#buy pipe tobacco
vapedokha · 7 months
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claude-12 · 8 months
Types of Tobacco
There are many different types of pipe tobacco, each with its own characteristics, flavours, and aromas. Some of the most common types are:
Virginia: A light and sweet tobacco that is cured with hot air. It is often used as a base for many blends, and it can range from lemon yellow to dark brown in colour.
Burley: A low-sugar and high-nicotine tobacco that is air-cured. It is also a popular base for blends, especially aromatics, as it absorbs flavourings well. It produces thick and cool smoke, and it can add body and spice to a blend.
Kentucky: A dark and strong tobacco that is fire-cured. It has a smoky and earthy flavour, and it is usually used in small amounts to enhance a blend. It is also known as Dark Fired Kentucky. One good example of a mixture of these distinct flours is the Amphora Original Pipe Tobacco 40g pouch, the extraordinary craftsmanship exhibited by Mac Baren in 2006.
Orientals: A group of small-leaf tobaccos that are sun-cured. They have a distinctive spicy and floral aroma, and they are often used in English and Balkan blends. Some examples of oriental tobaccos are Latakia, Perique, and Turkish.
Cavendish: A type of tobacco that is not a variety, but a process. It involves steaming and flavouring tobaccos, usually Virginia, Burley, or Kentucky, to create a mild and sweet smoke. Cavendish tobaccos can be natural or aromatic, depending on the flavourings used.
These are just some of the main types of pipe tobacco, but there are many more to explore and enjoy. You can also try different blends and cuts of tobacco to find your ideal smoking experience.
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digitalmaarkett · 10 months
Unveiling the Rich Flavor of Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco: A Comprehensive Guide
Indulge in the exquisite taste of Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco. Discover its rich aroma and smooth blend in this detailed guide. Uncover the secrets of enjoying every puff of Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco.
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Welcome to the world of flavor and sophistication – Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of this premium tobacco, exploring its unique qualities and providing insights to enhance your smoking experience.
Unveiling Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco
What Makes Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco Stand Out?
Embark on a sensory journey with Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco. The blend of premium menthol and golden tobacco leaves creates a distinctive flavor profile, setting it apart from the ordinary.
The Art of Enjoying Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco
Savoring each puff is an art, and Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco is the canvas. Learn the techniques to fully appreciate the menthol-infused goodness and the subtle nuances of the golden blend.
Crafting the Perfect Atmosphere for Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco
Creating the right ambiance enhances the smoking experience. Explore tips on setting the mood, choosing the perfect pipe, and enjoying Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco to the fullest.
The Heart of the Matter: Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco
Exploring the Flavor Spectrum
Dive into the diverse flavor spectrum that Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco offers. From the initial menthol kick to the smooth finish, understand the layers that make each puff a delightful experience.
A Glimpse into the Production Process
Get an insider's look into how Good Stuff Menthol Tobacco is crafted. From the cultivation of tobacco to the blending of menthol, every step contributes to the exceptional quality of this tobacco.
Indulge in the richness of Good Stuff Menthol Gold Pipe Tobacco – a blend crafted for true connoisseurs. Elevate your smoking experience with every puff, savoring the unique harmony of menthol and golden tobacco leaves.
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leowhite092 · 1 year
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sexhaver · 2 months
the people on the last poll complaining about all weed universally smelling like skunk/piss but then waxing poetic about the subtle spicy notes of pipe tobacco... either you've never smoked weed and are basing the smell off someone smoking $100/oz Mexican brick pack in a poor neighborhood, you haven't smoked or updated your mental image of how weed smells since high school when you were also smoking $100/oz Mexican brick pack that your friend Terry charged you $20/g for, or you do smoke weed but suck at buying it
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koiiiji · 6 months
random windbreaker headcanons
tw : no, kinda cute, x reader not included
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⊹ Wooin believe in mbti types, if it says that someones mbti type doesn’t match with his, he will believe it.
⊹ Hyok ultimate stand is pokemon. he wants to be pokemon.
⊹ Harry actually dog enjoyer who prefers animals to people bc they are loud and use doping. and dogs don’t use doping. Noah always argues with him bc actually cats are cooler.
⊹ Mahon was super naive person in some ways. like it was enough to say something with straight, serious face and he will believe it.
⊹ Sangho drink water or strong alcohol like whiskey, vodka, soju or something that have degree higher than 30°. nothing else. it always either water or alcohol. and he hates cocktails. if u guy who drinks cocktails u r gay, his honest opinion, i just asked him!!
⊹ Juhwan actually have a shark. there is an app, where you can “buy” a shark and you can see its location. so Juhwan owns two sharks, their names is Bobby and Sam. he was really upset when Bobbys tracker lost and he can’t see his shark anymore :( Bobby was his favorite one
⊹ deep inside Juwon really lonely person, so partly he actually enjoys that he have Vinny’s company and at some, really rare moments actually think about him as his younger brother (then he have a call from his partners from dark business and everything goes back)
⊹ Juwon actually get tied of people really fast, so he doesn’t really have friends, only business partners like Sangho and some people like Umi, who was with him in university
⊹ TJ have tiktok playlist that contains hard brazilian phonk, the ones from epic anime edits, and he listen it in headphones and imagine himself as an anime hero
⊹ Minu was questionable about his preferences. before he met Mia he always spent biggest part of his time with boys from zephyrus and June, and he wasn’t interested in girls around him. he used to think maybe he had a crush on Vinny or June.
⊹ Aria really enjoys history classes and have best marks at this subject.
⊹ Vinny doesn’t understand concept of dating. like you just met random people and start see each other every day and then maybe marry and have kids? are you insane? you just see random person and think “oh u cool, u r my boyfriend/girlfriend now”. he genuinely think people are weird.
⊹ Shelly 100% high fashion enjoyer and maybe even wanted to be a model, but she is not tall enough, so before coming to Korea she was insecure about her height.
⊹ aside from apples Hajun enjoys cucumbers. they are like apples in vegetables world.
⊹ Kaneshiro hates iqos. same with sangho, either normal cigarettes or pipe with tobacco. no third option.
⊹ Jay Jo enjoy Gordon Ramsay shows. especially old “kitchen nightmares” where he travels across US and mock cafe owners.
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smallesthobbit · 3 months
The Hobbit & The Dwarf {P.I} || Thorin Oakenshield
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Synopsis - You and your brother, Bilbo, meet Thorin (& Company).
Warnings - SFW.
Notes - Guess this is going to be a few-parter and a slow burner, sorry in advance!
Word Count - 1.2k.
{Caffeinate Me}.
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That morning, you had been sitting outside with your brother Bilbo Baggins, smoking a pipe of tobacco and betting who could blow the biggest smoke rings over The Hill when the sun was quickly shaded from your vision. You and Bilbo turned your heads to the side to see an elderly man grinning down at you: he was dressed in grey, with a long grey, scruffy beard, a pointed hat and a staff clasped between his hands. Bilbo looked at the man with wide eyes, as in awestruck before chiming out a loud “good morning!” 
Well, that was the start of a conversation then but to be honest, you weren’t really listening, you were still blowing large smoke-rings over The Hill and basking in the warm shade the mystery man was creating. You had overheard that this man's name was ‘Gandalf’. Not to mention, the word ‘adventure’ was being thrown around a few times, that was before Bilbo stood up and stormed inside leaving you sitting on the lawn with the elderly gentleman. “Your brother,” Gandalf mumbled to you, shaking his head as he walked up to the large circular front door. You watched with curious eyes as Gandalf used his stick to draw a small glowing symbol on the door. Then, once his masterpiece of vandalism was complete, Gandalf turned to you and placed a finger to his lips and chuckled before walking off into the sparkling sunlight. 
Later that day, you and Bilbo had been merrying your way around the markets, picking up food for the week's suppers and buying little trinkets that you found rather appealing. Before you knew it, night had fallen and you were back in your hole in the ground, ready to have a nice, quiet supper with your brother… or at least that’s what you thought. 
You were both about to tuck into your supper for the evening when there was a knock at the large, round front door. With a confused expression Bilbo looked at you but you just shrugged, your face showing equal confusion. Slowly and hesitantly, Bilbo walked to open the door, and the last thing he expected to see was a dwarf. “Dwalin, at your service!” The dwarf spoke loudly, curtseying as he introduced himself. 
“Bilbo and Y/N… at yours,” Bilbo mumbled, looking at you with that same confused expression. 
“Where is it? He said there would be food, and lots of it!” Dwalin said, pushing past Bilbo and walking towards you in the kitchen. 
“He said? Who said?” Bilbo asked, but the question fell on deaf ears as a second knock came to the door. While Bilbo answered the door, you showed Dwalin to the supper table and offered him the food off of yours and Bilbo's plates. When Bilbo opened the door, another dwarf with a white long beard was standing there, a grin on his lips. “Who are you?” Bilbo said, the words tumbling off his lips before he even realised what they were. 
“Balin, at your service!” The dwarf, Balin, bowed to Bilbo and walked into the dining area where you and Dwalin sat. The second the two dwarves' eyes met, they were hugging immediately: it was clear they knew each other, maybe they were even related. While Bilbo spoke his mind to the two dwarves who had now moved their conversation to the pantry there was yet again another knock at the door. Well, expect both yours and Bilbo’s surprise when there was not one, but two dwarves on the other side. 
“And Kili-”
“At your service,” they chime at the same time. 
“I think there must be some mistake,” you gasped as the two dwarves at the large door looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Has it been cancelled?” One of them asked. 
“No one told us!”
“No, nothing’s been cancelled,” Bilbo stressed, raking his hands through his hair. 
“That’s a relief,” Kili and Fili smirked as they pushed their way inside. They looked around inspecting the furniture scattered across the room and art that adorned the walls, taking in the homeliness and comfort of the hobbit hole. 
“Kili! Fili!” Dwalin and Balin cheered, pulling the two younger dwarves into a hug. 
“What in the middle–earth is going on here?” You hissed at Bilbo, looking towards the four dwarves now standing in your pantry and inspecting your food. 
“I don’t know! Don’t ask me!” Bilbo hissed back at you, frowning. 
“You invited one too many people for tea and now we have four dwarves we do not know in our home!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands up in the air. 
“I did not-” Bilbo tried to defend himself when he was, once again, interrupted by a knock at the door. “I swear to whoever, if this is someone’s idea of a joke I am not going to be happy!” 
Before Bilbo opened the door, he took a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself for another dwarf or two - but not eight! One after the other they fell on top of each other onto the floor of your home, grunting in pain and discomfort. Just as Bilbo was about to squeal in disbelief, shock and pure horror, a large figure bowed down revealing himself: Gandalf. Bilbo’s eyes met with the wizards and he shook his head, helping the dwarves off the floor and begrudgingly welcoming them into your shared home. “Bilbo my boy!” Gandalf exclaimed. The wizard ducked to allow himself entry into the home. Then he began to introduce each dwarf as they hung up their cloaks. “Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur.” 
“Welcome,” you smiled weakly, watching as the dwarves piled into your kitchen and began to merrily chat with one another. Meanwhile, Gandalf and Bilbo were speaking quietly in the corner of the room. You were lost, standing in the middle of the entrance surrounded by a Company of dwarves. 
“It seems we’re one man short – Where is he?” Gandalf asked, looking around at the dwarves, taking in each of their dishevelled appearances.   
“He’s running late, but he’ll be here,” Dwalin replied confidently. Gandalf nodded his head in response, taking in Dwalin’s answer as fact. Then, the Company began to chat amongst themselves again as they ate and drank. They were growing in confidence when all of a sudden a mighty bang came from the large front door. 
“That’ll be him,” Gandalf said, standing up and heading to open the door. When Gandalf opened the door, yet another dwarf stood there, his head down. “Thorin!” Gandalf chimed, forcing the dwarf to lift up his head. 
The dwarf, no doubtedly called Thorin, offered a weak smile to the wizard before turning to walk towards you and your brother. “So you are the Hobbits Gandalf insisted on bringing to our Company?”
“I say you’ll find no better members than these two Baginses!” Gandalf said sternly, placing a hand on Thorin’s shoulder. Thorin looked between you and Bilbo, an almost knowing smirk on his face. That smirk gave you two reactions: firstly, it made you visibly tense up and secondly it made your heart soar like a bird in the sky. You decided it best to keep your distance away from the one they call Thorin.
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ltwilliammowett · 5 months
Smoke on the Water
Sailors loved to smoke, it was a distraction from the hard work, the conditions around them and the often scarce food etc. Tobacco could now be consumed in different ways, either smoked in a pipe or chewed.
In addition to the pipe, officers from the 18th century onwards also liked to have a cigar from time to time, conveniently in the last days of sailing ships when the hand-rolled cigarette emerged, which incidentally was then very popular with all sailors.
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Three Sailors having a break at the galley, smoking a pipe and having some tea or coffee, HMS Union of London, by unknown 1823 (x)
Now there was only one problem, because smoking was not always allowed, only at the smoking lamp or in the galley and at permitted times, and so many people chewed their tobacco, which could be consumed in between. The only thing that was a little more difficult was storing it, because it was not so easy to simply put it in your pocket if you had to expect to lose it while working in the air. That's why the sailors put their chewing tobacco under their hats and the inner lining became soaked with sweat and tobacco juice over time. Now there wasn't always tobacco to buy, or the gentleman didn't have enough money to buy it, so he took the lining out of the hat and chewed it instead. Hence the exclamation "Eat my hat".
What did a tobacco plug look like? The leaves were dipped in honey, molasses or flavoured syrup. A hole was drilled in a block of wood - hickory was preferred, but other types of wood were also sufficient - and the soaked tobacco was pressed into it, hence the word "plug". As soon as the tobacco had hardened, the plug was pulled out of the hole and wrapped in cavas so that it could be used.
As tobacco was considered essential for survival, it was almost a catastrophic event if it ran out. So worn cordage, whether manila or hemp, was tried and found to be very pungent and intoxicating; tea leaves had their devotees, and some hardy spirits experimented with some of the green weed that graced our waterlines when dried in the sun. The most popular smoke, however, was a combination of dew sausages, coffee grounds and the bark of a pork barrel, grated into small pieces and mixed in equal quantities.
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welcomehomerandomness · 7 months
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (3/9/2024) Part 2 (SPOILERS)
Here's Part 2 of my Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (3/9/2024)! Hope you enjoy it!
Howdy caterpillar walking ASMR
“It was then that Howdy Pillar pulled out a luxurious looking scarf- If one were to take a guess, it was probably the perfect size for a large house! Wally’s eyes sparkled brightly as he looked at it, but Barnaby was not as impressed. Still, he remembered this was all for Wally.” Barnaby doesn’t like the scarf but at least he knows that Wally needs it to give it to Home…Barnaby’s a true bestie
“There, scaling the tallest of the Homewarming trees in all of the neighborhood, was Sally Starlet herself. She was wearing an outfit adorned in sparkles, glitter, tinsel, ornaments, and even strings of popcorn- She was, as she’s ever been, truly a sight to behold. Even now as she continued to climb up the tree, she was radiant.” Sally is a goddess and an icon
Sally’s nickname for Barnaby is “Barntholomew” lol
Poppy is best bird mom friend lol
Also I wonder what the sunflower-seed ham tastes like
Why does Wally’s voice sound distorted when he says “How can that be.”? Is he sad? Mad? Both?
Awww at least the story ends on a good n-WAIT WHERE’S EDDIE??? WHY ISN’T HE IN THIS STORY???
I’m scared for Eddie now
Also I love how we get to hear more of Home in this storybook record even if I joke around on how I hate Home lol
Now let’s hear Wally’s Toyland…I think it’s a Christmas song lol
Well at least this one has music instead of Wally singing acapella
Wally’s singing is so beautiful...It brought tears in my eyes sniffles
Also is it just me or do the lyrics “Childhood's joy land…Mystic merry toyland…Once you pass its borders…You can ne'er return again” seem kinda sus?
Like I feel like Wally’s singing about the Neighborhood and how you can never return back home once you entered it? Hmmm…
Anyways let’s listen to Up from the Home-Top which is basically the Welcome Home version of Up from the House Top lol
Oh crap Barnaby’s dead/j
“You lost control!? Can’t you see we’re in the middle of preparing for my Homewarming play? Julie is my Santa Claus! And Home? Her trusted reindeer!” Sally, how does Home being a reindeer work??? Is it gonna drag itself on the stage as Julie rides on top of it or???
Oh crap Julie and Frank are dead/j
Also the song is so silly and wholesome I love it
Now it’s time for “Howdy's Holiday Hullabaloo” Record!!! I’m so excited to hear this!!!
“How, normally, I don’t close early for any ol’ thing! Not rain, not sleet, not snow - not even that time Julie launched herself clean through the wall over there!” Oh god I imagine that one scene from the Scott Pilgrim movie where Scott crashes through a window…But instead of a window it’s a FREAKING WALL
Howdy’s brother kinda sounds like Frank lol
Poor Howdy’s dying inside
I think we all know who Howdy’s favorite sibling is lol
The brother-in-law sounds so nonchalant lol
The nephews are so adorable awww
I just realized that Howdy’s uncle is a snail which is why he’s French lol
I wonder if the uncle is a reference to the Swedish Chef from the Muppets but he’s French instead
Oh god the cousin is a stoner hippie lol
I love Howdy’s grandma
I love Barnaby’s reaction to seeing Howdy’s family at the end lol
Overall the song is pretty charming and I love it so much
Also Barnaby's Tobacco Pipe??? Honestly it’s funny but I don’t think this toy will go well if it was created today lol
Barnaby be teaching kids in the early 70s’ how to be like Snoop Dogg but instead of weed it’s bubbles
Oh god not the nephews
Now let’s listen to “Bug-a-Bye and Goodnight: An Ode to Hibernation” Record
Frank’s voice is so beautiful I love it
But Frank seems kinda sad…
I want to buy that set of homewarming greeting cards to give to my family and friends during Christmas lol
Also I want to try the Crispy Sweets frosted cereal so bad...I NEED IT!!!
And there’s a mini doodle on the side of the pictures too
I solved the code at the back of the cereal box but I don’t have time to decipher the other code that was spread all over the website because I’m too lazy lol
I went back to the Merchandise section and found out that Eddie’s toy that Santa was about to introduce in the radio ad was an Eddie Dear Li’l Mailman Kit
I also want to buy all these toys so bad I don’t care if I’m a college student I want them all lol
“Although our Guestbook is and will remain closed for the foreseeable future, we wanted to properly recreate it for those newly joining in our efforts to explore Welcome Home! After all, it’s fun to look back and see how far we’ve come together as a community! We will be recreating all eight original pages in the near future, so check back in soon to see if you can find your message! Have fun!” I can’t wait to see the Guestbook in the future
Dang I’m gonna miss those bugs
I can’t believe I spent hours on this website lol
My hands are kinda tired from typing lol
Also let me know if I miss anything
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glittter-skeleton · 5 months
OUAT smoking hc from me and my friends
cuz we noticed nobody smokes in this darn show which is not how what would go
Emma: She smokes whatever’s the cheapest in the nearest grocery store. Blue camel blue-type bitter ugly stuff. She’s been smoking for a while she does not care anymore. Couldn’t really hide it from Henry on the drive over and didn’t care enough to, so he knows. But eventually she does start putting them out anytime he catches her. Henry’s not impressed.
Regina: Fancy rich lady menthol thins. A blessing of the modern world. She’s discreet about in and only ever does it outside but it’s a habit. Emma finds out eventually and they take smoke breaks together during planning sessions. Switch cigs once and both come away from it with distain.
Snow: Took a drag once. Fainted.
Charming: Took a drag once. Also fainted.
Rumple: Has been smoking the same cigar for the last five years as a lil treat
Belle: Lacey smoked so when she gained her memories she had to deal with a nicotine addiction. Wore patches and stuff and quit.
Neal: Same shit are Emma but quit in New York only to start up again in Neverland. (The bums tobacco of of Hook. Hook does it Very begrudgingly cuz his boy shouldn’t be smoking)
Hook: Carries a pipe around with his flask. His preferred sin is alcohol but he does whip it out if he has the time. It’s in mint condition cuz 1) it has to be if you’ve ever known a pipe smoker 2) it’s killian he’s Like That. Has tried harder stuff in his days, of course. Tried to quit when he was planning on parenting Neal. That didn’t pan out. The tobacco he keeps in the Jolly Roger was what saved Emma in Neverland cuz she only had like half a pack when they left and Regina refuses to magic in anything other than her darn menthol thins. She used up like a fifth of his savings to make her own bunch for the trip. After returning funds out smoking indoors is not a thing people do now so he switches to bumming cigs of Emma to keep up with the speed of her smoke breaks. Eventually just buys whatever Emma prefers (but just a tad pricier) to be able to offer her one at any time. Still indulges the pipe but like… as a treat now.
Graham: Blue Winston with a button for just a tiny kick on his miserable life.
Grumpy: The only person Emma can bum the “good stuff” off
Ruby: Cherry starter cigs, obviously. It’s chapman where I live but idk if that translates for u people. And weed, obviously
Robin: Only when he had the means to. Grew the wrong plant one time so now he’s more into rolling a joint when he has the time. He doesn’t know it’s what that is tho.
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digitalmaarkett · 10 months
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leowhite092 · 1 year
A Perfect aficionado gift for all events this year!
STANWELL PIPE OF THE YEAR 2019 tobacco pipe
This is a great gift idea for a wedding, birthday or Christmas holidays. With a beautiful design and an affordable price it is the perfect gift for any smoker. The Stanwell pipe of the year 2019 is made from high quality briar wood and has an elegant design. This pipe is perfect for anyone who enjoys smoking pipes and wants to look stylish while doing so. The briar wood makes this pipe very durable, so you can use it every day without worrying about breaking it.
The Stanwell Pipe of the Year 2019 is a great gift idea for the Holidays. This pipe is made from high-quality briar wood and features a smooth, glossy finish. It comes in several different colours, so you can choose one that best matches your personality or style. The Stanwell Pipe of the Year 2019 is a premium, hand-crafted tobacco pipe made by Stanwell. The pipe is made from briar wood and has an extra thick chamber to ensure an even burn. It has a large bowl and a medium length stem for easy handling. The pipe comes with a matching case.
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A smoking pipe is a great gift idea for the Holidays.
This is a beautiful piece of art. It's made from high quality briar wood and has a black acrylic mouthpiece. It comes with a metal tenon and can be used to smoke both tobacco and marijuana. The pipe has been handcrafted in Denmark by master craftsmen, who have worked on this project for over 15 years to perfect it. It's perfect for any smoker and will make an excellent gift idea for anyone with a passion for smoking pipes.
 Stanwell Pipe of the year 2019 tobacco smoking pipe
This stunning piece of art was designed by Danish designer Hans Jørgen Rasmussen, who is known for his unique style of designing pipes that are both beautiful and functional at the same time. This masterpiece features a solid brass ring around its bowl as well as an elegant silver band around its stem, which makes it look more expensive than it actually is! The pipe itself has been handcrafted out of briar wood using traditional methods that have been passed down from generation to generation over centuries! This is one smoking pipe that will definitely.
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batwynn · 9 months
Remembering that time when I was five and didn’t even know filters existed—never mind knowing how to stop talking—and I was out with my grandmother (divorced from my grandfather) having a lovely day in a lovely little Maine town in the 90s.
The thing about Maine in the 90s was certain things like smoking weed was illegal across the country and generally frowned upon, but Mainers simply Did Not Care and more than happily grew and smoked pot anyway. The other thing about Maine is most of those Lovely Little Towns are constantly full of out of state tourists coming to buy kitch and eat lobster. These tourists tended to be from states that generally did not have the same attitude about pot as Mainers did. It was still considered a Very Bad Thing To Do.
So when my five year old self saw an older gentleman smoking a classic tobacco pipe amongst a crowd of tourists I remarked, on the top of my lungs, that my grandfather had a pipe too! Not that kind of pipe, though!
There was literally a beat of shocked silence before my grandmother laughed a little too loudly and said something about it being a different color or some nonsense. Of course no one, like, ratted out my five-year-old self and my grandfather out to the police for that. But there were definitely some shocked button-upped folks in that lovely little town that day.
Anyway, that was the one and only time I was a snitch.
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hi! you know how in a lot of novels, characters have their own kinda signature scent where another character will say they smell like woodsmoke and lemon or tobacco and spearmint or whatever - how do i come up with something like that for my characters?
Figuring Out Character Scents
Scent can be an interesting identifier for characters, but it's something you definitely don't want to overuse. You don't want your story's cast to be like a bunch of Strawberry Shortcake dolls from the 80s... Scent is best saved for a really special character, such as a love interest, beloved family member, best friend, or mentor.
The best way to come up with a scent for your character is to think about what their life is like. What's something they do on a daily basis? What's their job or hobby? What scents might they choose for soap and shampoo? A character who smells like woodsmoke and lemon probably spends a lot of time outdoors, maybe harvesting lemons, or maybe they just use a lemon-scented soap. Someone who smells like tobacco and spearmint probably smokes a pipe and maybe uses a spearmint scented product such as soap or gum.
Let's say you have a character who plays football and works in their parents' sporting goods store. They might smell like grass, sweat, new clothing or leather goods (from the sporting goods store). Maybe they go camping with their family a lot, so they sometimes smell like woodsmoke or pine from being out in the woods. Or, maybe they use a pine-scented soap because they like the way it smells. All that matters is that the scent makes sense for your character. :)
And, if you're not sure what smells might be associated with a particular place, product, or job, just look it up. You'd be amazed how often people talk about the way things smell. Even if you can't find a description, just think about (or research) the sorts of things they would be exposed to in that activity and consider those scents.
Happy writing! :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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itsbenedict · 6 days
From the beginning | Previously | Coin standings | 48/55 | 29/29
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Right- first order of business, headin𝕘 back to the volcano caverns to NO LIMP ICE YONDER DEPLOY COIN MINER somewhere it probably won't burn down any buildings. That's just... a good idea, which there's no reason to overcomplicate. You Just Do That! It's a little out of the way, but you encounter nothing beyond the odd bug to obstruct you on your way through the medieval village and billboard canyon- and, like, there's power outlets in there you can set up at. The casino doesn't want people's phones dying and giving them a reason to go home and stop gambling. Ⱥnd, like... this place is an active volcano. It's not about to get any more on fire than it already is.
While you're there, you spend 20 Coin (plus two from a kind stranger) to purchase HACK IN NIL a CHAIN LINK from the butteʀfly shop. If you UN-HANDY ALIEN BUICKS BUY AND USE CHAIN LINK, it ought to let you connect two unconnected squares of the map, by means of... uh, I guess it represents the abstract concept of you coming up with an idea for how to get someplace you didn't know how to get to before.
Per @sym-metric:
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Hey, that's an interesting idea! And you're pretty sure the hospital was near the 𝓾niversity, somewhere. If you just follow the link south...
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Hmm! This is not a hospital! Thi𝖘 is, perhaps, the exact opposite of a hospital!
Really, you should've expected this to happen eventually. It was basically inevitable, really. Every Souls game needs one! You have, at last, found yourself in the poison swamp.
The ground has vanished knee-deep in toxic sludge. Rickety old shacks, collapsing and being reclaimed by mangroves and vines, slouch iₙto the mire. The mire, it seems, pours forth from massive metal pipes that stick awkwardly out of these collapsing buildings.
How will you make your way through?
There's a guy here who says he saw some VIPs come through earlier, and he learned all their tricks. For just a l𝚒ttle Coin, the VIP ANECDOTE GRIFTER will tell you some swamp secrets!
No one's hula-danced here for a long time. There's a drought of hula, and you've come across some pieces of the physical manifestation of the problem. Take HULA DROUGHT WEDGES?
Just outside of one of the buildings, you find some TOBACCO TRUANTS cutting class to smoke cigarettes in the swamp. Careful! If you're too square, they might sass you.
The teacher has just about had it with these kids and their sass. She issues a SASSPHOBIC ORDER, telling them to quit the backchat and get back to class immediately!
A trial is in progress, and the nature of a foodstuff involved in the crime must be established. They didn't sleep we𝚕l, but a BLEARY JURY IDS TOFU. But how could tofu be a murder weapon?
To be continued | 48/55 | 24/24
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24hlevi · 2 years
— faded
chainsaw man characters (denji, power, aki, makima, & reze) x gn!reader
summary: the csm characters as stoners
warnings: language, drug usage (marijuana), suggestive in aki's
this was an impulsive decision but i did it anyway while working on reqs so here
also one of power's hcs repeated idk why my phone hates me 🤷‍♂️
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denji -
- would probably die the first time he smoked pot, no matter what he smoked it from he will most likely pass out and not wake up for a good few hours
- cannot figure out a pipe like at all he just can't seem to hold it the right way or how long he's supposed to hold his thumb and then inhale he just cannot do it
- his favorite method is probably a bong like power, the bigger the better for him, he probably threw up the first time though from accidentally hitting it too hard 💀
- denji is okay with joints or blunts, but if you ask him to light it he will say he's worried of burning his face off with a lighter that close (fair tbh) so you always have to do it unfortunately
- he is probably clingy when he's high like reze, except he just lays his whole body on top of you, mumbling out incoherent sentences you can't even understand which is mainly just him saying how he loves you
- denji also gets more jealous easily when he's high, if he sees anyone looking at you in the slightest way he will tell them to back off even if they aren't interested in you at all because he can't differentiate the two when he's high
- denji probably got SUPER paranoid the first time he smoked, thinking there was devils when it was just power or just overthinking everything possible
- he probably smokes with you every few days, not every day but quite often even if he does nothing to help contribute the costs like a fucking scavenger
power -
- does not understand the rules of smoking with others like ashing the blunt before passing it, hitting it twice, or anything it's honestly embarrassing
- does not understand the rules of smoking with others like ashing the blunt before passing it, hitting it twice, or anything it's honestly embarrassing
- she loves hotboxing in a car or just the bedroom, claims it gets her higher faster and it does honestly so she's not wrong 🤷‍♂️
- is obsessed with those gas masks she put one on once and convinced you to buy one somehow and now she is always using it
- power seems like a bong girl to me idk she probably just gets really big ones with pretty designs and most likely one that glows in the dark because she's like a child and gets super excited over being able to see it in the dark
- do not ask this woman to grind down the weed, the one and only time you asked she poured all the buds on the tray and just...smashed them with her hands instead of using the grinder, needless to say she wasn't allowed to smoke with you for two weeks
- power is already a menace, but when she's high it's even worse, she will try to fight everyone no matter the reason, and she yells a lot more, it's a surprise you don't have hearing loss yet with how she screams every word she speaks
- if you were to hand her a blunt with a flavored wrap she would probably hit it once and then just eat the whole thing and then throw up because she literally ate the entire blunt 😐
- power probably smokes a lot after she realizes the effects it has on people, though she's also a scavenger like denji she does nothing to help not even cleaning the bong water for you 😒
aki -
- aki already smokes cigarettes, so he's familiar with the concept of smoking, but smoking pot is a completely different way of smoking than cigarettes to him
- he most likely started out with a joint or blunt, seeing as it's the closest he can get to a cigarette without actual tobacco
- he most likely started out with a joint or blunt, seeing as it's the closest he can get to a cigarette without actual tobacco
- aki probably likes flavored wraps better then cones because he likes having a taste rather than straight weed flavor
- he hates bongs, hates them because he can never seem to take a small hit off one and his head always hurts super bad after taking one hit because he can't control it 😭
- aki is probably okay with pipes, probably the sherlock ones though and nothing with a design on it like a marvel logo or some shit, just a small one that has no design is good for him
- when aki is high he is way more chill and calm when it comes to denji and power and is definitely more comfortable with you, even going as far as leaving little marks on your neck to express he wants something but won't actually say it
- aki also does become more emotional when he's high, he doesn't know or understand why it just happens, he will tear up at certain affectionate actions or when watching a movie and he gets really embarrassed after
- he already smokes cigarettes a lot, so this would be no different pretty much, he probably has one of those cool cases that holds two joints in one that he carries around or mixes them with his cigarettes in the box
makima -
- a blunt girlie there is no doubt about it, she loves all the flavors you can get and actually has a few favorites she really enjoys
- will pay for all of the supplies whenever you need more or just want something new, don't bother trying to pay she will do it anyways
- makima knows how to do o's with the smoke even if it's harder she does it perfectly like 😵‍💫
- on occasion she will use a pipe, though, but she despises bongs and any other method, mainly because bong water gets nasty fast and she doesn't want to bother cleaning it all the time (same ngl)
- everything is super organized and looks like every little thing has it's own place on the tray, she doesn't like when the tray gets a bunch of useless shit on it like stems and roaches from joints she will literally clean the whole thing just to make it look pretty again
- makima does enjoy a edible every once in a while when she's traveling and can't smoke, she usually gets gummies because they hit her faster than normal edibles made by someone else
- she has a roach clip thats probably like iridescent or multicolored or some shit because she likes using that than possibly burning her fingers
- makima doesn't smoke a whole lot, mostly just on her days off and after work but never before work or a business event of some sort, even though she doesn't change much when she is high
reze -
- when i say reze is clingy as hell when she's high i mean literally so fucking clingy 😭 she will be attached to you the whole time, playing with your fingers completely zoning out of everything else
- she probably has a cute little jar she stores the weed in with hearts on it or some shit and her tray is probably some sort of purple galaxy with a lid to cover the contents
- she will smoke out of anything, she doesn't really have a preference she likes all methods of smoking really but she leans towards pipes
- reze is also 10x more emotional when she's high, she could see a puppy on a tv show and would start sobbing uncontrollably leaving you a confused mess trying to help her feel better
- like denji, when she is high enough she will just lay on top of you while hugging you tightly, playing with your hair while ranting about how much she loves you
- she most likely has a collection of custom lighters in a drawer in the bedroom, she specifically likes the old school zipper lighters, probably with cool designs on them like butterflies or something
- reze probably makes really good edibles idk she's the one most likely to know how to bake in my opinion so if you buy the supplies she will make some and it's usually cake so she can decorate it and make it look pretty
- she probably smokes the most out of everyone excluding aki like on a daily she would be high constantly if it weren't for her job, her off days are spent laying in bed smoking and sleeping the whole time which she gets far more cuddly than normal on those days
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