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kidovna · 2 years ago
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Redrew my first ever byler artwork for @bylerday2023!
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bylertruth3r · 2 years ago
we’re getting Miwi back in s5 after the confession Mike’s gonna be close to Will again finally being on the same page and being a team (couple)
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bylerday2023 · 2 years ago
save the date, byler tag.
meet us when a seven meets another seven. bail on your friday plans on july 7th and take part to the very first international byler day! 🥳🎉
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there are no rules, besides, of course, celebrating byler.💙💛
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so, post a photo of yourself in your favorite blue and yellow outfit and tag it using #bylerday or #bylerday2023 - we will be keeping an eye out for your crazy fits. 👀
and for those of you who do not feel comfortable enough to post a picture of themselves on the internet, don't worry, we have the best of the news: you can post your art, your fics, your edits, your playlists, even your byler home decors if you have any. 🤷‍♀️
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all of your posts will be reblogged on here, as if this was a big scrapbook of the 7/7 celebrations.✨
asks are open for you to find answers to your doubts. 🧙‍♂️🔮
7/7, it's deal then?
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certainty2witch · 2 years ago
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Maybe I’m late but, happy Byler day!
You know i love imagining s5 scenarios so much, and in this one, well they already kissed and confessed time before, but since in mind I can’t stop imagine Will having powers (you can see, he clearly has powers connected to lights, like a cleric hehe) he needs a lot of motivation for going on, and Mike is really helpful when things gets harder. Plus since i love angst (but with happy endings), i added to my version the fear of having the possibility that killing Vecna means killing Will too. So yeah there’s tension between them, that’s also the reason why Mike is crying too, since is afraid of losing him (again). But will never happens <3
Sorry for celebrating with some angst, ok next time I’ll share something cheesy i swear.
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sarahivess · 2 years ago
7/7 - #bylerday #bylerday2023
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emily-mooon · 2 years ago
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Happy (late) Byler Day!
Since my first piece of fan art I ever posted for ST was my Jancy/Byler Titanic AU, why not make some fan art for another Byler Titanic AU?
I decided to do some sketchs of @cherbearsz Titanic AU designs because I think they are really cool. I did come up with my own idea for Mike’s evening wear based on the red dress Rose wears when she has dinner with Jack and also because I’m a fashion history nerd and had the internal urge to put him in an evening tux (pretend the bow tie and waist coat is red and not blue).
Again, Happy late Byler Day!
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kakerutori · 2 years ago
07/07/2023: Happy Byler Day!
In celebration, here’s a countdown list of my top 7 Byler details/moments!
7. Eggs and syrup (s1e1 and s3e1)
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This detail is pretty easily overlooked, especially considering that it’s present for only two blinks throughout the show, but it’s one of my favorites. In fact, this detail was one of the first Byler facts that got me to ship Byler. The representation of the unconventional breakfast pairing for the show’s quote-unquote unconventional relationship pairing is just too perfect. I love this silent emphasis of their queerness together.
6. At it again (s3e5)
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I don’t have a proper title for this moment, haha, but I can quote this scene from memory and just. Have to say it along with Byler. Every single time I rewatch 😭. The drama. The shouted whispers. Mike’s idiocy. Will’s sass. It’s glorious. It’s beautiful. And, best of all, it hurts way less than the rain scene, which is a win for me. Also, I love how these two fought really badly literally a day ago, but then they come around to arguing like a true married couple again because they can’t help but gravitate to one other.
5. “Crazy together” (s2e2)
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Ah, the Byler staple. Now, this scene got me to put Byler on my radar when I first watched the show, so I have to give it a top 7 spot, for sure. Also, just, this scene is so tender and sweet. What a lovely way to show how sometimes the best relationships are made through sharing the worst times in your life. It really does help to have someone to confide in through awful situations, and this scene heartwarmingly highlights that. Additionally, their youth and innocence taking on this trauma together is what gets me every single time. Byler are so strong for each other, and it shines so brightly, here. It’s plain endearing.
4. The heart-to-heart apology (s4e4)
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This scene is literally the pinnacle of Byler’s unspoken love, and the flirtation is off the charts. It’s just so, so lovely, and the atmosphere is simply wonderful and fit to make you forget you’re watching a thriller show. The flirting itself is all that I need to spotlight for this scene, and truly, I don’t have to say anything about it, do I? This moment just speaks for itself.
3. The shed scene (s2e8)
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When making this list, I was torn between 3 and 4, but I ended up putting the shed scene at the top 3 because Mike’s speech here absolutely wrecked me the first time I watched it. The tears, the transparency, the traction despite Will being unable to utter a word in reply. I also just made a kinda long-winded grammatical analysis on the phrase above: “it was the best thing I’ve ever done” and how soft and adorable it is to say, and I cannot describe how close to tears I was, too, when watching this scene, like Will was. How often do you hear your best friend pleading for your life by talking about how you changed theirs? This moment is so sweet.
This moment is also somewhat unprompted, drawn from the rawest recollection of Mike’s mind, coupled with the desperation, it brings out how truly important this moment is for Mike. And the fact that this speech seems to prompt Will’s Morse code tapping makes it all the better for us to know that Mike’s message was very likely received. This scene is simply so tender. It is Mike and Will in their most exposed forms all season long, maybe even ever, for Mike (because I think that the van scene might be Will’s, but let’s not worry about that right now, this is a happy post 🙈).
2. “Not possible.” (s3e8)
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I wish I was exaggerating when I say that Mike’s little smile in this scene changed my brain forever. Well, maybe I don’t care that I wasn’t exaggerating, actually. This scene is unapologetically adorable. It’s not as flirtatious as the s4e4 heart-to-heart apology, not as lengthy as the “crazy together” scene, not as clearly pivotal as the s1 opener, but it’s chock full of implicit love.
I love how Mike and Will communicate through dnd, particularly how they talk about the game differently apart from other Party members, and that’s the kicker that I love about this scene. Usually, Mike especially as we’ve seen throughout seasons 1-3, dnd is referenced with a sense of leadership about the Upside Down, used as a tool for knowledge with others. But between Mike and Will, here? They use it as a tool for their relationship, which is such a wonderful contrast to show how much Mike and Will mean to each other. And what’s more, Mike brings up this analogy, first, singling out Will and how special he is to Mike.
“What if you join another party?” It’s a simple question, and at face value, it sounds like, ‘what if you find another friend group without me? What if you move on?’ Which I think it is asking, but it’s also, ‘what if you move on from me?’ And Will’s quick and faithful reply, “not possible” is all we need to hear to know that Will is going to carry Mike’s love with him no matter what. Topped with cute glances each other’s way and a quickly leaving Will to let the emotion wordlessly simmer, this tiny flirt holds my heart.
1. The season-episode parallels
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If this detail looks familiar, it’s because I’ve talked about this one before. And, yeah, looking at it a lot more over the past year, I gotta say that it’s my favorite thing about Byler.
It is such an interesting detail, and basically, it’s the way that the episodes of s1e1, s2e2, s3e3, and s4e4 all have pertinent Byler moments, arguably the most important Byler moments per season that kickstart a lot of the show, and every single scene has so many little details that they share. Mike on the left, Will on the right. Will’s honesty, Mike’s unawareness. The clothing. The alternating lighting. It’s been my favorite parallel to talk about on all platforms I’m active on, and so I crown this one as my winner. It’s such a loaded parallel, and it’s everything in my niche that I love to talk about as it covers so much of the show and Byler, from the bigger details of how it affects the show down to the smaller details of lighting, clothing, and coloring.
And also, this parallel inspired me to make my TikTok account and dedicate it to Byler. Then one thing led to another, and so this detail is kinda the reason why I’m here on Tumblr, too. So I owe it a lot, haha.
The season-episode parallel reminds me that I’m not alone or ‘looking into it too much,’ and even if this is all a coincidence, it’s a damn good one.
Thanks for reading, and Happy Byler Day, again! Now, go forth and enjoy more posts!
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katimanki · 2 years ago
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Some Byler flirting on the Wheeler's roof for BylerDay 2023🥰
I made a speedpaint for this👀
I recorded about 3,5h of footage of the process. I didn't record everything(like the bg, the hands, fixing mike's face etc.) and I cut some parts where I was messing up a lot or was just being super slow. Very impressed with myself for getting this done so fast and also for once recording most of it. I usually don't even bother recording because I am so slow🙃 (speeding up the footage really fucked up the quality at the shading part but oh well)
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lucassinclaer-archive · 2 years ago
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— mirror by sammy coppley inspired by @robynrocksforbrains [ID in alt]
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jaegerisim · 2 years ago
Woke up and texted my bff to tell her it's Byler day. Her answer "bitch, when isn't it Byler day for you? 💀" She's not wrong
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messrsbyler · 2 years ago
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for @bylerday2023 a moodboard of modern au artist will byers and radio host/musician mike wheeler
more of my moodboards here
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hoteadepresso · 2 years ago
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th3-third-duffel-bag · 2 years ago
was rewatching season four when I noticed something that has definitely been noticed before but I thought I would put it out there.
by now, I know for a fact that we all know that blue represents mike and yellow represents will. now take a look at this.
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now class, what does blue and yellow make??? green. or, byler! the vomit part??? uhh, that is a negative thing, so I would think that if im on the right track, mike is definitely experiencing some internalized homophobia. BUT. right after, he goes "isn't that awesome?" yeah. yeah it is awesome.
might I add that after his failed attempt at this layered joke, he does not look at el, he looks at WILL. then proceeds to look down, looking like he wanted to catapult himself into incoming moving traffic.
behind them, there is blue and yellow lights too. actually, that shit's everywhere in the roller rink.
in conclusion, byler.
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ancatalyst · 2 years ago
So im a little late but i painted my Moms Nails in Blue and Yellow because of the Byler Day!! 💛💙
[And before you ask why it looks so bad... i cant paint nails.]
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keykey613 · 2 years ago
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M+W 💚
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over-rated-cheese · 2 years ago
happy byler day! 💙💛
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their pinkies are making a heart
i’m ill.
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