Plushie Mountain
179 posts
Handmade artist teddy bears
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Day 10 of March Meet the Maker is ⚡️Recharge Generally when I feel like I need some energy or a recharge I go down to the sea or for an adventure in the countryside to get away from it all. I feel so lucky to live in Sussex, being so close to the beach and yet having so many lovely green spaces nearby. The first photo was taken up on the South Downs, just north of Brighton and the second on Dungeness beach (a very cool and interesting place, do check it out if you’ve never been there). The last two were taken when we went camping in the Isle of Wight last year🏕 - Can you spot me hiding in the last pic? 📷 #southdowns #brighton #dungeness #isleofwight #camping #brighstone #relax #recharge #marchmeetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker2023 #mmtm #energy #selfcare #mycreativebiz #supportsmallbusiness #etsyfinds
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Day 9 of March Meet the Maker is 🪡 Trial and Error The techniques and processes I use when making bears have been largely self taught and I think with all learning there has to be a some trial and error. Sometimes I tweak patterns as I go, playing around with the placement of the face or the size of the ears. It’s so interesting to look back on earlier makes to see how I have evolved creatively. Swipe to see some early Nuggets compared to some that I recently made. With each bear I learn something new and I love each any every one, both old and new. 📷 #trialanderror #marchmeetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker2023 #mmtm #teddybear #nugsontour #nuggetbear #plushiemountain #oldvsnew #steiff #lovetocraft #maker #lovetomake #btnetsy #doingwhatilove #handmadeisbetter #designermaker #collectibles #plushies #kawaii #cuteanimals
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Day 7 of March Meet the Maker is 🧶 Learn I absolutely love learning new skills, new crafts, new techniques and improving on the ones I already know. Over the last couple of years I have been teaching myself to knit, mostly because I wanted to knit a bear-sized jumper or two🧣 The next thing I would like to learn is how to knit a pair of dungarees, so that might be my next project 🧐 📷 #marchmeetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker2023 #mmtm #knitting #knittersgonnaknit #dollclothes #jumper #knitlife #miniatureknitting #collectibles #heirloomdoll #plushies #plushielove #mohairbear #artistbear #ooakdoll
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Day 6 of March Meet The Maker is 🌅 Start the day I usually start my day with a bowl of cereal and it looks like the Nuggets like to start their day the same way 🥣🌽😹💕 📷 #breakfast #nugsontour #cereal #cornflakes #marchmeetthemaker2023 #marchmeetthemaker #mmtm #nuggetbear #plushiemountain #snacks #starttheday #pinkaesthetic #mothersday #mothersdaygift #btnetsy
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Today’s #MarchMeetTheMaker is ⭐️ SNIPPET I thought I would show you a small part of my bear making process - the eyes. I use a couple of different types of crystal glass eyes for the Nuggets and larger jointed bears. They are hand made by professional glass blowers, so have slight variations in size and shape, which is what I love about them. The loop attachment on the back enables me to anchor them in and really bring the bears to life. Swipe to see the eyes before and after 👀🐻 Both bears pictured are available for adoption 😉 📷 #marchmeetthemaker2023 #mmtm #eyes #glassblowing #handmadeuk #handblownglass #bearmaking #mohairbear #traditionalart #heirloomdoll #snippet #behindthescenes #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #handmadeisbest #smalldetails #smallbusiness #etsyuk
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Today is the first day of March meet the maker and we are starting with the prompt brand origin. For those that haven’t met me before - Hi 👋 I’m Katie and I make artist teddy bears and collectibles. They are all hand made by me and each bear is one of a kind, making them the perfect pocket sized treats. I started Plushie Mountain in late 2019 after there was a fire at my cafe job, meaning we were left with no work (the whole top floor and roof were gone and the rest of the building flooded) 🔥👩‍🚒🚒 I had been making bears for friends and family for a few years, but the fire gave me the opportunity to open the Etsy shop I had always wanted. I wasn’t sure what to name the business, but as I am a huge collector of toys we decided to temporarily name it after the pile of plushies I have on my bed… which calls Plushie Mountain. And the name stuck. If anyone’s interested to see said mountain I’ve included it here, complete with an outtake of my cat ‘helping’ 🐈‍⬛😻 I’m so excited excited to share lots with you over the next month and to see all of your #MarchMeetTheMaker posts too 💕🎉 📷 #marchmeetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker2023 #mmtm #femalefounder #branding #brandidentity #etsyuk #btnetsy #teddybear #collectibles #ooak #businessowner #handmadeuk #handmadeartist #etsyfinds
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Meet Brian. Brian is round. 📷 #round #collectibles #teddybear #mohairbear #artistteddybear #artisttoy #plushiesofinstagram #knitaddict #sewistsofinstagram #makersmovement #instaart #fabricartist #teddybearsofinstagram #bearcollection #kawaiiaesthetic
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Sending love to anyone that needs it today ❤️❤️ And thank you to everyone that has adopted a heart nose Nugget bear xx 📷 #valentines #itssofluffy #sendinglove #galentines #bestfriends #artistbear #collectortoys #collectibles #oneofakind #plushiesofinstagram #teddybear #plushielife #knittersofinstagram #mohairbear #smallbusiness #valentine
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Look at this cutie 😍 📷 #heart #valentinesideas #mohairbear #collectibles #collectortoys #oneofakindart #heirloomdoll #plushiemountain #teddybear #galentines #letmedoitforyou #polarbear #mohair #artistbear #miniatures #nugsarelife
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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If you live in Brighton and would like guaranteed delivery by Christmas I am hand delivering in the BN1, BN2 and BN3 area 👋🏠 Just pop me a note when you order and I shall deliver 💖 I am keeping my shop open over the holidays and still posting, but due to Royal Mail strikes I cannot guarantee delivery by Christmas for any parcels travelling by post 💌📬 📷 #mohairbear #artistbear #lastminutegifts #christmasideas #brighton #brightonandhove #brightonlife #limegreen #plushiemountain #ooakdoll #toycollector #ooakartdoll
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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On Sunday I am taking part in the Brighton Etsy Christmas Market @fabricagallery in Brighton. It’s FREE ENTRY and open from 10-5 🎄🎅 On Monday I will be doing a shop update at 6pm on my Etsy store. A perfect chance to grab a Nug if you aren’t able to make it to an in person fair this year 🛍 I will be doing hand delivery in the Brighton area if you are local and want to guarantee delivery before Christmas 🥰 On another note, I think this might be the fluffiest Nugget I’ve ever made? 🧐💖 📷 @brightonetsy #btnetsy #makersmarket #christmastime #brighton #handmadegifts #plushiemountain #lastminutegifts #shopsmall #teddybear #nugget #cuteaf #mohairbear #artistbear (at Fabrica gallery)
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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Very excited to share that I will be taking part in the Brighton Etsy Christmas Market on Sunday 11th December at Fabrica 🎄🎉 Swipe to see some of the Nugget Bears that will be available for adoption 🐻🐻‍❄️ @brightonetsy @fabricagallery Artwork by Louisa Kazig #fabrica #teddybearsale #christmasfair #makersmarket #handmadeuk #sussexlife #btnetsy #giftideas #brightonetsyseller #mohairbear #collectortoys #artistbear (at Fabrica gallery)
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plushie-mountain · 2 years ago
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I have been hand knitting jumpers for the latest collection of jointed bears. This little friend is called Richard 💛💚 📷 #handknitting #btnetsy #jointeddoll #ooakdoll #handmadecrafts #sweatervest #mohairartistbear #heirloomdoll #toymaker #handmadeuk #etsyukseller
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plushie-mountain · 3 years ago
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Busy preparing for some in person fairs later this year 🎟 It’s been a while since I made some jointed bears, I really enjoy hand embroidering their faces 💚 #mohairbear #handmade #ooak #ooakbear #plushiemountain #handmadecraft #mohair #dollcollector #artistbears #customdoll #embroidery
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plushie-mountain · 3 years ago
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Can’t get enough of these colour combinations 💚🧡💜 Swipe to see…Which is your favourite? 🤔 📷 #etsyshop #btnetsy #teddybear #plushiesofinstagram #pastelaesthetic #orangehair #smallbutmighty #plushartist #artistbear #knitting #toycollectors #ooakdolls #plushdoll #etsyfinds
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plushie-mountain · 3 years ago
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🎶Bears in the shop, go get them before they’re gone 🎶 📷 #chickennugget #giftideasforher #etsyshop #adoptdontshop #bear #teddybear #womeninbusiness #rainbowhair #cuteaf #treatyourself #youneedthis
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plushie-mountain · 3 years ago
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Thank you for all the adoptions since the shop update 🧡 Don’t worry, I will be making some more of these super fluffy orange Nuggets for those that missed out. In the mean time you can find lots of other little friends in the shop! 💛💖💚🧡💜💙 📷 #teddybear #handmadeisbetter #ginger #redhead #badhairday #bighairdontcare #handmadecrafts #plushiesofinstagram #cuteanimals #kawaii #mohairbear #traditionalartist #rawr #bigheart #dollmaker #btnetsy
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