#Clay Satyr bitty
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Hello, if it's no trouble, may I request a matchup?
My soul trait is kindness
I'm agender aromantic and asexual and will go by a few different neo-pronouns, I'm rather pale with really short brown hair and darkish brown eyes. I'm quite skinny often wearing jackets/hoodies (because I'm always so cold) and glasses. I'm not the proudest of my appearance but I don't outright hate it. I'm rather friendly if a little awkward and skittish, I often have a hard time starting a conversation for the first (few) times or standing up for myself. Other than that I'm very caring of others I care about and sometimes even considered motherly in a way to some.
I really like collecting rocks (of any kind, crystal, shiny, plain, large or small polished or not. I have a large collection and a small problem), reading, drawing/coloring, exploring and climbing, murder mysteries and who-done-it's, stuffed toys, animals
I don't like blood (it freaks me out, a lot), horror movies, yelling (at me specifically, in general can be iffy depending on the situation), someone coming into my room and messing with my things
Other stuff to know is I'm autistic with severe anxiety and mild depression, of which I taking medication for both. I'm both very cuddly and yet also not, always wanting to give those I care about hugs and (platonic) forehead kisses although if someone tells me no, either it not being a good time, them not wanting to be touched at that time or if it makes them uncomfortable I will refrain from doing so, but also having times where being held or touched by another can make me uncomfortable.
Yes! You can have a matchup! ^^
Doll(Tale Papyrus Neko):
1.0 Foxy:
1.0 Fixed Foxy:
Eevee pokebitty:
Black Neck(Tale Gaster Lamia):
Red Viper(Fell Sans Lamia):
Blue Coral(Blueberrer Lamia):
Honeybun(Swap Paps Satyr):
Clay(FellSwap Paps Satyr):
Buttercup(Tale Alphys Satyr):
Pudu(Tale Sans Faun):
Sander(Tale Sans Unicorn):
Del(Tale Paps Unicorn):
G1 Jazz:
G1 Soundwave:
Kissy(normal Kissy Missy bitty):
I wouldn't recommend quite a few Lamia bitties as some only like to eat meat, but it'd be cooked since most of our bitties don’t need raw meat but still, they prefer it a bit on the rarer side-
And some Osteobats may be vampiric and need blood, though they can have plasma, which is like a pale violet juice, it does have an odd soft glow though, but you cant really see it unless it's in the dark!
This was taking me to long so sorry-! No notes ^^;
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palmrrclaymore · 9 months ago
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other half to the chin brozone fam
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Hello! Do you do Creepypasta Matchups too? I saw that post and I'm a huge Creepypasta fan! If you do then will you do a Eyeless Jack matchup? I cant think of any headcanons I want to see from myself, and I love seeing others, so please do your own! I'd love to see whatever you do!
The only headcanon I have that is relevant for matchups is: oddly enough he can still see, but his eyes are made of an odd goop that can get everywhere(though he can only see out of it when its in his sockets, and sometimes it goes dry- making him blind for a bit)
Im also going to assume he has no previous bitties so beginner and basic levels!
I also wont be doing mini bios-
Caten(Xtale sans lamia)
Ladroas(Shattered!Nightmare Lamia)
Black Racer(Tale!Killer!Sans Lamia)
Starlight(OG Lamia bitty)
Cherry pie(Fell Sans Satyr)
Clay(Fellswap Papyrus Satyr)
Ebony(HorrorTale Gaster Satyr)
Aegean(Swap Undyne Satyr)
Salvia(UnderSwap Muffet Satyr)
Pluto(UnderTale Sans Infelid)
Argos(Undertale Sans Hellhound)
 Akhekh(Dragon/Griffon Event bitty)
Ether(Tale Gaster Spirit)
Klakgr(Tale Sans Eldritch bitty)
Kureku(Fell Gaster Eldritch bitty)
Onaluv(Swap Papyrus Eldritch bitty)
Russ(Swap Gaster Neko)
Doll(Tale Paps Neko)
Burm(Fellswap Paps Neko)
Sebastian(Doll bitty)
Qurgi(Swap Sans Inusune)
Boston(Tale Sans Inusune)
Steak(Tale MK Carnoturus bitty)
Mono(Hell Horse)
0 notes
FellSwap Papyrus Satyr
Name: Clay
Species: Jacob sheep
Size: 2.6 - 4 feet tall(fullsize) 8 - 12 inches tall(mini)  8 - 11.6 feet tall(bara)
Personality: Laid-back, affectionate, social, loyal,
Likes: being apart of the family, family time, games, helping, playing outside,
Dislikes: being ignored/excluded, messes/messy houses, being alone,
Compatibility: They do fine in any house and fights/aggression don’t bother them,
They are not aggressive in any way and are extremely chill around bitties that are,
They do like having other bitties around but can do ok as the only bitty as long as they are not alone to often,
They don’t need as much space as other satyrs but do like the space,
They are affectionate and like to cuddle, and are known for randomly hugging others as well!
Feeding habits: Styrs mainly are herbivores, Clay's don't have any preference for food, Clay's can eat meat,
Additional info: Clay's have no preference for terrain in their play area and would appreciate anything,
Zone: Plains, Desert, Swamp,
In Universe: They are seen as a very beginner friendly type, especially for a fell type,
Difficulty: Beginner
Main colors: Red, black, orange, white, brown, gray,
Secondary colors: Red, black, orange, white, brown, gray,
Extra: four horns, med length wool
Additional info: piebald like patterns,
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I lost your ask! I have no idea where it went nor do I know who you are!! And I am so sorry for taking so long!!
Hey, may I have a match-up for 1 bara bittybones please?
Living situation: small apartment, further in the country, it's peaceful, it gets hot and humid n the area a lot, I live alone so he could have his own space, no pets.
Owner personality: mellow, paranoid, has PTSD, may need a push to get goin sometimes cause depression, panic attacks I hide n the closet, realist when I'm n right head, antisocial with most but wouldn't be with him, respectful of boundaries, likes to drink wine, crochet, knit, swim, do essential oils, and I'm a model, I can get on with any way they like to give and/or recieve love, spa days all the way, sleepy quiet cuddles I adore, and I draw, patient, long fuse, can be sneaky, will cook a ton.
Wants: a companion
Doll(Tale paps neko): These bitties are super affectionate and always feel the need to be around their owner, though this makes them have horrible separation anxiety! These bitties always know what to say when your having an episode(what I often call my 'attacks' and mood swings) or going through a rough patch! These bitties do not need other bitties around and would do well in single bitty homes!
Silkie(tale sans chicken harpy): These bitties are super chill, though need at least 3 other bitties around! They are a more lazy type but still love to get up and move, they can learn how to help you quickly and are not a super loud chicken bitty, they do have feathers that often grow over their eyes but some trimming or a headband is an easy fix!
Appa(tale gaster unicorn): These bitties are a more laid-back type, though a very affectionate one! With their magic they can help get/place things on a higher shelf or just hand you things from a distaince without being underfoot or to close to something dangerous! Similarly to Satyrs their magic has a soothing/calming affect in their fur! Note that Unicorns are a more social type, so having at least one other bitty around is ideal!
Clay(Fellswap paps Satyr): With things like PTSD, depression, and paranoia I had to suggest a Satyr! They have calming/soothing magic in their fur/wool, and with Clay bitties more laid-back and affectionate nature they are perfect an keeping a level head when you need them! They need to be sheared annually or bi-annually so if you want you can make their fur into yarn and make clothes with it! Many of those with Satyrs do, either for themselves or their friends ad family! Note that Satyrs are another Social type! Though Clay's can manage just fine with just their owner!
Boelen Python(two headed(tale and fell) paps lamia): These somewhat odd bitties are super affectionate and helpful! Their patterns are simply beautiful and are great for some inspiration! These bitties are like a two-in-one deal with both of their heads having different personalities an thoughts, though they rarely fight! They will of course do their best to help you and will learn how to! They are big(being 8-12 feet tall as bara!) and give big cuddles!
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Hello not sure if my ask reached you or not so I am resending it 😅
Hello, I wish to adopt a bitty, I am a young adult female who lives with 7 bitties, most are calm but few are the spunky and playful types, I live in relatively peaceful neighborhood and have a medium sized house, I have a huge backyard with a garden and pond, I see myself as Laidback,Lazy and Creative, I make arts, specifically, clay sculptures and I mostly work from home, I do have social anxiety but one of my bitties do help me with it, I wish to have a protector, a full sized bitty, perhaps a Satyr because I tend to worry about my bitties whenever I leave for some errand,
We received it and I am working on it! Just busy and next week I have testing, so it's taking a sec, I have the info from your ask saved so even if it gets lost from the inbox I still have it! I'm doing the best I can with a ser amount of work time rn with school and trying to take breaks to help with my mental health, but I'm still working on asks, just slower rn, so you dont have to worry! We are working on out asks, idk what is going on with Mod Tem but I can guess that they are most liking doing dealing with a similar situation, either way your ask will be completed once it is acceptable and isnt just a much of ramblings or notes, thank you for your patience! I'm doing my best but just slower rn lol (Mod Wolf)
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