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keykey613 · 2 days ago
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Everywhere I go, I see them
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everywhere i go, i see his face
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keykey613 · 6 days ago
ppl be like "idc if a show has gay characters, just don't shove it down our throats or make it their whole personality"
and then when there's mike who's subtly hinted at being queer through story telling techniques they'll deny it because it's not obvious enough
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keykey613 · 7 days ago
stars Will x moon Mike canon?? THE symbol of Byler's requited love, the stars and the moon are cleric symbols (Will), ft the willelmike love triangle imagery and a symbol of Will's painting 🙂‍↕️ which is Will's love confession to Mike (Mike loves him back)
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The foreshadowing is crazy, from here
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keykey613 · 8 days ago
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keykey613 · 11 days ago
will painted something for mike in s4, so i think it's only fair if mike writes something for will in s5 <3
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keykey613 · 12 days ago
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keykey613 · 12 days ago
will byers from stranger things is jewish (headcanon) and gay (canon)
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submitted by anon
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keykey613 · 13 days ago
the very thought of Will falling for someone else, of his heart belonging to anyone but Mike, feels like spitting in the face of everything we’ve seen and everything we know. in S2, Will was gone, swallowed whole by the Mind Flayer, his body turned against him, his own hands forced to hurt the mother he loves more than anything. the monster took his freedom, his voice, his will.
but it couldn’t take Mike.
even when he had no control, when he wasn’t even himself anymore, when his own memories were slipping through his fingers like sand, Mike was still there. Mike stayed. not even a force as dark as the Mind Flayer that made him forget himself could make him forget Mike.
Mike's that one thing Will could never, ever let go of. The one thing even a monster as powerful as the Mind Flayer couldn’t rip away. Will held onto him, even in the deepest, blackest void. that’s not just love. that’s something stronger, something unbreakable, something that exists even beyond love.
and Milvans think he’s just going to wake up one day and fall for someone else? like it’s nothing? like Mike wasn’t the one thing the darkness couldn’t touch?
be so fucking for real.
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keykey613 · 13 days ago
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same energy🧐
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keykey613 · 14 days ago
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keykey613 · 14 days ago
Figured I'd share this here too.
Apologies for the typo. Discuss my lovely Bylers~
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keykey613 · 17 days ago
el? .... no, sorry. not interested.
straight, straight... it just doesn't make sense
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keykey613 · 17 days ago
She's so silly
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keykey613 · 18 days ago
The Hunger Games Parallels and What They Could Mean for Stranger Things 5
If you've never watched The Hunger Games, think of it like this:
Will = Peeta
El = Gale
Mike = Katniss
Katniss meets Gale in the woods at 12. Peeta met Katniss first (they weren't close but we ignore that for this).
Then there’s Peeta’s line: "Your family needs you" ("so El needs you Mike) and the scene includes a gift Peeta is giving Katniss talking abt Gale. (there were three pictures, gale's was the one in the center, between her mom and sister)
People also thought Gale was Katniss’s cousin ("she's my cousin").
Gale also asks Katniss "Do you love me" ("you don't love me anymore?") and Katniss said "You know how I feel about you" which reminds me a lot of "you know what I think of you."
But things get even more interesting if you bring in Snow as Vecna.
Peeta’s Capture → Will’s Fate?
In Mockingjay, Peeta is taken by the Capitol (aka Snow), and Gale—along with others—goes on a mission to rescue him. Meanwhile, Katniss is trying to reach and talk to Snow. Desperate, she pleads:
"Please, release Peeta and take me instead." (this is such a mike thing to say btw)
Snow refuses. He taunts her instead.
Katniss realizes too late—it was a trap. "It's a trap. We have to get a hold of them." "It's a trap! I need to warn them. It's a trap!" (mike in s2 + star wars parallel i think)
She says "Did I lose them both tonight?" and it is heartbreaking y'all. I def see us getting something similar. She hugs Haymitch, and I'd see Haymitch being Eddie, but since Eddie is... not here, I'd think idk. Nanyc, Karen, Hopper, anyone from the party? Idk y'all and this is not the focus but i spent too much time here and I think hopper
Like: "Am I losing both of them? I can't— I can’t lose them again." or "I can’t—I already lost them once, I already did this once I can't"
This is actually the quote that got me writing this
NOW, something else: Peeta was hijacked. In this theory: Hijacking → Vecna’s Influence
In THG, hijacking
"Induced terrifying hallucinations, altering the memory and introducing fear and doubt into the victim’s mind."
Which sounds a lot like what Vecna did to Max in the Snow Ball memory. This fits a lot the Venkman foreshadowing too.
And: Peeta, under Snow’s control, attacks Katniss—specifically grabbing her throat. Now, if you remember, there was a rumor that Will was going to choke Mike in Season 5.
And, in Mockingjay, Gale watches her kiss Peeta and says:
"She never kissed me like that."
Maybe we will get something similar in Stranger Things? Maybe a version of:
"He never looked at me like that." or idk
Of course, we can (and will) ignore the bad parts of Gale’s arc (ahem, Prim). But the core dynamic? The love triangle, the rescue mission, the betrayal, and the emotional fallout (and for multiple seasons now!!)? Yesss I'm here for it
pls let me know what u think!!!!! what u agree and disagree with + stuff I got wrong or forgot! and whatever you'd like to add <3
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keykey613 · 18 days ago
Okay but talking about the "I love you" what about their I love you being right before them going to fight Vecna for the last time after they saved each other or whatever happened and they kissed, and Mike is scared that they could die so he goes “Will... I...” but Will interrupts him and smiles fondly at him and just says “I know.” Mike smiles back and then an action scene starts where they all kick Vecna's ass or something like that
The same exact thing but it's in a quiet moment before they go to some kind of party together in the epilogue and Will just did something cute and sweet so Mike felt the need to say it because he just thinks that his boyfriend is adorable lol
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keykey613 · 18 days ago
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keykey613 · 19 days ago
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