vrnicky · 2 years
Sugar (Papyrus) is a lovingly vet, his special ability makes it all easy since he can talk to animals, he has a parrot! He's all about cottagecore and dreamcore.
His personality is basically a cutie, he is shy but that doesn't mean he wouldn't talk to someone or an animal! He is clearly an animal person. He often daydreams while working. He is a really gentle monster <3
Cherry (Sans) is a really cute doctor with a really cute ability, his touch can ease pain, of course it can't heal but helps control the pain! He is very feminine! He loves any fruit related clothes
His personality is an extrovert, but can seem to be really energetic to some. He is really playful and a tease but he doesn't mean any harm to anyone. Everytime he gets excited he flaps his hands around! He's always the shield for his brother.
Buttercup (Gaster) is a retired nurse! She used to be a nurse back in her day but now she is just happy to see her kids following the medicine line. She is the one that carried both kids, Sugar is actually the first kid she had and then was Cherry. She is soulbonded with Victor! They used to try and live in the city but it just didn't work out.
Victor, soulbond of buttercup and the father of the boys, he is a mexican rabbit monster, he is a firefighter! Also retired of course, mostly because working away from home wasn't good for both him and his family. He helps his kids with the animals even tho he may not be the best as he gets scared by big ones.
Edit: fixed tags lol
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imbonewary · 1 year
Shifting Sans Chapter 7 "Good Morning, or Is It?"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 8
I woke up to a low voice saying something but I didn't catch what. My cheek was pressed against something solid but warm, laying on my front. One arm was curled up into my side, the other dangling. A hand was resting between my shoulders.
And the solid thing I'm laying on is breathing.
Ah, I must be laying on Pap's chest, maybe we fell asleep watching movies or something. Wouldn't be the first time. Movies would also explain the weird thoughts nibbling at the back of my mind. Another hand began gently petting my head and I was almost lulled back to sleep. Then it started shaking my shoulder gently.
"it's time to wake up, brother."
"Five more minutes, bro..." I groaned, curling in on myself. 
The surface under my cheek chuckled. That wasn't my brother's laugh.
I stiffened, immediately wide awake as my head shot up, staring into a too-familiar face. I blinked a few times as memories of last night slowly filtered into my mind. Right, he is my brother, just not that one. My new brother. He adopted me. Cuz he's me. But not me. Alternate universe shenanigans. 
And I was currently lying on top of him.
Clearing my throat of awkwardness, I backed up with a blush, the blanket sliding off my back as I tried to not look like I was scrambling to get off of him. He sat up too, still bemused. Which I could feel. On my soul. Through my wings. That's right, I have wings now. 
That whole crazy mess wasn't just a dream.
"'mornin' sleepy head," Sans said with a raised eyebrow.
"'morning," I replied, rubbing one eye. "Did you uh, sleep well?" With me on top of you?
"well enough," he smiled.
"Breakfast is gonna get cold if you don't hurry up," a voice called from behind me and I stiffened. Someone else is here and I didn't even notice. I'm usually more aware of my surroundings. Now that I was actually paying attention I could hear cooking sounds behind me and looked back to find the kitchen area with-
The Human.
Holding a knife.
Panic coursed through me as I tasted dust in the air, felt the swish of a blade too close to my head, saw their empty smile as they struck down monster after monster after monster as they laughed and laughed-
I gasped, snatched at the hand that touched my shoulder, summoned bones around me, on my feet, ready to dodge, ready to fight-
"eeeaaasy bro, easy, i didn't mean to startle you," I could feel his shock, see his wide sockets, his free hand held up placatingly. Right, this was Sans, my big brother, meaning this couldn't be that human, I'm safe here, right? "i guess i forgot to mention the kid was human, huh."
"That..." I swallowed, releasing his wrist. "That woulda been nice to know." Figures, my life can't be that easy, can it. "S-sorry I... I'm just... jumpy, I guess." My bones were still summoned; better take care of those. Dissipate, darn you. "Nothing against you, kiddo, but I haven't had much positive exposure to humans and wasn't expecting to see one with a knife this morning."
Nonplused, they looked at the knife in their hands.
"It's a butter knife," they deadpanned.
"Still registers as a knife."
They raised an eyebrow.
"frisk, please," Sans urged quietly.
With a sigh, they rolled their eyes and put down the knife on the counter, holding up their now empty hands at shoulder height. I could distantly feel their annoyance over the table between us and I was still having trouble controlling my breathing but seeing them unarmed did help as I finally managed to dissipate the last of my bone attacks. I sat back down on the couch; one foot on the floor while the other knee was now held against my chest as I felt my wings curling around my shoulders slightly. I was barely resisting the urge to fold into the fetal position. 
“I’m sorry,” I said again, looking away, acidic shame bubbling up in my chest. “You just… reminded me of someone. For a minute. It wasn’t a happy memory.”
“I gathered,” they said, though they seemed more interested than annoyed now.
“we'll have plenty of time to discuss hard topics after breakfast,” Sans stood, interrupting whatever they were going to say next. “come on, it’s time for a formal introduction.”
Sans offered me a hand with a smile.
I hesitated, I don’t deserve his kindness, especially after an outburst like that, but it would be rude to refuse, right? Besides, I owed it to him to make things work between me, him, and Frisk. I am the stray here. 
I took his hand and let him pull me up to my feet, leading me to the table between the living room and kitchen, pulling out one of four chairs for me as he dropped my hand. I sat, as bidden, and Sans set about helping the human get everything on the table. Three plates were set and Sans pulled out a chair opposite me for the human before sitting down himself. 
"so," Sans started. "before we dig in, thank you frisk, for making breakfast while I was taking care of serif." The human gave a grin and a thumbs up. "and serif, this is frisk; they fell into the underground about a week ago and i was assigned as their guardian. frisk, this is serif; i don't know much about him yet either but i picked him up from pap's last night. you remember what i told you about The Labs, right?" Frisk nodded. "serif is a clone of me that was in hiding for a while but now he's here and i've decided to take him in as my little brother so he'll be your uncle from now on. that said, let's dig in!"
Frisk needed no further encouragement and began greedily eating their breakfast while Sans and I started at a more reasonable pace. There was fried eggplant yolks, sliced yham, and toast with butter and crab apple jam. At least the odd underground food was more or less how I remembered it. It was pretty good, too, considering a human made it; humans can't use magic so the magic in the ingredients themselves must have been enough to keep it as monster food. Then again, humans are more common here so maybe they found a way around that. 
"you did a good job making monster food for the first time, frisk," Sans praised. "you learn fast."
Frisk grinned happily, unaware of the egg on their face. I hid my snicker by clearing my throat, which also got their attention so I subtly swiped at my own cheek, mirroring where the egg was on theirs. They stuck their tongue out at me before wiping the offending food off with the back of their hand and I grinned, sticking my own blue tongue out at them. They feigned offense but I could feel their delight. 
Sans pretended to not notice. 
Breakfast was finished without much chatter, we were too busy eating. Frisk finished first, surprising no one with how fast they scarfed everything down, and began clearing the table. Sans was done next, and I finished off whatever food was left over; I didn't usually need to eat this much but I guess I was still recovering from universe hopping and nearly dying. 
"Last one to eat washes dishes!" Frisk declared, heading for the couch. 
"Fair enough," I replied as I got up with my plate. 
"i'll dry and put them away," Sans offered, grabbing a towel. "so, I have to go to the capitol later to finish some paperwork for frisk and start some for serif, but i'll admit i'm insanely curious about you, serif. you said you were cloned in The Labs, right?"
"Right, it's... more complicated than that," I said, loud enough for Frisk to hear from the couch, glad to have something to do with my hands. Do I go with my cover story with the people I'm going to be living with or just bite the bullet and tell the truth? The best kept secrets are the ones not shared but they could help cover for me, too. And what if the resets are still happening? Do I tip my hand this early?
Maybe I'll just skip the reset bit.
"Ok, this is going to sound crazy but," I braced myself. "I'm actually Sans from an alternate universe. I don't know exactly how I got here but don't think there's any way back. That's why I said I'm your clone; it technically isn't a lie, I'm just not from The Labs. However, my universe did have its own version of The Labs so I still had to deal with that. It was just a much smaller scale than it was here, with only me and my brother as test subjects."
"you had a brother, too, then?" Sans asked. "i had one, a very long time ago, but he wasn't a boss monster so i outlived him." 
"Are you a Boss Monster?" I asked. Oh right, so is Undyne; that works differently here. 
"yes, but we can get into my past more later," Sans said, waving away his pain and discomfort. "i want to hear more about you! i take it you're not a boss monster, since you seemed surprised that I was?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "Skeleton monsters tend to be on the strong side of average but nothing like a Boss Monster." I can ask more about how that works later, along with Sans' history. "At least, where I come from anyways."
"So aside from Sans being older than you, by, like, a lot," Frisk piped in. "What other kinds of differences are there?"
"Well, I've noticed a lot of differences so far, but a lot is still kinda the same too," I shrugged. "Like, everyone I used to know is still around, in one form or another, but they're all jumbled up, doing different things than I remember; like Alphys being the current Royal Scientist instead of Toriel, or how Asgore and Undyne have swapped places. Papyrus is a good friend to you here but he's supposed to be my brother."
And I'm never going to see him again.
A sob caught in my throat as I dropped the fork I'd been working on. I'd seen him die, sure, and had to live without him for a while after that, but he always came back the next reset, like nothing ever happened. There's no coming back from this, though, no second chance, there's more than just time and space keeping us apart. He's deader than dead to me now, he may as well be-
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
Man I skimmed through that "Gaster is the one who wrote the True Lab Entries" video that circulating and just...
It is such a peculiar video. Incredibly researched points yet small incorrect statements (e.g calling the Golden Flowers "Buttercups" or assuming Asgore didn't live in his New Home house????). Interesting points yet rather harsh to Alphys (it calls her a fraud like three times despite her overall accomplishing so much). Good analysis yet overlooking crucial details for the theory to work (such as "What is the narrative point of having Alphys's whole Arc closer not be her own accomplishments and failures?").
It's such a shame because the author evidently put a lot of time and thought into it, but it also feels like they are trying to push the theory together with pieces of a much more obvious puzzle. Missing the forest for the trees or something like that.
And alas, it now makes me want to see well written (or atleast decently understand) media that does involve Gaster and Alphys, because they do have a lot of potential when you aren't gutting one to fill another.
gonna be frank w you I don't know what you see in that video at all. "interesting points" it's just half an hour of making up inconsistencies that aren't there and then gutting all of Alphys' dedicated subplot to explain said inconsistencies (that aren't there) and give them to Gaster.
not only that, the entire assumption that gaster's work would be out there in the open and accessible through regular gameplay is such a complete misunderstanding of his character inspiration and theme. he's not meant to be found. in the original version of the game, his fun events were accessible through file editing ONLY. he very obviously plays off of easter eggs and creepypasta-like game secrets, so why would his entries just... be there. in the unskippable, story required segment of the pacifist run. it just speaks to a really clueless form of analysis where it's so obvious that the theorist hasn't considered authorial intent.
i am genuinely this close to deciding that the "symbols... or maybe it's the handwriting" you read on the workshop blueprints are actually just Alphys, no gaster involved. as petty revenge. see people argue against THAT for once.
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ccinos-cat-cafe · 1 month
I think my whole brand is like ... taking unpopular or controversial AUs, making my own take on them like giving them more personality ... and an aesthetic I think it's neat to rewrite a character, give them more depth and personality instead of them being something so blank, and one dimensional. People should do it more often, and I love seeing redesigns and peoples ideas for AUs !! Picking up a forgotten character and turning them into something memorable, too, is what I love. When people talk about like idk Bird and make their own stuff about him, I'm just happy 😭 he needs more attention
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FLOWERFELL BELONGS TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNER who i don't know the name of yikes Flowerfell didn't deserve the controversy it got. For a long time I stayed away from the AU myself because I thought it was the creator who made it fr4ns based, when really, it was the fandom. In all honesty, it has to be the saddest AU, and for how simple of an idea it is, I love it. I feel like Fell in general would make a great dad 🔥 kinda But I do feel like there was a whole chunk of personality missing from this guy ... the only thing in his character was worrying over Frisk, and once they died, that was the end of the AU. But I feel like he deserves a bit more to him
After Frisk's death, I imagine he taught himself to make flower crowns, since those were what Frisk always gifted to him. It first started off as a kind of memorial, but then it turned into a hobby, and then it turned into a habit that he needed to do 24/7
He keeps his piercings in. He's still in Underfell, and he's gotta keep his edge...but despite him trying to look all mysterious and bad, when he lost someone close to him, he started to soften up a bit, feeling as though that maybe he should start appreciating the little things
He started wanting to take care of things so they could live a long, good life. Partly because that's what he wished he could do for Frisk, but also because he just wanted to feel that satisfaction of helping something grow. So, he takes care of any plant he finds, especially in waterfall and the ruins. Toriel keeps her doors open for him so he can tend to the gardens
He still has a short temper, and cursing is still a problem, but it's more out of anxiety now. And the temper thing, he's worked on it, and it's getting better, and he yells less now. In comparison, he's sweeter than OG Fell, but he's not gonna be as chill as Comic any time soon
He learned about AUs when he found Dream and Nightmare battling in the Snowdin Forest once. After, Dream spotted him, and they had a very long conversation about alternate dimensions and such...he's still new to the whole thing, but he's getting used to it.
(General HC) A monster's magic is developed by training and interest, which is why Sanses have their own Gaster Blasters. After enough time in the gardens, Flower!Red ended up developing the ability to manipulate plants, and even create them through the palm of his hand...specifically buttercups. He only uses it when he's feeling fidgety and needs to make a flower crown.
His multiverse name is Patch, like a flower patch :D
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orisretr0 · 2 months
au (super long post!! Sorry!!!)
not sure if anyones done something like this (most definitely), but uh,
flower themed undertale au. Floratale (obvious, i know, I just wanted it to be simple, might change it later). it’s an aesthetic au, like Dancetale, in which the monster society is based around gardening and flowers.
more under cut if you wanna know—
story is essentially this:
after the death of the dreemurr children, and Queen Toriels disappearance, Asgore orders, instead of war against humanity, an underground-wide therapeutic garden for every citizen. It’s meant as a way of coping, (and because Asgore was running out of ideas for hope) for monsters to remain calm, and focused on at least something aside from their situation. This’ll change quite a bit on the main story of undertale, so it’s technically canon divergence? I guess??
in the wider multiverse, it’s a mainly neutral universe, and is regarded as a “mental recharge station” for all to come to. None of the residents acknowledge or interact with the strange sanses that come now and then, but it’s not like anyone gets hurt (after the first few resets at least…). With the mental balance of negative and positive, neither dream nor nightmare really care for Floratale (who is maintaining that balance? It’s—)
that’s all I got atm, but here’s some concept art
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Charas bio:
Not a people-person
died same way as canon
5 feet, 5 inches (height)
enjoys cooking, drawing, gardening
favorite flowers: POPPIES, BUTTERCUPS
Frisk’s bio:
Selectively mute
5 feet, 2 inches
enjoys playfights, being active
enjoys tinkering, machines
favorite flowers: SUNFLOWERS
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Note: first time actually drawing the fluffy goat monsters, but I think they turned out pretty good.
Bios are:
Toriel: only slightly better at gardening than canon
Asgore: Less King, more Father-Figure
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Doesn’t personally know Asgore
Part of the Underguard (underground police force)
(on a side note, she is ridiculously hard to draw???)
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Aware of the multiverse
Was an intern for GASTER
(sorry for the saturation in the coloring…)
I MAY be doing a comic for this, just to expand on the lore a bit (it wouldn’t be a priority tho)
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ask-undercare · 2 years
What about Asgore? What is he doing in UC?
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gonna draw his staff design thingy later.. ALSO wanted to give some insight on Asgore:
His place is filled with many flowers (especially lotus flowers), instead of just buttercups. The place has more cool colors as well.
After his children’s death, and his wife leaving - he puts more focus on finding a way to cure the monsters sickness. Back when Gaster was still alive/not.. voided?, they figured the easiest way was to break the barrier - since that releases them from the curse. He only talked about this with the Royal doctors/Professional doctors, which included Gaster, and a select few of his assistants. He ended up not telling the rest of the underground, Tori’s reaction was enough to think it’d be a bad idea. He’ll just try and keep it under wraps till they get out, or find a cure that doesn’t involve…. killing kids 💀
will be… giving more info… when my brain works again LMAOOO I am Eepy…
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Killer "Serrif"
Is he really a Sans? Does it matter? Killer doesn't think so, and it doesn't matter to him. After all, he's alone. Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone,
A L O N E....
- Official Height: 5'4
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Perceptive, clever, confident, assertive, stubborn, cynical, blunt, optimistic, teasing, untrusting, deceitful, sarcastic, persuasive, erratic, social, cocky, dependant, careless
- Has a liking for the color green and red
- Can have a quick temper
- Named Killer because the nickname he had given Chara turned into an actual name for himself
- Curses often and his favorite word is shit
- Specially skilled with knives
- A little fucking shit
- Forgets things often, leaving him to knock on his skull when trying to remember something
- Talks to himself a lot, a habit he picked up
- Tries to "befriend" everyone
- Surprisingly quite patient when he chooses to be
- Constantly wipes away the ooze pouring from his eyes when it drips
- Black ooze spills from his eyes when crying, so he always has tissues in his inbox
- Laughs during inappropriate times
- He catches himself envying others sometimes, so he gets quieter when this happens
- Both internal sides of his soul argue about their opinions on things, so he usually has neutral opinions on things, leaving him indecisive on simple items
- He doesn't drink ketchup anymore
- Is quite lonely, especially after things went quiet for awhile
- Makes rude comments like the way a child is brutally honest
- He chugs energy drinks a lot to keep awake, he doesn't like sleep since he often has bad dreams
- Loves to mess around with instruments
- He's very touch oriented so he can't stand staying still. He tends to also get in people's space as a result
- Magic smells of iron, magic tastes of cranberries
- He would call his lover Doll
- He adores cats but does not own one of his own since he doesn't want them to get hurt
- When away from the underground he grows to have more fashion sense
- Drinks alcohol frequently, since he was left alone with it in the underground and grew thirsty
- Avoids getting emotionally invested in others
- Fucking eats chocolate UP
- He avoids yellow flowers like buttercups, but he likes roses and overall more red flowers. Yellow ones remind him of days long past
- Hates having anything to do with fate, so he often will get irritated if someone starts rambling about "fate". To him, it's all about chance and choice
- His soul turns back to a heart when he's feeling, and which then involves a lot of crying while one eyelight glows a white
- picks things from out of his teeth with his pinky, since he doesn't carry toothpicks
- Bro has a crusty dusty jacket, he needs a bath💀
- Can never get along with other AU's except very very very rarely
- I think he would listen to ICP
- Avoids hurting animals at all costs, despite his nature
- Would be a horrible babysitter for anything. Give him a baby? He lost it. Keep your keys in his pocket? He lost it. Your faith in him? He lost that pretty quickly
- His gaster blasters are fuzzy and slightly glitchy, not quite present. It is a last resort when he's out of knives since he uses a lot of magic already. His soul can visibly spike and he ends up feeling completely drained to the point it hurts using his magic
- Is able to detect FEAR when staring into another's soul, in which he'll mock them
- Hates being belittled or compared to others
- His magic bones are jagged and red tinted
- Hates seeing himself in reflections, so he avoids mirrors by cloaking them or shattering them
- He dreams of Papyrus and it feeds into his guilt. He gets shaken up by it every time
- A small white eyelight will show itself if he's either his 'normal' self or if he's super comfortable with someone
- He doesn't care for puns anymore, often teasing others or using dark humor instead
- Tends to play with victims during his sprees, as he enjoys teasing them and loves the chase
- He rarely feels remorse for hurting others, but it's possible
- It's not recommended to challenge him, as he feels that he has to win at all costs and tends to be quite tricky as a result through loopholes. He doesn't quite "cheat"
- Rarely does he lose or allow himself to admit defeat. Sometimes he'll even discard the challenge and deal unless they're stronger or best him in a way he finds acceptable
- He is a light sleeper due to paranoia, often waking up with a slightly jittery or skittish response
- Even if he has left others behind to chase a target, it's mainly because he's a chaser. His speed, dexterity, and stamina are his best qualities. He can outrun any other Sans, but he always makes sure to let them have some "leniency"
- Rarely does he quit chasing someone, not unless told not to (depending on different interpretations where he works for Nightmare) or if he's grown to become utterly devoted to those he's close with and decides to help them
- Rarely can be actually create emotional bonds with others, often having "partnerships" or "deals" instead
- Can only keep track of two things: his target of interest (monster, human, item, animal. For hunting or otherwise) and his knives
- Has fun executing those that he deems against his fucked up moral code. If he deems them horrible, then they must be. It's his preferred execution, and so he tends to actually avoid killing those that are aligned as neutral or good. He isn't against hurting them though, and only kills them if necessary
- He doesn't care for humans and seems to actually prefer attacking them instead, since they're not made of just magic. They bleed and can take more hits
-He is partially unable to feel pain, so even if his skull is cracked or if his bones are broken, he just laughs about it and even snaps things back in place
-He usually smiles, but there are times where he's absolutely pissed and is unable to force it. It's his default appearance, sometimes leaving him sore
- This based off my own little twist of the AT, and so this can be entirely ignored. I feel that there is more to his dynamic with Chara because I personally don't think that Chara is evil. In fact, I think that both were forced by the Player, thus bonding as they broke their coding in order to not only feel something, but to also make it nearly impossible for the Player to "win." In this version, I feel that Chara was just morphed into something else due to Hate and Spite. In the end, I feel that after Killer destroyed Chara's soul, a part of it consumed and molded within him, this leaving him and Chara to sort of share a soul
Closing Notes: I have a lot of fun working with him, even when I found him sort of boring when I was younger. Some of my own little twists on what my personal hc's do influence my perception of him. I hope you guys enjoy this and aren't disappointed, don't be afraid to ask questions or throw in your own hc's for him! Thank you for reading =)
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instaquarius · 2 years
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For Full Res
From PTA (Poketale Ascendance) Chara's POV as she briefly wonders what might have happened if arceus had never found and adopted her into his family/took her into the pokemon world-
The idea came about cuz i recently replayed through the pacifist run again in celebration of Undertale's 7th anniversary
and I was thinking about my current Pokemon/Undertale AU and how in the Undertale universe of PTA, everyone's lives might actually be for the better because Chara never fell into Mt. Ebott and stuff.
Like Gaster may potentially live and not yeet himself across time and space and get shattered by his time machine basically since there wouldn't be any RESETs possibly until Frisk falls anyways. (since no Flowey, since i don't think Asriel would have died) when the dreemurrs meet the other 6 kids and possibly adopt them all too, just like how they all adopt Chara in the original story.
Asriel grows up to be a proper Prince/potential King when Asgore passes away and Toriel(? from old age-
**Currently unsure if the monsters ever do leave the Underground while Chara is off in the pokemon world/PokeEarth since PTA never really focuses on the Undertale world after arceus takes Chara away and stuff, since PTA is entirely from Chara's POV for the most part-**
I assume they do- but maybe the 6 kids and Frisk never like- digest buttercups and basically kill themselves like Chara does and they do successfully find some other way to break the barrier just having all 7 kids be alive and stuff- idek.
But ye-
Then while thinking this, I of course made myself sad as hell kinda cuz I adore the dreemurr family and Chara and Asriels friendship and stuff and i'm kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda sad my chara never has that bond??
But at the same time I also kinda just think Chara is also better off with her Pokemon family and Arceus cuz she also gets to live for basically millions of years due to Dialga (and i guess Celebi) constantly rewinding Chara's time to keep her from dying of old age or whatever
and also potentially has a better support too in Arceus for her troubles and potential abuse from the humans of her village (just based on all the hints in Undertale/implications she was abused idk)
and- ye. then I got inspired to make this.
You can take this drawing and think of it for either POV(? idk.
but ye. it was mostly just for funsies and i hope you like
For PokeTale: Ascendance
An AU based off of an RP between me and a friend of mine from my discord server discord.gg/pQf9ZsdF6E where the Creation Trio as babies (a time they all cant really fully control their powers and junk) accidentally create a portal into the Undertale Universe and meet Chara and basically Arceus finds Chara and adopts her after finding out about her shitty human parents and Chara ends up helping Arceus raise the babies and basically lives in the Pokemon Universe now
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button-soda · 9 months
Cherry’sTale is like a diverted timeline
Y’know, different fallen human and all that jazz
Cherry herself is fully aware of everything she does, she knows the consequences of all her actions and doesn’t care too much
Camilia is the first fallen child, didn’t eat buttercups, ate daffodils
Tori (just tori) is y’know, toriel but she’s more aware of the fact that not everything can be solved with mercy and talking, she does teach cherry how to defend herself and all that. She DOES still try to stop her from leaving the ruins though.
Azazal aka sans is basically the same but taller, horns and all that, he, cherry, daisy (flowey), and Liff know about the resets and all that. He’s stronger than sans due to the fact that he actually does have heath, not by that much though, so he still dodges. Still the royal judge. With my other oc Pebble, who is not a sans but a regular skeleton oc
Liff is actually a lot smarter than people give him credit for, he’s aware of what’s going on in the timelines and is pretty strong and is in the guard.
Emery is y’know, head of the guard. She recognized Liffs potential, helped and eventually let him in. She can be chill but she’s extremely excitable
Allie (Alphys) is the royal scientist, she has less anxiety but it’s still very evident due to her stutter, but unlike in undertale she actually had the confidence to ask out Emery (THEYRE ALWAYS CANON)
Asgore (alternate name coming eventually when I think of it) is still king, still a push over and over all basically the same except he will have design changes (he was too lovely to change tbh)
Aracni (Muffet) actually does run her own little bakery in snowdin, she’s married to Solace (grillby, because fuck you /j) and does help him run the bar on the side, she can be seen with him most days or in her bakery (you still have to fight her after Metta). Pebble works for her at the bakery
Metta and Napsty, still cousins, still slaying. But napsty has a robo body (courtesy of Allie)
Tem Tem is temmie.
Daisy is flowey.
Ceciel is Gaster but he’s more visible, cherry can see him more often, mainly in waterfall.
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My own au💜💜
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xiphiaarts · 3 months
Good evening Mortals (or morning, as its well past midnight) i just finished re-reading a biography i wrote for Fell sans for an Undertale rp server im in, and i liked it so much i figure id post it here for you lot to marvel at, I hope you enjoy! And get some sleep, as much as you try to be youre not owls Underfell belongs to @/underfell (no dip)
Sans remembers a time when monster kind fought to escape their claustrophobic prison, when His father hoped to science monster kind out of the underground and the residents of the underground looked after each other as their own kin; all they had to combat the despair that made itself at home under the mountain. He remembers his fathers desperate attempts at clawing his way to freedom;with all of the monster race on his back, he remembers trying to lighten the load of his fathers responsibility by splitting it with him. Becoming an assistant to the royal scientist early in his life the gifted sans had a front row seat to the descent of wingdings’ madness. 
But he can't remember when things got so bad, when the underground lost trust in gaster’s methods; When monsters lost trust in their own kind and friends became foe. Perhaps it was after the first human fell, When Asgore welcomed them with open arms and the royal family gained a new member. It's only expected of monsters to blame the humans who trapped them in the first place for the downfall of their society, it's what the king would have them believe.
But what child as meek and kind souled as Chara Could turn neighbors and loved ones against each other? What child as considerate as Chara could be responsible for the hatred and distrust that transformed the underground from a bearable prison into a hellish deathtrap?  When the whispers of the death of the dear adopted human reached the royal subjects of the Dreemur family and news of the untimely demise of the beloved prince:Asriel followed, no monster blamed them for the world they’d left behind, 
A world where any one who pointed a finger at a newly divorced king was locked away, or simply disappeared, The slowly maddening doctor and the queen of the underground rumored to be victims of Asgore's new methods of ruling, Methods brutal enough to cost a disobedient subject their Sanity, or better yet, Their soul. 
Sans tries not to remember the palpable hopelessness that poured from his soul the day he stood before a haggard looking Asgore, tries to forget how time slowed down as he reached out his fluffy yet menacing claw and settled it on his suddenly leadlined skull. If sans had any breath to begin with it would have been chased out of him by the horror of what the weight of Asgore's greasy ruthless paw meant. 
He can't forget the shout in his ear canal, muffled by the fearful buzzing that had made itself known in Fells skull as he’d accepted his fate as fresh dust for the king's somehow flourishing buttercups to feed on. The memory repeats in his mind like a dvd scratched to hell..while the rest of his memories are choppy, or missing entirely, The force from being shoved backwards, The familiar firm voice of his impossibly brave little brother. The dread in Sans's soul when he realized his brother had dared argue with the newly homicidal king still sits heavy at the bottom of his culmination.
He now laughs at the confusion that then mingled with his fear, offput by the pleasant surprise in what he can hear of the kings voice, first chiding his brother for such foolish courage, then praising him for it in the same breath, offering his younger sibling a deal that sans could only try to warn his brother against. The continuation of his existence, for papyrus’ allegiance to the guard. To the King. 
Papyrus agrees before sans can find the words to protest. But of course, it's never that simple with gore. His iron fist couldn't leave Papyrus’s brazen retaliation unpunished, so he swiftly marred his brother's sins into his skull with the points of his dark claws.
He still hears the screech of claw against bone, His brothers pained sound hitting a similar pitch as he was used as a scratching post for an oversized tyrant. His soul still flares up with the same anger that engulfed him as Gores' claw wretched itself from Papyrus’s face. He still wears the sweat from shutting off when his brother snaps at him for such an attempt at insubordination. Especially when the damage was already done. The blood was already spilled, the change already made and irreversible, even if Sans risked his fragile life failing to teach the unhinged ruler a pointless lesson.
He can't shake the shame that clung to him as he followed his brother out of the throne room. He's ever heavy from the embarrassment of making his brother save his life; of making his brother join that lunatics ranks; Of letting his brother become a grimm mural of what bravery could get you in a kingdom like Asgores. 
Days since then have been a blur of red and black, of gold and green, days that slur together into the same one again and again, wake up, do the bare minimum, watch his back, watch his brothers back, get home alive, fight off nightmares, rinse and repeat. It's not so different than it was before when sans thinks about it. The passage of time that meant nothing but the approach of death. Not a matter of if but when, when someone would do to sans what he’d brought himself to do to so many other monsters. 
When his dreams of finding his brother the victim of someone like himself become a bitter and painfully tangible reality. 
Such thoughts never get a chance to escape the trap that was Sans's tired mind, locked behind an apathetically amused facade and a high wall he put between himself and others. In his effort to hide himself from the world, he managed to build a barrier that locked out even his only family, Family that resiliently tried still to scale his walls. But Sans would never come out from his protective fortress, his smile and tired sockets are all the former friends filling the fallen underground get to see. 
 But there is one stranger who doesn't see him. A mysterious voice behind the long forgotten ruin doors that laugh at his jokes and tell ones just as awful as his. A stranger that tells him their vague secrets and their inexplicit fears. Perhaps it's because they don't know the husk of a monster they spoke to on the other side, because Sans was convinced they'd never have a face to judge, only a tired voice. Maybe for these reasons Sans felt he could do the same.
But every now and again he dreams a human hobbles its way beyond the ruins doors, a wilted flower in their company..and once sans makes his way back to the suddenly foreboding doors, his customary Knocks are ignored; Or rather answered by the empty silence of a soul no longer present. 
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deltaswap2442 · 4 months
Storyspin Part 2
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Asriel is Napstablook's role and likes to garden. Instead of a snail farm he has a garden of Floweys (tho a bit friendlier). His outfit is inspired by Ralsei as well as Chakri from my Deltarune Chapter Rewritten take. He mixes Flowey and Asriels personalities. Being friendly and welcoming like Asriel but also a bit snarky and pessimistic like Flowey. His fight uses red soul and he uses fire magic and some plant magic. To spare him you have to play with him until he tires out
Chara takes Mettatons role. They were killed after accidentally consuming buttercups but their soul persisted and was placed in a robot body resembling a human. They star as a horror movie monster in anti-human propaganda movies while also referencing how many people view Chara as evil. But it's all an act and they're real friendly and like to garden. They use red soul in battle and attack with weapons and minor plant magic. To spare them disable all their weapons
Alphys takes Asgore's role. She became the queen of monsters and captured human souls to experiment with them. She imbued herself with small doses of determination to make her stronger and partially amalgamate. She just wants everyone to be happy. Her weapon is a Gaster Blaster staff (like my storyshift) but one that resembles the determination extractor machine and shoots red attacks which will change your soul mode while also poisoning you. Kinda like Sans karma but will last the whole attack but stop once the attack ends. It's as if you get an overdose of determination. She uses yellow soul but her red attack will switch it back to red for the duration of the attack
And now the two skeletons that started all this..... The event that set storyspin into motion. Sans and Papyrus were two skeletons and the sons of Dr. Gaster but they were attacked by an evil Human. Sans was killed due to his low HP and papyrus was fatally wounded. Gaster managed to transfer his soul into a dog body but he remained in a coma for years until he was awoken by Napstablook after they took over as royal scientist. Undyne retired as head of the Royal Guard after this tragedy and went to the Ruins where she made peace with the next fallen human and swore to never let another human harm anyone but to also never harm a human as violence breeds violence. Asgore and Toriel would retire as the king and queen and hide out in Hometown with both striving to fight for peace between humans and monsters. Alphys was left to take over as queen and tried to help the humans but after finding research left behind by gaster on their powers began secretly killing them to experiment on their souls. She hid this from everyone even Undyne because this was her duty and her duty alone. The underground is split between anti-human and peace between the two races and the players choices will decide the future of humans and monsters.
Papyrus takes Asriels role and after gaining the souls and becoming his true form he becomes a god. His outfit is modeled after skeletors. Hed use blue soul and bone magic+gaster blasters. Fight him until he tires and allows you to save his soul. He also will still have the gimmick of stopping the fight when you're at low HP and would reset the fight. His "kid" form has him wear his cool dude shirt striped to look like Claus's shirt from Earthbound. He appears as a kid but when he died he was his age in Undertale he just appears this way to look more friendly to frisk
Sans takes Chara's role and watches your journey and will judge you after every ending. He has two shirts. A skull and crossbones one for any route but in pacifist his shirt resembles Lucas's from Earthbound
Asriel: Flower Fight (Ghost Fight)
Chara: Human Slasher (Metal Crusher), Massacre with Machetes (Death By Glamour), Strike of MEGALO (Power of NEO)
Alphys: Echsenkönigin (Berguntrucking), ALPHYS (ASGORE)
Papyrus: Great and Powerful (Hopes and Dreams), PUZZLE THE UNIVERSE (SAVE The World), Great Dude (His Theme)
Sans: Storyspin (Undertale), Raindrops (Stars), JUDGE, JURY, EXECUTION (MEGALO STRIKE BACK)
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raidencat101 · 1 year
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My au, livelytale
I love the idea that Lively (Sans) wouldn’t know about the resets until Buttercup (Flowey), or his father (Gaster) depending on how I spin it, showed him everything. At first, he wouldn’t believe it. And then the human does a genocide route
And he remembers
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severed-ties-uf · 1 year
Part One: Young Souls
Chapter One: First Meeting
Doctor Gaster had come to the Royal Palace to discuss his plans for the core with the royal family and to have dinner with them, bringing along his firstborn son, Sans (who he told to wait outside). Chara was excused from the meeting by their brother, Asriel.
Chara left the living area and decided to walk down to the flower garden to look for something to do. There they saw a young skeleton monster — no older than themselves — sitting on the ground, facing away from them, looking at flowers; excited to meet a potential new friend, Chara approached him.
Chara: “Greetings!”
Sans turned around to face them, filled with confusion, shock, and distrust. Nobody had ever approached him like that before.
Sans: “uhm… h- hi.”
Chara: “My name is Chara Dreemurr. What is your name?”
Sans: “I- I’m Sans.”
Chara: “Oh, you’re the son of Dr. Gaster, right?”
He nods.
Chara: “Cool! It’s great to meet you, Sans!”
Chara gives him a warm smile and sits down next to him. Sans is still confused and shocked by their kindness, but yet, he’s fascinated and drawn in at the same time.
Chara: “What are you doing out here?”
Sans: “… My father told me to wait outside until dinner time, he didn’t want me to mess anything up with the meeting, and didn’t want me to embarrass him.”
Chara: “That’s silly, why would he think that?”
Sans: “He’s… mean sometimes.”
Chara: “I get it. King Asgore is like that sometimes as well. The underground would be so much better if everyone was just a little nicer, don’t you think?”
Sans: “… yeah… …So… What are you doing out here?”
Chara: “Prince Asriel excused me from the meeting. The meeting wouldn’t involve me to begin with and he didn’t want me to be bored.
Chara giggles slightly. Sans looks down at the flowers.
Sans: “I see… I’ve just been out here, looking at the flowers.”
Chara: They’re so pretty! Don’t you think?”
Sans: “I guess.”
Chara crawls over to a patch of buttercups.
Chara: “These ones are my favorite! They’re called buttercups. They’re so pretty, and smell so nice!”
Chara picks a flower and hands it so Sans.
Chara: “Here you go.”
Sans takes a look at it, and smells it. Chara's kindness cheering him up a bit.
Sans: “Yeah, they do look nice and smell good, you’re right; I like them. Thank you, Chara.”
Chara: “You’re welcome!”
Sans takes a long pause, holding the flower between his thumb and pointer finger.
Sans: “So… uhm… Flower- you doing today, Chara?”
Chara laughs
Chara: *Giggle* “… you wouldn’t be-leaf how good of a day I’ve had! If you’ve been having a bad day, I hope thistle cheer you up!” *giggle*
Sans starts to laugh as well, showing a smile for the first time (since he’s met Chara).
Sans: *chuckle* “I wasn’t having a good day, but you’ve helped me bloom into having a good one, you’ve made my daisy! So, thank you!”
Chara: “You’re welcome, Sans!“
Chara smiles at him, he smiles back.
Chara: “Hey, do you wanna be friends?”
Sans: “Really?! You want to… be my friend?”
Chara: “Yes, of course I do! You’re super friendly and funny!“
Sans tears up a bit, it’s the first time anyone has offered to be his friend, and one of the rare times he’s been complimented.
Chara: “Sans, are you okay?”
Sans: “… I would love to be friends with you, Chara.”
Chara: “Yay!!”
Chara gives Sans a short and sudden hug, and lets go a second later. After Chara lets go, Sans stays there for a couple seconds, shocked, processing everything, especially the hug. Neither of them noticing that he’s blushing.
Sans: “I really lilac your company, Chara, I’m sure we’ll be best buds.”
Chara laughs, and begins to speak, but is interrupted by the sounds of familiar footsteps. Chara stands up and faces the door, as Asriel leans in.
Asriel: “Hey guys, dinner’s ready! Come on in.”
Chara: “Yes, your highness.”
Chara offers their hand to Sans, he takes it and Chara helps pull him up to his feet.
Chara: “Come on, friend! Let’s go eat dinner!”
Sans: “Alright, let’s go.”
Still holding hands, they walk to dinner with Asriel. Sans blushing all the way.
Authors notes (mostly about the characters):
Sans still has a taste for puns in his childhood, but grows out of the more innocent ones later in life.
Chara isn’t allowed to call Asriel (or any of the royal family) by his name or by nicknames in public (only in private) which is why they refer to him as “Prince Asriel” and “your highness”.
I decided to make Asriel 5 years older than Chara, to bolster their relationship with Sans (because they’re the same age, 8).
Next Chapter
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foulphilosopherft · 5 months
*He bites harder, and when that doesn't work he just squirms and kicks and grabs with his roots uselessly, shouting at Gaster.*
Buttercup: I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! You're horrible and you know it! I know you're evil! You're worse than me and worse than your Flowey! That's why you can't tell me or justify anything. You don't really want me to help myself because you want to be the most powerful in the room. And at the same time you never want to help me. You're a liar, and you're selfish, and you think you're so superior!
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ft-flowey · 5 months
*The flowerbed is safe.*
*Buttercup returns to the spot quickly when Flowey is gone to take back the remaining pieces of his dolls and then moves to see Gaster, deciding to see if he's busy first before asking about repairs.*
Howdy. Whatcha doin'?
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Hello, if it's no trouble, may I request a matchup?
My soul trait is kindness
I'm agender aromantic and asexual and will go by a few different neo-pronouns, I'm rather pale with really short brown hair and darkish brown eyes. I'm quite skinny often wearing jackets/hoodies (because I'm always so cold) and glasses. I'm not the proudest of my appearance but I don't outright hate it. I'm rather friendly if a little awkward and skittish, I often have a hard time starting a conversation for the first (few) times or standing up for myself. Other than that I'm very caring of others I care about and sometimes even considered motherly in a way to some.
I really like collecting rocks (of any kind, crystal, shiny, plain, large or small polished or not. I have a large collection and a small problem), reading, drawing/coloring, exploring and climbing, murder mysteries and who-done-it's, stuffed toys, animals
I don't like blood (it freaks me out, a lot), horror movies, yelling (at me specifically, in general can be iffy depending on the situation), someone coming into my room and messing with my things
Other stuff to know is I'm autistic with severe anxiety and mild depression, of which I taking medication for both. I'm both very cuddly and yet also not, always wanting to give those I care about hugs and (platonic) forehead kisses although if someone tells me no, either it not being a good time, them not wanting to be touched at that time or if it makes them uncomfortable I will refrain from doing so, but also having times where being held or touched by another can make me uncomfortable.
Yes! You can have a matchup! ^^
Doll(Tale Papyrus Neko):
1.0 Foxy:
1.0 Fixed Foxy:
Eevee pokebitty:
Black Neck(Tale Gaster Lamia):
Red Viper(Fell Sans Lamia):
Blue Coral(Blueberrer Lamia):
Honeybun(Swap Paps Satyr):
Clay(FellSwap Paps Satyr):
Buttercup(Tale Alphys Satyr):
Pudu(Tale Sans Faun):
Sander(Tale Sans Unicorn):
Del(Tale Paps Unicorn):
G1 Jazz:
G1 Soundwave:
Kissy(normal Kissy Missy bitty):
I wouldn't recommend quite a few Lamia bitties as some only like to eat meat, but it'd be cooked since most of our bitties don’t need raw meat but still, they prefer it a bit on the rarer side-
And some Osteobats may be vampiric and need blood, though they can have plasma, which is like a pale violet juice, it does have an odd soft glow though, but you cant really see it unless it's in the dark!
This was taking me to long so sorry-! No notes ^^;
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