#bux watches GoT
bloodyinkandquill · 18 days
Subspace x Reader
yippee, tried to be be as character accurate as possible since this man is an asshole /aff
- When you first met ‘the great’ Subspace T. Mine you thought he was too loud and cocky, but after getting to know him you realized that he was but he also had a more affectionate side to him, though he usually only showed it in private, he had an image to maintain!
- You’d just affectionately roll your eyes and scoff as he went on and on about how great he is, you found the best way to get him to quiet down is to pet his head between his upper horns, he’d just go quiet and was much more tolerable, it embarrassed him but he loved it so he didn’t complain too much, he just loved talking about how great he was, even if you already knew that
- Despite him going on and on about his experiments and great successes he absolutely forbid you from entering his lab, too many toxic substances and chemicals he wouldn’t be able to handle it if you got injured because of him, especially seeing what they’ve done to him, speaking of while he acts all nonchalant and like it doesn’t affect him, you know how he is behind closed doors, holding him as he shakes from just how excruciating of pain he’s in, it’s unbearable sometimes and you do all you can to make it better for him, but there’s only so much comfort you can provide
- He is absolutely infatuated with you, he’s never been so in love before, honestly he was started to question if he’d ever find love till you, he spoils you even if you protest it, being the head of Blackrock’s science and engineering he makes a very good amount of money, plus occasionally participating in phights gives him extra bux as well, so he gets you extravagant gifts and takes you on needlessly fancy dates, you roll your eyes at the pampering but if that’s how he wants to express his love for you you won’t say no
- He wants to touch you, hold you close, kiss you, but with the poison littering his entire body it’s not the safest to do, so he just goes for small safe touches, holding your hand with the non-decaying one, bonking your shoulder with one of his horns, carefully as to make sure his crystal doesn’t touch you, he avoids kissing you too much, since his mouth is also affected by the rot, but if you want to pepper his face all over with kisses while he has his gas mask and bandage on he will absolutely not complain
- Subspace definitely uses his experiments to make really odd gifts, one of the only times he allowed you in his lab he showed you a chemical reaction, from a safe distance away, that produced heart-like smoke clouds, you thought it was sweet but a little concerning, you also stopped caring about if he came back form the lab with what might have been blood on his uniform, though if you thought it might have been his blood you still worried
- Jealous beyond belief, someone so much as looks at you he’s snarling at them from behind his mask and pulling you closer to him
- He’s tall but not the tallest so if you are taller than him he huffs about it saying how dare you be taller than him, you roll your eyes and pick him up like a cat by the scruff, if your strong enough, and he just dangles there absolutely fucking gobsmacked that you dare do that, it’s so funny you have to stop yourself from dropping him because your laughing so fucking hard
- He is constantly boasting to you about himself, he’s egotistical but it’s something about him you love, you just smile and tell him you know he’s amazing, that gets him a bit flustered as he stammers before continuing on about his greatness and expertise
- Subspace probably has a Biograft with the specific job of watching over you whenever you go somewhere without him, like he’s in his lab working and you go out to get groceries, you get some stares at the store for having a 5’8 robot standing behind you scanning anyone who gets near you but you’ve just gotten used to it by now
- I like to think he purrs, laying his head on your body, maybe lap or chest and you just pet his head as he purrs contently, if anyone saw he would so absolutely berserk about someone seeing the powerful head scientistof Blackrock in such a domestic moment, probably threatens them not to say a word as you sigh and tell him to stop threatening people
sorry if these are a bit ramble-y, hope they’re good tried my best to be accurate to his character while still being good for self shippers lmaooo, my best friend is actually a subspace simp, i’m unsure if he’s a self shipper but i do know she’s absolutely in love with this man, i just smile and non and send them art of him, he sends me art of lampert in return because i am so autistic over him, seeing art of him is not enough i need to become him, anyways thanks for reading this was fun like always!
UPDATE: sent it to said friend and she adored it so yippee!!
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jakey-beefed-it · 2 years
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It's been a couple days since I posted any updates on my Knight Abominant project, but that's mostly because I'm at a minor impasse of parts and money. I got the arms sawed through and magnetized before attaching the shoulders and pauldrons, so I can magnetize weapon swaps and use those going forward. I also decked it out with a bit of jeweler's chain and guitar string cables, and sawed the legs apart at the knee to make room for an extension.
Said extension bits are easy and free to cheap with a 3d printer, but I don't have one of those so I'd have to order it from someone who does, and that's going to cost like 10 to 15 bux I don't currently have to spare so the project gets shelved here until I can get my hands on more bits, 3d printed or otherwise.
I remain confident that the finished product is gonna be pretty kickass, though, so watch this space for eventual updates.
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emcroissant · 3 months
Let me just see something real quick...
Charleston, SC, technically has a bus system. It's CARTA, and it's free, but it's not really a bus. It's more of a shuttle that travels around the peninsula in a circle route, mostly catered to tourists.
But it's a million degrees in Downtown Charleston today, and the path I needed to take does not have much shade.
So I decided to take the bus.
Bad idea. Very bad idea.
It started off fine. I got on, along with a bunch of cruise ship tourists who have no idea how to get around this city that's 2 sq. miles at the most. Whatever. Since the bus only goes in a loop, I know I'm gonna be on there for a while.
Flash forward to my stop. In London, I knew that I had to press the red button to let the driver know I needed to get off. I press that. I see that a "Stop Requested" sign has lit up. I think I have been successful.
I stand up and step toward the bux exit, only to watch as we drive idly by my stop. Then the next. I started to panic, so I pulled the yellow wire that I didn't even know worked anymore. It doesn't. The driver then tells us we have to YELL that we want to get off and that she's not going to stop at every stop (despite there being people waiting for the bus as well).
Finally, I got off the bus and had to walk 3 blocks to my destination instead of the 30 seconds it would have taken me if I had been allowed off at my stop like I wanted.
Charleston has NO efficient public transport. The bus is too unreliable, and it's not an actual transportation system that I can take to any desired destination.
Charleston streets were never designed for cars, yet we squeeze them in there.
The horses who pull the carriages are abused and forced to work in the sweltering heat, but they're not used for transport either.
The bike taxis up-charge people, especially if you're "bigger" or not as pretty. I've watched and witnessed it firsthand.
Biclysists run off the road and are not given safe buffers to ride on the road. If you want to be able to ride your bike Downtown, you have to basically be a speed-racer and super skinny so that you can squeeze between moving and parked cards.
Pedestrians and joggers are not safe either. They're hit if they go into the streets, which is sometimes necessary due to the narrow and uneven sidewalks. They're hit when they're on the sidewalk, too. Nobody is safe.
Charleston has the tracks for a trolley system, but they have been buried beneath pothole-filled asphalt.
And what was once a bustling railroad depot is now long gone. To get to the suburbs around Charleston, you have to have a car. They were supposed to start building a train from Downtown to the town where my parents live, which would have been great! But no. They've shortened the proposed route, but I have a feeling I'll never see it in my lifetime anyway.
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ub-club · 4 months
LRB i remember a dream i had where...this wasnt the main context of the dream but i was in an art gallery alone and after that i met up with irls. then we went to this ice cream...sweets..desserts shop... it had a huge display case and i got myself what i assume was a chocolate milkshake with no extra toppings.. im sitting waiting in queue and im watching and thinking wow its so nice the cashiers like the treats they have here too. and as im abt to receive it from the counter and pay i realize that instead of 5 bux for this milkshake...theyre asking for about 35 or something...and on the receipt it says its got a loooott of extra toppings (cookies, chocolate buttons... i remember them charging me for an anchovy??). theres none on my drink so i look over and go "um i didnt ask for toppings." and they go "But youve been taking toppings" and im like "no?" and as we continue arguing i see the other cashier grab a cherry and chomp it up and im like "WH2HWH YOURE CHARGING ME FOR TOPPINGS YOURE EATING!?" but they KEPT ARGUING
then i woke up. humbling experience
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hi-im-dazey · 1 year
Unrelated Life Updates
Re-Watching original The Wonder Years and realizing that Kevin was a little shithead, Paul and Winnie deserved a much better friend.
Got a Bidet toilet seat attachment, I highly recommend it. 30 bux and about 20 minutes of installing once we figured out what we were doing wrong.
Started going to the Gym last week, but skipped today because of massive headache and stomach issue making sleep rough last night.
Down fifty pounds so far. (Not just from the gym. I mean total since June)
Do not like my Rheumatologist. At All. She seems to be taking it personally that the Dermatology service keeps sending me back to her insisting it's psoriatic arthritis (since they are, in fact, treating me for psoriasis) and can she please check for that, when she thinks it's osteoarthritis.
Also she thinks I have yet another terrifying sounding Auto-Immune disorder, on top of the two I already have.
But she thinks it's great that I am SO FLEXIBLE FOR SOMEONE SO FAT.
I am deep in the Rosa Diaz stage of puppy love. If anything happens to this Dog, I will kill everyone in this room, and then myself.
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zengroove · 1 year
Feel like meself again Oi u, meow meow u look good I want it now u got what I wanna plow like ta dow can a Ninja get some don't hold me bacc we both gone come shawty feel like a million bux even if she only have a buc forty I appreciate how she doesn't ignore me or get pissed when I sweat Ayumi. Let me make u purr, spin u like a spur, fill u like notes u heard straight from a Southside Curve those toes curl u hanging on me every word. Addicted to me? That turns me on. Make me feel hotter than napalm water won't even cool it off sweating palms shake unsoft drilling til I get me point across, Mexico saved me life Much Love Y'all! Should I pause so u can keep up on this screen? Still Southside. Still left lean watching with eyes so green. Loving Brooklyn and our Team. I fucced the obstacles so hard they came and opened doors for me. Then I did it again until she was asleep. Then I ate her food and found her car keys. Made her name in a field of tire traccs n took her to go see that Romance gets some ultra wet and I Love the goo get me Blue Heart racing up the steps I got some milk for ya, put it right in ya bowl 😜 It's warm not cold creampie u like u don't even know. Dripping and leaking til u realize I'm still hard fuccin ya mouth til u struggle breathing. I go like the Energizer bunny and Lil had a sex demon. Love it when they moan and kitty squeezing
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power-chords · 3 years
I am a fellow Home Box Office subscriber and programming devotee so i should probably get on that, but I worry about 1) becoming seriously invested, 2) thus feeling compelled to produce Meta and/or Fanwork, 3) thus engaging with too many pairs of eyeballs. I love talking about art, and making art with other people's art, but I really need it to be for an audience of like 30 people. 30 is ideal. 60 is pushing it. Over 75, and I have to run it by the committee.
This is why it took me until COVID to watch Game of Thrones in its entirety. Great experience, by the way. 10/10 highly recommend binge watching a pop cultural touchstone the rest of the country has summarily disposed of.
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tiphares · 4 years
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the-laridian · 2 years
Tagged by @bewilderedraven and @the-lastcall
1. Favorite piece of clothing you own: Hmmm. I'm collecting Fallout T-shirts, because I like them, and after enough wear, they'll become a big Fallout T-shirt quilt. I don't know that I have one specific fave piece of clothing. I do like the Hawai'ian shirt I got at the Back to the Future: The Ride opening at Universal Studios. It's held up fantastically well over the years.
2. Favorite song: Right now? Hm. I like Mojave Song by Miracle of Sound. "Music using only sounds from Windows XP and 98". Smugglers' Waltz from Curse of Monkey Island is a longtime favorite. The Postmodern Jukebox cover of "Pompeii". A bunch of tracks by The Stupendium.
3. Favourite time of the year: spring, which lasts about 2 weeks here between "too cold" and "too hot". Also the lemon tree blossoms at that time and the whole garden smells great.
4. Comfort food: the family-recipe homemade mac and cheese. Do Doritos count? Ice cream?
5. Do you collect something? I try not to collect things just for the sake of collecting, because that takes up room and just catches dust. I do commission art of my characters! And given the size of the fabric stash, I could probably say I collect fabric, though the end goal there is to use it all :D
I'm also amassing quite a lot of Fallout stuff despite myself, so there's that. Nowhere near what some fans have accumulated, though.
6. Favorite drink: Caffeinated: diet Mountain Dew. Decaffeinated: home-brewed decaf tea (I add lemon & sweetener per glass).
7. Favorite fanfiction: My own; my friends'; there's a Benny/Craig Boone unfinished fic that I love to bits;
8. Place you'd love to be right now? My parents' house from when we all lived in Florida. I miss that house so much. If I ever come into Big Bux I'm buying that house and moving into it.
9. Your fav film... of all time? Of all time? Jeez. I have favorite films I can watch repeatedly. The LOTR trilogy of course. Mystery Men, Blues Brothers; Logan Lucky is a current favorite. idk if The Terror counts since it was an 8-episode series.
Tagging @galaxymermaid214 @fatherkirbussy @somethingclich8
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ksslr · 3 years
i do not. ever. talk abt my ocs but im just imagine their stupid little asses in a casino and i HAVE to write this down. its genius stuff
tirsa: oh you know she dressed like the college girl slash bachelorette in las begas babey..... we talking fffffuckin jeans skirt. shirt. cowboy fuckin BOOTS. and a cowboy hat with feathers on it. the good shit. anyways she'd absolutely go Mr. Green on a blackjack table. vomit n everythin.
gregor: im sorry but hes dressed like a rich texan. tan linen suit. cowboy hat. bowcoy boots. the BIG belt buckle. an' a bolo tie. fancy stuff. lookin like a million bux. this mf losing his shit in a roulette table. like hes probably about to get thrown outta the casino for punching the roulette boy in the back a the head.
gunnar: his bitchass thinking he can 21 (the movie) the casino like its a walk in the park. got a graphite pinstripe suit n everything. gelled his hair up. he is going to town with poker. bleeding money outta every pore of his skin though. later on catch and release duty for the rest a his pals.
anwwar: mindlessly spinning a slot machine till its outta nickels. sitting like a goblin in his lil stool and he has a large soda as his meal for the night. somehow got a crowd of people watching him play the Battleship-themed slot machine. wearin a nice shirt that says "came to las vegas for the dry air".
iku: there for the shows. hes a cultured man.
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
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Alright, so from this point on is when things really start to go off the rails, not that they were ever on to begin with. We currently have FOUR (4) fired pets: Marvin, who didn’t wake up for his carpool (pictured), Electra and Francis, who both got the exact same chance card wrong, and Hannibal, who missed his carpool because he elected to attack Lorenzo-
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-AND LOST TO TOP IT OFF. Good times. Our budget is a pathetic 1500 bux, and Malcolm has been on a The-Shinning-tier slow but steady descent into madness ever since winter arrived and he has had to deal with this lot while dressed like a 19th century diplomat:
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-Godfuckingdammit, Hannibal, you and your fucking holes.
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-You mop and you mop but the piss never ends. MARVIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DON’T PISS THERE
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-Ah, finally, all clean! HANNIBAL NO
You get the picture. So when the time comes for Malcolm to get the fired pets their jobs back, this is what he hits me with:
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I pressed it 3 times because I was convinced this could not be happening and was some sort of glitch. I had legit never seen this shit pop up about anything but homework before, what the fuck Malcolm?? But I’m like ok, all I need is to raise his mood a little and we’ll be fine!
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So we eat, we take a nice bath, we sleep, we watch this tv commercial about a guy who takes his dog to a pet groomer and has it bathed-
-How come I can’t do that???
Oh I don’t know Malcolm, why don’t you take a look at the toilet in your dining room and get back to me-
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-we ignore this fuckery to preserve our peace of mind-
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-and we’re finally ok enough for the grueling task of going through the paper for 1 minute. Aren’t we, Malcolm?
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flickwatches · 3 years
Toronto vs Scrim Bux (Atlanta)
Heesu god?
Heesu god.
This match was a great test of how good either team was. Atlanta lost a tough match to Florida (1-3) and Toronto easily beat a weak Vancouver (3-1). Kai didn't look strong first game. Heesu looked like a possible MVP candidate. This match would wash away and lies or untruths. Letting the world know what these teams were made of.
Map 1 and 2 went the same. Atlanta playing Rush and dominating Toronto. Gator and Hawk synced up really well on the Reinhardt Dva running over the opposition. Nepal was a hard Rush vs Rush. Blizzard World Toronto tried to use a little Double Bubble to little gain. But KDG being the great coach he is did something special during half time.
Map 3 and beyond. Toronto found the opportunity to run Double Bubble and escape the Rush vs Rush trap. On Dorado Toronto found the chance to play more heroes. Even at one point breaking out Heesu on Junkrat to amazing value to break thru a close Rush hold. Na1st on Echo found his footing with his ults. Sado had some amazing Primals. It was looking really good.
But Map 4 was Temple of Anubis. And what I thought would be a Rush domination for Atlanta. I was wrong. Oh so wrong. Toronto demonstrated some of the highest level understanding of Ult Economy you'll ever seen. Atlanta's Rush attack got them a great time back for Point B but Toronto's Double Bubble threw down. Sado's cleave and primals. Lastro's nanos. Na1st's Duplicates. Toronto changed the direction of this match on Point B Anubis.
Map 5 Busan. I thought if Toronto survived Anubis Rush that there would be no way they survived a Control Map Rush. But yet again Toronto ignored the Rush meta. This time making room to run Wrecking Ball and Zarya in place of Winston and Zarya. Heesu god showcased his godliness once again. Na1st picked up the Tracer. And the rest is Toronto Defiant history.
This was honestly a great match to watch. Atlanta demonstrated a great understanding of Rush. Toronto demonstrated an even better understanding of Double Bubble. Sado's Winston was top tier this match. While Kai still struggled to fit in with his new team in Atlanta. Atlanta is a bunch of strong pieces still trying to figure out how to work together. If Hawk can figure out the Zarya they mite be able to play Double Bubble. If the meta keeps leaning toward dive, poke dive, and Zarya based dives than Toronto will be in a great spot for the rest of the season. Hopefully Michelle holds up as the do everything off tank. I don't think Toronto will have any issues with Support and DPS. Sado (and Beast) and Michelle being able to keep up with the meta will be the hardest part of this season.
Next matches are April 30th vs the Washington Justice and May 1st vs the London Spitfire. Hopefully I can find some cool clips from this weekend to share later on. Maybe do a write up of the Temple Anubis match if I can find the time.
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contentwithit · 3 years
Rough Crohn's night
Out of nowhere boom, Crohn's flare for a night, queue 8 tabs of imodium and zincofax, I got to sleep, finally calmed down, today my stomach just cramps. last night my legs had not strength and my will to live was gone. I tried to make the bed as "b" was trying to put the bb down. I was a little short with her as I tried to finish what I was doing in the cramped bedroom we're staying in at her mom's.
I hate feeling like an asshole, I held my tongue pretty well since I had started first and was just about done, no swearing or anything but I was short and in pain so hope she didn't take it personally, she goes so quiet though and it's really hard to talk about it after, and make sure we're ok.
Just lifestyle/workout stuff follows
I'm still trying to stay motivated for being healthy, I watched a body building documentary on netflix this morning, I like body building, not to extreme levels, mainly because I'm lazy but I love their focus, and it's always been something I've wanted to aspire to. Balance is a lot of their focus and it speaks to me.
I ordered some new bands because workout equipment is big and expensive of course, and we have a small place. but it's a good way to have a home workout, and I want to have a regular workout routine along with eating less. I think consistency is the important factor for me. An everyday routine will help me more than a 3 days a week routine. a cheat meal now and again is OK but a cheat day is just a setback in my way of thinking.
My plan is simple still
everyday workout/stretching routine I'm going to experiment with the length of time.
Food will mainly be recorded on my fitness pal, focusing mainly on portion control and I will also try to step it up on cooking at home and doing a bigger share of the cleaning.
I'm going to look into supplements, I find my stomach doesn't like many of them though, but they're helpful, I already do a multivitamin, vitamin D, and a b12 injection every month. I have low T so if the budget allows it I will start taking that again but it's expensive 100 bux a month and not covered by my medical plan.
I'm optimistic, I know "b" wants to lose weight to, we do a lot of hiking with summer starting to melt the snow and open up the trails we're both excited about that, she has a different approach to weight loss which is intermittent fasting, I may adopt that but I've usually found a my way works for me and your way works for you idea of weight loss. I still keep an open mind but I don't push my ways on other people. So I'll see if that works.
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In New Zealand’s ultra cool capital, you’re bound to have a night like no other. Visiting one of the most multicultural cities in New Zealand means you could finish the night with a bunch of new friends to visit across the globe.Whether you’re looking for a place to dance on tables, drink some local craft beer, get your gay on, or watch some raw comedy, there is something for everyone here.Being a small city also means you can find just about everything you could want in the one spot – no need to worry about splitting ubers or battling buses.x
With so many options to choose from, the only thing putting an end to your night will be the sunrise.As if Wellington wasn’t good enough, we’ve gone underground and spoken to all the right people to tee-up some fairdinkum activities too.You can choose between adrenaline seeking, easy and chilled, foodies galore and even more.Whatever it is that gets you going, our specialist bucks party planners have got something in store for you – Just say the word and we can make it happen.
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supertweetycherry · 5 years
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🔹Pairings: EXO x BTS X OC
🔹Genre: Fluff, Cardau, Adventure, Powers, Reverseharem, Love, Mates
🔹Ratings: General
🔹Warnings: Very Light swearing
🔹Word Count: 2.7k
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Sneaking out was one of the best thing that a person could ever do in their life. The fun in lying to your parents and then the thrill of jumping out of your bedroom window only to be chased out by your own dog because he couldn’t recognise your scent and then nearly getting lost in the dark streets of the city was really a fun experience. Everyone should try it.
No, I’m kidding! Never ever try to sneak out unless you have a very good reason too. Why? The answer is simple.
Karma is a BITCH!
“How could he bite me like this?!” I exclaimed, wincing at the pain. “My own fucking dog bit me!”
Yup, you got it right. My own dog just bit the shit out of me. So much for getting him a new dog house.
“Ya! Stop moving. It’s just a small scratch.” A voice whined.
I looked at the tall chick beside me with my famous death glare. How could she call the two large holes on my leg a scratch? Doesn’t she see the amount of blood pouring out of it?
“Stop giving me that look, Yoonmi.” She scoffed, pressing a small cotton ball onto my wound. “You are being dramatic again.”
I pouted. She’s right. I’m being dramatic. I love being dramatic. She knows me so well. After all shes my best friend. My honey sunny bunny.
“Your being mean, Sunny” I squeaked out in fake hurt. Yes, it’s true. The wound on my leg was just a small scratch. But hey, a girl can dream right?
“You are such a baby, Yoonmi.” She scoffed again before placing a small bunny bux bandaid on my precious wound. “Will you ever grow up?”
I smiled.
Apparently that seemed to set her off and next thing I know, I’m being abandoned. I frowned as she threw me an irritated look over her shoulders before leaving me alone to serve her boyfriend of the week.
“Ya! Sunny! Why are you leaving me?!” I called out in protest but the words were lost in the loud music.
I looked longingly at her retreating figure and stared at my covered up wound. Did I say something wrong? I feel so lonely now.
Sunny has always been my only friend. We met when we were in diapers. We stayed together ever since. But now it felt weird around her. I used to have other friends but they all abandoned me when bullying started. Being a teacher’s pet and a top achiever of the school doesn’t really get you a free pass from the bullies. Only being popular does. And I’m not popular. I may have a slim, athletic body with all the curves and long dark brown hair that framed my face perfectly, it still wasn’t enough for me to earn loyal friends. Sunny was the only one who stuck around. But now, things have been a little strained between us. I wonder why?
I looked around the party hall quietly. Everyone was either dancing or getting their ass drunk.
Tonight’s celebration was dedicated to being a successful high school graduate. The ceremony happened in the morning while a secret party was thrown in the night to celebrate the new faze. Considering the party was held at one of the top clubs in the city of Seoul. It was enough for my lovely parents to ban me from going.
Honestly I don’t blame them. I’m still a year shy from 18 while all my peers have already reached the legal age. I’m still a baby.
“Here. Have this.” I looked up to see the handsome bartender that has been giving me free drinks throughout the night. He held two tequila shots for me to grab. I smiled taking the offered drinks. So what if I’m still underaged. The rules are meant to be broken after all.
“Thanks”. I said sweetly, looking up at his handsome face. Its weird how he just kept giving me free drinks tonight. I came out here tonight with the only intention to let loose some of the build up tension over the last few weeks of high school. Exams are harder to deal with when they have the capability of deciding your future.
“Having guy problems?” I heard his husky voice again, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I looked at him up and down. Seizing his body frame from top to bottom. Black pants, open white shirt and flashy toned abs. Yup, he’s a total eye candy.
“Nope.” He was pretty and handsome. But something tells me to stir clear away from his path. “More like friendship problems.” I continued, gulping the shot in one go. Damn, that burned. I took another Shot of the bitter drink and slammed the glass on the counter.
Why does tequila has to burn so much?
“Let me guess, best friend leaving you alone to mingle with other boys?”
“Someone’s been spying on me.” I teased. It’s not really a secret. The boy was literally standing behind me when Sunny decided to ditch me.
“I guess I’m just too observant.”
“No, you’re a spy.” I said, pointing my finger at his face playfully. “Let me guess, CIA?”
“No. That’s American, sweetheart. We’re in Seoul, South Korea.” He chuckled.
“Ah. It’s NIS then. I knew there was something suspicious about you.”
“You’re funny and... weird.”
“Yeah, I guess I am.” I shrugged. People call me many things. I guess being Funny and weird is just a couple of those things.
“You seemed tensed.” I stared at him in confusion. I’m not tensed.
“Maybe I can help you... ” He whispered, sliding a card towards me with a small wink. I looked at the number on the card and gulped. “Yeah I’m pretty fast.”
Oh boy, please tell me he’s not offering himself.
“Think about it. I’ll be here for the rest of the night.” I coughed lightly as his fingers slowly grazed my hand. I felt my cheeks get warm. No-one has ever touched me in that way before. I don’t even know what to say.
“I like funny girls.” He continued before placing a soft kiss on my hand. I shivered at his touch. Ugh, it was not a good feeling. So much for being handsome.
“Haha... thanks for the drinks.” I quickly said, pulling my hand out of his grasp. “Gotta go.” I laughed before making a bee line for the furthest couch away from the bar. Yup, I’m a total coward when it comes to boys.
“What’s the rush, little Lee?”
“Huh?” I said turning around to my right, only to jump back in surprise. There, right infront of me sat my biggest bully of them all. Song Mina.
She was chewing on a piece of gum while her fingers twirled around her bleached blonde hair. Her crystal blue eyes were trained right on me.
I shivered. They were so blue. Just like the bright blue water in a swimming pool.
“It’s madam Song Mina to you, little Lee.” She retorted.
I scoffed. Madam Song Mina my foot. She may be my bully, but I never let her get an upper hand on me.
“It’s nice to see you’re still in your happy cloud, Mina.” I said, scooting away from her resting figure. Why did I have to choose the same seat as her?
“What a teacher’s pet like you is doing in such a party like this, sweetheart?” The girl sassed with a curve of her lips. I gritted my teeth in anger. True, it was a graduation party but it was filled with students from all over Seoul. Did I mention the party was actually organised by the Song Family? Meaning only the populars were invited. Too bad the Song family hasn’t seen the wealth and riches of the Lee family yet.
“It’s none of your business.” I said before looking away. I hated her for what she did to me during my high school years. And I will continue to hate her until she gives me a good reason to forgive her.
Just then a shorter boy ran up to our seats and looked at Mina in worry.
“Have you found it yet?” I frowned at her question. Found what?
“Yes.” The boy nodded. That’s when I felt Mina stand up in excitement.
The short boy, who looked a year younger than me, pointed towards the bar. I looked around and noticed a small crowd forming behind the counter.
“But Madam Mina, your friend is about to claim it.” Wait, what? Claim what?
“That bitch.” The moment I heard Mina say those words out loud, I knew something bad was gonna happen.
“Come with me!” Mina ordered before storming to the place of commotion. The boy looked at me before shrugging and following Mina like a small kicked puppy.
I was obviously confused. It’s not always that someone manages to piss off Song Mina. There are some selected individuals who can blow her anger off but they are all from lower class. Considering it’s a high profile party, I can only think of one person.
Smiling to myself, I also stood up and followed the fuming girl and the short boy to the Bar counter. My curiosity has reached its peak. There’s no stopping me now.
“Give it back to me. It’s mine!” A deep voice screamed just as I reached the site of commotion.
There were quite a lot of people here. All gathered around in a circle. I could see pointing of fingers and excitement on their faces.
Apparently, a very tall boy was shouting over his lungs at someone. That someone happens to be a very familiar looking girl. He was making moves to grab whatever the girl held in her hands. The only thing stopping him was the herd of boys who had launched themselves at the poor boy.
“Relax, Wo Bin. I just want to know if it’s worth my time or not.” The female spoke, smirking at the boy who tried to claw her face again.
“Krystal.” I quietly whispered to myself. That’s who the female was. The voice was too familiar for me not to recognise. She was one of those neutral peers who would watch a crime happen but wouldn't help to stop it. Why? Simple. Because it has nothing to do with them.
“I found it first. It appeared to me!” The boy shouted, not caring that he was drawing unwanted attention.
I was utterly confused by this scene. Where were the bouncers? With this much screaming going on, security should have been here by now to separate these two. I could only detect few of the students lining around to see the outcome. But everyone else just ignored it as if it was invisible to them. Even that handsome bartender who was looking the other way is oblivious to the small crowd beside him.
“I know. I just want to check.” My brows furrowed in confusion. Check what?
“This is my last warning to you, Krystal. Give that card back to me!”
Wait, a card?
They’re fighting over a card?
I looked at Krystal’s right hand to find a large playing card being twirled around her fingers. I couldn’t see properly but I can guarantee it was bigger than any normal playing card.
“Krystal”. That was Mina. The sudden warning in the tone and the familiar temperature drop was enough for everyone in the circle to shuffle back a bit, allowing Mina to get a front seat view of the whole fight.
I could see another boy beside Mina, who looked viciously at the two fighting duo. He was scaring everyone off. The way his fingers twitched, and his eyes glowing. There was something unnatural about that boy.
“Mina.” As if on instinct, suddenly two people appeared on Krystal’s either side. An older girl and a young boy. Both with the same identical black hair and twin features. Their posture was defensive. It was as if they were there to protect Krystal.
“Is it same card?” I heard Mina ask. A small wicked smile appeared on Krystal’s lips.
“Exactly the same.”
“No!” The tall boy from earlier looked at both of them in fear. His eyes had grown to the size of a saucer. “You can’t! This isn’t fair.”
“Shut up!” Someone else yelled.
“Take him away, please.” Mina sighed as she moved towards Krystal But was stopped by the two twin looking people. They were glaring at her.
“Sorry Mina. First come first serve.” Krystal smiled, rubbing her long nails over the card’s surface.
I tried to hide my smile. Mina was known to be the biggest bully around here. Her only rule was based on first come first serve basis. It’s funny how Krystal used the same tactics back at her.
I could literally see Mina’s face turning cold. I’m so glad I followed her. Seeing Mina rile up like this completed my night of celebration.
“You don’t want uncle to know about this do you?”
At the mention of Krystal’s father, the dark long-haired beauty stiffened. Mina and Krystal are second cousins from their mother’s side. Although, both are from the same family tree, they are nothing like each other. Except maybe the evilness in both of them. Mina was straight forward where as Krystal was more reserved.
I���m so glad I’m the only child in my family. Might have some cousins but they never kept in contact with me for some reason. Oh well, it’s not like I care.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh but I will. And then you can say bye bye to the academy.” Mina threatened.
Academy? Are they really threatening each other over a simple playing card?
I watched as Krystal’s face lost all the colour. Something is definitely up with these two.
In the midst of this, I noticed the tall boy, Wo Bin, had lunged for the card again, scratching Krystal’s hand in the process.
“Yes! I finally got it. I’m its master.” The boy said loudly in glee as he held up the card in his hands. This time I could see the card more clearly. Like any other playing card, it’s one side had a dark wispy black background to it with a shiny silver diamond placed right in the middle. The other side was blank white. But what shocked me was the multiple tears and creases on the card. It was bent from all sides and looked a bit dirty. As if someone has dragged it across a muddy road for days.
I felt a small stab of pain in my chest. Something about that card made my heart ache. It was in a very bad shape and if these people continued to play pull-pull with it, I’m afraid it might not last very long.
“Stop him!”
And just like that a fight started. Before the boy could lift the card up, someone has already snatched it out of his hands and then another pairs of hands grabbed it. I moved back in fear as the whole crowd jumped at the new owner of the card. Even Song Mina.
There was shouts here and there as everyone tried to get access to the card. I didn’t know what to do. The poor thing must have been shredded into pieces by now.
Seeing as there is nothing else interesting about this issue, I started to move away from the area. It was getting too violent for my taste anyway.
But suddenly I felt a gust of wind hit my face. Something large and pointy flew by my face. It landed somewhere near my feet.
I was shocked and startled all at the same time. What the heck was that?
Holding onto my obvious racing heart, I looked at the stupid object which had dared to take my eye out.
It was the card.
The very same card that those idiots are fighting over. I sighed in relief and picked up the offending object.
“Ya! What was that huh? You nearly blinded me.” I scolded the card, noticing how it was darker than before. Am I going crazy for talking to a card?
“The Card! It’s gone!” Someone yelled over the music. I winced at the loud voice.
“Search the place. Find it!” That was Mina. I’m sure of it.
I gulped. The card was in my hands. And there are about 15 or so of them. It was a loosing situation.
So taking a deep breadth, I did the only thing that most people do in situations like this.
I ran.
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copperbadge · 5 years
ameliahcrowley replied to your post “An interesting thing about VeggieTales is that the Bible stories it...”
The most confusing thing about Veggie Tales, from the perspective of an outsider, is that it apparently exists at all.  That said, someone in the notes suggested that Jesus is a tater tot.
Oh, that’s a nice idea. I’m an outsider as well in that I never watched it as a kid, but SOMEONE kept asking for Veggie Tales/Avengers crossovers so at some point I had to do some research. 
It’s really unsettling as an adult, but I can see why the kids like it.  
heeerekittykittykitty replied to your photo “RV LYFE [Description: Polk is sitting in a cat scratcher/hutch shaped...”
Oh, I BADLY want the ski chalet but the shipping is CAD$37 (that’s 1.5x on top of the price of the actual chalet...)
What a shame! I can see why it would be expensive to ship, though, the box is a super-awkward size. 
themiscyra1983 mentioned you on a post “Chicago bar installs over 70 Big Mouth Billy Bass to sing popular...”
@copperbadge​ Sam are you saying you liked Wicker Park before it sold out?
HAHAHAHAHAHA well, I never liked Wicker per se -- it’s cool and there’s fun stuff to do but I am painfully out of place there. The first time I visited, I just wanted to see the Chrome bag store, and it was like...ten thousand people in skinny jeans and ill-fitting shirts, bad haircuts, and trucker caps, and there was me in a nice leather jacket, conservative boots, and khakis. I was like a dad in a Hot Topic. Very awkward. 
torrilin replied to your post “nightshadezombie replied to your photo “I gave her tummy rubs until...”
Men typically do not. Men who live without a car seem more likely to trip chain, and more likely to do chains that don’t involve coffee. But yeah it’s definitely seen as feminine. And my local transit is hell for circular routes but I at least have a train and a reasonable schedule of every 10m trains.
I mean, I suppose my chain usually involves a meal, but that’s just because I know when I’ll get tired/hungry. That’s wild, I wonder how their errands get done, like...I guess you just go out to do one thing and randomly think of others? 
thatmadhatter replied to your post “Hi, I recently got a transfer to the new Starbucks and it stays...”
The roastery is so freaking pretty, I know a bunch of the Chicago partners that work there and it’s been an interesting transition from what I hear. They do get paid more, but it’s a no-tip store, so I’m not sure if that balances out.
Huh! I wonder if people somehow try to tip them anyway? I guess with no tip jar and no line on the receipt they probably only get tipped when people say “keep the change” and that likely goes to some kind of special Bux fund rather than the person. How interesting. 
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