendell#we have gondolithrim veteran/dragonslayer Prince Elrond of Imladris Stronghold#and later the Bastion of the Faithful of Numenor#ironically enough he turned out way more feanorian when not raised by feanorians#instead of sirion e&e's defining Childhood Trauma was the gondolin kinslaying#in which mae and aredhel duel to the death while screaming at each other about fingon's fate and the Oath#and argon and elenwes deaths on the helcaraxe#also elwing fully died trying to protect them in this one#and then e&e were like 20something and sons/grandsons of two Lords durign the FoG so obviously they ended up fighting there too#and then again at the war of wrath#and by the mid SA elrond has already lived through so many wars he's running rather low on hope#so Prince Elrond still tries to be kind but is also substantially more willing to threaten people if need be#after eregion he founds imladris as a haven but also an impenetrable fortress#he saw the fall of gondolin and he knows that rivendell couldn't last forever#but he believes he can make it last long enough to defeat sauron first#or at least push him back so that the refugees of eregion can rebuild and survive#meanwhile celebrimbor takes up the last homely house role#but yeah Prince Elrond is pretty interesting#he intervenes more with numenor bc hes watching them self destruct and knows (bc foresight) exactly what would happen#so he tries (eventually in vain) to prevent it by disowning and exiling ar pharazon#and later exiling sauron around the time of the burning of nimloth#but it's too late and the morgoth cult already gained enough traction#on the other hand there's a lot more Faithful led by tar-miriel
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finmoryo · 8 days
Fics I'd like to write when I have time (probably in like 3 months)
Dear Fellow Traveler (Silvergifting)
Pre-Annatar (or canon divergence?) 2nd age
Celebrimbor traveling and meets Sauron in disguise
Fall for each other and keep meeting up coincidentally
Kinda wanna write a smut scene in a city being sieged that they just happened to get caught in
Thinking about Good Omens, would like to give off that vibe
Maybe Celebrimbor knows who he is eventually? Idk yet
Probably ends with Annatar arriving in Eregion
Based off a song I've been obsessed with lately
Celebrimbor + the hobbits (Gen)
Maybe some Maglor content too
Possibly past silvergifting idk
Celebrimbor lives and helps rebuild The Shire in the 4th age.
I want Samwise Gamgee interacting with Tyelpe please
The hobbits giving surprisingly good relationship advice
Based off a post of mine
Scenes from a Marriage (Silvergifting)
Based off the witcher 3 hearts of stone quest of the same name
It's been a while so i don't remember much, it's been in my drafts forever
Celebrimbor lives in Mordor locked away as the ages pass with only some dark magic guardians as animals to keep him company
Sauron defeated and Gondor cleans out Mordor and find him
He speaks to them in quenya and Faramir realizes who he is
Ending 1: Takes one of their swords and kills himself after realizing Sauron is gone (out of grief and relief I guess)
Ending 2: Faramir drags him out to Elladan and Elrohir who go fetch Maglor and Elrond. No further ideas.
Glorfindel/Erestor/Ecthelion fics
Been in progress for years at this point, 2 fics (started in 2021, not even 1000 words written)
Erestor son of Caranthir with Ecthelion, #1 Caranthir hater
Yeah that just goes so well
It'll probably be in my soulmate AU
Yeah it has to be Glorfindel already loved Thel so he wouldn't be with Erestor unless they were soulmates too
Erestor gets in a predicament and Ecthelion, being noble and good, saves him despite disliking him
Cue Ecthelion hiding him away while he tries to find out why Erestor is being hunted
Cue Elrond + Glorfindel being very worried about his disappearance
Tyelcurvo + Gil/Tyelpe
Yeah this one is a bit messed up
Trans Curufin (my go to) and Celegorm together
Celebrimbor secret Tyelcurvo baby in Formenos
Curufin claims he snuck out and bribed someone to help him have a kid
Gil-galad born not long after Nargothrond, C+C went to Himring
Maedhros has him sent away to Círdan. C+C are furious about this. They try to go after Maedhros's people and take him back, but Maedhros refuses to let them leave.
No one alive in the 2nd age knows Gil’s parentage except Maglor, beach urchin. Who is, alas, a mourning beach urchin.
So Celebrimbor and Gil-galad fall for each other.
They have a fall out when Celebrimbor visits Lindon while Annatar is in Eregion. Gil wants him gone (Elrond and Galadriel think he’s a threat and Gil is suspicious of him) and Celebrimbor thinks he’s just jealous.
Celebrimbor lives, much to his own distress
Idk if I'll have him be super traumatized and dead inside (oh the angst) or slowly healing
Either way Gil ends up taking care of him in Lindon
They have a dream that reveals Gil’s parentage. They’re both resigned to their fate and believe they’re just going to keep making terrible decisions so why stop. They love each other and the world is so messed up anyway
Please please me send an ask if you want to hear more about one or hear a snippet from it (if I have one). I can and will chat your ear off. Assuming I'm not studying.
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Terrible Fic Ideas #26: LotR SI, but make it Imrahil's Wife
I have a terrible weakness for fic where the main character suddenly finds themself having to contend with and make their way in a brand new world, whether via time travel, portal, or reincarnation. The method of displacement varies with whatever is most popular in whatever fandom I'm in at the time. So, naturally, with my current LotR obsession I found myself wondering: if I was going to write a LotR SI how would I do it?
My answer was: replace the unnamed woman who became Prince Imrahil's wife as a young girl.
Just imagine it:
Rather than a true self-insert, I see this as more of modern girl in Middle Earth, with a middle-aged fan of Tolkien waking up in the 5-year old future princess' body following a wave of minor illness that passed through whatever city she was living in. Keyword here is fan: the SI has read The Hobbit, LotR, and The Silmarillion and seen the movies, but couldn't, say, draw the Feanorian family tree from memory or remember the exact timeline of pivotal events. The SI has enough knowledge to cause trouble, but not enough to realistically interfere in events.
As no background is given for Imrahil's wife, the SI doesn't immediately recognize that's whose body she has awakened in. Or, indeed what world, as life in a Gondorian city at the end of the Third Age bears heavy resemblance to life in most Medieval cities. It takes about a year for her to realize she awoke in 2966 TA in the near vicinity of Minas Tirith - and Barad-dûr.
All Elphriel, as I shall call her, knows at first is that she's the youngest child and only daughter of the Lord of Pelargir. Her mother is the younger sister of Steward Ecthelion II, and it's that relationship that allows Elphriel to pinpoint where and when she is.
As the niece of the steward, Elphriel is present at her cousin Denethor II's marriage to Imrahil's sister, Finduilas, in 2976 TA. At 21, Imrahil is not immediately smitten with 15-year-old Elphriel, but they strike up a friendship that has both sides of their family teasing them about an eventual marriage in the way of all male-female friendships.
Part of this is that Elphriel is mature and sensible compared to most Gondorian noblewomen her age. How could she not be, having once been a middle-aged modern woman? And though her original STEM background doesn't serve her all to well in a fantasy world at war, I imagine living in Gondor's primary port allows her to take a great interest in sailing, ship construction, and international trade without raising too many eyebrows - things the Prince of Dol Amroth would also be interested in. She introduces concepts of double entry bookkeeping and welding economic diplomacy against Gondor's southern neighbors.
Somewhat against her intentions, Elphriel becomes the Adam Smith or John Maynard Keynes of Middle Earth.
Also somewhat against her intentions, Elphriel ends up falling for Imrahil. Their relationship is a surprise to no one but themselves, and grows over five years (and many letters) from a fond acquaintanceship to deep friendship to love almost without them realizing it.
They marry c. 2986 TA. Elphir is born in 2987, Erchirion in 2990, Amrothos in 2994, and Lothírel in 2999.
Meanwhile, in the background, Boromir and Faramir are born in 2978 and 2983 respectively. Finduilas dies in 2988, sending Denethor into his slow tailspin into despair. Seeing her nephews left effectively parentless, Elphriel steps up.
It's difficult, as Dol Amroth is some distance from Minas Tirith and she has young children of her own, but Elphriel does her best to provide both boys with a positive parental figure and unconditional love.
Elphriel's presence does not change anything. LotR happens exactly as it does in canon. Boromir is still lost to the ring. Faramir still nearly dies trying to earn his father's love. But they were loved, and knew they were loved.
That being said, I've seen posts about how from the outside it looks like Gandalf was planning a coup against Denethor - not necessarily to replace him with the rightful king, but with Imrahil. I'd like to play into that, but with Elphriel whispering behind the scenes that Denethor is clearly losing it and how steps should be taken for his heir to replace him before he does something truly unforgivable. It's slow going and Boromir being sent to Rivendell derails some of it, but there's definitely an undercurrent of Denethor needs to be made to step down going into the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
Otherwise, post-LotR includes a lot of helping Arwen adapt to a mortal royal court and mortality, mothering all her children (and Faramir), and doting on her grandchildren (and any other child she comes across).
Bonuses include: 1) Elphriel having a maternal grandmother from either Umbar or Harad, and dealing with Gondorian racism as only a modern woman can; 2) no one ever knowing exactly why Elphriel is odd, but all parties agreeing that she is and loving her nonetheless; and 3) gratuitous use of quotes and phrases from modern pop culture wherever feasible, and those around Elphriel either not understanding her humor or else finding her the most amusing person they've ever met.
And that's it. All I really wanted from this plot bunny was someone to give Boromir and Faramir more parental love than they receive in canon, and this was the best way to go about it I could contrive. As always, feel free to adopt the bun, just link back if you ever do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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theelvenhaven · 2 years
Bobbing for Apples
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Rog x Reader
2.4k Words
* * * 
Costumes were everywhere in Gondolin, elves dressed exquisitely. Mostly taking their inspiration from the Valar or from the human tales that you and the other humans residing there had taught them. Though a few of the elves even dressed as the Maia from Valinor that they ran into, or took inspiration as well from Tilion and Arien in beautiful seas of silvers, blues, golds and oranges. 
They certainly knew how to dress, and by the Stars did they certainly impress. You and the other humans here, had somehow convinced and indulged the elves to share in Hallow’s Eve traditions. And all of Gondolin was teeming with an air of celebration and excitement when you and your cohorts had brought this forth. Pumpkins decorated up the steep hills and at front doors, with other spooky motifs of ghosts, black cats, and even bats. 
 The King’s courtyard was no less done in an elvishly spooky way, with glass ornaments in spooky shapes, and places for intricate face paintings, and pumpkin carving places, and at your station was bobbing for apples. Three big bowls were filled to the brim with water, with apples floating atop in each bowl. 
There had been some confusion from a couple of the elves in regards of what your station was for. Some wondering what it was, or if it were a place to quite literally fetch an apple to snack on. Yet when you explained you had only found that they retreated at the idea of getting their face wet all for an apple. 
You sighed sitting down in the chair just at the table, relenting to the fact that there was no one in all of Gondolin who would take interest in this activity. Try as you might to sell it to anyone else, no one seemed to budge, especially as word spread about what the table was actually for. You fiddled with the intricately embroidered hem on your bright colored robes, having taken on a costume akin to Yavanna. Or at least in reverence to her, with your crown of ivy and flowers. 
The theme certainly fitting your fruit bobbing station. You watched as many other elves passed by, shooing their young elflings from the table who tried to swipe or steal the apples out of the bowls. You were almost tempted to let them have one, seeing that no one else was going to be diving into them for one. 
Yet a cacophony of amused and chattering voices met your ears, and bringing you to look up from swirling bowls of fruit and water. Seeing that it was the Lords Rog, Glorfindel and Ecthelion who were approaching, you felt a heat of a blush rise on your face as Lord Rog’s eyes met yours. Your heart stuttering in your chest at the sight of the ellon who had captured your heart and affections. 
“Y/N! There you are!” Rog began joyously, with a warm grin pulling at his lips, “I’ve been searching everywhere for you so we can celebrate all together!” Your friend continued, and you couldn’t help but smile despite the fact that your nerves were alive and jittering at the moment. You could scarcely believe that he wanted to spend time with you, 
“Believe me when I say it is all he has talked about.” Ecthelion said with feigned annoyance, you could see the way his lips turned slightly into a smile as he cast his eyes to look at his giant friend. 
“Yes! Come, are you ready for dancing?” Glorfindel chimed in with a sunny and cheery smile, as the trio stopped before your table. Yet despite your excitement to join them- Rog especially- for the dancing and other festivities within the Kings Hall, you couldn’t help but feel disappointment. You had been here for several hours and not a single person wanted to partake in your activity you had set up. Rog could clearly see the way that your face fell at Glorfindel’s words.
“Is everything alright Y/N?” Rog asked you, before you shrugged some as your fingers came to rest on the edge of the table. Piddling with the table cloth on it, and releasing a sigh.
“I suppose so… But it is just that I haven't had much success with tonight's activity. So I am disappointed that it is coming to a close with no one to have participated.” You explained to him honestly, glancing between the three of them. All looking at you with surprise, 
“No one has participated?” Glorfindel reiterated to you, and you shook your head no as you looked at the blond who raised his brows high. He had expected that the human activities would be the most participated in seeing as the elves did enjoy trying something new. 
“Well then we must remedy this. Tell me how do you participate in your activity?” Rog pressed suddenly, folding his arms over his chest. You couldn’t help but begin to smile at the fact that he wanted to do so. 
“I’ll maybe participate, do not lump me in yet.” Ecthelion said hesitantly, while he certainly had a love for water, he had heard the murmurings around what this activity was. Like everyone else, he wasn’t partial into dunking his face into a bowl of water. 
“What about you Glorfindel? Surely you will play too!” Rog pressed, and the blond only smiled giving a shrug. 
“I suppose I will join. Now how do we play?” Glorfindel conceded happily and with ease. You couldn’t help but wear your own giddy grin that your friends would really put in the effort to actually give in and play the human activity that had thwarted so many. Even if Ecthelion wasn’t interested in it, Glorfindel and especially Rog was good enough for you.
“Alright!” You said clasping your hands excitedly, “The object of the game is to get as many apples out of the bowl as you can using only your mouth.” You explained, and you watched as Rog and Glorfindel looked between each other. A tense competitiveness sparking up in the air from the ellons, 
“Whoever gets the most wins.” You said, 
“Wins what?” Rog asked, and Ecthelion watched as you suddenly grew sheepish at Rog’s question.
“I’m sure bearing the only title of King of Apple Bobbing is a prize enough.” Ecthelion noted, trying to spare you from being so shy and flustered that there was no real prize. He was sure the apples or perhaps even something confectionary might be the prize. Nothing that would usually entice grown elves into wanting to play.
“How about we wager a kiss!” Glorfindel said turning to face Rog, only bringing him to laugh aloud at his words.
“From who?” Rog asked,
“Oh I’m sure Rog would love a kiss from you Laurefindil.” Ecthelion pressed with his own impish smirk, only making the blond huff out. You snorted out at the remark unable to contain your amusement, though you were curious as to who was going to kiss Rog.
“Not from me, from Y/N!” There was something sly in Glorfindel’s little plan, and both you and Rog knew it as it grew quiet all of the sudden. Staring at the blond, who turned to look at you for confirmation. You only watched to see the knowing look in the blond’s eyes and it was as though he could see right through you. That and your lack of protests didn’t help your case. 
Had you been Rog you would’ve seen the flourish of emotions that filled him, the heat of a blush burning so hot it went up to his ears. The nervousness, that even the Lord of the Hammer of Wrath experienced, filling his stomach in the form of fluttering. He had longed to kiss you for quite some time and now Glorfindel had presented him with an opportunity. Rog tried not to focus on the fact that you too didn’t protest the wager. 
“Alright, the wagers on.” Rog said winking to you, trying to play off his nerves in turn for something far more lighthearted and fun. You too felt the fluttering of butterflies in your belly, you only smiled. 
Rog and Glorfindel took their places before the bowls while Ecthelion moved to step off to the side of the table so he could watch the ordeal. That air of competitiveness sparking again as both ellon’s looked between one another and then back to you.
“Hands behind your back, remember you can only use your mouth. When I say stop we will count the apples and see who won.” You said keeping your smile, trying not to let your gaze fall longingly back on Rog and stay there. 
“Ready,” You began, the ellons placing their hands behind their back, 
“Set,” Rog and Glorfindel both leaned over their respective bowls, 
“Go!” You said quickly, and as expected with Glorfindel he began to partially put his face into the bowl and began snapping and biting at the apples. Trying to strategize how to get one into his mouth, while there was a splashing coming from Rog. When you turned your gaze to the Lord, all you could see was that the ellon had his whole head in the bowl.
You couldn’t help but begin to laugh aloud at the sight, even bringing Glorfindel to pause and look over before he and Ecthelion both were cackling alongside you. But no sooner than you three started laughing, did Rog come up from the bowl with a shiny bright red apple wedge between his teeth. 
Slinging water everywhere as he came up, wetting you and Glorfindel who began to go right back to work chasing after apples in his own dish. Rog only set his apple down quickly before he went right back to the bowl, dunking his head back under the water going right after another apple. 
You were in stitches you were laughing so hard watching the Lord of the Hammer of Wrath be so aggressive with something like bobbing for apples. It was supposed to be such a fun and gentle game in comparison to this, though you and passerby’s were no less amused. 
Water was everywhere from Rog’s enthusiasm.
On you, the ground, Glorfindel, the table was certainly soaked, and even Ecthelion had water splatters across his nice silvery robes. 
“Alright! Stop! Stop!” You laughed out in hysterics, wiping the tears from your eyes in your hysterical laughter. Rog barely heard you, only pulling his head out of the water dish with another apple in his mouth, bringing you to continue laughing as you saw that his whole head was drenched. 
Water running down his face, and neck, the high collar to his burgundy tunic was saturated in water with his hair dripping down his back and shoulders. You knew Rog was competitive and enthusiastic, but you didn’t think it would’ve gone like this. 
Glorfindel only stood trying to contain his own laughter as he now got a good look at his friend, seeing the mess he had created. All in a bid to get a kiss from you, knowing Rog would’ve been a little less enthusiastic were it not for the fact your kiss was on the line. 
“Okay.” You laughed out, wiping your eyes again, looking over to the apples. “Lets see.” You mused out, counting Glorfindel’s meager three apples. Which truly wasn’t bad with the softer and more gentle approach. Before you turned over to Rog’s pile of apples. It was truly quite a feat as you began to count them out. 
8 apples were piled on the table around the bowl, and that didn’t include the two that had fallen from the table. You didn’t understand how such an aggressive approach got him this many apples, but you were nonetheless impressed by his skill to accomplish and win in this task. 
“It would seem Rog is our King of Apple Bobbing.” Ecthelion mused out, still chuckling softly and shaking his head at the sight of his friend. You watched as a big grin spread across his lips, before he rather sheepishly turned his gaze to you. Again you felt the familiar fluttering in your stomach at the sight. 
Only barely did you two notice that Ecthelion and Glorfindel both had quietly scampered away from the two of you. Leaving you to move gently from around the table, making sure to bring a small towel with you. Nothing that was truly appropriate in size to actually help dry him off.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Y/N.” Rog said in a rather soft voice, giving you the opportunity to back out now. He didn’t want you to feel forced into something you didn’t want to do, and he’d rather be without a kiss than make you do anything you didn’t want too. He watched with hopeful eyes as you paused just in front of him, holding out the small towel for him as you tried to gather your words.
“I… wouldn’t mind.” You said bashfully, glancing up at him from beneath thick lashes, bringing such elation from Rog. But he restrained himself as he took the towel from you, taking the time to dry his face, before looking back down at you. 
Gently Rog leaned down, tentatively turning his head enough to bring his lips to yours. Ever so softly and gently, you met back his lips with an equal amount of timidness. Feeling his hand come up gently to brush your hair away from your face, his knuckles gently caressing against your cheek. 
Your lips pressed a little more firm against his, Rog melding his lips with yours more affectionately. You couldn’t help but smile against his lips, overjoyed with such affections being shared. 
After another moment it was then Rog parted his lips from yours grinning widely. His hand still moving to cup your face as he held it tenderly. Rog opened his mouth to speak, but was only interrupted, 
“Hey lovebirds! Come on! Let’s go to the Halls.” Glorfindel said impatiently, leaving you both to laugh out softly at his bid to get the two of you to join them again. You both wanted to say something more, but you knew you had the whole night together, there would be more time to say what you needed too.
Though he may not have said anything more, Rog reached down for your hand. Lacing his fingers withyours, before gently he pulled you along.
“Yeah yeah! That's King of Apple Bobbing to you, peasant!” Rog grinned out mischievously bringing you to laugh. 
You couldn’t wait for your night to go on! This was going to be the best Hallow’s Eve yet.
* * * 
Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​
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chiliadicorum · 1 year
12, 13, 14, 18!
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Cirdan! He's honestly one of the most amazing Elves in ALL of the legendarium and I blame Tolkien for burying all his gold nuggets. That's the only explanation for how he's so overlooked and dismissed. Has to be. Even C. Tolkien expressed amazement with Cirdan. Wisest of all Elves, greatest foresight of all Elves, saw the Star of Earendil 10,000 years before it happened, has one of the palantiri, Ring-bearer, could've wielded the One Ring itself...i need to just finally make a list of why I love him so much
ok this is a two-part answer bc I realize the prompt probably means a character that is actively disliked. For that, Thingol. I'm honestly appalled at the (general) fandom reception of him. He doesn't deserve it (don't have time to get to the why)
13. worst blorbofication
Nobody hit me, but my answer is Melkor. I love Melkor, like a lot. He's so darkly fascinating, so interesting and addictive to explore, and so often he's stripped of everything that makes him fascinating all for the sake of making him a little less villainous, a little more right, a little whatever (i'm generalizing here, and this isn't about shipping. I don't read melkor/ships so i have no comment on it) He's so complex and so often he's made so shallow instead. Sauron comes in a close second for the same reason.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
One-sided characterization? (idk what to call it) I'm not crapping on anyone who does it and I know I was guilty of it myself at one point but it's that thing where ONE aspect of the character (good or bad, usually bad) is then blown up to be their whole character. And in the Tolkien fandom this happens a lot with Feanor, his sons, Eol, Saeros, Finarfin (of all people!), Galadriel, Finwe, Thranduil, Thingol, etc (honestly the fandom's way with thingol pisses me off probably more than any other character, at least right now)
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
The balrogs!!!! After Glorfindel and Ecthelion killed two of them! How groundbreaking and shocking it had to have been. Not just to the people of Gondolin who made it out alive but to EVERYONE in Beleriand. From the Feanorians to the Sindar to Dwarves to all Men EVERONE.
You know what, here's the link, I hunted it down: https://www.tumblr.com/chiliadicorum/159569845327/balrog-slayer-a-new-word?source=share
Read that for more info bc I'll start fangirling and won't shut up here. I'm commented on this before^^ and someone graciously wrote a beautiful fic exploring it as a result (can't remember who they were I'm sorry!), but except for that one fic I've yet to find one single fic entailing this! (plz point them out to me if they're there bc admittedly i haven't searched for fics the way I'd like to in a loooong time)
Bc yeah, really how has fandom been sleeping on this?! especially a "hopeful" thing to write about in the First Age lol
Also Word of Honor answer bc I'm craving it: (spoiler warning) After the events of ep36 or during the time of ep37, where are all the fics exploring the reactions of people to the "two immortals on the mountain"? bc come on, immortals don't exist. Right? It's been explored some (and those fics are GOLD) but UGH its so entertaining to think about! Especially when they become legendary and of course the true story gets exaggerated and rumors start and fly and get ridiculous and what's true what's false nobody knows! "I dare you to go up the mountain, see if the tales are true" "no way! you go if you're so desperate" "what are you chicken?" "shut up a-hole i just have no desire to climb a mountain" hahahaha Endless entertainment potential with this!!
choose violence ask game
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daily-smol-silm · 20 days
Archive Post (September 2024)
Day #65 - Return (Maedhros and Fingon)
Day #66 - Throne (Galadriel and Celeborn)
Day #67 - Accomplice (Ungoliant, Melkor/Morgoth) (ask)
Day #68 - Tempest (Ossë)
Day #69 - Radiant (Glorfindel)
Day #70 - Consensual workplace relationship (Celebrimbor and Annatar) (ask)
Day #71 - SMALLEST SMOL. (Fingon, bonus Maedhros)
Day #72 - Lounge (Ecthelion) (ask)
Day #73 - Balcony (Finduilas) (ask)
Day #74 - ELVES (Elf emoticons)
Day #75 - Finrod/Bëor (Finrod and Bëor the Old) (ask)
Day #76 - Underground (Melkor/Morgoth, Sauron/Mairon)
Day #77 - Battle Idril!! (Idril Celebrindal) (ask)
Day #78 - Peek (Maeglin and a mole) (ask)
Day #79 - Baby Eluchil c: (Dior) (ask)
Day #80 - Rose (CelebrÍan) (ask)
Day #81 - Bright (Tilion)
Day #82 - Awake (Túrin Turambar)
Day #83 - Told ya so. (Galadriel)
Day #84 - Lonely (Beleg)
<— First <- Previous
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gronthosargureos · 5 years
Starter for @princess-aurora-of-gondor
Perhaps it was the product of too much alcohol, but Ecthelion was going through the rooms and turning off lights.  Why? Because one couldn’t tell spooky stories without the proper atmosphere.  He carefully lit a few candles and placed them around in a circle on the floor.  “Now all we need is a Ouija Board,” he muttered to himself.  Except they’d be telling ghost stories, not making them... although it would be fun.  Maybe.  His mother had warned him about making light of spirits.
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anghraine · 3 years
Aranorverse stuff: Gondor edition
Although I use ‘Aranorverse’ for the f!Aragorn/f!Faramir fic, since Aranor (f!Aragorn) is the main point of it ... it definitionally also extends beyond her. The original premise is that the Númenórean throwbacks in LOTR are genderbent: Denethor, Aragorn, Imrahil, and Faramir.
To make it work, though, I had to consider Imrahil’s siblings, and Finduilas definitely reads as a Númenórean/Elvish type, so she became a man and f!Denethor’s husband. For simplicity’s sake, I assumed that Ivriniel is also a throwback, making m!Ivriniel the prince and leaving f!Imrahil free to be a full-time lady knight.
(Canon Imrahil’s shock at finding a woman among the Rohirrim makes this funnier to me, ngl.)
OTOH, f!Denethor really needed to be the Steward for multiple reasons, and I was thinking of how it would happen, since Denethor canonically has older sisters and is maybe-implied to have a younger brother. I ultimately decided that Denethor’s older sisters went off and made suitable marriages, but the brother (here the only son) was unable to ascend / completely opposed to ascending to the Ruling Stewardship.
Denethor says in LOTR that he and Faramir are the last of the House of the Stewards, so it doesn’t seem like there would be undisputed contenders to succeed Ecthelion apart from his children. I imagined that Denethor’s brother, along with f!Denethor herself, was able and willing to fight tooth and nail for one of his sisters to take on the mantle rather than opening the gates to a new Kinstrife, and while the two eldest were “lol no,” lady Denethor agreed. She might even have canon Denethor’s feeling (according to UT) of having been appointed by destiny to lead Gondor through this bleak hour.
Anyway: for names, I was thinking mainly of the Stewards’ propensity for naming children after major First Age figures and/or previous members of their family. I provisionally went with Andreth for Denethor and Belecthor for the younger brother. (I always headcanon the older sisters as Emeldir and Rían.)
Oh, and another idea is that Andreth’s unprecedented ascension to the Stewardship didn’t immediately overhaul the lot and expectations of women in Gondor, but it did blaze a path that some women are able to follow, most notably f!Imrahil (leader of the knights of Dol Amroth) and, ironically enough, f!Aragorn. Aranor might have been able to become queen anyway, but it would have been much more of an uphill battle without the precedent that Andreth set.
(Andreth would hate this if she knew about it.)
Back to Dol Amroth, I’d originally tried to come up with approximations of the canon names (Ivrinion? Fingon?). But it entertained me more to do something different. Since canon Ivriniel and Finduilas seem to have both been named for Finduilas of Nargothrond, I decided to name m!Ivriniel and m!Finduilas after her love interests—Túrin (already attested as a Gondorian name) and Gwindor. I did go for a direct conversion for Imrahil, who becomes Imraphel (mostly bc I like it).
Last of all, there’s f!Faramir, who here is Míriel. That’s partly because I wanted to distinguish her from my other f!Faramir fic (/whistles), and partly because it’s a royal name (like Faramir) that retains the -mir- connection with Boromir.
In the other fic, Faramir was the only genderbent character, and male Denethor had no expectation of a daughter being a warrior. This actually smoothed their relationship in a lot of ways. But while female Denethor doesn’t expect it, either, it’s at least a possibility in their timeline. So Míriel turning out as a gentle, gracious lady is more of a disappointment than in the other ’verse, esp after Boromir’s death, though it’s still far short of the strain between canon Denethor and Faramir.
Míriel, I think, is (reluctantly) evacuated with the other women and children before Gandalf and Pippin ever show up; her argument with Andreth about it is the last time they ever speak to each other. Andreth dies in the retreat across the Pelennor, Imraphel takes command, and Aranor arrives to turn the tide of battle while Míriel is basically stuck doing what Éowyn rejected—leading the civilians while others fight in the battle.
It’s an important task, and Míriel is a charismatic, strong-willed leader who is loved and respected by her people, but it’s still a difficult position to be in. By the time she receives news of Andreth’s death and Aranor’s existence, events have already rushed on. By the time Míriel returns to Minas Tirith, Sauron is defeated (wonderful!) and Aranor, whom Míriel has never met, is Queen of Gondor in all but name (maybe good, maybe bad). Míriel’s own place in the new world is extremely unclear. And then she actually meets Aranor and is, while not quite as swept away as canon without the mystical healing, still very powerfully struck by her and willing to step aside.
And then ... stuff.
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sanisse · 2 years
If you’re still taking requests: May I submit Ecthelion NSFW alphabet? Your headcanons are amazing and I’d love to see them more fleshed out, if you’re willing. 💙🤍
Thank you!!! Ecthelion isn’t one of my personal blorbos but I do love him as a character~ I’m glad you’re liking my headcannons for him so far!
Ecthelion NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ecthelion is an extremely devoted partner and gives so much attention to his SO, so aftercare is one of his favorite parts of having sex actually. He loves to stay inside you for a long time-- almost cockwarming-- playing with your hair, kissing every bit of you than he can reach, whispering how much he loves you. He might sing you to sleep if you’re tired. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s got a hand and finger kink so... expect lots of wrist kisses, finger sucking, palm kisses, hand massages, etc. etc. etc. 
He’s not particularly vain so there’s not any one thing he really likes about himself that stands out. Like, if you asked him he’d probably just default say his eyes...which is rather boring of him. But hey, they are pretty. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Runny, fairly clear, and he doesn’t have a huge amount of it really. He really likes seeing you covered in it though. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sometimes prefers masturbation to actual sex. He likes the fantasies he can conjure in his head and also likes to feel naughty. He also really enjoys being watched while masturbating. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Pretty experienced! He’s not the most creative/kinky person but in terms of types of people and breadth of experience, he’s experienced. And he IS very good at sex. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Standing doggy. Bonus points if you’re restrained somehow. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Likes to tease/joke around and slap your ass early on, but gets more serious/worshipful as the session goes on. It’s not a turn-off if you’re goofy, though, and can actually be turn off if you’re too serious during sex (which is why he and Glorfindel get along so well!) 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He has a small well-groomed thatch of hair around his cock, but is hairless everywhere else. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Ecthelion likes to make a lot of eye-contact and likes to be extremely close. Like, press every bit of his body against every bit of yours close. Expect a lot of holding your chin and turning it up for kisses, lots of smothering prone-bone, neck kisses, his hands roaming your body. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I’ve mentioned this before but he likes to sketch naughty pictures of his partners and then jack off to them later. He’s an avid masturbator! 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Shibari. He fucking loves restraints and is extremely good and creative with them. 
He doesn’t really have a domination kink, but he can be dominant if you ask nicely :) he’s much more of a gentle/soft praise dom than anything else though. 
Definitely has a risk/exhibition kink. He loves to fuck in semi-public places and loves to be watched. It’s a huge turn on. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere semi-public. Very partial to pool sex! 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Intense eye contact, groping over clothes, lip and ear nibbles, crowding. Like, loves to crowd his partners up against various surfaces and just run his hands all over their body. 
Also the act of shibari, of choosing ropes, lacing them over your body, tying knots, he finds it very sexy and almost meditative. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hates pegging, dislikes bottoming, and dislikes pain and impact play. Like if his partner really doesn’t like bottoming then he won’t be a dick about it and he’ll bottom once or twice, but he’d much prefer just grinding or oral, and a long-term relationship probably won’t work out. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Fuck. His. Face.
Like just pin his head in place and use his mouth and throat. It gets him so hard. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Passionate and slow. Saws-up-your-spine slow. Consuming slow. That’s his favorite! He loves to take his time and drop into an almost trance-like state during sex. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickie positive but expect the pace to still be slow! With Ecthelion, quickies are likely to be in public spaces and the goal isn’t so much about having an orgasm as just enjoying the risk of possibly being caught (you guys can run off to a private space to have an orgasm later). 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Loves risk/thrill/public spaces. 
He doesn’t really think to try new things on his own. He does like it if his partner surprises him with a new toy/lingerie/kink though! He finds the surprise factor very hot and likes to learn about what gets his partner off. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Freakishly good stamina. Hours-long stamina. Did I mention that he likes to take things slow and drop into a meditative trance? Like sex with Ecthelion is a half-day affair. You’ll probably have to take a break in the middle for snacks.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Has a large and assorted toy collection but prefers to use them on his partner rather than using them on himself. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I don’t know if I would really call him a tease, but his pace can be frustrating sometimes and he’s well aware of this (and doesn’t care, so long as his partner isn’t genuinely upset about it lol). 
He likes to tease himself, though, like by spending the morning masturbating and thinking about you and then going about his day until he can actually have you later. He finds the anticipation super hot. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Oh he is loud. He makes the sweetest high-pitched gasps, moans, screams-- it’s that musician’s voice. 
Very bad at dirty talk -100/10 please don’t ask him to say anything naughty. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
One of the few characters in my arsenal that has a watersports kink. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
7 inches, with a slight curve. Not a lot of girth, though, but his stroke game is so high. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty average sex drive, but when he’s on he’s on. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ecthelion doesn’t get super sleepy. He likes to cuddle and chat, though, but you’d have to really tire him out for him to want to sleep. 
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Glorfindel NSFW Alphabet
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Request: -//////- *shamefully confesses* Mina, would you be willing to do Glorfindel and Ecthelion NSFW alphabets? Your relationship alphabets are amazing and very detailed and thought-through. - anon
A/N: I'm touched that you find my Alphabets to be well-written. Thank you!!!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Very giddy and goofy after sex. He likes to hold you close while laughing into your neck or chest as his hands roam your body, pinching and slapping your ass to listen to your giggles. Lots of kissing and cuddling Glorfindel likes to do after sex and during those moments, he loves pillow talk. When you both are finished and coming down from your high, he’ll pull you to lie on top of him while stroking your hair and massaging any body part he may have been too rough on. Talks about what he enjoyed during the moment and what he’d like to try. Discussions about your kinks and fantasies as well as your future. As much as he adores the pillow talk and massages, he has a high preference for washing off. Soothing waters that are vanilla and citrus scented while his gentle and tender hands wash away all the aches and pain.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves every part of him, there isn’t a body part that he doesn’t love about himself – he prides himself on his appearance and when you entered the picture, it went up an extra notch. If he had to pick, it would be his voice – yes it’s not a body part I know. Glorfindel does have a voice kink and knows what he does to you when he speaks. He loves to whisper lowly in your ear whenever he’s in the mood to rile you up in public or behind closed doors and watch you combust. He’ll nibble on your earlobe and plant a few kisses in the area while telling you all that he’s about to do to you. Glorfindel is aware of how soaked your underwear is and he does it on purpose.
On you, he loves your legs, especially when they’re wrapped around his head, squeezing the life out of him, He doesn’t mind, it’s one of the best ways to die – being squeezed by your thick thighs while he indulges in all that you have to offer him. Because of this, he loves to spar with you and let you have to upper hand at times, just to have your legs wrapped around him. He purposefully gifts you tons of trousers to wear because he prefers to see you in them over dresses. During sex, he’ll contort your legs in fifty different positions as long as you’re not uncomfortable.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Elves aren’t mortals thus, they don’t release the same amount of cum mortals do – all elves cum way more than mortals, not just Glorfindel. However, he just happens to release more than the average elf because of being alone for many years, he finally has the chance to relieve himself. Like many others, Glorfindel loves the idea of cumming inside you and remaining buried in your walls to feel you contracting and milking him out. Because he cums a lot, there’s a faint bulge outlining your lower abdomen. He revels in all the ways he can make you cum and does not mind having to hold you down and overstimulate you until you’ve beaten the previous record. During times of peace, he mentally adjusts to being relaxed and this causes his body to spur into overdrive and breed you like crazy, in hopes of having children.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As much as Glorfindel’s a dominant elf and loves to dom you all the time, he has a fantasy of his where you’re the one in control, but he doesn’t know how to come out. He wants to roleplay with you being his master and him as the submissive, letting you control him and pull all the strings. Tie him to the bed and use him to your liking, make him beg for your touch and have him eating out of the palm of your hands. He loves the idea of you being dominant and he uses it as thoughts to help him get off until he breaks it to you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Come on, he’s one of the great Lords of Gondolin, he’s surrounded by people who are greatly interested in him, so he does know about the inner workings of intimacy. So many people would openly talk about how much they find their Lord attractive and all the things they’d like to do. Elves aren’t sexual prowlers like us humans, but Glorfindel does know the inner workings of sex. He knows what needs to be done, where his hands and mouth should be placed and how to bring you to your high. Anything outside of that is left for you and him to discuss. As a warrior who is fierce on the field, he is able to bring that side of him into the bedroom during your first time – you would question his movements and confidence.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Almost all elves love to have you in the basic missionary position for the first time or during any romantic session. There are times Glorfindel will use missionary to take you roughly, that’s when he’s punishing you or being dom and wants to see every facial expression you make. To him, your expressions are his favourite – every eye roll, jaw slack, drool escaping your mouth, starry-eyed look you give him. He also has full access to your neck and chest to litter them in love bites and whisper every filthy thing in your ear.
A big lover of you riding him, all the more access to your chest and also gives you your chance of control. Ride him like there’s no tomorrow, dig your nails into his biceps, and leave tooth marks across his skin, he wants that, and he’ll give you your way. At the same time when the mood strikes to snatch your leadership moment away, he’ll wrap his arms around your waist, stopping you in your tracks and making you hang on for the ride. It’s literally a ride.
When it’s moments of peace and the urge to have children slide in, he’ll have you in the mating press all the time. Pushing your legs all the way to your shoulders and barrelling in and out of your heat to give you in cum. It’s okay if your legs hurt, he’ll give you the best massage ever when he’s done. During this moment, the softest yet filthiest words spew past his lips, and you wonder if dirty talking was made for him because of the pairing it with his honey voice – yea. You’ve been bred to perfection.
Adding to times of peace, mostly during his life in Imladris when life is slow-paced, he enjoyed spooning sex. Just laying on the balcony, lounging on one of the sofas and he'll lift your dress or push your pants down your thigh, throwing a blanket over you both and taking his time bringing you to your high. It's a slow session, filled with tons of kissing and cuddling and gentle whispers about his love and appreciation for you. He doesn't have the need to rush or anything. It is usually the aftermath of cockwarming.
As someone who’s a famously gifted warrior that is also part Noldor, thus being beefy and caked because he MMA a Balrog, thus weight means nothing to him. So, a favourite position of his to show off to his lover that he’s exquisitely strong and has no problem with your weight is to lift and stand. Your legs with rest in the crook of his elbows and he’ll have you spread apart widely for his taking and easily lift you up and down his cock. It’s perfect for when he also wants to sneak without anyone being aware. The only problem for you is that you can’t control any pace and has no choice but to remain in his arms and take it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Yes and no. Being a very light-hearted and lovable person, Glorfindel does understand that there are moments during sex when you can’t help but laugh. Perhaps his fingers brushed near one of your tickle spots and caused you to laugh or you made a little slip-up – it’s okay. You are both in love and it’s a light and joyous moment, with no seriousness or no meaningful approach behind the actions. However, if it is a meaningful approach, he would appreciate it if you didn’t laugh too much, a light giggle is okay but not full-blown laughter. He wants to show you how much he appreciates and adores you, is thankful for having you in his life, and wouldn’t be pleased if you’re constantly laughing. Maybe laugh and joke about any incident after.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
My loveable boy is famed for the hair he has on his head and not down below. If there was ever any hair, it would be a darker shade of gold, like golden honey and it would be curly. But elves don’t grow any bodily hair like humans, so Glorfindel hasn’t any hair down below. No need to worry.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be giving it to you hard and fast and there is still some level of intimacy at the moment. Eye contact, hand holding, and lips attached to some part of your skin. Don’t look away from him and don’t let go of his hands. Glorfindel after the fall of Gondolin and reborn would cherish the hand holding as a sign of comfort – you let him know that you’re there. It’s a tear-jerker, but he truly loves when you hold his hand and give it little kisses on the back during sex. As for eye contact and those lips, he’s more serious with the lips attached than eye contact. His lips must be attached to some part of your skin, sucking and biting the life out of it because he loves the idea of marking.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Prefers if you’re there to relieve his tension, but in situations where you’re extremely busy and can’t attend to each other’s needs, then he’ll opt for pleasuring himself. He’ll sit in a warm bath, that way he’s a lot more relaxed, and gradually strokes himself off. He used images of you sucking him off or being dominant and controlling to reach his high. All of his fantasies are used to help him achieve his goal of cumming. It’s very rare for him to pleasure himself seeing that whenever he requires the need for intimacy, he usually waits until you’re available. This is majorly performed during times of war when his levels of stress are high and he’s missing your warmth.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If I were to list all his kinks, I’d never finish, so his first favourite kink is the size difference. Glorfindel is a large elf with all his muscles and enjoys the fact that you’re smaller than him by leagues. Pinning you down underneath him, watching as you attempt to squirm your way out of his grasp gets his blood pumping. This is why he enjoys playfighting with you because 90% of the time it leads to him pressing you into the mattress pounding away at your walls.
If he loves size difference, he loves stomach bulging. He’s far from small and not for the faint-hearted. The sight of his cock buried deep within you till the point of having its outline visible through your stomach gets him going. He would take your hand and intertwine it with his as he presses it down on the imprint to feel how stuffed you are by his cock. Glorfindel just loves how consumed you are by his cock.
An avid brat tamer and please, the fact that you are smaller than him – perfection. Glorfindel loves the idea of you being dominant, but when you throw a tantrum, act bossy and defy his commands in public when he speaks to you, kiss your begging and pleas goodbye. Glorfindel is a mysterious brat tamer meaning that he’ll let you act that way for a long time while making counts of all your slip-ups. When he strikes, it’s practically punishment and humiliation you’re being served. He loves to mock you on all the things you’ve said that you’ll do and done.
As previously mentioned, he loves the idea of being dominated through roleplaying. It’s his number one fantasy to see you towering above him and pulling all his strings. You’re his master and he’s the servant. Use all the pet names you want, just don’t turn them into anything degrading, it turns him off. Tell him where you want to be pleased, how to please you, use him to your highest level of please to get off, and he’s fine with it. Glorfindel will be the best submissive you’ve ever had.
He also has a terrible love for seeing you in lingerie, it makes his brain malfunction and loses all composure. He’ll make you walk around in your little number and do your dance if you have one. It’s his way of admiring you and giving you the self-confidence to wear more for him. If you paired it with wearing his robes or his shirt and visited him during his late-night office hours – somebody’s getting crippled. Glorfindel has little to no regard when he has to remove your lingerie, torn between fucking you in it and covering you in his cum, or ripping it off you and promising to buy more. Either way, at some point, you’re wearing lingerie.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
A kinky elf who doesn’t mind engaging in a few locations outdoor. He has a slight exhibitionism kink. He likes to set you both up in situations where another would walk in on you both secretively. The elves he’ll allow are his close friends that he’s jealous off – no one would dare talk about what they saw their Lord doing with his lover. Glorfindel will take you in his office, his bedroom, in a random room in the palace during a celebration, in Ecthelion’s study to irritate the stern lord. He would set those locations up and around the estate where little to no workers are presented. That’s for when he's in a teasing and playful mood, but when the romantic and meaningful aura arrives, everything must be done behind closed doors.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Teasing touches, whispering lowly in his ear and brushing against him is going to get you bent over any surface and have a rough fuck. Nibble on his ears while doing so and rub his shoulders. He adores it when you wear tight trousers to show off your legs, so if you do so in public or during a sparring match, expect to be manhandled later. He loves it if you’re confident enough to dirty talk to him the same way he does with you. Whisper a gentle 'My Lord/Sir/Daddy' in his ear and watch as he folds you into whatever nearby surface (dangerous of you). Glorfindel is also a fun and playful person, so he engages in tons of playfights which mostly leads to some fun, light-hearted sex.
Aside from those reasons, when he’s feeling emotional or you may have done something that makes him realize his love for you, he uses it as an excuse for wanting to spoil and shower you with unconditional love.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing bringing you pain, making you bleed, embarrassing you, and sharing. He may have engaged in threesomes before, but those weren’t meant to turn into relationships – it was solely for pleasure. Asking him to do a threesome makes him become insecure and question you if he’s not pleasing you well or if you would prefer to be with someone else.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
When it comes to giving, Glorfindel is an eager pleaser. Everything is done out of your pleasure and his. I see him as someone who has an oral fixation, thus, he gets off on spending hours between your legs sucking you off and pleasuring you. He’s sometimes torn between wanting your legs wrapped around his head or pinning them down to the bed and spreading you wide open so he can savour all. When going down on you, his tongue movement is God-like, you’ll be left questioning him on his abilities and any other tricks he has up his sleeves. Long licks that swirl around your bud to suck on it like a pacifier. He’s teasing at times and even then, he buries himself in your heat making you cum as many times as possible.  
On the receiving end, he would never say no to being sucked off, though he tends to be wary of whether you can because he isn’t small. His length is impressive, and it barely fits in your mouth which is fine because you can use your hands. Likes to control the pace and gets a bit rough when lost in the pleasure. He’ll hold your head and thrust his hips into your wet cavern like a feral man. Doesn’t let you control the pace most of the time and loves to see you drooling on his cock. Filth tends to be spewing from his lips about how beautiful you appear with his cock down your throat or tears running down your face.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s a dom, which equivalates to his thrusts being fast and rough, but he still has a clear mind when he’s in his feral mode. He always listens to your whines to know if it’s literally too much for you to handle. When Glorfindel is feeling soft and tender, his pace is always sensual. Thrusts that fill you up and always leave you wanting more – deep and long. He’ll rest most of his body weight on top of yours so you can’t move except lie there and take his cock. Whenever his mood is heightened and he’s a bit jealous or stressed, his thrusts are hard and rough and deep. He’ll bend you over any stable surface, remove your clothing and take you. His pace makes your toes curl and causes you to dig into any object nearby for control. Glorfindel just turns your insides into jelly.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not a big lover of quickies but if it needs to happen, then he’ll make the exception and follow through. He hates it because he can’t have you as properly as he would like. It’s just a quick fuck and go and he truly despises it, but when it has to happen, it’s roughly ten to fifteen minutes. Cramped in some room – broom closet – the both of you would find yourselves having a quick relief before you return to your daily duties. He always appears pristine and well-kept while you look like you’ve fought with wild animals and clearly lost. The only times he’d welcome quickies is if it’s times of war and the stress build-up is too much. For example The Last Alliance or nearing the Nirnaeth Arneodiad.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
The only risk he’s willing to take is his exhibitionism kink, and still, that’s only around the estate for specific persons to observe, never in public. Depending on what the kink is and how you describe it, he’s willing to experiment with it, but don’t make him test out anything that surrounds heavy BDSM or pain and blood. He draws the line and tells you no.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This is Glorfindel the Balrog Slayer who grappled a Balrog MMA style and killed it as if it was nothing. He’s an emissary for the Valar given greater powers in spirit and body, why wouldn’t you think that he can’t go for the entire night. If you don’t let this elf stop or show no signs of wanting to stop, he’ll take you into the dawn of a new day. Boundless energy is one of Glorfindel’s middle names. Aside from that, the most amount of rounds he’s indulged in is three every great round back to back because his refractory period is phenomenal. In no time he’s up and ready to have you again. He loves to take his time to worship and cherish your body – he loves to make memories for whenever he has to jerk off. If he’s in feral mode, then it’s either five rounds or the entire night.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
If Middle Earth were to ever have toys, he’ll have a vibrator, a dildo, or a cock ring. He’d also like to invest in the spread bar to keep your legs open to his liking and elven rope for Shibari. He would be delighted to tie you up and have his way with you and would love it if the favour was also returned. As much as he hates it, loved it the first time you used a cock ring on him, denying him his pleasure. His main reason was that when you were finished with him, he got to have payback, plus, he enjoyed seeing you dominant and pleased with your work. Would use a dildo and vibrator for foreplay and also during sex to overstimulate you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Glorfindel lives to tease you to the brink of overstimulation. He’ll deny you your orgasm and allow for the pressure to build up before giving in. He doesn’t overdo his teasing till the point of you crying in pain, crying out of pleasure. For some unknown reason he loves to rile you up during the day – teasing little touches, whispers, brushing your nether regions, heck, he’d even finger you and then pull away before you cum and tell you to wait until later. It’s damn near possible to tease him because he has patience. Glorfindel has predatory instincts, thus he can eek things out for as long as he wants to, and it doesn’t bother him. You’ll have to tie him down with elven ropes if you want to successfully tie him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Glorfindel tends to become loud when you’re sucking him off. It’s the guttural moans and groans, the grunts and shouts of your name that escapes his lips. He wants any passers-by to know that his lover is pleasuring him to the extreme. When he’s buried deep in your heat, all the whispers and lowly moans are done near your ear because he knows that you love his voice. Dirty talking is always done, sometimes it’s softer in some sessions – it’s more praising when he is soft – and other times, it’s downright nasty. You need to know how you make him feel, how he’s going to make you feel and all that he’s about to do.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
A lover of mirror sex. He will take you in front of a mirror and make you keep your eyes open the entire time; you can’t close them because he’ll stop whatever it is he’s doing. Gripping your cheeks and forcing you to look into the mirror and look on. It doesn’t matter if you're insecure or not, whenever he gets the chance to have mirror sex, he uses the opportunity provided. It’s worse if you’re an insecure person, you can bet yourself that he’d have you kneeling before that mirror every time you have sex. He wants you to see the ethereal beauty that he sees whenever he takes you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Oh boy, you all already know how I’m about to describe this. Being reborn and given powers spiritually and physically also took a great toll on his physical form. Glorfindel's before and after length size did not really change, if anything, it’s his girth. Before his death, he excelled in length, his girth was there but not so dangerous to the point of requiring heavy forepay to slide in. Glorfindel after reborn most definitely needs to open you up before sliding in otherwise it’s an extremely tight fit. The stretch is deliciously painful, but it’s worth it. the veins on his cock, the length and his girth all make his cock appear perfectly proportioned. The best thing about his cock is that it’s curved so it hits that spot right off the bat, it just makes sucking him off a bit difficult.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
During times of peace when his urge is to have a family his sex drive is high, he’s constantly wanting to breed you in high hopes of you befalling pregnant. So long as he’s free and barely has anything to do in his daily schedule, Glorfindel will revisit your chambers twice a day, though, it isn’t every day – he’ll give you breaks in between. His sex drive is only high when he wants to have a family and is in the honeymoon stage of his marriage. As your marriage progresses and children already come into focus, his drive would reduce gradually and every once in a while he’ll have his way with you. I know Tolkien stated that after elves have all their children they stop having sex, but this is fanfiction and my headcanon, so he still has sex after you all have children.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not someone to sleep right after sex. As a battle-hardened warrior who has become an insomniac, sleep is the last thing on his mind even after anything vigorous. His first and foremost priority is ensuring that you are well cared for. Water? Massage? Bath? Food? Cuddling? Once all those things are secured, he’ll lie next to you and watch as you fall asleep mid-conversation. It would take a long while before he dozes off since elves don’t require sleep the way we humans do.
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Taglist: @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @someoneinthestars @aconstructofamind @mysticmoomin @lilmelily
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maitarussa-old · 3 years
Hi! I’m Cinna/Russo. This is my blog for posting shorter headcanons, character development, some sketches, short fic (and longer fic linked to my Ao3).
I’m 21+ and use they/them or he/him pronouns.
Requests for headcanons and short fic are always welcome! I’ll take requests for anything, but some of my favourite characters and pairings are below.
All of my headcanons, worldbuilding, and meta are free for anyone to use or build off of, with or without credit.
My AO3
Celebrimbor/Annatar (past)
Honorable mention goes to Everyone/Therapy.
This list is by no means exhaustive, especially the favourite character list because I love probably a good half of Tolkien characters at least. I just figured I’d write down some of the things I’m into. Also feel free to request I write or doodle about any of the above at any time!
*In my ficverse as endgame
**In the beginning (Y.T. before Melkor’s captivity), it deteriorates later into something that exists in my hcverse but I don’t necessarily “ship” it for anything but story purposes.
Disclaimer about my discussions of trauma and its aftermath below:
Disclaimer: I am a survivor of serious trauma and abuse (diagnosed ptsd and c-ptsd), and I use characters, specifically Maedhros, as a way to process and help me in my recovery. I write a lot about this, frequently drawing on my own experiences as a survivor, and may at times deal with heavy topics. All of these will be tagged accordingly, and will mainly focus on the effects of torture, abuse, and neglect on the mind and body, and life overall, either during or after the trauma occurs. These specific metas/headcanons can be found in the tags “condemned to live” for mid-trauma and “the shadow of pain” for post-trauma and recovery. As these topics are heavy and, frequently, very personal to me, I ask that, while reblogs and comments on these writings are alright and encouraged, that those who interact with posts in these tags be respectful. I also have the tags “Maedhros in Angband” and “Life in Angband,” which, while they do draw on my experiences, are not so personal to me as those in the other tags. These are more wordbuilding and character-development focused.
I will not tolerate any fetishisation, glorification, or making light of the topics I discuss in these areas.
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The Fall of Gondolin
Let me start by saying that the first part describing the wanderings of Tuor is the most tiring part of this book... :) But the descriptions of Gondolin, its people, and the siege are absolutely fascinating, and probably my favourite part of all the Lost Tales! It’s epic, and tragic, and described so vividly that I could see it in my head, just as if I was watching a historical c-drama! ^^ It also made me weep for the characters who were much more fleshed out than in the short and rather dry account of this battle presented in The Silm… So, in one sentence: I love this story!
I won't do a recap, but I’ll just leave here some quotes and facts from this chapter that I find especially interesting :)
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Littleheart the Gong-warden of Mar Vanwa Tyalieva is actually the son of Bronweg/Voronwe! That's why he's the one who tells this story to Eriol :)
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About the nature of orcs:
(...) for all that race were bred by Melko of the subterranean heat and slime. Their hearts were of granite and their bodies deformed; foul their faces which smiled not, but their laugh that of the clash of metal, and to nothing were they more fain than to aid in the basest of the purposes of Melko. The greatest hatred was between them and the Noldoli (...)
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A detail in Gondolin:
On either side of the doors of the palace were two trees, one that bore blossom of gold and the other of silver, nor did they ever fade, for they were shoots of old from the glorious Trees of Valinor (...)
#WhoStoleThem??? When??? How??? I want to know :D
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Turgon is not surprised by the sudden appearance of Tuor:
"Welcome, O Man of the Land of Shadows. Lo! Thy coming was set in our books of wisdom, and it has been written that there would come to pass many great things in the homes of the Gondothlim whenso thou faredst hither.”
Still, Turgon won't listen to Ulmo’s warnings that Tuor has brought with him. *sigh*
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Now Tuor learnt many things in those realms taught by Voronve whom he loved, and who loved him exceedingly greatly in return (...)
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Then on a time Melko assembled all his most cunning smiths and sorcerers, and of iron and flame they wrought a host of monsters such as have only at that time been seen and shall not again be till the Great End. Some were all of iron so cunningly linked that they might flow like slow rivers of metal or coil themselves around and above all obstacles before them, and these were filled in their innermost depths with the grimmest of the Orcs with scimitars and spears; others of bronze and copper were given hearts and spirits of blazing fire, and they blasted all that stood before them with the terror of their snorting or trampled whatso escaped the ardour of their breath; yet others were creature of pure flame that writhed like ropes of molten metal, and they brought to ruin whatever fabric they came nigh, and iron and stone melted before them and became as water, and upon them rode Balrogs in hundreds; and these were the most dire of all those monsters which Melko devised against Gondolin.
This is so vivid and terrifying and probably the closest to steampunk we've ever been when it comes to this universe, and on one hand it gets me excited, but on the other hand I feel like I must subdue my enthusiasm after reading Tolkien and the Great War...
(...) and the number of Balrogs that perished was a marvel and dread to the hosts of Melko, for ere that day never had any of the Balrogs been slain by the hand of Elves or Men.
The Elves are not easily defeted, even when they face a foe as terrifying as Melko and his metal hosts!
but - cue me crying for Ecthelion… :')
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Legolas Greenleaf of the House of the Tree makes an appearance :D (he helps guide the siege survivors to saftey)
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>> and at the end - two interesting facts from the Notes on this chapter:
The gift by the Gods of these ‘shoots’ to Inwe and Noleme at the time of the building of Kor, each being given a shoot of either Tree, is mentioned in The Coming of Elves, and in the Hiding of Valinor there is a reference to the uprooting of those given to Noleme, which ‘were gone no one knew whither, and more had there never been’.
#YupTheNoldoliHadStolenThem :D
Gothmog was a son of Melko and the ogress Fluithuin, and his name is Strife-and-hatred, and he was Captain of the Balrogs and lord of Melko’s hosts ere fair Ecthelion slew him at the taking of Gondolin (...)
#ExcuseMeWHAT :D
It's... good that the concept of the Valar having children has ultimately been abandoned... :D
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arofili · 3 years
Line of Elros Edit Series: Appendix E
Continued from Appendix D. This section will contain information on the the Stewards of Gondor.
Appendix A: Royalty of Númenor Appendix B: House of Andúnië, Royalty of Arnor Appendix C: Royalty of Gondor Appendix D: Princes of Dol Amroth, Chieftains of the Dúnedain Appendix E: Stewards of Gondor (you are here!)
Are you ready for a bajillion names reused from the First Age?! The Stewards loooved to name their kids after First Age heroes - and I decided that the ladies shouldn’t get left out of that tradition either, so I scoured the family trees of the Three Houses of the Edain for some names to give their wives and daughters :)
Astorion ft. Astorion (OC), Húrin of Emyn Arnen, Idril of Emyn Arnen (OC) Though Astorion himself is an OC, everything about the appointment of the first Steward is canon or strongly implied by canon. The rules surrounding who could be Steward are also canon, though the exact circumstances of how they came about are my headcanon. Húrin of Emyn Arnen was indeed Minardil’s steward, and the stewards were chosen from his House after this, but the details about his role in these two succession crises are all headcanon. The House of Húrin was related to Anárion, though this relation being through one of his daughters is speculation on my part. See the linked Kings for details about the canonicity of their stories.
Pelendur ft. Pelendur, Meleth of Gondor (OC), Vorondil, Anwariel (OC), Mardil Voronwë The details of Pelendur’s friendship with Eärnil, and Eärnil’s ambitions toward royalty, are my headcanon; check out Eärnil’s edit for more on that. The conflict between Eärnil and Arvedui is canon, as is Pelendur’s influence in choosing which would become King. Vorondil’s hunting of the Kine of Araw and making of the Horn of Gondor is canon, though I made up the bit about it being part of a matched pair.
Mardil Voronwë ft. Mardil Voronwë, Anoriel (OC), Eradan, Gilwen of Gondor (OC), Herion, Cadwareth (OC), Belegorn, Lossendil (OC) Mardil’s ascension to power is canon, but the details of Eärnur’s demise, while canon, have been embellished (see his edit for more info on that). Mardil’s work on the calendar is canon, but his wife’s influence on its creation is headcanon. Everything about Eradan, Herion, and Belegorn is headcanon.
Húrin I ft. Húrin I, Beril of Gondor (OC), Niënor of Gondor (OC), Urwen of Gondor (OC), Túrin I All of this is headcanon; we have practically no information about Húrin I save that he had two daughters before Túrin I.
Túrin I ft. Túrin I, Andreth of Gondor (OC), Lalaith of Gondor (OC), Nellas of Gondor (OC), Níniel of Gondor (OC), Meldis of Gondor (OC), Hador of Gondor All we know about Túrin I is that he had “several daughters” with his first wife, and was the first (and only) leader of Gondor to take a second wife, with whom he had a son. Since Hador was born a year after Túrin became Steward, I think it’s reasonable to assume he had to wait ’til he was in charge to change the law to allow him to remarry, but that’s not canon. All other details are headcanon. Sorry for making him a massive dick. Túrin Turambar deserves better than being remembered like this; I’ll try to make up for it when I get to Túrin II.
Hador ft. Hador of Gondor, Maerion (OC), Barahir of Gondor, Taweneth (OC), Dior of Gondor, Rían of Gondor, Bellmund (OC), Denethor I Hador did canonically add a leap day to the calendar, and he was also the last Steward to have the “lifespan of a full Dúnadan.” Dior canonically had no children and was succeeded by his nephew. I made up literally everything else here. I’m baffled by the decision of Rían to name her son after an Avarin king when all the other names in her family that were taken from the First Age are from the Edain and the occasional Noldor or Sindar royal; there’s no reason why she would have picked that name, so I tried to give her one here.
Denethor I ft. Denethor I, Felucaliel (OC), Lalwen of Gondor (OC), Emeldir of Gondor (OC), Steward Boromir Denethor canonically had two daughters before Boromir; I changed one to be nonbinary. It was also during his rule that the Watchful Peace ended. Everything else is headcanon.
Steward Boromir ft. Steward Boromir, Amathael (OC), Círion, Hirwen of Gondor (OC), Hallas, Thalieth (OC), Húrin II, Beldis of Gondor (OC) Boromir did canonically do all that fighting, though we know nothing about his wife and sibling fighting with him; his decline after receiving a Morgul wound is also canon. Almost all of Círion’s story is canon. Hallas did indeed come up with the names “Rohan” and “Rohirrim.” Everything else is headcanon.
Belecthor I ft. Belecthor I, Glóredhel of Gondor (OC), Orodreth of Gondor, Morwen of Gondor It’s canon that the Corsairs reared their heads again in this time, but we don’t know of any major battles so I decided a stalemate made sense here. Everything else is headcanon.
Orodreth ft. Orodreth of Gondor, Beleth of Gondor (OC), Ecthelion I The only canon thing here is that Ecthelion did rebuild the White Tower. Also, you know I’m gonna make all the childless Stewards gay and/or aspec :p
Morwen ft. Morwen of Gondor, Dammoron (OC), Adanel of Gondor (OC), Faeleth (OC), Egalmoth of Gondor All of this is headcanon, except that Morwen was canonically the grandmother of Egalmoth.
Egalmoth ft. Eglamoth of Gondor, Hareth of Gondor (OC), Beren of Gondor, Gildis of Gondor (OC), Steward Beregond, Bregil of Gondor (OC), Belecthor II, Thúliel (OC), Thorondir, Helheth (OC), Túrin II, Eregil (OC), Turgon of Gondor, Mírdholen (OC) As usual, everything with the women in this edit is headcanon. The wars with the Dunlendings, Corsairs, orcs, etc. are all canon, as is Saruman’s appearance in the narrative. The recovery period after the war has been greatly embellished; everything about Belecthor II and Thorondir is headcanon except for their lifespans and the death of the White Tree (and Belecthor being an only child, weirdly enough that’s specifically noted in canon lol), though I made up the reasoning behind Thorondir’s declaration. Túrin I’s deeds are all canon, though with the exception of the Rohirrim the supporting cast’s involvement is mostly my headcanon. Nothing significant happened during Turgon’s rule except for Sauron’s declaration; his reaction to that event is headcanon.
Ecthelion II ft. Ecthelion II, Narwiel (OC), Denethor II, Taeneth (OC), Beniloth (OC) Everything about Ecthelion and Thorongil/Aragorn is canon (and leaves me wondering if they fucked...) Ecthelion canonically had two unnamed daughters. Taeneth and Beniloth are Sindarin names I adapted from the Quenya “Terenis” and “Vanyalos” given to them in LOTRO; I also poached their backstories from LOTRO. (Disclaimer that I haven’t played the game, I’m getting this all from Tolkien Gateway.)
Denethor II ft. Denethor II, Finduilas of Dol Amroth, Boromir, Faramir This is pretty much all canon, though details have been embellished here and there.
Faramir ft. Faramir, Éowyn, Elboron, Rohiril (OC), Silevegil (OC), Barahir of Ithlien All of this is canon, though it’s been slightly condensed, up until the details about Faramir and Éowyn’s descendants. It is canon that Barahir wrote the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen, but we don’t know if he was the son of Elboron or of some unknown sibling of Elboron. I ship Elboron and Eldarion, so I chose to go with the latter possibility :)
My Peoples of Arda Edit Series continues with the Three Houses of the Edain Edit Series!
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saelwen · 5 years
Glorfindel x Winged!Reader
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Glorfindel x Winged!Reader
Request by a lovely anon:
Alright how about Clorfindel with Winged reader. Reader is Tuor's cousin and last surviving child of Hurin. She is scared of people and mostly sticks with Tuor but gets slowly close to Clorfindel who helps her trust people again. In the fall of gondolin when Clorfindel gets pulled down the hill by a balrog, Reader then rescues him revealing her wings which then leads to a confession. Sorry if this is too long but what do you think about the idea?
Warning: Angst, Fluff
Words: 3k
The smell of the ocean hovered in the air, relaxing your tired body. You and Tuor, and Voronwë have been traveling for months, following the dangerous path that will lead you to the beautiful realm of Gondolin.  
Since the conversation with Ulmo, Tuor hasn’t been the same. His face was more serious than before and his guard never was down, always alert to his surroundings. You two have been stick together since he had found you in the middle of the forest, lost and scared. He knew right away who you were since you two have similar features.  
He took you with him and protected you since you were the last child of Húrin. You were a very distant person, always shying away from other people and hiding behind Tuor’s back. He was the only person who you were comfortable to be with it since he was the only family you have left.  
During your travels, Voronwë tries to talk with you but you only look away from him, your body filled with anxiety and go walk closer to Tuor. You knew that he only to be your friend but you have suffered enough from other people's actions... Like when your own mother and sister had left behind, not stopping when they heard your pleads to wait for you. Leaving you behind in a dark forest where horrible creature lurks around in the dark shadows.
“We are here!” Voronwë said cheerfully.
You look up and saw a massive stone gate, some strange runes carved in the pale stone. Tuor and Voronwë took a step forward and begin talking with the gate guard, saying the Ulmo have sent you three here. With that, the guard opens the gate and lead you to the King of Gondolin.
A gasp escapes from your lips when you saw the magnificent elvish kingdom. It was breathtaking. The delicate buildings were pure marble stone, shining as the sunlight bathe them in his warmth. The birds sang gently around the Kingdom, sending a relaxing aura through the streets. When you walked into the beautiful Palace, you saw the paintings of Valinor, the blessed lands. Your e/c eyes looked to them in awe, wishing that you could visit the peaceful realm.
A while you were looking at the paintings, you felt eyes on your back. Looking back, you saw nothing, only elves doing their business. You shrug and follow Tuor, trying to hear his conversation with the guard.
“Tuor, Son of Huor! And Y/n, Daughter of Húrin!... What an unexpected surprise.” King Turgon said from his high throne, looking to you two in surprise. Beside him was an extremely beautiful elleth, with gorgeous long golden locks. Her grey eyes fixed on Tuor’s figure, full of curiosity, a small gentle smile on her plump lips. You look to Tuor and saw that he also was looking at her, a shy smile on his lips.  
“King Turgon! I’m very grateful for letting me and my cousin in your beautiful Kingdom...but I'm afraid that I've come with news that will not be of your please.” Tuor said while bowing his head towards Turgon, who frowns at Tuor's words.
“What news?” he asked with a stern voice.
Tuor took a deep breath and look at you with tired eyes. “Ulmo has sent me here... to tell you that the end of Gondolin is near...” with his words, Turgon shot up from his throne and shook his head.
“Impossible! Gondolin has been standing for a hundred years! No one knows of this place or the path to come here!” he said while walking towards Tuor. “Ulmo is visions are wrong!” he whispers more to himself, trying to convince him that wasn’t true. Turgon calls a servant and orders to lead you two to your chambers, saying that he will discuss that matter later with Tuor and his council.
As you were walking out of the Throne room, you felt again eyes on your small figure. Turning quickly your head back, you saw a blond elf looking at you with beautiful ocean blue eyes. When he saw you looking, he quickly hides behind a column, cursing quietly to his friend, who was beside him and laughing at his humiliation. You eye him up and down and follow the servant and Tuor, still feeling the elf eyes on you.
A sigh fell from your lips as you sat on a bench in the beautiful garden in the palace, letting the warm sun bathe your cold body with his light. Your heart was beating like a war drum and your hands were sweaty.  
Tuor was called by the King for a meeting and you couldn’t go which made your anxiety crazy, not having the only family with you.
Looking up to the bright blue sky, you smile gently, feeling a hit of sadness and miss. You put your hand on your shoulder, your fingers brushing against your shoulder blade. You were gifted with a gift when you were born, a gift of flying but your mother saw it more like a curse. Saying that humans belong to the ground and not in the skies. You didn’t let your wings out often, only use them when you really need them. Tuor knew of your gift since you had to use it at one time when you two were being chased by a group of orcs but you force Tuor to never tell anyone.
You look down to the beautiful flower, smelling their scent hovering in the air. The garden was the only place you could be at ease since no one would go there. Your fingers rub the soft fabric of your blue gown which was a gift from Turgon. The dress was made with expensive silk which felt soft against your skin.
Suddenly, you heard whispers behind you.
“Go talk to her!” a deep voice whisper.
“No! I can’t just jump out and say hi!” the other voice responded but this one was gentler and richer.
“C’mon, Glorfindel! Don’t be a rat!” with that, the blond elf from the other day was pushed from behind a tree beside where you were sitting.
He stood up and brush his golden hair out of his handsome face, his ocean blue eyes looking down at you. You two stood there looking at each other, not knowing what to say. A black-haired elf walks out behind the tree and shoves gently his friend.  
“Talk to her! I’m doing this for your own good!” he whispers to the blond elf. Then he looks at you smile gently, bowing his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Y/n!... Well, I have some business to attend. I will let you two talk at peace.” with that, the black-haired elf left you and Glorfindel alone.
There a long silence between you two, your anxiety was wild right now. He let out a sigh and rubs his neck with his hand, looking to the bright sky.
“Ahh...It’s a beautiful day!” his voice rich and gentle, making your body relax with its soft sound.
You nod and tuck a h/c hair behind your ear, feeling your cheeks bright red. Glorfindel looks to the empty seat beside you and nods towards. “Can I sit beside you, Lady Y/n?” he asked.
You nod quickly and begin playing with your fingers, trying to focus on something else. He sat beside you and stay silent, watching the flower shake with the wind. The silence this time wasn’t uncomfortable on the contrary, it was relaxing. Savoring the company of each other.
“I’m sorry about my friend's attitude. Ecthelion can be a jerk sometimes,” he said with a chuckle, making a small smile form in your lips.  
“It’s okay,” you whisper shyly, making Glorfindel’s eyes wide in surprise as he heard your delicate voice.  
“So, tell me Lady Y/n! Are you liking our kingdom?” his voice was more cheerful, coming out more of his shell.
You smile and look around, seeing the white buildings high in the skies. “Yes...It’s a lovely place...very beautiful,” you whisper, looking to his eyes under the curtain of hair.
He grins happily at you. “Yes!... We build this place from the ground. Make it a sanctuary for our kind...a place that we could call home again since our old home is very far away from here...” the last part, he said with sorrowful and a distant voice.  
You knew that the arrival of the Noldor elves to Middle-Earth wasn’t a happy one. Knowing that the Valar had expelled them from the blessed lands for their crimes.
As you two were talking, you notice in the corner of your eye Tuor and Idril, Turgon’s daughter, walking the garden with hands intertwined. Idril let out a luscious laugh, making Tuor smile gently down to her. Glorfindel also notices this and grin happily to his princess.
“I think there will be a wedding soon,” he said while watching the two of them.
You smile softly, happy that finally, your cousin had found happiness. “Yeah...I hope so.”
After a year, Glorfindel's words come true. On a beautiful sunny day, Tuor and Idril become husband and wife. The ceremony was beautiful, filled with every elf of Gondolin.  
Glorfindel had asked you to be his partner for the feast which made you a blushing mess. You two had become really close during the year, making Tuor really surprised since you were a really closed person.  
You still remember Ecthelion and Tuor cheering loudly when you two were dancing, making you a walking tomato.
You would be if you said that you didn’t like him, on the contrary, you have fallen for him and hard. And that made you scared since never before you had felt like this for anyone. You told Tuor on one evening and but he supported you, saying that you have to tell Glorfindel your feelings.
After a lot of pep talk and taking deep breaths, you walk towards your safe place, the garden. As you were walking down the hallway, you heard a loud explosion. Screams sounded everywhere in the Kingdom along with yours.
“What’s happening?” you whisper.  
The sound of light footsteps grabs your attention, you turn back and saw Idril with little Eärendil beside her clinging to her hand tightly. Her beautiful grey eyes filled with fear and panic.
“Y/n! Come!” was all she said. You nod and follow them, still hearing screams and fighting outside.
“What’s going on?” you whisper, trying to follow Idril fast steps.
“Gondolin is under attack! Tuor was right and my father didn’t listen to him...now we suffer the consequences of his decision.” her voice was firm but you notice fear in it.
Of course! A while you and Glorfindel spend a wonderful year, you had completely forgotten the warning of Ulmo.  
You three run to the garden, where Idril said that there’s a secret passage. A gasp fell from your lips as you see the destruction around you, seeing corpses and a sea of orcs running through the gates of Gondolin.
“Y/n!” a familiar gentle voice sounded behind you. Turning back, you see Glorfindel running towards you with Tuor close behind him. The two of them covered in blood and ashes.
“Glorfindel!” you jump to him, wrapping your arms around his torso, pulling him into a tight embrace. You two stay like this for a moment, happy that you were okay. Tuor hugs his family and smiles sadly to his wife.
“I’m sorry, melleth nin... Your father has fallen...” he whispers, kissing her forehead. Idril let out a loud sob and hug tightly, pulling her son into their embrace.
You look up to Glorfindel, seeing his delicate face contoured in rage and sadness. “Where is Ecthelion?” you asked slowly, seeing him taking a deep breath.
“He...He fought bravely...” he said while looking away, tears trying to escape from his ocean blue eyes. You hug him tightly and sob quietly against his chest., the image of the gentle smile of Ecthelion flashing in your mind.
“We have to go! There’s no time to mourn now.” Tuor said while leading the survivor of Gondolin through the secret passage. You gave one last look to the beautiful city that was for a year your home and follow the group of elves.
“GLORFINDEL!” You scream, seeing him fighting a huge Balrog that had followed the group. The elves run quickly from the horrifying creature while Glorfindel fights him, trying to gain time for his people to run away.
Idril and Tuor had a grip on you, trying to move away from the fight but you couldn’t let your beloved golden flower left behind to fight alone the Balrog.  
Glorfindel had his sword on his right hand and his shield on his left hand, blocking every blow from the massive monster. Blood ran down from his forehead, making it hard for him to see. He could hear your cries for him to go to you and much that he wanted to that, he couldn’t let the Balrog kill you or his people.
As the Balrog was preparing to throw another blow, Glorfindel spin in his heels and throw his shield to the monster's head. The Balrog lost balance and fall back, falling into the abyss.  
Glorfindel let out a relieved sigh and lower his sword. He turns back, smiling softly at you. Idril and Tuor let go of your arms and you run to Glorfindel but as you were getting closer to him, you saw a huge black clawed hand grab the beautiful golden locks of Glorfindel. Taking your beloved elf with him into the abyss.
A cry fell from your lips, seeing Glorfindel disappearing through the clouds of smoke from the Balrog fire.  
“No! No! No!” you sob.
In the distance, you could hear Tuor calling for you but you ignored it. Taking a deep breath, you let your massive white wings come out, making the elves gasp in awe. You flap them gently, letting them stretch in the air. Then, you grab Glorfindel’s sword from the ground and gave a big jump and dive down into the abyss, following Glorfindel and the Balrog.
When you got closer to them, you saw that Glorfindel was still fighting the creature. Giving all he had to the monster. You grab the handler of the sword tightly and pierce through the thick air towards the Balrog head.  
“MOVE, GLORFINDEL!” you scream.
Glorfindel looks up and gasps at your sight, seeing the shadows of your massive wings. You throw the sword to the Balrog and pierce through his thick skull, killing him right there.
You then grab Glorfindel by his shoulders and fly you two back up to the edge of the cliff. There, you land him gently on the ground. Idril and Tuor run to you two, happy that you were okay.  
Glorfindel stood up, still looking at you in awe. Studying your beautiful wings carefully, seeing the pure white feathers shinning with the sunlight. You start feeling nervous under his gaze, scared that he would think that you were a freak but that thought vanished when he pulled you into his strong chest and kiss passionately.  
You wrap your arms around his neck and return his kiss, pouring all your love there. His soft lips made you melt into him, covering you two with your massive wings.  
He pulls back and looks down at you his ocean blue eyes full of love passion. “Thank you for saving me, little swan...” he whispers quietly, grinning like a dork.  
You giggle and nuzzle into his neck, kissing gently the skin there. “You’re welcome, golden flower,” you whisper back.
Hey Guys!! Here’s a new one-shot with Glorfindel! I hope you like it and feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
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Elrond/Lindir, Erestor/Glorfindel
Oooooh, thank you. :D
Elrond/Lindir: I don't ship them, but I don't object to them either. I do find it rather adorable that the fandom has decided from Lindir's appearance in AUJ that he's completely devoted to Elrond, and I have a huge soft spot for a) him, b) Brett Mckenzie and c) Figwit, so I find them thoroughly adorable, but...not quite for me.
Erestor/Glorfindel: aaaa oh my GOD I love them. XD I've been shipping them for the best part of 20 years, on and off, and I just cannot help myself, there's something about the stern, austere librarian/advisor (again I just love the common fanon here :D ) and the flamboyant reborn hero being totally gone for each other, especially if they're being idiots about it. I've only ever written them properly once, but they're totally a couple in Empty Vessel-'verse, they just don't see any point in making it public. The twins and Arwen have had a bet on when they'll get together for centuries and they have no idea they've been together since the three of them were Elflings. XDDDD (they'll turn up in Empty Vessel eventually, and I am dying to get to that bit) As for Ecthelion...well, I think I am going to have to do some further poly negotiations in Break You... :D :D :D
Anyone else want to ask my brutally honest opinion on a ship or two? :D
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