#buy jeep wrangler
ganley123 · 14 days
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Ken Ganley CDJRF Dealership in Painesville, OH | Serving Eastlake and Geneva | Ken Ganley CDJRF
Ken Ganley CDJRF of Painesville, OH serving Eastland is one of the best Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram and Fiat dealerships in Ohio. Call 440-709-8571!
Visit: https://www.kenganleymentorcdjr.com/
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actual-corpse · 7 months
I'm so excited to move out....
I can't sleep😫
#bruh#i also just realized that I forgot to pack yesterday while I was off#so ill have to pack today#start some laundry#dump my ex's clothes out of my tote#unload dishwasher#pack my clothes#prep stuff for my dad to help me move#KITCHEN TABLE?! FUCK#im definitely moving the cat last to try and avoid issues with her#i need to buy cat food and food bowl#set up the gravity water for my ex's cat (just because you dont like your ex doesn't mean you abuse their pet... I fucking love his cat...*#* She's basically my baby now... seriously I have that cat spoiled lol... If I can work out a living situation where I dont have to move in*#* with my cousin.... Im GONNA adopt another cat. i love cats)#i shouldn't have too much to move since I've downsized... a lot... sold my mini-fridge 😭 made the -easy- decision to leave my furniture*#*(an old power-lift chair that no longer works. some Mainstays shelves and entertainment center - they're almost 10 years old. cost $50 and*#*are made from particle board. they've been moved 3 too many times and they're falling apart) these were hard decisions tbh#im leaving a complete set of Mainstays dishes (cheap. i dont want them. my ex needs dishes. etc)#my mind is awake with all these plans... but I have to work tonight and i need to sleep (luckily I went to bed early)#i need a shower caddy. another (dedicated) dressing gown. a Jeep Wrangler (i hate them but they can tow mid sized campers and like. if I en*#*enjoy living like I will... Maybe I'll just make it my lifestyle) I know well-off people have made unconventional living trendy. but like.*#*Im a poor and it's more viable to live in the camper my parents bought on relatively cheap campgrounds#bro
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storieswithvenus · 2 months
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Feeling Forgotten - Tyler Owens x Fem!Storm Chaser Reader
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴
hey! this is the longest ever fic i have ever wrote so i hope it’s good lmao. if you have any suggestions on how to make it better please do comment or send me a message. this one will contain some nsfw content so
TWs: allusions to cheating, flashbacks to sex, use of Y/N, somewhat of an insecure reader but not massively i think, angst, cocky reader at some points
please comment if i have missed any warnings, anyways enjoy!! ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི
word count; 1843
You watch as your boyfriend Tyler, walks over towards the young blonde woman who had suddenly turned up with Javi, another storm chaser from another group. You couldn’t help but glare over at the sight of your boyfriend smiling down at her, your fists clenching as you watched her smile up at him.
“You’re gonna break your knuckles if you keep clenching them that tight, love”, a voice from beside you speaks, looking to your left to see your best friend Lilly smiling at you sympathetically. “I just don’t understand why he was so drawn to her when we first pulled in, Lills, I really don’t get it,” your tone soft, a frown forming on your face as your shoulders slump down with a mix of confusion and insecurity.
“Do not be getting soft on me now girl, you are THE tornado wrangler's girlfriend, and from what he has told us all, his future wife! So why are you doubting that? Has he given you something to ever question his love for you?” Her voice was sharp, full of questions as she tried to pry the answers out of you, not because she was mad at you, but because she knew how much you truly love him and how much you want a life with him. Lilly had been the one to begrudgingly listen to all the plans you have for yourself and Tyler in the next 5 years.
Firstly; get engaged, then have a small ceremony in your shared hometown, buy a house then have kids.
You feel yourself smile slightly at her constant questions, turning your head back to look at the sight of your boyfriend patting this woman’s shoulder as he made his way over to you. “Can I share a room with you tonight, Lills?”, you ask her with puppy dog eyes. “Y/n, of course you ca-“, she didn’t have time to finish the rest of her sentence before you walked away from her and your boyfriend who was quickly closing in on you two with a bright smile on his face. Tyler catches up to the spot you just stood on, watching as your silhouette walks away to the back of the jeep.
“Is she okay? She hasn’t come to speak to me since we got here.” Tyler looks over towards Lilly, a slight frown on his face, before quickly watching as you grab your duffle bag out of the trunk of the car and set it on the floor. Lilly (again) didn’t have time to finish her sentence before your boyfriend was quickly over beside you, reaching down to grab your bag as he slings it over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes slightly as you roughly close the trunk of the red jeep before turning to him and grabbing the bag off his shoulder. Tyler is quick to stop you by grabbing onto the bag and pulling it back onto his shoulder once more, “Baby, what’s going on? You always let me carry your bags to the motel room? Have I done something?” His voice is slightly shaken and soft, trying to keep the volume as low as possible so that nobody can hear your conversation. You roughly grab the bag off his shoulder and hoist it onto your shoulder, “Why don’t you go see what that new girl wants, huh? Might need a strong man to bring her bag to her room.” Shoving past him, and walking toward Lilly who was waiting for you with her key, leaving your boyfriend behind you, confused as ever.
“You are taking the fucking piss right, Boone?” your blood boiling as you find out that your boyfriend had driven hours away to see this new girl Kate who had apparently left in a hurry after an argument with Javi. Standing up from the edge of your bed you run your hands through your hair. “Y/n, listen he wanted me to tell you-“ he began. “Tell me what? He ran off to see this fucking girl he’s know, what? 3 days? Oh yeah, thanks for the heads up, really appreciate it.” Your eyes glared into him, letting out a groan as he sat there silently looking around at your other friends in the room. You walk into the bathroom and slam the door behind you, due to it being an older motel you were staying at - the slam of the door nearly took it off the hinges.
Turning on the cold tap and splashing your face with the water as you try and calm yourself. Splashing your face a few times before looking up to see yourself in the mirror. Quite frankly, you didn’t look your best. You had been so tired the last few nights due to the early starts with tornados touching down at 5am. Your eyes had black bags under them, your lips were severely chapped, and your hair had at least 3 days of grease still in it. Taking a deep sigh, you reach to the bottom of your shirt, taking it off, and throwing it on the floor. Unclasping your bra, undoing the zip on your jeans pulling down your underwear, and throwing it all onto your shirt, leaving a pile on the corner of the bathroom. Turning around to the shower, reaching over the side of the tub, and turning it on. Grabbing all the essentials you need from your wash bag you had left in the bathroom next to Lillys’.
The water was a nice heat when you got inside the tub, pulling the heist curtain to cover yourself in case someone was to walk in and see you. Putting your head under the shower head and letting the water drench your hair, moving it around slightly to make sure every area was covered. You reach for your shampoo as your mind runs wild at what your boyfriend could be doing with her right now.
Could he be touching her like how he touches you? Could he have his head between her legs and please her how he pleases you? Have his cock in her and watch her face as she enjoys it? You don’t even realize how aggressively you are rubbing the shampoo into your hair, nearly scratching your scalp. Rinsing the shampoo out of your hair as you sigh, trying to fight away the images in your head of him and her, could he really do that to you after 3 years of dating?
Reaching over for your conditioner as you open the bottle, squeezing some out into your hand and rubbing it onto the end of your hair. Leaving it to set in your hair, you reach over to your loofah and squeeze your vanilla-scented body wash all over it, as you start to rub the loofah all over your body - the image of your boyfriend and you in the shower together engulfs your head.
His head lay in the crook of your shoulder, one of his hands holding your waist and the other playing with your nipple between his index and middle fingers, sometimes squeezing it slightly. Your head flew back as you let out a soft moan into his ear, your hand reaching and grabbing onto his forearm as you tried to balance yourself. His low chuckle surrounds the room, letting go of your nipple and trailing down towards the spot you wanted him the most, and just as he was about to reach there-
3 loud bangs are heard on the bathroom door pulling you out of your state of imagination, “Y/n/n, are you okay? I’m sorry for not telling you where he was going, I really am. You’ve been in there for like half an hour, please come out” Boone shouts through the door, his hand continuously banging in the door. “YEAH! I'm okay, I’ll be out now”, you shout back as you rinse the condition out of your hair and the body washes off your body, ignoring the pulsing feeling between your legs.
Pulling the shower curtain out of the road and reaching for your towel, wrapping it around your body you walk towards the door and open it, Boone is standing waiting for you with a sorry look on his face. “Please don’t be mad at me”, he looks into your eyes, which are full of regret and pain. You smile at him slightly, “I’m not mad at you dude, I’m just upset that’s all.” You reason with him, holding onto his shoulder, “he will just have to answer a fuck ton of questions when he gets back.”
You had been sitting in your room all day trying to map out the best mother storms for you and the team to follow when Tyler gets back when there is a soft knock on your door. Getting up and opening the door, “Dexter, really, I am not hungry, I don’t want any lunch.” you look up expecting to see your loveable older friend standing there however, standing there was your boyfriend with a bunch of tulips in his hand and a box of chocolates.
“I’m sorry for leaving, pretty girl,” his voice was full of love, “It was a really stupid thing to do and I should’ve consulted you on the matter before I ran off after her”. Moving to the side to let him into the room, you shut the door behind him.
“Yeah you really should have consulted me about it”, your voice sharp and full of anger, not daring to walk over towards him. He sighs, placing your flowers and chocolates on the messy bed you were just sitting in, walking towards you slowly. “I already know how you’re feeling my love, Lilly got a lot of shouting in when I first got back, I’m sorry I made you feel that way”, his hands placed on your waist as he looks down at you, “I didn’t bring her back if that’s what you are wondering, I told her I had to get back to see my lady.” You lean into him and wrap your arms around his neck and you lay your head on his shoulder, he pulls you closer and runs his finger up and down your spine.
“I love you,” his voice whispered, “I know you’re mad at me, and you have the right to be, but it’s always gonna be you baby, forever and always you”. You pull back away from him to look into his light green eyes, a cocky tone in your voice, “You know, saying sorry won’t make me forgive you that easily, along with flowers and chocolates.” His eyebrow raises at your words, quickly replaced with a smirk and he quickly lifts you up bridal style walking towards Lilly’s bed. “You don’t think she will mind if we use her bed, right?” He asks you in a playful tone before laying you down on the bed.
“I guess we will have to see, won't we?” You reply back as you pull him on top of him attaching your lips to his.
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bitbugbites-cod · 8 months
𝙹𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜, 𝚁𝚊𝚒𝚗, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 | 𝔤𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
Ghost's car sucks -- always breaking down at the worst times. This time, it broke down on Valentine's Day -- right as you were about to leave the house.
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ao3 link
word count: ~1.3k
gender: fem! reader
cw: (light) ANGST, FLUFF // arguing lol
a/n: this was going to be longer and include smut, but I'm tired and going to bed so I might make a part two and post it tmr -- but who knows!
p.s. -- screw valentine's day i HATE being single
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You said nothing. He said nothing. The two of you just sat.
You shifted in your seat, the leathery seat of the car sticking to your wet thigh, begging it to stay where it was placed. You didn’t comply. 
The man next to you in the driver’s seat, Simon, tapped the wheel, his chest puffing up, then down, with a repressed sigh. It annoyed you the way he never had anything to say – and it annoyed you even more the way he looked so fucking good while doing it.
It was a loud sigh, though. You were surprised you were even able to hear it – rain was thundering down, making loud thunks as it collided with the tinted glass that shielded you from the weather outside of Simon’s Jeep. Which, to note, is a busted-up, no-good piece of junk. It was originally a 2013 Wrangler model that he bought used, and no matter how many times it broke down, he always refused to buy a new car. You can’t begin to count how many times you’ve watched him grumble about it making a funny noise or not starting up before rolling up his sleeves and putting himself under the hood. 
He never understood why you hated it so much – and to be honest, you didn’t either. Your closest hypothesis was that you were sick of finding oil stains on all of his clothes – or that you were tired of trying to go on dates, only to find that his car had broken down. Once again.
This was the case for tonight, at least.
Finally, he spoke, his voice sounding a dry kind of deep. It was what attracted you to him in the first place, but right now, you swore it was the most aggravating sound on earth.
“Another night, then, ‘love.”
Your heart dropped in your chest, your eyes hardening as your emotions bubbled. You felt so angry, so sad, you couldn’t speak. You could barely even breathe. 
“Another night?” you repeated, a scoff threatening to escape your throat.
He paused for a moment, before speaking again. “What do you want me to–”
“It’s fucking Valentine’s Day, Simon.” 
He let out a frustrated laugh, his calloused hands slapping against the wheel. “Fuckin’ hell, I know that–”
“Great. You know that. So then you should also know that ‘another night’ is–”
“What do you want me to do? ‘Huh? What should I do, ‘love? get out the car, pick you up ‘an carry you to the bloody place m’self?”
Adrenaline shot through your body, your blood racing through your veins as your eyes began to water. All you wanted was to go out for Valentine’s Day. To feel cared about. To know he loves you.
Grabbing the car door handle, you thrust the door open. The rain got louder, and without skipping a beat, you threw yourself out into the cold, wet atmosphere, slamming the door shut. You heard him yell after you, but you didn’t stop. You pulled your jacket closer to your body, trying not to slip as your heels collided with the slippery concrete. You were going back to the house, inside, where you would foreseeably spend the rest of the night in bed, sobbing, with him on the couch.
You fucking hated this. You hated how disappointing this was. How disappointed you were.
As you reached the front door of your shared home, you held the freezing key in hand, shaking as you attempted to unlock the lock. You regretted dressing up for tonight, wishing you spent your time on anything else instead. Anything.
You heard another Jeep door slam shut, small sloshes of puddles being brutally murdered by aggressive stomps, and you knew Simon and his stupid, heavy-ass boots were making their way toward you. 
God, him and his walk. Even that was driving you up the wall now.
“Y/N.” his voice boomed, fighting the thick, infuriating volume of the rain.
Believing in communication, you ignored him again. 
Nothing good would come from your mouth right now, and god forbid you opened it, he would learn so many new things about himself.
You would save it for later – when you didn’t want to verbally rip him limb by limb.
But then you felt his drenched hand on your shoulder, droplets of water flowing down your jacket sleeve.
“Y/N,” he repeated, and suddenly, something inside you snapped. 
You started to speak, anger coating your words, but you weren’t able to finish. “The ‘fuck do you want, Simo–” 
Within a millisecond, you watched him lean over, scoop you up by the legs, and start carrying you bridal style down the street. 
You paused, saying nothing as he carried you. He said nothing, too. The both of you said nothing together.
It was like something had reset in your brain – you went from being angry, to confused, to shocked. You had no idea what he was doing, no idea what he was thinking. Hell, you had no idea what you were even thinking – you were so taken aback, that you weren’t even sure you had any thoughts left in your head. Which, is a miracle, considering how many new adjectives you came up with about two minutes prior, for this situation alone. 
You felt the rain soak your skin and outfit, some of it landing on Simon first, sliding down his broad, suited shoulders before coating you. His walk was rough and rugged, you bouncing slightly in his arms as he moved the two of you down the sidewalk. Despite how angry you were a couple of minutes ago, you were being calmed by the second just feeling the rise and fall of his chest, the pumping of his heartbeat, the sound of his breathing.
“Simon?” you spoke, sounding cautious.
He said nothing, only looking down, his brown eyes meeting yours as his wet, blonde hair messily stuck to his forehead in small strands. He looked as dead on the inside as usual, but there was something about his stare this time, that let you know he was sorry. It was almost sheepish, in an intimidating way. 
He is a confusing man.
Nonetheless, you went on with what you wanted to ask. “What…are you doing?”
“I’m walkin’ us to the date.” he said in a gruff, matter-of-fact way.
Silence passed between the two of you once more, before you started to crack a small smile, softly laughing at the man’s resolve to solve the problem. 
“I don’t think we’re ‘gonna make it there in time, ‘Monnie.” you said, playing along.
“I said another night, did’n I? We’re gonna get there – ‘just another night.” he quipped. 
You hid your face in your hands, trying to hold back your amusement. It was safe to say that you weren’t angry anymore, at least.
“We’re ‘gonna get hypothermia by then, I think, love?” you replied.
You watched him grin a little, his head moving back up to watch the area in front of him as he walked. “We’ll make a stop at the clinic after, then.”
You laughed, sighed, then laughed again thinking about the stupidity of the situation you were in right now. Simon laughed a little, too.
You started slapping his soaked dress shirt playfully, listening as it made a squelching noise before speaking. “Alright, alright, can we have the date at home instead so that we can skip the whole hospitalization part?”
“I suppose.” Simon replied lightheartedly before slowing to a stop, glancing down at you, changing directions, and walking back towards the direction of the house.
A grin was stuck on your face as the two of you passed by the glowing streetlamps and houses, all while the rain continued to pour down. Suddenly, you weren’t feeling as cold anymore, either – you were glad to be in Simon’s arms.
“You make things really fucking complicated, you know?”
“I know,” he answered.
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serpentsillusion · 2 months
My random thoughts on the HL character boy's attributes. ✨💖
GARRETH: Plays baseball. Carries his keys on a lanyard in his pocket. Wears sunglasses on top of a hat. Doesn't go shopping, instead orders all his stuff off the brand websites. Drives a jeep Wrangler. Has a blue heeler naked Duke. Listens to bands like Black Label Society, Godsmack, Chevelle. Is an absolute gentleman to MC, but occasionally rips savage comebacks at them.
SEBASTIAN: Wears hoodies and basketball shorts with socks and slides. Always has his hands in his pockets. Definitely had a tinder at one point. Has been in handcuffs at one point. Smokes weed. Visits hole in the wall food joints and coffee shops. Drives a Mazda hatchback. Listens to Kings of Leon, Artic Monkey's, Billy Idol. Buys MC "sexy presents." Plays the PlayStation. Dances with MC in the kitchen.
OMINIS: Wears soft clothing and sweatpants most of the time when he's at home. Buys Craft coffee and Tea. Occasionally brings MC fancy gifts. Likes wearing expensive clothes when he takes MC out on a date to a fancy place. Enjoys a nice glass of brandy on occasion. Wears expensive colonge. If he could drive he'd own a black Bentley. Enjoys audio books. Listens to Angus & Julia Stone, Lofi, The Lumineers. Likes watching (listening to) Movies on the couch with MC.
LEANDER: Talks shit about Sebastian's clothes but buys the same thing in a different color. Likes going to music festivals. Loves Pie. Likes taking MC to the theater, but laughs and chews the popcorn with his mouth open. Hardly ever compliments the other boys. Likes English tea only and won't drink it sweet. Likes his coffee with foam. Likes beer on tap. Plays Rugby. Listens to Macklemore, Beatles, Linkin Park. Drives a Mustang. Likes going to popular restaurants.
AMIT: Wears polo's and Khaki's. Doesn't like crowds. Always hits MC with random scientific facts. Drinks black iced coffee. Likes EDM music. Listens to David Guetta, Yellow Claw, Akon. Takes MC over to his parents house frequently to eat dinner. Compliments MC everyday, even if they look like shit. Likes watching reaction videos on YouTube. Has a pet bird named Chidiya. Teaches MC how to make his cultural food. Drives a Kia Soul. Won't be "sexy" with MC until he's married.
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translatemunson · 4 months
thought of calling you, but you won’t pick up • ttfd
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chapter four of the tortured firefighters department
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, banter (because i love it), reader is a math and science nerd, chris is here, mentions of food, hints of mental issues, proofread by my bye-lingual ass (let me know if i forgot anything)
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You checked your phone again. Last night, Eddie texted that Carla would be joining you and Chris on your small field trip because he forgot he had booked her for the day. You never met the lady, but you were sure it was gonna be fine. With an extra adult ticket in your pocket, you waited.
Fifteen minutes and no sign of them. Maybe you should text Eddie and get Carla’s number? She was probably stuck in traffic, but that information would ease your worries — and you could help her avoid the even worse routes the apps were giving these days. At this pace, you’d wear off the soles of your white Nike Dunk and pull every single thread of your maroon sweater.
You were about to text Eddie when you saw the black Jeep Wrangler parking not a few spots down to your left. No fucking way, you thought as you marched into its direction.
“Let’s go, Chris, we’re gonna be late!” Buck helped the kid out of the car and picked up a small paper bag before closing the door.
“Hey, Chris! Are you excited?” You hugged him and kept your hands on his shoulder, finally looking at the one person you’ve been successfully avoiding. “Thanks for dropping him off, Buckley. Is Carla joining us later?”
“Actually, I’m on babysitting duty today.” He extended you the paper bag. “Peace offering?”
“What is this?”
“The reason why we were late.” He insisted you accept the bag. “C’mon, aren’t you curious?”
“He said you’d like it,” Chris added. 
You accepted the gift, peaking it before opening the bag and finding one of your favorite cupcakes from your favorite bakery. The one from the incident that set the whole “we could be friends” situation on fire.
“Can we call it a truce for today?” It was implied, but he was definitely saying this for Chris’ sake.
“Ok, just today. But this doesn’t make things magically disappear, Buckley.”
“Why do you call him Buckley?” Chris asked you, his head tilted in your direction. “I call him Buck!”
“She’s mad at me, little guy.” He took a step closer to you two, probably testing the waters. “Did you get the tickets?”
“Who do you think I am? But give me one second, I can’t enter the museum with food.”
“Take your time. Wanna see if we can get to the museum before Brains, Chris?” And off they went.
You were almost sure Eddie planned this out. Leaving you to babysit his son and his annoying friend, who everyone under the 118 roof knew you were avoiding. One hundred percent intentional, right? And of course he would be late because he drove all the way to Santa Monica to buy your favorite cupcake — someone gave him a tip.
You started to feel a bit sad for ignoring his calls and texts all week long. But you pushed it away while you ate the cupcake and watched the boys walking to the entrance. With your clean hand, you gave Buck the tickets and told them to go ahead and go all the way back after the main hall: it was smart to take advantage of the morning weather on the Nature Gardens outside and explore all the fossils and animals later on. 
You were just a few steps behind when you caught up with them in the outdoor gardens. As a newcomer to this whole Chris’ babysitter duty job, you left to Buck to finish the small walk around the main paths. It was a good opportunity to text Eddie and say that, even though you offered to take Chris to the Museum, you were only assigned to take care of one kid, not two. In his best single-father in the middle of a shift style, he texted you a ‘thumbs up’ back. Oh he was so hearing about it later.
The Natural History Museum in Los Angeles was definitely packed with exhibitions that could keep a child and adults entertained. You’d been there once, as soon as you moved to LA, almost a year ago now, and the featured exhibitions were different back then, but still a pretty good curating work after all.
However, the moment Chris saw the Dinosaur Hall and the Dino Lab, you knew it was over for any other exhibitions. And could you blame him? The dinos were pretty badass and Chris was a very curious kid, so he kept asking you all the questions you could’ve imagined — and a few more you weren’t prepared for. You acted like his own private tour guide, proud of spending some time researching and studying about dinosaurs the last few days.
You almost missed all the attention Buck was giving to you while you talked. To be honest, you couldn’t tell who was more focused on you: the kid or the annoying adult.
After all that talking, you for sure were starting to feel a little tired and overwhelmed. Even with short breaks for some water, you still felt like you needed a reset. You signaled to Buck that you’re going to the restroom for a second, he kept reading Chris the charts about butterflies and insects.
You washed your hands and used some of the water on your neck, trying to calm yourself down. How did you go from wanting Buckley’s head on a plate to babysitting with him? Life was fast and unpredictable by the Pacific shore. One lady entered the restroom and stopped by the sink to your right, trying to get rid of the chocolate and ketchup in her hands. You saw her a few minutes ago, when you stopped to grab some water.
“Can I just say you are an adorable couple? And your son is so sweet.” Her tone was sweet and definitely meant well. But she was so wrong about everything.
“Oh, he’s not our kid,” you rushed to explain the situation. “We’re just babysitting for a friend while he’s working.”
“Well, just like my grandparents told me once: sometimes you’ll have a taste of what your life could be with a special person at the moment you least expected.”
You smiled at her through the mirrors. “Did they give you any advice on how to know if it’s the right one?”
“No, but you look like someone who knows how to find that answer.” She threw the paper towels away. “Sorry for being so cryptic. Have fun!”
She left before you could even thank her for… well, the advice. Not that you asked for it, but it did show up in a nice time. Or maybe not. You weren’t sure. Did that truce mean you could let yourself feel everything you were repressing for the past few weeks? Not just regarding Evan Buckley and his lack of manners, but about everything in your life.
After all the dinosaurs and lectures about natural history, you decided to wrap up and move on to the next stop on your list. Buckley helped Chris get down the entry steps and you took the directions back to the parking lot close to the museum.
“Thanks for your services, Buckley. You can just,” you motioned your head to his car. “Ok, Chris. What do you wanna do now?” You opened your Uber app to get a ride to the next destination.
“Not necessary.” Buckley took the phone out of your hands and stored it into his jacket pocket. “I’m also the designated driver for the day.”
“What happened to you getting out of my hair?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“I thought we were in this together.” He gave you the classic — and a little bit sassy — Buckley smile. He paid for the parking. “C’mon, Chris, we have places to go.”
The three of you walked to his car, but you were still not convinced. It was your idea to babysit Chris for the day, all your plans were picked towards your goal: having a nice and chill day with him. You didn’t need Evan Buckley and all his golden retriever energy to disturb your perfect equation.
While you were hating on him, he made sure Chris was comfortable and safe on the back seat. 
“Why are you ruining my plans?” You didn’t move from the driver’s door. Maybe, if you were warned beforehand you’d had to deal with him, you'd grow some patience. But not today, not this fast.
“I’m not. Still your plans with Chris. Tell me where to go next, I’ll drive us.”
“Give me my phone back.”
“Are you letting me be your driver today?” He leaned against the car.
“What choice do I have, Evan?” You rolled your eyes.
“Hey, I’ve told you I’m sorry.” You stepped aside, finally letting him grab the door handle. “Also, none of my friends call me Evan, by the way.”
“And since when am I your friend?”
“Since now. Hurry up, he’s gonna grow impatient and snap at us.”
“He would never do that.”
“Wanna test your theory, future doctor?”
“Not at all.”
He closed the door. You went around the vehicle, still pissed at him for taking your phone from you. You jumped into the car and checked Chris.
“Ok, are we hungry already or can we check out this cool place before that?”
“Pancakes!” Chris shouted from his seat. “Please?”
“Sure! Ok, let me just,” you instinctively reached out for your phone, but it was still being held hostage by Buck. “Phone, please.”
“Here,” he handed it to you, an aux cable attached to it. “Put the address in the GPS, and please play something kid friendly, ok?”
“Excuse me? What do you think I listen to while I’m driving to work?”
“With that sassy attitude of yours? I expect the worst.”
Just to prove him wrong, as soon as you entered the address on the GPS, you blasted one of your personal favorites. “I stay out too late, got nothing in my brain. That's what people say, mm-mm,” you sang.
“That's what people say, mm-mm,” and Chris, in the back seat, joined you.
You were definitely getting under Buck’s skin. The fact that you picked a song Chris knew the words too left him in disadvantage because you were sure he wanted the taste of saying “Told you so” as soon as he proved his point. But he should’ve known better than to provoke you.
“And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate. Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake. I shake it off!” You sang it right by Buck’s ear, dodging his hand because he was trying to get you out of his hair. Well, how does it feel now, Evan?
Your queue was really impressive: it looked like you were up-to-date with what the younger generation was listening to — not that you didn’t enjoy the same songs occasionally, but you never kept your options too narrow. There was just one scary moment where you thought you added an explicit song, but you deleted it in time. 
Buck was too busy following the GPS directions. You were stuck with him for the rest of the day, which was a nightmare by itself, and kinda stuck into the endless LA traffic. Chris didn’t notice the animosity between you because you both toned it down — for him, only for one day. Most of it sounded like some friendly banter.
Under the upbeat pop song you were playing, you could hear him singing another tune, barely familiar, but still unrecognizable.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, nothing.” He made a left turn, but kept on singing it. “If you could see it… been here all along… how could you not know baby.”
Without a warning, you typed the name of the song in your library and gave it priority in your queue. His fingers started tapping in the beat, and he started following the lyrics, saying the right words this time.
“If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along. So, why can't you see? You belong with me,” you two sang along together. But you really kept your poker face because you couldn’t give him any reasons to be even more annoying.
“Looks like we’ve arrived,” he announced, breaking the spell of one song.
Buck pointed to the restaurant you found a few months ago. It was located south of Santa Monica, a few blocks from the beach, but with the rooftop seats, you could definitely say you were eating by the beach. You parked not far from the entry, and you rushed upstairs to get one of those special tables, telling Buck to help Chris because you didn’t want to ruin the surprise.
On the very edge of the roof, your favorite table awaited you: closer to the corner, with a huge light blue umbrella over your head, the four seat table had the perfect view and vibes. You pulled a chair for your bag and greeted the waiter. She didn’t get why you were in a rush until she saw Chris on Buck’s back.
“Could you just pick a place with an elevator next time?”
“I thought you were the muscles, Buckley. Hey, Chris, let me help you.” You held him tight, removing him from Buck’s embrace and putting him on the floor. “I had to make sure we had the perfect table.”
Three stores of stairs, in a rush, were justified once you got to see the smile on Chris’ face. You could catch your breath later.
Chris ate way too many pancakes. You’d have to do a lot of explaining to Eddie, but hey, if the kid was happy, how could that be a problem?
You had to cancel the last plan of the day — a trip to another museum — and settle down at an arcade close to the restaurant before ending your babysitting duty. Just buying you enough time to Eddie leave the firehouse and be home. So you were watching Buck and Chris playing some games while you tried to schedule some study breaks between classes and shifts.
“What’s wrong?” Buck sat down to your right. Chris was just in your sight, in case he needed more coins or any help.
“Nothing.” You turned off your phone screen, ignoring your packed schedule.
“It doesn’t look like nothing.” He gave you a little smudge on the shoulder. “C’mon, Brains, talk to me.”
“I’m just a bit tired, it’s fine.”
“You know, you can go home now, I’ll take him to Eddie’s. You look like you need a good night of sleep.”
“To be honest, I can’t go back home now because I’d feel guilty. My brain is all mushy,” you pointed to your head, “and I wouldn’t be able to study or relax. I would rather stay here, where my mind is focused on something else.”
“I know what you mean,” he leaned his body back, his eyes staring something beyond what you could see. “I support you distracting yourself, but this won’t go away just because you’re ignoring it, you know? Are you sure you’re ok?”
Being ok was a concept you weren’t sure about the past few days. You wanted to be ok, to look ok to everyone around you, but it was hard. You were just faking until you made it. The PhD program was starting to wear you off, and even though you loved it, the thoughts of giving up were taking every single inch of your notes and books.
But what would be your excuse to leave it unfinished when numbers, probabilities and hours of understanding the impossible things were half of your life at this point?
“Did I hit my head or something? Do you have a fever? Why are you being nice to me?” You swiftly tried to change subjects.
“We’re on a truce, remember?”
“Maybe we could be on good terms again,” you suggested. “I mean, if you ever eat my cupcakes again, Bobby will need to hire a new firefighter.”
“So we’re good?”
“We’re good.” Your screen lit up with a notification. “Eddie is gonna be stuck with an emergency, but Carla is on her way to the house. Should we just go?”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll go get him and then we drop him off.”
Chris black out as soon as Buck started the drive back to the Diaz house. The radio volume was low, and the orange and pink tones of the sunset were being replaced by the dark blue of the night. You found it hard to keep your eyes open for too long, and only noticed you took a nap when Chris was calling for your name, wanting to say goodbye before going inside.
“Thank you for today, Brains!” He hugged you, and it made everything worth it. “Can we do this again soon?”
“We’re gonna chase all the dinosaurs in LA, I promise.” You gave him one last huge and walked back to the car, watching Carla and Buck talking by the front door.
And there you were, back in the car with Evan Buckley. If he wanted to make a comment about how he was right, he let it slide. You connected your phone and entered the address to your house on the GPS. He took your phone from your hands, declaring “Now that everyone in this car is over 18, we can play the good stuff.”
“Are you sure you are old enough? Give me that back, Evan!”
“Hey! I’m driving. And you challenged me. I’m gonna show you what I usually blast in my car.”
You expected anything from Evan Buckley, even the worst genre of music, but nothing prepared you for when you listened to the introduction of ‘You Give Love A Bad Name’ blasting through the speakers.
The playlist had completely changed and moved away from what you played when Chris was in the car. Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles, even a little of Led Zeppelin, just to enjoy some classics you never thought Buck appreciated. But he was more than just a firefighter with a sassy attitude, some wrongs and lots of muscle.
You look around, panicking a little when you notice you’re entering your building’s garage. You were definitely expecting to be dropped off at the front of the building. What the hell was going on?
“What… How did you get the access?”
“So, funny story. Maddie told you about the place, right?” He turned his head to check your reaction. “Well, I was the one that mentioned that a unit was available when I was complaining about my ex neighbor… So yeah, we are neighbors.”
“You’re annoying, you know that, right?”
“I thought Maddie told you.”
Well, she almost did, but she was interrupted by your neighbor himself that night. Shit.
“For how long did you know this?” You pointed to the garage and between you two.
“For a few weeks, when I saw your car after the cupcake incident.”
“I pledge the fifth.” You disconnected your phone from his car. Well, it would only get awkward if you walked to your apartment in complete silence, so you asked, “Wait, so you were texting and calling me from across the hall? You’re unbelievable.”
“What? If I knock on your door, you’ve got a restraining order against me.”
You left the car at the same time, and walked to the elevators.
“I bet I could convince Sergeant Grant to arrest you.”
“You’d make her dreams come true.”
Same elevator, same floor. You took opposite directions: his place was to the left, yours to the right, on the corners of the building, just one unit between you. You waved him goodbye and entered your home. To your right, your kitchen and dinner table. The glass doors to your balcony were opened — your mistake when you left in a hurry that morning — and it felt more like home than you expected.
Under the stairs, your notes and books were scattered. Sundays were for studying and writing the thesis. Your gray couch held the books you were searching the other day, too busy to put them back in the high and long bookshelves you had on the wall. Your television was the least used electronic in the place.
You walked upstairs and threw yourself in the bed. Maybe you should’ve picked up his calls before, but now it wasn’t a problem anymore.
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author's note: are we watching the beginning of their friendship? I THINK SO! yes, i love a slow burn, but i swear it's gonna be worth it, ok? hope you're enjoying this series as much as i am. also: i published a blurb, so check the series masterlist bc i kinda loved it, not gonna lie. ALSO, my lovely friend, casey, made a playlist for the series. just check the masterlist! see yall next week!
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shessoft · 5 months
okay so i have a jeep wrangler right and its a thing among each other to wave when we pass by it's literally called the Jeep Wave and in the beginning i was like 'this is culty' and people make having a jeep their entire personality which is still true but honestly when i don't get a wave back i'm like 'well excuse tf outta me then'
Also duck duck jeep guys it’s a whole little culture it’s wild
anyway Regina George (2024) drives a jeep wrangler...(I linked pictures so you can get the whole vibe)
And when she first gets it she doesn’t realize she’s being waved at until Karen points it out one day. She thinks it’s weird and lame. Like “why do I have to acknowledge these losers?” She starts waving back when she’s alone in her car but she'd never admit it.
Eventually she starts initiating the wave out of habit and when the girls give her amused glances she says “whatever it’s just a reflex.”
Karen tries to buy her one of those fake hands to put on her dash but she shuts that down immediately because “gross Karen that’s fucking stupid.”
Suddenly she’s getting road rage when she thinks someone intentionally doesn’t wave back despite Gretchen’s very valid point. “Regina, its dark and rainy, they probably can’t see you over your high beams.” She just complains that she can't see them either but she still waved.
Another time the girls tell her all about the history of the ‘jeep wave’ and that there is a hierarchy according to their intense google search. Regina ignores them as she flips off the driver of a blue jeep instead, mumbling “bitch” under her breath.
Karen buys her a wave decal for her mirror. She lets her put it on.
Much to Regina’s chagrin Karen learns what ducking is. “I saw Aaron and his friends covering their goalies jeep in them! So I looked it up and it this whole game-“
“Ugh Karen, no.”
“But it’s so cute, Gina look!” She’s cradling a yellow rubber duck in her hands, dressed in pink and wearing heart sunglasses, in an attempt to coax Regina into letting her duck her jeep.
“It’s very cute, babe, but you’re not putting that on my car. Also, I think you’re supposed to do it secretly…” she trails off when she sees Karen’s mouth drop open the slightest bit.
“Wait, you know about the ducks?” Her surprised expression makes Regina chuckle.
“Yes, Kare I know about the ducks. Why don’t you keep it? It’s too cutesy for me.”
“Oh, okay.”
A week goes by and she starts finding different ducks in various places on her jeep, while Karen insists it’s not her. She just smiles and throws them in her bag trying not to draw attention to it. She still thinks it’s lame but it makes Karen happy. After a year or so Karen stops ducking her jeep all together, because she just forgets about their little game but Regina is fine with it. She still has a tower of ducks in her room wearing ridiculous outfits.
But one morning at the start of senior year she finds a little surprise perched on her driver side mirror. It's a little duck, this time it’s all pink and wearing bunny ears. She feels her eyes sting with the threat of tears when she catches herself smiling. This one she puts on her dashboard for all to see.
She regrets it in the end because now the ducks have come back tenfold. She really has no where to put them but Karen, and now even Janis, are having way too much fun with it. So she keeps her mouth shut. Until one day when she starts to find mini ducks, not just in her jeep but in her house, her locker, honestly anywhere they could think of she finds a mini duck. There are hundreds and she knows this was Janis’ doing. It had to be. She keeps quiet though, slowly collecting them until she has an absurd amount. She’s sure she’ll find more but she easily has almost two hundred collected so she gives them to Janis. She had one of the girls on the robotics team rig a gift box so they would fly everywhere when said box was opened. Janis falling off her seat at lunch made it all worth it. Hearing the girl curse her under her breath while trying to save face as Karen cracked up was the icing on the cake.
Regina also has mirror decals (also gifted by Karen). On her visor mirror it says hello gorgeous. (Or any of these. Honestly there are so many options.) Her rearview mirror says buckle up bitches. And the passenger mirror says passenger princess. For Karen.
Gretchen obviously gets the whole backseat to herself and she controls the aux cord.
Janis gets her this for the back window.
Y'all there are things called easter eggs please Janis would put one on the windshield and see how long it takes Regina to notice.
@erikahenningsen tagging a stranger person because reasons
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livwritesstuff · 4 months
Do you have any particular cars in mind for the girls?
Looking at your moodboard for them, I can see Moe having a Jeep Wrangler. Maybe a right fun color like yellow or red. I think that Moes dream car is a “Thing” though.
Robbie would drive a fun car like an old Bronco. Or like a small pick two person cab pick up truck
And Hazel would have a VW Bug with eyelashes and flower stickers on the side.
ooh okay i’ll admit i’m not all that into cars myself so this hadn’t even crossed my mind.
realistically, they definitely all share a car (throughout high school, at least) that steve and eddie conveniently needed to replace right around the time moe was learning how to drive (and the fighting over the use of this car is astronomical). 
in a more general sense, yes i totally agree that driving and having a car is a Big Deal for moe. she is fiercely independent and hated sharing a car with her sisters. i also think that when she goes down the engineering path in undergrad she ends up finding a hobby in cars and mechanics (which ex-mechanic eddie is beyond thrilled about, obviously)
when it came down to finally getting her own car, i think she’d like the wrangler specifically because (according to my car-guy partner) you kind of have to customize the shit out of wranglers for them to have any sort of longevity. she’d definitely buy as close to the shell of the car as she possibly could get, and then spend her weekends working on it with eddie.
and yeah, hazel’s dream car is definitely something like a bug or a fiat or a mini coop – anything small with some serious color options and she’d definitely gonna deck out the hell out of the interior. she is in it for the vibes and vibes alone.
i feel like i picture robbie in an ancient, beat-to-shit pick-up truck that, like eddie and his van, she drives until it literally breaks down for good on the side of the road and is gone forever. she definitely uses the truck bed for everything except its intended purpose and the truck is covered in magnets and bumper stickers (and regular stickers; she’s not all that picky)
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pinballhazard · 3 months
you know what kind of car i can’t stand? i cannot look at almost any kind of SUV without getting annoyed, and i’d say i have no idea why, but i would also be lying if i did that. they are just normal cars, but bigger and they take up more gas, but they hardly have any more space inside as opposed to a regular size car! it’s like a pick-up truck for lame-wads who can’t commit to owning a truck.
to me, SUVs are the like, the suburban neighborhood of cars, if cars were a city. it’s just a stupid family car. and that doesn’t even make sense because you could totally fit the average north american family into a regular old honda, and if you are going for luxury, buy a convertible! or like, a benz. i feel like a regular old benz is a great rich family car.
i think people just buy an SUV because they are big and scary, so nobody breaks in and hot-wires their car, but i don’t get the motivation behind that either. why the heck are SUVs so big and ugly? i feel like the only acceptable SUV is the cadillac escalade, just because it has something a little different going on. woody harrelson made the escalade look cool. i think jeep wranglers are also passable.
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prosperdemeter2 · 5 months
As the end of Watermark, Buck is still car-less due to everything that happened in the rewrite universe. *somebody keep destroying his Jeep every time he replaced it 🤔
I don’t know what are you planning for Foundation and I do not want to impose. But as a 9-1-1 fan and a car enthusiast… can I request a scene where Buck and Eddie just bickering about car shopping and in the end everyone notice that Buck’s new ride was chosen to suit Eddie and Christopher needs
I was thinking of the logic like :
1. Buck cannot get a pickup truck because Eddie already has one, and
2. Buck choose a sensible SUV/crossover because it’ll be easier for Christopher to get in and out of and more fuel efficient than a knobby tire Jeep Wrangler. Or…
3. as they’re no fight club money for Eddie, Buck is the one that bought Eddie’s fancy truck like canon.
What do you think? Maybe this is overkill but just I just want to put it out there. If you need questions about a car you can reach out to me
Looking forward for your retailAU as the snippets were very interesting!
I really should get that man another car, huh? Considering what I have planned for season five ("foundation"), I can see myself absolutely putting in a scene of them/Buck shopping for another car.
While I agree that he'd probably pick something that's suited to Eddie and Chris, it's also important for him to pick something that's suited towards him too. Buck (especially in Rewrite) has taken a lot of time to realize and emphasize his own importance in doing things he wants, so I want him to pick something he likes too.
Thank you for giving your suggestions! I'm not sure how much I'd focus on a car buying experience, but I appreciate you offering to share your expertise.
Can't wait for everyone to see what's planned going forward!!!
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flavia8 · 1 month
Applying for a loan to buy a car, hopefully it's fine. I should be able to Qualify rather easily for a 19,000 dollar loan. And I can swing 500 dollar per month payment MAX but if I've calculated it correctly the monthly payment should be 350, then plus insurance at like 150, I should be good! As I earn like 3000 a month.
The car is a 2015 Bright Yellow Jeep Wrangler that my mom's friend is selling! I hope I can get it :)
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Currently thinking about the guys and the cars they drive…
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He drives a truck. A BIG one. And it’s brand new and it’s a dark color.
He also gives me motorcycle vibes.
He drives a Jeep Wrangler, it’s bright green and it’s lifted.
He drives a decent sized truck BUT he’s also a big huge nerd for old cars and at one point decided to buy like a Ford Mustang from the 1960s and restore it himself, so now he drives it sometimes when he wants to ✨treat himself✨
He drives one of those super-massive-for-no-reason-Hummers or Land Rovers bc those are the only things that can fit his tall ass💀
2004 Toyota Camry that has way too many miles on it and maybe a few other problems that he ignores and he’s PROUD OF IT
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Kyojuro Rengoku HC
Modern AU
Drives a red Jeep Wrangler with removable doors
Shows his strength by lifting them with one arm (Each front door on a Jeep typically weighs around 70 pounds, and each back door generally weighs around 45 pounds)
Drives you around when you can’t sleep at night
Takes you to cute drive in movies
Does his best to know your skin/hair care routines
Loves when you play with his hair, usually falls asleep nestled on your lap
 Sends you pics of things he thinks you might like (cute animals, food, etc)
Food and touch is his love language
Be prepared to always have his hand on you at all times
Buys you cute outfits he thinks you will enjoy
Knows your body inside and out, all the things that trigger you and bring you joy
Notices when you get uncomfortable in a social situation and will immediately excuse yourselves and leave
Unlimited massages, he can’t keep his hands off you anyway
Buys all your preferred brands for when you have your period, his hands are your heating pad, the body heat on this man is insane
You don’t need blankets for winter, Kyojuro makes sure to keep you warm in every way possible
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the-ghost-17 · 4 months
this is the first car I'm ever getting
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If yall even care
(I have atleased 5 sahara jeep wranglers on my to buy list all costing from 11-16 thousand)
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hogmilked · 2 years
would you ever buy a [insert car that other people think is cringe but you think is neat]
(yes this is an open invitation to ramble about cars)
ok ok so yes i am going to go ramble but i’ll keep it relatively short
5. Pontiac Aztek
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any time you look up the ugliest cars ever made this will come up on the list and that’s fair because it is ugly as hell BUT i LOVE IT so much it came with a goddamn built in TENT. it was built on a minivan platform so this bitch could haul so much while not being overwhelmingly big. she may be ugly but she has the RANGE honey. and one person’s ugly is another’s quirky. pontiac aztek my beloved one of the only cars made after 1990 i genuinely want
4. Ford Pinto
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OK OK HEAR ME OUT LISTEN. YES THIS CAR KILLED PEOPLE. YES EVERY FOR EXEC SHOULD GO TO HELL FOR KNOWING THAT AND NOT RECALLING IT FOR YEARS. BUT. they did eventually fix that pesky little exploding issue and what was left was a capable, fun, gorgeous little economy car, and models with the gas tank issue addressed have proven to be relatively reliable for 40 year old american economy cars
3. 2000s MOPAR
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yeah this was a dogshit era for dodge/chrysler/jeep but i’m so deeply enamored by all these dramatically failed experiments. the dodge caliber, dodge magnum, chrysler pt cruiser, plymouth prowler, SO many bad cars that kinda bang. to me. they all have the energy of those fossil pokemon from sword and shield that clearly want nothing more than death but you can’t help but love their cheap, plastic, dogshit charm
2. Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet
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Ok so technically i don’t want one per se although that’s more because i hate almost all cars made after 2000, but this thing got so much hate and like i get it but i fucking love convertible suvs and i think there should be more. yes i know the bronco and wrangler exist rn but i need more with barbie energy like this. chop the top off a rav4 and maybe i’ll consider a car payment. i won’t but like maybe
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Here’s some more specifics about the malaise era but this is the era of cars i’m probably the most autistic about lmao, american cars from the mid 70s to the early 80s. tldr during this time the government was cracking down on efficiency and fuel consumption so american car manufacturers had to start figuring out how to make their giant gas guzzling giants of the road more economical. on top of that imports from japan were getting popular, which were smaller, cheaper, and easier to drive. america however was stupid and full of cocaine so they kept making giant cars but just made them cheaper and less powerful. this didn’t mean smaller engines mind you, it just meant they choked the existing giant engines and made them weaker. so the cars from this era are still huge and clunky but now with more plastic and less horsepower while still weighing the same, which means they all drive like fucking trucks, even the smaller ones. eventually manufacturers either figured out how to make economy cars (though they still weren’t as efficient as japanese ones) but for a chunk of time in the late 70s american cars were ugly, underpowered, and kinda cheap. and i LOVE them. i love the brown on brown on brown, love the tackiness, love the underpowered v8 engines. malaise era my beloved ❤️❤️
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aspl1tl1fe · 1 year
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Conquer and Neji headed to the Little Sister first. They took the Wrangler to the port nearest the vacation house, then drove to the grocery store once docked. At Cruzita’s, Neji parked himself outside the door without being asked. Conquer took his diligent behavior as a good sign, still the sim did his shopping quickly, not staying to chat with Yes, or Domingo afterwards.
Once the groceries were loaded, and Conquer spent a bit of time reinforcing Neji’s good behavior, they drove the Wrangler back to a port so they could return to the central island. They got off the ferry near the Trade Winds Open Air Market, where Conquer got fresh fruits and vegetables before replenishing his book supply. 
Again, Conquer loaded the Jeep, and then spent time with Neji. They strolled the outer area around the market for about thirty minutes. All the time Conquer tried to figure out how to make the trip last longer. Should they go to the dog park and play fetch, or was it not the best idea to put a skittish dog around other canines? 
As Conquer was about to give up, he thought to text Carmina. If her shop was open, he’d offer to buy her lunch. Neji could hang out by yet another fountain (which he seemed to enjoy) and Conquer could have an hour of sim to sim socialization.
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