#marauders au rp
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morganablack · 8 months ago
I have a wolfstar and jegulus AU idea so hear me out
One day Sirius and Regulus get into this huge fight at Hogwards and it goes like “You aren’t my brother anymore, I hate you” etc
And Regulus gets so mad he finds a time turner to go back in time to make Sirius a slytherin so they can be brothers
Anyway I need to work more on the introduction, but here comes the angst
Regulus manages to make Sirius a slytherin so he goes back to his timeline only tho find that Sirius became a bully, a villain, wearing the dark mark proudly and basically torturing students left and right
James tries to stand up to him, but Sirius humiliates him (cut horrified Regulus because he just can’t see a world where Sirius and James aren’t best friends)
Remus is a ravenclaw and struggles alone with his lycanthropy, being bullied by Sirius, with no friends whatsoever ( cut scene where Regulus find Remus in the astronomy tower after Sirius threw a horrible prank on him, only for Remus to be sobbing about how alone and tired he was
“I’m so tired, Black, I have no one! Do you know how it’s like all your life being afraid that someone will find out about your secret and you will be put down like a dog? DO YOU?! I’M NOT BRAVE BLACK, I NEVER HAVE BEEN BRAVE A DAY IN MY LIFE!” Remus sobbed, hugging himself like he would break apart at any second.
Maybe he was already broken.
Silent tears streamed down Regulus’ cheeks.
He took away Remus’ star, leaving him alone in darkness. )
You get the idea anyway
And the jegulus part comes with Regulus trying to convince James to help him because he lost the time turner and he needs to go back in time to fix what he’s done
Feel free to add any suggestions, this is literally the raw scenario that I came up with
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moonyand-co · 2 months ago
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James: What… sort of questions…?
???: you’ll see ;)
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joinmors · 2 months ago
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𝘪 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯 , 𝘪 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦 , 𝘪 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩    .   .   .
MORSFM   is   an   appless   ,   highly   au   marauders   era   group   set   in   1980   .   the   plot   revolves   around   the   discovery   of   an   ancient   artifact   ,   the obscura   ,   that   has   the   power   to   turn   the   tide   of   the   war   .    available   canons   include    mary   macdonald   ,   dorcas   meadowes   ,   rabastan   lestrange   ,   rodolphus   lestrange   ,   sybill   trelawney , molly weasley , fabian prewett   &   barty   crouch   jr , among many others  ! we   have   been   open   almost   a   month   and   would   warmly   welcome   new   members   .
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thatgirlastoria · 5 months ago
I've been waiting for you to make a Tumblr!!! You my love, are divine. You don't need some asshat like Draco. You only need me.
-A Ravenclaw.
i've had this app for literally 5 minutes. i will say, i love the compliments, thank you. as for insulting draco... let's see his thoughts?
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bookboymoony · 2 years ago
Marauders era RP server!! There's also out of character stuff to do, but still. This server was made to write a modern AU fanfic, and the author will be taking inspiration from it. Feel free to join!! :)
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fractured-hqpromo · 2 years ago
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The Order and the Marauders are in search of Sirius Black!
Fractured is an AU Marauders era rp set in the year 1982. There is no prophecy, therefore, Voldemort remains alive and the war continues to divide wizarding kind.
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fractured-hq · 2 years ago
Hello tag lurkers!
We have a few open spots and we would love some Death Eaters to fill them! We are posting a few missing skeletons to see if anyone catches anyone’s eyes, but we are always looking for new players. 
At the moment we are really low on Voldemort followers, and would love some, but if anyone else sparks your muse please don’t doubt to apply!
–Admin Chessi
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damocles-rp · 3 days ago
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IN THE EARLY MONTHS OF 2024 a darkness is settling into the bones of the wixen world. Malignant and terrifying, dread fills hearts and minds but none can pinpoint a direct reason, something just feels off. a new divine threat* gathers in the distance. rumbling thunder and the crack of lightning give way to a storm heavy with magic, mystery and mayhem! Magic has begun to bleed into the muggle world, little by little, drop by drop . . . Will the right wix notice in time to keep the two worlds separate and safe or will the wrong wix prevail in their thinking that it's about time their worlds collide? The world is being thrust into chaos, is there truly a paradise waiting in the future of magical cooperation and peace in both worlds? Or is this the beginning of a new war on the horizon?
DAMOCLES HQ is an AU MODERN MARAUDERS ERA HARRY POTTER RP that is fully on discord where we plan to explore mature themes with a focus on plot and character development. Join us, if you dare!
MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: Marlene McKinnon, Alastor Moody, Molly Prewett, Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Kinglsey Shacklebolt..also accepting OC's!
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ervspromo · 5 months ago
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ervsfm is an inclusive marauders era & golden trio set in the modern day. will follow the death eaters and order of phoenix and those whom are neutral on the internal fight and ever looming presence of lord voldemort regaining his strength, tensions growing between friends and foes. the group will rely on plot-drops, events and tasks to move the story along.
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main ϟ plot ϟ navigation ϟ taken fcs ϟ characters
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speaksoftlyrp · 10 months ago
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The True Heir Rumors of another heir to Slytherin have been circling London, with many once Death Eaters interested in seeking out this individual — could it be their Lord, returned? There is No War in London The Ministry seems intent to erase all traces of the wizarding war. The pardons were the first round of measures. Shortly after, taboos were introduced on the names "Lord Voldemort" and "Albus Dumbledore". Witch Watchers seem alert for any sign of dissent. Blindspots A rumor has arisen in the wake of a recent (though largely kept under wraps by the Ministry) rash of disappearances. Several seers, from those in prominent positions to those on the wrong side of the law, have vanished, seemingly without a trace. What could this mean? Where could they be?
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morganablack · 2 years ago
Imagine an AU were Sirius is a vampire and Remus is a werewolf and they can’t be together cause their families won’t allow it.
It can be either smth cute like femboy teenager Sirius being a cutie and teenager Remus being an awkward kinda emo boy.
Remus giving Sirius black roses
Sirius giving Remus a dog collar
Both being 🙄 when they see the gifts
It can be dark with Sirius being the first vampire or some shit, all powerful and brooding and Remus being a henchman for Greyback, leader of the strongest pack in England.
Dark!Sirius that loves to kill people for fun and Morally Grey!Remus that doesn’t rlly care about others, but he does about Sirius. They would be such a power couple, I’m giggling and kicking my feet just thinking about it 👀
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marauders-rp · 2 months ago
our bellatrix is now available again! mary, peter, and any side characters are as well!
Looking for to start a new marauders rp group!!
Anyways! hi! come join! I was thinking of making this be like a slow burn, group project with all the characters interacting via dms and on each others pages? with like an actual vague plot and narrative yk? and this would be the home base where all that stuff is decided? ages 15+ are welcome - just let me know how old you are so I can ensure people playing a character in a relationship are similar ages :)
Main Ships & Dynamics: wolfstar, jily, dorlene, maybe rosekiller and Bellatrix x Rita
if you would like to be a specific character that's not on this list, that's fine too - just dm me or send in an ask
Remus: @fangssofatal - now run by Max!
Sirius: @futurefavoriteregrets
James: @bambi-potter
Peter: character available!
Lily: @friendlyneighbourhoodredhead
Marlene: @marlsly-mckinnon-here
Mary: character available!
Barty: @chaoticdramatic
Pandora: @pandora-notlikethebox
Regulus: @prince-of-the-blacks
Evan: @even-roses
Dorcas: @casmead0wes
Severus: @greenmeansiloveyou
Bellatrix: character available!
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joinmors · 2 months ago
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𝘪 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯 , 𝘪 𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦 , 𝘪 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩    .   .   .
MORSFM   is   an   appless   ,   highly   au   marauders   era   group   set   in   1980   .   the   plot   revolves   around   the   discovery   of   an   ancient   artifact   ,   the obscura   ,   that   has   the   power   to   turn   the   tide   of   the   war   .    available   canons   include    mary   macdonald   ,   dorcas   meadowes   ,   rabastan   lestrange   ,   rodolphus   lestrange   ,   sybill   trelawney , regulus black , fabian prewett   &   barty   crouch   jr , among many others  ! we   have   been   open   almost   a   month   and   would   warmly   welcome   new   members   .
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aevumrp · 2 years ago
hello nonnies! our character list has been updated and you can check it out now! please remember that this is a discord rp and modern marauders era! there will still be a murder mystery plot and more fun things but since we are starting again, please be patient and enjoy! i know we would love to see a narcissa, regulus, sirius, lucius, and severus to name a few!
we will reopen on may 1st
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novisinitiispromo · 2 years ago
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In 1950 the Ministry decided that the education system needed a change. With there being whispers of actions against Muggleborn’s and their ‘supporters’ beginning to get louder the Ministry started to panic that they were allowing the younger generations to go out into the world without proper training and leaving them too vulnerable for corruption. So, instead of sending students out after their Seventh Year without any special training in their chosen career, they would be given the option to remain for a further four years and further their education. “Our students must go out into the world with focus and a destination in mind,” the Minister commented on the day of the change. “We want to give our young witches and wizards the best chance at a future. And we believe that this will make our community stronger and bring us closer. Together we can build a better, more united, Wizarding World!”
Fast forward to 1979 and the new system seems to be working. Instead of putting funding into training the Ministry could put that money towards hiring more people and strengthening their departments. Students no longer left school with a sense of dread and unease and instead were, for the most part, perfectly confident in their abilities and the path they have chosen to take. On paper it seemed to have been the perfect solution and the Ministry was patting themselves on the back thinking they had managed to avoid the rift that had been starting to pull their world apart.
That was until the body of Amelia Bones was discovered with an ominous message hanging above her head.
“We are here. And we will drain the world of dirty blood.”
home / ask / full plot / navigation
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fractured-hqpromo · 2 years ago
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Death Eaters in search of Barty Crouch Jr!
Fractured is an AU Marauders era rp set in the year 1981. There is no prophecy, therefore, Voldemort remains alive and the war continues to divide wizarding kind.
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