#buy a bike
stevestonbike · 11 months
I raced the washing machine again.
Dead heat.
I added 18 more klicks to the total. Now I have exceeded last year and the year before. I may even hit the arbitrary number I picked of 4500, but not easy. It would be easy if I were not going to Australia for two weeks to see my daughter. It will be an adventure. Its summer down there.
Apparently in Sydney they have two seasons. Cool summer and hot summer. It was mid 30s there a few days ago. It is the start of hot summer. I can see how that would be good for cycling, but I like more seasons than 2. And Santa Claus in shorts, NO!
I can feel that I am losing strength and endurance. Again!
I adjusted my cleats on the right foot I think it is correct now. I tightened the screws hard so it does not slip again. First principles is to mark the ball of your foot on the outside of the shoe. Then stand on the pedal straight leg flat foot and look to see if the axle of the pedal lines up. You want the axle to be at or even a bit behind that point.
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jacky93sims · 1 month
Beach Activities Stuff and Sale Stand Bike - Deco for The Sims 2
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These are 4to2 conversions from Aroundthesims, low poly. Found in deco-miscellaneous.
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phantomrose96 · 8 months
I think humans have an innate ability to recognize The Creature because today, when I had to replace my 4.5 year old phone whose battery life was finally shot to shit, it was a slightly annoying process, but it was just a process. Just a device. Old device transferred. New device set up.
But last month when my 5.5 year old bike was stolen and I needed to replace it, it was nowhere near the same, because the bike was a Creature and the Creature was taken from me and it's somewhere out there, alone, maybe chopped for parts. And I have a new bike now and it's a perfectly fine Creature by its own regard, but it is not the same Creature. My old bike was a living thing, and the living thing doesn't stop being the living thing just because it was replaced. Because it was Creature-shaped and Creature-sized and so it was a Creature. Something in my genes knows this.
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getvalentined · 1 year
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The details: One of my best friends in the entire world, @takenbynumbers, has been having a rough time lately. Their birthday is on the 10th, but the last couple months have been complete hell—and then today someone stole their ebike from where it was locked up right outside their place of work, in the lot, in front of the doors, in broad fucking daylight.
Nobody saw anything. All that was left was their extremely hefty lock, which was sliced to nothing, and their helmet.
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They need this bike to get around, first and foremost, but also it's an integral tool in retaining their literal physical mobility, as it's a low-impact exercise that helps stave off the deterioration of their hips due to a hereditary condition. A police report has been filed, but that's not likely to go anywhere—these things are never recovered.
If you're going "wait a second, didn't one of your friends have an ebike stolen a couple years ago?" you are correct! This is the same friend! Last time someone broke into the locked secure storage cage at the apartment complex where lived and stole it in the middle of the night—they got a lock to make sure that couldn't happen again, and THIS TIME SOME JACKASS USED BOLT CUTTERS!
If we can raise enough to get them a new one it would be the best birthday present in the world. External links deboost posts all over the net, so PLEASE signal boost this if you can. Everything helps.
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whewchilly · 3 months
what does he Know?
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
I was buying an electric mountain bike and couldn’t remember why.
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stuckinapril · 6 months
It’s never overstated to me when people are like “work out bc it makes you feel better” bc it literally does. I think what I used to get hung up on is making the perfect schedule / wanting to know what I was doing right away. But it’s also okay to flounder at first and experiment w things and figure out what works for you and your body. The important thing is you’re starting out bc your body really will thank you for it later down the line. You cannot keep pushing it off it will add up
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wildstar25 · 23 days
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Arsay (1988)
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canisalbus · 6 months
I hope you have a lovely day today. ❤️
Thank you! You too! 🧡
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ray935sworld · 3 months
old man with pink helmet
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motocrunch · 8 months
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stevestonbike · 1 year
Two days to go to RBC WGF.
I am pretty wound up. I hope I can sleep Friday night.
I beat my August Goal with klicks to spare.
But I do not want to talk about that actually.
Last night I watched the TV News for the first time in a very long time. There were the usual stories of death destruction and war. They like to end the shows with an upbeat item. Last night it was some rich guy in California trying to arrest the aging process.
Hey I am old and I can appreciate this. The presenter said he was in his mid 40s. He gets blood transfusions from his teenage son. He takes hundreds of pills (supplements) every day. He eats very little and works out a lot. I mean a LOT. All this costs him 2 million bucks a year.
He is what Californians call ripped. Yup he works out. Has a fancy gym and semi-medical lab in his home. He does not look mid forties, he looks older. I will say that if I had to guess his age I would put it mid-late 50s or so. But I confess to being very bad at that.
He has a strange complexion and not wrinkles really so much as tightness that contrasts with a young persons skin texture. He follows a strict regime of life including many technical tests over each day. He goes to bed early and wakes up early. There was precious little mention of if he works or is one of those post-successful millionaires who don't have to.
I do not remember the exact numbers as he spit them out. His heart was so old, his organs another number, he confessed one ear was equal to a 64 year old man's, but overall he was 10 to 15 years younger than his calendar age. Success!
Hey wait a minute.
I do not have a fancy lab or gym in my house. I take a multi-vitamin. I ride my bike a reasonable amount. Really only reasonable not like some people I know. My Garmin Fitness computer says my fitness age is more than 30 years less than my calendar age. That is 3 zero years younger.
It rates my VO2 Max at 42 today. It varies over the year and is best about now. It is from that figure it gets my equivalent age for a moderately fit man of mid 30s years of age. I am late 60s and a certified senior.
If I were to meet this person I think many would call me out as younger, though not ripped (but for my legs). I have virtually no wrinkles on my face, but my hands show signs of that. The gray hair of my beard is prominent, I have wisps of gray on either side of my temples. What hair sits on the rest of my head has no grey at all. My brother has a full head of dark hair and he is older. Yes I am jealous, but my wife was prettier than his.
Good genes are probably the cause. Our parents lived to their 90s and did not keep fit even a bit. I think I age more slowly than most. That is a good thing as I must still work to pay for stuff.
So if you are not a millionaire and want to live much longer buy a bike and ride the thing three times a week. Have fun and make friends.
Oh and do at least one long ride every year.
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sunshineandlyrics · 7 months
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mercisnm · 1 year
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doodles of modern AU! Tissaia and Yennefer with their bikes, Yennefer has also bought a drink for herself, and one for Tissaia
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42bakery · 1 month
I'm very done with the discussions of 'is the GP24 better than the GP23?' And I decided to look into the data and numbers (all info comes from MotoGP, so if anything is wrong, beef with them).
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So far, only 3 times dd the GP23 won against the GP23, and all the times was Marc in the Sprint (Portugal, Americas and Catalunya).
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For those who prefer to look at graphs. Remember that Sprint is 12 points maximum and Races is 25.
The GP24 got 357 points alone and the GP23 only 217 points. If Ducati entered the 2 bikes as 2 different manufacturers, the GP23 got more points than Aprilia, the 2nd in the manufacturer championship.
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And because we can, the GP24 has scored 93,46% of the total possible points so far (382), which puts them in the A rank of the new concession system. The GP23 got 56,81%, which puts them at the C rank, just like Aprilia and KTM (near the B rank that is in between 60% and 85%).
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The GP24 has scored 337 out of the 364 points Ducati has. While the GP23 only got 27. That means that the GP24 got 92,58% of the total points of Ducati. The GP23 (or well Marc) only scored 7,42% of the points.
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So is the GP24 better than the GP23? Probably yes. They are regularly scoring more points than the GP23.
But what need to talk and emphasis is that the GP23 is better than any other bikes on the grid, which is actually embarrassing for the other manufacturers. They know and have fight with the GP23, and they still can't beat that bike after a whole season
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akkivee · 3 months
i think about this video of a guy styling his hair like hitoya’s a lot lol
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