#c: dario
beterthrevenge · 2 years
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Ei. Olá! Você aí. Eu gostaria de mais uma taça de espumante.
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devirtute · 8 months
@courtesons asked: 3 M/M/M either [dario/your choice/peter parker] or [peter hale/derek hale/your choice]
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tony liked showing off his inventions, almost as much as he liked showing off his boys. when the opportunity to show a local witch just how good enough peter was with things in his mouth, he jumped at the idea. he let the man go first, watching the younger one suck him off. "that's my boy." iron man started stroking himself, licking his lips as he walked closer to them. dario rested one of his hands behind peter's head, grinding his hips to help him out. "you are right, he's eager to please."
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angwlita · 2 years
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“The Monastery of Qozhaya is the principal house of the Order of Saint Anthony. From the height of the Monastery, one can enjoy the view of the valley which is well cultivated with wheat, vines, olive trees and, above all, mulberry trees. They bring prosperity and beauty to the mountainsides. The monks divide their time between praying and the cultivation of the land. In the past, this valley was not in its present state of prosperity; it was arid. Its fertility is due to the tireless labor of the monks.” 
 "Qozhaya" is of Syriac origin and means "the treasure of Life". 
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Dahlia: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail.
Gabo: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my one phone call to play a prank on Dario.
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tsopranowrites · 1 year
✨ --tag dump--  ✨
more to come! 
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peapeapeapa · 5 months
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My Seven Friends redesigns c:
This is how they look in my AU/headcanons
Their clothes are inspired by what culture I think they're from based on their names.
Gabo - Spaniard (since Rosa is set somewhere in Spain, I gave him a nicer Spanish tunic. He works in the Castle Kitchens so he shouldn't be able to afford it, but Bazeema made it for him for his birthday)
Hal - North African (gave her a dress because I don't like the trend where the darkest skinned girl is the most masculine)
Safi - Arabian (I didn't really change his clothes to match his culture. He just wears the coziest clothes he can find as long as they don't trigger his allergies. Bazeema is his sister in my hc, and she made his clothes for him to help with his easily irritable skin)
Dahlia - Taiwanese (I didn't change her clothes much, I liked her design. I gave her a bandanna because she placed her hands on top of her head while thinking and doesn't want to get flour in her hair)
Bazeema - Arabian (Bazeema and Safi are siblings, and Bazeema likes to reflect her culture more in her clothing than Safi does. She's a seamstress and works at her mother's shop, and made Safi's clothes for him to help with his allergies and irritable skin)
Simon O'Donohue - Irish (Simon is a Hebrew name, but O'Donohue is derived from an Irish name, and because that's his last name I'm going with that one. Because this is his Knight outfit, its just the one from the movie without any Irish influences)
Dario - German (Dario is an Italian name, but his mother named him that after already arriving at Rosas and seeing others with the name, liking it)
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chrisbuckleydiaz · 2 months
Nest ao3
They get the call two hours before the shift is over.
Buck isn’t working, Dario from C-shift asked if someone could switch so he could go to a baseball-game and Buck offered.
Eddie is glad he isn’t there, doesn’t have to see it. It’s a boy. Maybe fourteen, fifteen. Skateboard vs. SUV. Tale as old as cars. He was probably on his way to school. His backpack lies five feet away, burst open. Eddie and Dario are busy with recovering the driver - but not busy enough. 
The ride back is quiet. Eddie’s stomach churns at the thought of the boy - his parents, his dreams, his future. Their shift is over, so there’s no need - except survival - to store those thoughts away. 
Maybe he had been into Guardians Of The Galaxy the same way Chris is right now - playing the game night after night. Maybe his parents had been at their wits end on how to coax him away from it.
Maybe he had spent every afternoon at the skatepark and came home on time and did his chores without having to be asked twice.
Maybe he’d wanted to become a pilot or a vet or a kindergarten teacher. Maybe he’d wanted to hike the Appalachian trail after graduation. 
Eddie takes a shaky breath, steadying himself by grabbing his own thighs. 
There’s a figure leaning against the glass wall of the locker room when they pull up at the station. Eddie feels Cap’s hand squeezing his shoulder in passing.
“Bobby texted me,” Tommy takes a step forward, forehead creased in worry.
Eddie comes to a halt one, two feet apart from him.
“Evan is dropping off Christopher at school and has therapy after,” his voice is soft and measured.
Maybe Eddie almost flinched at the mention of his son. 
He knows Buck’s schedule - all of their schedules actually, they have a shared calendar, so he’s not sure why Tommy mentions it, but he doesn’t really care either. He nods.
“You want to grab breakfast?”
“Not sure I have an appetite,” Tommy nods, eyes warm with understanding, “But I could do with coffee.”
“I’ll wait for you outside.”
Tommy wraps him in his arms as soon as Eddie approaches the car and Eddie lets himself fall into the older one’s arms. 
“I’ve got you.”
Eddie inhales the familiar scent of Tommy and stays still for a moment, while Tommy rubs circles over his shoulder blades. Eventually Tommy pulls back, kissing his temple.
“You feel like driving?” 
He shakes his head and doesn’t let himself worry about the logistics of letting his car behind in the 118’s parking lot. Instead he climbs into the SUV. There’s soft rock music quietly playing and Eddie remembers with a sense of gratitude that Tommy rarely listens to the radio but has a number of curated playlists on his phone.
“Feel free to change that to whatever you feel like.”
“No, it’s - It’s good.”
Tommy rubs his thumb over Eddie’s hand while backing out of the parking space. 
“La Rosa ok?”
La Rosa is a tiny café in Ocean Park that has an elaborate coffee and breakfast menu and its own mascot in the form of Cupcake, the owner’s dog. Christopher, naturally, absolutely adores the dog.
Eddie nods and a short while later they find seats on the backyard patio that is equipped with seats in all different forms and colors. 
“Talk to me. Tell me something. A story. Whatever.” Eddie doesn’t let go of Tommy’s hand even for a second, not when they walked here and not now, after they ordered.
Tommy hums, thinking for a moment, then he smiles and Eddie feels better already.
“I used to spend a lot of my holidays at my aunt’s house. When I was eight or nine, my cousin became really obsessed with Back To The Future . We would watch the first and the sequel - the third one wasn’t released yet - like every other day. He could recite half of the script. And I guess I had something like a crush on Marty, but that’s not the point of the story,” Tommy winks and Eddie squeezes his hand, “The town my aunt lived in had - no joke - the same kind of clock as in the movie on the town hall. I think in the movie it wasn’t town hall. Anyway. One evening, there was a thunderstorm raging outside and my cousin begged his mom to let us go outside. Not sure what he wanted to do, since we didn’t have an actual time machine, but he begged for like half an hour. My aunt obviously refused to let us go and my cousin got so mad he didn’t speak to her the rest of the evening.”
While Tommy told his story, the waiter brought their order: Café con leche for Eddie and a mocha and strawberry muffin for Tommy.
“Did you like spending time at your aunt’s?”
“Yeah. She was a really kind woman that also took no shit. I mean, she had to be, growing up with my dad, I guess. She was really into quilts”, he frowns, “I should have a quilt of hers somewhere, now that I think about it.”
Eddie smiles at the thought of a keepsake like that when he feels something nudge his knee. It’s Cupcake, who’s looking expectantly at him.
“Hey, bud,” he greets him, instantly starting to scratch his ears, “It’s good to see you!”
He lets himself get carried away and baby-talks to the dog for a while. So long, that when he looks up again, Buck is standing behind Tommy, hands on his shoulders. Both of them are smiling fondly at him.
“Did you sneak up on us?”
“A buffalo herd could have trampled through here and you wouldn’t have noticed,” Buck teases, rounding the table and sitting down next to Eddie. He leans forward, his hand cupping Eddie’s face. “Hey, baby. Chris says hi.”
Eddie swallows a whine when Buck withdraws his hand to grab the menu.
“I’m starving! I hope they still serve the three-cheese omelet.”
“Any thoughts on how to spend the rest of the day? My on-call doesn’t start until noon.”
Eddie shrugs, stirring his café slowly. Buck musters him.
“Your eyes are teeny-tiny, Eds.”
He smirks. “Maybe I’m a teeny-tiny bit tired.”
Tommy smiles. “I could do with a nap.”
“So that’s decided then?” Tommy raises an eyebrow. 
“Looks like it,” Buck nods and grabs a fork to dig into the omelett.
When Eddie wakes up two hours later, Buck is propped up against the headboard, scrolling on his phone.
“Did Tommy have to leave already?” Eddie pats the empty side of the mattress.
“Hey sleepyhead. No. He’s looking for something in the garage. Didn’t want to tell me what,” Buck shrugs. 
Eddie hums, positioning himself in Buck’s lap. Buck immediately starts scratching his head and Eddie sighs. For a while, they’re quiet.
“You want to talk about it?” Buck eventually asks.
Does he? 
“I assume you have the context?”
“I texted Bobby.”
Eddie clicks his tongue, looking for words.
“I know that we have to suppress the fact that this planet is a really fucked up, unsafe place because otherwise…,” he shakes his head, “But it just hit me. Full force. Life isn’t safe and I won’t be able to protect him.”
Buck’s still caressing his hair.
“You think…,” he clears his throat, “A pedestrian hit by a car - that - You think that brought up something else as well?”
Eddie looks at him, looks at his face that’s so full of love and care and gentleness, and blinks.
It’s not like they don’t respond to that kind of call at least once a week. But the combination of a fourteen year old teenage boy and - his stomach clenches painfully.
His breath stutters, resentment rising in him. But Buck beats him to it.
“Grief is incredibly messy, Eds. There’s no endpoint to it.”
“I know,” he rubs his face, “But I have this,” he gestures towards the room, “I have you, and Tommy, and Chris is thriving … Then why -”
“Because you love her. Emotions don’t ask for reasons.”
Eddie huffs out a breath, still frustrated. 
“It’s not going to get any easier if you’re trying to will the feelings away.”
He glances at Buck, a retort about therapy speech on his tongue when he hears rummaging in the living room.
“I guess he’s done,” Eddie claps his hand and pushes himself up, calling out, “Tommy, you wanna shoot some hoops?” 
“Eddie,” Buck sighs, but his expression is so incredibly soft that it makes Eddie’s heart skip a beat.
He halts and bends down to give Buck a kiss. “I love you.”
It’s half past eleven, so they have at least half an hour until Tommy’s phone might go off and Eddie feels the stress bleed away from his body ten minutes in. He’s okay. Chris is okay. Tommy is okay. Buck is okay. They’re okay.
It takes Eddie all the self-control he has to not to hug Chris when he’s picking him up from school. Hugs in front of his friends are uncool. At least hugs in private are tolerated, yet.
Chris climbs in and sits down in the passenger seat (it took Eddie two weeks to adjust to that. He isn’t sure if Buck has adjusted yet.) and promptly connects his phone to the car radio. 
“Learned anything exciting today, mijo?”
His son starts talking about the three types of sedimentary rocks and Eddie doesn’t get half of it, and surely isn’t as excited about it as Buck would be, but just hearing Christopher talk, and be excited, is enough to make him fill with warmth.
“I was thinking, if you’re done with your homework before dinner, we could watch a movie after.”
Christopher glances at him.
“It’s Tuesday.”
“Smart kid.”
“And Tommy is on call.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows. “That sounds a lot like a no, champ. Are you ill?”
Christopher scoffs. “I’m just confused. I mean, yeah, of course. As long as it’s nothing boring.”
“Just want to do something nice. And the aquarium really doesn’t fit into a weekday-schedule.”
“Yeah. Okay.”
By some kind of miracle Tommy is still at home when they have dinner and has the brilliant idea of making popcorn. 
Buck and Eddie get settled on the couch, while Chris throws his legs over the armrest of the armchair. 
“One second,” Tommy sets down the second bowl with popcorn and disappears for a moment. Eddie frowns but Buck shrugs cluelessly. They select the movie and Tommy comes back, holding a quilt in his hand. 
“I found it,” he beams at Eddie and sits down next to him, so Eddie is squished in the middle (they really have to get a bigger couch). WIthout hesitation he spreads the quilt over them and Eddie marvels at the colors. It’s obviously a coincidence, probably some gendered bs, but Eddie’s heart fills with warmth when he sees the squares in different shades of blue and turquoise. 
“Tommy, that’s … It’s really beautiful.”
“My aunt made it for me when I was ten,” he explains to Chris and Buck, “I found it in the garage this morning.”
Eddie rests his head on Tommy’s shoulder while caressing Buck’s hand with his thumb, while the opening credits of Back To The Future start playing.
The world might be a fucked-up place, but he has his own little corner inside of it. And that’s everything.
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onedivinemisfit · 1 year
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Reminiscing 💔
My first time participating in the Obiyuki AU Bingo in years~ the prompt was “video game” so ofc I had to do something Rimworld-related <w< the now-baroness and baron Shirayuki and Obi having a tender moment outside of their settlement, mourning the loss of two of their sons, Dario and Fukuro. They lost their lives to a flu outbreak. As head medic, Shirayuki took their deaths particularly hard.
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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murdercide626 · 3 months
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aka "Defilers of the Earth!"
aka "Awesome Possum's Hit List"
Hexxus (FernGully: The Last Rainforest)
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Dario Agger/"The Minotaur" (Marvel Comics)
Dr. Barbara Blight (Captain Planet)
King K. Rool (Donkey Kong Country)
Dr. Neo Cortex (Crash Bandicoot)
Montana Max (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Cyril Sneer (The Raccoons)
Capital B (Yooka-Laylee)
Rebecca Madison (Phantom 2040)
Hedorah (Godzilla)
Duke Nukem (Captain Planet)
Megatox (Sonic the Comic)
Diesel Weasel (Rick and Morty)
Fire Lord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Dr. Killemoff (Toxic Crusaders)
C. Montgomery Burns (The Simpsons)
Rufus Shinra (Final Fantasy VII)
Hoggish Greedly (Captain Planet)
Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie)
Porky Minch (Mother 3)
Fenton Sludge (Goof Troop)
Lawrence Limburger (Biker Mice from Mars)
Dr. Machino (Awesome Possum... Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt)
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pero es q u e
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dario cayendo a la Mansión como un stray puppy sin saber que es la primera persona que se aparece por ahí post-Eidham sin haber sido parte de Eidham y p r e o c u p a d o por Erynn que es más fantasma que otra cosa lately im
este post vive rent-free en mi cabeza desde hace doce horas
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devirtute · 7 months
@sinfulnesxx asked: 𝙿𝙾𝙻𝚈 𝙶𝙸𝙵 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂 20MMM Dario Montoya and Victor Suarez from any young muse of mine.
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Being stuck in the station was boring for the handyman and the con artist. At some point, Dario started to plan his escape without the cops knowing that they had left. Yet, when someone else came in for questioning, he decided to wait a bit. After some flirting and convincing the detectives to take their lunch early, the two men had Guzman sprawled out on the table, legs in the air. Dario was holding him up by his ass, spitting on his hole and running his tongue along it. Victor was working on his shaft, his own one going down the man's throat too. One hand held the base of his length while the other held his thigh. Then he started to swirl his tongue around the head before taking it more and more into his mouth. Both of the older men started to moan, no longer caring about who found them.
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ComicListThis Week
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tlcartist · 2 years
On the matter of Jonathan Joestar
I talked a bit about how JJBA plays around with moral ambiguity with it's protagonists here and briefly mentioned how I'd talk about Jonathan separately and that time has come! There are certain aspects of his personality that I find interesting, but don't often see discussed and I'd like to dig into them a bit. Before we begin I will say that, while I did my best to draw from the source material, this does involve a degree of headcanon so take it with a grain of salt.
The problem with Jonathan is that his character is woefully underdeveloped. This was the result of multiple factors such as, A) Jonathan being the first JoJo and Araki was still developing the story and figuring out what he wanted it to be. B) JoJo pt 1 was a product of it's time and was influenced by works of the period like Fist of the North Star. This was an era of power fantasies and led to stories of big beefy dudes punching things but without much in terms of nuance or broader character development. C) Pt 1 was given a much shorter arc at only 44 chapters and therefore Araki had less time to explore his character than future JoJos. Compare this with Battle Tendency being 69 (nice) chapters and Stardust Crusaders being 152 chapters. Because of all of this we are, unfortunately, limited in what we can glean of his personality from the manga, but there are a couple of things I want to touch on.
Duty vs Concern
While we might not see the type of radical character development from Jonathan that we see in later JoJos, what we do see is a shift in perspective as he matures. This can be seen in his first encounter with Erina.
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This is a boy who was motivated less out of an altruistic motive and genuine concern and more out of a sense of duty. This is something he's been taught is the Right Thing for a Gentleman to do. A woman is in danger and a man swoops in and rescues her. It wasn't so much about protecting Erina as it was about being The Hero.
It isn't until he's able to spend time with Erina that he's able to see her as a real person and not just a damsel in distress. While their time together in those early days was cut short, I think it really helped Jonathan to broaden his perspective and sense of empathy. That's not to say that Jonathan was a bad person, he was just a rich kid who spent the majority of his life being a bit coddled, but each new relationship he gained helped him mature.
We see a shift from the young boy playing the role of The Hero because the thought it was expected of him to a man who puts his life on the line because he wants to, because he'll do anything to protect and avenge the people he cares about.
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This is a man who has become hardened through the experience of loss and pain, and those experiences helped him to really truly care for others, not out of societal expectations or chivalry, but out of love.
Ironically, it's this growth that leads us to the thing you could argue is simultaneously Jonathan's biggest flaw.
Compassion to a fault
Jonathan is a character whose greatest strength is also his greatest weakness, that being his unyielding optimism. He's the type of person who is always wanting to see the best in those around him and it's this flaw that Dio took advantage of from day 1. Regardless of how much of a little shit Dio proved himself to be in their youth, Jonathan wanted to believe that wasn't beyond the point of redemption. He wanted to believe that there was a small part of Dio that had some goodness, that could experience regret and remorse even when all evidence proved to the contrary. And it was that optimism, that compassion which lead to Jonathan lowering his guard which allowed Dio to seize the opportunity and strike.
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This was a quality that we also saw reflected in Jonathan's father, who also had a history of overlooking the glaring red flags in Dario, not because he was oblivious, but because he wanted to believe he'd become a better person. A quality which led to George taking in Dio even though he was under no obligation to do so, and (we can only assume), choosing to overlook any red flags the boy may have shown in his youth.
George's death was the shock Jonathan needed to realize the truth, that Dio was irredeemable and that he'd chosen to strip himself of his humanity long before donning the stone mask.
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In spite of the loss of his father and countless others during his quest to defeat Dio, there's still a small part of Jonathan that holds a bit of fondness for him, even at the end of all things. Jonathan's strength is that unlike Dio, he chooses to retain his goodness and humanity.
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It was the goodness of Jonathan's heart that allowed him to perhaps be the only one who's ever truly known Dio, the only one who's seen beyond his bravado and facade. And it was this goodness that led to their fates being connected forever.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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The real secret behind P-51B/C/D Mustang range
The P-51 Mustang
Controlling the air proved key to controlling the ground. The long-range P-51 Mustang fighter was invaluable to the Allied victory, enabling resumption of strategic bombing after heavy losses suffered by unescorted bombers in 1943. Developed for export to Britain, models modified by the British to use Rolls-Royce Merlin engines became America’s most capable wartime fighters.
In fact, in December 1943 the first Merlin-engined P-51B/C Mustangs entered combat in Europe. These P-51s provided sorely needed long-range, high-altitude escort for the US bombing campaign against Germany.
The P-51D arrived in quantity in Europe in the spring of 1944, becoming the USAAF’s primary long range escort fighter.
Thanks to its ability to excel in long-range escort duty, the Mustang was the first single-engine plane based in Britain to penetrate Germany, first to reach Berlin and first to go with the heavy bombers over the Ploiesti oil fields in Romania.
How was the iconic Mustang able to perform such long-range escort missions? Not because of its drop tanks.
The secret behind P-51B/C/D Mustang range
‘Lots of planes could carry drop tanks: P-47, P-40, P-38, etc.,’ says James Gibson, former MP&P Engineer at Boeing, says on Quora.
‘The real secret to the Mustang’s range was not the laminar flow control wing, or the Merlin engine. It was the addition of a fuselage tank behind the cockpit halfway through production of the P-51B. This additional internal tank increased fuel capacity by 85 gallons: original P-51Bs only had 184 gallons in the wings. The addition increased total fuel to 269 gallons or some 30%. Further adding two 75 gal drop tanks you reached 419 gallons. The later D&H models carried 110 gal drop tanks for 489 gallons.
‘But when you carried so much fuel you had to be aware of which tanks you were using at which point in the flight. On take-off you used the rear fuselage tank. This tank effected the center of gravity of the plane. You didn’t want to tangle with a 109 or a Focke Wulf when carrying fuel in the rear tank. So you burned it first and then switched to the drop tanks about halfway to Berlin.’
Gibson concludes;
‘You would then burn off the drop tanks, hopefully before engaging enemy fighters. But if they struck early you could drop those tanks and thus be clean and maneuverable. This was the fight profile that allowed the Mustangs maximum range and best performance when over target.’
P-51D Mustang print
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. P-51D Mustang “Dorrie R” – 44-63422 / 134, 15th FG, 78th FS “Bushmasters” – 1945
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force
Dario Leone
@TAGC17 via X
Dario Leone is an aviation, defense and military writer. He is the Founder and Editor of “The Aviation Geek Club” one of the world’s most read military aviation blogs. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. He has reported from Europe and flown Super Puma and Cougar helicopters with the Swiss Air Force.
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breaniebree · 9 months
Kismet Characters & Family Trees Part Seven:
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Bill Weasley (29 November 1970) GRYFFINDOR m. Fleur Delacour (14 March 1977)  NA (1997): 1. Victoire Gabrielle Weasley (2 May 1999) RAVENCLAW m. Teddy Lupin (11 April 1998) HUFFLEPUFF (2020): a) Liam Remus Lupin (6 February 2022) GRYFFINDOR m. Naomi Winston (2024) HUFFLEPUFF (2048): i) Andromeda Lupin (2050) HUFFLEPUFF ii) Hope Lupin (2054) RAVENCLAW iii) Lyla Lupin (2058) SLYTHERIN b) Charlotte “Charlie” Dora Lupin (9 June 2024) RAVENCLAW m. Luke Logan (2024) SLYTHERIN (2050): i) John Logan (2054) SLYTHERIN ii) Declan Logan (2059) RAVENCLAW c) Kingston Harry Lupin (17 April 2027) GRYFFINDOR m. Lorelai Robards (2030) GRYFFINDOR (2057): i) Thomas James “TJ” Lupin (2060) GRYFFINOR 2. Domonique Rose Weasley (16 March 2002) RAVENCLAW  m. Roland Lestrange (1 October 1997) SLYTHERIN (2031): a) Arthur Louis Lestrange (14 April 2034) RAVENCLAW b) Delilah Fleur Lestrange (29 September 2038) HUFFLEPUFF 3. Louis William Weasley (9 March 2007) SLYTHERIN m. Esmerelda Benoit (2009) NA (2037): a) Adrienne Fleur Weasley (1 June 2039) SLYTHERIN b) Mirielle Esmerelda Weasley (1 July 2042) HUFFLEPUFF c) Michael William Weasley (1 September 2044) GRYFFINDOR 4. Tristian Rainier Weasley (12 July 2009) RAVENCLAW m. Izabelle “Izzy” Santana (2013) NA (2038): a) Dario Tristian Weasley (24 December 2041) RAVENCLAW b) Marcello William Weasley (17 November 2043) RAVENCLAW c) Bella Domonique Weasley (27 January 2046) GRYFFINDOR
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Blaise Antonio Zabini (18 December 1979) SLYTHERIN m. Gabrielle Delacour (3 June 1985) NA (2008): 1) Maddalena “Maddie” Apolline Zabini (29 September 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Melody St James (2012) SLYTHERIN (2045) 2) Nicoletta “Nicki” Francesca Zabini (14 March 2014) HUFFLEPUFF (14 March 2014) m. Benjamin Christopher Kane-Nott (20 May 2008) GRYFFINDOR (2033): a) Torin Theodore Kane-Nott (29 October 2036) SLYTHERIN  b) Quaid Sebastian Kane-Nott (14 August 2038) GRYFFINDOR c) Sabrina Aspen Kane-Nott (17 March 2042) HUFFLEPUFF d) Briella Katherine Kane-Nott (6 July 2045) SLYTHERIN 3) Daniella “Dani” Bellarosa Zabini (7 July 2018) RAVENCLAW m. Henry Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR (2049): a) Cameron Blaise Potter (1 January 2052) GRYFFINDOR b) Aidan Hunter Potter (23 July 2055) GRYFFINDOR  c) Jameson Henry Potter (14 March 2058) GRYFFINDOR d) Emilia Ginevra Potter (17 August 2060) RAVENCLAW
Thanks to @ellieoryan7447 for taking the time and effort to create these!
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Dario Castello (c. 1590-1630) - Sonata Prima á Sopran Solo
Benjamin Lenzmeier, violin & Tami Morse, harpsichord
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