#c: jumpscare.
cinzanohq · 1 year
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NOME COMPLETO: Edward "Ted" Mishra.
CODINOME: Jumpscare.
DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 01/07/1991 (31 anos).
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Britânico, indiano.
FACECLAIM: Avan Jogia, ator
OCUPAÇÃO: Médico e pesquisador.
EXTRACURRICULARES: RPG, Natação (capitão), Botânica.
MORADA: Haiyang.
PLOTS DESEJADOS: Angst, fluff, crack, squick.
CONTA: tedczn
OOC: +18
Sapo não lava o pé -- Confere ao indivíduo a capacidade de imitar perfeitamente esses anfíbios, além de produzir toxinas altamente potentes e criar padrões hipnóticos hipnotizantes que exercem controle sobre outros seres. Essa singularidade, resultado direto da interação com essas criaturas mutantes, permite ao portador explorar uma gama de habilidades e efeitos. Ao mimetizar sapos, o usuário é capaz de assumir sua forma física e adquirir suas características distintivas, o que inclui suas habilidades sensoriais e motoras.
Ted é filho de dois mutantes que eram professores em Cinzano. O menino, aparentemente, não havia herdado nenhum dos poderes dos pais e, por viver em meio a outras pessoas com habilidades especiais, se sentia deslocado e inferior por mais que sua falta de poderes fosse vista como uma benção pelos seus pais e amigos deles. Aos 10 anos, Ted perdeu os pais para um grupo terrorista contra mutantes. O menino foi acolhido por amigos e conhecidos deles, mas o episódio serviu para solidificar a sensação de não pertencimento dele em relação aos não mutantes.
Na adolescência, Ted resolveu ir em busca de formas não convencionais de adquirir uma mutação. Se expôs a diversas substâncias e situações perigosas na esperança de que uma delas faria ele ser como sua família e amigos. Eventualmente, ele finalmente conseguiu o que queria. Ted descobriu nos laboratórios de Cinzano um grupo de sapos sendo estudados. Eles não se pareciam com animais comuns, eram muito maiores dos que os que habitavam os jardins do instituto e pareciam criar padrões diferentes e hipnóticos em suas peles. Sem pensar duas vezes, o adolescente lambeu um dos sapos na expectativa de que produzissem toxinas capazes de transformar ele em um mutante.
E deu certo. Ted desmaiou e, quando acordou no hospital, ouviu dos médicos que havia se transformado em um sapo por uma semana antes de voltar à forma humana. O episódio foi descrito pelos médicos como um acidente e ele decidiu não contar para ninguém que havia feito o experimento de propósito. Afinal nem todo mundo lidava bem com o fato de ser um mutante e a vida fora do instituto era bem perigosa.
Ted, contudo, encontrou uma grande paz ao se sentir parte de tudo que ele sempre conheceu. Mesmo as dificuldades e perigos que enfrentou quando decidiu fazer uma faculdade fora de Cinzano foram suficientes para fazer com que ele se arrependesse. Desde os 18 anos se dedica aos treinos e aulas. Atualmente, assumiu a pesquisa dos sapos hipnóticos pausada desde o seu “acidente” e sempre dá o seu melhor para honrar o legado dos seus pais.
Transformação: Capacidade de realizar uma transformação total em qualquer espécie de sapo previamente conhecida. A transformação pode ocorrer de forma intencional ou acidental, dependendo do estado emocional do mutante. Nesse sentido, o controle da transformação acidental depende da boa vontade do mutante com habilidades de criar amuletos ou utilizar outras formas de magia para bloqueá-la. No entanto, o uso desses artifícios afeta-o significativamente, dobrando as dificuldades e reduzindo pela metade o alcance de suas outras habilidades.
Frogman: Capacidade de se comportar como um sapo sem necessariamente passar por uma transformação física. Isso permite que o mutante realize saltos de até 10 vezes o seu tamanho, escalando paredes, nadando em velocidades comparáveis às de atletas olímpicos, movendo-se livremente debaixo d'água e mantendo-se submerso por até 1 hora sem a necessidade de respirar.
Língua: Capacidade de estender a língua em até 20 metros, funcionando como um terceiro braço. Pode sustentar o peso equivalente ao seu próprio por um período de tempo semelhante ao de um braço normal. Além disso, a língua possui outras funcionalidades, como servir como uma corda ou chicote.
Psicodelia: Ted possui uma afinidade natural com sapos e rãs tóxicos, permitindo-lhe secretar substâncias alucinógenas e psicodélicas na pele ou por meio de uma espécie de vômito. Esses líquidos podem ser armazenados e transformados em pequenos cristais ao longo do tempo.
Camuflagem: Capacidade de alterar a cor de qualquer parte do corpo, tanto na forma humana quanto na forma animal, para se camuflar em ambientes. No entanto, esse efeito pode se tornar instável em situações emocionais extremas, resultando em mudanças aleatórias de cor em diferentes partes do corpo, como se fosse um efeito RGB.
Metamorfose: Ted pode alterar detalhes de sua aparência, como cor do cabelo, dos olhos, altura e formato do rosto. Essas alterações não são extremas e não são capazes de transformá-lo completamente em outra pessoa. Elas servem mais como um disfarce.
Hipnose: Ted adquiriu esse poder ao entrar em contato com as toxinas de um sapo mutante. Esse sapo possuía a estranha habilidade de criar padrões hipnóticos na pele e nos olhos, e Ted acabou recebendo esse poder, embora limitado apenas aos olhos. Os padrões hipnóticos tornam o alvo suscetível a sugestões. Para obter um efeito mais forte e eficaz, é necessário manter contato visual por pelo menos 30 minutos.
Respiração aquática: Capacidade de respirar debaixo d'água.
Venenos: As toxinas produzidas pelo mutante se tornam mais diversas e perigosas. Agora, ele consegue criar substâncias que se tornam letais após 30 minutos de exposição.
Regeneração: Capacidade de se recuperar rapidamente de danos físicos, como cortes, hematomas e feridas normais, em até 10 minutos. No entanto, para feridas críticas em áreas como barriga ou coração, são necessários 1 hora de recuperação. O mutante também consegue regenerar membros inteiros, embora não de forma perfeita, e esses membros regenerados têm uma duração máxima de 1 semana antes de caírem novamente.
Camuflagem II: Agora o mutante consegue ficar completamente invisível e se mover enquanto mantém o efeito de camuflagem. No entanto, as limitações ainda se aplicam.
Metamorfose II: Nesse estágio, o mutante se torna capaz de copiar a aparência de qualquer pessoa conhecida. Essa transformação dura no máximo 1 hora antes de exigir uma manutenção de 2 minutos, durante os quais ele fica incapaz de se mover ou usar outras habilidades. Se ele tentar reaplicar a metamorfose enquanto se move, podem ocorrer resultados variados e bizarros, como criar um nariz no braço ou um braço na testa.
Telepatia: Por meio de sons semelhantes aos produzidos por sapos, o mutante consegue transmitir mensagens telepaticamente para aqueles que conseguem escutá-lo. Com alguma concentração, é capaz de direcionar mensagens para pessoas ou grupos específicos, embora nem sempre com sucesso.
Saltos: As habilidades iniciais de movimentação como um sapo são aprimoradas, permitindo saltos com o dobro de precisão e potência.
Secreção de entorpecentes e venenos: Ao conhecer a composição de uma substância, o mutante se torna capaz de produzi-la como muco ou saliva.
Toxinas metafóricas: As toxinas produzidas pelo mutante agora podem ter qualquer efeito desejado, mesmo que tal componente não exista na natureza. No entanto, esses efeitos não passam de uma mera ilusão de ótica que se desfaz sem causar danos reais.
Hidrocinese básica: Capacidade de controlar basicamente a água. O mutante pode mover e alterar uma quantidade limitada do líquido e usá-lo como arma de ataque. No entanto, ele não é capaz de produzir ou alterar o estado físico da água.
Fitocinese básica: Torna-se capaz de controlar as plantas presentes no ambiente e usá-las para defesa ou ataque.
Planar: Os saltos aprimorados do mutante, juntamente com alterações fisiológicas nas mãos e nos pés, permitem-lhe planar no ar por algum tempo, de forma semelhante à Elytra no jogo Minecraft.
Toxinas Literais: As substâncias antes capazes de causar apenas efeitos ilusórios agora podem ter efeitos físicos. No entanto, os danos causados podem ser revertidos por meio de cuidados médicos ou com o passar do tempo.
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taikova · 8 months
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slowly working through KH3D. so.... handholding but its actually KHIII
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avephelis · 1 year
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bench aggie throwback to these guys
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bittwitchy · 1 year
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Sebastian Stan. in a bathtub, which is all I actually got out of this movie.
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wyverndreamers · 2 months
WARNING for extensive talk about the dsmp and the characters in it !! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CC'S THIS IS PURELY STORY BABBLE
loving the dsmp revival going on rn (maybe it's only on twt but i don't post on twt, so sorry for dsmp posting on this account) but i really don't like how a lot of the 'revival' is bringing back a lot of c!tommy's mischaracterization as a whole. i can understand the URGE to smooth him out, into something malleable and kind of babied, because for a while there he was just seen as this really annoying character in fandom spaces pertaining to the dsmp, but i see this urge around the internet to turn tommy into a 'perfect victim' with his trauma when that's just not true at all. i say this as a c!tommy enjoyer, i used to watch his pov's RELIGIOUSLY and i say this as someone who has an appreciation for his story and hate to see it cheapened by this constantly crying, blue sweater wearing blonde baby i see on my TL a lot. apart of what made c!tommy compelling is that at certain points he was very petty, and abrasive. he would act on impulse, and not always in a good way. a lot of the time, yeah it did good in the long run, but in the moment a lot of the stuff he does are stupid impulsive decisions that could've ended in FAR worse scenarios. people really like to hold up his trait of loyalty but completely ignore that his loyalty to a fault always came with a subtle sense of ENTITLEMENT that they were supposed to do right, because he was following him, kind of like how a child would be mortified seeing their parents doing something socially wrong like yelling at someone else. and a lot of people in the fandom actually LIKE this aspect of his character, but mostly because it can add to their characterization of him that is of inherent helplessness and childishness. and its usually painted as a good, pure trait to have, fully ignoring how a lot of his childishness is actually willful ignorance- especially in the face of his actions and how they'll effect people around them. he might bend eventually and mutter out a sorry, but that's not something he really WANTS to do. tommy is someone usually fully fixed in his own perspective and you can especially see it in the way that almost every other character at some point gets irritated at him FOR this in certain places in the narrative. and a lot of people would actually have you believe this is a good thing, because they actually view tommy as always having a perfect perspective on everything all the time. they think because he's the closest thing we have to a 'morally correct protagonist' that he is inherently morally correct and thus should be worshipped like the next messiah that will lead the revolution against the evil-doers. except, tommy just does not have that inherently morally correct perspective. yes he wants to do right, but his sense of 'right' is not always what is 'good'. bro literally tipped the initial domino that led to Doomsday happening, and that's not to say that anything that happened because of him burning down George's house was his fault (quite the opposite) but he also knowingly burnt down George's house knowing that George was friends with Dream, and having the full knowledge of what they could do at least to the extent of the L'manberg revolution where they literally had a traitor on the in betray them all. he recklessly incited George's (and again by proxy, Dream's) wrath because he did a reckless action. it's okay to call this behavior reckless and brash guys, that doesn't mean you're saying he deserved to be exiled. i could go on, but again i say this as an enjoyer of the c!tommy storyline and arcs he goes through. i just don't appreciate it when the thing that made his character so compelling, is cheapened down because the fandom cannot fathom the idea of liking a character that responds in complex ways to complex traumas. maybe some people relate too hard, IDK i just don't understand how you can praise a character for being human and then take out everything that MAKES the character feel so human sorry if this wasnt constructive or coherent, i didn't beta read my tumblr post
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arkos404 · 9 months
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fanart for the personality swap, the lawful joke au, by @chaosaliien
prism's revenge (+headcannon that prism usually hides his mouth and only lets it slip sometimes, explanation under next image), in my head this happens way later in their relationship when they're closer & feel comfortable teasing each other, prism just never got over the flower prank thing (part 1) lmao
,,not later enough for them to be actually dating tho, evidently
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ramble time bc i started drawing this 3 days ago and only finished now and i think i deserve it
yeah this p much started around this headcannon that prism usually doesnt bother summoning a mouth
the way i see it their (og prismo and his variants) appearances is mostly a subcouncious thing, in prismo's depressive funk he uncounsciously manifested eyebags and a stubble, tho they only have some level of control over their appearances, its usually emotion based, like, prismo is a chill and simple guy so he's a sillhoute wo even clothes but prism is more professional so he dresses like it
prism is a really closed off guy so he doesnt like people knowing what he feels and the mouth is a really expressive part of the body so he usually hid it, eventually hiding his mouth became natural since most of the time he has a resting bitch face and isnt using it much, he has to either make a councious effort to manifest it (to eat) or when his emotions are really strong (like snarling or smilling), when its the latter it happens naturally and he doesnt even notices it at the time
does this make sense? im tired, yall probably got the gist
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clownsuu · 1 year
Are they friends? Frenemies? Oh, who knows!
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LMAOOO c l a s s i c Mob!Barnaby behavior
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vaguely-concerned · 5 months
Silly Garashir ficlet, Teen and Up-ish, mostly banter! CW: copious amounts of blood but like. Purely in a comedy capacity (don’t worry none of it is Garak’s)
“Good god,” Julian breathed, unable to do anything but stare for a moment. 
“Oh, don’t worry, none of this is mine,” Garak said, dripping puddles of crimson onto the floor, calm blue eyes the only thing peeking out from the solid layer of blood covering his face and upper torso. “The gravest injury has been to my wardrobe, I assure you. As you might have gathered, I encountered our suspected evildoer as they sought to make their escape.”
“From the looks of things, I’d hazard it’s more accurate to say that they encountered you,” Julian said. He shook himself out of his momentary petrification and raised the medical tricorder to make sure Garak’s reports of being unharmed hadn’t been greatly exaggerated, as would sometimes be the case with him. 
“However you would prefer to frame it,” Garak said, dipping his chin modestly and blinking globs of blood from his eyelashes. “I’m sorry to say I couldn’t ascertain many details about them, neither in terms of species or other identifying details. They were masked and coming at me with a knife at the time, which in the moment tends to blot out other considerations in one’s mind.”
Despite himself, Julian grinned at the performative airiness of Garak’s tone. He did seem to be basically fine. “I think that’s understandable under the circumstances, Garak. Odo’s probably going to track them down pretty quick, if they’re leaving a trail of blood across the station. Do you, er… want a handkerchief or something?” 
“It’s very kind of you to offer, but I don’t think that’s going to do the job in this case.”  
“No,” Julian had to admit, “no, you’re — probably right. I’ll let you go for a thorough sonic and peace and quiet once I’m done with this. I’m sure Odo will want a word with you later, though.”
Garak parted his lips to say something, and grimaced. “Ugh. Well, if it’s any help in figuring out the identity of our culprit, that’s definitely the taste of Napean blood. As you mentioned there will of course also likely be other clues, like them bleeding profusely as they sprint across the Promenade, but I always strive to be helpful wherever I can.” 
“Garak!” Julian yelped, shooting him an alarmed look and continuing his inspection of the tricorder readings with renewed worry. 
“Hm? Yes? You can run whatever tests you want on it to be sure, of course, but I am quite certain in my conclusion. There is a… distinctive tang to —”
“That’s so medically unsafe, you can’t go around ingesting —” 
“Well, I hardly meant to ingest anything, Doctor, but it did end up all over my person in a way that makes it hard to entirely avoid,” Garak snapped, though he tolerated Julian going in for a second, even more thorough examination without complaint. “Maybe if this person hadn’t so rudely insisted on venting the contents of their arteries straight into my face during our tussle — ”
“Yes, yes, I understand, sorry, I wasn’t suggesting you did it on purpose or anything, but it does mean I really do need to monitor you for any allergic reactions or bloodborne… wait, wait, hang on, how do you even know what Napean blood — ”
Smiling in a way that aimed for beatific and missed it by way of too many bared teeth, in a manner that would probably be quite unsettling if Julian wasn’t so used to (so fond of, whispered a treacherous little voice in the back of his head) Garak’s face, Garak dabbed daintily at the worst of the blood dripping off his nose with his sleeve and said: “Do you really want to know, or is this your outsized curiosity running ahead of your better judgment again?”
“I’m going to be wondering about it all night, but no, I don’t think I want to know, actually. If I come back in a week and still can’t put it out of my mind, feel free to tell me, though. Or use that time to come up with a good story, I don’t mind.”
“Never any but the best for you, my friend,” Garak said fondly. 
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metiredlr · 5 months
The way he suddenly gets jumpscared by the times Kazemaru chose to be with him over anything else....... Endou I know what you Are
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jugger-heads · 1 year
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Desquidded splatoon art headcanons doodles
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crowfatherd · 3 months
on vacation rn but the grind never stops
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jayzzu · 16 days
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redrew an old warrior cats oc! her full legal name is Buttermilk Airplane Bun. Yes, it really is. (old ver under cut)
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fragiledate · 3 months
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cheerynoir · 3 months
Louis pulling out all the stops of like, family patriarch, very Dad in that family dinner. Just something about how he was coming off. Also the flustered “okay, okay, let’s get the hell outta my soul!” Why so flustered Louis? You told Armand you loved him years ago.
Unless it’s not Armand you’ve got all that love for, two seconds after trying t o quote your late husband to your fledgling.
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cocksley-and-catapult · 10 months
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is cocksley balding
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also here’s a bishotafication of that one moment in issue 863
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jamieenthusiast · 11 months
Will different specimens have different drone counterparts? Doll being in the place of, say, specimen 6, for example.
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in other words, yes :)
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