#c: barry
fullstcp · 9 months
@unitcd (it is time for angst!!!!)
Gina keeps a busy schedule. When she's not trying to hide from her parents and her siblings. Which, the whole sibling thing shouldn't be a big deal because her brother's in college and her sister has a grown up job and a place of her own. But distance doesn't mean a thing when three out of five members of your family can go anywhere on earth in the blink of an eye.
Gina likes her busy schedule. She likes going to school to rehearsal to dance class. It's consistent. Routine. Something to get used to. Something she has gotten used to. She's even gotten used to the familiar faces she sees on her walk from school to the dance studio. The lady who sells flowers on the corner of the street. The taxi driver who is always on his smoke break when she's crossing the street to get to the studio. She never thought being comfortable with her surroundings would turn into cause for concern.
She hadn't even seen it coming. She was walking past the mouth of the alley just before the storefront where the studio was housed. And that's the last thing she can remember before she woke up in this place. And her captor was anything but kind. Apparently he's someone her dad used to tussle with. Someone who was arrested because of her dad's heroics. A villain who had figured out her father's identity and figured out how to hit him where it hearts.
Gina had been mouthy that first day. With scathing commentary about how her dad was going to save her. And this guy wasn't going to get whatever it was he wanted. Because her dad didn't have to do a damn thing to save somebody. It was instinct. Besides, if he got Bart and Nora in on it she'd be out of this place in no time.
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Her captor had just laughed, a sound she's hated since the first time she heard it. And then he left her alone. For the rest of the day. Probably to drive her a little bit crazy, which it kind of did. The next day, he roughed her up a little bit. Her ribs are still sore, if she's being honest. And she doesn't even want to think about how long it's going to take for her leg to recover. She doesn't want to think about the next time she'll be able to be on a dance floor. How long it'll take for her to be back to full ability.
It's a few days later, at least she thinks it's only been days, when he comes back with a camera. Recording one of those hostage videos she's seen in a million movies. Because, according to him, it's been almost a week and not a peep out of the Flash. The blur of his lighting hasn't even been picked up on traffic cameras in the area. He wasn't looking for her. He hadn't even realized she was gone.
When he's done with his little video, he's throwing her back to the ground and he just leaves her there. With a busted knee, an ankle that she hopes is only sprained, and bruised ribs. Not to mention the pounding headache she's sporting from the severity of her dehydration. She can't take it anymore. She's refused to sleep this whole time, not trusting this man enough to relax enough to go to sleep. But she can't keep doing this.
Her body curls in on itself, turning towards the wall and silent tears trickle down her cheeks as she hears the door slam behind the man. Eventually she manages to drift off to sleep.
She's not sure how long that lasts for. She just knows that she wakes with a start at the feel of gentle hands on her shoulder. She turns quickly towards whoever the supposed assailant is, which is a mistake in and of itself. Because her knee screams in pain, and everything about the world is hazy. She's got double vision and it takes a minute for her eyes to focus enough to figure out who's kneeling in front of her.
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drunkonpotential · 2 months
@unitcd said: "I'd say we make a pretty good team." Barry to Nora
Nora's pretty sure her brain circuits for a second there. She kinda can't believe that actually just happened. That he actually just said that. She contemplates pinching herself to see if she's just dreaming, because she can admit that she's had this dream before. She's thought endlessly about what it'd be like to get to see her dad. And once she got her powers, she thought about what it'd be like to run next to him, to fight alongside him.
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She just never thought it'd actually work out. Even with Eobard's guidance it still felt like it'd always be a bit of a long shot. But it wasn't. It's real. It's actually happening.
A small, hopeful smile tugs at her lips as she looks at her dad. She's trying so hard to not be too excited. She doesn't want to just come off like the Flash's biggest fan or anything. It's just that he's her dad and she's missed him her whole life. And she's not sure he fully understands what this feels like. But that's still no excuse to come on too strong.
"I think we make a great team."
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dctrfate · 29 days
it drives me insane how wally views his relationship with barry because he's always been of the mind that he needs to somehow "earn" his love whereas barry has literally never imposed that stipulation onto him, ever. and yet still wally feels this unending pressure to live up to the standards barry set during his tenure of the flash to the point where one of his greatest insecurities is about the possible negative reaction barry would have to wally stepping into the role of the flash himself. all of this fear and longing for approval and in reality there is literally nothing wally could do for barry to stop from unconditionally loving him. just. yeah.
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meyerlansky · 2 months
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guess who can hit their target at night!
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mastermichaelis · 11 months
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Connor Maguire in The Company You Keep S01EP04 | pt.1
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seoulities · 19 days
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please please please music video icons
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bettingonducks · 2 months
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ssparksflyy · 20 days
heart break is one thing, my ego's another, i beg you dont embarrass me motherfuckerrrr
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wallylinda · 1 year
the popular alternate for barry working as a forensic scientist is to make him into a k-12 teacher but i really do think he has too delicate of a constitution for it. like can you even imagine he'd catch two teens making out behind the stairwell and turn so bright of a red that he starts wheezing in secondhand oxygen deficiency. he's way too hyperfixated on corpses just let him loose in a cemetary and all of his problems would magically fix themselves.
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cannibalism-lab-rat · 7 months
I... I got bored
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drunkonpotential · 4 months
@unitcd said: "please don't be in love with someone else." for Westallen bc damnnnnnnnn
Iris doesn't typically take personal days. She doesn't call out of work, she barely even gets sick. And when she does, she doesn't let it get in her way. She's always moving, slowing down is not an option. She doesn't let it be an option.
But she called out yesterday. Thanks to her refusal to miss work, she had enough leave saved up for it. And she's not mad at herself for calling out. A self imposed break is good now and then. She's mad at the reason she called out. She called out because a boy broke her heart.
Which goes entirely against her character, and she hates that she had to take a day to be able to digest her pain. Because it made her look weak. She's tough, she's good at her job. She keeps moving, life doesn't stop just because she might need a break. So she's kicking herself for letting something like this stop her in her tracks.
She doesn't date much, she doesn't have the time. She's married to her work, few men understand that. That's not enough of a loss to get her down. The thing that got her down is the fact that she finally found a man who understood that. Not only did he understand it, he supported it. He was the same way.
She made the first move. She asked him out. She's not the type to wait around when something she wants is right in front of her. And she wanted him. So she got him. She had him for months. And it was great. Perfect, even. She could practically hear the wedding bells. She's always said she'd get around to marriage someday, if a guy found a way to be worth it. And she thought she finally found that guy. So she took a leap, and she told him what was on her heart.
She told him she loved him. In his living room over takeout and a bottle of wine. He looked like he'd been struck by lightning, and not in a good way. And she suddenly, for the first time in her life, she felt like her bravery was a bad thing. Because she should've waited, right? She should've let him say it first, right? Because it's better to be the reciprocator instead of the one stranded in the middle of an awkward, unrequited moment.
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She rushed out of there so fast that you'd think she had the powers of the meta-humans she spends her time chasing. She made up some excuse about needing to be up early for work in the morning. And then she left, not even letting him get a word in edgewise. He'd gone speechless, and that was enough of an explanation for her. And then she called out because she just couldn't handle seeing him the very next day. Not after that massive blunder of a love confession. It was humiliating, and Iris West does not wear humiliation well.
She's not surprised that he's waiting by the elevators for her upon her return to work. She pays him no mind, even as he's muttering apologies to her the whole way to her desk. And she really is not in the mood for his chatter. So she turns her attention to the desk adjacent to hers. She takes a case file off her desk, while Barry is still talking to her, and takes it over to the desk of a man she had a slight flirtation with in the past. And that seems to get Barry to finally shut up.
Iris isn't petty, okay? Well, not super petty. But he hurt her feelings, and she feels the need to hurt his so she can sleep a little better at night. She and the man have an exchange, he glances between her and Barry. The entire precinct knows they're together. And he seems to notice immediately that Barry is in the doghouse. And he plays along, shooting Iris a wink before she turns and walks back to her desk.
And then Barry mutters something else, and she nearly freezes in her spot as she sets her bag down under her desk. She's unbuttoning her coat when she throws a fierce, challenging glance in his direction.
"Excuse me?" She says, with a raised brow and a previously unseen contempt on her face. "Repeat that for me. I'm not sure I heard you right, CSI Allen."
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dctrfate · 21 days
when it comes down to it wally and kyle are pretty similar characters but i think that besides the obvious legacy issues THE uncrossable gulf between them is in how they react to the limitation of their powers. wally's superspeed is synonymous with his need for freedom, be it from his parents or from his own perception of self, and because his powers are so closely linked with that autonomy he will never willingly consent to having them be taken away from him. wally WANTS to integrate himself more with his powers even when they present a clear physical and or mental danger to himself. meanwhile, kyle has deliberately and repeatedly chosen to restrict his own powers for that same exact reason. he gives up ion because it was too much power for one man to have and at the end of his series he nearly does the same to his ring because of the effect the green lantern mantle had on his mental health. wally views his powers as an extension of his independence and is restricted from the lack of them, but for kyle, his ring is first and foremost a responsibility that he has to consciously decide to reign himself with.
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389 · 1 month
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Director: Richard C. Sarafian
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brokehorrorfan · 1 month
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The Exorcist III's soundtrack is available on vinyl for $40 via Waxwork Records. Sourced from the original masters, the score is composed by Barry De Vorzon (The Warriors, Night of the Creeps).
The album is pressed on 150-gram neon pink and purple smoke colored vinyl. It's housed in a gatefold jacket with matte satin coating featuring artwork by Suspiria Vilchez and a 12x12 booklet with liner notes by De Vorzon.
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maybankiara · 7 months
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rafe cameron x reader summary: she tries to unravel the mystery of the kook prince with a little help from her cousin, barry. a/n: this went from dark to sexy and i'm not complaining. masterlist | tag list
she's seen a lot -- her cousin's barry from the cut, after all. but she meets country club, then, after ages of hearing about him. about the blonde boy reeking of privilege, of daddy issues and coke addiction that gets him into shit, time and time again.
she's heard about him, alright. but he's now friends with barry, so she's thinking it's time he makes the effort.
'country club,' she calls him, catching him on the street.
rafe raises an eyebrow at her. 'you know barry?'
'cousins,' she says. 'you owe him money.'
he tenses up. denies. she pushes more, he starts looking around as if waiting for barry to jump out the bushes, but she laughs instead. 'just teasing. come for a beer.'
he doesn't want to, at first, but she's got nothing if not the same charm everyone in the family's got, even barry. when he needs it.
so she ends up at the bar with rafe cameron, the prince of the kooks, looking him up and down. trying to figure him out, catch him slipping, but all he is, is tense.
he's a mystery to her.
she knows she should stay away, barry's told her plenty times that she's looking for nothin' but trouble and good for nothin' but causing more of it, but she likes it.
and she likes that his shoulders are relaxing with the beer and lips loosening.
the mystery starts to unravel, she thinks, but the mention of his dad snaps the prince back into the cage.
she puts a hand on his thigh. 'relax. we're all friends here.'
they weren't friends and he knew it, but there was something between them, alright.
he knew that, too.
so more beer flows and she keeps a watchful eye on him, on his shoulders, on his biceps, on his cheekbones, on the cut edge of his jaws. he's got a buzzcut and her hands are itching to brush over the short hairs, and her hand doesn't leave his thigh, just moves up a little, bit by bit.
'country club,' she says. 'wanna take this outside?'
'you threatening me?'
'only with a good time.'
there's a moment of hesitation and then her hand is in his and he's leading them outside, behind the bar, where the street lamp doesn't reach. glass shards cracks beneath their feet and then there's the thud of her back pressed against the wall, her legs hiked up around rafe's waste as he trails kisses down the side of her neck.
at the end of the night, he's no less of a mystery than he was before, but she likes it. she watches him as he wakes slowly, in his royal bed, and thinks she needs to do this again. she needs to unravel this man, bit by bit, until he's laid bare before her.
he kisses her when he wakes, and then it's a good time all over again.
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