#c: davey
carinaserafina · 1 year
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closed starter // @nearcataclysm​
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“I know I said we’d take Lottie to the aquarium today, but what if we just stay in bed, instead?” Carina grumbles, rolling onto her side to face Davey. Her bed is warm, comfy, and has an absurdly handsome man in it. Why would she ever want to get out of it? Charlotte is with Levi until lunchtime, but it’s already 10am, and they need to get ready. Eyes fluttering open, she leans in and kisses Davey. “Do you want coffee?” Carina asks, arms stretching above her head as she yawns. They should’ve slept earlier, but... there were more exciting things to do.
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pigeonwit · 6 months
you all need to stop forcing the newsies into nuclear family dynamics please im begging you
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give me Javey prompts
(fluff or angst only pls)
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daringsunflowers · 1 year
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as the two walked into their apartment she sighed. "don't.. please dont ruin what happened with talking like that." the female told him. they had just hooked up in the bar bathroom and here he was telling her to leave her boyfriend. it really would have been the only right thing to do. "what we have going here is.. decent.. it works." she pointed out. it was far from decent. the two spent more time in each others arms than she had with her own boyfriend.. not to mention he was constantly reminding herself why she had left him to start with. "look i'm not holding the cheating against you.. i get it.. it was a stupid mistake and it happened.." she explained. "i just dont know if i can allow myself to uh- i don't know.. just forget it gio, it is a bad idea.."
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t3tr0m1n0 · 5 months
i can't pretend i'm immune to coming away from a story with One Dude who's very particularly special to me but at the very least there's like 85% odds that he ends up transfemme in my brain
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dreadfutures · 6 months
I miss Santa Barbara
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agentravensong · 2 years
hey, so, ya know how i made multiple posts about movement versus stagnation as themes in tsp and the beginner's guide?
well i was just going back through my beginner's guide reference material doc, which led me to check back in on this site wreden briefly used (archive link cause it's currently private), and because there's no way to link to just an individual post, i had to scroll through them all for the quote i was looking for, and then
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cake-bread · 11 months
Did you guys go to uni? If so what'd you major in?
Yes - I went to USC Cinematic Arts and was in Film Major. Coda went to the same university but didn't finish it.
(shina: actual Davey went to that uni jusush)
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That awkward moment when your art and entertainment producing “celeb” crushes start to get closer and closer to you in age until eventually you are either a.) the same age as one of them, b.) none of them are considered too old for you by societal standards anymore or c.) worst of all, you are at least a year or more older than one of them.
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purgatopia · 9 months
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((Davey tags))
davey vis; oceanic brute
davey aes; on the sea floor
davey abt; divers beware
davey c; manmade marine biology
davey ic; terror of the reef
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heirtothetrib · 10 months
"It's chilly tonight. Mind if we snuggle up for some warmth?"davey
"Come here," Darcy said, opening his arms up to Davey on the sofa. Despite his family's stature, his flat isn't too much. A bedroom and a living area mostly. But he does have heat and indoor plumbing, and he's always more than happy to share that with Davey and the other newsies if it can help them out for a while. Davey has been spending more time lately, and Darcy couldn't be any happier with the arrangement. "Keep you nice and warm. You want I can make us some tea?"
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carinaserafina · 1 year
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closed starter // @nearcataclysm​
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“Davey, will you pay attention to your hands on my boobs? Dios mío, you’re hopeless!” Carina’s relationship with Davey is strange to say the least. He’s obsessed with doom and death, she’s bright and optimistic. Somehow, they still manage to work, though. Sighing, she snaps her fingers at him to get his attention. “What are you thinking about this time? If you say my death date again, I’m going to knee you in the crotch.”
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fractured-hq · 1 year
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Birthday: 1957-1962
Blood Status: Up to player
Gender & Pronouns: Up to player
Occupation: Up to player
Sided with: Neutral
Faceclaim: Up to player
School: Up to player
House: Up to player.
Extra curricular: Up to player.
Quidditch: Add position and years.
Up to player
Up to player
Up to player
Up to player
Things to consider:
Gudgeon nearly lost his eye trying to get close enough to the Whomping Willow to touch its trunk as part of a game. Ever since the incident, students were forbidden to go near the tree for their own safety.
Davey is currently OPEN and played by PLAYER.
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28dayslater · 2 years
We need more erotic thrillers and psychosexual drama in contemporary film I can’t keep going back to the nineties every time
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daringsunflowers · 2 years
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“i am way too sober for this...” davey admitted. “please tell me that isnt your date. are you being serious?” she shook her head pushing the beer back up to her lips. “if you were trying to make me jealous you really failed here.. if anything i feel sorry for you.”
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sunflowerbindery · 2 months
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here is my very first binding project: Fire Lily, by @weirdfairytales!! this was a birthday present for my girlfriend, and even though i'd never read a bakudeku fic before, i tore through this one in a little under 5 days because of how GOOD it was LMAO
because this was my first binding experience, i made a lot of mistakes, but i'm excited to continue binding so i can learn more and get better c:
more info about this bind under the cut:
cover and chapter title fonts: EFCO Brookshire, Cerebri body font: Gentium Book Basic cover material: 0.5mm chipboard (spine), 2mm davey board (front/back covers), book cloth, white HTV, orange foil HTV
typeset in microsoft word, cover designs done in canva
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