#but yeah just not really interested in the fandom getting all obnoxious again about how they were right or called it
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oscconfessions · 28 days
people should stop portraying book as some little shy girl who "made some mistakes in the past but is ok now" or whatever because that's so booooring and just barely scraping the surface of her character. she should be allowed to be mean to people and have negative emotions and be wrong sometimes, actually.
canon book in tpot also kinda has this problem where she's just portrayed in the most boring way possible that's not like. ooc but just like the super watered down version of her from bfdia. modern bfdia gets like a pass for this because yeah she's supposed to be portrayed as a pushover on that team. but keeping her that way is so weird because it just goes back on the "development" (using that term VERY lightly because the show is kind of weird about her character during the time) in BFB that literally shows she doesn't want to be a pushover anymore and wants to start actually standing up for herself and her friends (her not joining back with pencil for iance and her calling out taco for abandoning the team).
i think bfb portraying her at a negative extreme is good because it manages to be reasonable within her character (it's not really written WELL but that doesn't mean it's ooc some of you just think of it as ooc because you expect book to be some nice little polite girl all the time even when bfdia has shown her being incredibly petty at times and not, in fact, nice all the time) while still going out and doing something unique w/ her and giving her more glaringly obvious flaws. i wish these flaws were shown more post-bfb because Hey, book can be a better person and not at that extreme negative and still have flaws. that's how you make her actually interesting instead of generic nice all the time character who has no issues #57. tpot really wants to show that she's changing from her past and improving on these flaws without actually /giving/ her the flaws that she's supposed to be improving on so she doesn't get any of the development that the show wants her to get/acts like she's getting.
anyways where was i this was suppsoed to be about fanon book. i like that people acknowledge her nerdiness but i dont think people get how annoying she is about it like she literally said (in front of lollipop) that lollipop was being "so out of character" and she literally has snarky definitions of the other contestants written inside of her that's so fucking obnoxious of her and i love it. and like these are still there in bfb (like her saying black hole sucks as a person because he's a pushover) so like i think it's reasonable to carry this over to tpot. maybe lessen it a bit because y'know she is actively trying to make friends but you can make her a bit of an awkward ass to people because it's funny
basically just...... make her worse. no more "cute awkward girlfail" book that's been done time and time again i want to see her suck and i want to see her be lame in a non-endearing way. tpot 10's "redemption" (FOR LACK OF BETTER TERM I DON'T THINK IT'S A REDEMPTION) scene with her and price tag talking is too happy and wholesome i want to see her have to face the ugly truth of her actions after trying to avoid her past for so long and i want her to have negative feelings towards people from her past even if unjustified and i want her to be selfish and i want her to feel bad about her own feelings (this is all said lovingly) so that when she finally moves on from it there's an actual impact on her character. you can't just treat it like she's "turning over a new leaf" with just not if you're gonna have her be the Usual Book throughout tpot. as i said earlier she doesn't get any character development like how the show says she does because there's nothing to change about her
oops again this was supposed to be about fanon. well i just really hate(?) tpot book and her impact on the way the fandom portrays book. give her back her charcter flaws and problems pretty please stop woobifying her!!! i don't think she was some awful person in bfb (i think she was. somewhat right in bfb but that's not what this is about) but i don't think her actions back then should just be brushed off because "oh that's the past and she's clearly changed!" WE DON'T EVEN GET TO SEE HER CHANGE THAT WOULD'VE BEEN INTERESTING TO SEE HER ARC IS SO SLOPPILY RESOLVED GRHGHRGJHGGHJH sorry folks i really hate #that scene in tpot 10
Also she's a butch lesbian that's not related to any of this but she came to my house personally and told me this
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katyspersonal · 2 months
I actually had the same thing happen with Miquella himself briefly! I even wrote this silly post about it (ignore the addition skdjfhd).
Because even though I still wouldn’t say, like I mentioned to you the other day, that I consider myself part of the Elden Ring fandom (yet), I was still surrounded by this tension over whether he was “good or evil.” I personally just wanted to see what the DLC decided because I was unsure from the base game alone if Miquella was going to still be the welcoming Haligtree ruler that we saw remnants of. I was wondering if he would be different or change!
But the toxicity of the two warring sides that took different stances on his morality started to get to my head and I even briefly was annoyed with poor Miquella ajshdjs. Starting to not like him because of fandom!
I can this happening with you and Leda, which now you see, I can’t even judge! I also used to not like Alfred briefly because he was worshipped as a “chad” by gamerbros for beating an “evil” but totally defenseless woman to death ;-;
But I DO think this curse of psychological association can be broken since I see the appeal of both Miquella and Alfred now! I had to separate them from fandom like one would separate art from artist.
I don’t want to fall prey to this curse either, but I don’t think it’s an unreasonable thing to feel either xD
Our best bet for these types of characters is that fandom calms down eventually and it becomes easier to appreciate them for how Miyazaki and his team wrote them! I do actually love Alfred and Miquella both now.
(These damn FromSoftware blonds tho istg akdhdhs)
Yeah, I remember the post (also absolutely awful addition, thanks everyone sdfhfhds)
The problem is... Miquella, Maria and Malenia and so on are the characters who might feel "ruined" for anyone with basic compassion or different takes or both because of how their obnoxious, fanatical toxic 'mean girl' simps act about them! They draw association with behaviour so revolting that people dislike them for the type of fans they attract! Radahn (and apparently Alfred?!) turn out to be the same problem from Reddittube side of the fandom instead, where people dislike the guy because of association with the fans who act all arrogant and even misogynistic!
Needle Knight Leda, on the other hand, is not a character who had the bad luck of attracting abhorrent kind of fans that will shun and insult """unworthy""" fans for the awful sins of different takes, different ships and god knows what else. Leda IS this kind fans! And, again: Alfred, Lautrec, Adella and Queelign are the same type of a person. The one who is cleansing the world from "unworthy" people, in the name of their idol/religion/both! However, she does not like just some big religious figure and is insane about them... She happens to like the EXACT character who DOES attract awful fans! Miquella HAS this effect on the fans! People with unflattering takes on him are chill and are just doing stuff that makes them happy without being passive-aggressive or toxic to anyone. But it is the people who idolise him and insist that he is kind who feel entitled to separate "right" kind of fans from "wrong".
Miquella, Maria and Malenia are one problem: attracting the worst kind of fans, thus being associated with those fans. Alfred, Lautrec, Adella and Queelign are another problem: unlikeable (save for sexual, appeal but that's it) character who "cleanses" the world from "impure" people for whatever idol dared to tarnish their light with their existence. I can deal with one of these problems as you could tell.. LEDA IS SOMEHOW UNPRECEDENTED CASE OF BOTH OF THESE THINGS AT ONCE.
I really don't want to find my first Soulsborne character I'd be unable to tolerate, especially after I've survived literal nervous attacks down to nausea after learning about Dung Eater and stuff like that fghfds Everyone deserves a chance at examination and interest because they're characters, they're not real!! It is just hard because my monkey brain automatically translates as much as fans liking Leda into 'hey btw I approve of Miq fanatics behavior in the fandom :)))'. Knowing something is not a rational reaction doesn't necessarily make it go away. But yeah...... eventually I'll separate her from the people we all see and hate.
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amethystroselily · 2 years
What is your opinion on soukoku?
As a ship? Yeah, I do ship it.
I don’t like it as a “they’re eachother’s one true love” sort of thing, but as a complicated “I hated you at first, but then I warmed up to you, then I hated you again because you screw me over constantly and we’re being pitted against eachother by our boss, then I started to deeply care about you because of the forced proximity and the fact that we were just two teenagers who were never allowed to really be kids and we can find common ground in that, then you left and I still love you even though I dislike you” sort of thing with some sexual tension thrown into the mix? That’s great. Not the most important relationship in each other’s lives, but there’s still an unbreakeable bond.
I’m of the opinion that Dazai is way more invested in their relationship than Chuuya is, and has been since the moment they met, but Chuuya started to really care about him at like 16-17. I think he still resents Dazai though. Dazai was kind of horrible to him. But I think he has forgiven him for it on some level, like he’s forgiven every other character who has ever wronged him. (Forced proximity does a lot for Chuuya I guess idk)
Sometimes I think I kind of just ship it as one-sided with Dazai being on-again-off-again obsessed with Chuuya, but every time he expresses it Chuuya’s just like “you crazy bitch”. But sometimes I enjoy it as mutual. Depends on the day really.
I don’t think it’s particularly healthy, but I don’t really care. I don’t think ANY of Dazai’s relationships are actually healthy, and the only healthy relationships Chuuya had were Adam and the flags. So it… checks out…
I think the fanon version of them used to be SO out of character like 3 years ago, but ever since Stormbringer came out the fandom got a lot less obnoxious about them. Because they actually have a canon past dynamic to go off of. It’s a lot less cutesy and “they only care about eachother🥺” than it used to be.
I think I enjoy their dynamic outside of shipping because it gives someone who knew Dazai well in the past, who he has wronged, who at the time was generally viewed as a more upstanding person than him, but is now still on the “bad guys” side while Dazai attempts to redeem himself. It’s a really interesting angle. Like, Dazai probably does still think Chuuya’s a decent guy, but the people who he surrounds himself with now in an attempt to be better would probably still view Chuuya as a terrible person. He’s a murderer, he’s incredibly loyal to the guy Fukuzawa and Yosano have intense personal beef with, he bragged about selling out their powerless clerks to an enemy, and he’s all around hostile towards them. And yet, Dazai has always felt that Chuuya was more human than him, more feeling, more loyal and caring. But in the end, Dazai’s putting in the work to “be a good person” and Chuuya’s still stuck right where he was at fifteen, right where Dazai helped trap him. How fun.
Also I just kind of enjoy their bickering, but I think fan content leans too heavily into the Chuuya getting embarrassed thing, because sometimes he is but he’s also either pissed or like passive-aggressively indifferent about Dazai being annoying. You need a real mix of the three. And on that note, I’d argue if anyone’s a tsundere in that relationship it’s Dazai. He’s the one who’s making these grand declarations towards Chuuya and as soon as Chuuya’s like “…what the hell man?” he’s like “never mind. I hate you and I want you dead.” And it’s like… a pattern. Chuuya just gets angry at Dazai for completely reasonable things.
Chuuya’s not the only person I ship Dazai with if you were curious, because Dazai has chemistry with like half the cast. I’m more invested in Chuuya’s platonic relationships in general, but there are a few other ships involving him that I don’t mind.
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cto10121 · 5 months
I haven’t read the books in a long time so I don’t have a solid opinion on Rosalie but I get how annoying it can be at times when people like a character too much that was purposefully written to be a petty bitchy or antagonistic/villainous for one reason or another just because they have moments of being sad or have a sad backstory that explains their crappy personality and think that automatically makes them interesting,complex,relatable, and better written then the protagonist when sometimes the bitchy character in question is uncompelling at best and at worst and the story gives you a solid good reasons for why you find them to be obnoxious. If they not entertaining to me, or have little to zero good qualities, or do things that piss me off then why should I care about them?
Yeah, definitely. Although in the case of Rosalie, it’s not the character I’m annoyed about. Her character makes sense, her role in the narrative is written just fine, and actually has reasons for why she is the way she is without suddenly changing their established characteristics.
What I’m annoyed about is the fandom’s irrational worship of her and belief she has been “done wrong” by Meyer and the narrative. Except that she gets a super sympathetic backstory and she and Bella come to be allies and true sisters in the last book (!!). Rosalie got away with literally everything. So why the fandom is so precious about defending her when Meyer herself is the one who gave her actual sympathetic motives is unclear. It’s giving Bardugo and Zoya all over again.
All fandoms develop what I call myths that are not really rooted in anything canonical. And I think the fandom thinks that Rosalie is meant to be Meyer’s psychological bashing of a conventionally attractive basic rival to her Not Like Other Girl(tm) protagonist. Woman-hating disguised as traditional gender role bashing, as it were.
But Rosalie’s dislike of Bella (beyond the initial gut reaction of being annoyed that Edward was attracted to her) is really just an envy of her mortality and of Bella’s wishes to become a vampire. Nothing to do with Bella herself or even competition about looks (there is no comparison, at least in Rosalie’s mind). Rosalie even has at least one tomboyish trait—she is a mechanic who likes cars—so not even that holds water.
So based on this clownery fans overcompensate and become Rosalie stans, to the point of victim-blaming Bella. That, or some fans really are as petty, shallow, conventional, and superficial as their fan favorite and are beyond miffed at seeing them portrayed negatively. Some people in real life are petty, shallow, and superficial, after all.
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zephfair · 11 months
@kelliealtogether Thank you so much for the tag! 😘 I was just looking at stats the other day, and it’s interesting!
How many works do you have on ao3? 58
What’s your total ao3 word count? 573,770
What fandoms do you write for? Currently The Raven Cycle. Previously Bleach, Teen Wolf, FF7, Da Vinci’s Demons, Bi no Isu, and Weiss Kreuz. And Tokio Hotel but those half-million words are on another archive. Still have a couple unfinished fics for most old fandoms except TH.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Creature Comforts Teen Wolf. weird Stiles-Derek meet-cute that got so popular (for me) that I wrote a second part.
Will You Accept This Rose? The Raven Cycle. My crack-filled little baby to get Ronan and Adam together on the set of The Bachelorette.
Friends make the best lovers Bleach. Ichigo and Grimmjow school AU.
Familiarity breeds contempt (and affection) Bleach. Ichigo and Grimmjow magic AU.
Fix Me Up Good Teen Wolf. Uuuuugh I can’t believe this ranks so highly 🥴 because it’s a stupid PWP I wrote literally just to see if my writing was any good because my stuff on the other archive never got much attention. It’s awful and I’ve thought many times about abandoning it, but I keep it to humble myself.😶‍🌫️
Do you respond to comments? I want to! I always do in my mind! I love and appreciate each comment more than you’ll ever know! Then I get busy irl and forget to come back and actually write down the damn response. 😖 By then, too much time has passed so my social anxiety kicks in and assumes that I’d be bothering or obnoxious, so I just don’t respond. Please forgive me. 😢 (PLEASE NOTE: I’ve received years’ old responses to my comments and they thrill me to my core! It’s awesome. I just figure I’d be upsetting the commenters so I don’t do it.)
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don’t write angst, BUT I did write Sailing Off Anchor which is set between two episodes of Da Vinci’s Demons where they rip apart the two characters who’d finally come together (we all wished carnally) and worked so well together. So ofc, the storytellers tore them apart, put one back in his horribly toxic situation, and that was it for the best part of the series. How am I still so bitter?? So, yeah, my fic has a canonical ending so it’s not hopeful.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All the rest of them. I want escapism when I read and write so I try to give the characters a … happy ending. 😉😏 Some more literally than others.
Do you get hate on fics? No, I’ve never gotten true hate, thank you all. I had one DVD reviewer who would ruthlessly critique my fics for plotting, pacing, OOC-ness, but they actually made some really good points, so if it was hate, it backfired.
Do you write smut? Yeah. 😏😘
Do you write crossovers? Yes, I have and I would again.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! For TH, translations into Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian, I think. For DVD, Russian.
Have you ever co written a fic? No, but I’d be possibly willing to try. I just have a very chaotic approach to writing that I’m not sure would be amenable to sharing. 😂
What’s your all time favourite ship? All of them! 🤣 I loved writing Leo/Riario for DVD, I loved writing Zack/Cloud for FF7, and I’m loving Adam/Ronan for TRC which is my only pairing that ever actually made it to canon.
What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Never say never! I was doing a multi-chapter re-write of DVD at one point, but I know I’ll never finish it because I don’t have the time or energy. And there’s only three or four of us still around, and unfortunately, I would need some external validation to ever take on a project that big again.
What are your writing strengths? N/A I just want to make readers smile, and I will feel thrilled if I make you laugh.🤣
What are your writing weaknesses? All of them? Probably can’t/won’t plot—just vibes. 😋
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I’m a sorry excuse for a language student, so I don’t even attempt to write in another language. There’s too much nuance needed that online translation can’t handle. In TRC, there’s a smattering of Latin here and there in fics I read, and that’s cool, but I truly appreciate when you add a translation in the text or foot notes. I won’t be googling that.
First fandom you wrote for? Weiss Kreuz, but I never posted it except on my locked LJ. The first fic I ever wrote then later posted was FF7 on FFN. The first fic I ever wrote then immediately posted was for TH. ...You can tell I have anxiety.😭
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? That’s like asking a parent to choose their favorite kid! I love so many of them for so many reasons and moods. Probably the one I’m most proud of is Sailing Off Anchor because I still feel like I hit the characters perfectly. For rom-com fluff, Will You Accept This Rose? because I got to write the silly scenes I could see so clearly in my mind. For sheer zany comedy (which seems to be what I’m leaning toward more these days) Special Delivery because it’s based on a true story, and it was so much fun to embellish it and put Ronan through things.😉🤣
I'm going to tag @flightspathfic @lizpaige and @mychemicalrachel but ONLY if you want to/have the time. 😘💖💖💖
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doubledyke · 1 year
3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22 >:3
hey thanks!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr:
i def don't have a screenshot of anything related to eene. i can't even really think of any on tumblr but the goddamn eene subreddit can be soooo cancerous. i don't follow it but it shows up in my feed bc i visited it once, but then i'll come across some goofy ass shit that compels me to click and the cycle starts again. but generally ONE of the worst takes on any site is that eddy would grow up to be a schlubby bozo in a trench coat selling Stiff Rox behind a middle school or similar takes. he would be very well dressed while peddling his wares, thank you very much.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?:
the only character i really dislike for any reason is jonny. he's so goddamn annoying to me. i know that's the point, so kudos to david avalon lol. if anything, an interesting fandom interpretation could probably change my view of him. but yeah i definitely think he has some really funny lines and gags, but overall he's pretty boring and obnoxious. with basically everyone else, i can see the appeal or at least the potential for something interesting. back in the dark ages (2014) i feel like i had a moment where i got pretty tired of the way edd was made out to be such a mary sue that i might have gotten annoyed by him or that idea of him at the very least. i admittedly take my own liberties when "analyzing" him, but as with all the eds, he's a complex character. the edd fan girls who'd have him pickin' daisies while eddy murders innocents drove me crazy.
9. worst part of canon:
i've never given it much thought, but i'd probably say it would be kanker related. i really love the kankers, even with the limited info we have on them. i just love unhinged girls/women. i would have loved to have seen them get some sort of arc and have a purpose outside of their roles as boy crazy "trailer trash". if there were ever a spin off, i'd hope it would be about them and their insane home life.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time:
i'm a terrible fan; i haven't read a fic in a long time for whatever reason. they're all in my "rainy day" stash since eene related content is a limited resource. i don't know that there's any one thing or a pattern i've noticed in multiple fics from different people. however, one thing i LOVE is seeing people write slapstick into their fics. i think it's so fucking cool and interesting. everyone in this fandom is so damn multi-talented i could scream.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time:
i guess probably giving eddy blue hair, or giving edd long hair, which i love! edd doesn't seem like the type to have long hair, but somehow it's so damn fitting. idk where blue haired eddy started but its fanon at this point and i'm down. but i love his 3 strange antennae as well.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art:
unfortunately again, i'm the worst person to answer this bc i have no idea what all is out there in regards to fics. but i'd love to see some good stories about the eds in high school dealing with their new found and fleeting "acceptance" from the other kids.
i'd also love to see more stories that have all three eds living under one roof as adults and all the insanity that would ensue. i want to write about this one in particular, so hopefully i'll be able to come up with a cohesive plot at some point.
would also love some eddeddy drama like them breaking up 👀 they get back together of course because they're the only two idiots who will deal with each other's bullshit
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores:
edd's giant chin
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
This is me ranting about my fandom experience but the most outrageous takes on wwx are by other wwx fans. They’re the once who make the 1000 wwx is so oblivious to that he’s loved by the great the and only lan wangji and he should be grateful for that.
The same 4 outdated jokes that I swear I saw back in 2019 before I was even interested in mdzs. They basically the once questioning how he could cultivate with his music he basically can’t play he’s clown a laughing stock who basically have to be leashed at this point.
I saw someone say how the lans would’ve loved if lwj basically brought anyone else home but wwx so why aren’t you shipping lwj with those people and leave wwx alone. They the once pushing that wwx is lucky and had no talent or discipline to achieve anything.
Let me not start with morally gray everyone is just as bad as each other takes.
They complain about wwx mischaracterization and next minute they’re the once saying how he failed everyone in his life couldn’t protect the wens did the jiang dirty ect. The call is coming from the house babes
Idk it feels like they want wwx to be this angsty melodramatic bitch and he isn’t, he’s not a comedic relief either who hasn’t grown a day over 15 year old. I don’t know what to think the fact that the main chrackter is falling in either of those 2 categories most of the time
Yeah I know this is a big fandom people can do whatever they want have fun all that but I will still side eye and question their reading comprehension about a character they swore they love so much to. Cuz what do you love about him exactly that seems like an obnoxious mf to me
He also often doesn’t know no to point where it’s actually uncomfortable . Sometimes I question my redemption comprehension too cuz Istg I don’t remember wwx being that annoying in the book or even the drama
Again this is just what I saw and this is a big fandom so def not speaking for everyone 😭
I know what you're talking about anon, and it's always frustrating when I run into it. There is a rather large subsection of Wei Wuxian fans that aren't fans of Wei Wuxian, but someone who wears his face and robes and aesthetic. Even more sadly this is not an uncommon trend across most all of the characters in MDZS too, we see it all the time where all that's left of the character is their name and some of their superficial traits.
It's what happens when you apply fandom character overlay on a work that actually has really tight, consistent characterization and is not so weak that it can be boosted and buffered by authors who ignore the slubs in the writing and create their own consistency wholecloth. This isn't Teen Wolf or MCU, the characters have real, tangible, consistent personalities across their works and you can't just smudge that out for a story without losing something intrinsic in the process.
No need to question your reading comprehension, sounds like you've got him down just fine. Wei Wuxian is subtle, clever and most all of the time good at knowing when's the time to tease and when's the time to act.
I hope that ranting to me helped get it off your chest, I know how frustrating it can be to keep running into wall after wall of fanon.
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sunshine304 · 8 months
For the fandom asks, 3,4,19, or 20?
Oh I'll just answer all of them. XD
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Hm, I think Yu Ziyuan gained much more depth for me through reading meta about her/the family dynamics and genre conventions behind it. She’s a divisive character for sure, but I never saw her as extremely negative as some other fans seem to have. She always seemed like a commentary on the tiger mom stereotype to me, and I couldn’t help but also at times think she’s kinda justified in her bitchiness? Because Jiang Fengmian is like that… But yeah, her character definitely became more interesting and tragic to me through fandom.
None of the others needed any help, I think, I could appreciate all of them for what they brought to the story (I mean, except for Jin Guangshan, no-one appreciate shim and he can go die in a ditch).
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Sparrabeth. I very much refused to engage with this ship back in my PotC days because the shipping wars between Willabeth and Sparrabeth shippers became incredibly obnoxious after the second movie. As I really enjoyed Willabeth and was more of a Jack/Anamaria shipper (if we have to pair him with anyone… that was before I discovered slash XD), I did not like Sparrabeth at all.
I can see the appeal, though! Elizabeth became ever more of a pirate as the movies progressed, showing a side of herself that had mostly been suppressed in her previous sheltered, prim and proper life. She obviously had a taste for adventure and overall seemed actually more suited for and interested in this kind of life than Will, who gets rather reluctantly dragged into it all again and again. To have her as a counterpoint to Jack, as someone who can hold her own against his scheming and word games and teasing, can be intriguing. They’ll banter, he can teach her all kinds of stuff about life on the high seas, and they’ll definitely be a force to be reckoned with.
19. your current fandom(s)
Since 2020, it’s The Untamed/MDZS – still going strong, with no sign of slowing down. I tend to fixate on one main fandom for quite a while and it really takes a lot to make me switch to something else. And still, the old ones never really leave me – I recently reread some Teen Wolf fic, last year had a bit of a Sherlock revival with selected rereads. Now and then, I revisit some old PotC favs etc.
But yeah, now it’s CQL/MDZS with a side of some other cdramas/thai dramas like KinnPorsche or Word of Honor. It feels like the fandom is slowing down a bit as people move on to other dramas, but I’m still very much in love with it.
20. your very first fandom!
That depends a bit on how you’d define this. The first thing I was totally obsessed with was The Animals of Farthing Wood, a truly great animated tv series based on Colin Dann’s book(s). I drew so many fox pictures for that series, had a whole bunch of OC foxes and invented new stories with them (yes, only the foxes! XD). Of course, I was somewhere between 7 – 10 years old at the time and had no idea what “fandom” was!
I think I became aware of fandom as we know it when I looked for content for LotR online. I discovered message boards that were full of fans of the book and recently released movies.
The first fandom I was actually in, with the full awareness of it being a fandom, was Pirates of the Caribbean. That trilogy was incredibly important to me for many years and I’ve met a few friends through it that I’m still in contact with to this day. <3
I actually was asked this for a meme on Dreamwidth, so check out this post for a bit more on this topic.
Fandom question meme
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crimsun-n-clover · 8 months
im into a new girl. i mean, not really a new one. i mentioned her in an earlier post
figured out that i’m not really attached to the other girl i talked about. she’s great, but she’s wayyy too much like me. it’s good to have things in common, but when it’s to the point that we both have hallucinated the same shit it’s a little off putting. not that she did or said anything wrong, she’s super sweet and i like being around her, i just don’t think we’d make a good couple.
anyway. new girl. gotta come up with a fitting name eventually because her actual name is almost obnoxious and i love it. we met on my fandom instagram account through a mutual friend putting us in a groupchat together.
she’s an amazing artist and we obviously share interests. and she’s hot. like. fucking stunning. so i was just gonna keep that locked away in my little brain like a normal fucking person until one day she randomly unfollowed me and followed me again. which was weird, because we’ve been mutuals for months, but it put the thought of her stalking me into my head and there’s no prying that shit out. like. what were you looking at huh? nothing to see here. just a bunch of text posts and if you’re willing to dig through the highlights there’s some more personal stuff. and then immediately after that i’m on her close friends?? and she tagged me in the next post she made??? weird.
but that was the catalyst to me going huh. i guess i’ll allow myself a bit of swoonage. i told mickey and she lost her everloving shit man. she goes full conspiracy mode because “stevie, that’s what I DO when i like someone she’s into you :)))” kid. sweetheart. i hope you know that you’re the statistical outlier in every situation and i won’t assume that anyone else does that.
so a couple days ago new girl posts about how she wishes she had a girlfriend for valentine’s day. that she’s so hot and interesting and it’s absolutely unbelievable that no one is taking an interest in her and let me just say, i gotta agree. of course, she’s wrong, IM taking an interest, but i’m not gonna be weird about it. i take some screenshots and scratch out her username and send them to mickey. she. goes. fucking. FERAL. “STEVIE ITS MEANT TO BE LOOK AT THE ROCKY HORROR POSTER IN THE BACKGROUND” kid i’m gonna rock your shit if you keep feeding into this and make me all mushy and useless again.
of course, she went to revisit the screenshots and yelled at me for scratching out the username. because i know she’s a meddling bastard who will insert herself. she spends a solid two hours vetting everyone i’m following and can’t find her because the girl is on my other account. absolutely rabid dedication. fuckin adore this kid man. my stalking skills are superior and i’ve already scoped out her pinterest and it made my chest hurt because damn. she’s so. sigh.
this story is kinda nonlinear at this point. shit kept going down for me because the girl live-streamed a few days in a row and i’d join a reasonable amount of time after she started (like. 30 seconds) and just dwell in the chat while like three other people maximum were there. she would end the lives sometimes if no one would join and talk to her on cam but she always went on right when my parents would get home so i couldn’t join. she’s so charming. let me just. list some shit
we already got some stuff in here so. does art, same fandoms, likes rocky horror, feminine, all that shit. she also does roller derby, archery, carpentry (she has this dollhouse in her room that she built herself it’s SO FUCKING RAD), boxing, sailing, cheerleading, all sorts. she likes literature and fashion and apparently grew up in a cult? she kept dropping absolutely insane lore. “oh yeah i got a knife pulled on me at school for being gay haha” and the way she talks she’s so charismatic i hope i die. she’s so enthusiastic about her interests like “i was looking at a boat today that can get up to ELEVEN KNOTS” cool im obsessed with you
she’s so my type i’m gonna rip my skin off and give it to her. she’s feminine, she’s bubbly, she’s fucking weird, kind of a bitch, has strong (correct) opinions, that’s like everything im drawn to romantically. personality big enough to keep me balanced out, knows what she wants so i can enjoy my acts of service love language, LITERALLY MY TYPE.
im so fucking mad. she lives in toronto and i have absolutely no chance regardless. im just a little terrified of her, especially dming her. when i can see her face in the lives it’s wayyy easier but i’m so intimidated by her typing style yk? fucking whatever man i’m being dramatic.
it’s three in the morning so it’s technically february 8th. one year since the initial breakup.
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grapesodatozier · 1 year
i hope you get well soon! i'm currently taking a break from physical therapy but i'm okay :) i do have a question though!
what made you ship wheelzier?
because you're the reason i'm so "normal" about wheelzier now so i'm pretty curious on what made you ship them!
- ♡
oh my god it's been so long this got totally buried in my notifs im so sorry!! thank you for your well wishes and your interest!!
tbh sadly most of the blogs and fics that got me into wheelzier are either deleted or inactive now ): but basically i saw some people talking about it, and it was the first crossover ship i ever got into so i was like "wait you can do that holy shit." and like, mike and richie are the two characters i am, as you put it, so "normal" about lmao like they're the characters i put the most thought into and love to analyze and write about the most, so i jumped at the opportunity. i also just think the losers club and the party fit really well together and there's a lot of interesting dynamics there and the franchises just mesh really well together tone wise, so that also helped. like, those are still the only two fandoms i've ever crossed over, so that helped for sure. and also like yes i love them both but the more i thought about it the more similarities i saw between them? and the more compatibilities i noticed? and how interesting their dynamic would be. bc like, they're both such attention givers if that makes sense? they both talk so fucking much and yet when it comes to needs i think they both focus more on other people but they both want attention and are both so surprised to realize when other people have been paying attention to them, or get so surprised to realize other people care about them and like them and don't find them weird, obnoxious, annoying, etc. and i just think two people like that being thrown into a romantic dynamic is VERY fun lmao. like, they both prove that they've been paying attention and they're like "hey woah what" lmao. they also both care SO much but are SO bad with words which is obviously incredible plot fodder lmao. also i feel like richie is always being a ham and being so touchy but hiding it with jokes and then mike just gives him genuine physical affection like he does all the time and richie just freezes like. o-oh. cool. and tries not to burst into tears lmaooo. they're both so repressed and have so much love to give and that's such an interesting dynamic to me!! also mike is smart and snarky which i think richie would love. and richie has such interesting tangents he can go on which i think mike would love. and i think they would both notice things about each other that others maybe don't notice bc of their similarities. guh i could think of a million little things about each of them and the reactions the other would have to it lol. also i love them so so so much and i want them both to have so much love. i have no idea if that answered your question lol but yeah i love them!! so yeah in terms of how i got into it i think it was a spiral as soon as i realized it was a possibility/made sense to ship my two favorite characters in all of media together lol
thank you again for the ask and sorry again for taking so long to get back to you!! it's so sweet of you to say i got you into them that makes me so happy!! hope you've been doing good anon!! <3
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chalkxtabletxtowers · 3 years
~Love can make you kill~
•Fandom: Helluva Boss
•Shipping: Striker x Reader
•Warnings: Manipulation (duh), but otherwise none.
The motel was dimly lit as you stepped inside. The last light bulb seemed to have given up months ago and no one seemed to care enough to actually fix it. Many of the rooms you could've gone in, were shut down and tightly blocked with wooden planks. It all looked very worn out, old and neglected, but it was probably also really cheap. This was the kind of place where criminals lived. The perfect place for your boyfriend.
The only thing that shone brightly into the dark, starry night, was a obnoxiously bright neon sign "Hideaway Motel" it said, the E had already given out and stopped glowing. The rest was red and yellow, a color mixture that stung in your sensitive eyes. Under there, it stated "The guy that tried 2 kill u def isn't here"
It seemed like the space wasn't there to add the proper sentences, but it still made sense to you. This all was so obvious and obnoxious, that you genuinely wondered if there were people falling for that stupid sign. You sighted as you stepped inside. There obviously wasn't a receptionist, the owner probably didn't even have enough money to pay for decent workers. How was this considered a hideout? You didn't even try to add a safe into your thoughts.
"There you are. I've been waiting for ya, my Darling"
A familiar voice pulled you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to see the snake demon walking towards you, his boots making loud noises in the creaking wooden floor. "It was so lonely without ya company, especially at the festival! But now youre here, my favorite person in the entire world!"
He hugged you and wrapped his tail around you, and you would've sunken into the hug, like you usually did, but you knew something about the atmosphere wasn't relaxing at all. You just couldn't put your finger on it "I knew ya would come back eventually"
He whispered, his tongue slithering so close to your ear that it made you shiver. "Don't ever threaten to leave me again if you can't pull through with it. And we both know you can't, Darling"
He let go and sat down on the bed, crossing one leg over the other and signaling you to sit down beside him, which you did. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer once more, talking about the festival and everything he had seemingly experienced. "But you're hurt, Striker."
You noticed and pointed to the bruises in his face "Did something happen to you?"
You genuinely sounded worried, because you were. Guilt crept up on you, guilt for not being with Striker when he apparently needed you. Guilt for letting him get hurt by other people. "Yeah, there was this guy called Blitz on the festival, together with his colleagues from work. And one of them tried to fight me, but he was pathetic and I would've killed him, if I would've gotten the chance to. But fuck did his wife fight back."
You somehow knew this wasn't the whole truth, but also knew better than to ask any invasive questions. Striker wouldn't answer them anyway, or ask if you didn't trust him again. And you didn't know how else to prove anymore that you did.
"I told you not to pick a fight with other people that you aren't supposed to kill. It ends up in a mess and I don't want you to get hurt."
Sighting, you stroke over his chest and inhaled his scent. He always smelled like gunpowder, like hay and the droppings of the animals he took care off. This time, he also smelled like blood.
"I know, I know"
He raised his hands in defense "But ya also know how good my fighting skills are. And the wounds will heal. I'm not sitting here for no reason, Darling"
You just nodded, not interested in picking a fight with him. Not tonight. Not now, that you finally reunited after a argument, that had been your fault. But Striker wasn't very resentful when it came to this, which made everything easier.
"Ohh, Darling, there's this thing I've been wanting to ask you..."
His voice sounded soft, so full of love and affection towards you, that was there somewhere, just his own twisted definition of it.
"Really? What is it? You know I'd do anything for you!"
You eagerly said, watching as he stood up and walked around you and the bed in a circle. It always made you nervous when he did this, but it also almost immediately relaxed you.
"Just look at me Darling, other things don't matter right now. You know how I kill people if I get payed enough, right?"
He asked and you nodded, completely drawn in by him, like a moth that saw a lamp for the first time. You were close to burning your wings, but you didn't notice. His manipulation was too good.
"Yes, of course Striker" you replied, wanting to make him happy.
He just nodded in satisfaction "And you know how you were always against you doing that, which made me really sad, right?"
You nodded again. You had felt guilty for it, as you saw his disappointed glance everytime, but your point still stood. You weren't a pacifist for no reason. "Yes, I know Striker"
He smirked, knowing that everything worked as he wanted. He increased his speed, his tail brushing over your shoulders and chest "There is this royalty of Hell who's been cheating on his wife. Isn't that horrible behaviour?"
He didn't care about that, but he knew you would "And he's a bad influence for his daughter too! Darling"
He sat next to you and took your hands, which immediately caused you to look into his eyes, the wrongest thing you could've done. They were hypnotising in every sense of the word. "Do you want to kill him with me?"
He whispered, eagerly awaiting your response.
You did think that royalty had the job to be a good example for other demons in hell. And what he had done didn't sound too nice, and it went against your morals. That, added to his fantastic manipulation, caused you to nod "Yes. Yes I want to kill him with you, Striker"
Striker smirked in success. That's what he had wanted. Seeing his dearest Darling kill send shivers down his spine. It would be amazing! And afterwards, you two could celebrate the victory and your first kill. "That's a good darling."
He gave you a kiss and gently pushed you back, looking at you again "Now. Don't you want to give me a little compensation for being gone for so long?"
You could have sworn you kept the whole motel awake for the night, and as you cuddled against Strikers chest in the morning, you knew you had found the demon for a life time.
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hopeswriting · 2 years
What I enjoy about your writing? Messy af essay incoming lol
Ok ok ok ok. So I will say right off the bat that you write every other character amazing too, of course, holy hsit I love everything you do, hashtag my idol fr. BUT ARCOBALENO wfgjjjkr! Ok so basically the arco are side characters except for Reborn. This means that you have to fill in a lot of info if you want to write extensively about them, and the source material hasn’t got a ton of info to start off with (moreso with some, like especially Fon gets jack shit lol). and even Reborn remains extremely enigmatic and chaotic in the way he acts no matter how much he shows so he is hard to nail in the first place imo. Well, basiclly this is my longass way of saying how amazing i find the way you retained just enough vibes of their OG, so it does feel like this could be exactly what we’d find if we got more of them in canon y’know, except that you managed to do all of that while ALSO sorta making it less gag-manga series but ALSO still be super funny, just the way that all of the serious moments still have this tension and all of that emotional impact and you add some really amazing depth in ways that just flew into their characters SO NATURALLY and yeah just. WOW.
And ALSO can I just say that I am so in love with the way you don’t shy away from their flaws. Like of course the temptation seems to be that when you’re adding to the personalities bc you want to extend the universe with the little arco we get to see, most want to sorta gloss over it a lot but you DONT and you're just SO EPIC for it. Like for example bc it’s the easiest lol, yes Skull really is That Obnoxious ™ and honestly he is so distinctive and funny for it and like YES, you do that. And you balance the glaring flaws with really really making them so funny and chaotic and likable and it all just serves to make an incredibly interesting characterisation that is so so enjoyable and feels super duper natural. (and ofc I said skull here but this goes for every single one of them!!)
And also Luce!!! SHE! she  deserves a part of her own ok? Justice for my homegirl. I love you, the Luce apologist we all need. You just do her so well! Luce is just this person who has always been expected to carry the world and she could have been bitter and sharp for it but NO she CHOOSES to be as soft as she will ever be allowed to and it’s actually so so strong of her to wake up every morning and still WANT to be kind when she knows that one day it won’t ever matter how kind she has been. She has so little time and she still wants to GIVE it all to the world that will take everything from her in the end. And she is still SO RESOLUTE. She’s got all of this love she doesn’t know what to do with, and she just wants the best for everyone but she wants the best for Everyone with a capital E yaknow.
And also like ofc I barge in screaming about these specific things but literally all of your writing is so so good ok!?
I just love your stuff hopeeee T_T (and you. ily you're always so sweet and a pleasure to share fandom with!!!)
BAWLING MY FUCKING EYES OUT THANK YOU I LOVE YOU. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
[SCREAMS SOME MORE] zfsrdgchgfd??!!??!!!!??? i absolutely did not expect this holy shit, you always spoil me so much with your kind words, ily. okay okay, sorry but i just had to gush over this for a bit, but i'm functional again now (< bald-faced lie).
okay so, i AM an arco writer, and like, i know that of course, but precisely because of that it means everything to me to know i’m doing it right. and it’s also very relieving because it’s like, 80% of what i write lol. i do think there’s still some of them i have yet to get the hang of (verde STILL comes to mind first 😭), but i do try to keep them in character, so i’m glad it comes through.
you know what i never realized it before but i DO tend to tone down the gag-side of their characters, that’s so interesting!! and not only theirs, but i think unless i’m expressly going for it like with my crack fics, i tend to do that with every khr character i write? that’s probably because i’m all about characters and their Feelings (tm), and as much as i love the gag side of khr too, well, you can’t just have it there too much when you’re trying for emotional impact lol.
also you said you don’t think i shy away from their flaws, and you have no idea how glad i am to hear it because i actually really think i do the opposite? well, not entirely the opposite, because i love their flaws too and they wouldn’t be half as interesting as they are without them, but again unless i’m expressly going for it like with my angst fics, i feel like i do always shy away from fully leaning into the conflict bits of my stories. from really letting them blow out to their worst. i feel like i do anyway? because ultimately i’m a big softie and i want the characters i love to get along with and kiss and be happy with each other lololol, but yeah, thank you for saying that.
AND I AM A LUCE APOLOGIST LMAO YES I AM!!!! no but for real, i LOVE this, and i’m bound to use it as my blog title eventually!! it’s like, i’ve been called a luce apologist, this is it, this is the peak of me writing luce and the superior compliment letting me know i’m writing her RIGHT. as she deserves because yes, JUSTICE FOR HER GODDAMMIT!!!!!!
and i love the way you put it too, about her loving Everyone with a capital E, because i really feel like this is the thing most people don’t get which makes her easy to dislike/hate in their eyes. and it’s so sad because they get it all wrong!! it’s not that she didn’t care about the arco, that she didn’t want to save them, that she didn’t feel guilty she couldn’t save them for the rest of her life, but she cared about them AND literally everyone else!!! she cared about the whole world too!!! and even if she had chosen the arco instead, because she would have still cared about both it would still have been just as bitter and painful a story, and that’s the tragedy of this all!!!! WHATS NOT CLICKING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much. 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 (and right back at you!!!! you really make my day every time you pop up in my notifs, and i’m just so grateful and happy we’re in the same fandom.
also irrelevant, but how should i call you? sorry but it’s been bugging me lol. tho tbh i always read your url wrong so i’ve been calling you scrip in my head zefsdgdws but like???)
thank you for the ask, it really means a lot! 💕💕💕
[ask games]
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mdawritings · 3 years
“Arrested” [Aaron Hotchner X Female Reader]
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: E
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader
Wordcount: 8,510
The BAU is working a case in the DC area: an unsub killing women outside of nightclubs and bars. When you get arrested and manage to end up in the same precinct as Aaron Hotchner, the team discovers that their unit chief has been sleeping with a MUCH younger woman. Even more importantly, they discover that aside from being Hotch's fuck buddy, you have had direct contact with the unsub. Told through cute and smutty flashbacks throughout your relationship with Aaron.
AO3 Link
It had been weeks since you’d seen Aaron. The first week you didn’t see him was because of a case over the weekend in Florida. You had sent him a few scandalous pictures while he was flying home…
You rest your head against the arm of your sofa lazily. You reach for the phone and look at the simple text from Aaron. “On the way home now. I want to see you soon.” Just those words send bolts of happiness, excitement, and arousal through you. You press the top of your phone to your lips to suppress your growing smile. You text him back.
“Been imagining your hands touching me instead of my own”
Aaron picks up his phone at the chime. He reads the message from you and can’t help but start to stir a little. God, the thoughts of you home alone… touching yourself thinking about him. Yeah, that definitely does something to him. It’s not like you weren’t in his thoughts the entire time. It's difficult to focus on a case when all he really wants is to be home, buried under the covers with you, taking in your light, yet intoxicating perfume. Touching your soft, perfect skin. Hearing you scream his name… He almost lets out a moan but catches himself and looks around the jet at his sleeping coworkers.
He quickly replies to your message, “Oh yeah?”
You jump up from the couch, exhaustion rapidly dissipating from your previously sore limbs at the thought of seeing Aaron tonight. Memories of his large hands touching, groping, squeezing your body flood into your mind.
You hurry to slip on the purple lingerie set you bought. You stand in front of your bathroom mirror. You take a few minutes, capturing some, quite honestly, fucking amazing photos.
“Missing the feeling of you buried inside me” You send the photos along. You grow even happier at the thought of him getting a fucking hard-on while just a few feet away from his sleeping coworkers. You revel in the effect you manage to have over such a powerful, dominant, authoritative man. It makes you especially proud to think about his normal demeanor, stoic, hard-faced, serious, and how easy it is for you to reduce him to simpering, whimpering, moaning mess under your touch. Your phone chimes a mere seconds after sending the photos.
“You are torturing me. We HAVE to see each other when I land”
You fell asleep in your bed in that lingerie waiting for him. You didn’t see his messages until the next morning, saying the sitter for Jack fell through and he probably wouldn’t be able to see you until next weekend.
At the start of the second week, he got called away to a case in California. That one took up the whole week and by the time he got home, he was way too exhausted to spend time with you.
This kind of thing went on for two weeks. A full month without Aaron had been torture. It wasn’t like you expected him to drop everything and come running to you. You understand he has a kid to take care of and an FBI unit to run. Plus, it isn’t like you two are really dating. Do you sometimes wish you were? Hell yes. Is it reasonable or feasible? Absolutely not.
That doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy what you have going on right now. He comes over to your place, tired and frustrated from a long day at work, and he— well he fucks your brain out. You’re always working hard on your Ph.D. and Aaron’s job is just plain stressful. You both need and enjoy the amazing stress relieving benefits of casual sex. You do enjoy each other’s company without having sex sometimes. It usually happens on those weekends when you or he or both of you are way too exhausted. But really, it's the moments after sex that make you question what you truly are to one another…
Your heart rate begins to steady and you can’t help but smile up at Aaron. He looks down at you with that small Hotchner version of a smile. It’s a smile that wouldn’t seem like much to anyone else, but you know how infrequently he lets the corners of his mouth turn up in happiness. “How do you do it?”
You soon realize after letting the words out, (and from the confusion on his face), that he cannot, in fact, read your mind and understand what you mean, “How do you go from seeing all that bad out there in the world to lying in this bed with me with that adorable smile on your face?”
For a split second, you think you’ve said something wrong. The smile falls from his face and his brows tense up. You always tease him about his eyebrows, telling him the more he frowns the more wrinkles he’ll get.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to cross a line—”
“I don’t want to pull you into all this… my work. I want to protect you from it.” Your heart practically sinks into your stomach. That’s not the type of language you use with your casual sex partner. Then again, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t worry every time he leaves for a case. You worry that you’ll never see him again. You won’t even find out he’s dead because no one knows about the two of you.
“Y/N,” he pulls you out of your thoughts. His voice cuts through the silent room and you look back up into his soft eyes. They’re searching your face, scanning your behavior. You can tell he’s trying to figure out what you could possibly be thinking.
“Stop doing that,” you warn him, but your tone is light-hearted, “That whole studying my behavior thing you do.”
“Profiling,” he corrects you and runs a hand over your hair. The action is like a natural reflex for him, he’s not even consciously aware he’s pulling you closer to him.
“Right. That. Stop profiling me,” you laugh.
“Well, how am I supposed to know what’s spinning around in your head when you zone out like that.”
“I’m thinking about the fact that you listen to me rattle on and on about statistical physics but you don’t talk about your job.”
“You need to stop talking about physics after sex. It makes me feel like I’m sleeping with Reid,” he laughs and notices your confusion, “He’s a coworker of mine. You’d like him.”
You’d like him. That phrase sticks with you. Does that mean he wants you to meet his coworkers someday?
You’re not sure why you and Aaron never discuss a real relationship. Well, it’s more like Aaron never discusses a real relationship. Aaron doesn’t really discuss anything. The first time you really talked to him you thought his closed-off nature was charming, dreamy…
“Aaron Hotchner… right?” You look over the man who has just walked up to the bar next to you.
He reaches for the beers he’s just ordered, obviously for a group, but stops as you call out his name, “I’m sorry do I know you?”
“You work for the FBI… Behavioral something unit.” Your laugh sounds loud and obnoxious to you, but to him, it’s bright and cuts through the din of the chaotic bar.
“Behavioral Analysis Unit,” Aaron’s eyebrows furrow. He looks you over before turning his attention back to your face, searching it for answers.
“Oh god!” You're not really the type to strike up a conversation with a man in a bar but you’re feeling bold, not to mention empowered by the liquor, “I must seem so crazy. You gave a talk at Georgetown I attended. I’m a Ph.D. student there. It was about criminal psychology.” His face softens as he begins to realize you’re not a crazy stalker nor an obsessed fan. You stick your hand out for him to shake, “Y/N Y/L/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you, again, I guess,” He nods as he shakes your hand. You can tell he’s just trying to be polite and he glances over his shoulder at a group of people at a booth. Their eyes are all on you two. He wants to go back but something about you is drawing him in. “So you’re pursuing a Ph.D. in psychology?” He moves to sit at the bar next to you.
“Actually no.” You feel flush rushing into your face as he moves closer to you and sits down. You can’t help but look over his body. He’s much closer to your height now that he’s sitting down. He’s wearing a black quarter zip and dark jeans. His hair is neatly gelled back. He does not fit into this atmosphere. “I’m getting a Ph.D. in physics. I conduct theoretical research on the experimental implementation of quantum computing with trapped ions in— I conduct research.” Your blush deepens.
Aaron smiles widely at your ranting before jumping in, “So what were you doing in a criminal psychology lecture?”
Your face feels hot with embarrassment, “I snuck in. It sounded interesting.” You shrug slightly and reach for the drink from the bartender. “I almost didn’t show up, but then a classmate told me one of the FBI agents was very attractive.” You give a small wink before reaching for your check for your drinks from the night. “And she was right, Agent Prentiss is drop-dead gorgeous.” Your attempts to keep a poker face fail, your lips curling with delight.
Aaron laughs as he takes the check from your hands. “You don’t have to—” You protest slightly but Aaron holds up his hand to silence you.
“My treat. As a thank you, for breaking the rules to see my lecture.” He shares in your smile as he hands the bartender his card, paying for your drinks. Your ex just broke up with you a few weeks prior so you came out to cheer yourself up. Seeing Aaron Hotchner up close and personal is… definitely a pick me up.
“Do you have a business card or something?”
“Uh… yes.” Aaron is hesitant to hand it over but reaches into his wallet for one. You grab a pen and take the business card from Aaron. You scribble down your number on the back and hand it to him.
“This is my number.” You hold it out before reaching for your purse. He looks down at the number and then back up at you. For a grown, adult man, he doesn’t seem to understand. You can see confusion written all over his face, it’s quite adorable honestly. His face though it seemingly remains emotionless, in just the few minutes you’ve spent talking to him, you see hints of smiles hidden under a professional, powerful exterior.
“Call me sometime. You know, so I can pay you back for that drink.” You stand up from the bar, legs weak from the heavy drinking you’ve done, “Or if you just want some company.” He nods slightly in response and you turn to leave. You can’t help but turn for a second to watch as Aaron walks back to his table of what appear to be friends. One of the women looks back at you and smiles the most infectious, sweetest smile at you. You return it and move to leave the bar.
It wasn’t until late that night that you got a call. The drinking your sorrows away didn’t stop once you left that bar. You were curled up on your couch, a glass of wine clutched in your hands.
“Hello?” you mumble into the phone, pulling the blanket around your shoulders tighter.
“We didn’t really get to talk much at the bar, but I’m pretty sure you made some promises about paying me back for that drink,” A stern man’s voice cuts through the phone.
“Aaron?” you ask momentarily confused, “It—It’s late, are you drunk?”
Your laugh rings through the phone and it’s that laugh that has Aaron so intensely drawn to you. He can’t help himself. He needs to be near you, “Just go to the door.”
You stand up, “My door? How did you get my—oh right. FBI agent,” you muse and open your door. And there he is, standing at the door with the phone pressed to his ear. He pulls it away and hangs up. “This is incredibly creepy, I hope you know that.” You lean against the doorframe, pulling your large sweater around yourself tighter. His eyes run over you. You grin slightly, catching his wandering gaze, and at that, he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“So about that drink you owe me.” Aaron takes a few hesitant steps into your apartment. He closes the door behind him, “How about you pay me back wit—” he starts to talk but you don’t let him finish his sentence. You grip his shirt and pull him close, your lips melting against his.
It’s messy and passionate and needy. You struggle to stumble along, guiding him towards your bedroom and his hands are touching every inch of you. He hurriedly pulls your sweater off and tosses it off to the side before unzipping your dress. You let it fall to the floor and kick it off as you match his frantic pace, pulling off his shirt and pushing down his jeans. He lays you down gently and reaches around to unclasp your bra.
“Holy fuck,” Aaron groans as he takes a second to take in your naked body.
Then he’s leaving a trail of soft kisses down the expanse of your chest and breasts. He travels down further. His lips brush against your inner thighs, his stubble tickling your skin. He smirks up at you wickedly as he grips your thong in his teeth, pulling it down your legs. You already know your soaking wet pussy will give away just how bad you want him right now.
He doesn’t hesitate, he goes to work on you. Licking and stroking and rubbing your clit. Your back arches and you grip the sheets and his hair. You massage your breasts, panting heavily as two of his fingers press into you, his tongue flicking your overly sensitive bud of nerves. “Oh god, Aaron yes!”
His name rolls off your tongue and you continue to chant it like a fucking mantra as his somehow rough yet gentle touch drives you wild. You feel the knots building in your stomach. Your legs tremble with pleasure as your eyes shut harshly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You’re panting intensely at this point and the whole room practically slips away as your orgasm hits and your body feels out of control. Every nerve ending on fire. And Aaron is merciless, he continues to lick and tease as you ride out your high.
He can’t help but grin proudly at the number he’s done on you. As he comes up to plant a few more kisses on your lips, you feel his rock hard erection pressing against your thigh. You kiss him hungrily while fumbling to stroke him through his boxers.
The groan the emerges from his lips is… holy fucking shit it’s sexy. You flip the two of you over so you’re on top of him, your chest pressed against his. You dip your hand into his boxers, pumping the entirety of his length. You feel him getting harder and his cock twitches in conjunction with a loud, throaty groan. “Y/N." His eyes flutter open and he grabs your arm to still your motions. “I need you, now.”
Within seconds he’s peeling his boxers off, you roll the condom down onto him and you slam your hips down on his. You can’t contain the loud gasps and moans as you feel your walls stretch around him. Fuck it’s been too long since you’ve had sex. You’re still for a second and Aaron bucks his hips, needing friction, needing to thrust and feel your tightness around him.
“Oh god." Your eyes are practically rolling back in your head as Aaron takes an agonizing pace, lifting your hips all the way up just to slam them all the way back down again.
He has a vice grip on your hips and you can feel the bruises forming under his fingertips. You grind your hips against his as you ride him faster. “Fuck you feel amazing,” Hotch lets out another one of those agonizingly sexy groans.
“I’m close,” you whine out. Aaron reaches to rub your clit with his thumb as he starts thrusting his hips up to meet yours chaotically. That combined with his large cock hitting your sweet spot sends you tumbling over the edge once again. It’s not long after that you feel his cock throbbing deep inside you, his hips messily thrusting and his face contorted up in pleasure. His panting becomes rapid and it's not long before he’s coming undone inside you. You flip off of him to collapse at his side on the bed.
“So when are we doing this again?” you pant heavily and hear a beautiful sound beside you. The sound of Aaron laughing.
Sometimes you worry if he’s embarrassed by you. I mean, you’re a few years shy of 20 years younger than him. You’re still in school. He was starting college by the time you were out of diapers. He runs a whole goddamn unit of the FBI and you’re still a student. You both are in entirely separate places in life, how do you reconcile that? It’s not as if he keeps you secret. Jessica knows you and you met his son Jack one time. Besides, you’re not really showing him off either. Not that you have many people to show him off to.
Like said, it’s been weeks since you’ve seen him which has just left you to sit around and overthink just about everything.
Aaron is working a case in DC. You saw the news reports the other day. Women were turning up dead in alleyways behind popular nightclubs and bars in the downtown area. Despite this horrifying news, you were happy when he told you the case was at home. It meant less travel. Less travel means Aaron is less tired. Which means more sex for you. And god, did you need sex.
It’s your friend’s 27th birthday and in an attempt to keep her from crying about getting a year older, you and a group of friends promised to go out drinking with her. You reach for your phone to check for any messages from Aaron. You would drop all your plans if he told you he was coming over tonight. There is one new message but it’s not exactly the text you were hoping for.
From: Aaron:
Please be safe for the next few days. Don’t go anywhere alone. Call me if there’s any trouble or if you need anything at all.”
You furrow your brows. It’s not news that Aaron cares about you and wants to look out for you but usually while on a case it’s radio silence from him. Yes, if you were really in danger he would want you to call immediately, but usually, he tells you he needs to focus on the job and nothing else. You dismiss the text, chalking it up to the presence of a serial killer in the city you both live in. Hell, you were pretty freaked out too. You had seen the girls on the news, 20-30, with your hair color and around your height.
You let out a long sigh, knowing you are most definitely not getting laid tonight. It’s time to get stupid drunk with your friends and enjoy your night anyway.
It does not take long for you and all your friends to reach the perfect level of sloppy drunk. Seeing as you all haven’t been out in months, what with some of you pursuing real jobs, grad school, med school, and whatnot, there hasn’t been a lot of time for screwing around as you did in college.
“So come on! You cannot still be single,” your close friend Sarah screams in your face over the music.
“It’s complicated,” you feel your words starting to string together. They’re not quite slurred but it’s getting there, “He just comes over, fucks my brains out, we spend some time together, and then it’s over.”
Your comments provoke a loud response of laughs and cheers from your friends, “So we don’t even get a name? Or a job? Or where you met him?”
“He guest lectured a course on abnormal and criminal psychology a few months ago,” You start to explain but Sarah is cutting you off before the words have left your mouth.
“Months? This has been going on for months?” You roll your eyes. The bartender places another full tray of shots in front of you guys. She nods towards a man at the edge of the bar. As you look up, he gives you a small wave and smiles. Creepy.
“No, I ran into him a few weeks after and I just gave him my number.” You down the shot, souring your face up before reaching for a lime wedge to chase it, “And then things just happened.”
“Name? Job? Age?” Another friend rattles off at you.
“Isn’t this Sarah’s birthday? Shouldn’t we be talking about her?” You try and steer the conversation away from yourself. You turn back to the bar and see that same man who sent you the shots staring at you. Even when you turn away you can feel his eyes boring into the back of your head.
“Well I want to know, so this is a birthday present,” she continues to pry and it drives you crazy. You're just not ready to share what you and Aaron have with the world.
“His name is Aaron and he works in the FBI and he’s 45,” You mumble that last part into your glass as you take a long sip.
“He’s how old?” Your friend’s jaw drops and another friend grins widely. Your face is burning hot at embarrassment and all the attention.
“Can we all just shut up and drink?” you command forcefully before downing your own.
Hotch looks down at his phone, waiting for any sign that Y/N has seen his text. He doesn’t panic though. She has a life, she’s busy. She probably has plans for the evening. Maybe she’s out… with someone. Aaron shakes his head slightly before forcing his attention to the case. But his mind wanders. Would she go out with someone? It’s not like anything between them is defined. I mean, he would never go out with anyone else. He just wants her. If she wants to go out on a date she can do whatever she wants. Yet, Hotch can’t help but feel the jealousy coursing through his body. The idea of someone else touching her… yeah, that makes him angry.
His more rational thinking takes over. Maybe she’s busy with school work. He knows how hard she’s been working on her research. He fails to hide a smile as he thinks about the way her face lights up when talking about her research. The passion she has for her work is extremely adorable...
You hear three short raps at the door, “It’s open!” you call out as you rush to get all your thoughts down on your computer. You hear the door open and the footsteps approaching.
“You leave your door unlocked? Do you realize how incredibly unsafe and unwise that is?” You can hear that Aaron probably has his stern face on, judging by the disapproval in his voice.
“I knew you were coming,” You shrug and gnaw at your bottom lip furiously as you work, “I just need one moment. I was thinking that in a controlled quantum environment...” As you start to ramble Aaron’s hands snake around your waist. He pushes your hair to the side, placing feather-light kisses along your neck.
“Mm,” He mumbles against you.
“Wait, wait,” you moan, “If you keep doing that I’m going to lose my train of thought and I will never forgive you unless you can formulate how to create thermal distrib—” He nips at your skin and gives your hips a squeeze. Your groans grow louder.
“The physics can wait,” Aaron growls against your skin, turning you around so he can passionately kiss you, “I need you now.”
The panic doesn’t ease because Aaron reaches to call you once again. You don’t pick up because well… you’re a little preoccupied drowning your liver. He thinks, if you had just given a small ok text, he would know you’re safe. But he’s panicking. He continues to panic for the next hour until something unexpected soothes that anxiety. The sound of your screaming drunken voice radiating throughout the entirety of the precinct the team is working in. But as soon as the wave of anxiety dissipates, he feels his stomach drop.
“I’m a victim here!” you screech and cement your legs in place so that the officers holding your arms are practically dragging you.
“Ma’am please!” You kick your legs violently as the officers try to seat you in a chair. They undo your handcuffs and redo them so that your hand is cuffed to the desk. “We’re understaffed and backed up so you sit here and shut up while we get you booked.”
“He was feeling me up! Under the skirt over the panties. He grabbed my ass, I’m sure I have a mark you wanna see it? He assaulted me!” you continue to screech and reach for the hem of your dress, ready to flash every cop in the precinct your ass.
“So you smashed a bottle over his head? Real ladylike,” one of the officers steps forward and holds your hand tight to keep you from lifting the dress.
“Don’t I get a phone call.” Now your words are slurred together. That last round of shots before you got arrested is hitting you hard.
“Once we book you.”
“I know a federal agent. From the FBI,” you spell out the letters obnoxiously, “Do you even know what that is?”
“Yes, I’m sure the federal government will come running to post your bail. Stay here. Don’t move,” the officer commands and you hold up your handcuffed wrist to demonstrate that you’re quite frankly incapable of going anywhere.
“Oh my god,” Prentiss lets out a small laugh from the conference room. “I can hear her through the closed doors.”
“Well, most of this room is glass and sound travels through the glass just about the same as it does air. A better insulating material would be a foam or fiberglass or even a mineral wood composite,” Reid clarifies before giving that signature tight-lipped smile.
“She is… really something,” Morgan laughs and nudges Hotch, “Hotch look.”
Hotch turns and sees what he’s dreading. He sees you, drunk out of your mind. Your skimpy dress is somehow simultaneously riding low on top and riding up on the bottom. You have a small cut lip and a little bit of blood on your dress. His brows furrow deeply. “Oh god,” he mutters under his breath.
“These cops are supposed to stay in the bars and clubs for protection. Why are they wasting time on drunk girls?” Rossi finally chimes in.
The cops finally get you settled into a chair and you kick your feet like a child. “Call the FBI! I know them.”
“Oh does she now. You guys know her?” JJ rolls her eyes and laughs, “I am so glad I never got arrested when I was in college. My parents would’ve killed me.”
“College? Girls do not look like that in college,” Morgan smirks.
“We have to focus on the case,” Hotch's jaw tightens as he sees Morgan look over your body. It’s not something new for Morgan but when he’s making those eyes at you specifically, Hotch feels that surge of jealousy again.
“Call them! Call Agent Aaron Hotchner.” You lean back and try to cross your arms, but your right hand is yanked back by the cuffs.
The team all turns to Hotch with wide eyes. “You know her?” Rossi smirks.
“Where exactly do you know her from?” Emily fights the grin growing on her lips as she looks over her stone-faced boss.
“I’m sorry what?” The cop glances down at you.
“Aaron Hotchner with the Behavioral Unit Analysis Science thing or something like that he’s in the FBI he’s unit chief. I know him.” You roll your eyes at the cop who is speechless, “Oh god. Are you that thick? A-A-R-O-N H-O-T-C-H…” you trail off the alcohol inhibiting your spelling capabilities, “N-E-R. Aaron Hotchner! Call him and he’ll tell you to let me go.”.
The cop glances at some of his coworkers before looking at the conference room. You follow his gaze and see Aaron with a large group of other well-dressed agents. “Oh fuck,” you mutter. Aaron opens the glass doors and steps out of them walking towards you.
“So how does he know this girl?” Prentiss tries her best to hide her spying on you and Aaron.
“I got money on babysitter,” Morgan nods.
“No way, she’d be with Jack right now. I’d say she met him at work." JJ leans against the desk, watching Hotch as he looks down at you, crossing his arms.
“Then we’d all have seen her before. Plus she wouldn’t be telling them she knows the FBI. She would technically be part of the FBI. Why not use that?” Rossi rubs a hand over his goatee.
“He’s sleeping with her,” Reid states simply before turning back to his geographical profile on the board.
“What?” Multiple members of the team turn in shock, not only at the statement but at the fact that Reid is the one making it.
“No way. She’s… at most 27 years old.” Morgan shakes his head, “She is not Hotch’s type.”
“Are you jealous that Hotch has more game than you?” Reid teases without turning away from his work.
“When was your last date, pretty boy? Huh?” Morgan hits him on the back of the head playfully.
“Officer.” Aaron steps in between you and the officer. Good thing, because two more minutes with that guy and you would be charged with a lot more than resisting arrest and public disturbance.
“Aaron!” you squeak, “I didn’t know you were here!”
“Well, she’s definitely not a coworker. She called him Aaron.” Rossi nods at the rest of the team still in the conference room. For a team of profilers, their attempts to hide the spying are weak at best.
“I’ll take care of her.” He doesn’t bother looking at you, but he gives the officer his best unit-chief glare.
“Sir we have a process to go through here. We’re still processing her arrest,” the officer attempts to argue with Hotch but you can see the discomfort clearly in the officer. He struggles to meet Hotch’s eyes.
“Please officer, we have much more to deal with here. I want to find this guy before another body drops. We need you out there patrolling the bars for the guys, not the drunk girls the creeps hit on.” Aaron takes on a stern voice.
“Yes agent.” The cop is visibly annoyed but isn’t willing to get into a fight with a federal agent all over your stupid drunk ass.
“Are you injured? You’re bleeding.” He grabs your chin in his calloused fingers, turning your face from side to side to assess the small cuts. You almost moan into his touch but remember the current location.
“No, no it’s someone else’s.” You turn out of his grip, trying to push his hands off.
“Someone else’s? What did you do?” Fuck. Aaron is furious with you. His arms are crossed against his chest and you can see the veins in his neck standing out. The tone he takes with you is harsh and you’re not used to him speaking with you like that… at least not used to it outside the bedroom.
“It’s not my fault okay!”
Aaron holds the bridge of his nose frustratedly, “Y/N. I have a serial killer to profile, catch, and stop from murdering innocent women. Can I just get the truth?”
“This creepy guy kept sending me and my friends drinks all night so when I went to the bar to get us another round he came over. Things got messy.” You shrug your shoulders. “Can you take off these cuffs now?” You hold out your wrists, pouting out your bottom lip. You can physically see him soften at that.
As Aaron reaches for the key and undoes the cuffs, he shakes his head at the stench of alcohol seeping out of you, “You’re gonna have to do better than things got messy.”
“I just…” You pause, knowing the details of the story are going to make him upset but he wants the truth, “I knew he was a little off. Weird and creepy and pushy, you know?” You rub your irritated wrists, “So he starts talking to me, offering me some drink. I know better than to accept a drink from a stranger so I turned him down. That's when he grabbed my arm and well… tried to cop a feel.”
“Cop a feel?” Aaron’s jaw has tightened and his hands are clenched so tightly at his sides his knuckles are pale.
“He slid his hands under my dress.” Your hand ghosts over the sore spot on your bottom where the man dug his fingers into your flesh, “He grabbed my legs and then my ass and then… and then he tried to get his hands in my underwear.” You show Aaron the red marks on your inner thigh. You’re not sure what you expect from him, but his face remains hardened. The only emotion readable on him is anger.
“The blood is from self-defense,” Aaron begins to understand.
You nod, confirming his statement, “I grabbed the first thing I could and smashed him on the head. I think I sliced his eyebrow. By the time the cops came, he was gone and I was in cuffs.”
Aaron looks back at his team in the conference room. In a poor attempt to hide their spying, they all rapidly turn their eyes to their work. He takes a few steps closer to you, his eyes looking over the red bruising on your cheek. He fights every urge to reach out and touch you, stroke your face softly and kiss your lips, “Did he hurt you? We should get a medic to check you out or–”
He doesn’t have a second to finish that thought. “Hotch, another body just dropped,” Morgan and Prentiss come rushing out of the conference room, “We’re going to the crime scene now.”
Aaron nods at his team members, “Call me if anything stands out.” The team nods and Aaron reaches for your arm, walking you towards the rest of the team, “I don’t want you alone right now. You’re going to sit here and keep quiet, understand?”
You bite your lip and look around at the team, still pretending as if they’re not listening in, “Jeez way to embarrass me, Aaron,” you mumble under your breath as you drop down into a chair with a loud sigh like a child.
JJ can’t help but come over to talk to you, “I’m Jennifer." You give her your name, "It's so nice to meet you Y/N, how do you and Hotch know each other?”
“Hotch?” you let out before quickly realizing the nickname for Aaron. You shake her hand, “Oh Agent Hotchner and I are just fuc–“
“Friends,” Aaron cuts in, “Y/N and I are friends. We have a case to get back to,” Aaron frantically changes the topic of conversation but your little comment doesn’t go unnoticed by the team members. Even Reid is smiling slightly at your comment.
You sit back in your chair and take in the sight of Agent Hotchner, Unit Chief of the BAU. The confident and commanding energy he exudes is immensely attractive. It’s not long before the agents that left for the crime scene, Morgan and Prentiss return with news for Aaron.
“Sir we found something weird at the crime scene,” Morgan steps back into the room.
“Weird?” Hotch cocks his head slightly to the side.
“There were droplets of blood over the victim’s dress but it wasn’t her own,” Morgan shakes his head.
“But you called and said she had no defensive wounds, he drugged her like the others. How could he have been injured?” Hotch turns back to the other case files.
“We’re not sure,” Emily shakes her head, “It’s possible it’s unrelated but maybe he might have been hospitalized for something recently?”
“What about any witnesses?” Hotch nods, “Any people at Churchkey bar see anything unusual? A man that was a little too forceful with women?”
You snort slightly at that, “I wouldn’t say that’s unusual for a bar.”
Hotch shoots you a hard glare that shuts you up for good, while Prentiss lets a smile shine through.
“The bar was mostly cleared out. Apparently the bar was packed earlier tonight but it cleared out after a bar fight broke out.” Morgan informs the team.
You bite your lip harshly. Aaron told you no talking but… this is more important, right? “Wait, Churchkey bar?” You finally speak up and all the agents turn their attention to you.
“What about it?”
“That’s the bar I was at tonight.” You trail off at the end of your sentence.
“You remember someone or something off?” Rossi looks over your body language.
“I think I talked to the unsub. I think... I’m the one who injured him." You unconsciously wrap your arms tightly around your body.
“You think you could walk me through the night? Tell me about him, it could really help us,” Morgan moves to sit on the edge of the desk to face you. "We could do a cognitive interview." He nods at Hotch.
"A cognitive?" You look between the two men.
"It's a memory recall exercise. We would walk you through the night and you tell us as much as you can," Morgan explains gently.
"And it could help you find him?" You ask, unsure how much you remember about him.
"You might not realize the type of details that help us form the profile." Morgan places a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Aaron clears his throat. “She’s not sober enough for a cognitive." You can tell that the fact that his personal life is bleeding into his work is driving him crazy.
“If I can help catch this creep, I want to help. I’m fine.” You touch your finger to your nose a few times in an attempt to demonstrate your sobriety.
“Then you should drink some coffee before we start,” Aaron dismissively addresses you before turning to leave, “And I’m going to want the whole truth.” He stalks off towards the interrogation room.
Rossi runs to catch up with Aaron, pulling him off to the side. “Aaron, you cannot conduct this cognitive.”
“Excuse me?” Aaron snaps, crossing his arms against his chest.
“Take a step back, pretend she’s not someone you clearly care about,” Aaron rolls his eyes at Rossi’s comment but plays along as he continues.
“She’s a young girl… just how young is she?” Rossi raises a brow at Aaron, losing his train of thought.
“Dave.” He lets out an exasperated sigh.
Rossi holds his hands up in defense, “Fine, okay. She’s a young girl, she’s a little drunk, and she’s been sexually harassed in a bar by our unsub. Who do you send in to talk to her?”
“The least intimidating figures to her,” Aaron nods.
“So definitely not the angry boyfriend who wants to kill anyone who touches her,” Rossi clarifies.
“I’ll send in JJ and Prentiss,” Hotch sighs and turns before pausing, “And I’m not her boyfriend.”
Rossi simply smiles and pats Aaron’s back, “Ok boss.”
You sit up in your chair tiredly as Emily and JJ walk into the interrogation room.
“Hi Y/N, I’m Agent Prentiss and you’ve already met Agent Jareau,” Emily sits across from you.
“He can hear us, right?” You bite your lip and look towards the glass.
“Who can hear us?” JJ takes a seat and places a file in front of you.
“Aaron.” You search the glass, knowing that you won’t be able to see him but that he definitely can see you.
“Oh uh-” Emily pauses, unsure what to say in response.
“Do you want more privacy? I can ask the agents to leave.” JJ starts to stand.
“Hearing this would help them figure who the killer is?” You’re gnawing your lip hard enough to draw blood, a nervous habit Aaron never hesitates to point out to you.
“Yes,” JJ sits back down.
“Then it’s fine.” You look over one last time, “Just make sure Aar— Agent Hotchner,” you correct yourself, “Make sure Agent Hotchner doesn’t lose his shit.”
“No promises,” Prentiss smirks and lets out a small breath, “We’re going to walk you through the night. If it gets to be too much you let us know and we’ll take a break, okay?”
Well, now you’re really nervous. You let out a small breath, “Okay.” You close your eyes as Agent Prentiss starts.
“You’re in the bar. It’s crowded…”
“Y/N I think he really likes you,” your friend Sarah laughs. “Come on go talk to him.”
“No, I really shouldn’t.” You feel dizzy and light on your feet from the alcohol the man has been plying you and your friends with.
“Why?” Another friend chimes in, “Big strong Agent Hotchner going to punish you for talking to another guy?” Your friends taunt you playfully.
You smile widely at them, “Yes, yes he will.”
“You naughty, naughty girl!” Sarah laughs. You feel eyes on you and look back to the man at the bar. He’s hunched over in his stool. He looks nervous, but he smiles sheepishly at you and waves. It’s not long before he’s calling the bartender over again and pointing at you animatedly.
“Next round is on me,” you say softly to your friends, keeping your eyes on the man’s face, memorizing every detail you can. His face is young but worn and tired. The wrinkles on his forehead tell you he frowns a lot. They’re lines that appear on Aaron’s face too. You think about how you tease Aaron about smiling more. God, you miss Aaron right now. You wish he was here to make you feel safe. As you walk up to the bar, your presence causes the man to stand up and move closer.
“I was going to order you and your friends more drinks. I ordered you a vodka soda. It’s what you’ve been drinking all night, right?” He stutters slightly as he talks to you. He slides a glass over to you, but you know better. Strange man... drink that you didn’t see the bartender actually make... no way.
“I was actually going to order a beer,” you try to reject the glass, “You take the vodka soda though. You’ll see why they’ve been my go-to all night. He’s been making them very strong.” You look at the bartender, ordering a beer. You pray that the young bartender senses your discomfort.
“Come on it’s a harmless drink.” The strange man moves into you, pushing the glass closer. “You have the drink, we’ll get to know each other better… you’ll like it. I can make you like it.”
Thinking about his words sends chills down your spine. You have to take a moment to let out a shaky breath.
“Are you sure you want to continue listening to this?” Rossi eyes Hotch. Hotch’s face is contorted so harshly into a mixture of anger, disgust, and sadness. His neck muscles tense, his arms are tightly crossed against his body. He doesn’t even acknowledge Rossi.
“Can you keep going?” JJ eyes your face. You nod.
“No thank you, and no more drinks for my friends and I. We can get our own drinks.” You turn to grab your beer but soon the man stops you. He grabs your wrist tightly, placing his other hand behind your back. He pulls you flush against him. His rough, calloused fingertips grab and scratch up your thighs, under the dress. He grabs your ass so hard you want to scream out. He continues to trail his fingers up, hooking around your panties and—
A sickening shattering noise and cracking erupt as you swing the beer bottle at his head. The man screams. “You bitch!” He slaps your face. You stumble back, falling on the floor, cutting your hands on the broken glass from the bottle. Your skin is sticky with alcohol and you glance down at the blood on your dress. The bar grows louder. The commotion intensifies. You feel a friend’s hands wrap around your arms pulling you up off the ground.
“Wait he—!” You look around for the man but he’s nowhere to be found.
“Not long after that I was being shoved into a cop car and escorted here.” You finally open your eyes and look at the two agents.
“I can make you like it?” Emily asks you to clarify. She speaks slowly clearly enunciating her words but you can hear the disgusted tone in her voice.
“That’s exactly what he said.” You wrap your arms around yourself, “Does that all help?”
“Yes, yes it does,” JJ reaches out to touch your hand gently. Your eyes flick back to the one-way glass. You can’t see Aaron but you can tell he’s probably fuming. He probably has that signature scowl on his face.
“Am I—” You clear your throat and try to adjust your dress for more modesty, “Can I go?” Prentiss gives you a sad, pity-filled smile and nods. You stand up quickly and exit the room in a rush, colliding with Aaron’s strong chest as you do. You look up into his eyes and you see something in his face you’ve never seen in all the times you've been with him: sadness. You bury your face into his chest and his arms wrap tightly around you. “I was scared,” You choke out as his large, warm hands rub circles into your back, “I needed you.” You ball up his shirt in your fists. You’re not one to cry easily, but your body shakes as you breathe heavily.
“I know,” his voice cracks as he rests his chin on top of your head. He runs one hand over your hair softly, shushing you gently, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You pull away from his chest and frantically pull his lips down to yours. A strong hand goes to your back, holding you close to him. You hear the interrogation room door open behind you, the two agents stepping out, but neither you nor Aaron break the kiss. “I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you,” Aaron breathes against your lips, pulling you back into a tight hug. “You’re safe here with me now.”
You lift the heavy metal knocker and let it slam down twice, waiting for the door to open. When it does, Rossi envelops you in his arms, a wide smile spreading across his lips. He grabs your face tightly, kissing each cheek joyfully. “Bellissimo! I’m so glad you could make it.” Rossi places a gentle hand on your back and leads you inside.
You walk into the crowded kitchen and the members of the BAU all turn and smile back at you. Aaron moves towards you and quickly gives you a soft kiss on your lips. “I’m so happy you’re here." 
“I’m so glad you’re finally home.” You pull away from Aaron to make the rounds hugging the people who are like family to you at this point.
Morgan wraps a friendly arm around your shoulder and can’t help but tease Aaron, “Hotch, you couldn’t be bothered to pick up your girl?” He turns to smile at you while Aaron shakes his head.
“I had to stop by the research lab so I just had my classmate Tyler drop me off after we finished up." You shrug.
“Tyler, huh?” Rossi grins, hoping to rile up Aaron a little.
“Is he cute?” JJ chimes in with a laugh.
Aaron quickly clears his throat, hoping to change topics. He raises his brows at you, “So do you want to share the news or should I do it for you?”
“Oh my god, you’re totally preggers!” Garcia squeals and runs to hug you again. You glance at Aaron and can only laugh.
“No, no.” You smile as she pulls away and you look at the shocked faces of everyone in the kitchen, even Aaron looks a little rattled. You playfully nudge his arm, “See what you did? Always causing trouble.”
“Me? If I recall correctly you’re the one who got arrested for being drunk off your ass and trying to fight a serial killer.” His comment elicits a series of small laughs from everyone.
"Yeah and it helped you catch him, so really you all should thank me for being drunk." You playfully argue with Aaron. "Anyway, the actual news. No, I'm not pregnant." You point at Penelope as she opens her mouth to say something else. 
“You’re looking at the proud new owner of a Ph.D. in physics!” You do a small cheesy spin as the rest of the team congratulates you, “Handed in my final thesis paper today.” Aaron smiles proudly as you move back to his side.
“Yeah that’s great and all but you’re still two Ph.D.s behind me.” Spencer can’t help but tease you. In the past year, he’s become one of your closest friends, especially since Aaron can’t even seem to begin to understand your thesis research.
“All right cool it kid.” You joke with him.
“Kid? I’m older than you.” Spencer laughs. Aaron comes closer to wrap his arm around your waist. The gesture is comforting and just this touch sends waves of pleasure through your body.
“Reid might have two more Ph.D.s than you but he’s got nothing on your good looks.” Prentiss winks at you.
“She’s got that right,” Aaron smirks as he kisses your cheek gently.
“Ok, ok, enough small talk.” You feel your face flush, “I came here to learn some cooking from chef Rossi, not talk about how hot I am.” You see Aaron roll his eyes with a smile and you pull him close as Rossi starts the demonstration.
“I love you so much, you know that?” Aaron has his arms wrapped around you from behind. He speaks softly so only you can hear.
“I know,” You smile, happiness flooding through your body, “I love you too.”
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
I'm not going to lie to you, like many people, I don't think CF is well written, I think the concept was interesting and I appreciate what (little) it does even with the flaws, but my major problems are with the Ede*stans, I know you have not been in the fandom in the beginning, but the things I had to read, even now, the fact that some people use uh, uncomfortable and questionable rhetoric to defend their favourite character it gets really, really tiring, to the point that I can't stand her /1
which is a pity, because while I like her I also like the other characters and the fact that they have to drag into the mud the others just to make her look better than she is says quite a lot of what do they actually think of her, to the point on denying basic canon information to suit your narrative, and I could just completely ignore this behaviour and CF and stay in my corner but some of this militant stans are so obnoxious that now wherever I think to hard of Edel's actions it makes me /2
uncomfortable. Now, all of this people are a very loud minority, they have also being bullied in the past before and I understand that they may be bitter because of it, but they should not retaliate make toxic and false takes and then attack using Ad hominem like you are sexist or homophobic because you don't like or agree with her, it makes me enjoy the games less and less, I don't have a lot of fate in this new warrior's game because the discourse have started again and is very tiring /3
I'm really sorry you had to go through that. It must suck to experience bullying in real life, only to see it happen again in what's supposed to be a silly, fun escapist fantasy video game.
I also know what it's like for a fandom to make you hate a character you used to like. Except for me it was Castiel from Supernatural. So I can relate what you're going through. I wish I could say time fixes it, and maybe it does for some, but I still only feel bitter when I think about Castiel. I hope it's different for you, though.
But yeah, I have not been active in this fandom for a while - since Awakening got released, and I saw how toxic the FE fanbase could be. I was embarrassed by the way some of the older fans treated newer fans.
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rhenuvee · 4 years
PDA (Fred Weasley x reader)
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A/N: So I’ve seen a lot of headcanons for Fred that he is big on PDA with his s/o, so here is a fic about it. Lightly based on the song PDA by Scott Helman- WOW who would’ve known. 
Warnings: If it wasn’t obvious already- a l o t o f M A K I N G O U T, and George being done with your BS x5
*I realized I’m an idiot for not doing this sooner so tell me if you’d like to be tagged in my future fics. I write for 3 fandoms so please specify which one!*
It was your seventh year at Hogwarts and you had mixed feelings about it. Last year was overwhelming with the events of the Triwizard Tournament, you hoped that this year would be better (aha sike bich). The thing you did look forward to however, was seeing Fred.
The two of you actually just started dating after he asked you to the Yule ball. In fact, he was a little overwhelming himself... in a good way though. He was never shy to show affection, even when others were around which was embarrassing sometimes.
He would hold you close by wrapping his long arm around your shoulder while walking together in the hallways, cuddling in the common room, give you hugs that would squeeze the life out of you, and good lord- the snogging especially made you red-faced. The hot intimacy between the both of you did not leave room for keeping your hands off each other.
Or as George corrected, your faces.
You walked down the hall with the destination of the entrance of the great hall fixated in your mind, surprisingly not noticing the two redheads sticking out of the crowd of students, until-
“WHERE IS MY GORGEOUS GIRLFRIEND?! I CAN’T SEEM TO FIND HER, (Y/N) DARLING WHERE ARE YOU?!” yelled your boyfriend being obnoxiously loud and attracting weird looks and giggles from other students. Your eyes immediately found him and started marching towards his and his twin’s direction with both your hands covering the sides of your face, like a horse with blinders. As if that made the situation any better.
“Fred..!” you whisper scolded him. You already predicted the mischievous smirk that appeared on his face. 
“Yes love, what’s the problem?” he said rather neutrally trying to sound naive. You deadpanned. 
“You were just a tad too quiet there.” you said sarcastically.
“Really, should I say it louder-”
“No Fred-”
“Well what did you expect, for him to shut up?” asked George scoffing and earning a hit to his arm by his twin. You giggled. 
“Not like you could do any better,” retorted Fred. “Go in already.” George shook his head in annoyance as he was shooed away into the great hall. You were about to head in as well when Fred’s hand stopped you and turned you around back to face him.
“Not going to leave me hanging without a kiss are you?” he asked with his hand on your waist. You subconsciously walked closer to him, it felt warm in his embrace. You pecked him on the lips trying to be cheeky, but when you were about to pull back quickly, he was faster and brought you back to his lips with his hand lightly on your cheek.
You gave into the kiss, you really had missed him. And you could tell he did too by the way he was kissing you. He deepened the kiss, his lips tasted like chocolate. But you could feel that almost everyone was in the great hall already, and that you were going to end up with bruised lips again and tardiness. 
You were running out of breath- but that’s just how Fred liked it. Kissing you until you’re completely breathless and had to lean against him for support. 
“F-Fred...” you said in between breaths trying your hardest to resist the urge to kiss him more. He pulled away slowly with a huge grin on his face, still holding you close to him. He chuckled at how much you looked like you needed an inhaler. 
“Fine, to be continued then.” he said grabbing your hand and walked with you to the Gryffindor table to sit. 
The table looked full from the view from the entrance, but once Fred spotted where his twin was, there was an empty space saved for the two of you. It wasn’t long before you and your boyfriend were immersed in the conversation and laughter with your friends around you. It also wasn’t long before George lost his appetite after seeing you and Fred getting all mushy. 
Everyone paused their talking and eating when Dumbledore came up to announce the new changes in staff. The lady in pink who you now know was Dolores Umbridge. She seemed... interesting...
“-I’m sure we’re all going to be very good friends.” she said with her hands clasped.
“That’s likely.” the twins said rather loud enough for it for others to hear it. You hit them both lightly at the same time while shaking your head, as if scolding them. They giggled at your reaction.
Your high hopes that this year wouldn’t be chaotic really did you a bamboozle. You tried your best to remain positive, and that maybe Umbridge would turn out to be a good teacher but she really did prove you wrong.
On the particular day that you got the lines etched into your own skin, you felt a mixture of anger and sadness. Before, you could feel your grades getting lower, your assignments and classroom performance getting sloppier and just overall not like you at all. The blood quill was just the cherry on top.
The thoughts worsened when you thought about how Fred would react. You knew he would be furious, seeing as he was already frustrated when many others close to him had to write lines with the blood quill.
“Just tell him (y/n), you can’t keep something like this from him.” said Hermione putting a hand on your arm. You shook your head and covered the hand with the scars by pulling your sleeve up. Harry and Ron were also there to comfort you while the common room was bustling with the people still up.
Not much longer, Fred, George and Lee walked in from the portrait hole. You tensed up and suddenly felt stiff. Hermione gave you a reassuring look to try and ease your nerves. The trio then went to do their own things so they wouldn’t be pressuring you.
“Hey doll, why the long face?” he said plopping right next to you and tilting your chin with his index finger to face him. You smiled attempting to mask your real feelings.
“It’s nothing Freddie, just tired.” you said pecking his cheek. A frown appeared on his face as his hand moved to run through the bunches of hair that came loose.
“I can tell when you’re lying love, please tell me what’s wrong.” he pleaded. How could you say no to those eyes?
“I-It’s just that I’m not doing too well on my schoolwork, and I don’t feel like I’ll get my dream job and I don’t know maybe I’m just not working hard or doing enough-“
“Darling.” he said sternly interrupting your rambling. You could feel tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
“I don’t want to hear that you think that you’re not enough or any crap like that. Umbridge’s stupid rules and methods aren’t worth a single tear from your pretty face. So please love, don’t be so hard on yourself.” he said sweetly, wiping the tears away with his thumb. You wiped your face with your sleeve, but that’s when Fred saw it. He felt better knowing that he cheered you up somehow but it went back to concern as he saw the lines on your hand as your sleeve stretched up.
“What did she do to you.” he said not drifting his gaze away from your eyes. Uh oh. You gulped and pulled your hand away quickly, not wanting him to observe your hand any longer. He grabbed your arm back, pulled up the sleeve, then stood up like he was about to leave. You felt nauseous, your boyfriend was nothing but wrath.
“I swear I will-“
“Fred, no!”
“And why not?!” he shot back quickly. People’s attention were now at the two of you.
“Because there’s no way to fix it Fred! It will only make things worse, and I don’t want you to get hurt!” you cried, grabbing his hand trying to prevent him from doing something he would regret. You winced at the memory of the day he had to write lines.
Fred hated to admit but you were right. There wasn’t anything he could do. He especially did not want to make you upset. He messed up his hair with his hands stiff in frustration and sighed.
“You’re right darling, I’m sorry I got mad. It’s just I can’t stand Toadface hurting you...” he trailed off, sitting back down with you.
“If it makes you feel better, you look hot when you’re mad.” you said in his ear getting closer to him. He was surprised at your words, but it didn’t take long for him to get cocky again.
“You really think so?” he asked smirking and running his hand through his hair again. He always knew how to get you riled up.
You could tell that was not the end of it. His mouth opened and you knew he was about to yell it out. You covered his mouth with your hand and his announcement came muffled. Both of you laughed before Fred removed your hand.
“What was that for darling? I wasn’t gonna say anything.” he said.
“Yeah right, knowing how much of a clown you are I really don’t think so.” you said.
“You wound me darling, really.” he said putting his hand to his chest. He then remembered the scars on your hand and frowned at the sight of them. He rubbed his thumb on them lightly as if to soothe them.
“Hey, why don’t we just cuddle here tonight.” you said trying to distract him from your scars. A grin appeared on his face.
“That might’ve been the best idea you’ve had all day love, cmon then.” he said opening his arms for you to dive into.
You were really sad the day Fred and George flew out of Hogwarts. Yes, you were over the moon to see Umbridge’s face running away, and you were especially proud of the twins. But you couldn’t help but for your heart to feel empty without Fred.
They’ve told you first when planning the prank. Fred was particularly upset at himself that he had to leave you, but you reassured him that you wanted him to follow his dream, and that you wanted so bad to see the shop. The long lasting kiss you had before he left was his motivation to make the shop a success.
Finally, the day came when you were able to see the shop of the first time. Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron agreed to go with you.
“(Y/n), slow down!” Shouted Ginny from the distance. But you couldn’t- you couldn’t wait to see Fred much longer. You ran the whole way to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, not caring that you were running out of breath quickly.
You swung open the door and took in the view of the shop- it was amazing.
“(Y/n)!” a familiar voice called out from the top of the stairs. Your eyes were immediately fixed on the bright figure- your Fred.
You both began to run and dodge through the crowd to find each other. You missed him, and he missed you.
“Freddie!” you called out, able to see his fiery red hair moving quickly. Like in those muggle movies, you both ran towards each other and Fred twirled you around before kissing you. It was cheesy, but you didn’t care anymore, you were together again.
You almost crashed into each other when you embraced and had a passionate kiss that was long overdue. It was sloppy, and his hands were everywhere. But that was just how he liked it- kissing you until you were breathless and leaning on him for support. Suddenly running was not such a good idea.
“Oooookay ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the minor inconvenience, if everyone could just take a precaution and swerve away from the lovebirds, you will be fine.” announced George to the people.
Both you and Fred pulled away with lips very bruised. Customers made weird faces, and parents steered their kids out of your way. I mean, you were kissing in the middle of the shop.
“Sod off, mate.” said Fred, his voice slightly quieter since he was out of breath. George only shrugged.
“I will, don’t want to throw up in the middle of the store do I?” questioned George. You giggled and Fred rolled his eyes.
“Oh, and (y/n), it’s really good to see you,” he said hugging you. “We missed you a lot, not sure if you could tell.”
Your eyebrows raised at Fred who looked the other direction and whistled pretending not to know again. And with that, George winked and turned on his heel to leave.
“Well, for once he wasn’t wrong.” admitted Fred. Looking at the way your lips were puffed in the middle of the shop, he definitely wasn’t.
“Now where’s my grand opening gift?” he asked playfully. You realized that you hadn’t prepared anything. You felt embarrassed that you didn’t get your boyfriend a present for his shop that was clearly a success.
“I’m kidding love, just a kiss will do.” he said bringing his large hand to rub the side of your neck. Getting a closer look at him, you could see slight differences from the last time you saw him. His hair was messier, and the red really stood out from the colours of the shop. You could see his freckles and dimples much clearer now.
Fred was about to lean in to kiss you again when George purposely bumped shoulders with him with a flimsy piece of cardboard in his hands.
“Oi, George what the hell?” asked Fred. George said nothing but turned and flipped the piece of cardboard to reveal the words ‘NO PDA’ on it. Oh, it was a sign specifically for you two.
“No need to be such a party pooper, Georgie. This is Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, not Wealsey’s Wizard Gheezers.” said Fred earning a hearty laugh from you.
“Your constant lip-locking is making the customers disgusted, and honestly I am too.” he grumbled.
“Maybe he’s feeling lonely...” you whispered to your boyfriend.
“I’m not lonely!” George protested. Oops, he heard you.
“(Y/n) does make a good point, maybe we should contact Angie-“ teased Fred. You smiled at the thought. You remembered back then when George was swooning over her, but never acted upon it.
“Don’t you dare.” said George with this eyebrows crossed but a light pink evident on his cheeks.
You felt giddy as you watched your boyfriend and his twin bickering. You could only imagine how happy you’d be hanging around the shop-
However, you’d have to find a way out of that ‘NO PDA’ sign.
Link to pt2: Part 2
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