#({I might keep this ver. archived just until I go back to edit in any Fixes} but general gist of what I had in mind since 02shrine Days)
koushirouizumi · 2 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02
Inter-national Chosen Shane: ... Daisuke: .... Both: ...... Shane: ...Well, this is it. Daisuke & Shane, facing a coffin: Shane: I asked my former local rabbi to prepare it 'all' beforehand. Even though I hadn't been their student for over ten years... they remembered me and agreed. So it was prepared "without question" from anyone in the "real" world questioning my origins. Daisuke: ... Shane: Once I cross a certain distance, I'm gone for good, so I won't be a bother to you (or Ken) anymore. Daisuke: But, (referring to Inter-national Chosen, Shane's friend and Daisuke's current partner) Hikaru--- Shane: We already discussed the potential outcomes. Hikaru's upset too, I know... but Hikaru said Hikaru would support me no matter what. ... (You know that too, Yes?) Daisuke, Did Know if Vaguely: (Frustrated Internal Sigh) Shane: So, when I walk over around that kind of distance, (waves hand vaguely) I'll likely just vanish in a blip. Because I'm not "going to the other side". Shane: I'm "returning to the ground". Daisuke: I know... I get it... Just.... Shane: ..You brought the stones, right?? Daisuke, Showing a couple: Yeah... Hikaru picked one out- SHANE: Shane: ...Tell Hikaru "thanks" again for me too. Daisuke: I Will. Shane: ...(Slow lop-sided smirk)-- Shane: And... "Thanks" for being a Host that was worth ""haunting"" for a while. (It wasn't actual 'haunting' but) DAISUKE: Daisuke: ...Y-You know, you don't REALLY have to go? We still have room, and Ken's perfectly fine with cooking for you too if you stay physical, and-- Shane: But that's the point, we don't KNOW if I'll be able to stay physical much longer... Daisuke: I KNOW but-- Shane: ... Before that happens, I think it'd be nicer to choose for myself "how". Daisuke: ... ... ... Daisuke, Slowly: ...It was fun. Being ""haunted"". Even if that wasn't "really it" in... (your culture). Shane: Yeah. Shane: ... So, here goes, then... (Remember to place the stones after). DAISUKE, HAD THEM rEADY BUT: (W-wAIT--) SHANE, Already Floating Closer at a Steadily Increasing Pace if Carefully: .... ... ... sHANE, SUDDENLY PULLING BACK: !!!!!! DAISUKE: (?????) SHANE, WHIPPING AROUND: (You CAN'T be serious.) dAISUKE: {GENUINELY SURPRISED} (WHAT????) SHANE: (It wasn't exactly a "zap", but I froze in place temporarily...) It's... blocking me. DAISUKE: ..... (But... you were close to--??!) S H A N E: {STARING HARD NEAR DAISUKE'S DIRECTION} DAISUKE: (...ARE YOU KIDDING?????)
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
Star Tear AU - Momo ver.
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive.
Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Aug 2020
Momo ver. Alternate timeline: Todo ver. Part 1 || Todo ver. Part 2 || Todo ver. Part 3
Basically the cousin of Hanahaki Disease. Unrequited love causes a person to cry star tears accompanied by the sound of twinkling and if the feelings are not returned said person goes colour blind
And I just !!!!
tdmm AU where Momo gets star tear disease and the first time she cries in front of Todo after the exam with Aizawa she cries star tears???
And she doesn’t know what it means and neither does Todo but maybe Aizawa does and recognizes what it means but idk
So Momo goes on this whole literary quest to research what it means. And Todo volunteers to help bc umm?? Even the pressure point in her foot doesnt stop this phenomenon so he wants to figure it out too
And along the way they dig through the UA library on study dates and dig through the bookstores and dig through the interwebs together
Spending more and more time together, Momo starts to realize she’s feeling something. that is until one night she finds it on the web what star tears mean
Its her unrequited love for Todoroki
And her realizing this just makes it w or s e
Bc the consequence of not having her feelings returned means she goes colour blind
Or you know what, im just gonna alter it and make it more angst. She goes fully blind, ya lets do that.
Poor bby is grappling with this realization and coming to terms with it all on her own; recognizing that if she doesnt let Todo know after all this time spent together she’s come to love him....... she'll go blind
But ofc its Momo... poor bby selfless Momo....
Her feelings and her own and not a responsibility of Todo to like her back and cure her of this disease so there is NO WAY she’s gonna burden him with that
Plus they’re both too busy tryna be heroes and shouldn’t have this as a distraction
So ofc Momo's not gonna tell Todo
And she cries and cries even more star tears that twinkle in fill her room in the dark like galaxies in the sky.
Its really beautiful.
She'll accept that she'll go blind never to see the face of her loved ones again. Her parents. Her friends....... Todoroki.
And that potentially she might have to give up her dream of being a hero if the blindness compromises it.
But she'll accept that.
The next day she wakes up and cant see a colour
And slowly it begins.......
She loses green first. Its hard to distinguish green from yellow
Then yellow goes
Then orange
Then one by one colour fades over weeks and weeks
Ofc shes not telling anyone.
She fakes it in class, during hero training, during her internship
That when Ochako and Hagakure asks "isnt the colour dress cute?" holding up a lovely chartreus and gold dress, she lies and says yes even though she sees gray
Which breaks her even more
And so she cries alone at night some more star tears
And it keeps going
All the while Todo noticing from beside his desk......
something is off...
But he doesnt ask her. Not yet.
Because after weeks of spending time with her researching, he believes they’re close enough that she'll share with him what’s going on
He didnt question it when she told him "its ok Todoroki san, we can stop researching"
"Did you figure it out?"
"Yes. Its nothing to be concerned about anymore"
He doesnt question it when he notices her in the morning at breakfast,,, the little speckles of star dust glimmering at the corner of her eyes
And he doesnt question himself either when he starts to think the twinkling tears she cries when she thinks she is alone,, makes her look really beautiful
Its those some odd moments when he passes the classrooms on the way back to the dorms at sunset that he sees her alone by the window,, looking out,, as the sun paints the sky reds pinks yellows and oranges,,, that she stares out and star tears fall from her eyes, twinkling in the setting light
And he thinks to himself that she is really beautiful,, a shadow against the setting sun
So he watches and thinks some more
That shes beautiful even without the sunset. Beautiful in class answering the hardest question. Beautiful in battle when her tactics win over her opponent. Beautiful studying when he notices her little motions when shes concentrating.
But while Todo thinks that to himself, Momo cries. Little star tears in her eyes.
She cant see the sunset anymore.
He doesnt think its serious when she tells him to disregard the matter
But when he happens to run into her when visiting his mom at the hospital, and she’s on her way out from the optometry & ophthamology department to get this whole eye thing checked out, thats when he realizes
Oh. This is serious.
And he starts trying to get her to talk but she’s being all avoidy and tight lipped
Cuz from Momo’s doctors’ appointment, the doc told her there’s no cure unless she gets over the feelings herself or her feelings are returned
And really now, she still thinks its her burden to bare not his
So logically the only thing she thinks she can do to slow down the blindness from the tears is to shut down her feelings for him. Put them in a box. And become cold.
Todoroki hates that.
That she’s being avoidant and cold when he knows something is wrong and wants to help her but she is being so not Momo anymore
He wants the kind, loving, selfless, pure hearted, strong Momo he's grown to learn and respect and know back
And that’s when he realizes he really cares for her
Not just admiring her beauty. Or respecting her battle instincts and leadership
That he realizes he really likes her
Perhaps even loves her.
So thats that.
Until its mission time.
Cuz its not angst until someone gets hurt and the other realizes they’ve been keeping a secret all this time sooooooooo
Smth smth UA kids vs a new baddie or minor villian or idk it could be dabi for all i want bc i put dabi in everything lmaooo
But who they’re fighting is not important
The important part is tdmm are on the same team
Maybe deployed as partners even
And theyre fighting back to back against some grunts
And at this point Todo is frustrated he’s not getting through to Momo just after he shook his own world realizing he likes her
And Momo's being all cold but civil and she is completely colour blind.
Theres no undoing the damage in her eyes. She can see in muted muddy tones and grayscale.
So for plot convenience lets say the villain has some kinda colour distortion quirk that mixes up the perception of colour from the true colour in a form of illusion or smth idk
So when the grunts in all black uniform end up attacking them, to Todo and Momo, one looks dressed in red, another in green, others in blues yellows purples
tdmm do pretty well fending them off until Todo notices 3 of them in blue green and purple about to attack Momo at once
And she’s ready to fend them off but doesnt notice a 4th one in red coming in for a swift sneak atttack right behind the green one
But Todo does notice
And he shouts
But she cant tell
And the knife lands deep in her shoulder
And Todo burns the rest to a crisp
You can imagine what the conversation is in the aftermath, when Momo has her shoulder bandaged up and Todo tending his own wounds
"Yaoyorozu.. please be honest with me. Why didnt you avoid the red one when I shouted?"
Because, he knows, that the heroine Creati he's trained along side with for so long would have been able to anticipate the grunts assault
That she would have expected a sneak attack amidst a simultaneous attack
But the fact that she didnt. Couldnt. Avoid it definitely means shes been handicapped
And Momo, upon being asked, hurt and tired from their battle finally relents
She cant lie to him any longer.
"It was because... i couldnt tell. I couldnt distinguish their colours. I havent been able to for a few weeks now.... I've..."
A star tear falls from her eyes.
"I've lost my colour vision Todoroki-san"
Tiny galaxies fall from her eyes as she finally explains to him what these tears are
And Todo is speechless as she talks, only able to hear the twinkles against her words broken against sniffles and hiccups
And when sh’es said all she knows - that this is a disease that will turn her blind, that there is no cure and it comes as a consequence of loving someone who doesnt love you back, that she doesnt want to burden the person she loves with her responsibility, that she has been trying bury her feelings to save herself ...
He finally asks: "Who is it.  Tell me who it is that you love Yaoyorozu"
"You. Its you Todoroki-san"
And his heart broke.
He pulls her into a hug,, so tight she thinks she might be crushed
And its his turn to cry against her
Because all this time she was doing this for him
"Im sorry Momo. Im so sorry. You dont have to suffer alone anymore. Because we're partners, long before I even realized it"
He looks into her eyes, unwavering
"Im in love you too."
The tears that fall from her next are no long starlight.
Momo loses her colour vision following the colour wheel starting with green ➡ yellow, orange, red, etc until blue is last to go
Shes most heartbroken about losing red and blue cuz those are the colours she associates with Todo (when she cant see the sunset anymore its when she realizes she lost red and that’s why she’s crying)
Since the damage of the disease cant be restored, she has to deal with greyscale vision for some years
Eventually Eri rewinds it for her once Eri can control her power
but for those some years Momo is so busy!! cuz she goes into genius mode and starts creating (and probably working with Hatsume) vision impairment accessibility tools? Yes
and bc I have an unhealthy obsession with the todofam, Natsuo probably ends up getting a case of the disease for some odd reason if he ever broke up with his gf and Todo upon hearing it is like NO GO TELL HER PLS
He’s not gonna let anyone else on the other end feel the guilt that he did for Momo
> archives masterpost
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kyulkyungs · 7 years
Elli’s Library
LAST EDITED: 4:09PM PST | 5/05/2020
I HAVE MOVED WRITING BLOGS OVER TO @loveau​! This will remain as an archive of my works and new ones will be published over there!
(f) - fluff
(a) - angst
(bp) - bulletpoint
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O T 1 3
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 95 line (f) : You’re a kindergarten teacher and this year’s batch has some kids who love you a whole lot!
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 96 line (f) : The kids this year want your attention, so make sure to keep an eye on them!
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 97 line (f) : Some kids this year are quite protective of you! Let’s see what happens!
➸ Kindergarten!AU w/ 98 & 99 line (f) : It’s time to say bye-bye to this year’s class!
➸ Superpower!AU (f / bp) : The boys each have superpowers, which they use for personal gain or for some trickery and pranks.
➸ Robot!AU (a / semi-f / bp) : A world where the boys are robots created by the great inventor Joshua.
➸ {DISCONTINUED} 13 Minutes Before Halloween (f) : You’re heading to a Halloween party tonight and you’re not expecting too much. Better raise your expectations soon. [ How many minutes has it been? 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ] 
S E U N G C H E O L / S . C O U P S
➸ Again (f) : Lapsing - When you experience the day over and over again until you make a connection with your soulmate.
➸ Mr. Grim (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Seungcheol is the first encounter to the Halloween party. Wanna see what he’s up to?
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : You’re the president of the gardening club and he’s the captain of the soccer field. There’s a domination for the field that separates you both, but there’s also something that brings you together.
➸ A Little Devilish (f) : [13 Minutes Series] You bump into Jeonghan at a Halloween party. Many call him angelic. You say otherwise.
➸ Ripped (a) : Jeonghan is a Creator with cloth. He realizes that he spends much more time around his work instead...
➸ Lost His Mind (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Joshua joins you outside for some fresh air. He’s a little different. A little different in the head.
➸ A Sucker for You (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Jun keeps you company outside after Joshua goes back inside. He’s a bit batty tonight. Mainly for you.
➸ Pout (f) : Jun is upset because you’re spending more time with Mingyu than him. He decides to take things to drastic measure.
S O O N Y O U N G / H O S H I
➸ When the Wind Howls (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Soonyoung would rather spend time with you inside and look for a bite to eat. He’s pretty hungry, and you might be able to satisfy him.
➸ Shattered (a) : Wonwoo is a Creator of statues, and he’s given life to one of them…
➸ No-Brainer (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Your time with Soonyoung has been spent and Wonwoo decides to occupy your time.
J I H O O N / W O O Z I
➸ Pile of Leaves, Bundle of Joy (f) : It’s fall and Jihoon is out to play in the leaves. He’s having a bunch of fun! + “Please tell me you didn’t see me jump into that pile of leaves…“
➸ Unfair(y) (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Woozi bumps into you the first thing after exiting Wonwoo’s room. He’s a little flighty and a little impish.
S E O K M I N / D O K Y E O M
➸ Scared to Death (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Seokmin decides to take you around in search of Mingyu. Along the way he gets set up for multiple scares. That’s okay, though… he has you.
➸ Prom Night (f) : It’s prom night and Mingyu still has no date, what better than to ask his best friend?
➸ Quite Pleasing (f) : [13 Minutes Series] Mingyu is making you feel a little hazy. Perhaps you need to satisfy that growing desire. With him there, that’s quite enough for you.
M I N G H A O / T H E 8
➸ My Love (a / f) : Based off the masterpiece My I. Minghao has been fighting with you constantly pretty recently. He’s afraid you’ll leave him after all of the times he’s fought with you.
➸ Something Fishy (f) : [13 Minutes Series] You meet Minghao in the bathroom, and you’re feeling much better than before. Especially now that you’re shore… you’re sure that it’s fine with Minghao there.
➸ Red Wine (f) : Minghao is your new roommate, thought he seems quite strange. You do your best to be super natural around him to make him feel more welcome.
➸ Time (a) : Lets grow old - Until you are eighteen you grow normally, if you do not meet your soulmate before eighteen you will be stuck as eighteen until you can meet them.
H A N S O L / V E R N O N
➸ Orange (f) : Vernon needs help writing a rap, so why not call his lover to swing by?
➸ If You Can’t Handle the Heat, Get Out of the Kitchen (a/f) : Hansol gets something in an argument that gets too out of hand, leaving you to storm to your best friend, Jihoon. Hansol finds out the hard way why his words cut like a knife.
C H A N / D I N O
➸ “Look Only At Me” (slight a / f) : You’re feeling very insecure about yourself while visiting Chan and he makes sure to distract you from any of those thoughts by showing you a good, loving time.
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M I N K Y U N G / R O A
➸ Nailed It (f) : Minkyung is a nail artist that you visit quite frequently. It isn’t just pretty nails you go there for, but for a certain pretty girl who you are trying to build up the confidence to hang out with. 
Y A E B I N / R E N A
➸ It’s A Promise (f) : Yaebin takes you out for the day. Your birthday! She wants to make sure you feel absolutely special. She wants to make sure you know this as well.
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V I I A N / V I V I
➸ Robot!AU (f / bp) : In which Vivi is basically a live-in robot friend you’ve ordered online. She was the last one to go and it’s your job to help her after she’s just come back from repairs.   
J I W O O / C H U U
➸ Guardian Angel!AU (f / bp) : Supernatural!AU where Chuu is your guardian angel and you find out about her for the first time.
➸ Baker!AU (f / bp) : Non-idol!AU where you meet Heejin, who works at the local bakery and ends up getting really close you you.
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T A E Y O N G 
➸ Fanservice (f) : You’re an idol and you decide to practice on fanservice. Your boyfriend is your test subject, and he couldn’t handle the cuteness.
➸ BadBoy!AU (f / bp) : Taeyong is the school’s local bad boy, and it seems that once he notices you, a girl who stands up to him for the first time, he can’t really take his eyes off.
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : Yuta can be kind of overbearing at times and tends to get on your nerves quite frequently. He only is so because he’s trying to flirt with you.
➸ Boyfriend!AU (f / bp) : AU where Kun is your boyfriend and is very soft and fluffy whenever he’s with you.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : Reverse-Idol!AU where Doyoung gets to meet you at a fansign for the first time.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : Doyoung gets to see you for a second time after the fansign!
➸ Bodyguard!AU (f / bp) : Doyoung is hired to be your bodyguard for the day! He finds you really cute actually... and quite surprising...?
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : Reverse-Idol!AU where you meet Jaehyun during your trainee days.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : Jaehyun spends some more time with you after your debut and gets a little closer to you.
Y U K H E I / L U C A S
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : You meet Yukhei through the Dreamies and to be honest... it’s not the most pleasant first encounter with someone.
➸ Lost in Translation (f) : Yukhei attempts to flirt with you, an English tutor, in English. Though he finds it much harder to do and complains to Chenle in Mandarin. It should work out just fine, right?
➸ First Time for Everything (f) : Mark’s been trying to get his first kiss with you for a while now. Every time he tries, he’s been interrupted. When things get too difficult you take matters into your own hands.
➸ Sibling!AU (f / bp) : Mark is the notorious annoying little brother, but, hey, that’s what younger siblings are for, right?
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (f / bp) : Renjun is your neighbor and he always manages to bother you somehow. His most notorious act? Stealing the only swing at the park that you love.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : You’ve met Jeno in your dreams plenty of times... now comes the time where you meet the man of your dreams in real life.
➸ Sibling!AU (f / bp) : Jeno is your younger brother, you’re his older sister! Let’s see how this pans out.
➸ Sibling!AU [big brother ver.] (f / bp) : Jeno is your older brother and is, in all honesty. older sibling goals.
D O N G H Y U C K / H A E C H A N
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : You’re Donghyuck’s friend before you became an idol, but maybe he wants to be a little more than that...  
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : Donghyuck takes care of you while you’ve injured yourself. He promised he’d always be there for you... even if you’ve fallen.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : You meet Donghyuck in an experience that neither of you expected. Mark my words, the two of you meet in an almost scary seeming incident.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU (f / bp) : In which you’re a very confident idol on stage, but a quieter, shyer person off stage. Regardless, Jaemin loves you and you’re his bias in the group.
➸ Reverse-Idol!AU pt. 2 (f / bp) : You meet Jaemin for a second time and he helps you through some shyness for a solo vlive.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : Jaemin loves to draw and draws plenty on his skin. Though he never seems to hear from you...
➸ Sibling!AU (f / bp) : Jaemin is your younger brother and you are his older sister, let’s see how that relationship would be!
➸ Enemies-to-Lovers!AU (a / bp) : You’re practically his shadow, where he’s always seen in the spotlight and you never. When the two of you are finally paired up together as dance partners, everything breaks loose.
➸ Soulmate!AU (f / bp) : Jisung gets himself hurt fairly easily, and as a result of your soulmate bond it shows up on your skin as well...
F R I E N D S  ♥
➸  Sunny (f) : Oooh! Sunny you little fluffball you! I love you a lot, so I decided to write a full blown fic for you. I worked on it as soon as I saw your reblog post!
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