#gabe watched w us
whateverisbeautiful · 13 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#48: The Wedding Plans (1.05)
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Of all the Jadis and Father Gabriel flashbacks, this was the best one right here because we get to learn something so special - Rick wanted to have a wedding with Michonne. 😭 Officially marrying his wife is one of the many milestones that trifling Jadis stole from them, and Michonne also addresses some other missed milestones Jadis took from them as they hunt her down 🚖...
Flashing back to two years ago, Jadis and Father Gabriel have another one of their annual meetings in the forest. Jadis asks, “How’s Rick’s wife doing?” And I do like hearing Michonne be referred to as 'Rick’s wife' by someone, even tho it’s one of my least favorite someones.
Father Gabriel says, “Michonne? She’s away helping people.” And even with this, I was like...SIR, are you at all curious why Jadis is curious about how Rick’s wife - who Jadis wasn’t close to - is doing? Like, please...
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I'm not even saying Father Gabriel needed to immediately put together that Jadis had anything to do with Rick, since he, like many, thought Rick died. But still, he could have at least been a bit more suspicious of Jadis' whole situation and told some people back home about her and her helicopter.
And then I’m side-eying Father Gabriel again when he asks, “Why did you call her his wife?” Gabe, you have to ask? 😑 Lol, I know it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but, the second I even realized these two were having these yearly meet-ups, everything they said and did had me looking at both of them like...
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Jadis says, “I mean, wasn’t she?” And I just know she’s thinking about how Rick barely says five words to her in Philly and most of those words are about his wife. 😋
Father Gabriel says, “Well not officially. If that matters anymore.” I said now Father G, I know you see Michonne every day raising those kids and wearing a wedding ring around her neck. That’s Rick’s wife, stop playing. 
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Also, in TWD I was proud of Father Gabriel when he had his whole evolution into a real one and became a valued member of the group. But seeing TOWL made me remember that while Father G has grown a lot, this man did in fact enter this franchise with snake tendencies.
Had me wondering if his snake past is what makes him intrinsically drawn to this snake Jadis. But little does Father G know, that while he's actually tried to improve himself, Jadis is still slithering through life and causing so much harm.
Something I do like about this exchange between them tho is it feels like yet another thing TOWL came to set the record straight on regarding Richonne. Like for all the viewers that used to comment “no ring, no marriage,” stuff about Richonne, this was TOWL being like nope, Rick and Michonne are and have long been husband and wife, period. 👌🏽
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This show didn't allow any room to downplay, discredit, or dismiss who Rick and Michonne are to each other and how much they mean to each other and I'll always appreciate TOWL for that. 😌
Then we get to the best part of these Jadis/Father Gabriel flashbacks when Father Gabriel says, “It’s funny. One day, Rick said that I should marry them. Maybe we should do it right there on the bridge that we were building”
Y’all. 🫠 When I tell you I was gagged when I heard that the first time.
I had been ready for them to just hurry this Jadis/Father G scene up but then I heard that line and...
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I adore that we got to learn that Rick wanted to have a wedding and was making plans for it before he was taken. He wanted to marry Michonne on the bridge. 🥹 The very bridge he was then taken from her for years. 🥺
Watching Rick's season 9 episodes back, they’re now even better knowing that making his marriage to Michonne official was on his mind. It’s almost like you can see it with certain scenes, even tho obviously this detail was more added in TOWL rather than pre-planted in TWD.
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It’s so sweet too because Rick was so adamant about that bridge being completed and I love knowing that it was both because of its practicality/symbolism of unity bringing the communities together and because it was where he and Michonne could celebrate their own special union with a wedding.
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gif cred: @perryabbott
This was esepcially great to hear because I had always felt that Rick would be the type to give Michonne a ring and want that traditional solidification of their marriage. So it was nice to hear these details that show he really was working on it. 🥹
Also, another TWD scene that becomes extra emotional upon learning that Rick wanted to marry Michonne on the bridge is Michonne’s first scene post-Rick in 9.06.
Michonne goes to the destroyed bridge years later and essentially expresses how she’s still so committed to Rick and still fighting for him and them and their family. It’s almost like she's saying vows.
And little did Michonne know (because I’m sure Father Gabriel’s secret-squirrel behind didn’t tell her) that bridge is the very place Rick wanted them to exchange vows and get married. 😭
Rick truly does look at Michonne and see his future because he had big plans for the two of them in season 9. He was fully ready to have a wedding and a baby with her in his final TWD eps.
Also, in the season 8 premiere, Maggie asks Rick if he’s been thinking about what 'tomorrow' looks like and he confidently says "Yes I have" as well as telling Maggie, "After this, I’m following you."
I already always got the sense that part of that meant Rick was thinking about expanding his family by having a baby with Michonne. But I like how now after TOWL that s8 scene really reads like Rick was thinking about having a baby with Michonne and officially marrying her. That's what he wanted his 'tomorrow' to look like. 🥲
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And a Richonne bridge wedding would have been beautiful. 🥹 In my head, Rick and Michonne definitely go on to have a wedding with their kids a part of it now that they’re back home. 
Father Gabriel says, “But I couldn’t see the future he described, so I sat on a log in the forest, and there at my feet in the dirt right in front of me was a ring. It seemed like it’d make a pretty nice wedding ring.”
See, see, see, even when others don’t see your vision, God gon’ see the vision. And He always makes a way. Amen. 🙌🏽
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And Richonne is blessed and highly favored so of course a ring showed up. 😇
But then...y’all, I have to side-eye Father Gabriel yet again with what he does next.
Father Gabriel says how he picked up the ring and thought to put it someplace that Rick would find it “because I could suddenly see that someday” and then this man takes the ring out, revealing that he’s been holding onto it all these years 🙃...
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Um imo, it would have been nice if shortly after the bridge he had told this story to Michonne and let her decide what she wanted to do with the ring.
Michonne clearly finds a lot of solace in these types of sentimental items and wore a wedding ring around her necklace. It could have possibly been a comforting thought for her to know this was the ring Rick might have proposed with since he was planning on them getting formally married with a priest and everything.
IDK, this was just making me feel like team family tried Michonne once again. 
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Father Gabriel says sadly, “But then what happened, happened.” And Jadis, perhaps masking remorse but still as self-centered as always, just starts talking about how she looks forward to their next visit and the chance to just sit and talk and feel like who she was. How can she be so unmoved by the fact that she’s kept two people who love each other dearly apart for years? She got to have moments of feeling like who she was while Rick lost himself day by day. 😑
Jadis starts opening up a bit more about what she does and how it weighs on her but she’s committed to the mission and...they just can never make me like Jadis, tbh. 😪 Even when she's supposed to be showing her more human side I'm still just like...
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And then Father Gabriel gets one more side-eye from me when he gives Jadis of all people that ring. What? 🙃
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The only thing I like about that choice to give her the ring is that it’s kinda like the ring had a similar journey to Rick. It was stuck with Jadis for years but then eventually found its way to its rightful person - Michonne. 👌🏽
But otherwise, I was like 'Father G, why would you...???' Jadis of all people should hold onto the ring he found for Rick to give to Michonne?? 😪 Wasn’t exactly here for that choice. But that wedding ring leads to not one but two of my absolute favorite Richonne moments going forward so it’s all good now. 😌👌🏽
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gif cred: @perryabbott
In the present, Rick and Michonne engage in a car chase with Jadis.
Rick says they can’t kill her but Michonne begs to differ saying, “Oh we can.” I promise Michonne and I stay on the same wavelength at all times lol. 💁🏽‍♀️ Michonne,...
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Rick says, “I told you, she left a file about home for the CRM to find.” Michonne knows Jadis is just a neverending source of destruction when she says, “To destroy Alexandria because that’s what she does, Rick. She destroys!” Wrong where? 💯
Also, I love the little detail of seeing Michonne is wearing the M bracelet while she’s driving. Like they had to rush to get dressed and go chase after Jadis but Michonne still said I’m gonna remember to put on this bracelet from my man before we go. Here for it. 😊
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
And then I so appreciate that we get a moment for Richonne to acknowledge the valuable and important life moments and milestones Rick missed because of Jadis as Michonne says, “She robbed us of you being there to see your son being born. Taking his first step.” 😭
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I love that she says robbed ‘us’ because Rick being there to see his son being born and RJ's first steps would have been such incredibly special moments for Rick and Michonne to share. 😢
And Jadis really took that from them. Because while yes Rick was going to need the kind of medical assistance the Civic Republic could provide to survive the injuries he got from that rebar, he eventually would have been healed up enough to go home and recover there and be present for at least the tail end of Michonne’s pregnancy and birth. If only he hadn’t been held captive somewhere he couldn’t leave. 😞
Then I absolutely adore that, upon hearing Michonne mention super special milestones that Rick has missed in his wife and son’s life, Rick is immediately on the kill-Jadis train as he says, “Okay, what do we do after she’s dead?” I love the switch-up and how he’s instantly on board. 😋 He knows Jadis has got to go for, as he said before, stealing their family.
Michonne says they’ll do whatever they have to do and sis is not playing. 👏🏽 Jadis ain’t making it out of today alive if Michonne has anything to do with it.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Michonne rams into Jadis’ car and then they eventually get Jadis to crash off the path. As they continue their Jadis hunt down on foot, Jadis flees and enlists the help of that one noodle-less trio. She clearly has a scheme in mind because one thing about a snake...
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In the woods, Rick tells Michonne that the CRM's bases are spread out across the country and they have to figure out which one Jadis hid the dossier in. Rick suggests there might be a route where they can take Jadis alive and talk to her to get some info.
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Rick notes how Jadis clearly hated being called Anne and he thinks that the Anne-version of Jadis is still in there somewhere. (Both versions gotta go, in my book 🤷🏽‍♀️)
He says, “If there’s something she can give us first - something to keep Alexandria safe.” But Michonne feels they don’t need Jadis for that when she says, “We’ll keep it safe." And then, determined for Jadis to meet her maker before the sun sets, Michonne adamantly says, "But she’s gonna die.”
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You already know I'm with that energy. But I get where Rick is coming from too as he says, “We need to keep it safe without risking anything."
Rick then adds, "I couldn’t see some things. I couldn’t. You helped me. Maybe we can help her, and if we can’t...” And Michonne is in her full deadly mode as she finishes Rick’s sentence saying, “Then I can kill her.” She is not interested in deprogramming that lady. 😂
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gif cred: @taiturner
First; I love that Rick stays giving Michonne credit for how she helped him. He knows that after the mental warfare the CRM did on him, he was finally able to see the light - the real light not ‘the last light of the world’ - because of his wife.
And second; it’s admirable that Rick has it in his heart to want to help even someone who has done him so wrong. However…Jadis done had too many chances for help and she squandered it or took advantage of it every time cuz she’s a snake through and through. So the time for helping her has passed, which is why Michonne is hellbent on killing her.
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gif cred: @taiturner
Rick says, “Be my guest." because while he knows Jadis can be a resource to getting things they need, he also doesn't mind if she gets sent six feet under. I mean, killing her was a dream of his so he gets it. 👌🏽
Then Rick says, "Maybe just maim first.” and that delivery is great and always makes me smile. 😊 Rick trying to talk killing down to maiming - you can tell he knows his wife is gonna rip Jadis up somehow someway for everything she’s done to him and their family.
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gif cred: @taiturner
I don’t think Michonne even quite heard Rick's 'maim' comment cuz she spots some fresh blood on a tree and as a lethal woman on the hunt, she’s immediately ready to follow where it leads. And as they go, this pursuit leads to Richonne's final confrontation with Jadis. 😌👌🏽
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sandwich2451 · 9 months
okay so i finally watxhed te first 2 eps of pjo and although i love it its so fun and silly and incredible i have a bone to pick
i recently reread the lightning thief in preparation (as in a week ago) and i remember how percy describes his life. and in pjo everything is just incredibly glamorized - yancy academy looks like a museum to be honest, and i dont think sally and gabe have the money for it; mr bruner is really nice to percy??? i dont understand why??? nd grover also is supercool??? like in the books they gaslight percy for months on end with seemingly no remorse and mr bruner keeps telling percy he expects better but somehow this all doesnt get into the show
the biggest problem i have, though, is camp halfblood. I'm watching w 2 friends and when we saw the infirmary we were genuinely all shocked bc HELLO??? GLASS IN LEAD WINDOWS??? this is a summer camp that gives demigods a hundred bucks to get to the other side of the US I'm sorry but they do not simply have glad in lead windows no its false its fake news im sorry
the worst thing, to me though, is how glamorized the cabins are. look i read those descriptions alright and hermes should be crammed as fuck. as in you move a leg and suddenly you're poking someone's eye out. the ceilings should be low and make everything claustrophobic. poseidon's cabin is literally described to be simple and have low ceilings and be made of stone w shells (forgive me i cant remember the english term for it) but somehow every cabin has lots of room and every cabin has super heigh ceilings and those stupid windows... like no honey thats not a camp thats a cheapened olympus. i love the series but i just have a big problem with how much glamorization has gone into basically everything
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theninth09 · 6 days
Something that I love that is basically canon is how in tune Theo and Liam are. Like post season 6 I imagine the pack find it so startling to the point where it’s almost creepy.
I like to imagine that sometims when theres a break or intermission after/during a meeting or get together one of the pack will be like, “where’s Liam/or Theo?” And the other will know the exact location just immediately before any other supernatural has picked up the other’s scent or hearing. There are also totally times where someone will ask them both a question or for their opinion and Thiams eyes will just meet and everyone else watches as the two have a whole conversation without any direct communication. You could argue others in the pack can also do this like Stiles and Scott or Derek and Stiles or even Mason and Corey. BUT Liam and Theo are on a whole other level. What’s the best about this concept though is the absolutely hilarious faces the pack makes when they do anything like this in front of them-Liam the angry beta and Theo the chimera of death are so universally understood by one another that no words are needed between the two, and that is just shocking to everyone else. Both boys have so much trouble verbally communicating how they’re feeling/thinking with everyone, and so for both of them to find someone that can literally just tell with a look is so meaningful.
No one even knows how to describe the two of them separately anymore, including each other, because they are just so unanimously ONE. One soul, one brain, one heart. They love each other but it’s also just SO MUCH MORE than that!
oh absolutely and as you said, i love that this is canon. there's so many instances of this in s6 and while liam constantly tries to deny it, hes always looking for theo. and its so lovely how they just get each other. even in s6a when theo hasnt been back yet for long, they effortlessly fight next to each other. obviously s6ep20 is an even better example of this because they're so in tune, they easily work off of each other cues, and they even get so physical with it??? they stay right by each others side, liam literally rolls himself over theos back and theo gives him a little boost to further his momentum. like its actually so cute of them how well they understand each other.
and that's not even getting into their whole eye contact thing... them wordlessly communicating during the confrontation with gabe in the locker room and liam turning to look at theo when peter complains about his car getting destroyed are two moments that immediately come to mind for me. also, theo turning to look at liam after they leave the police station, when the pack fakes leaving beacon hills. they have so many moments where they look at each other and literally just. stare. they dont say anything, the pack doesnt fucking address this either??? its just them looking into each other's eyes and it makes me crazy. like that scene in s6ep16 where mason asks liam "should i come with you guys?" and instead of answering, liam looks to theo. theo looks back at liam and THEN answers mason. like. ok. just liam expecting his bf to answer his best friend and said boyfriend immediately reacting. whatever.
scott, at least, actually canonically sometimes looks at them a bit suspiciously (heres a lovely compilation of that by my dear oomf on twt) and its absolutely hilarious to me. i dont doubt that the pack would side-eye them occasionally but i feel like they'd accept thiam being thiam relatively quick, because they're already so used to their gay antics in canon. like when theo dragged liam into the bathroom at the police station in front of the entire pack?? and no one stopped him? liam didnt try to fight back either??? like, alright. their surprise wouldnt stay for long because even before they're in an actual relationship, they already act that way with each other.
going away from canon, i totally agree with them knowing where the other one is. i think they become obsessed with keeping track of each other's scent and heartbeat, but in a very sweet way. they find it calming and reassuring. theo unconsciously listening to liams heartbeat as a background noise. just in the back of his mind, because it makes him feel more comfortable. and being able to pick out liams scent literally always bc hes spent so much time looking out for it. i feel like for theo its more of a soft indulgence. he loves liam and automatically does these things. it makes him happy, even if he wouldnt admit it.
for liam, it stems more from insecurity and fear. liams abandonment issues ("hayden left me. scott's leaving, too." his reaction when he hears that morey are planning to go to the same college (possibly "leaving liam behind") and as a hc: his bio dad leaving him and his mom) and the way theo throws himself into danger for liam. liam would keep track of theos scent and heartbeat to make sure that he's still around, that he's still alive. liam feeling relieved everytime he has proof that theo hasnt left. that theo hasnt gotten himself killed. as you said, they kinda suck at verbally communicating so liam wouldnt be able to articulate this to theo. that liam has this anxiety of theo leaving, in whatever way, like everybody else. thankfully, theos actions would be enough to calm liam. he himself would never think this of himself, but hes incredibly reliable when it comes to liam.
i love this concept of them going from being liam and theo to liam and theo. in s6ep16 there's two scenes where characters refer to them as a pair (nolan talking to the hunters about them and scott mentioning them to malia, lydia & argent) and its something so simple but it makes me so giddy. they're a pair. they belong to each other. they're liam and theo. and they fit each other so well. they mirror each other in a lot of things, but they also complete each other. theo is the calm to liams anger and vice-versa. they make each other angry, they make each other happy, they suck at verbally communicating but they effortlessly understand each other. they each think of themselves as a monster and help each other learn that thats not the case. they're liam and theo and im insane about them.
like yeah them as a ship is obviously something i love. but its not just them in a relationship that i find interesting about them. even if you dont ship them, their dynamic is so fascinating and their interactions are really fun. the way liam goes from "hating" theo to trusting him but still being in denial about that so he keeps lashing out at theo (threatening to kill him, saying scott will never trust him, etc) and the way theo goes from only being interested in his own survival to deeply caring about liam, saving his life and staying for him. all this is extremely romantic and homoerotic to me, but even if, for some weird reason, you do not read it that way, you still cannot deny that theres a bond between those two. they're linked to each other, no matter how you view their relationship.
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ataliagold · 4 months
Under July Stars That Would Glow Like Sparks
For @astrangersummer week 5 prompt 'fireflies'. Title from I Wonder by Gabe Quinn.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Rating: General
W/C: 1242
Tags: Established Steddie, post-Vecna, everyone lives, fluff and minor angst, bittersweet, summer nights, catching fireflies, soft Steve, soft Eddie, Dustin being Dustin
Summary: At the end of summer, Steve and Eddie spend the evening with Dustin on a familiar hill. Soon, they'd have to tell the kid they were about to leave Hawkins, but not tonight. Tonight was for catching fireflies.
Eddie cackled, leaping around in the field, doing his utmost to catch fireflies in clasped hands under the moonlight.
Steve sat nearby. A beer beside him, Eddie’s thin hoody rolled up under him, protecting his Levis from the grass. He watched fondly as Eddie scuttled around with all the grace of a newborn deer, clapping his hands together as he tried to catch the little bugs between his fingers.
Dustin was having much more luck with the net, swooping it high in the air and then twisting off the top of it to keep his catch inside it.
“Eddie, you gotta use the torch like I said, remember?” Dustin huffed, net in one hand, the other on his hip – a mirror of the ‘mom’ pose Steve was so often teased about. “Mimic their light pattern, turn the torch on and off, it helps draw them -”
Eddie scoffed, reached out and flicked Dustin on the edge of his cap – why he was still wearing that thing at night time, Steve wasn’t sure.
“Yeah, yeah, Henderson,” Eddie teased. “Just admit you’re inferior at catching them, you gotta use the damn net after all -”
“You haven’t even caught one yet!” Dustin spluttered, indignant.
“I’m integrating myself into their group!” Eddie argued. “They’re just…getting to know me. Just wait, I’ll have that jar full within the hour.”
Steve smiled, chuckled lightly into his beer, took a sip and set it aside again.
They were on the hill where Dustin’s Cerebro had once stood a few years ago. It was long gone now; dismantled by a quiet Dustin with Steve standing off to one side, the kid barely able to look at it after hearing the screams of his friends, the roars of a monster that had sounded from it.
They’d helped save the world from this very spot once.
Now, it was just a hill.
Steve turned away from Eddie and Dustin for a moment. Looked down at the twinkling lights of Hawkins down below, at the little town that was slowly getting back on its feet after enduring literal hell.
They were leaving soon. He and Eddie.
They hadn’t told the kids yet. Steve knew Dustin would take it the hardest, that maybe he wouldn’t fully understand, wouldn’t be able to grasp the fact that Hawkins no longer felt like home for all of them.
Soon, they’d tell them. In the next few days, in fact, now that they were nearly ready to leave. They’d tell them about the apartment in Chicago close to Robin’s college, about the part-time course Steve had been accepted into, about the several promising job listings Eddie had interviews for.
But before that, they’d decided to let them have one last summer.
They’d take the kids to Lover’s Lake, watch as they splashed around and shrieked with laughter, hang back on the side of the shore and shake their heads when the kids asked them to join them in the water.
They’d go for barbeques at the Hopper-Byers house, sip beer with Hopper and Wayne. Steve would sit with the former Chief when he went quiet at the end of the day, when he nursed a cigarette that had long burnt out and watched the kids with a faraway look in his eyes.
They’d help Lucas with his basketball – or rather, Steve would help, flushed and sweaty but happy as he bounced a ball around the court with the boy, gave him tips and encouragement while Eddie sat on the sideline, barely hiding the way he was leering at Steve in his short shorts.
They’d sit with El and Max, Steve doing El’s hair just the way she liked it, sitting quietly in front of the TV while Eddie and Max laughed loudly at whatever terrible horror movie they’d decided on.
They’d have one last campaign, Eddie making it extra special without ever telling the kids why. Steve even joined in briefly, playing the role of a heroic NPC, Eddie making sure to impart all the DM knowledge he could onto Will and Mike.
And, on a clear, warm evening, they’d catch fireflies with Dustin.
“Steeeeeeve,” Eddie called, pulling Steve from his thoughts.
“Come help me? I’m not sure these bugs like me after all.”
“I told you!” Dustin said loudly. “If you just use the torch like I suggested, you’d have heaps!”
Steve huffed out a laugh, stood up with a slight wince as the scar tissue on his sides pulled, and dusted dry grass off himself.
He approached Eddie, shaking his head at the way he was swiping at the air. Reaching out, he clasped his larger hands over his boyfriend’s.
“Slowly,” he murmured, guiding Eddie’s hands gently around the nearest little glowing bug. “Don’t scare them, just…gentle.”
Eddie watched, wide-eyed, as Steve gradually squeezed his fingers together, trapping the firefly inside.
His hands shone, warm and orange, and he grinned as he felt the bug zapping about against his palms.
“We got one,” Eddie whispered. “Look, Steve.”
Steve chuckled, kissed the top of Eddie’s head because he couldn’t not. “Yeah, Eds. Dustin, hand us the jar, will you?”
Dustin brought it over, held it up to Eddie’s cupped hands.
Eddie paused. Glanced over at Steve, then back to the jar.
“What are you waiting for?” Dustin asked, raising his eyebrows.
Eddie shifted from foot-to-foot quickly, scrunching his face up, but keeping his hands gentle around the bug. Steve recognized the signs of him being caught in indecisiveness, brought a hand to his lower back.
“I think I wanna let it go,” Eddie said firmly.
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Seriously? After all that?”
“Hey, it’s my bug,” Eddie shot back. “I can do what I like with it.”
Dustin groaned, stomped away, picked up his net to get back to work.
Once he was out of earshot, Steve stepped in closer to Eddie.
“You ok, Eds?” he whispered, because the other man’s face had fallen a bit as he stared down at the still-trapped bug.
Eddie blinked, and a silent tear tracked down his cheek.
Steve hummed, quiet and soft, reached up to brush it away.
“What’s the matter, baby?”
“I don’t…” Eddie paused, took a breath, started again. “Should we let it go?”
Steve took Eddie’s clasped hands in his again, knew he wasn’t really talking about the bug.
“Do you want to?”
“I think so. But we put so much work in, does it make sense to just…let it leave?”
Steve kissed him. Brief and sweet. “I think it makes all the sense in the world.”
Eddie’s face twitched as the firefly batted against his palm again, seeking an exit.
Slowly, he opened his hands.
The two of them watched as the bug slowly emerged then zapped into the air, their eyes following that small point of light until it faded into the night sky.
Steve took Eddie’s hand, held it tight as they watched Dustin swing his net around, cursing or laughing depending on how successful he was.
Steve would miss that kid. God, he’d miss him.
But he was ready to put Hawkins in his rear-view mirror, ready to wake up next to Eddie every day in a town that wasn’t permanently tainted by so much horror for them both.
He looked at Eddie. Smiled sadly, squeezed his hand tighter.
Together, they lay back in the grass to watch the moon glow down on Hawkins, perhaps for the last time.
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gatefleet · 1 year
Safe With Me
Scorpion: Walter O'Brien, Paige Dineen, Tobias Curtis
WordCount: 1,179
T(W): Hospital, Kidnapping, Temporary Blindness, Blind Panic.
Request: Yes, “Hey! Could u do a Walter o brien x fem reader, where the reader is kidnapped and the kidnapper keeps sending them her videos and these videos cause walter's EQ to show like he's panicked or even crying and when the team finally find her Walter hugs her tight and tends to her injury this causes toby to tease him and paige becomes jealous.
I totally understand if u don't want to do it.
Thank you” - @quackthesuck
A/N: I'm so sorry I've taken so long with this request, I've had a hectic time at work. I hope this is what you were looking for.
You awoke and could not see; your vision was in darkness, and this caused more panic and fear in you than the vague voices in the background which were drowned out by your panic. Your panic only increased when you became aware that your hands and arms were restrained. Realised you were rocking back and forth on some something solid which moved with you. You tried to speak or scream and realised that you had something made of fabric in your mouth. Your panic grew and you began hyperventilating.
Watching on the live stream Team Scorpion stood frozen. Gabe went to make a call, Paige looked like she was about to cry, Sly already had tears streaming down his face, Toby had begun to babble to himself about ransom demands and motives, Happy look pissed, and Walter hit shutdown mode. Paige was quickest to recover after Gabe and tried help prevent the team from spiralling too deeply, Gabe quickly behind her focussing on Happy and Walter.
Once Happy gained a little more composure she immediately went to work on a potential deterrent for the next person who dared hurt the team and thinking of a way to try and track your location from the equipment the abductors carelessly left in the frame. Walter was still in full shutdown mode. The first few videos they had sent you had appeared to be unaware of what was happening, perhaps unconscious, it wasn’t affecting him as much, but watching you panic, writhe in fear and hearing those muffled screams… that was what broke him. That was what overloaded his EQ, his primal brain and made him shutdown.
Gabe had begun physically shaking Walter in the way someone would a person who had passed out. That was when his brain kicked in again. He went straight to his computer to download the video file, to try and begin pulling it apart in some software he had to find any clue or hint as to your location. It took Sly a minute or two to catch up and attempt the same thing from a different angle on his own computer. Walter had begun to snap at anyone who seemed to be falling behind in their natural duties. Began to look harassed and was poorly hiding his panic.
Toby then began to write up a psych profile on the abductors in the hopes it would help with narrowing down locations or motives. Happy began to work on something to help track you using whatever information the rest of the team could extrapolate.
You heard the bangs first. The loud, deep voices shouting something. The people in the room shouting among each other, panic beginning to rise among the group. Heard the door open and close quickly, the quickly pacing footsteps of those that remained to guard you. It took what felt like ages before they got antsy and left the room. You heard other noises you couldn’t quite identify and then you felt yourself being lifted. You began to panic again and must have passed out, when you awakened you were relieved that you did in fact have your sight back and had not gone blind. Then you panicked as you realised you were in hospital. Nurses came to check on you due to your increasing heart rate. They gave you medication to try and relax you. Then you were being interrogated by several people in suits. You quickly had your adrenaline wear off and became numb and begun reacting on impulse.
The team were watching another livestream, you were calmer this time, but still panicked in the video. Gabe was on a call and told them team “any minute now”. Within seconds the team heard the military extraction in the background of the stream and the immediate aftermath, including the military personnel picking you up and heard Toby’s analysis that you had passed out as a normal bodily function to the fear and panic of not understanding what was going on. The team had to wait a while before they could get to see you, the alphabet agencies each wanted to speak with you in turn and then you were on strict no visitor policies in between to get some form of rest. They sat in the waiting room for hours. Walter getting more annoyed at the time going past without seeing you. Toby watched the interactions of the group to let Paige and Gabe know when something was going to erupt, just to keep himself occupied, any time a doctor walked past he would try to find out anything he could from them. Toby noticed Paige’s demeanour change more and more the longer Walter paced, the longer he rubbed his face in his hands, the more annoyed look would come over Paige’s face, which would flicker to hurt and back to annoyed. Walter’s eyes darting towards the doors, his catching himself pacing up to the doors and fighting the urge to burst through them to see you, to see with his own eyes that you were physically alright.
The second Walter was given a hint of a green light to finally be able to see you he burst through the hospital searching for your room, the rest of the team trailing behind him. When he finally found your room, he stopped dead when he saw you standing next to your bed having a test done on your balance and reactions, you hadn’t realised he was there yet, staring silently, taking in the sight of you. You had sat back on the bed by the time the rest of the team caught up with him and Gabe’s subtle push to get Walter firmly into the room instead of hovering on the outside. The others watched from the door as Walter awkwardly moved into the room, how he awkwardly made you aware of his presence, coughing lightly. You turned quickly and the smile you gave Walter. It made his heart falter, his breath catch in his chest. He hadn’t realised he had opened his arms to cradle you tightly until your body practically collided with his. Toby began to make fun of “Mr. 197 IQ” but quickly stopped once he was elbowed in the ribs to ‘read the room’. What he didn’t miss was the very teary look in Paige’s eyes and the distinct quickness of her suddenly being distracted by something at the other end of the hall. All you could hear over the tears and both you and Walter’s rapid heartbeats was him faintly whispering into your hair, “it’s fine, you’re back and you’re safe with me.”
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GIF credit to the owner
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@lastwandastan (won't allow tag) , @lollipopsandlandmines
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localqueerappreciator · 8 months
We GET IT. You want us to die, Uncle Rick. WHY ELSE WOULD YOU MAKE SURE PJO BECOMES SUCH AN AMAZING SHOW. Look I had my doubts. I scowled whenever I noticed a change (however, the everbeautiful Tumblr connected the dots for me to understand why change is sometimes better in scenes I wouldn't change). I WANTED there to be dumb kids shenanigans with auntie M, Crusty and Ares. I wanted to see him blow up cop cars and make it make sense to mortals that Percy is a kidnaped baby so he can scam them for money to go back. But despite that. DESPITE THAT. Rick and EVERYONE. every. Single. Person. That worked on the series in the most miniscule of ways. Did an amazing job, bringing our childhood to life. And I hope it will be a gateway for others to join. Titans know,the Movie That Shan't Be Mentioned was mine.
It's amazing. Backbiter tearing away fabric of space so Luke can be on the run again? A perfect thing for a son of hermes on the run. The way Chiron addressed Percy seeing Luke's point? Flawless. Percy not luring Ares to deep waters and standing on a wave but instead crashing him so he can run up to him, slash his ankle and get it over with? Slay. Lance Reddick as The Man? Lovely performance. Amazing. The pride and power that he displays.. I have clapped twice during the episode out of excitement and once as a paying tribute to his performance. Almost everything was great. Gabe being a shitty guy who gets divorced? Fuck yes. BEING STUPID ENOUGH TO ASK A *LAWYER*, WHOM HE JUST OFFENDED, IF HE KNOWS ABOUT LOCKPICKING? HAH! and stealing that package.. Yes we won't get the Poker Buddy statue that she sells, but it still displays what an asshole he is. STEALING A PACKAGE FROM A KID. HOW DARE YOU.
The only thing that didn't smell right to me was how quickly Percy got to New York from Montauk. He could've taken a taxi or something (I'm sure Tumblr will have a post that'll connect the dots for me again). But the cut just seemed just.. Not handled as best as it could've been but that's such a teeny tiny detail. Anyway. THE OLYMPUS WAS BEAUTIFUL. AND ZEUS IS A BITCHY BIG BROTHER. AS SOMEONE WHO WAS BEATEN UP BY THEIR BROTHER RECENTLY BECAUSE OF HIS PRIDE AND POWER I FEEL THINGS WHEN I WATCH HIM AND POSEIDON. And poseidon giving up instantly to save his SON? Forbidden son like Thalia? (yes I see you, playing to his ego, mwah)
Luke, constantly saying We because he just can't fathom that Percy would say no? Oh my heart. Yes there wasn't the scorpion I hoped for but they made up for it by making the scene amazing without it.
Annabeth being there to see him?? And choose Percy?? AND THE PACT? THE STRING W BEADS AND RING?
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(Dusk stares at Dokukieran in fear, having noticed the yellow eyes as well)
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K...Kiki..? KIKI?! W-WAS THAT YOU?!
(Day hums in surprise, watching Dusk run over to Dokukieran)
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You better know what you're doing, Dusk...
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K-Kiki... I-I'm so sorry. I-I didn’t mean for any of this to happen! I-I didn’t mean to get so angry, I didn't mean to yell, I... I'm such an awful friend. I should have listened to you, let you explain, ANYTHING except yell at you like that. I... I dunno if you hear me in there, but... we're all worried about you, out here. Carmine, Day, Wizard, Gabe, Ms. Briar, all of us. Please... come back to us. We miss you, buddy. Even if you can't forgive me, I still miss you.
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"... I... it's..... alright. Do you think..... we could be f̶r̶i̸e̸n̸d̵s̴ ̵a̶g̸a̶i̵n̷?̷
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
way back into love
pairing - gabriel reyes x f!reader wc - 1,860 warnings - weight/self-esteem issues, mild sexual content notes - chubby gabriel reyes? chubby gabriel reyes. i want soft gabe, i want him so bad - also on ao3!
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Retirement was strange, and not something you thought either of you would get to experience, never mind get used to. 
When Overwatch was dismantled, Gabe undoubtedly struggled at first—more so than you did. 
Now, the two of you steal the moments you always wanted, in the form of a quiet domestic life on the outskirts of the city.
Gabe spends a third of his time in the kitchen, cooking you both exquisite home-cooked meals. Another third is spent catching up on a bunch of TV shows from the last several years, and a reluctant addiction to some trashy reality shows.
The final third is dedicated to the two of you enjoying each other's bodies fully. No time constraints or missions looming over you. No distractions. 
Yet as of late, your alone time has been happening less and less. While a natural part of a long-term relationship in some respects, the shift had you feeling lonely, and most importantly, concerned.
The behavior seemed out of character for Gabriel—a man with so much passion.
You try to push the thoughts out of your mind as you unlock the front door to your home.
After discarding your jacket on the coat hooks, your shoes on the rack, and your purse on the side table—you make your way into the living room.
Gabriel is lounging on the couch, eyes fixed upon the TV, with a bag of chips by his side and a beer on the table.
Tiptoeing up behind him, you press a sweet kiss to the top of his head as you hang off of him, trailing your hands down his chest and caressing him. 
"Hey papi." You mumble into his hair, your voice rising flirtatiously. 
Your new friends had spent most of the time at your drinks talking about their escapades in singledom—and it really made you miss when you and Gabriel first started fooling around. 
"Cariño." He greets, as his hands slip up to hold your wrists, stopping your groping in its tracks. "Somebody's eager." He chuckles. 
"I missed my hunk. What can I say?" 
"Pshh." He shrugs away from your touch somewhat, so you pull back your hands to rest between your chin and his head.
Your eyes flicker up to the screen, catching a shot of some scantily clad model types dancing around the pool. "What are you watching?" 
He hesitates for a moment before offering up a quiet response. "...Love Island." 
You don't need to press further to know he's embarrassed. 
"Ugh." You grunt, expressing your disdain. Gabriel's new reality TV fascination was something you were on board with, but Love Island wasn't about surviving on an Island or making it to New York Fashion Week. 
"I know, I hate it." He laughs, yet his gaze hasn't left the screen. 
"Sure you do." You laugh, then pull away and head back over to your purse, grabbing your phone to check the time. "Want me to handle dinner, or should we just order take out?" 
"No, I've got it." He calls out, finally turning around and offering you a smile. 
"Can we get started soon? I'm so hungry." You ask. 
You return his smile before heading toward the stairs. "I'm gonna go put some sweats on." You call out as you leave. 
Making it to your bedroom, you pull off your sundress and the bra underneath as a matter of urgency. You're so desperate to be comfortable, and you head over to the dresser, pulling out a lace bralette and your softest sweats. 
As you pull on the bralette, the bedroom door opens behind you, and Gabriel walks in with a pile of freshly washed, perfectly folded laundry.
"I meant to bring these up earlier. Do you need anything from the pile?" He sets the clothes down on the bed, and your eyes instantly land on a specific shirt of Gabriel's you love to wear—and one that drives him crazy, too. 
"You've had a productive day, I see." You throw the shirt on and smile as you smooth the fabric over your thighs. "Thank you, though. I was going to do the laundry when I got back, but seems you beat me to it." 
"How was your time with the ladies?" He asks, as he begins to put some of the folded pieces away in the appropriate drawers.
You decide to forego the sweats for the moment, in the hopes you won't end up needing them right now, anyway. "Good! Though they're trying to sign me up to their spin class." 
"Not that you need it." Gabriel offers, as he stands before the wardrobe he's just hung some clothes in. 
Unbeknownst to you, who can't see his facial expression, he appraises his reflection and begins to pick apart everything he sees.
"I can think of some other exercise I'd rather do." You turn your tone sultry, as you step behind your boyfriend and slip your arms around him once more, running your fingers across his stomach before you dip lower. "Who needs to ride a bike when I can ride you?" 
Once more, his hands still yours, his fingers slipping in between your own as he pries your hands away. 
"Not now, cariño." His smile is forced, his voice strained. 
"Okay... sorry." You whisper, pulling away out of respect. 
A heavy silence settles on the room as rejection stings you. While you respect your boyfriend's autonomy, now you're really starting to wonder if there isn't something truly amiss. 
You turn away to pull on the sweats you intended to wear earlier, as just outside of your gaze, Gabriel pinches at his stomach.
"Gabe?" You ask, not turning to face him, as you worry you'll lose your nerve right now if you do.
"Hmm?" He responds absentmindedly, lost in his head and the swirl of negative thoughts. 
"Is something bothering you?" 
"No." He answers too quickly, and your gaze now snaps to him in suspicion. "Why?" His brows are furrowed, almost like he's frustrated with you for even asking the question. 
That only makes you want to press further. 
"Well, when we first got together, you couldn't keep your hands off me for a minute. And I know, it wears off with time but, you've been brushing me off more and more lately." Your throat tightens as you talk, and you try to hold back from releasing any indication of the feelings that have been building up. 
You don't wish to pressure him, but you need to at least talk to him. 
"Yeah, that's what it probably is, just the end of the honeymoon phase." He mutters forlornly, still not meeting your eyes. 
You've known him long enough to know that at this moment, he's completely full of shit. 
He meets your eye, his jaw tightened as he tries to remain resolute, yet you fix him with a look. 
Moments pass where neither of you look away—him determined to remain silent, you determined to crack him. 
He finally turns his head away again, facing the mirror once more with a sigh. He knows you know something is up, but that doesn't mean he intends on being entirely forthcoming. "I don't wanna talk about it." 
"Gabriel." You whisper, joining him at the mirror and taking one of his hands in yours. You watch his expression in the reflection, as he fights to keep his feelings from showing. 
Yet the longer you stand there, holding his hand and simply being there, the more his walls start to crumble. 
Without looking up, he begins to mumble. "... I've let myself go, and I don't feel worthy of you anymore."
The words completely stun you.
You weren't sure what you were expecting, but this wasn't it. At least it wasn't the thing you had feared. 
"Oh papi." Your voice takes on a tone of sorrow as you step between him and the mirror, taking his other hand too. "Look at you, if this is letting yourself go, god help all the other men on this planet." 
He lets out a small, sad laugh at that—a lopsided smile coming to his face, one that doesn't quite reach the eyes.
The changes in his physique haven't gone unnoticed by you, but they also haven't changed a damn thing about the way you feel for your lover, either. 
"You're incredible, even if you have a little extra weight." You resist the urge to lean up and kiss him, and run your hands all over every part of him you can touch.
"But I don't look like I did when I was Commander, when I was the man you fell in love with." He admits quietly, a somewhat bitter tone to his voice. 
"Yet you're just as handsome." 
His hands slip out of yours, and you expect him to pull away once more, yet his arms encircle your waist as he pulls you close and presses a deep, needy kiss to your lips. 
Your eyes fall shut as you feel the shivers down to your toes, before he pulls away, and you're left with a bright smile. 
That kiss did nothing to quell your need for Gabriel, yet judging by the way he's stiffening against you, it seems he wouldn't mind so much the way you feel.
"And..." You walk your fingers up his chest teasingly until you reach his neck, as you pull him down, so you can whisper in his ear. "You still get me worked up like no one ever has."
"Really?" He sounds equal parts taken aback and aroused—the doubt being something you're not used to hearing from him. 
You pull back, and he finally meets your eyes. There's less sadness in them than before, but you still have a little more to say. 
"I love you exactly as you are, Gabriel, and I always will. Lucky for you, your abs weren't nearly the most interesting thing about you." 
If only he could see how much you still wanted to climb him like a tree, or have him pin you down underneath him as he fucks your brains out—weight or no weight. 
He finally smiles wide, and your heart soars. 
"What really doesn't suit you isn't the extra weight, it's this uncertainty you have." You comment. "You're usually so annoyingly self-assured." You laugh to let him know you're trying to be lighthearted. 
Humming in thought for a moment, he pulls you even closer to his body, his fingers gripping into the shirt of his you're wearing as his attitude seems to shift. 
"I recall you liking me knowing what I do to you." His voice drops deeper, becoming even more alluring as he regains a sense of his usual suave confidence. 
"I do." You smile, pushing yourself up on your tiptoes and rubbing your body against him in a way intended to tease. You have every intention of taking him to bed and worshiping his body. 
You can't help the oozing sex in your voice as you speak, offering him more temptation as naughty plans form in your mind. "How about I remind us both exactly what you do to me?"
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jillsandwhichs · 3 months
cleon fic , chap 6 , still loveable
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pairing: Claire Redfield & Leon Kennedy
summary: Claire gets hurt during a mission at terrasave & Leon visits her in the hospital
status of their relationship in this oneshot: Dating
wc: 2.5k
type: Sfw
a/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Thank you
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The bright white lights were beaming in the tranquil, pristine room. It was also quite a small room, clearly meant for only one person to be staying in, but it was extensive enough to allow visitors to stay in. It smelt very bland, as if it had no smell, it was a boring scent. There weren't many windows either, just a few along the left wall, which showed the busy outside world, people who were actually able to live their lives outside of a hospital.
Claire didn't like it here - she absolutely despised being in the hospital. If only she would've been more careful, she wouldn't have ended up here, in this plain, depressing room. All she wanted was to be back at her house, laying in her bed and watching TV or reading a book. Here, she can still do that, but not like she can back home. Now she doesn't even know when she'll be out of here, the nurses haven't given her a clear set time yet.
Her entire left side hurt, it was beyond bruised up, it was all black and purple. Her left arm was also banged up too, having red scratch marks all down it and a huge dried bloody scab on her elbow. Her body hurt, but it wasn't an unbearable pain. She's sure if she was in the comfort of her own home, she would feel a whole lot better. But alas, she has to stay here to make sure no further damage occurs to her well being.
Not only does she miss her home, Claire also misses being at work. Despite her mission at TerraSave causing her to get hurt, she doesn't really care, she just wants to get back out in the world and work, it's her ultimate passion and it's all she ever wants to do aside from being home. She misses some of her co workers, luckily a few of them have visited her. Gabe is the one she misses most, the two have a tight bond, he's like a second brother to her.
All Claire was trying to do was get her mind off of the fact she's rotting in a hospital bed mid day, when she could be at work, being productive and useful. She feels lazy, which is a feeling she hasn't even felt since her days in college, back then she was lazy, she'll admit that. Although, it's kind of hard to keep her mind off of it when all she can even hear is the sounds of the lights buzzing above her, they were clearly old and in utter need of being replaced.
Once she's all healed up, the first thing she's doing is going to HQ and asking when the next upcoming mission will be ; that is if they even let her go on one. TerraSave happens to be rather safe than sorry and sometimes they'll force workers to take breaks from serious missions after a messy injury, which Claire has sadly suffered. It's like all she can think about - working and being home.
Whilst Claire was deep in thought, she hadn't even noticed a nurse walk in. The woman seemed young, even younger than Claire. She finds it admirable that young people are working towards such tough and hard working jobs ; a nurse being a great example of that. It encourages her more than anything. "Hi Claire, I'm Kaylee, it's nice to meet you, your usual nurse had the day off today so I'm here just to check in on you!" Kaylee spoke, her tone kind. "Oh, yeah, sure." Claire responded, attempting to sit up.
"Oh, no hun, just stay layed down... You did a lot of damage to yourself." Kaylee chuckled to herself, seeming very friendly. "Yeah, guess that's what happens when you work in the force though." "I imagine so... TerraSave, correct?" "Yes, that's the organization I work for." Claire responded, her eyes gandering up at the nurse. "What's your position there?" Kaylee questioned, holding a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other, most likely needing to gather some info from Claire.
"I'm a representative for the company." Claire answered, sliding some of her loose hair behind her ear, although it hurt her arm a bit, she still wasn't recovered at all. "Nice... And your organization just basically helps people and the aftermath of terrorist attacks? Or just attacks in general?" "Pretty much, yeah." Claire spoke, her tone brittle. "I see now... And how exactly did you end up injuring yourself?" "Well, I was on top of this steel platform, trying to get a better angle of where our missing chopper was, because it literally vanished, then boom, the platform starts swaying and I fell from it onto a rock, it fucking hurt." Claire snorted, rubbing her temple. "I bet." Kaylee replied, her tone empathetic.
"I'm honestly surprised you're okay, for the most part. You bruised your ribs pretty good and your entire arm is scratched up and it's swelled... Like a lot... You're a tough girl." Kaylee complimented, placing the clipboard down. "Thanks, I try." Claire tittered, sighing deeply to herself, her eyes staring down at the white marble floor, Claire imagined it was cold to be barefoot on, but at least the cot was warm enough.
"Alright well, thank you for answering those questions, I appreciate any information I can get." Kaylee stated, smiling kindly at Claire before speaking once more, "Oh and by the way, Barbara, the receptionist currently working told me that you have a visitor on the way, not much has been told to me but I know their name is Leon, does that ring any bells?" Kaylee asked, seeming skeptical. "Oh, yes, that's my boyfriend. Jesus, in all honesty I forgot about him." Claire giggled, she wasn't being serious but she won't lie, he wasn't on her mind much.
"Don't worry, you hit your head and got hurt, you tend to worry about yourself more than others which is valid in this situation but I'll keep your secret." Kaylee reassured her. "Thanks." Claire chuckled, folding her arms. "Yeah... Anywho, I'll see you soon, I'll check your vitals and all that good stuff in about an hour or two, will you be okay until then?" "Yeah, don't worry about me!" Claire expressed, giving Kaylee the queue to know she could leave not worrisome. "Okay then, just hit the button on the right side of your cot to alert a nurse and one of us will come to you, sound good?" "Yep!" "Alrighty then, bye bye Claire." Kaylee said with a bright, cheerful grin before walking out of the room.
Breathing out deeply, Claire reverted her eyes to the TV directly in front of her bed. It was a small, black square one and it was mounted onto the wall. What was playing was Steve Irwin, the guy was playing with some Cheetahs, it was adorable. Sadly, the man had passed away not to long ago, Claire remembered how girls at her high school fawned over him. She has no doubt girls will continue doing it once his son is older.
Through the small windows in the compact room, Claire spotted a few different breeds of birds finding their ways to the sills of them, relaxing and pecking away at whatever goods they were able to acquire. Claire adored wildlife, it was so natural, like truly. It isn't even debatable. It sort of kept her mind off of the fact she was hurt pretty badly, but nevertheless, she would recover soon, it's just a matter of time.
Lost in her own thoughts, Claire was startled when she suddenly heard the door creak open, black shoes were visible from the bottom, indicating it was Leon. He must've just gotten out of work, he dresses quite nicely for it too. "Leon?" Claire spoke aloud, hoping it'd be him. "I'm here babygirl." He said back to her, opening the door fully to show himself off. He looked as handsome as ever.
"Hi." Claire mumbled, tilting her head upwards, catching a glimpse of his face. "Hi baby... You doing okay?" Leon questioned, striding over to her cot and immediately grabbing her hand, knowing to be careful, despite it being her not damaged arm. "Yes, I'm okay, just sore and hungry." Claire responded, her voice soft & timid. "I imagine honey, I heard you had quite the fall. Pedro told me you were unconscious afterwards, I wish I could've been there, my love." Leon spoke with sincere, he felt horrible that he couldn't be there for her the day it happened.
"It's okay, you were at work, you aren't obligated to come to my rescue." Claire tittered, beaming at him with love plastered on her face. "I kind of am though..." Leon whispered, caressing her hand with his thumb. "You said you were hungry?" "Yeah, I haven't eaten since yesterday, before all this happened." Claire chuckled, sighing deeply to herself. "I can pick you up some food here in a bit, I don't need you trying to eat this shitty hospital food." Leon snickered, firmly holding her hand, making sure she knew he was there for her.
"It's okay, I'll live." "No, I insist, I can get you whatever you'd like, from wherever." Leon insisted, sitting down in the chair beside her hospital bed, being careful to not bump anything. "Well... A bagel from the bakery sounds good." Claire giggled, gazing up at her man. "You ask and you shall receive." Leon smirked down at his girl. "Before you go, just stay here for a bit, it's been literally two days since I've seen you." "Okay beautiful, I'm more than happy to stay here with you... When will you be able to come home?" "Don't know yet, I imagine I'll find out when the nurse checks my vitals again." Claire replied.
"Okay. Whenever you're able to, whether it be tonight or tomorrow or whenever, I'll bring you back to my place, it'll be safer that way. Pedro told me you're getting some time off, he told me you were pretty rough looking." Leon heaved, letting go of her hand and moving it to her hair, slowly running his fingers through it. "I bet I was." Claire blew out, adjusting her upper half and attempting to turn her body to get a better view of Leon. "No, just stay there, you're so stubborn." Leon chuckled. "I just wanna be able to move again." "Give it a day or two babygirl."
Claire cutely rolled her eyes and let out another deep breath, she seemed very bored of this place, which Leon didn't blame her. He wishes that she could be home, with him. It's all he wanted for her. "Come here." Leon mumbled, standing up and drawing himself closer to her body, embracing her with open arms. Claires lips formed a half smile whilst she wrapped her right arm around him, using her fingers to grasp onto his shirt.
Leon nuzzled his head into her neck, breathing gently and taking in this moment with stride. He was grateful she was okay, he doesn't know what he would've done if she would've gotten more injured than she already is, or worse. Leon can't imagine a world where Claire isn't his soulmate. "I'm glad you're ok." Leon uttered out in her ear, kissing her cheek a couple times before officially pulling away. "I love you Claire." "Me too and I love you more, Leon." Claire said, her heart was swelling with care and love for him.
"Do I look dumb at all? My hair is a mess, I haven't showered in two days and my entire left side is just beyond beat up... Ugh..." Claire scoffed. "No, no babygirl, you look fantastic always. You could like..." Leon stopped in thought before finishing his sentence, "You could have literal shit smeared on your face and I'd still view you as perfection." Leon laughed, lightening the mood. "Ew, you sicko." Claire chortled, slapping his arm lightly. "Just speaking my mind." He mumbled out to her.
"Oh, by the way, Chris let me know he's gonna fly down from New York to check on you. I wouldn't dare try and deny his request." Leon joked, he somewhat feared Chris but respectively. "What? Why? I'm fine! That's a waste of money, he has absolutely no reason. Oh Jesus." Claire groaned out. She wasn't a teenager anymore, yet he still tries his best to take care of like she is. "Hun, he's your big brother, he's going to worry." "I get that, yes, but it's beyond unnecessary, I'm okay." "Well, it's your problem now, not mine." Leon teased, pinching her cheek playfully.
Leon leaned over towards her face and planted a gentle, warm kiss on her lips, breathing in her scent as he did so. He felt a load of sorrow deep within him. Seeing his girlfriend hurt like this was the last sight he wanted to bare. And when she had asked, "Do I look dumb?" He just felt his heart break a little bit. He was never much of the soppy type, but Claire has definitely made him softer, more affectionate. She will always be his love, she'll always be loveable, no matter what state she's in.
He kept the kiss going for a bit longer, very lightly touching her hip considering it was the bruised up one. Claire's right hand held onto his forearm, her eyes were closed too. "I just wish I could've visited you sooner, I'm sorry that I was working." Leon spoke, his tone blue. "No need honey, I understand. I'm just appreciative that you're here now, that's all that matters Leon." "I'm glad beautiful. I'll make sure you get home soon, I don't need you stuck here in a hospital." "Trust me, I know." Claire tittered. "I can't wait to get back to work." Claire exclaimed.
"Well sweetheart, I hope you understand you aren't going back anytime soon, you need time to heal, you could've... You just really got hurt, alright?" "I'll go back whenever I feel okay." Claire pleaded. "No Claire, you'll go back once your body is okay. You're so stubborn and so damn ambitious, it's attractive." Leon laughed, telling her how he felt. "I got my ways." Claire snickered. "But seriously, I want to get back to work asap, I hate being lazy, you know that." "This isn't lazy, this is called recovery, you need it babygirl." Leon persisted. "Fine." Claire sighed, laying her head back onto the hard yet comfortable white pillow.
"You're dramatic." Leon teased, plopping back down into the chair and gleaming at her. "How about I go get your bagel, how's that sound?" "Yes, please, I can feel my empty stomach each time I move." Claire chuckled, tossing her right hand onto her lower stomach. "Ok. I'll be back soon, just hang tight and don't fall asleep on me, yeah?" Leon spoke, pulling his head down to hers and pecking her forehead with carefulness.
"I'll be back, I love you." Leon stated, kissing her lips quickly before beginning to tread lightly out of Claire's hospital room. "Love you more handsome." Claire responded, waving goodbye with her healed hand.
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miilkyrolls · 3 months
a finch rambleshit of id2's finale
now that id2 is fully released for vip and is on its way to being wide released. i have some thoughts in the form of a tag "rambleshit" noun: a long winded, strings of thought, typically about a choices book made by finch
minor spoilers, BUT JUST IN CASE
okay let's get my final feelings about the book/ last couple of chapters out the way. i've needed these last few days for 2 reasons: one, the last chapter came out on my birthday and i was literally sitting in the parking lot waiting for my reservation while watching the Himeme playthrough , and two, i needed to digest just how much exposition lore was dropped in the last 2-3 chapters that to a point I felt overwhelmed ! Anyways, overall score 8.5/10. it was a good book story wise, however, it had SO MUCH RETCON and plot holes to a point that i felt like id2 could've been it's own standalone, set apart from id1 (kinda like untamable vs unbridled). there's a few i could explain away, for example, the concept that was the entire point of book one about how vampires get sick from even the tiniest bit of fellow vampire blood, but we have an entire ceremony of vampires doing the exact opposite? or the scene where cas bites mc's lip and licks the blood away. now, imo this could be explained as A) the vampires are just biting for the symbolic purpose of the ritual OR they're injecting venom without drinking mc's blood (which kinda makes less sense then the former but anyways) and B) Cas just doing shit for the sexy thrill or whatever which i can accept
what I CAN'T explain away is things like..mc having powers that everyone just..accepts(?!) with no issue but with cas it's seen as some type of anomaly..? claims "the leylines can grant special abilities" but why only cas and mc? why not the oh idk leaders of the covens? or the elders or even just pull a warrior cats "Power of Three" situation and give gabe, cas and mc powers that's because they have a special destiny or are reincarnations or something freaky deaky about them being polyam or being from different covens IDK SOMETHING! and before someone mentions it, i know cas is a more direct witch descendant then the other vamps, but considering we know nothing about her family, if we go with the assumption that cas is last preforming witch since great grandmama constance, that still wouldn't explain why her powers get awoken now? like please for the love of god correct me if i'm forgetting something but the only connection we have is
cas gets cut from the business card, lennox's face morphs (again, odd ability cause cas's powers seem to be exclusively nature related and premonition doesn't seem to match that, unless she has mc's type of premonition from the leylines but that wouldn't make sense either cause mc's manifests in out of body, future seeing, while cas's manifestation is more like actual intention sensing *cough, they should technically switch their ability names cough*, the cut never heals unless cas let's the power out/or is happy and gets worse when she's upset. so when you think of it, there's really nothing that directly correlates with the leylines that connects it. maybe it's because the leylines come from creators and witches are split descendants of vampires so whenever the ley lines are getting fucked with it affects witches too?? idk
a few more unaddressed issues are but not limited too: what beef cas and gabe have in the branding room (i'll get back to that one later), libby having partial memory, (same thing as above), if vampires can sleep, how in the first book G+C can hear us murmuring their names from miles away but we can't hear cas screaming in the woods, having vampire sight but can't straining to see that pile of bones in the dark in the back of the cave etc, WHY LEWYN IS STILL NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR KILLING HIS OWN COVEN MEMBERS??
that's my biggest issue with id2, there's so much guess-timating on w/ info and lore that would be fun to theorize or hc in a standalone but in an ongoing series it creates more headaches and others are plain plotholes. i think id would've been more consistent if they spent more time explaining the lore of WHY things are instead of WHAT things are, you know?
now lastly, here are my id3 theories/ hopes:
libby is a witch. that's the only explanation we have for why she acts so odd all book + why her memories are the most intact despite her not doing anything to awaken them like for mc's mom did
gas's beef with each other is explained. i saw someone hc that the reason gas hate each other beyond the typical Clement vs Venandi bs is because they're exes and while i would love the angst of exploring that + it would explain their sudden intrigue (if u choose the poly route end) to possibly get together + it would be so carnally delicious if we have some real slow burn enemies to frienemies to lovers out here but i doubt it. however their beef seems to stem from before mc came into the picture purely because of how gabe talks and treats cas in the first few chapters of book1 and from the branding room scene (my hc/ theory however: in the branding room premium scene, g+c talk briefly about a situation where gabe "was playing the hero", cas was "scaring humans" and as a result got punished likely by branding. my theory is that while as a human, gabe's grandmother was a fluked hunt by cas, with gabe protecting his nan, this sparks sarah to investigate into vampires more which leads to the covens trying to kill her. so gabe hates cas for nearly killing her and consequently getting him turned and cas hates gabe for ruining her hunt / giving her first brand)
gabe getting powers. we know gabe is kinda a literature nerd and can read specific vampire languages that seems like pretty rare ability for a newer turned vamp so maybe that could be his. idk it just feels odd that cas and mc have powers but gabe doesn't (even if reading super well is for NERDS 🙄/j maybe they can make it fun and unique to him)
witches are absolutely the villain of the next book, there's no doubt in my mind but since it seems like witches were playing both sides of the field of vamps v hunters, it's safe to assume we might befriend a teenage witch (possibly libby??) and we have to fight with against evil witches??? 🤷🏾‍♀️
more like point 4.2 but we could also possibly meet cas's family or even parents! while its safe to assume them being dead is what made cas an orphan, its pixelberry and there's a good chance they'd bring out that a random plot twist like with gabriel and lennox being cousins like that out of the blue andddd the heirloom book cas has from her parents looks suspiciously like the grimoire astoria has🤔
multi pov: if id3 is assumingely the last id book, and they're going to keep teasing gas, i would love see that all exclusively from their pov's (ik it's unlikely pb would suddenly change the format of a book at the supposedly end of the series but these books need a new element or it's going to feel like a repeat of the last 2 books)
gas. self explanatory. they need to kiss regardless of which route you choose. idk how or why or when but it needs to happen
these mofo's will graduate human high school. yeah that very forgotten aspect of immortal desires is that it's a TEEN supernatural, so we need to pop in some extra credits or something and graduate since they're all seniors/ "18" (in my hc cas is a super senior and is like 19 when she was turned but anyways)
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
Cole:*is watching on how Jack treat's Lena and Angela while with him it was back in Blackwatch all over again, seeing him smile and fawn over them while he usually gets the cold shoulder or some times getting berated. He took a deep breath and walked out too catch his breath * Tracer:*notice this and zips after Cole Leaving Jack behind wondering were Cole was going * Cole~! where are you going ? Cole: *sighs softly * going for a smoke Lena.... Tracer:*walks over with Cole fallowing him outside as she leans against the balcony watching him smoke his cigar a bit* Cole you alright ? Cole:*sighs softly and looked off in the distance* You know I'm jealous of you and Angela...For many things... Tracer:*looked shocked as she stared at him* You're jealous us!? Cole look if we did something too make you this upset than I can get Jack and- Cole:*cuts her off* No you and Angie didn't do anything it's Jack...He still treats me like shit even when I first came too Overwatch... Tracer: W-What are you talking about he doesn't treat you like that anymore...does he? Cole: Lena look Jack and I argue a lot...he's very close too you and Angela moreover he worries about you but with me..It's different..*He explained before he looked at his cigar before snuffing it out flicking it off the balcony * Tracer: Cole what do you mean by that? Jack care's about you I'm sure of it but that doesn't mean he hates you, you two have different point's of view but that doesn't mean he- *get's cut off by Cole* Cole: Lena who do I remind him of?*he asked her as he looked off into the distance* Tracer: What? I...Cole what do you mean by that? Cole: *sighs as he takes off hit hat and pushes his hair back a bit * my mannerisms the way I gesture my movements who do I remind Jack of.... Tracer:*Looks upset as she placed a hand on his back knowing who he was talking about* Cole this isn't necessary, Jack shouldn't be projecting onto you and you shouldn't take it too heart and- Cole: You're avoiding the question... Tracer: *Sighs softly* I know...I don't want too say it you know... Cole: *Looks away clearly upset and a bit mad* what afraid I'll become him.... Tracer: Cole no....What Gabe did...Look I'm not going to defend his actions but there's one thing I'm thankful for what he did... Cole: Why would you be thankful for Reyes?... Tracer: *smiles* Cause I got too meet you Cole:*sighs and plays with his lighter even more* Yeah I know...he took me in but others gave me weird stares of not being wanted there.... Tracer: We'll the way I saw it was a blessing too me, honestly I was lonely and so was Angela too. When you first arrived Cole, I wanted to spend time with you none stop!! Cole:*snorts a laughter* Yeah and honestly you kept getting in trouble by Ana and Gabe for distracting me~ Tracer: Because I loved your company you have a charm too you. Cause in the end do you know how much I tried to get Gabriel too smile!? Cole: How much? Tracer: So many times but with you, you made it easy. Cole:*chuckles softly* You know it's funny.... Tracer: What is? Cole: That even after everything that happen, You,Me and Angela hell even Fareeha are close as ever...I don't even deserve it... Tracer:*hugs him tightly* You deserve every amount of love Cole..No matter what, Honestly it's been hell since I've last seen you... Cole: *wasn't expecting a hug but hugged her back* I...Thank you Lena... Tracer: Beside if Jack has a problem with you,than he has a problem with me Cole: Lena I don't want to ruin your- Tracer: Cole look, Jack hurt your feelings and in the end he shouldn't base that on what is going on with you, You were close to Gabe but that doesn't mean he should dump everything onto you okay.. Cole:*smiled softly* Thanks Lena... Tracer: Any time also Cole, never think you're alone okay Cole: *smiled softly and chuckled* Thanks Lena, I needed to hear that Lena:*smiles* Anytime Cole
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20cm · 3 months
hi rookie my beloved have u done/read/watched/played anything interesting lately
so true.. fun question thank u :] i havent read/watched anything lately unfortunately and aside from doing stuff at work i havent done much either (though i have been showing percy my beloved teenagehood anime natsume yuujinchou. its about choosing to be kind when no one has shown you kindness before. its about letting yourself be cared about. its about different kinds of families and platonic and familial love. its really great i recommend it to anyone honestly its just therapy. cried so many times ∞/10)
BUT i have been hopping between games lately :) namely because my brain cant sit still lately
assassins creed odyssey
set in greece, a fictional telling of the peloponnesian war, honestly really really fun :) i love the AC games and this one having a more RPG angle wasnt popular w/ the dudebros but its popular with ME! i love doomed siblings and fighting fate! what if you were two children doomed by the pythia and one of you was raised by a violent cult into thinking you were a demigod but instead you were a tool, and the other was forced to flee home raise themself into a hero of the people and save greece from this cult.....and then youre faced with your baby sibling who you tried and failed to save decades ago
they dont tell you this but palia is a post-apocalyptic game set a hundreds of thousands of years after humans were killed off by some sort of cataclysmic event and all thats left of us are memories of concrete jungles and wires like veins permanently left behind in the memory discs of sentient robots we created to help us who got left behind. you play as a human who came out of some hibernation, separated by your own past by thousands of years and amnesia, and you befriend the townsfolk and try to make a life :) it just looks like a cute life/farming sim
the outer worlds
soooo fun its like if the fallout sense of humor + post apocalypse capitalist doomerism met the sci-fi fun of the mass effect games. which makes sense because the studio who made the most popular fallout game made this one. youre unfrozen out of hibernation and used as a guinea pig to gather material and information for the mad scientist who freed you, working with very little information but a whole lot of incentive. you accidentally crash land on the guy who was supposed to give you a ride off this planet you were just shucked onto. now youre impersonating him. humanity is spread across a system and capitalism-as-a-religion runs it all.
mass effect 1
ive always been obsessed with ME's fantasy sibling dragon age so im trying the mass effect games out... its a dense sci fi and a little clunky but shes from 2007 and both percy and gabe love these games so im persevering. the story is really fun (its about what constitutes "being alive" and personhood) but i feel like ive barely scratched the surface so far!! currently playing this one as im typing
sims 3
shes my childhood sims game :) sims 4 WISHES she could be sims2/sims3. i play it for mindless fun. my current sim has had a batshit life so far
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palettepainter · 1 year
Incorrect quotes 2.0
I’ll update this when I got the rest of Zoot’s cousin designs posted, but I couldn’t resit! Ran belongs to @rottedbrainz, Gabe belongs to @posies-and-bundles, Liv is mine (for anyone knew Liv and Randy are Zoot’s cousins, Liv being the youngest one whose the same age as Scooter, Gabe is Zoot’s dad)
Gabe: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Zoot. They're mad at you. Zoot: No, it's Liv. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Liv: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Rand: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Liv: I stand by my choice.
Rand: I haven't slept in seventy-three hours. Liv: Eighty. Democratically elected leader of insomnia. Gabe: Bitch, it's been ninety for me. I'm going for an even one hundred. Zoot: You guys are fucking terrifying.
Liv: Everyone synchronise your watches. Gabe: I don't know how to do that. Rand: I don't wear a watch. Zoot: Time is a construct.
Liv: Shh, here comes Gabe! Zoot: Quick, Rand, start talking about boring nerd stuff! Rand: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist. Zoot: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
Rand: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. Zoot: The cow?? Rand: What? Liv: Zoot, W H Y?
Zoot & Gabe in the back of Rand's car: MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! Liv: We have food at home. Rand: *pulls into the McDonald's drivethrough* Zoot & Gabe: YAYYYYYY! Rand: *orders one black coffee and leaves*
Liv: Ducks are better than rabbits. Zoot: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks. Rand: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey. Zoot: We’re not talking about flavour, Rand! Rand: Flavour counts! Zoot: Who carries around a duck’s foot for good luck? Anyone? Gabe: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I’ll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who’s cozier? Zoot: Okay, but- Gabe: NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO’S COZIER? Rand: Then why don’t we take a rabbit, a duck, stick ‘em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out! Zoot: BECAUSE IT’S ILLEGAL, RAND! Rand: ONLY IF WE BET ON IT, ZOOT! Liv: I- Jesus-
Zoot: How late were you up last night? Rand & Gabe, in tandem: Me? Zoot: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time. Zoot, to Liv: You.
Gabe: Which country has the most birds? Gabe: Portu-geese! Zoot: That's a language. Gabe: Portu-gull? Zoot: Good recovery. Liv: I think you mean good re-dovery. Rand: TURKEY. HOW DID WE MISS TURKEY?
*In a horror movie situation* Rand: I've got no service in my phone here. Liv: Shoot, my battery just died. Gabe: Sorry guys, I just broke my phone with a hammer. Zoot: Guys, my phone is a book.
-This quote with kiddo Liv- 
Gabe: Yesterday, I watched Liv try to eat a decorative rock from Zoot's potted plant. Rand caught them, and told them they can't eat rocks. Liv started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away.
Liv: How do Zoot and Gabe usually get out of these messes? Rand: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
*The gang when they drop food on the floor* Rand: Aw man. *Throws it away* Liv: Five second rule! Gabe: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? *Eats it off the floor* Zoot: *Sobs on the floor*
Rand: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything? Gabe: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital. Rand: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you. Gabe: But I heard a siren. Zoot: That was Liv. Liv: Sorry, I got nervous.
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Zoot, with Rand and Gabe behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Zoot: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Zoot: Liv FUCKING FELL OFF!
Rand: ARE YOU- Gabe: Fucking. Rand: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Gabe: Fucking. Rand: IDIOT! Zoot: …What was that? Gabe: Liv banned Rand from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
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19871997 · 2 months
my favorite is probably Marchand/bergeron, because it’s so so loving but also they’re like crazy hot for each other? Love a long term relationship where the couple still can’t stop touching each other!
but also I will say my eyes have been opened recently to Nate + Cale and mmmmm yeah I’m into it, I see it, I see the vision. Sometimes a shy twink needs a fridge with a gorgeous nose to pin him down and I think that’s beautiful
there's a very recent bereron/marchand fic thats so SO damn good and another one i read recently that did the blurry lines thing so damn well theyre such a good vehicle for that kind of relationship to me where they know they mean so much to eachtoerh. but what if. desperately wish there was more AND NATECALEEEEE oughhhh natecale. big big fan of them desperately wish more people made cale less shy/insecure. maybe give nate some insecurities..? maybe give them some hm. youre hot and i want to kiss you and sneak into your room on roadtrips and kiss you in your stupid gwagon but i dont know if its a good idea for us to be in a relationship, right? because gabe's out and we're the leaders of the room for now w mikko and we dont want to mess that up. right? and i like him so much, and i'd keep the parts of him i get (sneaking into eachother rooms like theyre teenagers, crashing into him after scoring on the powerplay, kissing down his happy trail and watching his thighs shiver) than push for more and risk losing it all and risk it blowing up in our faces.
hrpf. ?
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pevensiechase · 9 months
Okay, I watched the first two episodes of the series...and I have....thoughts.
I don't remember everything I reacted to, but here are some major ones. I'm going to start off with the negative points because I need to get them off my chest, so if you don't want to read the negativity, then here is your warning to leave.
My first issue has always been with the casting.
The main issue that Percy is blond. I'm biased because the POWER dark haired Percy held over all the fangirls because the black hair, green eyes combo had them (myself included) in a chokehold. Like, Percy Jackson is literally the basis for my type in men. Dark hair, green eyes. Also, Sally says that Percy looks like his father in the books, so what's Poseidon going to look like.
Also Luke is brunette, and he's supposed to be blond, which is significant because he's, like, the perfect all-American boy with a white house in Connecticut. He's met his dad, unlike the other campers, and he's a white blond boy with an athletic build and blue eyes. His main thing is that he CHOSE this life despite having it better than many other campers. Also, there are MANY parallels to (Heroes of Olympus Spoilers) Jason in the Heroes of Olympus. They are basically foils of each other. Luke is kinda like Jason's evil twin. Because Jason is also the all-American blond boy with blue eyes who had reason to go rogue (being abandoned by his mother), but he didn't.
AND, there's supposed to be a stark contrast between Jason and Thalia with her having dark hair and him having blond, but they share the same eyes. So, either Jason and Luke aren't going to look alike, or Jason is going to look different, and defeats the purpose of his contrast with Thalia.
Another issue I had was with the characterization
Many things felt wrong, and it took me several hours to realize they made everyone WAY more confident than normal.
In the books, a constant struggle (even into HoO) is that Percy is always seen in a certain light and even when he's accomplished things, internally he thinks "I'm not as great as you think, guys". He's always been self-conscious about his abilities, his leadership, his authority, and even his appearance. But in the tv show he's like "I'm gonna find my dad and MAKE him notice me because he owes me that much". Percy has always believed that people think he's better than he is and that he will let them down. He constantly compares himself to Luke and Jason.
Annabeth is also more sure of herself. In the books she acts tough, but it's to cover up the fact that she's had to prove herself her whole life to be worth something. She has to prove to her mom/Chiron that she is worthy enough to go on a quest, she had to prove that she could be head counselor, and she struggled with people underestimating her (appearances aside, because those still can be said with Leah as the actress). She's always felt like she needed to do better and achieve more to fully feel her worth.
And Grover in the books is supposed to be timid and awkward. And he makes jokes in poor taste because he's nervous, and usually he's described as anxious, but they don't show that in the tv show. He eats tin cans and furniture when he's nervous. He doesn't believe that Percy should trust him, and he's still holding onto the guilt from Thalia (Though more of this could be shown through the next few episodes). He always thinks that Annabeth and Percy would be better without him.
ANOTHER THING. They took out Grover's crutches because he's supposed to walk weird due to him being a satyr, so he uses braces/crutches. I hate to say it, but man, even the MOVIES had that little bit of lore. I know, I know, it would've been hard to show in that time span, but come on.
Even Sally has a huge character arc which goes from putting up with her Gabe, though with some quiet acts of rebellion--blue food--to turning him to stone with the head of Medusa in the end. But in the tv series, she yells back and gets into verbal disagreements with him boldly. She's portrayed as having more power than she did in the book. Like, in the book, she convinced Gabe to let them take the car out very gently and with bribing him with his favorite dip, almost how you would act around a bomb, being careful what she said because both she and Percy knew that he could
*trigger warning* fly off the handles and abuse them if he was feeling a certain way. He's stated to have hit her before. THAT IS A TRAUMA RESPONSE *trigger warning end*
But in the tv show, she seems more...girl-boss-ish. She raises her voice to meet his. I don't know. To me, Sally has always been, quietly strong. Like a stone. She isn't loud like a firework, though she can be, but she has the determination that isn't heard but seen. Also they had her (who canonically listens to like the White Stripes) listen to "logical" by Olivia Rodrigo…like what? I'm hoping that was just background music and not what she was actually listening to.
Gabe also just felt...off. I think it's because Disney can't show physical abuse because it's Disney, so they had to make him seem like a jerk a different way, but he kinda just felt like a bum, rather than someone who actively bullied Percy. Like, he tried to coerce Percy into giving him poker money in the book. He's also hurt Percy and told Percy not to tell his mother or else it would be worse. Like, Gabe is seriously TERRIBLE.
The last thing I had issues with was plot points that were changed when they could have been kept
Luke had a weird obsession with glory, that I don't really understand. That was even their capture the flag chant.
The whole bathroom scene was WRONG because Annabeth was the one who was supposed to be showing him around camp, and she was with him with Clarisse dragged him into the bathroom during their tour. I don't understand why they pushed back Annabeth and Percy's official meeting as far as they did.
I admit, the scene where Percy was supposed to be on watch but was instead doing the floss dance, sleeping, looking at a gecko was entertaining, but in the novel he was more nervous than anything.
Also, they took out the hellhound scene (after they win capture the flag but before Percy gets claimed)...which in the grand scheme of things probably wasn't that bad, but it sets up for Luke's betrayal later. Because monsters can't get beyond the border unless someone summons them, and it's revealed at the end of book that Luke summoned the hellhound that attacked Percy, and that's the catalyst for sending Percy on the quest.
This one, I will acknowledge for saving time and not drawing it out, but the whole scene where Sally was explaining what a demigod felt wrong. Percy is confused for a good portion of the novel because he's trying to figure stuff out, but it seems like he gets a crash course in demigodliness from Sally, and that takes out his utter confusion.
Also, Grover was supposed to be passed out during the Minotaur scene, and Percy has to drag him up the hill. There was a major point of the Council of the Cloven Elders shaming Grover for being unconscious while taking his ward into camp. AND GROVER doesn't know what happened to Sally. Why was that plot point in there. It was supposed to be motivation for Percy to go on the quest, but, like, the whole reason was because Chiron didn't believe camp was safe, due to the aforementioned hellhound.
EDIT: ALSO THE SCENE WITH MRS. DODD'S WAS WEIRD. In the book, she took him into a different part of the museum so it would be easier for her to attack him without people around. But in the series...it just happened. And Mr. Brunner gave him the pen long before. I wanted the scene where he came in and said "what ho! Percy" and threw him the pen. AND, there wasn't the bit where Mr. Brunner was asking the class questions about Kronos and his kids and Percy answers, giving more foreshadowing to his Greek myth heritage. And the aftermath where Grover lies about what Percy did to Nancy Bobofit. It made the rift between them seem so much bigger.
Edit (2): I DON'T LIKE HOW THEY TOOK OUT THE NECTAR AND AMBROSIA SCENE. That scene was so cute because he's a mama's boy and he's like "they taste like my mom's chocolate chip cookies".
Edit (3): I hope this is the last one, but I keep remembering stuff. The weird cut scenes where commercials would go if it were on TV. Those transitions could be smoother, and the "cut to black" is just really abrupt, and it kinda kills the vibe.
Edit (4): I really really hope this is the last one. But the only thing I have against Gabe not having a job and only playing poker online (though I like how it just makes him seem like more of pathetic loser), is that we can't have that scene from the end of The Lightning Thief book. Where Percy gets on national television, puts on a whole act of getting choked up and the, wait I need to find the quote:
“All I want,” I said, choking back my tears, “Is to see my loving stepfather again. Everytime I saw him on TV, calling me a delinquent punk, I knew… somehow… we would be okay. And I know he’ll want to reward each and every person in this beautiful city of Los Angeles with a free major appliance from his store. Here’s the phone number.”
Okay, this is getting long, so I'll do the positive things in another post. I'm sure there are other things that bothered me, but I can't remember them right now.
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choicesmc · 7 months
okay i've been dying to know about fiona
12. Open the notes/note-taking app on their phone. What’s there?
15. Describe their computer. Is it a sticker covered laptop? A high-tech gaming computer?
16. Let’s look at their search history. What are the last 5 things they searched?
also how is his 'process' like? say he's looking up info for a case online, where is he usually inclined to start the discovery process? and how is his research process like? chaotic w/ 7 million tabs open? slow and steady - one tab at a time, collecting links in a docs or taking notes by hand' person?
ahhhh, glad you’ve taken an interest in him!! Fiona is very very pleased xD 
12. Open the notes/note-taking app on their phone. What’s there? 
First things first: there are so many of them. And none of them are blank, they have writing in them. There’s a couple of shopping lists/item orders he has jotted down but those are droplets compared to the amount of memos he has in them. 
The memos can be literally anything: Gigi’s new outfit is stellar, Beau wants to check out a new restaurant, Gabe’s wearing his best suit, he found some music Aislinn might like, a briefcase Martin would adore etc. 
It’s really an observation log of anything and everything Fiona notices. Sometimes he reminds himself to tell the other person whatever it is he’s noticed. Sometimes his observations live and die in his memos.  
On slow days at the office (so a blue moon day) he goes through and sorts all his notes into folders for easy access later! …He has so many folders. Enough that it defeats the point of sorting all his memos into folders. (but he doesn’t mind.)
15. Describe their computer. Is it a sticker covered laptop? A high-tech gaming computer? 
Beau picked up his laptop case, weighing it in hand, “It’s a really nice color.”  Fiona glanced over from his meal, the soft green never failing to put him in a better mood, “Yeah, it’s why I bought it.”  Cracking a smile, Beau chuckled, “Fair enough man. Who’re the makers?” Fiona leaned back, “Hah, wish I knew. Literally can’t find anything on it. It’s like it doesn’t exist anywhere but in my house.”  Beau fell silent for a couple seconds before speaking again, “What’s this flag?”  “Which one?”  “The green and white one. I know the others: the bi flag, the trans flag, pride, but I can’t place that one.” “The green-white-green one?”  “Yeah.” “The Nigerian flag?”
Fiona has two laptops 1) for work and 2) personal. His work laptop is clean and sleek. While he doesn’t decorate the laptop itself, he did switch out i’s case for a sweetgreen one (hex: A5D56E –it's really pleasing to look at!) and he hangs small knitted flags from it.  
His personal computer is an older model. He was close friends with one of the IT guys at the university Fiona used to work at who let him have it. Said they were planning to throw them out anyway. 
So his personal laptop has been with him since a little before quitting his job as a professor, going through law school, and his first couple years as an actual lawyer. 
Safe to say, it’s had better days. It’s covered in stickers, mostly from his teaching days (he doesn’t add more these days). And he mostly hooks it up to his tv anyways so he can watch downloaded movies on full screen 👍 
Fiona really doesn’t do much with his personal laptop. He already looks at laptops/computers so much at work that he is all laptop fatigued when he gets home. 
16. Let’s look at their search history. What are the last 5 things they searched?  
explaining gunshot wounds 
hibiscus flowering season 
ugh, food for bad moods 
name of 2nd circuit judge 
gifts for shameless men 
*based heavily off where he is in this series [don’t let this be the last time] 
If Fiona’s memos are observation logs. His search history is a damn diary. He’s got a process going on: 
have a thought -> search it up -> thought satisfied -> go back to serious stuff 
Though, he does this stuff on his personal phone. Even he’s not confident enough to search half the stuff he thinks up on a company issued device. 
also how is his 'process' like? say he's looking up info for a case online, where is he usually inclined to start the discovery process? and how is his research process like? chaotic w/ 7 million tabs open? slow and steady - one tab at a time, collecting links in a docs or taking notes by hand' person? 
Mads, can I just say I love your questions? Like they make me think and consider stuff I hadn’t considered yet. (and it’s also why it takes me forever to get back to you 😭)  
His method definitely falls into slow and steady territory. Everything done in order from top to bottom, do not disturb the order –it’ll distress him. 
Every case starts with one tab, a legal pad, and a nice, dark pen. He takes his first notes by hand just free-guessing potential ways to approach a case. It’s real messy with tons of things scratched out and asterisks and arrows pointing nowhere. Anything that might help gets placed down regardless of how possible or helpful it’d actually be. This is all just brainstorming. 
Then he goes back in red ink once he’s understood what he wants to do. Circling and starring the important stuff that he actually wants to keep/can make use of. It helps him double check his work along with making sure everything seems like a reasonable game. 
Finally he puts his ideas into a memo that he can share with whoever else he’s working with, if any. Even when he’s not working with someone, Fiona finds that memo writing helps him think through everything and ensure he’s not making any logical jumps.
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