#c: steve & frigimon
koushirouizumi · 4 months
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{D I G I M O N 02} x Text Posts Meme + The Beginning!Steve & Yukidarumon {Frigimon} ~ {CANON!} JEWISH-American Chosen Child/Chosen One (Confirmed in the 02 Memorial Book Post-02 Production) {I.M.G by Me} (ASK to Use/Share) {DO NOT RE-POST} {DO NOT RE-SHARE} +To Other Sites Without My PERMISSION!}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{Index}/{DigiAdvs}/{Head-canon[s]} The (Mis?-)Adventures of Steve & Frigimon
Since 'today' is basically Yet Another Day for me, I'm collecting a series of head-canon / reaction posts & Thoughts TM I recently made for a vastly under-acknowledged Long-Time Fav That Most People Apparently Don't Remember Exists! (even though they, too, featured briefly in 02's "World Tour" arc...)
This Series A.K.A, What It (May) Mean To Be A (Canon!)Jew In The Digital World (Yes! A Certain One Exists!) + Dealing with Certain Aspects of DigiAdv + 02 ""Lore""
Most of these I marked as 'no r.b'., but feel free to 'Like' anything involved, or refer to this index + if you also appreciate Steve & Frigimon! (of Inter-national Chosen fame!...)
Pt 1: "Gole...m"on Pt 2: "S...ephiroth"mon Pt 3: "Wizar"mon & "Witch"elny Pt 4: Meeting Daisuke Again ("Holiday"s in ..'03!) Pt 5: "Sister"mon{s} Pt 6: "Devi"mon Pt 7: {+"Belial"}"Vamde"mon? / Literally Any "Evil" 'Mon, really Pt 8: (~Totally Not Confronting~) Qinglongmon Pt 9: Meeting Jou Again & "Studying" Pt 10: "Pump"mon & "Costumes" Pt 11: "Gobli"...mon ("Let's Just...") Pt 12: Meeting Koushiro Again / Meanwhile With KouTai & Steve? Pt 13: "Snow"mons (Or ... Featuring, Frigimon! ...) Pt 14: The meaning(?) of "Becoming Adults" {Kizuna Spoiler} Pt 15: 'Meeting' Menoa {Kizuna Spoiler} ("You see, Frigimon was asking me about {MY}---") Pt 16: Lighting the Candles & "Potential" [Post-Kizuna] & an aftermath of Meanwhile With KouTai & What It May Mean to Be "Partners" (Mentioned: Tentomon) Pt 17: "Witch"mon Pt 18: "Witch"mon & "Pump"mon Pt. 19: Espimon Appears Pt. 20: Meanwhile with Steve, Frigimon, Espimon & KouTai ("You know, Espimon reminds me A LOT of...")
(If you have questions about any of these, feel free to send a respectful Ask, So long as my blogrules are followed!)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Baalmon: You'll have to pass MY Test of Knowledge. Steve, nodding: Cool, cool. *Hour~ or so later*, Baalmon: ??!???!??!? Baalmon: HOW!!1! Steve, shrUGGING: ( " I read a lot. " ) Steve: ("Also, Koushiro rambles too much to me about virtually everything, but at least I learn from it too.") Frigimon: ("It really happens this way.") Steve: ("They don't know that I converse with Koushiro that much over this many years though.") Frigimon: ("Do they need to know?") Steve: ("...Good point.") Baalmon: ?????
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Steve, to a Absolute Jerk, probably: "May you {redacted}"--- FRIGIMON: Steve: --- "and bake a bagel there" Frigimon: (Steve)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime after Adventure 02, Steve and Frigimon encounter... a Sistermon: Steve: Steve: (A nun? Literally a nun??) Steve: (It really is kind of ridiculous) Sistermon: Wanna {FIGHT}/{rAC}-- Steve: Um, no, sorry Sistermon: But--- Steve: It's Shabbat tonight, so... SISTERMON: Steve: (Yeah) Steve: See you Steve: Come on, Frigimon, we need to light the Shabbat candles. Frigimon, going without a word: Steve: (*leaves*) Sistermon: (...I don't want to admit it, but they'd definitely win.) Steve: (Well, that was kind of awkward...)
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
{D.I.G.I.M.O.N 02} x ""F. L.!!!"" D.I.G.I.M.O.N (C) T.O.E.I A.N.I.M.A.T.I.O.N M.U.S.I.C (C) T.A.Y.L.O.R S.W.I.F.T x F.L.O.R.E.N.C.E A.N.D T.H.E M.A.C.H.I.N.E
FAN A.M.V B.Y M.E NO $$$ IS BEING MADE OFF THIS FAN WORK This acct is NOT associated with T O E I.
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{D I G I M O N} ~ KIZUNA x + T H E . B E G I N N I N G + S T E V E {Jewish-American Chosen} x Koushiro {KouSteve} / {SteveKou} / {KouSteveKou}
Edit by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi
{Do Not R E P O S T} {Do Not R E P R O D U C E My Edits + My Works Under Any Circumstances}
(Details of this A.U. under the 'read more'!) {Not too spoilery for "The Beginning", but some light references are made regarding the timeline!}
For Autism Awareness Month {April in U.S.+World} {Autistic!Koushiro Headcanon} + Jewish-American Heritage Month {May in U.S.}
-A.U. {Alternate Universe} where Koushiro and Steve have notably more {visible to "Viewer"/"Reader"}; One-on-one interaction between "Our War Game" (and most {eventual} International Chosen discovering "The Network" and Koushiro's involvements in helping + observing it + keep the Inter-national Chosen connected) and "The Beginning";
-In "The Beginning", as the U.S. Chosen are gathered, while it's not outright stated, it's not unreasonable to assume they were keeping an eye on Network updates made by Miyako earlier on to the Network, also often related via Koushiro, {+related by 02 Chosen}. (The pattern in my A.U.s overall likely goes, Koushiro -> Miyako + 02 Chosen {+Iori}; then, 02 Chosen -> back to Koushiro when involving 02 team's extended efforts, who actively helps analyze any info they send, then shares it + any theorizing to the Network)
-In this A.U., Steve, who as a Jew doesn't particularly 'enjoy' being kept in the 'dark' about Whats Happening to the Self when it's impacting Steve's {religious} (+daily) life, ends up reaching out to Koushiro earlier on to try and get to know the Chosen in Odaiba better, and also show solidarity with Koushiro's group's efforts. In the end, it's likely because of Koushiro's extended earlier efforts, as well as getting to know the U.S. Chosen better in Steve's own time, that Steve succeeds in remaining semi-active as a main member of the U . S. Chosen, and semi-active in acting as support that can easily be called upon, like most International Chosen.
-Koushiro and Steve in this A.U. share a friendship and communication style that TRANSCENDS what most may think of as "friendship" or "good" styles of ""communication"" - both know (Steve especially also knowing thanks to own culture) that no matter how far apart they are, they can always rely on each other to be there when needed (or wanted), even if it's difficult to "physically" meet up in off-line life.
-As stated in this scene, Steve wasn't necessarily first 'Chosen' in 1991, or at least not 'exactly' in the same timeframe as Michael. (I also headcanon Steve being some months older than Michael, who I consider to be around the same age/Japanese school year as Koushiro and Mimi, so Steve would possibly be on the older end of year, for the most part, if not born the same year/timeframe as Taichi, just Chosen a little later.)
#steve and frigimon#kousteve#stevekou#koustevekou#steve x koushiro#koushiro x steve#koushiroxsteve#stevexkoushiro#kizuna spoilers#the beginning spoiler#thebeginningspoiler#the beginning spoilers#thebeginningspoilers#(Speaking of Which)#(I was meaning to eventually Try This)#(I might take time later to adjust framing and add some effect)#(But I was so excited SEEING Frigimon in that shot I was like)#('fINALLY I CAN ACTUALLY MAKE A STEVEKOU THING')#(I am forced to use Kizuna Koushiro for ReasoningsTM bUT YEAH IF WE EVER GET ..... MORE..... T H I N G S LATER...)#({NEW PROFILE OR CONCEPT ART WOULD BE N I C E})#(In the past I mainly H.C.d Steve as keeping more up to date with what was going on with Advs Chosen in general as said here)#(BUT WHOA DID THIS H.C. KIND OF GET ME TOO SINCE I GREW OLDER----)#(OK Again I am ONLY sharing this single cap for now BECAUSE This Got SharedTM {THATS WHY NO RB})#(I was saving this genuinely for 'The Beginning' +M A Y release date but by this point im saying 'f*ck it' and posting it incomplete)#(I will likely fix it with H.Q. version later upon Then but For Now)#(I was really genuinely excited to try the framing and see how itd line up)#(but I want to try & zoom in on Koushiro bit more too I just want their hands to almost line up in 'almost touching' {across screens} style#childhood fav rare friendship dynamics that somehow spiralled into an unrequited love ship on steves part go figure me#(but I actually had Koushiro + Network involved headcanons literally ever since COFTFF days + of my 02 shrine)#(I had super wanted to expand upon them BACK THEN too and never got chance BECAUSE OF WEB PURGES)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Steve
Mimi, chatting animatedly: So THEN when Lilymon becomes Rosemon, Rosemon is GORGEOUS, and--- Steve, nodding along: (Sounds nice {for them}.) Mimi, waving hands: And has this cool attack called "Tiferet", where Rosemon shoots them out at the enemy aND--- STEVE: Steve, Looking IMMEDIATELY at Palmon: Palmon, Looking Back: STEVE: (SAME HAT...) Palmon, NODDING: (SAME ... 'Hat')
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Steve and Frigimon [+Espimon] {DigiAdvs 02}
Takeru, glancing down at Espimon: Espimon, fiddling with "odd item" out of place that's caught Espimon's Interest, Ignoring: ... Takeru: ... Takeru, glancing at Steve: It's like Koushiro-san. Steve, nodding...: It's like Koushiro. Takeru: Takeru, glancing back up: It's "always" doing things like this? When did you meet it? Steve, shrugging but genuine: A while ago. It seems to "wander". It's looking for someone "Not a {'Fake'} Hiro Amanokawa". Koushiro can't find them yet, we searched the database and asked around... Takeru, bemused: That's... odd. Steve: Overall, it's a bit of a "different one". Takeru: Like Koushiro-san. Steve: Like Koushiro.(pauses) With a bit of a "tough"...-er side. Takeru, blinking in clear surprise: ?? Steve: Koushiro's clearly "tough" in ways too, but Espimon's even more *proud* of its ability. Not sure if the others have noticed as much yet how similar they seem, though. Frigimon: (Mimi is indulging it, and Jou is flustered by it as typical... Taichi is treating it in a friendly way too, if also a bit bemused by these things.) Patamon: (Isn't all that, the same with K---) Frigimon: (Don't ask me.) Espimon, finally realizing Espimon's being commented on: What? Steve, casually: Oh, nothing really, we just think you're really amazing. Takeru: Espimon: Got that right. (*goes back to Stimming*) Takeru, in mind: ("It's like Koushiro-san.") Steve, glancing at Takeru, lowly: (Koushiro also clearly likes being called "amazing", right? Even if Koushiro hides it more, Koushiro was happy.) Takeru: (When Taichi-san said it.) Steve: (When Taichi says----) Frigimon: (They're all very obvious.) Espimon, looking up: It's fine if you keep calling me "amazing", but I'm trying to focus on this... Steve: No, no, go back to your fun. Takeru: (It keeps missing---) Steve: (It's kind in its own way, though.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Steve & Frigimon {DigiAdvs 02}
Some random Person, nearby, as Steve, Mimi, Michael, and the rest of N.Y./U.S. Chosen are at the/a restaurant: Ugh, I hATE---- STEVE, swivelling around: Excuse me? That random Person: That random Person, quieting: Everyone Else: Frigimon: (Just like that...) Frigimon, tapping to get Steve's attention: Steve, turning back around, ready to...: MIMI: So, anyway----
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Steve & Frigimon {DigiAdvs 02}
Sometime post-DigiAdvs 02, Steve & Frigimon encounter an ""enemy?""... ""Lilith""mon: Steve, Not Smiling: Lilithmon: Steve: Lilithmon: Steve, flatly: What are you doing here? Lilithmon: Why do /you/ accuse me? Steve: "This" isn't /your/ "true form". Not by a /long shot/. Lilithmon, raising eyebrows, haughtily: Oh~? Steve: Why are you "here" in "THAT" form? Lilithmon: Lilithmon: WELL, it's NOT like I only /briefly/ ""CHOSE"", THIS form, or aNYTHINg, (so I could)--- Steve: I KNOW /you'd/ much rather be "there". Lilithmon: Steve, crossing arms: You knew we would question you the second we /heard your name/, and realized the contexts of what you were /seemingly/ "up to", and that we'd tell everyone /else/ as soon as we did? Lilithmon: (*exasperated sigh!!1!*) Frigimon: (She tried.) Frigimon: (But Steve can't let this slide.) Steve, cheerily: AnyWAY, so I know about a certain "place"... Lilithmon: ??! Frigimon: (...She understood immediately.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Steve & Frigimon {DigiAdvs 02}
Takeru: ... Steve: ... Takeru: ..... Steve: ..... Takeru: :) Steve: :) Takeru: ..... Steve: (I won't say anything if Takeru doesn't...) Frigimon: (At least you two get along?) Steve: (Yeah, but I can't say this isn't awkward sometimes.) Frigimon: (Takeru respects Koushiro too, though.) Steve: (I know, I know.) Steve: (Breaking the ice is ... Something.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Lou, U.S. Chosen Child: Hey, Steve... Steve, U.S. Chosen Child, pausing: Lou: Lou: ... End of. This year, want to. Go to the Japanese restaurant? Grab some great food and-- Steve, immediately: Yes, that sounds pretty awesome Lou: Lou, about to ramble: I mean, if you, want -- Steve: I want to. LOU: Steve: We can also go sooner... and then again near the end of the year ... L O U: Steve: ... Unless that's too much ? Lou: No, that'd be perfect, actually... Steve: Sounds good, then. Lou: Lou: Well, until then, maybe we could . Hang. Out Lou: You ... know... Steve, nodding: Yeah. I mean, I'll have to fit in things where I can, but... Lou, immediately: I get it, so we'll... plan as we go, right? Not. Always on weekends. Steve, genuinely grateful: Yeah, that'd be . Steve: ... really great LOU: Steve: And for now, we could -- Frigimon, in Steve's direction: (You seem happy.) Lou, much later on: (... Did I just ask Steve ou--) Tortomon, sensing: ??? Lou: Don't worry about it, I've got this!! Tortomon: (If you say so.) Lou: (It's jUST dinner out---)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime DURING DigiAdvs 02, Kaiser!Ken encounters... Steve & Frigimon: Kaiser: Steve: Kaiser: STEVE: Shalom! Kaiser: What are YOU doing he-- Steve: "Technology is a mysterious thing", isn't it? Kaiser: Kaiser: You're not supposed to be here yet. Steve: "right"... I'm not "supposed" to be here. Steve, crossing arms: And yet I am. Why is that? Kaiser: ... Izumi's not smart enough to bring you all the way to "this" point on Izumi's own. Steve, raising eyebrows: Oh? What makes you imply that? Kaiser: Because I'M the smartest. Steve, casually: I see. (*glancing at Frigimon*) But I'm here, so it looks like "something"'s disrupted your "plan" regardless. Kaiser: Get ou-- Steve: Oy vey! Kaiser: Steve: You see, I think you owe us an apology. Kaiser: Steve: And while I /very well/ COULD use my fists to make you apologize, that's not quite what's necessary. Steve: But you are going to step aside, right? Kaiser: You're a FOO--- Steve, cheerily: I know! And "you're" going to step aside. "KAISER": Kaiser: You won't be able to defeat me here. Steve: Who said "I" was planning to? KAISER: Steve, cheerily: It's "WE". Kaiser: Don't you dare go to "that" room if you don't want to lose your timeline. Steve: Wasn't planning to! Kaiser: Steve, to Frigimon: Come on, Frigimon. Frigimon: ( Ken's really fortunate that Steve didn't arrive sooner. ) Frigimon: ( But there's likely one where we do. ) Steve: ( Millenniummon sure did make a mess of things for Ken, huh? ) Frigimon: ( I didn't even have to ABSOLUTE ZERO ICE PUNCH the ""Kaiser"". )
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Koushiro, receiving the message N.Y Chosen Steve previously sent: ("'A cute'" "'Mon'" that "kind of acts like" me' 'showed up...' '?? ? ? ?'") Taichi, leaning over to read: Koushiro, giving Taichi a LOOK: (H-hey!!!) Taichi: (OK, OK, I won't look) Koushiro: (*...reads Taichi the message*) Taichi: Tell Steve I'm seeing a cute expression on your face right about now. Koushiro: (t-tAICHI-SAN---) Steve: (*receives the reply*) Oh--- (*laugh*) Frigimon & Espimon: (?????) Steve, showing the pic Taichi snapped and convinced Koushiro to send: They're really cute. Espimon: ...Che. I don't GET it, but they look "happy" here, I Guess. Kind of like "fake Hiro" when Fake-Hiro is with the others. Steve, mentally taking Note: And cute. Espimon, psuedo-nodding, repeating: And cu---- Frigimon: (Got you.) Espimon: ---Well, I GUESS. (*huff!*) Not me, though. Frigimon: (This feels like it might go on for a while.) Steve: (It's just genuinely really sweet, they're pretty similar, too...) Steve, laughing in mind: (Anyway, TAICHI... sure is going to keep Koushiro's attention today.) Taichi, later on: (You were messaging Koushiro ever since the meeting back in '02????) Steve: (Well, we're something like 'friends'... but Koushiro was always talking about you too, it just naturally flowed like that) Taichi: (!!??!?) ("Koushiro talked about me?!??") Steve, laughing: ("I don't know where Taichi-san would, even like to 'hang out' at? Taichi-san likes to eat but... Steve-san, do you have any advice? I'm rather bad at this kind of thing, I don't eat out often, my parents usually..." "Taichi-san seemed happy when I finally asked Taichi-san to 'hang out' the other day. I know I took some time to ask, but the level of confidence that was required..." "I'm trying to introduce Taichi-san to the concept of e-mailing for a while now, but Taichi-san doesn't typically write long messages." "Taichi-san wrote back. It was rather short, but... And, uses a lot of 'emojis'..." "I want to wear something a little 'different' - I know I did with Mimi-san 'back then', but I'm still a little, well, it's disconcerting..." "I gave the tickets my other American friend gave me, to go the football game, to Taichi-san, and Taichi-san was really, really thrilled. I can't obtain these all the time, but if possible..." "The football game was really loud, but Taichi-san seemed to have a lot of fun, and I can't help but admit it was a very exciting atmosphere." "Is it ok if we practice speaking again? I'd like to brush up on my French. Someday, I think Taichi-san would also like to go to..." "After making the new Digivices, Taichi-san began to call more, but as for proper communication over the phone, I wonder if I'm handling it well with Taichi-san..." "Is it all right to also invite Taichi-san to {gathering Koushiro was also invited to by Steve}?" "Taichi-san seemed to really enjoy the gatherings, so I was quite pleasantly surprised.") TAICHI: (oH) STEVE: (Go for it, "Taichi-san".)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime post DigiAdvs 02, Steve & Frigimon encounter... an Espimon: Steve, walking around, observing Espimon from different angles without getting too close to Espimon's Personal Space zone: You're a cute one. Espimon, blushing: D-Don't call me CUTE!!! Steve: (Oh) Steve: ... You sound a bit like someone else I know. Espimon: ??? ??? ? ??--- Steve: I bet you don't know Koushiro, though. Espimon: Che. I bet that "Koushiro" doesn't like to be called "cute", either. Steve: (You'd be surprised.) Espimon: (...?? ? ?) Steve: (Oh) Espimon: Anyway, I don't really know this "Koushiro" person, but fake-Hiro might. Steve, actually confused for once: "Fake Hiro"?? ? ? Espimon: Yeah. "That guy", Hokuto told me Hiro was a "different" person he knew. Even if Hiro claims to also be "Amanokawa". Steve: ...Sorry, not sure I follow. I don't really know a "Hiro" or "Amanokawa", but Koushiro might. Espimon: cHE. I don't think "Koushiro" would know "fake-Hiro". "Fake-Hiro" is just, a fake. Koushiro at least sounds /somewhat/ more useful. But at least "Fake-Hiro" has some good food... Steve: (Ah. I get it now) Steve: Do you know what an online "message" is? Espimon: Of course. I send them on "Fake-Hiro"'s "tablet" all the time. Mainly to "Kiyoshiro", but... Steve: I might send Koushiro a "message" about you, if it's ok. We have to find the "real Hiro", right? Espimon, psuedo nodding: (YEAH.) I need to find the "real Hiro" quick. If that "Koushiro" can help, then I don't *really* mind... Steve: (Got you.) Steve: Let's do that then. (*sits down to begin a message to Koushiro, talking just loud enough so Espimon can hear*) Hey, Koushiro, a cute robo 'Mon turned up at my place today. It seems to be kind of lost, and like it wandered on its own a lot... Funnily enough, it scarily sounds like you. Almost even acts like you. By the way, do you know a "Hiro" 'Amanokawa'? Is "Hiro" or "Kiyoshiro" in the Network? As for the food it likes, (*rambles off examples as Espimon lists them*) Huh, that sounds kind of like you, too. It's a little bad at personal conversing, but so are you. It seems to possess amazing "Searching" capabilities, and it's good at divulging the "Knowledge" it can gather, and it gets embarrassed if you call it "cute"... Frigimon: (This is sounding repetitive.) Steve: ... Anyway, how are things going with Taichi? (*hits send*) Espimon, drifting back over: ...This "Taichi" person. You're saying it's Taichi who calls Koushiro "cute"?? ? ? Steve, cheerily: Yup. Espimon: ..... Frigimon: (It's almost getti...) Espimon: ... Anyway, but in that message, you mentioned "cute". Steve: I mean, you are... Espimon: But, I don't get it. It's almost like you think "that person" is cu--- Steve, laughing: But "they" are cute. Frigimon: (I don't think Steve was talking about 'just' Espimon.)
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