#but yknow when u writing and then more ideas come and more ideas come and just *screaming*
peapod20001 · 1 year
Ooooohh godd.
#vent#hep me </3 I feel sooooo uhh. negative. uhm#I’m having difficulty feeling rn I did smth to trigger this I think#see. I know I’m not fully there cus my sister is being silly and cute but I’m kinda. putting on a smile#instead of it being my natural reaction. mmm.#ooohohoogoho why can’t I just talk to peopleeeeee why is is contact so close yet so far awayyyy#ghhuuugg. I’ll just. finish my drawing and post it. bury this. get ignored. yadda yadda#I don’t like making ppl feel sorry for me but see also. I have less than 4 years experience holding relationships this close. so I am uhhh.#very bad. at starting and holding conversations. continually checking in. making myself be someone ppl wanna keep around. yknow#siigghhhh uhhh. realized that the reason I’m so good at creating a bunch of fleshed out ocs that can pass as real people is cus I want ppl#to be around me. and to uh. stick around for more than a year. and be genuine. and easy to read. and understand#yea. also they’re to help me understand ppl cus I don’t got enough experience with real people to understand how to people#it’s much easier to play out a conversation between characters. and know they’re inner dialogues. and their history. and why they’re speakin#the way they are. and I can replay it over and over until I understand it inside and out. and hope I’m able to play the part I need when#it’s called upon. mhhhmmm. woaoowwww we’re going into the own mind tonight huh? will anyone read this far? lol. idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#the only thing that gives me any idea of who has read a post is if they like it. or if they come in my inbox like ‘:( sorry. condolences’ ha#haho. preemptive thanks and hugs y kisses love u. mmm it’s so hot outside but I’m sooo literally cold rn yknow how it is boys#ahh. love seeing people get along with others sooo much. gives me so many ideas on how to write my characters. being lovey on each other.#ahmm. yea. soo. let’s hope tomorrow I’m better and less. like this haha woaoowww wish I knew how to be human#I will NOT be crying tonight. or maybe I will. idk. we’ll see I suppose. tears have already been shed today so I guess anything is possible
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ariaxmu · 15 days
romance brewing
a theodore nott x fem!reader fic
summary: friends to lovers, just cutesy, fluffy n two lovesick cuties.
first time writing for theo !!!! enjoy, i hope its okay..
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theo and i have been best friends since we were four. our parents met, were best friends, thus making us best friends. ill admit, a lot of people assume we are dating in secret anyway. it’s not true. we aren’t. just friends.
yes, just friends.
except not really. at least what i feel for him is anything but friendly. of course i’ve had my worries about how it might affect the friendship, but he’s my life. i cannot picture myself being with anybody else, ever.
hence why none of my previous relationships have worked. i compare every single one of them to him, and they just never, ever compare.
the only problem is i have no idea how he feels about me. pansy tells me, ‘that boy is completely in love with you’. but i just don’t see it. he’s always been sweet to me. i’m a shy person, he’s not. he’s protective of me, very much so. he’s confident, he’s a trouble maker, he’s gorgeous.
i get jealous when i see him talking to other girls, i’ve been heartbroken when he’s had previous girlfriends, i’ve pretended to be happy for him. no, i’m always happy for him, i want him to be happy, but i just wished it was with me.
i sigh, sitting up straighter as i realise where i am, sat in a circle with my closest friends in the common room. drinks scattered everywhere, red plastic cups messing up the room. the room a little blurry to me as my eyes glaze over from tipsiness.
theo is sat down beside me, chuckling as he watches draco do his embarrassing dare. i giggle, too, but not watching draco. watching theo’s pretty face curl into a smile as he laughs.
i swear sometimes when i look at him the world just stops, and it’s only him and i in the room together.
i’m snapped out of my daze as i hear my name being called by draco. i turn my head to him, smiling softly.
“okay pretty, your turn. truth or dare?” he asks mischeviously.
“umm… truth” i say, as i chose dare on my last turn.
“okay… have you ever been in love?” he asks, a smirk playing on his lips as he winks at me.
my cheeks flush pink. “u-uh, yeah”
“really?? with who? you’ve only had two boyfriends!!” eno exclaims. i nod.
“doesn’t mean it was a boyfriend of mine.” i say quietly, blushing more as i grab my drink.
“well- tell us who?” theo says from beside me, eyes wide and cheeks a little red.
“no! my turn is over, someone else’s go now” i mumble, taking a sip of my drink.
“yeah nott, it’s your turn now” blaise smirks, “truth or dare?”
“dare” he answers confidently, winking at me. i go even more red. god. the things this guy does to me without even knowing. i’m certain everybody else knows how i feel, i fear im being way too obvious.
“i dare you.. to choose a girl from this circle to spend 7 minutes in heaven with.” blaise spoke as he smirked. my heart almost stops.
oh god. what if he picks pansy? or astoria? and i have to watch this happen? what if he comes out with their lipstick all over his mouth and- oh god i could throw up.
“y/n.” i hear him say bluntly.
i almost choke on the air. “w-what?” i say, utterly confused.
“i choose you. cmon” he says, standing up and grabbing my hand. i gulp, standing up with him.
“a-are you sure? you don’t have to do this if you really, really don’t want to” i mutter along as he pulls me to the small closet, shutting the door behind us.
“be quiet, of course i want to do this. you think i want to be in a closet with any of those girls?” he fake gags. i giggle.
“be nice” i mumble.
“i thought the easiest option would be for us to just hide in here for a minute” he explains, and the excitement and nerves dissapear from me.
“oh… i see” i say, smiling softly as i try to hide my disappointment. i guess part of me was hoping he wanted to be in here with me for yknow, that reason.
he leans back against the shelves, the warm light peeking through the small gap in the doorway, lighting up his pretty face. i gulp, noticing the close proximity.
“what do you mean, ‘oh… i see’” he mimics me, wearing a raised eyebrow with a smirk.
“nothing.. was just…. agreeing with you” i whisper.
“oh.. oh. you wanted me to drag you in here and kiss you huh?” he smirks, standing up and stepping a little closer to me. my entire face heats up.
“w- no!!!” i exclaim.
“don’t lie, you wanted me to kiss those pretty lips of yours?” he says with a teasing tone.
“stop” i pout.
“aw, your face is all warm. do i make you blush?” he says as the back of his hand brushes my cheek. oh god i might die.
“shush” i whisper.
“just teasing you, bella.” he says, leaning back against the shelf. “unless… unless you liked it?” he prods.
“uh..” i mumble.
“five minutes left!!” i hear pansy yell from outside.
i gulp.
“did you?” he says, eyes softening as he looks at me.
“i don’t know… maybe a little” i say shyly.
“i can’t see you, god i wish i could see you right now. swap with me” he says softly, holding my hips as we switch places, the door illuminating my face now.
“that’s better. you look pretty with your face all flustered. now tell me, did you like it?” he says, his confidence really shining through right now.
“okay fine yes, i did, a little i guess” i mumble out, looking up at him.
“hmm” he says, chuckling a little. “i knew it”
“shuttup” i groan.
“it’s okay… i like you too” he says, seemingly getting a little nervous himself.
“i-i didn’t say i liked you, i said i liked it.” i mutter.
he goes silent for a minute, jokes calming down as the air gets a little thick, the tension growing.
“do you.. yknow, like me?” he whispers.
“uh-” im cut off as the door swings open, pansy standing there with a smirk.
“times up lovebirds”.
theo looks at me, a little desperate looking as we both leave the closet, sitting back down with our friends. i put my hand on the floor, leaning to the side a little as i catch my breath and try to steady my nerves. he sits back down beside me, sitting the same as i am, putting his pinky finger over mine.
i look at him, a small smile on my face as he returns the same.
“okay- enzo, your turn!” pansy says, clapping her hands as she comes up with a devious dare for him.
i try to pay attention to the group but all i can focus on is what the heck happened ten minutes ago in the closet. does he like me back? his pinky is still hooked onto mine. i never got the chance to tell him i liked him. i spiral for another five minutes until i notice everybody standing up.
“huh? where we going?” i say confused.
“late night dip in the black lake, silly. come get ur bikini on under your clothes” pansy says, grabbing my hand and yanking me away to our shared room.
“you need to tell me what happened in there” she shreeks, being the only person who knows about my feelings.
“shhh. they’re only down the hall” i whisper yell. “to be honest i don’t know what happened. he started getting all flirty with me, told me he was just teasing me- but then things got all tense and serious and he asked me if i liked him!” i whisper, panicking.
“i knew it! he clearly likes you back oh my god this is so exciting” pansy paces the room happily as she changes into her bikini.
i grab a plain black one, tying my hair in a side braid as i put mine on, putting my clothes on over the top.
“so i don’t know, he almost kissed me, pansy. almost!!” i sigh.
“then let’s get going, because a romantic swim together in the lake is going to be the best thing for you guys right now. we’ll give you privacy, don’t worry” she winks, holding my hand as we meet he guys outside of the room, all of us walking down to the lake.
like hooligans, they strip down into their shorts and cannonball into the lake. i frown,
“is it really cold?” i yell out to theo.
“its warm!! its summer, bella. hop in” he says swimming closer to me.
i sigh, pulling my clothes off nervously as theo watches, a light blush on his cheeks and a cheeky smile. i throw my wand down beside my clothes, before sitting on the edge of the wooden board beside the lake.
“you gotta jump in!!” pansy says, launching herself into the lake and pretty much on top of draco. i giggle as i watch her. i look at theo.
“i’m not a great swimmer” i whisper, shyly. “you know this”
“that’s why i’m here, i got you. don’t worry” he says, holding his hands out, putting them onto my waist as i scooch into the lake, and his his arms. i squeak a little.
“it is cold!!” i shiver.
“you’ll adjust to it, come on, show me that little paddle of yours” he chuckles, letting go of me and swimming backwards a metre or so.
he’s always made fun of me for this. i can’t swim, traditionally per say, more so like a dog. i kind of wiggle my hands and feet and just hope for the best.
i manage to make it to him, gripping onto his shoulders again.
“you gotta stop making fun of me for that.” i pout.
“never. it’s the cutest thing.” he says softly.
i smile at him, as all of our friends swim over and break us two up. so much for privacy.
i hold onto the wooden plank on the side of the lake, watching as they mess around and dunk each other. i notice pansy whisper something to theo, to which he returns a nod. i furrow my eyebrows.
pansy comes over to me. “i’ll challenge the boys to a lap down to the other wooden plank. you stay here with theo. you need to tell him how you feel. or let him tell you” she winks, swimming backwards and taking the boys with her.
i push myself off of the wood and closer to theo. i kind of manage to float for a second, before he grabs my hips and pulls me into him.
“i got you” he mutters.
i look at him, the moon illuminating his face, just like the light from the door did earlier. but this is better. he looks so pretty.
“you’re beautiful” he breathes out, eyes locked onto mine.
“theo… i-” i stop myself, getting nervous again.
“don’t worry, i know” he mumbles, putting his hand on my cheek, thumb brushing off a splash of water.
“you know?” i whisper.
he nods.
it goes quiet for a moment, both of us just looking into each others eyes. i notice him get a little closer, before he goes for it.
he leans in, attaching his lips onto mine before i can even acknowledge. i hum a little from surprise, but soon i sink into it. it just feels right. my hands wrap around his neck; his gripping my hips as my legs wrap around his hips.
his tongue brushes my bottom lip as the kiss deepens, a little moan erupting from me as we both get a little more desperate.
his hands snake further down my hips. “t-theo” i whisper against his lips. “they’re coming back”
he pulls back, a little love struck and lips a little red and swollen from the kisses.
“god, i love you” he whispers, kissing my lips for a moment again.
“i-i love you too” i whisper back, heart erupting in happiness as finally it’s out there.
“oh, bella. finally” he whispers. “i wanted to kiss you in the closet earlier, but we didn’t have enough time.” he mumbles.
“i know, it’s okay, this is perfect” i whisper back, my cheeks all flushed as the water suddenly seems to be cooling me down.
his hands rub all over my body, our heads only visibly to our friends who are messing around a little further down the lake.
“i wanna go back inside” he whispers. “i just want to spend the night with you”.
“me too, teddy. i’m sure we could.. sneak away?” i whisper.
“mhm. sounds good baby” he says, sneaking a little kiss into my lips. i giggle, watching him hop onto the wooden plank, hair a little wet and the water dripping down his abs. i have to tear my eyes away from him, gulping as he smirks at me.
''you like what you see, hm?'' he winks.
''shush, help me'' i say, holding my arms up as he picks me up.
''mm, look at you'' he grins, wrapping his arms around my waist. i hear whistling and cheering from behind us, my face goes red as i cover it with my hands.
''ignore them, let's go'' he whispers, smirking as we rush back inside.
''have a good night love birds!'' pansy shouts after us.
and let's just say, we had a... good night. :)).
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thatdeadaquarius · 5 months
Topic: Genshin impact.
au: Sagau.
idea: So what if you had the powers of every character you played as in every game you played and then get isekaid into genshin impact with imposter au. I imagine it goes smth like
Zhongli: “I will have order!”
reader, Who played Roblox as someone who lagged the game (explanation: I’m pretty sure ping is also how time works in games. If you can control the flow of ping you can control the flow of time in games.): “ZA WARUDO!”
Heyyy!! Thanks for waiting for the reply/response from my slow ass :0
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So they did clarify what they meant/expand so imma just copy paste that here!
“k now I remember. So basically imma write it here since it’s easier: Basically you don’t have to (but you can) transform into the character that has those set of powers but if you do those powers are enhanced.”
Sun: Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Light Imposter AU (as in, NOT Yandere/Dark), mild crossover elements bc Shapeshifter Shenanigans™️
Stars: bro idek
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, genshin typical mild violence, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so fair warning,, ive never seen jojo bizarre, but i appreciate i come off well-read/watched? LMAO
so im just gonna kinda,, guess? like just cycle thru diff. random media, and im hoping both me and you reading this will have a fun time (as this is a little challenge, but i like it so ill give it a shot, dont kno if its a good one but- 😅)
so to set the scene, of how u got to this point, ykno of running like ur life (maybe?) depends on u running around different teyvat countries,
u thought it was weird everyone knew a little too much about you?? (ofc theyve heard u during gaming, they know u the same way we all know Markiplier, get it?)
then a bunch of NPCs/Vision users/Archons?? were REALLY invested in talking to you, which freaked u out even more
and by the time you saw Zhongli, yknow, just the oldest god in game, making a fast-walk towards you, ykno the retired god who didnt move an inch when an old water god attacked Liyue for a test, is now hurrying to you???
ur logically get so fucking scared sm shits abt to go down, u just start running
it isnt until ur reaching for a ledge and some webbing shoots out of ur arm (from a glitchy little spot on ur arm, where it could be coming out of ur skin, but sometimes its a blue and red bracelet)
it latched onto the nearest building, and thats how u find out u can grapple ur way, literally Spiderman style, out of the harbor
and bro, idk if it would be fun, or confusing and stressful, or maybe both?? to just find out u can use any video game power from any game youve played before as you go running from countries bc for some freaky reason they know too much abt you/are pursuing you-
dUDE- they had small statues of you in like every little section of their cities
u head to Mondstadt and as Venti comes screaming and flying at you (in excitement, but ur freaked), u go to hold a hand up and suddenly ur holding a heavy stone tablet that unleashes some holographic yellow chains that freeze him in place-?? why is this familiar-
oh my god u have the sheikah slate from Breath of the Wild,
and as ur booking it out of there, u manage to get ahold of a sword, and u know exactly how to use it to knock back favonius knights trying to stop you (they are concerned for their god who is just unleashing random powers on ppl, pls let Grandmaster Jean just talk to you Your Majesty-!!)
by the time you teleport ur way to Inazuma, (bc u still have this worlds access to ur player/traveler’s powers), ur trying to find a nice place to stay for a little bit
at least in that sweet spot of the Raiden not noticing/finding you, while things cool down on the main continent, before moving on,
and u get some tools to help fashion just a little shelter, bc u dont have any money/mora rn, and ur able to literally build a house???
a mailbox pops up and thanks you for renting with Tom Nook???? As in Animal Crossing-
and rlly if the BOTW/slate thing didnt clue u into video game powers, then this definitely would tbh lmao
right as u see Yae Miko circling ur house, with an armful of books? ..is she planning to thru them at you??, u get the hell out of dodge before her favorite god can follow along
(she knows ur prefrences in books and got authors/trends to start so youd have plenty to read, and she was making sure it was ur house before politely dropping them off! how was she to know thatd spook their favorite God, Ei?!)
u get to Sumeru and think ur safe, hiding in an abandoned forest watcher outpost (1 person treehouse rlly) when Nahida shows up in ur dreams,
and u just,
walk out of the dream, into reality, and possess a nearby ruin guard so u can sleep in peace, bc she cant access a robot,
that one baffled u as you re-possessed ur own body before realizing-
Five Nights at Freddy’s. 💀
U cant do that forever, so u try Fontaine, hoping Neuvillette/Furina wont rlly give af abt you, plus theyre the latest region, so maybe they have the least exposure to whatever the other archons didnt like abt you??
u get there and are immediately summoned to court, and right as the mekas show up to escort you, jfc they have a mecha army
(meanwhile, theyre thinking, yknow. high profile guest/our god of gods. ofc we need state of the art mekas to escort them, its only polite-)
meanwhile ur cape has now become wings, and a mask covers ur face as you glide and fly ur way over the city in an attempt to get to where u assume Snezhnaya is
it doesnt occur to you the game until ur running out of stamnia and catch ur reflection in the waters of fontaine, Sky: Children of the Light
u hope the Tsaritsa’s dislike for other gods/Celestia doesnt extend to ur otherworldly presence so ur just hoping for the best atp tbh
tbh youd forget what all powers you have, and the absolute chaos ur causing urself as u try to desperately rememeber what games youve played thru ur entire life is NOT helping to reduce confusion when u randomly wake up with elf ears (legend of zelda/botw) or get dragged into another ruin machine when u fall asleep/faint/do smth u guess mimics death lmao- (fnaf) 💀
(meanwhile the Tsaritsa does get wind ur coming this way, and just, makes the people have a parade/festival to celebrate you coming,
she did also have to get Pierro/Captaino to physically restrain some of them from going ahead to meet/escort you to the palace, she’d heard how the others scared u off, and was, ironically, hoping the warm welcome would clear things up)
well that was, something. 😃🫠
sorry lil car, that was such a fun idea idk if i did it justice!! i thought itd be too op to include every media youve consumed ever, so i kept it to video games, (which, could u cheat the system if youve played smash bros??)
i hope it was at least a decent read, and sorry im half asleep so i was not v funny this time around, but, again, hope u got smth out of it 😭
on another note, im having my wisdom teeth surgery this friday, send whatever u got my way, prayers, blessings, good vibes, ill take anything im nervous 🙃
have a good week guys!
Safe Travels Lil Car,
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thechekhov · 2 months
Hello! I'm a big fan of your work. I wanted to ask for advice / thoughts about an art problem I've been struggling with that you seem to have at least some sort of solution for?
So basically I'm an animator and digital artist (hobbyist), and I'm constantly coming up with new ideas for things to make. Only problem is that most of these ideas would take up to or longer than 2 months to make because, yknow, animation isn't quick, especially if you want to take your time to make it good. But with so many ideas that all take so long to complete, I often find myself tied and frozen as I can't decide what's most worthwhile to start first. I passionately want to complete all these projects, but my inspiration for each one waxes and wanes in a way I can't control, and I've just been stuck for several months. You juggle a lot of projects- not all of them art, but it still seems applicable here. This is excluding other life responsibilities like work and stuff, I don't have problems with getting that stuff done. This is purely within my creative hobby.
If u can't say anything thats fine I'm just curious- You have a massive output with great quality. Thank you!
This is a very kind message, and one that humbles me a lot, because although I'd love to bestow upon you some sort of advice that might help, or give words of wisdom..............I feel like that would be fake of me because
I also suffer from this very same thing
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That is to say, this part of your message:
my inspiration for each one waxes and wanes in a way I can't control
It rings true for me too! I think it might ring true for many others as well.
There are stories in my head all the time. There are stories, and concepts, and IDEAS and they are all so shiny and new in the beginning, and then they slowly peter out and, since I frequently don't have time to do anything about them, they fade into the background.
I have enough trouble with this in terms of COMICS (also a lengthy medium, though less so than animation, which, OOF, you have my condolences, you are stronger than I) that I have started to just come to terms with the fact that some things are not meant to be.
Which is, I think, one of the small bits of advice I can give.
1. Some things may just be ideas, and that's okay.
I think one of the best ways that I've learned to deal with Idea-Death is making it count towards something in the future. That is to say, using them as compost.
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In order for this to work, you have to actively put your ideas into the compost pin instead of the trash. That means maybe investing in either a notebook, or a sketchbook, OR just a discord server for yourself where you organize ideas and dump them all into a channel to scroll back through later.
It may seem useless at first, but honestly, it can be satisfying to PUT them somewhere instead of letting them fade away.
Plus, you may one day scroll through them and rediscover an idea at just the right time. OR you may be inspired to take parts of an old idea and repurpose it for a new idea that you DO have motivation for.
However, there's also this part, right?
I've just been stuck for several months
I.......feel this. Sometimes I, too, feel stuck for several months. There are times when even if I WANT to work on something, I just don't have the time. It takes too long to finish!
.........which is why I recommend the following:
2. Don't finish. Just start.
Now, this is the toughie. I can't exactly say that it would work for everyone. But I have learned that I am WAY more likely to return to a project and work on it again sometime in the future if I actually DO something for it the first time I get inspired.
I have SO MANY things that I have not published in my folders. I have sketches of gifs that are 10 frames long. I have concept art sketches boldly labeled with project names that will likely never get off the ground. I have Googledoc files with summary and plot outlines for stories I'll probably never write. I have discord channels with random ass concepts and a few sketches for characters.
And what I have found is that if I just WORK on these ideas when I feel like it, they are more likely to survive, even if they don't thrive right away.
I'm also a huge proponent of Procrastination Rotation.
That is to say, I have so many projects I COULD be working on, that if I ever feel frustrated or stuck on one thing, I just shift myself slightly to the left and do another thing instead. I almost never force myself to work through a block (save for a few money-motivated deadlines) just to complete a thing.
Stuck on a comic? I'll go write a few lines of fic. Unsatisfied with where the fic is going?
I'll go sketch out an illustration. Incapable of finishing an illustration?
I'll go google some references for another comic project and slap them all into an image file for later, so that I have SOMETHING in place for when I want to do studies.
And so on and so forth.
I have comic ideas, and comic sketches, and 30+ pages of original comics sketched. I don't know if they'll make it. It would take a lot of work.
But it also takes very little work - just a few extra pages sketched while I'm bored for an hour. Or a bit of lineart while I listen to a podcast. Or just a doodle somewhere which I snap a pic of and add to my discord channel for that project.
Will it work for everyone? Probably not. But I think that our creative culture is sometimes too attached to a linear production style. The truth is that art, or illustrations, or animation, or comics - none of it has to be on an assembly line. It can be tinkered with and put aside. And then, maybe, picked apart for scraps.........or maybe made into something new!
I don't know if that helps you at all, but I hope it at least helps someone.
And good luck with your animating!
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kawkawsrii · 1 month
Post War Obikaka ramble / idea:
thinking about post war obkk where kakashi secures a deal w the council so obito don’t gotta stay in a dingy cell all the time (and to ward off the threat of obito’s execution) by essentially being like “nah we getting married, so- u can’t execute the Hokage’s husband.” Bc war criminal sure, but the Hokage’s spouse?! He goes to Obito, tells him the plan, and practically proposes in the most unromantic, unsexy way ever (“this is a last resort but pls marry me so the council stops yelling to execute u and so u can finally go out in public again”, way to go Kakashi). Obito is kinda having none of it bc he wants Kakashi to marry someone he’s actually in love w and not out of a sense of guilt or self sacrificial bs, so he’s like “no.” (note that Kakashi does love Obito and sees the good in him despite how much Obito has changed over the years, and for him, marriage was a last resort bc he thinks Obito isn’t in love w him / doesn’t wanna trap him in an unhappy marriage for “freedom” / feels guilty for robbing Obito of his choice but he wants to save him so badly he goes through w it anyways / lots of other reasons) (another note that Obito also loves Kakashi, but he thinks Kakashi’s care comes from years of idolization, pity, and a guilt complex or something and is scared of whether or not Kakashi could love him for the very flawed person he is today)
So some other bs happens and Kakashi is able to bring Obito out to see Konoha and how it’s evolving, how times r changing but how some things remain the same yadayada- he spends time w Obito whether that’s sitting next to his cell door and chatting or going out w him under the guise of “rehabilitation” (bro fr using this as an excuse to go on dates w his war criminal bf he’s so unserious). It’s through those moments that they start to repair and strengthen their bond, and to also see how much the other has changed more closely (day to day stuff yknow, domestic fluff when Obito is allowed more time outside even). With the threat of execution still looming over obito’s head, Kakashi tries to propose multiple times but is either unable to bc he doesn’t want to ruin the moment or bc Obito shuts him down bc he doesn’t feel deserving of Kakashi’s love.
Cue more moments between them, w/ team 7 in the background, more fluff, some more angsty stuff, hurt comfort, and mutual pining.
I think in the end, I’d have Obito propose bc 1) I think it gives him a bit more agency than if he were to just accept kakashi’s proposal 2) it shows Kakashi his feelings are requited, bc Obito is taking the initiative and directly telling kakashi he wants to spend the rest of his life w him 3) even w/o a ring bro got a yes and I think that’s funny asf 4) I think it’d be funny for Kakashi to have tried to propose in a bunch of elaborate ways in the fic, and Obito just does it in like a field of wheat w NO RING and that’s how they got engaged
apologies for the grammar mistakes, it will happen again bc this ain’t a fic (yet, but i hope to write a long fic w this idea), if anyone wants to add on please do. No joke, I’ll look at reblogs / chat purely to see the #lols! Or # dawg look at my Hokage I’m going to hell 😭😭😭😭
much love! (I’ve got a jonin obkk art piece that’ll be finished soon) 💕💕💕
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Hiiii! i love ur writing and was wondering if u could do Tommy, Quackity, Niki, Charlie, and Philza with an s/o (close friend for Phil) who is in a riot grrrl band???
stuff like this:
oooo okay!! I can definitely try! I don't listen to many riot bands so excuse any weird stuff that doesn't totally make sense ; have a nice day/night to you too 🫶🫶🫶 ; made sure to make this as gn as possible for everyone so I apologize if it goes against the more feminine aspect of the genre/kinda ruins it 🙏
MCYT ; riot band
includes ; tommyinnit, quackity, nihachu, slimecicle, & philza
warnings ; language
y/b/n = your band name
y/f/n = your fandom name
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he loves your music
you're the heaviest band he listens to 🙏🙏 he does try and get into the genre more because he does actually enjoy your music
you're the lead singer for your band, so every time he hears your vocals, he gets all smiley, even in public, which he tries to hide
will make sure to attend every single one of your gigs and record the whole thing LMAO
if he's like the perfect distance away from the stage, you'll sneakily look at him to help your nerves and make it feel like he's the only one in the room
he helps you write lyrics as well/get inspo for new songs
"and it goes in a rythym like ba-dada-bum-ba-dada-bum, yknow?"
extra points if your band sounds a lot like Hole or Veruca Salt, bc he'd definitely have some of their songs on a playlist
casually your biggest fan, always reposting gig dates and playing your music on stream
leaving comments under picture posts on the band insta like "come back to brighton for my birthday please, I beg" and "its to early to be served perfection, wait a few hours :("
he doesn't always make sense but he's loving and absolutely loves your music dw
she is the number one fan
she got your bands top listener and has over 15k minutes of listening time by the end of the year
you're lead guitar, so she's always interested in watching you play and how you move your hands and fingers to create such a cool sound
extra bonus points if your band uses that kind of echoey down to your soul feel, kinda like suicideboys or lil peep (best examples I got bc I'm not into this genre very much lmao)
always bringing you up in conversation as well
if anyone's looking for bands to listen to, you're a million percent the first she suggests
you show her new chords you wanna use or expand on and she just watches and listens so intently
always playing your music on chill streams and recommending her viewers to listen to your band, and always points out that its you playing lead guitar
"personally, I think you should be winning a Grammy this year"
"ehhh... MTV awards are better"
"I'm gonna go get you nominated for the MTV awards then, I'll be back"
"I don't think that's how it works!-"
he mostly listens to stuff like victoria monet, the weeknd, childish gambino, sza, etc
but being dragged into the rabbit hole of riot bands expanded his music taste a lotttt
you're the lead singer of course (main character hours)
yk the clip of him on the qsmp and metro boomin randomly starts playing? that happens but with your band!
"whoops- I-I have no idea why the hell that started playing, sorry! the last thing I was listening to wasn't even y/b/n, the fuck?"
he gets all his close friends hooked on your music as well
bonus points if you get a more grunge kinda feel in there like foo fighters or nirvana
always posting pics of you from gigs or reposting pics of you/your band
and always leaving comments like "vocal lessons when?" and "gig near you ✅️ gig near me ❌️"
always roasting your music as a joke as well
"the blueprint 3, one album, solos y/b/n. sorry y/n"
"must I bring up-"
he looks like the type of guy to secretly have a 200 song long playlist of punk music idk
you're the bassist, and he loves making you play shit on stream for him lmao
also loves reposting anything relating to you and your band, fanart, random rants about your music, gig dates, new music release dates, photos, etc
don't get him started on the edits
he'll randomly blurt out random noises and rythyms and boom, writers block gone, new song? made.
serious bonus points if you sound the slightest bit like joey valance & brae
you show him how to play bass a bit as well
always recording every gig, he's so proud of you, plus the lights make you look so good
always talking about you as well
"my partner is a bassist in a band, I think they solo all of you losers"
"Charlie what?? when were we talking about significant others?"
"since I said so, bitch!"
cue video game car crash
he has a little thing in the bottom of the stream screen with the album cover w a spinning record next to it, and on top is the song & band name. 80% of the time it's just your band
^he uses that during his stream starting soon segments, bathroom/snack breaks, or chill streams on the qsmp
he and kristen both love your music
he sees you like his kid so he's going the extra mile to support you all the time
from streaming your music in the car to reposting and posting about gig dates, new music and merch drops, etc etc
you even have your own little section in his Discord titled 'y/b/n chat' (and another for announcements about your band/notifs OK social media titled 'y/b/n announcements')
when spotify wrapped comes around, your his third most listened to artist, and kristen's second LMAO
"aweee thank you father, I appreciate your loyalty to y/f/n and the band 🫶"
always bringing up your music as well, especially when streaming with friends
"Tommy, did you listen to y/b/n's new song yet? I think you'd like it"
"wait wait hold on lemme pull it up"
he goes to a few of your gigs with kristen and he's just chilling in the back like a proud parent
you always find him and smile because he's there cheering you on
he's more of a dad than your actual dad bro
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captainmera · 2 months
Mx.mera!! (No pressure take all the time you need ) when is the next tgb chapter ?? :3
It's on indefinite hold atm, dont expect updates anytime soon. I'm juggling a lot atm.
(None of this is directed at you personally. This is just my general state on working on TGB and why it is standing stale. If you're curious why it's not updating)
TGB was always meant to just be a fun side thing I did as a writing exercise. It helped me identify a lot of my writing flaws and hiccups, and also my writing style. Which has been very enlightening.
There's a lot with TGB I need to go back and edit, so I need to re-read my own work (which I've been informed is the length of two LOTR books?? Sweet jesus, I need to cut it down) before I get back to it.
My ideas have become much longer and drawn out than I wanted, the pacing is very slow (which is fine, but I wanna get to the fun parts.) Which is another problem I've identified. I'm writing book form, chapter by chapter, rather than the episodes I'm seeing in my head. And it's frustrating.
Because I see it as episodes, but write them out, the chapters get really long. And I spend a lot of time being anxious about that.
Drawing comics is easier because I don't have to describe feelings or environments. I can just show it right away.
And no, I'm not gonna draw TGB as a comic. That's too much. I tried drawing future scenes (as comics) I thought of and wanted to envision, but I got people being upset about it being spoilers. So I stopped doing that.
Actually, I got worried about anything I drew of any characters being spoilery because I'd get asks or comments about it being for TGB. I usually just delete comments or asks like that, so I don't have to see it, but reading so much of it builds up in my head, yknow?
I also got a few people (might've been just one person. They were on anon) that wouldn't stop berating me about Willow and Hunter's body types. And some people got REALLY weird and insinuated that drawing them hugging and kissing was sexual. And some people try to trick me into drawing fetish things (feederism being one).
So, in all honesty? I liked writing TGB, with all the flaws it has or not. I loved drawing Huntlow and the hexsquad; until people got 1) weird about it. 2) pushy about continuing it. 3) upset it wasn't writing fast enough or I didn't draw x, y, z.
It honestly has robbed me of all the fun to post fanart.
Which is a shame because I still like the characters a lot.
I know that if I update a chapter, I'll get a revival of people spamming me these things again, and I'm not mentally or emotionally strong r/n for any of that.
So.... I'm doing witteclaw. Because nobody is pressuring me to do anything. Not to update, not to draw x,y,z. People are just happy with whatever I put out in whatever pace I put it out in. I get to talk with people about theories about the show and discuss writing in a fun, mature, way.
I also just really like witteclaw in general. But I don't like ut more than the hex kids. There's just less demand and pressure.
Which makes hanging out in the fandom still fun.
Don't get me wrong. I love sweet huntlow, I love the noceda trio, the galactic duo are still my best boys (i miss drawing gus and hunter), and the emerald trio is my blorbos (I got so many pins and keychains u guys lol) and I love the hexsquad the most, I love soft lumity, I wanna draw more grunge Vee, Camila is best mum.
The owl house is SO much fun.
But the fandom is kind of demanding. And maybe that's my fault for having open requests. But I don't regret that, I do enjoy art requests.
But people got less polite and more demanding, and some got angry(?), and some use lingo that I understand is meant to be funny but comes across as incredibly entitled and mean spirited. Some also don't seem to understand I'm a person, and that all art takes time. I had a person once get upset that I didn't out enough effort into their request as I had into another. Which... girl, you're not paying me, sit down.
It got pretty uncomfortable. It stole the fun out of drawing similar things for people who asked nicely and enthusiastically. I also realised a lot of these people read TGB, since requests were often about that.
It wouldn't always be art requests. It would just be a straight-up request to write the next chapter already.
TGB was fun, until the pressure to prioritise it became the majority from people who followed me. and people wrote things like:
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Tbf that's the only one who dared to be that public about it. But I get asks like this at least once a week, and I turned off DMs because it happened every second to third day.
It's like.... not very nice or cool, yknow? :,(
it genuinely has made me feel really sad about working on my passion project IBWR too. Because people kept making it pretty clear they were annoyed I spent time on something else than what they were following me for.
It's like, whatever I guess, but it still hurts.
No, no tgb anytime soon. A few people killed the party, and I need time to like it again how I used to. Without the enjoyment of creating and writing, and enjoying the process, bring robbed from me.
Maybe I just need thicker skin I dont know. I'm trying to find a good balance with it. People are allowed to like/dislike my work and comment on it. I don't mind critique. It's just not really been critique at all? It's just demands and that hits different on the heart.
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
You reblogged that Sam gifs post and it reminded me of that headcanon i have of being Sam’s friend but you’re feisty and take no one’s shit. Like he’s always takes the high road and you’re like when they go low i go lowER. I would fight that Akufo dude for him no questions asked.
hi wifey <3 you are absolutely right!! i fucking love that idea of Sam having a bestie who'd throw hands for him.. it's on sight all the time.
special thanks to @sokkigarden for bouncing ideas off me, love you bby. okay, i wanna write about being friends w the AFC Richmond boys more, so if yall have ANY thoughts on being friends with ANY of the lads then send me requests on it so we can DISCUSS
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he's such a wholesome and loyal friend... a breath of fresh air yknow?? Dani is more of that 'unconditional sunshine' energy, but Sam is positive whilst still keeping it real w you
and sooo you're hella loyal to him too. well, you're loyal to everyone you care about. you'd take a bullet for them, no questions asked, but probs a lot of cussing involved (same, but i'll come back to this)
sharing an airpod each if yall go out on a walk or join the team on a bus ride - if you're dating jamie then he NEEDS you next to him on the ride back, probs uses your shoulder to sleep on and has an arm around your waist so you can't leave, but that's a diff post ahahaha
having a shared spotify playlist that you both keep adding music too...the vibes are all over the place. "Y/N, I was trying to jam out to J.Cole, and then Adele came on??" "Oh yea, I was sad bout something earlier"
blanket forts and microwaveable caramel popcorn for when he's missing home
playing as him in FIFA when you're with the lads and yellin "YEA THATS MY BESTIE" every time you score as him
pinching his earlobes like his dad would for good luck on the days of a big match/when he's really nervous
since opening OLA'S, you join him when he attends small business owner conventions, but that's mainly to try the free food
since i'm vegetarian, telling him that his menu looks great but you can only stick to sumn like the jollof rice.. so next month when he invites you over to his restaurant for a catchup dinner there's a whole new lil section for vegetarian dishes on the menu (or whatever dietary inclusivr thingy etc.)
warning Sam about Afuko because "a man simply doesn't feed you pasta and lobster and send you a stack without something in mind" and him being like ??? what and you groan, "did you watch the tiktoks I sent you??"
hearing about how the Afuko rejection went and Sam only focusses on "he called me medium talent??" and you're SEETHING
you're like "what the living F U C K" and he's like "oh hey Y/N, don't worry, I know I am not medium talent" and you're like "what? no, shut up, obviously not, but that's not the POINT here. how did that ASSHOLE have the audacity to speak to you like that?!!"
you're searching up flights to Nigeria and opening a google map from the airport to Afuko's business residence or something, and Sam is like, "seriously, forget that guy. bullet dodged." and you're angrily muttering about how Afuko's gonna have to dodge the bazooka you're gonna smuggle onto the plane
"We cannot be best friends if you end up in jail because you tried to smuggle a bazooka onto the plane." "I just wanna talk to him...with a bazooka." "No." "Pleas-" "No."
telling Sam you might be getting feelings for Jamie and being nervous he'd be mad because of their relationship in S1, but you promise he's changed, and Sam is like, I know
wearing the Obisanya jersey and the rest of the boys are like 'hey why don't you ever support our merch' so like every match you're switching out jerseys before texting a pic to the groupchat
running into that Francis guy who's Afuko's right-hand man and "accidentally" stepping on his foot real hard like OOPS
giving him updates on your love life and vice versa. "Y/N, please tell me this one is not a loser." "Um, Sam, shut up; you know my rizz only seems to work on losers??" "hey, Jamie told me that telling a woman my favourite movie is Ratatouille is a bad idea... is it?" "just bake her a lasagna or something and say that's how you learnt to cook." "I am not doing that." "dammit, I thought we'd get lasagna for dinner"
doing random tiktok trends or challenges - the baking one where one person is blind, one is deaf, and one is mute, but they all gotta work together to bake a cake!! sam (tape around his mouth) x you (blindfolded) x jamie (loud ass headphones on)
jamie: pass the FOOKIN sugah!! *back turned to yall as he stirs the mix*
you: WHAT. WHERE. *randomly smacking shit, picking up the salt and dropping it on the counter and onto a spoon*
sam: mmmhnph! *waving his hands in your face like NO but you can't see*
you: *turning to jamie with a spoonful, which he probs tastes absentmindedly whilst stirring* OI TASTE THIS
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rzyraffek · 1 year
hey I hope this doesn’t sound like a weird request but could u like slashers (preferably Michael Myers, Jason, maybe Billy loomis or Stu?, and the Sinclair brothers) kidnapping “adopting” reader? Like them kind yknow unaliving (Child) readers family then like having to like care for reader???? Idk if it makes sense but it came to me in a dream about me being a kid and Michael myers becoming my dad 😭
This request is such a cute idea!!! I made so much content about perent!slasher and kid!y/n cuz its way more entertaining for me to write!! Authors note at the end!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers trying to be decent dad figures
Jason Voorhees
First of all, why on earth would your perent take you all the way here??? Your a smal baby and this is dangerous! Not only cuz jason is here, but wolfs? Boars? Huge forest AND lake???
So basically he didnt expect a child here
When he was in one of cabins he heard crying from bathroom, after few seconds of planing a murder he realised that is a child crying
His heart skipped a beat and he kinda begun to panic. HUH??? A CHILD? EEE eee oh god the whole backyard is covered in blood... oh no did I scare them?? Oh no
Dude gets more spooked than a child
After they got along he kinda makes them live in his cabin, he spends good portion of time just hanging around
Y/n gets used to their new mute friend and learns their own ways to understand him
Dude is that type of dad who will let y/n paint his nails and he will dress up in cute outfits just to make his kid happy
100% checks under their bed for monsters (and closet too!)
Wants to teach them all about nature! Which plants are good, how to find animals to eat, how to avoid humans
He dodges the topic of slaughtering y/n perents... where are they?? Ermmm idk didnt see them
Micheal Myers
Dude is pretty passive when it comes to kids
He exists, they exists, but as far as kids don't bother him, he won't bother them
But oh lourd..... your his little girl/boi/kid and he is going to do everything to keep it that way
He sees it differently than others, he helped you, took you away from those horrible people (no matter if y/n past perents were bad or good people) why would you want to leave? Or miss them?
But no matter how he feels, he is still Micheal, he won't be very cuddly or clingy. Then y/n needs comforting he will sit next to them, let them talk, tbh he is okay with them giving him some physical attention but he won't hug them back
Steals dolls, figurines, crayons for y/n
He never gets rid of his stalker nature, he is always there, watching, making sure there's noone in their way. Noone bothering or looking at y/n. He sometimes watches them sleep, just looking, he is the only monster in their closet
Huge fan of stickers btw
After good few months he takes off his mask when with y/n! He knows they accept him and love him! I mean his face is as emotionless as its owner but it still matters(at least now you know where he is staring at)
Billy and Stu
Dudes probably were like "eeeerr billy? That *instert y/n perents name* eee you didn't tell me they had a kid?" "the WHAT"
*stu giving y/n chocolates while billy panics in room next to it wondering wtf to do with y/n*
"We can't just keep it! Who is going to take care of it?"
They kept you btw, Billy will say that they did that only so you don't go and call police but they got really attached
Stu is the fun dad while Billy is the serious dad
"Hi baby we bought you happy meal" "child did you do your homework"
Billy rages over monopoli and stu cheats in uno
Sinclair brothers
"Lester who tf is in your truck?" "Eeee I found it?"
Vince lets y/n sleep in his bed when they have nightmares. He also really wants y/n to do arts like him😊
Lester just vibes, you like cars kid? Let's go on car trip! You like wildlife? I know where deers at!
Bo teaches y/n how to shoot while they are way too young to even hold a gun
Y/n will be extremely spoiled btw
None of them know how to cook full meal
Lester will call y/n buddy, pal, kiddo
Bo will call them child, goblin, spawn on satan, little princes(or a prince)
Vincent will see them as little creature and a baby
Vincent let's y/n play and decorate his hair, they also make wax figurines together and play with dog. He is more like older shy brother than a father figure but if you want you can work with this
Bo lets y/n sleep on him and draw on his arms, he also hopes y/n never grows up cuz they are tiny and cute. He also sometimes gives them his hat
Lester loves showing of his skull collection and driving around forest, just talking. He also enjoys lisening to y/n monologues while he is working
All of them get little heart attack when they hear y/n swear. All bets on Bo accidentally saying bad word next to y/n and them just repeating it
Bo and lester love to just put you on their shoulder! And vince just pickes y/n up like sack of potatos (but gently)
Tickle fights with Vince
Arm wrestling with Lester who pretends that y/n is too strong and lets them win
All x reader tags are here only to reach bigger audience! Im sorry if there's any misstypes or anything weird! I kinda wrote it in rush cuz I feel bad for making yall wait for requests so long! I should make this hc list longer but I am very tired. Goodnight
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sleepingdayaway · 3 months
idk if requests are still open, but if so, would you be willing to do some more player!reader and oot/mm young Link with a big/little sibling or parent/child kind of relationship? Not necessarily in a LU or HW context but can be if u wanna. If requests are in fact closed feel free to disregard this lol. Love your writing! <3
I can definitely do a stand alone version!! Sometimes it's nice to just gush about Majora's Mask! Also thank you for reading my silly stories, I'm so glad you and others are enjoying <33 I'm sorry if it's short and yknow just realized I can never make him be happy, sorry it's how I show affection.
The blood in his ears is roaring as the young boy tries to get his breathing under control as he stares up at the Clock Tower. In a few hours he'll have to go up and face the Skull Kid again, but this time he won't have to play the Song of Time again just to prepare. The boy feels his throat swell up just by thinking about it. His vision on the edge of blurring as he tries to will the tears away.
He's nervous yet he shouldn't be, this fight is nothing compared to his battle with Ganon. At least, he didn't fail this town for 7 years. Except Ganon was a battle that was determined for him long before he was born, this one was something that was just thrown upon him. In his heart he can't allow these people to die by the falling moon.
His view of the clock tower is ruined by the tears he tried desperately not to let fall. He's stuck as a 10 year old even if mentally he was no longer the fairy boy that began this journey. Barking from the wild dog in the square isn't helping with his mood, nor is the loud voices of the construction workers as they prepared for the festival. Some stubborn to pretend that their home wouldn't be destroyed by the grinning moon.
Until the sound of footsteps coming closer to him causes him to tense up, and attempt to wipe the tears away. A shadow is cast over his face as it goes down as the person gently guides his face lower to face them. His tears freely fall down his cheeks as his smaller hands clutch the ones holding him. Link's eyes open to look at the person who's kneeling in front of him.
A soft smile is on their face once Link's eyes has opened up. [Name] stares down at him fondly; there is no hint of disgust nor any emotion of exasperation on their face. In all honesty, they were getting a bit worried about him since this entire journey he was putting on a brave front.
That's right.
[Name] has been exploring with him from the moment he entered Termina as a Deku Scrub. He remembers meeting them for the first time inside the Clock Tower with the Happy Mask Salesman, an eccentric man, who would help Link, return to how he was, in return for his mask. [Name] was there with them and volunteered to assist Link in collecting it; their excuse was that it would be better if he had a helping hand. although tatl would disagree at first.
Link was unsure of [Name] when they left the tower. He didn't know if they joined, purely for the thought of wanting to help him, or because they had alternative motivations. But it was shown that they did wanted to help him without anything in return. Assisting in playing hide-n-seek with the Bomber gang, and exploring the Astral Observatory.
When the first three days were ending and they stood side by side, staring up at the Skull Kid watching as he called the Moon closer, did an idea form in his head. Using the ability of the deku; he struck at the imp and was able to obtain his ocarina. Link quickly holds onto his instrument and is about to play until he stops to stare at [Name].
[Name] was smiling at him and for a moment he's reminded of ----
His breath hitches as he realized who they were, and why their voiced sounded so familiar. He slowly pulls away from the ocarina, but they speak up, "Don't falter now, Link. I'll be with you from the beginning. Save Termina."
Upon his return and being able to return as a human did he actively seek them out and dragged [Name] around in search of the four giants across the land. From exploring the swamp, and helping the monkey prove his innocence, to saving the Deku Princess from the temple, and fighting the boss. Did [Name] stuck through with him, and was quite adept at the bow and arrows they arrived with.
Link never questioned how [Name] remembered the first cycle, nor did he ask if they remembered his first journey; too afraid that they'll react negatively. So once more they explore the land together and they're together for every cycle until they were ready to face Majora. Enjoying the presence of a someone he once thought was lost forever.
But each cycle wears him down. The never ending thinking and planning about what is needed to do next. When Link acquired the bomber's notebook and realized that the people of Termina has regrets that hasn't been recovered. He placed the burden of the people's wishes on his shoulders with the intent of making sure that when he leaves. The people are happy.
Yet here he stands crying out for comfort as his own mask of strength crumbles. [Name] soothingly running their hand through his hair as they hummed the Song of Healing for him. Link clutches onto their clothes as he openly weeps. He mourns Hyrule for the 7 years he was gone, he mourns Saria, the Deku Tree and the children of the korkiri forest, his home. The childhood that stripped away from him the moment he chose to save Hyrule.
Finally, he mourns the feeling of [Name] leaving him when his journey ended. Leaving him alone and become desperate to leave just to search for them. Link lost the only person he could truly call family and has now reunited again, but for how long?
So, Link plays the Song of Time.
He takes them back to the Dawn of the First Day.
He just wants to spend more time with them.
For once, the world can wait three more days.
When he opens his eyes; he's back at the entrance of Clock Tower as Tatl is shouting at him about why he decided to go back in time. Link ignores the temperamental fairy and carries himself over to [Name]. Who waits for him, without fail, in the area where the Great Fairy resides. The same accepting and knowing smile on their face as they embrace the young boy with open arms.
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rabbitblackx · 2 years
So I’ve been dealing with some anxiety lately that’s been causing stomach aches and I was wondering if you could write some about Bubba, Nubbins, and Brahms comforting their s/o who’s dealing with a lot of anxiety? Thank you as always <3
I can relate with those anxious bellyaches!💞 sorry if this isn’t all that comforting, as yknow… they’re psycho killers. But hope u kinda enjoy anyway🥹💖
Slashers ‘comfort’ Reader that has anxiety
Includes: Nubbins, Bubba and Brahms
Nubbins Sawyer💖
Nubbins had no idea how to comfort someone. Expect no help on his end. In fact, he found your anxiety amusing. He was one sick puppy
Nubbins found you on his bed, hyperventilating from an anxiety attack. He didn’t know what to do. He shuffled over and sat next to you as you cried into your hands. You looked up at him with big teary eyes, expecting some comfort
Nubbins instead imitated your cries, and tried his best to make his eyes look as cute as yours. He thought you were so adorable when you were like this. So helpless! His favourite look
“Nubbins! That’s not helping!” You scolded, whacking him while trying to contain your tears
Nubbins giggled, then continued to mimic your anxious mannerisms. This was as ‘comforting’ he was going to get. His attempts to soothe you seemed a lot more like teasing than anything
At the end of the day, don’t count on Nubbins comforting you. Especially for anxiety. He had never felt such thing before in his entire life
Bubba Sawyer💖
Oh, god. Seeing you all anxious and panicky made Bubba feel all anxious and panicky! He was trying his best, okay?
Bubba tried to comfort you through gentle touches. He shakily stroked your shoulders, his big hands travelling down your arms. He babbled on some concerned gibberish, desperately trying to stop you from crying
Bubba’s helpless attempts of comfort usually worked though, much to his surprise. His incoherent mumbling stopped, as you cuddled up to him and rested your head on his chest. Seeing you calm down, made him calm down as well
After your crying and his panicking simmered, his bedroom grew silent. Bubba found himself absentmindedly stroking your back, resting his chin on the top of your head. Cuddling with him like this, really helped ease your anxiety
“Thank you, Bubba.” You murmured against his chest
Brahms Heelshire💖
At first, Brahms just thought you were shy like him. But when you began to hyperventilate and cry, he had no idea what to think. Brahms watched through the wall as you had an anxiety attack on your bed. You were breathing way too quick, clutching your heart while tears flowed uncontrollably
Brahms did not want to go out there. He did not have enough social skills or maturity to deal with this. Instead of being nice and comforting you, he continued to stare at you as you had an anxious breakdown
Brahms soon felt guilty though, but still didn’t come out and comfort you. Don’t loose hope yet though...
Brahms traveled through the walls to the kitchen, where he opened the fridge and prepared you a meal he knew you liked. He set the food neatly on a plate, and took it upstairs to your room
After your anxiety attack, your eyes were still watery and your stomach sick. You felt sad that Brahms never came to check up on you, as you knew you were crying quite loud
But as you opened your bedroom door, your eyes softened as you spotted the plate of homemade food at your feet
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nyaagolor · 17 days
Howdy again, if it's the meta world VS "real world" thing in Umineko that's got you stumbling, don't worry. The assumption Ryukishi and co. seem to be going with is that the meta world IS real, and everyone's just chilling in a happy magic afterlife post-series (hence how episodes 7, 8, and 9 can even happen). The "07th Expansion All Characters Settings Collection" guidebook even has little epilogue blurbs for the cast, I can link you the translation hosted on the wiki if you want. It's still bleak in the sense that, yknow, everyone was dead from the start and the whole journey was more of a "coming to terms with what happened" kind of deal, but I think it works given stuff like the Divine Comedy references going on (if you read Battler as Dante and Beatrice as uh, Beatrice, a lot of Umineko'll start to make sense). The way I see the split is kind of an "as above, so below" type deal - while Tohya is down in the land of the living trying to write and solve things, Battler and friends really are up there fighting for their lives in purgatory, and the two reflect each other. Of course if that's not the problem you have, I'd love to hear what you're thinking!
hiii thank u for the ask!! (sorry this will be a Long One). I'll admit the meta world / real world stuff tripped me up at first, because looking at episodes 4 and 8 it really seemed to be implying that the metanarrative was the coping mechanism of Ange+Tohya and their way of pretending like their loved ones got the happy endings they didn't get in life rather than something we can actually assume happened. However extra content implies this is not the case, Ryukishi doesn't feel like the author who would do that especially after the thesis of Higurashi, and tbh even if he did there was enough plausible deniability that I would just imagine the Golden Land as real because You Gotta Cope Somehow. I love the "as above so below" vibes too, that's a fun new aspect to incorporate
My biggest hangup with the ending was basically in the idea that Sayo's narrative is fundamentally doomed. I was under the impression that the boat scene was implying that Sayo couldn't be happy even if she did escape due to the burden of the truth / her trauma. The positive framing of the catbox remaining at the bottom of the ocean initially struck me as a "her death is the happiest ending you can hope for because of how fucked up this all is" which is already a nihilistic narrative but downright unbearable when given to an intersex trans woman. I just don't vibe with hopeless trans narratives at all, and felt like I had misinterpreted smth bc Ryukishi isn't really a nihilistic guy. I'll admit I got a little soured to the narrative as a whole when I looked around online and saw people talking about how Sayo getting a happy ending was "missing the point".
After talking to @heartgold I realized that I had reversed the causality a bit. I was under the impression while playing that Ryukishi's insistence that "things had to happen this way" was him not just saying "oh everyone is already dead, the end result is already the same bc we're looking back at past events" but also "it doesn't matter what individual actions people took, it was always going to end in tragedy". I realize now it's more of a "this was totally preventable in so many ways but it already happened and now we have to grieve and cope in whatever way we can manage" kinda thing rather than a "this is fate and Sayo was screwed regardless", so I'm cool with that aspect. (Also I won't lie I prefer to imagine the boat scene as almost entirely metaphorical and more of a representation of the fragmentation of Battler's consciousness due to trauma in a similar way as what happened to Sayo, but that's neither here nor there)
The other part of it, and the thing I'm still really hung up on, is the question of whether or not the Golden Land is actually a happy ending and, if it is real, whether we're supposed to view it as a sorta perverse tragedy. On one hand, the alters are all implied to be separate people and they get their happy endings (yay), but on the other hand that doesn't really fix nor address Sayo feeling like she needs romantic love to be fulfilled (also The Incest(?) I'm genuinely unsure if the whole "alters becoming separate entities" negates the incest or not). The idea that Sayo was so far gone that even the fantasy created from her best memories does not allow her to truly be happy is just so insanely depressing to me, so I find myself stuck with that friction of wanting Sayo to have her prince and her white horse and her fantasy happy ending while also not wanting to downplay the truth. Having this little moral dilemma feels like the point of Episode 8 and really gets us into Tohya's head, which is awesome, but also gives me a lot of mixed feelings. Knowing that Sayo's truth literally has Beatrice married to Battler makes it even tougher bc I can't just use plausible deniability and say they're platonic bc they are uh. very much not as far as Ryukishi is concerned. I'm still working out my feelings on it, mostly because I desperately want Sayo to have everything she's ever wanted but also having to contend with the little part of me that's whispering "it can't and shouldn't happen and you know it". Alas. Umineko.
PS: thank you for telling me about the character booklet, that's SO cute!!! I love the little details about everyone and the cat-ear Bern is everything I've ever wanted
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knightofgreatrenown · 9 months
You there! What are you doing, skulking about in the shadows?
Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. It is I, Zote the Mighty, a knight of great renown! I've chosen to vacate my humble abode and face the treacherousness of the world once more. For quite some time, I have been locked away in the drab and dull atmosphere of this town, and I will yield to it no longer.
The air here stifles me. I will fall to no such feeble hindrance! Especially not when self-imposed.
...Hm? You wish to ask questions of me? After all this time, NOW I am approached with awe and intrigue? Hmph. Well, I suppose I may indulge you. But do not waste my time, cur! I've many expeditions to be off on, and many foes to cut down! You will owe me a great debt of gratitude for my patience and the honor of my presence!
Spit it out, then! What have you to ask me?
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Hello! Blog owner here! My main is @ratcandy, and you can call me Clam! To get some necessities out of the way:
This blog was partially inspired by @/knight-of-hallownest's own Ask Zote blog!
I will not be answering NSFW questions! Zote the Mighty is Not Interested.
Not every answer will have art accompanying it. I will only draw something if I Feel Like It. So don't come in expecting silly funny art, u may just get silly funny dialogue!
The version of Zote I am presenting here is directly related to my interpretation of him in Camouflage of Great Renown, a fanfic in which Zote is a nosk in disguise. How he may answer some things may seem strange without that context! But be aware! This man is in some serious denial. He will not readily answer questions about nosk life. At least not for a while. Gotta break him down first.
Timeline-wise according to that fic, this blog would take place not long after the ending. In an optimistic reality where he snaps out of it for a bit. Not saying that any of this is 100% canon to CoGR's world, as I have my own ideas for that - but hey! Still fun!
I'm mostly doing this for fun because I greatly enjoy writing Zote dialogue. Works as writing practice too! And well yknow. There's a miniature zote in my brain who possesses me sometimes and this is my way of letting him talk. Don't worry about it.
Depending on how many asks I end up getting, the frequency of my responses may be all over the place! I'm currently a Struggling College Student, so. Worth keeping in mind!
anyway. That's enough rambling from me! If you've got any questions for Me that Zote cannot answer, go to my main n let me know there!
Thanks for stoppin by <3]]
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Arrange marriage, yknow the lady leonora lesso one can u do a part two of that. If not then could u do a lady lesso x female reader in the tub, playing around splashing each other cause it's be a boring sad day.
Arranged Marriage - part 2
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Hi Anon, thanks a lot for the request, and I hope your days get better. So, in order to achieve that, you can have both.
Also, thanks for submitting a request with an idea and not just " write smth for Lady Lesso, please "
Part 1 Part 3
Everybody knew that Leonora was behind it. Yet, nobody could prove that the dean was even near the crime scene.
She had the perfect alibi, as she was enjoying the perfect taste of her tea alongside her wive at the time of the incident.
Nobody needed to know that you actually drank your tea alone that day.
Even so, you couldn't not go at Philip's funeral.
After what happened at the ball last year, Leonora never once did she forget about the man who must have been infatuated with you.
After all, nobody - except her - could now see her pregnant wife sexually.
You were five months pregnant already, and the never thought that the prince's death could no longer be postponed. He needed to go for you to focus totally on your baby and the family you would build together.
It was quick. She told you it would.
Just one slice.
Down his throat.
Leonora's coat didn't even get dirty as she avoided efficiently the river of blood, which followed the huge cut.
You didn't try to stop her, like she thought you would. Fact, which angered her even more.
What could have done that bastard to you for your ever-always willing to save everyone ass to say nothing ?
However, she came to the conclusion that that didn't matter anymore.
You were married now and waiting for your pretty daughter to come to this world.
Philip was playing with the fire and led himself to this.
So, that's how you ended up wearing a black dress and leaning against your wive's arm while she was wearing her usual coat, smiling at the dead body inside the coffin.
You waited patiently for the funeral to come to end suddenly wishing to eat pizza with chocolate.
You brought Leonora's hand to your growing tummy as you pressed your head against her arm.
The dean immediately understood that you were once again hungry.
Leonora kissed the top of your head and whispered to you that you would leave the moment this was to end.
Soon enough, the priest finished, and you were the first to give your condolences to his family.
Of course, Leonora chose to honor her evil side and tease his parents and sister instead.
" I'm curious. How does it feel to be an only child ? " She inquired to Philip's sister.
The girl shook her head, ignoring the evil dean as she turned her attention to you. " I'm so sorry for your unfortunate marriage. Unlike her, my brother had at least manners. "
You froze. One hand on top of your belly and the other snaked around Leonora's.
Leonora raised an eyebrow at the girl. " You know that I'm over here, and I can hear you, right ? "
She continued purposely ignoring her, focusing on you. " Philip could have provided you with everything you wish... We both know that a never and their insensitivity will never be capable of that. "
You couldn't believe what you were listening. Someone talking shit about Leonora in front of her. You would have felt so bad if you were in her shoes.
" I guess we will never know. Anyway, we need to go now, even the slightest of things tire me with my whole pregnancy ordeal. " You excuse yourself.
The girl couldn't say anything against that and watched as Lesso dragged you outside of the church. But she didn't leave before sending to Philip's family her signature smirk.
When you returned to your quarters, you were starving. You didn't bother undressing before eating.
Leonora, after helping you to the kitchen table and making sure you had everything you needed, went to the bathroom to prepare the bath.
It was a pity you were unable to drink wine while laying in the bath together, but Leonora did not mind.
She was willing to sacrifice everything for the health of her baby.
When you were finished, you were pleasantly surprised with Leonora.
" You deserve a kiss. " You said with your most serious face, stepping on your tiptoes to kiss her cheek.
Leonora chuckled at your antics and led you to the bathroom.
The woman helped you undress and step into the tub.
After disregarding her own clothes and, of course, folding your dress, she joined you in the tub.
You sighed happily when your head rested against Leonora's shoulder. The woman wrapped her hands around you, pulling you closer to her.
You stayed like that for several moments until a crazy idea came to you.
You looked up at Leonora, who had her eyes closed and head resting on top of yours.
She wouldn't even see it coming.
With a quick move, you slightly pull away from her grasp. Leonora's eyes opened, not realizing what was happening until some water fell on her face.
The evil dean raised an eyebrow at you. " What was that for ? "
You shrugged. " Nothing. But I always wanted to do that. "
Lady Lesso hummed at your reply, faking deep thought. You returned to your previous position, thinking that she probably won't do it back due to your pregnancy.
She proved you wrong, though.
You turned your head to look at her, offended. " Hey ! "
She smirked at you. " What ? I thought that this was what the princess wanted. "
You shook your head. " You splashed more water to my face than I did to yours. "
Leonora chuckled. " Is that so ? "
" Yes. " Was your response alongside a splash aiming for her face.
" I see. The princess chose war. " She said said splashing water back at you.
And War it was.
The walls around the tub were wet from the water missing your faces, and whatever had remained from your makeup was long gone.
After what felt like hours, you grew tired.
However, Leonora didn't seem ever near to it.
You closed your eyes, covering them with your hands. " Okay, Okay. That's enough, Leo. I wanna go to bed. "
Leonora gave a triumpant hum before standing up to get the towel and help you dry.
As the Dean of Evil was drying your belly, she couldn't resist kissing it.
" Goodnight, baby. Hope you gonna avenge your mother's loss one day. "
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poppy-metal · 3 months
GIRL, I LOVE YOUR BLOG SO MUCH, and i know its mostly about more girlish and innocent cute readers but i just CANT get this idea out of my head and i think you're someone who would match my freak 😔
Im having pat and art x AFAB!masc reader brainrot or tomboyish reader, whatever makes more sense, bc im one irl and i just keep thinking how they would react, if they would fuck with it (not talking about specific stuff like hair, body type or features though more like style of clothes and mannerism yknow)
To think about a reader whos just a guy in a girls body but not really like, she has a bad mouth to her, isn't afraid to curse someone out real bad, acts nonchalantly most of the time, pretty chill, spits when she wants, sits with her legs wide open and will do that trust thing when she has to adjust herself, will hold invisible balls when shes uncomfy, baggy clothes, the type that will fall below her hips just enough to show her boxers, mostly messy vibez, hang out with guys but is a big girls fan, doesn't treat guys like gods and doesn't care about making one mad especially if they talking shit about a girl, doesn't like when guys get handsy, would rather talk to them with her hands in her pockets. Have a sense of style, love talking about fashion with girls and help them pick their today looks. Overall a cool girl, but not polular with guys, which makes fun her dynamic with Pat and Art
Ppl will be like "thats ur younger bro?" when they see the two of them with her
But here comes the REAL fun, really sub cockslut in bed, seems like a total different person, blushs a lot, moans like a whore, puts her tongue out when shits really good, goes into total subspace opening her pussy for more cum
hiiii so i don't really write outside my own identification (femme presenting cis woman) because i simply dk what its like to be otherwise and i wouldn't want to accidentally misspeak or assign feelings or sexual desires to a bodytype/identity I've never personally experienced
but you deserve to read about more stuff like this so if anyone writes for masc!reader or AFAB!reader u can reblog this so this person knows who they can follow !!!! ❤️
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ikkosu · 4 months
more selkie stuff. thought abt it some more, i think prowl taking your coat works best with a certain foundation. like if he knew you as a 'human' first, getting attached and then found out about the coat. if he did take it he would try to convince himself hes in the right, that keeping you by his side is how he can look after you best. the fact that he'd be lonely without you has nothing to do with it of course.
maybe the selkie doesn't even want to leave him but the fact they have the ability to concerns him, bc yknow. trust issues ahoy
it feels less believable for him to take the coat if he knew them in seal form first. in my mind he would see that as the 'default' state, so to keep them as a human he would have to be really emotionally invested + paranoid/overprotective.
i prefer meeting as a selkie (and fluff over angst)so i'm gonna shelve the coat taking idea in my mind for now
on that note, i thought of something i like more for human prowl and selkie: wearing his clothes! its one of my fav tropes and we miss out on that when he's a bot lol. and the added layer of a selkie, who could view sharing clothes as trusting even if they know it likely doesn't mean the same to a human. first offers you something of his to wear bc you can just walk around naked. then he tries to get you your own clothes but u only want his. making a nest out of his clothes and him grumbling bc he just ironed those shirts dammit.
wait i just realized i switched from him stealing your clothes to you stealing prowls lmao. - gourmet anon
ah yes, I actually did more research on selkie (WHY IS THERE ONLY ONE SITE THATS RELIABLE???) and uh the entire folklore was,,, kind of grim? 😭 The underlying message especially,,,,was king of grim and I would have to agree choosing fluff over angst 😌 the coat thing was kind of angsty and I would imagine prowl doing a hefty amount of research for his conclusions to come to that (hiding the cloak deliberately so selkie comes after him)
I've had enough of giving prowl angst lmao (maybe that coat thing could have other uses...)
But gosh!!
Prowl meeting a seal, unaware of it's true form. It's big eyes and doleful look adorable to the many — but to him, it's an obstacle because currently the seal is trying to drag him into the water, flapping it's tail to splash the at him and he's all but clawing himself to the shore.
Oh but the stealing clothes idea was so adorable!!! Him buying a full set of clothes only for you to strip out of it later because it didn't have his scent and he finds you smooshed in his closet. Prowl is at his wits end.....
I should also start writing and stop procrastinating 😔✊ you are giving me such good ideas. Giving myself a deadline till the end of may for this mermay fic 😮‍💨
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