#but you have to be cool to get a piercing
writterings · 20 hours
today in class we finished early so i gave my students the option to either leave, hang and do their homework, or study for this psych test they all had because even though they're in college, this school is trying a "cohort" thing to foster community or whatever. and they all just stayed and we found quizlets on the topic and played them for the rest of class time
my one student also asked me to read over his psych essay for him because i teach english and other students got jealous 😂 and i was like well you could ask too!!!
and i brought them all donuts in because they all got their essays in on time (<-lie but i didn't want to disappoint them so i just told the one kid who didn't get it in to try to get it in by midnight and he looked so guilty about the donuts that he was like "i'll get it in AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!" and he got it in at 2 pm when his next class ended at 1 pm. have not read it over yet but here's to hoping it's competent).
anyways no point to these stories but literally who let me teach college. i feel like a second grader with an army of pre-schoolers who all think im cool because i keep my facial piercings and openly swear in class.
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delusion-mostly · 3 days
Regina George x Reader
Part 3/32
Warnings: kissing 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, lotta fluff
Word count: approx. 1,500
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"There is nothing to talk about?" You laugh out, hiding your irritation in a chuckle.
"No. There is," she grips your hand, "I judged you way too quickly when I wrote that about you. It was our freshman year right after you had asked Karen to the spring fling!"
"And Karen said no? I respectfully said 'okay, I hope you have a great time with whoever you go with'? I don't see the issue?" Your face grows more confused and curious.
"We were freshman. We didn't think that was okay. We hadn't learned that not all gay people had diseases and stuff." You give her a shocked look.
"Wow, okay, you are not making this any better. It took you until highschool to realize gay people weren't dirty?" You give her a sarcastic laugh.
"No! Not what I meant. Oh my god I'm so embarrassed." She covers her face with her hands and you quickly grab her wrists, moving them.
"No. Communicate, George. What do you mean." You look at her, practically piercing her soul to get her to spill.
"We were always told that gay was bad, we live in Illinois, Y/N. The midwest hates that stuff. To keep up looks, I always just went along with it. It's stupid," she continues her rant by standing up and pacing,
"I mean, why do we even have to label who we kiss! I kiss boys, you kiss girls, Karen kisses her cousin, and I don't even know if I would say I'm straight! Can't a girl kiss a girl every now and then without it being a little gay! Why do we have to label it all! Just fucking be you!" She stomps over to the couch and lays her face in a pillow, panting while trying to catch her breath.
"George..." you pat her back, and she sniffles before looking up at you, "you are okay. You are safe. Its okay not to label yourself. Just be a human who kisses other consenting adult humans. You, just like everyone else, do not owe anyone an explanation on who you choose to be with."
"I was such an asshole to you for no reason Y/N. I owe everyone an explanation for everything, I'm Regina fucking George. I'm a massive deal!" She sobs a little into the pillow, "I don't even know who I am. Am I nice? Am I a mythic bitch? Do I kiss boys? Do I kiss girls? I don't know!"
She still sits knelt on the ground with her face in the pillow on the couch, she quickly switches it to the knee on your uninjured leg. She wraps your leg in a tight hug, and you tug on her to sit on the couch. The mechanical whirring starts again and then stops, and your mom comes up the stairs.
She tosses you the meds, "These do cause drowsiness so Y/N may be out quickly!"
Regina gives you a concerned look, and you speak up, "I'm going to head to my room, Regina will help."
Regina helps you off the couch and offers herself as a crutch, letting you put your weight on her. She is surprisingly strong considering you are being a huge baby and dragging. You make it to your bedroom door and she opens it, setting you on the bed.
She sits in awe at your room. Tan walls covered by DIY record sleeve panels, deep green ivy strung across your ceiling and down the wall, a black tapestry of a mandala hung behind your bed. Bright red LED lights shine brightly and reflect off of your black bedding and fluffy grey blanket. Your bookshelf holds tons of books, some old, some really old, and some new. Your desk has papers upon papers stacked with drawings and ramblings. You grab the remote on your nightstand and turn the lights to a deep green.
"This is the coolest room I have ever been in." Regina smiles.
"Don't you quite literally live in a mansion?"
"Yeah but this room is all vibey and nature-y. This is so cool!" She looks at your record player.
She starts sifting through your record collection, nodding and giving approving hums at several and giving slight 'nuh-uh's at others. She finally comes over to your bed and lays by you.
"Oh my god even your bed is the best." She drops open her jaw and looks at you as you scoff and look at the ceiling.
You grab some sticky fidget toys and spend at least 30 minutes staring above you, catching and throwing them.
"How did you figure it out?"
"What?" You catch the ball that you had just thrown and look at her.
She shifts on to her side to look at you and you do your best to repeat the action.
"How did you figure out you like kissing girls? I won't say gay because, you know?" She smiles and references the conversation from earlier, "I fucking hate labels."
"Can I be so for real?" You say, she nods, "Orange is the New Black." You both laugh.
"I am so serious! One look at Ruby Rose or that chick that plays Alex? You know, the ginger from That 70s Show? One look and boom. Girl kisser." You tell her in a silly matter-of-fact voice.
"You didn't try any hands on? You didn't go out and kiss a girl?"
"Well, no. Like you said, Illinois isn't a big fan of queer people. It wasn't until sophomore year that I actually started dating around like you said in your book. Not a dig, by the way." You smile at her.
You look back up at the ceiling, and Regina places her hand in the spot between your jaw and neck, and forces you to look at her. She puts her forehead against yours as you set your hand on top of hers. You can feel how warm her breath is on your hands, and how warm your cheeks had gotten.
She shoots up, "uhm, I'm gonna choose a record!" You had just gotten Queen Bee all flustered.
She sifts back through the records and lands on one, she picks Folklore. She skips tracks until it starts playing 'this is me trying', and lays back down in the same way you were before.
She puts her hand back in its spot between your meck and jaw and shoots you an awkward smile. You lay your hand on top of hers, rubbing your thumb against her knuckles.
"Can I kiss you?"
You sit there shocked, mouth open, eyes closed, unable to respond.
"Nevermind I shouldn't have asked, that was so stupid, I'm so sorry Y/N that was really fucked up of me." She moves to get up.
You pull her back down and roll onto your back, pulling her with you.
"Wow you are strong," she reaches for your muscle as she speaks.
"Hockey, honey. Not the point," you lift her chin to look at you, "it wasn't fucked up of you. I was thinking it too, but only if you are sure."
She lays her head on your chest, you tangle your hand in her soft blonde locks.
"I just want to know... this is all so hard. I don't get it. My therapist said I need to explore myself outside of school and the plastics. I just don't want to fuck things up. I can't lose the one thing I have control over..." she starts to cry into your chest, the second time shes cried on you today.
"Sh, you're okay Regina. It's okay Regina. You're gonna be okay G." You keep repeating her name and it feels so good on your lips.
You quickly realize she was meaning the one thing she has control over is the school. You guess after last year everything really did fall apart for her.
"No matter what. If you kiss girls or not. It will be okay. You will still have control over aspects of your life. If you do like girls? Nobody will force you out. You have control over that."
She sits up and looks at you, pulling herself to sit straddling your hips. She runs her fingers through your hair and sets her hand under your jaw when she's done.
Regina slowly leans in, intertwining your fingers and pining your hand above your head. Your other hand trails down her side and makes its way to her hip. She finally, after what feels like a painful eternity, closes the gap. Every moment moves so slow, but she deepens the kiss. You can feel how warm her cheeks are.
Well that was an unexpected turn of events
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redr0sewrites · 3 days
My Marauders Hcs
🥀A/n: most of these aren't intended to be x reader, but some of them are !
🥀Character(s): James, Sirius, Remus, Peter
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff
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James is the type to have a planner and obsess over it the first week of owning it, and then forget about it immediately afterwards. every school year he tells himself that this is the year he's organized, and then by the third week the planner is rotting under his bed and he's going by memory
constantly running a hand through his hair. it started off as a nervous tic, but soon became soothing for him. whenever he's upset or frustrated, he always finds himself ruffling and messing with his hair. a lot of people think its on purpose, but its not, and he gets really defensive when people point it out.
simultaneously smart but dumb. James is an intelligent individual, but he just doesn't apply himself and would probably be top of his class if he tried- he just doesn't care too. not that his grades are bad per se, but they aren't as good as they could be
James is one of those people who's actually quieter once you get close to them. he overcompensates and acts more extroverted than he is in most social interactions, but once you get close to him he mellows out and becomes quieter. you can tell when James is really comfortable with someone because he's very relaxed and calm around them, he doesn't feel the need to be anything more than he is
sooo loyal. we already know this, but seriously, if he's dating you, he's the most loyal person there is. you would never ever even suspect he's cheating, he gets grossed out if other people even flirt with him. if he's dating you, he's whipped!!
on top of this, James is not afraid to show you off. he never understands how someone could be embarrassed of their partner, or pretend they aren't a couple because of others' opinions. he understands being private about a relationship, but if someone directly asks who he's dating, he's going to say that its you- and he's proud too!
tiny shirt + big pants combo>>>
let marlene do his makeup once at a party and, while he thought it was cool, didn't really think it was for him. he'll wear makeup if you want him too, and occasionally he'll put on mascara or tinted chapstick just for kicks, but i don't think he would spend a lot of time on makeup of skincare or stuff like that. he just doesn't have the patience for it
in my head he's half arabian and 1/4 african, with his father being mixed and his mother being fully arabian. his hair is sooo curly, and it took him a while to learn how to take care of it and keep his curls from getting frizzy or dry
James let Sirius attempt to pierce his ears sometime during fifth year, and wanted to try it the "muggle way" which, predictably, went badly wrong- but he's fond of them anyway! so, now he has slightly crooked ear piercings that he just puts plain black studs or a small diamond in. he also forgets to take his earrings out for Quidditch a LOT, so Peter was always reminding him about it
we all know about the headcanons about him wearing red converse, but i also vividly see him wearing the dirtiest high top vans you've ever seen- something like this but heavily used and loved
if a sweater or hoodie is too long, he has to push the sleeves up to his elbows. James cannot stand the feeling of sleeves brushing against his hand or wrist, its so specific but it would piss him off so much
tries to learn French so he could understand Sirius' and Regulus' conversations (especially when they were talking about him in front of him), and has an insane duolingo streak. like he's failing half his classes just because he's lazy, but his duolingo streak is like 400+
curses in Arabic a lot, and also calls his friends nicknames or petnames in Arabic as well
James has a really loud, boisterous laugh that practically fills up a room and makes everyone turn to look at him- like genuinely he can NOT be quiet when laughing
he made "potions" in the shower as a kid
Sirius cuts his hair on his own, and gets really nervous about asking other people to cut it. its a big sign of trust for him if he lets you cut his hair, as Walburga used to cut it short as a punishment. he genuinely prefers to just do it himself, but that means that more often than not his hair is pretty long because it's tough to reach the back
has at least 4 rubber bands on his wrist at all times- one for himself, one for Marlene, one for Lily, and then one extra. he oftentimes has even more, and he forgets that he has them on and will wake up in the morning with literal creases in his wrist because he kept them on for sooo long 😭
in his first/second year, Sirius had a french accent that he desperately tried to get rid of. he eventually succeeded, but it still slips out occasionally
he started painting his nails to piss off his parents, but soon became pretty good at it. now, Sirius and the girls of the friendgroup all hang out and he does their nails for them! in my mind, he has medium-short nails. they aren't completely flat, and he keeps them very smooth and rounded and pushes back his cuticles as well
has a comfort leather jacket that he wears almost constantly. the texture and weight is so familiar to him that even taking it off feels uncomfortable sometimes. when he's anxious or upset, he'll wear the jacket to help calm himself down and a lot of times, he has woken up with it on after a stressful night
Sirius has a complicated relationship with cleaning. his parents were far too strict about neatness, and he's associated cleaning with lots of negative memories, including being yelled at and stuff like that. this being said, he struggles a lot with cleaning up his own space and gets very easily offended if you even imply that himself or his space is dirty. Sirius also struggles with self care and bodily upkeep for similar reasons, even if its just basic things like combing his hair or brushing his teeth. he gets those tasks done, but he doesn't enjoy them and it's very draining for him
wears a lot of jewelry because he likes to fidget with it, and is a dedicated believer in wearing only gold. he's always afraid that he'll accidentally burn Remus if he's wearing silver jewelry, so he makes a point to only wear gold or copper or something similar
pierced his own ears, and also got his nipples pierced at a muggle piercing studio just to piss his parents off- even though they never found out
exclusively wears mismatched socks for no reason
is very gender nonconforming and is also probably genderfluid, he doesn't really care how he's perceived if that makes sense but feels more feminine and more masculine at different days or times
complains about little things but keeps bigger issues to himself. like Sirius will complain for an hour straight about how sore his back is from quidditch until everyone is begging him to shut up, and then turn around and neglect to tell anyone that his mom cooked him in a stew and fed him to a goblin or something (until he eventually breaks down about it)
gets angry really quickly and hates himself for it
wore a fake nose ring for years before actually getting it pierced
lowkey thinks bullying someone is a flirting tactic and when he's into someone he's a little mean and teasing towards them
cant eat strong flavors in the morning such as fruits or sugary cereals bc it makes him uncomfortable or nauseous. only sticks to bland breakfast foods like eggs or toast when he first wakes up, but will eat more flavorful food later on
a tiny bit scared of the dark but won't admit it. he always keeps a nightlight nearby though
Remus gets bad migraines around the full moon and wears noise canceling headphones to help keep the loud sounds to a minimum
had a lisp and a crossbite at a young age but after a few years of dental work + speech practice its barely noticeable unless he's really upset (but he still has to be consciously aware of his lip movements nooo im not projecting...)
hates constricting clothes, has to be wearing baggy clothes or he feels like he's going insane
surprisingly good listener. he never plays the devils advocate, always gives good advice, and is overall a great person to vent to
can NOT sleep with his closet or bedroom door open it creeps him out sooo bad
this is going to sound a little insane but. in my head he sort of like. kisses with his nose. LET ME EXPLAIN i imagine him w like a slightly crooked nose and so whenever he kisses someone he always sort of? boops noses w them? bc his nose is like relatively big,,? and he just sort of does that??? idk it's just really adorable in my head
also adding onto that- he's a very gentle kisser. cups your face, rubs your back typa guy. definitely doesn't rush in
allergic to shellfish
one of those people who puts their entire soul in their notes app. he has lists, reminders, quotes, random pictures, information, and everything in between in his notes app. Remus is also the only one who can navigate through his notes as there are SO many and any normal person would go insane just from looking at all of it 💀
picks at his lips and nails until they bleed or peel
HATES when food touches on his plate- can't stand when food mixes and will often seperate food into little piles but then EATS MULTIPLE TYPES OF FOOD IN THE SAME BITE in an attempt to concoct like the perfect bite. like if he's eating idk chicken cutlets mashed potatoes and peas he can't have any of those touch on his plate or else it's disgusting but then he'll eat a piece of cutlet with mashed potatoes and peas on top in one bite??? idk maybe im projecting but this just seems like sum he'd do
very big on studying. he's smart, but if he doesn't study he absolutely blanks on tests and assignments so he always needs to have stuff memorized- he also takes extra notes for his friends so that they can copy it whenever they need
once he ties his laces on shoes, Remus never unties them and prefers to just shimmy in and out and fight for his life to put them on and take them off
Remus' ears get cold really easily so he wears earmuffs and a scarf often! his cheeks and nose also turn pink when he's cold and it's always very obvious and adorable
while he isn't a big fan of quidditch or sports in general, he truly enjoys supporting his friends and making sure they know that he's there! even if he has no real interest in it, he attends every single one of James' and Sirius' quidditch games
i love the headcanon that he befriends Regulus before any of the other marauders, and that he's in a study group with Reg, Lily, Mary, and Dorcas
enjoys muggle comics, and has a HUGE comic book collection! Peter can also name nearly every superhero, and has soooo many comics memorized. like you ask him "what was the original comic in which *insert superhero* appeared" and he'll reply with the full comic title and author
you can't convince me that Peter wasn't a huge flannel person LIKE HE WAS THE TYPE OF KID TO HAVE A DIFFERENT COLORED FLANNEL SHIRT FOR EACH OUTFIT
huge gossip but in a good way. him and the girls all have a little gossip circle, and i looove the headcanon that out of all of the marauders, Peter is the most aware of all of his friends romantic endeavors. whether you ship wolfstar, jegulus, jily, dorlene, or anything else- Peter KNEW before even the people involved knew they liked eachother. always pretends to be surprised when people inform him of stuff like that as though he hadn't already known for two years or sum
i like to think Peter also played quidditch, but did it moreso to have fun with his friends rather than being super into the game. he liked it, but he only did it because his friends did
ridiculously good at chess, and holds that over Sirius' head allllll the time. probably also in his own little chess club or something similar
Peter is smart, but only when he applies himself. most of the time he's fine with being average, so he has decent grades, but certainly nothing outstanding. however, when he tries? he's very intelligent and can excel academically- he just doesn't feel like it
learned to braid Marlenes hair when they were younger, and then taught Sirius how to do it too! he'll also sometimes braid Sirius' hair for him if he's bored and needs something to do with his hands
unlike his friends, Peter isn't very confrontational and prefers to handle conflict with a softer approach. this often makes him take on the role of the peacekeeper in the sense that he communicates between both parties when his friends are fighting. that doesn't mean he can't stand up for himself, he just only does so as a last resort
Peter doesn't laugh, he GIGGLES. genuinely teehees when he's excited about something !!!
he was the one who suggested the name The Marauders, and originally did so as a joke, but then it stuck
very rarely curses, but between being friends with the marauders and such, he probably knows more curse words than the rest of his friends combined and sometimes when he's irritated he starts cursing up a STORM
chronic sweatpants wearer. orefers the material of his clothing over anything else, and if something is uncomfortable he simply won't wear it
i like the headcanon that Peter's queer awakening was actually both Frank Longbottom and Remus, but he didn't know it until years later. for Remus, it wasn't actually a crush, but moreso an "oh he's attractive. yea i'll think about that ltr" kind of moment yk? however, i do think he had a crush on Frank and that was also part of the reason he originally joined the quidditch team
Peter's favorite color would be yellow, and his favorite flowers are sunflowers!!! idk why, he just seems like a yellow kind of guy!!! i also feel like he'd like orange too- overall, he prefers warm colors to cool colors
Peter would listen to Nirvana, you can't tell me otherwise bc he WOULD !!!
he's kind to people regardless of their house. doesn't care if your a hufflepuff or a slytherin, a gryffindor or a ravenclaw, if you're nice, he's nice!! he's also always super sweet to first years who are new to the castle, and helps with giving directions (and telling those who purposely give wrong directions to piss off) for at least the first month of school every year
made friends with a lot of the portraits on the walls, and ended up gaining their favor and getting help with some pranks. i also think that he'd get along with most of the ghosts, and Moaning Myrtle had a crush on him in his third year and it was really awkward because he tried to be nice but she ended up taking it romantically and so she thought they were dating for like two whole weeks (James teased him mercilessly over this)
while Remus always keeps chocolate on him for others, Peter always keeps gummy bears on his person or nearby in case he sees someone upset
YIPPEEE I ACTUALLY WROTE SOMETHING!!!! i will def be doing a pt 2 with the valkyries (marlene mary n lily) and the slytherin skittles (barty evan dorcas regulus n pandora) so!! stay tuned !!!! hope u enjoyed and PLEPSOEELSLPSKSOSKD
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karlachismylife · 3 days
Desnuda Tu Mente
Requested by @emotional-support-slut and how could I not??
CW: gn!sub!reader, suggestive, but not too explicit, consensual dom/sub dynamic, knifeplay, mild bloodplay, mild bondage, teasing, reader referred to as pet once.
(Title from "Boca Rosa" by Angela Carrasco)
Huge thanks to @valscodblog/ @thealtofvalleyxdoodles for proofreading my Spanish!!
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also who do i beg for more gifs with my Goddess, especially from Soap interrogation? like excuse me, I need a gif of her with the knife and being all up in our face and shooting us and- all for science ofc
The only restraint physically put on you is a plastic cabel tie, its edges biting into the skin of your wrists as you hold your clutched hands between your thighs; but you make no mistake to assume this means you're allowed much movement.
To remind you of that, there's a stainless sharp blade gliding up your abdomen, getting caught in the wrinkles of your clothing.
If Valeria wanted, she could press in just a little, and the blade would cut you open like a flimsy bag of goods, spilling your festive red all over the floor.
She doesn't. The tip of her knife travels up, up, up - you don't feel its cool directly, the blood rushing through your body probably too hot and warming the steel up, yet you still shiver as it passes your solar plexus. The spot's too soft no matter how tense you are under the straightforward threat, flesh dipping pliantly, ready for Valeria to sink the blade in and twist.
"Tsk. ¿Tienes miedo?" She leans closer. So close that you see your own reflection in her dark eyes, hear the wet movement of her tongue licking over her canine as she bares white teeth in a crooked smirk. Her smell: sweat, heat, spicy perfume, hair products - wafts over you, squeezing everything that isn't her out of your lungs. Slightly laboured breathing slipping out of her tinted lips rings in your ears louder than the blood pumping like crazy in your temples.
Valeria is all you see, all you hear, all you smell, all you feel. You're at her mercy, your life on the sharp edge of her blade. Yet when she asks if you're afraid, the only second of hesitation before your answer is due to your throat forgetting how to breathe in such close proximity to a goddess.
Her smirk widens, now both canines visible - she's stunning, the sun itself, never shying away from the duality of bringing life and scorching it. The way her dark hair frames her face, the slightly rough texture of her caramel skin, the piercing look in her eyes as she stares right into your soul, seeking the truth. You almost feel guilty for the melting mess your brain is at the sight of her, she'll have to search through a syrupy swamp of worship and adoration to find at least one coherent thought there.
You almost flinch when Valeria suddenly grasps the back of the chair she pinned you down on and tilts you backwards, leaving you with no support under your useless dangling feet. Sharp gasp escapes you with a delay, excitement and adrenalin rush boiling your face, and your breath hitches as you register the ease Valeria holds most of your weight now with, keeping the chair from tipping over and dropping you back first onto the floor.
Your eyes leave her magnetic features for the first time in what feels like hours - just to admire the straining muscles in her arm, tan skin and tattoos stretching over the bulging bicep. She doesn't need to follow the direction of your gaze to know what has you in awe once again.
The knife resumes it ascension, deviating from the straight route to find its way to your nipple, painfully hard since the very beginning of the scene. Pointy tip hooks under the bud and flicks it, causing you to make another pathetic, breathy noise.
"Que necesitia, mi mascota," Valeria tuts, but there's zero disapproval in the shining look her eyes bear as they skim all over your shivering form. You're sweating, your core strained and quievering from the attempts to find your footing with your slipping toes and not move forward at the same time. "Want me to put you back down?"
Her blade jumps, skipping several life-threatening points only to land straight on your throat. Clean edge now denting your skin without even a thin layer of cloth to serve even as metaphorical protection, the tip pressing into the soft flesh under your jaw.
Valeria draws blood. It stings, because sweat slides right into the fresh scratch. You dare not to swallow, goosebumps covering your whole body, your thighs twitching to close shut and press your own tied palms into your crotch, hot and throbbing.
"Please," you mutter in response, begging before you choke on your drool, uncontrollable desire consuming you the faster the more control Valeria takes away from you. "Want to... need to kiss you, por favor-"
"Oh, I can tell." Her whisper makes white and gold flash in your vision. You're blinded by her sun, eyes rolling back against your will - if it was up to you, you would look at her for all eternity. You jaw threatens to go slack, impaling itself on the knife she's still holding there - your tongue would be cut clean off, forever restricting your from asking for a kiss from a goddess or tasting her sweet smell on every taste bud just from a breath she lets out in your face.
You whine as she slides the blade away at the last moment, scraping along your chin and tilting the chair back onto all four legs.
"Good job. Earned your kiss well," her praise alone is enough to make you ascend to heaven.
But nothing compares to the warm smile you feel against your mouth moments before Valeria cups your cheek and kisses you, sharp tongue sliding between your lips to swirl against yours. White teeth nip your lower lip lovingly, then she pulls away and looks at you once again - that studying, cutting through all layers, deep gaze.
"Always have that crazy look when you look at me, sugar," her thumb strokes your cheekbone before Valeria tightens her grip on your face and makes you tilt your head upwards almost till your neck cracks. "Love you, loco."
Her hot, wet tongue presses into your skin, licking up already drying trail of fresh blood. The scratch stings again, synchronizing with the throbbing ache in your groin.
Oh, how you love your crazy dangerous woman too.
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rory-cakes · 21 hours
You Seriously Didn't Know?
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Oikawa Tooru was a volleyball-brained idiot. All his past relationships knew it, and so did all of his teammates. However, they didn't realize how much until the first week of his 3rd year.
L/n Y/n was cool. I mean, the kinda cool that gets her own fan club as soon as she starts school. You could tell she had multiple piercings but only ever wore her studs to school. She had well-manicured nails, but there were calluses on her palms. She wore the uniform so well. She gave off an ora of respect, and everyone soon watched what the new upperclassman would do.
L/n Y/n had gone to an all-girls high school until her final year when she transferred to Aoiba Josai due to her school going under. She had been the girls' volleyball team manager back at her old school. Unfortunately, the girls' volleyball club at her new school had been disbanded after the last 3rd years graduated.
That's how we ended here in the present. Team Captain Oikawa Tooru, the most popular boy in his year, is silent for once. He watches as the coach talks to the pretty new girl, red in the face.
"Oi! Shittykawa! Stop gaping at the pore girl and get to practicing!" Iwaizumi is so close to throwing a ball at the pretty boy's head.
Suddenly, Oikawa turns to him with a massive smile, "Iwa-chan! I think I've found the love of my life!!"
Is he that stupid? Is all Iwaizumi can think as he looks between the girl and his best friend. Welp! He'll learn the hard way.
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"Yes Oikawa-san?"
Oikawa pouted.
"How come you still won't call me by my first name!?"
Y/n just raised a brow.
"I don't recall giving you permission to call me by my first name, Oikawa-san, but you don't see me pestering you about it?"
Pfft- The other third years tried to hold in their laughter as their captain got shot down for the fourth time that week.
It was Tuesday.
It has been two months since L/n Y/n joined the boys' volleyball club as their manager. In those two months, Oikawa Tooru has tried every trick in the book to woo the pretty transfer student, but nothing seems to work.
He was so close to straight-up confessing, but he didn't wanna make things awkward.
"Oi! Oikawa-san! Coach said you wanted a practice match with karasuno right?"
"Yeah! That's right."
"Well, you got it! It's in a week, and they agreed to your dumbass terms."
"Yes, Tobio-chan, I can't wait to crush your spirit!"
The manager made a weireded out face and smacked the captain over the head.
"You got issues, man."
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"Hello, my love."
The two women smiled as they stared at each other. They hadn't had much time to spend together as they both had club activities.
Y/n leaned in and kiss her lover's forehead as she brought her into a hug.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too."
Kiyoko's grip tightened around Y/n's waist and nuzzled into her neck. Their teams were great and they loved spending time with them was too much.
"We have a practice match against your team."
"I know." Kiyoko's voice was a little muffled as she spoke against her girlfriend's neck, her breath sending a shiver down Y/n's spine.
"I think if your team wins the captain of mine with throw a fit."
Kiyoko giggled and pulled back, looking into her lover's eyes.
"We'll just have to see then won't we?"
Y/n smiled and leaned in,"I guess we will."
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The day of the Karasuno vs. Aoba Josai practice match finally came, and Oikawa was late and missing.
"I swear I'll kill him."
"I won't stop you, but try not to do it in front of the other team. Fewer witnesses that way."
"Manager-san, you scare me sometimes."
Karasuno finally entered the gym. The captain, Sawamura Daichi, spots a familiar face on the other side of the court.
"Hey Kiyoko?"
Kiyoko looks up from her clipboard, "Yes Daichi-san?"
"Isn't that Y/n? I thought she went to an all girls school?"
Sugawara butted in, "No, she transfered right? Cause the school closed down?"
"Koushi is right. She became the manager about two months ago, that's how we were able to secure this practice match."
Sugawara started nudging his manager,"Using your connections huh?"
Kiyoko blushed, "Nothing of the sort. It was just convenient timing."
"Course, Course."
On the other side of the gym Y/n's teammates kept wondering why karasuno seemed to know their manager.
Iwaizumi finally asked, "Hey, L/n?"
"Yes, Iwaizumi?"
"Do you know people at karasuno? They keep looking at you."
"Oh? Yeah! My girlfriend is their manager, and I've met the second and third years on their team!"
"Really? Is that why it was so easy to set up a practice match?"
"More or less."
Man, Oikawa will get the wake-up call of his life today if he bothers to show up.
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Karasuno won by a hair.
They knew that but DAMN it felt good.
Y/n noticed Oikawa missing after the murder of crows left and decided to follow them and look for him, knowing his antics would likely get him in trouble.
"There's not much time left 'til the tournament. I look forward to seeing you there."
Oikawa flinched and looked ahead. There stood his manager and love of his life looking very pissed off.
Karasuno's third years just smiled at the scene, used to the girl's antics.
"Y/n-chan~ but whyyyy?"
"It's foul play, and you know it!"
"Y/n it's okay, his little speal gave us motivation!"
"You're too nice daichi."
Oikawa looked startled.
"Wait, Y/n-chan you know them?"
"Yeah our manager Kiyoko is her girlfriend."
"Oh! I had no idea! Excuse me, please."
"Wonder why he went pale?"
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"Y/n-chan is GAY????"
"You seriously didn't know?"
"Wow, for someone who's bi, your gaydar is shit."
"No wonder she never flirted back with me."
"For your information Oikawa-san, even if I did like men, I would have gone for Iwaizumi, not you."
"I appreciate it."
"Oof! Salt in the wound!"
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A/N: Hope you liked this!! I needed more wlw shit on this app and had this idea for a while.
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So post-dsmp finale cbeeduo get divorced and it’s as messy or as amicable as you want. Whatever, they part ways, figure out a custody agreement for Michael, and go their separate ways.
Anyways, 19-year-old divorcee Ranboo shows up to MCC 33, he competes, has fun with friends, then gets invited to the afterparty at some club or bar on the server (they forgot the name).
They arrive, enjoy the music, dance or catch up with other people they haven't seen in a while, then get completely wasted because hey, it's a Saturday night, they can afford to deal with the hangover in the morning (Tubbo, Tommy, Jack, and Beky are going to have even worse ones than him, he snickers to himself, recalling the Pink Parrots’ drunken antics throughout the competition).
Around an hour before the bar/club/whatever closes Ranboo figures they might as well take a break and try to sober up a little before heading home (server hopping while drunk isn’t exactly dangerous, per say, but it definitely won’t help with the light nausea or headaches that tend to arise from such trips) so they head out the side exit into the alleyway, hoping fresh air and some relative quiet will help them more than the loud music and stuffy, enclosed space would.
And well, Ranboo knew that there was a reason that this MCC was different, special, even, and it had something to do with a certain hermit joining the event for the first and only time. They’ve seen the quiet awe and fangirling from even their fellow competitors as they tried to take pictures or say hello to the famed redstoner in between events.
(And even if Ranboo Didn't know about the Hermit from this MCC or from their overlapping social circles, Tubbo made sure that Ranboo was More than familiar about the man back during their New L’manburg and Showchester days, eyes lit up and rambling enthusiastically about clocks and hoppers and other redstone jargon that Ranboo tried but was never quite able to follow. It was cute, very cute at the time, and definitely one of the many reasons that Ranboo fell for him back then.)
With all of that, however, Ranboo was definitely surprised when they found Etho, leaning against the wall in the same alleyway they had escaped to.
The two of them introduce themselves, and make some small talk to pass the time, albeit a little awkwardly as introverts are known to do.
At some point Ranboo mentions his son, and a curious Etho asks for their age.
“I-I’m 19.” he stammers, hoping that Etho doesn’t judge him for being a teen parent or acts weird about it.
Etho hums for a bit, thinking about it, before taking out a cigarette and lighting it.
“You know... when I first got my keyboard, you were just a baby, isn't that weird?” he says, before taking a drag out of his cigarette.
And it's at that moment, the soft red glow of the cigarette bathing the space between them in warm light, that Ranboo realizes three things:
Redstone cigarettes are apparently a thing, and man that's kinda cool. Weird, but cool.
Etho looks really hot right now, with his piercings reflecting off the red light of the smoke, his jacket shrugged off in the warm August air to reveal his bare shoulders and tank top, and the way his red eye glows brighter with the new intake of redstone in his system, giving him a look that’s almost electrifying-
and 3. Ranboo may, just possibly, have a thing for older men.
But instead of voicing out any of these thoughts, Ranboo, in the terrible combined states of being really flustered and really, really drunk, so drunk he can barely think straight, blurts out instead:
“C-can you put that out on me?”
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Al's boo getting their ears pierced (partially to look more like him, partially because they think it looks cool) (HCs)
Stop, we're totally twinning!
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First of all, he's so down to have matching earrings. Going to be like those couples who get the duo packs and wear one of them.
When you went to get your ears pierced he was giggy like a child. Asking you what pair you wanted, mf was 100% down to pay for a pair bc he wanted to match.
When you did tell him the reason why you got them he was shocked. You wanted to be more like him? Stop don't make him cry infront of the piercer.
Holds your hand in case you need it bc he knows it can be scary kinda to get your ears pierced.
Gets all the things you nerd to make sure the piercings don't get infected.
Tells you everything he does to make sure his earnings are perfect and clean.
Helps you through the pain of laying down to go to sleep.
The next day? Literally going through any jewelry websites that has cute earrings you'd love.
Al literally can't stop geeking that you got piercings bc of him. Like really!?!?!? Omg stop I look cool!?!?
Takes so many pictures and sends them to Seth. Bragging you got your ears pierced bc of him!!
If you don't have a jewelry box for the earrings he's considering getting you one. Bc he has so many he wants to give to you, so your gonna need the space to put them away.
Always helps you put the earrings in if you need help and is so gently while doing so.
Males sure you cool cool with the new piercings.
This makes him want to get more on his ear. If you match his freak and get more he's so happy.
In all Alphonse would love that his partner was willing to get piercings bc he has them. Even tells you how your more badass then him.
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#selfie bee#good evening friends!! how are you doing! C:#I'm very very sleepy I got a new ikea office chair and I build it all myself#I think it went okay! I don't think I pulled the back screw tight enough and now the back is a bit loose#I can probably fix it but I can also ignore it for the next 18 years#thats how long the old chair held up!! in germany it could now drink vodka and drive a car!!#not at the same time that is illegal! not at the same time!! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*#but the day is not over yet my uncle asked me for a big art quest and I do not want to disappoint#he wants a muppet tattoo and asked me to draw it#my uncle has started to get tattoos a few months ago#as far as I know he has now gotten 3 note clefs 3 stars a flower and multiple birds#he also started getting piercings but so far I managed not to know exactly where#I think tattoos are super cool (´。・v・。`) I wish I had a good idea for a tattoo but the last time I was very sure about getting a tattoo#it was heath ledgers face as the joker#at that point I was 12 and would not see the actual movie for two more years#a muppet tattoo is a way better idea!! he asked for the count van count! that is also one of my top 3 muppets ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡#I always thought I knew a lot about muppet lore but since I started looking up muppet pictures I think there are still a lot of secrets#can the muppets from the Sesame Street actually leave the Sesame Street?#I think Kermit is both on the Muppet Show and on Sesame Street but he is also like the boss muppet#he might have special abilities#I hope you're having a good day friends!! C:#I think I'll post a Sherlock comic later this week#miss you!! ♥♥♥
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faerieomenart · 12 days
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Jubilee! I wanted to practice lighting! Took only a few hours out of my day because I was in the zone. Alt versions VVV
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Date drawn: Sept 3, 2024 :))!!
Left out my signature and only added my watermark. Still trying to figure it out...
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 29 days
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A very self indulgent tatted and pierced up Ichimatsu thas it
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 10 months
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I don't think I'm capable of drawing King Z not grinning like a maniac. Cereal mascot lookin ass
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months
yusuke's big ol doe eyes
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bonus (SICKENING!!!!!):
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strxnged · 2 months
I just got my toungue peirced!
BRO. did it hurt
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
sorry if this is extraordinarily pretentious but I do think it's wild that lobe piercings count as piercings in the same way a lip piercing does. it feels wrong. I have never thought of ear piercings as real piercings it seems like you should just be born with those right like they should be just in there naturally
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mxgyver · 15 hours
sorry to anyone that knows me outside of tumblr because i am going to BE so annoying because I got my nipnops pierced as a birthday (and 1 yr post-op) treat and it has literally changed me !!!
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ween-kitchens · 21 days
when I am able to get a tattoo you guys will never hear the end of it
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