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dawnthefox24 · 8 months ago
Sometimes Tiktok teaches me things that I never knew mainly with copperheads and I know damn well its something that Cassidy and Solider picked up on. Because I had no clue that if you smell cucumbers means that a copperhead snake is around cause WTF! I had no idea they realised a scent to smell of cucumbers! The more you know I guess.
*D.va and Kiriko are just kicking rocks out of sheer boredom before they stop since they started smelling cucumbers* Kiriko: Do you smell that Hana? D.va: Yeah smells like...Cucumbers? Kiriko: *looks around a bit* But I don't see any wild cucumbers any where... D.va: I'll go get Cole and Solider since this is very weird.... Kiriko:*nods in agreement* Yeah and-What the hell? D.va:*looks and see that Cole and Jack/76 are running over to them clearly frantic* Cole and Jack: THE FUCK YOU TWO DOING!! GET AWAY FROM THERE! Kiriko: Wh-WHY!? Cole: Do you not smell the damn cucumbers!? D.va: Yeah we do but we don't see any cucum- Jack/76: Yeah that's because there copperhead around now get moving! D.va and Kiriko:...Copperheads? Cole: Yes copperheads...Do you not know what a copperhead snake is!? D.va and Kiriko: but we don't see any copper- *Cole pulls both of them away as he watches Jack/76 grabs a stick and pokes where the copperhead snake was as the snakes hisses a bit agitated* Jack/76: You were near it's home and it felt threatened....Next time don't start kicking rocks if you can't see a damn snake of all things.... Cole: I could grab it but I don't want to make it more scared and angry then it's already is the worst thing that could of happen is the both of you getting bit by it of all things. Kiriko:...Wait how do you know what it was?! D.va: Yeah ! Cole and Jack/76:...We grew up in the country... Kiriko:...Oh yeah that makes sense...But wait a minute Cole you can pick up snakes!? Cole: Yes I can, before you say anything Jack knows about it too. D.va and Kiriko:*looks at Jack/76*...You knew? Jack/76:*doesn't seem bothered* Yeah honestly it's not that surprising but that doesn't matter you two are still in trouble. D.va and Kiriko: WHAT!? Cole: You were near a copperhead and you didn't see it! I'm surprised you two even lived this long and Hana this is the second time I had to save you from a snake! Jack/76: *looks at Hana*Oh really now D.va:...Shit.... Cole: Yeah come one you two, your going to be on cleaning duty Kiriko and D.va:...Shit!
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averageamarienjoy-er · 1 year ago
With the new release of Heros, birthdays means we can now know their horoscopes
Ana: Capricorn Ashe: Libra Bap: Pisces Brig: Virgo Cassidy: Leo D.va: Cancer Doomfist: Gemini Echo: Aquarius Genji: Scorpio Hanzo: Scorpio Illari:Sagittarius Junker Queen: Gemini Junkrat: Pisces Kiriko: Cancer Lifeweaver: Taurus Lucio: Pisces Mei: virgo Mercy: Taurus Moira: Aries Orisa: Taurus Pharah: Aries Ramattra: Aries Reaper: Sagittarius Reinhardt: Cancer Roadhog: virgo Sigma: Pisces Sojourn: capricorn Solider76: Aquarius Sombra: Capricorn Symmetra: Libra Torbjorn: Virgo Tracer: Aquarius Widowmaker: Scorpio Winston: Gemini Wreckingball: Libra Zarya: Sagittarius Zenyatta: cancer Do you share a star sign with your main(s)?
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miloonmetis · 2 years ago
hi, i really like your overwatch fics! they're very well written, so i'd like to make a request of my own and see what you come up with!! would you be willing to do a soldier76/reader fluff fic? we don't get a lot of content of him letting his guard down and being emotionally available. which, i guess is fair considering he's soldier 76, but still, i'd like to see it! if you're willing, of course. thank you :)
|| Thank you so much!! and ofc, i hope you like it :)
featuring: Solider76 & GN!Reader (PLATONIC) warnings: overworking, comfort, fluff, slight angst. wholesome, soldier's real name, not proof read
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You held your head, having a headache from the past missions. Staying up and doing heavy paperwork, you were sick of it. Wanting a break and finding no time for yourself, you had eye bags under your eyes and you found yourself constantly nodding off to sleep while trying to listen to the rules of the next mission. You tried to pinch your arm below the table so you'd wake yourself up even just a little, but it worked for maybe a minute before you found yourself nodding back off to sleep yet again. "___." Solider 76 calls out your name, and you snap to look up. Straightening up, worried this was it and you were getting cut. "Stay behind." He says.
Yup. This is it. You think to yourself, you watch as he dismisses everyone else. You began to rub your hands against your thighs as you felt the sweat build on your palms, you weren't ready to be cut off from overwatch. It's all you knew and had to even survive and live, but you'd respect it if you were holding the rest of the team behind because of how tired and slow you had been doing things lately. Solider made his way over, grabbing a chair and pulling it up next to you. He looks at you with worry, grabbing your hand gently and looking at you in the eyes. "___? Are you doing okay?" He asks you.
The question caught you off guard, Solider 76? Asking if YOU were okay? It almost felt as if you were dreaming. But you knew it wasn't you had just pinched yourself and hadn't woken up. "I'm... yeah I'm alright.." You lied and how painfully obvious it was, Solider chuckled at your attempt to appear tough. "It's okay to say you aren't." He says, his thumb rubbing against your hand to comfort you. You glanced down to look as he did, it had been a while since you felt someone else worry and comfort you. To actually care about how you felt for once, it was nice.
You took a moment before you responded, "I'm tired, mentally and physically." You say, sighing as you feel a sudden weight lift off your chest. "I want a break but don't want to fall behind or be seen as lazy.." You began to spill, "Tracer is always so happy and capable of keeping up with everyone and everything, I wish I knew how that felt." You say you look up to lock eyes with him, "To be truly happy, yknow?" You say, asking yet not asking. He looks at you, he had a worried expression on his face, and in his mind he understood. "Me too, I've lost a lot of things in my life and it's hard to be able to keep up the tough face." He explained to you, not breaking eye contact and keeping his hand on yours.
"But you should know that everyone here takes breaks, Tracer has had plenty of times she has just said she wouldn't do anything more and went home." He says, "And if that's something you need, you should do it." he says, you stare at him processing everything as he speaks to you. You felt your eyes burn as tears began to build up before they snapped and fell down your cheeks like a waterfall. He didn't hesitate as he hugged you, his hand running up and down your back. "Thank you." You sniffed as you held him as tight as possible, well not too tight. You didn't wanna crush his old bones, "Anytime." He responds.
After a few minutes you split from the hug and wipe your nose and eyes with your sleeve, "Do I just go tell Winston?" you ask, and he nods. "Then I'll be doing that now, thank you again, soldier." He chuckled a bit at the hero's name, "I think we are past that, call me Jack." He says, You pause to look at him in shock that he is comfortable enough with you. You think for a moment before you nod, "Thanks, Jack." You smile slightly before you walk off to tell Winston you are going on break.
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shot-by-cupid · 1 year ago
Thinking a bit more about my overwatch s/i I think I’m really just gonna isekai myself into the game or whatever and we’re all just gonna have to be cool with that.
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buabloomed · 1 year ago
❝ pretty sure this place is haunted. ❞ (from Soldier, mostly joking)
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Niran's eyes widen as he whirls around to his companion. ❝ 'Haunted'? ❞ The word trips out from his lips, and the naturalist is quick to cover his mouth with both hands and a faint squeak. Even though he is a man of science and of principles, there's still something about the spirit world that gives him pause. Every Thai knows not to mess with phii.
As a committed yogi, Niran is extremely flexible and uses this particular skill to fold himself behind the soldier, despite their ridiculous height differences. A faint noise of despair leaves him as he holds the soldier's shoulders in a vice grip. ❝ Why are we here if it's haunted? ❞ »•»𑁍«•«
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leorawright · 2 years ago
Hello! I would like to request Hanzo, Cassidy, Solider76, Rammatra, Junkerqueen and Widow reacting to a showing up at their S/O house and hearing loud yelling because their crazy ex showed up and tore up the place.
Oof sure thing
Warnings: previous toxic relationship, violence
Overwatch seeing s/o's ex is harassing them
He was very panicked because he got a text saying you needed help so he rushed to your house
He heard screaming from inside but didn't recognize your voice so he muscled the door open to get to you
That's when he saw your ex tearing up your house screaming profanities at you
No hesitation Hanzo grabbed your ex by the shoulder (nearly breaking it in the process) and dragged him out of the house
Hanzo then went over to where you locked yourself in the bedroom and quietly assured you your ex was gone
He felt terrible that you had to go through that and he doesn't leave your side for the rest of the day/night
Cassidy was driving to your house to pick you up for a date when he recognized your ex's car
Now, with much more desperation, he made his way to your apartment and used his spare key to get the door open when he heard yelling and crashing noises from inside
When he saw you, cowered in a corner with your ex screaming at you he immediately put himself between you and your ex
After forcing your ex to leave he dropped beside you to make sure you were okay
If you let him he's pulling you into a tight hug for a couple minutes
Afterward, you and him clean up the mess your ex made, and he tries his best to take your mind off what happened
Soldier 76
He'd already had plans to go spend time with you at your apartment but his blood boiled when he opened the door to see your ex screaming at you
He grabs your ex's collar and drags them away from you threatening them in a low voice
After your ex leaves Jack settles besides you on the ground and pulls you into a silent hug
He never leaves your side the whole time that you two order take-out and even when you falls asleep
He didn't know why but he felt a sudden urge to see you and he knew why when he pulled up to see your ex's car
He rushed to your apartment, filling the doorway with a terrifying presence as he towered over your ex
After successfully scaring them off, he drops beside you and makes sure you're not injured
After that, he basically carries you around for the rest of the time you two are together and does his best to make you feel comfortable
Junker Queen
She was fuming when you texted her asking for help but she wasn't mad at you
Whoever made you feel scared was about to get thrown out a window
When she arrived at your house she made Gracie in hand when she opened the door
Two seconds flat and she scared your ex away
Once your ex was gone, she went over to you to make sure you were okay
She insisted you two stay inside together that night and (after fumbling with the TV remote) she puts on your favorite movie before cleaning up the mess your ex made
She had no hesitation coming to help since she remembered the horror stories you told her about your ex
She might not be as strong or intimidating as the other people on this list, but she is not afraid to snipe/fight anyone in her way of helping you
So after scaring your ex off, she silently sits next to you, pulling you into her arms in order to comfort you
She promises that with her around she won't let your ex near you again
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gaycragula · 10 months ago
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Overwatch Masterlist
Account Navigation Request Info
Cole Cassidy
Smut- Thoughts Become Real- M!Reader Smut- Stuck with You- M!Reader Smut- Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy- FtM!Reader
Smut- Tear in His Heart- M!Reader Fluff- Mornings with Solider76- GN!Reader
Tekhartha Zenyatta
Smut- Master- M!Reader Fluff- Snowy Confessions- GN!Reader Smut- Sunyatta the Sun God- M!Reader
Genji Shimada
Fluff/Angst- I'm Okay- GN!Reader
Fluff- Poly HCs w/ Junker Queen- GN!Reader
Junker Queen
Fluff- Poly HCs w/ Junkrat- GN!Reader
Fluff- Our Second-First Date- GN!Reader
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sadpankio · 1 year ago
My fav overwatch skins for each character
D.Va: Junebug, White cat
Doomfist: swampmonster
Junkerqueen: plutonium
Orisa: reindeer, forest spirt
Ramattra: wandering monk
Reinhardt: greifhardt
Roadhog: toxic, Mako
Sigma: prophet
Winston: gargoyle, safari
Wrecking ball: junker, snowball
Zarya: workout
Ashe: poolside, little red
Bastion: antique
Cassidy: lifeguard, blackwatch, mountain man
Echo: moth, surf’s up
Genji: blackwatch, sparrow, young Genji
Hanzo: scion, young Hanzo, wave
Junkrat: beachrat
Mei: honeydew, Luna
Pharah: asp, raindancer
Reaper: solider24, blackwatch Reyes, el blanco
Sojourn: captain chases
Solider76 (ace): slasher76, grillmaster 76
Sombra: Los muertos, neon cat, virus
Symmetra: Devi, goddess, magician
Trobjörn: Blackbeard
Tracer: nezha, Mach T
Widowmaker: Côte d’Azur, rose, pale serpent
Ana: captain Amari, snow owl, sniper, wastelander
Baptiste: tropical, talon,
Brigitte: vampire hunter, ironclad, opera
Illari: daybreak, chumpi
Kiriko: sukajan, take
Lifeweaver: amsonia, magnolia, orchid
Lúcio: equalizer, jazzy, poison dart
Mercy: witch, winged victory, pink mercy
Moira: glam, moon
Zenyatta: zealot
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cowboyviolence · 2 years ago
Not to bring up overwatch in 2023 and it's not like blizzard deserves any credit for this but its still so funny to me that they made solider76 gay. I love lame as all fuck gay representation
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bloodykuddles-blog · 2 years ago
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Think the jacket is generally looking how I want it to at the moment, giving me some solider76 vibes lol.
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tartbedo · 2 years ago
solider76 might canonically be a covid baby. btw
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dawnthefox24 · 1 year ago
Cole:*is watching on how Jack treat's Lena and Angela while with him it was back in Blackwatch all over again, seeing him smile and fawn over them while he usually gets the cold shoulder or some times getting berated. He took a deep breath and walked out too catch his breath * Tracer:*notice this and zips after Cole Leaving Jack behind wondering were Cole was going * Cole~! where are you going ? Cole: *sighs softly * going for a smoke Lena.... Tracer:*walks over with Cole fallowing him outside as she leans against the balcony watching him smoke his cigar a bit* Cole you alright ? Cole:*sighs softly and looked off in the distance* You know I'm jealous of you and Angela...For many things... Tracer:*looked shocked as she stared at him* You're jealous us!? Cole look if we did something too make you this upset than I can get Jack and- Cole:*cuts her off* No you and Angie didn't do anything it's Jack...He still treats me like shit even when I first came too Overwatch... Tracer: W-What are you talking about he doesn't treat you like that anymore...does he? Cole: Lena look Jack and I argue a lot...he's very close too you and Angela moreover he worries about you but with me..It's different..*He explained before he looked at his cigar before snuffing it out flicking it off the balcony * Tracer: Cole what do you mean by that? Jack care's about you I'm sure of it but that doesn't mean he hates you, you two have different point's of view but that doesn't mean he- *get's cut off by Cole* Cole: Lena who do I remind him of?*he asked her as he looked off into the distance* Tracer: What? I...Cole what do you mean by that? Cole: *sighs as he takes off hit hat and pushes his hair back a bit * my mannerisms the way I gesture my movements who do I remind Jack of.... Tracer:*Looks upset as she placed a hand on his back knowing who he was talking about* Cole this isn't necessary, Jack shouldn't be projecting onto you and you shouldn't take it too heart and- Cole: You're avoiding the question... Tracer: *Sighs softly* I know...I don't want too say it you know... Cole: *Looks away clearly upset and a bit mad* what afraid I'll become him.... Tracer: Cole no....What Gabe did...Look I'm not going to defend his actions but there's one thing I'm thankful for what he did... Cole: Why would you be thankful for Reyes?... Tracer: *smiles* Cause I got too meet you Cole:*sighs and plays with his lighter even more* Yeah I know...he took me in but others gave me weird stares of not being wanted there.... Tracer: We'll the way I saw it was a blessing too me, honestly I was lonely and so was Angela too. When you first arrived Cole, I wanted to spend time with you none stop!! Cole:*snorts a laughter* Yeah and honestly you kept getting in trouble by Ana and Gabe for distracting me~ Tracer: Because I loved your company you have a charm too you. Cause in the end do you know how much I tried to get Gabriel too smile!? Cole: How much? Tracer: So many times but with you, you made it easy. Cole:*chuckles softly* You know it's funny.... Tracer: What is? Cole: That even after everything that happen, You,Me and Angela hell even Fareeha are close as ever...I don't even deserve it... Tracer:*hugs him tightly* You deserve every amount of love Cole..No matter what, Honestly it's been hell since I've last seen you... Cole: *wasn't expecting a hug but hugged her back* I...Thank you Lena... Tracer: Beside if Jack has a problem with you,than he has a problem with me Cole: Lena I don't want to ruin your- Tracer: Cole look, Jack hurt your feelings and in the end he shouldn't base that on what is going on with you, You were close to Gabe but that doesn't mean he should dump everything onto you okay.. Cole:*smiled softly* Thanks Lena... Tracer: Any time also Cole, never think you're alone okay Cole: *smiled softly and chuckled* Thanks Lena, I needed to hear that Lena:*smiles* Anytime Cole
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anleva · 5 years ago
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An old comic for my sisters birthday uhhh- A couple years ago. I’m a bit behind on finishing them so.
True story. Genji’s are fucking unpredictable.
Please don’t tag any ships but Reaper76
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asparklethatisblue · 4 years ago
All Jack wants is to catch a break, less international incidents, and time away from the job to really try and fix the straining relationship he has with Gabriel. A little hard to do, when your husband is preoccupied with said international incidents. And when your entire life is about to blow up
A fic I started writing in 2019 and then forgot about? Posted? Have some Reaper76 Fall of Overwatch drama my dudes
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lordrensuniverse · 4 years ago
OVERWATCH Soldier: 76 Origin Trailer
👦🏻Tribute to Solider 76!
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jazmtaz · 5 years ago
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Just dancin’
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