#by the time i need more they will almost definitely be all gone but i think too hard about that i start to panic :)
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fireinmoonshot · 1 day ago
about love | joaquin torres x fem!reader
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Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Fem!Reader Summary: Joaquin thinks taking the engagement ring he's bought for you on a mission with him is a good idea – it's definitely safer with him than it is anywhere else, right? Well... until he loses it. Warnings: Mentions of minor injuries (a bump on the head) Word Count: 4k A/N: Had this idea at work yesterday and thought it was so Joaquin so I had to write it. I'm so happy with how it turned out. Thank you for all the love on my Joaquin fics so far – I have more coming for sure, I have so many ideas in a note on my phone, as well as the requests you guys have sent in! 💗
“Woohoo! That was awesome!” Joaquin yells, his feet finally hitting the ground after being airborne for what feels like hours. He misses the feeling of flying already. “Did you see me?” He asks Sam, walking towards him.
Sam has just landed not too far away from him and is already sighing at the sound of Joaquin’s voice. “See what?”
“When I did the thing with the thing! And then I did the other thing and bam! He was falling out of the sky! I saw him land in the water and it did not look like a nice landing!” Joaquin explains, in probably the poorest possible terms.
For a second, Sam just stares at Joaquin. How is this the man that he’s basically picked to be the Falcon to his Cap? “Nothing about what you just said makes sense, bro.”
“Yeah, it does!” Joaquin insists. “I did the thing!”
Sam and Joaquin had been expecting this mission for weeks. Everything pointed towards things turning into a fight, but the location and time had been left to chance and eventually, things had turned out just as they’d expected. They hadn’t expected having to fight over the water, though. Sam was just glad things hadn’t turned out the way that they had the last time they’d fought over the top of the ocean.
“Just… go and get checked out by a medic,” Sam orders – the Air Force had been standing by, ready to help if Sam and Joaquin needed it. They luckily hadn’t. “You almost got hit out there. Don’t forget that I saw that.” 
Joaquin grins to himself as he watches Sam walk off, holding his shield by his side. “Come on, that was awesome, bro! And it was an almost hit – they didn’t even graze me!” 
“Tell that to your girlfriend!” Sam yells in reply.
At the reminder of you, Joaquin pauses. The ring. His hands move to the pocket where he’d placed the ring box before the mission and his heart drops into his stomach when he finds it empty.
“No, no, no, no…” 
Joaquin checks every other pocket in his suit, trying to keep hopeful for as long as possible, but it becomes clear very quickly that the ring box is no longer in his suit or even on his body at all anymore. This was not good… if it fell out during the mission… over the ocean… there was no way he was getting it back. Oh, he's so screwed.
He’d been planning to propose to you for over a month now but it had taken him a while to find the perfect ring. He’d scoured the internet and just about every jewellery shop in the city to find one he knew you’d love. When he and Sam left for the mission, he knew he had to take it with him. There was no other choice. What if his apartment was broken into while he was away and they stole the ring? Or worse, what if you came over to his place to get something of yours that you’d left behind and found it? It’d ruin the surprise.
In hindsight, Joaquin realises that maybe the ring would’ve been safer at home… instead of where it likely is now, sitting on the bottom of the ocean or… swallowed by a whale or something… poor whale…
The excitement at the success of the mission is long gone by the time he trudges his way to the medic, who is waiting to see him. He removes his suit slowly and carefully, all the while hoping that the ring will suddenly appear in one of the pockets, but it never does.
Later, as Joaquin sits in his hotel room, he can’t tear his eyes away from the confirmation email he’d received when he’d ordered your ring. It’d ended up being one he found online, but with a few custom alterations to make it more you. The ring was one of a kind, like he’d intended for it to be, because so were you. It made him even more disappointed that he’d never end up getting to give it to you. And now he had to fork out even more money to find a replacement. He knows nothing would ever live up to the original, even if you loved it.
His phone buzzes in his hands and your contact photo pops up on the screen, one he’d taken of you when you hadn’t been looking at him. He’s quick to accept the call, already feeling comforted by your voice the second you say hello.
“How did it go!?” You ask, voice full of joy. “I saw some footage on the TV. You guys looked so awesome out there. It’ll never get old, seeing you flying in that suit, even if it kinda fills me with dread that something might happen to you.”
Joaquin laughs softly. “Thanks, angel. It was good. We won.”
Just by his short reply you can tell that something is wrong. Even though you’re in an entirely different state and you can’t see his face, the fact that he’d not excitedly recounting every single detail of the battle to you says more than his words ever could.
“Joaquin, what’s wrong?” You’re not one to beat around the bush.
“Huh? Nothing’s wrong, angel. I’m just tired.”
“You’re usually so excited after a successful mission and today you sound the complete opposite. Did something happen?” A thought enters your mind. “Wait, did you get hurt? Are you in the hospital?” He hears shuffling on the other end of the line. “Have they got you hopped up on some kind of painkillers?”
Joaquin can’t help but smile a little. “Angel, stop trying to put your shoes on and pack a bag at the same time. I’m not in the hospital, I’m in my hotel room. And I’m not on any painkillers. The medics checked me after the mission and gave me the all clear.”
You pause. “How did you know I was trying to put my shoes on and pack a bag?”
“Cause I know you, that’s how,” he smiles to himself. “You get the thought in your head that I’m hurt and you’re already looking up flights. I’d be the same way if things were reversed, believe me.”
Back in your apartment, you kick off the one shoe you’d managed to get on and sit back down on the couch. “So why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?”
Joaquin sighs. How can he tell you what’s wrong? That he’s actually devastated cause he lost the ring he was planning on proposing to you with? He can’t. He hates lying, especially when it comes to you, and now he’s being forced to lie to you because of his own mistake.
“I promise nothing is wrong, angel,” Joaquin tries to make his voice sound less sad. “I really am just tired. It takes a lot out of you, fighting in a battle like that. It’s one thing to be flying in a plane but to actually be the one flying… it’s a lot. I’ve still got a lot to get used to. I’m just ready for a solid twelve hour sleep.”
“Oh.” You’re not really convinced but for Joaquin’s sake, you decide to drop it. You can already tell that you’re not going to get anything else out of him. “Well, I suppose I’ll let you get your rest then if you’re that tired. You’re flying home tomorrow, right?”
Joaquin nods. “Yeah, my flight leaves at… four? Six? Something around then. Thank you for calling though, angel. Really. I always love getting to hear your voice before I fall asleep.”
You smile at the way you can audibly hear the happiness in his voice. “Any time, Joaquin. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? You get a good night sleep and I’ll text you in the morning. I love you.”
“Love you too, angel.”
With that, you end the call and Joaquin groans, letting his phone fall onto the bed and his head back onto the pillow behind him. Instead, though, his head bashes rather hard onto the wall behind the bed. He grunts in pain, a hand going to the back of his head to rub the sore spot. Yeah… that’s gonna leave a bump for sure… he probably deserves it…
It’s a few hours later and Joaquin is finally about to give up on staying awake and finally try and get some sleep when he hears a knock on the door of his room. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to pull himself up from the bed, his whole body aching from the activity of the day. When he pulls open his door, he’s more than surprised to see Sam on the other side.
“Listen, bro, I’m way too tired to have a post-mission debrief and drinks or something, so can we just do this in the morning?” Joaquin asks, already knowing Sam would prefer it.
“That’s not why I’m here,” Sam says. “Can I come in?”
Joaquin stifles a yawn and steps aside to let Sam into the room, closing the door behind him. Sam takes a seat at the small table and chairs over by the window and Joaquin takes the seat opposite him, not wanting to be disrespectful by sitting on the bed like he would much prefer to do – the chairs are not padded and not comfortable in the slightest.
“What’s up, Sam?” Joaquin questions, leaning back against the chair and crossing his arms over his chest. 
Sam shoves a hand into the pocket of his jacket and removes a small blue velvet box and slides it across the table towards Joaquin. He almost jumps out of his seat at the sight of it, instantly snatching it up and opening it. He sighs in relief as he sees the ring, safely inside the box, completely unharmed. 
“Bro, what the hell!?” Any of the exhaustion that was in Joaquin’s body is gone as he looks across the table at Sam. “Did you send someone to retrieve this or something? A dive team? How did you even know that I’d lost it?”
Sam smiles a little at the younger boys excitement. “Maybe this might teach you to secure your valuables a little better, hey?” He shakes his head. “It didn’t even make it to the ocean, Joaquin. It fell out of your pocket before we were even in the air. I saw it, picked it up. Decided to keep it safe.”
He knew that if he’d given it back to Joaquin then that it would be all he’d focus on for the mission. He’d be berating himself so strongly that he’d almost lost the ring that he wouldn’t be able to give his full attention to the mission. Sam had watched Joaquin get hurt before and if he had his way, he’d never see it again. 
“And it took you this long to give it back to me!? Bro, do you realise what this is? How important this is? How could you keep this from me?” Joaquin’s voice is raised but he isn’t angry – he’s still angry at himself for losing it in the first place. He’s more than grateful to Sam for keeping it safe, but now that he’d lied to you over the phone about it… all of that could have been avoided if Sam had given it to him sooner.
Sam sighs and leans back in his chair. “Damn, these things are uncomfortable,” he mutters. “Listen, your girl sent me a text like an hour ago. She was asking if you were okay or if you were hurt, if anything went badly in the mission, cause she said she called you and you were acting all weird. I only remembered then that I even had it. I put it in my suit to keep it safe during the mission. I realised that the reason you must’ve been acting weird was cause you realised that you’d lost it.”
“And it took you an hour to come down two floors to give it back?”
“Nah, it took me an hour of thinking to decide whether to give it back to you tonight or give it back to you in the morning, Joaquin,” Sam admits. “This… this is a serious thing you’re planning on doing. You know that, right? I know it’s not my place but I just… I just wanted to make sure you know what you’re doing.”
Joaquin furrows his eyebrows. “Of course I know what I’m doing, Sam.”
“That came out wrong,” Sam huffs, then tries again. “I’m sure you have thought this out, but I just wanted to check in. You’re a public figure now. People know you’re the Falcon, they see you coming out on missions with me. People might target you now in an attempt to get to me. Your life is in more danger than it ever has been before. Even when you were serving in the Air Force full time. You sure your girl knows that too?”
One thing that Joaquin has always been confident about with you is that you knew the risks of dating him. You’d started dating him back when he was in the Air Force, long before he became Falcon. Throughout it all, you’d stuck by his side, even when he wondered if you wouldn’t. When people started commenting on his Instagram photos saying rather unsavoury things, or leaving rude comments about you, he wondered if it would scare you away from him. But it never did. You were completely loyal to him and he knew it. If you were affected by his job as the Falcon that much, you would’ve ended things long ago.
But you didn’t. You’d started making plans to move in with him instead, as soon as the lease on your apartment was up in two months time. You’d come over more often, spent more nights at his apartment. You’d made changes to your own life to accommodate his ever changing schedule. You were in this for real.
“She knows,” Joaquin nods. “I wouldn’t be asking her to marry me if she didn’t.”
Sam lets out a breath. “Okay, well… good. I just… I wanted to check. Make sure you weren’t rushing into things or asking her for some reason other than love.”
Joaquin smiles a little. He’s known for a long time that Sam is full of heart but this has reminded him. Despite all the sarcastic comments and jokes they make, Sam probably has a bigger heart than Joaquin himself. 
“Everything I do when it comes to her is about love, Sam, I promise you that.”
Not long after, Sam excuses himself and leaves the room, leaving Joaquin alone with the ring. The one he thought he’d lost forever, now sitting here on the table in front of him. Not a scratch or a lick of damage anywhere on it. Sam had done a good job taking care of it.
He crosses the room to grab his phone, still sitting on the bed where he’d left it, and sends you a quick text. Angel, you still awake?
Your reply comes almost instantly. You okay?
Joaquin sits down on the edge of his bed, eyes resting on the ring box on the table, and smiles. You got a spare thirty minutes to call so I can tell you all about how badass I was in the mission today? 
During the plane journey home, Joaquin decides that he needs to propose sooner rather than later. He doesn’t want to risk losing the ring again or something else happening to it. It’s why, when he gets back to his apartment, he calls you and asks if he can come over to your apartment the next night – he’ll bring some takeout for dinner. He’s more than relieved when you say yes, telling him you can’t wait.
But then the night comes and Joaquin is sitting beside you on your couch, your now empty takeout containers sitting on the coffee table in the centre of the room. He feels like his heart might beat right out of his chest with how nervous he is, but he thinks he’s doing a pretty good job at holding it together.
Joaquín takes a deep breath and turns to face you, clasping his hands together in his lap to force himself not to prematurely reach for the ring box in his jacket pocket. “So, I think I owe you an explanation for why I was weird on that phone call two days ago.”
You look at him, eyebrows raised. “Do you? I thought you were just tired. You ended up calling me back and talking about the mission with me so I thought it was all sorted.”
“It is sorted, but… well, I kind of lied to you in the first call,” he winces a little, hating to have to admit it to you even though he knows you’re not going to care once he explains everything properly. “Something happened after the mission and it really messed with my head but I couldn’t tell you about it then.”
He can see by the look on your face that you’re concerned about what he’s going to say. He hates worrying you like this and he doesn’t mean to drag it out so much but he’s also so nervous about what he’s about to do that he can’t help but stall.
“Joaquin, just tell me. Please.”
Your voice is small, full of a sudden fear, and just the simple act of hearing that is the encouragement that Joaquin needs to push him forward to do this, to tell you the truth and pull the ring box out of his pocket with a long, deep breath. 
“I took this with me on the mission to make sure nothing happened to it, but after the mission I realised that it had fallen out of my suit and I’d lost it,” Joaquin starts. His heart is in his throat at admitting all this to you and thinking about what is coming. “Turns out Sam had actually picked it up when it fell out prior to the mission. He came and gave it back to me after you texted him that you were worried about me.”
At seeing the ring box in his hands, tears immediately come to your eyes. This was what you were so worried about? You were so scared about what Joaquin was about to say, worried that some of your deep fears might be coming true, but instead it was your dreams that were coming true. 
You watch as Joaquin slowly moves from sitting on the edge of the couch to kneeling on the floor in front of you. He flips the ring box open, finally letting you lay eyes on the ring inside of it, and a sob erupts from you.
“I was gonna try and do this in a better way,” Joaquin chuckles. “I had all these ideas for plans of things to do, but in the end I decided that I just wanted it to be between us. I didn’t want anyones eyes on us while I did this, cause this is our moment.” He’d almost booked several restaurants, even almost booked flights to Paris to propose in front of the Eiffel Tower, but this was better than any of the plans he could’ve come up with. 
“I told Sam when he came to talk to me after you texted him that everything I do when it comes to you is about love,” he continues with a shaky breath. “You are the love of my life, angel. You have been ever since I first met you and I intend on loving you for the rest of my life if you’ll let me.” The words, which Joaquin had expected to be difficult to say when the time came, flow out of him with so much ease it surprises him. “So, I suppose what I should finally ask, since I know you’re thinking about how much you wish I would just ask the question and stop talking about everything else… is… will you marry me?”
You’re on the floor in front of him before Joaquin can even blink and in his next breath, your arms are wrapped around him, pressing your body to his. He laughs, a little shocked, as he wraps one of his arms around you, still holding the ring in the other hand. He can tell that you’re crying but he already knows they’re happy tears without having to see them. 
“So… is that a yes?” He asks, grinning.
“Of course it’s a yes!” You exclaim, pulling away from him. The look on his face makes you fall in love with him all over again. The way he’s smiling at you sets butterflies off in your stomach. “Will you put the ring on me?”
You extend your hand and Joaquin wastes no time in removing the ring from the box and sliding it onto your ring finger. He can’t keep smiling and his face is starting to hurt but he doesn’t care. He’ll deal with a sore face from smiling forever if it means seeing you this happy. The fact that he is the reason behind this smile makes him smile even harder.
“It’s so beautiful, Joaquin,” you marvel, unable to take your eyes off of it. 
“Just like the woman wearing it,” he says, unable to help himself. “I’m just glad I didn’t actually lose it in the middle of the ocean. I was just about ready to start a dive team to find it before Sam gave it back.”
You meet his eyes and laugh, shaking your head. “You’re an idiot, Joaquin Torres.”
“I might be, but at least I’m your idiot,” he grins.
With a smile, you lean forward and press your lips to his, wrapping one of your hands around the back of his neck. He kisses you back instantly, arms wrapping around you to hold you close. When your fingers make their way into his hair, though, he grunts a little in pain as they brush against the bump on the back of his head. He’d forgotten about that.
You pull away, eyes concerned. “Are you hurt? Did you get hurt on the mission?” 
Joaquin is quick to confirm that he isn’t. “I hit my head when I was in the hotel… this is so embarrassing to admit,” he laughs softly. “When I was still sad cause I thought I’d lost the ring, I leant back and hit the wall… a little harder than I intended to. I guess it left a bump… but it doesn’t mean you have to stop kissing me, y’know…”
Thankfully, you accept his poor reasoning for his sore head and kiss him again, your fingers moving out of his hair and instead resting on his shoulders. He’s already counting down the days till his head is fully healed – he loves the feeling of your fingers in his hair.
After that, you only break apart for air when you really need to.
“So… this means I can call you my fiancée now…” Joaquin mutters against your lips.
“Oh, that’s true… fiancé… I like how that sounds,” you hum in reply.
“I’m one step closer to being able to call you my wife now,” he says, smiling.
“Hold your horses, Joaquin,” you laugh, pulling away from him despite your desire to stay as close to him as humanly possible. “Let me be a fiancée for a while, okay? Now,” you lean back against the couch. “Tell me all about how you lost this beautiful ring of mine and how it happened to come into Sam’s possession… and then we’re gonna call him and thank him for keeping it safe when my fiancé couldn’t.”
Joaquin laughs, leaning against the couch beside you and reaching down to take your hand in his, his fingers spinning the new ring around on your finger. “You’re never gonna let me live it down, are you?”
“Oh, baby, even our great-great-grandchildren will know about this.”
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clockwayswrites · 1 day ago
Tucker/Tim, Yellow, Solstice, Lily @atomicsheepscientist
“Congratulations, Mr. Foley,” Lucius said as he closed the cover on his tablet. “You’ll see the final deposit in your account by the end of the day. Are you sure I can’t convince you to come work for us full time?”
“While I’m still incredibly flattered by the offer, my answer still is ‘not yet’,” Tucker Foley said with a smile. It made the faint green in his hazel eyes stand out all the more.
Not that Tim noticed.
Not that Tim had been noticing over the last eight months that he had been corresponding with Tucker on the project.
“Well,” Lucius said as he stood. (Tim and Tucker followed suit.) “if that changes from not yet to why not, you have my number.”
Tucker reached across the table and offered his hand, which Lucius shook easily. “And I’ll be sure to call if I can. Thank you, really, for this opportunity. I’ve enjoyed the challenge immensely.”
“I could tell. Will you see him out, Mr. Wayne?”
“Of course, Lucius,” Tim said. He knew Lucius would be eager to start planning the manufacturing. And he didn’t mind spending more time with Tucker.
Soon he wouldn’t be able to.
“So,” Tucker said as he turned towards Tim, “I officially no longer work for WE?”
Tim gave a little nod. “As soon as you go past security, your key card will be disabled. Though you’re welcome to keep it as a souvenir.”
“Oh I definitely will,” Tucker said. “This was hands down the most amazing job I’ve had.”
“Yet you said no to our job offer,” Tim pointed out with a little smirk.
Tucker grinned sheepishly and gave a little shrug. It was hard to see on his warm brown skin, but Tim thought Tucker might have been blushing.
“I have a few obligations lined up that I have to take care of first,” Tucker explained, “and one thing I want to do that I really hope goes well.”
“Oh?” Tim couldn’t help but ask. “And what’s that?”
“Well, since I’m not longer under contract with WE, I figured that I needed to at least try my luck.” He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and met Tim’s eyes. “I get that this might be presumptuous, but I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you over these months. Now that I’m out of under the thumb of HR… any chance that if I ask you out on a date, you’d say yes?”
Tim felt like he had gone up the stairs and thought there was one more step then their actually was. “I mean, you haven’t actually asked yet.”
Tucker laughed and Tim couldn’t help but smile back.
“Hey Tim, want to go out with me? I heard there’s a really cool photography exhibition in town for this cute guy I know.”
A little bubble of warmth formed in Tim’s chest that Tucker had listened to his blabbering. “I’d love to.”
Tucker's answering smile was almost blinding.
208 notes · View notes
paxtito · 17 hours ago
cough drop coloured tongue
pairings: tara x reader (no pronouns used)
word count: 3109
warnings: some swearing, nothing really
summary: you catch the flu and tara is gobsmacked (in a horny way) at how much your voice has changed
requested by: @burntoutghost
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It started as a scratch in your throat—nothing major, just an annoying little itch that had you clearing your throat more than usual. You chalked it up to the cold weather, the dry air, or maybe even talking too much with Tara the night before.
By the next day, though, the scratch turned into something heavier. Your limbs ached, exhaustion creeping into your bones like an unwanted guest. You still went to class, still tried to act normal, but every blink lasted a second too long, and focusing felt like trying to see through fogged-up glass. Chad had side-eyed you in the hallway, wrinkling her nose.
“Dude, you look rough,” he had said, leaning away as if you might infect him with a single breath.
You had only groaned in response, leaning against your locker for support. Tara had texted you sometime around lunch—Meet me after your last class?—but your response had been delayed, fingers sluggish over your phone.
Feeling kinda shitty. Might just head back to my room.
Tara, being Tara, immediately responded.
Shitty how?
Idk, just tired. Think I’m getting sick.
Do you need anything?
You stared at your screen for a moment, lips twitching at the concern in her words.
Nah, I’m good. Just gonna sleep it off.
That was a mistake.
By the time the sun had set, the fatigue had turned into full-body exhaustion. Your head throbbed with every movement, and a tight congestion settled into your chest, making every breath feel like a chore. The tissues started piling up that night—just a few at first, crumpled on your nightstand. You slept in fits, waking up shivering one minute and burning up the next, twisting the blankets around you in a frustrated haze.
Tara called again in the morning. You ignored it. Not on purpose—you had barely registered the sound over the pounding in your skull.
By the second day, the fever had fully taken hold, and the sickness dragged you under like a riptide. Your phone was somewhere beside you, buzzing every so often, but lifting your arm to check it felt impossible. Tara’s name kept lighting up the screen.
And then, eventually, she called.
You groan, rolling over with a sluggish hand to grab it. She’s already called three times. Probably worried.
Pressing the phone to your ear, you croak out, “Hey.”
The other end of the line goes silent for a second. Then, a sharp inhale.
“Holy shit.”
You frown, rubbing your temple. “What?”
Tara clears her throat. “Uh, nothing. You just—you sound different.”
“Yeah, no shit. I feel like I got hit by a truck,” you mumble, voice thick with congestion, deeper, rougher than usual.
Tara definitely makes a noise at that. Something small. Sharp.
You barely register it, too focused on the pounding in your skull. “Sorry, I didn’t text back. I think my body’s literally shutting down.”
There’s another pause. Then, a suspiciously unsteady breath from Tara’s end.
“Babe,” she starts, voice an octave lower, almost sultry, but you’re too far gone to notice. “You—uh—you should really drink some tea. Might help… with your throat.”
“I tried,” you mumble, head sinking into the pillow. “Burned my tongue. Fuck tea.”
Tara lets out a strained laugh. “Right. Yeah. Uh—so, how sick are you exactly?”
“Very,” you groan. “I can barely move. Why?”
She’s quiet for a moment, and then, her voice is softer. “No reason.”
You sniffle, rolling onto your side. “I probably sound disgusting.”
Tara, who is gripping her phone a little too tightly, lets out a nervous chuckle. “No. Not at all.”
You hum in response, already halfway to passing out again. “Mmm. I miss you.”
Tara lets out a shaky breath. “Yeah,” she mutters. “Miss you too.”
You’re out before you hear the way her voice lingers.
You come back to yourself slowly, your eyes fluttering open as you hear knocking at the door. It takes a moment for your brain to register the sound, still fogged up with feverish haze. You groan, rolling onto your back and blinking against the sunlight filtering through your curtains.
The knocking comes again, more insistent this time. "Hey, you awake?" Tara calls out, voice muffled by the door between you.
You open your mouth to respond, but it comes out as a strangled croak. Your throat feels like it's on fire. "Yeah," you rasp out, voice barely above a whisper. "Just a sec."
You heave yourself up to sitting with great difficulty, bones creaking in protest. Your room spins a little as you swing your legs over the side of the bed. You sit there for a moment, head hanging between your shoulders, until the dizziness passes.
Shuffling to the door, you unlock it and crack it open. Tara stands on the other side, a look of concern etched on her face. She's holding a tray with a steaming mug and a plate of food.
"Hey," she says softly, brown eyes searching yours. "How are you feeling?"
You give a weak smile. "Awful. But better than yesterday, I think."
Tara frowns slightly, stepping into your room and shutting the door behind her. She sets the tray down on your desk and comes to stand in front of you, reaching out to feel your forehead.
"You're still so hot," she murmurs, frowning at the heat radiating off your skin. "I brought you some soup and tea. Figured you might need it."
You lean into her touch, nuzzling her palm. "Thanks," you mumble, voice rough and gravelly. "You didn't have to do that."
Tara shrugs, sliding her hand down to cup your cheek. "Of course I did. You're sick, dummy."
You huff out a weak laugh at that. Tara takes a step closer, until you're sharing the same air. You notice how her gaze lingers on your face for a long moment before flicking down to your lips.
"How about you sit down and eat something before the soup gets cold?" Tara suggests, voice a little strained. She clears her throat, pulling back and gesturing to the desk.
You sink back down onto the bed, moving slowly and deliberately to avoid jostling your aching body too much. Tara watches you with a mix of concern and... something else. Something you're too out of it to fully recognize just yet.
Settling yourself against the wall, you pull the tray onto your lap, eyeing the steaming mug of tea and bowl of soup. Tara sits down beside you, close enough that your legs are brushing against each other.
"Thanks for bringing this," you murmur, wrapping your hands around the mug. The heat seeps into your chill-prone fingers, and you sigh at the small comfort. You take a sip, wincing slightly at the heat, but welcoming the way it soothes your raw throat.
Tara watches you, lips pressed together. You glance at her and catch her gaze lingering on your mouth, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. She clears her throat and looks away.
"Feel free to stay as long as you want," you offer, voice a low, rough rasp. "I could use the company."
Tara swallows hard, nodding. "Yeah. I... I want to be here for you."
You frown slightly, noticing the way her voice dips, the blush deepening. She's acting strangely, but you're too focused on not falling back asleep to think much of it.
"How's your throat feeling?" she asks softly, inching a bit closer to you.
You shrug, taking another sip of tea before answering. "'S okay. Better than yesterday. Still hurts though."
Tara nods, eyes flicking down to your lips again. She's quiet for a long moment before speaking.
"You sound... different," she says, voice barely above a whisper. There's a hitch in her breath at the end of the sentence.
"Yeah, I know," you rasp out, voice low and gravelly. "Guess it's from the sickness."
Tara swallows hard, and you finally notice the way she's looking at you, really look at her. The flush on her cheeks, the dilation of her pupils, the quick pulse fluttering at the base of her throat.
"Guess so," she breathes out, eyes still locked on your face
You study Tara's face, noticing the way her chest is rising and falling a little faster than usual, the flush that seems to be spreading down her neck. Something about her demeanor is setting off alarm bells in your foggy mind.
"Because you're acting weird," you point out, voice a low, concerned rumble. "And you keep staring at my mouth."
Tara's eyes fly up to meet yours, widening in surprise. She swallows hard, a visible gulp in her throat. For a moment, she looks flustered, at a loss for words.
"I... I didn't realize I was..." she starts, before trailing off. She clears her throat, looking away. "I'm just worried about you. You're really sick, and I want to make sure you're okay."
You narrow your eyes, not entirely convinced. "Tara, what's going on? Is there something you're not telling me?"
Tara takes a deep breath, and when she turns back to you, there's a new intensity in her eyes. A heat that makes your stomach flip, even through the haze of sickness.
"It's just... your voice," she says softly, slowly. "It's... really sexy like this. All low and rough..." She blushes deeply, looking mortified as soon as the words leave her mouth.
Your eyes widen, finally understanding the undercurrent of her behavior. A slow smirk spreads across your face, even as your cheeks flush with warmth.
"Oh, I see," you murmur, voice a low, husky rasp. "Well, I am a little bit dying, after all. Guess that's making me extra irresistible, huh?"
Tara's eyes widen, and she lets out a shaky laugh. "I... I didn't mean to be so blunt. That was really inappropriate of me to say out loud."
You shrug, taking another sip of tea. "Hey, no worries. I'm just happy you find me attractive, even when I'm a gross, sick mess."
Tara bites her lip, glancing at you from under her lashes. "You could never be a mess to me. Sick, yes. But never a mess."
You both end up sprawled out on the bed together, the TV flickering in front of you. Tara keeps shifting, tossing a pillow behind her back, before leaning forward to grab the remote and flip through channels.
You're too tired and fuzzy-headed to really pay attention to the screen, but you can feel the restless energy rolling off Tara in waves. She's practically vibrating, and you glance over at her with a furrowed brow.
"Hey, you okay?" you ask, voice a low rasp. "You seem... tense."
Tara startles, glancing over at you. She forces a smile, but it's strained at the edges.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she assures you quickly. "Just... wanna find something good to watch."
You shrug, sinking back against the pillows. "Whatever you want. I'm too out of it to care much."
Tara nods, but she's still fidgeting. You notice her eyes flick down to your lips again before darting away. There's a heat in her gaze that wasn't there before, and you suddenly feel a little warm under your blanket.
You're about to comment on it when Tara suddenly sits up straight, pointing at the TV.
"Hey, they're playing one of your favorite movies!" she exclaims, grabbing the remote. "Want me to put it on?"
You squint at the screen, trying to make out the title. It's one of those cheesy horror flicks you love, the kind with a campy plot and over-the-top kills. You smirk slightly.
"Sure. Why not," you rasp out, shrugging. "Might as well enjoy it, since I'm stuck in bed anyway."
Tara nods and hits play, flopping back down on the bed beside you. She's a little too close, her shoulder brushing against yours. You glance over at her and notice her gaze is glued to the screen, but there's a faraway look in her eyes.
You're about to ask her if she's sure she's okay when she suddenly turns to you, chewing on her bottom lip. Her eyes are dark, pupils blown wide, and her cheeks are flushed.
"Hey..." she starts softly, voice barely above a whisper. "Can I... can I ask you something?"
You frown slightly, noticing the way her breathing has picked up. "Of course. What's up?"
You blink slowly as Tara turns to face you fully, her brown eyes searching yours with an intensity that makes your heart skip a beat. Even through the sickness fogging your mind, you can sense the shift in the air between you, the electricity crackling like a live wire.
"What's on your mind?" you ask softly, voice a low rasp. Your words come out slower, more deliberate than you intended. Maybe it's the fever, or maybe it's the way Tara's gaze is burning into you, but you feel suddenly self-conscious, hyper-aware of every movement.
Tara takes a deep breath, and you watch as she swallows hard, Adam's apple bobbing in her throat. She's looking at you like... like she wants to devour you whole. It's a look you've seen before, but never this intense, this hungry.
"I was just thinking about... well, your voice," she says quietly, almost hesitantly. "It's just... different. Really deep and rough and... sexy. Even more so than usual."
Your eyebrows shoot up, and you feel your cheeks heat under your sickly pallor. You're pretty sure you'm blushing, and the realization makes your head spin.
"Oh," you murmur, at a momentary loss for words. "I guess the sickness is doing weird things to me."
Tara nods, and you notice her tongue dart out to wet her lips. "Yeah. I guess it is."
There's a charged pause, and you're suddenly very aware of every inch of space between you. Tara's knee is brushing against yours, her shoulder pressed to your arm. The heat of her is seeping into you, and it's making your head swim in a way that has nothing to do with the fever.
"And I was thinking..." Tara starts again, a little breathlessly. "Maybe... maybe you could read to me? Like, from that comic you like so much? I want to hear more of your... voice."
Your heart stutters in your chest, and you blink slowly, trying to process her request. You're not sure if it's the sickness or the way Tara is looking at you, but you feel like you're drowning, pulled under by the intensity of her gaze.
"Okay," you breathe out, voice a low rasp. "If you want."
You start to read from the comic, your low, rough voice filling the room. But as you flip through the pages, you can't help but notice that Tara seems distracted. Her eyes are glazed over, not really focusing on the illustrations. Instead, she's staring at you, her gaze heavy and intense.
You pause, glancing up at her with a frown. "Everything okay? You seem... elsewhere."
Tara blinks, coming back to herself. She shakes her head, a little smile on her face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Your voice is just... really nice. It's hard to focus on anything else."
You feel a blush spreading across your cheeks, and you duck your head, focusing on the comic pages. "Sorry. I don't want to bore you."
"No, no, not at all," Tara assures you quickly. She's quiet for a moment before speaking again, her voice a little hesitant. "Can I... can I be honest with you?"
You glance up at her, eyebrows raised. "Of course. Always."
Tara takes a deep breath, and you watch as she seems to steel herself. "I just... I really want to kiss you right now. Like, really, really want to."
Your eyes widen, and you feel your heart stutter in your chest. "Oh," you breathe out, at a momentary loss for words. "Tara, I... I'm really sick right now. I don't want to get you sick too."
"I know," Tara says softly, reaching out to touch your cheek. Her fingers are warm against your skin, and you lean into the touch instinctively. "I just... I can't help it. You're just so... you're irresistible like this."
You swallow hard, your mouth suddenly dry. "I appreciate it, but... I don't want to risk it. Especially with how bad this cold is."
Tara nods, a little sadly. "I understand. I do. I just... I wanted you to know how much I... I want you."
Your breath catches in your throat, and you feel a wave of emotion wash over you. Tara is looking at you with such raw, naked desire, it's overwhelming. You cover her hand with your own, squeezing it gently.
"Thank you," you whisper, your voice a low rasp. "That means a lot to me. More than you know."
You blink slowly, trying to process Tara's bold words. A small, surprised laugh escapes your lips, turning into a cough as it catches in your sore throat. Tara looks a little sheepish, but there's still a determined glint in her eye.
"A little peck can't hurt, right?" she asks hopefully, a small smile playing on her lips. "And then, once you're all better... I'm totally jumping your bones. Consider it a promise."
You gape at her for a moment before a slow, stunned grin spreads across your face. "Wow, you're... wow," you rasp out, shaking your head in disbelief. "Okay. One little peck. And then... I guess we'll see what happens when I'm feeling better."
Tara grins, her eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation. She leans in slowly, and you feel your heart start to race as she gets closer. Your eyes flutter shut instinctively, and you hold your breath in anticipation.
Softly, gently, Tara's lips brush against yours in the lightest of kisses. It's over in an instant, but it sends a shiver down your spine nonetheless. Tara pulls back, a satisfied smile on her face.
"Mm. Can't wait for that promise," she murmurs, her voice a low, husky rumble.
You open your eyes, blinking up at her dazedly. "Wow," you breathe out again, still trying to process the moment. "That was... wow."
Tara chuckles, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Her fingers linger on your cheek, and you lean into the touch.
"Get some rest," she whispers, her thumb brushing over your cheekbone. "You need it. And then... then we'll see about that other stuff."
She leans in to press another feather-light kiss to your forehead before settling back against the pillows, pulling you with her until your head is resting on her shoulder. You feel yourself starting to drift off, lulled by the warmth of her body and the promise of things to come.
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wolftarotcrafts · 2 days ago
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*Art is mine*
Hey everyone! If you are looking for personal paid readings, you can now find them on my Ko-fi. I also have a few readings on there, and I am planning on adding more readings on there too.
I also have more readings on my tumblr page if you want to check those out. I will make a master list soon to make it easier and more organized. 
If you want to leave a request for readings you want to see, you can leave a comment on this post.
Pile One
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Hi pile one. I see that other people think of you as very powerful and intuitive. People's impression of you is that you are charming and caring. Some of you could be quite emotional and very empathetic. People also see you as optimistic, and there is this sense of innocence. Almost starry-eyed and dreamer energy. Some of you could be daydreamers and could always be looking at and for the light in dark situations. People see you as light and airy; you could even be a healer. You make others feel comfortable and safe. You make others feel like they can be themselves without being judged. You have a healing and calm energy about you. People may go to you for advice and just to rant. Some of you could be therapists or looking to go into some healing careers. You could also just take your healing journey very seriously. When making decisions, you can think and lean more into what your heart wants. You have that Disney princess vibe. This is a wonderful and beautiful energy you all have.
Extra:12, 21, 1212, 1221, F, V, B, L, T, Blue, Red, Stars, idealistic viewpoint, dancing, ballroom, quinceañera, Huapango, Jarabe Tapatío, Disney, Princesses, Cinderella/movie, ‘A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes’, Sleeping Beauty, Aurora, ‘When you wish upon a Star, healing, vibrational, Vivian, Vera, Val, Vasquez, Gloriana, Loriana, Laura Fran, Tony, Toby, Beatrice, Braun, Luck, decisions, blond hair, water signs, long hair, elegance, in touch with the feminine side, and Latina.
Pile Two
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Hey pile two. Some of you may have been drawn to pile one, and I see there's some similarity between the very feminine aspects. I also see that they have more princess vibes; you guys are more of queens. You guys may be on the quieter side and keep to yourselves in some ways or be ambivert, but when you need to be a leader or take over, you stand on business. Other people see you as someone who can take control when needed. I see them seeing you as the boss and looking at you as a leader. People see you as hardworking and intelligent. You are very caring and grounded. You treat others with respect, and you demand the same treatment back. People close to you see you as witty and sometimes even sarcastic. Some of you may be gift givers or just really love to help others out. Some of you could be on the more spiritual side or practice witchcraft/the occult. You have the energy that turns heads, and people definitely notice you. You could be very independent and strive to get where you want to be. You make goals, and you achieve them. You carry some strong and intense energy, pile two.
Extra: 10, 23, 26, 34, 35, 39, 333, 555, Q, R, E, B, S, Queen, Queen energy, Reyna, Reina, Elissa, Gimme More—Britney Spears, stand for no BS, move in silence, Earth signs, Air signs, Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Bad B energy, Mexico, Europe, Russia, Slovakia, Scandinavia, making money moves, chill, down to earth.
Pile Three
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Hello, Pile Three, people see you as a bit of a badass. Some of you could have been bullied, or you were the bully, but something shifted, and you decided to stand up for yourself and others. You aren't afraid of confrontation, and you will stand up for what's right, and many people admire you for that. People see that you fight for others and root for the underdog. People see you as very quick-witted and fast on your feet. I also see you maybe a little impulsive at times. People see you as strong, and you possess great strength. You may have gone through some challenges, but you have passed them, and now you are stronger than before. Those challenges shaped and made you into the person you are now. People may also view you as spontaneous and very funny. People see you as fast and when you are in you are all in. People see you as passionate about things you care about. 
Extra: G, O, N, D, T, Donovan, Orlando, Orlando Bloom, Omar, Gloria, Go, Race, Ready Set Start, jumping, leaping, pole-vaulting, athletic, strong, working out, school, martial arts, Shy by Jai Waetford, relationship, happy home, DND, gym, training.
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exquisink · 2 days ago
When The Daylight's Gone, Ch2 - Yandere!Gojo Satoru x Fem!Sorcerer Reader
warnings. nothing in particular in this chapter, except for a brief mention of masturbation. but heed the tags on AO3. This chapter has been already posted there but I forgot to cross-post. Whoops.
wc. almost 11K this chapter, lmao.
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Adjusting to life at Jujutsu Tech may not have been the smoothest ride for you, but everyone has been kind, considerate, and helpful with you; everyone has been ready to help and practically at your beck and call. Especially Gojo-sama. You’re not oblivious to how much he seems to be interested in helping you feel part of the organization—or whatever you’d call this (it’s definitely not truly a school)—and you let him know that his efforts don’t go unnoticed, which seems to change something in him every time you do. It’s almost as if he doesn’t get enough gratitude for all of the effort he puts into making a change around here. While his colleagues don’t seem all that impressed with him for a myriad of reasons removed from his role, you find that you think of him as more and more compelling of a person. 
You notice it in his little mannerisms around his students, in particular. He and Kento Nanami share a common goal: they want to protect those flames within the students, they want to protect their youth and allow them room to just be kids. You have a feeling that in the world of jujutsu, you are forced to grow up far too quickly as you are thrust into some of the most gruesome situations that most people honestly cannot fathom experiencing themselves. It’s why you have removed yourself from hunting curses, much like Ijichi-sama. It’s not something you can stomach. Having the curse of seeing spirits is something you already wish you didn’t have, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to help others. That’s the whole reason you’ve taken this job in the first place. 
But Gojo-sama…it absolutely doesn’t take a genius to see that the way he acts around others is a mask. It’s painfully obvious the more you hang around him, the more you observe from the sidelines, and you wonder if somewhere in all of that haughty, obnoxious, condescending as fuck facade of his that he wishes someone else had done the same for him. Maybe back in his days as a student here, he hasn’t had someone to shield him from the horrors of the world and he’s witnessed them far too early in his life.
“So! I think the students are going to enjoy a quick trip to Shinjuku!” Gojo suggests, drawing your attention back to the present as he leans so far back into his office chair that it begins to creak against the wooden floor. His hands clasp together as he continues to speak. “And while Nanami is off babysitting them, that means I have a lot more free time to spend with y—I mean you guys!” 
Shoko shakes her head. “I can’t guarantee I’ll have my schedule freed up for your sake, Satoru.”
“Not even if drinks are on me?” Gojo-sama offers with a little smirk playing on his lips. Now you’re the one shaking your head, a hint of a twinkle in your eyes. They may be authority figures in their own rights, but they all have their own vices, you suppose. They probably don’t expect to be the greatest role models to the students, and perhaps these are behaviors or habits of theirs they keep shielded from the impressionable youth as much as possible.
“Yes, not even after that,” Shoko deadpans, her expression serious. That’s a sign to take to heart, and Gojo backs off. Smart move. “I need to cut back.”
“Such a shame,” Gojo pouts, before grinning wide at you as Shoko takes her leave. With that fucking devastatingly beautiful smile of his that seems to just hide so much deep-seated loneliness that you can’t believe people are outright refusing his offers. Oh, curse you and your tendency to give people the benefit of the doubt (even if they have continually shown you reasons not to, but right now Gojo doesn’t appear to fit that description). “Guess that just leaves you and me.”
“So it does,” you reply with a lazy smile. The last thing anyone wants to feel like is an obligation, and you don’t want to make anyone feel like that; you’ve known what that’s like with past friendships yourself. Honestly, you still aren’t sure why you’re making a point in accompanying him. But you also feel like it’s just basic decency as a person. As a participant in the human experience overall, if you must go so far as to say so. 
No one wants to be lonely, not even a guy as boisterous and annoying as Satoru Gojo. (Even if you don’t personally find him as such like the others do.) With a life like his, that seems to keep him on some higher plane of existence as everyone else around him, that must keep him feeling isolated from everyone else. That doesn’t feel good no matter how much someone likes being powerful.
There is a thought that keeps popping up in your mind with each exchange you share with Satoru Gojo.
Is his status all that is cracked up to be for him?
Is he lonelier than he would ever admit to anyone in his life? Even to you–or anyone else in his life he ever considered close to his heart? 
Doesn’t he wish he could drop the act and show people who he really is, or is he already so accustomed to the icy cold backhanded slap of rejection that he may as well play into the role jujutsu society imposed on him? 
There’s so much more you want to know about Satoru Gojo, but you don’t know if you’re jumping into things too quickly. It’s already been a few months, but you still feel out of the loop in a lot of aspects. The more you get acquainted with everything and everyone around you, you find the less you truly understand or truly know much of anything. When Ijichi takes you under his wing for training, you’re not sure how to utilize your own cursed energy–what little you believe you have of it. But Ijichi reminds you–that you are more powerful than you think you are–after all Gojo insists that you might be better off labeled as Grade 2 or Grade 1 with the potential your cursed technique has. 
Should you take his words to heart, though? Better not to let it get to your ego (however little you have).
“Hey,” Gojo waves his hand in front of your face. “You kind of zoned out for a little bit there–everything good?”
“Oh!” You blink owlishly; you have been lost in your mind a lot lately huh? “Yeah! I”m okay. So what are we doing now?”
“I wanted to ask if you’ve seen any progress with your cursed technique,” Gojo replies like he’s been reading your mind, but you doubt that’s how the Six Eyes technique of his works. Maybe it’s just a hunch or a feeling he’s got and he just happens to be right about what you’ve been drifting off into thought about in that small pocket of time. 
“Er…don’t you ever check in with Ijichi-san?” you inquire in a wobbly tone. You honestly have not been keeping as much track of your progress as you should have been… you didn’t expect to be quizzed on it like this so soon but then again…maybe you should have.
“Of course I do!” Gojo scoffs, “I just can’t hear your perspective? I want to know what you think and you forget I’m here to help you out too if you’re not sure what you’re doing.”
You shake your head. “I really have absolutely no idea what I’m doing with any of this! All I can do right now is create veils, and that’s as far as it goes right now.”
“Hey! That’s still progress,” Gojo insists with a thumbs up. “I mean, did you have any exposure to anything related to jujutsu before all of this?” 
Another shake of your head. Nope. You’re pretty much fresh meat in regards to any of this, and from what you understand, sorcerers themselves are extremely rare breeds of humanity. You are stunned to see how small the classes in both Tokyo and Kyoto are. 
“See?” Gojo beams at you so wide the corners of his eyes crinkle. “It may be slow progress, but it’s still progress.”
You laugh at that bit. “You actually sound like a real teacher, Gojo-sama.”
“Come on, you know I told you that you don’t have to call me that,” he counters, “We may be working together, but we’re friends too, remember?”
You bite into your cheek as you chew on a proper response. 
“Are you not my superior?” you point out not in an accusatory way, but isn’t it not too intimate to do something like that? After all, it’s already feeling too intimate for you to be calling Ijichi ‘Ijichi’ or ‘Ijichi-san,’ but he’s also insisting on disregarding formalities. Maybe you are too much of a stickler for the traditions, but it’s mostly out of respect for everyone here. After all they have gone through experiences and trials and tribulations you have yet to experience yourself. You have so much to learn from all of them.
“I mean, yeah! But that doesn’t mean you have to get all formal. You’re not with Shoko!” he reflects for a moment, then adds: “Or Ijichi or Nanami!” 
“Okay, okay! Fine, I’ll work on it, Gojo.”
“Oh, come on. I”m working so hard to make you comfortable around here.”
“I’m just trying to respect your authority, Gojo,” you counter with a smile. Gojo just stares at you for a few moments before surrendering.
“Fine, fine. I’m just saying. It’s not necessary, you know? You’re not a student or anything either. At least, you’re not mine .”
“But I am still learning a thing or two from you and Ijichi,” you remark, “And Principal Yaga especially.”
“Still, since you’re so new to all of this, don’t expect anything to happen overnight, you know? Not everyone can be me, I guess,” he scoffs again, rubbing his nose and you find yourself rolling your eyes in jest. Yeah, there it is. That (honestly warranted) self-confidence. 
Most everyone around him finds it obnoxious, but you can’t help but find it refreshing. A lot of people are afraid of keeping that flame burning inside them, but he isn’t. People always want to play small to make others comfortable but he’s not interested in that, not necessarily in the way someone expects. 
Satoru Gojo is an instructor, first and foremost, and the goal of an instructor is to mold his students to become stronger, faster, and better versions of themselves–in fact he has stated on several occasions to you that he wants them all to surpass him. Because one day he’s not going to be here just like anyone else, and since he’s also not shy about droning on and on about how he wants to reset and reshape jujutsu society as it stands now, he channels all of his energy into this one singular goal. 
You can’t help but admire him for that kind of dedication, that kind of passion. You are curious what made him choose this kind of path because if you had to be honest with yourself, Gojo doesn’t seem the teaching or Sensei type. Far too lax, far too easy going and goofy. But maybe the students need a personality like that. Still, he deserves something where he can really let loose and not lose so much sleep over. (Yes, you have caught wind about his wild sleep schedule that would put most soldiers to shame.)
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind, Sensei ,” you tease with a little smirk twitching on your lips as he appears aghast at that address. Just pouting like some petulant child who’s just been denied his favorite snack. “So seriously, since it’s just us, what’s the plan for today? I don’t have much going on, so you better make this worth my time.”
Of course you mean it in jest. You don’t plan to bail on him, not when you’ve already made it a point to yourself that you aren’t going to leave him hanging. Even everyone else has made some remark about how ‘brave’ you’re being just enduring extra time with Gojo, but you don’t view it that way at all. You might be the odd one out here, but thus far you just don’t get it.
The big deal, you mean.
He finally speaks up again.
“Come on, seriously? I’m going to have to beat Gojo or Sensei out of your system. You’re a student in a way, sure, but like I just told you, you’re not my student, you know?” 
You hide your smirk into your palm. “Whatever you say…”
In spite of himself, he’s smiling at your antics, and that’s really your only goal. Just like he gives everyone else a hard time all on purpose, you’re returning that energy, and the good news is that he doesn’t seem to mind it all that much. That’s progress more than anything, right? Here you are, doing a better job at adjusting to your new environment than you expected to be doing, and he’s honestly made this new life a lot easier for you too–even if he doesn’t know it just yet. 
Actually, why not change that right now? 
“Gojo, I um…” you start a bit tentatively before you break into a fit of giggles again at his melodrama. “Seriously, thank you.”
He raises an eyebrow at that as he adjusts his blindfold. “What for?” 
“Making me feel like part of the group,” you answer, “You work really hard to make sure I don’t feel left behind, and I just appreciate it. That’s all.” 
He looks at you like he’s in a bit of a daze before shaking himself out of his stupor. He probably doesn’t get recognized for his efforts enough; teachers are an underappreciated profession in every aspect of life, it seems like, even in the world of jujutsu.
“It’s kind of, you know, basic human decency and all,” he reasons, but somehow he keeps an even tone with an underlying layer of playfulness. “Plus that’s kind of my job too, or at least part of it.”
”So what?” you challenge him, but you don’t mean to in a negative way. “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be recognized for something like that.”
”For doing the bare minimum?” he nearly scoffs at that notion, but you do catch him smiling a little, which is the goal here. “All right, whatever you say, Princess.”
”Princess?” you repeat, your lips curling into a little bit of a pout. This time it’s you raising an eyebrow. “Didn’t realize I gave off that vibe.”
”A vibe of…?” he beckons you to finish that statement for him.
”Spoiled rotten?” you try to fill in the blanks with the first thing that pops in your mind and he once again looks aghast that that is the first thing you would even consider! “Bratty? Mean?” 
”No! You don’t act like that at all,” he counters, a hand over his heart as you feel his eyes scanning you through his blindfold. “You give Pretty Princess vibes, though.”
”Pretty Princess, huh?” Is he just trying to flatter you or wiggle his way out of something else? 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “You’re pretty. I thought you’re aware of that fact.”
”Am I?” Your gaze flits to your feet as they shift, his words settling in. He does sound genuine. You have to admit—you don’t get called that often, or at all as far as you remember.
”You are,” he insists, poking your cheek, brushing the tip of his finger along your skin. “You should really believe that a little more, you know? Being humble is so out these days.”
”Of course Satoru Gojo would say something like that,” you snark back with a roll of your eyes. “But that is sweet.”
”Well yeah, I’m Satoru fucking Gojo, and what I say is definitely law,” he retorts with a playful smile twitching on his lips again. 
“Weren’t we supposed to be doing something?” you remind him after a beat of silence, and Gojo hums in thought after he mulls over what you might have meant by that. 
“If you want, I could help you train today. Ijichi’s working with Itadori and Nanami right now with something…” he trails off, “Unless you’d rather do something fun instead, like I could show you some of my favorite places with all of the best sweets in the world!”
”I think we should train first, Sensei ,” you reply, “I’ve been slacking and I want to make sure I can make my veils actually last long enough.”
”Oh for fuck’s sake, I told you—I’m not your Sensei at least.”
”Uh huh,” you quip, “But you know what, you’re right, you’re not my Sensei because people might assume you’re trying to fraternize with a student because you just admitted you think I’m pretty.”
”Or I was just merely making an obvious statement,” he insists, “You just happen to have a hard time believing that you are with the way you carry yourself. Easy to tell when someone doesn’t know who they are or what they want, you know?” 
“Oh, and I suppose then that means you’re an expert at that kind of thing?” you probe while batting your eyelashes. 
Gojo nods, “Of course! That’s my whole role in society after all.” 
 “Is it?” You scoot in closer to him, ignoring the way your heart is racing beneath your breasts as your nose barely brushes against his. His Infinity is down with you, and his skin does feel so soft just from that. “Then enlighten me, Gojo. Is this going to help me perfect my cursed technique if I have a better sense of identity or of my desires in life?” 
“Well yeah,” Gojo starts, but you do catch him faltering slightly, likely from the sudden proximity. “I mean, knowing who you are and what sets you off is a major key in harnessing your cursed energy. I mean, cursed energy is all about keeping your emotions in check. Cursed energy is primarily negative energy so learning how to channel that energy into something against a spirit is important. And you know, low self esteem counts as negativity and that can cause curses to spawn. I mean, didn’t you hear about Okkatsu and how he cursed a normal girl because he didn’t want her to die? Curses can come from both sorcerers and non sorcerers. Until Okkatsu, all we knew was that curse spirits are often a manifestation of non sorcerer cursed energy…”
You nod along as he rambles on. “Uh huh. So how does someone go about managing their negative feelings then?”
“Well, I remember helping Itadori out by having him watch a bunch of terribly boring or annoying movies,” he explains as taps his finger against his chin. “We could do that but I think you need something a little more advanced than that. Like I mean you already seem to have a good handle on your emotions since you’re spending all of this time with me and you seem more charmed than irked by my presence.”
”Why would I be irked by your presence?” you interject, “I didn’t give off that vibe to you, did I?” 
“I may be the world’s strongest sorcerer but that doesn’t earn me brownie points in popularity,” he admits, but he’s acting like it doesn’t affect him when it likely definitely does. “Even Megumi gets easily ticked off at me and I’m raising the kid.” 
You huff at that. “I mean, you know what they say, Gojo. You could be the juiciest peach, and there’ll still be someone who doesn’t like peaches. So who cares!” 
”And Megumi definitely doesn’t like peaches,” he snorts with a shake of his head.
”Oh, please. Don’t say that!” you retort with a playful shove to his shoulder. “He adores you. Kind of like how he behaves like he’s annoyed by Itadori all the time but he didn’t want him to die for a reason.”
“A fair point, m’lady.” 
“First Princess, and now m’lady?” you tease, “Come on, this is getting ridiculous.”
“Alright, alright!” Gojo surrenders while clasping his hands together.  “Okay, so are we training or what?”
“Of course,” you reply, “Just tell me where we can start and then as a reward for staying consistent, we can go grab all of those sweets you keep talking to me about, because now I can’t stop thinking about them.”
Gojo laughs, “Deal.”
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It’s not outright obvious to anyone or even you at first, but Gojo has been tagging along with you wherever you went like an over excited little puppy dog. He behaves more like your guard dog in much more public areas though. You don’t mind his constant shadow at first, thinking it as a nice refreshing change of pace after spending most of your time in solitude. It can either be comforting or it can be suffocating. But you don’t find Gojo suffocating, not like how everyone else seems to. 
And maybe he has taken that to heart, which is another thing about him you don’t find yourself minding. Clearly, he just hasn’t been used to someone actually actively wanting to be around him after who knows how long since you waltzed into Satoru Gojo’s world and maybe a part of you finds it flattering that he enjoys your company so much. 
“Hey,” Gojo stops you while you’re strolling side by side down a street with many jewelry, makeup, or designer clothing stores down the strip. “Didn’t you say you needed to restock on some makeup?”
A record breaks in your mind. Say what now? He actually listens to your mindless ramblings? Why are you so shocked every time someone pays attention to you, especially someone as esteemed as Satoru Gojo? Moreover, why are you still gawking at him like he’s just sprouted three extra heads? 
You blink once at him. Then twice. You glance up at the store he’s stopped you for and your breath hitches. A Sephora, huh? Is he sure about this? What is he even thinking about, splurging so much money on you like it’s not a big deal to him? Your eyes scan the rows upon rows of various brands you have only watched Youtube influencers review and can only dream of owning yourself. The Dior row is especially calling out to you like a siren in the Dead Sea. 
This is so dangerous… you pout, gaze flitting between Gojo and the entrance to the store. Your gaze lingers on the Dior aisle once more. You long for some of those lip oils. Or their blushes even if a lot of influencers have admitted they suck for their price points… 
“Yeah, but…” you trail off, frowning as you peek through the windows, fearing for the total costs if you actually do follow up on his offer. “Their stuff is usually out of my budget.”
A brief silence stretches over the two of you. You’re about to turn but he stops you, grabbing your wrist, and you glance up at him through your lashes. 
“Don’t sweat it. I got it,” he offers with a small smirk, pushing the door open for you and your feet stop you just short of entering the store. 
“Seriously,”—he places an arm on your shoulder—“I got it.”
“I can’t pay you back,” you reply, biting on your lip. 
“You don’t have to. Come on,” he declares as he grabs your wrist, yanking you inside. The dozens of stares falling on the two of you make your heart flutter but it’s probably not you they’re really paying attention to. In fact you’re absolutely positive it’s probably because of Gojo. He’s a show stopper in a lot of ways. Maybe they’re gawking at how tall or handsome he is, how shock snow white his hair is. Wondering what shade his eyes are beneath his blindfold that he wears all the time. 
Wondering what he’s doing with a puny little thing like you in a cosmetics store. Maybe they’re all wondering if you’re a couple and he’s just your sweet patient boyfriend humoring your love for cosmetics. 
As if you can ever be with someone as untouchable as Satoru Gojo. You can only dream of being with someone like him, someone so otherworldly and ethereal and practically regarded as some kind of Messiah. 
Gojo stands close to you, and you observe him. It’s hard to figure out what anyone’s thinking without seeing their eyes. You wonder how his Six Eyes must be unbearable for him a lot of the time that he has to wear a blindfold. 
As if he senses you staring, he peels his blindfold back and hums as if lost in thought. 
“I think you talked about loving lipstick the most, right? What brand do you like to wear? Gucci? YSL?” he inquires idly while lifting his blindfold; he scans the aisles before walking toward one of the more expensive luxury brands you can never hope to afford a first time around already. You grab his elbow and stop him in place, and he peers down at you, those blue eyes appearing to admit a kind of glow. 
“I can’t afford to wear any of those!” you protest, flabbergasted, “Can we just stick to the mid-range priced items? You really don’t have to buy me anything!”
“You can now! So name the brand and we’ll look at it, yeah?” he retaliates with a goofy grin that is convincing enough to let him win you entirely over. This is not something you can easily accept from anyone! Not even him! Especially not him! It feels all kinds of wrong to you if you can’t return the favor in any way and you know you can’t. He knows you can’t either and he’s doing this anyway all because he wants to. There is no hint of obligation or feeling like he has to repay you for spending so much time with him.
You almost want to shrivel up and die in that very moment, but he’s being kind of pushy and you don’t really know why. It’s not like you can’t go get makeup at some affordable drugstore, and he can just pay for those, something you can easily return the favor for with enough time. 
You’re not all that picky. And you know one taste of luxury is going to have you hooked for life . There’s no going back. 
Although, like you have been fantasizing about already, you have been dying for anything from Tom Ford or YSL or Dior… 
You drag out a sigh as you weigh out your options. 
“You’re not going to let me get out of here until I let you buy me things, aren’t you?” you inquire in a flat tone. 
Gojo’s still grinning ridiculously and you kind of hate how cute he looks getting all giddy at the prospect of spoiling a friend just because. 
“Now you’re getting it! So seriously, what are we feeling?” he asks again, that stupid grin of his unmoving. 
Yet you find it more endearing than annoying like everyone else seems to… 
“Slow down,” you reply. He relaxes his grip on your wrist and you release it. You don’t miss that unreadable expression flashing in a nanosecond. “There have been some shades I’ve been needing. But we are not going overboard here. Do you understand?”
“Yes ma’am,” he answers almost robotically with a mock salute. You fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
You lead him to one of the Dior aisles where a classic red lip shade catches your eye. You have two defaults, and you don’t need too much makeup: a flattering red lip for an occasion and a flattering nude shade for everyday is really all you’re going to need in this department. Then you know you need the rest—new foundation, new concealer, mascara, etc. etc. 
And since Gojo is being so pushy you may as well take advantage of the opportunity. Even if does feel all kinds of wrong in your soul you know he’s not letting you get off that easily. So you decide to reframe it this way: you’re really only allowing this because Gojo’s resolve about this isn’t going to budge. 
“Oh! This shade is gorgeous,” you muse out loud as you pry one of the tester red lipsticks and grab one of the free lip applicators to test the color on your lips. You glance around for a mirror and find one just down the aisle, pouting your lips into it as you assess the shade you chose. You hum in thought. 
Then you turn to Gojo, who’s keeping a fair distance but watching your every move. 
“Do you like it?” you inquire, pointing to the shade painting your lips.
“It’s nice,” he replies, “Totally evens out, um, your complexion!”
You giggle into your hand. He’s trying , which is better than most men who have ever walked into your life. Most of them think makeup is fake or stupid or pointless or just plain lying. Then in the same breath claim they like a natural girl but most of them don’t understand what a natural girl looks like. 
Gojo seems a smidge less ignorant about that kind of thing though. Just a smidge. 
“C’mere,” you declare as you gesture with a come hither motion. He obliges, and you have to prop yourself up on your tippy toes just to reach his cheek, where you smack your lips against. A bold move, perhaps, but he deserves it for all of this generosity he apparently isn’t known for at all amongst his colleagues. 
“How ‘bout now?” you ask with a sultry purr, fluttering your lashes. Which both definitely feel naked. You love mascara. They definitely need a good mascara… something both lengthening and volumizing, perhaps? You haven’t been exploring much in that regard…  
“It’s perfect ,” he purrs smoothly, not skipping a beat. He doesn’t even bother wiping off the stain and it’s not like you two are an item or something. You just want to give something back. “Aren’t you going to try more shades?”
You deflate, flushing a little at that as you twiddle your fingers. Oh, he sounds a little too interested now. Should you back off? 
You pull back. Absently you run your tongue around your teeth as you eye your reflection. Oh wow, this shade kind of makes your teeth look way whiter so you’re definitely snagging it. This really is so dangerous and it’s not fair hat Gojo is making you go through with committing such a sin. Grabbing a basket and tossing the tube of lipstick into it while swiping a makeup remover wipe from a nearby dispenser and cleaning the color off. Gojo snags the basket out of your hands. 
“Hey!” you protest again with another pout of your lips. There’s some blotches of leftover lipstick you missed but Gojo can’t help but find it cute. Almost a complete idea of what those pretty lips of yours might look like when he’s the one kissing the color off and not some damn makeup remover. 
“I got it,” he insists, keeping the shopping basket just out of your reach. “You enjoy more shopping, alright?”
Your eyes begin to twinkle and you don’t notice that Gojo’s heart must have skipped a beat in that moment. 
“Can we window shop at the designer stores here too?” you beg him eagerly, eyes sparkling like a child winning a plush toy in a claw machine.
“Yeah,” he breathes in reply, composing himself. “Anything.”
You’re not paying attention to him now as you’re already sprinting to check out the mascaras you’ve seen online and can only dream of owning yourself. This is already more power you can ever hope to have!
You snag the one you hear is best for your kind of lashes. 
But you find yourself scattering around all of the aisles but don’t buy that many things out of common decency. Even if someone like Gojo comes from a lot of money, it isn’t right. You just can’t help it though. He’s given you a taste already and you wish you could buy with your own money but that’s not a reality for you. You are going to allow yourself to indulge just this one time and then never again. As nice of a gesture it is from Gojo, you have not been raised a leech, and you’re not going to take advantage of someone’s generosity like that. So you give yourself an item limit but that doesn’t stop you from trying all of the samples of makeup and swatching the colors, asking for Gojo’s opinions and he tries to seem interested which is the nicest thing he could do for you.
All while you’re browsing, Gojo hangs back just to observe you. Admiring how lost you get in such a simple hobby to him and probably to everyone else. 
You just don’t realize how much he is truly paying attention to you. How much he wants to know more and more about you. Your likes. Your dislikes. What makes your eyes keep shining like that like they are here. 
Snapping discrete photos of the things you eye with longing but don’t toss into the basket for future reference. 
You test another lipstick shade in another brand aisle, then test it on Gojo’s cheek like you did before. A classic nude shade is something every girl needs, you tell him, and that’s all for the lipsticks. 
Once you grab all of your essentials you don’t even dare to so much glance at the receipt and neither does Gojo. Tossing it into the trash as soon as you both walk out. 
“So you don’t try to return anything out of guilt,” he explains with a little wink. “So, you still want to check out those designer stores?”
“Yes! Can we go to Chanel?” You clasp your hands together, doing your best to contain the fact that you may be a little too excited.
“Of course,” Gojo replies easily once again, “Anything.”
“I’m not buying anything! I just want to look,” you remind him as your hands rest on your hips, chin slightly raised. “You got me enough.”
You gesture to the bag he’s clutching with that huge hand of his, you can’t help but point out to yourself. And dang, you never have noticed before how long his fingers actually are… 
He follows your gaze, before glancing back at you and you catch onto what is a bit of a judgy stare in that he’s such a fucking nepo baby way. 
“There’s not even 10 items in here!” he argues with a fret. 
“Yeah but you forget my budget isn’t usually made for these items. You got me enough. Way more than enough,” you assure him, “Trust me. Let it go, Gojo. I let you buy me stuff already.”
“Fine, fine, waving the little white flag,” he quips while wagging a finger. “Now come on, we still have a whole day since that mission was cut short for us and the students.” 
“Alright, alright. Bossy,” you tease while flashing him a little smile and then planting another kiss on his cheek. Where this time he leans in completely prepared for. “Thank you, Gojo. You really didn’t have to. But this isn’t happening again.”
“Fine,” he relents, sagging his shoulders; he’s saying so to your face at least. You don’t know what he’s plotting behind that blindfold. But you choose to take his words at face value to spare him some dignity. 
You beam at him again, grabbing his free hand and leading him to the closest designer store. The same cycle continues. Your eyes twinkle like brilliant little galaxies upon the endless choices but you know you can’t really have them and you emphasized to Gojo again as you waltzed into the store together that you won’t let him buy anything more for you. 
But you still let yourself loose! Putting on a little fashion show for him. You grab an item you wish you could have for yourself. This piece feels vintage and soft, delicately crafted and sophisticated like everything else in these stores. You strike a few poses in front of a tall mirror and Gojo just watches idly on the sidelines as you enjoy yourself. Sometimes still capturing little snippets of you unguarded and you haven’t the slightest clue as you’re living out what you can only define as your dream life. These might make beautiful candids in his office or somewhere more private in his estate, but you have no idea he’s thinking that right then. You’re too busy having the time of your life. Grinning madly like you’re alight and carefree and you look absolutely stunning. 
And you don’t know that it’s absolutely killing him . It’s maddening, how well you flaunt yourself like this, like you’re dangling yourself in front of him, all his for the taking. 
You don’t know how he wants to bend you over and blow your back out in the middle of this fucking store, in the middle of the mall, in the back parking lot, or the parking deck. Anywhere. Everywhere. But you’re not his yet, but you’re dangling yourself in front of him like a tempting sin and he can’t take it. 
Not his mind, his body, his heart, his soul, and definitely not his aching cock straining through his boxers. 
It doesn’t seem like you notice either as you stride up to him, stars in your eyes as you show him another bag before putting it back. 
“Are we going to the other stores? Are you getting bored?” you ask, looking very much like you’re bouncing off the walls. Much like him when he’s consumed way too much sugar. 
“Of course. Anything,” he replies immediately repeating the same damn line but not before glancing away. “I have to take a quick trip to the washroom first. Do you want to grab a bite to eat too?”
You nod, following him out. You take the bag he was holding and wait for him by the restrooms. 
Thank God, you’re out of his line of sight for the moment. And the stalls are empty. Doubly thank God . No one has to watch someone as esteemed as Satoru Goio (not that the mortal world would know anything at all about someone like him) fist a few just because he can’t control himself. What is he, some kind of hormonal schoolboy? What the fuck! He’s got more class than this! 
Resorting to something like this… 
It’s unbecoming. So very unbecoming of a man known to be the strongest in this physical and metaphysical world. 
He can be quiet about all of this, even still. He just… 
He just needs to take care of this before he loses his fucking mind and takes you for himself. 
(Maybe he might have already been plotting how to do that. To shield you from a world who only looks at you one way and no other way.)
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On some occasions, Shoko joins you and Gojo when he wants a little company. Shoko has said before that she considers him dear even if she playfully declares he’s trash like any other man. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t make time for him, though. Especially when there’s alcohol involved and she doesn’t have to worry about paying those ridiculously expensive tabs. 
You have gotten used to going out with them on work nights (which is honestly every night with Gojo, at least), and you have come to realize his expectations each time. This time you have gotten some pointers on how to make yourself a bit more put together with these transitions from Shoko and you can’t be more grateful. You haven’t delved into the world of beauty all that much before this, mostly because you’ve had no reason to and you only stuck to the bare basics, but now you have a bit more of a social life than you once had. 
And maybe you want to catch Gojo’s eye in another way and not just in terms of your potential as a sorcerer. 
You glance over your shoulder, frowning as you take note that Gojo has yet to pop out into the front schoolyard where you planned to meet together before driving off. The nighttime air is crisp but a bit nippy; you’re scrunching your nose each time you feel a feathery light gust of wind tickle your face, and the thick layer of foundation you beat all over your face to death with a beauty sponge isn’t doing you many favors in the world of uncomfortable sensory feelings. A part of you wants to claw your face off because you’re not used to full glam looks, even if this is a softer glam look. You prefer the light every day getup, ‘no makeup makeup’ or whatever these trendy girls call it, you wish you were as cool and trendy as they are but you feel like you fall behind on what’s cool all the time. 
You twist back around while admiring Shoko with stars in your eyes. God, you have so much inner work to do yourself! She seems to know everything about how to bring out your best self and she embodies an absolute goddess in your eyes. She’s an ethereal presence. Her chestnut brown hair flowing down to her buttocks, her slim figure and her heart shaped face are all downright enviable. She can have anyone she wants, and she probably knows it too. 
Man, what you’d give for confidence like hers. Gojo does have a point from before–a negative self image is no good and can interfere with your progress as a sorcerer yourself. Even if you’re not all that interested in power scaling, you still want to be able to protect the students and yourself when the situation calls for it. 
Shoko calls your name, and you snap back to reality, blinking owlishly as she lights herself another cigarette to burn through–how many of those has she had in one day already? Is she one of those types to smoke entire packs within a night or a whole 24 hours? It’s not like they’re actually going to kill her or anything from what you understand about reverse cursed technique, but that doesn’t mean destroying your body over and over just for the shits and giggles. 
“Why do you go hang out with Gojo without another thought?” Shoko asks you out of the blue as you grow increasingly impatient waiting for Gojo to get here–he’s probably working on wrapping up some things for future missions this week or something–and you purse your lips as you shrug off her question. 
“Everyone needs a friend,” you decide is your simple response. Shoko stares blankly at you but you remain firm in your answer. You don’t believe it needs any further elaboration. And technically, it really shouldn’t. You’re just not that kind of girl. The kind to just take advantage of someone just because you can get away with it. There’s nothing “in it” for you at all. Stripping away all of your layers, you’re truly just a simple girl at your core. 
But for some reason, Shoko doesn’t buy that answer right away. 
“Really? Are you absolutely sure about that? Is there something in it for you?” she prods, and of course you’re right on the money of her being unsure, but her tone isn’t accusatory or anything—she’s just trying to seek an understanding of your motives and truthfully you have none. Nothing outright malicious or self-motivating, anyway, like she likely suspects. “Don’t get me wrong. Satoru’s a dear friend of mine but he usually bribes me with drinks or the nicer cigarettes when I’m not particularly interested in doing something with him involved.”
“No,” you declare, once again, with full confidence, swiping a pocket mirror from your clutch and pouting your lips, touching up on your lipstick which has already smudged off a bit. It’s a nude shade that complements your features; you’re still a student when it comes to these things but the tips Shoko has offered you for a more “office appropriate” look has helped plenty. Besides, Gojo has bought you all of those nice luxury brands that are typically so out of your budget; why not put them to daily use like you should so they don’t go to waste and expire because you’re too afraid to use such nice things? 
You recall all of those suggestions of hers—a medium-buildable coverage skin tint, a natural, luminary blush, two mascaras that separate, lengthen, thicken, and hold your curls without getting too clumpy or smudge throughout the day. All put together with a soft glam eye shadow look. It’s perfect. The girl’s a fucking genius at this stuff. 
“Then why?” Shoko prods again, a little too insistently. You wonder why the fuss. Just like she must wonder why the fuss! Is Gojo that bad of a person to be around because you genuinely haven’t gotten that vibe? If anything else, he’s become a comfort to you. You have been kind of used to being alone too. It doesn’t feel as sad as it sounds, not like how it must feel for Gojo. 
You try not to seem a little dejected by the fact that Shoko is suspicious of you. It’s not like she knows you well, though… 
“Because it’s like I just said, everyone needs a friend! The kind of friend who doesn’t want anything from them in return, or at least doesn’t expect it,” you continue to her after stashing the tube of lipstick and pocket mirror back into the Chanel clutch you still are absolutely positive Gojo sent you after your last outing together. “He just, I don’t know. He seems kind of… I don’t know. Alone. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
“We hardly have the time for our own struggles,” Shoko remarks, turning away with a wistful expression. “Why do you think I smoke so much?”
“Maybe that’s the problem with all of you guys,” you point out, not meaning to try to read people to filth here or anything like that as you’re fluffing your hair a little bit. You’re just starting to see a pattern. Ugh, these fucking flyaways! How does Shoko’s hair always look so perfect even in these conditions? That’s something else to ask advice about from her later… “You guys are too caught up in your own lives to notice what’s going on right in front of you. I’m not saying that to call anyone out; it’s just the way everyone’s wired, anyway. Human nature and stuff. We are too busy worrying about ourselves to worry about everyone else all the time. if we did that then we can’t live our damned lives, and that just can’t do. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to remind the people in your life that you care about them.”
Shoko frowns in response to that, burning through her current cigarette which is already halfway gone. Bits of ashes drop unceremoniously to the ground as she puffs out some smoke, mulling over your words, and something flashes in her eyes, like she’s flipping channels of so many memories in her mind but for some reason you doubt it involves Gojo and probably some other people she considers close to her.
“That’s a fair point, I guess,” she grunts, her eyes flashing again with something–something like grief or regret ? Over what? Do you pry or just keep it to yourself? 
“Is there something I’m missing about Gojo?” you finally demand of her, your tone thick with curiosity as ever like you’re trying to debug some kind of code. “You guys all keep rambling on about how he’s this peculiar character and yeah, I’m not denying it but what sorcerer isn’t a little crazy? Don’t you have to be in a profession like this, one where the majority of the population would write off as utter hocus pocus?” 
Shoko processes more of your rapid fire questions before shrugging, taking another shot at her cancer stick between her fingers which is nearly gone now. She burns through those like Gojo burns through all those sugary foods he ingests practically every second of every day.
“Spend more time with him and find out,” Shoko answers, probably more flippantly than she intends to sound, flicking more ash off of her cigarette as a wry smile plays on those juicily glossed lips of hers. You almost want to pout at how she seems to have everything figured out for herself–from the way she carries herself to the way she shows up for herself too. Dark sultry eye makeup with a flawless makeup base and when she decks herself out, she decks herself out . You can’t recognize her sometimes outside of work when she’s having too much fun cutting up dead bodies and putting together autopsies or beautifying dead bodies or whatever else she does as a healer  “It’s never a dull moment. Love the guy to death, but even I have my limits with him.”
“No one is easy to be around,” you admonish with a sigh. “Not even me. I know my shortcomings or at least the ones I’ve been made aware of thus far. With that kind of logic, you won’t have anyone around you.”
“That’s…also a fair point,” Shoko acknowledges with a nod, more bits of ashes dropping to the concrete below. “I guess I might have some reflecting to do. But you know, I have noticed Gojo becoming a little more relaxed these days. You’re probably why.”
“Oh, come on,” you giggle, hinting at a bit of uncertainty. “I’m just little old me.”
“And that might be someone Gojo needs,” she adds with a little wink, before her gaze flits to your purse. “You still haven’t made a guess on who’s been sending you these expensive gifts? Who else do you know likes to spend money without any regard for how much it is?”
You follow her gaze to the purse before shaking your head in response. 
“Well of course I know it’s Gojo,” you admit bashfully as you ponder her other words. Gojo is a perfectly capable man who doesn’t rely on anyone. Surely he doesn’t need someone like you around, right? “No one else around here is made of money like he is. And I doubt someone like Gojo needs someone like me.”
“How can you be so sure?” she teases in a singsong tone. “I’m just saying—he clearly doesn’t hide the fact, either.”
You don’t really know how to respond or react to that. You aren’t going to deny it, not really. Gojo has been a lot more attentive with you than anyone else, and he’s known Shoko since they went to high school right here at Jujutsu Tech together. She has to know so much more about him than even she cares to know about Satoru Gojo and maybe there’s a part of you that wants to badger her for all of the information she might have on him for… reasons .
Hm. Maybe there is something in it for you, but you expect absolutely nothing regardless. You don’t want to be like those people who try to be someone’s friend just to get with them. That’s not really being someone’s friend. That’s being a total weirdo and no one wants to be that guy.
“I should say I also commend you for a character like yours,” Shoko admits after a moment of reflection–maybe she does have to check in with herself too more than you realize. There must be a lot she’s hiding from everyone too. “We don’t see authenticity like that around here these days so it’s probably a breath of fresh air for Satoru too.”
“I hope you’re not insinuating what I think you are, Miss Ie—I mean, Shoko,” you stammer as a blush rushes to your cheeks. 
“I’m not insinuating anything,” she teases, pinching your cheek. “But it has been a while since Satoru has acted like this. Not since…” She holds off on finishing that thought, which again piques your interest but you don’t poke and prod the bear with the stick, and instead she settles with: “Yeah, not since a while.”
Your forehead wrinkles a bit as you ponder her words. 
Now you’re only left in the dark much more than you already have been in the world of jujutsu sorcerers. You are still a fledgling yourself, yet right off the bat Gojo determines you should be bumped up to grade 2. Not only that but you learn that Satoru Gojo is something like a quasi-religious figure around here, possessing both the Limitless and Six Eyes cursed techniques which hasn’t been a thing for centuries, apparently. He’s the strongest special grade out there to exist, but he has admitted to you and to the higher ups that there are going to be many who surpass the special grade rank and by extension may surpass him. He expects that of Itadori, Fushiguro, and Okkatsu, in particular, but he hopes for that for the future generations as a whole. 
Still, these don’t really fill in many blanks for you. You don’t understand why everyone’s got their reservations over Gojo; if anything, he’s so arrogant and haughty because he can back up his claims and that must grind everyone’s gears. To a certain extent you can understand the frustration everyone has with him, but that can’t be all there is to it. Then again, you have only been on Jujutsu Tech grounds for what, five months or something like that now, tops? You still have so much to see in how he interacts with the others. Other superiors, other colleagues, but with his students, they seem to enjoy his company… (well, at least Itadori seems to; the second years have a few choice words on how to describe him.)
“Did I leave you ladies waiting?” you hear a voice call out to the two of you. 
Your head snaps up to find Gojo carrying dozens of bags hooked around all of his slender fingers. You can’t help but giggle at the sight because it reminds you of the times you did the same thing to spare you another trip to the trunk with all of your purchases. 
“What’s all this?” you question with a smile. Gojo pauses before answering, as if a little taken aback by a change in you. Probably he’s noticed you put a little more effort to look more business appropriate, actually with a full face of (hopefully passable) makeup… 
“You look lovely, I-I mean, as always, of course,” he coughs before he sets all of the bags aside. “And ah, I just tend to splurge a little. Stuff for the school, stuff for the students, stuff for me…” 
“That’s sweet of you,” you comment before you cradle the Chanel clutch in both your hands and present it to him. “So does this mean you actually are the one responsible for this?”
Gojo’s face falls for a split second before bouncing back. “Did you not like the color choice? I still have the receipt and I can change it o—!”
—You raise your hand to cut him off. 
“I only started using these because I have no idea if I should return these to you, but now I do,” you interject with a little chuckle. “If this is your way to thank me for hanging out with you all of those times, I don’t need an incentive for it, Gojo. I’m happy to hang out with you because we’re friends, aren’t we?”
Gojo beams at that. “Of course we are! Just, you know! Don’t worry about the gifts. Use ‘em or don’t—I just like giving gifts, and um, you deserve them, and stuff.”
“And stuff?” Shoko quips, shooting Gojo a look with a little wraggle of those perfectly groomed eyebrows of hers. Gods you’re so jealous of her effortless beauty. “Real suave, Satoru.”
“Like you know how to charm a girl’s pants off,” Satoru shoots back. 
“I think we know who gets more pussy between the two of us,” Shoko deadpans.
You can’t help snorting at that. Why do people find this guy so off-putting? It honestly seems like he tries really hard to bring some light into the situation since life as a sorcerer is far from peaceful. If he finds you refreshing, then you find his character just as refreshing right back. 
“Girl, yes, show ‘em,” you cackle into your hand. Shoko grins at your words of encouragement and Gojo’s posture slumps at that. 
“No more expensive alcohol for you,” he huffs like an insolent toddler, folding his arms over his chest. Shoko doesn’t seem all that bothered, shrugging him off. 
“I’ve been meaning to swear off that stuff anyway.” At some point between all of the silly banter she’s tossed the butt of her cigarette away and admits that she’s finished another pack. 
“God, you really have to nip that nasty habit in the bud,” Gojo suggests with a sly little grin and a cock of his head. Shoko rolls her eyes. 
“Cry me a river. We all have our thing. Mine’s smoking. Yours is sweets. One step at a time or whatever,” she answers, brushing her hair behind her shoulder. “Are you two ready to go?”
“Where do you plan to keep all of those bags?” you query, and Gojo’s eyebrows flash. 
“I’ll take care of it,” he replies after considering your question. “Let me do that real quick, actually.”
Gojo strolls off with those items and returns just moments later with a thumbs up. Shoko has a look on her face that you almost want to call her out on but you decide to hold your tongue for the time being. You tap your foot on the earth beneath you as Gojo shuffles back to the two of you after storing away all of those various ‘goods’ he’s stocked up on that you can’t help but be a little curious about. Gojo tosses you a little grin and you find yourself grinning back, and as soon as that happens you can feel Shoko’s scrutiny seep deeper and deeper into your soul and you are absolutely tempted to call her out on it until Gojo speaks up.
“Okay, now I’m ready to go!” Gojo announces, his gaze fixing on you, which Shoko definitely takes into account as she’s still assessing you with that fucking look in her eyes that says ‘ nothing in it for you, huh? ’  “I was just kidding about the no expensive alcohol part, Shoko.”
“I figured,” Shoko chuckles, “Now stop eye fucking her and let’s go.”
You hide your face as it reddens an even darker shade, if that’s even possible at thai point.
“I-I was not!” Gojo blubbers and Shoko cackles back at his face as his posture slumps a bit again. Even if you're suppressing the urge to bust up laughing at his reaction, mostly because you do not expect it, acting like he’s been caught red handed doing something completely unforgivable. 
“Uh-huh,” Shoko scoffs as she saunters off with the two of you following close behind her. 
You catch Gojo sneaking a few glances at you. You don’t seem to mind that at all and are actually feeling your heart soar to the heavens. But you notice something else. Him inching a pinky toward yours. You try to bite back a little hint of a grin but fail, so you initiate, curling yours around his and you can hear the faintest sound of a contented sigh escape his lips. 
Shoko’s back is still to the both of you, her hips flouncing as she walks like she has no care for the world what the two of you do. You hope you’re not giving her the impression that she’s the third wheel because it’s not like the two of you are together or anything like that. As far as you know. You have already written off the possibility of you and Gojo ever being a thing. He’s so far out of your reach but he seems happy being all touchy with you like he is your boyfriend and for some reason you don’t have an issue with that. 
Well of course you don’t have an issue with that. This is the closest you’re ever going to get, and that’s perfectly all fine and good with you. Besides, you have reminded yourself that you’re not in it for yourself. Gojo is happy to have found some kind of comfort in you, and that’s your goal. 
“Sheesh, Shoko’s too eager to get absolutely shitfaced on all that beer,” Gojo leans in and whispers into your ear. “But she has the strongest alcohol tolerance I have ever seen. Reverse cursed technique is pretty dang awesome once you get the hang of it, but it’s easier said than done. Took me forever to figure out how to use it.”
”Are you gossiping about me back there, Satoru?” Shoko accuses as she tosses her head over her shoulder. 
“No ma’am,” he vows, “Just giving her the 411 on your drinking abilities.”
”So you’re admitting to gossiping, you useless shitstain,” Shoko snorts but she doesn’t seem to take it that seriously. You still aren’t sure what the dynamic is between them, but they do seem closer than everyone else here. 
“Oops!” Gojo hollers back at her with a little snicker. “Keep walking those thick ass fucking thighs of yours so we can get to our ride, pissface.”
”Oh, that’s a new one! And you wish you had these thighs, fuckface!” Shoko shouts with her tone laced in sarcasm as they approach the parking deck. She refuses to allow Gojo to ‘warp’ them everywhere. You have yet to experience what that’s like. Having cursed techniques like Gojo’s must come with so many perks like getting to mimic flying and shit. You still are not sure what you can do with your techniques.
Now you’re practically in stitches at their exchanges. They’re riots around each other. Shoko’s not kidding about there never being a dull moment, but why does she say so with it laced with some negative connotations? There must be something you’re missing in this picture but you’re not putting two and two together. All you know is that you enjoy Gojo’s company and Gojo enjoys your company just as much, and just because everyone else keeps their distance doesn’t mean that you have to because you don’t find Gojo burdensome like everyone around you seems to. Maybe there’s something there, something where you have yet to scratch the surface and unravel, but who the hell knows? 
As you follow Shoko, you don’t miss Gojo’s hand grazing your pinky now dropping to rest on the small of your back. You peer up at him with curiosity twinkling in your stare; what’s going on in his mind? Why’s he–? Suddenly that sharp prickle of goosebumps scatter across your arms as you catch onto some men staring you down around the block. 
Your eyes flit to different areas of the street ahead once you exit Jujutsu Tech grounds; is he trying to make a statement, or something? 
“Gojo?” you mutter, as you attempt to shy away from his touch. “No one’s going to try anything, you know?”
His mouth twitches as he glances down at you, slipping his hand away and allowing it to fall back to its side. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles back, “You never know with men , you know? You can trust me on that one.”
Should you have paid closer attention you may have caught onto the fact that he might be calling himself out there. But you shrug off his behavior as you finally approach where Shoko parked her sedan in one of the parking garages, but Gojo’s still on high alert, scouting any potential threats like you’re easy prey or something.
You just give him one final curious glance before hopping into the backseat, Gojo deciding to join you back there. Shoko starts her car and pulls out of the parking area, not before making some quip to Gojo about something you have no context over, and neither bother to fill you in on the topic. It’s probably not something that concerns you anyway; you’re going to focus on a night out with your friends.
And they are your friends. You’re glad Shoko considers you as one, and that Gojo thinks of you as one. Even if it is still way too intimate to call him Satoru for some reason no matter how much he insists you absolutely can call him that. You really are adjusting to life here a little better than you think, and while the progress may be gradual, you have a feeling it’s just going to get better for you from here.
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t-r99 · 2 days ago
A Rare Treat
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Oliver Aiku x reader
the things this bitchass manwhore does to me
i sincerely believe that being friends with occasional benefits with aiku would be the definition of angst because of genuine feelings but nothing being done about them because he's a whore
and yes, sex with friend aiku would absolutely turn soft
i haven't written anything in a hot minute and this feel bleh but but. aiku smut it always a joy☺️
warning: mild smut
wc: 780
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Being friends with Aiku is fun because if you ever feel lonely or sexually frustrated he'll just stand there while beaming like Yumichika from Bleach like this,
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He's there before you've even said anything and he is ready to go.
Lord have mercy on your insides, because Aiku sure won't.
It's a strange mix between gentle and roughness. Oliver's touch is soft as his hands roam all over your marked skin that's starting to bruise where he eagerly gripped and groped earlier and he's placing gentle kisses over the deep purple marks left by his mouth where he sucked and nipped all over your neck.
As already stated, Aiku is a very weird mix of two different things. He will smirk and pinch your nipples one moment, quickly capturing your lips in a fierce kiss and swallow up your cute little moans, and then he will pull away and move down to soothe your nipples gently.
He's been teasing you, tormenting you for ages now and hasn't even fucked you yet, the bitch. It's fun for him and he relishes in your little gasps and cute little noises.
"J- Just get on . . . with it." You can barely form a proper sentence.
Aiku looks up at you, a playful look in his dual coloured eyes. "In a hurry?"
He's fucking hot like this. "No . . . No, I . . ." Damn, he looks really good.
"Just lie down and be good for me." He smirks. "I don't get to do this often."
Now that's a damn lie. "You sleep around-"
"Yeah," Oliver moves further down, leaving a trail of soft kisses after him. "but this is my once in a blue moon treat."
This has happened a few times before, and every time you end up just as flustered as the first time you slept with him.
He stares down at you intensely and you feel shy under his gaze, suddenly wanting to hide, and Aiku loves that. It just makes you even cuter than you already are. "Shy all of a sudden?" His eyes narrow and he slaps the side of your thigh playfully. "Weren't you begging me to fuck you a second ago?"
Bitch. "Shut up . . ." You mumble.
Maybe he has dragged it out for too long. He's so unbelievably pent up that it hurts.
"Shit." Oliver whispers. He's rock hard and dying to be inside you. "See what you do to me?"
You can feel it, giving a needy, "Put in it." when Aiku only teases you further.
"So impatient."
You might actually end up hating him if he doesn't fuck you soon. "Aiku," All you want is to feel him inside you. "please."
That'll do it.
He's weak to your pleas. How could he ever deny you when you beg so softly and look up at him like that?
The sound of your pretty moans are sweet heaven and like music to his ears when he finally pushes in. Damn, he might just cum on the spot, it's been too long since he got to do this.
"We need to do this more often," Oliver whispers and pecks your lips. "I almost forgot how good this feels."
You're already gone, overwhelmed by being filled up alone and only able to pick up one word from him. "More?" You mumble in a daze, thinking he asked a question. "I want more."
Say less.
You're just so warm and tight around his cock that fits perfectly inside, pushing ever deeper until you feel impossibly full.
Aiku catches you off guard when he pulls away and the warmth of his skin leaves you. "Just a little . . ." He mumbles to himself and sits up straight. "change."
"Huh . . . ?" He handles you like you're nothing and you find yourself pushed further into the mattress with your feet up in the air and legs over his broad shoulders.
This guy is canonically the physically strongest player at Blue Lock, he's going to kill you from this new angle with how hard he pounds into your needy hole that clenches around him so tight he almost loses his composure.
"Fuck, y'feel good." Oliver pants. "'f you keep squeezin' like that I won't last."
All you can do is let out a string of moans that only turns him on further.
Aiku reaches his limit. He always cums embarrassingly fast with you, that's the effect you have on him.
He's cute like this, cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink, eyes fluttering closed as he pants a string of endless, "You feel so good." that only ends when you reach up to hold his flushed cheeks.
"Give me . . ." You whisper breathlessly. "Give me everything."
Your wish is his command.
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lunas-reading-room · 2 hours ago
You were so engrossed with the bottle in your hand, a new product Aemond had loaned you, that you didn’t hear the secret passage door open behind you, nor you did saw Aegon’s sun burnt face emerge from the shadows.
I can definitely imagine Aegon is always sunburnt on some part of his body because he forgets to put on sunscreen :D
He ordered you to crawl towards him, and you were on your knees in seconds, moving slowly, with your naked arse up in the air, until you were face to face with his engorged member and his long fingers found home in your locks.
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When you open the hidden door, you don’t expect to see Aemond on his knees, being fucked mindlessly by Aegon, who has one hand around his long throat, and the other clawing at his slender hips; against Aemond’s chest, his medallion slams in tandem with Aegon’s punishing rhythm.
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If I walked in on them like that, I’d think I’d died and gone to heaven 🥵
You smile, cruelly at the way Aemond looks at you, scared and desperate to lose control too soon, your hand pure torture against his red cock. “He wouldn’t mind be your flashlight, wouldn’t you Aemond? Let your big brother use your body to get himself off.”
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“It would be nice to return home to your naked on our sofa.” Aegon says with dreamy eyes. “All on display.” “I’m not and I will never be your kept toy, Aegon.” “My brother doesn’t mean it like that” “I do!” “My brother is an idiot.” “I’m not! We can provide for you!” “What he means to say is that it would be nice to come back home to you, after you’re done with your coursework for the day, obviously.” “No! No! I would never leave home if there’s a set of knockers like this available!”
I’m glad reader has their head on straight, because I would have instantly given in 😂
“You’re in luck we’re almost due back to King’s Landing.” Aegon adds, a wolfish expression now adorning his beautiful face. “No more pesky mosquitoes; I can’t wait to see you go to your classes still dripping with our seeds.”
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“Let’s see how many fingers you can take, issa dōna, my sweet.”
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You decide to zoom out until they’re done with their bickering and food is here: you’ll need to hone this skill, a lot, if you’re going to date them both. Luckily you still have time and, hopefully, the rest of your lives to become a master at that!
I love all three of them together! Reader is living my the dream!
You served me a three course meal with this, and I thank you profusely. I loved it 💕
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Paring: Aegon II Targaryen x reader x Aemond Targaryen, Aegon II Targaryen x Aemond Targaryen
Synopsis: follows from this fic. The summer is ending and so should your secret relationship with Aegon and Aemond, right? Yet again the brothers manage to surprise you yet again.
Warnings: Targaryen incest (Aegon and Aemond have an established relationship), kissing, handjob, overstimulation, orgasm denial, scratching, biting, titty sucking, fighting, anal (M receiving), p in v sex, brothers bickering, creampie, a bit of chocking if you squint, cock and balls slapping, a bit of post orgasm torture, smoking, fingering (F receiving), talk of double V penetration, talk of pegging, talk of anal (F receiving), talk of titty fucking.
A/N: reader is AFAB but not described. Where needed they/them pronouns used
Baela and Rhaena have you cornered, using the excuse of a day trip to a small bay no one else wanted to visit, because nobody wants to ride a bike for two hours in the stifling heath, but you and your best friends.
They orchestrate their attack, waiting patiently for you to lay under the shadows of a big tree, sunglasses on and ready to have a nap.
“What’s going on between you three?”
Of course Baela asks directly, causing you to sit up and push your glasses over your head. You try to fake a calm you don’t feel; you and the Targaryen brothers haven’t been as covert as you three believed, if your friends are sniffing something.
“What’s going on between whom?” “You, Aegon and Aemond. You’re always spending time together, more than you do with us.” Rhaena says.
You take a big breath and try to sit more comfortably: you hate to lie to your friends, but you’re not ready to discuss whatever is happening in your sex life.
“Girls, we’re the only ones who don’t have a partner here, it’s only natural that we gravitate towards one another.” You raise your hands before either of the two can interject. “I’m not saying you’re ignoring me, or anything, only that I understand that you both need that kind of space, before uni starts again and you will not have as much time to spend with your lovers.”
“You’re far too exceptional to spend time with those two losers.” Baela snorts. “Like Aegon! What do you have in common with him?”
“He’s far more insightful than what you give him credit for. And we talk stupid nonsense, which is refreshing for my brain.”
The memory of your last ‘nonsense talk’ with Aegon resurfaces in your mind.
You were in your room in Dragonstone, sat in front of the big vanity table, desperate to salvage both the damage caused to your hair by the sea salt, despite your diligent routine, and the inflamed skin, due to the mosquitoes and the love bites the Targaryen brothers left constantly on you.
You were so engrossed with the bottle in your hand, a new product Aemond had loaned you, that you didn’t hear the secret passage door open behind you, nor you did saw Aegon’s sun burnt face emerge from the shadows.
“What are you doing?”
It was an instinctual response to turn around and throw the bottle in the general direction of the voice, screaming like a vengeful ghost; you realized a fraction too late it was Aegon, who had managed to avoid your projectile, and was now looking at you with accusatory eyes, making you feel like you had stepped on a puppy’s tail.
“Are you out of your mind? Scaring me like this?”
You were still running on the adrenaline spike and were panting.
“I always use this passage! Are you out of your mind?” “You always texted me to tell me first!” “I did! When you didn’t respond I decided to pop by anyway!”
You glanced at your phone, noticing only now the red dot of the unread message; you were probably showering when he sent that.
“I could have been here with Baela and Rhaena. I could have been with Aemond.” You answered, your voice taking a sultry tone when the younger Targaryen gets nominated.
You noticed the shift in his posture: he was not the kicked puppy any longer, he stood proud and was eyeing you shamelessly.
“The twins are with their stupid lovers, and if Aemond were here, he wouldn’t mind me joining in midway.”
You stood up, clad only in your bathrobe, the soft cotton teasing the heavenly sight of your naked breast, and sauntered towards Aegon, who was staring at the skin emerging as the knot loosened.
“You scared me Aegon. How do you plan to gain my forgiveness?”
You didn’t plaster your body against his, you made sure that only a sliver of space remained between the two of you.
“How do you want me to?” He groaned, his erection at full mast against the cotton of his trunks.
Your index finger traveled down his chest, slowly, teasingly, as you pretended to ponder his request.
“Get on the bed. Be ready to put that big mouth of yours in good use.”
You have to hastily focus back on the conversation when Rhaena asks you what you find so interesting in Aemond, of all the people.
“We discuss poetry. And literature. We have long talks about the genres and authors we prefer.”
Your brain supplies you with your last, lengthy ‘conversation’ with him.
After the first tryst, you and the boys had agreed on a signal only you three, would be able to understand, to meet up: it was the book emoji, the one that was now blinking at you from the text message Aemond had sent you.
You were chatting with Helaena and Jace, sitting under the lovely arbor at the back of the sprawling mansion; you had to come up with an excuse to leave them, but you took your time, least Aemond started to believe you were at his beck and call.
You walked calmly to Aemond’s room, careful to use the longer route in fear of meeting one member of the family, or another.
He was annoyed that you had kept him waiting, you could see in the way his eyebrow was raised and in the smirk on his lips.
He was sitting on the huge wooden chair that resembled a throne, the one that stood right in front of the door, wearing a long red coat, only the button on his tummy fastened, his erection proud against the ivory of his skin.
“It could have been someone else.” You said, already mesmerized by his beauty. “Their problem.” He shrugged. “Take your clothes off and come here.”
Slowly, too slowly for someone only wearing a short dress, you started to take your clothes off, teasing your bare skin to his hungry eye.
He ordered you to crawl towards him, and you were on your knees in seconds, moving slowly, with your naked arse up in the air, until you were face to face with his engorged member and his long fingers found home in your locks.
“Are you sure everything is all right?”
Baela’s hand finds yours, holding it in a tight vise.
“Absolutely. It’s all in good fun. We chat and have a laugh. I promise you both nothing weird is happening.”
It’s not a lie, not when you don’t find fucking a couple of incestuous brothers to be strange.
You sigh in happiness when the cold walls of your room welcome you, after the long trek back to the enormous mansion.
The first thing you do is to take a long shower, humming a song as the water washes away the sea salt and the sweat on your skin; only when you are sitting in front of the vanity you grab your phone, curious to see if either brother has written something in the What’s app chat you three share.
You had to be careful, when you were with your friends, in case some inappropriate message were to pop up on your screen; usually it is Aegon who sends racy pics, as if he can’t fuck you, or Aemond, whenever he wants. He probably has a heightened libido, you think: whatever the reason, the video he sent of himself masturbating and moaning like a whore will star in many of your ‘self care sessions’, once this strange holiday is over.
Weirdly enough, both brothers have been quiet, which makes bells ring in your head: the chronology of the chat is full of them bickering, what’s different today?
With an unknown weight in your stomach you get ready fast and use the secret passage to Aemond’s room to check on them.
When you open the hidden door, you don’t expect to see Aemond on his knees, being fucked mindlessly by Aegon, who has one hand around his long throat, and the other clawing at his slender hips; against Aemond’s chest, his medallion slams in tandem with Aegon’s punishing rhythm.
It’s not the coupling that’s taking your words away, it’s the energy, the desperation, almost, that’s fueling Aegon’s pushes, his bared teeth and the red streaks left by his fingernails on Aemond’s white skin.
The whole room is saturated with the smell of sweat and sex, Aemond’s choked moans reverberate against the stone walls as his cock slaps painfully upwards with every brutal thrust: you’re wet, immediately, your nipples push against the cotton of your bra. It’s only the desperate hold you have on the door that keeps you upwards and stops you from joining the two brothers: as deranged as it is, you feel like you’ve stumbled upon something you shouldn’t have, the tail end of a discussion you weren’t privy of and, for this reason, you have no right to join, even through you want to with all your heart.
“Don’t stand, ah! There!” Aegon moans. “Come here! Fuck Aemond you’re so tight!”
As if in a dream, you remove your clothes and close the door behind you; your panties are soaked already and your honey slides down your legs with every careful step you take towards Aemond’s huge bed.
The younger Targaryen squirms and keens in his brother’s unforgiving hold, his mouth hangs open, saliva drips down his chin and on his dark sheets, mixing with the precome raining there: he’s the model of debauchery, with his pale skin covered in hickeys and his cock so engorged he’s ready to come.
“You started without me.”
You groan, kissing Aemond’s sternum, your hand jacking his erection slowly as he shakes and cries in overstimulation.
“He’s not allowed.” Aegon slaps Aemond’s arse. “I’m not done, yet.”
You smile, cruelly at the way Aemond looks at you, scared and desperate to lose control too soon, your hand pure torture against his red cock.
“He wouldn’t mind be your flashlight, wouldn’t you Aemond? Let your big brother use your body to get himself off.”
Aemond’s body vibrates against yours, his head falls forward in abandon when Aegon grants you permission to to as you wish with him: it’s not that common for Aemond to submit, when he does he’s pure perfection.
“I want you to come all over my tummy, Aemond. I want you you to paint my skin with your come. Will you be good for me?”
You jack him faster now, one hand tight around his erection, the other crushing and pulling at his heavy balls.
He squirms in the double hold, all he can feel are the cock defiling his hole, and your hands torturing him into his end; his come splatters against your overheated skin, the pleasure turning into pain when you don’t stop touching him, you simply slow down, deaf to his desperate cries.
Blindly he tries to stop your hands, earning a raining of slaps on his cock and balls, the pain a whiplash up his spine that has him cry, and almost pass out.
“Don’t you dare, Aemond!” Aegon pinches one of his nipples. “You know I hate fucking you when you’re out like a light!”
Your hands are gentle, yet persistent on his cock and stones, your skin hurts against his and you grow even wetter with every painful sound escaping his thin lips.
“I want you hard again. I want you to come all over my breasts. I know you can.”
With every second, every slap of Aegon’s skin against his, his cock grows, painfully, in your hold, your spit on his cockhead makes him scream, his brother’s dick pistoning inside of him forces moans and keens against your lips.
“I’m, ah! Ah! Almost there, little brother.” Aegon aims at his prostate now. “I hope, oh Gods! You’re ready!” “He is.” Your tongue licks Aemond’s engorged erection and he almost passes out. “Make him come, Aegon.”
Your words are all he needs, he explodes against your breasts, his come copious on your flushed skin, his arse a vise Aegon can’t escape, he follows him with a last, brutal push and a long groan of pleasure: he loves emptying his balls in Aemond’s arse.
Both brothers fall on the bed, Aemond sprawled on the ruined sheets, too lost to be capable of doing anything with his long limbs, Aegon next to him, barely coherent to remove the condom from his deflated cock and grab a smoke.
You have to curl against Aemond’s unresponsive body to light yours, the brothers having left you next to none space to lie down.
Silently you three smoke, you sharing your cigarette with Aemond, who is barely breathing the smoke in, Aegon is sat with his back against the wooden end of the bed frame; the quiet is companionable, yet you feel there’s something the brothers are not telling you, and that prompted the brutal fuck you witnessed.
“What happened?”
Someone has to rip the band aid, might as well be you.
“You didn’t come.”
Aemond’s voice is dreamy, he’s still floating in cotton and endorphins to be of any use. Gently, you offer him your nipple to nurse him back into himself, he latches on your skin, moaning when he tastes your sweat and his own come.
“I want to suck on your boobies too!” “If you tell me what happened I might feel generous and let you do that.” “That’s blackmail!”
You laugh at Aegon’s scandalized tone and hold Aemond tighter against your body, murmuring nonsense against the crown of his head.
“What a terrible thing to say! I’d like to call it a persuasive way to reach my goal.”
Aegon sulks, looking at his brother, and you, like a kicked puppy; he’s almost ready to cry in frustration when you exaggerate a moan, after one harsh suck from Aemond.
“What happened? I know something did, I can feel it.”
Aegon hides his frustration behind another cigarette, his face is still a mask of unhappiness at being left out.
“There’s been a discussion.” He starts. “I would call it a disagreement.” Aemond interjects.
He looks more like himself, that light mask of secrecy he always wears is back to hide his feelings; no matter the depraved things you two have been doing to one another, and to Aegon, you feel there’s a part of Aemond you can’t reach, not due to any fault of your own, but because that’s who he is, how he functions.
“It wasn’t a disagreement, and we both know it.” Aegon kills his cigarette in the ashtray with a nervous push that almost tumbles it on the floor.
You don’t know that they had come to blows, in the secret sanctum that’s Aemond’s room. You don’t know how Aegon had pushed Aemond against the wall, knocking his head against the stone while screaming to him to tell the truth about his feelings, for once in his life!
“Will you two please stop discussing semantics and tell me what happened?”
You have pushed yourself back to the headboard, so that you could look at the two of them from the angle of the mattress, your legs curled against our chest, hiding your naked front to them; for the first time you don’t feel comfortable with your skin bared.
The brothers share a long look, a silent dialogue passes through them, making you wonder whether they’re going to explain to you what has happened while you were gone, or if those last few weeks before the start of uni will be shadowed by this mystery.
“We were discussing, ow!” Aemond slaps Aegon’s tight when his older brother kicks him. “As I was saying, we were talking about the future. We thought there was a disagreement, we were wrong.”
He doesn’t look like he’s going to spill any more information, which spikes your curiosity immensely: what does he mean with ‘discussing the future’?
“Tell it the way it is!” Aegon snaps. “That we were fighting over us three, because you’re too constipated to express a single feeling!”
You’re stunned into silence: you three? Feelings? You were supposed to be fuck buddies until the end of the summer, nothing more. What has changed?
Aemond doesn’t look like he wants to be in the room, he wants to crawl away until he can safely re-emerge from his hiding spot, after his brother has thoroughly mad an ass of the two of them, because what Aegon wants to propose, you’ll never accept.
That’s what he had tried to explain to his older brother, before blows started to fly; the matter is not Aemond’s incapability to express his feelings, but the fact that Aegon’s idea is too mad to work.
Silence falls again, uncomfortable and full of unsaid words; Aemond’s room is build too deeply into the guts of the mansion, to let the sounds of the outside world sneak in, there’s only the rustling of the bedding and the click of a lighter being used.
“We usually fuck ‘em and forget ‘em.” Aegon blurts. “Good for you?” “You’re such an idiot brother!”
Aemond snaps, turning on his belly before kneeling on the mattress, wary of his sore arse.
“Then explain it yourself, Mr. Perfection!”
Aemond says something under his breath, too low for you to understand.
“We’ve always been together.” He starts, his eye focusing somewhere over your naked shoulder. “Sometimes we had someone jointing in, for a night of different fun. This is how it had always been, and how we envision it to be right from the beginning.” “Someone like me.”
It stings to say it, even though you have never expected anything from them.
“That’s the problem, you aren’t like those anonymous lays.”
Aemond’s eye now focuses on yours, sharp it takes in all your expressions.
“That first afternoon was supposed to be a once only. We were to have our fun and go on.” He continues. “We couldn’t.”
You’re still feeling lost, and a bit hurt by his words.
“You passed out.”
Now it’s Aegon’s turn to stare at you, there’s an insecurity in the way his whole face looks that you want to take his hand in yours to tell him that it’s all right, everything is fine.
“You were out like a light, on the bed.” Aegon says, proud. “And we knew we didn’t have enough of you, we needed more. It was a strange feeling, but the more we fucked, the hungrier we were.” “You have to understand that we never thought it could have happen. Even when one of us dated someone, it never worked out because we needed one another more. You were a curve ball, you were the unexpected, smart and pretty.”
“And so good in bed.” Aegon interjects. “You’re the perfect package deal. And my brother had his panties in a bunch when I proposed to open up the relationship to you.”
You don’t know what to say, there’s so much to unpack and you don’t know where to start.
“As in being fuck buddies?” You finally ask.
Both they faces fall: what did you say wrong?
“I told you they would never accept!” Aemond snaps at his brother. “I never said that!” “You had to be an asshole about it!” Aegon tries to kick Aemond. “Boys! Boys! Boys!”
You have to put yourself between them, physically keeping them from starting another fight.
“I don’t understand what you wanted to ask me.” “We want you to be with us! As in partner!” “Don’t snarl at me Aemond! How do you expect me to infer that, when you two never talked about any feelings you might have?” “That means you’d do it?” Aegon quips from your side.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes, trying to sort out the words you want to say.
“I have never expected this.” You start, cautious. “I have operated with the goal of keeping my heart safe, making sure I would not leave Dragonstone hurt. I never let myself imagine anything more than what we have been doing, I didn’t want to think about the future and my normal life back home. You two have to understand this when I tell you that I am willing to try, but that I can’t give you two an answer as to where my feelings are, because I have been keeping everything under lock and key, for my safety.”
You haven’t been looking at them, focusing your eyes on the stained sheets; you jump when Aemond’s warm hand gently cups your cheek to look into your eyes.
“You’d try, though.”
His voice is low and soft, what surprises you the most is the openness you see on his face: he’s never been like this with you, he’s never given you such a deep insight into himself.
“Slowly and gently I’m willing.” “So that means you’re not moving in with us?”
You shot Aegon a dirty look.
“You will need more than a handful of nice orgasms to have me sort out your dirty laundry, you dumbass.”
You find yourself flattened on the bed, both brothers having hugged you at the same time, taking you by surprise, in a heap of laughter and limbs.
“Here.” Surprisingly Aegon is the first to sober up. “Wear this.”
With gentle hands he removes his signet ring to push it on your thumb, Aemond is right behind him, taking off his chain and medallion to help it around your neck.
You observe the jewelry now adorning your body, savoring how right it feels against your skin, despite the fear and the uncertainty for the future.
“I can’t parade around wearing those. It’s too early.” “Then do it when you’re with us.” Aemond’s eye burns with heath now that his sigil is on your body. “You don’t need anything else behind closed doors.” “It would be nice to return home to your naked on our sofa.” Aegon says with dreamy eyes. “All on display.” “I’m not and I will never be your kept toy, Aegon.” “My brother doesn’t mean it like that” “I do!” “My brother is an idiot.” “I’m not! We can provide for you!” “What he means to say is that it would be nice to come back home to you, after you’re done with your coursework for the day, obviously.” “No! No! I would never leave home if there’s a set of knockers like this available!”
Aemond huffs and lays on his back, facepalming at his brother’s stupidity.
“I’m trying to sell us as a good bargain, Aegon. Shut up!” “No, you’re being boring. Our apartment is closer to the campus. Loads of space and a maid who takes care of everything. It’s the perfect deal!” “Aegon.” You say, patiently, turning your head to face him. “As tempting as your life is, I need us to take this slowly, see if there’s an actual future when our normal lives get in the way. The twins are already suspicious and I want to look into my friends’ eyes and tell them that, however unconventional our relationship is, it’s healthy and I am happy.” “You’re already calling us ‘a relationship’. I need the number of a moving company, immediately!”
Defeated you facepalm, mostly to hide your smile at Aegon’s antics.
“Aemond. Are you sure you and Aegon need to be a package deal? We can elope on an Essos freighter and be none the wiser!”
With a wince, Aemond turns to hide his face against the curve of your neck; he’s laughing and kissing your sweaty skin.
“We, unfortunately for you, are a package deal. You’re lucky you’re not going to have to listen to his idiocy for the whole day. He only happens to say something smart when he’s chocking on my cock.” “Don’t forget when I am being smothered by our beloved’s pussy!” “I’m serious, though. We haven’t been as thoughtful as we hoped to be. I am not sure for how long anyone is going to believe the hickeys are mosquito bites that I have scratched.” “Hmm, that sounds serious.”
There’s a light in Aemond’s eye, one that burns when he catches sight, again, of the pendant now resting between your breasts.
“You’re in luck we’re almost due back to King’s Landing.” Aegon adds, a wolfish expression now adorning his beautiful face. “No more pesky mosquitoes; I can’t wait to see you go to your classes still dripping with our seeds.”
You shiver at the idea of parading around campus wet and marked by their scents.
“You wish I’ll let you do that.” You moan in response. “Baby, I can be very convincing, trust me.”
Aegon’s face is so close to yours that kissing him is instinctual, so is moaning when Aemond’s curious fingers slip in your wet cunt and Aegon cups your left breasts with his free hand.
“I bet you can’t take four of my fingers, and four of Aegon’s in your pussy.” Aemond growls against your lips, when you turn towards him, hungry for his taste as well. “Would you like to check if I can take both of your monster cocks in me? Would you two like to fuck me like that?”
Aemond groans against your lips: who would have thought you’d have such a kinky brain? To be nestled in you, alongside his brother, would be heaven.
“Let’s see how many fingers you can take, issa dōna, my sweet.”
You arch as their fingers start caressing and teasing your hole, you moan breathless already when your cunt sucks their fingers in and squelches with your honey: you love letting go when you’re with them both, be more submissive, positive as you are that they’ll never let you fall, the knowledge makes the pleasure travel faster through your body and melt your brain. You want to be their plaything if that means they’ll make you come repeatedly and then cuddle you back into yourself; no one else has ever made you feel like this, no one has conquered your trusts as the brothers did.
They both kiss you, fast and hard, hungry as if they haven’t had a taste of you in months, instead of hours, sneaking their tongues in, licking the drool already seeping from your parted lips and the tiny drops of perspiration that roll down your neck: you’re burning up already for them!
“I wanna suck your cocks.” You beg, drunk on pleasure. “Please! I love sucking you off!”
Beside you Aegon moans, so close to orgasm already he can feel the precome leak from his cock head: your mouth! He must have done something good with his life, if he gets to use it!
“If you’re good, after dinner, you’ll be on your knees for us.” Aemond murmurs darkly in your ear. “Make a mess of me?” “Only if you remain in bed with us for the whole night, covered in our come.” “Yes, Aemond! Yes!” “You’re leaking all over our fingers.” Aegon groans. “Taking us so well.”
You’re so wet and loose already you barely feel the sting when he slips his pinkie in your stretched hole, you simply arch, hungry for their cocks.
“Come and ride me.” Aemond orders.
You can’t answer, you can’t move, not when both brothers are still finger fucking your cunt open, praising how welcoming and wet you are, how good you must taste after both their comes will paint your walls.
You squirm and wail, needing to come and to be filled, plugged closed until you pass out, drunk on pleasure.
You let out an unhappy sound when Aemond’s fingers leave your hole, covered in your honey, strings of it hanging from between his fingers when he spreads them.
“All the lube I need.” He growls.
He lays on the bed, legs spread, hand lazily jacking his erect cock; his lonely eye focused on his brother’s fingers still making your hole gape.
“Ah! Ah! Aemond… ah!” You cry out. “Ah! You’re… oh God! Sore!”
Aemond smiles, devilishly.
“I can take that when the prospect is watching you fucking yourself on me, your breast jiggling and framing my pendant. Come here.”
You whine, unhappy and desperate when Aegon’s fingers leave your hole: you were so close!
The older Targaryen brother kisses you, his weight and warmth ground you back into yourself, helping you calming the flames of lust burning inside your chest.
He’s patient when he has to help you turn on your fours and crawl to his brother; with his hands on the round globes of your arse he lifts your hips as you grab Aemond’s erection to position him for the taking.
You three moan in unison when Aemond breaches you, you’re so warm around him, he’s so hard, kissing your walls until he’s fully seated inside of you.
You try to move fast now that you’re full of him, but Aegon’s hands on your hips force you to slowly fuck yourself, his own hard cock nestled between the globes of your arse.
“You want to fuck, oh! Ah! My arse so bad it makes you look stupid!” You moan.
Behind you Aegon whines, his hands cupping your breasts as his brother takes control with his palms on your hips.
“Only if you fuck mine.”
You clamp around Aemond at the thought, forcing him to move your body faster, mesmerized by the pendant bouncing against your breasts. It’s a dream to see you like this, marked as his, lost to the pleasure he’s giving you.
“Can’t wait to fuck your tits tonight!” Aegon groans. “Ah! Yes!”
You’re starting to lose control, your mind flying already as pleasure mounts and mounts.
“Aegon loves having his arsed fucked. He’s so responsive when he’s full and knows he’ll feel you for days!”
Aemond’s words do you: you clamp around him, coming with a shrill scream of surprise, taking him with you, his come leaking from your pussy when he slips out, sated.
You’re so sweaty, sandwiched between brothers, loopy you kiss Aemond’s skin, following the drops of perspiration on his chest: it feels so good to be with them both, so right to feel Aemond relax under you, while Aegon kisses your neck playfully.
“Do you think you’re ready?” He asks.
He’s so hard it hurts to move, to think, to breathe, he wants your warmth, your cunt so perfect and velvety, needs to fill you with his seed, only to see it drip out of your overused hole.
“Yeah.” You try to lift your hips. “Do you want me like this?”
Aegon hugs you tight, his face hiding for precious seconds in the curve of your neck, where he can smell the tantalizing perfume of your skin.
“Let me help you.”
He’s so wired up he can barely turn you on your back, sliding your tired body off Aemond and on the mattress; not coming when your legs spread to show your cunt is a feat he can barely manage, your cute, hungry hole and puffy clit waiting for him to play with them!
He crawls to you when you lift your arms as if to invite him, his hands tremble on your skin, and on his cock, he feels drunk when your warm muscles envelope his erection, with every inch he feels control slipping from his fingers, he’s delirious when he bottoms out and your legs curl around his hips.
He cages you under his body, the need to see you experience the pleasure he’s giving you becomes more important than his own end: how you scrunch your face at his slow rhythm, feeling him in every crevice of your body, the ‘O’ of your mouth when you beg and moan, the tears and perspiration on your face as he moves.
Your lips biting his ring on your finger break his concentration; his rhythm falters and becomes faster, a slight tilt of his hips and he’s fucking your G spot dead on, howling at the pleasure and desperate for you to follow him.
“Close! Close!” You scream.
Your hips jump when his thumb finds your clit, fast and precise motions that have you tighten and scream, burning and burning, body twisting under his, clenching and screaming, Aegon’s teeth bared as if he’s in pain, his orgasm like white light that blinds him.
When he falls against you, you don’t care that you can barely breathe, you’re happy that this strange connection you three have is not finishing, that you will have the chance to be with them time and time again.
You’re not sure for how long you three lay on the bed, cuddling and dozing off as the day slowly dies outside.
When Baela texts you to ask if you’re ready for dinner, you smile and send a quick voice memo.
“Sis, I am knackered. I just need to sleep the long ride off. I’m going to bed now, the shower must have killed all my energy! See you all tomorrow!”
Beside you Aegon cackles and Aemond pulls you closer to his big body.
“I was thinking: why wait for after dinner, when you two can start making a mess of me right now?” “You’re so smart.” A full smile graces Aemond’s lips, cute dimples appearing on his cheeks. “A genius, really.” “Don’t start without me!” Aegon warns you two. “I’m going to ask the staff to bring the food here. We’re going to be famished!”
No one will truly notice, meals at Dragonstone during the summer aren’t a family affair, people are free to eat wherever they want, or to go to the closest town for a night out: Aegon asking to have food bought to Aemond’s room is the norm.
“We need Champaign.” He tells you and Aemond. “What for?” “Celebrate this new phase in our lives.” Aemond answers your question. “And to pour on your titties! If only we had pearls you could wear!” “Don’t start again with your ‘80s soft porn fantasies, brother!” “First of all, they’re full fledged porn! Second…”
You decide to zoom out until they’re done with their bickering and food is here: you’ll need to hone this skill, a lot, if you’re going to date them both. Luckily you still have time and, hopefully, the rest of your lives to become a master at that!
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morallysuperiorlips · 19 hours ago
8 Tips for Redeeming Your Villain (Without Pissing Off Your Readers)
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I won't lie, I love a good redemption arc for a villain. I love watching a formerly deplorable character atone for their sins and come to terms with the fact that they were wrong, and I especially love it when it doesn't come easy (as it shouldn't!). But I also know some writers might struggle with this, or worry about doing so in a way that won't aggravate readers or come out of left field. So, if you're struggling with this, here are some tips to help!
1.) Hint at redeemable traits early: All villains should be nuanced, in my opinion, but if you're going for a redemption arc, you should really dedicate some time to really showing those softer, redeemable sides of your villain from the beginning. It can be hesitation over their big evil schemes, or moments of really profound kindness in the midst of their cruelty. A villain that is too cruel from the get-go being redeemed will feel forced and likely uncalled for, so make sure you're going out of your way to show that the concept of "I can fix them" is actually possible.
2.) A strong motivation to change is a must: Nobody really makes an effort to change their ways unless they have a drive to do so, and the same should go for your villain. Don't make their mission to become "good" just a fleeting phase they happen to be going through (it's not like being emo, guys). Something needs to happen to them to drive them toward that switch. Maybe they realize the consequences of their actions and hate what they've done. Maybe the one person they want to save can only be saved if they change their ways. Maybe their beloved cat almost gets hurt during a scheme and they make the choice to change for their precious furry friend. You can really go nuts here!
3.) Remember "atonement, not apologies": Sometimes, "Sorry" isn't enough. In the case of a villain who might have done some pretty terrible shit in the past, I would wager it's most definitely not enough. While being remorseful is apart of atoning, it's not enough for them to just say "I'm sorry for trying to launch you into the sun" or "I'm sorry for committing arson on your base." Their actions also need to follow their apologies. They need to actually show that they're sorry, and are taking actions to fix the damage they've done. More than ever, their actions will speak louder than their dialogue.
4.) Remember that some actions are unforgiveable: There might come a moment in your villain's evildoings where they pass a point of no return. Some acts of villainy are just too far gone for chances of redemption. This doesn't mean that they can't have some version of redemption, but this just might come in the form of them accepting what they've done and making peace with it rather than being accepted and forgiven by those around them.
5.) Consequences don't just go away because they're nice now: No matter how kind your villain is choosing to be now, and how far they're willing to go to show that they've changed, they can't erase the past (of course, unless there is time travel at play, in which case...we'll talk). The consequences of their actions should still come back to bite them in some way, shape, or form, and they should still figure out how to work through them. Perhaps the villagers are still terrified of them, and likely will be for years to come. Perhaps the death of a loved one was indirectly caused by their wrongdoings, and they have to live with that.
6.) ...and neither does their core personality: At the end of the day, even though your villain is going through their redemption, they're still the same person they were as a villain. They still need to be the same ruthless or calculating or charismatic or dry or whatever kind of person they were to start. They just have less evil goals now. Write accordingly!
7.) The redemption needs to be EARNED: Redemption isn't something that just happens overnight. It needs to be treated like a practiced discipline. Your villain needs to try, fail, get up and try again, fail again, and keep trying. Maybe they almost give up at some point and try to relapse into evildoings. There needs to be a struggle as they come to terms with their actions, learn the correct way to atone, and find ways to make up for their terrible deeds. That way, when they've finally reached their peak of "good," it feels like it was deserved.
8.) Death does not always equal redemption: From years of reading, I've noticed that a common way to redeem a villain is just...killing them in an act of sacrifice. I feel like this only works if there's been a buildup to it. They can't just go out in a blaze of sacrificial glory and expect to be recounted as a hero when they were forcibly lobotomizing innocent children the day before. If your villains redemption arc does end in their death, the other tips still matter--there needs to be a buildup to it.
(If you like my guides, prompts, writing, or art, consider supporting the blog today! All donations help me keep this thing up and running and all are appreciated <3)
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lastofthewardens · 1 day ago
i know i should respect other people’s opinions but
probably (but unconfirmed) spoilers for born again below
i get so tired of hearing some of these stupid arguments about what this new show is doing to foggy.
“it’s never happened before, that makes it interesting!”
“where are the stakes in a fake death? if he dies he should stay dead.”
“they had to build stakes!”
“it’ll be interesting for matt’s character.”
“he died in the comics so it’s fine!”
like none of these people make any sense to me. just because it’s something ‘new’ doesn’t make it good. foggy being dead, EVER but especially in episode one, isn’t a good thing for the show. none of the other characters are or should be interchangeable with foggy nelson. by having him immediately gone, the show loses a dynamic it can never replicate, the show loses a bunch of stories they could’ve adapted, matt loses a relationship that can’t be filled by any of the other characters, one that makes the daredevil world much richer by being there. the “who cares if they kill foggy as long as the story is good” people drive me fucking crazy man. i’d never agree with that anyway because almost any daredevil story would be objectively worse without him but they’re also not thinking long term at all. this decision already sucks, but long term, this decision sucks even more.
and the stakes stuff is like.. i’m pretty sure most of the people who fought for this show to come back did not want it like this. why should foggy nelson, the most important side character in daredevil history, die on the altar of building stakes anyway? are they such horrible writers that the only way to build stakes is killing a main character? i even saw one of these ‘stakes’ people saying that the original show could’ve killed him too, they thought he was going to die multiple times in season 3 apparently, and it’s like … okay??? so you’re admitting the original show created stakes without killing off either foggy or karen? wow it’s almost like good writers can create stakes without losing lore important characters! i don’t believe the original show would’ve killed foggy ever. but also despite what has been said, this show isn’t even one that needed to come back with a big death to get people talking. this show would’ve been wildly successful just by existing off the original show’s reputation.
and then the whole thing about dying in the comics. these people definitely haven’t picked up a comic book in their life lol. they’re always referring to zd*rsky, and they always dishonestly leave out the fact that it was obviously not going to stick and it didn’t. like really? yeah foggy was totally going to be left in hell, for sure. not to mention that by the time you find out he died this gets resolved by him being saved from hell by matt literally i think five issues later??? in wildly dramatic fashion. so foggy ‘dying in the comics’ is just a completely dishonest framing of events. because it’s like yes but also basically no.
also like.. sure it might be interesting to see a matt who thinks foggy is dead. you can do that without ACTUAL DEATH???? the idea that it has to be real to be interesting is stupid. brubaker did this super well without permanent loss. i don’t know why we need it to be worse than that for it to be interesting.
idk maybe i’m crazy, but i’m so tired of these types of comments. matt is my favorite character, it’s his show, but he isn’t the only character that matters, and matt as a character needs foggy anyway. not any other character in his place. foggy nelson.
whatever. people watching this show seem to care way too much about the wrong things.
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thethingything · 11 months ago
I'm fatigued, my back hurts, I accidentally spent like 3 hours sat downstairs in a chair that made our back feel worse because our executive dysfunction prevented me getting up and going back upstairs even though I only went down there to get one thing, and now I really need to lay down but if I accidentally fall asleep again I feel like I'll wake up, realise I fell asleep and also that I feel like I wasted a big chunk of the day, and I'll end up feeling even worse again
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#posts made on pain meds#I went downstairs to get food but ended up having to wait longer than anticipated which is whatever#but then that meant I ended up sitting down and once we sit down it's like our brain stops being able to process that we can leave#I'll sit there the whole time going ''I need to get up and go back upstairs. I don't want to be sat here'' and just can't get up#I hate that this happens because while I know our executive dysfunction isn't our fault#and it's the exact same issue that stops us eating or drinking or going to the toilet or whatever when we need to#I still feel like I should be able to just get up and do the thing and just leave if I'm in a situation that I don't want to be in#and it's so hard to get other people to understand that I can't ''just leave'' because my brain just won't let that happen#like I want to but my brain won't register it as an actual thing I can do and it feels more like a weird abstract concept#than a thing I could actually do. it's like my brain can't connect the concept of the action to the act of doing it#and then I get frustrated because why can't I just do the thing that I know I should be able to do#and then I've spent hours not doing anything I meant to and mostly just feel like shit because of it and it keeps happening#and now I need to lay down and I know what's likely to happen if I do that#but I do need to listen to my body especially after getting stuck in a situation that makes our pain and fatigue worse#also we had to take pain meds earlier and that's definitely not helping with us feeling shit emotionally about all this#I hate having to navigate our brain and body just not functioning properly#I feel like we've had so little energy lately and it's reminding me too much of this time last year when we had that blood infection#I'm terrified of that happening again because we almost didn't get treatment because we started to assume it was just our new baseline#hmm apparently within like 5 minutes we've gone from ''ugh I wasted 3 hours'' to almost crying over medical trauma#I probably need to try and do something to calm us down but also I'm too tired to really do anything#which brings me right back to the issue that triggered this whole rant and me getting upset in the first place
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crehador · 2 years ago
this season’s astonishingly mediocre romcoms are making me realize shikimori was waaaaaay better than i originally gave it credit for
#crab watches#various things#tomo-chan is actually alright but the bits are pretty hit or miss since no two characters have THAT much chemistry with each other#i do like tomo and jun together in general#they have a nice dynamic and i dig their backstory (always a sucker for childhood friends)#as for ice guy... lmao a big yikes of a final episode today#overall this was such a soothing series and my main gripe (before today) was just its comedic timing#the bits almost all felt like they were 1.5 to 2 times longer than they needed to be#probably the series could've told the exact same story even with half-length episodes#the pacing of the relationship development was also imo not the best#wish they'd gone the horimiya route of having the couple get together and then just showing the relationship for a while#anyway new main gripe is the random fucking shotacon vibes in the final episode COULD WE NOT HAVE DONE WITHOUT#in hindsight there were warning signs#the first time himuro turned into a kid for magic yuki-onna reasons was actually kind of hilariously cute#like ''oh no the guy who's a yuki-onna descendant got too hot and melted on a company retreat in okinawa and#now he's turned into a kid in front of the colleague he has a crush on'' that's funny#but definitely not a joke worth visiting twice especially since the second visit was less ''funny'' and more ''suggestive''#i will admit that it is reasonable for himuro to get all flustered when falling into a bed with fuyutsuki#even though his body changed into that of a child his mind is unchanged and this is still the woman he's crushing hard on#but tf was she getting flustered for too?? girl that is a child rn??? compose yourself#anyway these tags are getting absurdly long so i guess this is now#parting thoughts
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depresseddepot · 3 months ago
my favorite ear buds broke and I just spent three feverish hours searching the corners of the internet to find them again
#i think one is coming from overseas? and i bought two more on ebay#i used to be able to get them easy on amazon but theyre not being made anymore i think :(#its okay because im ordering three pairs and i dont usually break them#by the time i need more they will almost definitely be all gone but i think too hard about that i start to panic :)#idk if its the autism or what but listening to music is how i destress and if my headphones aren't Right i will start hitting things#i did restrain myself from spending $70 on the EXACT pair i had (i have different colors on the way)#but if its still there in a few months i might get that one too#aughh its really irritating that i form such specific attachments to things. like i KNOW there are other earbuds out there#but ive had expensive ones and cheap ones and whatever but this pair that i bought from cvs when i was 15#is by far the best i have ever had#and i Do Not fuck around when it comes to that#:( i wish they still made them#im really worried about what im going to do when i eventually break my last pair and cant find anymore#i can handle changing things for fun but when im FORCED to change things i start to feel like i have rabies or something#and when its something so integral to keeping me calm i dont want that to change at ALL#THIS works. so why would i change it or try something else#:((( i feel sick#if anyone is a fellow earbud freak and has recommendations id love to hear them#particularly new/brand new earbuds so i know theyll be made for a while#they don't HAVE to be wired (i prefer it bc they sound better) but they do have to have crystal clear sound#like NO fuzziness or bass getting in the way. i need to feel completely detached from reality#and any feedback or crackling takes me out of that#im very specific though because even the way it sends sound into my ear can be Wrong#oh well :((((
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lacydollette · 2 months ago
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after bf!rafe surprises doll!reader by buzzing off his hair, she can't keep her hands to herself, feeling extremely horny whenever she looks at him
warnings: rafe x fem!reader, pure smut, praise, little degradation, making out, tit sucking, oral (fem receiving), face riding, explicit language, 18+
You lay sprawled on the lounger at tannyhill, sipping iced coffee, and scrolling lazily through your phone while tanning. You knew Rafe was up early today and had been out running errands for Ward, but he'd been gone for hours, and you were really starting to miss him. Just as you were considering calling him, the sound of the front door opening echoed through the house. You perked up, stretching lazily "About time, ray! How dare you keep me waiting so long.”
But when Rafe stepped into the room, you froze. Your mouth fell open slightly, sunglasses sliding down your nose as you took in the sight of him. His hair—his perfectly tousled, dirty-blond hair was gone. Completely buzzed down to almost nothing.
The sharp angles of his jawline, the slope of his cheekbones, and his ocean-blue eyes were suddenly the stars of the show, all of his features more prominent than ever. "Holy shit," you muttered, standing up slowly. Rafe smirked, trying to play it cool as he tossed his keys onto the counter. "What? You don't like it?"
"Are you kidding me?" You gasped, crossing the room in a daze. Your fingers reached out instinctively, brushing over the soft, short stubble of his buzzed hair. "You look... different." His grin widened as your hand lingered on his head while his found the curve of your ass. "Different good or different bad?"
You teasingly bit your lip, "Good," eyes locked on his. "Really, really good." Your fingers drifted down to his jaw, and you tilted your head, studying him like he was a work of art. "It makes your eyes pop even more. God, Rafe, why didn't you do this sooner?" He chuckled, taking your wrist and pressing a soft kiss to your palm. "Didn't know I needed your approval to change things up."
"You don't," you said quickly. "But, wow. Like, really, wow." Rafe’s ego was definitely fueled by your words, your approval meaning everything to him.
Everything else passed in a blur, but you couldn't keep your eyes, or your hands, off of your boyfriend. Every time he passed by, you reached out to touch his head or his face, not believing how effortlessly handsome he looked, stealing kisses amost every minute. And Rafe—well let’s face it. He absolutely loved it.
A little later, you were curled up on one end of the couch, watching Rafe as he sat on the other. He was sprawled out, completely manspreading right infront of you. Fucking tease. His phone was in his hand, and he looked completely absorbed in whatever he was doing. His jaw clenched slightly as he concentrated, his brows furrowing just enough to make him look impossibly sexy.
You couldn't take it anymore.
Without an ounce of hesitation, you jumped up and crawled over to him, grabbing his phone and tossing it onto the cushion beside him. "Hey, what the-" Rafe started, but his words were cut off as you climbed onto his lap, straddling him. Your hands were on his face in an instant, lips crashing against his in a heated kiss.
Rafe froze for half a second before groaning against your mouth, his hands sliding up your plush thighs to grip your waist. "You're killing me, Rafe," you murmured breathlessly between kisses, your fingers threading through the short stubble of his buzzed hair. "You look so fucking good. I can't even think straight."
"Yeah?" he rasped, his voice low and teasing. "Is that why you're humping my leg like a bitch in heat right now?" You pulled back just enough to meet his gaze, eyes dark with desire. "Shut up," you whispered, kissing him again.
Rafe growled against your lips as the kiss deepened, both of you losing yourselves in the heat of the moment. Your hands roamed over his broad shoulders and down his chest, your red nails scraping lightly against the fabric of his shirt, desperate to feel more of him. His hands were just as eager, gripping your hips firmly, pulling you flush against him as your bodies rubbed against each other.
"Doll," he murmured against your mouth, his voice low and full of want. Without warning, Rafe's hands slid under your thighs, gripping you firmly as he stood up in one fluid motion, taking you with him. You gasped, instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you toward his bedroom. "You're not playing fair," you teased, breathless, as your arms looped around his neck. "Fair's overrated," Rafe shot back, smirking as he kicked the door shut behind him.
He tossed you onto his bed, your hair splaying out across his pillows as you landed with a soft gasp. Before you could say a word, he pulled his shirt off in one swift motion, revealing his toned chest and making your heart race even faster. He was on you in seconds, his hands braced on either side as he hovered over you, his ocean-blue eyes dark with hunger.
"God, you're so fucking beautiful," he murmured, leaning down to kiss you again. Your hands roamed over his bare chest, tracing the hard lines of muscle and pressing against his warm skin. You arched into him, your body craving every bit of contact you could get. His lips moved down to your neck, nipping and sucking just enough to leave faint marks.
As his hands slid under your top, pulling it up and over your head, you let out a soft whimper, desire building with every touch. Rafe pulled back slightly, his gaze raking over you, taking in the sight of your perky tits. You were perfect. He immediately leaned in, capturing one of your nipples between his lips. You tugged him closer, nails digging into his shoulders as you whimpered out, "I need you, Rafe."
His breath hitched at the raw need in your voice, his hands sliding down your sides as he licked and sucked all over your chest, his touch leaving your cunt aching for him. "Tell me what you want," he said against your skin, rough and low. You pressed your head into the pillow, biting down on your bottom lip, "I want to sit on your face."
Rafe froze for half a second before a devilish grin spread across his lips. "Yeah?" he said, his voice laced with amusement and excitement. You nodded eagerly, licking your lips as you looked up at him with anticipation. "Whatever you want, Doll," he said, his voice dropping even lower as he leaned back, settling himself against the pillows and pulling you with him “Come here."
Your pulse raced as you straddled his chest, hands braced on his shoulders as you hovered over him. Rafe's hands slid up your thighs, his digits pulling the soft lace of your soaked panties to the side. "Shit—you’re drippin’, baby.” he murmured, his blue eyes locked on your as you positioned yourself over him.
Rafe’s hands gripped your hips, holding you in place as he kissed your inner thighs, his touch sending sparks through your entire body. You threw your head back, a soft moan escaping your lips at Rafe's teasing. He didn’t waste anymore time though, his tongue lapping through your wet folds, leaving you gasping for air.
“Such a sweet fucking pussy.” he mumbled quietly, his hot breath against your core sent shivers down your spine. You gripped the headboard for balance, head tilted back, a soft cry escaping your lips as you shuddered against him.
"ray—oh my god," you whimpered, voice shaky as you rutted your soaking cunt against him, his lips wrapping around your sensitive nub, sucking and circling his tongue as if his life depended on it. Your fingers instinctively drifted to his buzz cut, the soft, bristly feel of it only adding to your overwhelming senses. You couldn't stop touching it, letting your nails lightly scrape across his scalp as you rocked against him.
"That.." you breathed, voice trembling, "feels so fucking good." The sound of your voice, so needy and desperate, only spurred him on. His grip on you tightened, helping to drag your cunt against his tongue. “you’re gonna make a mess for me, baby?” he groaned, his blue eyes looking up at you from between your legs. You nodded hastily, the band in your lower stomach about to snap as Rafe moaned against your clit. within moments, you fell apart completely, body trembling as you released all over him, moaning out his name.
You were panting as Rafe lapped up your juices, overstimulating your poor cunt as your legs trembled, “Shit.” Carefully sliding off of him, you leaned down and kissed him, tasting yourself on his lips. Your hands found his head again, fingers stroking the soft buzz as your body pressed close to his. "You really can't stop touching it, huh?" he teased, his blue eyes glinting with amusement. You grinned, cheeks still flushed from your orgasm. "Can you blame me? You look so good, rafey. It's actually insane."
He chuckled, his hand sliding down to rest on your hip. "If l'd known buzzing my head would make you act like a needy little slut, I would've done it a long time ago." You rolled your eyes, yet you couldn’t help the tingling sensation in between your legs. "I'm serious," he murmured, smirking. "I'm definitely keeping it now. If this is what I get, l'm never growing it out again."
"You better not," you teased back. Rafe let out a low chuckle, but his amusement faded quickly as your lips attached themselves to his jawline, your eagerness reawakening. Your teeth grazed his neck before you pulled back to meet his gaze. "I want more, Rafe." His blue eyes darkened, and a cocky smirk spread across his lips.
"You want more, huh? Still can’t get enough of that shit?"
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LINKS .ᐟ doll!reader masterlist
TAGS .ᐟ @gibson-g1rl @beausling @rafescokewhore @rafeysbunny @rafesweetie @rafeslacy @rafesangelita @starkeysprincess @starzify @drewspinkbunny @whinyangel @httpsdrewstarkey @rafey-baby @littlelamy
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gutsby · 3 months ago
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Pairing: Old!Joel x Reader
Summary: At fifty-nine, Joel isn’t sure his dick can keep up with every day it’s going to take to get you pregnant. He seeks help from Jackson’s local apothecary and gets more than bargained for when that little blue pill kicks in.
Or, your old man wants to knock you up. Viagra helps.
Warnings: 18+. Unprotected p-in-v (obviously 😵‍💫🤙🏼). Breeding kink. Age gap. Peepaw Joel. Blue Pill Joel. Post-apocalyptic-Viagra-dosage-gone-horribly-wrong-and-now-his-dick-won’t-deflate-for-a-day…but it’s OK!
Note: This is the crackfic counterpart/sequel to ‘Make It Stick’
Word count: 2.9k
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Forty-five minutes.
Forty-five minutes until his fate was sealed for the night. His pulse would quicken. His head would start to swim, and any last sliver of rational thought would be lost to the ether or the cold, snowy air around him. Joel Miller had to hurry now, because that bite-sized blue pill he’d just taken was in his belly, and if his dick didn’t find its way in you, he was fucked. Or at least huge and swollen and leaking out beads of hot desire the size of golf balls.
Well, maybe that was just his cock.
Joel looked down, scanning his pants.
Yeah…definitely just cock. He walked faster.
At home, he knew he’d find you curled up on the couch, nose in a book. What to Expect When You’re Expecting, if he had to guess. Then, sure enough, you’d lift your eyes and smile—‘Thank goodness you’re back, daddy’—and lift the hem of your night dress just slightly. Spread your legs and beckon him in. It was a nightly routine by now.
You wanted to be knocked up as fast as possible, after all
At almost sixty years old, Joel couldn’t believe he was actually saying these words aloud. But here he was—crawling overtop you on the couch, situating himself between your legs, and pulling his cock out, mumbling:
“Gonna let me put a baby in you tonight?”
You nodded sweetly—eagerly—every time.
Joel knew he could never resist that look. He was as good as finished the first second you let him sink inside your tight, weeping hole, and when he stretched it, he could already tell this was all he would ever want to do. Make you happy, fill you up, give you lots and lots of him.
It was why he’d stopped by the apothecary tonight. Why he’d hesitated only a moment before clearing his throat and asking for a pill like Viagra—Joel knew that the man behind the counter would flash him a wry, knowing grin.
Trouble keepin’ up with that sweet young thing’a yours?
David was a dick.
He wasn’t entirely wrong, either.
Ever since agreeing to start trying for a baby, Joel had become acutely aware of his own physical limitations in that department, and one of them was stamina. He could scarcely fuck twice in the same night without needing a long and rest-intensive breather. You were young and could roll over ready to go in five minutes.
It wasn’t fair to deprive you now on account of his age.
If you wanted his cum, you were getting it, no question.
Not just once, but multiple times. Again and again and—
“Again,” Joel grunted once he’d shot off his last spurt.
Fifty-eight minutes had passed since he’d taken that pill. It had fully kicked in, and his dick was still hard, even after finishing inside you with a sticky, white-hot flood.
You blinked dreamily up at him.
“You mean it, old man?” you teased him lightly.
I’ll show you what I mean, Joel thought to himself before flipping you over on the sofa. He had your hips tilted up and his cock driving back inside your freshly-fucked cunt in no time at all. He felt his spend coating your walls; it let him glide right in. Joel groaned and jerked himself back out, then fucked back in again and again and again.
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Your word was exhaled in a laugh.
You stood in front of the bathroom sink, trying to tidy up the insides of your legs and push some more of Joel’s load back in, when you felt a presence at your back.
Stabbing your ass.
You started to turn then, puzzled.
“Bend over,” Joel commanded before you could.
You did as you were told because, frankly, you loved getting fucked wherever your old man wanted it—even if he had broken the sink one time he’d pounded you here.
But there was palpable confusion, too. How in the hell had Joel Miller, certified silver fox and owner of a dick old enough to remember Woodstock and the moon landing, managed to get his dick hard in the five minutes since he’d had you face-down, ass-up on the couch?
Or had his dick gotten soft at all?
You wanted to question him about it, or else give a long, hard look at his uncharacteristically long, hard friend, when the next moment had you gripping the counter. Stretching between the legs as Joel pushed back in.
“There she is,” he murmured affectionately.
Really, you’d never been wetter. Or warmer. Or filled to the brim with more sticky-white spend than you could ever hope to hold inside, it felt like. You bent at the waist and let him have his fill. You closed your eyes and rested your head on your forearms while Joel’s hot, bulbous tip grazed your cervix with dizzying alacrity. A smile crept in.
Whatever this was, you wanted more of it.
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His dick was still hard.
Four mind-numbing fucks and another forty-five minutes later, Joel’s cock hadn’t deflated the tiniest bit.
The thing had hammered you so thoroughly he’d nearly destroyed the sink again. You’d whimpered, and whined, and warned him quietly, ‘We just fixed the porcelain, baby,’ and right before he’d painted your walls with his seed, you’d cum for him practically shrieking. Shaking.
Letting him turn you around for a kiss, only to mumble against his mouth with a sleepy, cockdrunk sort of lilt:
“I think you gave me twins.”
Then he’d fucked you in the shower to make it triplets.
Now you were laying out on the bed, truly spent, eyes following him in the semi-darkness of your bedroom after you’d toweled off and collapsed among the pillows.
“What’s gotten into you tonight, Miller?” you breathed.
Joel made it over to the dresser, back turned to you. He rifled through a drawer looking for something extra tight.
“Just missed you is all,” he said, shrugging.
What he needed right now was fabric that was very thick to hide the boner he was sporting. Joel could tell from the way you spoke that you were too tired for round five, and he didn’t want you feeling like you had to go again.
He would be fine.
His dick might not deflate until dawn, but that was okay.
“Wish you missed me like this every day,” you giggled.
When Joel turned around, he was shocked to find you sprawled out on the bed—hands between your legs.
There was a shy smile on your face.
“Baby…” he trailed off, watching your fingers flit through that sticky mess where he’d left it. Where you glistened.
Where you slid your index and middle fingers up and down your slit and drew circles on your clit, eyes shining.
“What? I missed you too,” you said, tone all faux protest.
You had no idea what you did to him when you talked like that. Especially when he was drowning in a state like this.
Hard as a rock.
Scarcely even knowing what he was doing, Joel found himself over by the foot of the bed in a second. Watching your every move with a wild, wipe-open stare he still couldn’t believe you found appealing. He swallowed.
He not only looked perverted, but he felt it, too. It rarely ever left his mind, save for the four or five seconds he spent in ecstasy emptying the contents of his balls inside your cunt, that he was his age, and you were yours. That perhaps the rest of Jackson was right, and he was wrong: he had no business being around a girl like you, much less getting off inside you every night. Was this really what you wanted? A bewildering mixture of guilt, lust, and love all circulated through his skull at that moment, and the longer he spent looking at your fingers, ogling the way you teased them through his cum between your legs, the more he felt certain he was bad.
No one corrupted a thing this sweet and got to call themselves good, anyway, he thought to himself idly.
“I keep gettin’ that…feelin’,” you said under your breath.
Joel’s hand tightened in a fist, and it was then that he realized it was wrapped around his cock. Still watching.
“Yeah, baby? What feelin’?” he returned, almost as quiet.
Still stroking himself up and down, up and down, softly.
You had your legs spread open—knees splayed wider than they’d been before. And your eyes had a tender, placid sheen to them, like they just might cry if they didn’t get release of some kind soon. Then you slowed.
Your touch slipped from your clit to the opaque, sticky globs between your thighs, and that look got even softer.
More desperate.
“Can’t…explain it.” You shook your head, as if pained, and then you sank two fingers inside. Joel could hear the tiny schlick from where he stood, and it almost did him in.
You sucked in a breath and added, “It’s a special feelin’.”
Joel’s fist had already worked its way up to a ridiculous speed. Again, he sensed this might be the worst and most pathetic he’d ever looked, but by the glint in your eyes and the way you kept holding him there, he also knew you weren’t asking him to stop, either. You were needing something else—something he could provide.
Thanks to that one stupid pill.
Joel’s smile was strained as he gripped the edge of the bed, like he was trying to assuage you and him at once.
“Try me, baby. Tell me ‘bout that special feelin’.”
Your middle and ring fingers disappeared inside you.
You whined, “Ain’t fair to say it now. You’re tired, daddy.”
Like hell he was. Joel crawled over the footboard and made his way straight to you, where your body was limp.
His breaths were coming in so fast and his pulse was thrumming so hard that he almost couldn’t hear himself talking. But he ventured to speak as gently as he could.
“I’m wide awake, sweet pea. I’m all ears. Talk to me.”
And if his words didn’t communicate as much, surely the look in his eyes would’ve told you all the rest. Quietly, he slipped his torso between your legs, where you’d inserted a third finger and were moving your hips again. You were fingering yourself, breathing shallow and quick.
“It’s a feelin’ like I wanna be…stuffed…a-and full’a you.”
Joel’s whole body could’ve liquified on the spot. His brain, presently, had all the consistency of a plate of scrambled eggs if he’d had to guess. Feeling his cock swell even bigger and his hips sink lower to yours of their own accord, he had only to grit his teeth and nod his head. He felt the tip of him bump your fingers, and the sensation and the expectation nearly drove him insane.
He mumbled quietly, “Then move your hand.”
You did. You winced again. You looked as though you might be ashamed for wanting him to fill you with his spend, and Joel simply wouldn’t allow that any longer.
Without saying another word, he slid back in.
Your cum and his facilitated the slide, and you opened right up for him. You whimpered, while Joel grunted like an animal. He couldn’t help it; it all felt so fucking primal.
How you could ever feel the need to apologize for wanting more of this was more than he could take.
“Every inch of me,” Joel said, rutting deeper, “is yours.”
He withdrew to the tip, and he could feel strings of arousal linking him to you in a sickeningly sweet way.
You could scarcely even nod, just waiting for him again.
When Joel plunged back in, he heard a feral little cry, and he felt your legs wrap around his waist. He went faster. You fisted the pillow behind your head in one hand, while the other laid flat on his chest, like you were checking for a heartbeat. You could probably hear it thudding a million miles per minute right now. Your hips collided in tandem.
“D— Daddy,” you whimpered.
“That’s it, open up for daddy. Good girl. It’s all yours.”
The sounds his thrusts were making were obscene.
“Every inch?” you breathed, “E-Every drop, too?”
“Every fiber of my fucking being, sweet girl.”
That made you smile, at length. Your hand slid from his chest, down his round belly, straight to a groin that was pounding hard and fast against your own. Joel groaned when he felt your touch sweep inside your legs—right in the space where his cum had come trickling out. You slid your fingers through that mess, then whimpered again.
Then you brought your hand up to your mouth.
You wrapped your lips around your cum-soaked fingers like they were the single sweetest thing, and you sucked.
Joel had no say after seeing that: he had to cum again.
It likely stunned you both—you more than him, by the look that crossed your eyes the second you felt him throb and pulse inside your cunt—but then it kept going.
Rather than stop, or slow down in the slightest, Joel found his hips pistoning faster than they had before. The whole bed frame shook, and your body trembled with every thrust, and the noises between your legs grew even louder; the sound of skin slapping skin was only amplified by the addition of Joel’s hot load in the mix.
The man was operating on impulse. You, through sheer awe and an animalistic need to have every crevice filled. You held him and you grit your teeth, and you let him keep using your body, while you used his. You kissed him.
“Go on, then—make me a daddy. Take my cum, baby,” Joel babbled, brainless, “Make your old man a daddy.”
He couldn’t tell if it were the words or the rhythm or the pleasure that had already been blossoming deep in your gut this whole time, but he felt you fall apart. You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist than you had all night, and you screamed his name. Begged for more.
“Cum in me, daddy—pleasepleaseplease just cum, ju—”
And there he went. Again. Flooding your insides with his warmth and letting his cock carve a wild, relentless path through your cunt like it was all the man knew how to do. He filled you up. He felt it leaking down his length with every stab of his hips, and frankly, he didn’t care what he looked like now. You were smiling big, drawing him in for more kisses as he panted and grunted and whimpered like he never had before. He kissed back. Slowed down.
Found himself lost in your mouth as your tongue wove delectably through his own and your hands made their way to his wild, greying hair. You tugged, and he moaned.
He fucked his spend deeper without even meaning to.
All instinct again, it seemed he couldn’t get enough.
Suddenly, he felt a new, strange urge bubble up.
“I-I-I took a pill tonight,” he blurted out, “Know how badly you want this baby, and I wanna give you one.”
Or two. Or twenty. He was barely capable of speech, let alone rational cognition, so he just spoke whatever came to his mind then, still snug inside your legs and panting.
“A pill?” you whispered back.
Joel’s gaze locked with yours.
He felt stupid for it all at once.
“Yeah. Yeah, I just— I know I’m gettin’ on in years, and I probably can’t fuck the way I used to. And you deserve someone who can…Maybe a guy your age, but that—”
“—is the single dumbest thing you have ever said to me,” you finished for him, eyes narrowing swiftly in a scowl.
When Joel tried talking again, you cut him off.
“I don’t care what any guy my age is doing, or could do. I want babies with you, and that includes every part, OK?”
Your look softened momentarily, seeing his lips twitch down—you could probably see he wasn’t believing you.
Then you cradled his face in your palms. You smiled. You brushed his nose with yours, and you kissed him again, and with what little strength you likely had left in your body, you dug your heels in his ass and pulled him deeper. Both of you let out soft, low grunts at the effort.
“If you fucked like this at twenty-five, my body wouldn’t have survived anyway,” you whispered in reassurance. Biting back a laugh as Joel smiled, too, “I like things just the way they are. Just like how I hope you like me, too.”
“No—I love you.” Joel shook his head, almost plaintive.
And for the first time that night, he felt himself soften.
Whether it was the pill wearing off or that first thread of vulnerability stretching out between your body and his, he didn’t really care. He kissed the tip of your nose and was about to say something more, when you cut back in.
“I love you more. And since we’re being honest tonight,” you started quietly, nipping at your bottom lip a second, “I might…need you back at the apothecary tomorrow.”
Joel’s face fell.
“Wh— is something wrong, baby?” His voice was tight.
He hated seeing David, but, of course, he’d go back there in a heartbeat if it meant getting you the medication you needed. His stomach was starting to churn, when you reached up to hold his face again. You shook your head.
“No, no, Joel, I’m fine. But I may need prenatal vitamins.”
Now his eyes were going wide. His cheeks heated under your palms, and his cock twitched inside you, reflexively.
“You mean…” he murmured, unable to finish. Swallowing.
Beneath him, he saw you smile and nod.
He nearly choked hearing what followed:
“I meant to tell you earlier, but…my period’s a little late.”
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leaderwonim · 3 months ago
pairing. frat!jungwon x shy!fem!reader
genre. romcom, american college au, strangers to enemies to lovers (bye??), angst, fluff, mature
synopsis. when your friend drags you out to a frat party a week before the holidays, you didn’t expect to fall into the graces of yang jungwon, one of the fraternity boys at your university. One accidental kiss with Yang Jungwon and a viral post later, you wake up to a text from your sister: “Bring your new boyfriend to Christmas dinner!” Now, you’ve got one week to turn this chaos into a holiday miracle—or a romcom disaster.
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“Hey, wake up.”
Madeleine taps on your shoulder, and when you only respond with a mhmm, she takes both shoulders and shakes you violently.
“What the hell Mads!” You say, getting up in a hurry. “What can you possibly need now?”
“Oh shut up, you’re making it sound like you despise me.” She throws an arm around your shoulder. “Will you come with me to Luca’s party?”
“You know I don’t do frat parties.” You say, already brushing off her suggestion. “They’re just loud and people make out in every corner.”
“But you never go out!” Madeleine slumps her body against yours, practically trapping you on your own bed. “Please.”
“Mads I love you, but no.”
Except here you were, in front of Alpha Delta something—was it Alpha Delta Pi? You didn’t know.
All you knew was that the music was way too loud for it not to have a noise complaint from the neighboring houses, and that there were too many drunk college students stumbling everywhere on the grass out front.
“I’m soooo glad we decided to do this!” Madeleine swings her arms around your shoulder, leading you inside the gigantic frat house.
“Madeleine!” A guy comes up to the two of you, his cheeky smile never leaving his face. “And who’s this?”
“Y/N, my roommate I told you about!” Madeleine smiles at you, “you remember Will right? From Econ?”
Will. Will. You’re trying so hard to remember him, until you realize he’s the blonde in front of you, his hockey gear always taking up half of the space.
“This is my girlfriend, Kallie!” Will puts his arm around the girl next to him. “Well it’s nice seeing you Madeleine and Y/N, have a good night!”
Even though he was notoriously loud in class, he was a bit of a sweetheart, and it made you feel a bit better about being here.
“See, that wasn’t so bad right?”
You nod, letting her guide you throughout the house to the kitchen.
“Do you want Pink Whitney or Tequila?”
You decided on Pink Whitney.
“Oh shit—I’m so sorry.” The guy who bumps into you turns around, his pupils dilated and red. He’s clearly very drunk.
“It’s fine.”
“I’m Jungwon!” He smiles at you brightly, dimples showing ever so proudly.
It seemed like everybody at this party was all about smiling tonight.
“Oh Won! You’re here!” Madeleine slides you your shot, and you down it in one go, silently cursing yourself for not taking a chaser beforehand.
“Yep, kinda have to because this is my frat.”
Now that he’s not stumbling over his own foot, you come to realize he’s actually pretty cute. His brown hair is messy and he’s wearing some plain navy blue hoodie that makes him look more attractive than he actually should be.
“This is Y/N, my roommate!”
Jungwon slips his hand into yours, shaking it in a hurry. “Nice to meet you Y/N, wish it was under better circumstances.”
His joke earns a playful shove from Madeleine, who raises her eyebrows at you, already hinting that you should talk to the boy.
“Well I gotta go talk to Luca, catch you two later!”
You don’t have time to pull Madeleine back because she’s already gone, leaving you alone with Jungwon.
“Hey.” He says, now suddenly closer to you. “Wanna kiss?”
It’s a straightforward almost humorous ask, one that a stranger who’s just known you for five minutes shouldn’t ask. But because the alcohol already entered your system and you have nothing better to do; you nod.
Jungwon leaves no time for you to take a breath before sweeping in, closing the gap between yours and his mouth. You can hear hoots from his frat brothers as the kiss grows more intense.
You’re sure you’ve become the very same people that you used to make fun of—the ones who would make out at the corner of parties and act like they had no decency or self respect.
But who cares, right? This was the one time you were out, and finals had been stressing you like a pounding headache, why would a kiss from some random frat guy affect you after the party?
You were clearly very wrong.
The next day, you’re awaken to your annoying alarm clock, groaning as you tap aggressively on the snooze button.
“Oh shit,” you say, feeling lightheaded when you try to get up. “What time is it?”
From the corner of your eye, you can see Madeleine’s blonde hair spread out on every part of her bed, her limbs tangled in her blankets.
You try to rub your eyes as you reach for your phone, and when your vision clears, the first thing you do is let out a shrilling scream.
“What? What’s wrong?” Madeleine’s head pops up, her hair messy and all over her face.
Madeleine stares at you groggily as you toss your phone at her. She fumbles to catch it, squinting at the screen before her eyes widen.
She slaps a hand over her mouth, though the giggles that escape are anything but subtle.
"Why is there a video of me kissing Jungwon everywhere?!" You groan, flopping back on your bed as the stress headache from finals makes a sudden comeback.
"It's not just a video," Madeleine says, scrolling furiously. "You and Jungwon are, like, the new talk of the frat. You know how frat boys are like. The sorority girls might even be jealous."
"I'm going to die," you mutter into your pillow.
"You are not going to die, Y/N."
You groan, yanking the pillow off your face just as your phone vibrates again. Madeleine hands it back to you, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
You don't even have to check the screen to know who's texted you. You sigh and unlock it.
[annoying older sis]: Bring your new boyfriend to Christmas dinner. I’m serious. Mom’s already setting the table for him.
You sit up so fast you almost get whiplash.
"No. Nope. No way. This cannot be happening." You turn to Madeleine, holding your phone out like it’s cursed. "My family thinks Jungwon’s my boyfriend. What am I supposed to do now?!"
"Bring him!" Madeleine chirps, far too enthusiastic for this godforsaken situation.
"Are you insane? I barely know him! He’s probably already forgotten who I am."
As if the universe is mocking you, your phone buzzes again.
[Unknown Number]: Hey, it’s Jungwon. Can we talk?
You stare at the screen, heat rushing to your face.
"Is that him?" Madeleine practically screeches, leaning over to read the text. "Oh my god, Y/N, he’s texting you first. This is fate!"
"Shut up!" you hiss, pushing her away as you type back:
Sure. Where?
The response is almost instant.
[Jungwon]: Can you meet me at the campus café in an hour?
Madeleine screeches in excitement yet again.
An hour later, you’re already regretting your life choices as you walk into the café, spotting Jungwon sitting at a table near the window. His hoodie from last night is gone, replaced with a clean black sweater that somehow makes him look even more attractive.
When he sees you, he grins, those stupid dimples making your stomach flip for reasons you refuse to acknowledge.
"Hey," he says as you sit down across from him, awkwardly tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Hey," you reply, wondering if it’s possible to combust from secondhand embarrassment.
"So, uh…" Jungwon rubs the back of his neck, looking almost as nervous as you feel. "About last night…"
You brace yourself for him to tell you he doesn’t want anything to do with you, that the kiss was a mistake, and you should forget it ever happened.
But then he says: "I wanted to apologize. I don’t usually, like, kiss random strangers at parties. I was kinda drunk, and I just… yeah, sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
You blink, caught off guard by how genuine he sounds. "Oh, um, it’s okay. I mean, it wasn’t terrible or anything."
Jungwon raises an eyebrow, his lips twitching like he’s trying not to laugh. "Wow. 'Not terrible.' High praise."
You groan, covering your face with your hands. "Sorry. I’m awkward and shy and bad at this."
"I noticed," he says with a chuckle.
When you peek through your fingers, you find him smiling softly at you, his eyes warm and kind.
"Anyway," you say quickly, dropping your hands. "I’m sure you’ve seen the video by now."
"Yeah," he admits, rubbing the back of his neck again. "That’s actually why I wanted to talk to you. People are, uh, kinda freaking out about it. And my fraternity brothers keep calling you my girlfriend."
"Funny you should mention that," you say with a dry laugh. "My family thinks you’re my boyfriend too. My sister wants me to bring you to Christmas dinner."
His eyes widen. "Wait, seriously?"
"Yeah. And I don’t know how to tell them the truth without ruining Christmas, so I was thinking…"
"You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?" he finishes, tilting his head.
"Just for a week!" you say quickly, holding up your hands. "We get through Christmas, and then we go our separate ways. No one has to know it wasn’t real."
Jungwon looks at you for a long moment, his expression unreadable.
Finally, he says, "Okay. I’ll do it."
You blink. "Wait, really?"
"Sure," he says with a shrug. "It sounds kinda fun. And honestly…" He leans forward, his voice dropping to a soft, almost teasing tone. "I need to get out of my frat house. They have yet to let me live down this moment."
Your face flushes, and you look away, muttering, "Frat guys are ridiculous."
"Maybe," he says, grinning.
This was going to be a disaster. You could already feel it.
The rest of the week feels like a blur of planning. Between texting Jungwon to coordinate your "backstory" and surviving Madeleine’s endless teasing, you barely have time to process what’s happening.
"How do we even explain how we met?" you ask Jungwon during one of your brainstorming sessions at the campus library.
"We could just tell the truth," he says, leaning back in his chair. "That we kissed at a party."
You give him a look. "Do you want my family to hate you?"
"Fair point," he laughs. "Okay, how about we say we met through Madeleine and just… hit it off?"
"Sounds fake but okay."
You decide to meet again the next day after class to properly establish some backstory for your "relationship." Jungwon shows up late, looking like he just rolled out of bed.
"Nice of you to show up," you say sarcastically, already in a foul mood from a pop quiz from your professor.
"Sorry, I was busy," he says, completely unbothered.
"Doing what? Beer pong practice?"
"Actually, yes," he says, grinning. "Gotta keep the skills sharp."
You groan. "Unbelievable. How am I supposed to convince my family you’re my boyfriend when you’re this… this frat boy?"
"Hey, being a frat boy isn’t a personality flaw," he says, feigning offense. "Besides, you’re the one who dragged me into this. If you wanted someone polished, you should’ve asked that guy from your bio class—what’s his name? Eric?"
"First of all, Eric has a girlfriend," you retort. "Second, I didn’t drag you into this. Madeleine did."
"Same difference," he says with a shrug.
You glare at him, but he just smiles, annoyingly relaxed.
This was going to be a long week.
You figure a visit to the Christmas market downtown might help you get some convincing couple photos. But of course, Jungwon treats the whole thing like a joke.
"Hold still," you say, holding up your phone.
Jungwon drapes an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer than necessary. "Come on, you gotta sell it, Y/N. Look like you’re in love with me."
You shove his arm off. "I can’t do that when you’re being this insufferable."
"Insufferable?" he repeats, feigning offense. "You wound me."
"You’ll live," you mutter, snapping a photo.
He peers over your shoulder at the screen. "That’s terrible. Here, let me."
Before you can protest, he takes your phone, tilts his head toward yours, and snaps a selfie. To your annoyance, it actually looks good.
"There," he says, handing the phone back to you. "You’re welcome."
You stare at the photo, trying not to notice how natural the two of you look together. "You’re so annoying."
"And yet, here we are," he says with a grin.
"Why do we need so much food?" Jungwon complains, trailing behind you as you push a cart through the grocery store.
"Because my family eats a lot," you say, scanning the shelves for the specific brand of cranberry sauce your mom insists on.
He picks up a box of gingerbread cookies and examines it. "Why don’t we just bring these? No one’s gonna care."
"Are you serious?" you ask, snatching the box out of his hands. "We’re not showing up with store-bought cookies. My mom would have a heart attack."
"Wow," he says, leaning against the cart. "You’re really committed to this whole 'perfect daughter' thing, huh?"
You glare at him. "Unlike you, I actually care what my family thinks."
"Touché," he says, holding up his hands in surrender. "But for the record, I think your mom would survive."
You ignore him and toss the cookies back on the shelf.
Later that night, after spending hours wrapping presents, you find Jungwon lounging on the couch in your apartment, scrolling through his phone.
"Do you ever do anything productive?" you ask, flopping down next to him.
"Define 'productive,'" he says without looking up.
"I don’t know. Something that doesn’t involve your phone or beer pong."
He smirks. "You’re obsessed with beer pong. Did someone beat you at it once or something?"
"No," you say defensively. "I just think it’s a ridiculous way to spend your time."
"Noted," he says, finally putting his phone down. "So what do you do for fun, Miss Holier-Than-Thou?"
"I read. I bake. I actually contribute to society," you say with a smug smile.
"Wow. Thrilling," he says, but there’s a teasing glint in his eye.
You roll your eyes, but before you can respond, he leans his head back against the couch and lets out a deep sigh.
"Okay, seriously, though," he says. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
"A little," you admit. "My family can be… a lot."
"I’ll survive," he says, turning to look at you. "But what about you? Are you gonna be okay?"
The sincerity in his voice catches you off guard. For once, he’s not teasing or joking. He’s just… Jungwon.
"Yeah," you say softly. "I think so."
"Good," he says, smiling at you. "Because no matter how terrible this dinner is, I’ve got your back."
And just like that, the walls you’ve been trying so hard to keep up start to crack.
By the time Christmas Eve rolls around, you’re a ball of nerves. Jungwon picks you up in his car, looking annoyingly calm and way too good in a dark green sweater and tailored coat.
"You ready?" he asks as you slide into the passenger seat.
"Absolutely not," you reply, clutching the tin of cookies you baked as a distraction the night before.
"You’ll be fine," he says, flashing you that same dimpled smile that’s starting to become your undoing.
The moment you walk through your parents’ front door, you’re greeted by your sister, Addison.
"There she is!" Addison exclaims, pulling you into a tight hug that feels more like a performance for whoever might be watching. "And this must be Jungwon!"
Jungwon smiles politely, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."
Addison looks him up and down, her perfectly manicured nails tapping against her champagne glass. "Wow. Y/N really outdid herself this time."
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. Your older sister has always had a way of making everything about her, even when it’s not supposed to be.
"Where’s Mom?" you ask, desperate to change the subject.
"In the kitchen,"s she says, waving a dismissive hand. "But don’t worry about that. We need to get a picture of the happy couple for Instagram."
Before you can protest, Addison drags you and Jungwon to the living room, posing you in front of the tree like a pair of dolls.
"Smile!" she says, her phone already snapping away.
Jungwon leans in closer, his arm sliding around your waist like it’s the most natural thing in the world. You stiffen for a moment before forcing a smile, trying not to think about how warm he feels.
"Perfect," Addison says, scrolling through the photos with a self-satisfied smirk.
Dinner is somehow both better and worse than you expected.
Your mom keeps asking Jungwon about his family, his major, and his plans after graduation, while your dad mostly nods approvingly between bites of turkey.
Your sister, however, spends the entire meal subtly (and not-so-subtly) comparing everything you’ve ever done to her own achievements.
"Oh, you’re studying business, Jungwon? That’s cute. My fiancé, Ryan, just got promoted to VP at his firm," she says with a laugh that grates on your nerves.
"That’s impressive," Jungwon says politely, but you can tell he’s unimpressed.
"And Y/N," Addison continues, turning her attention to you. "It’s so nice to see you with someone. I was starting to think you’d be single forever."
The table goes silent. Your mom tries to awkwardly steer the conversation elsewhere, but the damage is done. You feel your cheeks burn, and you suddenly lose your appetite.
After dinner, you excuse yourself, slipping out onto the back porch to get some air. The cold bites at your skin, but you don’t care. You just need a moment to breathe.
You’re staring at the snow-covered yard when the door creaks open behind you.
"Hey," Jungwon says softly, stepping outside. He shrugs off his coat and drapes it over your shoulders before you can protest.
"Thanks," you mumble, pulling the coat tighter around you.
"You okay?" he asks, leaning against the railing beside you.
"I’m fine," you lie, though your voice cracks on the last word.
Jungwon gives you a look, the kind that makes you feel like he can see right through you.
"She always does this," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "Addison. The perfect sister who has to be better at everything."
"You’re not supposed to do that, you know," he says lightly, gesturing towards your cigarette.
You roll your eyes and lean against the railing, lighting it with a practiced flick of your lighter. "I don’t. I barely smoke. But, you know, desperate times…"
Jungwon chuckles, his breath fogging in the cold air. "I get it."
You exhale, the smoke curls around you, rising into the frosty night. "She just knows how to get under my skin. It’s like she’s made a career out of it."
Jungwon leans next to you, resting his elbows on the railing. "I don’t know. Sounds like she’s just jealous."
You laugh humorlessly. "Of what?"
"Of you," he says simply.
You blink at him, caught off guard. "Are you serious?"
"Completely." He reaches over and plucks the cigarette from your fingers, taking an awkward, experimental puff before immediately coughing.
You burst out laughing as he doubles over, waving a hand in front of his face. "What—what are you doing?"
"Trying to figure out what the big deal is," he says between coughs, his cheeks turning pink—though whether it’s from the cold or his failed attempt at smoking, you’re not sure.
"You don’t have to join me, you know," you tease, taking it back from him.
He straightens up, giving you a sheepish grin. "I just wanted to see what you like about it."
"It’s not about liking it," you admit, tapping the ash against the railing. "It’s more—I don’t know. It gives me something to do when I feel like falling apart."
Jungwon is quiet for a moment, watching the snow-covered yard below. Then he says, "You don’t need this."
You glance at him, surprised by the softness in his tone.
"You could just… talk to me instead,” he says, his eyes meeting yours.
Your heart does that annoying flip thing again, and you quickly look away. "Talking doesn’t solve everything, you know."
"No, but it helps." He pauses, then adds with a teasing smile, "And it’s probably better for your lungs."
You roll your eyes but can’t help smiling. "Fine. Next time, I’ll talk to you."
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the kind that feels rare and precious. The cigarette burns down to a stub, and you flick it into the snow, watching the ember fade out.
His presence is warm and steady, and for the first time in what feels like forever, you don’t feel so overwhelmed.
"Thanks." You say softly. "For agreeing to this. I don't even know what I was thinking suggesting it. Addison just texted me and I freaked. I guess there was always a part of me that wanted to impress her."
Jungwon hesitates for a moment, then says, "You know, you don’t give yourself enough credit."
You glance at him, frowning. "What do you mean?"
"I mean—you let people like Addison make you feel small, but you’re not. You’re kind, and funny, and you care about people. That’s more than most people can say."
You stare at him, your throat tightening. "Why are you saying this?"
"Because it’s true," he says, his voice soft but certain.
You shake your head, looking down at your hands. "You don’t even know me that well."
"I know enough," he says.
There’s a long pause, and then, almost too quietly to hear, he adds, "I love you."
Your head snaps up, your heart pounding in your chest. "What?"
"I love you," he repeats, looking right at you.
"You’re insane." You say, voice barely above a whisper. "You’ve known me for a week. I'm awkward and I wouldn't make a good girlfriend. You'd be ashamed of me, you know."
"I love you, Y/N."
You're not too sure what to say, not expecting him to stand his ground so firmly.
"I didn’t expect this to happen. I thought this would just be some silly, fake thing. I don’t care if you think you’re awkward or shy or anything else. I love you exactly the way you are."
You take a shaky breath, your chest tight with emotions you don’t know how to name.
"I don’t know what to say," you admit.
"You don’t have to say anything," he says gently.
You nod, your heart still racing as he steps back inside, leaving you alone with the snow and the stars and the weight of his words.
For a moment, all you can do is stare at him, his cheeks pink from the cold, his eyes full of warmth and sincerity.
And then, before you can overthink it, you rise on your tiptoes and kiss him.
This time, it’s not for show. It’s not for anyone else.
It’s just for you.
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uluvjay · 7 months ago
Baking cookies for F1 drivers after they give you a good wienering(sex)… 
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(Thank you tik tok for this idea & @turcott3 for helping)
| OSCAR PIASTRI | honestly he’s confused when you present him with the tray of cookies, thinks they’re for his win but when you tell them what they’re actually for he blushes bright red and giggles.
“Really? For giving you good sex?”
But he’s still very appreciative and makes sure you see that.
| LEWIS HAMILTON | Smirky but finds it amusing, pulls you into a sweet kiss and ends up quickly giving you a reason to bake more.
“Honey I think you’ll need another bag of flour by the end of the week.”
Your home begins to smell like baked goods all the time and anytime he’s craving your cookies he knows what he has to do.
| CHARLES LECLERC | He’s slightly confused but horned. He giggles when you tell him what they’re for and while he does find it slightly silly it warms his heart. Pulls you into a sweet kiss before he eats one and praises you for the amazing taste.
“Almost as delicious as you mon amor.”
| LANDO NORRIS | He gets cocky but also finds it hilarious, definitely throws out some dirty remarks that have you blushing, he uses this to his advantage though and always asks what he can do to get more.
“So how many do I get if I get you pregnant??”
| MAX VERSTAPPEN | He is severely confused, he doesn’t understand what you mean or why you would make him cookies for giving you what you deserve but he eats them nonetheless and tells you how delicious they are.
“I don’t understand Schat, why did you bake me cookies for fucking you good? That’s what I’m supposed to do.”
| LOGAN SARGEANT | Blushes like a school boy, he doesn’t know what to say at first but composes himself and thanks you. Gives you a sweet kiss before eating one, he ends up having the plate gone by the end of the day and he makes his way into your shower later that night with one thing on his mind.
“Can you make snickerdoodles next time?”
| DANIEL RICCIARDO | laughs his ass off for a solid 60 seconds before composing himself and pulling you in for a kiss. He thanks you a thousand times before picking one up for you two to share but quickly gets turned on by the way your lips skim his finger as he feeds it to you and next thing you know you’re bent over the counter. An hour later he comes in to find the oven set at 350 and you whipping up more cookies for him.
“What flavor you makin’ this time?”
| CARLOS SAINZ | He gets so fucking cocky, the second you tell him what you made them for his smirk overtakes his face. He thanks you properly with a quickie before cleaning you up and getting you cuddled up on the couch as he heats up the cookies and gets you both a glass of milk.
“I could get use to these.”
| LANCE STROLL | He’s confused for a good 15 seconds before he starts laughing. He’s very thankful though and horned that you thought the sex was good enough to bake him his favorite cookies. Gives you a sweet “thank you baby.” With a kiss before he splits one between the two of you.
| ALEX ALBON | It amuses him, you’d mentioned doing it to him but he didn’t think you actually would until he walks in to find you plating them. He knew what they were for right away and couldn’t contain his laughter, soon your both bent over laughing.
Once they’re cooled down he devours half of the plate and praises your skill.
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