#c: jeremiah bello
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aarontveit · 4 months ago
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GRACELAND | S01E08 Bag Man
for @statisticalbread
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Fri[day] 21 November 1834
8 20
11 ¼
No kiss fine morning - ready in 35 minutes – sometime with the painters – breakfast at 9 ½ - read part of the newspaper nothing to be settled as to the new cabinet till Sir Robert Peel arrives from Hungary – the duke of Wellington likely to premier again now that the Melbourne cabinet is happily dissolved - A- and I out at 10 50 – walked with her to the present Hipperholme turnpike in ½ hour – then down the old bank to Mr Parker’s office and there ¼ hour till 12 ½ -then to the navigation office –
Had seen Mr Adam (Mr Parker in London) commissioned by A- to explain about the 2nd aggressions of the hunt, more particularly in the person of the huntsman Mr Jeremiah Dyson on Wednesday Holcans – ended by desiring Mr Adam to write to him in the name of the hunt saying that if a satisfactory apology was not made and satisfaction made for damages forthwith, that an action would be brought against the hunt without loss of time - Mr A- to write by tonight’s post and to let A- have a copy of what he wrote tomorrow morning I would go myself or send – said I had could pay the £200 if Mr A- liked - yes! It would be convenient - as they owed money to the bank - Found a sub-committee meeting sitting (just closing) at the navigation office consisting of Messrs. Waterhouse, Norris (William), William Briggs, and ----- Hodgson of Woodlands on the Boothtown Bradford  road and the engineer Mr Bull (or Mr. Wood?) – all very civil – shewed or rather explained the plan lying on the table of the canal and projected improvements and let me bring away (folded) in a lithographed (scale ½ the large plan) plan of the navigation and proposed line of improvements to be kept till Monday morning – nothing decided – must be decided by the majority at the next general meeting – no one as yet pledged to anything – then said I those who have made up their minds will attend the meeting to vote as they think best – answer yes! (they the gentlemen present would perhaps surmise that I thought of attending) - Mr. Waterhouse expressed his opinion that double locks would be best - I asked the engineer’s opinion he, too, for double locks - I gave no opinion of my own but felt decided for double locks  - the improvements the committee at present advocate estimated at £40,000 or rather £38730 with single locks and single towing paths, or £49475 with double locks and double towing paths are on a line from porto-bello to Mill bank the latter being or including the limit of the coal trade for which a large scale of vessel is desirable - this line = about ¼ of the whole navigation line - the other ¾ may be done on the same scale sometime said I and taking each ¼ at £50,000 the grand total = £200,000 they would not call it a ship-canal saying it was only for vessel of 80 tons - to be 7ft. deep of water - asked how the money was to be raised - in the same way as by the Aire and Calder company - a book opened for those to put down their name who chose to lend money (secured on tolls) at 4p.c. - the A&C had now 100,000 in their book ready for advance at anytime - and we had already £20,000 (or £30,000) offered at 4 p.c. one gentleman having put down his name for £10,000 -  staid about ¼ hour - returned up the old bank (small snow and rain all the way bank and for sometime afterwards) and home at 1 ¼ - all the afternoon with the painters, or Greenwood’s men who came about 2 to set up the wardrobe in the tent room – 3 hours getting it up – could not get it up by the blue room stairs – had to bring it thro’ my dressing room and take the door into the tent room off the hinges and take down the door and part of the boarding next to or rather between the upper kitchen stairs and the store room -  A- found her aunt in good humour and got back at 2 – dinner at 6 5 – coffee – A- reading volumes 2 and 3 Last Day of Pompeii while I read over the 28 folia of the navigation report - ‘Report by Henry R. Palmer civil engineer on the proposed Improvement in the Calder and Heble navigation’ dated October 2, 1834, and received only yesterday by Mr. Norris - Mr. Waterhouse had just looked it over last night - especial favour to let me have it home - civil note this morning before going out from Mr. Samuel Freeman with the bill for the 56 rail-posts (double holed i.e. for 2 round rails) for the gateways in the road thro’ the upper land - ‘6 rail posts 6ft. long 1ft. wide 1in. thick with 2 holes sunk thro’ each 9/6’ - told the man who brought it, it was quite right - to give my compliments and say I should be glad to see Mr. Freeman but was going from home and would write and let him know when I returned - had read thro’ the navigation report and written all this journal of today at 9 ½ pm - fine softish morning till about noon then came on the small snow and rain which continued more or less for 2 or 3 hours - only a minute with my aunt she was getting into bed.
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weirdesplinder · 4 years ago
Carla Kelly
Oggi voglio parlarvi di un’autrice di romance spesso sottovaiutata: Carla Kelly.
Certamente non scrive bene quanto autrici affermate come Mary Balogh o Lisa Kleypas e i suoi romanzi sono molto semplici e non esenti da qualche difettuccio, specie sul piano del realismo, ma  secondo me vale la pena di leggere almeno qualche sua opera che a mio avviso si innalza al di sopra della media della sua produzione. Alcuni suoi romanzi, sono molto dolci, altri ironici, e sono tutti molto casti. Solo baci per questa autrice, siete avvertiti e trame molto ma molto semplici, perchiò se cercate l’avventura guardate altrove..
Di suo personalmente vi consiglio:
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Titolo: Le impreviste vicende di Miss  Chartely
Titolo originale: Miss Chartley’s Guided Tour
Trama: Miss Omega Chartley è una gentildonna impoverita che si procura da vivere come insegnante. Mentre si sta concedendo una vacanza, accetta un’allettante proposta di lavoro per una località del Nord e ne approfitta per allungare il suo itinerario di svago. Tutto va però all’aria quando aiuta un ragazzino a sfuggire a un agente di Bow Street, per ritrovarsi infine senza soldi e in fuga insieme a lui. Quando Omega lo consegna allo zio, il visconte di Byford, scopre scioccata che questi è il fidanzato che otto anni prima l’ha abbandonata all’altare ed è scomparso nel nulla. Tuttavia sente di amarlo ancora, ma per sapere se potrà esserci una seconda possibilità, Omega deve prima chiarire perché lui l’ha lasciata e cosa prova ancora per lei…
La mia opinione: alla Kelly piace raccontare i viaggi delle persone, ha scritto parecchi romanzi simili che partono da questo presupposto, e secondo me questo è quello più carino. Ironico e sentimentale.
TItolo: Dama di compagnia
TItolo originale: The lady’s companion
Trama: Susan Hampton ha la sfortuna di avere un padre con l’irresistibile vizio del gioco. Per colpa sua hanno perso la casa di famiglia e ora sono ospiti della zia di Susan, che la tratta come una domestica. Stanca della situazione, e tramontata ormai l’idea di poter fare un degno debutto in società, la ragazza cerca lavoro e lo trova come dama di compagnia di lady Bushnell, un’anziana e burbera signora con cui, dopo i primi contrasti, finisce per entrare in sintonia. È proprio qui che Susan conosce David Wiggins, il rude fattore che, giorno dopo giorno, conquista il suo cuore. Anche se le differenze sociali sembrano insormontabili, alla passione non si comanda…
La mia opinione: trama classica dei romance la dama di compagnia che si innamora di chi non dovrebbe, solo che la Kelly iverte i soliti ruoli, invece della ragazza non nobile o nobile impoverita che si innamora del ricco padrone di casa titolato per lei irraggiungibile socialmente, qui è lei ad essere nobile e colui di cui si innamora invece non lo è, il che genera comunque più o meno gli stessi problemi, a parte il fatto che lei di certo non gli offre carte blanche. E io devo dire che ho trovato questa inversione dei ruoli interessante. 
Altri due titoli un poco meno interessanti ma che vi consiglio comunque però giusto per passare alcune ore con una lettura piacevole sono:
La casa sul mare  (The Admiral's Penniless Bride)                             
Inghilterra, 1816 - Charles Bright, ex ammiraglio della Marina britannica, si trova in una sala da tè di Plymouth quando nota una fanciulla seduta tutta sola a un tavolo. Rimane subito colpito dal suo bel viso e dagli occhi incantevoli velati dalla preoccupazione. Impulsivamente, decide di avvicinarsi e fare la sua conoscenza e, conversando con lei, nella sua mente si fa strada un'idea folle e tuttavia affascinante, di cui lui è il primo a stupirsi: chiedere la mano della malinconica fanciulla. Non si aspetta certo di ricevere una risposta affermativa, e ancor meno di affezionarsi a lei.
Il viaggio di Mary Rennie (The Wedding Ring Quest)
Inghilterra, 1814 - Mary Rennie conduce un'esistenza tranquilla e protetta a casa degli zii a Edimburgo ed è ormai rassegnata a rimanere zitella. Ma quando l'anello di fidanzamento della cugina si perde in una delle torte destinate a essere spedite ai parenti come regalo di Natale, si ritrova costretta a partire per quella che si rivelerà un'incredibile avventura: rintracciare e recuperare il prezioso gioiello. Arrivata a Carlisle, incontra per caso un lontano cugino, il capitano di vascello Ross Rennie, che è in viaggio di piacere con il figlioletto e che impulsivamente decide di accompagnarla nella ricerca. La missione però si rivela più difficile e si protrae ben oltre le previsioni.
Vi segnalo anche un racconto breve disponibile in ebook di argomento natalizio e molto ma molto carino. Da notare che Carla Kelly a mio avviso è un’autrice i cui libri sono particolarmente adatti da leggere a Natale:
Titolo: Un dono speciale
Titolo originale: Christmas Promise
Autore: Carla Kelly
Trama: Inizio XIX secolo - Il Capitano Jeremiah Faulk non sa cosa fare ora che la guerra è finita e a lui non è rimasta altro che la sua stessa vita. Oltretutto il Natale si avvicina e il calore di una famiglia e di un amore si sente ancora di più. Ci vorrebbe un dono speciale…E lo riceve quando passeggiando per Plymouth incontra per caso il suo primo amore Ianthe Mears, ora vedova e madre di due figli, che saputo della sua situazione lo invita a passare il Natale con la sua famiglia.  
La mia opinione: La storia è semplice e non contiene colpi di cena, ma è dolce e piacevole lo stesso. Due persone mature che hanno un affettuoso ricordo l’uno dell’altra si reincontrano al momento giusto, e dall’affatto nasce qualcosa di più. Una storia così normale da coinvolgere ancora di più il lettore, o almeno me.  
E ora passiamo a qualche consiglio che riguarda romanzi purtroppo non disponibili in italiano:
Titolo: Libby’s London Merchant
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Abbiamo un duca, detto Nez (vero nome Nasbitt) reduce da Waterloo, che sentendosi in colpa per essere sopravvissuto mentre molti altri migliori di lui sono morti si è dato all’alcool e alle frivolezze della vita, diventnado un tale alcolizzato che persino la sua servitù non ne può più di vederlo ridotto così. Fortuna vuole che un perdigiorno peggio di lui e suo amico gli chieda un favore. Siccome fin da piccolo per volere del padre è fidanzato con una ereditiera che non ha mai visto e ha accuratamente evitato, ma ora è veramente indebitato fino al collo e si vede praticamente costretto a sposarla o andare al’estero, vuole che Nez sottomentite spoglie vada a casa di lei in campagna e poi riporti a lui com’è sia di aspetto che di carattere.
Nez, sobrio non avrebbe mai accettato, ma visto che non è mai sobrio accetta, per poi pentirsene e ritrattare, ma la servitù lo ricatta minacciando di licenziarsi in toto e lo costringe a portare avanti l’assurdo piano con la speranza che lontano da Londra e amicizie nefaste possa riprendere giudizio. Così il povero Nez travestito da mercante di cioccolatini si mtte in viaggio. Il piano è semplice, fingere un piccolo incidente vicino alla magione della promessa sposa Miss Lidia Ames, in modo che siano obbligati a soccorrerlo e ospitarlo. Purtroppo però gli ubriachi e la guida non vanno molto d’accordo e Nez finisce in un vero incidente. Il piano comunque funziona e gli abitanti della residenza degli Ames lo soccorrono, peccato che in residenza non ci sia Lidia, ma solo Libby sua cugina destituita e senza un penny di dote, figlia del fratello diseredato del padrone di casa perchè decise di sposare la figlia di un venditore di tabacco.
Libby è molto bella, dolce, altruista e priva di arie, essendo cresciuta sui campi di battaglia con sua madre al seguito del padre di carriera nell’esercito. Dal momento che suo zio, sua madre e sua cugina sono al mare per una vacanza, in casa ci soono solo i servitori, lei, suo fratello minore che purtroppo è ritardato a causa di una caduta da cavallo da piccolo, e una sua lontana zia anziana che le fa da chaperone, in teoria. Nez, neanche a dirlo scambia Libby per Lidia e da lì i malintesi si susseguono.
La mia opinione: state tranquilli il classico scambio di identià/travestimento, è solo l’inizio del libro e non è poi così centrale alla trama.
Immaginavo che Nez si sarebbe innamorato di Libby così bella, dolce, perfetta e così è stato. E immaginavo pure che lei lo redimesse, e ricambiasse il suo amore, solo per poi scoprire che l’aveva ingannata e da lì due avrebbero dovuto superare il problema delle origini di lei e delle bugie di lui per vivere felice e contenti, invece no…il libro non prosegue affatto così, ma prende una strada ben diversa e molto più originale.
Tanto per iniziare ci sono molte sottotrame alla trama principale e altri personaggi centrali. Il più importante è il vicino di casa di Libby, il Dr. Cook, di nobili origini ma medico, un omaccione alto e ben piantato, molto goffo ma dal cuore grande come il mondo, innamorato da sempre di lei. Nonostante Cook capisca subito che il raffinato mercante di cioccolato così aitante e bello è chiaramente un possibile contendente per il cuore di Libby, che ignora ciò che prova il dottore perchè ha il salame sugli occhi, lui non esita un attimo a decidere che vuole salvare ben più della gamba di quell’uomo. Capisce che ha sofferto in guerra e che ora è un alcolizzato e decide di liberarlo dalla sua dipendenza con l’aiuto di Libby.
L’astinenza per Nez è tremenda sia fisicamente che mentalmente, ma dopo giorni, finalmente sobrio, riesce a pensare chiaramente  dopo tanto tempo. E’ grato sia al dottore che a Libby, ed è ammirato dalla morale e dalla condotta di Cook che non si risparmia con nessuno, così come Libby e capisce quanto sia stato inutile al prossimo se confrontato con loro.
Capisce anche che il dottore è innamorato di Libby e lo rivela alla ragazza che finalmente apre gli occhi, ma al tempo stesso decide che ella che lui crede Lidia e titolata sarà sua moglie perchè la ama.
Libby è un poco ingenua e a volte avrei voluto scuoterla perchè è molto indecisa. Ammira il dottore quello che fa come si dona ai poveri in cambio di nulla, come è pronto ad affrontare ogni pericolo per un malato (ne accadono di belle nel libro) ma non lo ha mai considerato un possibile marito. Lo ha sempre e solo trovato divertente e simpatico…e basta. Mentre il mercante di cioccolata è così bello, e misterioso e sicuro di se’ e lei ne è attratta…Così entrambi fiscono per baciarla, in momenti e circostanze molto diverse, e lei ricambia entrambi i baci, e non capisce chi dei due ama… e non lo capisce per molto tempo. E in fondo poi ho capito che questa sua indecisione è veramente ciò che la rende umana e reale come personaggio…tanti avrebbero avuto la sua stessa indecisione. Come capiamo chi amiamo veramente? Come distinguere tra amore e semplice attrazione o semplice affetto?. Lei vuole prendersi cura di entrambi….poi però segue l’attrazione, e bè sceglie il più bello dei due. Ancora, normale, triste , ma normale, plausibile.
Peccato che Nez dopo averle chiesto di sposarlo, scopra grazie all’arrivo della vera Lidia chi è Libby, e cambi la proposta di matrimonio in una di…er…protezione. Insomma le offra il posto di amante, perchè la ama, anche se non può sposarla viste le sue origini.
Al che Libby rinsavisce, declina fin troppo educatamente l’offerta, e lo manda mentalmente a quel paese. Nez esce quindi di scena, ora sobrio e redento, ma ancora leggermente stron…tronfio, come abbiamo visto e Libby è molto ferita dal suo comportamento.
Un terribile incidente che accade a suo fratello fa avvicinare lei e il Dr. Cook, che rinnova la sua richiesta di matrimonio, e lei stavolta giù di corda la accetta. Ora non è come sembra, prima di accettare ci pensa e gli dice che al momento non lo ama, e gli racconta pure cosa è accaduto con Nez…insomma lui sa di essere un rimpiazzo al momento, ma non gli importa.
Poi però accadono alcune cose che riguardano il padre del dottore e che non vi rivelerò, e mentre Libby ha sempre più prova delle incredibili doti di Cook, che è coraggioso, altruista e chi più ne ha più ne metta…e bacia pure bene…lui sembra invece allontanarla da sè. E qui il lettore è più che sopreso. E che cavolo per tre quarti del libro l’ha adorata e ora che potrebbe sposarla subito la allontana?!
Arriva addirittura a dirle di andare da sua madre al mare a Brighton col fratello convalescente…lui le scriverà. Ma non le scrive e Libby è convinta non la voglia più. Poi però dopo settimane ecco che si rifà vivo a Brighton e le rivela il perchè del suo momentaneo allontanamento, una scemata, ma che spiega molte cose, i due si riappacificano e scelgono la data delle nozze.
Al che ecco ricomparire Nez. Sempre più redento, che ha capito i suoi errori. E che ora ha cercato e aiutato i suoi ex commilitoni caduti in miseria, ha iniziato a far rifiore la sua tenuta di famiglia, non ha più toccato una goccia di alcool e tutto questo per Libby, per essere degno di lei. E ora la vuole sposare al diavolo le sue origini, non importano.
Lui bello e impossibile e duca arriva aitante in groppa al suo destriero e come un principe si dichiara a Libby che mi torna confusa di nuovo davanti a tale beltà e al titolo ducale.. Confusa, ma mica scema, non ha scordato la ferita che le ha inferto e per quanto tentata non è che gli cade fra le braccia. Però il medico, preso da mille pazienti la trascura e lei è sempre più confusa. Non sa quello che prova. In  modo diverso tiene a entrambi quegli uomini, ma non sa chi ama veramente.
Poi accade un terribile incendio e sia il medico che il duca (per motivi diversi) restano coinvolti e rischiano la vita, e lì, davanti alla possibiltà di perdere….Libby capisce di amare…..
Eh eh non vi rivelo altro. Anche se è intuibile. Se volete sapere cosa succede dovrete leggere il libro, in inglese. Dovrete leggerlo anche perhchè ci sono molte sottotrame che meritano di essere lette e che io non ho nominato, la medicina viene trattata, l’intolleranza, viene trattata, i disturbi post traumatici vengono trattati, la diversità, l’ipocrisia, le dipendenze…..E’ veramente un libro ricco di contenuti. Sì ha qualche difetto non lo nego, e a volte avrei voluto strozzare Libby ma solo perchè è stata molto più umana e sincera con se stessa di molte altre eroine di romance che sanno fin da subito che ameranno lui e solo lui per sempre al primo sguardo. Nella vita reale difficilmente accade questo. Sono l’attrazione e l’affetto che nelle circostanze giuste si trasformano in amore. E non sempre è facile capire quando questo accade. Inoltre ho trovato rinfrescante vedere un’eroina baciare due uomini, e ammettere a se stessa che le son piaciuti entrambi i baci e che è fisicamente attratta da entrambi.
In conclusione comunque vi consiglio questo libro se sapete l’inglese, e se non lo sapete sappiate che credo sia stato tradotto in altre lingue tipo spagnolo e francese.
Altro titolo inedito in italiano di carla Kelly che vi suggerisco è:
Titolo: Marian’s Christmas wish Inedito in italiano Trama: Marian ha quasi diciassette anni, un carattere deciso, ma dolce e una famiglia perennemente bisognosa della sua guida. O così lei crede. Tra un cagnolino da salvare e curare, un partita a scacchi da vincere ad ogni costo, e classici greci e latini da leggere, deve perciò trovare il tempo per mangiare (ehi dopotutto sta crescendo) e risolvere i problemi dei suoi famigliari in modo da poter passare un Natale perfetto. Punto primo: aiutare sua sorella maggiore Ariadne a convincere il suo innamorato, il vicario del paese, a dichiararsi Punto secondo: evitare che la loro madre spenda gli ultimi spccoli rimasti in famiglia e affligga tutti con malanni immaginari Punto terzo: aiutare suo fratello minore, espulso stavolta per sempre da Eton a tenerlo nascosto ancora un pò al loro fratello maggiore Punto quarto: cercare di non voler male a suo fratello maggiore per il fatto di aver portato a casa per Natale un grasso, pomposo e antipatico collega diplomatico con l'idea di farlo sposare alla loro sorellina Ariadne Punto cinque: non strozzare suddetto pomposo pretendente Con così tante cose da fare Marian è felice che l'altro ospite invitato da suo fartello sia almeno simpatico e deciso ad aiutarla. Ora se solo il suo stomaco non sobbalzasse ogni volta che lo vede…probabilmente i troppi dolci le stanno facendo male. La mia opinione: romanzo carinissimo! Posto che io non amo particolarmente i romance con protagoniste molto giovani, e che Carla Kelly non è tra le mie autrici di romance preferite, devo dire che questo romanzo mi ha piacevolmente sorpresa. L'ho letto quasi per caso. Lui era lì, io ero lì, la trama sembrava carina e d'impulso l'ho preso non aspettandomi molto, ed invece l'ho divorato! Non vedevo l'ora di voltare pagina (digitale) e l'ho finito tutto d'un fiato. Veramente veramente carino. Ve lo consiglio. Purtroppo non è disponibile in lingua italiana, ma in lingua inglese sì, poichè è un romanzo risalente al lontano 1993. Sopra vedete la copertina dell'edizione vecchia e di quella nuova, a confronto. Infatti molti romanzi rosa di successo in Amrica vengono spesso ripubblicati. I protagonisti sono entrambi simpatici e complessi. Lei è molto matura per la sua età, e la sua personalità frizzante balza fuori dalle pagine, tanto che risulta normale al lettore che l'eroe maschile resti affascinato da lei, nonostante sia un diplomatico di 28 anni con un passato difficile alle spalle e una cicatrice sul volto a ricordarglielo per sempre. Poi la trama è romantica, ma anche molto movimentata da diversi scherzi e avventure..spie francesi…..e insommma è veramente un bel libro che sopremde fino alla fine.
Purtroppo questo romanzo non è ancora stato tradotto in italiano, e non lo è stato nemmeno un altro romanzo abbastanza carino di Carla Kelly:
Miss Whittier Makes a List 
Miss Hannah Whittier è una ragzza per bene, ma si trova in una situazione piuttosto compromettente. Non solo è l’unica donna su un anave militare di soli uomini, ma il capitano della suddetta nave Sir Daniel Spark, sembra ritenere che lei gli debba molto di più che semplice gratitudine per averle salvato la vita. ripescandola dal mare.
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rickalanp · 3 years ago
Who is Rick Alan Putman?
RICK ALAN PUTMAN along with Whitney Wyatt is the mastermind of this ongoing scam wherein they recruit more innocent people to participate and earn in this scam. Rick Alan Putman has already filed bankruptcy and hence cannot open a new business on his name that is one more reason for recruiting other people. He has been searching for these people online through advertising. Rick Alan Putman has been scamming people with the help of some his friends and associates, whose details are also mentioned. They open the company and bank accounts under the company name, sign up for a P O Box address where the checks from scamming innocent people come and then they deposit the checks and then they distribute the money among themselves. This scam has been running since 2017 and numerous victims have been scammed. Moreover some of his associates are already facing Legal troubles because of the federal action. I would be detailing out some of those companies who are involved in this along with their owners information.
RICK ALAN PUTMAN known companies owned by him are DOLPHIN TECHNOLOGIES, LLC (Incorp Date 5 Dec 2017)(Comp No.: 138492392), LOGIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, Dynamic Solutions, LLC
known phone numbers are 309-647-8885, 727-441-8459, 440-749-1005, 727-851-8160, 727-231-1718, 727-736-7708
known family members and business assiciates are Todd Putman, Suzanne Elizabeth Putman, Stacee Putman, Whitney Wyatt, Jerarim Love, Gabriel Love, Barry A Newston, Marian Laura Bello
known addresses and P.O. Box numbers are (1)1800 Copper Kettle Ln Dunedin, FL 34698, (2)871 Ibis Walk Pl N Unit 1405 Saint Petersburg, FL 33716, (3)16158 NW Canton St Portland, OR 97229, (4)16147 NW Canton St Apt 303 Portland, OR 97229-1262, (5)791 Hammock Ln Okeechobee, FL 34974-2751, (6)5250 Roosevelt Blvd Clearwater, FL 33760-3451, (7)825 W Locust St Canton, IL 61520-8433, (8)16158 NW Canton St Apt 204 Portland, OR 97229, (9)16201 NW Fescue Ct Portland, OR 97229, (10)1021 Fairburn Ave Clearwater, FL 33755, (11)848 E Elm St Canton, IL 61520, (12)1000 SE 160th Ave Apt HH275 Vancouver, WA 98683
HERNANDEZ RIOS registry number is #145908992 512-247-7390 713-224-5978 512-431-5753 512-740-0963 512-243-6161 Valentin Rios Jeremiah Rios Sanjuanita H Rios Candice Rios Guadalupe Leon Sanchez 6158 Nw Canton St # 204 Portland OR 97229 5305 North River Road Suite B1 Keizer OR 97303 5180 Highway 71 E Apt C Del Valle, TX 78617 8988 Elroy Rd Del Valle, TX 78617 8988 Elroy Rd Apt 1 Del Valle, TX 78617 5002 SE 70th Ave Apt 14 Portland, OR 97206 456 Brown St Portsmouth, OH 45662 PO Box 24 Del Valle, TX 78617 1916 Everett St Houston, TX 77009 PO Box 17973 Austin, TX 78760 PO Box 343 Newark, TX 76071
Valentin Rios 512-897-9796 512-822-2382 512-897-9612 737-703-9267 737-262-6035 512-243-6161 Jeremiah Rios Sanjuanita H Rios Candice Rios Concepcion Rios Minnie D Haws Stephen Longoria Violet May Hanus Nancy Woodhanus Joseph Jeremiah Hanus PO Box 943 Blanco, TX 78606 4320 S Congress Ave Apt 7211 Austin, TX 78745 4714 Harmon Ave Austin, TX 78751 5402 William Holland Ave Austin, TX 78756-2033 1600 Wickersham Ln Apt 2037 Austin, TX 78741-3133 13005 Heinemann Dr Ofc Austin, TX 78727-6982 8988 Elroy Rd Apt 1 Del Valle, TX 78617-4814 5405 Wellington Dr Austin, TX 78723 5180 Highway 71 E Del Valle, TX 78617 8806 FM 812 # 9 Austin, TX 78719 602 9th St Blanco, TX 78606 317 Bernard St Denton, TX 76201 2073 Sheffield Mnr E Carson City, NV 89701
Jeremiah Rios 512-247-7391 512-247-7882 512-448-9694 512-247-7390 512-897-9796 512-902-8316 512-897-9612 512-431-5736 512-524-2009 HERNANDEZ RIOS Valentin Rios Sanjuanita H Rios Candice Rios Pauline Shinn Howard Ralph Rich Stephen Kelley 212 Northfork Rd San Marcos, TX 78666 412 Lookout Ridge Loop San Marcos, TX 78666 5402 William Holland Ave Apt 206 Austin, TX 78756 5404 Ponciana Dr Apt A Austin, TX 78744-2839 904 W 7th St Georgetown, TX 78626-5447 8988 Elroy Rd Apt 1 Del Valle, TX 78617-4814 721 Lamar Pl Apt 207 Austin, TX 78752 PO Box 24 Del Valle, TX 78617 8502 Woodstone Dr Apt A Austin, TX 78757 4714 Harmon Ave Austin, TX 78751 5402 William Holland Ave Apt 206 Austin, TX 78756 1817 E Oltorf St Austin, TX 78741 1817 E Oltorf St Apt 2043 Austin, TX 78741 5180 Highway 71 E Apt C Del Valle, TX 78617
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pangeanews · 7 years ago
Ode a Robert Redford, l’anarchico che disintegrò l’icona del bravo ragazzo americano. Sapeva commuovere e uccidere
Mia madre era una di quelle che piagnucolava guardando La mia Africa. Mi costringeva a vedere quel film – che evidentemente è entrato nei miei patetici muscoli – innumerevoli volte. Il profilo di spregiudicata classicità di Meryl Streep, il K 622 di Mozart che si eleva dal grammofono lungo la savana e poi lui, biondo e irraggiungibile, Denys Finch-Hatton. Icona anarchica dell’inquietudine occidentale: l’uomo che domina l’Africa su biplano e vince la ferocia del leone, per poi morire, in corsa, eternando il tedio dorato.
Aurei capelli, viso perfetto, pareva l’incarnazione del bello americano, Robert Redford, figlio di una casalinga e di un lattaio che diventò basso borghese come contabile per la Standard Oil. Ha fatto di tutto per sconcertare la didascalia che gli volevano imporre, Robert, non soltanto con il Sundance Institute, una manna per gli indipendenti, una mannaia per Hollywood. Ad esempio, è stato uno degli attori più ‘letterati’ che le scene ricordino. Non solo per quel film tratto dal libro di Karen Blixen. Redford ha messo in scena Tennessee Williams (Questa ragazza è di tutti), Francis Scott Fitzgerald (Il grande Gatsby; qualsiasi paragone per ‘Leo’ Di Caprio è improponibile), Bernard Malamud (Il migliore).
Aumentavano le rughe ed esponenzialmente cresceva la sua bravura: che differenza tra il tenero Paul Bratter di A piedi nudi nel parco e lo scaltro Nathan Muir, agente della Cia, in Spy Game; che rigorosa distanza tra il Sundance Kyd di Butch Cassidy, il sagace giornalista di Tutti gli uomini del presidente e Il cavaliere elettrico. Eppure, l’Academy ha pigliato un po’ per il c**o il grande ‘Bob’: Oscar alla regia nel 1981 per Gente comune (non un capolavoro) e un risarcimento “alla carriera” nel 2002. Lo hanno sempre ritenuto un divo di secondo livello, buono a far straziare le mamme: in realtà, era troppo sofisticato per i lacchè delle major.
Certo. Daniel Day Lewis è più bravo, Robert De Niro più estremo, Marlon Brando è immortale, il dio Crono del cinema americano, li divora tutti; Al Pacino è più ruvido, Jack Nicholson più feroce, Sean Penn più adorabile, Paul Newman più bello. Ma è nel giusto mezzo, al mezzogiorno, che dimorano gli dèi, i fauni, quelli che con dedizione fanno la rivoluzione.
Ora che abbandona le scene, Redford diventa divino. Eppure, il cinema non lo ha spossessato della sua personalità, non ha inciso i suoi canini nel cuore.
Fossimo un millennio fa, lo avrebbero messo a capo delle Crociate; due millenni fa gli avrebbero dato il trono in qualche satrapia d’Oriente, lui, Redford, immagine del sole. L’attore che fa lacrimare (Come eravamo) e che sa usare la pistola (Ucciderò Willie Kid), che è dolce (L’uomo che sussurrava ai cavalli) e spietato (I tre giorni del Condor).
Ma io ricordo Redford con la barba ruvida di Jeremiah Johnson, il veterano che a metà dell’Ottocento vive sulle Montagne rocciose, mordendo la solitudine. Ferocia, liturgia dello sconfinato, sfida. Corvo rosso non avrai il mio scalpo. Il silenzio percorre come un giaguaro delle nevi il film, e lui, Jeremiah/Redford, che domina le forze ostili e rosola la vendetta, è indimenticabile.
    L'articolo Ode a Robert Redford, l’anarchico che disintegrò l’icona del bravo ragazzo americano. Sapeva commuovere e uccidere proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2ngNIoX
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junker-town · 8 years ago
Undrafted free agent signings 2017: Every team’s pickups in one place
Is the next Tony Romo waiting in this year’s crop of undrafted players?
The 2017 NFL Draft may be over, but that doesn’t mean teams are done adding important contributors for the upcoming season. Scores of NCAA athletes will start the next chapters of their football careers by signing as undrafted free agents.
The class of 2017 could also produce some memorable contributors. College standouts like Jarron Jones and Hardy Nickerson Jr. should all draw plenty of interest this spring. Though they’ll face long odds to make an NFL roster, the path they’ll walk is far from uncharted territory.
There’s a laundry list of players who have emerged from the embers of the draft to make a major impact in the NFL. All-Pros like Wes Welker, Priest Holmes, Kurt Warner, Antonio Gates, John Randle, James Harrison, Jessie Tuggle, and Tony Romo all took the long way to the league. They turned out to be unexpected boons who didn’t cost a cent in draft currency.
We’ll have a complete list of undrafted free agent signings as they come in.
Arizona Cardinals
Carlton Agudosi, WR, Rutgers
Collin Bevins, DT, Northwest Missouri State
Lucas Crowley, C, UNC
Ironhead Gallon, LB, Georgia Southern
Gump Hayes, DB, Arizona State
Krishawn Hogan, WR, Marian
Drico Johnson, S, Central Florida
Tre'Von Johnson, OLB, Weber State
Trevor Knight, QB, Texas A&M
Ryan Lewis, CB, Pittsburgh
Jonathan McLaughlin, OT Virginia Tech
Cyril Noland-Lewis, S, Louisiana Tech
Ricky Seals-Jones, WR, Texas A&M
Sojourn Shelton, CB, Wisconsin
James Summers, RB, East Carolina
Pasoni Tasini, DL, Utah
Steven Wroblewski, TE, Southern Utah
Atlanta Falcons
Travis Averill, OL, Boise State
Marcelis Branch, DB, Robert Morris
Daniel Brunskill, OL, San Diego State
Deante Burton, WR, Kansas State
Reginald Davis III, WR, Texas Tech
Darius English, DL, South Carolina
Wil Freeman, OL, Southern Miss
Jermaine Grace, LB, Miami (Fla.)
Jarnor Jones, CB, Iowa State
JT Jones, DE, Miami (Ohio)
Cam Keizur, C, Portland State
Andreas Knappe, OT, Connecticut
Robert Leff, OT, Auburn
Josh Magee, WR, South Alabama
Quincy Mauger, S, Georgia
Chris Odom, DE, Arkansas State
Tyler Renew, FB, Citadel
Taylor Reynolds, CB, James Madison
Christian Tago, LB, San Jose State
Gary Thompson, DE, Marshall
Alek Torgersen, QB, Pennsylvania
Deron Washington, S, Pittsburg St.
Baltimore Ravens
Quincy Adeboyejo, WR, Ole Miss
Kenny Allen, P, Michigan
C.J. Board, WR, Tennessee Chattanooga
Bam Bradley, LB, Pitt
Omarius Bryant, DT, Western Kentucky
Carlos Davis, CB, Ole Miss
Daniel Henry, S, New Mexico
Brandon Kublanow, OL, Georgia
Taquan Mizzell, RB, Virginia
Ricky Ortiz, FB, Oklahoma State
Tim Patrick, WR, Utah
Donald Payne, LB, Stetson
Patrick Ricard, DE, Maine
Maurquice Shakir, OL, Middle Tennessee State
Zach Terrell, QB, Western Michigan
Tim White, WR, Arizona State
Buffalo Bills
Jason Croom, TE, Tennessee
Jordan Johnson, RB, Buffalo
Marquavius Lewis, DE, South Carolina
Greg Pyke, OT, Georgia
Austin Rehkow, P, Idaho
Brandon Reilly, WR, Nebraska
B.T. Sanders, DB, Nicholls State
Marcus Sayles, CB, West Georgia
Daikiel Shorts, WR, West Virginia
Keith Towbridge, TE, Louisville
Jeremy Tyler, S, West Virginia
Zach Voytek, OL, New Haven
Nigel Williams, DT, Virginia Tech
Carolina Panthers
Alex Bazzie, LB, Marshall
Ben Boulware, LB, Clemson
Bryan Cox, Jr., DE, Florida
Austin Duke, WR, Charlotte
Kyle Kragen, LB, California
Cole Luke, CB, Notre Dame
Gabriel Mass, DT, Lane College
Fred Ross, WR, Mississippi State
Chicago Bears
Joel Bouganon, RB, Northern Illinois
Rashaad Coward, DT, Old Dominion
Hendrick Ekpe, LB, Minnesota
Tanner Gentry, WR, Wyoming
Franko House, TE/basketball forward, Ball State
Isaiah Irving, LB, San Jose State
Dieugot Joseph, OT, Florida International
Mitchell Kirsch, OL, James Madison
Andy Phillips, K, Utah
Alex Scearce, LB, Coastal Carolina
Jhajuan Seales, WR, Oklahoma State
Freddie Stevenson, FB, Florida State
Kermit Whitfield, WR, Florida State
Cincinnati Bengals
Brandon Bell, LB, Penn State
Cethan Carter, TE, Nebraska
Demetrious Cox, S, Michigan State
Karel Hamilton, WR, Samford
Darrin Laufasa, FB, UTEP
Landon Lechler, OT, North Dakota State
Monty Madaris, WR, Michigan State
Hardy Nickerson Jr., LB, Illinois
Kent Perkins, OL, Texas
Dustin Stanton, OL, Oregon State
Josh Tupou, DT, Colorado
Jarveon Williams, RB, UTSA
Stanley “Boom” Williams, RB, Kentucky
Cleveland Browns
B.J. Bello, LB, Illinois State
Donte Carey, DB, Grand Valley State
Ladell Fleming, DE, Northern Illinois
J.D. Harmon, DB, Kentucky
Alvin Hill, CB, Maryland
Jamal Marcus, DE, Akron
Taylor McNamara, TE, USC
Najee Murray, DB, Kent State
Kai Nacua, S, BYU
Kenneth Olugbode, LB, Colorado
Karter Schult, DE, Northern Iowa
Channing Stribling, CB, Michigan
Dallas Cowboys
Austin Appleby, QB, Florida
Woody Baron, DT, Virginia Tech
Brian Brown, WR, Richmond
Michael Coe, C, North Dakota
Kennan Gilchrist, LB, Appalachian State
Blake Jarwin, TE, Oklahoma State
Joseph Jones, LB, Northwestern
Levon Myers, OT, Northern Illinois
Lewis Neal, DL, LSU
Cooper Rush, QB, Central Michigan
Nate Theaker, OT, Wayne State
Jahad Thomas, RB, Temple
Lucas Wacha, LB, Wyoming
Denver Broncos
Erik Austell, OL, Charleston Southern
Josh Banderas, LB, Nebraska
Jamal Carter, S, Miami
Ken Ekanem, DE, Virginia Tech
Jerrol Garcia-Williams, LB, Hawaii
Deon Hollins, OLB, UCLA
Cameron Hunt, OT, Oregon
Tyrique Jarrett, DT, Pittsburgh
Anthony Nash, WR, Duke
Marcus Rios, CB, UCLA
Kyle Sloter, QB, Northern Colorado
Shakir Soto, DE, Pittsburgh
Orion Stewart, DB, Baylor
Dymonte Thomas, S, Michigan
Detroit Lions
Brandon Barnes, TE, Alabama State
Alex Barrett, DE, San Diego State
Dontez Ford, WR, Pitt
Tion Green, RB, Cincinnati
Nick James, DT, Mississippi State
Leo Koloamatangi, OL, Hawaii
Des Lawrence, CB, UNC
Storm Norton, OT, Toledo
Michael Rector, WR, Stanford
Maurice Swain, DT, Auburn
Noel Thomas, WR, Connecticut
Josh Thornton, CB, Southern Utah
Robert Tonyan, TE, Indiana State
Jeremiah Valoaga, DE, UNLV
Green Bay Packers
Donatello Brown, CB, Valdosta State
Johnathan Calvin, LB, Mississippi State
Michael Clark, WR, Marshall
Montay Crockett, WR, Georgia State
Thomas Evans, OL, Richmond
Geoff Gray, OL, Manitoba
Cody Heiman, LB, Washburn
Taysom Hill, QB, BYU
Josh Letuligasenoa, LB, Cal Poly
Izaah Lunsford, DT, Bowling Green
Adam Pankey, OL, West Virginia
Aaron Peck, WR, Fresno State
Kalif Phillips, RB, Charlotte
Lenzy Pipkins, CB, Oklahoma State
Raysean Pringle, CB, Southern Utah
David Rivers III, CB, Youngstown State
William Stanback, RB, Virginia Union
David Talley, LB, Grand Valley State
Aaron Taylor, S, Ball State
Justin Vogel, P, Miami
Houston Texans
Eli Ankou, DT, UCLA
Evan Baylis, TE, Oregon
Dimitric Camiel, OT, Indiana
Dylan Cole, LB, Missouri State
Zach Conque, TE, Stephen F. Austin
T.J. Daniel, DE, Oregon
Matt Godin, LB, Michigan
Deante’ Gray, WR, TCU
Justin Hardee, WR, Illinois
Rickey Hatley, DT, Missouri
Shaq Hill, WR, Eastern Washington
Riley McCarron, WR, Iowa
Tevon Mutcherson, CB, Central Florida
Dayon Pratt, LB, East Carolina
Gimel President, DL, Illinois
Daniel Ross, DL, Northeast Mississippi
Jake Simonich, OL, Utah State
Malik Smith, CB, San Diego State
Dee Virgin, CB, West Alabama
Avery Williams, LB, Temple
Indianapolis Colts
Deyshawn Bond, OL, Cincinnati
Dalton Crossan, RB, New Hampshire
Darrell Daniels, TE, Washington
Trey Griffey, WR, Arizona
Thomas Hennessy, LS, Duke
Bug Howard, WR, North Carolina
Colin Jeter, TE, LSU
Jerome Lane, WR, Akron
Chris Lyles, DB, Mississippi College
Chris Muller, OL, Rutgers
JoJo Natson, WR, Akron
Reggie Porter, CB, Utah
Brandon Radcliff, RB, Louisville
Rigoberto Sanchez, K/P, Hawaii
Garrett Sickels, DE, Penn State
Jhaustin Thomas, DE, Iowa State
Jerry Ugokwe, OL, William & Mary
Phillip Walker, QB, Temple
Jacksonville Jaguars
Caleb Bluiett, TE, Texas
Keelan Cole, WR, Kentucky Wesleyan
Parker Collins, OL, Appalachian State
Tim Cook, RB, Oregon State
Jeremy Cutrer, CB, Middle Tennessee State
P.J. Davis, LB, Georgia Tech
Hunter Dimick, DE, Utah
Amba Etta-Tawo, WR, Syracuse
Avery Gennesy, OT, Texas A&M
Justin Horton, OLB, Jacksonville
Tueni Lupeamanu, DL, Idaho
I’Tavius Mathers, RB, Middle Tennessee State
Charlie Miller, S, Dartmouth
Carroll Phillips, DE/LB, Illinois
Ezra Robinson, CB, Tennessee State
Kenny Walker, WR, UCLA
Kansas City Chiefs
Corin Brooks, OL, UTPB
Devin Chappell, S, Oregon State
Gehrig Dieter, WR, Alabama
Anas Hasic, WR, West Florida
Wyatt Houston, TE, Utah State
Marcus Kemp, WR, Hawaii
Ashton Lampkin, DB, Oklahoma State
Damien Mama, OG, USC
Alonzo Moore, WR, Nebraska
J.R. Nelson, CB, Montana
Jordan Sterns, S, Oklahoma State
Tony Stevens, WR, Auburn
Los Angeles Chargers
Sean Culkin, TE, Missouri
Michael Davis, CB, BYU
Dillon DeBoer, C, Florida Atlantic
Austin Ekeler, RB, Western State
Nigel Harris, LB, South Florida
Eli Jenkins, QB, Jacksonville State
Younghoe Koo, K, Georgia Southern
Mike Moore, LB, Kansas State
James Onwualu, LB, Notre Dame
Andre Patton, WR, Rutgers
Artavis Scott, WR, Clemson
Brandon Stewart, CB, Kansas
Brad Watson, CB, Wake Forest
Mason Zandi, OT, South Carolina
Los Angeles Rams
Ishmael Adams, DB, UCLA
Jared Collins, DB, Arkansas
Kevin Davis, LB, Colorado State
Justin Davis, RB, USC
Jake Eldrenkramp, OL, Washington
Anthony McMeans, OL, New Mexico State
Johnny Mundt, TE, Oregon
Folarin Orimolade, OLB, Dartmouth
Aarion Penton, CB, Missouri
Casey Sayles, DE, Ohio
Dravious Wright, DB, NC State
Miami Dolphins
Chase Allen, LB, Southern Illinois
Matt Haack, P, Arizona State
Larry Hope, CB, Akron
Malcolm Lewis, WR, Miami
Cameron Malveaux, DE, Houston
Praise Martin-Oguike, DE, Temple
Torry McTyer, DB, UNLV
Drew Morgan, WR, Arkansas
Francis Owusu, WR, Stanford
Joby Saint Fleur, DE, Northwest Oklahoma State
De'Veon Smith, RB, Michigan
Eric Smith, OT, Virginia
Maurice Smith, DB, Georgia
Damore'ea Stringfellow, WR, Ole Miss
Minnesota Vikings
Tashawn Bower, DE, LSU
Dylan Bradley, DT, Southern Mississippi
Aviante Collins, OL, TCU
Nick Fett, T, Iowa State
Caleb Kidder, DE, Montana
Wes Lunt, QB, Illinois
Sam McCaskill, DE, Boise State
Terrell Newby, RB, Nebraska
Josiah Price, TE, Michigan State
Horace Richardson, CB, SMU
R.J. Shelton, WR, Michigan State
Shaan Washington, LB, Texas A&M
Eric Wilson, LB, Cincinnati
New England Patriots
Josh Augusta, DT, Missouri
Adam Butler, DT, Vanderbilt
Austin Carr, WR, Northwestern
Cole Croston, OL, Iowa
LeShun Daniels Jr., RB, Iowa
Brooks Ellis, LB, Arkansas
Cody Hollister, WR, Arkansas
Jacob Hollister, TE, Wyoming
Andrew Jelks, OT, Vanderbilt
David Jones, DB, Richmond
D.J. Killings, CB, Central Florida
Jason King, OL, Purdue
Harvey Langi, LB, BYU
Kenny Moore, CB, Valdosta State
Max Rich, OL, Harvard
Dwayne Thomas, DB, LSU
Jason Thompson, S, Utah
Damarius Travis, S, Minnesota
Corey Vereen, DE, Tennessee
New Orleans Saints
Collin Buchanan, OL, Miami (Ohio)
Chase Dominguez, LS, Utah
Travin Dural, WR, LSU
Ahmad Fulwood, WR, Florida
Andrew Lauderdale, OT, New Hampshire
Devaroe Lawrence, DT, Auburn
Cameron Lee, G, Illinois State
Arthur Maulet, CB, Memphis
John Robinson-Woodgett, FB, UMass
Sae Tautu, LB, BYU
Cameron Tom, C, Southern Miss
Clint Van Horn, OL, Marshall
New York Giants
Khalid Abdullah, RB, James Madison
DaShaun Amos, CB, East Carolina
Josh Banks, DT, Wake Forest
Jessamen Dunker, OL, Tennessee State
Jadar Johnson, S, Clemson
Keeon Johnson, WR, Virginia
Jarron Jones, DL, Notre Dame
Calvin Munson, LB, San Diego State
Trey Robinson, S, Furman
Travis Rudolph, WR, Florida State
Evan Schwan, DE, Penn State
Shane Smith, FB, San Jose State
Colin Thompson, TE, Temple
Jalen Williams, WR, UMass
New York Jets
Chris Bordelon, OL, Nicholls State
Benjamin Braden, OL, Michigan
Austin Calitro, LB, Villanova
Xavier Coleman, CB, Portland State
Brisly Estime, WR, Syracuse
Anthony Firkser, FB, Harvard
Patrick Gamble, DT, Georgia Tech
Connor Harris, LB, Lindenwood
Javarius Leamon, OT, South Carolina State
Gabe Marks, WR, Washington State
Oakland Raiders
Breon Borders, CB, Duke
Paul Boyette Jr., DT, Texas
Chauncey Briggs, OT, SMU
Fadol Brown, DE, Ole Miss
Pharaoh Brown, TE, Oregon
Chris Casher, DL, Faulkner University
Anthony Cioffi, S, Rutgers
Najee Harris, LB, Wagner College
Keon Hatcher, WR, Arkansas
Chris Humes, CB, Arkansas State
Rickey Jefferson, DB, LSU
Anthony Kukwa, LS, Erie State
LaTroy Lewis, DE, Tennessee
Nicholas Morrow, S, Greenville
Jordan Simmons, OL, USC
Ahmad Thomas, S, Oklahoma
Jordan Wade, DT, Oklahoma
Isaac Whitney, WR, USC
Xavier Woodson-Luster, LB, Arkansas State
Ishmael Zamora, WR, Baylor
Philadelphia Eagles
Billy Brown, TE, Shepherd
Corey Clement, RB, Wisconsin
Winston Craig, DL, Richmond
Randall Goforth, CB, UCLA
Cameron Johnston, P, Ohio State
Tyler Orlosky, C, West Virginia
Victor Salako, OT, Oklahoma State
Tre’ Sullivan, S, Shepherd
Charles Walker, DT, Oklahoma
Greg Ward, QB/WR, Houston
Jomal Wiltz, CB, Iowa State
Pittsburgh Steelers
Nelson Adams, DT, Mississippi State
Christian Brown, DT, West Virginia
Ethan Cooper, G, Indiana-Pennsylvania
Francis Kallon, DE, Georgia Tech
Keith Kelsey, LB, Louisville
Scott Orndoff, TE, Pittsburgh
Nick Schuessler, QB, Clemson
Rushel Shell, RB, West Virginia
Terrish Webb, DB, Pittsburgh
San Francisco 49ers
Victor Bolden, WR, Oregon State
Kendrick Bourne, WR, Eastern Washington
Matthew Breida, RB, Georgia Southern
Chanceller James, S, Boise State
JP Flynn, OL, Montana State
Zach Franklin, CB, Washburn
Jimmie Gilbert, LB, Colorado
Malik Golden, S, Penn State
Evan Goodman, OL, Arizona State
Cole Hikutini, TE, Louisville
Lorenzo Jerome, S, Saint Francis
BJ Johnson III, WR, Georgia Southern
Erik Magnuson, OT, Michigan
Tyler McCloskey, FB, Houston
Nick Mullens, QB, Southern Miss
Richard Levy, OL, UConn
Donavin Newsom, LB, Missouri
Noble Nwachukwu, DL, West Virginia
Bret Treadway, OL, Lamar
Darrell Williams, OT, Western Kentucky
Seattle Seahawks
Algernon Brown, FB/RB, BYU
Skyler Howard, QB, West Virginia
Jeremy Liggins, DT, Ole Miss
Otha Peters, LB, Louisiana Lafayette
Darreus Rogers, WR, USC
Jordan Roos, G, Purdue
Tyrone Swoopes, TE, Texas
Nick Usher, OLB, UTEP
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Anthony Auclair, TE, Laval
Deondre Barnett, DE, Southern Illinois
Richie Brown, LB, Mississippi State
Riley Bullough, LB, Michigan State
Maurice Fleming, CB, West Virginia
Cole Gardner, OT, Eastern Michigan
Alex Gray, S, Appalachian State
Korren Kirven, OT, Alabama
Sefo Liufau, QB, Colorado
Paul Magloire, S, Arizona
Jonathan Moxey, CB, Boise State
Evan Panfil, DE, Purdue
Thomas Sperbeck, WR, Boise State
Bobo Wilson, WR, Florida State
Tennessee Titans
Jeremy Boykins, CB, Central Florida
DeAngelo Brown, DT, Louisville
Bra’lon Cherry, WR, NC State
Tyler Ferguson, QB, Western Kentucky
John Green, CB, UConn
Roderick Henderson, NT, Alabama State
Denzel Johnson, LB, TCU
Akeem Judd, RB, Ole Miss
KeVonn Mabon, WR, Ball State
Steven Moore, OT, Cal
Giovanni Pascasio, WR, Louisville
Jonah Pirsig, OT, Minnesota
Brandon Banks, DL, Charlotte
Tyler Catalina, OT, Georgia
Levern Jacobs, WR, Maryland
Kyle Kalis, OL, Michigan
Zach Pascal, RB, Old Dominion
Ondre Pipkins, DT, Texas Tech
James Quick, WR, Louisville
Fish Smithson, S, Kansas
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aarontveit · 4 days ago
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GRACELAND | 2013 - 2015 S01E10: King's Castle
I still see Eddie at night. We came to this country together. He was my only friend, and I his. All this time I thought I killed him. You did. You put a gun in his hand, and you told him what to do with it. No. No-NO!...No. You killed him. He was a human sacrifice at the alter of your sacred badge. That's absurd. Where were you when drugs were being dealt? Or when men were tortured, and killed?
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aarontveit · 10 months ago
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GRACELAND, S01E07: Goodbye High
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junker-town · 8 years ago
Undrafted free agent signings 2017: Every team’s pickups in one place
Is the next Tony Romo waiting in this year’s crop of undrafted players?
The 2017 NFL Draft may be over, but that doesn’t mean teams are done adding important contributors for the upcoming season. Scores of NCAA athletes will start the next chapters of their football careers by signing as undrafted free agents this week.
The class of 2017 could also produce some memorable contributors. College standouts like Jarron Jones and Hardy Nickerson Jr. should all draw plenty of interest this spring. Though they’ll face long odds to make an NFL roster, the path they’ll walk is far from uncharted territory.
There’s a laundry list of players who have emerged from the embers of the draft to make a major impact in the NFL. All-Pros like Wes Welker, Priest Holmes, Kurt Warner, Antonio Gates, John Randle, James Harrison, Jessie Tuggle, and Tony Romo all took the long way to the league. They turned out to be unexpected boons who didn’t cost a cent in draft currency.
We’ll have a complete list of undrafted free agent signings as they come in.
Arizona Cardinals
Carlton Agudosi, WR, Rutgers
Collin Bevins, DT, Northwest Missouri State
Lucas Crowley, C, UNC
Ironhead Gallon, LB, Georgia Southern
Gump Hayes, DB, Arizona State
Krishawn Hogan, WR, Marian
Drico Johnson, S, Central Florida
Tre'Von Johnson, OLB, Weber State
Trevor Knight, QB, Texas A&M
Ryan Lewis, CB, Pittsburgh
Jonathan McLaughlin, OT Virginia Tech
Cyril Noland-Lewis, S, Louisiana Tech
Ricky Seals-Jones, WR, Texas A&M
Sojourn Shelton, CB, Wisconsin
James Summers, RB, East Carolina
Pasoni Tasini, DL, Utah
Steven Wroblewski, TE, Southern Utah
Atlanta Falcons
Travis Averill, OL, Boise State
Marcelis Branch, DB, Robert Morris
Daniel Brunskill, OL, San Diego State
Deante Burton, WR, Kansas State
Reginald Davis III, WR, Texas Tech
Darius English, DL, South Carolina
Wil Freeman, OL, Southern Miss
Jermaine Grace, LB, Miami (Fla.)
Jarnor Jones, CB, Iowa State
JT Jones, DE, Miami (Ohio)
Cam Keizur, C, Portland State
Andreas Knappe, OT, Connecticut
Robert Leff, OT, Auburn
Josh Magee, WR, South Alabama
Quincy Mauger, S, Georgia
Chris Odom, DE, Arkansas State
Tyler Renew, FB, Citadel
Taylor Reynolds, CB, James Madison
Christian Tago, LB, San Jose State
Gary Thompson, DE, Marshall
Alek Torgersen, QB, Pennsylvania
Deron Washington, S, Pittsburg St.
Baltimore Ravens
Quincy Adeboyejo, WR, Ole Miss
Kenny Allen, P, Michigan
C.J. Board, WR, Tennessee Chattanooga
Bam Bradley, LB, Pitt
Omarius Bryant, DT, Western Kentucky
Carlos Davis, CB, Ole Miss
Daniel Henry, S, New Mexico
Brandon Kublanow, OL, Georgia
Taquan Mizzell, RB, Virginia
Ricky Ortiz, FB, Oklahoma State
Tim Patrick, WR, Utah
Donald Payne, LB, Stetson
Patrick Ricard, DE, Maine
Maurquice Shakir, OL, Middle Tennessee State
Zach Terrell, QB, Western Michigan
Tim White, WR, Arizona State
Buffalo Bills
Jason Croom, TE, Tennessee
Jordan Johnson, RB, Buffalo
Marquavius Lewis, DE, South Carolina
Greg Pyke, OT, Georgia
Austin Rehkow, P, Idaho
Brandon Reilly, WR, Nebraska
B.T. Sanders, DB, Nicholls State
Marcus Sayles, CB, West Georgia
Daikiel Shorts, WR, West Virginia
Keith Towbridge, TE, Louisville
Jeremy Tyler, S, West Virginia
Zach Voytek, OL, New Haven
Nigel Williams, DT, Virginia Tech
Carolina Panthers
Alex Bazzie, LB, Marshall
Ben Boulware, LB, Clemson
Bryan Cox, Jr., DE, Florida
Austin Duke, WR, Charlotte
Kyle Kragen, LB, California
Cole Luke, CB, Notre Dame
Gabriel Mass, DT, Lane College
Fred Ross, WR, Mississippi State
Chicago Bears
Joel Bouganon, RB, Northern Illinois
Rashaad Coward, DT, Old Dominion
Tanner Gentry, WR, Wyoming
Franko House, basketball forward, Ball State
Dieugot Joseph, OT, Florida International
Mitchell Kirsch, OL, James Madison
Andy Phillips, K, Utah
Jhajuan Seales, WR, Oklahoma State
Freddie Stevenson, FB, Florida State
Kermit Whitfield, WR, Florida State
Cincinnati Bengals
Brandon Bell, LB, Penn State
Cethan Carter, TE, Nebraska
Demetrious Cox, S, Michigan State
Karel Hamilton, WR, Samford
Darrin Laufasa, FB, UTEP
Landon Lechler, OT, North Dakota State
Monty Madaris, WR, Michigan State
Hardy Nickerson Jr., LB, Illinois
Kent Perkins, OL, Texas
Dustin Stanton, OL, Oregon State
Josh Tupou, DT, Colorado
Jarveon Williams, RB, UTSA
Stanley “Boom” Williams, RB, Kentucky
Cleveland Browns
B.J. Bello, LB, Illinois State
Josh Boutte, OL, LSU
Ladell Fleming, DE, Northern Illinois
J.D. Harmon, DB, Kentucky
Alvin Hill, CB, Maryland
Jamal Marcus, DE, Akron
Taylor McNamara, TE, USC
Kai Nacua, S, BYU
Kenneth Olugbode, LB, Colorado
Karter Schult, DE, Northern Iowa
Channing Stribling, CB, Michigan
Dallas Cowboys
Austin Appleby, QB, Florida
Woody Baron, DT, Virginia Tech
Brian Brown, WR, Richmond
Michael Coe, C, North Dakota
Kennan Gilchrist, LB, Appalachian State
Blake Jarwin, TE, Oklahoma State
Joseph Jones, LB, Northwestern
Levon Myers, OT, Northern Illinois
Lewis Neal, DL, LSU
Cooper Rush, QB, Central Michigan
Dan Skipper, OT, Arkansas
Nate Theaker, OT, Wayne State
Jahad Thomas, RB, Temple
Lucas Wacha, LB, Wyoming
Denver Broncos
Erik Austell, OL, Charleston Southern
Josh Banderas, LB, Nebraska
Jamal Carter, S, Miami
Ken Ekanem, DE, Virginia Tech
Jerrol Garcia-Williams, LB, Hawaii
Deon Hollins, OLB, UCLA
Cameron Hunt, OT, Oregon
Tyrique Jarrett, DT, Pittsburgh
Anthony Nash, WR, Duke
Marcus Rios, CB, UCLA
Kyle Sloter, QB, Northern Colorado
Shakir Soto, DE, Pittsburgh
Orion Stewart, DB, Baylor
Dymonte Thomas, S, Michigan
Detroit Lions
Brandon Barnes, TE, Alabama State
Alex Barrett, DE, San Diego State
Dontez Ford, WR, Pitt
Tion Green, RB, Cincinnati
De’Quan Hampton, WR, USC
Nick James, DT, Mississippi State
Leo Koloamatangi, OL, Hawaii
Des Lawrence, CB, UNC
Michael Rector, WR, Stanford
Maurice Swain, DT, Auburn
Noel Thomas, WR, Connecticut
Josh Thornton, CB, Southern Utah
Robert Tonyan, TE, Indiana State
Jeremiah Valoaga, DE, UNLV
Green Bay Packers
Donatello Brown, CB, Valdosta State
Johnathan Calvin, LB, Mississippi State
Michael Clark, WR, Marshall
Montay Crockett, WR, Georgia State
Thomas Evans, OL, Richmond
Geoff Gray, OL, Manitoba
Cody Heiman, LB, Washburn
Taysom Hill, QB, BYU
Josh Letuligasenoa, LB, Cal Poly
Izaah Lunsford, DT, Bowling Green
Adam Pankey, OL, West Virginia
Aaron Peck, WR, Fresno State
Kalif Phillips, RB, Charlotte
Lenzy Pipkins, CB, Oklahoma State
Raysean Pringle, CB, Southern Utah
David Rivers III, CB, Youngstown State
William Stanback, RB, Virginia Union
David Talley, LB, Grand Valley State
Aaron Taylor, S, Ball State
Justin Vogel, P, Miami
Houston Texans
Eli Ankou, DT, UCLA
Evan Baylis, TE, Oregon
Dimitric Camiel, OT, Indiana
Dylan Cole, LB, Missouri State
Zach Conque, TE, Stephen F. Austin
T.J. Daniel, DE, Oregon
Matt Godin, LB, Michigan
Deante’ Gray, WR, TCU
Malik Foreman, CB, Tennessee
Justin Hardee, WR, Illinois
Rickey Hatley, DT, Missouri
Shaq Hill, WR, Eastern Washington
Riley McCarron, WR, Iowa
Tevon Mutcherson, CB, Central Florida
Dare Ogunbowale, RB, Wisconsin
Dayon Pratt, LB, East Carolina
Gimel President, DL, Illinois
Daniel Ross, DL, Northeast Mississippi
Joe Scelfo, OL, NC State
Jake Simonich, OL, Utah State
Malik Smith, CB, San Diego State
Dee Virgin, CB, West Alabama
Avery Williams, LB, Temple
Indianapolis Colts
Deyshawn Bond, OL, Cincinnati
Dalton Crossan, RB, New Hampshire
Darrell Daniels, TE, Washington
Trey Griffey, WR, Arizona
Thomas Hennessy, LS, Duke
Bug Howard, WR, North Carolina
Colin Jeter, TE, LSU
Jerome Lane, WR, Akron
Chris Lyles, DB, Mississippi College
Chris Muller, OL, Rutgers
JoJo Natson, WR, Akron
Reggie Porter, CB, Utah
Brandon Radcliff, RB, Louisville
Rigoberto Sanchez, K/P, Hawaii
Garrett Sickels, DE, Penn State
Jhaustin Thomas, DE, Iowa State
Jerry Ugokwe, OL, William & Mary
Phillip Walker, QB, Temple
Jacksonville Jaguars
Caleb Bluiett, TE, Texas
Keelan Cole, WR, Kentucky Wesleyan
Parker Collins, OL, Appalachian State
Tim Cook, RB, Oregon State
Jeremy Cutrer, CB, Middle Tennessee State
P.J. Davis, LB, Georgia Tech
Hunter Dimick, DE, Utah
Amba Etta-Tawo, WR, Syracuse
Avery Gennesy, OT, Texas A&M
Justin Horton, OLB, Jacksonville
Tueni Lupeamanu, DL, Idaho
I’Tavius Mathers, RB, Middle Tennessee State
Charlie Miller, S, Dartmouth
Carroll Phillips, DE/LB, Illinois
Ezra Robinson, CB, Tennessee State
Kenny Walker, WR, UCLA
Kansas City Chiefs
Corin Brooks, OL, UTPB
Devin Chappell, S, Oregon State
Gehrig Dieter, WR, Alabama
Anas Hasic, WR, West Florida
Wyatt Houston, TE, Utah State
Marcus Kemp, WR, Hawaii
Ashton Lampkin, DB, Oklahoma State
Damien Mama, OG, USC
Alonzo Moore, WR, Nebraska
J.R. Nelson, CB, Montana
Jordan Sterns, S, Oklahoma State
Tony Stevens, WR, Auburn
Los Angeles Chargers
Sean Culkin, TE, Missouri
Michael Davis, CB, BYU
Dillon DeBoer, C, Florida Atlantic
Austin Ekeler, RB, Western State
Nigel Harris, LB, South Florida
Eli Jenkins, QB, Jacksonville State
Younghoe Koo, K, Georgia Southern
Mike Moore, LB, Kansas State
James Onwualu, LB, Notre Dame
Andre Patton, WR, Rutgers
Artavis Scott, WR, Clemson
Brandon Stewart, CB, Kansas
Brad Watson, CB, Wake Forest
Dontre Wilson, RB, Ohio State
Mason Zandi, OT, South Carolina
Los Angeles Rams
Ishmael Adams, DB, UCLA
Jared Collins, DB, Arkansas
Kevin Davis, LB, Colorado State
Justin Davis, RB, USC
Jake Eldrenkramp, OL, Washington
Anthony McMeans, OL, New Mexico State
Johnny Mundt, TE, Oregon
Folarin Orimolade, OLB, Dartmouth
Aarion Penton, CB, Missouri
Casey Sayles, DE, Ohio
Dravious Wright, DB, NC State
Miami Dolphins
Chase Allen, LB, Southern Illinois
Matt Haack, P, Arizona State
Larry Hope, CB, Akron
Malcolm Lewis, WR, Miami
Cameron Malveaux, DE, Houston
Praise Martin-Oguike, DE, Temple
Torry McTyer, DB, UNLV
Drew Morgan, WR, Arkansas
Francis Owusu, WR, Stanford
Joby Saint Fleur, DE, Northwest Oklahoma State
De'Veon Smith, RB, Michigan
Eric Smith, OT, Virginia
Maurice Smith, DB, Georgia
Damore'ea Stringfellow, WR, Ole Miss
Minnesota Vikings
Tashawn Bower, DE, LSU
Dylan Bradley, DT, Southern Mississippi
Aviante Collins, OL, TCU
Nick Fett, T, Iowa State
Caleb Kidder, DE, Montana
Wes Lunt, QB, Illinois
Sam McCaskill, DE, Boise State
Terrell Newby, RB, Nebraska
Josiah Price, TE, Michigan State
Horace Richardson, CB, SMU
R.J. Shelton, WR, Michigan State
Shaan Washington, LB, Texas A&M
Eric Wilson, LB, Cincinnati
New England Patriots
Josh Augusta, DT, Missouri
Adam Butler, DT, Vanderbilt
Austin Carr, WR, Northwestern
Cole Croston, OL, Iowa
LeShun Daniels Jr., RB, Iowa
Brooks Ellis, LB, Arkansas
Cody Hollister, WR, Arkansas
Jacob Hollister, TE, Wyoming
Andrew Jelks, OT, Vanderbilt
David Jones, DB, Richmond
D.J. Killings, CB, Central Florida
Jason King, OL, Purdue
Harvey Langi, LB, BYU
Kenny Moore, CB, Valdosta State
Max Rich, OL, Harvard
Dwayne Thomas, DB, LSU
Jason Thompson, S, Utah
Damarius Travis, S, Minnesota
Corey Vereen, DE, Tennessee
New Orleans Saints
Collin Buchanan, OL, Miami (Ohio)
Chase Dominguez, LS, Utah
Travin Dural, WR, LSU
Ahmad Fulwood, WR, Florida
Andrew Lauderdale, OT, New Hampshire
Devaroe Lawrence, DT, Auburn
Cameron Lee, G, Illinois State
Arthur Maulet, CB, Memphis
John Robinson-Woodgett, FB, UMass
Sae Tautu, LB, BYU
Cameron Tom, C, Southern Miss
Clint Van Horn, OL, Marshall
New York Giants
Josh Banks, DT, Wake Forest
Armando Bonheur, OL, Samford
Romond Deloatch, TE, Temple
Jessamen Dunker, OL, Tennessee State
Sam Ekwonike, OL, Coastal Carolina
Jadar Johnson, S, Clemson
Keeon Johnson, WR, Virginia
Jarron Jones, DL, Notre Dame
Calvin Munson, LB, San Diego State
Travis Rudolph, WR, Florida State
Evan Schwan, DE, Penn State
Shane Smith, FB, San Jose State
Colin Thompson, TE, Temple
Nigel Tribune, CB, Iowa State
Chad Wheeler, OT, USC
Robert Wheelwright, WR, Wisconsin
Jalen Williams, WR, UMass
New York Jets
Chris Bordelon, OL, Nicholls State
Benjamin Braden, OL, Michigan
Austin Calitro, LB, Villanova
Xavier Coleman, CB, Portland State
Brisly Estime, WR, Syracuse
Anthony Firkser, FB, Harvard
Patrick Gamble, DT, Georgia Tech
Connor Harris, LB, Lindenwood
Javarius Leamon, OT, South Carolina State
Gabe Marks, WR, Washington State
Oakland Raiders
Breon Borders, CB, Duke
Paul Boyette Jr., DT, Texas
Chauncey Briggs, OT, SMU
Fadol Brown, DE, Ole Miss
Pharaoh Brown, TE, Oregon
Chris Casher, DL, Faulkner University
Anthony Cioffi, S, Rutgers
Najee Harris, LB, Wagner College
Keon Hatcher, WR, Arkansas
Chris Humes, CB, Arkansas State
Rickey Jefferson, DB, LSU
Anthony Kukwa, LS, Erie State
LaTroy Lewis, DE, Tennessee
Nicholas Morrow, S, Greenville
Jordan Simmons, OL, USC
Ahmad Thomas, S, Oklahoma
Jordan Wade, DT, Oklahoma
Isaac Whitney, WR, USC
Xavier Woodson-Luster, LB, Arkansas State
Ishmael Zamora, WR, Baylor
Philadelphia Eagles
Corey Clement, RB, Wisconsin
Winston Craig, DL, Richmond
Jerod Evans, QB, Virginia Tech
Randall Goforth, CB, UCLA
Cameron Johnston, P, Ohio State
Tyler Orlosky, C, West Virginia
Tre’ Sullivan, S, Shepherd
Charles Walker, DT, Oklahoma
Greg Ward, QB/WR, Houston
Jomal Wiltz, CB, Iowa State
Pittsburgh Steelers
Nelson Adams, DT, Mississippi State
Christian Brown, DT, West Virginia
Ethan Cooper, G, Indiana-Pennsylvania
Francis Kallon, DE, Georgia Tech
Keith Kelsey, LB, Louisville
Scott Orndoff, TE, Pittsburgh
Nick Schuessler, QB, Clemson
Rushel Shell, RB, West Virginia
Terrish Webb, DB, Pittsburgh
San Francisco 49ers
Victor Bolden, WR, Oregon State
Kendrick Bourne, WR, Eastern Washington
Matthew Breida, RB, Georgia Southern
Chanceller James, S, Boise State
JP Flynn, OL, Montana State
Zach Franklin, CB, Washburn
Jimmie Gilbert, LB, Colorado
Malik Golden, S, Penn State
Evan Goodman, OL, Arizona State
Cole Hikutini, TE, Louisville
Lorenzo Jerome, S, Saint Francis
BJ Johnson III, WR, Georgia Southern
Erik Magnuson, OT, Michigan
Tyler McCloskey, FB, Houston
Nick Mullens, QB, Southern Miss
Richard Levy, OL, UConn
Donavin Newsom, LB, Missouri
Noble Nwachukwu, DL, West Virginia
Bret Treadway, OL, Lamar
Darrell Williams, OT, Western Kentucky
Seattle Seahawks
Algernon Brown, FB/RB, BYU
Tony Bridges, S, Ole Miss
John Gibson, CB, Missouri
Skyler Howard, QB, West Virginia
Otha Peters, LB, Louisiana Lafayette
Hayden Plinke, TE, UTEP
Darreus Rogers, WR, USC
Jordan Roos, G, Purdue
Calvin Steyn, OL, Weber State
Tyrone Swoopes, TE, Texas
Nick Usher, OLB, UTEP
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Anthony Auclair, TE, Laval
Deondre Barnett, DE, Southern Illinois
Richie Brown, LB, Mississippi State
Riley Bullough, LB, Michigan State
Maurice Fleming, CB, West Virginia
Cole Gardner, OT, Eastern Michigan
Alex Gray, S, Appalachian State
Korren Kirven, OT, Alabama
Sefo Liufau, QB, Colorado
Paul Magloire, S, Arizona
Jonathan Moxey, CB, Boise State
Evan Panfil, DE, Purdue
Thomas Sperbeck, WR, Boise State
Bobo Wilson, WR, Florida State
Tennessee Titans
DeAngelo Brown, DT, Louisville
Bra’lon Cherry, WR, NC State
Tyler Ferguson, QB, Western Kentucky
Kody Kohl, TE, Arizona State
KeVonn Mabon, WR, Ball State
Jonah Pirsig, OT, Minnesota
Brandon Banks, DL, Charlotte
Tyler Catalina, OT, Georgia
Levern Jacobs, WR, Maryland
Kyle Kalis, OL, Michigan
Zach Pascal, RB, Old Dominion
Ondre Pipkins, DT, Texas Tech
James Quick, WR, Louisville
Fish Smithson, S, Kansas
0 notes
junker-town · 8 years ago
Undrafted free agent signings 2017: Every team’s pickups in one place
Is the next Tony Romo waiting in this year’s crop of undrafted players?
The 2017 NFL Draft may be over, but that doesn’t mean teams are done adding important contributors for the upcoming season. Scores of NCAA athletes will start the next chapters of their football careers by signing as undrafted free agents this week.
The class of 2017 could also produce some memorable contributors. College standouts like Jarron Jones and Hardy Nickerson Jr. should all draw plenty of interest this spring. Though they’ll face long odds to make an NFL roster, the path they’ll walk is far from uncharted territory.
There’s a laundry list of players who have emerged from the embers of the draft to make a major impact in the NFL. All-Pros like Wes Welker, Priest Holmes, Kurt Warner, Antonio Gates, John Randle, James Harrison, Jessie Tuggle, and Tony Romo all took the long way to the league. They turned out to be unexpected boons who didn’t cost a cent in draft currency.
We’ll have a complete list of undrafted free agent signings as they come in.
Arizona Cardinals
Carlton Agudosi, WR, Rutgers
Collin Bevins, DT, Northwest Missouri State
Lucas Crowley, C, UNC
Ironhead Gallon, LB, Georgia Southern
Gump Hayes, DB, Arizona State
Krishawn Hogan, WR, Marian
Drico Johnson, S, Central Florida
Tre'Von Johnson, OLB, Weber State
Trevor Knight, QB, Texas A&M
Ryan Lewis, CB, Pittsburgh
Jonathan McLaughlin, OT Virginia Tech
Cyril Noland-Lewis, S, Louisiana Tech
Ricky Seals-Jones, WR, Texas A&M
Sojourn Shelton, CB, Wisconsin
James Summers, RB, East Carolina
Pasoni Tasini, DL, Utah
Steven Wroblewski, TE, Southern Utah
Atlanta Falcons
Travis Averill, OL, Boise State
Marcelis Branch, DB, Robert Morris
Daniel Brunskill, OL, San Diego State
Deante Burton, WR, Kansas State
Reginald Davis III, WR, Texas Tech
Darius English, DL, South Carolina
Wil Freeman, OL, Southern Miss
Jermaine Grace, LB, Miami (Fla.)
Jarnor Jones, CB, Iowa State
JT Jones, DE, Miami (Ohio)
Cam Keizur, C, Portland State
Andreas Knappe, OT, Connecticut
Robert Leff, OT, Auburn
Josh Magee, WR, South Alabama
Quincy Mauger, S, Georgia
Chris Odom, DE, Arkansas State
Tyler Renew, FB, Citadel
Taylor Reynolds, CB, James Madison
Christian Tago, LB, San Jose State
Gary Thompson, DE, Marshall
Alek Torgersen, QB, Pennsylvania
Deron Washington, S, Pittsburg St.
Baltimore Ravens
Quincy Adeboyejo, WR, Ole Miss
Kenny Allen, P, Michigan
C.J. Board, WR, Tennessee Chattanooga
Bam Bradley, LB, Pitt
Omarius Bryant, DT, Western Kentucky
Carlos Davis, CB, Ole Miss
Daniel Henry, S, New Mexico
Brandon Kublanow, OL, Georgia
Taquan Mizzell, RB, Virginia
Ricky Ortiz, FB, Oklahoma State
Tim Patrick, WR, Utah
Donald Payne, LB, Stetson
Patrick Ricard, DE, Maine
Maurquice Shakir, OL, Middle Tennessee State
Zach Terrell, QB, Western Michigan
Tim White, WR, Arizona State
Buffalo Bills
Jason Croom, TE, Tennessee
Jordan Johnson, RB, Buffalo
Marquavius Lewis, DE, South Carolina
Greg Pyke, OT, Georgia
Austin Rehkow, P, Idaho
Brandon Reilly, WR, Nebraska
B.T. Sanders, DB, Nicholls State
Marcus Sayles, CB, West Georgia
Daikiel Shorts, WR, West Virginia
Keith Towbridge, TE, Louisville
Jeremy Tyler, S, West Virginia
Zach Voytek, OL, New Haven
Nigel Williams, DT, Virginia Tech
Carolina Panthers
Alex Bazzie, LB, Marshall
Ben Boulware, LB, Clemson
Bryan Cox, Jr., DE, Florida
Austin Duke, WR, Charlotte
Kyle Kragen, LB, California
Cole Luke, CB, Notre Dame
Gabriel Mass, DT, Lane College
Fred Ross, WR, Mississippi State
Chicago Bears
Joel Bouganon, RB, Northern Illinois
Rashaad Coward, DT, Old Dominion
Tanner Gentry, WR, Wyoming
Franko House, basketball forward, Ball State
Dieugot Joseph, OT, Florida International
Mitchell Kirsch, OL, James Madison
Andy Phillips, K, Utah
Jhajuan Seales, WR, Oklahoma State
Freddie Stevenson, FB, Florida State
Kermit Whitfield, WR, Florida State
Cincinnati Bengals
Brandon Bell, LB, Penn State
Cethan Carter, TE, Nebraska
Demetrious Cox, S, Michigan State
Karel Hamilton, WR, Samford
Darrin Laufasa, FB, UTEP
Landon Lechler, OT, North Dakota State
Monty Madaris, WR, Michigan State
Hardy Nickerson Jr., LB, Illinois
Kent Perkins, OL, Texas
Dustin Stanton, OL, Oregon State
Josh Tupou, DT, Colorado
Jarveon Williams, RB, UTSA
Stanley “Boom” Williams, RB, Kentucky
Cleveland Browns
B.J. Bello, LB, Illinois State
Josh Boutte, OL, LSU
Ladell Fleming, DE, Northern Illinois
J.D. Harmon, DB, Kentucky
Alvin Hill, CB, Maryland
Jamal Marcus, DE, Akron
Taylor McNamara, TE, USC
Kai Nacua, S, BYU
Kenneth Olugbode, LB, Colorado
Karter Schult, DE, Northern Iowa
Channing Stribling, CB, Michigan
Dallas Cowboys
Austin Appleby, QB, Florida
Woody Baron, DT, Virginia Tech
Brian Brown, WR, Richmond
Michael Coe, C, North Dakota
Kennan Gilchrist, LB, Appalachian State
Blake Jarwin, TE, Oklahoma State
Joseph Jones, LB, Northwestern
Levon Myers, OT, Northern Illinois
Lewis Neal, DL, LSU
Cooper Rush, QB, Central Michigan
Dan Skipper, OT, Arkansas
Nate Theaker, OT, Wayne State
Jahad Thomas, RB, Temple
Lucas Wacha, LB, Wyoming
Denver Broncos
Erik Austell, OL, Charleston Southern
Josh Banderas, LB, Nebraska
Jamal Carter, S, Miami
Ken Ekanem, DE, Virginia Tech
Jerrol Garcia-Williams, LB, Hawaii
Deon Hollins, OLB, UCLA
Cameron Hunt, OT, Oregon
Tyrique Jarrett, DT, Pittsburgh
Anthony Nash, WR, Duke
Marcus Rios, CB, UCLA
Kyle Sloter, QB, Northern Colorado
Shakir Soto, DE, Pittsburgh
Orion Stewart, DB, Baylor
Dymonte Thomas, S, Michigan
Detroit Lions
Brandon Barnes, TE, Alabama State
Alex Barrett, DE, San Diego State
Dontez Ford, WR, Pitt
Tion Green, RB, Cincinnati
De’Quan Hampton, WR, USC
Nick James, DT, Mississippi State
Leo Koloamatangi, OL, Hawaii
Des Lawrence, CB, UNC
Michael Rector, WR, Stanford
Maurice Swain, DT, Auburn
Noel Thomas, WR, Connecticut
Josh Thornton, CB, Southern Utah
Robert Tonyan, TE, Indiana State
Jeremiah Valoaga, DE, UNLV
Green Bay Packers
Donatello Brown, CB, Valdosta State
Johnathan Calvin, LB, Mississippi State
Michael Clark, WR, Marshall
Montay Crockett, WR, Georgia State
Thomas Evans, OL, Richmond
Geoff Gray, OL, Manitoba
Cody Heiman, LB, Washburn
Taysom Hill, QB, BYU
Izaah Lunsford, DT, Bowling Green
Adam Pankey, OL, West Virginia
Aaron Peck, WR, Fresno State
Kalif Phillips, RB, Charlotte
Lenzy Pipkins, CB, Oklahoma State
David Rivers III, CB, Youngstown State
Justin Vogel, P, Miami
Houston Texans
Eli Ankou, DT, UCLA
Evan Baylis, TE, Oregon
Dimitric Camiel, OT, Indiana
Dylan Cole, LB, Missouri State
Zach Conque, TE, Stephen F. Austin
T.J. Daniel, DE, Oregon
Matt Godin, LB, Michigan
Deante’ Gray, WR, TCU
Malik Foreman, CB, Tennessee
Justin Hardee, WR, Illinois
Rickey Hatley, DT, Missouri
Shaq Hill, WR, Eastern Washington
Riley McCarron, WR, Iowa
Tevon Mutcherson, CB, Central Florida
Dare Ogunbowale, RB, Wisconsin
Dayon Pratt, LB, East Carolina
Gimel President, DL, Illinois
Daniel Ross, DL, Northeast Mississippi
Joe Scelfo, OL, NC State
Jake Simonich, OL, Utah State
Malik Smith, CB, San Diego State
Dee Virgin, CB, West Alabama
Avery Williams, LB, Temple
Indianapolis Colts
Deyshawn Bond, OL, Cincinnati
Dalton Crossan, RB, New Hampshire
Darrell Daniels, TE, Washington
Trey Griffey, WR, Arizona
Thomas Hennessy, LS, Duke
Bug Howard, WR, North Carolina
Colin Jeter, TE, LSU
Jerome Lane, WR, Akron
Chris Lyles, DB, Mississippi College
Chris Muller, OL, Rutgers
JoJo Natson, WR, Akron
Reggie Porter, CB, Utah
Brandon Radcliff, RB, Louisville
Rigoberto Sanchez, K/P, Hawaii
Garrett Sickels, DE, Penn State
Jhaustin Thomas, DE, Iowa State
Jerry Ugokwe, OL, William & Mary
Phillip Walker, QB, Temple
Jacksonville Jaguars
Caleb Bluiett, TE, Texas
Keelan Cole, WR, Kentucky Wesleyan
Parker Collins, OL, Appalachian State
Tim Cook, RB, Oregon State
Jeremy Cutrer, CB, Middle Tennessee State
P.J. Davis, LB, Georgia Tech
Hunter Dimick, DE, Utah
Amba Etta-Tawo, WR, Syracuse
Avery Gennesy, OT, Texas A&M
Justin Horton, OLB, Jacksonville
Tueni Lupeamanu, DL, Idaho
I’Tavius Mathers, RB, Middle Tennessee State
Charlie Miller, S, Dartmouth
Carroll Phillips, DE/LB, Illinois
Ezra Robinson, CB, Tennessee State
Kenny Walker, WR, UCLA
Kansas City Chiefs
Corin Brooks, OL, UTPB
Devin Chappell, S, Oregon State
Gehrig Dieter, WR, Alabama
Anas Hasic, WR, West Florida
Wyatt Houston, TE, Utah State
Marcus Kemp, WR, Hawaii
Ashton Lampkin, DB, Oklahoma State
Damien Mama, OG, USC
Alonzo Moore, WR, Nebraska
J.R. Nelson, CB, Montana
Jordan Sterns, S, Oklahoma State
Tony Stevens, WR, Auburn
Los Angeles Chargers
Sean Culkin, TE, Missouri
Michael Davis, CB, BYU
Dillon DeBoer, C, Florida Atlantic
Austin Ekeler, RB, Western State
Nigel Harris, LB, South Florida
Eli Jenkins, QB, Jacksonville State
Younghoe Koo, K, Georgia Southern
Mike Moore, LB, Kansas State
James Onwualu, LB, Notre Dame
Andre Patton, WR, Rutgers
Artavis Scott, WR, Clemson
Brandon Stewart, CB, Kansas
Brad Watson, CB, Wake Forest
Dontre Wilson, RB, Ohio State
Mason Zandi, OT, South Carolina
Los Angeles Rams
Ishmael Adams, DB, UCLA
Jared Collins, DB, Arkansas
Kevin Davis, LB, Colorado State
Justin Davis, RB, USC
Jake Eldrenkramp, OL, Washington
Anthony McMeans, OL, New Mexico State
Johnny Mundt, TE, Oregon
Folarin Orimolade, OLB, Dartmouth
Aarion Penton, CB, Missouri
Casey Sayles, DE, Ohio
Dravious Wright, DB, NC State
Miami Dolphins
Chase Allen, LB, Southern Illinois
Matt Haack, P, Arizona State
Larry Hope, CB, Akron
Malcolm Lewis, WR, Miami
Cameron Malveaux, DE, Houston
Praise Martin-Oguike, DE, Temple
Torry McTyer, DB, UNLV
Drew Morgan, WR, Arkansas
Francis Owusu, WR, Stanford
Joby Saint Fleur, DE, Northwest Oklahoma State
De'Veon Smith, RB, Michigan
Eric Smith, OT, Virginia
Maurice Smith, DB, Georgia
Damore'ea Stringfellow, WR, Ole Miss
Minnesota Vikings
Tashawn Bower, DE, LSU
Dylan Bradley, DT, Southern Mississippi
Aviante Collins, OL, TCU
Nick Fett, T, Iowa State
Caleb Kidder, DE, Montana
Wes Lunt, QB, Illinois
Sam McCaskill, DE, Boise State
Terrell Newby, RB, Nebraska
Josiah Price, TE, Michigan State
Horace Richardson, CB, SMU
R.J. Shelton, WR, Michigan State
Shaan Washington, LB, Texas A&M
Eric Wilson, LB, Cincinnati
New England Patriots
Josh Augusta, DT, Missouri
Adam Butler, DT, Vanderbilt
Austin Carr, WR, Northwestern
Cole Croston, OL, Iowa
LeShun Daniels Jr., RB, Iowa
Brooks Ellis, LB, Arkansas
Cody Hollister, WR, Arkansas
Jacob Hollister, TE, Wyoming
Andrew Jelks, OT, Vanderbilt
David Jones, DB, Richmond
D.J. Killings, CB, Central Florida
Jason King, OL, Purdue
Harvey Langi, LB, BYU
Kenny Moore, CB, Valdosta State
Max Rich, OL, Harvard
Dwayne Thomas, DB, LSU
Jason Thompson, S, Utah
Damarius Travis, S, Minnesota
Corey Vereen, DE, Tennessee
New Orleans Saints
Collin Buchanan, OL, Miami (Ohio)
Chase Dominguez, LS, Utah
Travin Dural, WR, LSU
Ahmad Fulwood, WR, Florida
Andrew Lauderdale, OT, New Hampshire
Devaroe Lawrence, DT, Auburn
Cameron Lee, G, Illinois State
Arthur Maulet, CB, Memphis
John Robinson-Woodgett, FB, UMass
Sae Tautu, LB, BYU
Cameron Tom, C, Southern Miss
Clint Van Horn, OL, Marshall
New York Giants
Josh Banks, DT, Wake Forest
Armando Bonheur, OL, Samford
Romond Deloatch, TE, Temple
Jessamen Dunker, OL, Tennessee State
Sam Ekwonike, OL, Coastal Carolina
Jadar Johnson, S, Clemson
Keeon Johnson, WR, Virginia
Jarron Jones, DL, Notre Dame
Calvin Munson, LB, San Diego State
Travis Rudolph, WR, Florida State
Evan Schwan, DE, Penn State
Shane Smith, FB, San Jose State
Colin Thompson, TE, Temple
Nigel Tribune, CB, Iowa State
Chad Wheeler, OT, USC
Robert Wheelwright, WR, Wisconsin
Jalen Williams, WR, UMass
New York Jets
Chris Bordelon, OL, Nicholls State
Benjamin Braden, OL, Michigan
Austin Calitro, LB, Villanova
Xavier Coleman, CB, Portland State
Brisly Estime, WR, Syracuse
Anthony Firkser, FB, Harvard
Patrick Gamble, DT, Georgia Tech
Connor Harris, LB, Lindenwood
Javarius Leamon, OT, South Carolina State
Gabe Marks, WR, Washington State
Oakland Raiders
Breon Borders, CB, Duke
Paul Boyette Jr., DT, Texas
Chauncey Briggs, OT, SMU
Fadol Brown, DE, Ole Miss
Pharaoh Brown, TE, Oregon
Chris Casher, DL, Faulkner University
Anthony Cioffi, S, Rutgers
Najee Harris, LB, Wagner College
Keon Hatcher, WR, Arkansas
Chris Humes, CB, Arkansas State
Rickey Jefferson, DB, LSU
Anthony Kukwa, LS, Erie State
LaTroy Lewis, DE, Tennessee
Nicholas Morrow, S, Greenville
Jordan Simmons, OL, USC
Ahmad Thomas, S, Oklahoma
Jordan Wade, DT, Oklahoma
Isaac Whitney, WR, USC
Xavier Woodson-Luster, LB, Arkansas State
Ishmael Zamora, WR, Baylor
Philadelphia Eagles
Billy Brown, TE, Shepherd
Corey Clement, RB, Wisconsin
Winston Craig, DL, Richmond
Jerod Evans, QB, Virginia Tech
Randall Goforth, CB, UCLA
Cameron Johnston, P, Ohio State
Marcus Oliver, LB, Indiana
Tyler Orlosky, C, West Virginia
Tre’ Sullivan, S, Shepherd
Greg Ward, QB/WR, Houston
Jomal Wiltz, CB, Iowa State
Pittsburgh Steelers
Nelson Adams, DT, Mississippi State
Christian Brown, DT, West Virginia
Ethan Cooper, G, Indiana-Pennsylvania
Francis Kallon, DE, Georgia Tech
Keith Kelsey, LB, Louisville
Scott Orndoff, TE, Pittsburgh
Nick Schuessler, QB, Clemson
Rushel Shell, RB, West Virginia
Terrish Webb, DB, Pittsburgh
San Francisco 49ers
Victor Bolden, WR, Oregon State
Kendrick Bourne, WR, Eastern Washington
Matthew Breida, RB, Georgia Southern
JP Flynn, OL, Montana State
Zach Franklin, CB, Washburn
Jimmie Gilbert, LB, Colorado
Malik Golden, S, Penn State
Evan Goodman, OL, Arizona State
Cole Hikutini, TE, Louisville
Lorenzo Jerome, S, Saint Francis
Erik Magnuson, OT, Michigan
Tyler McCloskey, FB, Houston
Nick Mullens, QB, Southern Miss
Donavin Newsom, LB, Missouri
Noble Nwachukwu, DL, West Virginia
Bret Treadway, OL, Lamar
Darrell Williams, OT, Western Kentucky
Seattle Seahawks
Algernon Brown, FB/RB, BYU
Tony Bridges, S, Ole Miss
John Gibson, CB, Missouri
Skyler Howard, QB, West Virginia
Otha Peters, LB, Louisiana Lafayette
Hayden Plinke, TE, UTEP
Darreus Rogers, WR, USC
Jordan Roos, G, Purdue
Calvin Steyn, OL, Weber State
Tyrone Swoopes, TE, Texas
Nick Usher, OLB, UTEP
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Anthony Auclair, TE, Laval
Deondre Barnett, DE, Southern Illinois
Richie Brown, LB, Mississippi State
Riley Bullough, LB, Michigan State
Maurice Fleming, CB, West Virginia
Cole Gardner, OT, Eastern Michigan
Alex Gray, S, Appalachian State
Korren Kirven, OT, Alabama
Sefo Liufau, QB, Colorado
Greg Mabin, CB, Iowa
Paul Magloire, S, Arizona
Jonathan Moxey, CB, Boise State
Thomas Sperbeck, WR, Boise State
Bobo Wilson, WR, Florida State
Tennessee Titans
DeAngelo Brown, DT, Louisville
Bra’lon Cherry, WR, NC State
Tyler Ferguson, QB, Western Kentucky
Kody Kohl, TE, Arizona State
KeVonn Mabon, WR, Ball State
Jonah Pirsig, OT, Minnesota
Brandon Banks, DL, Charlotte
Tyler Catalina, OT, Georgia
Levern Jacobs, WR, Maryland
Kyle Kalis, OL, Michigan
Zach Pascal, RB, Old Dominion
Ondre Pipkins, DT, Texas Tech
James Quick, WR, Louisville
Fish Smithson, S, Kansas
0 notes
junker-town · 8 years ago
Undrafted free agent signings 2017: Every team’s pickups in one place
Is the next Tony Romo waiting in this year’s crop of undrafted players?
The 2017 NFL Draft may be over, but that doesn’t mean teams are done adding important contributors for the upcoming season. Scores of NCAA athletes will start the next chapters of their football careers by signing as undrafted free agents this week.
The class of 2017 could also produce some memorable contributors. College standouts like Jarron Jones and Hardy Nickerson Jr. should all draw plenty of interest this spring. Though they’ll face long odds to make an NFL roster, the path they’ll walk is far from uncharted territory.
There’s a laundry list of players who have emerged from the embers of the draft to make a major impact in the NFL. All-Pros like Wes Welker, Priest Holmes, Kurt Warner, Antonio Gates, John Randle, James Harrison, Jessie Tuggle, and Tony Romo all took the long way to the league. They turned out to be unexpected boons who didn’t cost a cent in draft currency.
We’ll have a complete list of undrafted free agent signings as they come in.
Arizona Cardinals
Carlton Agudosi, WR, Rutgers
Collin Bevins, DT, Northwest Missouri State
Lucas Crowley, C, UNC
Ironhead Gallon, LB, Georgia Southern
Gump Hayes, DB, Arizona State
Krishawn Hogan, WR, Marian
Drico Johnson, S, Central Florida
Tre'Von Johnson, OLB, Weber State
Trevor Knight, QB, Texas A&M
Ryan Lewis, CB, Pittsburgh
Jonathan McLaughlin, OT Virginia Tech
Cyril Noland-Lewis, S, Louisiana Tech
Ricky Seals-Jones, WR, Texas A&M
Sojourn Shelton, CB, Wisconsin
James Summers, RB, East Carolina
Pasoni Tasini, DL, Utah
Steven Wroblewski, TE, Southern Utah
Atlanta Falcons
Travis Averill, OL, Boise State
Marcelis Branch, DB, Robert Morris
Daniel Brunskill, OL, San Diego State
Deante Burton, WR, Kansas State
Reginald Davis III, WR, Texas Tech
Darius English, DL, South Carolina
Wil Freeman, OL, Southern Miss
Jarnor Jones, CB, Iowa State
JT Jones, DE, Miami (Ohio)
Cam Keizur, C, Portland State
Andreas Knappe, OT, Connecticut
Robert Leff, OT, Auburn
Josh Magee, WR, South Alabama
Quincy Mauger, S, Georgia
Chris Odom, DE, Arkansas State
Tyler Renew, FB, Citadel
Taylor Reynolds, CB, James Madison
Christian Tago, LB, San Jose State
Gary Thompson, DE, Marshall
Alek Torgersen, QB, Pennsylvania
Deron Washington, S, Pittsburg St.
Baltimore Ravens
Quincy Adeboyejo, WR, Ole Miss
Kenny Allen, P, Michigan
C.J. Board, WR, Tennessee Chattanooga
Bam Bradley, LB, Pitt
Omarius Bryant, DT, Western Kentucky
Brandon Kublanow, OL, Georgia
Taquan Mizzell, RB, Virginia
Ricky Ortiz, FB, Oklahoma State
Tim Patrick, WR, Utah
Bobby Puyol, K, Connecticut
Zach Terrell, QB, Western Michigan
Tim White, WR, Arizona State
Andrew Wylie, OL, Eastern Michigan
Buffalo Bills
Jason Croom, TE, Tennessee
Jordan Johnson, RB, Buffalo
Marquavius Lewis, DE, South Carolina
Jac-Que Polite, OL, Wiston-Salem State
Greg Pyke, OT, Georgia
Brandon Reilly, WR, Nebraska
Austin Rekhow, P, Idaho
B.T. Sanders, DB, Nicholls State
Marcus Sayles, CB, West Georgia
Daikiel Shorts, WR, West Virginia
Keith Towbridge, TE, Louisville
Jeremy Tyler, S, West Virginia
Nigel Williams, DT, Virginia Tech
Carolina Panthers
Ben Boulware, LB, Clemson
Bryan Cox, Jr., DE, Florida
Austin Duke, WR, Charlotte
Cole Luke, CB, Notre Dame
Fred Ross, WR, Mississippi State
Chicago Bears
Joel Bouganon, RB, Northern Illinois
Rashaad Coward, DT, Old Dominion
Tanner Gentry, WR, Wyoming
Franko House, basketball forward, Ball State
Dieugot Joseph, OT, Florida International
Mitchell Kirsch, OL, James Madison
Andy Phillips, K, Utah
Jhajuan Seales, WR, Oklahoma State
Freddie Stevenson, FB, Florida State
Kermit Whitfield, WR, Florida State
Cincinnati Bengals
Brandon Bell, LB, Penn State
Harold Brantley, DL, Northwest Missouri State
Jason Carr, DL, West Georgia
Cethan Carter, TE, Nebraska
Demetrious Cox, S, Michigan State
Karel Hamilton, WR, Samford
Darrin Laufasa, FB, UTEP
Landon Lechler, OT, North Dakota State
Geno Lewis, WR, Oklahoma
Monty Madaris, WR, Michigan State
Torren McGaster, CB, Vanderbilt
Hardy Nickerson Jr., LB, Illinois
Tyler O'Connor, QB, Michigan State
Kent Perkins, OL, Texas
Corey Smith, WR, Ohio State
Dustin Stanton, OL, Oregon State
Josh Tupou, DT, Colorado
Jarveon Williams, RB, UTSA
Kevin Williams, DT, Michigan State
Stanley “Boom” Williams, RB, Kentucky
Cleveland Browns
B.J. Bello, LB, Illinois State
Josh Boutte, OL, LSU
Nate Cole, WR, Cincinnati
Ladell Fleming, DE, Northern Illinois
J.D. Harmon, DB, Kentucky
Alvin Hill, CB, Maryland
Jamal Marcus, DE, Akron
Ronnie Moore, WR, Bowling Green
Najee Murray, CB, Kent State
Kai Nacua, S, BYU
Kenneth Olugbode, LB, Colorado
Karter Schult, DE, Northern Iowa
Channing Stribling, CB, Michigan
Dallas Cowboys
Austin Appleby, QB, Florida
Woody Baron, DT, Virginia Tech
Brian Brown, WR, Richmond
Michael Coe, C, North Dakota
Kennan Gilchrist, LB, Appalachian State
Blake Jarwin, TE, Oklahoma State
Joseph Jones, LB, Northwestern
Levon Myers, OT, Northern Illinois
Lewis Neal, DL, LSU
Cooper Rush, QB, Central Michigan
Dan Skipper, OT, Arkansas
Nate Theaker, OT, Wayne State
Jahad Thomas, RB, Temple
Lucas Wacha, LB, Wyoming
Denver Broncos
Erik Austell, OL, Charleston Southern
Josh Banderas, LB, Nebraska
Jamal Carter, S, Miami
Ken Ekanem, DE, Virginia Tech
Jerrol Garcia-Williams, LB, Hawaii
Deon Hollins, OLB, UCLA
Cameron Hunt, OT, Oregon
Tyrique Jarrett, DT, Pittsburgh
Anthony Nash, WR, Duke
Marcus Rios, CB, UCLA
Kyle Sloter, QB, Northern Colorado
Shakir Soto, DE, Pittsburgh
Orion Stewart, DB, Baylor
Dymonte Thomas, S, Michigan
Detroit Lions
Brandon Barnes, TE, Alabama State
Alex Barrett, DE, San Diego State
Dontez Ford, WR, Pitt
Tion Green, RB, Cincinnati
De’Quan Hampton, WR, USC
Nick James, DT, Mississippi State
Leo Koloamatangi, OL, Hawaii
Des Lawrence, CB, UNC
Michael Rector, WR, Stanford
Maurice Swain, DT, Auburn
Noel Thomas, WR, Connecticut
Josh Thornton, CB, Southern Utah
Robert Tonyan, TE, Indiana State
Jeremiah Valoaga, DE, UNLV
Green Bay Packers
Imarjaye Albury, DT, Florida International
Donatello Brown, DB, Valdosta State
Johnathan Calvin, OLB, Mississippi State
Michael Clark, WR, Marshall
Montay Crockett, WR, Georgia State
Thomas Evans, OL, Richmond
Geoff Gray, OL, Manitoba
Cody Heiman, LB, Washburn
Taysom Hill, QB, BYU
Izaah Lunsford, DT, Bowling Green
Adam Pankey, OL, West Virginia
Aaron Peck, WR, Fresno State
Kalif Phillips, RB, Charlotte
Lenzy Pipkins, CB, Oklahoma State
David Rivers III, CB, Youngstown State
Christian Schneider, OL, UC-Davis
Justin Vogel, P, Miami
Houston Texans
Eli Ankou, DT, UCLA
Evan Baylis, TE, Oregon
Dimitric Camiel, OT, Indiana
Dylan Cole, LB, Missouri State
Zach Conque, TE, Stephen F. Austin
T.J. Daniel, DE, Oregon
Matt Godin, LB, Michigan
Deante’ Gray, WR, TCU
Malik Foreman, CB, Tennessee
Justin Hardee, WR, Illinois
Rickey Hatley, DT, Missouri
Shaq Hill, WR, Eastern Washington
Riley McCarron, WR, Iowa
Tevon Mutcherson, CB, Central Florida
Dare Ogunbowale, RB, Wisconsin
Dayon Pratt, LB, East Carolina
Gimel President, DL, Illinois
Daniel Ross, DL, Northeast Mississippi
Joe Scelfo, OL, NC State
Jake Simonich, OL, Utah State
Malik Smith, CB, San Diego State
Dee Virgin, CB, West Alabama
Avery Williams, LB, Temple
Indianapolis Colts
Deyshawn Bond, OL, Cincinnati
Dalton Crossan, RB, New Hampshire
Darrell Daniels, TE, Washington
D.J. Dowdy, TE, Cincinnati
Justin Gibbons, CB, Aurora
Trey Griffey, WR, Arizona
Thomas Hennessy, LS, Duke
Martez Hester, S, Ball State
Krishawn Hogan, WR, Marian
Bug Howard, WR, North Carolina
Colin Jeter, TE, LSU
Jerome Lane, WR, Akron
Chris Lyles, DB, Mississippi College
Chris Muller, OL, Rutgers
Reggie Porter, CB, Utah
Brandon Radcliff, RB, Louisville
Rigoberto Sanchez, K/P, Hawaii
Garrett Sickels, DE, Penn State
Jhaustin Thomas, DE, Iowa State
Jerry Ugokwe, OL, William & Mary
Phillip Walker, QB, Temple
Jacksonville Jaguars
Caleb Bluiett, TE, Texas
Keelan Cole, WR, Kentucky Wesleyan
Parker Collins, OL, Appalachian State
Tim Cook, RB, Oregon State
Jeremy Cutrer, CB, Middle Tennessee State
P.J. Davis, LB, Georgia Tech
Hunter Dimick, DE, Utah
Amba Etta-Tawo, WR, Syracuse
Avery Gennesy, OT, Texas A&M
Justin Horton, OLB, Jacksonville
Tueni Lupeamanu, DL, Idaho
I’Tavius Mathers, RB, Middle Tennessee State
Charlie Miller, S, Dartmouth
Carroll Phillips, DE/LB, Illinois
Ezra Robinson, CB, Tennessee State
Kenny Walker, WR, UCLA
Kansas City Chiefs
Ricky Ali’ifua, DE, Utah State
Corin Brooks, OL, UTPB
Devin Chappell, S, Oregon State
Gehrig Dieter, WR, Alabama
Trey Edmunds, RB, Maryland
Austin Gearing, DL, Miami (OH)
Anas Hasic, WR, West Florida
Wyatt Houston, TE, Utah State
Marcus Kemp, WR, Hawaii
Ashton Lampkin, DB, Oklahoma State
Damien Mama, OG, USC
Alonzo Moore, WR, Nebraska
J.R. Nelson, CB, Montana
Jordan Sterns, S, Oklahoma State
Tony Stevens, WR, Auburn
Los Angeles Chargers
Sean Culkin, TE, Missouri
Michael Davis, CB, BYU
Dillon DeBoer, C, Florida Atlantic
Austin Ekeler, RB, Western State
Nigel Harris, LB, South Florida
Eli Jenkins, QB, Jacksonville State
Younghoe Koo, K, Georgia Southern
Mike Moore, LB, Kansas State
James Onwualu, LB, Notre Dame
Andre Patton, WR, Rutgers
Artavis Scott, WR, Clemson
Brandon Stewart, CB, Kansas
Brad Watson, CB, Wake Forest
Dontre Wilson, RB, Ohio State
Mason Zandi, OT, South Carolina
Los Angeles Rams
Ishmael Adams, DB, UCLA
Jared Collins, DB, Arkansas
Kevin Davis, LB, Colorado State
Justin Davis, RB, USC
Jake Eldrenkramp, OL, Washington
Anthony McMeans, OL, New Mexico State
Johnny Mundt, TE, Oregon
Folarin Orimolade, OLB, Dartmouth
Aarion Penton, CB, Missouri
Casey Sayles, DE, Ohio
Dravious Wright, DB, NC State
Miami Dolphins
Chase Allen, LB, Southern Illinois
Matt Haack, P, Arizona State
Larry Hope, CB, Akron
Malcom Lewis, WR, Miami
Cameron Malveaux, DE, Houston
Praise Martin-Oguike, DE, Temple
Torry McTyer, DB, UNLV
Drew Morgan, WR, Arkansas
Francis Owusu, WR, Stanford
Joby Saint Fleur, DE, Northwest Oklahoma State
De'Veon Smith, RB, Michigan
Eric Smith, OT, Virginia
Maurice Smith, DB, Georgia
Damore'ea Stringfellow, WR, Ole Miss
Minnesota Vikings
Tashawn Bower, DE, LSU
Dylan Bradley, DT, Southern Mississippi
Aviante Collins, OL, TCU
Nick Fett, T, Iowa State
Caleb Kidder, DE, Montana
Wes Lunt, QB, Illinois
Sam McCaskill, DE, Boise State
Terrell Newby, RB, Nebraska
Josiah Price, TE, Michigan State
Horace Richardson, CB, SMU
R.J. Shelton, WR, Michigan State
Shaan Washington, LB, Texas A&M
Eric Wilson, LB, Cincinnati
New England Patriots
Josh Augusta, DT, Missouri
Adam Butler, DT, Vanderbilt
Austin Carr, WR, Northwestern
Cole Croston, OL, Iowa
LeShun Daniels Jr., RB, Iowa
D.J. Dean, CB, Arkansas
Cody Hollister, WR, Arkansas
Jacob Hollister, TE, Wyoming
David Jones, DB, Richmond
D.J. Killings, CB, Central Florida
Jason King, OL, Purdue
Harvey Langi, LB, BYU
Kenny Moore, CB, Valdosta State
Max Rich, OL, Harvard
Dwayne Thomas, DB, LSU
Jason Thompson, S, Utah
Damarius Travis, S, Minnesota
Corey Vereen, DE, Tennessee
New Orleans Saints
Collin Buchanan, OL, Miami (Ohio)
Chase Dominguez, LS, Utah
Travin Dural, WR, LSU
Ahmad Fulwood, WR, Florida
Andrew Lauderdale, OT, New Hampshire
Devaroe Lawrence, DT, Auburn
Cameron Lee, G, Illinois State
Arthur Maulet, CB, Memphis
John Robinson-Woodgett, FB, UMass
Sae Tautu, LB, BYU
Cameron Tom, C, Southern Miss
Clint Van Horn, OL, Marshall
New York Giants
Josh Banks, DT, Wake Forest
Armando Bonheur, OL, Samford
Romond Deloatch, TE, Temple
Jessamen Dunker, OL, Tennessee State
Sam Ekwonike, OL, Coastal Carolina
Jadar Johnson, S, Clemson
Keeon Johnson, WR, Virginia
Jarron Jones, DL, Notre Dame
Calvin Munson, LB, San Diego State
Travis Rudolph, WR, Florida State
Evan Schwan, DE, Penn State
Shane Smith, FB, San Jose State
Colin Thompson, TE, Temple
Nigel Tribune, CB, Iowa State
Chad Wheeler, OT, USC
Robert Wheelwright, WR, Wisconsin
Jalen Williams, WR, UMass
New York Jets
Austin Calitro, LB, Villanova
Xavier Coleman, CB, Portland State
Jareid Combs, DE, North Texas
Brisly Estime, WR, Syracuse
Dane Evans, QB, Tulsa
Anthony Firsker, FB, Harvard
Patrick Gamble, DT, Georgia Tech
Connor Harris, LB, Lindenwood
Anthony Jennings, QB, Louisiana-Lafayette
Gabe Marks, WR, Washington State
Oakland Raiders
Breon Borders, CB, Duke
Paul Boyette Jr., DT, Texas
Fadol Brown, DE, Ole Miss
Pharaoh Brown, TE, Oregon
Anthony Cioffi, S, Rutgers
Keon Hatcher, WR, Arkansas
Rickey Jefferson, DB, LSU
Anthony Kukwa, LS, Erie State
Nicholas Morrow, S, Greenville
Ryan Navarro, LS, Oregon State
Jordan Simmons, OL, USC
Ahmad Thomas, S, Oklahoma
Jordan Wade, DT, Oklahoma
Isaac Whitney, WR, USC
Dan Williams, WR, Jackson State
Ishmael Zamora, WR, Baylor
Philadelphia Eagles
Billy Brown, TE, Shepherd
Corey Clement, RB, Wisconsin
Winston Craig, DL, Richmond
Jerod Evans, QB, Virginia Tech
Randall Goforth, CB, UCLA
Cameron Johnston, P, Ohio State
Marcus Oliver, LB, Indiana
Tyler Orlosky, C, West Virginia
Tre’ Sullivan, S, Shepherd
Greg Ward, QB/WR, Houston
Jomal Wiltz, CB, Iowa State
Pittsburgh Steelers
Nelson Adams, DT, Mississippi State
Christian Brown, DT, West Virginia
Ethan Cooper, G, Indiana-Pennsylvania
Francis Kallon, DE, Georgia Tech
Keith Kelsey, LB, Louisville
Scott Orndoff, TE, Pittsburgh
Nick Schuessler, QB, Clemson
Rushel Shell, RB, West Virginia
Terrish Webb, DB, Pittsburgh
San Francisco 49ers
Victor Bolden, WR, Oregon State
Kendrick Bourne, WR, Eastern Washington
Matthew Breida, RB, Georgia Southern
KD Cannon, WR, Baylor
JP Flynn, OL, Montana State
Malik Golden, S, Penn State
Jimmie Gilbert, LB, Colorado
Cole Hikutini, TE, Louisville
Lorenzo Jerome, S, Saint Francis
Erik Magnuson, OT, Michigan
Nick Mullens, QB, Southern Miss
Donavin Newsom, LB, Missouri
Jihaad Pretlow, DB, Fordham
Darrell Williams, OT, Western Kentucky
Seattle Seahawks
Algernon Brown, FB/RB, BYU
Tony Bridges, S, Ole Miss
John Gibson, CB, Missouri
Skyler Howard, QB, West Virginia
Otha Peters, LB, Louisiana Lafayette
Hayden Plinke, TE, UTEP
Darreus Rogers, WR, USC
Jordan Roos, G, Purdue
Calvin Steyn, OL, Weber State
Tyrone Swoopes, TE, Texas
Nick Usher, OLB, UTEP
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Anthony Auclair, TE, Laval
Deondre Barnett, DE, Southern Illinois
Richie Brown, LB, Mississippi State
Riley Bullough, LB, Michigan State
Maurice Fleming, CB, West Virginia
Cole Gardner, OT, Eastern Michigan
Alex Gray, S, Appalachian State
Korren Kirven, OT, Alabama
Sefo Liufau, QB, Colorado
Greg Mabin, CB, Iowa
Paul Magloire, S, Arizona
Jonathan Moxey, CB, Boise State
Thomas Sperbeck, WR, Boise State
Bobo Wilson, WR, Florida State
Tennessee Titans
DeAngelo Brown, DT, Louisville
Bra’lon Cherry, WR, NC State
Tyler Ferguson, QB, Western Kentucky
Kody Kohl, TE, Arizona State
KeVonn Mabon, WR, Ball State
Jonah Pirsig, OT, Minnesota
Brandon Banks, DL, Charlotte
Tyler Catalina, OT, Georgia
Levern Jacobs, WR, Maryland
Kyle Kalis, OL, Michigan
Zach Pascal, RB, Old Dominion
Ondre Pipkins, DT, Texas Tech
James Quick, WR, Louisville
Fish Smithson, S, Kansas
0 notes