#meanwhile on digiadvs
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Me, looking around my old Digi-O.C.s site C.D.: ... "Myotismon" in this super old thing I wrOTE: "This {"world" you live in} is *an alternate world* {from 'my own'}! You can thank (TAKERU) T.K. TAKAISHI and his silly NOVEL for THAT. Because of HIM, this {real} world is a NEW reality in which THE {Original} DIGI-DESTINED {I KNOW} never EXISTED!" m E: (GENUINELY having forgotten I wrote that in) I can't BELIEVE ""T.K."" ALSO accidentally created the Repeatverse {+before This Site even Existed}
#repeatverse#repeat takeru#repeat vamdemon#repeat chosen#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi advs#koushirouizumi cof#(IM LAUGHING so hArD m E ' H E L P ')#(M E ' I cant BELIEVE T.K. helped create rEPEAT KOUTAI ')#(m E ' This IS going to be implied somehow in the Lost Day Hour A.M.V. now ')#(I know I did have a lot of silly A.U. takes re that novel existing in actual 02!canon but w O W...)#(Me 'So yeah in the past T.K. MAY have been more up there but sorry Koushiro Mimi Jou & the rest all came up to overtake T.K.s spot')#(OK I'm not posting the whole thing it was *very incomplete* and goofy US dubverse young me DigiAdvs x Pkmn cross-over style rp but)#meanwhile on digiadvs#meanwhile on 02#(Me ' This. This was before I even WAS shipping KouTai ')#(DAISUKE VOICE ' IT WAS YOU ??!??!? ')#(TakerU VOICE ' Um . Things . Happened ')#(Koushiro Voice ' I had to fill him in on the rest of the 'technical' stuff but ... ')#(Hikari Voice ' I Helped Too ' {Contribues over Half the Book})#(Edit: This Was Drafted But I STILL LAUGH remembering This Line Now)#my like hate relationship with patamon line#my like hate relationship with angemon#my like hate relationship with vamdemon#my very hyper specific interpretation of takeru and takaishidas that is still very based in 'canon' thank you#in which tk accidentally helps create a multiverse via a book where takeru with koushiro assisting explains multiverse theory in depth#the digital world runs on wishes#in which takeru accidentally unleashes D I G I M O N into Our World#You Too Can Be A Chosen {If You (WANT) To Be}
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year ago
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' Taishiro {Koushiro x Taichi}, just pre 02
Yamato: Seriously... learn how to tie a tie, you football obsessed person!! TAICHI: its Not MY Fault. I Never wear suits with ties. {LAUGH} YAMATO: ITS KNOWLEDGE EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE-!! Koushiro, attempting {+Failing} to tie new uniform tie, Off to side: ('I couldn't do it either...') Taichi: {is Oblivious (to Yamatos plight)} YAMATO, Oblivious to Koushiros plight: {SIGHING}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
On the 02 careers...
( If you have time, please read {you can machine translate} Hiroyuki Kakudou's full blog post regarding the concept behind the world of '25 Years Later' post-02. )
"Shortly before all humankind had partner {Digital monsters} and all sorts of troubles actually subsided, research was being conducted to find out what caused this. Of course, Koushiro is one of them*. As we learn more about evolution, the existence of forces that try to obstruct evolution also becomes clear." *Assuming Kakudou meant "Digital World Researcher" Koushiro {as seen in the epilogue, Koushiro researches alongside Shuu Kido and Haruhiko Takenouchi; it could be presumed there's more} "25 years later, Taichi's occupation as an adult was listed as a diplomat, but I {Kakudou} couldn't find the right words to describe someone who is not tied to one country and tries to bring about peace and friendship from a free position. That's because. Because Taichi was busy with so many different activities, he ended up {'getting married'} and {'having children'} later than his junior Daisuke, and in the final scene, Taichi's child is almost the youngest. The picture should show that the scene was created with such things in mind."
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 + O.C.s
Ken, wiping away a Single (very fake) tear: Today we lost our dear friend Shane. SHANE (Hiding if not actually Stuck in Digital form): STOP Telling everyone I'm dEAD--- DAISUKE (Confuse?): Sometimes I still hear Shane's voice...? SHANE: SHANE: I'm not playing games with you two tonight. DAISUKE, DISTRESSED: Oh cOME ON-----
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
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Digimon Adventure 02 ~ O.C.s Fanfiction, featuring once-known as "FDD", "Fictional Digidestined & Digimon", or Fictional Chosen Children (using Japanese original terms) ~ "COF:TFF" ({Chosen} of Faith): The Fan Fic +Daisuke is visiting my 02 O.C. Hikaru, (NOT Hikari) {who Daisuke may have (mutual?!) starting crushes with} except meets a 'surprise visitor?' {"Shane!"} instead. {Exact cap of the file on my old C.D.} which has all the pages I could save before webpurges except site images + font colors won't display until I re-create the ENTIRE SITE again.
In the old story Young Me accidentally spelled Michael (American Chosen Child) wrong so it's 'corrected' here, lol. (I was also using "Willis" but since am correcting it to Japanese original canon!"Wallace".) Thus the implication here is Shane apparently 'knows' (of) Michael & Wallace But is it The Case Shane knows them WELL? Dun-dun-dun... "Meanwhile with Daisuke (+Shane)" Mini-Chatstyle Series: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 13 / 14 / 14.5 {Lightly PG-15} / 15 / 16 / 17* (A.U. Spin-off {Digimon x Pokemon Crossover!}) (A.K.A., "The Fate of Four Worlds"/TFOFWVerse) 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31* / 32 {+O.C. Hikaru}: 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40* Psuedo-{+Epilogue} ({*} Marked parts are ongoing/incomplete plotlines!!) ["To Be Continued" Someday, mAYBE...] (It's mostly crack {humor} A.U. spin-offs, 02 Chosen+KouTai also show briefly in-between, Ken->Daisuke<-Hikaru as open relationships (Mains), Ken->DaisukexHikari<-Hikaru is also strongly implied; Takeru/Miyako happened previously in my past fics, but currently mutually unrequited, as they "split" on good terms. (However, Miyako still has "some" feelings to handle re both Takeru and Ken...) {More might come later!} + Kou+Tai in background; are all main featured 'ship's here, but as for KouTai, mostly in the background for now. Hikaru still exists in this too, though, +does appear!)
{More details under the '
Shane did mention another given name here; however, I might pick a different one this time {unsure}
The precursor to the "REPEAT?_Verse" and "The Past World" (Royalty/Clones-verse A.U. timeline spinoffs!) (Hikaru cameos in Chapters 4 + 6 of 'The Past World', it also shows a later section of what would have eventually been part of Koushiro's 'ARC' in my old story, in my later fanfiction 'Infalliable', featuring Daisuke and Koushiro friendship during 'Chosen of Faith'!)
by Young Me circa Pre-2k10 (to eventually be re-written in Full) Or, in which Young Me casually uses foreshadowing to conceal that my O.C. is very much a Very (Mostly) Dead One. {i.e. SHANE answering the door instead of owner of the home}
... Except this may or may not have been on the site. I honesly can't remember, but if SOMEONE remembers seeing this, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING let me know!
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^ YES, this is my original banner I used on the site back then, in all its badly-edited, badly-autoconverted-to-H.D. graphics glory.
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koushirouizumi · 7 months ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02
Inter-national Chosen Shane: ... Daisuke: .... Both: ...... Shane: ...Well, this is it. Daisuke & Shane, facing a coffin: Shane: I asked my former local rabbi to prepare it 'all' beforehand. Even though I hadn't been their student for over ten years... they remembered me and agreed. So it was prepared "without question" from anyone in the "real" world questioning my origins. Daisuke: ... Shane: Once I cross a certain distance, I'm gone for good, so I won't be a bother to you (or Ken) anymore. Daisuke: But, (referring to Inter-national Chosen, Shane's friend and Daisuke's current partner) Hikaru--- Shane: We already discussed the potential outcomes. Hikaru's upset too, I know... but Hikaru said Hikaru would support me no matter what. ... (You know that too, Yes?) Daisuke, Did Know if Vaguely: (Frustrated Internal Sigh) Shane: So, when I walk over around that kind of distance, (waves hand vaguely) I'll likely just vanish in a blip. Because I'm not "going to the other side". Shane: I'm "returning to the ground". Daisuke: I know... I get it... Just.... Shane: ..You brought the stones, right?? Daisuke, Showing a couple: Yeah... Hikaru picked one out- SHANE: Shane: ...Tell Hikaru "thanks" again for me too. Daisuke: I Will. Shane: ...(Slow lop-sided smirk)-- Shane: And... "Thanks" for being a Host that was worth ""haunting"" for a while. (It wasn't actual 'haunting' but) DAISUKE: Daisuke: ...Y-You know, you don't REALLY have to go? We still have room, and Ken's perfectly fine with cooking for you too if you stay physical, and-- Shane: But that's the point, we don't KNOW if I'll be able to stay physical much longer... Daisuke: I KNOW but-- Shane: ... Before that happens, I think it'd be nicer to choose for myself "how". Daisuke: ... ... ... Daisuke, Slowly: ...It was fun. Being ""haunted"". Even if that wasn't "really it" in... (your culture). Shane: Yeah. Shane: ... So, here goes, then... (Remember to place the stones after). DAISUKE, HAD THEM rEADY BUT: (W-wAIT--) SHANE, Already Floating Closer at a Steadily Increasing Pace if Carefully: .... ... ... sHANE, SUDDENLY PULLING BACK: !!!!!! DAISUKE: (?????) SHANE, WHIPPING AROUND: (You CAN'T be serious.) dAISUKE: {GENUINELY SURPRISED} (WHAT????) SHANE: (It wasn't exactly a "zap", but I froze in place temporarily...) It's... blocking me. DAISUKE: ..... (But... you were close to--??!) S H A N E: {STARING HARD NEAR DAISUKE'S DIRECTION} DAISUKE: (...ARE YOU KIDDING?????)
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koushirouizumi · 9 months ago
Me: ... (*adding up my Meanwhile with Shane AU wordcount*) M E: mE: This thing is 76k+ words long?!??!?
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year ago
Meanwhile with KouTai {+Yama}
TAICHI: {SIGHING...} YAMATO: Yamato: ...What's going on?? Taichi: Taichi: Well, you see... YAMATO: TAICHI: MIMI-CHAN got Koushiro, as a gift, this set of... I think they're called -- Y A M A T O: TAICHI: "NECO-MIMI" 'Ears', and--- YAMATO, MENTALLY FACEPALMING: TAICHI: Koushiro actually tried them, but it's ... Yamato: "Unusual" of Koushiro?? Taichi: ... ..I'm not sure "unusual" is the way to say it but... Yamato: Was Koushiro acting unusual about it? Taichi: NO, that's the thing about this! YAMATO: T A I C H I: Koushiro was trying them out, but doesn't really like wearing them in public. So Koushiro wore them while around Hikari and me for a while. Yamato: ("Ah.") Taichi: And that's what happened! So when the ears moved... (*leans in, conspiring-like but louder*) Koushiro wasn't acting very different at all!!! Yamato: Koushiro Wasn't. Taichi: No... like, Koushiro would be looking really blankly at us, like what happens a lot, and they'd sit straight upwards. Yamato: (Koushiro was PAYING ATTENTION to you---) Taichi: Then, Koushiro got super interested in the Pibook again, and they were ALSO sitting straight up AND moving back and forth a lot, but Koushiro wasn't DOING MUCH, just using the Pibook like usual...!! YAMATO: (*LONG GROANING in Taichis general direction*) ('YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, IT MEANS KOUSHIRO'S 'INTERESTED' IN-') TAICHI, BANGING FIST INTO PALM: AND THEN!!! And then, when I finally {'Got Koushiro's Attention' implied} asked Koushiro about playing a game, the ears were lowered!! YAMATO, AGAIN MENTALLY FACEPALMING: Taichi: I-It means Koushiro DOESN'T want to, with me-- righ-- Y A M A T O: (KOUSHIRO WAS SO HAPPY YOU ASKED THAT KOUSHIRO DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO YOU!!!!)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s
Shanes' Mon: ... SHANE: ...(FLOATING...) {FLOATING...} {Eyes Closed} SHANES' MON: (Shane.) Shane: ... {Sigh} Yeah? Shanes' Mon: ... You've been here a while... Shane: (I was resting.) Shane: Are you concerned for me? I'm fine. Shane: I have these (*holds up Taichi+Daisuke's GOGGLES*) now, so... and Koushiro-...san really upgraded them well. So I can actually SEE where I'm going now when I need to. Shanes' Mon: (It's like you've 'accomodated' yourself.) SHANE: ... (M aybe.) Shane: At the same time, the colors sometimes give me a headache. But Koushiro-san did add in an option that can dim them... but then it's harder to see the signals for "distortions". Shanes' Mon: (But at least, you can still somewhat tell them apart based on the vividness.) Shane: ... (Yeah...) Shane: ... Well, I'm up now, so... Shanes' Mon: (Where are you going from here?) Shane: I don't know. (Mostly I just wanted to "sleep".) Shanes' Mon: ... Shanes' Mon: (But you said, 'want{ED}'.) Shane: Yeah. There's people I want to see again... SHANE: ... But I know they'll wait for me where they can, so there's no major rush. Shanes' Mon: (Are you going to go back to "sleep"?) Shane: (It depends.) Are you going to be there when I open my eyes? SHANES' MON: ... (If you reach out to me.) SHANE: ... Shane: (Yeah, I know.) Guess I gotta wake up then. Shanes' Mon: (As you know, I cannot leave "the Void". But you know how "to communicate" with me.) SHANE: ... Right. (And you know how "to listen".) Shanes' Mon: (You might want to put those goggles back on.) Shane: ('Heh') Honestly, I'm surprised I got this much use out of them, but as said, they're... functional now. SHANE, ADJUSTING GOGGLES: Ready. Shanes' Mon: (Time to 'wake up'.) SHANE, SEEING Darkness ... and Signals: SHANE, OPENING EYES: (*in a bed*) ... ?? ? PATRICK (Shane's sibling): Huh, I thought I heard something...!! ! W-wait, SHANE??? SHANE, Awkwardly raising hand slowly: Um, hi PATRICK, IN AWE: You're at my place--!! ! Shane, nodding: I'm ... home? PATRICK: SHANE: ... (I'm solid.) (I'm not glitching out.) PATRICK: ... Do you still need to rest? Shane: ... Maybe a bit. But later... we can see? PATRICK: That's fine. Just... let me know when you're feeling better. (*closes door carefully*) SHANE, CHECKING GOGGLES: (Still here.) SHANE, CHECKING DIGIVICE: {STILL... Here.} Shane, sighing in relief: (I guess it'd be {REALLY} Bad if even the most powerful 'Mon in all the universe got caught up in 'that'.) SHANES' MON: (They don't Know the half of it.) SHANE: {LAUGHS} ... Hey. Shanes' Mon: (Say hi to Patrick for me.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s [& Shane], featuring Daisuke & ... ??
{O.C.} GoldVmon: So, HOW do we "get out of here", then? (*referring to "The Void" GoldVmon & Co. are stuck in*) Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane: Back when I "got out" the first time... (Frowning in Contemplation) Shane's Mon: It is perhaps a bit like "wishing"-- GoldVmon: Oh, I know how to do that!! Like when I wish for more chocolate and Hikaru's family's cooking!! Shane, rather avoids Rich sweetness (but also just kind of Awkward Responding): Shane's Mon: Shane's Mon: ...Or perhaps a bit more like "communing". For example, if you express your feelings in such a way as to "convey" them to--- Shane: (Convey my feelings?? WhyThisTM) GoldVmon: Oh! I can do that too!! LIKE, "I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU, I WANT TO SEE HIKARU!" Something like 'that', right?!?? SHANE: Shane's Mon: Shane's Mon, hinting to Shane: If you perhaps have trouble expressing yourself verbally, you could also relate your feelings along the lines of emotiona-- SHANE, tAKING DEEP Breath: (I want to see Hikaru.) SHANE'S MON: S H A N E *IN MIND*: (I want to see Hikaru. I want to see Hikaru. I want to see Hikaru. I WANT TO SEE HIKARU IWANTTOSEEHIKARU I WWWWANTTOSEE HIKARU) GoldVmon, JOINING in, chanting along with Shane's 'thoughts' even if GoldVmon cant hear it But Maybe Has An Idea: "I want to see Hikaru I want to see Hikaru I want to see Hikaru I WANT TO SEE HIKARU /I WANT TO SEE/" SHANE & GOLDVMON: ("HIKARU"!!!) A CRACK in The Void: (*OPENING*) SHANE, SHANE'S MON & GOLDVMON: ???!!?! DAISUKE: WHOA, what is all this?!?? HIKARU, clinging to Daisuke's arm as an immense whirlwind instantly kicked up around them all: Daisuke, we HAVE to get back--!! SHANE & GOLDVMON: SHANE: HEY, DAISUKE, HIKARU - grab on--!! Daisuke: HUH?!? Who are -- oh, it's you - I met you way back then--!! (Struggling to speak among wind) SHANE: That doesn't matter right now, just grab on, or you'll get flung into "The Void"!! Hurry!! GoldVmon: HIKARU!!! DAISUKE!! (*Holding out Hand*) Hikaru: ?!!??! (*in pure SHOCK*) Hikaru: GoldVmon?! How?!!... (*the sudden kick of realization as Shane is in view*) - SHANE?!??-- Daisuke: Hikaru, they're helping, let's do it--! Hikaru: Hikaru: ...OK! (*grabs Shane's hand, holding onto Daisuke with other*) DAISUKE: Great, thanks!! (*grabs GoldVmon's other hand*) So what's going on here?!! Shane, yelling over wind: This place is "The Void", it's like "Limbo" but worse!! You're here because something harmed you while you were Digitized, so we've got to get you back out before it's too late-!! Hikaru, Looking at Daisuke: ...Daisuke, I don't really remember what was happening just before, but, you activated the Digimental of Miracles...- SHANE'S MON: DAISUKE: The enemy's attack was headed for us, we were falling, we had no choice!! If we kept falling we'd be destroyed already!! (I Didn't Want to Use it But I HAD TO!!) Hikaru: But you don't have your Crest yet--!! Daisuke: I know, but Shane was your friend, maybe these people can help us get out from here, then--!! SHANE: SHANE'S MON: ... SHANE'S MON: (I suppose it's time to reveal my true form.) SHANE, Noticing Something's Up: ...?!! Shane: (What's wron--) SHANE'S MON, SHIFTING: ALL: ?!???!?
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Shane, sitting in the kitchen of Daisuke & Kens place: ... Ken, noticing Shane's up: Ken: What's wrong? (You didn't sleep again.) Shane: Can't sleep. Sorry. Shane: I don't need a bed tonight, I'll just sleep on the couch. (Again) Ken: ... Ken: Wait here a minute. (Comes back holding a cup of warm milk) Daisuke said you like this. Shane: ... Shane: Thanks. (Takes cup) (Waiting for it to cool off because its still way too hot, but secretly grateful.) ... Ken, Knowingly: Do you want to talk about something? Shane: Not really. But... Shane: Daisuke and Hikaru... they're not... Ken: Married, no. (*Sits down across from Shane*) Hikaru-san wanted to wait and think about it, and Daisuke doesn't mind at all. Shane: ... Ken: Daisuke's {now} the type who will respect Hikaru-san's decision no matter what Hikaru-san chooses. Because Daisuke is never the type to actually pressure someone into something they don't want to do. Shane: I know that. Ken: .. That includes you, you know. Shane, sipping milk: Ken: Shane: I know Daisuke's - and you both - are giving me space. .. Thanks. Ken: It's no problem at all. Ken: Daisuke - and Hikaru-san - gave me a lot of space too. (So I want to pay the same kind of respect forward.) Shane, picking up on Hidden conext without actually in depth Context: ... Shane, has watched Ken converse with Hikaru (and Daisuke) from the Void past a certain point: ... Shane: You've been really cool to Hikaru. ..Thanks. Ken: Ken: (Well, Hikaru was good to me, but even if Hikaru wasn't...) Shane: ... You don't live in 'that' other area anymore, right? (Is it ok for me to ask...) Ken, affirmative: No. I came here to be closer to the rest of the team, (...and Daisuke) so I didn't always have to be travelling. (Every single time new enemies showed up...) Shane: ... What if you had to leave suddenly? K E N: Ken: We'd find our ways. Koushiro-san, Takeru-san, and ... Miyako-... are great at keeping us informed through The Network, and the blog. It's much easier now to stay in touch than it was around 2002, or even 2005. SHANE: ... Shane: (It didn't completely answer my question, but...) Yeah, I Know about The Network. (I used it during its "primitive" time.) But would you stay here--? KEN: Yes. SHANE: Ken: There's really no need for us to be so separated anymore, when messaging has advanced, and all of our homes are open to each other as needed, especially during emergencies. Shane: ... (But would you stay here)-- KEN: Daisuke said the the same to me. SHANE: Ken: I thank you for your concern, but I'll be fine. Shane: No, it's good... (*stands up*) I'm done with the drink, thanks. KEN: ... Again - all of our homes are open to you. SHANE: I know. KEN: And you have all of our numbers. SHANE: I know. KEN: (Shane's vulnerable without Shane's partner, and there's no telling what the Void will do to Shane's mind at any given moment when Shane's alone.) I know you like to do things on your own... but if no one else can help, call me. SHANE: Shane: (... They really mean it, huh.) Yeah, fine. (It may not be that easy, but...) Well, I'm going to (try to) sleep. (*Makes a half-show of getting ready to lie down on couch.*) KEN: (Hopefully Shane can actually get some SLEEP now. ... I hope Shane's there when we're up...)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
Shane, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling: Shane's Mon: ... Shane's Mon In Shane's Mind: (You should rest...) Shane: (I just met Hikaru again for the first time in years since that "final battle".) Shane's Mon: (Yes, and you played against Hikaru at the arcade, and Hikaru soundly defeated you. In multiple rounds.) Shane: (I don't care about that.) Shane: (I'm just glad Hikaru's actually "okay".) Shane: (When I watched from the void, I could tell Hikaru was really torn up about losing "them", even way "back then". And...) {"Me"} Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (But it's been years since. I also don't think Hikaru's completely "okay" yet...) Shane: (... But Hikaru kept going.) Shane's Mon: (And so? What are you going to do now?) Shane: ... Shane: (There are certain effects the Void had on my mind that I just can't completely erase. I could even be pulled back in.) Shane's Mon: (That's true. At the least, I'd maybe be present if you are.) Shane: (Thanks.) Shane: (But I know even you can't completely stop its effects on me.) Shane's Mon: ... Shane: (Even by tomorrow, everything could be upside down again. Even if summer "ended", the Digital Worlds' effects can continue far past there.) Shane's Mon: (That is also true. For example, events that happened near the winter rather than Spring.) Shane's Mon: (Do you have a plan?) Shane: Shane: (It depends if the void pulls me back in or not.) Shane's Mon: Shane: (Even if it does... Somehow) SHANE: (I'm going to help them all restore the Digital World's "balance". I don't know fully "how" yet, but I'm going to.) SHANE'S MON: Shane's Mon: (Either way you do so...) Shane's Mon: (I will be in the Void.) SHANE: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (My connection may be cut off in between. It is unpredictable.) Shane: (I know.) Shane's Mon: (...A good place to start might be analyzing the "Digivice" Koushiro has been modifying further.) SHANE: SHANE: (You mean---) SHANE'S MON: (It is not called the "Holy Device" for nothing.) {Fades} SHANE: ... SHANE: (... Speaking of my Digivice...) Shane: (.. I can't use it when {they're} not here.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Hikaru, laughing gently with Daisuke as Hikaru's walking up, only to suddenly freeze in place when seeing: O.C. Shane, raising hand: ...Hey. ... Hikaru, Blinking: Hikaru, Slowly: You ... look older! SHANE: Shane, murmuring just loud enough: The Void and I really seemed to be in agreement that "mental age" as a concept doesn't have much worth to me... Daisuke & Ken, Exchanging Glances: Shane, Taking In Hikaru's Appearance: ... Shane: (It's summer, and its hot, so it makes sense when one would want to wear kimono or more specifically yukata instead, but...) Shane: ... You're wearing a-- Hikaru: Hmm, this? Well... DAISUKE, (+EXPRESSION) FREEZING IN PLACE: Ken, Casually Looking Off To The Side: Hikaru: It was from a local maker, so I bought it... Shane: ... It looks... Nice. DAISUKE: ... Shane: -- I mean it, it does. Hikaru: Hikaru, laughing: You're wearing yours, too. SHANE: (It's one I've had ever since back then...) Shane: Patrick went to pick it up for me, but had to leave for work again before it got dark, so... Hikaru: Oh... (Patrick's not here..) in that case.. HIKARU, GRASPING SHANE'S HAND: SHANE, DAISUKE, KEN: HIKARU, lowering voice so only the group can hear: ... When we get a chance, maybe we can duck into one of the arcades? I know the event is ongoing right now, but... Hikaru: ... I really missed our "challenges". Daisuke, Looking At Ken: (C-Challen--) SHANE: ... I don't mind if they don't mind waiting up for me. Hikaru, laughing: I'm with Daisuke for now, so it's fine!! DAISUKE: (h IKARUUUU----) Hikaru, leaning forward a bit, murmuring just more so Shane can hear: Seriously... Hikaru: I'm really happy you're here right now. Shane: Hikaru, FIRMLY: ... So let's make sure to go back together before it's too late, ok? Shane: . . . Yeah. SHANE'S MON: (Well, it took you around 10 or some years, but you finally managed it...? ??) SHANE: (Aren't you going to say "hi" too?? ?) SHANE'S MON: (Now might not be the time.) {Fades} Hikaru: Anyhow... let's get going!! Shane, Daisuke, & Ken: (This Will Be A Night.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 & O.C.s
After a whole round of Ken telling some wild stories involving spirits, cue DAISUKE: H-Hey, Shane, are you just going to stay awake the whole night like that {*again*}? SHANE, (when) still Temporarily Digital: ... SHANE floating around somewhere in the distance closer to the ceiling: I mean. I can't exactly "phase" back "in" at will, so… I guess I'm up for "a while". DAISUKE, Looking At Ken Pleadingly: SHANE: ... I'll leave when I get tired. ("I'll leave if it's a bother." / "I don't really care.") KEN: ... KEN, laughing a bit: Would you like to have a round at the "scary stories"? SHANE: DAISUKE: Shane: Sure. (*floats / is pulled back down, but can't exactly move to "sit"*) I got some really cool ones. I don't know if you'll find them cool, but I do. Ken: Go for it. DAISUKE, WHINING IN MIND but LOOKING @ KEN: (KENNNNNN---) KEN: (We'll probably all be a bit more worn out after, so hang in there for a bit longer.) DAISUKE, Pleading eyes:
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [...and some O.C.s]
Inter-national O.C. Chosen Shane, some night after having been 'revived' from being partly 'Digital', finally having gotten back on their feet but is now... trying to figure out how to sleep: ... SHANE on the other side of Daisuke + Ken in the bed: ... DAISUKE: ... (Is pretty much dead asleep) KEN: ... (Is sleeping Calmly) SHANE, AWAKE: (... This is Awkward.) DAISUKE & KEN: ... (Snoozing. For a long while.) SHANE Lying Awake: (Ugh) DAISUKE, SUDDENLY FLOPPING TO LAND WITH A LEG HALF IN FRONT OF SHANE'S FACE: SHANE: SHANE: (I'll wake you up myself if I have to.) DAISUKE: ... SHANE, Nudging Daisuke's leg: (...Or I'll just move you.) Daisuke, Is Moved: Shane, starting to get up from the bed: (Maybe I'll just... sit out in the living area for a while.) The next morning, Daisuke wakes up & doesn't automatically see Shane: Huh??? SHANE, was awake playing one of the games they're always playing all night: What. DAISUKE: DAISUKE: ... (I kept Shane up.) DAISUKE: Uhhh... you can have... the bed.... Shane: ... Thanks. (Quickly disappears into room.) Ken: (At least you didn't cling to Shane in your sleep.) DAISUKE, GROANING: (I still feel bad though!!) SHANE, continues to sleep during the early-middle part of the day regardless of What Goes On During Each Following Night: (My sleep schedule will never be fixed, but I didn't expect it to be.) Ken: (Honestly, I'm surprised Shane lasted that long, but at least I'm *used to* Daisuke's tossing and ... clinging.) DAISUKE: (KENNNNN---)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s
Shane's Mon, Voice Echoing Throughout The Void: Today we lost our dear friend, GoldV-mon. GoldV-mon, Calling Out Into The Void: I'm not dead yet!!! SHANE'S MON: Sometimes I still hear their voice... GOLDV-MON: HEY, I'M REALLY *NOT* "DEAD" YE--- SHANE'S MON: No, but you've been floating in vain like this for a while. Gold V-Mon: (You could HELP???) (Pleading Eyes) SHANE'S MON: You know I cannot do something like that, though. I'm just "along for the-" ... "ride", as Shane would probably put it. Gold V-Mon, Frustrated Sighing: So why do you keep 'appearing', then?! SHANE'S MON: It's very slow here. Gold V-Mon: IT IS, so talk with me!! SHANE'S MON: I am. But you seem to have a hard time figuring out what you'd like to 'talk' with 'me' about. GOLD V-MON: Gold V-Mon: ... I'm going to talk about {GAME} ok?? SHANE'S MON: GOLD V-MON: (YOU'RE GOING TO *LIKE IT*, OK???) SHANE'S MON: (Shane's world is... Interesting.)
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