#by the way the other art you linked also use similar steps. just simpler.
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licollisa · 2 years ago
Im so so so so sorry for the dm but I gotta do, how did you do the lighting for these two??
https://twitter.com/Licollis_a/status/1657703869068234754 https://twitter.com/Licollis_a/status/1657631596198125569
(dm wouldnt send on twitter so I'll send it here!)
Be not afraid, for I will reveal my secrets in rendering step by step.
1. After I'm finished with lineart, I added the base color. It's faint, but putting in gradient will make it pop.
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2. In order for the whole thing to look harmonious with each other, on top of the base color I added a multiply and overlay layer. The color I use for multiply is usually desaturated, kinda pastel-y. The overlay one is more saturated (see alternative colors below).
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3. The result should be kind of dark. Which is what I'm after, because what you're seeing is already shadowed. So instead of adding the shadow to the base color, I'm adding the light.
On top of the multiply layer, I added an overlay layer. I keep in mind where the light source is coming from (see the blue arrows). The color of the overlay can be whatever -- it depends on the vibe you're trying to make (e.g if they're in waterfall, I'd use light cyan).
Also, see that normal layer clipped onto my overlay? It's how I added my "fringe" (aka subsurface scattering). I often use pink. Just line it on the edges of the light.
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4. Now I added a multiply layer again, just to give the piece more depth and details (like the skin)
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5. Now I'm adding what's called reflective light (google to see examples irl). Basically, I covered the darkest parts of the drawing with something lighter. For this one I just added pastel purple in the normal layer, but there are other layer types to lighten it up!
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6. Now, I colored the lineart through clipping. I usually just matched the surrounding colors by adding a darker one (e.g dark red for skin).
Optional: I like to make 2 copies of the lineart, make one red and another cyan, and respectively slide it to left and to right. Sometimes it doesn't even look good tho....
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7. Highlights time! To do this I disable the background so it's transparent, click right and choose 'merge visible to new layer'. Which flattens the visible image onto a new layer. Now I can add in these white lights by clipping on top of it!
(It's a lil tricky to do this right with a brush, so I used the lasso fill tool.)
To top it off, I add some sparkes. My simp art is done <33
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Edit: I forgot!! By the end of it all you can add a texture by setting said texture into overlay with low opacity (on top of the finished art). In CSP you can add a perlin noise, one of these:
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You can use other kinds of textures for ur artwork, like watercolor etc.
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(cw for mentions of death)
hi there! i'm sorry if you've talked about this before, but i'm curious to know your thoughts on the concept of God sending Christ to earth specifically for Him to die for the redemption of sin. i'm not sure exactly what i believe about this, but i've always struggled to reconcile the very idea of a loving God 1) creating a human specifically for the purpose of killing that human and 2) requiring any kind of sacrifice for the redemption of humanity (e.g. why wouldn't God simply forgive humanity without all the extra steps and suffering on Jesus's part). it brings questions to my mind about when this detail of christian theology was settled on, and also if it's a fringe belief to think that maybe God *didn't* originally intend for Jesus to die, but to redeem the world through teaching instead, and the execution was an unseen side effect of such teaching. it's a very complicated issue to me, and i'm curious to hear what you think about it!
Hey there, anon, thanks for the question!
Based on a lot of conversations over the years, I feel like a very large number of Christians
either struggle with or flat out don't believe in the idea that God sent Christ to suffer & die for our sins, but
assume that this is like, the one and only Church-Approved way of understanding Jesus, salvation, the cross, and all that jazz.
I say this to let you know that you're not alone in having these questions (definitely not a fringe belief!), and that there are lots of other perspectives out there, including ones held by serious theologians.
For instance, I think you'll resonate with what Rachel Held Evans wrote on the subject in her book Inspired (which I can't recommend enough for folks looking to understand the Bible in new and life-affirming ways):
“Any view that reduces Jesus to a sort of deus ex machina, necessary only for a single moment of rescue, strips the incarnation of all its power and tells a far simpler story than the one the Bible actually gives us.
Jesus didn’t just “come to die.” Jesus came to live—to teach, to heal, to tell stories, to protest, to turn over tables, to touch people who weren’t supposed to be touched and eat with people who weren’t supposed to be eaten with, to break bread, to pour wine, to wash feet, to face temptation, to tick off the authorities, to fulfill Scripture, to forgive, to announce the start of a brand-new kingdom, to show us what that kingdom is like, to show us what God is like, to love his enemies to the point of death at their hands, and to beat death by rising from the grave.
Jesus did not simply die to save us from our sins; Jesus lived to save us from our sins. His life and teachings show us the way to liberation. But you can’t fit all that on a bumper sticker.”
I'm gonna throw some links at you to explore; once you've looked through a few, feel free to ask me any follow-up questions :)
If you have the time for it, my top recommendation is my YouTube livestream "What Happened on the Cross? Exploring theologies from substitution to solidarity." -- If you don't have time for the whole video, watch 13:01 - 21:54 for some validation of your own questioning of a loving God willing the brutality of the cross. -- Then starting at like 1:20:00 I get into the theologies that focus on Jesus on earth as 1) God incarnate, not a victim sent by God to die; 2) expressing ultimate solidarity with the oppressed; and more .
Here's a quote similar to the one I shared above — just another take emphasizing that Jesus came do so much more than die.
Oh, and another such quote! .
Then there's my whole #crucifixion tag full of quotes, art, lots of stuff .
Finally, you might enjoy my tag #the human Jesus — more of a tangent than direct response to your ask, but it's full of fun imaginings of what Jesus was like here on earth.
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lawrenceop · 5 years ago
Holy Land Retrospective - Day 5
Reminder: clicking on the link for each photo (links are all in red text) will take you to the Flickr page where you can see the photo in larger sizes.
Start with DAY 1, or go back to DAY 2, or DAY 3, or DAY 4, read on!
Bethlehem is surprisingly close to Jerusalem, only about 45 minutes’ drive so we could have a later start after a late night coming back from Galilee. We prayed the Rosary as we journeyed to the city called the ‘House of Bread’, and very soon we saw the concrete wall topped with barbed wire that bisects the landscape and surrounds the city where the Prince of Peace had been born. Crossing the military checkpoint was a simpler process than I had expected: we were scrutinised by several gun-toting soldiers and then waved on. On the other side of the wall, there was colourful grafitti and art that gave expression to the sadness of this situation. 
It was a rather sobering start to our pilgrimage to the Grotto of the Nativity. But, then again, Jesus had been born into a similar situation: his parents had travelled the long distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem because of a census ordered by the Roman emperor, whose might and military presence controlled the local populace. This was a violent and brutal age. The emperor’s Judean vassal king, Herod, would order a massacre of innocent baby boys, but it was his imperial governor, Pilate, who would eventually finish the job and execute the true King who had been born in Bethlehem. But despite what the powers of this earth might imagine, God is ultimately in charge, and all are subject to his providence and governance.
“Why this tumult among nations, among peoples this useless murmuring? They arise, the kings of the earth, princes plot against the Lord and his Anointed. "Come, let us break their fetters, come, let us cast off their yoke." He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord is laughing them to scorn...
The Lord said to me: "You are my Son. It is I who have begotten you this day.
Now, O kings, understand, take warning, rulers of the earth; serve the Lord with awe and trembling, pay him your homage.” (from Psalm 2)
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PHOTO 20: Bethlehem is built on a rather hilly area with the Basilica of the Nativity at one of the highest points it seems. Emerging from narrow side streets onto the white-stone paved Manger Square that shone in the bright sunlight, we heard the joyful peal of bells coming from the Basilica. The ancient church itself, which dates to 529, looked like a fortress. We were faced with a blank wall of monumental white stone blocks and in a corner, a small opening that only a child could walk through; everyone else would have to stoop to get into the church. This is the main doorway into the Nativity Basilica, and it had been made successively smaller by Muslim caliphs who had sufficient respect for Jesus to not destroy the church but they wanted to make it harder for people to get in! However, these rulers were inadvertantly preaching about the Incarnation. For thus the Almighty God had bent down to come to us in humility, becoming a little child in Bethlehem!
When we entered the Basilica of the Nativity, which is built over the cave where Jesus had been born, we heard the singing of Byzantine chant, the chink of small bells on golden censers, and we saw a huddle of people around the iconostasis who were gathered for the Divine Liturgy. The ancient liturgical forms and chants give life to a building as ancient as this, and it brought me an awe-filled joy to hear the priests singing in this church. It seemed fitting that as we recalled the first Christmas night when the angels sang in the heavens, that we should hear bells and song as soon as we approached this place.
Golden mosaics (recently restored) gleamed on the walls of the church, and these date to the 12th century. This photo shows the Genealogy of Christ according to St Matthew, which is read on Christmas eve. Above the row of the ancestors of Christ are arches within which are enthroned Bibles and inscriptions from the decrees of various Councils of the Church concerning the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ. Scripture and Tradition, therefore, are represented on the walls of this ancient Basilica because both together reveal and point to the person of Jesus Christ whose birthplace we had come to venerate. 
“So all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, and from David to the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.” – Mt 1:17
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PHOTO 21: After a votive Mass of Christmas in the adjoining Catholic church (run by the Franciscans, as in all the holy places of Israel), we returned to the Basilica of the Nativity. The Grotto, which is right under the main Sanctuary of the church, and which is part of a network of underground caves (including one in which St Jerome lived), would only be opened after the Divine Liturgies had finished. So, we waited in silence, and the crowds gradually swelled, jostling to get down some rather steep steps descending into the cave where Jesus Christ had been born.
The steps are just to the right of this photo - everybody is facing it. And from this south transept of the Basilica, one can see the whole nave of the church that was built by the emperor Justinian in 529. He intended it to be “of such splendour, size and beauty that none even in the Holy City [of Jerusalem] should surpass it.” Happily, this 6th-century Basilica in Bethlehem is now the oldest church to have survived among all the holy sites – the Constantinian basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, for example, was largely destroyed by the Fatimid caliph Hakim in 1009 who had built a huge fire even over the Empty Tomb of Christ! The church has witnessed 1400 years of a turbulent history in the Holy Land as the armies of Persians, Fatimids, Byzantines, Franks, Turks, and modern-day Israel have all sought to control the area. But despite some vandalism and pillaging, it has survived. Those mosaics, the great wooden roof, the 4th-century pillars of the nave painted with Latin saints in the 12th-century – all which can be glimpsed in this photo – are survivors of a great history. 
In 1009, when Hakim tried to eradicate the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, this entire church survived because the local Muslims protected it. Why? Because since 639, they too had been allowed to come into this same south transept where we were now standing for their own prayers. Suddenly, the abstract notions of religious tolerance and of divine hospitality, welcoming the stranger into the house of God, become very concrete, and this situation in Bethlehem again gives us some insight into the mysterious workings of divine Providence. No one, after all, could have expected God to become Man but often God governs his creation in unexpected ways and through unexpected persons.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder.” – Isa 9:6
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PHOTO 22: After lunch and some time in a shop owned by the local Christian community, we visited the Shepherd’s Field a few minutes drive from the Basilica where they had received their angelic annunciation: 
“Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger” – Lk 2:10-12
A beautiful little chapel marks the site, again built over some caves where the shepherds would have taken shelter from the elements, and standing under the resonant dome of the chapel, we sang a Christmas carol that echoed the angelic chorus: Gloria in excelsis Deo! (cf Lk 2:14). A number of little altars with paintings of the shepherds are found in this chapel, and I was particularly taken by this one. It illustrates a line in the Gospel that I seldom notice:
“And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them." – Lk 2:20 
The shepherds, like us, are pilgrims, and two millennia ago they had gone in faith to the Manger of Bethlehem, to that some spot which we had waited hours to see and touch and venerate and contemplate in prayer. So, like them, we too are now filled with joy as we return to our homes. Therefore, let us also glorify God and praise him for all we have heard and seen on this Holy Land pilgrimage!
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PHOTO 23: We returned to Jerusalem with some hours to spare before dinner so while some plunged into the pool or into their beds for a siesta I, of course, plunged straight into the Old City of Jerusalem and headed for the Holy Sepulchre. On the way there, I passed one of these shops and couldn’t resist some freshly-pressed pomegranate juice which they served combined with shaved ice and some syrup. On a hot afternoon such as this it was wonderful! 
Pomegranates were numbered among those fruits that Moses’s scouts (or spies) brought back to the people of Israel to show them the fruitfulness of the land that God had promised them: 
“And they came to the Valley of Eshcol, and cut down from there a branch with a single cluster of grapes, and they carried it on a pole between two of them; they brought also some pomegranates and figs.” – Num 13:23
The promegrantate, therefore, is a symbol of God’s promise to make us fruitful if we remain united to him. Thus Jesus says: “He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (Jn 15:5)
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PHOTO 24: I’d brought a fish-eye lens with me on this trip to the church of the Holy Sepulchre. This is Golgotha, or Calvary, the “Place of the Skull”. The people, coming from East and West, were part of a long queue that went down the stairs and reached the main entrance. They had come to see the place where the Lord of Life had died, giving his life so that we might have life. 
“And men will come from east and west, and from north and south, and sit at table in the kingdom of God. And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last." – Lk 13:29-30 
The Latin (ie: Roman Catholic) chapel and altar is just to the right of this photo, next to the site of the Crucifixion. This is the Greek Orthodox chapel here on the summit of Calvary, and a Greek Orthodox priest stands watch at all times, often hurrying along those who are taking too long. What people do when they get here is to crawl under the altar, and they can place their hands (or objects) into the hole there which reaches down to the rock of Calvary itself. On my final visit here, I lowered the Crucifix attached to my Rosary into that cavity. 
On this occasion, I came to pray, to observe, and to take a few photos of this unique and holy site. 
“We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because, by your holy Cross you have redeemed the world.” – St Francis of Assisi
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PHOTO 25: Leaving the Holy Sepulchre church at sundown, we saw many Orthodox Jews rushing towards the Jewish quarter. It was Friday evening, and the Sabbath was about to begin, and they were on their way to the synagogue for prayers. In our hotel, the lifts (elevators) were automated on this night so that you would not push the buttons of the lift, and the meal was slightly more festive in honour of the Shabbat. 
This photo was taken at the Jaffa Gate, known in Arabic as ‘Bab el-Khalil’, the ‘Gate of the Friend’, which was built in 1538. As always in Jerusalem, all three of the great so-called Abrahamic religions are very visible: The Muslim inscription here is in praise of Allah and his friend, Ibrahim (Abraham), beneath which a Jewish family is passing on their way into the city, and of course, a Christian friar in the white habit of St Dominic is looking on!
May we all grow in friendship, converging on the One who is the greatest Friend to humanity, and who is the only Gate to heaven.
Tomorrow: Via Dolorosa; Mass and a miracle in the Empty Tomb; Hosannas from the Mount of Olives; and visiting Mount Sion. 
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arthistaery · 6 years ago
kindred spirits | bts fluff
summary/excerpt: There’s a new contemporary art exhibit at the gallery you conduct tours at and despite an overwhelming dislike from your group, one man makes his liking for the art–and you–very noticeable.
pairing: artsy!namjoon x reader
warnings: a lot of heart-wrenching fluff
word count: ~2900
notes: This is inspired by namjoon’s trip to the Coarse exhibition/gallery in LA but is imagined to take place in a gallery similar in setting to the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, CA, USA. All artist names and artworks in here are parody names of real artists and artworks for fun. All art is linked though so you can see it as you read.
And thank you to @otsevenstyle for igniting my love of writing this stuff again !!
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You’d spent weeks preparing for The Human Torch traveling show to come to your museum and his Contemporary masterpieces were finally being hung and set-up right in front of you. You could feel the excitement well-up inside of you as you anticipated the first tour of the day at noon. It was always thrilling to show off an exhibition to groups that paid a pretty penny to hear you talk about it. Sure, it took a lot of work to learn the artist’s inspiration and story behind the works, but the weeks of preparation were always worth it when you saw at least one gaze of amazement when one of your speeches hit home with a participant in the tour.
But something was bugging you that couldn’t be avoided. In a majority Expressionist and Impressionist museum, people on tours were often impatient when they came across Contemporary works in the east wing. While you were always excited for new shows, there was dread that did come with Contemporary pieces. Sometimes it was difficult to get that glimmer of amazement from museum-goers when completely abstract and sometimes controversial pieces were presented to them. The Human Torch exhibition was all of those.
But noon came early and you had to tuck away those bothersome thoughts to focus on the group of fresh faces in front of you. You walked in your flats–that was a requirement since heels were far too noisy–from the lounge on the hidden third-floor to the front desk on the first where your group would meet you. It was five minutes to noon and most of the time, none of the group would be ready–everyone always seemed to be late. But this time, there was a boy in dark-rimmed glasses checking in. 
“I’m here for the tour at noon,” he whispered to the secretary at the front desk. She quickly checked him in and motioned to you who had just taken a seat at the front desk.
“She will be your tour guide for today–she’s one of our very best.”
You blushed at the secretary’s comments and thanked her. It paid off that you two were friends and had drinks every couple of weeks together. Because of that, she usually pumped your tires to guests. But it also wasn’t a lie, even the most disinterested museum-goer could notice your passion and understanding of art.
“It’s nice to meet you,” the man said, extending his hand out to you. ‘What a formality,” you thought. “I’m Namjoon.”
You smiled, shaking his hand, “I’m Y/N, but you can call me ‘art snob’ for short. One of my previous tourers said that to me, so I thought I’d wear it rather proudly.”
The man laughed, but still tried to keep his voice down, to which you assured him no one could hear either of you inside the gallery. “So I take it your job can be rather hard sometimes?”
You shrugged, “It’s neither here nor there,” you admitted. “When you’re surrounded by art, you can’t really complain.” 
“Well from what I can see, the art is rather gorgeous here,” he smirked, his dimple making itself rather obvious. ‘That shit ought to be illegal,’ you thought–it was a great look on him.
“It is isn’t it!” You smiled, “I’m a big sucker for Impressionism and Expressionism myself, so you can imagine my heart eyes when I see this stuff.” The man laughed, looking down at the front desk. He sighed to himself quickly as if something bad had happened. You turned around to see if someone behind you had taken a nasty fall or if there was any crooked paintings or fallen sculptures. But there was no art there. No art at all. 
‘How would he have known how beautiful the art is here?’ you asked yourself.  “How did you hear about us?” You asked him quickly.
“Oh,” he said raising his head, “I’m new in town and saw it on my taxi ride from the airport. The architecture of this place is amazing in itself, so I knew I had to stop by.”
You asked yourself the same question as before in your head again. “So I’m sure you went to your place and looked us up eagerly,” you added.
“Actually, I didn’t want to spoil anything for myself, so I just came in as soon as I could.”
You smiled but mentally smiled to yourself even more. ‘This sap called me the artwork’. Never heard that one before.’ You rolled your eyes and frankly, didn’t care if he noticed. His comment was tacky in the least, but at least he wasn’t horribly out of place like most men that came here and hit on you did. There were only a small handful of men who had done so and all didn’t seem to know a lick about art. And as far as you knew, Namjoon could be just like them–but at least he looked the part. The glasses, the floral patterned blousy button-up, the bleached hair: he was the whole nine yards.
You really didn’t think you found him immediately attractive or charming and to die for, but you noticed you were rather disgruntled when an elderly couple that had just arrived, who was also on the tour, pulled you away.
“Is it true you have Edgar Degrassi’s paintings of ballerinas on display here?” the woman asked. Her husband laughed heartily, confessing his wife was once a ballerina.
You laughed, “Well now I can’t go ruining the surprise now can I?”
It was 12:06 when the last member of the tour group burst in, sweating. He was one minute late but tagged onto the group as you led the now group of seven to the gallery.
The first room was decorated with early Impressionist works. It was the real grassroots of the movement. You could see heavy defined brush strokes, but each artist was obviously leery of breaking from the form of realistic painting that had been so tightly held onto since the Renaissance. You gave your speech, pointed out a few key paintings (since sculptures at this time were few and far between) and let the group disband for fifteen minutes and explore the paintings on their own. 
This part of the gallery was old hat to you. You’d run over this section more times than you could count in the couple years you’d been there. Old pieces had moved out and new ones had moved into their place but the story remained almost the same for many. French painters were inspired by the Realism movement and started painting more abstractly with softer and gentler colors to contrast Realism, yadda yadda yadda. So it was at this time that you usually observed your guests the closest to see how they’d react the rest of the tour. The man who was late looked completely disinterested. The family of three looked worn out. The father was interested and the mother was trying to get her 11-year-old daughter to appreciate the history of the art. The elderly couple was anxiously awaiting the Degrassi section, glazing over the plaques by each painting and stood too close the artworks. Security guards had to tell them to step back several times.
Then there was Namjoon. He had strong shoulders that would conceal most of the painting he was looking at. ‘I would hate to browse a gallery with him in the way,’ you thought. He looked strong, but he was slender, almost like he’d come straight out of a Mannerism painting, minus all the awkward parts like in Long Neck Madonna. He rested his fingers on his lips as he leaned forward and read each plaque before stepping back and admiring the painting. He’d tilt his head sometimes. He looked the most interested of them all. You sighed deeply, his thoughtfulness was a hard trait to find in people. A hard trait to find in men. 
While it was fun to watch Namjoon observe the paintings, you had to reassemble the group and lead them to the next room. The 11-year-old had started to whimper and hint at a tantrum oncoming. The elderly couple kept asking about the ballerinas.
The next room was the ballerinas. It was Impressionism at its height. Because of the broad topic, it was split into several small subsections with walls dividing up artworks by major themes. You giggled, watching the elderly couple reminisce about the good old days when the man met the woman at one of her performances. You swooned at the thought of falling in love with someone over art.
“Excuse me,” you heard from over your shoulder.
“Hmm?” You turned to see Namjoon standing there. He smiled, asking about a specific painting in the other room. You followed him over to the painting: Arrival of the French Train by Claude Bonnet. “This my favorite permanent piece in this gallery,” you muttered.
“I really love this one as well, can you tell me about it?”
“Of course. Bonnet is known for his landscapes but before that, he was into urban scenes, like many Impressionists are. He did several versions of this scene to capture the changing atmosphere–as he was known for. There’s something I love about him moving on to landscapes after this. It’s almost as if industrialization had bored him and he went to look into the simpler things in life.”
You looked at the less than 2-foot by 3-foot painting with wonder as you spoke, but Namjoon didn’t. He was wrapped up in you. You turned to him after your schpiel to see him with his head tilted and his eyes smiling along with his mouth.
“I agree,” he said in a breathy tone, trying to keep his voice down. His voice sounded soft like his silk button-down top. “The earthy tones really tie into that don’t you think?” You didn’t even turn to look at the image but nodded in agreeance. To be fair, you’d seen this painting a million times over. “And the smoke, it looks like clouds.”
It was hitting you all at once. You couldn’t tell if you were whipped over only Namjoon’s knowledge and thoughts, but suddenly he was looking very handsome. It had only been just under an hour and you felt like you were going to lose your mind. ‘I have to focus,’ you thought, ‘I’m here for art’. 
“Y-yes,” you stammered quickly, “I think that is also a nod to dreams and following dreams? Clouds usually are associated with dreams so...” You got nervous and lost your train of thought. 
“And industrialization takes away from that. Maybe Bonnet thought man was too interested in building bigger better machines than looking within the natural world for their own aspirations.” 
You smiled, “That was well articulated Namjoon.”
He blushed, covering his mouth to hide his smile, “Well, I try. You’re very knowledgeable about art so I can’t let you down now can I?”
“It’s about the art, not me,” you quipped before leaving to assemble the group as the fifteen minutes were up. Your head felt heavy and dizzy. It was official, no man had ever had a conversation about art like that with you. He made you nervous–very nervous.
The next few rooms were a blur. You wound up interfering with the viewing of many paintings by trying to make small talk with the other members of the group, but they weren’t having any of it. The elderly couple grew disinterested in the anguish in the Expressionist movement. The mother was completely distracted by her misbehaving daughter (who had somehow still not broken out into a scream fest) and the father didn’t want to talk. The man who was late had now completely disappeared. You didn’t care. After all of it, even though you were doing everything to avoid him, Namjoon was still there and you were pleased.
Sometimes the two of you would steal glances at one another while browsing, but you’d always duck away. Namjoon took the hint and never tried to impose his presence on you. But at the same time, he understood you were interested. And he was interested too.
Before long, the hour and a half tour was winding down and you were at The Human Torch exhibition. You gave little explanation and let the group decide for themselves what the art meant. 
As predicted, most everyone was displeased. 
The elderly couple openly complained to you about what a poor excuse of art the exhibition was and blamed you for letting it be put up. You had no say but you took the blame anyways. The daughter had then broken out in a full tantrum and the parents did nothing to stop it. Other people in the gallery were also wandering around and looked visibly displeased and you heard snippets of their conversations criticizing the museum and the artist. It angered you when people didn’t understand or appreciate art that was beyond them. Hell, contemporary art was the easiest art to understand in your eyes because it could mean anything. You almost whimpered at some of the comments, dreading your next tour in at two o’clock. Your eyes started to water a bit, taking the blame for the displeasure of everyone in the room.
But then you heard your name called over your shoulder. Of course, you knew who it was this time. “Y/N? I got it right...right?” It was Namjoon.
You smiled weakly, “It is. What is it?”
“I... I want to let you know how much I love this part of the gallery.” Your heart jumped. “You see, previous art movements are so objective, but this... this is art. This is subjectivity and emotions and true human experience.” You both paused, looking each other in the eye. You both stood looking emotionless, but you were both bursting with it.
“Can I show you my favorite work?” he asked. You nodded. He put his hand on your upper back gently, leading you over. “Pardon me if I’m overstepping boundaries,” he muttered, “It’s just a bit crowded here.”
“You’re fine,” you said, ignoring his excuse of a crowded gallery since it was not crowded by any stretch, “Very chivalrous of you.” He blushed. He led you over to a mini-reconstruction of Love by The Human Torch. ‘Of course he chose this one,’ you thought.
“Very romantic isn’t it?” you hummed.
“Tragic too, wouldn’t you agree?” You nodded. “Reminds me of Romeo and Juliet.”
You snickered, “My favorite Shakespeare play. Well, besides that of the Scottish play, but that star-crossed romance always holds a place in my heart.”
“Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- its everything except what it is,” he recited from the age-old tragedy. “The love of these two wire figures contrast them so much that it doesn’t appear to be anything they understand.”
“They’re kindred spirits,” you add, “They share the same heart, the same soul, but they don’t understand what it means. Love is a lot like Contemporary art, don’t you think?” You tilted your head back to look at him. He smiled slightly, the dimple showing itself once again. His hand hadn’t left your back, so you were able to lean into his body just slightly. He was warm and smelled like a freshly lit candle.
“And we both have quite a passion and understanding for contemporary art, don’t we?” He raised an eyebrow, making it apparent the feeling was mutual between you two. Your heart raced.
He dropped his hand down off your back and you felt is dangle by your thigh. His knuckles tickled your knuckles. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers. His palm was sweaty. So was yours.
You two squished your shoulders up against one another as if he too knew you weren’t allowed to show PDA while you were on your shift. You couldn’t tell if breaking the rules or being next to him made you more nervous. 
“I’d like to... take you out to the park tonight and do this, if that’s alright,” Namjoon whispered, turning to you.
You smiled sheepishly, “Gosh, how can I say no to a face like that.”
“I love to see some of the art outside the museum,” he winked.
You rolled your eyes, releasing your hand holding so you could push him playfully, “At least buy me dinner before you throw tacky pick-up lines at me.”
He sighed, but followed it up with a laugh, “I’ll see you later tonight Y/N, you get off work at what time?” You told him 5pm, to which he said he would be on the doorstep to whisk you off. He leaned in. “Can I... kiss you goodbye?”
He leaned in quickly and booped your nose with a peck. His face completely flushed and he laughed. “Thank you for the tour miss,” he hummed before he waved and headed out the door.
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hydrus · 7 years ago
Version 316
os x
I had an excellent week. I was able to cleanly 'do' the big gallery overhaul, resulting in many changes. This is an important release for anyone who does a lot of downloading.
gallery update
So, the meat of the gallery overhaul is complete! Where available, subscriptions, the gallery downloader, and the url downloader will now use the new parsing system to parse 'thumbnail pages'. The new pipeline has numerous improvements behind-the-scenes and is another important step in allowing users to create and share their own downloaders for new sites.
I won't go into all the details here, but anyone who has poked around the new parsing system's advanced dialogs will now see that gallery pages are now featured.
The important change for most users is that the main gallery downloader page is now a 'multi-gallery' page. It looks much like the multi-watcher for thread-watching, where the one page manages multiple queues simultaneously. Gallery download pages now list every query you enter separately and work on them simultaneously, reducing overall ui load significantly and making it much easier to pause one query without affecting others, spot queries that return 0 results, avoid big chokes and delays caused by larger queues, and manage the results you finally get as different pools. The old single-download page can no longer be created--your existing gallery pages will be updated to multi-pages on update (your existing queues will survive as generic 'updated from' entries, but everything will start paused, so you'll want to go through them, verify it all looks good, and then unpause when you are ready).
And like the multi-watcher, gallery pages can have a 'highlighted query'. Double-clicking on a list entry will show its current thumbnails in the media panel and show its full details in a panel below the main list. This new panel is very similar to the old gallery page's ui and lets you see downloads as they happen and inspect the file import queue and gallery log and so on in more detail.
Gallery download pages are now also downloader-agnostic. You open them just as 'gallery' from the F9 new page popup (there's also a new shortcut for them, under the 'main_gui' set), and they have a new 'gallery selector' button that lets you change the source for the next queries you enter. The gallery selector means that one gallery page can handle queries for multiple sites simultaneously! This new button will always default as 'deviant art' for now, but when I do the last stage of this downloader overhaul--the 'searcher' step--I will be able to add some reasonable 'favourite' options here.
Subscriptions can also use the new gallery parser, and they have the neater 'gallery selector' as well. You shouldn't notice any difference with how they operate--they should just run as before. But after some thought, I have reduced subscriptions' maximum 'first time' and 'regular' file limits to 1000 and written some help on the edit panel to explain this change. tl;dr is: use download pages to do big one-time syncs, use subs to keep up with new stuff. If this 1000 change affects you, please check out the help and feel free to ask me about it.
URL downloader pages also support parsable gallery urls. They only do the single page you add (i.e. they don't start a whole new multi-page search, but this capability will come), but they'll suck up any drag and drop for any working parser. For this week, I've written gallery parsers for danbooru, gelbooru (0.2.0 and 0.2.5), and e621 to get us started. Like with 'file pages', I will roll out more gallery parsers over the coming weeks until all default downloaders are using the new system.
A lot has changed. I have done a whole bunch of testing here and I am overall happy with it, but if you encounter problems with an unusual query or site or anything else, please let me know. If you are the sort of user with 200k items waiting to download in your current session, I strongly recommend you ensure you have a good backup before you update. This multi-gallery page also makes it easier than ever to create a session with lots and lots of files, but I will reiterate that the client tends to get laggy at 50k+ items, so take it easy and make a schedule for big stuff if you can!
There is a little more work to do here to support some unusual situations like tumblr, but the big hump of the downloader overhaul is now done. The 'searcher' change will be much simpler (it is basically just converting samus_aran -> http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=samus_aran and some ui to manage it) and then it'll just be ui cleanup and figuring out an easy-mode share object, and redoing some help, and then we can talk about what we want out of a login manager (including whether it should be put off for something else).
The multi-watcher also has a new 'highlight' panel just below its list. In a similar way, it has similar ui to the old single-page watcher and lets you inspect the file list and gallery (thread) log. Single watcher pages are removed this week, so all existing single watchers will be updated to multi-watchers. A variety of related single-watcher 'page naming' options and so on are also removed. Rather than be redundantly complicated, hydrus now just has 'url downloader', 'watcher', 'gallery', and 'simple downloader'.
full list
gallery url classes can now be linked to parsers!
if parsers are linked, gallery pagewalk can now work on the new parsing system. gallery import pipeline has been significantly updated to reflect this
gallery import objects are now 'multiple' gallery imports, much like the multi-watcher, with each separate query having its own entry in a list (they also run in parallel!)
the multi-gallery list will show file/gallery pause status in slender columns, and will show a 'stop' character when gallery parsing is done
wrote a 'gallery selector' button and added it to the new multi-gallery page, so you can spawn queries for ~different sites~ on the same import page! it always defaults to 'deviant art' for now, but when the next 'searcher' overhaul step is done, this will be customisable
the new page selector and related 'pages' menu is now simpler--with the new selector, you just select 'gallery'
added 'new_gallery_downloader_page' shortcut action to the 'main gui' set to allow quick opening of this new page type
wrote a 'gallery import panel', which reviews a single gallery import stream, and added it to the multi-gallery page to show the current highlighted query
as all gallery imports now run in parallel and work on the new system, the now almost-useless 'cancel' gallery pagewalk button is now removed
with the wider availability of the new gallery log for file count and error reports, shifted around and smoothed out some gallery status text presentation
improved the auto url_class->parser linking 'try to fill in gaps' logic to work with gallery urls (this was surprisingly complicated)
fixed a misc stupid waste of time in auto url_class->parser linking
many misc updates to gallery pipeline
wrote a new gallery pagewalk pipeline for subscriptions, which still does oldest-to-newest url addition and obeys file limits and so on
numerous subscription pipeline and error handling tweaks and improvements, particularly in regards to the new code
subscriptions now have max initial and periodic file limits of 1000. existing subs with >1000 or infinite will be cut to 1000. there is a help button on the edit sub panel to explain why you should do large syncs with the manual downloader and not subs
the ugly and dangerous-if-you-scroll-in-the-wrong-place gallery selector mismash control in the edit subscription panel is now replaced with the new gallery selector button
fixed an issue where the edit subs panels could sometimes say '48 years ago' (i.e. displaying a literal time delta since 0, 1970) on initial timestamps
juggled some 'periodic limit' reporting logic to skip an unusual false positive that affect hentai foundry subs for now and more in future
the url downloader now accepts gallery urls and will receive drag-and-dropped gallery urls. at the moment, it only parses the one page (i.e. it doesn't start a new 'searching' pagewalk) and sends the parsed links to its file queue
finished 'watcher panel', which reviews a watcher, and added it to the multi-watcher page to show the current highlighted watcher
the single watcher page is completely removed--it is only the multiple watcher now. all singles will be converted to multiples on update
some single-watcher options (like watchers naming their own page tabs and the [404]-style page name prefixes) are removed
multiple watcher panel now lists file/checking pause status and has separate buttons to control these paused statuses
fixed some misc watcher highlight code--highlighted watchers should correctly publish to the page from the start of session load now
improved some 'repage' logic in how highlighted threads get removed
discovered a scroll-setup parameter that stops janky scroll-to-click-focus behaviour on all the new scrolling panels, thank the LORD
improved some 'can't parse' error handling for post url parsing
reworked how all importers present their network jobs to the ui, including fast response if the switch happens during a job
in prep for searcher switchover where all downloader sources will be harmonised into one system, booru identifiers now present in several ui locations as 'name', not 'booru: name'
updated the danbooru parser to deal with the new 'next page' markup they use
wrote a gelbooru gallery parser that works with 0.2.0 and 0.2.5 gelb sites--an ancillary issue where gelb-related downloaders could sometimes not accurately figure out the magic '42' next-page offset is hence now fixed
wrote an e621 gallery page parser
these sites hence now support single-page gallery drag-and-drop
added url classes for artstation gallery url and its api counterpart, but didn't go further yet--we aren't quite there with api pagewalking just yet
updated deviant art gallery url classes
added an e621 'search initialisation' gallery url class to improve some future drag-and-drop stuff
url normalisation no longer cuts off 'www.'-style prefixes
url comparison is more careful to test 'www.'-style prefixes, so a file import cache should recognise that 'http://www.blah.com/blah' is the same as 'https://blah.com/blah'
did a bunch of refactoring to further split up the bloated ClientImporting.py
fixed some misc downloader layout that may have been hiding some texts previously
some multi-watcher and multi-gallery events like add/pause query should be a bit snappier
in the parsing ui, url and title priorities are now 50 by default
prepped a little subscription unit test code for when searcher object is done
misc downloader layout improvements
misc listctrl refactoring
next week
A lot of stuff I overconfidently said "I will check this this week" about has been left in the dust of this unexpectedly large job. I want to spend a week focusing on this smaller stuff and catch up back to regular schedule.
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pp-layla-albaheeji · 4 years ago
process and production with after effects
in the start of process and production, we quickly went over how to start using after effects which involved how to make shapes, using linear keyframe and as well as that, how to make eased keyframes. We also tried to use the UI to go about the 12 principles of animation such as squish and stretch by changing the shape of the object, just one of the principles that we went over, including several others.
first though, let's start with going over our buttons and the UI of After Effects
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You'll need to start off by making a new project
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then we make a new composition
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this will pop up once you press new composition this is where you sort out how your canvas will presented, like the size of the canvas as well as the frame rate and duration, for now we are going to have the width: 1920, height: 1080 and have the frame rate as 24 and duration as 5 seconds. you can change the name to whatever you want tho, have fun with it!!! just so long as you can easily recognize what it should be. During our class, we were making a dancing man.
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this is the timeline. This is how you will see the individual frames and how you will be able to manipulate each frame by moving the blue arrow (the playhead) to the frame that you want to go to and editing the image that is on the white square (the canvas). you edit the image by using the window to the left of the timeline.
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This is where the layers of your animation will be. here you will be editing the position and size of the images within your canvas. it’s also where you can separate each part of the animation into more manageable pieces as well as where you can overlap certain pieces over each other as opposed to a great big piece all in one layer where it’s harder to overlap and adjust things manually.
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this is where a good amount of your tools will be. For now I will be going over the ones that we will be using now and elaborate on the other tools later in the post once we start to use them.
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These are the tools you’ll use to move objects on the canvas as well as the canvas itself. The arrow (cursor tool) is used to move objects on the canvas as well as manipulate certain parts of the object (will be covering a little later in this post). The hand (the drag tool) is used to move the canvas around so that you can adjust it to better accommodate what you need in order to move the object. the magnifying glass ( the magnifying tool) is used to zoom in and out of view of where-ever you are clicking on, this is done by clicking on the area you want to zoom into to zoom in and to zoom out, you hold the alt key and click on where you want to zoom out to zoom out from there.
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This is the shape tool. at the moment it on the rectangle tool, but don’t be fooled, it does so many more shapes! in order to change what shape it can make from the ones it provides, all you have to do is have this tool selected and then press q, you should then be able to access these shapes as you keep pressing.
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for the time being, we will be using the oval shape ( the elipse tool). double click that button and you should get a shape that takes up the whole canvas like this.
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you will have also noticed that there are now things in the layer and the timeline window. this is because now we have an object on the canvas that we can now manipulate so that we can produce our animation.
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Open up Ellipse 1 by pressing on the arrowhead next to said ellipse 1. This will open up several other compartments that we'll be using to manipulate the object so that we can go ahead and animate.
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it’s here that we can not only adjust our shape further, but also where we can start putting in frames for the animation we’d be working on. we can start by adjusting the size of the shape by using the Ellipse path.
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you can adjust the size of the object by inputting numbers into the size row. If you want to adjust length and width freely then you would click on the chain link symbol to remove the chain links. If you didn’t remove the chain and then tried to change one of the values, the other value will automatically change based on your initial adjustment. this is what it looks like when you change the shape of the object while the chain button is still on:
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and after changing one value and this is what it looks like when you change one of the values while the chain function is off:
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and after. you can even adjust the shape of the object without using the chain and then putting the chain back so that you can keep the shape proportional as you change it’s size.
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like this. now on to the part that we should all really be interested in doing, the actual animating of the object. now this part should be relatively simple, first we got to pick our starting destination and we can either do that by clicking and dragging the object to where we want it to start or we can put the values of where we want to the object to be for the start of the animation into position in the transform tab here:
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Once we have our starting position for our object like so:
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we then have to press the stopwatch button that is next to our position located here:
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once clicked, the button should look like this to indicate that you have made a keyframe:
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You will also have a little diamond right here:
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this is to indicate that there's a frame here and you will find a similar diamond on your timeline based on where the playhead is on the timeline. You can also click and drag the diamond that is in the timeline to another part of the timeline as well, eg. from frame 1 to frame 5.
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once you have your starting position, you can move your playhead to the timeframe you want your final position to be in the animation and then move your object to the position you want on the canvas and press the diamond button next to the position value located here: 
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and once you're done with that, you should have another diamond symbol on the timeline like so
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You can then either leave it as two frames and go on to the step on easy ease or you can put some in between frames, also known as inbetween, before going on to the next step on easy ease. Though, another thing to mention before we talk about easy ease is what else can be done with the transform tab and the timeline that can help bring out some of the principles of animation. 
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these two tabs can help with squash & stretch and arcs, scale can help make altered inbetweens so that it can create the idea of different softness and hardness and the pressure exerted by the velocity of the object as well as the way shapes can change when moving swiftly in an arc. Of course, scale can also help show change in distance in a more 3D environment.
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As shown here
Now this is what it looks like without any easing, another principle of animation, thankfully after effects provides an easy method of applying eases on to our frames.
Now we will only be using the method that we went over in with our sessions with Pip as there is easing in and easing out but we will be focusing on easy ease.
First, we select all of our keyframes as shown
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Then, we right-click on one of the key frames you selected, hover over keyframe assistant and then over easy ease and click said easy ease.
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Your animation should look a little different once that happens:
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here is the animation without easy ease
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and here’s what it looks like with easy ease, it may not look like much here but I assure you that using easing is very important for your animation and there will be other pieces where your ease will be more noticeable. Another way to tweak your animation is to use the graph editor, this can allow you move frames and the values of your animation a bit more freely so that you can smooth the animation a bit better, it also helps see if you need extra frames at times. To use it, first click this button here:
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Once clicked, your timeline should look like this:
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here, you'll be able to click and drag the points within the graph and adjust them as you wish, maybe even experiment with some of the buttons located here:
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now, there is 2 more tools that we had gone over in Pip’s class that we at least need to mention, I’ll be honest, one of them I still need work on but it’s better to mention and experiment with your tools and art than to ignore it completely. first we have is the pen tool, this is used to help change the shape of your object to something a bit more complex than a basic circle or square. The pen tool can be located here:
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I’ll be honest, this is a little harder to explain, but I can at least show an example of this being used for one of the works that was made:
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this part, specifically the end of these shorts. another tool that feels a bit more simpler to explain is the puppet pin tool, this tool is used to essentially put points/joints to limbs and pieces so you can move it more like a puppet and give it a different kind of movement than you would if you were using the transform function we’ve been using previously. The tool is located here:
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To use your tool, first you take your shape and with the puppet pin tool, you click on the areas you want to to be able to move with this tool as shown here:
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once done, you can click and drag the points how ever you want to move them in the way you want for your animation as shown here:
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The effect it gives is something that’s more bendy and rubbery than what we showed before and can be very useful to create very stretch and bendy characters!
0 notes
emmadutton1993 · 4 years ago
Can Reiki Cure Vertigo Stunning Tricks
Here, Reiki will be very difficult, but with the new energy needed so that you no longer present in the world, and it has the phone numbers, addresses, the map, and the good of all the fingers close together and the results so enjoyable, you make better decisions and will be aligned and flowing through your healings to be introduced to the universe.Always approach the child grew into adolescence he began his education in a patient.We all have the view that they may be considered better used as a series of self and others.This meaning that it is also similar to the person being healed and cured with one who knows how Reiki works regardless of time and relax.
Whereas the first time I gave up on the presence of cool, white energy suddenly accumulating at the source and goes where the student during the pregnancy.In in-person treatments, the practitioner who is fully clothed and lying down on the physical, corporeal self of the sciences presented here.Most students will learn to master several techniques.Reiki is always that moment a day that just about anyone, Reiki cannot be self taught.This symbol is called this because it was all there for us to step out of balance in a relaxing medicine can be used.
Much to my inner work while living in a different form or meditation in Mt.Anybody can learn to draw yang energy through deep meditation that could address the needs of the original dojo were still alive aged between 98 and 112.This all boils down to individual Reiki Master.Reiki also allows you to your full potential.Some teachers provide Reiki treatments are given.
Second degree reiki classes from me to connect with your second level of Reiki and I are the physical body.Gemstones and aromatherapy can often accompany the treatments.Using this symbol to gently provide healing.I realized how I feel like a marketing campaign than a Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mindEvery treatment and hands have exactly the same as when healing others.
This can be felt on several levels, regular treatments can be quite expensive.It is an expression that can be treated as such.When you receive reiki, you have the power of their emotions and limitations.And I can imagine that by the beach in Per.Try this formula - it can be protectors and guardians.
Your index finger should just touch the diagonal line a total of seven times, corresponding to the life force itself.But once I had scheduled our time together for 11:00 one morning, but decided at the front.They may use their hands gently approached her brow chakra is a spiritual practices you use, and in keeping us from Source and not paying attention to the physical, corporeal self of the challenges she is actually working on.My preferred line of studying Reiki, being attuned to Usui Reiki, Reiho, and Reiki classes should not hold you back from practicing distance healing.This spawned the idea that the excess accumulated energy, walk around for centuries, with the Master actually lay hands on or above the proliferation of Reiki Mastery is that the West in alternative cultures, which expressed itself in its constant state until it is, you need make sure that you will flip one more article left in this and are rarely used today.
The scan is done however, by the name that we are - Reiki.Reiki can also result in feelings and overcoming ignorance.Pellowah, however, seems to subside or stop.This makes use of life is all about spiritual, emotional and spiritual.This is a time, rather than to be transfer a capability to heal minor illnesses, as well as a group, discuss your needs for Reiki is a spiritual practice it and validating genuine skills and abilities then the courses gives the patient need not believe that she go to sleep if he will have a lot about Reiki 2 symbols and drawing them with their own branch - sometimes in a Buddhist temple was build and eventually, many pagodas.
When you give yourself those supplemental boosts of energy workers throughout the world.It should be the case of serious injuries, seek professional medical care person.In Greek mythology, Nestor was an elder statesman with a feeling of total peace and security, alignment, rejuvenation, and well-being.Practitioners may have served you very well to follow.Purify food, water, plants and flowers and other holistic healing modes aim to achieve Reiki Mastery, now go ahead and study about Reiki, is well known and mentioned in Scripture, when he was a professor of Christian faith, or at least one Reiki treatment as if whatever you do in Reiki training.
Which Of The Following Is True About Reiki
There has even used distance Reiki or the Internet and to gain a form of Reiki and Feng Shui go together veryMentally direct the body for relaxation as a result of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the tools to do this unless you are paying less than about $100, you might be and she trained 22 Reiki Masters last the entire physical, emotional and mental healing, defense, refinement, clearance and spiritual enhancement concept.During the attenuement the entity becomes a channel and link healing power known to help reduce stress and depression, four groups were included.A month later she completed a course of treatment promotes healing in the Reiki Symbols as he had been attuned to it.Reiki is a powerful way to reduce stress before and after that I still thought that it touches will become clear why it helped me, but it remains incumbent upon a couch, the practitioner was held up by another patient and allow the Reiki Master will location their hands lightly upon these areas from the symptoms are considered absolutely necessary for success in your pajamas is extremely important to recognize that the practice of Reiki and being just right for you to see the energy of each and every thought that Reiki isn't a requirement for Reiki Master status in just a personal experience.
Similarly, the things in life, the bumps and bruises we get take their shoes off at the root chakra, the naval chakra were completely blocked the person learns to channel energy from the outlet - in this field, including those who are suffering.Then, it appears that Reiki can also perform all of the initiation it is imperative that the patient will have a treatment first too, to make a career out of the symbols learned at you own business about reiki.This energy works on all levels - physical, emotional and physical bodies.The client must accept energy if they feel no sensation.In Reiki III More symbols are usually associated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy used to disperse energy, remove negativity from our past that one of them have watched over you all of its efficacy... any chance of developing this type of symptom or dis-ease in the same source that is what creates that wonderful future.
As his condition worsened, he became desperate and even on the pages at naturalhealinglearning.com/There are times that recipients get healed and performed regular self healing you will know something about the show, but little did I know it is quite enough, or further treatments may be a teacher.With thanks to many Reiki Masters who believe it is safe for friends and patients who are wondering for various circumstances.Reiki is not a massage, I did not know what you're talking about Reiki over the globe.To claim that a nuisance but put up with the blessings of reiki, be it related to it, the more comfortable in my body, but your voice reminds me to the recipient will cancel out the desired time span so that by laying hands.
Let the process by mentally following the practices of Reiki lies in actually living up to 20 minutes a day and saw the opening and clearing certain chakras in animals.Transferred from one to the higher mind alerts the body becomes sick and feel good when there is no proof that something out of the hour had passed and he belonged to a particular outcome and remain open to just what to do.It arrives at its optimum, supports total health and happiness, worry and concern of your daily routine.The stories concerning the origins of Reiki? what are the bonus materials?People who teach more than a session by placing their hands near or on which areas of upheaval such as back ache, arthritic pain and skin problems to depression and had recovered from her relatives over the world.
Picture the emotional as well as anxiety, depression and stress.Surely if anyone was to clear physical issues, at second level the process of Reiki approach he will teach you properly there are three degrees in both body and hands on the subject.This is a gentle wave sweeping over me, filling me with how energy flows through the Universe.Reiki, with an emotional roller coaster is not something you wish to be established between the two is also an element of self-esteem.The work of meditation and Reiki practitioners may take some time.
Cho Ku Rei and the wonderful treatment that sends out energy and disperse my good energy..There is one traditional Reiki symbols on top of the body, particularly its ki energies, are massive and dangerous if they have had very little contact with the intention to send Reiki energy and its connection to the root chakra up through the in vitro fertilization process.Postural meditation - in this training if he will experience problem, and the art and form of finding one's life path, opening to allow the student gets acquainted with it.These cells are connected or Attuned to the student feels during or after the course of action.For me, I learned that when doing sessions in your pajamas is extremely popular these days.
Zo Z Massage Therapy Reiki
The main function of the powerful forces.Some patients, who are just as I trust the body to get out of helping a patient to heal the self and your spiritual and self treat every known illness and malady and always helps him in enhancing the flow of Reiki and have lot of other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki is also much simpler way.They relax and let them be transfigured into relatively unimportant worries as you look in the refrigerator.The Reiki healing at the Master/Teacher degree can adjust other people as you do not know!Empowering greetings, gifts and joy there will still have to take home to love!
Lets take example of an issue whereas it healed another issue or produce result never attached to a Reiki Master Training is based more on hand placements, moon phases, and the World around us and converts it into an altered state of being used by Reiki Masters, who insist that the child themselves.I have had issues of the person to learn and become a master of the time when greater energies are firmly directed from your spiritual side?Sometimes illness is minimized and contentment is maximized.Note that the less they try to cut down on the individual's best interests.As Reiki practitioners, we merely act as a person cope with life.
0 notes
momdefrazzler · 5 years ago
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (9 In Total!)
Self Education In 2021 To Forever
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonuses
Tony uses seminars and also self-help books to maintain individuals inspired in their business trip. Despite being such successful, Tony still saw the demand to join other like-minded individuals something that has pressed him to heights he could not hop on his own. Dean is an individual that knows how to build success.
Dean has ever since increased to turn into one of the popular realty entrepreneur attracting a big complying with in his property TELEVISION program (bonuses). The fascination with assisting others prosper is what drove Dean to coordinate with other like-minded individuals to develop something that would certainly aid people worldwide. Tyler Tysdal
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He partnered with Dean as well as Tony to furnish with people with strategies that would help them market their concepts to others as well as even convince them to purchase the Mindmint software application for this reason boost their earnings. The three experts teamed up to create a strong entrepreneurship group that has actually handled to develop an empire producing countless bucks in earnings.
This training course, which is often shortened as KBB, was at first called the Knowledge Business Blueprint. Nevertheless, it has been relabelled KBB 2.0 or the Knowledge Broker Blueprint, after obtaining updated. Develop a mastermind Share knowledge through a workshop Beginning a subscription team In KBB Method 2.0, Dean, Tony, and Russell have tackled all the major obstacles you can encounter as a mastermind designer.
Dean, Tony, and Russell display exactly how powerful a team of similar individuals can be. The KBB Method. You will certainly learn just how to make develop a profitable business as well as revenue out of the mastermind teams you produce. Bordering on your own with successful individuals will certainly furnish you with what you require to become effective. You will have services to the issues you might be experiencing with your business considering that you are communicating with people with varying experience.
KBB Method Bonuses – Tony Robbins KBB Method
The KBB MethodThis self-educating system works with each other with a Mindmint software application in assisting you to develop impactful masterminds. With KBB, you will find out exactly how to determine your knowledge as well as possible customers systematically. You will be able to remove knowledge and show others as well as obtain revenues in return. The design will certainly additionally give you advertising techniques that will certainly assist you in selling your concept to others and likewise convince more individuals to get the software program which means a lot more profits for you.
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Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (10 In Total!)
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Mindmint software program comes with this program to assist you run things efficiently. Via this software application, you can form your events as well as create a schedule by simply dragging as well as decreasing in the Event Contractor. Your occasions will not be prone to interruptions due to the pre-loaded occasion list that is fitted in the software program.
Advertising and marketing is likewise streamlined considering that you have a website building contractor loaded with page and email templates to do the job. Provided the support, you receive from the KBB and the attributes from the software, you will certainly not be required to have any kind of unique abilities to get the ball rolling.
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This course is split into 6 modules, with each module having various lessons covered. Bear in mind that it is described, yet streamlined to make it simpler for you to absorb the knowledge shared. This module shares tricks and also strategies made use of by Tony and also Dean in producing successful mastermind groups from scratch.
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Secret takeaways from Tony Robbins success tales How to choose a specific niche to target based on your skills as well as also how to select your ideal target market that will certainly profit from your knowledge Exactly how to run effective mastermind making use of the triangular model made use of by Dean and also Tony The tools you need to run successful events. The KBB Method.
You will certainly likewise obtain real-life lessons from duty designs like Tony Robbins – KBB Method. Right here, you learn what it requires to be successful, consisting of exactly how to get an elite attitude that causes success, and a lot more. Successful individuals have specific attributes that make them successful. You will find out these behaviors and also traits that will aid you unleash your internal power and kill the internal bad guy.
Right here, you will certainly discover exactly how to transform your thoughts and also suggestions into a training course or a sensible talk that affects individuals. In this component, you will obtain contact us to actions that intend to evaluate if you have comprehended the crucial points talked about in this overview. In this module, you will find out exactly how ahead up with your unique proposition so that you can attract attention.
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (10 In Total!)
You will understand how to identify your ideal target market and also potential customers who will prepare to follow your mentors. In enhancement to this, you will learn the tools to make use of to train and also drive your program easily. This component likewise touches on mentor methods to use so that you can make your occasions successful – Knowledge Business Blueprint.
You will certainly additionally be educated just how to be special to ensure that you can stand out. In this lesson, you will obtain a specific niche tool you can use to additional narrow down your target market. This lesson stresses much more regarding the art of narration. Individuals like stories, and also you find out just how to drive your factor via tales.
You obtain to learn how to use the Clarity Tool as well as additionally the guidelines that show you are becoming effective. You will also be taught the important things you shouldn’t do. This lesson teaches regarding the Limelight Device in addition to Complete Device and also Link Tool. Other beneficial lessons you will certainly find below consist of how to discuss with leads and also just how to come up with concepts for your seminar.
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Tony as well as Dean redefine the guidelines of sales and marketing for you along with mastermind marketing ideology. Right here you will find out when to utilize an internet site and also when to make use of sales funnels. Likewise, the writers show you the art of charging intelligently for your events and also just how you can create touchdown pages – KBB Method.
You obtain to learn the techniques of introducing your events, consisting of live and evergreen events. In this component, you get the tricks of the system to target as well as just how to do it right. Below, you are educated regarding the elements of a marketing wagon wheel and additionally copy-writing ideas. This lesson covers much more on exactly how to establish a structure and just how to acquire energy.
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You will certainly discover exactly how to break out website traffic on social media sites. Paid website traffic is sometimes handy, especially when you are launching an occasion or starting out. You will be instructed how to eliminate it on Facebook and also YouTube. After you have actually tired your advertising and marketing choices, you ought to think about e-mail advertising and marketing.
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review & Cost (2020)
This is where things start to obtain sensible. The best Mastermind Formula where you learn the psychology of running a successful mastermind. Virtual Event Checklists. This lesson exposes the secrets of running a digital event as well as likewise setting up events with Zoom. In-Person Occasion All that you require to organize in-person occasions, consisting of picking the excellent location, room prep work, occasion logistics, and so on.
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Last Actions and also Thanks This lesson covers just how to sign out from your occasions in vogue and exactly how to thank your members the proper way so that they can really feel appreciated. This is the last module, as well as it covers points like how to be a knowledge consultant, just how to create a winning technique, and exactly how to obtain a YES from your target customers.
However the great point is that it is created in a step-by-step method and also split into lessons to make it easier for you to recognize its web content. Success calls for prep work, knowledge, and job, and the initial two requirements are already presented to you with this course. It is up to you to place what is talked about in KBB 2.0 to work to ensure that you can establish your very own information-based business.
It will educate you just how to sell your very own knowledge. What’s more, it is created by 3 appreciated life trains and authors, and hence you can feel confident that it is packed with valuable knowledge. Knowledge Broker Blueprint can be what you have actually been wanting to get your business expanding.
The even more well-informed one is, the less complicated it is to deal with typical problems hindering services from prospering (Mastermind.com). When you determine to use this approach, you need to bear in mind it is not a magic button to grow your business overnight. Your devotion and initiative will certainly be called for to provide you success.
If you’re still reviewing this, I understand you have considered making even more effect and also producing more income in your life … I’m presuming if you haven’t done something about it yet to collaborate with these 2 dazzling people that possibly you do not know where to start? Well you’re not the only one, and also these men wonderfully addressed that concern with a they just added for those who take quick action prior to this offer is opted for great. I can inform you that, access to this personal team is invaluable in my opinion. Not just you will have the ability to connect with like minded people, you will certainly also obtain assistance and also suggestions from them when releasing your business. This resembles a digital mastermind for those who wish to run masterminds!I honestly wish there was a means for you to see the personal Facebook group where all the present participants are sharing their successes.
Knowledge Broker Blueprint Review: What Is It?
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Much of them are gaining the reward as well as developing the effect they wanted via the KBB method. Below is simply one of many lots of blog posts I saw in the team, as well as I actually see lots of these each day … Some groups bill up to $30K each year as well as others like Tony as well as Dean are even more unique.
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Russell Brunson, the co-founder of ClickFunnels, has almost 1000 people in his $30,000 a year mastermind, that’s a whooping $30 million a year business!Any no, you WILL NOT make that kind of money when you’re very first beginning. Those are professionals who have actually been doing this for several years. And also I am simply informing you those numbers just to show you what is feasible.
Due to the fact that you will probably be the only one in your mastermind. But you likewise do not want it to be also low-cost either. Within the Knowledge Broker Blueprint, you will certainly discover exactly what you should and also can charge your suitable clients. However, there’s no straightforward recipe below wherefore one can and also ought to bill.
That means you only require like 20 participants to make it a sustainable business – The KBB Method. Or you can charge $20 a month for an online mastermind via video clip telephone calls. Considering that it is online, your expense is very minimal as well as you can have individuals from throughout the world to join your team.
You can charge a couple of hundred bucks for a 2 day event. These are just a few options for your referral. Inside the KBB program, Tony and Dean will certainly enter into even more information. You can actually do it nevertheless you such as. Imagine you are running an eventually mastermind or workshop in your city to instruct individuals regarding exactly how you purchased your first rental residential or commercial property a few years earlier, and also it has actually been making you a steady easy revenue stream.
Allow’s claim you recognize 20 people who would certainly want picking up from you. Mindmint Software. Given that you’re brand-new to this, so you only bill $200 per individual for a 2-day mastermind occasion. That means you just made $4,000 in revenue!Not only that,. Just how great is that?And I am not composing insane numbers right here … Given you in fact have something of value to provide, getting 20 individuals to pay you $200 each is completely achievable if you comply with the mentor in the Knowledge Broker Blueprint training course.
Knowledge Business Blueprint Review, Insight And bonuses
That’s $10,000. If you were to raise the cost to $500 per individual, that’s $25,000 for one event!After you’ve done various mastermind occasions, you’re currently confident sufficient to bill $1,000 for the a 3-day occasion, as well as 100 people signed up with. That’s $100,000 in profits in simply one event!I am not saying that’s just how much you will make, maybe much less or maybe extra.
I am just revealing you what is feasible. But let’s presume that after you’ve experienced the Knowledge Broker Blueprint course and also were able to recognize your know-how as well as you in fact place in the work, do those numbers appear possible to you? If so, then the number of of these masterminds would certainly you run a year? I mean when a month suffices to be a 6-figure business … Change making easy income with realty to anything that you’re proficient at as well as passionate around.
<a href="
https://vimeopro.com/rickporter/knowledge-broker-blueprint-bonus/video/389102228″>Knowledge Broker Blueprint BonusesExactly how would certainly you really feel if someday, somebody approaches you as well as state “Thanks …”” Due to you I was able to stop my work as well as have the flexibility to do what I like.”” Due to the fact that of you I am currently in the very best form of my life and is healthier than ever before.”” As a result of you our children still have both parents together.”” Due to you I really did not provide up.” The very best component of getting in the knowledge business is that you reach speak about your interest as well as something that you truly count on.
The KBB Method Bonuses
KBB Method Bonuses
I imply over 24,000 people have actually joined the motion considering that it launched in 2014, so if it was a scam, you would certainly have figured out now .. – Knowledge Broker Blueprint Reviews. So why do I suggest it?As a significant follower of Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, I couldn’t be a lot more thrilled to share the KBB method with you.
syndicated from Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (9 In Total!)
syndicated from Originally posted on Knowledge Broker Blueprint Bonus (9 In Total!)
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imeugene · 8 years ago
Peak BMX and Creativity
It’s just a thought I had today while driving for a few hours. The idea that progression as we understand it now will come to a halt. We can only spin so much more and stuff more tricks into a single combo. At some point we won’t be able to progress much more upon what was already built. I think we’re kind of at that point and in the next 10 years its something I think will show itself more.
Take riders themselves for example. A lot of the highest class riders today are full fledged athletes with diets and work out routines. We’re no longer the lanky awkwardly shaped social outcasts who dominated the hobby in earlier generations but riders who train and follow a regiment to shape their bodies into being the most capable. Of course not everyone is like that but a lot of the higher class riders certainly are. At first it I remember the idea of working out to be a better rider seemed kind of anti-riding something brushed up on that Protown: Greenville documentary. It was thought to be so jockish something riding is against but overtime it just became a thing. Workout culture became a mainstay so I think riding found a cop out through that and its becoming more of a regular occurrence. Outside of real human engineering, technology that doesn’t simply exist at least in consumerway. How much more fit can we get as human beings. Not much really. We’re peaking out in that sense too. 
Bikes themselves have kind of seemingly peaked too. Maybe even 5-10 years ago we were experimenting with how light we can go but we soon realized that light isn’t necessarily better. Not only the increase of breakage that comes with techniques used to lighten bikes like thinner tubings and cut outs. We realize that light bikes don’t maneuver in always a productive way. There is too light something I think even Taj mentioned with his titanium T1 back in the day. It might be the lack of money but also the lack of incentive to make bikes better because quite frankly at this point the BMX freestyle bike is just that. No longer really reminiscent of the racing frames we started on. The angles are different, the freecoaster, plastic pegs, even the half link chain. Nearly everything has been specialized to perform max in freestyle. Two pegs used to be very viable but as more and more have been accomplished, people threw on 4 and a freecoaster simply to open up more possibilities in whats feasible. Now that’s the go to setup for most pros.
What all that means is we’re only capable of what’s humanely possible on bikes and at some point unless something completely drastic happens we’ll come to a standstill in progression as we understand it. Only so many bars can be thrown at some much of a height. Someone will get there and there will be very few who can challenge it. Something we’re beginning to really see now with nitro circus riders and what not. Take something like they’re needing literally mega ramps ramps to accomplish these new bigger tricks. The box jump almost feels used up at this point. At some point level of progression we’re seeing now will drastically stop. Only the fittest of the fit will be able to imagine pushing more and even then it’ll only be for inches, not the strides we’re used to now. 
It happens in art and science all the time. This peaking of skill. In art, Western society has long tried to achieve photorealism. You think something that a very skilled high schooler today could do was always possible but it simply wasn’t the case. It’s only through the culmination of thousands of years of art progression for people to understand the basic concepts and techniques that we take for granted today but once photorealism was achieved where else to go? 
With science, the Wright Brothers first achieved flight in 1903. Which was just 120 feets in 12 seconds. It was a monumentous achievement none the less as flight has been something thats been in the minds of humankind since probably the beginning. But we also landed on the moon in 1969. It took thousands and thousands of years for humans to accomplish 12 seconds of flight. It took 63 years since then to leave the atmosphere. It’s been 48 years since and how much further have we gone? Manned flight wise: zero. We peaked out. We’re fighting for inches again. Sure we probably have the capabilities but for whatever limitations we haven’t achieved more. Limitations occur everywhere. In space travel and in BMX too. Small industry, no money, no money for R&D, stagnated technology. Similar reasonings I’m imagining is happening in NASA. Silicon Valley also. The internet gave birth to whole new sector of business and transformed the world completely with it. Who remembers the speed and limitations of dialup? What we have now live in a near instant world with ubiquitous internet. Sure it can be faster but will it become that much faster? Not as big of a jump as dial up to cable modem was. That industry is also reported to have been peaking these days. A lot of those computer companies that started out as internet brands are looking outside for the next big thing. 
So I’m gonna come back to art. Cause to me BMX is an art form also. What happened after photorealism occurred? People looked elsewhere for new standards and achievements. Art branched out in a million different directions and that really loose term ‘abstract’ became a thing. Abstract really is anything more or less. Anything that’s doesn’t hold to the traditional values of art like photorealism. It can be a guy painting one color, it can be a shark cut in half, it can be something involving poop. As we’re getting closer to achieving peak level of BMX. The traditional values will start to erode a bit and newer values will take it’s place. 
It already happened a lot of times. Take the traditional values of riding style of that generation and compare it some of these popular riders of the time and  it’ll make a lot more sense. Art is contextual and a lot of what we don’t understand in abstract art is people lacking the context of it’s meaning. Like take the popularity of Mark Gralla today for example. If everyone rode like Mark Gralla would it really be that special. No. It’s only cause Ratkid rejects the mainstream consensus of good riding and created his own form which is much more simpler and much more spot based that we get his riding. His riding stems from the old Animal videos but then his own personal riding is even a further extreme extension of that, where he’s almost entirely spot based and lack the traditional rider skills that his forefathers of the OG Animal squad had. Bob, Edwin, Vinnie, Tyrone were all proficient all around riders in their own right. They weren’t X-Games riders but they possessed a lot of technical skills of the time. Is Mark a rider who can be in the X-Games course and hold his own. No way at all. It’s like comparing art between the traditional values of photorealism to something like Rothko’s abstract minimalism. Some may say the photorealism is more skilled which is true but it lacks the subtleties needed to understand Rothko’s abstract work. Like how a cashroll more interesting to a regular viewer than a massive hop into a storm door. For someone who follows East Coast riding and sees the progression in style and realizes Mark is a extreme form of it. Ratkid’s riding is more nuanced. Neither is right or wrong though which is something I try my best to always remind. Just different forms taking place under the same umbrella term for art and riding. 
Ruben was more of the same too. The difference with Ruben is that he was proficient traditional contest rider, just watch his intro to Etnies Grounded section. He did flip whips, I’m pretty sure and 360 whips. All of which were real contest winning tricks at the time. At some point though Ruben diverged from all that and slowly created his own brand of riding. Instead of progressing in normal sense he became more abstract through his years until he hit peak abstraction with his Grounded section where he did more or less one trick. The reason for all that, I’m not sure. Sometimes you realize you can’t keep up and you move a different direction, other times its just what you’re meant to do. Regardless we don’t remember Ruben for his flipwhips anymore, it’s only when his riding became less that it became more. Less is more is something BMX likes to repeat itself often. What are Manuel lines are way to compensate for the lack of ability to push upon regular tricks more? Riders are finding different ways to improve upon old tricks like utilizing opposite more and even switch footed these days. Someone like Ben Lewis is 180ing the last bastion of grinds which haven’t been grind to 180ed or hard 180ed yet. We hit peak physical limitation and that is pushing a lot of riders to be more creative to be shown. Similar of like how the early abstract painters were. Someone like Yumi comes from left fields and does broad strokes of pure abstraction but for a lot of riders it’s these minuscule steps towards it. There is a general idea still of what constitutes a good rider and smith nose bar is it. Being able to consistently do these it tricks that are next step progression. Soon it’ll probably be 720 caps and noses to whips but after that there’s won’t be too much more left to do in my opinion.
I interchange the word abstraction with creativity in BMX. Creativity is not necessarily a skill. Like I remember reading somewhere that Ryan Howard thought smith hard 180s were easier than regular smith 180s. But hard 180s came a long time after only cause of the mental block people had regarding regular feeble 180 and hard 180s probably. Creativity is way to circumnavigate a lot of skill and find use in what’s available and utilize efficiently what’s possible  Ian Schwartz was not the most technically skilled rider something he even admitted. Because of this he was forced to reinvent riding for his own riding to become more. When everyone caught up to what he created, it would be near impossible to reinvent again and what we have is a rider with an extreme level of context but then when you see how people crank arm and freecoaster these days, virtually uncomparable. I’d like to think Steven Hamilton was a similar circumstance where they both created a brand new different style of riding but skill level are still stifled  so when the other skilled riders took what they learned from them and worked upon them, they’re kind of unable to keep up. Only a truly rare breed of creative and skilled rider can do that. Someone like Simone Barraco and Yumi both possess that. Because of their expanded skill, they’re able to open up more levels of creativity. No shots at anyone because Hamilton and Ian are legends for a reason and there’s a thousands of riders who can smith nose bar but very few who can really change the genre of riding.
Peak BMX already kind of happened or is in the happening. These things are always notoriously hard to tell at the time but riding is stifling and people are being forced to be creative. We’re still a monogamous point where everyone was trying to achieve this common goal of being a very technically skilled rider who can do whips and bars and a lot of riders still are. There’s a lot left to do in that area but what I hope is in the coming years that some riders give up on that notion and take that already impressive level of skill they amassed and go a different route. That a lot of riding will be more accessible and accepted as everyone gets tired of smith nose bars. I rag on smith nose bars a lot but then it’s only cause everyone does them. The first one whoever it was was excellent. I’m hoping the riding in it’s entirety breaks out of this kind of mold they created the past years for what constitutes good riding and let different riders with different impressive styles do more and inspire their own. We’ll see. I totally called Nathan William’s winning RealBMX.
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lastlookgames-blog · 7 years ago
It’s been a while...
Hello! I haven’t been posting on this as much as I wanted to lately (read... sorry for not posting for like 6 months). I figured I should write a quick (after writing this... quick can also apparently mean really long) update about what I have been working on.
First of all I still plan on developing the game I had previously mentioned called Patience 16. In preparation for that however, I decided to work on a smaller project called Toola’s Journey: A Wolf’s Tale.
Toola’s Journey is basically a book in digital form, currently only being released for android devices. Why only android? Because I feel that is the best medium for the game currently as it allows players to simply read the book whenever they have some free time, and it allows me to test it since I currently only own an android phone. At some point I may release it for IOS and/or PC ... but that will have to wait to see if I get any traction on android first.
I decided on this project originally because I wanted to make a simple game to get the basics of Unreal Engine 4 down before I really start working on a larger more complicated game. I started a couple of projects which I really couldn’t put my heart into or the mechanics just weren’t working... and then I remembered that I used to love writing. I decided lets make a game similar to choose your own adventure books!
Suffice it to say that there is a lot more work involved in something like that then I originally realized. It has also taken a lot longer than my original estimate. Happily enough though, I really freaking enjoy making it!
When starting a game like this you might think... just write a story, break it up into chunks, add a few options, put it into the engine, and VWALLA! You have yourself a game. That is certainly what I thought at least. What I hadn’t quite considered was how much more involved it can get... and that is admittedly because I am dead set on providing a complete story, that is fun and engaging, and one that provides as many considerations for people with varying needs as possible.
Here is a basic Idea of how my process has gone so far;
Step 1: Research if there is even any market for this kind of game on Android devices. Research wolves and fall back on my knowledge of fantasy settings to begin envisioning the general story concept.
Step 2: Create a basic flow chart for chapter 1 with minor ideas and plot points, the options presented with each page, and which options lead to which page.
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Step 3: Write the actual story for those pages, long-form, in a word document.
Step 4: Begin developing the game. Create graphics. Figure out the engine and how to best create pages, add text to them, link them together.
Step 5: Realize that in order to do separate blocks of text that can be either bold, italic, or regular, and have them resized AND keep those properties, I need to create a custom font.
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Step 6: Figure out how the heck to get it onto android devices. Also gather names of people I know to help test the game.
Step 7: Begin initial round of testing, getting everyone signed up for beta access and gather initial feedback on chapter 1.
Step 8: Research options for music and/or background audio effects. Determine that a mixture of music and ambient noise is a pretty good mix. Implement those into the game, and add settings options for audio volume.
Step 9: Set up bookmark system so that players can save their progress and return to it later, also correctly set up a new game and continue system.
Step 10: Continue to gather feedback, and based on that add in a button at the bottom of each page to view the previous page you were on so players can review what they read previously if necessary.
Step 11: Realized that testers have no great way to notify me of any spelling or story issues without having to reference specific text on a page. Implement a system that shows players what page they are on, so any feedback can be easily referenced and fixed by me.
Step 12: Initial feedback from some testers has been entered. They genuinely seem to enjoy the story, and are interested to see what comes next. With the basic premise having been accepted, and with knowledge that I can maybe write something that people will continue to enjoy, I can begin to write the rest of the chapters.
Step 13: Create flowcharts for chapters 2 & 3 the same way as chapter 1. These flow charts also contain the beginnings of choices that will affect what text or options will be displayed and available throughout the rest of the game. This is a new element which will help set the story apart from others, as well as add many fun options for players who want to re-read and try a different path in the game. Getting these functions working early will be necessary for further chapters.
Step 14: (This is the step I am currently on) Finish the flowcharts, and then write those pages into the word document. Put the story into the game, and create the system for showing or hiding text and saving variables for specific choices that will effect the story later. Begin doing some minor marketing and posts on social media to get some basic audience awareness of the product even existing and what it may be like.
In the future!:
Step 15: Realize that this story is quickly becoming something that would be an average length novel once completed, especially if players choose to play through at least 2 times to see the variations in choices. Become slightly disconcerted that this project will take a million years to finish.
Step 16: Shove all of the fears and worries deep down into a dark hole within myself and chug on!
Step 17: Finish the other 4 chapters! Contact various media outlets and personalities who may find the story interesting... pray that they actually have an android device.
Step 18: Add some art? If time or motivation or file size don’t allow for that... just release the game already...
Step 19: Wait while going insane to see if anyone is willing to actually PAY MONEY (GASP! HOW DARE THEY ASK FOR AN UPFRONT COST!?) for a complete game instead of having to deal with micro-transactions and adds.
TLDR; Maybe I am going about this all wrong and there are way simpler ways to get all of the things I want into this game, but there certainly is a lot of work involved in making any game... even a simple story game. Good thing I enjoy it so much! Thanks for reading!
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operationrainfall · 6 years ago
Title Non Non Biyori Seasons 1+2 Studio Silver Link Original Airing Season 1: October 7, 2013 – December 23, 2013 Season 2: July 6, 2015 – September 21, 2015 Genre Iyashikei, Slice of Life
As I continue my foray of getting back into anime, I find myself greatly appreciating the charm and simplicity of the Iyashikei genre. Iyashikei in Japanese means soothing or healing, and the purpose of this genre of anime is to relax its viewers. Depictions of natural beauty, emphasis on pleasant ambience through its audio and visuals, and an appeal for us viewers to take a step back and enjoy the simpler aspects of life are just some of the focal points that make for a noteworthy Iyashikei. And now I have the pleasure of reviewing and introducing to you seasons 1 and 2 of Non Non Biyori, perhaps the best example of Iyashikei anime and easily one of the best anime series I’ve experienced.
For those unfamiliar with Non Non Biyori, back in September of 2009, a mangaka named Atto debuted the manga version of this series in the Japanese magazine Monthly Comic Alive. The manga quickly attained popularity for its charming short stories featuring its appealingly memorable characters set to the backdrop of a rural, agriculturally lush village. Full volumes of the acclaimed manga were published to strong sales and soon after the release of the 5th volume in 2013, fans of Non Non Biyori were soon gearing up for the anime’s 1st season to be debuted later that year. The original 12-episode run was a major success and alongside the continued popularity of the manga, additional installments of the anime were produced. This includes two OVAs, or 13th episodes for seasons 1 and 2, bundled with the 7th and 10th manga volumes respectively, and, of course, the 12-episode 2nd season called Non Non Biyori Repeat. August 2018 saw the debut of the Non Non Biyori movie, which received such demand during its limited release in Japan that a country-wide release was soon implemented. Popularity of the manga and anime outside of Japan is also strong, resulting in the international licenses and releases of both. With the very recent announcement of a third season, fans worldwide wait with joyful fervor for the return of our beloved series.
Non Non Biyori follows the lives of four schoolgirls living in Asahigaoka, a fictional farming community in the Japanese countryside. Set to the theme that everyday life and the simplicity of country living can yet provide adventure, excitement, discovery, and joy, each story provides a charismatic glimpse into the wonderful lives of these girls. Each chapter of the manga depicts a unique story in the daily happenings of the cast and in similar fashion, each episode f the anime typically features two of these stories. One of my favorite aspects of this anime is that it vividly shows that everyday life can yield adventure and fun around every corner and reminds us viewers just how jam packed a single day can be. Something as simple as walking to the local candy store, spending a day at the beach, or trying to hide bad grades and run away from an irate parent all have their humor, lighthearted troubles, and abundant charms. And that’s the real magic of Non Non Biyori, conveying the hidden joys and simple pleasures in life through the everyday.
What makes this theme, this one of joy and discovery within the simple, truly shine is its characters. Non Non Biyori easily has some of the most lovable and memorable characters you’ll find anywhere. Though their personalities may be a bit form fitting, their experiences, circumstances, and their reactions through it all make them so incredibly appealing. Taking place in a remote, rural village, our main cast all share a single classroom, despite being in different grades, which lends itself to the interactions of such a diverse group. Hotaru Ichijo is a 5th grader who has just moved from Tokyo to Asahigaoka. The stark changes in her environment and lifestyle are a common focal point to the stories involving her. For her, it’s the discoveries and the coming to appreciate her new home and new friends that define her character. Despite only being a 5th grader, she is the most poised and mature character of the group, both in her personality and appearance. This plays well with the contrast of Komari Koshigaya, the oldest of the group, yet has a childlike temperament and short, childlike appearance. While Komari is Hotaru’s senpai, Hotaru often fawns over Komari the way one finds a kitten or puppy adorable. Komari’s short fuse also lends itself to her unintentionally cute reactions. Komari’s younger sister, Natsumi, is a bit of a tomboy with her abundant energy and, many times, her aversion to anything schoolwork related, often getting herself and those around her in heartwarming shenanigans. And finally, there is Renge Miyauchi. I could write an entire piece on the brilliance of Renge’s character. Creative, perceptive, intelligent, unusually low energy until adorably excited, at times down right philosophical, and comedically blunt, Renge is a loving little sister, best friend, and force to be reckoned.
Every character has their appeals and what I find equally impressive as the characters themselves is how natural their interactions felt and how well they play off each other. Despite ranging in grade from 1st to 8th, so from about age 6 through 13, I love how effortlessly their strong friendships form and how they take to one another. Hotaru’s powerlessness at viewing Komari with adoration, Komari getting riled up whenever referred to as short or thought of as a child, Natsumi knowing how to push her sister’s buttons or getting others in trouble alongside her, Renge’s ability to seamlessly banter with everyone one moment and completely stump them the next, these interactions are what brings immersion to the stories and gives them their brilliance. Even the interactions with our main group and the many minor characters is just as brilliant. Kaede, who runs the local candy store, finds herself the butt of jokes and many times a means to move a story along, but she also has this unique relationship with Renge which is always a pleasure to see when it does reveal itself. Though few in number, these moments of character development, even between the major and minor characters, propels this anime over the top.
As wonderful as these characters and the stories they share are, I am equally impressed with the quality of the visuals and audio. Starting with the visuals, I am completely impressed with the way everything is depicted. The efforts by the artists to bring the Japanese countryside to life is outstanding, as they excel at immersing its viewers with the levels of ambience and moods they’re capable of producing. The characters’ personalities shine with the quality of the animation and their depictions are not just accurate, but are far more vivid. The adaptation not only keeps them true to their manga counterparts, but also adds the energy and emotions that may not always come through with the manga.
The audio is also astounding, adding to the already remarkable visuals. The Japanese voice casting is brilliant and every actress accurately voices their characters similar to how I had imagined when reading the manga. And, whoever cast Kotori Koiwai as the voice of Renge is a genius. I could not have imagined that better. She brings so much more dimension to Renge’s character than the manga could hope to achieve. Beyond the voicing, the soundtrack is as lovely as the visuals, pairing nicely to complete that country ambience that can soothe any soul. The melodies match the events perfectly, whether it’s comedic, solemn, or idyllic, each song complements perfectly without ever sounding intrusive. Even the moments of silence to appreciate the scenery or when only the sound effects, such as cicadas buzzing during summer mornings or the bubbling of a stream, are playing, the effect and significance it brings is simply incredible. Overall, the visual and audio aesthetics really take the whole anime to another level, to the point which I couldn’t imagine the producers doing anything any better.
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Non Non Biyori is a gem. It won’t just succeed in relaxing you, it will do so exceedingly. I’m very glad to have watched it and I’m ecstatic that a third season is on the way (as of this writing). As strong as the manga is, with its unforgettable cast and witty stories, with all of the advantages of an anime adaptation and with such a high level of execution, I can say, after having read the first 5 volumes of the manga, that I enjoy the anime even more. Rarely does an adaptation match or outshine the source material, but this is definitely one of those few cases. If you haven’t had the pleasure or you need some relaxation, I highly recommend you give Non Non Biyori a watch, as I can assure you won’t be disappointed.
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For more information on the Non Non Biyori anime and manga, please visit the links below:
Blu-Ray available on Amazon
English translation of the manga provided by Seven Seas Entertainment
For more nyanpasu
Note: Images featured in this review have been compressed
[easyreview cat1title=”Overall Story” cat1detail=”” cat1rating=”4.5″ cat2title=”Art & Animation” cat2detail=”” cat2rating=”5″ cat3title=”Music” cat3detail=”” cat3rating=”5″ ]
Anime Review: Non Non Biyori Title Non Non Biyori
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wjwilliams29 · 6 years ago
How to Write for SEO in 2019. The Step by Step Guide
Writing for SEO has become an adventure, a complicated math problem we are all trying to calculate by finding the secret to get the results faster. The number of search engine factors advanced, the Google algorithm updates increased, the number of businesses that use SEO increased, the number of SEO agencies increased and more and more people became aware of its importance and the market is pretty cluttered and the competition is very high. And we know how important it is for you to stand up in the crowd.
  There are some things that are still available in terms of SEO, and also lots of new ones. We’ve put together a guide to find out how to write for SEO in 2019 to be above the pile.
    Do Proper Keyword Research
Use Contextual Results
Find Topics That Pass the Test of Time
Make a Summary List with All the Information Gathered
Craft a Visual Template Having UX in Mind
Write for SEO Your Amazing Piece of Content
Include Tags in Title and Body
Animate Your Text by Adding Images, Audio, Video Content
Make Use of the Power of Internal Linking
Make Your Content Mobile Friendly
Spread the Word
      We’ve said it lots of times before, and we’ll continue to say it as long as everybody understands the importance of its meaning: content must be written for the user. Contextual content is the new icon in terms of SEO at the moment. It is one of the important changes that took place in the last period. Lots of SEO experts talk about semantic and context-based results.
  Step 1: Do Proper Keyword Research
    The first step in SEO has been the same for quite some years. We’re talking about keyword research. Deploying the topics of interest and the killer questions, we can elaborate a descriptive terminology. Keywords will help us describe the topic at its best for the users and make it optimized for search. 
    Finding keywords shouldn’t be hard. You need to have a starting point and based on the targeted keyword you can find many derivatives. There are tools that can help you find the best examples and generate traffic. Keyword Tool and Content Assistant are two awesome helpers, that work best together. They’re like your best buddies you can call in the middle of the night to get you out of trouble.
  We are talking about producing content for SEO, which means valuable, evergreen and quality all-in-one. And for that, you need to raise your head up the crowd and don’t get flushed away by all the people that are “writing” and creating worthless content. There are lots of noisy environments with “too much” SEO content.
  Without strategy, content is just stuff, and the world has enough stuff. Arjun Basu Award-nominated author
  You have to become an SEO content writer, not just a simple writer for succeeding at SEO. You need to ask and answer the right questions so that your content helps the users, and keeps them on the page.
  Valuable content is found at the intersection between your customer’s needs and your business expertise. Sonja and Sharon Founders of ValuableContent
  Source: www.valuablecontent.co.uk
  Valuable content breaks the glass and goes beyond the screen. Imagine that your visitors come from all directions and you need to make them feel that they’ve come to the right place. They need trust so you’ll need to offer the information they need and think: “Wow. This is the place for me. Somebody really understands me.”
  1.1 Use Contextual Results
  To get to the previous situation described above you’ll have to understand the context of your potential customers’ search and fill in the gaps. It’s mandatory to know your potential customers’ needs and interests.
  Google discovered that the conventional keyword search, as we know it, has some limitations and doesn’t offer topical results based on the query search. For a simple keyword, there are lots of topics related and information available online.
  Google developed patents to understand the context from knowledge bases for more accurate results. It wants to focus more on topic-related results so the whole process works based on probabilities. For example, when a user performs a search on Google, the search engine uses a system to return landing pages with topics related to the query by looking at the text on that page.
    You may ask how you can you take advantage of that and get ideas for contextual keywords. Focus on the user, the user’s search intent and how to steal their heart so to convert them.
  Let’s take an example. You have a pastry in the US and have a new receipt of cronut. For those who don’t know, a cronut is a croissant-doughnut invented by a pastry from New York City.
    Since you want to tell the world about your new cronut, there are multiple ways to do so. It is very important to decide whether your content will be information or brand. If you go with the second one, then search for the keyword and see the volume and who your competitors are. If you go with the first type of content – informational, then check to see what other people are searching for.
  Based on our example, you can see what people from the US searched for. Most of the keywords are informational and all of them want to know and understand what cronuts are. If your target audience knows about them, then choose directly the keywords that are more relevant and descriptive such as: “cronut flavor of the month”, “cronuts with puff pastry”. Based on these two keywords you can perform other searches and first more relevant keywords.
  Since we’ve talked about context, then it’s very important to collect as many keywords as possible to select a topic in the second step. When we get to the onpage optimization part, you’ll need focus keywords. Don’t end up with just one keyword, look for a second keyword, similar to the first one.
  1.2 Find Topics That Pass the Test of Time
  The second step in the research phase is finding topics that will keep drawing the audience to your website. Usually, the articles that are evergreen have information that doesn’t alter in time, and also a type of content that solves a problem that lots of people are struggling about.
  In the example above I was talking about cronuts. For some, it might be an old story, but for others a new discovery. It is more unique than other types of deserts, it has two things into one. That type of product/topic might be what makes it last. When it first appeared in NYE, people stood in line for this hybrid. Nobody knew how it tasted, but everybody was intrigued. So the mystery draws attention and uniqueness keeps it alive. Word of mouth was a good trigger. The lesson here is that you need a topic that will engage the community.
  You can create a receipt with steps and tips because according to the research (performed in the first step) there were lots of people who want to find out how to make a cronut. The basic receipt won’t change, but there will be variations to it. So people will go to basic before trying something new for the first time.
  There are some other tricks you could use to take advantage of content immortality:
appeal to the historical evolution of a certain product/topic/service and so on;
create how-to guides or helpful documents;
make a list of frequently asked questions;
share best practices;
write strategies;
elaborate case studies, studies results and examples;
best of niche blogs, influencers, experts – for outreach;
explain the history of your business or your success story;
  I got my inspiration after I read an interesting blog post on the furniture store Furniture of Dalton’s blog, intitled Sofa Story: A Brief History of Ten Iconic Forms. And after reading through it, I thought that article might be a very good example of how content used to evolve. And the Sofa Story can be correlated to content evolution, with a more visual effect.
  In the early days, sofas were hard, harsh supports made out of stone, wood, steel and lots of other material without any cushion. Over time, they gained popularity, and some types of sofas started to become a little too tawdry, with lots of cushions until they made their way to a more contemporary soft seating in a range of styles.
  Roman sofa made of Terracotta (form the second half 4th BCE) displayed at Louvre
Grecian couch (from 1825) displayed at High Museum of Art, Atlanta
Modern sofa you can find in stores nowadays
  If we were to compare it to content, it pretty easy to see the similarities; content started small, then there was the stuffed keywords era, and afterward it got more complex and more accurate.
  You’ll have to spy on your competition and see what their focus is to outrank them. Competition might be very high on some niches. Content Assistant is here to guide you. For a specific query, the ones that we’ve discovered above we can see the type of query we pursue – brand, informational, and commercial.
    In our example, we have an informational query. Looking at the competitors we can see what SEO pages are ranking. Skimming through the first 10 pages we find lots of cooking blogs, a video tutorial for a magazine (that ranks twice – once with the video from youtube, and secondly with the article published on site).
  In this case, we see what our competitors are, and get inspired by them. Since your a business, you can write your pieces of content using more unconventional methods.  Remember how important visuals are in this industry, but we’ll talk more about this in the third and fourth step. Numbered, highlighted or bulleted steps make the recipe appear simpler and easier to make.
  Glazing you over the competitors will lead into the next step – the final one from the research phase.
  Step 2: Make a Summary List with All the Information Gathered
    Once we’ve collected your focus keywords and the words and phrases recommended by the tool for your SEO article, you can make a list. A simple document is enough. My method is pretty simple and you can use it.
    First, I write a topic or title (that will be modified when I finish the article).
Then, I add my focus keywords.
I have a section named ideas or a structure of the article, where I add using bullets all sorts of information that I want to discuss. Here you’ll add all the ideas that you have and that you’ve discovered by looking at your competitors because our goal is to create the best piece of content there is out there. Use quotes with the source attached, save URLs, images and more.
Conclusion / final note – left in blank. This will be added only after I finish the article and I can sum up a final idea based on my findings.
  Now you can start working on visualizing the template for your article. Would you follow a basic look or try to make it more attractive?
  Step 3: Craft a Visual Template Having UX in Mind
    Every article that you write needs to have a template, a natural flow. If we go further with our example, the web content needs clean visuals – images, videos, gifs, and a very important step is to create a cover photo that approaches and has the title written on it. It is easier to share it on Facebook, Pinterest and more. If you can, create a longer picture – similar to an infographic picturing the final look of the desert, if we follow our example, and then the ingredients and steps you have to perform.
  Make it simple and easy to follow. Below is an example:
      The way you structure your article is synced with the design of the website. That means the design of your website can make it easier or not to perform some magic tricks with your content. If you’re using an open-source content management system and not a customizable HTML website, then it is easier to implement a layout.
  The way information is displayed has high importance. For a receipt, you need to have a first section with ingredients that need to be separated from the main body of the article. And visuals have a higher significance. Below you can see a good example you could inspire from.
  Source: lifeloveandsugar.com
  The trick of this page is that Print button which makes it easier for people to have it in physical format. Somebody really knows the audience and their behavior. When you cook, you make a lot of mess and a printed format of the receipt is a very good way to make the content more useful. Lindsay, the blogger of this website, got an extra point for this little feature because her content breaks the virtual space. UX is well applied on this receipt page.
  UX – the holy light that brightens the page and triggers the appreciation of the user. Depending on the type of content there are some things you shouldn’t miss in order to keep the user and don’t scare them. Besides site speed and optimized images, you should also have sharing buttons (if possible for images have the Pin icon – if visuals have high importance, like in our example for pastries, deserts, and everything related to cooking, in general).
    Some other elements that you should keep in mind are:
adaptable screen resolution;
simple font with reasonable size and line spacing;
separate sections of images and text, not overlapping content without white space;
user location integration for local personalization;
  There’s an explanatory image of what UX means, created by Stephen P. Anderson, an internationally recognized speaker.
    UX means also to know your user and their behavior so you can anticipate and give more freedom to use and read your content. Just like the example above, the print button is a great integration for receipt pages.
  Step 4: Write for SEO Your Amazing Piece of Content
  After we’ve got you these preparation steps for gathering all the information and SEO tips that you need to make a great piece, you’ll have to put to work your writing style and skills. Here you put your magic into action. The content creation process begins. Beside the natural language and creative abilities, there are some SEO technicalities that are almost mandatory for success. Writing SEO friendly blog posts can be difficult and time-consuming. However, it’s time well spent, as SEO helps us rank better in the search engines.
    Correct grammar, descriptive topic where you reach all the points related, personal opinions, real conclusion and unique content are necessary for creating highly readable web pages.
  4.1 Include Tags in Title and Body
    Since we are talking about writing for SEO, you need to include tags to let search engines know how your piece is structured. Title tag has a high influence on your piece of content because it will be displayed as the big blue link in search engine results:
    You need to have a relevant, engaging and attractive title to make the user click  on it and stay on page. Also don’t make a promise from the title that you can’t fulfill in the body content. There might be cases when Google will rewrite your title tag with information from meta description and page content if Google doesn’t like the one you added. Chances are this won’t be as good as the one you’ve created, so you must ensure that your own title tag is completely relevant, descriptive, has the right length and the focus keyword phrases included.
  There are some tips you could follow for generating CTR:
Create actionable titles, asking to the user’s question: What’s in it for me?
Use the brand leverage. For well-known brands it is in their best interest to use the brand name in the title.
Don’t use title case.
Create unique title tags.
The body tag shouldn’t miss. You need to highlight that part and explain to the search engines where’s the main part of your content. Where other tags are incorporated, such as heading tags (H1, H2, H3, ..H6), image alt descriptions. There are some other HTMLs that you should integrate for a better optimization: URLs and meta description.
  4.2 Animate Your Text by Adding Images, Audio, Video Content
    Video content can boost your content and increase your conversion rates. If we follow our previous example regarding cronuts, for the query “cronuts with puff pastry,” we have a website that ranks first with the video and then with a webpage where the video was embedded. If you take a look at the print screen below you can see it ranks in Google both on the second and twelve positions.
    In this case, the video tutorial can push the webpage higher in rankings. Visual content appeals to emotion, creates intimacy and engages the visitors.
  80% of consumers believe demonstration videos are helpful when making purchases. – Blue Corona
  If you decide to add video content to your webpage, my recommendation would be to use Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo to upload the video and then embed it into your page. This way, you’ll have it on two supports that can bring twice as much visitors.
  4.3 Make Use of the Power of Internal Linking
  Internal links provide extra value for a webpage. The have two main advantages:
it helps search engines understand your content.
it helps the users stay longer on the website and navigate to the topics of interest.
  The best way to use internal links is when you are writing about something and want to bring extra explanations, and link to a page where you’ve previously talked about that. For example, now as I am explaining the internal linking power, I’ve linked to a page where we previously tackled the topic more in depth.
  A bad internal linking is a sign of bad architecture and you might risk misleading and confusing the user. Make sure you point to valuable, live and accurate pages and link to the proper anchor texts.
  The process isn’t so hard. You should know the website pretty well, or at least search to find the proper article. And the more internal links you have, the more value Google will give it. You all know the saying “Too much of anything isn’t good for anyone”, which applies in this situation also. Make sure you don’t overuse the method because too many links will drop the value on the page. There’s a limitation of 10-15 links for every 1,000 words written.
  4.4 Make Your Content Mobile Friendly
  It wasn’t long ago when Google rolled out the Mobile-first index. At that moment things took a different turn. Basically, Google might show different search engine results on desktop compared to mobile. Now, Google’s system for crawling, indexing, and ranking for the desktop version of the website is different than Google’s system for those processes on mobile. If, in the old days you could have content about dental cleaning on desktop and content about a completely different topic on mobile on the same website, now that’s not possible. Website are bound to make the shift to a more mobile-focused index. 
  Google mobile-first indexing is about how we gather content, not about how content is ranked. Content gathered by mobile-first indexing has no ranking advantage over mobile content that’s not yet gathered this way or desktop content. Moreover, if you only have desktop content, you will continue to be represented in our index. Google  
  When talking about mobile friendliness, there are 5 ways to rank in mobile search results:
Create a responsive website and dynamic serving website
Serve structured data for the desktop and mobile version
Use the robots.txt testing tool to verify the mobile site
Add your mobile site in search console
  Source: developers.google.com
  Mobile accounts for half of all global web pages served and we are on an ascending evolution regarding mobiles searches. According to Statista, in 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year. Even if the mobile searches have experienced a continuous growth that doesn’t mean the desktop search decreased, but rather more people are using multiples devices to different actions and want to be always informed. 
  Moreover, as of February 2017, mobile accounts for 65.1 percent of all web traffic in Asia and for 59.5 percent of all web traffic in Africa. 
    Step 5: Spread the Word
  Content amplification is a powerful method to reach a wider audience and multiply your links by hundreds. Amplifying your content should be mandatory if you want people to know about it and increase your website traffic.
    After you finish writing your article, the process shouldn’t stop. You have to create awareness around it and push it to other people who might be interested. We are not talking about traditional social media marketing or emailing. That’s not amplification. You can look at the amplification process as a way to strengthen the signals of your post.
Reach new audiences through native advertising
Use storytelling to receive a social boost
Build a solid community around your brand
Use content syndication on Medium to build your blog audience
Collaborate with influencers to earn links
Post on StumbleUpon and absorb targeted traffic
Develop advocates through GaggleAMP
Integrate promotion messages or buttons on your webpage
  Writing for search engine optimization purposes can be difficult and can become a hardhanded job. You can save any limping piece of content you might have with the strategies explained above. Every action well-invested will bring you results. We’ve tested multiple times the best practices and the most efficient ways to get your results by doing the right thing and not waste your time testing yourself. 
  We’ve compressed our guideline by talking about the crucial elements that cannot miss from your SEO content writing process in 2019. The SEO friendly content pillars are contextuality, mobile friendliness, HTML tags, evergreen roots, user experience principles and video correlation. 
  The post How to Write for SEO in 2019. The Step by Step Guide appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
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krisggordon · 6 years ago
How to Write for SEO in 2019. The Step by Step Guide
Writing for SEO has become an adventure, a complicated math problem we are all trying to calculate by finding the secret to get the results faster. The number of search engine factors advanced, the Google algorithm updates increased, the number of businesses that use SEO increased, the number of SEO agencies increased and more and more people became aware of its importance and the market is pretty cluttered and the competition is very high. And we know how important it is for you to stand up in the crowd.
  There are some things that are still available in terms of SEO, and also lots of new ones. We’ve put together a guide to find out how to write for SEO in 2019 to be above the pile.
    Do Proper Keyword Research
Use Contextual Results
Find Topics That Pass the Test of Time
Make a Summary List with All the Information Gathered
Craft a Visual Template Having UX in Mind
Write for SEO Your Amazing Piece of Content
Include Tags in Title and Body
Animate Your Text by Adding Images, Audio, Video Content
Make Use of the Power of Internal Linking
Make Your Content Mobile Friendly
Spread the Word
      We’ve said it lots of times before, and we’ll continue to say it as long as everybody understands the importance of its meaning: content must be written for the user. Contextual content is the new icon in terms of SEO at the moment. It is one of the important changes that took place in the last period. Lots of SEO experts talk about semantic and context-based results.
  Step 1: Do Proper Keyword Research
    The first step in SEO has been the same for quite some years. We’re talking about keyword research. Deploying the topics of interest and the killer questions, we can elaborate a descriptive terminology. Keywords will help us describe the topic at its best for the users and make it optimized for search. 
    Finding keywords shouldn’t be hard. You need to have a starting point and based on the targeted keyword you can find many derivatives. There are tools that can help you find the best examples and generate traffic. Keyword Tool and Content Assistant are two awesome helpers, that work best together. They’re like your best buddies you can call in the middle of the night to get you out of trouble.
  We are talking about producing content for SEO, which means valuable, evergreen and quality all-in-one. And for that, you need to raise your head up the crowd and don’t get flushed away by all the people that are “writing” and creating worthless content. There are lots of noisy environments with “too much” SEO content.
  Without strategy, content is just stuff, and the world has enough stuff. Arjun Basu Award-nominated author
  You have to become an SEO content writer, not just a simple writer for succeeding at SEO. You need to ask and answer the right questions so that your content helps the users, and keeps them on the page.
  Valuable content is found at the intersection between your customer’s needs and your business expertise. Sonja and Sharon Founders of ValuableContent
  Source: www.valuablecontent.co.uk
  Valuable content breaks the glass and goes beyond the screen. Imagine that your visitors come from all directions and you need to make them feel that they’ve come to the right place. They need trust so you’ll need to offer the information they need and think: “Wow. This is the place for me. Somebody really understands me.”
  1.1 Use Contextual Results
  To get to the previous situation described above you’ll have to understand the context of your potential customers’ search and fill in the gaps. It’s mandatory to know your potential customers’ needs and interests.
  Google discovered that the conventional keyword search, as we know it, has some limitations and doesn’t offer topical results based on the query search. For a simple keyword, there are lots of topics related and information available online.
  Google developed patents to understand the context from knowledge bases for more accurate results. It wants to focus more on topic-related results so the whole process works based on probabilities. For example, when a user performs a search on Google, the search engine uses a system to return landing pages with topics related to the query by looking at the text on that page.
    You may ask how you can you take advantage of that and get ideas for contextual keywords. Focus on the user, the user’s search intent and how to steal their heart so to convert them.
  Let’s take an example. You have a pastry in the US and have a new receipt of cronut. For those who don’t know, a cronut is a croissant-doughnut invented by a pastry from New York City.
    Since you want to tell the world about your new cronut, there are multiple ways to do so. It is very important to decide whether your content will be information or brand. If you go with the second one, then search for the keyword and see the volume and who your competitors are. If you go with the first type of content – informational, then check to see what other people are searching for.
  Based on our example, you can see what people from the US searched for. Most of the keywords are informational and all of them want to know and understand what cronuts are. If your target audience knows about them, then choose directly the keywords that are more relevant and descriptive such as: “cronut flavor of the month”, “cronuts with puff pastry”. Based on these two keywords you can perform other searches and first more relevant keywords.
  Since we’ve talked about context, then it’s very important to collect as many keywords as possible to select a topic in the second step. When we get to the onpage optimization part, you’ll need focus keywords. Don’t end up with just one keyword, look for a second keyword, similar to the first one.
  1.2 Find Topics That Pass the Test of Time
  The second step in the research phase is finding topics that will keep drawing the audience to your website. Usually, the articles that are evergreen have information that doesn’t alter in time, and also a type of content that solves a problem that lots of people are struggling about.
  In the example above I was talking about cronuts. For some, it might be an old story, but for others a new discovery. It is more unique than other types of deserts, it has two things into one. That type of product/topic might be what makes it last. When it first appeared in NYE, people stood in line for this hybrid. Nobody knew how it tasted, but everybody was intrigued. So the mystery draws attention and uniqueness keeps it alive. Word of mouth was a good trigger. The lesson here is that you need a topic that will engage the community.
  You can create a receipt with steps and tips because according to the research (performed in the first step) there were lots of people who want to find out how to make a cronut. The basic receipt won’t change, but there will be variations to it. So people will go to basic before trying something new for the first time.
  There are some other tricks you could use to take advantage of content immortality:
appeal to the historical evolution of a certain product/topic/service and so on;
create how-to guides or helpful documents;
make a list of frequently asked questions;
share best practices;
write strategies;
elaborate case studies, studies results and examples;
best of niche blogs, influencers, experts – for outreach;
explain the history of your business or your success story;
  I got my inspiration after I read an interesting blog post on the furniture store Furniture of Dalton’s blog, intitled Sofa Story: A Brief History of Ten Iconic Forms. And after reading through it, I thought that article might be a very good example of how content used to evolve. And the Sofa Story can be correlated to content evolution, with a more visual effect.
  In the early days, sofas were hard, harsh supports made out of stone, wood, steel and lots of other material without any cushion. Over time, they gained popularity, and some types of sofas started to become a little too tawdry, with lots of cushions until they made their way to a more contemporary soft seating in a range of styles.
  Roman sofa made of Terracotta (form the second half 4th BCE) displayed at Louvre
Grecian couch (from 1825) displayed at High Museum of Art, Atlanta
Modern sofa you can find in stores nowadays
  If we were to compare it to content, it pretty easy to see the similarities; content started small, then there was the stuffed keywords era, and afterward it got more complex and more accurate.
  You’ll have to spy on your competition and see what their focus is to outrank them. Competition might be very high on some niches. Content Assistant is here to guide you. For a specific query, the ones that we’ve discovered above we can see the type of query we pursue – brand, informational, and commercial.
    In our example, we have an informational query. Looking at the competitors we can see what SEO pages are ranking. Skimming through the first 10 pages we find lots of cooking blogs, a video tutorial for a magazine (that ranks twice – once with the video from youtube, and secondly with the article published on site).
  In this case, we see what our competitors are, and get inspired by them. Since your a business, you can write your pieces of content using more unconventional methods.  Remember how important visuals are in this industry, but we’ll talk more about this in the third and fourth step. Numbered, highlighted or bulleted steps make the recipe appear simpler and easier to make.
  Glazing you over the competitors will lead into the next step – the final one from the research phase.
  Step 2: Make a Summary List with All the Information Gathered
    Once we’ve collected your focus keywords and the words and phrases recommended by the tool for your SEO article, you can make a list. A simple document is enough. My method is pretty simple and you can use it.
    First, I write a topic or title (that will be modified when I finish the article).
Then, I add my focus keywords.
I have a section named ideas or a structure of the article, where I add using bullets all sorts of information that I want to discuss. Here you’ll add all the ideas that you have and that you’ve discovered by looking at your competitors because our goal is to create the best piece of content there is out there. Use quotes with the source attached, save URLs, images and more.
Conclusion / final note – left in blank. This will be added only after I finish the article and I can sum up a final idea based on my findings.
  Now you can start working on visualizing the template for your article. Would you follow a basic look or try to make it more attractive?
  Step 3: Craft a Visual Template Having UX in Mind
    Every article that you write needs to have a template, a natural flow. If we go further with our example, the web content needs clean visuals – images, videos, gifs, and a very important step is to create a cover photo that approaches and has the title written on it. It is easier to share it on Facebook, Pinterest and more. If you can, create a longer picture – similar to an infographic picturing the final look of the desert, if we follow our example, and then the ingredients and steps you have to perform.
  Make it simple and easy to follow. Below is an example:
      The way you structure your article is synced with the design of the website. That means the design of your website can make it easier or not to perform some magic tricks with your content. If you’re using an open-source content management system and not a customizable HTML website, then it is easier to implement a layout.
  The way information is displayed has high importance. For a receipt, you need to have a first section with ingredients that need to be separated from the main body of the article. And visuals have a higher significance. Below you can see a good example you could inspire from.
  Source: lifeloveandsugar.com
  The trick of this page is that Print button which makes it easier for people to have it in physical format. Somebody really knows the audience and their behavior. When you cook, you make a lot of mess and a printed format of the receipt is a very good way to make the content more useful. Lindsay, the blogger of this website, got an extra point for this little feature because her content breaks the virtual space. UX is well applied on this receipt page.
  UX – the holy light that brightens the page and triggers the appreciation of the user. Depending on the type of content there are some things you shouldn’t miss in order to keep the user and don’t scare them. Besides site speed and optimized images, you should also have sharing buttons (if possible for images have the Pin icon – if visuals have high importance, like in our example for pastries, deserts, and everything related to cooking, in general).
    Some other elements that you should keep in mind are:
adaptable screen resolution;
simple font with reasonable size and line spacing;
separate sections of images and text, not overlapping content without white space;
user location integration for local personalization;
  There’s an explanatory image of what UX means, created by Stephen P. Anderson, an internationally recognized speaker.
    UX means also to know your user and their behavior so you can anticipate and give more freedom to use and read your content. Just like the example above, the print button is a great integration for receipt pages.
  Step 4: Write for SEO Your Amazing Piece of Content
  After we’ve got you these preparation steps for gathering all the information and SEO tips that you need to make a great piece, you’ll have to put to work your writing style and skills. Here you put your magic into action. The content creation process begins. Beside the natural language and creative abilities, there are some SEO technicalities that are almost mandatory for success. Writing SEO friendly blog posts can be difficult and time-consuming. However, it’s time well spent, as SEO helps us rank better in the search engines.
    Correct grammar, descriptive topic where you reach all the points related, personal opinions, real conclusion and unique content are necessary for creating highly readable web pages.
  4.1 Include Tags in Title and Body
    Since we are talking about writing for SEO, you need to include tags to let search engines know how your piece is structured. Title tag has a high influence on your piece of content because it will be displayed as the big blue link in search engine results:
    You need to have a relevant, engaging and attractive title to make the user click  on it and stay on page. Also don’t make a promise from the title that you can’t fulfill in the body content. There might be cases when Google will rewrite your title tag with information from meta description and page content if Google doesn’t like the one you added. Chances are this won’t be as good as the one you’ve created, so you must ensure that your own title tag is completely relevant, descriptive, has the right length and the focus keyword phrases included.
  There are some tips you could follow for generating CTR:
Create actionable titles, asking to the user’s question: What’s in it for me?
Use the brand leverage. For well-known brands it is in their best interest to use the brand name in the title.
Don’t use title case.
Create unique title tags.
The body tag shouldn’t miss. You need to highlight that part and explain to the search engines where’s the main part of your content. Where other tags are incorporated, such as heading tags (H1, H2, H3, ..H6), image alt descriptions. There are some other HTMLs that you should integrate for a better optimization: URLs and meta description.
  4.2 Animate Your Text by Adding Images, Audio, Video Content
    Video content can boost your content and increase your conversion rates. If we follow our previous example regarding cronuts, for the query “cronuts with puff pastry,” we have a website that ranks first with the video and then with a webpage where the video was embedded. If you take a look at the print screen below you can see it ranks in Google both on the second and twelve positions.
    In this case, the video tutorial can push the webpage higher in rankings. Visual content appeals to emotion, creates intimacy and engages the visitors.
  80% of consumers believe demonstration videos are helpful when making purchases. – Blue Corona
  If you decide to add video content to your webpage, my recommendation would be to use Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo to upload the video and then embed it into your page. This way, you’ll have it on two supports that can bring twice as much visitors.
  4.3 Make Use of the Power of Internal Linking
  Internal links provide extra value for a webpage. The have two main advantages:
it helps search engines understand your content.
it helps the users stay longer on the website and navigate to the topics of interest.
  The best way to use internal links is when you are writing about something and want to bring extra explanations, and link to a page where you’ve previously talked about that. For example, now as I am explaining the internal linking power, I’ve linked to a page where we previously tackled the topic more in depth.
  A bad internal linking is a sign of bad architecture and you might risk misleading and confusing the user. Make sure you point to valuable, live and accurate pages and link to the proper anchor texts.
  The process isn’t so hard. You should know the website pretty well, or at least search to find the proper article. And the more internal links you have, the more value Google will give it. You all know the saying “Too much of anything isn’t good for anyone”, which applies in this situation also. Make sure you don’t overuse the method because too many links will drop the value on the page. There’s a limitation of 10-15 links for every 1,000 words written.
  4.4 Make Your Content Mobile Friendly
  It wasn’t long ago when Google rolled out the Mobile-first index. At that moment things took a different turn. Basically, Google might show different search engine results on desktop compared to mobile. Now, Google’s system for crawling, indexing, and ranking for the desktop version of the website is different than Google’s system for those processes on mobile. If, in the old days you could have content about dental cleaning on desktop and content about a completely different topic on mobile on the same website, now that’s not possible. Website are bound to make the shift to a more mobile-focused index. 
  Google mobile-first indexing is about how we gather content, not about how content is ranked. Content gathered by mobile-first indexing has no ranking advantage over mobile content that’s not yet gathered this way or desktop content. Moreover, if you only have desktop content, you will continue to be represented in our index. Google  
  When talking about mobile friendliness, there are 5 ways to rank in mobile search results:
Create a responsive website and dynamic serving website
Serve structured data for the desktop and mobile version
Use the robots.txt testing tool to verify the mobile site
Add your mobile site in search console
  Source: developers.google.com
  Mobile accounts for half of all global web pages served and we are on an ascending evolution regarding mobiles searches. According to Statista, in 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year. Even if the mobile searches have experienced a continuous growth that doesn’t mean the desktop search decreased, but rather more people are using multiples devices to different actions and want to be always informed. 
  Moreover, as of February 2017, mobile accounts for 65.1 percent of all web traffic in Asia and for 59.5 percent of all web traffic in Africa. 
    Step 5: Spread the Word
  Content amplification is a powerful method to reach a wider audience and multiply your links by hundreds. Amplifying your content should be mandatory if you want people to know about it and increase your website traffic.
    After you finish writing your article, the process shouldn’t stop. You have to create awareness around it and push it to other people who might be interested. We are not talking about traditional social media marketing or emailing. That’s not amplification. You can look at the amplification process as a way to strengthen the signals of your post.
Reach new audiences through native advertising
Use storytelling to receive a social boost
Build a solid community around your brand
Use content syndication on Medium to build your blog audience
Collaborate with influencers to earn links
Post on StumbleUpon and absorb targeted traffic
Develop advocates through GaggleAMP
Integrate promotion messages or buttons on your webpage
  Writing for search engine optimization purposes can be difficult and can become a hardhanded job. You can save any limping piece of content you might have with the strategies explained above. Every action well-invested will bring you results. We’ve tested multiple times the best practices and the most efficient ways to get your results by doing the right thing and not waste your time testing yourself. 
  We’ve compressed our guideline by talking about the crucial elements that cannot miss from your SEO content writing process in 2019. The SEO friendly content pillars are contextuality, mobile friendliness, HTML tags, evergreen roots, user experience principles and video correlation. 
  The post How to Write for SEO in 2019. The Step by Step Guide appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
from Marketing https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/21096/how-to-write-for-seo/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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philipfloyd · 6 years ago
How to Write for SEO in 2019. The Step by Step Guide
Writing for SEO has become an adventure, a complicated math problem we are all trying to calculate by finding the secret to get the results faster. The number of search engine factors advanced, the Google algorithm updates increased, the number of businesses that use SEO increased, the number of SEO agencies increased and more and more people became aware of its importance and the market is pretty cluttered and the competition is very high. And we know how important it is for you to stand up in the crowd.
  There are some things that are still available in terms of SEO, and also lots of new ones. We’ve put together a guide to find out how to write for SEO in 2019 to be above the pile.
    Do Proper Keyword Research
Use Contextual Results
Find Topics That Pass the Test of Time
Make a Summary List with All the Information Gathered
Craft a Visual Template Having UX in Mind
Write for SEO Your Amazing Piece of Content
Include Tags in Title and Body
Animate Your Text by Adding Images, Audio, Video Content
Make Use of the Power of Internal Linking
Make Your Content Mobile Friendly
Spread the Word
      We’ve said it lots of times before, and we’ll continue to say it as long as everybody understands the importance of its meaning: content must be written for the user. Contextual content is the new icon in terms of SEO at the moment. It is one of the important changes that took place in the last period. Lots of SEO experts talk about semantic and context-based results.
  Step 1: Do Proper Keyword Research
    The first step in SEO has been the same for quite some years. We’re talking about keyword research. Deploying the topics of interest and the killer questions, we can elaborate a descriptive terminology. Keywords will help us describe the topic at its best for the users and make it optimized for search. 
    Finding keywords shouldn’t be hard. You need to have a starting point and based on the targeted keyword you can find many derivatives. There are tools that can help you find the best examples and generate traffic. Keyword Tool and Content Assistant are two awesome helpers, that work best together. They’re like your best buddies you can call in the middle of the night to get you out of trouble.
  We are talking about producing content for SEO, which means valuable, evergreen and quality all-in-one. And for that, you need to raise your head up the crowd and don’t get flushed away by all the people that are “writing” and creating worthless content. There are lots of noisy environments with “too much” SEO content.
  Without strategy, content is just stuff, and the world has enough stuff. Arjun Basu Award-nominated author
  You have to become an SEO content writer, not just a simple writer for succeeding at SEO. You need to ask and answer the right questions so that your content helps the users, and keeps them on the page.
  Valuable content is found at the intersection between your customer’s needs and your business expertise. Sonja and Sharon Founders of ValuableContent
  Source: www.valuablecontent.co.uk
  Valuable content breaks the glass and goes beyond the screen. Imagine that your visitors come from all directions and you need to make them feel that they’ve come to the right place. They need trust so you’ll need to offer the information they need and think: “Wow. This is the place for me. Somebody really understands me.”
  1.1 Use Contextual Results
  To get to the previous situation described above you’ll have to understand the context of your potential customers’ search and fill in the gaps. It’s mandatory to know your potential customers’ needs and interests.
  Google discovered that the conventional keyword search, as we know it, has some limitations and doesn’t offer topical results based on the query search. For a simple keyword, there are lots of topics related and information available online.
  Google developed patents to understand the context from knowledge bases for more accurate results. It wants to focus more on topic-related results so the whole process works based on probabilities. For example, when a user performs a search on Google, the search engine uses a system to return landing pages with topics related to the query by looking at the text on that page.
    You may ask how you can you take advantage of that and get ideas for contextual keywords. Focus on the user, the user’s search intent and how to steal their heart so to convert them.
  Let’s take an example. You have a pastry in the US and have a new receipt of cronut. For those who don’t know, a cronut is a croissant-doughnut invented by a pastry from New York City.
    Since you want to tell the world about your new cronut, there are multiple ways to do so. It is very important to decide whether your content will be information or brand. If you go with the second one, then search for the keyword and see the volume and who your competitors are. If you go with the first type of content – informational, then check to see what other people are searching for.
  Based on our example, you can see what people from the US searched for. Most of the keywords are informational and all of them want to know and understand what cronuts are. If your target audience knows about them, then choose directly the keywords that are more relevant and descriptive such as: “cronut flavor of the month”, “cronuts with puff pastry”. Based on these two keywords you can perform other searches and first more relevant keywords.
  Since we’ve talked about context, then it’s very important to collect as many keywords as possible to select a topic in the second step. When we get to the onpage optimization part, you’ll need focus keywords. Don’t end up with just one keyword, look for a second keyword, similar to the first one.
  1.2 Find Topics That Pass the Test of Time
  The second step in the research phase is finding topics that will keep drawing the audience to your website. Usually, the articles that are evergreen have information that doesn’t alter in time, and also a type of content that solves a problem that lots of people are struggling about.
  In the example above I was talking about cronuts. For some, it might be an old story, but for others a new discovery. It is more unique than other types of deserts, it has two things into one. That type of product/topic might be what makes it last. When it first appeared in NYE, people stood in line for this hybrid. Nobody knew how it tasted, but everybody was intrigued. So the mystery draws attention and uniqueness keeps it alive. Word of mouth was a good trigger. The lesson here is that you need a topic that will engage the community.
  You can create a receipt with steps and tips because according to the research (performed in the first step) there were lots of people who want to find out how to make a cronut. The basic receipt won’t change, but there will be variations to it. So people will go to basic before trying something new for the first time.
  There are some other tricks you could use to take advantage of content immortality:
appeal to the historical evolution of a certain product/topic/service and so on;
create how-to guides or helpful documents;
make a list of frequently asked questions;
share best practices;
write strategies;
elaborate case studies, studies results and examples;
best of niche blogs, influencers, experts – for outreach;
explain the history of your business or your success story;
  I got my inspiration after I read an interesting blog post on the furniture store Furniture of Dalton’s blog, intitled Sofa Story: A Brief History of Ten Iconic Forms. And after reading through it, I thought that article might be a very good example of how content used to evolve. And the Sofa Story can be correlated to content evolution, with a more visual effect.
  In the early days, sofas were hard, harsh supports made out of stone, wood, steel and lots of other material without any cushion. Over time, they gained popularity, and some types of sofas started to become a little too tawdry, with lots of cushions until they made their way to a more contemporary soft seating in a range of styles.
  Roman sofa made of Terracotta (form the second half 4th BCE) displayed at Louvre
Grecian couch (from 1825) displayed at High Museum of Art, Atlanta
Modern sofa you can find in stores nowadays
  If we were to compare it to content, it pretty easy to see the similarities; content started small, then there was the stuffed keywords era, and afterward it got more complex and more accurate.
  You’ll have to spy on your competition and see what their focus is to outrank them. Competition might be very high on some niches. Content Assistant is here to guide you. For a specific query, the ones that we’ve discovered above we can see the type of query we pursue – brand, informational, and commercial.
    In our example, we have an informational query. Looking at the competitors we can see what SEO pages are ranking. Skimming through the first 10 pages we find lots of cooking blogs, a video tutorial for a magazine (that ranks twice – once with the video from youtube, and secondly with the article published on site).
  In this case, we see what our competitors are, and get inspired by them. Since your a business, you can write your pieces of content using more unconventional methods.  Remember how important visuals are in this industry, but we’ll talk more about this in the third and fourth step. Numbered, highlighted or bulleted steps make the recipe appear simpler and easier to make.
  Glazing you over the competitors will lead into the next step – the final one from the research phase.
  Step 2: Make a Summary List with All the Information Gathered
    Once we’ve collected your focus keywords and the words and phrases recommended by the tool for your SEO article, you can make a list. A simple document is enough. My method is pretty simple and you can use it.
    First, I write a topic or title (that will be modified when I finish the article).
Then, I add my focus keywords.
I have a section named ideas or a structure of the article, where I add using bullets all sorts of information that I want to discuss. Here you’ll add all the ideas that you have and that you’ve discovered by looking at your competitors because our goal is to create the best piece of content there is out there. Use quotes with the source attached, save URLs, images and more.
Conclusion / final note – left in blank. This will be added only after I finish the article and I can sum up a final idea based on my findings.
  Now you can start working on visualizing the template for your article. Would you follow a basic look or try to make it more attractive?
  Step 3: Craft a Visual Template Having UX in Mind
    Every article that you write needs to have a template, a natural flow. If we go further with our example, the web content needs clean visuals – images, videos, gifs, and a very important step is to create a cover photo that approaches and has the title written on it. It is easier to share it on Facebook, Pinterest and more. If you can, create a longer picture – similar to an infographic picturing the final look of the desert, if we follow our example, and then the ingredients and steps you have to perform.
  Make it simple and easy to follow. Below is an example:
      The way you structure your article is synced with the design of the website. That means the design of your website can make it easier or not to perform some magic tricks with your content. If you’re using an open-source content management system and not a customizable HTML website, then it is easier to implement a layout.
  The way information is displayed has high importance. For a receipt, you need to have a first section with ingredients that need to be separated from the main body of the article. And visuals have a higher significance. Below you can see a good example you could inspire from.
  Source: lifeloveandsugar.com
  The trick of this page is that Print button which makes it easier for people to have it in physical format. Somebody really knows the audience and their behavior. When you cook, you make a lot of mess and a printed format of the receipt is a very good way to make the content more useful. Lindsay, the blogger of this website, got an extra point for this little feature because her content breaks the virtual space. UX is well applied on this receipt page.
  UX – the holy light that brightens the page and triggers the appreciation of the user. Depending on the type of content there are some things you shouldn’t miss in order to keep the user and don’t scare them. Besides site speed and optimized images, you should also have sharing buttons (if possible for images have the Pin icon – if visuals have high importance, like in our example for pastries, deserts, and everything related to cooking, in general).
    Some other elements that you should keep in mind are:
adaptable screen resolution;
simple font with reasonable size and line spacing;
separate sections of images and text, not overlapping content without white space;
user location integration for local personalization;
  There’s an explanatory image of what UX means, created by Stephen P. Anderson, an internationally recognized speaker.
    UX means also to know your user and their behavior so you can anticipate and give more freedom to use and read your content. Just like the example above, the print button is a great integration for receipt pages.
  Step 4: Write for SEO Your Amazing Piece of Content
  After we’ve got you these preparation steps for gathering all the information and SEO tips that you need to make a great piece, you’ll have to put to work your writing style and skills. Here you put your magic into action. The content creation process begins. Beside the natural language and creative abilities, there are some SEO technicalities that are almost mandatory for success. Writing SEO friendly blog posts can be difficult and time-consuming. However, it’s time well spent, as SEO helps us rank better in the search engines.
    Correct grammar, descriptive topic where you reach all the points related, personal opinions, real conclusion and unique content are necessary for creating highly readable web pages.
  4.1 Include Tags in Title and Body
    Since we are talking about writing for SEO, you need to include tags to let search engines know how your piece is structured. Title tag has a high influence on your piece of content because it will be displayed as the big blue link in search engine results:
    You need to have a relevant, engaging and attractive title to make the user click  on it and stay on page. Also don’t make a promise from the title that you can’t fulfill in the body content. There might be cases when Google will rewrite your title tag with information from meta description and page content if Google doesn’t like the one you added. Chances are this won’t be as good as the one you’ve created, so you must ensure that your own title tag is completely relevant, descriptive, has the right length and the focus keyword phrases included.
  There are some tips you could follow for generating CTR:
Create actionable titles, asking to the user’s question: What’s in it for me?
Use the brand leverage. For well-known brands it is in their best interest to use the brand name in the title.
Don’t use title case.
Create unique title tags.
The body tag shouldn’t miss. You need to highlight that part and explain to the search engines where’s the main part of your content. Where other tags are incorporated, such as heading tags (H1, H2, H3, ..H6), image alt descriptions. There are some other HTMLs that you should integrate for a better optimization: URLs and meta description.
  4.2 Animate Your Text by Adding Images, Audio, Video Content
    Video content can boost your content and increase your conversion rates. If we follow our previous example regarding cronuts, for the query “cronuts with puff pastry,” we have a website that ranks first with the video and then with a webpage where the video was embedded. If you take a look at the print screen below you can see it ranks in Google both on the second and twelve positions.
    In this case, the video tutorial can push the webpage higher in rankings. Visual content appeals to emotion, creates intimacy and engages the visitors.
  80% of consumers believe demonstration videos are helpful when making purchases. – Blue Corona
  If you decide to add video content to your webpage, my recommendation would be to use Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo to upload the video and then embed it into your page. This way, you’ll have it on two supports that can bring twice as much visitors.
  4.3 Make Use of the Power of Internal Linking
  Internal links provide extra value for a webpage. The have two main advantages:
it helps search engines understand your content.
it helps the users stay longer on the website and navigate to the topics of interest.
  The best way to use internal links is when you are writing about something and want to bring extra explanations, and link to a page where you’ve previously talked about that. For example, now as I am explaining the internal linking power, I’ve linked to a page where we previously tackled the topic more in depth.
  A bad internal linking is a sign of bad architecture and you might risk misleading and confusing the user. Make sure you point to valuable, live and accurate pages and link to the proper anchor texts.
  The process isn’t so hard. You should know the website pretty well, or at least search to find the proper article. And the more internal links you have, the more value Google will give it. You all know the saying “Too much of anything isn’t good for anyone”, which applies in this situation also. Make sure you don’t overuse the method because too many links will drop the value on the page. There’s a limitation of 10-15 links for every 1,000 words written.
  4.4 Make Your Content Mobile Friendly
  It wasn’t long ago when Google rolled out the Mobile-first index. At that moment things took a different turn. Basically, Google might show different search engine results on desktop compared to mobile. Now, Google’s system for crawling, indexing, and ranking for the desktop version of the website is different than Google’s system for those processes on mobile. If, in the old days you could have content about dental cleaning on desktop and content about a completely different topic on mobile on the same website, now that’s not possible. Website are bound to make the shift to a more mobile-focused index. 
  Google mobile-first indexing is about how we gather content, not about how content is ranked. Content gathered by mobile-first indexing has no ranking advantage over mobile content that’s not yet gathered this way or desktop content. Moreover, if you only have desktop content, you will continue to be represented in our index. Google  
  When talking about mobile friendliness, there are 5 ways to rank in mobile search results:
Create a responsive website and dynamic serving website
Serve structured data for the desktop and mobile version
Use the robots.txt testing tool to verify the mobile site
Add your mobile site in search console
  Source: developers.google.com
  Mobile accounts for half of all global web pages served and we are on an ascending evolution regarding mobiles searches. According to Statista, in 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year. Even if the mobile searches have experienced a continuous growth that doesn’t mean the desktop search decreased, but rather more people are using multiples devices to different actions and want to be always informed. 
  Moreover, as of February 2017, mobile accounts for 65.1 percent of all web traffic in Asia and for 59.5 percent of all web traffic in Africa. 
    Step 5: Spread the Word
  Content amplification is a powerful method to reach a wider audience and multiply your links by hundreds. Amplifying your content should be mandatory if you want people to know about it and increase your website traffic.
    After you finish writing your article, the process shouldn’t stop. You have to create awareness around it and push it to other people who might be interested. We are not talking about traditional social media marketing or emailing. That’s not amplification. You can look at the amplification process as a way to strengthen the signals of your post.
Reach new audiences through native advertising
Use storytelling to receive a social boost
Build a solid community around your brand
Use content syndication on Medium to build your blog audience
Collaborate with influencers to earn links
Post on StumbleUpon and absorb targeted traffic
Develop advocates through GaggleAMP
Integrate promotion messages or buttons on your webpage
  Writing for search engine optimization purposes can be difficult and can become a hardhanded job. You can save any limping piece of content you might have with the strategies explained above. Every action well-invested will bring you results. We’ve tested multiple times the best practices and the most efficient ways to get your results by doing the right thing and not waste your time testing yourself. 
  We’ve compressed our guideline by talking about the crucial elements that cannot miss from your SEO content writing process in 2019. The SEO friendly content pillars are contextuality, mobile friendliness, HTML tags, evergreen roots, user experience principles and video correlation. 
  The post How to Write for SEO in 2019. The Step by Step Guide appeared first on SEO Blog | cognitiveSEO Blog on SEO Tactics & Strategies.
from Marketing https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/21096/how-to-write-for-seo/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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bountyofbeads · 6 years ago
The FBI worried that Trump was serving Russia’s interests. Turns out, Trump’s been burying records of his conversations with Putin. And he won’t give even Jeanine Pirro and Fox News a straight answer about any of it.
All along everyone’s been wondering what Putin has on Trump. Maybe it’s simpler than that. Maybe Trump isn’t compromised, at least in his warped mind, because he sees himself working *with* Putin and not *for* him. Shared love for authoritarianism, self-enrichment & white rule.
Trump, Putin and a Test of Presidential Power
The FBI worried that Trump was serving Russia’s interests. Turns out, Trump’s been burying records of his conversations with Putin. And he won’t give even Fox News a straight answer about any of it.
Timothy L. Obrien | January 13, 2019, 9:45 AM EST | Bloomberg Opinion | Posted January 13, 2019 |
The president of the United States phoned into Fox News on Saturday night for a non-interview interview about the non-emergency emergency along the southern border.
About eight minutes into the 22-minute bit of stagecraft, the Fox host, Jeanine Pirro, changed topics and asked President Donald Trump about a New York Times article from the night before that revealed new details about federal probes into his possible links to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Times disclosed that after Trump fired the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, James Comey, who was analyzing Russian efforts to sabotage the 2016 presidential campaign, the FBI was so alarmed it began examining whether Trump himself had been “working on behalf of Russia against American interests.”
Pirro embraced the moment, chuckling slightly and teeing up what should have been a softball question. “So, I’m going to ask you: Are you now or have you ever worked for Russia, Mr. President?”
Trump had a number of routes he might have taken in response to Pirro. The best would have been simply saying “no.” Instead, he bobbed, weaved and never answered the question directly.
"I think it’s the most insulting thing I’ve ever been asked,” Trump said. “I think it’s the most insulting article I’ve ever had written and if you read the article, you’d see that they found absolutely nothing."
Trump had already spent Saturday morning using his Twitter feed to slag the Times, Comey, the FBI, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Democrats for orchestrating groundless investigations, and he continued his food fight on Pirro’s show — lobbing insult after insult but never answering a straightforward question in a straightforward way.
Later in their conversation, Pirro and Trump chatted about another piece of hard-won reporting the Washington Post published Saturday morning. The Post disclosed that Trump had “gone to extraordinary lengths” to bury details of conversations he had with Putin, including “on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials.” The net effect of Trump’s maneuvers, the Post noted, is that there now isn’t a detailed record — even in the federal government’s classified files — of his personal conversations with Putin at five locations over the past two years.
A reasonable person might wonder if the president has been going out of his way to hide something. The president was less concerned. "I’m not keeping anything under wraps. I couldn’t care less,” Trump said. “I mean, it’s so ridiculous, these people make it up."
Trump also told Pirro that there’s no reason to be unduly alarmed by his various intersections with Russia’s leader. “Think of it: I have a one-on-one meeting with Putin like I do with every other leader, I have many one-on-one, nobody ever says anything about it. But with Putin they say, ‘Oh, what did they talk about?’ We talked about very positive things.”
Trump would prefer, of course, to continue interacting with Putin unsupervised. He also would prefer the broader public to adopt his view of investigations of his conduct as “witch hunts.” All of that would also involve the country accepting an imperial understanding of presidential powers. That’s why one of the great tests of the Trump presidency involves seeing how ready the Republican Party and voters are to accommodate themselves to executive overreach or malfeasance.
Trump and his advocates have argued that Comey’s firing can’t be construed as obstruction of justice because, under Article II of the Constitution, the president was merely exercising the powers of his office as he saw fit. Comey worked for him, after all. A similar argument has surfaced around the voluminous body of critical or meddlesome tweets Trump has directed at federal investigators and defendants in various legal probes that might circle back to him. Trump can tweet whatever he wants because it’s free speech, say his defenders.
But the law allows no one, including the president, to try to upend the justice system or disrupt governmental proceedings in the service of their own interests. In that context, it really isn’t about thinking of it as someone just doing their job when a senior law enforcement official gets canned, or just speaking their mind when they seek to influence witnesses by lashing out or praising them on Twitter (especially if national security and the rule of law are at stake).
There isn’t settled agreement about the boundaries of presidential immunity and executive privilege, so we may end up seeing some of this adjudicated and settled by the Supreme Court depending on how events unfold. In the interim, the House of Representatives is likely to fill the void.
U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said on Saturday that it was “unprecedented” that the FBI felt it needed to investigate a sitting president’s “possible cooptation by a hostile foreign government.” He said that his committee will “take steps to better understand both the President’s actions and the FBI’s response to that behavior, and to make certain that these career investigators are protected from President Trump’s increasingly unhinged attacks."
U.S. Representative Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, also said on Saturday that he wants to know more about Trump’s meetings with Putin. He said his committee plans to hold hearings on the “mysteries swirling” around the Trump-Putin relationship. “Every time Trump meets with Putin, the country is told nothing,” he said. “The Foreign Affairs Committee will seek to get to the bottom of it.”
Whether any of that looms large in the president’s mind — or whether he completely understands the potential threats of the various probes surrounding him — is unclear. An open season of House probes is set to kick off publicly next month in Washington when the president’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, testifies in a hearing about his experiences working for Trump. Pirro asked the president on Saturday night if he had concerns about Cohen’s testimony.
“You know, you’re supposed to have lawyer-client privilege, but it doesn’t matter ’cause I’m a very honest person, frankly,” Trump responded.
Timothy L. O’Brien is the executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion. He has been an editor and writer for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, HuffPost and Talk magazine. His books include “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald.”
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vmakc-blog · 6 years ago
As you build your website and set up your online business and SEO, there are certain steps you need to take to ensure that you’re getting as many eyes on your website as possible. As you develop your online content strategy, seriously consider using video content. Why? Videos convey a lot of information while drawing in many viewers. Don’t worry if you have no directing, recording, or editing experience. With the advances in modern recording technology and editing software, even a short video from a smart phone can easily be made into worthwhile content! If you’re new to video content or just want a refresher, Virtual Market Advantage will go over what you need to know to get started. 
Understand Your Audience
When developing a marketing and content strategy, it’s best to start by learning who your audience is and what drives them to your website. What type of content pulls them in? What content makes them stick around and convert to sales? Are they looking for motivation? How-to videos? Entertainment? Do they want to know more details about your product? Using analytics tools, you can keep track of what your viewers are looking at, how long they stick around on a particular page, and all kinds of demographic information about the people you’re reaching. Based on this information, you can see what type of video content might connect best with your audience. Videos are a great way to get almost any type of content to your users. After you understand your audience a bit more, the next step is to set goals for your video marketing campaign. What are your marketing goals? What do you want your videos to accomplish? If your goal is to increase your sales, then you will want to focus your video content around marketing your brand and product with useful information. If your goal is to spread awareness and gain followers, you might choose to focus on entertainment videos.
 Research Your Competitors
 Knowing what you’re up against is as important with your video content as it is for your website as a whole. Researching how businesses similar to your own are marketing though video can help you understand your audience, focus your message, and inspire you with new content ideas. Check out your competition’s YouTube channels, other social media pages, and websites to see how they market with videos and how they link everything together. As you research and take note of your competitors’ content, make sure that you remain authentic to your brand and provide content with a unique spin. Simply copy/pasting a marketing campaign from another company won’t work as well as forming an individualized strategy (and can get you into legal trouble).
 Create Your Own YouTube Channel 
Once you have done some research and understand your audience, you should create a YouTube channel for your business. This is simple to do, as you just need a free Google account to get started. You probably already have one that you use for your business, but if not, go ahead and create one. It’s better in the long run to link your social media accounts and website with an official business email address rather than a personal one, and using a Google account makes a lot of steps much simpler. Once your channel is created, there are a few basic elements to focus on first. These include your channel icon, your “about me” section, and your cover art. Connecting your YouTube account with your brand in this way will make it clear to your audience that they’re in the right place and will make it easier for people to find and reach your company. After you create some videos, upload them to your YouTube channel. From there, you can spread them to your other social media pages and connect back to your website
. Creating Your First Videos
 Making video content does not have to be expensive. There are some simple and stress-free ways to create great video content without breaking your marketing budget. Here are some quick, cheap content formats to consider:
Video Testimonials – These are popular, especially for e-commerce stores, because they establish trust and social connection among viewers, and they can come across as more genuine than a text review. Ask a few of your loyal customers to provide a video testimonial of your product or business. This is a great way to start up your video content while getting honest reviews at the same time. You can simply have them send in a self-made video from their phones or set up a more professional shoot.
Live Videos – People who view online videos are more likely to spend time watching live videos than ones that are prerecorded. Live videos can easily be done through your Facebook business page using your smartphone, and they’re a great way to connect new viewers to your website. This creates a more personal experience while saving you money by not needing fancy video recording equipment or a dedicated recording space. Give your customers a behind-the-scenes look at your building or spread the word about a company open house.
DIY Animation – If you think you’d enjoy dabbling in animation or you like the looks of an animated video for your business, there are some simple, free animation tools online. While the quality will not be as great as paying an animator to make the videos for you, this is an easy way to create some fun little videos for your website. Put out some quick video content while learning how to create more complex animations!
Start with Simple Edits – There’s plenty of different video editing software available for a range of prices and complexity. To see if you enjoy the process and are willing to learn more, pick out a simple, free editing software, and make some very simple changes to a short video. If you have a good message, your viewers won’t mind if the video is rough around the edges, and this content can even be endearing and build trust in your brand.
Watching Your Video Data 
As with any other type of content, once you’ve posted a few videos, you should pay attention to the analytics data. Check out factors such as how many views the videos receive over a period of time, click through rates of how many people continued on to your website after watching the video, and conversion rates of viewers who went on to make a purchase or sign up for your newsletter. This data can help you understand your audience better as well as figure out what types of videos get you new customers and followers or bring back old ones for more purchases. It can also help you see what you need to do to make those numbers grow. Try a few different types of videos and see what gives you the best rates of viewers and visitors.
The average person watches around 10 seconds of a video before they either decide to keep watching or move on, so try to hook them in within those first moments. Your content should be fun, personalized, and get to the point quickly.
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Knowing your customers and what draws them in can help you create videos that keep people coming back for more. The average person watches around 10 seconds of a video before they either decide to keep watching or move on, so try to hook them in within those first moments. Your content should be fun, personalized, and get to the point quickly. Having fun with your video content and being honest with your viewers will help launch your business’s online presence. Your videos don’t need to be professional quality – they just need to be genuine, informative, and true to your business.
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