#by the time this happens theyve been dating for longer than the month they were previously
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theosconfessions · 1 year ago
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here:)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
blake- no fucking way..my boyfriend coming over to my APARTMENT. and me not going over to his house for his sisters to interrupt us anytime we wanna make out?
river- [scoffs] hey bla....[looks him over] whoa! am i interrupting something?missing a lot of clothes,dude.
blake- what? dude no. i was just working out.
river- oh
blake- i see we still have some trust shit to work on hmm?
river- little bit
blake- well ill work on that hen. getting you to trust me is important. youre important
river- [smirks] its kinda sickening how sweet you are.
blake- its kinda sickening how easy you make it to be sweet. you good? you have worried river face on right now. mr kline okay?i know he had a big appointment the other day? is there..
river- my dads okay,yeah. i mean in the moment hes alright. hes not why im here.
blake- then whats going on riv? your silence is making me nervous man. just tell me whatever it is you gotta tell me.
river- right.sorry. i didnt really plan this out i just came over because you were the first person i thought of when i got this in the mail
blake- this is some COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE SWAG! riv!thats amazing. c'mere. im so goddamn proud of you! and you did it yourself. you didnt need to rely on football or anything other than yourself
river- you always sell yourself short. you got your scholarship because youre talented blake.
blake- but not smart. but my baby here...IS. goddamn. hey come inside! fair warning i have nellie . shes asleep but...
river-ill be quiet
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coruscqte · 7 months ago
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dear @lesbianbootheng + @sundays-wing-piercing ask and ye shall receive! i have some answers for you about xiayu under the cut :)
the astral express trio:
- xiayu’s parents! dan heng, stelle and march 7th are probably one of the longer passengers of the express, definitely spend a couple years (read: closer to a decade) still aboard the train with pom-pom, himeko and welt
- (crossing every finger on my hands himeko survives hsr)
- regardless of what happens towards endgame, the three of them are dating for quite a while before dan heng finally actually asks to mate with both of them. stelle and march (obviously) readily accepted. i think march made a bigger deal out of it than the other two intended it to be, but it was a cute little party with their friends to celebrate it.
- (perhaps the luofu races have mating ceremonies? headcanon i suppose)
- im not sure if marriage is a concept in hsr (as we still havent come across any married couples yet) but they have matching jewelry. necklaces, with jade pendants on the chain. for two people who use two handed weapons, rings were out of the question anyway.
-xiayu was wholeheartedly an entire accident. i dont think dan heng ever expected to be able to have children of his own for obvious reasons, it probably never really crossed stelle’s mind, but march mightve had some serious baby fever a few times in those ten years. just because they were cute, not so much because she wanted to raise one.
- but i also think all three of them were pretty okay not being parents because being a nameless is dangerous work. as many times as theyve come home to the express scratched and beaten to hell, it wasnt something they wanted to put onto a child.
- but again, xiayu. she’s an odd little bean. mostly because how she came into existence at all is a bit of an ongoing question even bailu's still stumped over decades later. vidyadhara shouldnt be able to reproduce, yet her running theory is that something about the stellaron + vidyadhara biology interacted and the three of them just got unreasonably lucky.
-(or unlucky, if you ask a very morning sick dan heng)
-i don't care to get into the nitty gritty or even just details of how one child came from three different people, im very handwavey in that sense. easy enough to say dh (for lack of better terms) incubated her egg, she stayed in said egg for another couple months after being “born”ish and pop goes the new vidyadhara baby lol
- egg! i hc xiayu came out of an egg just like any other vidyadhara, but she cracked out of it way earlier because she’s a brand new person. in that in between time thought, she was carried around by the three of them. one of them was always with her, whether on them or in the little nest she stayed in.
- march was no longer allowed to go shopping for xiayu somewhere around a month or so before she was born. himeko was required to go with her if she wanted to buy anything else for the baby — one kid only needed so many things, and march was not the best about staying on topic. or budget.
- stelle was also, naturally, excited. but mostly curious, after all the only vidyadhara child she’d met was bailu, so she was a little concerned itd be different from human children. still, shes the one that assembled the creche and such, as well as sitting w the egg most of the time. the stellaron helped keep it warm.
- i think dan heng was the most worried about xiayu. from the fact that he was the one who incubated her to another fact that theyd created a whole new person together, he was a bit of a nervous wreck. tried not to show it much, failed pretty miserably towards the end of that period.
- xiayu’s egg cracked while march and stelle were away on a trailblaze mission, terribly harrowing moment for everyone involved when dan heng called in a panic. thankfully, she waited to make her proper debut until her moms could be there but dan heng had never been more stressed
- i have a very clear vision in mind of their skin-to-skin session directly after xiayu cracked her egg. gently pulling the shards off their daughter, cleaning her up a little. pulled close to stelle’s chest, warm and so soft. all three of them absolutely in love. there were tears. lots of them.
- so, so small. even with the extra time in her egg she was still smaller than most vidyadhara “newborns”. certainly smaller than dan heng had been — had he ever been that small? as innocent as the little person staring up at him? he doesnt know.
- and a million and one photos taken by march afterwards. she documented all of her achievements and milestones with her trusty camera. she never wants to forget these moments, her first moments as a mom, her first moments with her daughter.
- stelle is so content with her baby. parenthood was something she’d been mostly neutral on the whole process, and yet it seemed like everything they did was worth it. healthy, cooing in her arms, these cute little fingers that all wrapped around one of her fingers with a surprisingly strong grip. oh yes, xiayu was her baby. she’d be up to bat soon enough.
about xiayu:
- xiayu was a terribly fussy baby. never wanted to be left alone, never really wanted to nap, cried probably excessively. but she also babbled plenty, was all too happy to spend some time on her parents hip or to see the stars outside the express. this is why welt coined the nickname nova for her. the way her little eyes would light up in the parlor car seeing space was just adorable.
- dan heng purrs. this is relevant because i think a content xiayu also purrs.
- floppy toddler. likes to scare her parents a little by just going limp whenever. contrary to stelle’s belief, this is not as funny as xiayu thinks it is to her other parents lol.
- stelle likes to toss xiayu in the air. dan heng is not as big of a fan. march im not sure minds, she just loves that xiayu is happy.
- stelle is more of a … hm, a mom who cares a lot but doesn’t smother. likes to let xiayu figure things out on her own, see the world for herself. of course, she always keeps an eye on her, ready to swoop in whenever.
- march is more of an emotional mum. she leads by her heart, as per usual, and xiayu usually goes to her for comfort naturally. ofc she goes to all of them, but if she just wants to be babied, its march she seeks out.
- march and dan heng are usually the ones dressing her, you can tell who did what rather easily.
- dan heng isnt … strict per se (he values xiayu’s autonomy and freedom just as much as he values his own) but he is more worrying than stelle or march. perhaps its because she’s the first new vidyadhara theyve had in literal centuries, or that a fear of the preceptors finding her scares him shitless, or just trying to keep his own fears in line, he keeps her safe the best he knows how — with his tail wrapped around her middle if she wanders too far away.
- (though, xiayu thinks this is hilarious and attempts to run away a lot. it was a curse for her to pick up toddling so quicky)
- she has a raccoon toy that goes with her everywhere lol. his name is caelus 😌
- infinite loop of “goes ask your mom” “go ask your mum” “go ask your dad”
- stelle is called mama, march is mummy, and dan heng is baba in the early years. as xiayu matures it becomes mom, mum and dad.
- auntie himeko and uncle welt! xiayu likes to see the maps and such that himeko works with, and welt usually has a different selection of books than dan heng has. it’s a treat when they visit.
- the four of them live on the luofu until xiayu is about twelve. it’s simply safer to have a baby in a more concrete location, and have a permanent home base. they disembark the astral express for a few years, but promise to return when she gets a little older.
- given they dont stay long. dan heng is far too paranoid about the preceptors doing something terrible to her, and xiayu isn’t well received by the wider vidyadhara community. people find out eventually that she’s a descendant of dan feng, and hell breaks loose. when she comes home crying one day from lessons that her playmates won’t play with her anymore, dan heng blames himself even if his partners tell him not to.
- jing yuan does enjoy her visits when they bring her around. after all, who could say no to such a cute face? (march concurs. dan heng is worried about the pair of them). a beloved baby under the watchful eye of the luofu’s general.
- bailu is just happy to have another baby vidyadhara around, though the concept is a bit foreign.
- xiayu doesnt call the luofu home, which opens up confusion when introducing herself. the express is her home, moreso than somewhere that didnt even truly accept her.
all about trailblazer xiayu:
- xiayu herself is a bright soul with a great deal of trailblazer branded curiosity about the world around her. she just loves to explore, and has a semi decent sense of direction — its rare that she gets truly lost
- if she were playable, she would be nihility / imaginary. five star, obviously.
- her tone is a little bit deeper than that of march’s , probably alongside the timbre of stelle’s.
- star carver was commissioned by dan heng for her, and march and stelle had some input on it as well. theres a three star motif on the hand grip and on the axe blades themselves. its her birthright and beloved axe, though she doesn’t use it much until she boards the astral express as a proper trailblazer when she’s about twenty.
- never a quiet moment with xiayu. she always has something to say or something to share. bit of a yapper depending on the parent shes with. she and march are usually the ones doing something together, while pompom has probably lost a vase or two in the observatory car to xiayu and stelle working w their weapons. she doesnt really do the whole silence thing well, but it is comfortable with her dad while they work on separate things in the archives.
- i do think dan heng tries his best to teach xiayu about her heritage. whether she dislikes the luofu or not, she does still need to know what his kin do. im not sure if shes terribly talented with cloudhymn magic though, considering shes only been to scalegorge a few times with her father.
- xiayu i dont think considers herself vidyadhara. only for her lifespan, but otherwise chooses not to identify with them first. i think the wider community is split on opinion, but most are just in awe of her existence.
- at twenty, xiayu is considered a full trailblazer, and begins accompanying the current passengers on missions. by this time, stelle and march are both around 50ish, so theyre not always in attendance (similar to welt) but when they can be, they are.
- i think her parents are, understandably, a bit protective of xiayu when out and about on missions. they compromise that she always keeps her phone on if she just Has to go wandering around, but otherwise theyre usually together.
- she is not allowed to touch the archive, even as an adult. only for entries not organization lol
- she does get her own room on the express! big window to space, little window rest for her to sit and more often, nap on.
- i think she takes after march the most, easily. but you can see dan heng in her mannerisms, her quiet thinking at times. its stelle you can see when shes in a fight, those swings are trailblazer brand lol. and perhaps, when she goes about collecting trinkets wherever the express has stopped — akin to stelle’s foraging.
- re: vidyadhara: vidyadhara usually live anywhere from 10 days to aeons know how long. for those aboard the xianzhou alliance, likely children remain a bit younger-minded for longer. xiayu has always considered herself an adult when her parents began treating her as one, so her experiences on the luofu are a bit skewed. to put it simply, she is not particularly happy about some things being age restricted to those a hundred years and over.
- primarily, sushang and bailu are usually the ones accompanying her out and about. this helps her get around these restrictions a lot of the time.
- now, all good things usually come to an end. by the time xiayu is barely forty, march and stelle are already in their 70s. its odd, watching your moms age and grow grey hairs and wrinkles while your father looks nearly the same as he has all forty years youve been alive.
- they return to their old home on the luofu for their twilight years, while xiayu remains on the astral express.
- stelle doesn’t live to see xiayu’s fiftieth birthday.
- (contingent on hsr not removing the stellaron from the trailblazer) the stellaron was already corrupting her since before xiayu was even conceived, and age catching up with her rapidly doesn’t help. she passes away relatively quietly in her sleep at 74.
- xiayu was with her, curled up on her side. she won’t ever forget that moment when her mom didnt wake with her.
- the rest of the family is, obviously, devastated. little spider cracks appear then and there in xiayu, trying to stay positive for her parents. arguably not dissimilar to march, but even she has to admit that things won’t quite ever be the same without stelle.
- march goes later. it’s quiet, when she goes. dan heng is the one to discover her this time. around when she’s eighty six. xiayu is barely fifty five.
- this is where i think xiayu’s brand of whimsy comes in. xiayu has always been between worlds, treated like a short lived person by her immediate family, treated like she’s live centuries by her peers. in that disconnect, xiayu’s mental cracks.
- she calls stelle and march as if they were still alive, just waiting on them to pick up their voicemails. she takes pictures for march, sending texts and just ignoring the error messages. after all the signal is probably just bad, right? she keeps stelle’s original jacket to wear and march’s hair clips, after all, theyll come back soon enough.
- dan heng tries his best to cope for the same reasons. hes known that he’d outlive his partners, but hadnt been really thinking about it until theyd moved back to the luofu. he tries to keep xiayu safe the best he can, to the point of occasionally overstepping. shes not allowed to leave into the mara struck areas without sushang or yanqing, shouldnt be away for too many days. even on the express he has her check in with him or with someone who can contact him.
- its a mess. they both love each other to pieces because theyre all the other has left, but dan heng hasn’t exactly helped much to cope with march and stelle being gone. if anything they just keep feeding into each other.
- but for about fifty years, it was truly joyful. after all, caelus still accompanies her on her travels.
edit: send in writing / art prompts for her if youd like! ill happily do even more brain rotting over her by request lol
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gatesofember · 3 years ago
when was the last time Will and Nico dated in the clichecore au because it sounds like theyve been single for a while? but it also sounds like they have several exes?
Neither of them have dated for a while. Like, they haven’t really dated since college. Part of that is because of the pandemic making meeting people hard for the past couple years. Also Will’s job has demanded a lot of time from him and he’s honestly so tired when he gets home and dating would take a lot of effort. Nico’s had more free time than Will and he’s gone on some dates since college, but the last relationship he was in…uhhh…wasn’t good (we’ll get to that later) so he kinda needed to take some time to recover and didn’t get around to finding another boyfriend before lockdown happened.
(Also. I think both of them dislike some things about dating. And by “things” I mean “their significant others expect them to stop cuddling and spending so much time together and demand attention when they’d really rather hang out with each other.” Like their SOs would ask them on a date and they’d be like “nah I was thinking that I wanted to watch movies with Nico/Will tonight” or they’d cuddle with their SOs and think “:/ Nico/Will is so much better at this.”)
They’ve probably dated about the same amount, maybe two or three long-ish-term or “real” relationships each, but neither of them have ever gotten super serious. Their number one person has always been each other (both of them have thought “it’ll be so weird when a significant other moves in with us and we have to figure out how to add them to our routine.” They would think of the SO as a third wheel to their platonic relationship.) I think Will did some casual dating to get to know people a little more often than Nico did and Nico’s relationships might have lasted a little longer than Will’s on average (but still not super long, he’s never dated anyone longer than maybe a few months or so?) Will is more likely to look at a relationship and say “hm I’m not really enjoying this” or “I don’t see this going anywhere” or “this isn’t working out” whereas Nico is a little more desperate for approval and long-lasting bonds so he’s willing to stick with a relationship that isn’t making him happy or even to overlook red flags. Nico’s usually the one who’s broken up with whereas Will tends to do the breaking up (although interestingly, the most detailed stories of their exes that I can think of atm are about guys Nico broke up with and a girl who broke up with Will). Nico’s much more of a romantic than Will is. Will’s first crush was probably years after Nico’s first crush. He doesn’t get as invested in romantic plotlines as Nico. The only couple he’s ever shipped is his moms. When Will dates someone he’s just like “I like this person, let’s see where this goes” whereas Nico will be like “I’m doodling their name in the margins of my notebooks and planning our fairytale wedding where Will is obviously going to be my best man of honor and he’ll probably tag along for the honeymoon too because I don’t want to be apart from him for too long, then my husband and I will move into a beautiful house and have lots of dogs and Will will be there too because I’m not going to stop being roommates just because I got married.” So...yeah. Nico’s priority has always been Will, but he’s also kinda clingy and moves fast and guys have broken up with him because of that. He’s very conscious of his tendency to uhhh get a bit too invested early in a relationship. (But Nico also has been accused of being too distant because he’d rather spend time with Will so really his exes needed to make up their minds. They were just mad that he didn’t behave the way they wanted him to when they wanted him to. Nico doesn’t pick the best guys. We’ll get to that later.) (But I think Nico’s tendency to switch between “I NEED ATTENTION” and “nah I wanna hang out with Will” came across as manipulative sometimes? Like he was punishing boyfriends for not paying attention to them by purposely trying to make them jealous? Which was NOT his intention at all.) (Also, Nico’s clinginess extends beyond romantic relationships. He’s that way with friends and family, too. Like I said, he’s kinda desperate for approval and affection.) (Will loves giving Nico approval and affection. Nico gets everything he needs in a relationship from Will, so he’s not so desperate and clingy with him. Or at least, it seems reciprocal? And he’s not so insecure with Will because he knows Will cares about him.)
Did I answer the question or just ramble? Whatever. This is the answer you’re getting.
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hcneysoaked · 4 years ago
💘 eli and seb c:
send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they first met and how iconic meet cute !!!! next door apartment neighbors with seb Nicely asking eli to shut up and eli going “no <3” bc he loves being a menace 
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved the back and forth went for a while, maybe a month or two which absolutely kills them once they realize its more than just messing around and playful flirting
who fell for who first ( if applicable ) seb……. I Think… bc he was the one making excuses to be around eli but eli definitely indulged it bc he was also very much interested. but like, i think seb was at least more conscious of it first??
where their first date was and what it was like mm first “sort of” date was seb picking eli up after class and taking him out to eat BUT they were still playing their little game so i dont think they count it gbdjkfg i think once they start Officially dating then they probably spend the day out doing that cute couple shit
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? ) officially ask out, probably seb again but mostly bc eli has already assumed they’re dating by that point so its more of a formality/clarification than anything else gkjgdfg
who proposes first seb!!!!! if this is like the Actual proposal and not that spontaneous vegas shit i think eli’s pretty content with not making it formal and all as long as they stay together 
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away eli tells his friends like Right Away bc theyve probably been on his case abt seb for ages and im not sure seb has anyone he’d like want to tell right away?? It takes eli a while for him to figure out how to tell his siblings, but he definitely tells them way before his parents who probably just end up finding out on their own anyway gbdfkg
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? ) honestl y im not sure bgfjkgd i feel like seb would put a Lot of thought into it and have a whole Plan but also i like the idea of it just kinda Happening :(( like has this plan and everything but maybe theyre just together one night and fuc k the plan
if they adopt any pets together im literally dying to give them a cat bgjkdfg partly just bc i know eli really wants one and he’d absolutely just show up one day with one in tow
who’s more dominant eli def has seb wrapped around his finger but we Know seb has big dom energy and is probably one of the few people that can keep eli under control
where their first kiss was and what it was like :((((( i mean they Like hook up before they really start dating some probably around then but like they have that little moment with the confession ™ and that kiss would be a soft lil contrast to how they’ve acted around each other up until then
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? ) probabl y bc they’re gross and cheesy kjdgfdgd but i like the matching sweater/clothes idea :(( eli definitely gets that for them bc he likes dressing seb up so much
how into pda they are very!!!! seb can Lie and say he doesn't like pda all he wants but he likes that eli’s all over him even in public we know how clingy eli is already
who holds the umbrella when it rains probably seb bc taller and eli’s a Brat bgjf
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable ) mmmmm damn i kinda like the idea of them going to that first date-ish spot every so often, but i'm not sure how many actual dates they go on that would be super consistent? partly cause free time and also just bc eli loves spontaneity and surprises
who’s more protective I think seb seems more protective on a sort of surface level but they’d be super protective of each other? like they’d both be pretty quick to defend the other
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ ) i feel like they might’ve fallen asleep together (at least accidentally) during one of those times eli hangs out at seb’s while he’s working but i dont think they really share a bed until they hook up and eli like purposefully stays the night, and that happens a while after their flirting
if they argue about anything oh definitely, especially at first i think. definitely about eli’s recklessness, about the whole parent situation, if eli feels seb’s being too protective, but they work through all of it <3
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. ) not 100% about seb but eli definitely likes marking him up gnjddgd he just likes the idea of seb going to work all cleaned up with hickeys and shit under his collar gkjgfdgf
who steals whose clothes and how often eli definitely steals clothes the most, he likes curling up in seb’s shirts and sweaters :(( i'm not sure that seb steals eli’s clothes so much as eli dresses him up in them gkdfgd just bc their styles are pretty different
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? ) lots of spooning for sure, lots of eli sitting in seb’s lap while he works, also probably eli resting on him if they’re on the couch or in bed
what their favourite nonsexual activity is just hanging out together you know :((( like cuddling and resting together
how long they stay mad at each other I don’t think seb likes staying mad at him for too long, but eli definitely likes to hold grudges and all that, though I think he’d be a little more forgiving?? depends on the situation gkdfng but he’s also the type to just get up and leave when mad so I’m sure that doesn’t really help
what their usual coffee / tea orders are seb…. black coffee man, eli’s likes coffee but he likes it really sweet bgjkdgd
if they ever have any children together :(((( i think……. maybe….. at least one gbfdjkgdf especially after like more people around them start having kids?? 
if they have any special pet names for each other definitely the standard babe + baby :(( but aside from that… 
if they ever split up and / or get back together oo f i’m not sure if the family thing is enough to split them up for a bit, but it wouldn’t stay like that for long they’d definitely get back together pretty quickly, regardless of what it is
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? ) they end up spending more time in seb’s apartment, probably gets a little more put together after eli movies in and he definitely tries to decorate it with anything he finds Neat so it's not the most coordinated gbdfkgd
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like probably just as overboard as their first birthdays are together gkdfg or maybe more lowkey? they might spend the actual day with family but they’d exchange gifts and have a little thing together afterwards i think
what their names are in each other’s phones eli has him in as babe with little heart emojis and i think seb has him in as baby?? 
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? ) mmmm i feel like they Absolutely would but i’m blanking now gbdfjkgd 
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first they’re both late sleepers so it’s just whoever passes out first I think but seb tends to wake up earlier bc Work and eli won’t leave bed unless he really has to 
who’s the big spoon / little spoon mmm seb’s probably the big spoon more maybe?? but also wakes up w eli clinging onto him
who hogs the bathroom probably eli?? bc again, Brat, but also i think he’d just take longer getting ready overall
who kills the spiders / takes them outside gbjdkfgd eli feels bad killing spiders so he definitely takes them outside if he comes across them and probably doesn't even mention it to seb
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peacedolantwins · 6 years ago
Clean (E.D.) Part 4
A/N: I know its been a while since I’ve last updated this I’m so sorry, but hopefully the next one wont take as long, I’m already working on it. so heres part 4, hope you enjoy! :) part 3
After your talk with James, you had texted Ethan and met up with him a few days later. You two got to talking and after some apologizing on both sides, you for overreacting and not hearing him out and him for saying what he did and how he treated you in the car.
That was three months ago. Thats also how you found yourself on the twins couch with Ethan's arm slung around you as he still slept. Everyone had decided to have a sleepover at their house and everyone was around the room in different areas. James was on the other couch across from Grayson while Emma and Ian were laid out across the floor in piles of blankets and pillows they must have stolen from the boys’ room.
While it may have seemed like you two were moving quick, it didn't feel it. You and Ethan just seemed to click right away and everyone was able to see it. He was more open when you were around and he smiled so much more. You were finally doing better than you ever were because he showed you how to have fun just living and doing little things. It felt amazing that he brought back your ability to feel childish which was something you thought you lost a long time ago.
Gently moving his arm off of you, you got up and headed outside. Your feet covered in fuzzy socks to keep warm softly pattered the wood floor as you quietly opened the glass sliding door not wanting to wake up anyone else. The sun was barely beginning to rise and it was always so beautiful and you had to take advantage of the view the boys had from their backyard.
You winced when the door made a loud click as you shut it, hoping no one else heard it. Looking through the glass, no one seemed bothered so you went and sat down next to the pool, pulling your legs up to your chest. Just breathing in the chilled air always calmed you down but at the same time, you hid your arms back in the hoodie you stole from Ethan to keep warm. You thought about how much your life has changed and you couldnt be happier for it.
So consumed in your thoughts, you didnt hear the door shut again and it wasnt until someone was next to you wrapping half the blanket around you did you realize someone else was here.
“Morning, kitty” James leaned over and pulled you into his side.
“Morning. Sorry if I woke you up, I didnt mean to,” you apologized and leaned into him, really glad for the warmth he was providing. While LA never really got too cold, that didnt mean it was always completely warm.
You two sat there in silence just appreciating each others presence. As your best friend, James could tell there was something on your mind.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Hm? Oh, no.. I just… I'm really happy about where I'm at right now. With you and Ian… I cant say thank you enough for still letting me stay with you after everything. And with Ethan too, I really like him and I'm so happy you brought him, well both of them into my life but I-” you stopped, not really sure if you wanted to get into this so early in the day.
“I'm scared.” While James wasnt sure what you were going to say, that wasnt it.
“Im scared that if I tell them about before they'll leave.” You said it so quietly James wasnt sure if he heard you correctly.
“Y/N… why would you think either one of them would leave?”  
“Are you really asking why? You've heard them and what they say. They dont hang around with “people like that,” and I happen to be one of those people. Theyve even said it in videos how they dont like it. And thats okay that they dont but I just-” you took a breath in and looked away from James.
“I dont want either of them to see me as that. I dont want them to look at me the way everyone back home looked at me. You wouldnt even talk to me for a few weeks when you found out and you're my best friend but I get it.”
“Y/N, I'm going to stop you right there. Hun, I am so sorry I wasnt there for you during everything and I'm so sorry I didnt talk to you when you needed me or just about anyone.” He turned to face you and held you at arms length to look at you properly.
“I was so embarrassed and ashamed when you found out and I am so scared of what either of them will say if they find out. I know it'll only get worse the longer I keep it hidden away but I dont wanna ruin anything and I dont want to lose Ethan- oh god what do I even say to him? ‘Hi, really quick just wanted to let you know youre dating an alcoholic that also has videos and photos of her naked and doing god knows what else out there’?” You knew how they boys felt about drinking and partying and just the thought of either of them finding out terrified you.
“If you dont want to tell them, thats okay. Me and Ian wont say anything to them.” He tried to comfort you after seeing how worked up you were getting.
“But I dont want to have to hide it. I fucked up in the past and I know that. Im dealing with it. These past few months have been exhausting trying to cover everything up. Im tired of having to come up with lies about where I go twice a week a night for meetings. I dont like seeing you or Ian getting asked all the time why you take my money and ID when I'm upset and leave the house. I dont want to ever have to deal with what would happen if Ethan saw my phone and saw me calling my sponsor and thinking I'm talking to some other guy. Everything is so good between us and I dont want to mess that up but not saying anything could also ruin everything and I dont know what to do.” You wiped away the few tears that fell with the sleeves you- his hoodie and fell into James's arms.
He held you and patted your hair while you got your breathing under control and once you were doing better, he peeled you off of him.
“Listen, if and when you feel ready to tell them, I'll still be here for you. Ian and I arent going anywhere. If you want, we can be there with you when you tell them, okay? I know you're older than me but you're still our little sister and were not going to let anything bad happen if we can help it.” You nodded your head in his chest and turned back to face the sunrise. While your morning may have just got a lot more emotional than you were planning, you were still going to appreciate the little things you still had.
You heard the glass door open and shut behind you, but you didnt bother turning around, assuming it was probably Grayson since he was always up early.
When someone plopped down next you, you werent expecting them to pull you from James and tuck themselves under your am and end up basically laying on you. Looking down you found Ethan cuddling into you and pressing his head into your chest.
“Found you,” he pulled hard on the blanket to take it away from James to which he let out an “excuse me” at that made you laugh as Ethan threw the blanket over the two of you. Knowing he wasnt a morning person, James left it alone probably for the better considering how close you all were to the pool.
“C'mon, lets go back in,” You patted his back and tried to sit up but his weight kept you down.
“Ethan, lets go back inside and we can cuddle on the couch okay?” After a very long and over dramatic sigh, he finally got up and pulled you up with him. He started walking in, taking the blanket with him and left you and James still outside. After helping your friend up, he turned to you.
“Sweetheart, that boy is all over you and does anything you ask. He’s never up before noon but he got up because you werent next to him. There's no way he's going to leave if you tell him.” You both walked over to the doors and watched as Ethan stole another blanket off the ground and threw himself down on the couch.
“I really hope you're right,” You smiled at James before heading back in to join your boyfriend in a much needed cuddle session.
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madisonrooney · 6 years ago
uhhhhhhh ok so first of all
i was almost sure he would be there and in her typical fashion, my mom spotted him first lmao. i caught him by himself so i went up to him and told him im a huge descendants fan and wanted to say hi and that i was there for dove and he thought that was so cool and we got a picture and i told him how hype i am for D3 and he said its gonna be amazing
then the show and THE SHOW WAS FANTASTIC. and like listen i know im technically “biased” but hey i fell in love with the girl initially bc i love her acting skills! so like...i dont call that bias so much as personal taste? if that makes sense? but really she was incredible. hilarious, adorable, and girl can SANG. like we been knew but gurl can SAAANG ive had few other opportunities to see her sing live for that long. well technically one other time being mamma mia and that was from quite a distance, this time i was in like the fourth row. the whole show was just hilarious and adorable and lovably 90s. the whole cast was great. i finally watched the movie about a week ago and i think it REALLY kept the spirit of it. i think long time fans will be satisfied. it even kept a lot of the same dialogue, beyond just the most iconic lines.
and during intermission i spotted....the producer of jersey boys??? listen ive watched their tonys acceptance speech one too many times so i was like um i know that guy. and i told him how much i love the show and how i saw it for the 10th time last night and he was so cool.
went out into the lobby after the show to look for dove. caught thomas’ eye and smiled at him and he waved at me :)
met a lot of the cast and they were all great!!
then spotted dove and hfjghdfjkghdfjkh
her mom spotted me from the line and smiled and winked at me :D
as i moved closer dove spotted me and her face lit up and she waved
then i got up to her and got the usual “hi baby!!! so good to see you!!” and hug! gave her flowers (WHICH SHE LATER POSTED ON HER INSTA STORY????) (and when we got our picture she was like ‘let me put these beautiful flowers on display’) and told her the whole “my mom and i said like a year ago that whenever you inevitably made it to broadway we would be here for the first show” and she was like “oh yah i saw you in the audience!! in the front on the left, right?” and im like “..............YES??? HOLY SHIT????” (i thought id seen her look my way at one point but im like i doubt she saw me BUT SURE ENOUGH)
she even gave my mom a hug and thanked her for making all this happen. lots of hugs and i love yous for both of us as usual :)
WHJFKGHFJDKG so my mom said “we finally got to meet thomas for the first time! hes so cute ;)” and thomas was right by there so she was like “oh yah hes the best. hey tommy! they approve of you! and theyve been around longer than you have!”
then i was like “so im graduating college next summer and i miiiiiight be seeing light in the piazza opening night” and she was like “you have to!” and i was like “no i mean like i AM i have tickets” lmao and she was so excited and gave me a high five
either during a hug or picture she like....put her head against mine
and as i left she said “see you in a few months!”
then my mom congratulated her mom and we said bye to thomas
and then i walked through the cold of new york city crying
you know the drill. every time i get to see this girl, even if i dont get to meet her, is beyond BEYOND special, but this is one of the most special experiences weve ever had. its one ive dreamed of for so long. not only to get to meet her but to see her work her magic on stage!!! she is incredible in film and tv, but i think theatre is really her calling, and i know thats what she was most exposed to growing up so it stands to reason. this is only the beginning yall (literally. with light and the piazza around the corner.)
bittersweet that its over, but for the first time in god knows how long, i actually know when im seeing her next!! and its for something super special!! it may not be for a while, but i almost like it better that way, bc i get to spend these next 7 months getting to look forward to it, KNOWING im seeing her again soon. and knowing how things work out, i very well may get to see her beforehand. (RDMAs? book signing? maybe something else? who knows)
not to say they weren’t amazing, but the last handful of times ive seen her have often had a downside (hocus pocus i could see her but couldnt meet her, mamma mia/bellami hair/build i didnt know when id get to see her next, build we didnt get to talk much, etc.) but this was just perfect in every way. we got to talk for the longest weve gotten to in nearly a YEAR, and i got to see her in her FUCKING OFF-BROADWAY DEBUT!!!! AND KNOW WHEN IM SEEING HER AGAIN! AND SEE HER MOM! AND MEET THOMAS! AND I HADNT SEEN HER IN EIGHT MONTHS AND SHE RECOGNIZES ME RIGHT AWAY! WOW!
so. yah. i love my gf and SEE CLUELESS IF YOU CAN
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adanceforrain · 6 years ago
To all the boys I’ve dated (in 2018)
2017, like 2008, was a metamorphic year because I fell in love (with N)… and I think when anyone falls in love they’re never the same again. Both years a boy who I found to be special catapulted me into the stratosphere where I experienced satisfaction akin to what I imagine a devout Buddhist monk must experience once they’ve attained nirvana. And in both years, just as quickly and unsuspectingly as I found myself floating at unseen heights, I came crashing down with blazing meteoric speed. When I landed, my spirit was so shattered I forgot who I was or what made me… me. But the silver lining of being so broken is this golden opportunity to take all those unrecognizable shards and rebuild myself into something new, something better. I’m happy to say that in 2018 I was able to accomplish just that, although the recovery and repair process was far from pretty and clean.
The keys to my recovery this year were dance, friends, and boys.
While I’m still not a great dancer, learning how to dance has been so fucking liberating and empowering. In dance class I was able to explore and experiment with different facets of myself, even the ones I’d normally not have the opportunity to safely display, such as being sassy and hyper-feminine. Every class I’m looking at myself, studying my body and how it reacts to certain movements, and doing this day in and day out creates this beautiful and intimate relationship with my body. I’m much more familiar with it now than I’ve ever been. With that familiarity brings a newfound confidence. I now no longer fear getting out on the dancefloor and dancing a fool, and this freedom has renewed the novelty and enhanced the fun of going out to clubs, music festivals, and raves. Now more than ever, I feel comfortable in my body (despite being twinkier than I’ve been in the past 5 years).
Like Lady Gaga’s ‘100 People In A Room’ quote, I’ve told my closest friends my heartbreak stories more times than they care to remember, and just like Lady Gaga, each time I’d say it with as much gusto and sincerity as the first. Even after hearing a retelling of a romantic endeavor for the hundredth time, my friends still listen and provide genuine feedback (and maybe throw in an eye-roll here and there but with a pinch of love). And whenever I entered a new relationship with a boy (regardless of HOW many red flags he had), my friends still unconditionally supported me, even if that support came in the form of complete disapproval. Romance aside, simply being surrounded by people who sincerely listen and laugh at my dumb jokes is so, so reassuring about my worth as a person. To feel seen. To be loved. Even in platonic form, it’s still incredibly rewarding.
I was a mammoth of a mess this year when it came to boys, but I’d be lying if I said being so was not only helpful but essential to my recovery. For the first 3 quarters of 2018 I was dating guys for reasons I’m not proud of, especially in the early months of 2018 when the sting of heartbreak was still incisive and N’s ghost was still relentlessly haunting me. I dated four guys this year: J, R, G, and S. All of them except S were motivated in some way, shape, or form by N. J was in hopes of replacing him; R to make him jealous; G to prove to myself that by dating him, then maybe, just maybe, I could be more attractive than N because I won someone over who is so highly sought after (at least on social media). I even slept with N’s ex to get intel on N, which is arguably one of the most immoral and cunning things I’ve ever done. While I may not have succeeded in the mission set out for each respective boy, they all, in their own way, contributed to my growth as a person by showing me exactly what I didn’t want in my romantic future or myself.  
S was the first guy I dated not out of spite for N or in hopes of making N jealous or even to validate my value in the dating market but because I genuinely liked him and hoped for the best, at least in the initial honeymoon phase. In retrospect, it’s as clear as crystal that we’d never work due to our differing interests, personalities, friends, and senses of humor. I mean, there was some overlap, but we both knew (him more than me because I was too blinded by his smile), that we’d ultimately fail long term - that we’d end up hating each other. He taught me that I still stank of desperation.
I’ve always known physical attraction alone isn’t enough to fuel a thriving relationship, but fully putting that into practice has been difficult since moving to the Bay where there is a seemingly endless supply of cute boys. I get so easily entranced by devilishly handsome faces that I willingly overlook glaring incompatibilities and red flags. I think it’s because of my insecurities, of feeling like I’m not attractive enough, therefore if I date someone society deems attractive, then by association and proxy, so am I.
All the boys I’ve dated in 2018 slowly and subtly helped me realize this, but it wasn’t until August when I went to Outside Lands with G did the realization really take form. G and I were talking/dating that entire summer, and I had this seemingly inextinguishable burning desire to win him over. When he finally agreed to stay with me and be my companion that weekend, I was elated at first… until that weekend happened. Being with him left so, so much to be desired. And I needed more. So much more. I needed humor. I needed depth. I needed human-to-human connection. I needed devilish grins, glances, touches, jokes, chemistry, and sin. Instead, what I craved most when I was with him was nothing of him at all – for him to not be there. I felt constrained and hamstringed by his presence. And that was also the weekend when I discovered what I wanted and what truly matters most to me in a romance.
The truest test of my 2018 growth came in November on Thanksgiving weekend when I went to Dreamstate. By sheer luck or divine guidance, I ran into N, and we reconnected in a way 2017 Adam would have killed for. We danced. We made out. We said sweet nothings to each other the rest of the night… Once the night was over and the dust settled, I, along with all my closest friends, worried I’d relapse. But I didn’t. I. fucking. DIDN’T.  And I’m so proud of myself!!! I didn’t because of the newfound confidence and love for myself that didn’t exist a year prior. I’ve rebuilt myself from the incinerated debris of 2017 into someone new, someone better. And I could not have done it without all the boys I dated (and revenge fucked… lol).
I’m ready to date again, but there’s no longer this rabid need to find a boyfriend. Of course, I still fantasize about being married with someone I truly love and am compatible with, but that searing desire that was burning me from the inside out has cooled into a controlled glow. 2019 Adam has learned from 2018 Adam’s mistakes, and I feel confident that next time I date, it’ll be with someone for the right reasons. 
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negasonicimagines · 7 years ago
If You Love Someone
Hey guys, I’m so sorry that I haven’t posted a new imagine in so, so long! Hopefully this makes up for it! I’ll try to get more requests out, soon, I promise!
As you can see, the title is this song by The Veronicas. 
The request I wrote this from is from @wafflesnunicorns and it goes as follows:  “What up dude! long time no ask!! But um do u think u can write a fic where theyve been dating but Eli hasnt quite been able to express her feelings to yn. then when yn is called on a mission Eli cant stop thinkin about her n seein her n SMELLIN her(weird right?)when yn FINALLY gets back Eli just wordlessly bearhugs, sniffs herthen says," you smellgood I love you" Or something awkward and abrupt like that. N yn is blushing and is all like "thanks...I guess..."Im excited to read it!love you!😄! ❤️”
I think I can. You tell me. Thanks so much for the request, sweetheart! 
Ellie hadn’t been dating you for that long, but she was head over heels. It’s hard, though, to express that. She only really feels comfortable expressing anger, annoyance. Rolling her eyes at your sweet words but squeezing your hand tighter, looking down so no one sees her blush. It makes her feel bad to watch your face fall when you think she doesn’t approve, but she tries to make it up to you in little ways, picking pretty wildflowers for you when she sees them and sending you songs that remind her of you.
She comes from photography club to your shared dorm, so the two of you can walk to dinner together, and she finds you packing a bag.
“Where are you going?” It comes out more rude than it should, her brain stopping her from sounding too attached, too clingy, too in love.
“Mission!” You reply cheerily. “Undercover. Gotta join the Brotherhood and see what their next move is.”
“The Brotherhood?!” Ellie squeaks, there was no hiding her worry with that one.
“Yeah, that’s what I said, isn’t it?” you tease her, unsure of the emotion you’re seeing in her reaction.
“It is,” Ellie admits. “Uh, how long?”
“I don’t know. Couple weeks, maybe a month, maybe longer. Depends on how long it takes to earn their trust and find out their next step or two,” you explain, looking too okay with this. Did you not feel the same connection to Ellie, the same need to be around her?
Ellie’s breath halts. A month without you? Possibly longer?
“That’s a while.”
“I guess,” you reply, and the expression that flickers across your face helps her realize what’s going on.
She wishes her mouth would move, to tell you she’ll miss you. That she loves you, too. To tell you that she’s sorry that you don’t know those things for sure.
“We’re gonna be late for dinner,” she instead tells you.
“It’s that time already?” You ask, and she nods curtly.
You walk to dinner together in awkward silence, sitting across from each other while you eat but avoiding eye contact.
On the day you left, you didn’t even look like you. Your hair was styled differently, your makeup (if you wear it) making you appear almost like a stranger. Your clothes were closer in genre to hers, your face darkened in expression to add to the betrayed character you portray.
“I hate you, Charles Xavier!” You shout at the top of your lungs, stomping out of the mansion with bags on your shoulders. Ellie stares out the front door what feels like forever, until a gloved hand she faintly recognizes as Anna’s pulls her further in the house, another student closing the door behind you as you disappear down the driveway, angry swagger still in motion.
I love you. But the words don’t come out.
A few days later, Xavier informs the school of a planned attack from the Brotherhood. After, Ellie slinks over to his chair, moving from shadow to shadow. She’s isolated herself even further, rarely looking up from her phone.
“Our correspondence is limited, Miss Phimister,” Charles tells her before she can even ask. “But Y/N told me to tell you they love you.”
Somehow, that makes it worse. She didn’t say those words to you when she had the opportunity, and now she may never get to. But, hey, at least those would your last words to her?
No! They can’t be. They won’t. Ellie has to tell you.
She trains non-stop over the weeks, for the fight. Just because the school knew of the attack, didn’t meant that it wasn’t still going to happen. The plan was that someone would pretend to knock you out, and they’d take you back. It couldn’t be her, she wouldn’t be able to fake hatred for you.
In the nights, she doesn’t sleep. The two of you had been roommates, and without you in her arms, it’s hard.
Her appetite joins her sleep in the list of things you inadvertently took when you left. All she can think of when she sits in her usual lunch spot is how you’re not there with her, making some shitpost-esque joke she’d pretend she didn’t find absolutely hilarious. Not nagging her about her grade in American Lit, not begging her to play a card game, not there. You might never be there again. And she’ll never have admitted that she loves you more than she’s loved anyone else.
She hasn’t felt this alone since… Since… Since before she knew you.
She’s sitting at the desk in you two’s room, unable to focus on her Biology homework when the alarm goes off. For once, she’s excited at the possibility of an attack on the house.
That’s exactly what it is. Kids in dark clothes like her own storm the place, and she and her classmates clash against them. Pent-up emotion sweeps into her fighting, making her a brutal force.
Someone touches at her shoulder, and she turns, ready to deliver the next blow. It’s you. Her fist pauses just before connecting with your nose.
You hadn’t even flinched. You take her fist in your hands and kiss it gently. She allows herself to fall into you, and you stiffen before sighing, wrapping your arms around her. The fight’s over. The loneliness is over.
The two of you eventually enter the school, oodles of students crowding around you. They’re welcoming you, worried about your safety, things they never did before. You clutch Ellie’s hand tightly, uttering an “I’m fine, thanks,” before taking her to the room you two share.
“That was...A lot,” Ellie says, unsure of what else to say.
“Yeah. I’m gonna go shower,” you reply, seeming a little too perky.
“Wait!” she blurts, grabbing your arm. You jolt, not disguising the flash of pain fast enough.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to grab so hard.” Ellie’s eyes are wide with guilt and emotion, but you shake your head, getting a makeup wipe from the dresser and wiping off your arm. 
A bruise. Ellie looks from it to your face. Repeatedly. It takes a lot for her not to turn to a ball of seething rage, not that she’d give that away.
“Training for the Brotherhood is a little different than training for the X-Men. They don’t play quite as nice.”
“I’m sorry.”
“What? You didn’t do anything wrong,” you laugh it off, and she scowls.
“I’m not sorry for that, even if I do wanna pummel whoever did that. I’m- I’m sorry I haven’t said it yet.”
“Yeah, it.”
There’s a flicker of hope in your eyes, but you fake confusion. You’re expecting to be let down, Ellie knows. You’re expecting what she’s made you expect. But, if there’s anything Ellie Phimister is good at, it’s defying expectations. She steps closer to you, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her head on your chest, listening to your heart. Thump, thump, thump, thump, in time with the pounding sound she hears in her head in the seconds before she speaks:
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” you reply softly, and she sighs at the same volume.
“You smell nice,” she comments quietly.
“I smell like sweat and dirt and like I got my ass kicked,” you argue with a snicker.
“You also smell like you,” she says almost silently, and you blush, speechless. She pulls away, reading your expression. “That was dumb, wasn’t it? I’m not good at this like you are, Y/N. Don’t think I ever will be.”
“You’re definitely good,” you respond in a squeaky, embarrassed tone. It didn’t take much, especially from the pint-sized girl in front of you, to fluster you. She takes your hand, holding it before raising it and pressing hers flat against it. The two of you inspect them together, you noting the similarities, her noting the differences, mentally. 
As you continue to do so, you’re distracted. The attention being away from her lips gives Ellie the courage to use them, getting on her toes to kiss your cheek. You turn a deep shade of red, and she decides it’s even more worth it to show her affection.
“I love you,” she hesitantly says again, and you beam.
Oh, yeah. So worth it.
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dipulb3 · 4 years ago
How the border problem caught the Biden team off guard, and how they've scrambled to fix it
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/how-the-border-problem-caught-the-biden-team-off-guard-and-how-theyve-scrambled-to-fix-it/
How the border problem caught the Biden team off guard, and how they've scrambled to fix it
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“He was disappointed that we hadn’t gotten answers from other agencies faster or that (the facilities) wouldn’t be ready for children faster,” said a senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to offer a candid assessment of the response. “He made it pretty clear that there were times when he didn’t think we were moving fast enough.”
Republicans have assailed Biden’s handling of the situation, blaming his early actions to overturn some of the Trump administration’s draconian border enforcement policies for inducing what is shaping up to be a historic surge of migrants to the border.
“These are all self-inflicted wounds,” a Homeland Security official said.
Interviews with more than a dozen administration officials, people involved in the presidential transition, lawmakers and congressional aides provide an inside look at how the gravity of the situation along the border began to sink in for the administration as it took power two months ago — and how it’s struggled to address the problem ever since.
Biden administration officials say they expected the number of migrants arriving at the US border would swell once they took office, given their drastically different approach to immigration compared to former President Donald Trump’s, but they did not anticipate a surge this big, which Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas warns will likely reach a two-decade peak.
Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who traveled to the border with Mayorkas Friday, described the conditions in border facilities, where there are now more than 5,000 minors in custody.
“Just left the border processing facility. 100s of kids packed into big open rooms. In a corner, I fought back tears as a 13 yr old girl sobbbed uncontrollably explaining thru a translator how terrified she was, having been separated from her grandmother and without her parents,” he tweeted Friday.
“The Biden Administration is trying their best to uphold the rule of law with humanity. They have a ton of work ahead to clean up the mess Trump left them, but their intentions are true,” Murphy added.
In dealing with the political fallout, Biden officials and congressional Democrats have attempted to deflect blame. A less-than-cooperative transition from the Trump administration, pent up demand stemming from Trump’s hardline immigration policies, and worsening conditions in Central America have all contributed to the surge, they say.
But the White House’s emergency actions in recent weeks — scrambling to find more beds for kids in federal custody and calling in the Federal Emergency Management Agency to jump start emergency intake sites — are all signs of an administration that’s been caught off guard by the sheer number of migrants arriving at the border.
‘We knew that this was going to be a challenge’
There were warning signs this would happen. Last summer, the number of migrant encounters at the US-Mexico border began to rise, after having dropped when the pandemic gripped the western hemisphere. Behind the scenes, federal border officials began to warn about a projected increase in the coming months.
“When Covid hit, we saw a precipitous drop in the numbers. But we knew from the beginning that at some point those numbers would creep up,” former acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan told Appradab, citing the worsening conditions in Latin America as a result of the pandemic and hurricane devastation.
Morgan said the Biden transition team was “specifically warned again and again and again,” adding that officials had worked on modeling to project the jump in encounters if Trump policies were pulled back.
Biden officials argue that the Trump team inhibited their ability to get a true grasp of the situation by not fully cooperating during the transition in the months after the election. That, according to one Biden official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, prevented the incoming administration from getting “under the hood in the time frame that other administrations would have been able to.”
This official also bristled at the notion they weren’t fully prepared. “Were we prepared? Yes,” the official said. “Everyone wants to be like ‘crisis, crisis, crisis, crisis’ — but it’s like, you know what, actually, things are going really well. Yes, we brought in FEMA, but you know what? That was the responsible thing to do.”
Not only was the transition truncated, but Biden officials argue they inherited an overall immigration and asylum system that had been deconstructed by Trump.
“As we were coming into the administration, we knew we were inheriting an absolute mess from the previous administration — that there were aspects of our legal immigration system that had been gutted and a department that lacked the personnel to administer our laws,” said Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the director of the White House’s office of intergovernmental affairs.
“When we came into office, like, it was a disaster. I mean, really. The staffing wasn’t in place, the structures weren’t in place,” said another administration official.
Critics say the White House hasn’t helped itself. During his first week in office, Biden signed a slew of executive actions aimed at undoing Trump’s immigration policies and released comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Most notable among the changes has been the decision to no longer expel unaccompanied minors who show up at the border, resulting in more children coming into US custody.
Those policy changes, some argue, sent a signal to migrants that it was the time to come to the United States, despite administration officials warning them it wasn’t.
“The gulf between what the Trump administration did in enforced cruelty and where the Biden administration wanted to be was so great that I don’t really think there was a clearer example that needed to be made in how the government and the administration was going to change,” one senior administration official said.
“The previous administration had so radically changed what we did on migration that, I think, the President felt very strongly that we had to act really quickly and really decisively to demonstrate that it wasn’t going to be the same,” the official added.
Mark Greenberg, a former Health and Human Services official who was involved in the Biden transition, noted the difficulties in projecting the scope of the influx. “It’s always hard to estimate how big the numbers would be, but it was always clear there would be a need for more capacity if the government was going to stop expelling children,” he said.
“Because of Covid, they had greatly reduced bed capacity. That capacity has not been enough for the increased number of children. It was foreseeable months ago that there was going to be a problem if bed capacity wasn’t going to be increased,” Greenberg added.
The Trump policies barring people from coming to the US also contributed to more people waiting in Mexico to come to the United States, argued John Sandweg, a former senior Homeland Security official under the Obama administration.
The Trump administration had pushed non-Mexican asylum seekers to Mexico until their court dates in the United States, leaving tens of thousands languishing in Mexico, and invoked a public health law during the coronavirus pandemic that allowed border officials to turn away migrants, including adults, families and unaccompanied children, encountered at the border. Biden moved to undo those, though he’s still leaning on the public health law to turn most adult migrants away.
“We’ve had a little over a year of (Migrant Protection Protocols), two years, and then Title 42 and that created a real anomaly in the sense that we had hundreds of thousands of people staged in Mexico ready to come, Central Americans,” Sandweg told Appradab, citing another policy, known as the “remain in Mexico” program, which required migrants to wait in Mexico until their US court dates. “I think that’s playing a big role and artificially increasing the numbers.”
A source with knowledge of discussions during the transition said officials were aware the border would pose a challenge from the start. “We knew the Trump administration was turning away children. We knew there were camps in Matamoros (Mexico) because of ‘remain in Mexico.’ We knew that this was going to be a challenge immediately,” the source said.
“The transition was not in a position to open facilities because we weren’t the government. What we concentrated on was developing the policy that the new administration would be able to follow immediately,” the source added.
Tensions boil between lawmakers and the White House
Republicans have turned to immigration as their primary line of attack against Biden. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy led a Republican delegation to El Paso, Texas, this month and Sen. Ted Cruz is planning to head up a Senate GOP trip.
“The sad part about all this, it didn’t have to happen. This crisis is created by the presidential policies of this new administration. There’s no other way to claim it than a Biden border crisis,” McCarthy said at a news conference.
Democrats have responded by charging that the outgoing Trump administration is responsible for creating the conditions that led to the border problems, by refusing to give the Biden administration a proper transition and with policies that led to migrants waiting in dangerous conditions in camps near the border.
“There’s a rush because people are so desperate,” said Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Texas Democrat. “It was one of those things where you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. What the Trump administration was doing was in many ways cruel forcing these people to wait in very dangerous situations on the other side of the border.”
“They’re just screaming about this to change the subject,” one administration official said of Republican criticism. “It’s used to distract and divide the American public and distract from the issue at hand. President Biden — 60% approval, huge approval — what do they do? They go to the border.”
Democrats have expressed anger toward the Biden administration over the failure to move children out of border facilities quickly enough, calling the situation unacceptable. One House Democrat involved in immigration issues said it’s been a “messy process” as the Biden administration has ramped up capacity to address the surge in unaccompanied minors.
There’s been particular frustration over the lack of shelter space to house the additional children, including the fact that the HHS facilities were being used at less-than-full capacity because of Covid restrictions.
“I’m not defending having a child in a Border Patrol station for more than three days — that’s not what the law requires and it’s not appropriate,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat. “Jamming kids in a Border Patrol station, that’s not Covid protocol — so you might as well get them out of there into some of the facilities.”
But Democrats charge that Republicans are trying to exploit the situation for political gain, scaring voters and ignoring the fact that the migration increases are cyclical and happened in the Trump administration, too.
“McCarthy goes down there — I never heard him once express concern about a 12-year-old girl being sent back on their own to some camp in Mexico,” Lofgren said.
On Thursday, the House passed two immigration bills — one to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants known as “Dreamers” and another to provide legal status for farm workers — though they are expected to hit a wall in the Senate. The bills are a sign of the tough slog ahead for Congress to address immigration reform and the problems at the border.
“The reason why I find it so irritating to debate whether we should say there’s a crisis on the border or not is because saying that takes our focus off the broader picture,” said Rep. Veronica Escobar, a Democrat from a Texas border district.
“If we don’t address the root causes now, and if we don’t change the system now, we will continue having this conversation every single year. And nothing will change. And things will get worse.”
Geneva Sands contributed to this report.
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 years ago
there was an ask list but instead of reblogging it im just doing the thing where i answer it all and put it here under a readmore
what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? idk i like griffins but i feel like thats boring b/c they dont like have any Powers...
soundcloud or vinyls? i dont rly use either lol
what book does everyone right now need to read? whatever they want i have no huge recs. i like the ashbury high / brookfield series & thats kinda unknown but thats it
do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets? its not much of a thrill...i guess im neutral but it has to fit me for starters
what was the best thing that happened to you this month? i donno. watched some stuff, had ppl compliment me
what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? i periodically tell myself to care less about various shit
would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests? i guess the sky....clouds are nice. the ocean is full of heinous shit and the abyss. the forest can be kinda iffy too and also cut down
would you kiss the last person you kissed again? i havent kissed anybody romantically* so its not really an issue for me
do you plan your outfits? rarely
how do you feel right now? eh theres the usual undercurrents of misery and frustration but that’s just bg noise most of the time. im alright i suppose
what’s the last dream you remember having? well i was having trouble driving, which is a frequent dream, because it was a bus, which is an unusual detail. i think we were trying to take a roadtrip to a beach in another country, which is a thing that happens in my dreams lately. but then i suddenly found out i was in a play that was in like rehearsal/performance stages already, which is also common. my role was to act like i was real gay for some other guy character. i was like lol no prob
what are you craving right now? im usually a bit hungry i guess
turn ons/offs? i like people who can go along with a joke i suppose and who seem interested in other people and what they have to say. too many things repel me from other ppl to list
when was the last time you cried? why? i’ll cry super easily if im just imagining some sad concept
did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? there’s some contenders there smh...but no
do you bite or lick your ice cream? lick....
favorite movie ever? i dont have one
do you like yourself? yeah im alright enough
have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity? not like an a-lister no
how many countries have you visited? just the one ive always been in
have you ever been in a castle? no
what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? i dont think anything too special. got in front of a car w someone but it was moving slow. proceeded w my stage entrance anyways even when a curtain cue got effed up & led the Improvisation of working around it, but that was dance so nobody had any lines to change
what’s on your mind right now? hoping it tstorms really dramatically later
what’s your zodiac sign? gay
name 5 facts about yourself. my eyes are blue, my pupils dont dilate evenly coz one is a bit less dilatable, im horribly nearsighted, i can cross one eye, i have sort of a unibrow
do you believe in karma? i dont believe in not karma
ever been in love? not romantically*
whom do you admire and why? a lot of activists, im interested in activism and volunteering but have rarely been able to actually be involved in things
what was your favorite bedtime story as a child? man i dont remember having bedtime stories, i dont think i did that much after learning to read myself. i read “pat the bunny” a lot for my little brother, that one was his fave
did you make someone laugh today? i dont think so
do you believe in ghosts? ive always liked hearing about ghost shit, i am not inclined to think that everyone who says theyve had Ghost Encounters is lying, i know ppl personally who have stories who i dont think are lying and it would be presumptuous to say like “well but they probably didnt REALLY x y or z,” and yet still i am always skeptical abt the whole thing. i am agnostic abt everything ever re afterlife stuff, but again—if we’re in a horror movie haunted house situation and shits going down, im going to assume ghosts and everything ive heard about them is true and act accordingly until we’re out of there, Greg The Adamant Disbeliever can have fun dying. and catch me not messing around w ouija boards or any of that shit either...im good.
if you could go back in time which time period would you visit? visit....damn i dunno.
would you want to live forever? why/why not? i mean if other ppl are doing it to then it might be fine. but like me specifically as things are now living forever, im not much interested. someone else can have my immortality
what makes you sad? shit like, life man
was today typical? why/why not? yeah i didnt do anything interesting
who do you trust the most? i dont particularly distrust anyone but i dont really have anything i’d need to trust anyone over
what did you have for breakfast today? i didnt
do you have any regrets looking back in your life? not really
what’s your favorite fictional universe? i dont have one
favorite tv show? i dont have one
share a favorite quote. i have some but i’ll never be able to think of one on the spot
what does your ideal day look like? ahh idk. doing something fun while being around other people
do you have any hobbies? i guess drawing / writing count. theres other things but i dont do them regularly / recently
share a small random book passage that means something to you. dont have one
what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared? theres not really anything like that
do you usually date people your age or older/younger? neither
who means the world to you? why? any cat ive ever met b/c theyre angels
best books you’ve ever read? i guess i can plug the ashbury/brookfield books again
who is your favorite cartoon character? i gotta say lars dont i
coffee or tea? tea
would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved? loved but like by multiple ppl right? gimme that magnitude in Widely rather than Intensely
are you a dog or a cat person? i feel like only dog ppl consider this to be a real Binary
what is your biggest addiction? biting my lip endlessly lol
do you ever think about the galaxy? sure
what’s your favorite color? blue
do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not? nah...my sibs and i are like friendly acquaintances i guess. thatll be an abusive household i guess
are you a morning or a night person? night
have you ever dealt with a mental illness? I Guess
how would your friends describe you? uhhhh people say im funny sometimes
do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert? bit of both
what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do? i dont think i have any secrets there
describe yourself in 3 words. extremes, thoughtful, Gay
best memory as a child? idk i always liked swimming and going to pools / waterparks
what is your eye and hair color? blue / brown, respectively.
do you like crystals? theyre cool
if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? imperialism banned
what’s your hogwarts house? idk slytherin hufflepuff or smthing
biggest pet peeve? theres many..
would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet? well first i need the mythical best friend group but also can we be doing something more fun than a cocktail party
share a secret. I’ve Pooped Outside
would you rather live longer or happier? this might only be a difficult choice if it was live shorter or happier
who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why? nobody coz idk
do you wear glasses? yes
forest or river? forest
do you like exercise? its alright i dont like just straightup running though
do you like poetry? it depends on who the poet is. cishet white dudes shouldnt be allowed, for starters
any special talent that you have? i’m good at telling if lines are parallel lol
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tamiddyinyourcity · 5 years ago
i should probably analyze why i want to be friends with benefits with this guy.
My original reasons at the start of the month, in no real order, but some were bigger reasons for wanting to than others:
I hadn't been laid in a month. That's a year, to me, someone who went from constant sex to none in a short matter of time.
If feelings develop and things end up evolving into "why not give it a chance", then, boom. (Cant tell if this is true or not? But like i said.... if it happens, then it happens. But.... no expecting shit.)
My weird need to feel empowered, knowing that someone who doesn't like me still wants to fuck me. (And the weird high of "woohoo, tables have turned, im no longer the one chasing a person!")
Trying to meet other people flopped. (Big reason; its easier to bang the person who prioritized your joy, than, some random guy you were with before, that looking back, was never satisfactory and just lead to lots of avoidable unnecessary cervix pain.)
Tongue game too good to quit. (Top reason.)
And my reasonings now:
He's the most accessible.
Tongue game.
My reasons for not:
I don't wanna kiss him. Both since he lost that right when he dumped me, but he's just not.... trustworthy enough for that. Back when we were FWBs, making out was a perk. And now, its like salt in the wound of "watch, mans will make out with you, do Cirque De Soleil on your clit, fuck you in six different positions, and still be tense about making eye contact or texting you back."
Oral sex? Cool. Giving oral sex? Yeah i guess. Him actually nutting in me, with a condom, and getting arousing satisfaction from me, despite.... not satisfying me emotionally? (Do i really wanna set myself up for pain, getting nutted in by someone like that? Hes an asshole and i know it, jesus christ.)
What if it feels TOO GOOD, and i get emotionally attached?
Pretty much every answer is "what if i get attached or too into it and he doesnt?", or "what if he gets attached and i dont?" Plus, "what if i get attached and refuse to stop hooking up, since the intimacy is so good?", or "what if he gets attached and does that thing where he starts making things complicated and running off, instead of having any vulnerability, like before?"
Not a fan of screwing guys where I don't know where their dick has been. I'm usually close enough with guys I bang to gossip about our sex stories. They can go "I hooked up with a really hot girl this one time", and I can go "this one dude had been amaaaazing".... Hard to do that with a dude who i was the only person he's banged so far, aaaand probably don't think i wanna hear about whoever he bangs next. Since on one hand.... Hearing it would make me feel less attached, knowing hes still looking for others after sabotaging our relationship like that. On another hand, eh, do i wanna need more reasons to loathe a person?
What the fuck would the pillow talk be? :/
I just wonder what my expectations are.
I can't date him, and if he asked to date me, i would probably be resentful. Since, i cant redate a person who isnt sorry about the things theyve done.
The way I see it.... Its just sex.
I can just go on walks with him, talk to him, and let him have sex with me on the occasions that I trust him enough, and would mutually want it.
I don't know how he feels about me. He's inconsistent. I just am aware that being told that I was unwanted several times before.... Said enough.
But I was also aware that he's inconsistent. Like the day I apologized to him, waaaay way back before we had officially dated, he went from "I'm only accepting your apology since i need more friends, so", to "oh..... you liked me, thats why you were acting weird? Huh......", and when i blatantly asked me to tell me that he did not reciprocate the feelings....
For the sake of me not being weird or having the crush continue with false hopes or expectations of our friendship restarting up, or holding myself back....
He was just like..... "Well, I can't give you that answer."
It was him being vague, and doing the classic "hinting at what he wants, but not feeling comfortable enough to do it yet."
So, I did my thing. We talked, hung out. It was awkward, then got better. I felt good around him.... But, I wasn't gonna submit myself to asking his feelings.
Since if he felt them strongly enough, he would've told me. I wouldn't have been confused, and I wouldn't have been single. So, I waited. And just saw it as, "He is good company, and I will see if I am happy in the dynamic we currently have."
I was. Until I wasn't. Luckily, the day I was gonna leave, (subconsciously deciding to just move on,) he did ask me. It was weird, it was like he just KNEW or something.
And, I don't know. Clearly I'm not sure what I want from him, and not admitting however i feel towards him, since the feeling changes every few damn hours.
I think sex too soon is a bad idea.
Maybe still oral, since fuck yeah, but he..... Yeah, i just dont feel like i trust him enough.
Hard to really like a dude genuinely when there's a "two hangouts a week" limit, (we did three times this week,) and hes also hesitant to let me at his house to hang or bang. (Dude, its not hard to go "hey, im helping her edit a video" or something then letting me plow in a place that does not have six windows, barely enough room to ride him, and will not have the risk of me hitting the transmission gear and having our asses back up and reverse off of a cliff... when i was trying to back DAT ASS up, man.)
Plowing an ex I have resentment for in his ridiculously small ass car? Not amazing.
Taking a chill walk on a sunny day with a good friend, watching a flick with some snacks, and then fucking? Great.
Key difference: trust, mutual enjoyment, and chill vibes with no expectations.
Thats not something taboo to ask for, and definitely not leading to a relationship.
So, lets just aim for a place where i can enjoy his company, and his presence, and let things go from there.
0 notes
aplaceforrtprompts · 8 years ago
Would you mind writing a fic where Trevor and the reader are twitch streaming buddies, and they skype all the time but live in different states so theyve never met until he does LPL in her state so she goes to the airport to greet him and she gets special access and front row seats to the show and is invited on stage??
Word Count: 1,223
“Are you excited? You must be nervous going on a whole tour for Let’s Play,” you adjusted your laptop to make sure Trevor had the most flattering angle of you.
He laughed and it made your heart leap as always, “You make it sound like I’ll be on the road for months. It’s one week and I’ll have my phone so we can Skype.” Trevor held up his phone and wiggled it for emphasis.
You rolled your eyes, “That wasn’t the question, buster.”
“My name is Trevor, not Buster. Come on. You should know this by now Y/N,” he teased, his brown eyes sparkling playfully as he stood, picking his laptop up with him. “But yes. I’m very excited to go on tour. Though I can think of something even more exciting than that.”
“What’s that?” you asked, leaning your chin on your hands as you watched Trevor walk into his kitchen. It was funny you knew his apartment better than your own and you had never been there.
“Meeting you for the first time,” he held up a VIP pass.
Your smile instantly fell and your heart plummeted. You had asked your boss the second tour dates were announced for the day off. You had it but then two of your coworkers up and quit last week. Your heart broke when you told Trevor what had happened and that you couldn’t come any longer.
You tucked a few loose strands of hair behind your ear as your voice got softer, trying not to crack, “We can always have dinner if you’re still in town after I’m off but you know I can’t go, Trevor. I’d lose my job and I sort of need it since while streaming with you has helped boost my viewers I cannot live on streaming alone. At least not yet.”
“Well, good thing I managed to convince your boss you needed a night off,” Trevor flashed a grin.
“You did not,” you narrowed your eyes at him.
Trevor shrugged, “May I suggest checking your emails?”
You quickly switched over to your email and even though you couldn’t see him you shot another glare at Trevor, “What did you do?”
He laughed as you opened the email. You read over it a few times just to be sure before reading one of the lines out loud, “Your boyfriend was so sweet on the phone explaining you two have never had a chance to meet in person yet. Who am I to stop young love? I’ll figure out something.” You turned back to Skype and raised an eyebrow, “Boyfriend, now?”
You could see Trevor blush furiously and even with him hiding it with a shadow his fair skin betrayed him, “I was hoping he’d leave that part out but, um, I mean if you want to make it true I wouldn’t be opposed.”
Your heart was racing. This had to be a dream.
“Um, Y/N,” Trevor rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I mean, you can say no. Just the dramatic pause is sort of killing me.”
You shook your head, reality catching back up, “Are you kidding me? Of course. I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
Trevor’s smile grew once more, “Really? Oh my gosh. This is going to be so amazing. Oh, man. I need to get ready. I, uh, I’ll text you!”
Trevor suddenly ended the call in his excited haste and you just laughed as the screen went blank.
Trevor did call back five minutes later to apologize from his excited haste and wished you good night.
Only a few days later and you were finally seeing Trevor, your now boyfriend. He had been calling and texting the few chances he had and it made both your days just to see each other and hear each other.
You stood in the lobby of the airport slightly dressed up and yawning due to the early hour but Achievement Hunter had a lot to do until the show was ready tonight.
You looked around at the crowd for familiar faces as they exited the tunnel. You finally recognized a few of the faces. Jeremy waved to you with as he caught sight of you. You had done a few streams with him as when Trevor wasn’t available. You waved back and he pointed behind him and that’s when you caught sight of Trevor.
He was even more handsome in person and as soon as he caught sight of you his smile filled his face.
You went running towards him and he dropped his bags at the last second so he could catch you as you jumped into his arms.
In a moment of excitement, the two of you brought your lips to one another in a kiss. Months of waiting for this was so worth it. His lips on yours felt like electricity running through your whole body.
You were blushing when he set you down and you realized everyone was watching.
“Hi,” you greeted shyly.
Trevor chuckled and it made your heart soar more than ever, “Hi.”
His arm went around you and you relaxed into him.
The next few hours while everyone else was setting up you and Trevor just spent the time catching up. Touching one another, nothing really sexual, more just reminding each other your real. Every now and then they would grab Trevor for something but he’d always return shortly.
Once it came time for the show Trevor lead you to your seat and gave you one more kiss before running backstage.
You waited patiently as people filed in. Miles came in for a bit to vamp. Apparently, he was here from the next state over that was holding their convention.
A little while later when Trevor walked onto the stage by himself you made a confused face. Two gaming rigs were rolled to center stage.
“So I know at least a few of you watch me and Jeremy stream,” Trevor began. There was a lot of shouting then he continued, “Well, Jeremy is busy getting ready for all of you. Something about spandex but until then I think we need a little fun. How about someone else I like to compete against?”
There were murmurs of who it could be. You swore you heard your name and that’s when it hit you.
“Y/N, would you be so kind to join me?” Trevor was looking down at you as a spotlight hit you.
Your eyes widened as a camera was suddenly on you but you gained your composure quickly.
“Sure. I love kicking your ass in front of the public,” you replied standing up and going over to the stairs on the side and climbing up.
“Y/N, everyone,” Trevor gestured to you as more cheering happened, building your confidence. “Now for those of you who don’t know Y/N is my streaming buddy and someone I’m very close with.” There was a round of awwing that warmed your heart. “But for right now she’s the enemy.”
“Oh bring it,” you smirked, looking at Trevor. He smiled as he pulled out the seat for you and handed you your headset. You thanked him and with one last warm smile, you turned to your screen falling into competitive mode. Excited for what the rest of the night had to bring.
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adelaideattractions · 6 years ago
Three-letter code every hostie dreads
Many a hostie will tell you with a glint in their eye theyve seen it all in the skies. Theres a great horror story from a New Years Eve flight on an unnamed airline. Twin Americans boarded with cannabis gummies in their system and promptly took turns to green out, becoming very paranoid and unwell. The flight attendant said as soon as one of them was manageable, the second brother lost his mind too. From rogue body fluids to gruesome cargo items to privileged passengers these anonymous stories show why the coveted job of flight attendant isnt always the most glamorous. So strap in and prepare for a bumpy ride as cabin crew take to the internet to share their war stories, courtesy of the New Zealand Herald. SOME OF YALL ARE RATHER ENTITLED Reddit user and hostie Zlinerlabs relates a story of sky-high entitlement. Every so often we get the odd straggler who boards last who finds a vacant seat in first or business thinking that we wont know that they are from coach, they said. Spoiler: This doesnt work.
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media_cameraThere is so, so much more to the job than simply this. Picture: iStock User Notweirdthrowaway had this to say. Not an attendant but was on a flight with really bad turbulence. It went on for about 10 minutes then the old lady next to me reaches up and presses her button. Attendant walks over to see if the woman is okay, the woman begins to yell at the attendant for the rough flight and that shes been flying her whole life and clearly the pilot has no idea what hes doing. The stewardess just walked away. Another person on the social media platform had a blood-boiler to tell. I remember flying into SFO (San Francisco airport) and going through the final walk-through asking everyone to wake up, buckle up, headrests forward, tray tables up and collect trash, they said. Halfway through, the pilot said, Flight attendants, be seated immediately which indicates a lot of upcoming turbulence. So I quickly started to trot through with my trash bag to my jump seat when a man yelled HEY! I was a few rows past him and he had his cup and wet napkin in his hand. I quickly said, I have to sit down and turned back towards the back galley. I then felt something hit me. I looked back and he had thrown his trash at me and was staring at me like the little (expletive) he was. I heard a few people gasp and everyone in the last eight rows or so was tuned in to the drama.
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media_cameraFlight attendants put up with a lot of bad behaviour. DONT TRY TO SWAP YOUR WAY INTO AN UPGRADE User ConstableBlimeyChips is an attendant and this is their pet peeve. A type of behaviour Ive unfortunately seen too much of: Couple will book separate seats, the man in a premium economy seat with extra leg room, the woman in a normal economy seat, they explained. The woman will then play the sad sack and ask another passenger to give up their comfy seat so they can sit together. If the other passenger refuses (usually because they paid extra and literally dont fit in a regular seat), some will even complain to the crew. And all this to save a few bucks on the second premium seat. Doc_Choc added: I never understand the logic of this and how it works on anyone. Ive been the random person in a premium seat a few times, and when asked I decline and tell them theyd probably have more luck if the person in the premium seat traded theirs away. They always act like they hadnt thought of that and then move on to someone they hope is an easier mark. I cant imagine how Id react if someone tried to get the staff to move me. User I_got_em_coach reckons you might just have to play dead. Sir were are going to need you to move. Passenger, clearly reading a book, immediately goes completely limp in seat.
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media_cameraWed keep those bare feet off the floor too, kid. IF YOU KNEW, YOUD LEAVE YOUR SHOES ON Please do not ever walk into a toilet with bare feet. I promise you, 9 times out of 10, that is not water on the floor, writes Reddit user HausofDarling. The toilets are often absolutely disgusting and get deep cleaned only at the end of a route For us this could be from one side of the world to the other imagine how lovely they are at the end of a 12 hour flight with 200 people using them. Seeyou_never adds: So many incidents occur on the plane that everyday passengers dont see or consider. My last flight an elderly man accidentally sh*t on the floor, stepped in it, and walked on like it was nothing. Pee and poop happens, all over. I feel like I witness an accident regularly; in their seat or in the lav. People get nose bleeds or their wounds open. Obviously, when we land, it is thoroughly cleaned. But in-flight our resources are limited. DONT CHANGE YOUR BABYS DIAPER ON THE TRAY TABLE. This also happens all the time. Its unsanitary and people use the tray table to eat! DEAD ON DEPARTURE As the crew members continued to list the horrors unknown to plane passengers, things took a dark turn. There is more often than not a lot of horrific things in the cargo, HausofDarling wrote. As flying is the quickest way to transport cargo, passengers may be unwittingly sharing their flight with some unusual items. Usually, the only people who know are the flight deck (pilots) and the manager/senior crew member. Dead bodies, organs, blood are obvious ones, but we also carry everything right up to Formula One car parts, exotic animals, marble tables, oversized televisions everything. HUM is the code for human remains and the cargo most aircrew dread, said user Rosiulia who worked in the booking department of a long-haul airline.
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media_cameraDont think it doesnt happen. While there is need for speed when transporting these shipments, the same urgency is not always met when the cargo arrives on the ground. When we have these kind of shipments we need to contact the family to make them aware when the plane lands and when to come to pick up the body, explained Rosiulia. And guess what. The body arrived in Shanghai in time, and no one picked it up for days. Legion3382 has the grimmest of news. Im not a flight attendant but I work the ramp, they said. We do send full bodies on planes a lot. Some in caskets some not. Twice in the seven years Ive been doing this has fluid leaked out of the boxes the bodies are in and got all over the luggage. HORRIBLE LITTLE GOBLINS (YES, US) Sadly for hosties, it their living passengers give them the most grief. The items left behind are perhaps the most unpleasant things kept secret from passengers. People are generally disgusting on planes, acknowledged ex-attendant Boopboopster. People frequently do disgusting things on their tray tables (Ive seen people change diapers, clip toenails and wipe boogers to name a few). However, these discoveries pale in comparison to human faeces under a seat. Nodealreddit chipped in, having dated a flight attendant. One common story was about the Delta miracles. Passengers in wheelchairs would board the plane before everyone else, but they had to wait for everyone else to disembark before they could get rolled out. It is apparently common for people to be healed during mid-flight and no longer need assistance when they reach their destination.
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media_cameraIts a tough job. Picture: iStock THANK GOODNESS FOR AUTOPILOT? Giftofnarwhals had this genuinely terrifying tale. I used to work with elderly people, and one of my clients was a former pilot that finally quit when he realised in the middle of a flight his dementia had progressed, and he couldnt remember where he was supposed to be flying to. Meaning he had been flying for a commercial airline with dementia for quite some time before that. A FINAL NOTE Lets hand the final word to Seeyou_never. It is NOT the responsibility of a flight attendant to lift your bag, they said. There are multiple injuries caused from flight attendants lifting heavy bags to be friendly, and then theyre out of the job for months to a year (on average). If you pack it, you lift it. If its too heavy for you, its too heavy for us. On your next flight, spare a thought for your crew and try to chill out on your next adventure. And cross your fingers for a mentally sound pilot and no corpse juice. What are the odds, right? This article originally appeared on the New Zealand Herald and was reproduced with permission Originally published as Three-letter code every hostie dreads https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/travel/travel-advice/flight-attendants-spill-secrets-including-the-sinister-meaning-of-the-code-hum/news-story/90af5f08c90674a44b7cf505c6cca2a4?from=htc_rss
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themagicaltunaa · 8 years ago
You must answer everything tuna
Wow thats a lot a questions
alright lets do this 
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Never kissed anyone like that so???? ok theres a lot of questions with relationship or kissing shit so im just gonna put this ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ every time i see one that i cant really answer
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
hmm I don't really know??????
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
nope i dont think ive ever wanted anyone
7. What does your last received text say?
is this you?
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
9. Where was your last kiss at?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
never because i dont have a sister
11. What do you drink in the morning?
coffee. cant start the day without coffee
12. Where did you sleep last night?
in my room
13. Do you think relationships are hard? 
tbh yeah
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
oh my god yes theres so many things that i regret doing my dude. hell just let me go back one day im fine with that
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
rainy because it give an excuse to just stay in my house and lay in bed all day
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
oh man i hope not. i feel bad for anyone that has the same middle name as me
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
basketball shorts
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
20. Does anyone like you?
lol no
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
25. In the past week have you cried?
dude i cry at least 5 times a week. last time i cried because i didnt have any mac n cheese to eat with my chicken nuggets
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
a black lab!
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
outside of the shower
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ also i hope you mean like before theyve played because holy shit im pretty sure someone could die standing next to one of them. you ever been near a football player after a game??? most disgusting smell ever like fucking hell its so bad
29. Do you think you’re old?
im not even 20 yet so no
30. Do you like text messaging?
id rather talk face to face with friends. im not so good with keeping up with texting
31. What type of day are you having?
ive been having the same lazy day for the past 2 months. its never gonna end
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
cold. id rather freeze than die in the floridian heat
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
lol nope
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
a relationship. never understood flings
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
both. im horrible
37. What song are you listening to?
nothing atm, but these two songs have been playing on repeat in my head for the past week
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
it depends
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
i dont like anyone so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
41. When did you last receive a text message?
at 10 AM
42. What is wrong with you right now?
Everything my dude, everything.
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
ive known them since middle school so pretty well????
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
46. Are you in a good mood right now? 
i dont remember the last time i was in a good mood
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? 
my mom
48. What color shirt are you wearing? 
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
yeah my mom yesterday
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
yeah a few times with some people. there are some that i have finally given up on tho and i feel a lot better now
53. Do you like rain?
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
as long as they dont do it too much im fine with it
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
nope ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
56. Do you like to cuddle?
57. Are you shy?
58. Do you get along with girls?
it depends really??? hmm yeah i guess i get along with other girls a little better than guys but thats not saying much because im terrified of talking to people anyways.
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
my phone and my headphones
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
bruh i dont care if i get killed by a ghost or some shit thats 1 million dollars imagine what i can do with that money. like its either i die from like a heart attack from seeing my own shadow in a haunted house or i get 1 million dollars its a win win situation
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
lmao hell no
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
my cats exist thats the cute thing that happened
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?
69. Do you have any stickers on your car?  
i dont even have a car
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?
neither. also whos luke bryan?
71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?
man i havent had any in like 4, maybe 5 years???? good thing im getting some on my bday courtesy of my friend
73. Do you like diet soda?
ew no
74. What color are the walls in your room?
theyre the same purple that theyve been since middle school
75. Are you 16 or older?
yup, turning 20 this month
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?
77. Do you have a job?  
nope :\
78. What are your initials?
79. Did you ever have braces?
nope. my mom was never able to afford them
80. Are you from the south?
well im from south florida. is florida even considered part of the south????? like im pretty sure florida is its own thing
 81. What does your last status on facebook say?  
dont have one
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?
definitely my mom
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
the lego batman movie. 10/10 would recommend
86. Do you smoke?
ew no
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?
flip flops
88. Is your phone touch screen?
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
i cant even walk out of my room at 2 in the morning without my mom waking up and telling me to go to sleep. also im pretty sure my mom would beat me with a chancleta just for thinking of sneaking out
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?
i prefer beach but pool is good too i guess
92. Have you ever made out in a car?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 
93. …Had sex in a car?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_   ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
94. Are you single or in a relationship?
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?
on youtube watching lets plays
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?
new years
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?
eh its not as good as an iphone camera but i dont take pictures so yeah i could care less about the camera
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
i dont drink
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?
i dont have facebook
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ dont you have to have sex in order for that to happen ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
102. Name your favorite Kesha song: 
103. Do you have any tan lines right now?
nope i lost them ages ago. im so pale
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
   1. i dont like wearing shorts 
   2. why would i ever wear cowboy boots
   3. why the fuck would i wear cowboy boots with shorts like yall think im gonna walk around lookin like that i look like a hot mess 110% of the time what makes you think i can pull that off. yeah lemme walk around with my pasty ass white legs showin and boots, lookin like the saddest goblin cowgirl you’ll ever lay your eyes on. no thanks.
ok i think im done for the day
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