#bwak bwaaak
blueraptorsden · 5 years
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... are they about to cross the road?
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614 · 4 years
good bwark morning bwak bwaaak
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yukaigenohogosha · 6 years
The Bullet and The Blade... Prt 2
A Detroit Become Human Mafia AU FanFic: This one maybe a little longer than the the first one. And I want to keep it that way...
Excuse the Grammatical and factual errors and miss conceptions. It’s just for fun. Also NSFW and very gay with a hint of gore, angst, and foul language. Viewer discretion is advised.
Prev Prts : Prt 1 Next Prt: Prt 3
They’re going to take the bull by the horns. But is that a good Idea?
Gavin’s Charger hums as he reaches Ferndale pass the subways and buildings. Gavin taps his steering wheel to the beat of Ariana Grande on the radio. Lucky no one’s there to watch him lip-sync and bop to Greedy. He’d rather shoot himself than let anyone know that. Tina does and it is torture.
But at least this is able to calm him. Going to Jericho wasn’t exactly on his top priority. In fact, being in someone else’s territory is unsettling enough. But like Hank said, Jericho might give proper backup. Even though we have no idea who they’re dealing with, we’re not taking any chances.
Gavin turns a bend and reaches a ship. As he got out after of the charger, Gavin approached the old clunk of rusted metal that still held Cargo on it’s deck. It stood completely still in the midday and yet Gavin kept getting chills. He looks around and see’s Hank’s Sedan driving through.
Hank got out with Tina following suite. Gavin felt slightly relieved. At least he’s not doing this alone. 
“What?” Tina smirked calling out to Gavin as she walked closer. “Too chicken to do it alone?”
Gavin rolled his eyes. “You wish. As I would recall, I had to drag a certain Someone to the edge cuz that certain Someone wouldn’t stop crying.”
“It was one time and I had no idea that there was a net!”
Before Gavin can muster a comeback, Hank clipped both of them at the back of their heads. “Knock it off and move. Believe it or not, I got other shit to do!”
Gavin rubbed the back of his head and sticks his tongue out at him. Tina just shook her head and followed orders.
All three walk toward the edge of the rusty catwalk that seems to be used as a connection from the docks to the decks but now stood a rusty broken bridge that halfway to the ship.
But none of them minded it. They weren’t gonna using it to cross anyway. As the trio looked over the edge, Gavin’s having second thoughts.
Tina leaned in to Gavin “Bwaaak bwak bwak. Bacawk!” mimicking the flapping of the bird with her arms.
“Fuck you” Gavin adds before he see Hank disappear.
Seeing Hank go first, makes the whole thought trying to follow suite a lot easier.
Tina beats Gavin to it and moves in to enter Jericho.
Gavin watches Tina do a mid air back flip before disappearing in to the darkness.
“Show off...”
Gavin takes a deep breath and pockets his shades in to his inner pocket before finally taking the initiative.
He jumps.
“I don’t understand why they can’t just install a door like a normal person.”
Hank scoots out of the net. His suit wrinkled and his hair messed up. the net bounces around as Tina and Gavin reach the net. Tina was giggling like a child and Gavin was struggling to get his footing.
“Total rush!” Tina shouts as she looks back at Gavin before she rolls out of the net.
Gavin, after failing to find balance, gives up and mimics Tina by rolling off the net and hitting the ground in unceremonious thud.
Gavin groan and stood up to brush off dust from his jacket. shoved his hands in his pocket. three walked on as they climb the flight of stairs upwards into the cabin. Tina and Gavin softly wheeze after stair number 9 while Hank seems to be doing just fine.
“You move fast for an old man.” Gavin mustered through his paved breaths.
Hank smirked as he leaned on a the railing. “You guys just gotta work on you Cardio.” And continued with more stride. 53 and feeling fine.
Tina and Gavin grunt through 12 more flight before reaching the Hull. Despite what the outside of ship looks like, the interior looks modern and recently upgraded. With open windows, soft redwood coloured walls and  men and women in white suits.
Walking behind Hank, Gavin can see that he’s looking for someone. Hank then smiles as he sees a senior in wheelchair who seems to be strapped to machine that lifts him 6 feet off the floor. Hank starts walking towards him who’s occupied with painting a gigantic mural, a dynamic revision of the the Detroit River in the sunset. 
“Got too much free time on your hands, old man?” Hank spoke up. The said “Old man” turned and smiled “Hank Motherfuckin Anderson!”. The machine descended until he reached ground and he wheeled himself out of it towards Hank. “Hows it been, old timer?” Hank bent down to give him a strong hug.
The man return the hug before pulling away. “Well, retirement’s been nice but having nothing to do is getting old.” He cracked before looking at his master piece. “still, it’s nice.” He turned back round to the three. “But I know you didn’t come here to see me. Especially knowing that you hate falling into that net.”
“Speaking of which, Get a door.”
“Not my call anymore”
“Oh right, You know where Markus is, Carl?”
“Check the captain’s cabin. That’s where he usually is these days. Being the new leader of Jericho get’s busy as it is.”
“Thanks. Anyway, nice work on the wall.”
“Shut up, you can’t tell red from fucking purple.”
Hank give a low warm chuckle before turning around waving the Carl from behind. Carl just shakes his head and get’s back to his mural.
Gavin’s head is solely straight on on the task at hand. That is, until Tina elbowed him and signaled him with her eyes. Gavin turn to the direction she was insinuating and saw him. Through the rush of people in white suits, a man stood out. In Gavin’s eyes at least.
“Hey, Um... I’m going for a piss. Catch up with you later.”
Before Hank could even respond, He was off. tailing a man in white suit and blond hair. His eyes fixated to this person like a he was prey. Keeping safe distance making sure his remains undetected.
All the way up to the forecastle. He watches this man look out into the distance. Breathing in the fresh air and feeling the calming breeze and sun. Gavin marvels at the man, smiling behind a container.
“I know you’re there.”
Gave froze. He sees the man looking straight at him with a knowing smile. Gavin smiled back and shows himself.
“Hey, Si.”
“Hey Reed.”
Gavin raises an eyebrow “You still using my mom’s name?”
“I thought you like that.”
He approaches the Simon. The soft baby blue eyes staring back at him makes Gavin smile ever so pleasantly.
“Yeah, I do. You look well”
“Yup, got to be right hand man. Now that Markus is leader.”
Gavin let’s out small chuckle.
“It’s yeah, not yup. Stop sounding like a T-ball preschooler. You’re in the big leagues now.”
Simon pulls out an earnest smile that melts Gavin heart.
“Oh, right!” Simon turns to his left side and pulls out a double edged dagger.
Gavin’s face drops “Don’t make me say it...”
Simon then pouts and looks at Gavin in expectation. Gavin could only sigh.
“Let me see what you have...”
Simon bolts away pass Gavin. “A KNIFE!”
And they’re off. Two grown adults playing cat and mouse chase, recalling fond childhood memories. Till they’re age caught up with them and their legs gave out. They start panting and laughing like two idiots with nothing better to do.
“So, what brings you to Jericho?” Simon finally catching his breath and stood up straight before fixing his suit.
Gavin completely forgot as he too stood up. “Now that you mentioned it, We got to head off to see Markus now.” start walking over to the Captain’s cabin
Simon tilts his head but follows suite. He then give Gavin a pat on the back. 
“It’s good to see you again, Reed.”
Gavin’s heart made a slight lurched between happy and hurt. 
“It’s good to see you too, Si.”
As the two walk leisurely to the cabin reminiscing about old times, a woman slams open the door startling them both. She looks up and furrows her brows at Simon.
“Good, I was about to get you. Made my job easier.” Her tone serious and hard, but this was North we’re talking about. Never not an angry moment. “Get in.” She moved aside to grant them entry.
Simon and Gavin looked at each other before entering. Hank and Tina sitting opposite to the desk and a man with tanned skin and two different coloured eyes. As Gavin observed, he can see that this calm yet determined figure of Markus is the reason why Carl handed Jericho to him. If anything, he’s impressed.
“Everyone’s here then?” Markus looks around before continuing. “Good. Josh, If you please.” He looks over to another man African american man in white no older than 25.
Josh pulled out some files and looked over to the rest. “I have a bit of information on about the cut signature on John. It’s not much and some look doubtful but comparing them with Elijah’s notes, I’m able to certain some of the facts.”
“Well?” Gavin getting somewhat impatent. 
Josh hesitated before proceeding. “A katana blade.”
The room became silent before Gavin, like a complete moron, started laughing hysterically. 
For a good 5 minutes. 
Eventually it died down slowly as he looked at everyone else. Catching Hank face palming and Tina cringing on the spot. He realized something.
“Oh shit, you’re serious.”
Josh huffed lightly. “The brand of the blade is still illusive, but through the others we found-”
“Others?” Tina sat up. Shocked.
Josh looked back at Tina. “It seems John wasn’t the only victim.” Pulls other files to Tina and Hank. He offered Gavin but he promptly refused.
“I’ll take your word for it.”
Hank looks into one of the files. “Hold on, some of these people were shot.”
Gavin looks over at the file in Hank’s hand and as if he read his mind, Hank held out the file to Gavin. Gavin peered into the files and Winced.
A number of individual portraits of corpses splayed out on the floor. This time, their neck and forehead shot. leaving two bullet holes and a gruesome dead stare. He closed the file. Even if it’s less gory than the first, it doesn’t make it easier to look at.
“Do we have an address to these signatures?”
“With the intel I’ve sent to Elijah, he has located a location worth noting. An establishment known as Zen Garden Towers.”
Hank now sits up “Wait a sec, you mean that hotel? On Belle Isle, Detroit River?”
They all look at Hank like he’s grown a second head. Markus tilts his head curiously. “You know something?”
Hank stand up, ready to leave. “I think I’ve got a good clue of who’s behind this.” 
They all make it to the Zen Garden Towers. To say it was big hotel was an understatement. It had more than 40 storey and the area was bigger than the seem to make up most of the isle. It’s a little sad, Gavin thought. Remembering the Belle as a conversed isle park only to be turned into a luxurious bed and breakfast.
They walked in to the futuristic interior of blue and white with Hank and Markus up front and the rest following behind. At the receptionist, Hank spoke up.
“I’m here to see Madam Stern.”
The receptionist calm as ever “Do you have an appointment?”
“Call her up and say “Anderson” is here.” He said grimly
As the Receptionist did as so, Gavin leaned over to Hank.
“How many fucking people do you know in Detroit?!”
“If you’ve lived long enough to make as many connections as I have, some names will stick.”
The Receptionist then nods and hangs up the phone. She stands up and leave a will return soon notice on the counter. “This way please” She walks out to guide them to the elevator.
As they got into the uncomfortably spacious elevator, three men can be seen entering the lobby. “Hold the elevator!” One of them yelled out as they walk towards it. 
The Receptionist was holding down the open button, when Gavin out of pure idiotic mischief, decides to smack the hand away and close the doors. The trio seeing this, start sprinting across the lobby. The tall one of the group starts getting exceptionally closer, which makes Gavin press the button continuously. 
But in the end, the glass doors closes only for the man to slam his hand on surface, so hard the sound slightly resonates in the elevator. Delaying the ascend. Gavin pulls satisfied grin on the mans face as he looks into the cold Ice blue stare full of annoyance.
“Take the stairs...” He mouths as the elevator starts to leaves.
The low elevator hum puts Gavin in a better mood than he thought, he glances over to Simon who returns them before rolling his eyes and silently chuckles. Tina on the other hand is not amused. She leans over to him again and whispers silently.
“Seriously?! All that to impress Clueless Mc-Blondielocks?!”
Gavin jumps slightly. He eyes Simon, hoping he hadn’t heard anything. He didn’t
“Get off my tits, Ching ching!”
Tina huffed and left it at that. Surprised Hank didn’t sound his opinions.
the elevator dinged as they reached the top floor. the roof. What they saw was beyond words. An oriental garden filled with a built in lake and Asian influenced paths, bridges, and a lake island with a rose trellis. 
Standing on the lake island is an African woman in cyan and turquoise robes. She had an elegant air to her as she tends to the roses.
She turns and smile. But it seems somewhat malevolent than sincere. 
She turns around, focusing on the roses again.
“What brings you here?”
“You know what...”
Sterns stops. And turns again.
“I do...”
Gavin’s hands readied on his holster. But Hank signals him to stand down.
“Which one of your men did it?”
“One of my sons. Richard.”
The elevator dings again indicating someone is entering the floor.
“Speak of the devil. Why don’t you ask him yourself?” 
Everyone simultaneously turns around. The colour in Gavin’s face drained to pale.
The trio earlier, walked in. With the tall one in the looking straight at Gavin with his blue icy stare and his right hand gripped on to a katana pommel strapped to his belt.
“Oh, Fuck me...” Gavin thought.
Because “Richard” did not look amused.
End of Prt 2 ----> Prt 1 , Prt 3
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llulabeee · 2 years
I love that little noise chickens make when you pick them up. “Bwak bwak bwaaak?” 100/10 would pick up again
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gemgeminox · 6 years
MYSHUNO MONDAYS: Seasons Let’s Play, Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Funland at the Beach
Telling Jesse there was a beach nearby was the one thing guaranteed to spring him out of his bad mood.
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Jesse had grown up near the beach; smelling the salt of the ocean, surfing on the weekends, playing volleyball on the sand. The beach was one of the things he’d missed most when he’d accepted the scholarship to the fancy Redlands Boarding Conservatory of Education; the campus was great, but no amount of soaking the beach up on his school holidays could make up for missing it in term time.
By the time he chose Waterford Ridge as a university, he’d accepted that he’d be without the beach again. Moving to the city, post-degree, was another step in the same direction. It was part of what had made him so grumpy on the drive over; with every mile they covered, they swapped a bit of seaside scenery for the claustrophobic grey of the city.
If Rachel had told him about the beach earlier, they might’ve all been saved a few snide remarks.
It wasn’t a real beach, obviously; only a city pop up, with imported sand, and a chlorine-filled pool instead of the waves of the sea.
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There was a diving board, giving him the opportunity to cannonball…
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And it was a lot harder to hold a water balloon fight on the beach, even if it took a bit of provoking to get your friends to join in.
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‘Chicken. Bwak bwaak bwaaaak!’
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‘Who’s the chicken now? Bwaak bwaaaak bwaaak!’
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‘Rach! It’s two against one – any help, here?’
‘Sorry, babe. I’m a little busy.’
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pelagiios · 7 years
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‘ even strangers are callin’ y’out on bein’ a CHICKEN, max. ‘ bwak bwak bwak bwaaak.
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jojoingjoseph · 7 years
efffimero replied to your post: ★ “ Cluck cluck BWAAAK~! ”
(joseph fucking joestar i am going to knee you in the balls)
★ “ BWAK! ”
0 notes
ozkamal · 6 years
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New trending GIF tagged football, sports, gaming, soccer, sport, scared, chicken, fifa, ps4, futebol, playstation, champions league, premier league, united, manchester united, manchester, epl, ucl, mufc, pogba, uefa champions league, man utd, chicken dance, man united, paul pogba, fifa 19, fifa19, pogboom, pog, man u, scaredy cat, manc, pogdance, playstation gifs, pogba gif, bwak bwak bwaaak via Giphy https://ift.tt/2QpVSwa
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jennathedragon · 7 years
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Day 8, the Cockatrice! Bwak bwak bwak bwaaak! #inktober #inktober2017 #cockatrice #thornwolf #reptile #chicken #bird #lizard #challenge
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